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is 525 000 to london so the next question we need to ask these guys were given a traveling ministry to invade cities and nations in the book of philippians chapter 4 we see how paul funded his missionary type of ministry in verse 15 of ephesians philippians chapter 4 it says now ye philippians know that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but he only for even in thessalonica he sent once and again unto my necessity not because i desire a gift but i deserve fruit that may abound to your account jump to verse 19. it was unto the philippian believers that paul invoked god and called god a personal he said my god not our god my god the same god that spoke to me about my calling he said my god shall do what supply all your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus so the way god paul funded the work was through partnership and that's why tonight if you are in this auditorium i have presented to you a laborer of jesus christ a faithful man of god and what i have in my hand here is a partnership form just in case god has moved on your heart and you want to be a partner to that which god is using his servant to do which i confirm that is the heartbeat of the lord jesus christ at this time if god has moved on your heart you see if god has not moved forget but if god has moved on your heart and you want to fulfill that obligation our ushers are equipped with documents like this the first page of the document is a clarion call an explanation of the intentions of the organization called the revival hub to find a little or a brief that gives insight into what the revival hub ministry is about and then the other side is the financial administrative side where you can equip us with all the details that is needed for our admin details like your name your email address your phone number your physical address the state and the city where you are the country and the amount for those of you that are participating online if you don't mind we will need a feedback from you is there an email address that we can give to the congregation all right the technical people do they know the email address all right so the technical people will be displaying an email address on the screen please copy it out and give us a feedback on the commitment that god is moving you to give to the ministry revival hope now all of this information is going to assist our administrative people to draw up a very concise compendium of the information of would-be partners to the revival hub ministry please note that we will not call your cell phone to request that you fulfill these obligations will not send you a feedback message it is a commitment that if you are willing to take who will trust god that you will fulfill it as the lord becomes upon you so we will not be disturbing you and say we didn't see anything there was not a lot that came from we have so we are so busy that we don't have any administrative arrangement to carry out those kind of feedback phone calls hallelujah we want to bring men of covenant into partnership with us so that you can provide what will mobilize our brother to prosecute the calling that the lord has laid upon his heart if you are still with me say amen we are not talking about people that are expecting money by faith that maybe in the next three years when you sell your farm no you are not that's not people that can cope up with this commitment no matter how small but just prepare your mind to be faithful to be dedicated and you will see what god will do in your finances as you begin to partner with this ministry hallelujah like i said if you are not under obligation if god has not moved on your heart there is no need for you to try to prove a point hallelujah you know these are the days where we speak the word of god and allow god to bring his word to pass the days of manipulation and all of that are over now we are looking for sons of the kingdom that will be willing to partner with what god is doing in our time when you are done feeling the detachable form give us the administrative part of the form for us to keep our records and it will help us to make expected projections and it will help with our planning god will enlarge your cause as you respond in the name of jesus i want to pray a brief prayer for those that have taken a step of faith to identify with this partnership call god you know paul addressed god as someone that was personal to him my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory hallelujah i say hallelujah yes ten more minutes and then i will pray for those that have taken a step of faith just make sure you are consistent we are not going to call you up we are not going to say we have not heard anything no we are trusting god that god will enlarge your cost and it will be noticeable it will be evident that indeed the partnership is a channel through which god will fulfill his tender message around your life hallelujah the other aspect of the detachable form is for you it contains our account numbers we have an account number domiciled in guaranteed trust bank a naira account we also have a domiciliary account in guaranteed trust bank a dollar account and for those of you that are listening online from anywhere you are in the world you can make donations to this ministry and i actually encourage you to do so amen we have five more minutes to finish this segment of the service i pray a brief prayer for everyone that has taken the step of faith and then we will go straight to the business of tonight hallelujah i say hallelujah we'll go straight to the business of tonight straight to the business of tonight two minutes to go then we pray as a congregation don't do it because others are doing it like we said will not call you to request commitment it will be exclusively um exclusively something between you and the lord who keep records of all that comes in and all that will go out thereby thank you for participating if your phone is on for whatever reason maybe your phone doubles as your bible and your handset you can blot out the network by putting it on flight mode because if it rings when we are in high spirit we might confuse the fact that we might conclude that you are helping somebody to distract us the lord will help us in jesus name hallelujah