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uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um somebody [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] somebody play [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] let me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Applause] ah me [Music] [Applause] uh oh me ah me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me somebody oh my god [Music] huh [Music] howard [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] last uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] i believe you are making progress i don't know the sound people they are manipulating my son but i will win you people if you're on the ground stand up i don't love this sound in jesus name in jesus name listen everybody that was about [Music] some of us it's not just that you don't have weight you are one thing in the spirit you don't trust that not just that many persons they don't have weight they are wanting in this spirit some of us what is happening to your life is a result of pentecost no waiting this spirit so somebody we asking you to pray you don't know what we are telling you to do we are we are going to build up weight in the spirit now listen listen some of us have a sister in the spirit there is no way and not just there is no way to attack most of the things your father has done if he had one papa said he will tell you that his mother was praying for him some of us your mother didn't pray for you you have so much to build in the spirit [Music] how long how long should you keep lacking in this spirit wishlist foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is rebuilding up yourself on your most holidays praying in the holy ghost the way you pray vitamins amongst you you will build up yourself in the spirit i don't know of you but i want to be that god can throw you they said some of you god cannot even lose you and conquer your family your weight is more you struggle with one soul you don't have weight in the spirit we are going to build a demonstrative it is nonstop [Music] so hello beautiful ah somebody [Applause] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] jesus right [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus uh [Music] jesus ah [Music] ah [Music] ah ah [Music] somebody she's not good [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] ah uh [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] me [Music] um somebody oh [Music] uh wow [Music] wow [Music] uh ah hey [Music] um um [Music] me me [Music] ah ah done [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] uh ah somebody [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] 40 days and 14 nights on he came at the tree and camped and was trying to earn ministry the engine needed to bring blood for him he said eat and drink for the journey is great look at the way some of us are praying you don't know where you kept you don't know the journey that you have been partying i become you in the name of jesus sit down for it he can preach or your brother sister the journey is too great only me we survived each other 40 days apart tonight you can't survive it if you have no eating so we are praying somebody sitting down i pity [Music] [Music] [Music] ah so wow we jesus then someone falls down that's not what i'm saying [Music] one day gave him is the arm of africa a man at the end of africa amen we are talking about the man [Music] [Music] drop something what happened you got someone close you are carried empty there is nothing in your belly you need something [Music] in jesus name what i want to eat the whole generation cannot survive i will keep on stopping them till i die even when i die they will keep on eating it until jesus comes look at you now we are praying you are busy sitting down and then that's why god is saying he doesn't have men connect us together make sure he's joined with somebody [Music] listen listen we are going to chop something is there anybody that wants to chop something here is there anybody that wants to shop something here wait wait wait i don't know how much you want to eat i don't know how much you want it but i need that what i need is somebody else what i'm saying how can we imagine somebody somebody looks into the eyes of regret and then he said i saw jesus because he did something what he has eaten is too much that anywhere yet between these two mother people out of it i want us to chop something now make sure your hand is connected to somebody [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] don't stop praying god stop praying don't stop praying [Music] two monster gods to pray few monster gods to pray [Music] one more second to play [Music] in jesus night's name we pray amen in jesus mighty name we pray amen what shall we say today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] to isc 2021 go ahead and greet somebody crystal shake somebody a high five where where where see can you see me can you see me can you guys see me can we just stand up please everybody stand up talk about the stand up everybody stand up to your feet [Music] wait wait wait wait when i shout i you use me 12 what huh i can't hear you [Music] of praise so i don't know if your neighbor is still growing allow your to grow but if you are not growing for now can we praise god [Music] i'm only getting up gallery just wait not you then i see i said not you or god i want to hear them you raise your hand up like this i see say give me some space say give me some space say give me some space somebody's clean [Applause] [Music] because of jesus every day double the double heavenly [Music] he has taken away foreign oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] foreign hallelujah everybody says hallelujah [Music] [Music] very simple huh watch us watch us watch us watch us hallelujah yoga somebody's glue [Music] [Music] oh foreign oh [Music] [Music] foreign i'm i day [Music] watch me [Music] what [Music] i can't see you day by day by day day by day hallelujah is hallelujah hallelujah [Music] is is stop hey why hey you can't dance are you now high five bro where are you what you write your ways now wait you will not dance you will not shout you will not jump however now i can never say never say never [Music] give me space space uh here foreign hey never [Music] hey jump jump jump jump jump jump foreign go everybody everybody shot [Music] [Applause] and the lord of lords [Music] lift up those hands and worship him can you care about something and because yes [Music] [Music] they say worship the lord you're looking at me [Music] jesus [Music] you watching you i know him it is [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] [Music] to the holy [Music] drama is it how you want to enter the holidays of holi you cannot worship the lord in the outer court you can't worship him in the outer corner you must enter into the holy of holies [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] my face [Music] [Music] the outer folks we enter into the holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tomorrow [Music] i [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] boys [Music] [Music] for your [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the king is here [Music] i want you to open your hearts and worship the kingdom he is the king of dominion let them have dominion [Music] do you want to go back the same way worship the lord from your heart [Music] [Music] we we watch we hate [Music] i don't know that pressing need the reason why you came for this purpose i don't know what it is i want to open your heart your mouth and ask is [Applause] [Music] we worship your heart [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] higher [Music] high [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay is [Music] oh sorry [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just prayed the spiritually to pray in the spirit don't pray the spirit [Music] [Music] my [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] how you worship him worship him in spirit [Music] he that given praise does it accurately cognitive wealth does not have the capacity to communicate the weight of thanksgiving in our hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] is that another night we are right in the midst of the river some of us the river is almost at the shoulder level we are about to be swallowed up make sure you are not left out don't leave yourself by the seashore no you can keep your big boy at home you're being getting too this is your boy jesus [Music] so in my life once again let us need to be seen [Music] i want to just we'll just take a few testimonies this night just in the next few minutes and then we'll get to the crown we'll get to the crown [Music] we'll get to the crown so just few persons maybe the first five step five presents just come just come come to the altar just come by this side if you have your testimony just come by this side [Music] so in my life once again let a tiny tv [Music] if you have your testimony just come to this place stand up those five passes quickly [Music] you have one minute [Music] you have an opportunity to do that now please just quickly i need five persons to just come and share the testimonies and then we'll be all you might not have that time again [Music] okay tell us straight to the point straight praise the lord um while i was preparing for the conference yesterday to come i just felt a sharp pain on my neck very sharp and it kept me restless i couldn't turn my neck very well and during the healing session yesterday i kept checking if the pain wasn't i kept checking the pain obsidian till today the pain was there but just as pastor timothy said if you have any testimonies i turn my neck right and left and i couldn't feel the pain anymore give jesus a shout is permanent in the name of jesus [Music] yesterday while i was preparing also for the conference i had a papa was saying something about the encounters yesterday and so i could remember before i come came for the conference our we were praying from our boss from portugal so we had long prayers stretched so i had severe headaches let's confirm it if you came from potter court is this true if you came from potter court just indicate so immediately we got to the hole due to the stress and everything the headache was still there so while papa was still praying for the persons who had severe headache i discovered the headache was gone hallelujah take the headache now shake your head very well it's permanent in the name of jesus i might discover for sometimes that and whenever i label hard in prayer i will develop serious a day then yesterday again i labeled to that point and then it got to a point that i couldn't even shake my head again no pray then when conservant was making declaration i decided to scream a man at the top of my voice only to discover that the headache was no more wait wait wait wait if you label hard in prayer that if