INVASION OF CHERNARUS! - ArmA 3 Public 50-Player PVP Event

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yeah just try to keep the the overall security of the voice channels and the numbers of them especially as as much as you can because those are really really important because if they can listen into our comms then oh we're dead okay I'm not on forty nine point six hey guys operator juice key here and I just wanted to say I love Russian radio channels they're the most fun thing to be in and I just love feeling the radio channel and make me of my own all right this is gonna be called operator jerski radio and today and operator ski radio we're gonna be playing a beautiful song for you always called the American anthem [Music] [Music] yeah notify whichever squad is has less people to to bring in Xerxes notify every squad multiplier on anybody in itself no timer you guys when you approach the rebel base that story it is a no fire zone completely no one is allowed to fire so relay that to your thoughts make sure the holster weapons when you land press zero on your number lines of bolster hello Russian commander look several we're gonna be the enemies today oh hello hello comrade I don't know where the Russian commander wind why are you speaking in Russian colleagues I I was born there I'm working for the Americans now I'm joking it's a joke do you guys have humor in Russia no if you on the base you'll take shoes off yes yes please take off your shoes and I have can I have no you already have I need you to communicate to the other squad leads it's a demon demon you could you put out he even tell our guys to regroup or try to tell them to try to grab the one truck in multiple Humvees tell them to bring them as close as they can get to shikaka which I'm gonna mark with a market on the Mac map right now [ __ ] are you talking that's the Slenderman logo I think your channel time dad you media market bigger if they get four vehicles in total there including one truck then I'm good with that there is that is what is it there are two weapon caches at the school is the island okay okay place the island you know article is the island yeah southeast of this yes yes oh there are two to military there is this we heard that there might be some there's some military buildings maybe some talks I am Not sure but I don't know they got intercepted by some some pieces of sheet they used to be on my team I don't know why they do this they deserve [ __ ] I need you to kill them and bring me the weapon boxes right we need we need weapons other than these pieces of [ __ ] to do anything except get people okay gotcha we'll do Karla's Bravo wouldn't be taking a left up here in the intersection I'll go to platoon we are on our way back to the rendezvous point we'll meet you guys there when you arrive solid thought they were what the McCoy down oh yeah I love these squad that's already the other Charlie Bravo everything straight correction about go check okay we'll just we'll notify him on long-range of the briefing I just I just need to get it out to these guys do hey is everybody else here though somebody yeah okay cool oh that's a few more guys over there too okay our operation our first operation is going to be clearing the skilless tea island and trying to find two different crates these crates are big tan crates with there they're gonna be in very clear areas there's one apparently near a military building which is like a barracks or a few tents or something something of that sort and there's one that's going to be near a dock and all I can think of is that there's military buildings on the center area of skilless tea there's a few of them up on the center middle of that field that we saw before and then also there's docks that are you know at the the southwest corner so yeah if you look at your maps I've already planned out a route for you guys so you're gonna go down this road and then there is a bridge that is somewhere along this area if there's a bridge I don't know and I we don't know exactly as it gets a newly-built one there's two bridges there's one to the west which goes something like let me make sure on site yet it goes something like this just go straight across then there's one to the east that is over to the right so we're gonna use that Eastern one to get across it's gonna curve to the right side the island but that's a little bit more of a shallower approach we're gonna try to get some scouting done for you guys so we're gonna probably have Matt go flying overhead maybe have even me a little bit I'm gonna tell Matthew yes yeah we're gonna regroup there and then we're gonna move in so just once we get there hide to the side of the road we're going to circle the area with Hailey's a good bit we're not gonna make contact we're just gonna circle it and scan see what we can see for you guys and then we're gonna tell you guys to move in there's again that big bridge we need to be the first ones across that bridge if we want to this is up to the fire ten meters if you want to set up an ambush there's only two bridges that they can get across with land vehicles here otherwise they have to fly a Hellion and land it on the island which is pretty scary I don't know if they'll do that so what we need to do is probably set up an ambush with one of our squads have two of our squads move in maybe even even just one machine gunner watching each bridge would make it perfect for us to be able to capture this objective before the Russians okay good briefing is that the first objective is on skalitzky islands and very bottom the southeast part of the map you can see the pathway there we're regrouping at with my one on vehicle and on foot and alpha is going to go ahead recon the whole area by helicopter we're looking for two large and military crates one go past you guys don't even worry about convoy I see infantry downing the down the big building the barracks building down there there like really hey hey what are our side guns can you guys shoot this heli can you guys shoot this heli I know I know I know I know reload reload if we can disable that heli