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of this territory and bring us your face to shine upon us in jesus mighty name amen you are welcome you may be seated turn your bible to the book of genesis 2 amen genesis chapter 2 would you buy this study for 20 minutes then we pray together as a congregation those of you that are downstairs if you can hear me say amen those of you downstairs if you can hear me say amen they are responding okay they are responding yes those of you downstairs you are part of what god is doing please stay tuned pick the lesson and when we begin to pray the holy spirit will do what the preacher cannot do in establishing the counsel of god in your life genesis 2 verse 1 does the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day god ended his walk which he had made rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he had rested from all his work which he which god created and made these are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created in the day that the lord god made the earth and the heavens if you read properly you will find that this portion of scripture where we read sounds like a summary sounds like a conclusion to the perspective of the physical creation that have been accomplished by god now the challenge in this our reading is actually in verse four that's where i hope to draw uh the lesson for the morning from if you are still with me say amen so this is a summary of creation god had eventually prosecuted what was upon his heart and what was on ground was no longer a picture it was for real however there was an intelligence by which god created because he first created the heavens before he created the earth are you with me there's an intelligence by which he created which i'll need to explain to us and if i succeed in doing that then i will show you one or two things are you with me now if you read genesis chapter 2 verse 4 you are going to encounter a challenge and the challenge is in the use of the word generation we know that the project is just beginning the project is just been inaugurated so how come we are using the word generations in the book of genesis chapter 2 verse 4. now when you find such a controversy you don't need to increase this volume please when you find such a controversy in your study of the bible it is it is necessary for you to launch a linguistic investigation and so we need to do a linguistic investigation on the what generations use in the book of genesis chapter 2 let's fall because the project just began how can we have generations are you there if you have a bible that is equipped with a lexicon and you switch it on and click on generations you will find a hypo world this hebrew word happens to be toledo and toridon has a few meanings first meaning is generations second meaning is to give birth to toni down is a comparative world it's a comparative word it must be between two realities and if you check the reading it says these are the generations of the heavens and the earth in the day when the lord god created all right so the contrast for which occasions they need for the use of the word tony down is the heavens and the earth the invincible and the visible realm are you with me all right so what that word means within that context is that the the physical realm was given back to from the invisible realm the foundation of the physical civilization is the spiritual civilization and so if a witch wants to bring injury to someone she doesn't need to do it physically she goes into the foundation and establishes the code in the spirit realm and if the code is effectively established time and season will bring out the injury as if it came naturally this possibility is consistent with the design that god put in place in order to establish compatibility between the unseen and the syn realm they are matched together just like a woman that is pregnant is is linked to the child that she's carrying through the instrument called the umbilical cord and so if the mother should drink coke the child automatically is a victim of what the mother takes and that's how it is in the invincible and the visible realm if you establish something in the invisible realm it will manifest in the visible victory secured first in the invincible realm and it will manifest time and season circumstances and events will collocate together to create the passage for the breathing of that which has been sustained already in the unseen right it means that the one that gains mastery of how to wield the scepter that controls the unseen realm becomes the master of time you'll get it to that point and if you got that then the purpose of this lecture therefore is to give us an insight on how the unseen realm is structured i have just one hour to do this job are you with me so you are going to help me to be focused this is a job we do for for nine days we are trying to do it for one hour my effort is to give us an insight into how that on syndrome functions they shape the structure of that on syndrome so that we can be trained on how to take advantage of his possibilities when you see an asmr he doesn't go to the school we rush to go unm nezemo doesn't need your education because he has his own type of education and his own type of education is given to him through the agency of a spirit of error and that's why he regrets at the end of his life his participation in the in beyonce realm if you have education of the unseen room you'll not want to go to unm you will know that what they are lecturing there is secondary because even the lecturer too will need your help that's why the hmo doesn't go to unm but we do and you think that your certificate that you got from unm can actually cause a change you are wrong it doesn't have any authority because you got that knowledge from the soil of your soul that knowledge can improve circumstances it can change circumstances so as a doctor you can if you understand how the um the processes the systems of the health part functions when it is out of function you can you can restore its function right but what i'm talking about here is the ability to cause changes it will come from the realm of the spirit if you are still with me say amen okay now move with me quickly as we get the first point on how the realm operates that will be genesis chapter four genesis chapter four the next time we have time will not be here this place is too small we will look for a place that can contain us and more people and then we'll give time to teach the wisdom that is in the word of god this wisdom will make everyone function a function where genesis 4 from verse 8. still trying to investigate the realm and king talked with abel his brother and it came to pass when there were in the field that king rose up against abel his brother and slogan and the lord said unto cain where is abel thy brother and he said i know not am i my brother's keeper and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood cried unto me from the ground and now thou art cursed from the earth which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood out of thy hand when doubt delays the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee as strength a fugitive and a vagabond shall that be in the earth you must have noticed those of you that read with concentration that what i just read now is depict a court session a court session