you groan you will find out that you develop per day it means that demon does not want you to be praying to an accent 2018. wait since 2018 anytime you label heart in the place of prayer you developed a serious one have you had this kind of thing before so what happened then at my yesterday can i press to that point then i i mean when the headache started i couldn't even shake my head no pray again then when god savant was making declaration i was sitting there so i decided to shout a man at the top of my voice only to discover that the edict was no more then i started shouting is permanent in the name of jesus from today you'll be laboring hard in prayer every day no more headache no more headache in the mighty name of jesus anything that wants to make you stop praying praying hard there is prayer there is prayer you know there is prayer then there is you know some people don't [Music] somebody said i prayed for six hours meanwhile she was in a prayer meeting and happy she didn't have been watching her for over two hours she was just reading and then when we started talk she said she had prayed for two six hours and then i asked her how are you praying she now said the way she was praying now and i said is he not you that was doing there thought she touched prayer you know you just sat down just come and do that say there is nothing here you just inherit and pass but you come that is there is a kind of incense that was used to submerge the whole atmosphere and the whole plane rise up on your feet everywhere inside outside overflow can you give jesus somebody scream somebody scream on top of your back [Music] keep shouting give something give something give something [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want you to at the top of your voice [Music] say that you are welcome sir i can't hear you about [Music] that [Music] foreign [Music] once again [Music] [Applause] i can't hear your voice [Music] [Applause] in jesus mighty name [Laughter] [Music] [Music] somebody's [Music] we have waited for this day personally if you can remember 2017 that you also even 2016 it is five years now we have been trying to bring him to this land i want you wherever you are even if you don't want to do it do it for my own sake help me and honor my father [Applause] [Music] amen that you are welcome from the depth of my heart hallelujah [Music] you can be seated you can be seated something will happen this weekend [Music] okay [Music] one minute [Music] grown a little in the spirit grow show that your person our capacity to respond there is an outpouring coming we cannot receive more than your capacity [Music] and the there is a great spirit within you god has helped and every one of you that want to personally be god prayer god confronting you by prayer you god jesus mighty name some of you will leave this meeting and pray for seven days [Music] [Applause] [Music] the distance between where you are and where god ordained for you is priesthood we must give ourselves to it you can be seated [Music] i want to welcome the man of god that is in our midst our daddy is already here and he is welcome [Applause] then beside him is pastor casey onode the point man of remnant christian network enugu state [Applause] beside him is pastor chukwueme the pastor of shekinah assembly vice president of shekinah assembly international [Applause] then my friend and brother pastor pasca it has been longer the appointment of remnant christian network anambra state [Music] then i have my friend and my brother pastor philippe b this is apostles listen i have tried a little for like two years now and i know what it means to manage a man and as mighty and as our daddy is the wisdom that god has given this young man is beyond measure it has made him very old i have slept with him on the rock done many things and i can tell you he's a wise man i want you to clap for him again amen and then my sister pastor informer is he's the co-point man of harassing anambra state club for jesus christ for jesus [Music] and then my brother pastor chukwuemeka he is the said man of holy ghost bar network [Applause] [Music] and then my brother [Music] some of you have heard me speak about a place we went for ministry called this yalanga what happened to us there my brother is here to bear witness to that day and there is let's leave that my brother pastor victor he's the rcm point man for abia state let's welcome him and his beautiful wife is beside him then my brother pastors he's not stomach pastor stomach the set man of realities network then my um my brother pastor dan edelmudia he is the settlement of all prizes of christ amen wait and then there is a man sitting beside we have been forcing him to come to the front seat he he's a senior minister of the gospel venerable prince chukwuma don't clap yet wait let me tell you something i'm not supposed to say it but the sound we are having here that is more than 2 million the man gave us free [Music] [Applause] and when i went to meet him and we spoke one-on-one i found out that he loved jesus you love jesus sir i celebrate i know you thank you for being with us let's welcome you let's clap [Music] then there is a pastor and his wife who is a pastor too my when we are pastored under our reverend reverend he used to be my very very good friend even before before what we had started coming out pastor barrister john he's the ud assembly pastor atar sabha i want you to welcome him clap for him and then his wife is with him pastor gemini with david let's let's let's welcome her amen then i want to welcome somebody very very dear to me sitting beside pastor john is my own mother biological [Applause] mother if you want to greet me greeter first [Music] a fruit does not fall too far away from the tree [Music] hallelujah you can be seated those days she was teaching on sniv i did not like it look at me now i'm doing everything every day fasting i did not like it prayer after one hour in the night she would say i cannot believe i'm sorry if you are not an evil man but there is no way i can interpret it it will lose its meaning and then my brother pastebica is way long ago from campus days long ago long ago we started serving together in austrian unit he was my president i was his assistant for many years i think since camp meeting am 2010 not correct since 2010. i want you to welcome me he's my covenant brother if i want to do something serious inside i discuss it with him and then there is pastor chibuzo he is a pastor a checking assembly in a week am i mistaken but i know he's a pastor in shakiness and then my uncle is here [Music] i want you to welcome my uncle [Music] let me tell you something let me tell you my uncle is one of the few people amongst our kindred that status having jesus from when he was a huge not normal having jesus like pentecostal kind of and he's a man that loves jesus he's a man that wants me to succeed i want you to welcome my uncle's name hallelujah amen if there is another man of god that is here we are not disrespecting you anytime we get the information we will reach out to you quickly amen i want to i want to read the place in the scripture and then in the next 15 minutes i'm not the one that is supposed to be talking but before my brother arrives let's look into the bible amen let's see acts chapter one acts after one somebody called me many years ago give me a little sound let me i don't have time somebody called me many years ago i was my father sent me my biological father sent me to pastor a church there is a church if there is this what we call though our other elders they used to build their house and build a place where they entertain visitors they call it ubi there is a way that store is very ancient i'm telling you why i took the i want to show you why i took the part that i took one thing i've learned in life is that you don't know a man yet there is nothing about some of us and i'm not saying it i'm saying we talk humility because i have not touched anything i've not even scratched the paint i am more hungry than all of you if you ask me i will say i'm more hungry than all of you put together anytime we finish i go back and continue to level labor in prayer it is possible that god can come in our midst just because i'm holding the mic there is a sovereign walk that is doing and that one does not respect the person that is carrying the mic so if you remove yourself by carelessness out of the administration of god then that means that after some time you will see people you are speaking to living what you are telling them here to you you are left out one thing i learned i learned you don't know a man until god comes the spirit comes upon his life even me i thought i knew myself there are many things i thought i knew i'm not hearing your sound well i was a very very quiet boy somebody saw me and called me a lion i said who is a lion he's only this my mother here that knows me and some people that knew me long ago somebody saw where we are doing the commotion there and he said is he no children there is a name you will call me now i will know you knew me long ago you see this a dude or this title this one you don't know me my name is chidu i was on bike moving towards my house one day and somebody said shadow hi i knew it's not secondary school it's primary school primary school the guy knew me one young lady came and said is he this year do i know that he's doing this thing he said it's not possible and even me i knew it's not possible but when when something lands on your life then your days will start counting we will trust god for our days to count in our generation hundred men that will vow to live the days of god that is captured in their ordination is enough hundred is enough we don't need much enough they wake up living it they sleep living it they move living it everything about their life you see this my calling i don't attach anything to it i dream my calling i discuss my calling i sleep my calling i invest my calling there is nothing else it is my life because i found out that that's where i discovered myself i did not know him like this even my mother advised me i said find an office work where you will just say i'm a book i write my book i love reading for long i read and read until one day i began to see god one of my friend called me and said come let's go and fast i fasted and then i noticed my life began to change my appetite for prayer for fasting began to change began to increase become to increase began to increase i do not know that god wants to put something on my life i went to first doses and god told me eat and drink for the journey is great i did the fasting for one year i thought it's one year after one year he told me eat and drink i did it for some years i wanted to go to lagos and start ministry daddy if you remember i used to chat to you on whatsapp before whatsapp on facebook and you are giving me advice that a man that will go to lagos and start ministry should do this