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today we play Luigi's Mansion 3 and we are on the deepest basement level we Face the hardest boss in the entire game that we have come across so far we go through cool areas with guiji's help thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video wait a minute is that one of those pipes that uh guiji can go into up there that's what that looks like I don't think I could aim at it though really okay that's fine wait a minute and Luigi drop down through here oh no I thought that this was a grading that we could drop through oh wow that was so weird how that custom got activated okay wait but there was a pipe that we could go through there to the left wait who's this someone's sleeping ah he steps on this squeaky rubber ducky [Music] rubs it together oh what's this now You're Gonna Fill This up with water or something what's gonna happen here What's Happening Here ah water in our base he's like you got him [Music] hey oh oh cause uh you can't bring Luigi through here because Luigi doesn't like water oh wait but I could just go like this though it's actually so funny it didn't really stop us much okay wait but now Luigi can go here all right so what what does it matter that guiji's here and we take a different path can we go like up or something oh up no those pipes are like not connected okay but I did see that there's a green pipe over here that Luigi can go into right I think there's one over here somewhere I saw properly oh yeah right there and that brings us go around and are we just gonna pop out through here oh we just pop out through here okay I was hoping that there would be something more maybe I was hoping that maybe that would let us continue through the level but I guess that's not where we have to go oh do we just continue through then oh we could just walk through the wait oh it's locked oh so we need a key okay I was thinking oh the key's right up there let's actually bring Luigi in over here now how are we gonna get up there that is the question maybe there's something that we wait why did the water stop oh maybe it's because I twisted this that's why the water soft wait what if I blow it will the water keep going again okay I can put the water on Max like this what if we like really turned on the water like turn on the water like all the way oh my goodness are you serious wait wait I don't know if this is my we have to do to uh to complete this I don't know if this is what we need to progress through but look you can use dark light to form a ladder over here and there's just lots of stuff up here and in the chest lots of gold bars in the chest lots of gold bars and some prompt movement move let me down here be down here we got to get these gold bars before they disappear let's go let's go let's go okay got a bunch of stuff but yeah so what that we did that okay now we can see this more clearly because we moved that box out of the way is there anything else that we have to use the dark light on got some nice banjo music playing over here too and it makes sense because the music it kind of fits like that one guy it fits with that uh guy that we saw earlier with that ghost that trapped us here how can we get up there though this wall is like partially cracked over here so wait wait oh yeah we haven't really done this ability wait so maybe there's something that we want to grab onto anywhere is there anything anywhere that we could grab onto we can't just grab onto the key can we wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did it let us grab onto this it looks like it lets us grab onto this table and okay but we just destroyed wait wait we go back here I was hoping that that would be like a secret door or something maybe we want to break off is over here could that be it no that doesn't hold gonna be something somewhere that we could break oh what about this let's go okay that just gives us money hey just destroying lots of stuff lots of rubber duckies over here lots and lots of rubber duckies here actually wait this is kind of flapping back and forth this thing over oh my goodness ah it wasn't really as simple as that oh my gosh yeah because I saw that this pipe was leading to there I'm like yeah there's gonna be a way that we could get there but how do we do it oh my goodness that's so silly how simple that was I was here for a little bit of time looking around like how are we going to get there okay but there we go now we have the key now we can get through here oh I keep thinking it's a but you have to use x I have the key oh wait oh I guess it's Gucci has the key does that mean he has to unlock it well that's actually so cool to see guichi unlocking the key and the door just sucks up the key that's so funny okay let's go back now let's go through here there we go okay get it through there okay some kind of a fight over here let's go so and smack the ghost smack the ghost okay now go yes yes get them both get them both oh boy lots of little ghost kids smack your kids smack the kids usually not good advice but in this case it's fine okay cool we defeated them all that was actually very uh efficient how he defeated those guys and what do we want to do something with these pipes hey let's see is this Dr egad's lock over here or someone else's law what do we have to do to get through here do we shine the light but that's not enough okay let's send guiji down we probably have to like make the water stop or move somehow let's see oh okay I think I I think I might know what's going to happen here okay wait let's see if we go like this that stops that one okay so now we could run through like this but wait how far do we want to go as we don't know which ones affect what if we turn this one what's gonna happen does that turn off all of them probably gonna be some kind