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today we play Super Sonic Odyssey where you are Sonic you are very very fast and you try to save Princess Beats from the evil Dr Eggman it is so much fun to play through the game with an uncontrollably fast speed powerful jumps and cool boss fights thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video in the skies above Peach's castle we have Dr Eggman attacking Sonic Sonic looks so cool with the Mario hat so this is actually an updated version of SuperSonic Odyssey because we have played this mod recently but all kinds of changes have been made to this Sonic's Graphics looks so much better now and there were a bunch of changes actually made to the gameplay that you guys are going to see once we start running around and I think that this Sonic just actually looks fantastic this is a brand new Sonic model that we are using here Dr Eggman looks as hilarious as and our Mario cap goes flight now we just have Sonic now Sonic doesn't have the Mario cap anymore and look at this what happens around and he gets hit with Bowser's cap but it isn't actually Bowser it's actually Dr Eggman and wait a minute why is Princess Peach being stained by Sonic what is going on over here and here comes Mario's hat floating down we should have changed that to an S maybe I should change that to an S and make it blue but there we go Dr Eggman stubs on the hat Okay jealous Mario why is Dr Eggman getting married to Princess Peach something that you guys are going to see very very quickly is that Sonic is even faster than before we can run much more quickly than happy and all the other goes wait Cappy's back there somewhere right where is Cappy even oh Kathy's over here all of a sudden I'm pretty sure we outran Cappy but Cappy is now over here apparently and Sonic looks so good in this cut scene you've landed in the cab Kingdom we've been under attack by the same Bowser monster they gave you such a trouncing actually it was Eggman who was attacking us not Bowser and I laugh every time that I see this because it's so funny because I'm always expecting Bowser but it's Dr Eggman here I wanted to change that Bowser monster in the ship of my own but look all this were destroyed in the attack Sonic looks around he just has a smirk on his face even when he shakes his head he just has that smirk on his face we just have to reach that Tower then we could go to the next Kingdom you know we should team up let's do it Sonic nods but wait oh I don't have my cap Sonic you don't even normally wear a cap and Happy's on the head but wait a minute that actually looks pretty good I think that actually suits him well what do you guys think and now it's time for Cappy to transform look what Cappy's gonna transform into a Mario cap but when Sonic is actually wearing the Mario cap there's nothing on his head which is pretty cool okay and we are nice and fast it is actually almost uncontrollable how fast you are wait can I whoa oh yeah I wanted to see if I can jump across there yeah we are really quite fast we can just go up and down this hill like it is nothing run through here and let's get through here and you know what something that I'm wondering and something that some of you might be wondering also is okay well first let's just get this checkpoint flag if I could skip the checkpoint flag in case we need it okay now the question is oh my goodness we're faster than those coins spawning but the question is is the game going to be easier or more difficult are we going to be able to complete the game more quickly or is it going to take us more time to complete the game okay that's nice that we got that over there let's just see come here come here come here okay now jump on him there we go okay we defeated that bus pretty quickly because you know what since you are faster you'd think that maybe you can complete the game more quickly but since it's difficult to control that might make some parts of the game actually more difficult so here's an absolutely iconic cutscene at the start of the game Super Mario Odyssey Mario's inside this amp over here he's making his way over to the Cascade Kingdom now let's see Sonic pop out hopefully we made the changes in this mod correctly and Sonic flies up and there we are is Sonic with the Mario cap I think Sonic looks so good with the Mario cap like that and I think that's also a fantastic moment for the thumbnail that'll most likely be the thumbnail of this video all right let's go so we should be able to run through this Kingdom play quickly let's capture that no he's not even running towards me because I'm already way over here I am just way too fast for these guys let's just come here get the power Moon I almost got the power Moon before this cutscene paused us over here oh they're being passed the power moon but there we go we've got our first Power moon what a lovely power moon to collect and Sonic looks absolutely fantastic a time for this piece of the bridge to come down let's make our way through the kingdom oh wait wait but first you have to see this cutscene where we walk up to the Odyssey man what a game it's such a cool idea to have an Airship that's in the shape of a cap like that okay but we are of course going to want to get up here and wait is there a moon there is the moon there only later okay I guess the Moon is only there after you defeat the boss where we want to go whoa forgot how quick we work oh my goodness it's actually kind of unbelievable how fast we are okay but we want to catch this dinosaur of course and then we can use this dinosaur to get up there it because it is a nice way to skip to the boss okay so let's come down here let's get ready let's get ready hopefully we can do this on the first try that'd be nice let's see let's go and boost me up and pop out and bring me there all right we made it very nice that's such a cool way to make it to this boss okay but look how fast I am if the changeup is going to be coming towards me then I could just move out of here hold on let's shake the controller pop out there we go very nice hit now look I can run circles around this box she's gonna have no idea where to even throw that chain jump because look at how I'm running look I'm way over here you can't get me I'm way over here go see that okay now throw crappy again go go go catch it catch it okay very nice come on over here we are very nice okay I'm just gonna run way over here you can't throw it this far can you you can't can you because look I'm way over here and oh you can't reach that far that's too bad for you so sad for you so sad okay but you just catch it like this and nice and easy boss fight that is so cool we're so fast we can very easily keep a distance from the boss that made it super easy that might be more quickly than how I normally do it and the boss explodes and we get a lovely power Moon that we could collect for that so let's just get that right there and we will soon have enough power moons to make it to the next Kingdom I think we need one or two more power moons still okay so it looks like we need just one more power Moon and a nice one that we can get quickly is we can just run over here capture this guy I guess we could have gotten this one before but we could go like this jump over grab that power moon right there that is perfect now we should be able to just make our way back and we probably also could have done this earlier now let's just run back it is so nice how quickly you can move if you forget something like that and now Sonic is at the Odyssey and he has enough power moons to power up the Odyssey to partially restore the Odyssey like this so that we have enough energy to make it to the next Kingdom but it's kind of funny that you need a certain number of power moons from each kingdom to make it to the next Kingdom and the power isn't based on the total number of power moons you'd think that if you got a bunch of power moons in one Kingdom then you would have enough power moons you'd have enough energy to bring you to the next Kingdom but it makes sense that the power moons that you have to collect that there's a certain number that you have to collect based on the kingdom that you're at otherwise you could just skip through kingdoms but it's funny in some earlier games you can do that such as in Super Mario 64. if you get a bunch of power moons or sorry not power moons Powers stars in the earlier levels then you can actually skip some of the later levels in Super Mario 64. and something really funny that I've heard about Super Mario 64 is that in one of the levels Snowman's Land it's a level where you actually have to jump into a wall to access the level when you look at the mirror you can see that in the mirror there's a painting but where you are on your side of the mirror there's no painting so that's the hint that you have to jump into the wall some people have gotten to the credits of Super Mario 64 after beating the game and they thought wait a minute this snow level doesn't look familiar so that's pretty funny oh and uh so it has a little bit of Mario's hair right now because uh Sonic's actually using the captain Mario hat right now so I'm gonna have to change that back to Sonic's regular hat in a moment because Sonic looks pretty funny with that Mario hair all right let's go collect some power moons in the sand Kingdom and you know what since we are so fast this might actually make some things uh quite easy because you want to make it over to this oh no oh no oh no that's not where we want to be you want to get that bird come here can I get the bird can I get the bird where's the bird bird get the bird actually got it okay that actually missed that burden then we'd have to go chase it even though we are this fast that actually worked out very nicely okay and now we can just get this power Moon here that's another nice one to get there's a nice second power Moon we can drop down in here oh some of these power moons oh boy I'm thinking about what ones are going to be easier what ones are going to be different what ones are we going to be able to get in a different ways our moons here or is it on the bottom right I remember it's either here or on the bottom right okay this one is here okay in that other room there's one near the bottom right a rumble from the Sandy floor okay let's get out of here so now let's just run on over this way oh I didn't even see that those were enemies there I was running so quickly you know what this makes me want to replay iconic Frontiers I never did finish Sonic Frontiers actually I have played whoa what in the world what is going on what's going on where's the rest of Sonic's body wait is it because we're Sandy a little bit is it because we got some sand on our body is that why yeah sure okay great so when we do a ground pound now all of a sudden we're visible again that's so funny that that actually made our body invisible oh wow this is so strange this is so strange okay so Sonic becomes invisible a little bit when that uh sand gets on him but that's all right let's take this we can bring this guy to over here explode that one that's very nice now we can get this power Moon inside a block is a hard place you can probably just jump over to that one and almost run off I'm not sure if we can make it to that next Island up there without a Bullet Bill though because normally you need a Bullet Bill to jump that far I don't know if we could jump that far let's grab this guy yes yes we got it okay that's amazing I wasn't sure if we'd be able to make it or not but let's see now pop out go like this jump up and get me up there all right whoa don't run off don't run off don't run off it is way too easy to accidentally run up okay let's grab this this is very nice wait is that a frozen bird over there is that a bird Frozen in a block of ice how did I never see that before okay I thought this coin sound was my phone ringing and hold on is there a power Moon that we get with that guy I can't remember if there's an apartment we get with that guy but wait I want to get that our moon up there can I get that with the Bullet Bill that'd be nice if we could get that with a Bullet Bill let's see how high can we get up oh come on come on come on we can definitely make it up there because we have a very high jump and a very high wall jump let's go like this and let me up and bring me up there we barely made it I just ran laps around that Bullet Bill there okay we fell let's go here don't crash into anything okay now go go go go go go go go go go go go go go can I reach that or no there's no way that we can get up there how in the world are you supposed to get up there are you supposed to