and this god was not in that plan at all but you none left me i packed my bag that my bag i packed for five years i did not open it it was when i came back from according i knew that that bag is not god that packed it with me [Music] that bag is still somewhere he reminds me of when god conquered me i did not know i was that strong meanwhile if you are doing worship i will be crying but i was strong part of the reason i'm standing here today is that when i look at that place i see where god conquered me the greatest because even everybody around me is advising me don't come back to this town don't come back to this town don't come back to this town even if you don't know look at your own father this town swallows the head of their prophets no matter how anointed you are they will come and drink your anointing after some time it will go even some people told me that directions are healthy they are in islam we are dead i said oh god oh god oh god and i'm not doubting what they are saying but i know there is something that can cover me a unique grace i am trusting god that many of you will encounter jail in greece i'm not saying that at the end it is grace that makes men to labor labor labor paul said i label more than all these people yet not i but the grace of god that is a work in me that is the grace you will encounter you will see what will happen and in case my father in the lord starts even if he coughs receive it anything he is doing it is in the spirit i have followed him long enough to know that even when he is quiet he's not saying something he's saying something so you need to go and pray long to find out what he's not saying and what what he's saying and what he's not saying i said what is this i used to think i used to think me i'm wise because before my biological father died when he sent me to pastor church there are many pastors there so he looked at me and said my son you are wise that's why i'm sending you here and i thought i was wise you are not as wise as you thought you have to leave everything behind tell god all those things are leaving behind i want something changing to come on my life i cry again for something heavy the land has been touched they are looking for a man when will a man arise people will do something after three years they will they will visualize the god use them we anointed them but they did not carry the weight the kind of grace that have the capacity to tilt the ground to go to the foundation and put villas there [Music] i will travel i will travel where they put the foundations of the city and i will become one of the pillars that's my target it's not all this in any smarting you live we have not started the business no matter what happens in this conference it is a chance for men to arise [Music] then god began to encounter me i want to read acts chapter 1 verse 8. [Music] something came on my life i changed even my father that knew me saw me one day and he knew that have changed that he could not understand this dimension because even the ones he knew is different from this one that is operating every day i lock myself up i'm fasting and praying my father that is not a grace teacher came and met me where i was on the ninth day of dry fasting he said my son you will die my son you will die is by the grace of god is by the grace of god meanwhile my father is not a preacher of grace but he told me you will die i said god help me i'm a weak man i'm the least in the natural when you make me strong i become strong i said i must lay hold on strength let it this time you saw me be the one you saw in the natural when we get over to the spirit what will be seen is a man of might [Music] and when wisdom comes with might there is nothing that can stop a generation [Music] i pray you're not i pray i pray and not our the prayer there is a praying spirit within me you that do you remember 2014 when you met me at orientation camp and we were discussing something and you told me i was a bible man but pastor you know that our pastor is a bible man so i was a i pray where i pray where but [Music] now i know that i was not really praying what i was praying [Music] so i was complaining to you that i'm this prayer secretary tim i don't like it and i know myself once god tells me to do something except i have not started when i start i will baptize my soul everything about me into it i said that i told you i don't like it you now told me that if god is taking me out of this thing i'm used to and he's bringing me into prayer then there is something he wants to do that cannot be achieved without a man giving himself to prayer yunnan shook my hands and said fast for two weeks [Music] certain people when they your life will change you when they shake your hands [Music] that two hours we spent in your room at that camp i will never forget it it is there i began to set my life set my life this this is how an undeveloped at my prayer thing and now took two of your messages cut out the first ten minutes number one is the staying power in prayer number two is a fire of prayer ten minutes i put it on every night especially when i want to give up i will not hear god can win with fear we need to turn this same power the daring power the carrying grace i said what is this i was hearing the teaching but what i was looking for is the spirit how can a man carry every day is strange to my ears it is normal for a man to be weak but every day and it was that time god spoke to me and said you will give me naive jail that time i come fast i can pray it but the worst is negative i cannot do naive i can't and today i have found out there is no man of strong authority that doesn't keep the night watches it's not possible it's not possible one hour in the night okay let me know says because you will come and say i said is a heavy sacrifice sometimes i'll be eat i will be fasting but if i'm not doing navigate you will not know but if i start doing naivety even if i'm eating my body will be going down my body will be going down the night watches every day i wake up i put the message he said the fire of prayer when the thing continued and continued week after week months went to work before you know it people began to pray because i'm praying me when i'm not interested that they are praying because i'm praying i suddenly began to see where god is taking me i look at myself and i notice that i have not carried what it takes i continue praying it was in my prayer that i started moving from three hours to four from four to five sometimes i will go to an assemblage of god church at there is a place called panchake at orgo state i believe when i get to that place i will make sure they dismiss me my big ppa by 11 am and i will go to that place lock myself in fact i prayed there for so long that the man the person in church gave me a key and said whenever you are true lock the church i will stay there till evening depending on what they are doing in the family house i'll be telling god no i cannot enlighten [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i thought i was praying for myself i do not know that god wants to implicate a generation in the prayer move in case you don't know let me tell you now god has summarized what he wanted to do in these last days and has decided that even if you are not given to prayer i don't know what else that god called you to do you have to give yourself to priesthood as a basic requirement whether you are a politician whether you are anything pray for me gather people to pray for you it's good this the time has passed now you must enter into the prayer way whether you are a teacher whether you are a young man met me he said he's an evangelist that he doesn't care about this our prayer team that all he needs if you people are praying he you know he will just come and pray and then the anointing will move i said this is how satan will bind you [Music] are you the only one just because somebody got hit one person are you the first person i told him have you not noticed my brother is hearing me have you not noticed that your father has raised people i said that book you saw online and you are rejoicing go and check your father's library he went one day his father that is no more on fire he checked and so the books he was shouting about his father had its early 90s so the young man became more quiet i told him have you not noticed your father is not impressed yet what will impress him is priesthood it is when you give yourself to prayer certain things that he has not seen before we begin to break up no prayer for anointing no prayer for ministry prayer for the purposes of god as long as there is something god wants to be done as long as there is a project in his heart we will continue praying anyway for some of you we just pray and go and then but for we men like us prayer is a calling even when i finish running round i will just lock myself in one room and be praying and study prayer i have found out a german god i will not leave it even if you want to i will not leave it somebody came and told me that the way we are growing here that we should you know modernize the way we pray you know i'm not that somebody came and said the way we grow because the way we grow our speakers something is born the people that know us know if we go to pigs this mic i think this your sound is very powerful venerable if not if he picks it he will not say pray he will not say anything one hour 30 minutes will pass and the way he grows into the mic one day we prayed for three hours we saw this one smoke coming out this one smoke coming out this one we brought another one smoke came out and people told me the problem is the way you you know you should reduce your voice i said the one we had what brought it he'd be like let his boy 10 times we'll be buying another one prayer must be going on prayer brought the word you have done on the nice prayer the second that is giving you that advice to modernize prayer no i will hold it i will hold it and in case you are a pastor you don't want to pray you are looking for practice you are looking for skill there is no scheme a person met me and he's telling me ask me how do you do this thing i say you see me groaning on the groaning of my sweat am i a magician are you not seeing the what i'm doing the secret is this thing is when you groan the way i grow for six hours you will know what the pain that jesus is bearing for you the reason why men sin fornicate up and down is that they have not bond boarding with jesus before when you bear putting with him in travis and then there is a muscle here that i asked a medical personnel my honor so many times they call it serratusa tyrion i have to find the name everywhere is spending me i will tell jesus heal me it will go and i'll go back [Music] i will sleep i will be praying two hours i wake up i'll continue praying praying i will tell you have a good morning you say fine i will continue praying continue praying continue praying until my house