of puzzle let's see if that turns on that one but stops that one okay so you can stand in the middle one say then what if we do this one let's see if we do this one here oh let's go the other way and then that turns off that one but let's go like this okay so here's the plan come over here this one should be safe then we can go like this okay good let's move over one more and now do this one I think oh oh there's even one up there I didn't realize that there's another one up there oh my goodness I actually uh lucked out with that that wasn't 100 planned because I didn't even realize that there's one in the top left and we got lucky with that okay and it looks like over here there's a bucket with some money in it oh looks like we sucked up all the money maybe okay let's come back up here and now we should be able to go through the door I keep pressing a to go through the door but it's X okay oh a little wrap huh come here you little rat come here come here there we go okay do we want to go through here wow you can actually go through here okay some kind of a closet let's see come on now hey you can destroy that which is fine and let's see which one do we send guiji through left right oh and there's another uh thing that we can turn there let's see that brings guiji to this side is there any reason to go here doesn't really look like there's anything here okay let's check the other side then if we go over here nothing really there and if we check this one let's be Luigi for a second what if we rotate this oh no I don't want that I don't want that I don't want that because now there's gonna be lots of water wait or maybe we do actually wait do we want to do that come here okay good yeah we actually do want to do that okay because then that makes that water go like that okay then we can get in here okay just some money there's some money it's not like it's uh like it's a e or anything oh and there's one more over here on the move bro come here okay let me break that okay that's fine and then let's go through here but I guess when we go through here probably wanna stop this right they want to go like this and then guiji can go through there that probably brings us to the bottom left and there's some oh this is probably like yeah that's one of the color things that you want to collect in the level okay I see I see okay so it's just like a little little side puzzle over there not the main quest because it's not the uh you know what it's not one of the keys that we need anything like that wait wait do we need to charge this up it looks like we need to charge this up let's go like [Music] s you get charged up when I shine light on you it looks like you do maybe we actually want to charge oh I was thinking that we'd have to charge up both of these together like both blasting our light on them at the same time maybe we both have to stand on them at the same time okay well it looks like that isn't it okay maybe we have to do something else well look it's the VLC media player icon anything back here let's see come here let me grab that of the way oh I threw that glue because I'm actually so sorry that I did that to you hey money in here oh wait and there are these gold bars yeah some gold bars over there it looks like we can't walk around that way so we'll go around this way pretty nice waterfalls over here I don't know if waterfall is really the right word because kind of not really a waterfall but it is water that is falling does that technically make it a waterfall it's not a natural waterfall I guess hey let's see we can't go up there yet because that's blocked what about back here can we go back here no I don't see where we could go okay where do we want to go then that is the question ah can we go through here not really Let's see we could probably break some of these let's break this box here they slam that on the ground it's kind of satisfying to break stuff like that okay we can't break this oh a ladder here oh we could probably use a dark light here wait oh I would have thought that this would have formed the rest of the ladder but I guess not [Music] oh what do we want to do then what if we use dark light on you you don't seem to care you don't seem to care about dark light up here does anyone care about dark light anyone care about dark light over here wait wait wait wait wait maybe if we do dark light over here maybe the rest of this bridge will spawn could that be it you know it doesn't look like it ah what in the world could we want to do here wait why did the water stop for a moment that's weird I want to bring oh I guess the water goes for a bit and then it stops for a bit what do we want to do with guiji that is the question oh Hearts came out okay okay so I just took a little break but if we look at this map and it looks like the room that we're in there are two exits there's either the top left exit or the bottom right exit and the top left exit it looks like it's all the way up there I don't think there's a way for us to get up there right now you know maybe we actually have to oh you know what it is this is probably a fan right here this right here is probably a fan let's see there we go oh my goodness that should have been so obvious oh stop stop stop let me get on before you move okay there we go okay now where are we gonna go let's see maybe we want to rotate it one more time go like this again it's a good thing that guiji's over here because uh there we go okay yeah because wait actually I would have thought that this would have gone through the water actually but wait wait oh we probably need one more rotation actually I'm like wait this isn't where the exit is what's gonna happen now is if we do one more rotation wait what in the world is that what is this whoa that's a lot of money that's a lot of doubloons right over there