Bunk into that with the jaxy I don't remember what you're supposed to do for that okay but you know what Sphinx right here so let's have a chat with his Sphinx oh there Mr Sphinx I'd like to answer your question but there's the Bowser one it wants a ring it wants a ring that's what it wants from here again that isn't really real it's so funny how the swings moves like that okay and you know what even just getting into a door like that it's a bit difficult to aim so let's get some of these some of these get some money and I'm also trying to collect the power Moon I'm trying to get the money and the power moon but a bit difficult to get either because you're it's a bit difficult to control yourself when you're so fast okay so let's see where we are going to go are we going to go run up maybe oh and you know where else we could go hold on there's a spot right up down here oh and we're a bit Sandy so let's just come down here lie down slide down and come on up now Sonic and get that power moon right there perfect okay that's a lovely power Moon hidden room in the flowing Sands we only need a few more power moves before we're done with this area and we could probably even oh I was hoping that we could jump up like this with the wall jump so funny to see Sonic being a bit invisible like this gotta get up here gotta get up here gotta get up here what's a nice way up here okay we can go like this and there we go okay and there should be two nice power moons that we can get here we should be able to break that and we could grab on up that Bullet Bill just exploded oh you know what I'll just come here first Sonic okay good we got that one yeah the bullet Bills should be coming here boy do I even need the Bullet Bill to get up there we probably don't to be honest let's just go like this climb me up here perfect and now from here can I just jump to there go hooray oh don't celebrate yet because we didn't get the power boom there we go now we got the power move it's so funny to be getting this power Moon by just making jumps and Dives like that and without using Cappy because I'm so used to using I'm happy over there as I'm sure many people are because that is normally the way that you move that I'm not making a cow impression right now I just happen to say move like that because that's how I was moving let me up and let me hear maybe and you know what I'd like to come up here as well hooray okay let's get in here now something cool is gonna happen when we go into this pipe some of you might know what's gonna happen look what we've got oh no oh no I have to fix this so that it is uh 2D Sonic because right now it's 2D Mario okay before we go into a pipe the next time I am going to make sure that we are gonna make sure that we are 2D bounce up oh we can't make it up there I think gonna make sure that we are 2D Sonic instead of 2D Mario oh no oh and we're actually uh quite a bit faster than normal let's go okay now go here whoa okay I'm gonna go down here and get that one okay that's nice that we were able to get that now we want to make it a pie of course let's get ready let's get ready go okay but get [Music] you get it but let's see wait a minute I just collect this guy oh no I was hoping that that was a new Eagle that I could collect okay let's see where else can we get some power moves we can get two power moons over there oh wait I think there's one power Moon around here is this the one hold on okay that's not close enough but we could go right there okay there's a nice power moon for invisible Sonic to collect Sonic just with his face and His Hands going undercover in the desert right now but hold on there's another Power Moon I remember around here oh I know where we can get some more power moves these power moons would be so easy to get actually home there's a cactus somewhere around here you could just grab this Cactus make it move out of the way that we ground pound at the spot where the cactus was then we could get this power Moon and then it looks like we only need one more power moon but there are one or two easy power moves that we can get over here maybe even three yeah actually we could just ground pound right here and there we go we can get this carbon and that's super easy now we have enough power Moons for the birds gather we could have also gotten the music note up there and I don't know if we could have also gone fishing with the laka tour not yet it's so funny right now just looks like hands Sonic is just invisible we are too fast and now Sonic is back all of a sudden let's go to the next Kingdom that was a relatively quick Kingdom that was not too bad now we have a fork in the road we can go to the lake Kingdom or the wooded Kingdom so we'll of course first go to the lake Kingdom I think the lake kingdom is a nice fast one and I believe I went there when I first played this game I had my first playthrough of this game up on YouTube here we are the lake Kingdom and this is a pretty fun Kingdom to also do speed runs up because well you can get the power moons in this Kingdom quite quickly and it might be I'm not sure if it'll be easier more difficult for us with our different movement it'll be different so some things might feel a bit strange but we should still be okay with okay I didn't mean to fall down here can I get back up please hey it's nice that we can't get back here I was thinking of getting this checkpoint flag maybe just in case because we do want to go here I don't know if we need this but we'll come here just in case just so that we could go like this this is a bit slow and the fastest thing in the world to do let's just come across like this and we'll go and get that power move there and maybe we'll also be able to get the one up high I'm not sure if our jump will be good enough to do that let's see if we can do this like this and no we can't jump high enough to reach that unfortunately or fortunately depending how you look at it okay so we're gonna come down here we are going to get experiment that's in here look how cheap don't touch me cheap cheap okay there we go we got that power move very nice keep cheap Crossing hey how many more power moons do we need just a few more let's see oh oh there's one right here for us right on the back of Dory I'll take that look seems noisy yeah it sure does doesn't it okay so let's see we can get one more power Moon and then after that we can uh just face the boss and then we'll have a multi-moon that'll be enough power Moon so let's just come over here and ground pound this I'm not sure if this is faster than bringing a cheap cheap up to the person who wants to see a cheap cheap it probably isn't it's probably faster to grab a cheap cheap and bring the cheap cheap up or even to get one of the power moons that are up there but I saw this power Moon handy over here so I thought hey let's just come get this one over here whoa good fine thank you Kathy okay from the broken pillow case now let's swim up oh and doesn't Sonic drown in some Sonic games if you stay in water for too long makes sense that that would happen in a video game okay so let's see we want to make our way over there oh yeah let's go like this and can we jump nicely from here let's see let's go like this this let me up here now okay very nice that's not the way that I was expecting to get up there because that's not normally how you move in this part of the game okay wait let's just do a jump like that and bring me up nice we just barely made that but we made it okay now it's time for another boss fight okay now how are we gonna do this boss fight oh boy wait wait am I allowed to just jump on his head oh boy oh boy I don't know if I can just jump on his head or if I should do this go go okay I think maybe now I can just jump on the side like this right yeah there we go that works okay okay now let's just be careful let's see oh no oh no oh no that's not when you want to jump on his head hey hey he damaged me again okay so the speedrun strategy is clearly not working here oh maybe I can uh get over to his head like this though let's see get me out his head where's your oh no we lost our boosted help that is so sad that is really so so sad okay let's just jump onto his head like this Hey where's your head where's your head you little bugs bunny rabbit come come I'm stopping you there and I'm bouncing on your head like this where is your head where's your head bro give me your head you little rabbit I'm gonna you up and fight you in a stew I will put you in my stew you little rabbit I think I've actually heard squeaks say that before squeaks is this hilarious streamer he does a lot of Super Mario 64 speed running I didn't even think that but yeah I think that he says the same thing about mips but yeah you know what's the thing with Mario players and having problems with rabbits you know what I'm just gonna do this the intended wait well not 100 intended but it's kind of intended not necessarily a speed run strategy where you just do a ground pound and then you bounce on the guy and you take him out very quickly okay so that is definitely longer than the way that you could do it normally if you know how to speed running okay so we do have enough power Moons for the next Kingdom so it is now time to go to the lake cake or sorry not the light Kingdom we're at the light Kingdom we're now going to the lake Kingdom again we're just gonna keep doing the light Kingdom until we beat the game now we are going to the forest Kingdom next what if I made a mod where every kingdom was replaced with the late Kingdom and to beat the game all you have to do is just do the lake Kingdom over and over again I guess it'd be very good practice for speedrunning the lake Kingdom okay but next up is of course the forest Kingdom so let's go the wooded Kingdom next sup is the wooded Kingdom and for some reason this does actually remind me of Sonic because this does seem like the kind of level that you'd see in a Sonic game and now we should be able to catch this rabbit quite quickly right where's the rabbit where's rabbit where's the rabbit come here rabbit we're so much faster than the rabbit we can definitely catch the rabbit like that now right yeah there we go okay give me that power Moon please thank you very much and hold on there's a rock around here that we need to grab is this the one that we need to break I think this is the one that we need to break let's just run straight into that one but it just explodes into dust and now we can collect this power Moon and hold on are these guys going to sell me a power moon right now if I want it will you sell me a power Moon please yes perfect I could just buy Power Moon from you right here for a hundred coins that is absolutely perfect exactly what I need uh right now let's just head up this waterfall I think doing a jump here would be nice we could go like this and like that all it takes is just a single jump that is how powerful we are well a single jump in a wall chip I should say now hang on would be a nice way to get up here I guess we could go like this and hey my dive didn't work okay okay that was strange let's try again oh my goodness and I accidentally walked into that guy there let's try this again let's go oh we can just go straight up like that okay now break that and give me that power mode okay that was way too much struggle for that that should not have been as difficult as it was okay come on down now let's run along throw that there and looks like we're running through here we are so fast that it is difficult to control I actually don't want to run off immediately because this guy right here hold on this isn't the way that we want to go we actually want to head up this way because if we could stretch up to here and get up to here then there will be a power Moon that we can get right back here we just have to break this right here and there's our apartment very nice a lovely power Moon find the cliff to get the nut and and jump down into this water here the ground pound there and now you just swim into this pipe here let's just be careful to not die hopefully we can control ourselves in this situation oh boy I wanted to be fast enough to make it through there's no organized intended but now hold on how can we get up there can we go like this let me up here and give me the power Moon okay that's nice that we got that now let's just go and get the other power Moon here which should be at the end here I into that guy let me up here move move let me right there there we go okay so we got that one so we took two damage but that's fine because both times we just got healed shortly after when we got the power Moon okay let's see where we are going next