became a house of prayer it is when i gave myself to prayer and fasting and bible study that i saw something coming up on my life as it was coming it was increasing as it was coming it was increasing one day [Music] i just noticed that i was not immediate again no i was i was an introvert i was everything i know some of you will see me like this no it's that thing that came that made all the difference i don't know who you are i don't know where you came from you have to trust god for genuine grace so that what is in your donation will start coming out what you are living is the fake life it is when that thing comes you begin to leave the real one that god has obtained for you [Music] [Music] acts chapter 1 verse 8 both shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you it was when i was praying and laboring for long that one day i came out and i noticed that the power of god came on my life i want to teach you something now before that it comes when the power of god came on my life i went to minister and i noticed that a minister minister for seven minutes and the team finished i didn't know something can the anointing can finish i said but i have the holy ghost how can the team finish [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah you can be seated now you see the lord is prepared for you [Music] amen so um my message has finished this is what i was trying to accomplish [Music] the anointing finished on my head and i told god i thought i've contacted the anointing say you don't know how it came about he now told me ground fast and pray again i fasted and prayed it increased it was there that i found out that if you want to maintain the consistency consistency and purity of what you receive from god you will have to continue doing what we are doing before the thing came [Music] one day i flew the meat until something growed up grew out and it was a horn [Music] so something can fill that hole and we can function in it for long you can help people on the road not not just in the church you can help people in the marketplace in your home anywhere you found yourself [Music] can you pray for two minutes sit down don't stand up pray for two minutes ask god i need something to come upon my life you cannot dominate your spirit until something comes the time is short there is need for men to arise very fast there is need for men to give themselves to training there is need for men to keep themselves to process i pray and not i pray i pray and not hide i pray there is a great spirit within me i pray in jesus name right this moment i want to welcome my brother minister to philosophy to come meet us [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah if if you want to sit down you can sit down if you want to stand if you want to stand you can stand i want us to position our heart i want us to praise the prayer that the lord will guide our heart together let our heart be gathered let our heart be such heart that cannot be trusted by the wind that our heart be a stable one for whatever it is that the lord wants to do to us in the course of this meeting that our heart be gathered be gathered so if you want to pray it is a good time to pray if you don't want to pray it's a good time to pray so ask that the lord gather our heart that our heart be gathered oh say lord gather my heart gather my heart let my heart be gathered is [Music] child of god out so that your heart will be able to contain that which the lord is doing and that which the lord is yet to do so that your heart will be able to travel far that you have to be able to journey fire with the lord asean cobra capoeira [Music] [Music] m um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus jesus thou sauna david jesus now so i'm not dead jesus she's see jesus confront us with your current posture jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh no [Music] mm foreign can you hear the call can you hear the god there's no mercy come on feelings [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we want to hear you [Music] we don't want to fake you anymore [Music] i want to see your face [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to see you [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] i see jesus seated on the troll i see your i standing everywhere [Music] i see i love you [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hmm [Music] whew so oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Applause] foreign no i am so [Music] [Applause] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Applause] is oh oh [Music] i cannot stop playing [Music] culture [Music] [Music] [Music] oh see see [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure you're not in the forwards of this building hey [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh are we my nigerian me she yes hey um hey [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] in jesus name in the name of jesus we give you praise and glory we thank you because of your presence in this place we ask that you help us our nation is in turbulence our land is in turbulence the politicians cannot help us the people in the hand of affairs are confused and so we appeal to the king of kings bring about intervention to our nation to our land to our families in the name of jesus [Applause] as we call upon your name during the course of this conference have mercy on us have mercy on us and visit us in jesus mighty name amen if you can you may be seated if you can you may be seated for those of you outside i want to be sure that you are following me can you say amen i didn't hear that for those of you outside i just want to be sure you are here can you say amen okay yes all right turn your bible to the book of genesis quickly it's such a joy to be in the city of newey this evening it's a joy [Applause] someone extended an invitation to me for us to go to utopia and we refused to go to ethiopia because we have to come to new way [Applause] i didn't need to pray for long to know that it was not god's will for me to be in utopia and i didn't also need to pray for long before the green light about newy began to shine [Applause] if it is possible to improve upon the sound of this microphone i will need the best sound to reach my audience all the people that have stood with my brother i salute you in the name of jesus all right genesis chapter 28 verse 10 i will teach for a short period then i will pray i'll pray a brief prayer then we'll continue tomorrow genesis 28 verse 10 and jacob went out from besheba hallelujah just if you can listen to me just in case someone comes under the power of god while we are teaching ushers mobilize the person into the intensive care unit there is there is a corridor that we pass to come here we have concentrated the intensive care unit it's a place of expression if you need to ventilate in the spirit to secure passage by the grace of god the intensive care unit will be the location for such labels and the lord will help us in jesus name however turn your bible to genesis 28 and jacob went out from besheba and went toward haran and he lighted upon a setting place and turned it there all night because the sun was set and he took off the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and let down in that place to sleep and he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of god ascending and descending on it and behold the lord stood above it and said i am the lord god of abraham thy father and the god of isaac and the land whereon thou liest to thee will i give it and to thy seed and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and thou shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and indeed and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed and behold i am with thee to keep thee in all places without our ghosts and i'll bring thee again into this land for i will not live thee until i have done that which i have spoken of today and jacob awake out of his sleep and he said surely the lord is in this place and i knew it not and he was afraid and said how dreadful is this place this is none other but the house of god and this is the gate of heaven i'd like you to take note that the first time the house of god was mentioned in the bible there was no building in the environment hallelujah also note that the first time the gate of heaven was mentioned in the bible the gate of heaven was not in heaven so let's begin our bible study we'll build for the time that we have time tomorrow we will continue and god will help us in the name of jesus so we will look at the fundamentals of dominion maybe just the beginning and then we'll take from that point subsequently if the lord is still leading us and to pass through this place hallelujah i say hallelujah okay now notice this man was running from home and the reason for which he was running was because he had activated a transaction a transaction that had the potential of conferring upon him powers beyond his imagination the transaction was conducted with a certain texture of deception and he was a victim of deception and in view of the above he had to run from home and when he ran from home the evening time had come and he had to rest in a certain place now you will think that it was jacob that chose the place he wanted to rest but when we go on in the study you will find that it was it was that place that chose him he was not the one responsible for any of the activities that took place here are you with me first of all he came to this place and his objective for coming to this place is to look for a location where he could spend the night and when he found a suitable location where he could spend the night and obviously this was an open field full of scattered stones this young man that wanted to spend the night suddenly needed a pillow and the item that formed his pillow happened to be a stone and i know you will not do that if you are in his position you are desperately in need for something to put your head and you ended up with a stone well unknown to him the stone that he used for pillow was one of the stones that his ancestor abraham used to construct and alter now this guy at this time jehovah was not yet the god of jacob because when jehovah was introducing himself he called himself the god of your father jacob the god of your father what abraham the god of isaac but he was not yet the god of jacob subsequently if you continue in the reading you will see the terms and conditions that jacob gave to god that god should fulfill before he will decide to serve god with all of his life if you check the reading you will find those times and conditions at this time this guy was an unbeliever it was a rolling stone he wanted the blessings that we attributed to the covenant that his ancestors carried but he did not want to follow the way of his ancestors he went and transacted in order for him to be a custodian of the spiritual essence of the covenant that his ancestors had but