a lot of smackaroos okay let's get over here and if we do one more rotation come on go one more time then we can probably climb up this there we are okay that's so cool yeah so it's like I just took a little break and then oh what's happening over here I was gonna say that I knew what to do but let's see what's happening now oh this guy's still trying to stop us oh he pulls up the switch I guess he pushes up the switch is it more of a pull or a push I'm not even sure how I would Define that okay these gears are moving okay water's going up here okay oh now guiji is down there Luigi are you okay Luigi no this guy knocks over here they fall back down how are we supposed to get back up now without Gucci's help because yeah we're in the water at least you can swim right oh we've got our polter pup over here doggy help me the dog brings us to sure oh that's silly as well the dog brings us up all the way over here what a powerful doggy don't poppy Luigi's so funny how does the dog get water on it if it's a ghost well I thought we were gonna suck the water off of the dog that's funny oh I guess now we're going over here to the uh you've gotten yourself into a real bus there Luigi good news though the Poltergeist g00 has been tested in depth up to I forgot really deep what's important is it's waterproof oh that's so funny but because that ghost used that switch to control the water levels and path is blocked I think you could walk along the sewer Waterway and reach the switch give it a try I'm going to return the water to its original levels and go after that ghost okay thank you for the guidance Professor let's go over here oh wow uh Luigi's with whistles Anna keep pressing a to open the doors okay it's X to open the doors okay anything over here do we want to hit any buttons hit the buttons cool money comes out what about over here oh is this just uh let us have a view or do we actually uh do anything I guess this is just to let us know what's happening oh wait but maybe we can see where these pipes are connected uh I wonder if the lights determine what path you take maybe the lights over there that determines like what path you take oh look there's like a knight over there with a broom stick look at this this kind of looks like Dory a little bit actually that thing to the left what is that animal called a goose is that a goose I can't remember if it's a goose does that look like a goose or does it look like something else and there's a rubber ducky there's something down there like a seagull or a swan or something interesting stuff over here okay is that enough over here we want to shine a light at that red button over there bam we do anything it almost looks like we could pull off that thing over there hold on if we go like that whoa whoa did it come down actually hold on hold on I'm not sure if it actually came down a little bit when we hit it it almost looked like it came down oh no I don't think it did okay let's go through here this time I knew to press the x button to open the door because I was consciously aware of it that I'm just using my instincts okay let's see oh I thought that there was an x button to press over here for something but I guess that x button was just for the door oh wow I'm surprised nothing came out okay but almost nothing came up wait wait wait what if we pull off the calendar oh look at all the money back there oh my goodness what a great hiding spot for some money oh my goodness if anyone has any money to hide in real life legally if you're doing it legally of course not because you're avoiding taxes or something that might be a good spot for it behind a calendar like that wait why does this thing keep running away from me whoa this is so weird I was in a place like this in my dream before a few weeks ago actually I was in a place like this in my dream this is so strange that we're finally here anyway let's get on to this thing oh man oh man look how we move around waiting do we blow and suck to move I'm guessing that's how we move this is so cool look at this look at this wait wait can we only go left and right oh we can also go like this okay nice I'm getting up here okay and what if we send out uh Luigi's he's just gonna fall down or is he gonna go somewhere nice let's see he ends up over here okay let's try the left one the left lunch is gonna bring me to the far right let's see left one brings us over there to the far right that's fine what does this do right here oh we brought up the Gateway if we let go to come back down it does okay wait first I want to check where this one brings us that brings us oh and that just gives us some money okay whoa oh oh I fell onto the water that's what happened okay so it looks like you actually do have to go through the left and yeah I didn't even realize that that water was there okay but what we want to do is go through this left one because you can't just walk through that water there because Luigi's weakness is of course water we want to grab this gear grab it grab it there we go then we can pull it over go up to Luigi instead of gooigie hop onto this thing now let's see can we go over here or no this looks like I can wait is there just money and stuff here oh oh oh hold on hold on let's do this give me money boy money money money money money money money money okay yeah it looks like that just goes like that I don't think that goes any farther okay so let's go like this very nice look at the little watermelon down there and the tires all kinds of things here wait wait wait let's go over here first come on over here what if we suck on this come here wait maybe we have to work together and then like we'll activate something that lets go easy come by I wonder if that's how it'll work I want this okay and we do with Luigi now now guiji comes through do we want to go through