let's come up this way let's grab this checkpoint flag okay there we go it's gonna say if we don't get it that's okay too oh no hold up let me out of here oh oh oh oh we uh became invisible for a second because of the poison that is honest similar to what happens when got a bunch of hand on us okay but now again capture one of these guys here because I think there's one nice power moon or so to get over here you want to go up here I believe if I remember correctly I think it's just right here right yeah right there give me that Powerman please thank you very much nut in the red maze okay so that's all we want here let's pop out of there say goodbye to that guy oh no now we have to go through the maze oh no can we make it out of the maze I accidentally fell there I think we might be able to make it back up like this yeah okay we can do that okay that's nice drop down here come on over here I would like to just run to over there I don't know if we can survive this but we have an amazing wall jump so you're able to survive that despite the mistake and it's good that uh oh my goodness how in the world did I land on this guy over here okay but that's nice do we get this power moon now these mountains are so nice guys I was actually in British Columbia recently for the first time ever okay the date that's showing up over here is wrong because right now it is the summer of 2023. I was just in Vancouver and Whistler and oh my goodness it is absolutely beautiful the mountains are unreal I've always wanted to go to mountains guys should I make real life videos some people have been asking and encouraging me in the comments to make real life videos going to mountains was just absolutely phenomenal I have some ideas for real life videos that I'd like to make and a lot of people seem to have some uh interest in that even though this channel is just gaming but it's nice to hear from you guys that you would be interested in that too if you'd be interested in seeing real life videos let me know in a comments let me know what you would like to see I'm curious what people will say maybe we can do videos with my sister too okay so let's step on this p-switch now and let's be careful to not die because we are quite fast so we can probably go very fast and fall off very easily let's see where we going let's come on up here and can I make it up there yes I can oh my goodness I can't believe we actually reached that and now where do we want to go I guess we want to go down this way can I just jump down to there I hope I can reach that I think we should be able to reach that right where it is so sad that was so sad so sad but you just have to be careful to not be too fast hey but we should be able to make it to there no problem right oh man we both believe me wait wait we're not in yet I could have still ran off I could have still run up okay now I gotta go up this Tower here this Tower reminds me slightly slightly very very slightly uh womp's Fortress so what it also reminds you of oh my goodness it also reminds me of is the power like this in Donkey Kong 64 actually okay so let's see where we want to go where do we want to go oh yes this is where the nut is right right right right there's a nut with a power moon right here perfect and hold on after this how many more do we need because we are going to get a multi-moon for defeating the bus oh so we only need one Powerman other than that okay so let's go like this I messed up I wanted to press the jump button what in the world happened to my jump button there well I guess we have to go around we have to take the long way around now that's all right now we just come up here a little bit slower that could have been done much more efficiently wait I need the guy though this is how am I gonna get up there oh no oh no that is not good unless I can somehow get up that high note but there's no way that we could reach that high our jump is not that good okay where's the guy that we use the guy that we use is over here I will capture you go and now we can stretch up here and we can actually get this Caribou now that we brought this guy up here okay so that's enough of this guys so let's pop out of him and let's run along here you go so quickly even your starting speed when you first start running is really fast it's not like you go super slow and you accelerate up to a high speed I also edited your minimum speed okay so how tough is this bus going to be okay I was gonna say it shouldn't be too bad but maybe it will be okay so let's see come here come here I'm gonna jump on you come come there we go this is fine now just knock your hat off jump on him okay very good now we just got to do this one more time come here this way please come I miss him and I need a heart I guess stay back stay back I was gonna say come but now I'm saying stay back stay back stay back if I go for that hard over there maybe I should go for that heart over there okay we gotta grab full health okay now you just go to the center go to the center I'll knock your hat off and jump on your head let's go go now jump on his head there we go he is defeated okay not the most efficient way to defeat the boss I have defeated this boss more quickly as regular Mario but they're going to be done with this Kingdom so that we can head out of this Kingdom because that is all of the Power moons that we need we have enough power moves for this Kingdom so we can go to the next Kingdom now all right so let's get out of this Kingdom let's put our power moons into the Odyssey oh and it's so cool that they are blue Power moons over here that the power moons are blue and Sonic is also blue kind of reminds you of my video where I gave every character custom colored green stars in Super Mario 3D World that was a fun video I should make some more mods like that it's always fun to make mods of games Cappy says we now have enough power to make our way to the Metro Kingdom but for some reason I don't think that that is going to be happening I don't think we're going to make it straight to the Metro Kingdom and while we are waiting in here to make it to the next Kingdom as we're flying over we come over to the window now and look at this we look outside and we can see Bowser's ship up ahead so maybe we'll actually be able to stop Bowser in his tracks and complete the game right now I remember the first time that I ever played this game I actually thought that this might have been the end of the game I was thinking the pixelate every Kingdom since this point would be the end of the game oh yeah that's right it's actually not going to be Bowser it's gonna be Dr Eggman I actually forgot about that let's see where's Dr Eggman come here my eggy friend there he is there he goes his limbs are so funny and I love how his head floats around his body and here's Sonic on the Odyssey with Cappy but this is going to be a fun Kingdom over here and you know what I think these boss fights might actually be kind of easy let's go okay nice nice yeah I think that this might actually be an easy bus like oh man this looks so cool with Dr Eggman and Sonic over here oh and he's got the ring also because I guess we didn't uh get that ring ourselves oh he looks kind of big doesn't he that's like a big Dr Eggman there Jim Carrey did a fantastic job playing Dr Eggman in the Sonic movie Sonic I don't have time for you I'm busy planning my wedding don't you know how stressful that is Dr Eggman is getting married to Peach what kind of world are we living in today oh and another change that we could have made we could have replaced Princess Peach with Amy Rose that could have been cool oh my goodness it looks like he's about to karate chop me oh but he's got a giant hat okay but since we are super fast I think that this boss fight might actually get easier that's so funny how his head is floating up there it's like he's floating or sorry his head is floating and then his cap also seems to be fully okay wait let's grab that path over here come here Bowser where are you going oh you're going over here okay that's fine I'm gonna get you let's go oh man we're so fast so we can get to him quite quickly okay that was quite easy to do where's his head I thought that we knocked his head clean up that's fine that's fine wait are you gonna breathe fire now wait I don't think that he actually breathe spider now let's see let's just go in here if I go right up like that oh no it went back to him and I ran into that purple cap what am I doing I'm so fast that it's difficult to control let's go like this there we go give me give me nope I'm digging it and go oh no we didn't get him I was hoping we'd be able to just get him like that oh oh this isn't good this isn't good but we're so fast we can basically run up him like this or am I gonna punch him wait what in the world oh he went black all the way over there since I was punching him from this side tape where are you going my friend are you going what if I killed him like this I'm here hit it right away okay at least I could run away from them that's nice okay but where are you going bro go oh something that I'd be able to get him right away where are you running to Bro over here over here this is very much like this then let's go oh I got a Dodge is that all okay it looks like that's up and there we go Dr Eggman has been defeated well defeated for now oh and look at how his head is sunken into his body like that basically up to the point of his nose that's so funny okay now his head comes out he's like a turtle in a way wait because Bowser's the king of Koopas and Koopas are turtles oh where did your head go Dr Eggman he's Roar very loudly for someone whose head goes into their body like that okay and cannonballs are being shot at Sonic here and this almost see in an accident he's a bunch of giant robots Dr Eggman makes a lot of robot bosses and Princess Peach is coming out after us all right Dr egg man you know what we're gonna stop you we couldn't defeat you this time but maybe next time we'll get you and we are now at the lost kingdom which is a fantastic Kingdom this is a super fun one to speedrun okay so Sonic has to get up like that because yeah Odyssey just crashed and we're gonna have to repair the Odyssey ah where are we now oh no The Oddities all busted up yeah that's right we're gonna need some power moons to fix it up let's get going okay so let's see we don't want to accidentally go too far there's a cool jump that you could do up here but it might be a bit difficult please do since we're a bit hard to control right now so let's see can I do a double jump [Applause] go and we might be able to reach oh man that's actually so much easier than doing it with Mario doing it with this fast Sonic makes it a little bit easier okay we should be able to get this power moon right here if I could ground pound close enough there we go we've got it got a nice yellow power moon on the Mountain Road and then we can get up here also and wait hold on there's this one right here that we want let's just get that don't copy go there we are okay now just go brother oh oh I guess I'm alive I thought that I would die actually what do I do now oh there's a power moon right there I guess we could go and get that one oh yeah let's go for that not one of the ones that I was planning on getting but sure I guess we could get that but I teleport back to the Odyssey now because how in the world are we gonna get that one that's way up there I guess so I wonder if that butterfly is going to still be defeated or if we are going to have to defeat that butterfly again let's see now the butterfly is back okay so let's just be careful do not accidentally run up when we hit it hey don't run up don't run off Sonic just get the power there we go okay that is fine you actually have to be careful because otherwise you lose control when you're too quick and you know what normally you want to hit this switch to make these things spawn but I wonder if we could get up without it can we get up high enough it looks like we actually can make our way up without it but that will take way too long to do it'll just go like this just to do it the intended way because Sonic's wall jump is a bit stronger oh no oh no oh no oh no can I still make it up I missed one okay we can still make it up that's fine okay very nice get that checkpoint now let's come on up here grab that power moon right there that is a nice one to get very lovely and we only need a few more power moons we've already got a few okay so we got the one from over there let's drop down to going right here that's perfect that we got that atop a propeller pillar and there's going to be another one right here that you could