he did not have the discipline he did not have the willingness of his ancestors it was quite a controversial situation are you with me here then he came to this location when he came to that location he took stones made it his pillow and like i told you one of the stones he took was the actual infrastructure that his father abraham used to construct and alter to the god of heaven hallelujah now so the first question is did he come into this environment by mistake he thought what brought him there was a need to rest but the precision of how he was brought there to the very stones that his ancestor used to construct an altar suggests that it was the environment there was something in the environment that manipulated his access to that exact location when he put the stones and made a pillow by the time he went to sleep his physical senses were suspended and god activated his spiritual senses so that he could look upon the same location you are now with me i pray your understanding will be enlightened i'm telling you a parable nobody sets out with the ambition of becoming a prayer warrior the day god the year god apprehended you and you started praying like this when it was january 1st that year you didn't know you would end up a victim of prayer the thing that you must understand is that there are several agreements and transactions that god has made before you arrived that is littered across the territory of nigeria there were several locations where people had encounters with god there were several places where things were done in the name of god that that requires somebody to come and fully prosecute the program that has been written in those families in those territories in those educational institutions at those locations that god is sovereignly orchestrating your part to navigate that was the story of this young man when he came to that place what god did to him was he suspended his physical senses and activated the spiritual senses and you see when his spiritual senses were activated god gave him a view of the same location that he called his resting place in the natural it was not another vision god showed him it was an insight into the infrastructure that was built up spiritually into that location that he stumbled into unknowingly geographically the name of that place was called laws but there was something beyond the geography of that place that was the essence of that location and by the time we begin to study about the infrastructure that the spiritual eyes was able to decode about the environment you will find out that it was the location that chose him and i'm trying in this my lecture to make you understand that for some of you present in this conference it is not because you love god so much there are several things that took place before your arrival before your bet that already orchestrated a program that was running across your life and there was no way you could totally escape the hunt of those spiritual things that were haunting you from longer it's not only the devil that is standing on campus to hunt people how many of you here encountered god really when you went to campus how many of you your life changed there was a shift in your life it is because before you came some ancestors visited that location and in their transaction with god god promised that another generation was going to inherit the impact of the things that they have accumulated in the realm of the spirit so you got admission your definition of why you were in that location was that you secured an admission just like this young man the reason for which he claimed to visit that location was to find a place to sleep beyond his natural need for a place to sleep there was an agenda beyond his own calculation that was at work to bring him into a structural reality that was already obtainable in the realm of the spirit that the covenant that he was carrying on his neck had implicated him about so there are deeper reasons for which things happen and as we study you will find out one or two things before i pray a prayer if you are still with me say amen the first thing that happened to him was that he dreamed because what he saw in the physical and his understanding of many things in the natural was not needed so god had to quench his senses his reasoning his strategy his objective for running from home and show him a reality in the spirit that his intelligence will not affect his reasoning would not affect it was a disclosure that god wanted to make to him to show him a certain reality that was outside of the box of his strategic reasoning with which he orchestrated a mighty feat of deception to secure something spiritual that he never knew the implication it is the implication of the choice he made to have transactions around the essence of the covenant in the lineage of abraham that determined his encounter in this same location the geographical name of the place was lost but by the time he finished his encounter he did not call the name of that place lost he gave it another name and i'm praying that some understanding will come upon you and you will begin to understand your lineage the reason why you are born into the family that you are born and when you begin to understand that then you will know your true identity within that context may the lord help us in the name of jesus so god had to knock out his intelligence knocked out his reasoning knocked out his ideas and then presented a vision before his face while his natural reasoning was suspended the first thing that he saw in the disclosure that was given unto him was a ladder now i would like us to study this ladder the bible speaking about this lord i said it touched the earth and it ascended into heaven exactly that's the first thing you saw a ladder a linkage between the act and heavens a connection between the earth and the heavens meanwhile in the natural there seemed to be no connection but in his dream he saw that heaven and earth were connected and i'd like to expand further on this linkage between heaven and earth the first thing you need to know is that okay maybe when we look at the second item second item in the dream that he dreamt was an angelic city and this angelic city that he saw was subject to some form of oscillatory motion because the bible says that the angels in that location were ascending [Music] and what you see so that is to say the source of the movement was not in heaven the source of the movement was on earth because the motion of the angels was out they are not with me they were doing what ascending first so what was responsible for the motion was upon the face of the earth now listen the first furniture that was in that environment even before the ladder was the altar the altar which one of the stones this man has made is below because what was happening to him was that god was giving him a perspective of viewing the environment from the lens of the altar that was what that stone did to him it allowed him to see the location from the lens that the altar provided so what was responsible for all of the civilization that you will see in that location was the altar that was in the heart and in the hub of the civilization it was the altar that determined that constructed the linkage it was the altar that determined that the direction of the activity of the angels was going to be ascending and descending it was the activities that were predominant upon that altar that determined the activities of the engine so we have first of all in that location there is an altar the man that set up the altar was dead but the implication of the altar was still alive and if this guy had inherited the covenant of abraham he had to come to that location where the initial contract was transacted that's why i'm saying [Music] it was a location that chose the man it was not the man that decided on the location the initial foundation where the covenant was caught where the transaction was enacted this man has to come into the reality of that circumference so that he can touch the essence of the spiritual nature of that which was contained in the covenant it was supposed to represent upon the face of the earth now let me give you an idea meanwhile from the perspective of the bible this is the definition of territory one altar to the linkage three the potter because this altar secured a potter so the interacting dimension of the spirit realm was the third heaven are you with me now notice in basic spiritual geography basic spiritual geography the bible reveals that the heavens is above that above is not geographical above it is spiritual above why because this earth if geography is true is rotating around this axis is that true this earth is revolving around the sun so the rotation of the earth around this axis is what is responsible for day and night and the revolution of the earth around the sun is what is responsible for seasons and so you can now understand when the bible says cast your bread upon the waters and thou shall find it after many days is the same as genesis chapter 8 verse 22 as long as the earth remains sit time and harvest shall not see you see cast your bread that's it time equal harvest so seed plus time equal harvest some of those laws are connected to the faithfulness of the earth to endure are you with me so it says as long as the earth remains and there are some laws that are dependent on the faithfulness of the administrations that are established in the spirit realm this man was going to come into coalition with some establishments that are obtainable in the spirit realm he will need some form of education to understand what is going on so like i said when the bible says heaven is above not necessarily this your own above it is spiritual geography when the bible says hell is beneath not necessarily geographical but it's spiritual geography now so this ladder it began from earth and a rich heaven the reason why the linkage was from head to heaven was because the priesthood that generated that entire civilization was a priesthood that permitted the things that were in the dead heaven to prosper in the realm according to spiritual geography the earth is in the middle heaven is above hell is beneath because there was a righteous priesthood there was a connection between earth and heaven and the influences of heaven could find expression upon earthly locations such that the will of god was done on earth as it is in heaven but that's not the only orientation of linkages that can exist in a certain situation the linkage can actually be a connection from head to head and the spiritual beings that will be trafficking are demons trafficking from hell to the earth and the portal that can be regulating the ecosystem is a portal of darkness that was secured through priesthood so i'm just trying to say this arrangement in the book of genesis chapter 28 is not the only possible arrangement that exists it's a one that existed because the altar was a righteous altar so in the politics