there or go through what what do we want to do with guiji let's see what if we go through this one that brings us ew over here and lots of money also I have to sneeze I have a sneeze coming up I just need to go up okay we can't go over there to the right because there's water over there so what if we go here first and you know what let's just come by with Luigi over here okay gooigie probably has to go through there oh wait wait ah that's gonna explode that's gonna explode oh boy oh boy I noticed way too late it was too late what I noticed I couldn't get away well maybe I could have gotten away if I had a bit more control actually let's try this now let's come over here but if we do this let's see is that gonna make the water go more or less cool we stopped the water okay so now we can go here with Luigi oh actually we can't go there yet wait wait wait it's swapped to this spell over here wait is this just money here what's this a chest in the chest our SpongeBob let's get this money okay so let's go through here we'll come back here oh oh Luigi's just constantly sucking on that thing over there okay so that's good Luigi just keep doing that because that makes the water stop now do easy is gonna come out here and we can go across there okay and now to be able to come out here right wait what's Happening Here is there gonna be a boss right here man these Graphics look phenomenal oh that's very spiky uh-oh oh do we have to be careful okay so right now it looks like guiji can't get uh you can't get into that pipe yet because there's water blocking it what do we have to do we have to do something to help guiji over here yeah it looks like there's water blocking that so he can't get there yet but where do we want to go not into those spikes probably the where then the way that you move like this is so strange I'm so not used to moving like this like you point at the opposite of where you want to go no if you point where you want to go while you're sucking then you will go that way oh you know what I'll get that part let's go like this bring me to the heart very nice shoot away that soccer ball and this thing's going to explode if we touch it right wait oh oh now it's starting to explode okay let's get away shoot that at it hey good we weren't hurt by the explosion now where do we go that is the next question with GUI yeah we can't get through here right look at this wait we can I thought the water would stop us from getting there oh my goodness that's so silly full time I was trying to solve a puzzle that didn't even exist okay so fiji's coming over here oh you gotta be careful with Luigi actually we don't want to go into those spikes let's swap back to guiji and through here that one's probably gonna bring us to the other side oh oh then everything will be fine everything will be fine we just need you to pull on this let me just stop no where do we continue from do we have to continue from the very beginning tell me it's not the very beginning oh oh we just continued from this room okay that's good okay let's just go like this okay Luigi you go up to the side and then Julie goes here okay now let's come over here guiji can go like this well on this open up the gate there you go pull up the gate very nice and now we just go like this and there we go under the gate we go finally how lovely is that oh and wait can Luigi walk through this like you can just walk through the fence like that okay he probably can't go there because of the water though you come across like this we could come to here oh I thought that bottle would fall on us maybe there's actually something nice from that bottle okay wait if we come here just oh that probably brings us to there and then we can probably pull this this doesn't drain the water does it this isn't a water drain let's see pull it and okay oh it's just money okay well actually uh quite a bit of money actually but otherwise uh not too important otherwise okay so let's switch back to Luigi a camera way over here what's over here before we go too fast let's be careful let's just grab this one and it sounds like something's gonna explode oh there's something over there exploding oh wait now can we bring a guiji over there okay wait was this the one that we wanted to go to the left yes okay oh oh look at this the water it's like oh boy you have to time it to go through there wait what is this oh that's a lot of money a lot of money yeah a lot of money over here okay money don't go into the water just come to me that's fine wait is this something to pull right here I thought maybe that was something to pull okay well I think that's the thing that we pulled up I think that's the thing that uh Luigi's holding right now okay let's be careful go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go very good we made it across oh and we should actually probably pull on this right now and we can go like this swap back to Luigi wait wait Luigi wants to go that way wait are those sharks coming to me are those sharks right there we pulled that uh actually bring me there I want to avoid those things they look like sharks I'm very scared don't come to me hey let's get out of here get me up here get me up here are the sharks gonna attack that thing now are they gonna attack my rubber ducky oh no the sharks are gone okay it looks like we just safely made it to here okay oh oh we're standing in water uh oh hopefully there's no electricity around here hopefully we can be safe what's going on over here man this game looks so good okay something's coming by very scary times what could it be oh look who it is there's a ghost behind Luigi if he's like Luigi didn't even notice it okay but wait where's hey hey hey leave Luigi alone I'm gonna suck you up bro come here where are you going bro come here come here come here get back here oh