get for ground pounding this let's grab that one oh and we can also take care of that bird because that bird does try to take your Cappy but you know what even if our Cappy's taken away not the end of the world let's just have this klepto Bird come down over there I think that this might be the same klepto as in Super Mario 64 because they are both called klepto that's nice that that bird is defeated now head on over there where is it okay so at least we respond from up here from up here we should even be able to jump down to it okay we jump down onto that that's not what I was expecting to do but yeah when you have a high speed like that when you can move so quickly uh the way that you can play is interesting hold on this bird is back I guess this bird comes back if you die let's just take care of him let's go like that there we go now you're going get out of here okay now I can grab this one maybe we can come here round pound on that so that we could get the power Moon that is in here now after this I believe we need two more so we could get oh yeah we only need two more oh yeah that's right because there's a different one that we got that I wasn't planning on getting okay come here okay let me make you do that one more time please thank you very much now please explode this one and there we are very nice we got this one and we only need one more so we could just get this one right down here hope I'm very nice and now we can just teleport back to the Odyssey and we can already go to the next Kingdom that's unbelievable how quick that was it was a nice and quick Kingdom now we have enough power moons to restore the Odyssey and finally head to the Metro Kingdom and here we are it is raining in the Metro Kingdom all kinds of posters of Bowser's wedding with peach coming up and here's Sonic in the rain coming out of the Odyssey Guys these Graphics look absolutely amazing it is so cool to just see Sonic in front of the Odyssey here in the reigning Metro Kingdom this just looks so good to me these Graphics look unreal all right I just took a little break now let's get going I actually forgot how quick we were over here and you know what instead of doing something crazy to jump down let's just try going like this and we can just make it to the ledge that is so cool and we could probably run out a lot more quickly then we can use that motorcycle you know what we just want to make our way up here right okay let's see how do we make it up here normally go like this and let me up there we go very nice that we made it up there okay that was not bad at all now can I get up here oh I could actually almost get up there okay so let's see is there a nice way that we can get to there you know let's just go like this and nice okay we made it in here now just let me up here please and give me that heartburn okay amazing that we got that power Moon girders sandwich very nice now let's just come on up here oh man the way that we're moving around is so easy it's a bit easier to move around when your stats are adjusted like this I mean Sonic much faster and I made his wall jump stronger it was nice that we could move around like this can I just get that power moon right there let's get it where are you bro we got are we falling now are we falling now let me go there oh with the world how in the world do I get back up now oh no oh no these guys are coming to me I'm gonna hide back here huh you can't get me back here oh we just gotta come here now let's just take this right on back up those Goombas with the construction hats look so cool with the hard hats okay let's come over here and get in here this section might actually be difficult when we are quicker than normal this section I remember being incredibly tough in Super Mario Odyssey but Shadow clones are chasing you that was way too hard that was actually one of the hardest things I've ever done in this game oh no oh no oh no I want to stay away from these guys stay back stay back okay good now come on to this one where are you okay looks like we're coming back here let's get up come over here let's go let me there okay that's all right come here and now get onto this one stay back stay back upstairs stay back stay back monster stay back creatures stay back stay back stay back stay back let's go okay I have one HP only a bit scary but I want to climb up here where do I want to go I want to go over there don't I hopefully we can survive this okay nice nice make your way up make your way up okay now I want to make it onto that one okay climb on up now come here now I can just go like this right that'll be fine if I can get this Powerman here don't kill me don't kill me bro don't kill me bro don't kill me bro don't kill me bro yeah all right and we got the power boots so the power Moon heals us also and I think from here whoops you should also be able to just run and jump to there right where's the wall that we want to land on oh my goodness I jumped back to the beginning can you believe it for the very very beginning instead of the exit just for the very beginning go stay back okay at least those Goombas are finally defeated now that's nice now then are there gonna be more Goombas over here causing trouble evacy little troublemakers your little munchkins your little munchkin Goombas okay there we go took care of that little munchkins here and hold on it's saying that we want to go here okay let's go like this then get the thing okay good good good we grab the pole that's nice climb on up you know what this time we're going to continue across this way no no no no it's so hard to control you sometimes Sonic what if I just come up if we do this this is where we were last time right go here come on up grab that okay that's all right other here come here grab the pole climb on up but I just want to make it out of this room let's make it out of this room let's go let's go let's go there's somewhere that we've got to go right right you guys are a little troublemaker so I'm gonna run past all you look out look out my brows and just let me out of here there we go now we're almost at the boss I think that we just have to ride up to the bus now right just from here I think that might be right let's see yeah here we are this should be the bus up here it'll be very nice let's go I'm ready to battle you look at that Mecca wiggler sucking out all the energy from that Tower okay let's see what we can do okay we wanna shoot you basically everywhere and come on come on come on come on there you go we got we got it okay now let's damage it and there we go those were some nice hits it's nice that we were able to do that okay now let's just hide in the corner over here so that hopefully the paths that it takes are too long okay that isn't really the corner that's okay where are you going next how did you hurt me how did you hurt me I will shoot you now even though that does nothing that's okay you just go through there I guess don't stand too close to the wall because you can get hurt you know you're going to come out again okay that's fine that's fine come on out where are you going where are you going my little wormy wormy friend you're coming here you're coming here I'm prepared to battle I'm prepared to battle I shall attack you in a moment okay we'll leave on HP are you defeated are you defeated what else do I have to hit what else do I have to hit up there so I didn't get the head did that count does that count yes yes it is please tell me yes we had a quick Victory against the boss thank goodness oh boy I actually haven't done that in a while but that's very nice that we were able to do that ah that was so nice and quick how we were able to defeat that might have been the fastest that I've ever defeated that boss actually but now we get this multi-moon I really hope that my game doesn't crash here and I have to redo this boss because after some of these boss fights by game sometimes crashes when we collect the multi-moon or the power Moon then I have to redo it but it looks like we are okay hopefully we are okay come on because okay it's been a white screen for a while I was a little scared over there but there we are it's Sonic in the Metro Kingdom wait okay thank goodness yeah it's now daytime in the Metro Kingdom all right let's go and collect some power moons so there's one to collect right in here we just gotta drop in here collect that power Moon very nice secret girder tunnel a nice one to collect right at the start like that wait a minute do I really have that many power moons I don't remember collecting this many power moves here we got a few but that seems like we really have a lot of power moons doesn't it okay so it's so nice that we could just run over to that like that okay now this one will take a little bit of time to do wait is this normally here the world is this under construction because that's normally where the Mario letters are but I guess that's under construction right now okay let's see if we can do this how does this work do we know how to control the car like that now back up this way yeah all right I'm so glad that that worked okay that was perfect all right look at how good my driving is that's fantastic let's get out of here and we want to hear because there are one or two power moons that we should be able to get up here you can go here and go ground pound in this garbage here ground pounds right there and that pile of garbage there's a nice power moon for us luckily who piled garbage on this we already have almost half of all the power moons that we need now we should be able to flick ourselves over straight to that bench right there oh I was hoping that we'd land right on the bench because that's the most efficient way to do it but we landed on the guy and said turn up from around here are you no I'm Sonic you're the first person to ever just sit down next to me I'm not really a person lonely City thanks for reaching out take this for your trouble thank you there we go we got a power Moon bench friends instead of best friends thanks pal yeah not a problem bro let's go in here we can get the power Moon here it's also so cool how we could run through this city so quickly okay 10 coins let's play Let's Play Let's try and win the power Moon let's go I'm ready I'm ready I'm gonna get on the first ride ready after the heart go at least he didn't fail we didn't grab all of them all together but at least we didn't fail that's what's important okay so we got this power moon now we can get out of here it's 11 power moons we need 20. but we are making nice progress through the city let's see do we want to go here I vaguely remember that we want to go here we should be able to get a few power moons I think oh this is the one where we have to rush so let's just go like this and we are so fast we can make it through that crowd and get that power Moon very very very very very very very very quickly there's gonna be a lot of time still before that starts to disappear let's see where can we go next let's bounce up here and I just oh let's jump over like this and give me that power move okay there we go there's another nice power Moon High over the crowd and you know what let's go over to this pipe here and we'll go through this pipe view Sonic is so much faster than the people okay so there should be one or two nice power moons that we can get here we'll see how long they take because there are still a few power moons that we need it's just from straight to the end there that'd be so cool if we could just jump straight to the end there let's see [Music] I do all of my training all right sir well let's see how good our training oh yeah we'll be here and [Music] it's hanging from a high rise then there is also one up high somewhere that you want to get but you know what I'm happy with these let's teleport to the rooftop because there are a few nice ones up there let's see we want to go up higher so I guess oh wait but first there is that power moon right here there he is so funny that I just did a regular jump over to it normally you want to throw Cappy and then do a spinning long jump to it but we're able to just go like that it's okay that didn't work okay but that's all right we can go like this now you can come on up to here because that is where we wanted to go anyways because we have to get a pie here so that we could climb up this okay that's not how you grab it Sonic that's okay though try again Sonic at least try again come on up there we go now we could climb on up get up bro what are you doing hey there we go now we can climb on up get the power Moon wait it's not like just make a weird sound I'll have to listen to that again okay now we of course want to go over this