now are you with me so i'm just trying to make you understand that the unseen realm is judicial in nature you know we are trying to gain mastery of how to take advantage of the possibilities of the unseen realm so that we can transform we can superimpose the superior position of the invincible on the visible the on syndrome is judicial in nature it is it is capable of a justice system it is capable of legislative potential it is capable of judicial possibility that's how the realm is that's the first description of the shape of the realm it is judicial in nature it is because of his judicial nature that what was just right now is a court session where justice judgment and equity was served a man that was found in violation now this young man killed his brother and those of you that are knowledgeable in the constitution of nigeria for instance who remember the witness act the witness act and in the witness act there are two kinds of witnesses that is possible under the shape of our legal system so according to the witness act we have the eyewitness who happens to be someone that was present in the scene of the event his testimony can affect justice and judgment in the witness act also we have the expert witness just like someone that is a consultant in internal medicine when he looks upon a dead body and comes up with an autopsy and a report that report can affect justice even though the person was not present in the scene of the event and these are the only two provisions for witness under our legal system and because he knew that there was no eyewitness that saw the death of his body and there was no expert witness available obviously he was working with the nigerian constitution he saw that there was no eyewitness there was no expert witness when he was brought forth for cross-examination and he was asked where is eva in view of the fact that such witnesses did not exist his response was am i my brother's keeper because he thought he was responding to mortals and so in order for them to close down the case five had to be retrieved and when the case fire was retrieved this was just so that his doubts could be cleared and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood cried unto me from the ground what cain did not know was that in the legal framework that was in the realm of the spirit blood also had vocabulary and blood can be witnessed blood can take you to court i hope you know that the bible reveals how that the blood of jesus speaketh better things and i don't want to go there because if we go there we'll try to find out what is the blood really speaking and what is it that gave that blood that vocabulary there were so many things the blood could have said why is it that the blood spoke better things so blood has ultras in fact in fact if you have read the book of genesis critically you will find that is not only blood that can speak sin also can speak because when god came to and encountered abraham and he was on on route sodom and gomorrah when he decided that he would no longer hide from abraham what he wants to do he now told abraham that he was heading to sodom and gomorrah and he wanted to evaluate he wanted to see if the scene of that land was according to the cry thereof that means sin can cry it has vocabulary it has a voice and the whole the whole chemistry behind redemption was that the vocabulary the utterance the volume of the blood of jesus was going to be used to supply impose upon the volume of sin the utterance of sin it will quench it because those are the two things that have the capacity to according to the bible your offering can speak because when the angel of the lord encountered cornelius he said unto him thy night arms and my prayers as ascended unto god as a memorial i'm just trying to give you an insight into the shape of this unseen realm so it is capable of justice so what summoned this caught was the blood of abel the blood of abel was what ascended into heaven with a cry and forced this court to sit meanwhile cain was ignorant he didn't know that blood was capable of generating summons in the court of heaven are you with me um if you are going to be invited to court it is through the instrument of the writ of summons or the instrument of the originating summons but it was blood that summoned that cut because it sustained a crime that could not be overlooked are you still with me hallelujah oh the people outside cannot hear me that was why i did the test in the first place okay you can add volume so that they can hear but me i can't my this my voice is high volume in my own voice kit this is this what my utterance now is high on high volume hallelujah so it was the blood that someone that caught and then god spoke out of heaven and caught the attention of king and asked him a question he answered as if he were addressing mortals to clear his doubt the crystal was brought he was educated for that but he was not allowed to speak in court again subsequently the judgment was issued he said and thou had cursed from the earth which had opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood out of the hand that's that's judgment the curse has come upon you and then the details of the curse include when doubt he left the ground he shall not henceforth yield unto thee has strength number two item of the cross a fugitive and a vagabond should have been there now the implication of this course is that there is no territory on the heaven that it will be possible for cain to establish his destiny no territory on it so he will have to wander from place to place you might look upon cain and you see his biceps his triceps his build and a lady might say he's in love with him and he's crying to the parents but the lady may not know that there's a judicial disadvantage that the man is suffering from may the lord give you understanding are you with me because the realm is judicial in nature it means that there is a possibility that men are under judicial bondages just like cain is an example of a man that is operating under judicial bondages i mean what is number one number one there are no there are nine things i found about the onsen realm if you know them you can change something from there if you know them you can understand some symptoms when you see them on the street this is judicial are you with me so it is possible for someone to be in bondage such bondage that is judicial in nature now those of you downstairs can you hear me now did you hear something hallelujah now you are a part of what we are doing and right now we're in court we're trying to solve some problems in court this morning that's why we came here and i trust that god will help us in the name of jesus all right go with me to the book of isaiah chapter 49 quickly are you there in isaiah chapter 49 the next time we come we'll find time to teach the scriptures in a good place that has enough space i think the place where everyone using we look for a place so that we can enter into one or two things and then you'll see how easy it is to use knowledge to influence your environment the challenge of the believer can only be ignorance if not in terms of equipment we have been adequately funded to prosecute the council of god for our lives in fact according to the scriptures is the same spirit that reversed the protocol of death and brought jesus out of the grave and it happens to be that