okay let us pray father tonight we thank you because you are kind and everyone in this congregation that has taken a step of faith to identify the ministry of your servant and to hold his hands i ask oh god supply their needs according to your riches in glory by christ christ jesus supply for their needs in the name of jesus let your good hand and your great hand rest upon them in jesus mighty name amen god bless you you have two more minutes to round up then we'll take off we are pressed for time amen our text for the night will be taken from the book of jeremiah yes you have two minutes round roundup send us the administrative aspect of the form and our administrators are going to retrieve it and it will be the basis of our financial database so when you finish filling it you can pass it on to the closest usher by your side on the main floor on the two aspects of the life of a minister look at the window or the vista of ordination and the vista of setting setting s-e-t setting those are the two aspects of the life of a messenger of god so when we are done with the forms let us have it returned to the ushers hallelujah okay just a quick one i will do this scripture in the next 15 minutes and i'll pray a powerful prayer and god will answer the words of jeremiah the son of hilkiah of the priests that were in anat in the land of benjamin to whom the word of the lord came in the days of josiah the son of ammon king of judah in the thirteenth year of his reign it came also in the days of joaquim the son of josiah king of judah unto the end of the eleventh year of zedekiah the son of josiah king of judah unto the carrying away of jerusalem captive in the fifth month before i proceed with the reading i need to say something quickly the prophetic ministry of jeremiah was captured in the statement surrounding verse number two and verse number 3 the days of josiah were the times of revival where the activities of the grace of god in the land was intensified prayer movements were taking place in different locations it was easy to identify the direction that god was going meanwhile it is easy to hear god in times of revival but jeremiah had a prophetic ministry and this prophetic ministry he had he also had the disciplines of a prophet such that he was able to hear god in a time of transition when the revival had died and god was transiting to establish another peak in the times of darkness when the children of israel were carried away captive this man could still hear god now how many of you remember some of the revivals you experienced when you were couples and there were people that were champion revivalists on those campuses at those times and you were expecting that after campus a man like this should become a man like that and the moment campus ended the revival seasons ended some of those people blanked out totally only very few men were able to carry the incense of the move of god that they encountered at any times and they still wanted those moves through spiritual disciplines and they were able to survive seasons of transition jeremiah was one of those people that could hear god during the time of revival he could also hear god during the time of transition that's the first thing i need to bring to our notice members of revival hope because of the prayer fire in your midst it's easy to hear god what if we isolate you from the group and post you to a place in river state where the only thing they worship there are water spirits if you can maintain the discipline that you have been instructed in in that same environment irrespective of the climate such that your relationship with god is still robust it means you have given god first place in your life and change of location doesn't affect the transmission and the economy of god that is at work in your spirit most believers are such entities that when you manipulate a few variables around their lives chief among the variables to manipulate is money if you manipulate the money handle and money is no longer flow especially in the east and money is no longer flowing the way it used to flow before the person's spiritual temperature is likely to change but not jeremiah jeremiah was able to survive seasons of revival and seasons of transition most of the people that are popping up in the body of christ now for the new apostolic season that god is opening were people that were great stewards of the grace of god on their lives during the last season of transition there was a drought a major drought that hit the body of christ in the first 20 years of the departure of archbishop benson in dahosa the darkness and the drought was palpable and many people became fake preachers fraudulent preachers tricksters performers all kinds of falsehood and degradation invaded the body of christ the platform of the gospel became a ground for gimmicks for false miracles and false claims it was a time of transition because in the days of men like idahosa men like perhaps men like babalola what god did was that he showed us a picture those those functionaries were prototypes the arising was indicative of the fact that this is what god wants to do with the sons and the daughters of the land i read through the chronicles of god's generals and i found a great omission the mighty prophets and apostles from africa were not captured yet story was not told hallelujah that's an omission i mean a very terrible mission because in the day when these men lived oh my god there were master stewards of the grace of god that was requited to them but from the fire in fact the entire coastal christianity is standing on the tripod of three apostles in nigeria perhaps and idahosa it is a heritage that has carried on and at the passing of that of the last among these three people mentioned there was a darkness that came into the territory the entire nation is a victim of that darkness right now and we are beginning to climb out of the tunnel gradually to enter into another revival again which is likely to burst out from next year but you see the new leaders that god is raising right now are people that were able to manage their intercourse with god during the times of darkness during the times of transition you see when a man catches fire it is very easy to identify with him but when he was in the process of cutting covenants