way but that power dude right there that's so funny how he just flew right into it oh and I guess maybe this would have been a shortcut but we probably could have just jumped straight down to that rocket down there okay now what do we want to ground pound around here is that it no I missed it lately I've always been Landing right on it but oh okay we're off by a bit that way okay that's fine wait do we only need two more power moons now we've almost got all them okay so you know where we can get two more power moons there are two nice power moons that we could get okay so let's go like this come here Pauline because mayor Pauline will say hey I need some musicians now when we talk to a musician we're gonna ignore that drummer there you know what instead of taking that path let's do a cooler path since we are Sonic and we are cool and we can jump high and we could run fast run up these stairs here and let's get up here and I think that maybe we could just oh actually maybe we won't be able to make it nope almost make it though but our wall jump doesn't take us higher we're going lower and lower instead of going higher and higher I think we're gonna die now goodbye Sunny oh cool we actually respond up here I actually did want to respond up here I don't know if this would make the jump easier or more difficult let's see let's try our best run jump can we reach we might be able to make it we [Music] that is pretty cool okay so we can get a power moon right here from this and we can talk to that musician and he'll give us a final power Moon and then we can just teleport to the Odyssey after that because this guy after we talked to him and after wait said why the serious face pal I'm Sonic that's why okay now we can just teleport back to the Odyssey and we can head on over to the next Kingdom oh it's such a cool Kingdom the Metro Kingdom has to be the favorite Kingdom of a lot of people guys let me know in a comment what your favorite kingdom is I'm curious I'm not just common for me I actually want to know what answers people will give hey let's see where we are going next do we have two options oh yes we do have two options okay so is it uh snow and seaside okay let's go to snow first so here this snow Kingdom there's a big snowstorm here it's a very fitting name for the kingdom oh and you know what I wonder okay Sonic is a bit invisible in this Kingdom because of all the snow that is on him but hold on hold on there's a jump up to somewhere back there yeah can we make it to there I don't know if we can make it two there nope there's no way that we can make it to there okay that's fine that's fine let's just slide down here let's make our way out of the cold water because we don't want Sonic to freeze Sonic is so cold that his body just disappeared even hey now hold on where's the toad there's a toad somewhere around here oh is this where the toad is yeah we could find the toad so quickly because we could move so quickly okay so yes give us the power Moon Please Mr Captain Toad thank you very much Captain Toad is chilly yep so that's one power Moon collected okay so let's get going to over there because I guess this is where we're going to have to go now let's just get to that and let's jump down here and the music that plays in this place is pretty cool also got some cool music playing here now we want to make it up here this would be a nice place to go get that power Moon that is nice entrance to shaveria oh and we can also buy a power Moon here come on first can we get up here like this let's see let me up here perfect now let me get that power Moon very nice that's a nice and easy way to get that one that is absolutely lovely wait wait wait but before we continue back down let's just go this way while we are here okay I've never done this with the camera facing this way before this is so strange whoa okay now we've got snow on us hold on where's this shiny spot there's this shiny spot it's weird it's almost like we're so fast that the camera can't keep up with us or something because I haven't seen those camera angles before that was quite strange okay so now you can head in here to the shop let me into the shop please I'd like to go into the shop please now that we are in the shop okay we're so fast so we basically ran right up them I really want these Fabrics so quickly that I'm even standing on this table here oh and it's funny that they say welcome mustache friend even though Sonic doesn't have a mustache does he yeah it doesn't look like Sonic has a mustache but that's kind of funny that they say to him welcome mustache friend okay so now we can start to get some of these power moons over here so let's see what this one is is this the poison floor area yes it is okay let's see bye Ethan no I'm dead alone in such a strange way there I've never been blown like that before that was some of the strangest glowing I had ever experienced okay now where we want to go is up here of course so that we can ground pound on that we get this power Moon which will be very lovely and then we just want to head over there and defeat those findings it'd be nice to defeat them okay nice nice nice nice and very nice so glad that we got this guy okay now let's just blow off these spinies ah spiny gonna push you all off here now we can get that power band there that'd be awfully lovely wouldn't it we could just go and get that power Moon there all right there we are now after this we only need three more okay so let's just go down this pipe and should I go top left bottom right let's see because we only need three more so let's see where we are going to go let's go in here is this the up high one where there's the boss yeah it is so you know what I don't really care too much for this one let's go to the other rooms let's let's go to this room [Music] and yes over here you'll be able to get these quite quickly there we go it's a piece of a power moon give me that please see that please okay where's the other one one is right there now where's the final one where's the final piece oh it's just right over here perfect okay so we should be able to get the power Moon that's going to be up at the top and also get the treasure chest that is up there because that is where the next power Moon that we need is going to be and then after that we only need one more please boost me up I don't know if I even need your Boost but I will take your Boost it boosts me up please thank you you boost me up you know I'll come over this way first actually I love how quickly you could go sideways like that it's quite funky now climb on up hit this one please thank you very much and after this we only need well after this we need two more we just have to get this one that is here please don't miss thank you Sonic okay and after this we only need one more power Moon okay so now we could go this bottom right one over here now what is this going to be oh yes yes I know where a week ago I just go straight to that let's see go and oh yeah that's so funny we could just go straight to that that was a great power move to get okay so now let's just teleport back to the Odyssey and let's go to the seaside Kingdom that was a nice and quick Kingdom oh oh and that's right Sonic's basically invisible because when he gets snow on him there isn't a model for Sonic having snow on him so he kind of turns invisible like that so next up is the seaside Kingdom and it's so cool how we basically go around the whole world like this exploring all kinds of different areas oh and Sonic's still basically invisible there here we are the seaside Kingdom quite the contrast to the previous Kingdom which was the snow Kingdom now it is time for us don't collect some armies let's just make it into that it's a bit hard to aim you know over here was the power move whoops that's not where I wanted to go I wanted to go around here is that right nope not here oh there it is okay it looks like that was the right spot roughly we just have to move over a bit and we're kind of invisible because we have some sand on us right now okay so now let's just oh oh and we should be able to make it up here let's see if we could do this whoa give me up there and give me that let me have the power build where is that that's okay we'll just try again and we'll get it this time right where are you where are you power Moon depth wise where in the world are you bro give me that where are you where in the world is this power there we go I saw my own shadow on it well I guess not my own shadow it was Sonic's Shadow on it so I thought okay we can't miss it this time let's come on down now let's see oh don't run up don't be too quick Sonic don't be too eager over here you want to head up this way it's nice and now if we could just make it up there that'd be lovely but I'm not sure if we can get up like this powerful one all jump and if this was Super Mario Odyssey with blood then we could just float over to there but this is not Super Mario Odyssey with blood this is Super Mario Odyssey with Sonic so you have to act politely oh yeah differently here you know what let's take this rocket because there might be one or two nice power moves that we could get here wait no we can't jump to there right we can't make it that far I don't think we can make it that far no there's no way that we can make it that far yeah we can barely even make it to here I am lucky that there was ground there because I'm not sure where the ground is because I actually haven't taken the ground in a while okay so we want to go over there don't hurt me my Bros oh no I'm coming back I'm coming back no I'm not I'm dead let's go okay let's try this again let's just be careful with where we can and can't go can we go down there I'm hoping that we can it looks like there's a little bit of ground over here but where we want to go is in here because there's a treasure chest with a nice power moon for us now we actually have to make it out of here it's so weird when you actually whoa no I'm dead again yeah it is so weird when you actually have to wait can I land here thank goodness I can land there I almost died again okay but it is very nice to just go somewhere I can line here I think okay let's go like this then hey that is fine give me the power Moon please thank you very much now we can make it out of here I don't think those were the most efficient power moons and I don't think that we got them in the most efficient way but let's get out of here so a nice one to get could also be this one right here I don't think this one should be very difficult and hold on normally this rocket flower is supposed to boost you so that you go quicker than normal but I think it actually makes this go more slowly than normal since right now Sonic goes very very quickly anyways that's nice that we got that one now let's see where we can go next let's go over here because I think there are one or two or so power moons that we could get over here can I buy a power Moon from you please hello there and I would like to buy a power Moon please can I buy a power Moon please welcome my friend yes I'd like to buy this power Moon please thank you very much I'll take that don't crash okay good okay let's go and get some other power moons oh it's so nice how we could run so quickly but it's funny that when you start swimming all of a sudden you're so slow but when you do jumps like this I guess you do move kind of quickly Also let's just watch out for these watch out for these watch out for those now where can we go and get some more power moves I guess we have to go down into the water because there are probably some power moons that we could get around here let's see any cheaps around I'd like to catch a cheap cheap please there's a cheap cheap right here get the cheap cake there we are we are now the cheap cheap let's go and can we can we come here wait I've got a shake the controller shake your controller what do you think here okay not seeing anything here let's go like where's this spot is this what we need nope nothing here wait this door he doesn't just have the power Moon does it there is a power Moon just under its belly okay that's nice okay let's just take that then that's a nice one for us Mercy Dory and over here because there's a treasure search for us with the power Moon let's just get that one now we only need one more glass Palace Treasure Chest let's go let's go go go go go go go well you know what maybe I could go this way because maybe there's actually something over here is there anything this way let's see okay purple coins there I bumped into them okay there's a shiny spot here this isn't gonna be a power moon is it no I don't think this no those guys just come