my goodness we couldn't even Circle hey hey you stopped you guys gotta stop okay you too you gotta stop you're gonna stop wait hey hey what are you doing bro come here come here come here how are you running away so much what's gonna come for us next bro leave him alone [Music] why can we not suck him up there we go there you go finally find him come here come here now finally and now let's just get down to 60. come on there we go okay now he's probably sniping three times there we go oh boy that was such a tough fight for some reason maybe it's because I wasn't pulling away I'm not sure why that wasn't working as I thought it would oh and if we do these hold on maybe this will adjust the water level let's see what if we do this one also wait do we want it to go the other way maybe [Music] you bring this one down to that bring the water down oh wait I could probably just do this I could probably just call over Luigi over here come here you send out Luigi over here yeah the whole time I think I'm like wait how am I going to get Luigi out of here oh and those pipes yeah that determines where you go just as I thought oh that isn't where I thought we would go okay but lots of money comes out so I guess that is something let's just get some of this money that's nice oh then do we want this one to go up yeah probably this is probably what we have to do this is probably what we have to do let's come here go like this bring in Luigi Luigi come here okay there we are now he'll go to that top part over there and now we can just adjust this one to go up go up maybe if we suck it'll work there we go okay now swap here I'll send him out again go guiji I choose you and now he should oh wait no no no no actually actually I made one more mistake this one should be down I forgot about that okay let's bring this one to be down and let's bring in guiji send out guiji and now he's going to go where we need him to now he's gonna go there there now he's gonna go up and he brings us he goes all the way to the top not he brings us he himself goes there oh and this is the this is the switch that that other person brought down or sorry pushed up if we pull it down now come on come on let's bring it down oh maybe we need to do this don't break it though don't break it bro let's go pull it down and what's gonna happen are we gonna drain all the water now are we gonna have to battle that night with the broom there oh cool there's a chest down there okay oh and that opens up yeah that's right because that did close and that's probably why the water came up hey do we want to go back to that main room now or what wait did I not open oh I did open the chest okay that chest there is good job [Music] oh yeah all right water is back to how it was go back to where you came from and get after the mechanic ghosts I keep hearing things that are going to be exploding and it scares me how do we make our way back do we have to walk back to the right or how do we make it back I see that there's an electricity symbol up there there's a lightning bolt symbol up there I don't know if we have to do something with that let's just come down here we haven't been to this area yet so I guess let's come over here okay let's see there's a chest right over there oh guiji's with me now okay come on over Luigi whoa explosives stay back from the explosives okay and over here oh I really like the way that we clean up that dirt over there it's just like in Luigi's Mansion one and in here probably just lots of money right yeah lots of money for us okay 22 000. come on come on our money's still going up I'm like how much do we have 22 816 oh oh and this one you have to flash at BAM there we go now it'll open give me the money boy and whoa oh I destroyed the Dory oh and it looks like this is a painting that gives you money too give me the money come out with money very nice hey and can we destroy the swan oh maybe this oh there's a giant money bag over there at the back of this one if we have to like throw this one really hard for this to break we go like this bam go Swan or do we need just the jar part to come in contact with something I'm curious how this would work oh oh I just popped it against that I guess okay cool and we do get some of the money there okay do we walk through here now very nice nice little area here Luigi it looks like it's a dead end up ahead huh I guess you'd best turn around and get after the mechanical ghost but I want to go this way I want the balloon I want to go this way it's not gonna be a dead end look there's definitely a way to get through here look I can move these bricks around there's all kinds of stuff over there oh wait maybe we actually have to go there for the boss fight or something okay maybe he's not lying maybe it actually is a dead end because when has Professor egad ever been wrong before I guess you do have to take the long way around let's head up here are we gonna have to walk through this sewer area without any water now what's this area gonna be like without any water now oh hello there ghosts I will capture you bro why won't you let me capture you but I will use a master ball on you to tattoo you okay wait they're flopping around like little fish that's actually so funny hey hey hey not funny now is it who's laughing now huh Who's laughing now probably still the ghost okay you ghost better stay back rat better stay back to you little rat honey here I don't care too much about the money but you know what but it is very satisfying to collect okay let's see some exciting music playing happening oh look at that fish whoa whoa I could shoot this fish at something oh there's even a chest right there okay let's but like that open up the chest I keep pressing hey hey hey hey no no let me out let me out do I mash a holding yeah oh boy I didn't expect that I've