man's greatest problem is dead the holy ghost started by solving the greatest problem in raising jesus from the dead and it was not occasioned by night vigil that you attended it was not night prayer that you did that made jesus rise he rose irrespective of your involvement it means it was suffering are you with me and satan could not stop it it's the same spirit that conquered death that is driving your christian life that means are you here if you conquer debt can conquer poverty right if you conquer debt it can conquer bad luck if you conquer debt it can conquer the curse that is walking your family it's just that the only challenge of the believer will be ignorance that's the only church if not you're adequately funded but if you don't know what has been allocated to you you'll be looking for what is not lost but lord help us in jesus name all right isaiah chapter 49 because the the the realm of the invincible is judicial in nature there are some bondages that have a judicial tone a judicial coloration and according to the book of isaiah chapter 49 verse 24 the bible says shall the prayer be taken from the mighty all the lawful captive delivered one question was asked in two ways because the prophet felt it might be difficult for us to understand the first rendering of the question so he rephrased the question and ask the same question again in a different way the first question was shall the pray be taken from the mighty so we have two metaphors there that might be difficult to understand pray and mighty so he said no the mysteries are too much he now rephrase the question again say oh shall the lawful captive be delivered it means that that guy that was called mighty wasn't called mighty because it has brute strength it's a warrior it's called mighty because the kind of bondage he puts his capitals is legal in nature when you find as we proceed in this service this morning before we end what we are going to cut because you know in when we talk about spiritual things there's no evidence that it is true until there's a manifestation all right so when we do the theoretical aspect to arm us with the general principle we'll move into the practical aspect so that you can see how justice and judgment is executed from the unseen realm and today my place my occupation my designation in this whole arrangement is the occupation of a law enforcement agent i'm just trying to enforce law you know when when when when justice is is is saved then law enforcement agents are empowered to take over from sin so when we achieve when we attain justice and judgment then in that capacity i can enforce one or two things and god will help us in jesus name they are territories that have legal issues not just not just men but territories locations nations that are spiritually uh deep legal circumstances that has led to their current experience current civilization has its roots in a lot of legal stuff and we're going to look and how to prosecute these matters and god will help us in the name of jesus it's needful for us to understand that satan is actually called an accuser the bible says be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil he moved about looking for seeking for whom he might devour this your adversary the word adversary there is someone an opponent that comes that is in grieco the word translated and you can check it out if you have the lexicon the word adversary there is an opponent that comes forth with a lawsuit and so in the devil's motion as he moves about seeking whom he might devour that's a metaphor lion is looking for who he might devour but in practicality what that metaphor means is that it's going about seeking evidence in order to bring accusation against you in the court of heaven and and according to the book of revelation chapter 12 the bible gives us an insight into the scope of the accusation ministry of the devil he accuses the believers the bible says day and night that means there's no rest in this accusation matter are you say with me now god runs a justice system that is based on the principle of righteousness i truly know god is forever and the scepter of thy kingdom is a right sector and because the devil knows that god runs justice according to righteousness what he does is that he goes and he brings accusation against us using god's laws god's principles god's preferences and if it is consistent according to god's laws satan will be given permission by god to execute the justice that he felt was not executed adequately do you understand that and under such circumstances because it is legal even god was bound to his word to our accord satan the permission so your prayer will not stop you you will pray for long it will not change the kind of prayers that we pray because the the mistake we make i didn't finish my reading let's go back to marriage so this my reading began with a question shall the prayer be taken from the mighty or shall the lord factor be delivered question mark but dosts see at the lord even the captive it was i don't know who asked the question but it was god that answered because human beings could not answer this question thus yeah the lord even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prayer of the terrible shall be delivered for i will contain with him that contended with thee and i will save thy children i will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh and theirs okay no need no need what i wanted to bring here is how does god intend to save the prayer of the terrible he told us that he said by contention now contention in this in this context is twofold first of all contention on the battlefield which is the one that every believer knows secondly there's contention in court which most believers don't know and most times we try to attack legal issues from battlefield approach and it's wrong it will not produce a result because the mata has a legal undertone it will take a legal approach to undo the premise that saturn is standing on exactly oh you're not here okay somebody is quoting a scripture to me i can hear what the person is quoting so let me answer the person's question because i picked the person's thoughts after i asked you the question then i will now show you how to prosecute matters turn your baby to the book of luke are you there in the book of luke chapter 10 luke chapter 10 you know what the person is quoting the person said i think it is written that if any man being christ is a new creation all things are passed away and behold all things have become new how therefore can legal issues exist for a new creation my answer my response is in luke chapter 13 from verse 10. and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath behold there was a woman which had the spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bound together and couldn't no wise lift up herself and when jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman that would lose from dying infirmity he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight i'd like you to take note that jesus was operating in the capacity of a law enforcement agent in this country just for the records verse 14. and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because that jesus healed on the sabbath day and said unto the people there six days in which men ought to walk in them therefore come and be healed and not on the sabbath day