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before i go back to john 6 one of the questions i was raised i need to answer it so i can leave you know what about the manner the eighth passover which is convenient you know passover is about the data of the lamb they had passover and they were healed but they would sustain their life with manna god provided manna bread from heaven what is manna god himself explained what it is and i need to show it to you deuteronomy chapter 8 where he fed you with manna maybe you start from verse 15 yeah [Music] who led it through the great and terrible wilderness you know we are cutting we are just trying to go to the point the moses was telling him remember the lord your god when he brought you out of egypt that he led you to the wilderness before bringing you to the promised land meanwhile i need to maybe make a statement on that especially if you're a young believer you're a young christian when you come to christ you are wanting everything to be fast fast fast i want god to make you a millionaire but i make you this overnight make you this overnight make you great man of god over and there might be young ministers you come answer the call of god you want quick success you want to get to the top of the mountain first listen to me anything that is instant is not from god it's from the devil instant promotion instant fame instant greatness is set up it's a setup and anytime you see the man will fall later do you know what happens if you take a skyscraper and just be tired three days is up 15th story [Music] with what i know you can go and get your office there me i will not near that building if me and you are to have appointment with w you have to come down hold it in a nearby restaurant because that building has no future anything that lacks process lacks a future anything that god does goes through process do you know the only time i've seen god grade three overnight was when he provided shade for jonah jonah went to the land of nineveh after rebelling and disobedience and the song was beating him because he was desert made a tree inaudible overnight guess what happened to that tree he died overnight and jonah started crying what kind of miracle is this you made a thing grow overnight and he also died overnight because anything look at pregnancy the coming of human being into the edge he will tell you something about the making of man that night the baby is conceived give birth to that baby and see what it will be blood anything that is instant is certain anything that has processed is god that's how god blesses you so don't come to christ and start hurting him all your millions you must come immediately of course god will blessing you but you'll be growing you'll be moving that's why when he brought them he didn't take them from egypt to the promised land the promised land is your destiny is that place god has shown you but there is a process going through the wilderness why does god want the process so you'll be matured when you come to that place of your destiny god is showing you you're going to be a governor you're going to be the greatest preacher in nigeria but you have to sit here let me train you first i'm gonna show you you're gonna own the biggest bank but you have to go work in a bank and get on that mentorship first or maybe work in another type of organization that prepares you for what you're coming for now for example i met a gentleman and it's even a pastor he said god has shown him he was going to be president of nigeria i said no problem so go to the house after the house you cannot go for the state and be a governor and after that you can now go for the presidency no he wants to become president let him try a million times he will never be there i said why don't you go to this state first look at david david david god told him you're going to be king of israel but he had to become governor of judah first and led judah only one tribe for seven years it was when he matured with one tribe god now giving the whole nation to rule but his presidency presidents please you don't want you are not seen also god is not like god is into process god told the truth i'm giving you the land of promise that he turns to moses i said tell them i will not give it to all of it at once i'll give it to you one after the other city after city you take jericho then you take the city of i he said because if i give you all of it white beasts and other problems will develop and become more prominent and wipe you out they say you jump into something you cannot manage you can't handle it becomes a problem so they move you in stages in those stages help you grow experience grow capacity go and then you move into the next level you don't come here you have never given god one million naira in your life you come here and come and drop 20 000 and tell god you're believing him for 10 billion why don't you do that in your school you're gonna write entrance to primary school and tell god you're using it to go into the universe god doesn't operate like that the reason is the human being god is more interested in you than what he's doing for you he wants you to make sure he wants to see see how he met can you imagine can you imagine how many kids do you have possible three which how many boys one boy can you imagine that boy the day he was born he becomes president of nigeria what will happen to him you don't need terrorists to kidnap him it would be the cleaner in the room that would carry him put inside a bag and go to iraq and save me there but that might be his destiny but the brain can't handle what you are giving him he is physical mature he cannot handle it there is no so many can you imagine a little girl a just born now becomes pregnant or become pregnant at the age of two how will she deliver that baby so that's what god is doing god is god is more interested in walking in you than in walking for you he will work for you but he must walk in you he needs to mature you and develop you while he's getting things done alongside so that's why he does it in stages in stages and not every vision god shows will be accomplished in 2021 summer for 20 22 semester 2023 he takes you in phases because as he takes you on the journey you mature and that's what he's telling the children of israel there is a shortcut to the promised land but i chose to take you through the wilderness through the process so you have egypt you have canaan which is the land of promise in between is the wilderness that's the process that's how god that's how god works he said when the lord brought you out he led you through that great and terrible wilderness go ahead passover verse deuteronomy 8 4 verse 15 yes who led you through the great and terrible wilderness wearing we are fiery serpents and scorpions and drought where there was no water who brought the fought water out of the rock why is it that at certain stage in your christian life you are led through this stage where you don't have too much abundance in another stage after you have passed the stage you now start having the money millions and billions why is it at that certain stage they need limited resource why does god operate like this why is it that you you you do you personally but that your boy that your boy at that stage do you expose him to your range rover to your jeep to your bank account to millions is that what you give to the guy why do you give him small small pocket money and give him you know school fee those that level