with god those quiet moments that he was not yet a star the things he did the prayers he prayed the times of fasting when you were doing that nine days dry fasting that your dad came to you and said he will die you how many people here were aware that there was something like that but those were the things you did to keep your lamp burning when it was no longer popular to have a burning lamp it is those people that were careful to maintain what god had kindled upon their lives in the secret they were not looking for popularity they just wanted alignment with god that god is now beginning to pedestal as the ones that will pioneer the emphasis that his spirit is bringing to the church in this new frontier so jeremiah was not just a church-goer his roots in god were so deep that even when revival was no longer popular he still held the position of the voice of the lord in his spirit man you know in the book of matthew chapter 11 jesus was talking about john the baptist that john the baptist was elijah that was to come and he ended his presentation by saying he has ears let him hear in the book of revelation the spirit of jesus was speaking to john the beloved on the isle of partners the spirit of jesus gave john insight into the state of the churches that were in asia minor the emphasis of jesus in the book of revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 was not the main congregation like this the emphasis of jesus was now he that has an ear in matthew chapter 11 it was he that has ears in revelation chapter 2 it was he that has an ear in matthew chapter 11 it was about the physical ears and that was that one is in plural because you have two physical ears in revelation chapter 2 it was about spiritual years and that one was singular because you have one spiritual ear and jesus it was the same one that was addressing people and say he that has ears and is the spirit of jesus that was saying he that has an ear do you know what the evidence is to prove that you have an ear because the average person walking for jesus now doesn't have an ear if you have an ear the bible says you will be able to hear not what the spirit of god is saying to you but you'll be able to hear what the spirit of god is saying to the churches okay okay you're not with me the proof that you have an ear is that you know the direction that god is is headed in the church that's different from knowing god's voice for your life hearing god's voice for your life that's a different game altogether he that has an ear we know the direction that god is navigating for the church of jesus it doesn't matter the size of your congregation you might be seating 20 000 people and you may not know where god is headed you are going to make a shipwreck of the lives of people that are under your pastorate even though you are hearing god you can still receive a message and preach fire but you don't know where god is going everyone under your ministry is a victim because all these people in this auditorium the people on the gallery the people in the overflow outside they are looking for the direction where god is headed so i can pray in my closet and receive a message to preach to them are you iphone the message will defy them the message can bless them but that message may not give direction to them the message can heal them but if they leave the environment of that place they cannot do private practice because they didn't receive direction the proof that you have an ear which is a proof that you can survive a transition the darkness of the land will not affect your own light the proof is that you know the direction that god is leading his church that's one of the proofs and so as this patriarchs departed suddenly people now realized that they didn't know god because the voice of the god in the of god in the church became scarce what god was doing was cast so what this denomination is doing is different from what this one is doing this is how we do it here this is how we do it here he became and strategies meanwhile that direction of where god was headed in the body of christ what god was doing in the body of christ those kind of voices began to ease out so the church of jesus in nigeria became like the household of jacob there were two many women and it was the women that were giving the children names so if you give birth now you will now say the name you will give the choice adohama that name is a message to the other women many day that all the fruitfulness is coming from my chamber you people are dry so they will give a name not a name that is prophetic but a name that is an act of war that's how the church became under the regime of denomination you even the caption of meetings i remember two two pastors were fighting in my city and one of them came to hold the meeting and then the other one held an encounter meeting and it's a warfare against demonic harvesters warfare against demonic harvesters he was talking to the other pastor demonic demonic harvest it's like the household of jacob where women give names to children you couldn't see the purpose of god in the names that were given to the children it was an attempt to slight the other partner in the camp until jacob arrived at spiritual maturity and then the woman that he loved that he labored fourteen years to marry now gave birth and as she gave back she was dying and then she she inflicted the child with the curse that this one is bernoulli a child of sorrow that was the first time jacob arose and said no it will not be called bernoni but he'll be called what benjamin and benjamin means the child of my right hand that's the only name that jesus bought jesus born bernoni the man of sorrows and acquainted with grief have you seen that in your bible you have not seen it benoni the man of sorrows somebody give me isaiah chapter 53 many of us know how to operate in times of revival but we don't take root enough to be able to survive transition and it is transition and darkness that separates the boys from the men people that will around the kingdom of god people that were around the power of god people that were around the glory of god in isaiah chapter 53 the bible says surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows no no no you started who is this who are you don't let me look for you this night he said