out that's okay wait could this be the one that's a shiny spot this isn't gonna be the power moon is it is it yes it is okay that's perfect now we can just get out of here under a dangerous ceiling yeah that ceiling does look a bit dangerous all those seaweed creatures there but you can just go back to the Oddity now because we're done with this Kingdom another kingdom complete but now we can put these 10 power moons in here and we're almost done the game we're getting close to finishing the game can you guys believe it there's lunch in Kingdom then I believe it's ruined Bowser and Moon unless there's something else that I'm forgetting but I think that might be it all right so let's go to the luncheon Kingdom that is what is next and this one that's coming up is a pretty long Kingdom there are quite a few pair moons that you have to get but we might be able to make it through it kind of quickly ah and there's also a lot of lava floor there here we are the luncheon King that pink gooey stuff is lava you get burned if you land on that all right let's go collect some power moons in Kingdom now that we're here I'm so glad we didn't bunked her I thought we might bunk it okay I am a bit fast over here make sure that we can control ourselves here come on up and just do a dive into it there we go what a lovely power Moon that we got our first Power Moon function Kingdom I'm your challenge on flower first Power moon in this this Kingdom I should say is Kathy coming back there's Cappy in the way that you normally get up here is you can do a nice do a nice triple jump from here but instead we can go like that to get up easily oh wait why'd I do a long jump I actually forgot that long jump slowest down compared to how quickly we're normally running okay so let's see where else can we get a power Moon I think there's gonna be one in here that's a lovely place to go and grab a power moon and the way that we're moving around is really cool too we can move nice and quickly okay let's just get on up here and I guess now we'll have a battle against this brutal oh and it's skewered again right yeah that's right okay where is your head okay that's all right that's fine let's just stay calm everybody that's fine this is all right let's just jump there there we go very nice this is going great now just throw copy now just jump on his head there we go see hope things go so well when you just stay calm now let's just go like that jump on him and there we go not a problem let's just throw Cappy gear jump on his head now jump on his head just it's fine it's fine all right there we go I was ready to scream if he damaged us again but there we go Spirit has been defeated goodbye spirit and we can of course now collect level spawn we can continue through the level and get more power moves oh hold on where's that power Moon there's a power Moon around here somewhere that we want don't run off wait wait actually I think we want to go down here because there's the one in here I almost forgot about this actually all we have to do is just run around the corner like this and grab that and then we can just run back corner of the magma swamp magma swamp sounds like a very dangerous biome doesn't it could you imagine being in a magma swamp regular swamp is dangerous enough but oh boy a magma swamp that is so cool that we made that jump up there though let's just run on upstairs hold on where's the shiny spot there's a shiny Spot somewhere around here isn't there is it here or is it one of the earlier ones now I guess these don't have the shiny spots okay so it's just we want to go up here and this one there's another pillar like that that we do on a grandpa but that is somewhere else I believe if I'm not missing okay overlooking a bunch of ingredients now just come down here we haven't been into this house yet so let's do this okay let's play the game I'm ready to play the game 10 coins to play let's do it let's do it I'm ready let's go slots away okay let's go let's go let's go after Hearts go oh boy we barely gotta go oh man we still got it I thought both times that I would mess up but both times they did get it that is absolutely amazing okay now let's just run out of here so what is next I guess there's a spot up here that we can head up to and then we can bro Cappy here break that and now we can just collect this power Moon because that gives us a lovely power Moon so let's just compare there we are very nice that we got that is this an ingredient too in a way it is now where's the shiny one that we want to land on oh it's right there let's just jump over to this one and right there we could get ourselves a power Moon wait that's so weird the bird is in the O of the word Moon there that was such a funny placement of the camera isn't it and now we want the center one I believe yet let's get the center one and throw that in there and now we'll be able to get the power balloon that is right here or is it on the other side of the center oh it's over there okay so we're off by a little bit but there we go that's 10 power moons collected Now isn't it yes and power moons have been collected so it looks like we need approximately eight more [Music] so let's see can I jump over to there from here I don't think so actually so maybe we should try and get up here oh wait could I buy a power Moon here I don't really have a lot of money so maybe that won't be a good idea actually no I fell you know what that's it I'm going here now that's it you guys are forcing me to do this there we go don't hit me with your frying pan break this here okay let's pop on out where are you there we go now we can throw that now that's going to break open for us now we can just run over there and collect that power Moon can't we right like whoa look at this go already and there we go we've got this pair of moon and that's Splendid we're making some progress here okay so now this is all coming up here you know what you know what parts of the level coming up from under the goop over here this actually reminds me so much of Bowser's fury because in Bowser's Fury there are a bunch of levels that come up out of the lake okay let's come here so we can light that up thank goodness we got it okay and let's drop down I don't want to climb up into the fire by accident but at least we are healed let's be careful oh that was weird this spiny's face was in the O of you got a moon what's going on with all this lucky placement that we have okay let's come here because there's a power Moon that we need around here somewhere where is it it's right oh boy don't die Sonic all right thank goodness we didn't fall in there okay that's amazing okay so let's grab this one there's another nice power moon for us surrounded by tall mountains okay so it looks like we need about how many more five more so we could get two more and then after that we could just get the multi-moon so let's try for that so let's see what way we can go let's go over here it's so nice that you just easily jump back like this okay and I almost fell off there which would have been quite bad actually oh yeah well jump against that corner I guess but you can hear which is fine okay that's fine so we'll get that one in a moment first there are two more power moons that we need so you know what baby can we go get something nice around here is there just a power Moon up high here or is there uh you know what that we have to bring over they're a turnip that we have to bring over from here let's see get me up here but that's nice that we got that Goomba there okay I think normally this I don't know if this normally would be possible but we could just jump up nicely like that there's also a gold turnip should I bring over that gold turnip or should I go that way and get that power Moon over there oh you know what there should actually be a relatively easy one around here I just gotta get a lava bubbles where can I get a lava bubble around here I need a lovable give me a lava bubble give me a level bubble come here go get it okay nice we got it we got it we got it now can I get out here or wait is there a spot that we could ground pound on up there is that only a post game well anyways let's just go get this one because this will be a fine one to get this one right over here and let's just get all these music notes very nice come on now come on come on sunny I missed one go get it I missed two but we got him even though I got burnt well hold on hold on we didn't get the moon yet wait wait and go yes we've got it okay that's actually amazing okay so now we should just be able to get the multi-moon I'll get this checkpoint flag just in case we need it I don't think we will need it let's teleport up to meet plateau and then we should be able to get the multi-moon easily and then we'll be able to get out of this Kingdom okay this is a white screen for a long time but there we go now we are where we need to be just come on up here Press B to use which a lot I don't mean twitch like the live streaming service that is now owned by Amazon I mean we are a twitching slap of meat and that's what the bird wants so the bird is going to come down and grab us and go bring us into the soup okay and now we are here so now we should just oh nice so we could just do a dive very easily into that power boom so there we go that is absolutely perfect so now it is just ruined Kingdom then Bowser Kingdom then Moon Kingdom so we're almost done which is fantastic okay so Cappy's now gonna say hey we can go to the Bowser Kingdom but there's a big Wing over there so we are going to the ruined Kingdom first we're gonna be attacked on the way or do we run into that oh no I think we actually do get attacked uh we're getting attacked again what are we shaking why and we come out and look what oh yeah and it's not gonna be Bowser it's gonna be Dr Eggman I actually forgot about that yeah so there's Dr Eggman on top of this big dragon over here where in the world did Dr Eggman get a dragon like that does that mean that the dragon is mechanical and not a real dragon is Dr Eggman he often uses a lot of giant robots and whatnot looks you survive this plumber boy why are you calling Sonic plumber boy Sonic isn't a plumber boy and let's see what happens when Sonic gets attacked oh my goodness we are getting zap and and down dragon has a big smile hey wouldn't you know it the Odyssey is broken again yeah how many times is that going to happen I've never been to dark side or darker side yet so I don't know and there soon I should get to that I should get there in my main playthrough it's funny that I've now played so many mods of this game oh and I think this boss fight is actually going to be incredibly easy since we are so fast that any of these electric rings that come towards us we can just easily very very easily outrun them actually okay so we could just run over here where are you guys going hey go boy that was actually a little bit scary okay let's be careful here where are we going it looks like you do want to make a few jumps over here and let me up here please don't bump okay grab that grab that is that now just round pound there we go what a lovely ground pound that first when I was first doing this bus I thought you had to get a lot closer for the ground pound but it looks like you actually don't have to get too close which is nice let's just stay back here I don't know if you can reach me aha nice try rings get some more electric Rings here I can just outrun them it's so easy to outrun them when you can move so quickly like this when you're Sonic and now we are going to want to get close in a moment let's go okay there we go that's all those ground pound perfect that's what we like to see there's just one more hit like that and then the dragon will be defeated hopefully we can do all right hey you're attacking over there that's fine I'll just stand right here and oh oh lots of those Rings how many rings are coming out is that more than usual I didn't think that those attacks normally worked like that what in the world is going on now you're just falling over here that steamed a bit different from oh no oh no oh no no I want to get up here go let's go go get that one good let's go go and go now just round pound there we go and we had plenty of time to do that that's fantastic we did take a hit of damage unfortunately but other than that the boss was fantastic look at those teeth look at those big Chompers that this dragon has okay let's get that multi-moon now and hopefully my game doesn't crash [Music] Superstars or Sonic All-Stars that's coming out soon I'll have to check that out I do need to finish Sonic Origins and I've also heard amazing things about Sonic