give him just one meal why don't you give him money that can buy a hospital market why is it that there is the stage where god in developing you make sure that not to excessive not just basic provision you know he led them to the winners where there was no water but yet he brought the water out of the friendly he makes provision what is he trying to develop pastor ben you will see it verse 16. who fed thee in the wilderness with mana you see when they had manner because there was no supermarket in the wilderness no way to go and buy turkey and chicken that's where he gave them manna why did he give them manner yes who gave who fed it with manna in the wilderness which their fathers knew not that he might humble thee and that he might prove thee to do the good at the latter so the goal of this is to do you good you're going to enter a large land a land flowing will make a honey a land of prosperity greatness where you are promoted some of us are living in that third phase now but we all went through this some of us are still in the middle face you know if one person is practicing medicine another person is in this school going through the process cutting cadaver you don't jump out of school because the other man is has the best hospital in town complete that stage [Music] one person is flying aero contractor aircraft up and down traffic flying british airways another person is in school in the flying school process complete the process you don't jump out of school because you saw somebody a pilot in the airport that's where you're going that he might do you good in your letter and ladies and gentlemen god asks me to speak these words to you because some people are getting confused they don't know where they are [Music] god is not against you at all the process is for your good don't go outside wondering what's going on is god no no no ever all of us went through it yes me the man who tells you of greatness without the process tell him that he's lying and if he's true that he's saying satan gave him that promotion it's not god let me tell you what the devil does he took jesus did you see the three temptations he gave to jesus matthew chapter four have you ever read them one is take command the stone to be bred but the third one he took him from that place he was to the pinnacle a high mount very high mountain it took him to a very high mountain and showed him the kingdoms of the world and the glory of it all the world everything in this world and said all of it i will give you if you want to be prime minister president if you want to be united nation if you want to be a world know minister of the gospel i will make you famous of an instant world and just from here to there immediately you know the process will take jesus through the cross then he will become king of king lord of lords but the devil gave him a shortcut he said see it you don't need to go preaching trekking in jerusalem what is turning water to wine you don't need to preach anybody instant you become a global star jesus rejected it many people today will take it they don't know when the devil makes an offer and when god makes one did you hear my story that the first seven years in ministry god banned me from putting my picture or my name in hand bill in posters and anything he said don't do it the fame you are trying to get you don't have the the stamina to withstand what comes with it and he said if you do it you will vanish and if i had done it i won't be here today so in those days you will see me not even a humble not even church or fellowship humbly you can't put me there not in post and not in tv not radio not he said don't look for popularity complete your maturity and i will i will take you up to the mountain is that not what happened to jesus therefore god has highly exalted him but satan tried to give him that exaltation first it's called the instant promotion instant exposure instant you get his pose and he told me in those days he said the warfare that come at the place where you're trying to get yourself you are not ready for it do you know what was going on archbishop in the house was my mentor and the fathering us in those days i was trying to get to where he was fast when he come for program finish i watched the kind of cars that he would and i want the cars so i'll be praying and claiming those kind of jib god are you crazy your church doesn't have a piece of property you are believing for car you say miss praise priority go and focus on the importance you know you how many souls have you won are you believing for a car leave all those things seek the kingdom these other things will be added he said the season of your life will come those things they will be coming to you without you even looking for it focus on the important thing focus on your own growth focus on the ministry is good focus on the people i've given you to grow them if i started portraying shadow i would have grown these are the men or in those days you need to see how they were looking go and look at those old pictures so then their neck used to look like stick pastors not bad all of them do booze and they listen see focus and grow this man turn them to mighty men these things you're looking for will become common i said and that was where that's why you hear me i tell you i don't have ambition for success or to drive because i know if god killed it then he killed it on time and thank god that he did you fed in the wilderness with manna which of others knew not that he my humble d that might prove that he set a testing time to to do the good in your life because you don't learn humility when you're already in power you won't learn it again it's in the wilderness you learn it you don't learn faith when everything is already available no no you you your faith is a money not in god you don't learn [Music] the things of the spirit when all the things are now you see prosperity is one of the greatest hindrances for spiritual development but when a person has developed roots you now give him prosperity it doesn't shake him again but he hasn't his root has not entered you can't stop bringing too much of that you need to give him his daily bread meet his needs but not too much not once god gives you both your needs and wants although he does that yes he does that there's a stage where he meets your need there's another stage you know these days sometimes i just think about something next somebody brings i have not even prayed about it i don't it one day we just discussed something i said this this type of car i think i i would like to have it just for official purpose then she asked me when we go to the u.s are you going to buy it i said i don't likely i don't buy a car with my money we went to preach somewhere and i finished preaching that night i was getting a call from a guy i know him for years but he has lost touch forever he said i was watching you i was in uk watching you [Music] he said there is a gift i brought for you do you want to come and get it i said i don't have time i have a lot of engagement it's okay send a pastor association please and i send the pastor they drove that exact i said what kind of thing is this but go and meet me during that we understand where be praying as if god is there god is not deaf he's your father he knows what you have need of it knows what you have need of clappo club he knows what they have needed it's not just your father he loves you he loves you you better believe that he does he does he said you know can a