of dominion the first thing we need to consider is a strength of territorial altars because that is what determines what influence manipulates the possibilities of a family what influence manipulates the possibilities of a state what influence manipulates the possibilities of a nation and so we are looking territorially and we are considering territory from the perspective of priesthood priesthood is a fundamental aspect of the kind of dominion that is seen territorially if if your family is full of people that run mad easily three people in your family have mental problems the reason is because there is a priesthood that has created a linkage the linkage is a linkage that enters into the civilization of darkness and there are law enforcement agents coming from the realm of the underworld to administer the will of satan within that landscape if we are going to deliver territories secure open doors for the grace of god to try then we must determine what kind of altars operate in a certain locality now let's continue our study if you are still with me say amen when my grandfather died according to the tradition they said he was not yet dead that he was in the forest traveling meanwhile they had buried him but they say was in the forest and there were several rituals that had to be done because he was he was the chief i knew my grandfather to be the chief of our village our district it was a big man people used to come pay royalties to him royalties like some people can come with 20 kgs of oil and submit to him then when they submit you cannot say ah you are in a group take one you are in new way take he will not disrupt they can bring yam so i used to know him as a king he had a sander made of the hide of a crocodile so when he died my uncle took the sander and gave one of my brothers that this thing belongs to your grandfather the moment that my brother used that sander his destiny locked up he said those are those are the things we call demonic miracles demonic miracles are occasioned it's not only the holy ghost that does miracles satan does miracles so the source of demonic miracles is a priesthood when you see things you cannot explain it means that that island is governed by an altar so the way to establish dominion is to raise another altar another altar that is tapping his energy from another realm in the spirit and the thing about spirits is that they are genders for dominion they are jealous for influence they are jealous to take over once you give a spirit an opportunity to have a voice in a territory if we want more voice if you decide to allow satan an entry point into your family you want more territory that is how it is so they gave someone sander do you understand the standard came from a certain civilization after the construction of the sanders they took it and did something so that the chief can wear it it is one of the items of his fortification and then they took it after the man died and handed it over to a normal man and when the man put it on his destiny all kinds of warfare it's not as if the man continued wearing it he just put it on for a short while when my dad now saw him wearing it and my dad never said what the sound that means he just shouted who gave you this and he collected what the deed was already done now my question is is a sound that are powerful but that standard is empowered by a certain priesthood that is in the territory is a proof of the fact that your christianity has not yet created an alternative for that priesthood so the priesthood is still raining even though you gave your life to christ until you become a son that is concerned about the kingdom of your father then you come into a place of responsibility you will not know that there is something you need to do to extend your father's influence when you come to that point it means that you are signing up for priesthood it is not when you start priesthood that you see the results because some form of equilibrium must be established in the spirit before your own priesthood can surpass the priesthood that existed in the terrain and before you get to the point where you arrive at the point of equilibrium in terms of influence that previous priesthood that was governing the space will seek to use the demon's undies his power to discourage you from gaining ascendancy in the realm of the spirit how many of you remember maybe those days on campus there is a prayer meeting that you normally go for and then the day you are discouraged from going to the prayer meeting so discouraged and then maybe you ended up going for the prayer priority that's the day god will move do you have that experience because the priesthood that is in your space doesn't want you to gain enough advantage because the more you are gaining advantage the more its influence over your life begins to weaken and the more you can set up a priesthood that can determine the cause of a new civilization the first thing this man saw when his eyes were open was the connection of dreams realms are connected through priesthood hallelujah [Music] there is a kind of priesthood that my people do is called necromancy if you have ever studied your bible when david talked about the valley of the shadow of death his necromancy commands what is called the shadow of death in necromancy what is worshipped is death and when death is worshipped death can actually cast a shadow on the people the proof that a man or a woman is under the shadow of death is that there is this the person something is telling the person i'm going to die and the thing we continue telling the person to the person ourselves to die before death will come and pick the person the person will yield inside this necromancy that brings that shadow and if you want to find a necromancer there are only two ways to fight one don't let your feet touch the ground because the moment you do a necromancer we see you whether you're in chicago you're in alabama you're in lagos if your feet you touch the ground the necromancer i will see you the next thing you should not do is don't drink water because the moment water and there's water in coke there's water and smoothie there's water in fanta the moment water enters your stomach and necromancer will spot your location it takes a lot to set up an altar of necromancy that's why most people that set up those altar they are polygamists because there are a lot of people from their family that will have to sacrifice to erect that altar when that altar is erected seasonally the demon of the altar will come and ask for three people's life seasonally so you will have three barriers not too far from each other two will die by accident then one will die with by sickness and then for six years you have peace then somebody is finishing your service about to come home the person will die on the road and two others will get missing kidnappers will take two orders three every six six years so you need to have a legion so that there are some to offer some to offer and when a necromancer becomes advanced in the trade in the understanding of how to interact with these dark spirits sometimes if you know the trait very well the spirit can give you wisdom on how to substitute a horse for a person so those ancient wizards knew how to use give the alter horse instead of a human being and when all those ancient witchers died the current necromancers didn't learn the thing enough so the spirit comes and takes people and in that family there is a shadow of death i've seen that before hallelujah and you see christianity is not a joke when we say come let's pray we are not it's not entertainment we are forcing an altar to be erected an author that will change the climate and take over the battle of control in your family in the territory if you are still with me say amen i need to give you a few symptoms just in case the linkage that is existing in your family is a linkage that connects at with the underworld you know there are two possible forms of linkages there is a linkage that connects earth with heaven and in the heart of that leakage is a potter and jesus can come and be speaking his way that i will not leave you i will not anything that happens i will be following you it's because a portal was already secured through that priesthood and the influence of the dead heavens is what is visiting that young man it is possible that the influence that is within you is from the shadow of death and this this matter i'm talking about it's not whether you're born again or not it's whether you have a priesthood a priesthood that has value he can read the meat of your priesthood has readings in the realm of the spirit please help me ask your neighbour what can your prayer do can your prayer do anything my own can very soon i will show you what my own can do this thing we are talking if it is there you can prove it if it is not there go go and be faithful it's not something if it's not there it's not there it means you have not invested enough equilibrium has not yet been achieved the priest that is serving the devil in your family is more yielded to satan than you are yielded to god so your priesthood cannot influence the climate of the family that's that is just hallelujah okay if there is a linkage that connects the underworld around your family these are the symptoms that you are going to find you are going to find untimely debts that's number one untimely your compound will be full of graves because even the old and young together will be buried if the linkage that is in your family is a linkage that is connected to the underworld another symptom you are likely to find is sicknesses that cannot be performed medically sicknesses that cannot be fathomed medically another symptom you are likely to find is total financial bankruptcy people finish from unm make first class second class opera what's the closest school to new way okay unizik finish from unizik first class degree but it doesn't change the story of the family when you see a compelling force that is limiting the destinies of people in spite of their capabilities it is a proof that there is a linkage that connects the platform of that family to the underworld so demon spirits are rising into that family from the underworld to administer the justice of darkness among those people if you are still with me say amen i know very soon your amen will finish but i need to tell you the truth so that when we begin to pray you will wake up some of us don't pray because there are prayer meetings prayer has become our lifestyle more than half of my life i spent as an intercession so if i tell you some things trust me i have seen many things i've seen from the 80s i can give you accounts of patterns accounts of things that have happened and we discovered eventually that satan is not in control we didn't know this until we began to pray i was an eyewitness i was there in the sitting room when my elder brother ran mad you know what it means to wrong man yeah i witnessed it myself