with your grenade launcher and we've got this he will wait how about this Jamie no no no no no no just keep moving keep moving right now okay Jay can I have you can I have your gun I'm gonna take I'm gonna take Jay's gun or my my gun back and what I'll do I'm gonna drop you're gonna drop me in the water Jamie I'm gonna swim to the heli and I'm gonna shoot their main rotor out yeah okay Jamie I'm dropping now go outgoing [Music] come on just double-check sweet sweet Jamie do you copy again Jamie do you copy anybody from alpha anyone from alpha copy okay the hell he's disabled the Russians are near the first crate but I don't think they have any vehicles to pick it up right now I'm gonna mark where they are exactly I think they saw me hey guys hello you get you yeah I'm good I'm just on the island I'm kind of scouting it out yeah we're doing flybys just checking that treeline I marked if you put a waypoint on it you can really see a lot of them there just make sure our team is very well grouped up they're not too spread out because I think there's almost half of the Russian forces still here all right these Russians be so quiet here now sure house buggy do you think the railroad bridges it's fine drive across it go fast tell these guys to hurry up - they got here like five minutes ago they're still at the same spot they need to move yeah Russians are on my mark at the moment true we're on our way to you are you safe to regroup at or now no there's hostiles within 30 meters just west of me I need I need the rest of you I need the rest of our team here now they've got they've got ambushed they don't need to set up ambushes they just the the entire group that's here needs to push my ambushes are all right but like only one guy at each bridge needs to happen the rest of them we need to be up here at this first great Jamie we should flank around and get drew copy I'm on them right now I'm taking them out one by one [Music] true just sup we're changing the whispering and we're moving it copy I move up quick they're throwing smokes they're gonna heal their friends I'm gonna move in right now hello friends kill three in the barracks I just need you to clear the rest of these barracks buildings help Luke for that that's us that's us Hey whoa boy come on we need to get one of the trucks up here to grab this crate or we need to get the heli up here to grab this crate I think we could get Maggie to grab this crate crate is on blue smoke again crate is on blue smoke Macca are you able to pick that box up there you go yeah you got it you got it you got it all right go take that to rubble base all right heck yeah don't lose it Magnus don't lose it I know we're supposed to be killing them that's fine we're supposed to be killing them those are outcast rebels Russians behind you Jamie behind you hey whoever's up with that building to get inside the building [ __ ] yep those are the Russians chief alaikum pay me [Music] you down Jamie Oh hey comrade you're not sneaky enough I'm so sorry Fred I'm so sorry I had to do that there's got to be more off to the east those Russians they drop to the little bird Jamie can you can you copy do you copy Magnus whoever's listening come land directly on objective hi BIA I'm sorry I had to do this look maybe one with well maybe one day we could be friends again okay well via this is war this is war via you dropping people in a heli 20 feet away take beer I tell you better than that via I tell you buddy my gun won't my gun is not because the thing is if you want to if you want to use the other truck you can whoever that is back there you can just use the other truck the thing is I don't know if the rebels or the the other team even got the other crate I don't think they did so as long as they didn't get the other create then we're good I don't think they got it yet yeah I was alive there about two minutes ago and what the heck this thing stops so fast Wow but I was alive there about two minutes ago and nobody had gotten it yet I'm going outside Morgan come tree ever hi me I'm me I'm me hello I am me commander Matthew look hello coming it did you bring great yeah we brought one crate our helicopter piloted right yes dude okay we don't have another crate but the thing is is that the crates can't be loaded into the vehicles for some reason so Oh who's that oh it's a little little Scout we got the first one they walked up to the first one but that they didn't do anything with it and then we took it we took it from them on the first objective but the second objective we just got messed up in so we're kind of trying to figure out what to do right now Oh Russians or Americans control it the second one being fought over it right it's second it's being fought over I think right now okay well what what do you want I want information on the smallest zone that the enemy team has at the moment if that's what smallest you want you want what zone the smallest one almost zone I do not have confirmation that there is nuclear device there do in not have confirmation yet okay so many teams looking but there but there should be one hidden there okay so I'm just gonna do I'm gonna do a quick circle of like trying to do what you're doing like that right yes okay gotcha it's not actually smallest area I just found out but it doesn't matter yes I bet it is we need pumps we need most of us would like to like fire okay we would like like that [ __ ] okay yeah oh and olena that if there should be building some big building and not know what it is it that we heard the terrorist shipment of of old IEDs there of all the bombs that we can you can use to blow things up okay all right we like we like blowing things up if you can you can bring me those those things so it's Angelina your presence Elina yes Delina warehouse I not note it warehouse or big deal okay yeah yeah I just know that there should be it might be warehouse it it should be old old building okay gotcha okay yep got it so it's a truck to truck with items and not know it it's just building a they just have it could be trapped it just look for look for thing with they not have good in there