Mania I would like to play those I've got to play some more Sonic games I didn't even finish Sonic Frontiers alright so now that that boss has been defeated we can now go to the next Kingdom which is the Bowser Kingdom we're actually going to the Bowser Kingdom now can you believe it here we are we are now at the Bowser Kingdom and just like in my earlier video in Super Mario Odyssey the one that I was making a reference to or either okay please open door because I'm too fast for you goodbye Goombas I just like to run past you all income over here because we are very fast we are Sonic we're just running past everybody essentially okay let's go I wanted to whack you like this and get you quickly okay come on up come on up now hold on do I have to stick my nose in here somewhere I think I have to stick my nose in here oh no you don't some reason I was thinking that there's a slot to stick your nose into here but there isn't this one is just a power Moon just to collect just like that that was fine okay now let's come on up let's pop on out of that guy come on up this way go and bring me up now please thank you very much that was a nice power moon to get there and you know what let's go like this since I can move quickly I should be able to just collect all these right away shouldn't I whoa and okay we actually did get them surprisingly quickly I thought that'd be much more difficult and I thought that I would accidentally run into the Spide knees a lot more that was fine that we got that now let's just run along this way now we have to defeat this guy okay try and squish me I can just move and I can easily get up onto your head and ground pound you here that defeats you and that lets us have a power Moon here right am I gonna get the power Moon I'll put down my controller I'll put it down my controller's down and we were in the place of the power dude so we got to have it which is nice and now another door is opening for us and there are going to be some things that we have to do here I wonder wait wait is this where the power Moon is oh the power Moon isn't back here okay because there's one door that you've kind of pass through like that and shortly after that there's a uh you know what that you can get a power Moon that you can get you know hold on hold on because this is now a point where we are going to have to collect all of these we don't want to miss out on these go like this bring me along here thank you very much I'd like to come up here please please set me up all right I guess we're not coming up there then not today it's like not yesterday not tomorrow either let's go get this feeling over here that'd be lovely wouldn't it okay now let's explode that one there I want you I'll slow that one there stick my nose in here because that gives us a power Moon that's a lovely power Moon isn't it it's to get that power Moon eye thing okay poking the turret wall so this is number three as in power Moon Shard number three I believe okay so there are two more that we have to get there's one ear and hold on there's one that's kind of by uh fire wait it's not all the way back there is it it is all the way back there we didn't get this one here yet okay let's grab that okay nice and Cappy got it on the way back which is fantastic and it's nice that we are so fast because even though we had to run all the way over here because we forgot about this you can still just run up like this and get back where we have to go very quickly like that which is nice too bad that dive didn't get us right into the power Moon we still had to do a jump okay it actually seems like we are going through these kingdoms somewhat quickly now and hold on do we need this power Moon here let's see let me up here please very nice that we got that okay from the side above the castle gate now let's just jump down where's that there it is good thing we didn't die okay now let's get moving we want to go to hit wait if you shake the controller do you move more quickly seemed like we were moving very very quickly there actually because I shook the controller instead of moving the joystick it seemed like we moved very quickly when we did that okay but it should be a checkpoint flag right here and now they're gonna be two bosses to take up guys you remember when we faced this bus near the beginning of the game I like that okay now hold on which one are you going to be in you are in this one right no no no no I meant this one I missed it I missed it okay he's up there hop left no no he's right there he's right there he's this one this one right here I'm trying to get it there we go that's the one yes I knew that was the one let's go okay let's just keep knocking your hats off and come here come here you little wabbit you ask me Widow wabbit all right where are you going now I think he might be this one oh yes I was right yay oh no I've got to run oh now I can just run away quickly that's the super nice thing about um there we go okay this boss has been defeated that is absolutely fantastic but we have only two HP right now so that might be a little scary to take on the next boss hey what are these Bowser statues are defeated that's absolutely fantastic if you reach the next one without touching the ground oh yeah yeah there we go oh and we actually haven't faced this bus in our playthrough yet which is kind of funny okay so now let's move back a little bit go like that my game lag that was so silly okay purple like this and that should get you now I can jump on your head where's your head give me your head you little rabbit oh my goodness don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die don't die I have one HP I've only one HP this is very scary I could die quite easily I think okay where are you going here going there get it okay I am quite fast but I have to be able to control my Cappy that's the only problem and I have one HP that's another problem let's go like this that'll get you oh don't die oh don't die don't die don't die because that fire was right there okay that was a little scary okay now where are you going don't run into the bomb okay I'm so scared oh boy these are being dropped down everywhere okay just go like that oh no you're coming down already okay all right this might be bad might be bad you know what I'm just gonna send those away because I don't like being here I don't like being here I don't want to run into the fire I don't want to run into the fire hey Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready go back there we go okay now can I get your head you little rabbit give me your head you little rabbit there we go I was so worried because we had only one HP any little hit would have killed us but this boss has been defeated that means that is destroyed that means we get to have this power moon now and that is absolutely fantastic and Brilliant let me have that power moon right there now we can continue into Bowser's Castle I wonder how hard the final boss of this kingdom is going to be okay so it's nice that we are healed yeah we can just run up ahead have that checkpoint make our way up here of course I can't see where we're going I'm just going to avoid you guys let me up me up I'm really dying now aren't I yeah I'm gonna die oh man I had so many chances to make it back up so sad let's just go die now I'm so sad I'm so sad how far do you have to go to die well now we can do this again but this time without dying hopefully can come here um here now this time just go here whoa almost ran off and did the almost exact same thing again wait do I need use for anything oh I think I know what I need you for okay let's go like this you come here come come here come come you must crush this one up [Music] come here Mario we got to a crash it so that we can get the power of moon hey there we go we got that and I'm not planning on dying anymore so I'm not gonna get that check going to the left not that I was planning on dying earlier and there is still a chance that we are going to die here [Music] bro get out of my way okay okay this is five this is fine you're now A little birdie oh this actually reminds me so much of a super this game uh came out before that game did because you have some similar move says here and you know what wait wait oh that was so strange I was holding up but we weren't going up I'm not sure what was happening there what the what's going on okay that was really weird my game crashed here for some reason but now we can continue on up this way grab it grab it okay let me up here that's fine that's fine okay now we should be at the top at the top to be facing off fear against the final boss in this Kingdom soon okay I just gotta make sure to not accidentally run off of the actual level itself oh and that's right I keep forgetting that it is Dr Eggman instead of Bowser wow look how far we ran up there all right who we got here now instead of Bowser holding Princess Peach if Dr Eggman holding Peach there yeah and Peach is coming up for our help and here's Sonic suck just has that little smirk on his face Sonic stuff Dr Eggman right now you know what Bowser's ship is actually kind of fitting for Dr Eggman because he's been on all kinds of large mechanical devices and robots hasn't he oh they're having a wedding ceremony on the moon I've said before but guys what do you think is going to be the first person to get married on the moon because at some point there's definitely going to be somebody that gets married on the moon down Sun it goes looks like we couldn't stop Bowser this time off he goes wow but there's a different parts that we are facing off against we're facing off again it's called the mecca brutal right oh my goodness you know what this seems like the kind of boss that you would face off face off against in a Sonic game also Sonic faces off against so many big robot bosses doesn't he alright so let's take these guys on you know I'm not expecting this to be ah okay what I was going to say is I'm not expecting this what hurt me there even what even hurt me always I think you actually have to use the pokeo to return these bombs not the uh you know what not the happy I don't think you could actually use tappy okay let's go like this get this card now let's make our way over here and we should just be able to climb up this you know maybe we don't even need the pokeo to do this but let me up let me up please okay but let me out please I'm gonna Grump out on this thank you very much I'd like to stand on here please uh-oh can I come back please where is that no send me back oh no I didn't make it back there so Sam okay well maybe we can uh get something from here let's hit this maybe we'll get a heart give me a heart hooray we got a heart and let's craft through this guy over here and now let's just get ready to send these bombs back at you spit out of bombs bomb you bomb spinner there we go now give me the next one let's go like that and no wait it worked it worked I didn't think that it would work but it looked like it did work okay that's fantastic okay now let's just Get on Up Get on Up all right let me out of here grab down there and let me back on to this there we go great place to stand now let me back on oh no oh I almost made it back up that is so sand some sand really so sad very very sad so sad and we can't jump high enough to make it onto that thing that is so so scared so sad come here are you gonna run here are you gonna run here because I can run much faster I could get out of the way very easily you know look at how fast I am I can run circles around here and those exploding things won't even get me because I am so quick that is how quick I am I am so quick of the exploding things will not reach me are you gonna give me one of those little cheap cheap things I guess they're not cheap cheaps what are these called Tokyo's that's what they're called let's see let's get out some more of those oh no now you're spitting up the firecrackers oh no they just don't see it I'm seeing very very sad so sad and we're so much slower when we are in this thing compared to when we are just Sonic yes give me that and jump yes yes well over now okay you didn't completely fall over okay go shaking controller go Shaker controller hey now hold on after this there's one more I think let's see playing here let's just wait wait wait wait hey let's go yes we made it on we made it on we made it on where's the final one okay hopefully oh I was gonna say hopefully we don't mess this up but we'd get oh that is so sad so so very very sad so sad can we capture a pokeo any poke us to catch there's a Tokyo right there comes to me come to me can I send any more bombs back at you no because you're spitting up fire