who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed if you're a diligent student you will find three questions in this prophecy of redemption in the book of isaiah chapter 53 i don't have time this evening for us to do business do justice to those questions but two of them are in verse one who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed next verse for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground now have you ever seen this is it means that the circumstances under which jesus sprouted were not conducive he was a root that his suffering started from the time the generation that he came he was manifested he had no form no comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows that's been only and acquainted with grief this is jesus's identity are you with me and i hope you know when jesus resurrected from the dead he sat down where at the right hand of god that's benjamin the only name that was adopted was the name that came under conflict when jacob was rediscovering his masculinity hallelujah now so you see the church has been like that family where women give names and all of that and every the idea is to outshine the order outside the other we lost our corporate purpose after the voice of these witnesses went down it became a jamboree of how you could have the ultimate strategy that will bring the masses to your congregation and the strategy that you will use to contain the crown because the more the numbers the more the finances the more everything happens in your own arena preachers became performers and then from performance they became stage managers and now they are liars those are the things that happened during seasons of transition people become performers on the stage miracles were faked and that's why when we do miracles today we ask the people did i come to you in the night yesterday to say you should come and testify we normally add that aspect because we discovered that ministers come early four days to the meeting is already in town in the market take a changing phone number with people very lord suddenly he comes on the pulpit he says zero i see eight zero 6 9 4 4. i'm missing one number i'm using one number missing one it's three creatures became liars because the candlestick the house of god was quenched all kinds of beasts came on the pulpit even as they moved the devil repent just change and wear suit and carry cross and say all kinds of things were happening it was a mighty season of transition and the lamps of god were out but those that have their roots in god began to fund the flame quietly while champion microphone people were manifesting on the pulpit discrediting jesus abusing jesus they were gaining at the expense of god god was looking at the future the rise of flaming intercessors that was what he was looking at and there were a few people that caught the campus fire and they didn't want to betray god they still felt a sense of responsibility to maintain communion and god began to do something in their life meanwhile the three stars were on stage some of us would have said why didn't you kill all of them that's not how god operates it is only when the prophet comes that the imperfect can fade away so as long as the perfect has not yet come god can allow entertainers filling the gap meanwhile a season of transition was taking place from benitez and the time has come the cycle is completed a new regime of apostles have been unleashed again into the body of christ to begin genuine flaming walks of intercession and to bring direction to the body of christ for nations and for kings a new texture of ministry yes in the next two years listen to me two years people young men and young women that have disciplined themselves sufficiently will be ready to begin to inherit the mantras that was upon our ancestors it's not time yet it's remaining two years and the mark that we show that god's hand has rested is a mark of authority it will be restored to the body of christ the last time a man spoke a nation's soup was where in the house i was alive but when that candlestick was taken away we had to walk through a wilderness journey which lasted for 20 years in fact this month that you have this meeting is quite significant because it is this very month in heaven that god will put the final touches on the people that will bear his name in the new era a new era is born this month this september a new era [Applause] [Applause] so jeremiah was able to carry the fire of god in a time of revival and in a time of transition there are a few things that you will need in order to carry the fire of god in a time of transition number one you should be able to operate alone a lot of people like if there were cheered if there were no moments where you carried alone this day would not have come you kindled what was on your life alone you made commitments to god alone that is a process of dying you are expiring your strengths that you had in the natural you were giving them up they were being consumed and you were aligning through supplication and accepting the burden that god was giving you it was it it was death but in that day was a certain resurrection you have started the resurrection but the full resurrection has not yet come there's still more debt and then there is a resurrection you will you will enter into you will wear after every death that you go through those are the men that have taken root enough they can survive diseases and i tell you the truth we are the ones that will see nigeria born again the new nigeria will come and that nigeria that i see will not be a divided one it's not divided it's one entity yeah it's one entity but the assyrians will be unchanged they are syrian that is bragging today is going to be unchanged in in the days to come yes i don't know what will happen there's going to be a restructuring of this nation and it will be in the disadvantage of the assyrian the assyrian will not be able to rise again to boost the way they have done for another hundred years [Music] [Applause] any believer here that doesn't have a personal closet with jesus that he can go to jesus and inquire secure his voice for his own life for his seasons to receive direction for himself any such believer here that doesn't have that robust closet life cannot survive the transition i went somewhere