so jesus is trying to justify his actions now said something in verse 15 and verse 16 which happens to be my defense to that person that brought that claim the lord then answered him and said thou hypocrite dot not each one of you on the sabbath lose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him a way to water it ought not this woman being a daughter of abraham whom satan has bound low these 18 years be lost from this bound on the sabbath day i like to refresh your memory about your status as a believer you must understand that redemption began with abraham but redemption was culminated in the work of christ on the cross and so everyone that has accepted the work of christ on the cross according to galatians chapter 3 is a bonafide son and daughter of abraham that's your status and that's the reason why you have entitlements consistent with the covenant that god caught with abraham so your status as you sit here right now is that you are a daughter you are a son of abraham by faith that status that you occupy that gives you preference in terms of the dealings of god happens to be the same status this woman occupied you might ask does satan have a right to bind her no because jesus said that in her status as a daughter of abraham she ought to be loosed but she was bound below 18 years so it was not by right that satan bound her it was that satan was able to find a reason for which she should be bound now you know with me satan doesn't have the right to bind you but satan can find a reason that he will take to cut that vocation your bondage meanwhile according to law she ought to be loosed but she was not loose for 18 years are you here so satan can't find a reason and i want to assure you that this lawyer calls satan if he wants to find a reason he moves about he becomes mobile and and when we say satan is mobile and many of you would think he moved from east to west that's the simplest motion and he's not likely to find any evidence moving in a linear motion he can also move into your past seeking for evidence move five generations into the past and find the reason for which oh you are not with me you are not with me i don't have time i don't have time this morning to to to bring litigation from the word of god i don't have time this morning i would have shown you uh some glimpses of the justice system things that satan knows that men are too too much in a hurry they don't take their time to look at those things and satan uses it against people satan doesn't have a right to bind him that's not the angle he comes from he looks for a reason looks for evidence to take to cut so that he will have a reason for which you are bound even though he doesn't have a right to bring you to bonding and that's why part of the protocols of ascending into court and arguing your case requires that you're coming to court with strong reasons the reason why it is strong reasons is because satan has reasons so you need to present what you're not with me i didn't come with my diary i've shown you one or two snapshots here and there all right one of the snapshots i've shown you was the position the position of the justice system of heaven as touching the shedding of blood and the consequences that have been clearly spelt out of the constitution that should result if blood is shared so all the devil needs to do is to travel into your bloodline to locate whenever blood was shed and then he can go to court and say this matter was never handled this violation took place but there was no time when this issue was addressed are you with me i was doing some studies and i discovered that there are more than 80 000 rape kits right and what i mean by rape kids are are the extracts from a practical rape case which ought to have gone to the lab for analysis to detect the dna of the corporate in order to press charges are you with me in the u.s there are 80 more than 80 000 rape kits that never went to the lab those are open cases the person can be walking free on the street but there is there is a matter see the day they let people revive he will have his day in court do you understand that you are not with me you are already afraid so i will not proceed you are afraid alright i'm just showing you the landscape this there is a solution a permanent solution the reason why i can't treat you like this is because i used this method to get solution that's why i can speak more so i'm not telling you what i think and i'm not telling you what someone told me i'm telling you what i've experienced and it took years for god to give me wisdom on how to present it from here you know it is possible for you to have spiritual experiences that you can't explain biblically yes paul had encounters with jesus in arabia it took him 17 years to find utterance to communicate it to the body of god for some of you now i'm speaking now you are saying hey it's because the thing was dead but there was no trance it's not as if the body the lord will help us in the name of jesus 80 000 kids sometimes the people of your sleep may go and bribe and see let the lab have a problem for because according to american law if that kid remains there for 10 years it is no longer valid as an instrument to prosecute justice it has outstayed so there is such a window let me not trouble you my learning in the university is in the area of the sciences but i had to go and learn law to understand this matter i had to learn it i'm a quack lawyer so that issues could be prosecuted may the lord help us in the name of jesus i'm looking for a simple scripture that's why i'm laboring a very simple one [Music] first somewhere else give me time sorry seconds how summer chapter 21 i'm going to show us a test case a tech test case then i'll stop my lecture if we come back again we'll open up this subject in a more robust fashion and then we will proceed in our court court proceedings and will secure judgments for everyone whose case is spending now let's let's go second summer chapter 21 verse 1 there was a famine in the days of david three years year after year and david inquired of the lord and the lord answered it is for saul and for his bloody house because he slew the gibeonite and the king called the gibeonites unto them now the gibeonites were not of the children of israel but of the remnant of the amorites and the children of israel has sworn unto them and saul sought to slay them in ezekiel to the children of israel and children now stay with me stay with me are you because of the covenant that israel had with god one of the things that was guaranteed was that there will be no famine another guarantee was that no man will be able to stand before the israeli army and succeed against them in battle right and now we have a three-year situation of famine here so when david saw the trend he knew that this is location by the justice system so he needed to know the case fire what was responsible for this judgment and he inquired for three years and god downloaded the case file and revealed to him that this thing you are seeing was caused by saul listen are you here oh my it seems your capacity for the word of god is so small hey are you with me now the covenant that joshua made with the gibeonites at this time was 700 years old the breach of contract that took place by saul as at this time was 17 years old are you with me can you see how far satan traveled i'm just