i've seen that they brought my elder sister from school and this right leg was two times fatter than this left leg what was the problem they said they were taking her heart to the theater to amputate one of the legs then one of the doctors now said okay let them tear the leg open and see what is inside when they throw it open what came out was pause two buckets of pulse from one one leg two buckets my older brother had a sickness that could not be diagnosed in any hospital in nigeria they took his fingernails and his hair to london and after analysis he came back zero there was a linkage so all of us were church growers we didn't know jesus we like to be christians and when we feel from we say christianity but the controller of the space demons were ascending and descending i pray that somebody will be provoked in this place strange things so by the time my mom was going to deliver me i came out from the womb with facial palsy half of my face paralyzed today i now asked god when i started knowing god i asked him why did you allow me convinced he said young man the people that sought your life one of them was a midwife in the hospital where you were supposed to be conceived and when they saw you like this they felt their arrow walked this is this your thing is what kept you i said okay okay now you have kept me can we negotiate how the healing can come he said no that would be your trademark no healing will come for that one just a sign that you pass through that place that furnace this is a sign i've seen manipulations of all kinds and people need to weep for themselves if there is no priesthood if there is no fire within their space it's something to whip about because you might see a baby born today and everybody is celebrating but demons are still ascending and descending and one day one of the demons will descend with that baby there is no need to rejoice about anything that happens because as long as the linkage leads to the underworld that your joy can be turned to mourning suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly someone coming from a personal parade somewhere in the north to go home here in the east and then right there in lokoja the accident was not even very intense everybody came out without a scratch but somebody died that's what happens when death casts a shadow when people become nominal christians and they go to church on sunday to sing him oh [Applause] [Music] like joke like jacob tonight i pray that god will open your eyes in the name of jesus everything's going wrong and you know my dad started to phd level the first inclination he will have is one aligns the situation cerebrally and a time came when there was no cerebral logic you could bring to the table that could explain why the events were taking place so it took time before my father accepted that somebody somewhere is responsible because he will analyze it yes maybe the heavy metals the heavy metals in this case what you need is a dream like like jacob for your spiritual eyes to be open to see the same context that your natural eyes is seen that your natural eyes cannot give interpretation to your spiritual eyes will open tonight in the name of jesus linkages and demons can be ascended and descended ascending and descending new ideas from the kingdom of darkness coming into the family and before you know it new dimensions of reproach will be administered because demons are receiving messages and administering things that are coming from the heart of the wickedness that is in the kingdom of darkness and as long as there is no altar to challenge the position there is no one that says okay that one became an example this one worship water spirit me i will worship holy ghost except somebody gives himself to god as an offering that should waste and spoil so that others can rise the story will never change jacob said this is a terrible place that's a place to use his two legs to enter but anywhere priesthood has entered is a terrible place it's a terrible place you cannot understand it because it's a trading floor for spiritual entities it's just like the stock exchange house where you trade stocks that's how spiritual entities trade in destiny they trade in life they trade if there is no priesthood you become a victim of trade the altar begins to cry we need one more life this time we need a virgin we need a virtue we need a virgin we need adventure we need a virgin we need a virgin and it is you you have been going to church kept yourself as a veggie [Music] you can become an object of trait [Music] i pray tonight that you will dream a dream that your eyes will be opened to see the context of the true battle and then you will know that more than half of us here are not prepared for life more than half of us more than half of us on this field on this ground are a comic a joke they are not prepared for life every time hamatang comes the others will come and gather and say cry there is too much cold we need a fire what they are saying is the land has been quiet without mourning for long we need a barrier we are not eating cow we have not eaten goat meat it is long they brought our friend to me and they are in the city they are illegals they are in enugu they are in the u.s then all the elders of the clan they have a way of communicating we took from my family last year this from your own family will take this time say no but i brought two cows i brought two cars my people brought something and i brought to you people it's also equivalent to yesterday true your people are helping us you're happy now okay well we'll leave them hey you there the place your place is quiet these guys are trading they are trading like draft it is you they are considering as an object of the transaction that's what happens when the linkage links to the underworld and demons are ascending they will be coming with demands from the belly of hell we need not just a virgin we need a fair version that is fair in complexion we need a pastor it's a pastor's blood we did now oh you're laughing some witches held a meeting in the city of zaria and they decided that this night is pastor's blood they want to suck that normal people their pastor they distributed themselves to pastor and one of them came to my father in the lord and he was praying and he saw the witch in her witchly form and then he laughed one week later he went to preach in carduna and the woman began to manifest and when they went to the woman he saw the same woman's face that he saw by his window and the woman began to confess that that night they agreed that his pastor's blood they would drink and she made a mistake came to his house and that thing that was laughter that laughed in the spirit it was a raw of a lion please let me ask your neighbour can your prayer change anything [Music] [Applause] it was a rule it means you cannot trade here you traded in the other compound you traded in this compound you cannot trade here [Music] and so many of you sitting here today you were the third born but now you are the firstborn because two have been taken for trading and you think that in that place where they trade that they don't laugh there they're trading blood and trading destiny that's what happens when the ladder leads downwards but when the ladder leads upwards engines will be ascending and descending with policies from heaven and through that altar heavenly policies can be administered within the territory within the government and the things that are the will of god can be done on earth as it is done in heaven [Music] when we became tired of being churchgoers i now said me i will sow myself as a seed the way you are doing now let it be that i died i am dead and i am healing christ and let us give you 10 more years and see what will be controlling that family [Music] so when we say there is a call to prayer in eastern nigeria we are not coming for an event we are coming looking for people that will sell themselves so that light can break out where darkness was commissioned [Applause] i went to preach in occur and i woke up in the night i said lord jesus and i began to see blood blood blood blood i saw that in occur there was human sacrifice okay not in the 80s [Music] 2021 i saw that there was human sacrifice in the land darkness those are those are policies that came from hell the demons revealed it to the israel and the israel can invite a spirit of violence into the territory [Music] what race in the land is what our priesthood will allow for most of you that came here you came here so that you can give your life as an offering we are tired of preachers that cannot change the climate we are tired of of activities that cannot change destiny what we need now are altars and priests that know the way of the priesthood in the kingdom of light so that we can infuse the entire land with light and with power oh i gave myself i give myself say let me die but let others survive i give myself to the author of prayer i say okay you can pick me but check the captive [Music] there is no man that gave himself the way you are doing that will not change the entire land no man [Music] as i speak as i speak unto you they are angels descending they are descending they that descending into the temperature they are descending into the land some things will begin to shift this night this night many of you will have an encounter this night [Music] to consume the sacrifice that is on the altar it is advisable for you to remain on the earth to remain on so that when that fire comes it will consume you and a new thing will begin to happen in the space [Music] angels are sending and descending ascending and descending ascending and descending ascending and descending [Applause] yay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] god [Applause] you can give your life [Music] you can give your life so that the change can come [Applause] you can give your life [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] many people will say your life has no meaning let your life have meaning to god [Music] let your life have meaning to god [Music] [Applause] can you give yourself i give myself [Music] so that i can move [Music] [Applause] i will be the lamb on the altar [Applause] i will keep traveling traveling traveling until the sun rises again [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my hair [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who is saying tonight i give myself i give myself for a change in my family i give myself for a change in evil land i give myself for a transformation in nigeria many men have given blood that nigeria will be a land of darkness but i give life i give life i give life i give life [Music] [Applause] for many of you your eyes will be open tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you are willing you can make that your prayer i kill myself i keep myself for a transformation for for a shift i give myself [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am the sacrifice