and people began to prophesy [Music] when they finished prophesying i wrote it down and then i went to the closet i said baba are you the one that made this statement i know you people look for prophecy on the street you look for the one to put in the pocket look for one to put it some of us have roots so when we get out of the prophecy we go back to god and say are you responsible for this utterance yes that's what we do did you are you the one saying this then he will show me a vision that okay this one is true then i think then i start with the second one so you say you will do this kind of thing you see i'm running them through my own lens i have a lens with jesus and a man that has labeled to develop a vista from whence he can see you can't deceive him and many more times when you bring the prophecies to jesus you say don't mind them more don't mind them i i'm not there i'm not the one there people are excited you need a robust personal life second thing run away from sexual sin namely pornography masturbation you see the church is quiet now church is quiet now church if you are in this hall and you are hooked up on masturbation rise up on your feet stand straight stand straight if you are hooked up on pornography join them now all of you come just come to me we will end that one this night i noticed that the sisters are not coming because they are pious they are sanctimonious it's only young men if you are outside and you are suffering from these ailments join the brethren join the bedroom what sin does is that it fights against sanctification sanctification is your saturation with god there are levels of saturation that you will need to see some things god will form in your heart with great density before your eyes your spiritual eyes can see some things if there's anything in your life that deflates your saturation that thing will rob you of many great and mighty things that you don't know that god is willing to show you yes come don't be ashamed don't be ashamed it's a night of renewal your lens will be strengthened that spirit has been troubling you will be consumed with the fires of god yes it will be consumed i'm waiting for the last person to get you since the numbers have increased i think my real work here is to deal with this matter i thank god for your sincerity and that is your ticket to enter into liberty tonight all right then the last group of people that will join these ones quickly are people that are have spiritual spouses you have a spiritual wife visit you in your dream join them spiritual husband when the stage is full you can begin to use the iron when you first first pray first pray then you go to sleep two days later the spiritual wife will come and define you and you wake up you have lost your central spiritual gravity okay i think the puppet area is being saturated you can begin to stay on the aisle so satan knows that we are going to knock him out so he tries to complicate people's spiritual life by putting pornography putting masturbation issue of spiritual spouses all kinds of things blocking the person's access to the bounties of god but tonight the yoke we break the yoke we break the yoke we break the yoke we break in the name of jesus and that's why when you begin to make some progress you begin to dedicate your life suddenly that spiritual spouse will try to to strike you how many of you have experienced that in fact sometimes they're threatening you that they will kill you today we'll kill them [Applause] okay we have a full house all the ministers that are here can you join your forces with me as we begin to pray for these words if you are in the congregation stretch your hand in that direction and let's pray for them for five minutes you don't need to kneel down please if you kneel down if somebody falls we don't want a stampede we don't want just stand just stand if you stand that somebody wants to fall you can hold the person and control the situation those of you outside inside let us pray for them for five minutes five minutes five minutes just for five minutes satan has been manipulating them has been resisting them from reaching the pinnacle of their calling thank you lord in jesus name all of you standing here repeat after me say lord jesus i belong to you i am your property forgive me for trespassing forgive me forgive me wash me with your blood wash me with your blood in the name of jesus jesus i belong to you so it is illegal for me to be violated spiritually i bring an end to every spiritual union every illegal union let it end tonight let it end tonight in the name of jesus so i want to pray for you now father standing before me here are victims of masturbation the work of unclean spirits [Music] the work of defiling spirits victims of illegal unions that have stood against their advancement stood against many things in their lives that have constituted a basis of reproach in their destiny today i break that yoke over their lives in the name of jesus i break that yoke over their lives in the name of jesus let the appetite for masturbation dry up [Applause] let the appetite for pornography dry up i cast out that unclean spirit in the name of jesus and this false spirit of darkness [Music] joining yourself with them to resist them today i present the blood of jesus and i rebuke you and i bind you in the name of jesus christ [Music] those that were dedicated to all types of darkness and the spirits have taken advantage and i tormented them hear me hear my voice you spirits of darkness i break your yoke in the name of jesus i break your yoke in the name of jesus [Music] i break your yoke in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] a lady stands among you that was dedicated to a demonic altar and those demons have been troubling you but one of the reasons why god brought you to this conference is so that your deliverance can be affected listen to me the fire of god will catch you where you are so that we can identify you and then us as when you notice that the fire has caught up with that lady bring her to the altar to where i am so that i can finish the deliverance exercise as i speak the fire is already on you as i speak the fire is on you as i speak it is on you right now as i speak the fire is upon you now or just when you discover the person move the person to the