trying to open your eyes to a few things it traveled 700 years in search of evidence and david was totally oblivious of what was going on that he there was no record by physical record through which he could connect the happenings he had to launch an inquiry my question is have you launched an inquiry about your family what do you know about your family what do you know about your clan what do you know about enugu state what do you know about nigeria because anywhere meaning christian like david should have launched an inquiry about nigeria because this is not how god ordained it i worked in the oil industry for it for for 16 years and i can tell you that i i know a little we generate the statistics that is used to make decisions in that sector and i can tell you clearly that the god that created nigeria did not plan for any nigerian to be poor i can tell you if statistics means anything we can confirm that the god that created us never intended one nigerian to be a poor man so david had to launch an inquiry and then it was revealed to him that saul had committed trespass and this trespass is such that the the court of heaven became helpless when satan brought the accusation and because the court of heaven had actually operated on the principle of righteousness there was no way to manipulate the judgment satan had the occasion and he was given the liberty to press such charges to implement to prosecute to enforce justice he said okay let us start with family part of what we need to do because he said that we contend with him that continues he will need to take the case to cut so part of our job in the court of heaven is to make it possible for god to drop to release righteous judgments oh you're not with me okay i'll explain now you see this farming that was taking place was because of a violation that happened to the gibeonites is that also that was the ground that set and secured to press charges so david knew how to unbalance the justice system so what he did was that he called to give your night and he asked them two questions first question was what shall i do for you that's first question second question is where wheat shall i make atonement that he may bless the inheritance of the lord two questions what will i what can i do for you that means if the gibeonites are willing to accept a gift that will be sufficient compensation for the loss that they suffer as one but they didn't accept that option did not ask another question when which can i make atonement it was the second provision that they accepted they said if some children are still living bring nine of them we are going to kill them the same place where they killed our people the guys didn't accept compensation what they accepted is atonement restitution the moment that was done satan lost his ground of accusation on that matter and rain began to fall you see can you see the role david played in order to give god the opportunity to alter judgments that are now a favor oh you are now with me that's what you need to do in court and the reason why you have this responsibility is because the realm is judicial in nature that's number one that's number one character of the realm it has been quitted upon us a responsibility to create the atmosphere that will make god able to give righteous judgments my lecture ends on this note and whenever we have time we will plan to do bible study then you find out that this book has been locked for long this book locked with key for a very long time and my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge this morning now can you reduce your volume this morning we are going to pray and because of how tight the space where we are staying is you don't need to stand up but you need to exercise yourself because we are going to cut this morning we are hoping to change a few things that will produce new patterns in our lives first of all i would like you to look back if you find that something is transgenerational it's a cut case it happened in one generation you still see the same symptom in another generation say cut case if you if you see anything that is cyclical it comes and goes comes and goes comes and goes if you see anything that is a pattern it's a cut case maybe you will notice that all the people that died in your family none of them was able to hit 70. and this one that one this one this one this one when you see that pattern any wise man should be able just like david read the famine and knew that this thing had to do with cut every wise man should be able to read trends and know ah there is an issue then it is your job to conduct an inquiry as we pray what we are doing in the brief moment that we have this opportunity is inquiries and i told you that if you are up to date with the lord and you know where to look it will be easy for you to pick the voice of god in five minutes of engagement and so we are going to do some inquiry and when we are able to do the inquiries we will also follow through with the necessary legal procedure to secure salvation hallelujah and then subsequently when we have time we'll do a more robust presentation that is fully all-inclusive and then also give you the tools of how to litigate and we'll go back to the places that have been considered to the enemy and we can reclaim them in a moment of time let's use your family as a case study because there are many case studies we can there are territorial issues bondages that are territorial in nature that are traceable to legal issues and we have had a lot of insights in our own city and we have tackled many issues we have so you have seen patterns change by priesthood are you with me so the case study right now is your family and we're going to take some time to pray for families i have uh we'll do this all of this for 20 minutes then i'll take myself so we're going to pray for our families for 20 minutes and just in case you have seen a pattern a trend something cyclical something transgenerational something is there is that if poverty has traveled for four generations no that is spiritual it's not because no hard-working person has come out of that place but his efforts were stalled by several judgments that have been uttered and irrespective of his efforts it doesn't translate to any prophet because a spirit is involved hallelujah can we pray can we pray i'd like you to bring your family before the lord right now and isolate an item now it's not meditative prayer the fact that i say should sit down doesn't mean i'm recommending meditation as a prayer approach isolate investigate put your hands on something that you know is not normal this is not the will of god this is not the mind of god for us this is not the purpose of god for us and begin to pray about it that the hand of god might be stretched forth that the god of heaven oh my simo queboros will bring about an intervention that his hand might move over their fears of the clan over the affairs of the family over their fears of your life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you lord [Music] in the name of jesus what i see is that there is someone among us it will be difficult to administer this matter seeing that we have four floors or two floors over and above the guys that are down there and there's no camera there that can give us eyes okay don't worry don't worry don't worry um freeman don't worry what i see which i want to address