crackers now that is so yeah I'm so sad such a long ball Spike that is really so so sad I'm sad so very very sad some sad everyone please come in so see it because that is so sad so and yes yes okay at least that one whoa that was weird how it kind of got pushed out of the way a little bit because it was close to the barrier I guess oh let me up here let me up here let me just grab on this final guy let me just get him let me just get him let me just take him out there we go now you're defeated right there we go finally it explodes and we have defeated this boss okay are you gonna explode there we go now you are exploding that is nice brutal's blasting off again [Music] it's blasting up again from and we've got some cool fireworks and more importantly we get the power moon now I really hope that my game doesn't crash so that I have to do this boss fight all over again that would be rather unfortunate wouldn't it but now it's time for us to go to the Moon Kingdom because now the Odyssey will be fully restored you will have that big what would you even call that like the hot air balloon portion of the Odyssey that will now be complete and will now be able to head there off to the Moon Kingdom we go okay so we are now on the moon with some we going to wait a minute it's the speed value for Sonic different on the moon it must be because over here it definitely doesn't seem like we are running as quickly in fact it seems like we are running much more slowly than usual we do have the moon gravity since we are on the moon yeah it doesn't seem like we are going much faster if any faster than usual right now huh so maybe if I update this again I will have to change that okay but for now grab this right here that's Frontier jump across make it to here and you know what why not grab checkpoint flag right here and let's go to these things we are going to do the Sphinx shortcut because last time here goes this took me a few attempts sometimes you can get it very quickly sometimes it takes a few attempts but let's see how we can do it okay so you want to jump up to here whoop whoop okay get to here now let's see if we can do this how does this work again I think you want to face this way like this oh no I didn't get it I didn't get okay let's try again let's try again okay so you go like this happy up didn't bounce off of Cappy let's try this again let's go let's go let's go let's line up let's line up we gotta do this we gotta do this this is still first try let's go and bounce let me up there give me this wall why aren't you jumping off of that wall Sun egg go go [Music] yes heads oh yeah there we go we made it up okay that actually didn't take too long that only took about a minute or two that's actually fantastic that we were able to get that okay and now we are invisible Sonic for a moment let's come over here let's just round pound oh let's just round pound here and there we go now we are no longer invisible Sonic let's just Roll Along quickly on this red path over here and get in here and we'll now have our regular speed back by our regular speed I mean we should have our super fast speed here yeah here's Sonic running in quickly Sonic Burst through the door oh and it almost looked like happy flew by also because we were throwing Cappy but look it's Dr Eggman who wants to marry Princess Peach here all right let's run on up here hello there Dr Eggman what are you doing with that giant ring there you want to marry Princess Peach who says Peach wants to marry Mario actually look at that head reaching behind her there buddy that his head isn't connected to his arm and here's Sonic Dr Eggman has such an evil laugh when he laughs like that oh stumps his foot and down when he falls Sonic doesn't know how to fly unfortunately Abby may try to lift us but happy isn't strong enough and we fall in Sonic's just smirking the whole time too I think this fight isn't going to be too bad especially whoops especially since we are super fast like this and we should be able to get over to Dr Eggman very quickly like this okay but he might be doing some of his tail attacks like that we just keep hitting him like that okay there we go one nice hit out of three so he should be defeated soon are you going next to my Bowser friend what did they just run you're gonna do fire over there if I just run you can't reach me with your prior attack I'll just run over here whoa you're actually going pretty fast okay instead of jumping over the fire I'm just running away from the fire that is quite the funny way to avoid the fire attack that's not something you see every day and here comes some of the hats go yeah there we go all right let's go let's go where are you going Dr Eggman in here let's go I was hoping that we'd be able to get him right away but that didn't work but now he could come here before he even threw one of those spiky balls if you're a spiky balls to yourself Mr Eggman because we are going to punch you there hey two nice hits on him that's very nice almost defeated we just need one more nice hit on him like that and he's defeated okay so let's see are you gonna use your fire attack I thought you learned by now Dr Eggman if your fighter can't reach me I am far too quick I will simply run behind you and grab your tail oh you won't let me grab your tail you don't even have a tail Dr Eggman how can I grab your tail how can I defeat you if you don't have a tail to grab wait a minute this isn't Super Mario 64k how many times are you gonna use that fire attack he gonna keep doing it okay I thought he was gonna keep doing it until I jumped over it but he did quite a few player attacks there oh now where are we gonna go let's go here and then come here no I'm so scared so sad okay at least we get the heal over here let's do this again let's do this again we can go quickly so this shrimp are too big of a deal go go look out yeah yes that worked very nicely okay come here let's go uh I was hoping that we'd get him there but that did not work out as intended yeah there we go now you've got him okay let's get ready go how many three two let's go no no oh no we got turned actually but we're still getting him one more jump and there we go now he should be defeated goodbye Dr Eggman he's splattered like a blood of ink it's like he's a Splatoon character or something and his head is not clean off yep look at that doctor eggman's head is just not clean off it looks like we've defeated him let's head on over to Dr Eggman oh hello there Princess Peach oh looks like everything is starting to collapse now and we are going to fall down also oh man it's so funny to see Dr Eggman without his head there he looks quite dizzy and it's like the floor is about to collapse right yes and let me save Peach but down we all go hey here we are hey looks like it is time to actually capture Bowser what are we gonna do well by Bowser I mean Dr Eggman let's capture him there's no head all right we are now Dr Eggman and we have Princess Peach on our shoulder which is kind of cool let's just splash our way through here it's so weird to be slashing through this as Dr eggnet one let's charge up a fire attack actually so that we can blast some fire breath at something if we have to like this stuff up ahead look at that fire going through Whoa Don't Fall don't fall don't fall don't fall don't fall be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful let me up oh we didn't make it up high enough that is so sad so sad everybody so sad very very sad times over here so Sam okay but now we're gonna pack this knock that over and it's so cool that we also have a Mario hat here okay so let's make our way here you want to be give her an upfall because if we fall we have to start this all over again and look at what's gonna happen when we go in the 2D section we are we're invisible we are invisible this is actually going to be so much more difficult than I expected I don't know where I am I have to press the fire breath button to find out where we are oh where are we I guess we're here oh no oh no oh no where am I okay let's see where we are am I here now I guess I'm here now where are we I don't know where I am hey go go this is so difficult when you are invisible this is the hardest that this section has ever been for me am I up here now I've gotta go for it I don't know where I am can I get up here now please where am I yes let me up please yes please let me out of there I'm so lucky that I made it out there I was so scared I have never been that scared to do that section before that is unbelievable that that actually worked I'm so glad that that worked out the way that it did oh man I am very very lucky that that did work okay now let's just slash out this wall here and go to the final section so that we could hopefully finally beat the game okay so now we just have to take up these four pillars I think what someone in a comment said if I understood correctly is that they actually just stood in the center section and blasted by your ball attacks at these that is an interesting way to do this guys let me know in a comment if you've ever done that before because over here you want to be careful to not fall down here it would actually be quite unfortunate if you didn't fall over here because then you have to restart this section from the very beginning but nice to go like this wait I don't want to fall there okay good good because you can't fall there so we don't want to fall there okay so let's just break this one and produce just one more to go be very careful very very careful okay let's just break this one that'll be fine okay now we just gotta make it to the center right oh gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast I know that's what Sonic says and we're Dr Eggman because I guess the Rival of Sonic I attacked the queue attack the cube destroy the GameCube over here the game people did not have enough sales okay my game actually crashed right as this Cube was about to be destroyed so I have to redo the entire Bowser fight and everything oh boy and that was a lot of work okay so let's get out of here and let's finally see what this game ending is like so off we go over here Bowser and Princess Peach and Mario's also going to pop out but while instead of Bowser and Mario it's actually Dr Eggman and Sonic and who's gonna pop out from here looks like Bowser and Peach but out comes Sonic Doctor Eggman goes there his head is gone Dr eggman's head is gone but here's Sonic and there's Princess Peach but a lovely ending we have to the game over here it's so funny that these are just coming together like this and Dr eggman's head is just enough to clean off in the background I think that should be how the game ends these two are celebrating here it's just worth celebrating over there with Dr eggman's head is just completely clean knocked off what's going on Peach looks concerned she thinks wait a minute if that's Dr eggman's body then how come he's still moving his head is back Dr eggman's still okay yeah and he's got piranha plant flowers Thunder thinks oh no I can do something better than that I've got a rocket flower look at Sonic and Dr Eggman fighting for Peach's affection that is not something you may have expected to ever see before the peach thinks no the one that I want is Mario [Music] turns slowly like that Peach says all right let's go back to Earth I've had enough of being on the moon I don't want to be the first person to get married on the moon and then there's Sonic and Dr Eggman consoling each other but he says all right come on let's go it's time to go back to Earth and I think for some reason Sonic's gonna be able to make it back to Earth but now Dr Eggman let's see what's gonna happen Peach is flying off they're running wait wait Sonic you can normally run much faster what's going on oh maybe he wants to give Dr Eggman a chance let him jump up bounce off Doctor Eggman leave him on the moon and the game's complete I really recommend you watch my video where we play Sonic's Fury it is Bowser's Fury but you are Sonic you'll love it if you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 37,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, super mario, bowser, evil mario, funny mario, funny mario videos, mario full movie, full movie mario, super mario movie, mario movie, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, mario odyssey zxmany, full game, mario odyssey full game, all power moons, all bosses, mario all bosses, mario mods, mario odyssey mods, funny super mario, gaming, game, game game, nintendo, nintendo switch, floor is lava, mario odyssey fludd, flooded, flood
Id: HqiI0qZ3eHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.