pulpit because we have work to do to hear today i break that yoke i take authority over the enemy i approach the finger of darkness i set you free in the name of jesus [Music] saturn release your captives now somebody will need to visit the tent outside i'm seeing the lord i read some people in the tent now start from there start from there shut for me kisses come here just bring them to the pulpits bring them to the public satan release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] jefferson come [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] is a burning that is taking place the change will begin to break the change will begin to give way i say release your captives release your captives release your captives release your captives release your captives release your captives [Music] thank you lord thank you father [Music] thank you father release your comments in the name of jesus [Music] castle lose her [Music] lose her [Music] shake me see where the demon is put your hand here speak your tongues yeah speaking [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] two [Music] bring up bring that [Laughter] release your contents in the name of jesus [Music] i compel jesus [Music] [Applause] release them in the name of jesus [Music] no no no no no no that's not how to do it wait leave her first [Music] bring him [Music] let me tell you what is happening the atmosphere is already so give it five minutes release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] even the ones that are outside release your captives release your countess release your captives release your counties release your counties release your captives in the name of jesus where's judy [Music] [Music] [Music] those of you that are in front here you are going back with another fire a fire that the devil can no longer contend with a fire that will shine the enemies of the aliens of light yes [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so you can go back to your seat those of you here [Applause] just allow them go yes can you speak in tongues speaking tongues speaking them [Music] okay put your hand here yeah [Applause] i want to release a prayer put your hand on yes keep praying keep praying loser in the next few minutes i want to release a prayer if you are here stand on your feet you are representing your family those of you outside it is time to stand [Applause] you pray for five minutes and ask god to kill anything that is troubling your family let god kill it [Applause] lose him [Music] lose him lose him in the name of jesus [Applause] oh [Music] quarterly foreign lose her loser in the name of jesus let her go loose in the name of jesus in jesus name now i want to send a prayer to your family don't worry about it she is recovering further any being represented in these families [Music] planted by the enemy to destroy destiny to destroy life to manipulate i come against it tonight in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] is it not written that every tree that my heavenly father has not planted must be rooted out today i wrote it out i wrote it out i rooted out in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] i say stop talking those of you in the congregation because some change will break now when you find them you bring them some chains will break now they will break they will break they will give way it will be cut off it will be unbrutal [Music] yes i bring an end to what has until your family for many years [Applause] it will break now things will break things break change brick train speed [Music] chase brick [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the chains are breaking they are breaking they are breaking [Music] [Applause] keep pressing keep pressing keep pressing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the foundations of evil in your families i come against it in the name of jesus the shadow of death that has been casted over that family i send it back to the sender in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] that burning in your womb i remove that fire from your womb in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me will never come again never [Applause] they are released [Music] i break the yoke in the name of jesus [Music] release your captives in the name of jesus [Music] some families are being released there's a mass release in the spirit there is a mass release in the spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you could come actually [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let the yoke break in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no weapon formed against you shall be able to process people will go to the shrine and all of them will die or with that [Music] [Applause] [Music] the yolk is breaking it is breaking it is breaking it is breaking [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i release the bondages over the families in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] now i want to pray for the sick [Applause] if there is anybody that cannot walk put your hands on your legs that are dead that are wounded god will heal your bones tonight oh [Applause] oh oh a fire is kindled in the spirit [Applause] [Music] bring that lady here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] loser loser loser loser loser loser in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] you will not go back the same way you came [Music] wickedness with faith darkness will fall the mounts of the lions will be will be closed oh [Music] my [Applause] if you brought any sick blessing put your hand upon that person the healing power of god will go round the yolks will break the yolks will break the yolks will break if the person is not here call them call them call them now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] call them call them in the name of jesus your amen is weak i say in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus now i bind every spirit of infirmity [Music] every sickness hear my voice i bind you in the name of jesus one [Applause] i break your yoke in the name of jesus christ i arrest the spirit of paralysis [Music] in the name of jesus be proud be burned come out of your body in the name of jesus i command bones receive strength in the name of jesus bones receive