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one of the indicators of his voice is authority he's not speaking to suggest he's speaking to be obeyed if you become humble enough to obey him you will see her wise he is i don't have time for testimonies because i'm almost out of time he's why see the holy ghost he's wise don't fight a man that knows god don't fight him don't fight him over time you will know you were a fool ah oh jesus hallelujah number two there is a stronger manifestation of the presence of god when the holy spirit speaks you see when your human spirit is now you are now with me remember your your human spirit is regenerated it was regenerated by the holy ghost are you with me and so he does he does things similar to what the holy spirit does but the frequency that the holy spirit does what he does the human spirit is not capable of that even though it is it it is enlivened by the excess of the life of the holy spirit that is in your spirit all right when the lord speaks do you know when you are studying your bible and some revelations open that's not all the voice of the holy spirit comes with presence as it is opening you are being saturated there is a density of presence that accompanies the speakings of the holy spirit a density he beats your spirit man in a glow of his glory so that you can never be mistaken that is the one that is at work your human spirit can be giving you impressions but the holy ghost bids you in glory that's what jesus meant when he said the ones that i speak are spirit and their life they transmit life and so there is a stronger manifestation of the presence of god when the holy spirit speaks to you so there are several factors that you need a barometer to capture and part of what you need to measure is the overwhelming presence he overwhelms you when he speaks to you i remember you know i like rocks i like rocks so even though the whole house might be tired my room should be wrong because if i rise up and i pray i like the feeling of drugs on my feet you know i don't know i don't know how to explain that but just i just like it glory and god is not really against what you like no it's not so i just i just like it like that so what they did there was a house i lived in and the day i rocked the house i was so happy because i know what it means so that day i was just walking on the rug and praying in tongues and then god too was happy and the way i i know it is because he is presence jesus christ his presence came so mightily that i had to prostrate and to prostrate and i've never lived alone when i was a single just to ensure that i was living right because what are you living alone as a single what what are you living alone hallelujah so i've never lived so the people i was living with all the people that were living with me didn't understand what i was doing when i didn't send them i didn't send them the presence was so heavy it was so heavy in fact as i was frustrated it was in that moment i slept there i was i was overwhelmed by presence and slept when i woke up my god i was like a bed as if i could fly you need to know the measure of the presence of god that accompanies your spiritual transactions it's a proof that is the holy spirit that is responsible because when god speaks when the holy spirit speaks there is a stronger manifestation of the presence of god the voice of the holy spirit is inwardly louder than the voice of your human spirit it is inwardly loud it is inwardly loud you can dream and wake up and forget it that might be your human spirit trying to communicate with your soul but you cannot forget a dream that came from the holy spirit it is so loud so cons in fact you even believe that reality was a lie that that dream was more real than it is when you wake up you begin to wonder where am i because it was more real than where you have come it was murray and if you pray a lot in the night you will dream much more you pray in the night you dream much more if you pray in the night regularly we have the basis of trusting your dreams more than someone that doesn't pray in the night may the lord help us in jesus name [Music] we cannot reason with the voice of the holy spirit because he is firm in his instructions on the other hand the human spirit we can reason with the human spirit because he persuades us it persuades us to follow the ways of god you cannot reason with the holy spirit because he is firm in his instructions but you can reason with your human spirit for those of you that meditate a lot because one of the things we need to do to train our spirit your recreated human spirit needs training and that's the reason why paul in recommending that we exercise our human spirit deliberately and consistently and consciously he told us his own testimony was not trying to brag about his spiritual attainment but he said i thank god that i speak in tongues [Music] more than you all [Music] but it's something he has to do deliberately number five the holy spirit deals with revelation and the human spirit deals with perception i think i said that before the holy spirit deals with revelation and the human spirit deals with perception so i won't talk more on that again the holy spirit communicates on behalf of the father and the lord jesus christ he is like a facility a facility that is put in place in order to link you up with the father link you up with jesus if jesus is speaking is the holy spirit that is the facility he is neutral he just brings what jesus is saying and connects you to that frequency it brings what the father is saying and it connects you to that frequency that's what he does he's neutral it's like pa system right so when i'm speaking to this microphone the microphone runs through the mixer the amplifier and then it releases what i'm saying through the speakers and also online it's not necessarily infiltrating or transforming what i'm saying is just making it available and that's what jesus meant when he was talking about the holy ghost he said he shall glorify me because he will take that which is of me and he will make it available to you [Music] so the holy spirit is like a catalyst a catalyst hasting the rate of reactions but is not necessarily part of the reaction just history makes it possible it is easy you can hear god if you are not baptized in holy spirit but it will take you 20 years when you are old that's when you hear him once or twice but if you have the holy spirit and the catalyst is there you can hear him every day
Channel: Spirit Nerds TV
Views: 6,134
Rating: 4.9840636 out of 5
Keywords: spirit nerds, spirit nerds tv, arome osayi, apostle arome osayi, apostle arome, apostle arome osayi 2020, apostle arome osayi live, apostle osayi arome, osayi arome, arome osayi 2020, arome osayi messages, arome osayi live, apostle arome osayi 2021, arome osayi 2021
Id: bMcFSvhU6gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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