never seen a chest like that before I don't think I have at least hey let's see oh these things it looks like you could destroy them to crabs come out though like crabs will come out the crab chest a butt looks like it's just money okay and over here rap rap okay fine be gone rat gone rats always scurrying around that's one of my favorite lines from the game Oblivion the game Oblivion has so many good lines in it I love it has to be one of my favorite games of all time okay let's go through here and do another door we're gonna be back here oh nice and now it's just a shortcut we can just go down here hey if the guy does the thing again if that ghost moves this stuff around again that would be so annoying if he did that he's like ah do it again now damn still little monkey dance and then we just keep running back and forth or if the game actually didn't have an ending and this is how the game ends you just have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again like this okay let's now come this hey that unlocks now is the Vault going to open out let me in could we both have to do it together maybe to be strong enough oh you press x uh obviously oh my goodness he has just like while you're sucking that prompt doesn't come up wait how are you gonna oh okay okay he leaves enough room for himself like we're going into a bank vault over here isn't that a Mr Beast video it sounds like a Mr Beast video like staying in the bank vault last person to leave the bank vault gets to keep all the money in it that was very much like it would be a Mr Beast video I would be surprised if that wasn't a Mr Beast video already okay and here comes Luigi oh he keeps stepping on rubber duckies uh you gonna fill up this area with water he's like what entire nation how is that Luigi keep coming up here hey he's gonna pull up another switch like that wait but is there gonna be no water oh the water actually is coming up oh no wait are we gonna have a boss like while on the rubber ducky oh boy this might be difficult oh no all right let's see [Music] what oh boy yep yep I was right I was worried about that suck them up hey what in the world oh there are spikes on the sides oh oh and then uh you mash a to uh blow up your rubber ducky that's so funny hey let's jump back in okay let's go let's go I'm ready I'm ready okay now I know how this works this is Top This is a tough boss fight how in the world oh wait do I have to push them into the explosions that's probably what we have to do you probably have to push him into the explosions okay so let's go like this like you stay away from it bro I pumped it again oh boy wait but if it pops how come you can just blow it up like this and then it works that's so straight kind of unexpected okay go like this this is probably how he damaged the guy we gotta come here don't go like that did he get damaged I'm almost dead actually and he's not hurt yet [Music] maybe I don't know how this boss fight Works Ben but moving is so weird they go like this go to him did that hurt him no okay he's dizzy I have a chance to get him this might be the most difficult boss fight yet if I know how it works I'm not sure that I do know how it works you go like this go over there no get me away from that we're dead this does bone help us game yet or not if a doggy eats a bone huh oh and the dog gives us encouragement that's so nice to get back up what's going on I don't think I have died before I guess this is probably our first time dying okay nice that there's that thing over there bro how do we battle you bro come here throw it here I want to go over there wait do we get him did we get him come here get him get him get him get him get him get close to him Luigi you gotta get him you gotta get him go there Luigi oh we have a chance oh now we could push him into the spice how do we get him come on he's flying around we gotta have an opportunity to get him out wait do I have to pop out there get up get up get up get up get up finally no no I had a chance to damage it but he ran away oh my goodness this is so incredibly hard this boss fight is like almost impossible stay away let's go there now [Music] let's go and now push him into that there we go okay now where's he going he's flying around okay we want to come out here come out come out come on come on come on come on come on hop up hey let's go get him get him get him get him run Luigi man finally okay let's see we're gonna have like 300 or so okay smash okay we're gonna have to do that probably two more times to defeat him he's at 218 right now that means we did like a bit over 100 damage to him where are you guys going hey man let me over here let me over here [Music] come here bro I got something for you oh don't go into the spikes bro oh bro why is it so hard to get you bro it's so hard to get you there spikes like everywhere no wrong button oh my goodness this is so awkward to control oh my goodness this is so difficult come into your own Spike over here bro come here come here don't go into the Spy flash him no no stay back if only you could suck these up and push them into him that would be the best way to do this only that would work come here bro here bro oh the explosion only hurt me this is ridiculous stay back bro stay back bro stay back bro okay stay back bro I push that towards him can I do that or no come here bro come here bro come here bro you know what I'm I'm leaving I believe it goodbye goodbye I've had enough of this goodbye I'm leaving let's go throw one up here throw it up here I can't suck these up from here can I [Music] get it get it get it I was hoping that I'd be able to push it onto him wait wait touch it I was hoping that I could touch them and then go and push them onto him but that's not gonna work I'm gonna go like this or something that's it that's it that's