strength in the name of jesus [Applause] i command sicknesses go in the name of jesus let the yokes break in the name of jesus migraines go in the name of jesus yokes break in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sickness and disease is broken it's broken it's broken is broken those of you on the phone it is broken it is broken it is broken in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] the healing power of god is flowing now [Music] why should shall behave healed in the name of jesus [Music] hey those of you on the phone you can talk to the people on the phone now some miracles are taking place on the phone on the phone things are breaking now [Applause] [Music] they are breaking now [Music] they are breaking down those of you that cannot walk rise up and walk in the name of jesus i challenge you rise up and walk in the name of jesus rise up and walk in the name of jesus [Music] i command growth cancers tumors fibroids try up dry up dry up fly up in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you have registered a miracle come two miracles two then i will stop two then i will stop if you have registered a miracle this is where to stand i take two cases and then i leave this is where to stand please evacuate this front area no leave leave those ones if somebody that you called on the phone has received a miracle just come to the front i take two then i run away two then i run away two then i run away hallelujah now listen listen listen listen listen you are not listening listen to me there is a fire a fire that some people will take with them and return within this conflict you don't need to stand up see that there is a fire there is a fire it will be kingdom the moment of time it is a hot fire a few people receive it it will come in a moment it will come in a moment oh the people can walk the people can walk make way for them make way make way for them make way for them make way for them the people can walk they can walk they can walk they can walk somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah me give me that king is only the lord that does such things can you shout hallelujah only jesus return to him jesus does something somebody shout hallelujah you see he's blessing me bless me more bless me more blessed hallelujah [Music] [Applause] tomorrow morning you will be stronger all right tomorrow morning you'll be stronger in the name of jesus now we send the paralysis back to the center back to the center back to the center back to the center in the name of jesus wait carry this thing follow him let's go let him where's the other one you are released god bless you there is [Applause] there is a fire [Applause] there is a fire what's happening there [Applause] somebody say hallelujah [Applause] if you want to clap you can clap for jesus you can clap for jesus [Music] clap for jesus [Music] glorify the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah now listen to testimonies and then i pray for you such as i have yet just two just two then i pray so this is a great miracle here yes he he just got rid of eight years passion stroke pressure stroke eight years then then he has suffered for 23 years from chronic stomach pain chronic so my friend of how many years for 23 years only three years it was caused by a hook and the doctor stole him can never be operated upon today in this meeting in the morning session he felt something like electric power go through his stomach something like electric power went through the tummy yes somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah come come come bro if you have never been there you will never understand another people is walking another one can walk it is permanent in the name of jesus can you celebrate jesus the more you walk the more it will get better we bind the spirit of paralysis we buy paralysis we break the yoke in the name of jesus [Applause] give me that cane give me that king only jesus can do this only jesus see the woman mommy is walking again she's walking again she's walking again she's walking again she's walking again somebody shout hallelujah she can walk the more you walk the better it will be we break the yoke paralysis in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we break the yoke of paralysis we break the yoke in the name of jesus we break the yoke in the name of jesus go in the name of jesus the more you walk the better it should be walk walk [Applause] more people are being released more people are being released more people are being released satan is a liar more people can walk more people can walk yes daddy come daddy walk like this oh my god god is good [Applause] god is good moment is becoming stronger becoming stronger becoming stronger hallelujah hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah ah we need one evil song now one impossible wait give me one ebola song quickly man [Applause] oh yeah foreign me [Music] who knows this man [Music] now what happened to him two months ago [Music] i speak the language you can speak patalax wait speak ebola speak people for us okay please interpret two months he hasn't walked with his two legs for two more he has not worked with his leg for two months [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tell him to tell us what happened why we pray that he can hear me first [Music] he is [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] he said that the leg was very heavy the leg was heavy very heavy okay and then while you prayed the thing is now relieving relieving okay so we're living relieving somebody shout hallelujah we command the heavy weight on your leg to depart in the name of jesus yeah see the spirit is leaving papa you can walk back walk back to your city [Music] foreign who knows him who knows him yeah what happened around 10 years ago 10 years ago he started having a package he started having parkinson's every place was shaken and unable to walk well every place shaken and unable to walk well ten years ago now when we prayed for him did anything happen to him son is this how he has been or the prayer changed something this is how he has been doing but he's able to walk he's able to walk now the only problem is that he's still shaking shake yes now he couldn't walk before okay follow me [Music] oh [Music] by tomorrow morning he'll