Jamie do you copy it's been too long Jamie yeah I think all the squad leaders lost radios we were engaged six don't worry about it all right cool wait you're engaged on the way anyway yeah they were on the road the coastal road okay that's good oh we got stuck a tree apparently stops us instantly after the bombs fell geez Jesus can't trust the trees we need to go attack the barn Delina and take a truck from it so we just need to get in get out it's fast it's a fast mission we got to get in get out so the thing is is that it's a truck so as long as we open the doors we get the truck out any any of you are allowed to drive it you just need to drive it back to probably just far north so that it's safe and then oh wait shoot we're on the coastal highway did you get attacked Jamie so if we were to drive the truck down maybe attacked so we probably need to drive it up this way okay so okay so that's the route the truck will take whoever gets the truck that's the route you'll take the truck is inside that big barn on the dole enum like word marker okay so that's our mission I mean honestly let's just stay together let's rush it let's go fast and if you died doesn't matter yeah if you died doesn't matter just let's just go get it we also have the location of one of the nukes by the way yeah or we have their general location right there okay move in we're gonna try to get as close as possible with being as silent as we can and then we take contact we just keep running just keep going to keep going just move fast once you take contact don't stop moving towards that truck watch out they could be on the second floor whoa I II D dude what the heck was that I'm gonna go up with you Jamie you could Jamie you good [Applause] I'm gonna rappel down Jamie no copy you're too far out no copy okay pull right up to Matthew look I'm gonna use it we have we've gotten your truck got this Brooke doesn't have IDs in it yes for sure uh-huh no that wrong truck you stupid that's the truth respectfully Russian commander no that's the truck Matthews you're like oh I love this MRAP thanks I don't want that truck anymore just point on the map where it is and I can market myself oh wait is that as owner is that a direct location of it it's a song okay here wait can you can you make a circle for me can you make just a circle and Global really quickly so I can see exactly cuz okay guys okay thank you that's all I needed okay I think that's mega wanting us to go okay so let's just hop in the heli see how many people can fit in there and I think the heli might be able to actually carry one of these since yeah everybody go hop in everybody go hop in I'll try to move kind of I actually just just raised outs dude and I'll go right under you make it easy for you so just Auto hover race altitude I pick me up there you go drop yeah cool and you're the tail rotor keeps going out even though it didn't anything weird a slight break in it now I just be that heli okay uh since we're not all gonna fit in this let's move in on foot yeah Matt go just fly back to base can you get yep okay so let's split into two different teams everybody recoup on meat llama or we'll take alpha will just take the original Alpha Team llama you'll lead all the rest the other guys okay we're gonna go check the south side you check the north side again we're looking for the nuclear device truck you know what that looks like all right one of you guys probably it looks it's like a big CSAT truck it should be tropical yeah it's a CSAT tempest it's tropical camo all right let's get like a limo looking thing right again you check north side we'll check south side we're not gonna blow it up we're just we're just receiving it and driving it back to our base it's capture the flag hey there's a knock down fence here it's got to be here there's nothing else that would have knocked down that fence so it's got to be in one of these unless that were smart oh my gosh yes yes all right well I Jamie just called the heli I'll Drive this back to our base I'll do the boring work okay heck yeah I'm so happy we found this that quickly yeah mega if you can come pick us up that'd be awesome yeah it's another it's another truck mission so it's a getting get out fast all right sure megha were moving back to the original LZ where he dropped us off the first time so that three klicks out I have I know a little bit yeah it sees me it sees me I just ran straight into an entire Russian squad oh okay they know it's their new Oh God hey Jamie what's up okay okay okay okay you stay there okay you're gonna head to the north edge of the rebel circle got it I'm almost there I'm almost there you're gonna you're gonna head or not right now just go in circles for now don't let them land doop one more circle around the rope place I'll be there in time and we're gonna get right outside the safe zone and then I'm gonna lay down and shoot the hell out of that little bird it's a little bird right are you okay you good I'm coming I'm coming they're on me right now I'm coming as fast as I can wait why are they shooting me in the same zone right now Hey via 2-shot our vias team not via but a group of seats are in Russia guys just shot and killed our device just in the northern eastern field in the safe zone no it's the green do you see the entire green area on the map that's your safe zone so you have full ability to go out there and kill all those Russians that are standing out there right there's a few of my guys there too holy crap oh my god so first off the rebels won it's like if there's any real winners here we we have a nuclear device we got a lot of kills we got we got more weapons we could probably take y'all each both of y'all on head-to-head right now so rebels rebels won keep telling if it's Russians or us that are winning 100% us you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 523,735
Rating: 4.9184041 out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, arma, pvp, pvp gameplay, 50 player, public operation, chernarus, arma 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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