woman forget her suckling child that they don't have compassion on the children of their womb he said even if women do that it's hard but some women do because when you carry a baby nine months but some do that's what the bible says you say yet we lie not forsake you how can you forsake somebody you died for on the cross okay go back to the manner story i need to end possible who fit thee in the wilderness with mana i'm reading about 16 now determine 18 which your father knew know that he might humble you that he might prove you and to do the good in your letter and power comes with pride so that's when we learn humility that's when we become disciples it's during the spirit is the discipleship phase so when you come to christ you give your life to christ newly get it clear into your head humble yourself and get into the process and let me warn and i want to say it on global tv if you're already very wealthy or very powerful and very influential when you come to christ newly i'm going to give you a secret humble yourself get into discipleship if you don't do it you keep saying i'm busy today i'm in dubai i'm in singapore oh government house we don't have time this is what many christian powerful men have experienced they find god permit the enemy he will go and attack their resources attack that their power base and they crumble and some of them have actually what is the meaning of this i was doing well before i came to christ it's not your god is not interested in your money he wants your heart and you don't want to give it every day why haven't you gone for dla from singapore to dubai to china to you know business one year will pass why haven't you done encounter ah pastor you know i don't have the time i haven't managed to come to sunday service so you see the once in a moment once on the service just go and write what i'm telling you down if you know anybody and you're following him correct him with what you are learning today if he doesn't watch next thing you're going to see [Music] because if you live in like that he's not going to make it he's going to be empty-handed he's going to be barren so what god would do he would cut off all those his destruction and you know container fell in the high sea oh this one happened this is my oh one problem you see him bastard say now go for the eli he said yes sir uh go for encounter he said yes i passed a finishing cut i said just because you finished the character doesn't mean it's a process go for dear life it's okay okay sir okay so as long as god will help you he will go for the airline then um he need to go and do three suits on me ah pastor i will be there you see him in the front you know what he's sitting he's expecting me to pray for him i see this one is beyond praying for you i can pray for you a miracle will happen but it was just like getting you out of the process medical school i pray you into practicing medicine is that a good thing okay if somebody jumps out from first year of flight school nigerian aviation school jumps are from you say my pastor anointed me with oil and for some unknown reason i don't know how it happened i saw the thing they have signed my certificate graduated and when it was convocation i saw them they called my nemo i even had to borrow gown and i just joined them he said how many years is this is i just i just got admission in just a few months if you're the one employing will you employ him you have an airline we employ him if you know which whatever he flies will you enter of course i will not use the airline just by mistake in case one day i'm sitting they say you are the one in the so i would if you use that airline i will even ride them to suck you but there's disaster flying on what about a doctor oh my my god my past pastor david is my pastor he anointed me on sunday immediately just feast of trumpet just since second-year medical student now i've graduated i've opened my own hospital oh lord praise me to the lord you know there are some testimonies when people give those of us who are my child say lord thank you for what you have done but keep high in the processor that one is already yet yeah you need miracles to keep you going sustenance mana all that but you have to complete the process then you can now have your destiny the promised land the land of your inheritance that he might do the good in your letter and then let's reverse 17 percent read it and thou say in thy heart my power and the might of my hand has gotten me in this world yes verse 18 but thou shall remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get world that he might establish his covenant which he swore unto the ones that have not gone through the process i want to make that mistake i am a self-made man it's my my hard work that got me in this world the ones that went through the process when they get to the promised land they know it's god that meant them so you see then they give god what belongs to him he said he made you well they brought you that that he might establish his covenant which is sword to your fathers for the jews is the abrahamic covenant and the mandate that god has for that nation for us is this great commission god is making you wealthy so you can finance the gospel god is making you wealthy so you can finance the kingdom god is giving you power so you can advance his course on the earth there is purpose for wealth there is purpose for power god doesn't want you to have wealth without a mission money without a mission or power without purpose he doesn't want you to have that because that's when he destroys the man that has it god wants believers to have money with a mission and power with purpose and you see now the man will use the portion that is for him and use the rest to advance god's king you don't beg him you don't they know how they got here they know who made them when you see those sprouts who think they are self-made until the divine discipline comes okay read verse 19. verse 19 and it shall be if thou do at all forget the lord okay okay go down to where he mentioned taking you through the wilderness one more time it's mentioned twice go down to that place verse two and three read that verse two and 3 verse 2 and thou shalt remember all the way which the lord thy god led thee these 40 years in the wilderness to humble to humble thee to prove thee to know what to do what was in your heart whether that would keep his commandment or no now the issue is whether you obey him or not now watch he's going to mention manner and he tells us what manner is read it the next verse that's three and a humble d and suffered thee to hunger and father with manna which down knew is not neither did thy father know watch everybody watch now yes that he might make it to know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the lord now this manner is bred too he came from heaven his angel's food but why is he pouring it down for them instead of giving them natural food in the wilderness during this process time why is manna the food god is changing the diet to teach them one lesson that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god god's word is god's mercy god's word is god's diet god's word is food indeed do you want to [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dominion City
Views: 3,370
Rating: 4.9754601 out of 5
Id: 8J15xDjpW08
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Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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