be better next tomorrow will be better it will keep going on [Music] [Applause] whatever [Music] you [Music] miracles are happening at home via phone calls okay but so many miracles sir miracles are happening at home through the phone call yes sir this just this young man called the the uncle has suffered for 29 years bone issue bone issue after the prayers we have made their phone call 29 years after the point is your mom [Music] where's that the uncle uncle where is he put the mic on his mouth where's that where's that place [Music] so what happened to him for 29 years now he couldn't walk where he could he couldn't walk he can't stand long 29 years now he can stand he can rock and stand he can run foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign hello [Music] oh we were hey [Applause] [Music] somebody screamed foreign oh [Music] everybody [Music] mama oh my somebody is [Music] mrs chop chop chop chop [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes somebody huh oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Music] oh is [Applause] hello wow [Music] [Music] rx495 lexus rs495 please do help us outside so that you can repack please do quickly repack we still have two more minutes just two more minutes what can you do in two more minutes but sorry what can you do with two minutes i want to let you two minutes [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] number two foreign foreign foreign hey [Music] school out [Music] somebody give jesus [Applause] me [Music] somebody says [Music] [Music] one more minute [Music] i'll give you one more minute [Music] if you didn't give offering while we gave up please don't drop your opening drop your opening your tights your seat please [Music] please listen to this announcement listen to this announcement quietly hello hello please come down amen if you are happy say amen please if you if you have not give me your offering please let's have the offering basket somewhere you can drop it on the altar in the overflow place you can drop baskets somewhere where they can put their offerings as we do that lord bless us in jesus name all right our best friend will be starting up next week if you are happy say amen [Applause] what's the theme for next week series can i hear you shout it can i hear you shout it all right albert banks hosts every tuesday wednesday thursday here in underway at bannex plaza that's our revival tent pannex plaza hongkon navy okay white house bannex plaza you see us there and it's going to be a very wonderful time we are kicking off big banks we are kicking off bed bugs if you're happy say amen if you know you miss batman's just wave all right so of course you know we have our of course you know we have our apostolic centers in different states we have an apostolic center in port harcourt apostolic center for code please if you have if you came here from qatar can you say amen if you came here from portugal can you say amen [Music] this number so that you can join our apostolic center in protocol zero seven zero six five two six zero seven zero six five two six [Music] one five three four potter court revival portal code we have reviver hub esuits institutions in english state revival hub energy state university of science and technology please take down this number zero seven zero six zero okay if you have promised you say amen all right please just take down this number revive our hope a suit in fact remember hope enugu we are in eunuch we are in unm if you are from unsafe man you are not brother say amen whom said nayout yeah so remember what you need remember hope issued revival hope your neck how many of you know your neck of course remember how parkland department is esu teaching hospital so revival hope is there located you can get just get this number you can get to us if you are in any good state just take down this number zero seven zero six zero 7 6 5 5 1 2. i believe it's projected online please remember we are in oak river hub oko revival home oko [Music] [Music] revival hope for tacotte revival hope michael o'brien university of agriculture community we have reviver hope akt state revival hub equity state revival hope lagos please do ensure you join us check online all our flags and flyers for all our apostolic centers are there online they'll be up this night online so please do join us in your different campuses and also share to others so that they can join us too tomorrow is going to be the grand finale of this ceremony you can't believe what is going to happen tomorrow if this is what happened today what about tomorrow oh my god we'll be here live 7 30 7 30 tomorrow morning we'll be back here 7 30 tomorrow morning we'll be back here please just listen if you came from enugu just as we are sharing the grace please that cannot be just in front of that door let's meet in that place all president that came from enugu of course remember if you have not collected our partnership card please the oceans are moving around with it you can say collect your own okay if you came from omo dk please you also have a brief meeting after service all right please when we close right now you are if you are if you have what it takes to take you back to your hostel you are free to take a bike back to your hostel you can pray yourself and go back to the hostel but in a situation whereby you cannot please want to crave your indulgence please you want to creep your indulgence do not track home especially the sisters but those that those in historical are sensible you can go home but not the ladies please you can get to your hotel but not the ladies are we together all those bishops or dk camp of solution are not permitted to track for whatsoever reason please do not trek back to the hostel please get this announcement
Channel: Spirit Nerds TV
Views: 2,588
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spirit nerds, spirit nerds tv, arome osayi, apostle arome osayi, apostle arome, apostle arome osayi 2020, apostle arome osayi live, apostle osayi arome, osayi arome, arome osayi 2020, arome osayi messages, arome osayi live, apostle arome osayi 2021, arome osayi 2021
Id: Ffm8UTnzTAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 40sec (7060 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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