right now is someone that has been operating under the sentence of death and two times in dreams that were very vivid you saw as though death was coming to you that he saw it at least twice a very vivid fashion and you saw that one of the people implicated by this he saw a coughing twice another one saw a grave that was dog he saw and the person that saw the grave saw it once now if this is your case whether you are down or up come up your own case can be solved if this is your case whether you are down or up come up and come to the front here your case will be solved this morning meanwhile what was your own experience was it a coffin you saw graves you saw it great how long how far back like two months ago what did you see what was your spirit coffee coffee coffee what did you see a coffee but i still waiting as all the people implicated come and then we'll end this one this morning the thing about this one is that when i finish praying for you it is possible that this judgment will come upon somebody but i'm just giving you a hint it is a possibility that what is at work is a possible exchange someone wants to exchange somebody for somebody if that is the case then when we finish the prayer the thing will go back to the person that is orchestrating the exchange okay all right so justice is a wonderful thing justice oh my all right i think we got all the people implicated by that utterance okay um what someone else again ah okay just stand on the eye don't cross our our pulpit area just yes yes stand on the air we're done selling broke llama when we come next we have time to deal with diverse issues that have this legal depth and whole families will be librated i've seen it what we're actually pressing for now in the court of heaven is for the liberty of nigeria and it will come to pass because in this equation there are two candlesticks and when the first candlestick is put out it will come to pass that some of our insecurities will stop and before they finish morning the first candlestick the second one will be put out the vedic concerning nigeria has been given just open your eyes and watch just watch you will may the lord give you wisdom to interpret this parable in jesus mighty name can we pray for them can you stretch your hand in that direction and demand their release demand their release area my [Music] in the name of jesus listen listen the lord has heard us and he has actually dispatched an angel all right now this angel will touch one of these people in the next few seconds but i'm just explaining so that you will know um what is happening now when the engine begins to touch that person which he has begun it is actually a sign that the yokes on these people has been commissioned to be broken [Music] so the angel has touched one the engine will touch another one again the engine will touch another one his hand will come strong sand will come strong so this guy now has been brought out before i lay hands god will do too then may i can do the rest the hand of the lord will come on one of these people and it will come strong to come strong to pull you out the hand will come strong to pull you out to come strong to come strong i'm seeing other cases in court and case files lord in the name of jesus that one that you are sending deliverance to i ask oh god that you straightforward your hand and and touch that one so that i will know that one i will know that one so that i can know that one let your hand be straightforward okay it's coming let your hand be stretchful i sense it coming so strong let your hand be stretched forward so that we'll know that one and then we'll be able to prophesy we're able to prophesy we have been released now you have been released from the crown of your head to the source of your feet the hand of god is stronger stronger on you the hand of god is stronger now you see number two there before we go on it's coming you see you have been removed from hey were kept you are kept in a place and you have been you have been removed from that place you have been removed from that place you have been removed from that place you have been removed from that place thank you father amateurly coveted being removed thank you lord all right if i taught you you go lord we give you praise we remove him from the rich of the enemy remove him from the rich we remove him from the rich we remove her from the rich of the enemy in the name of jesus we remove him from the reach of the enemy in the name of jesus we remove him from the rich we remove him from the rich we remove him from the rich in the name of jesus we remove him from the rich we remove him from the rich we remove her from the reach of the enemy we remove him from the rich in the name of jesus we remove him from the rich in the name of jesus remove her from the rich we remove him from the rich in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we remove her from the rich in the name of jesus [Music] and we give you praise this morning and we ask that you look upon every family that is represented here this day straightforward your hand over every family and we pray as we present the blood of jesus christ confronting the accuser and the ground that he has sustained i proclaim liberty liberty liberty liberty in the name of jesus that the things that were considered to be impossible before this time be made possible in the name of jesus i'm seeing a few things what the lord will help us in jesus name amen while we're standing can we just pray in tongues for two more minutes let's heal this thing just praying tongues just praying tongues just praying the holy ghost praying the holy ghost praying the holy ghost don't keep your mouth shut don't look around foreign [Music] foreign um foreign foreign foreign foreign um [Music] [Music] you reign forever your name is ever great you are the wisdom before time begun you reign forever your name is evergreen i worship god and worship you are that we've done before time began into the wisdom before time begun you brought us into and you were oh [Applause] you rain forever your name is evergreen you are the wisdom before time began spiritual my will [Music] my will spirit you're my way you reign forever your name is evergreen why you are the wisdom before time began you reign forever you're ready you are the wisdom [Music] you reign forever you reign forever you reign forever your name is evergreen you are thou ease done [Music] remember you've heard this powerful summon but i'll go back to something i said when before i i called apostle oh listen he said the seed of a woman shall bruise the head of the sabbath you know that when they crucified him on the cross jesus before he died said it is finished hallelujah it is finished when he made that utterance when he said that it is finished hallelujah hallelujah now that we are in the courtroom even though we haven't pressed deeper and deeper as you know you kept hearing our process saying when we return when we return but we know that light has come if you agree with me say big yes that is to say that as we leave this place we know that we have started taking delivery possession of that which the enemy has stolen joy is coming back to your house in the name of jesus you know some of you are still scoping you are watching you better believe that something new has just begun hallelujah there is a new horizon opening up right