it there we go we got him we got him yes and he's popped okay get up here now Luigi get up here I guess Luigi get up come on come on come on I guess the best way to do this is to stay near the ladder that's probably the best strategy we have to stay near the ladder okay get him like under 200 come on come on come on I don't know if we're gonna be able to do it 180 maybe yes under 180 okay come on now hey got a few hits on him that's fine best way to do this is probably to Camp here camp near here come on guy come on bro come up here wait he exploded himself he exploded himself this is amazing no don't explode me they exploded himself again okay he also exploded me come over here bro come over here let me grab you let me grab you come here come here come here come here come here stop running away you coward hey all I want to do is just pop you into these spice okay let's go over here get up here where is he let's go flash okay come on can we get him down to 80 before we start smacking him maybe even 60 maybe 60. okay we gotta play sure this time there we go oh my goodness that was definitely the toughest boss fight so far oh look at all the rubber duckies that's kind of funny okay and another elevator button hooray and lots of Hearts I said there are lots of Hearts oh we probably have to uh do that switch first because Luigi's like oh no wait do we want to pull up or down let's do this hey and there you go we pulled it down now the water is gonna drain of course yeah because when I saw the thing when I saw the button fall into the water at first I thought that way you'd have to collect it but then when I saw that it sank I thought ah okay obviously we have to uh drain the water for escape can I just press the button to drop down I guess not I guess I have to walk down here that picture right there is a little suspicious isn't it this right here isn't this a little bit suspicious this right here something suspicious about it hey well anyways we can grab this there's not gonna be anyone that takes it before we can get it right floor 10 okay let's see can we just grab it gotcha okay very nice we did get it beautiful I guess that means that we could go to the next floor oh my goodness we are making progress in this this is such a long game I don't know how long this entire video is going to be yes that's floor 10 so then there's still five floors after this so there's still quite a bit left to this today is October 26th for me and I was hoping to get this video out by Halloween I don't know if it is going to be possible because working on other videos while working on this that is uh it's a lot of work takes a lot of time like just daily uploads by themselves takes a lot wait how in the world do we get out of here hey what hurt me come here you little rat are you little rat I bet you have a heart for me don't you have a heart hey you have nothing hey where in the world is the exit is there an exit down here wait wait wait wait wait wait maybe we have to pull these curtains aside and then that's where the exit is seems like something that we could pull pull that aside and I was just a little Treasure Chest wait did the treasure chest have nothing in it yeah it looked like it had nothing in it I guess okay we could probably pull on this right hey that also has nothing why does everything have like nothing here [Music] okay where's the exit exit down here wait this looks like an exit maybe right oh there's the exit okay there we are we made it out okay that boss fight was so long and so traumatic that I can't even remember how he got in here okay but oh oh and you have to go down before we can exit too of course okay now I'm starting to remember it's coming back to me let's make our way over to the elevator head over to floor 12. wait a minute and I'm surprised that floor basement two was actually just a normal floor not like a final boss fight I was thinking that maybe the final boss fight would be in floor basement two or in floor 15. yeah I'm actually surprised that we went to floor basement too so soon already maybe there's gonna be like basement three like another secret basement floor that we don't know about now but I kind of doubt that like let's have a look at this oh okay button number ten and Luigi surprised as always whenever the button just magnetically gets pulled into place automatically like that oh yeah oh yeah now we're gonna go up to floor 10 so 10 11 12 13 14 15. well that's six floors left I guess we're probably about two-thirds done the game roughly because yeah it seems like every floor takes about the same amount of time I don't think that we're gonna get attacked this time this time I think we'll just calmly stand in the elevator we'll get brought in we'll get brought up a floor not brought in I don't think Broughton is a word we were brought in up a floor with the tenth floor I was very scared here why is he holding that about forward like that you guys have a flashlight in real life let me know in a comment if you have a flashlight in real life I really recommend you watch my video where we play Super Mario Galaxy for the first time ever it is an incredibly fun game that I'm so glad that we have the chance to play through you'll love it if you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 104,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luigi's mansion 3, luigi's mansion, luigi, mario, super mario, mario luigi, nintendo switch, nintendo, luigi's mansion switch, luigi's mansion nintendo switch, nintendo switch luigi, nintendo switch mario, movie, full movie, playthrough, zxmany, zxmany luigi's mansion, funny luigi, funny mario, luigi's mansion playthrough, part 1, luigi part 1, mario part 1
Id: t9VXKTpnwOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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