now something is busting out right now can you put your hands on your belly just before we round off just a red round off can you put your hands on your butt the bible said out of their belly those that believe shall flow the reverse of the living waters this this how we close that before we go to offering just make sure go ahead and pray just for a minute oh out of their belly out of their belly out of their pelvis and flow out of their belly [Music] [Music] he said it it is finished [Music] the case that the devil brought against us it is finished the handwriting is now to the cross those people who are [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] just thank him just thank him just thank him just go ahead and take him something is already shifting in her atmosphere go ahead and thank him something is sipping in our atmosphere go ahead and thank him in jesus name [Music] in jesus name in jesus name and the summary is this there is a great need for alignment hallelujah there is a great need forward can we say one more time there's a great need for what because if they if they discharge the case from court and you go back and go and do those things that brought the case in the first place you become a victim again so there is a strong need for alignment and because of that the last prayer please don't be offended that just the last prayer we're going to pray and ask the holy ghost the holy ghost the one who has been assigned to help you and i we're going to ask him to help i saw in hebrews chapter 5 7 the bible said he lifted up his voice with a vermin cry unto him that was able to save him and he was ahead because he had reverential fear then i asked you a question if jesus was praying to dodge death and the bible said he was head which debt was he talking about so there are things in her members that will keep making us victims because we become susceptible to them but when you go like jesus went and began to cry with the fame and cry you know you see this there are two kinds of regrets rather or just kind of pain i don't have pain of the season till i break forth into the new thing that god has destined me for it might take me years and time to get there but if i praise and praise and praise and enter into it just like jesus just like the bible said it was head that was the end and i know that somebody's end to struggles that will make you and keep making you a victim can come by the help of the holy ghost so i want us to you know don't look at anybody if you are downstairs please let's pray this last prayer if you are upstairs join me in this last prayer you're going to put your hands on your belly and you're going to ask the holy ghost to break forth you're like pandora grandma pray holy spirit if you stop swinging in my life i am done for good you are like pendulum somebody pray holy spirit if you start swinging in my heart i am done for good i'm done for good can somebody pray here this morning cry out to the holy ghost the one who has give god has given to help you and i if you start swinging in my heart i am down for good i'm done for you somebody said don't ever stop swinging help me cry out to him and cry say help me holy ghost i don't like the me i see come on come on if you saw swinging a man [Music] come on keep pressing keep pressing just two minutes more just still finish more somebody pray here pray here prayer this is the last prayer for today pray here press it press it [Music] if you stop swinging in my heart then i'm done [Laughter] hallelujah hallelujah i have a lead in my heart to tell you that you should make the whole of today a prayer day make the whole of today a prayer day make the hell the whole of today a prayer day suspend other activities i'm pressed till today is over i can assure you that the same father in heaven that had jesus we hear you today and when we return we will look the struggles have disappeared i'm not talking about struggles in terms of finances i'm talking about that struggle that keep making new what that keeps making it what a big team that's what i'm talking about can we give him thanks as we have our seat shapa lakati just give him thanks just give him thanks hallelujah hallelujah my wife please come and i'll be held in the spirit i saw the horizon open you were given the privilege to jump two steps your voice will be heard in this city your voice will be held in this city the lord said i should tell you that this is not time for discouragement for you are at the gate already is an entry point into two measures that god has approved and your voice will be heard i ask that you put your hand upon your servant put your hand upon his wife and that grace let grace that grace be poured out in the name of jesus step into the things that god is offering you your voice will be heard in jesus name amen thank you sir amen for you might be an emotional what this is the journey had been a long one been a long very long one you may not understand why i feel this sweet body had been a long journey when i first came back from from ghana where i was sent on mission i came back into nigeria i stayed five years in ghana on mission and that was why i'll just brief it and tell you something when i had opposed to aramaic i heard him and had him and hit him and you know something broke within me but before then i i didn't pay attention to hear god so guess what i did i went from place to place until finally i heard the voice then when i saw tony richie hosting asaba i told my wife we are going there for there is no more time for joke and games and we will go into a sabbath and that is how we met him you know the fun do you know the gospel truth there was no there wasn't time for joke because he looked like i have known him before i remember him telling me i know you for me i have not met him face to face that was the first thing he said then we went into the room sat down there talked for a while me and my wife with him and phillip and later we left as we were leaving that place i heard god saying if you know how to you see just as in just do it don't joke with it and stop searching and i can assure you that's just what i did so the day he oh no no no the day he called is coming for this conference we are doing in shoprite that we should prepare for today wow wow i said so this is finally true i don't know how god wants to do it but you see the world that came just now if we must pay any price to see it come to pass will not hesitate there's something he said yesterday in the tent some people will miss because they will miss some of these things because those that god will be using our young people i i where i was i shouted lord if it is true that you need men please i make myself available and somebody is going to leave this place today asking for the same thing by making yourself available for god to use you so that they are all out of space remember all these things you are seeing all these things you are singing from genesis to revelation all of them pay attention all of them man is on a journey of reclaiming the lost territories of the eighth back to god that is our duty so we can bring the message from all action all parts all corners but the sole aim is that all the the places that are that were lost to the enemy will be reclaimed and here is the second thing i will say before we share the grace i haven't seen anywhere that's why this message sir blessed me a lot i haven't seen anywhere a judge will pass judgment and still be they want to execute it so he's looking for executioners and jesus was the first one that showed up on the same what was his announcement for this reason did the son of man come to destroy every works so being the first executioner also a prototype you and i must rise to the same occasion because executioners must come even though god had passed judgment on satan for his rebellion he has not yet been fully executed that is why jesus is saying if bible is saying in ephesians 5 he's coming for that church without spots and rico because they are the ones that are in the right position to execute the judgment of god and satan you see why we can't be messing around you see what we can be playing anki punky christianity flaky people you see why we cannot be amongst them because the duty on our shoulder is strong hallelujah can we put our hands together again for apostles please if you are clapping clap let's celebrate the man of god that god has used to bless us can we also stretch our hands a minute's prayer for him please can we do that everybody say what a prayer for apostle oh my god please stretch your hands and pray you see him going from nation to nation and all this team all his team all the people that came with him you see them going from mission to nation if you have been on facebook you will see it from ghana to all the parts of the world they are traveling can we pray that the grace the sustaining grace of god will be upon them all as they travel from coast to coast the mandate of god must be delivered across nations somebody pray pray just stretch it for one more minute one more minute one more minute they will keep firing on until the very end or to the very end out in the very end as the voice of one crying in the wilderness making stress the way of god that is what this is all about and we say the father we thank you we say glory to your name for these ones for apostle roma messiah and his team for being a blessing to us and the church age in nigeria father we honor and glorify your name in jesus precious name we have worshipped hallelujah thank you lord jesus please can you bring your offerings they will they will make it go through can i get my envelope please where's my guy they will make the offering go um the the information go through on the screen for those who are downstairs those who are watching online the information will go through then do the needful hallelujah and also i want to use this opportunity to ask you to please get a pamphlet of threshold life of faith center we have a little information that we put together in that pamphlet that will help you to know what we are doing here but especially grace of god if we put but um okay thank you so if you if you look at those information there please if he interests you come and be a part of what god is doing here then this is how i close as the offering is going on please sir permit me i'm going to beg you please again just one more time i know you have prayed for me i want you to also pray for the church for the church because you mentioned in the prayer you were praying for me personally it's not time to give up i also wanted to please pray for the church treasured life of faith center to fulfill god's i don't know how you want to do it sir please cast your offerings as we pray together as an assembly i believe that when we'll come back we will hold the church meeting you're about to be increasing so be strong and i am fully persuaded that that there is by you faithfully that god is going to increase financially or somebody like that all right let's pray please make sure you get the pan-flight so that you can you can pick the information before you leave this place and we strongly strongly uh advise that you fellowship with us right here in jesus name lord we give you praise we give you glory and i pray for your people for this congregation for this ministry and for the people that you have given unto this ministry and i ask oh god that you strengthen them in this season of transition that no one will miss out on the season that you are opening up for the ministry in the name of jesus let your grace rest let your prosperity rest let your faithful rest upon every member of this house in the name of jesus christ we cut off every attempt of the enemy to bring injury around your life to bring regrets around your life in the name of jesus i bless you may the lord cause his face to shine upon you may he be gracious unto you in the name of jesus christ lord we decree that the borders of this house will be extended to the left and to the right you will cause an explosion an unprecedented explosion to take place in this ministry in the name of jesus you will raise men and women to stand with your servant and to stand with his wife so that it will be easy for him to continue performing your counsel oh be glorified and be exalted in jesus mighty name for prayer [Music] amen can we jump those hands together for it is already done hallelujah hallelujah so we we are coming to the end of the service already but remember this evening by five o'clock five okay sorry by four o'clock sorry by four o'clock we are going back to shop right please don't be late go and tell everybody you know about the meeting it's continuing and ending tonight all right so you remember his healing light also mentioned big day so bring the people who are you know in need of that and come along hallelujah can we rise to life [Music] give the lord praise thank you for all he had done today thank you man bless him thank you man blessing you what [Music] okay so see what we are going to do now and um thank you what we are going to do now so you know this place is tight and we say give honor to him on is due so i don't want anybody rushing to allow a pastor to leave first with the team when they are gone then you can follow suit how many of us would do that don't say yes i would do that i'll do it amen so once you share the grace just wait and then all right okay personally so come on conclude for me so that i will stand here and go with him god conclude amen amen have you been blessed today are you sure heavenly father we thank you for an awesome service we thank you what a privilege that we are able to stand in this time in your presence to witness all that you are doing in our life we say may your name be praised forever in the mighty name of jesus as we go your presence is always with us and we thank you for whatever you have established we continue to function in the life of everyone here today in the mighty name of jesus blessed be your holy name we thank you thank you father thank you jesus thank you sweet holy spirit in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen and grace in the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god and the sweet philosophy of the holy spirit blessing about us now forever amen surely may the lord be with you so remember let's follow suit after the apostle [Music] leaves you
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 9,598
Rating: 4.9847326 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Arome, Osayi, rcn mission
Id: oi4x439aLw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 50sec (6290 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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