on the altar [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] wow [Applause] room [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how can you walk [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] he's acceptor [Music] spirit of the age yes [Music] my [Music] [Music] good ah foreign m foreign so [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus can you hear your amen i say in the name of jesus [Music] don't worry tonight he will visit you this night he wants to introduce you to a covenant he wants you to partake [Music] as you go to sleep he will open up something to you to see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have come from where we came from to know that the greatest power in the divine supernatural can be secured on the altar of total submission that's when god will rise like a warrior to fight because you refuse to fight you have decided to humble yourself on the altar as a living sacrifice [Music] visitation upon visitation will come during the course of this meeting in the name of jesus tomorrow there are few prayer points i would like us to pray today i just wanted to introduce the body to us now listen listen listen if i say in the name of jesus you say amen then you keep quiet so let's practice it in the name of jesus now that one that is still praying take the person into the intensive care unit there's a space there please take the person take the person that place you can release everything that is locked up on the inside i say in the name of jesus i want to pray for you before i go this night now no no not that kind of prayer we'll do that one tomorrow if there's anybody that uses glasses it is you i want to pray for you use glasses all right so let me see maybe you have short-sightedness long-sightedness or you brought someone that is totally blind into this facility inside or outside remove your glasses i do follow my instruction if i say come then you come if i say remove your glasses which is what i'm saying remove your glasses from your eyes then lay your hands on your eyes now so i'm going to pray for you in the next few seconds and some of you will begin to see properly instantly some of you before you get home you begin to see properly some of you by the time you wake up tomorrow morning your eyesight will be restored to you all right then we'll do a lot of that tomorrow as i bless you tomorrow is for blessing but we need to know this blessing is not the blessing of a vehicle it is blessing for you to have capacity to do priesthood then if you are successful in your priesthood a very cool can come out of it are you with me it is such as i have that i can give you you know now those people that have eye conditions please keep following my instruction the last instruction is put your hands on your eyes now so listen to me again if you are here in this hall and one of your ears is deaf one of your ears cannot hear at all shall i like to know who that person is so if go out find out who [Music] has an ear that is deaf completely find out if you see the person just do me a sign okay show me a sign one of your ears is death completely all right that's one ushers any other one outside okay one on the oh okay on the balcony one on the back of two on the back of me or should i send me one outside the ushers are not talking anymore what one outside all right those people am i on a screen outside all right so ushers in case the screen is too small help me talk to them that i should take this finger put it in the ear that cannot hear that is death and seal the ear up totally have you done that so i will pray for only the people with eye and air conditions this night tomorrow you can bring the cripples you can bring people that are poisoned you can bring um people that's tomorrow evening tomorrow evening you can bring people that cannot stand up from their bed if you can't bring them here just put credit on your phone load it and come we'll use your phone as a transportation we'll send the healing through your phone anywhere they are the horizon no it's not a limiting it will happen forget about amen if you listen to nine o'clock news in the night you don't say amen you say amen because it's news i'm telling you news tomorrow people will be healed on the phone that's what i'm saying no need for amen don't worry about that so now have you obeyed that instruction so if i say in the name of jesus say amen in the name of jesus see the amen is weak the reason why i say say amen is because when you say so i will see some people with problems in the name of jesus now listen to me there is somebody in this place three nights ago you had a situation you almost told us if you were talking in the night was as if you were choking it was a fight a great fight and then you overpowered what was choking you it happened to you three nights ago where you come out come out quickly come out quickly three nights ago now the issues are mentioned in our emergencies if we don't tackle them it can go bad if you come out you just stay there all right in the name of jesus wow listen someone here in this congregation something happened to you like two weeks ago one darkness just came upon you and for a few seconds you could not see you could not see you were blotted out you could not see at all after a few seconds then your sight began to come back where are you join them hey ask why is he coming what's your problem talk talk to me from there now usher talk talk to the usher will talk to me if he is not what i mentioned escort him back to his seat usher if it's not what i mentioned escorting back to his seat so escort him usher i'm about to even suck you you are close to being sucked listen usher come come let me educate you what i'm doing here will succeed based on instruction so you can go where is the person that darkness fell on two weeks ago standing standing in the name of jesus okay i'm seeing someone that stepped on a charm and the excruciating pain came upon your right leg excruciating pain upon your right leg this about one month now about one month ago excruciating pain came upon your right leg it was so much the kind of pain that can make you cry where are you hit up come come come so what happened to you just talk and it was very painful i could not even walk so good so now these are emergencies if i don't have this lady no i won't tell you what but i need to help her all right are you here the people i told to put your hands on your eyes and your ears don't remove it in the name of jesus [Applause] someone here your physical money gets lost if you put five thousand and hide five thousand by the time you're going to look for it it will no longer be five thousand listen to me someone here you lose physical money no spiritual money physical you can't explain the losses of the money that has gotten missing come come come allow him what happened to you okay i will keep my money when i will go back to check it some will not be there now do you know what i'm seeing here i'm seeing a demon this is a serious case i'm seeing a demon that is operating in your family i'm seeing a demon that is operating your family oh you also have that case okay let's pray for the people that are asked to put their hands first in the name of jesus [Applause] father i bind every blinding spirit blinding spirits be bound in the name of jesus deafening spirits be bound in the name of jesus i command you to come out of the eyes in the name of jesus come out of the ears in the name of jesus loose them in the name of jesus loose them in the name of jesus let the yoke of blindness break in the name of jesus let the yoke of deafness break in the name of jesus come out of the eyes in the name of jesus come out of the ears in the name of jesus here here i see here here i see in jesus name remove your hands on your eyes and your ears for those that are the people with the ears take this finger block the other ear that can hear [Music] totally if you are close to the ear people help me test that ear do something make noise and help me test if you can hear with the ear you wave a hand to me [Applause] [Music] if you can hear with the ear wave a hand to me if you can hear with the ear with a hand to me if you can hear with the ear wave handsome all right i just need maybe two or three of you that can hear come come to my stage here okay the other one come here can you come come come here come here come to the stage those of you are called to the front remember okay where's that osha that doesn't understand order come let me teach you when you're ushering don't forget that our master is god don't forget that yes come where are they um pascal you assess them there if the ear begins to hear join them i'm coming to the eyes so mascara please tell me what's happening can you give him volume a strange miracle here sir okay this is about 30 years death in the left ear now these guys have been deaf in the left ear for 30 years and right now at the instant of prayer you can [Applause] if you are here shout hallelujah 30 years come were you born with it okay it was not born death but 30 years ago what happened that you became deaf it was my elder brother that beat me because i stoned my mum so okay he was an active young man and he stoned the mom so the elder brother wanted to bring him to order and he beat him into deafness and then after 30 years tonight the lord opens the ear [Applause] your elder brother beat you you became deaf me i pray for you your deafness ceases so i want to bless you lord bless him bless him bless him in the name of jesus [Applause] miracle here yes this brother has been deaf from the time he was he could remember he said his mother laid him by the side of the bed in one of the air and he got death since then this year cannot hear and perfectly now since then that air became death this night the earth came here it's another sister here for the last 10 years for the last 10 years she has been deaf which of the years this year has been deaf for about 10 years and now the ear can hear lord will give you glory lord will give you praise in the name of jesus you're blessed those with the eyes wait for me i'm coming when you begin to label and you give yourself as a seed just get lost the way my brother is lost any time i see him on facebook i said yes yes that's the way get lost they will say you are you are wasted don't worry in the next 10 years you will feed them all of them all of them that say you are wasted you will feed them your family you will send their children to school i'm telling you yes what's happening there timon is here this brother has been there for this year for about seven months now now listen tonight tomorrow night is a healing for healing deliverance and i will make a proclamation tomorrow night oh my okay today we are just testing you know when you finish working on microphones say testing the microphone this is testing when you give yourself as a seed miracles will become natural normal not just in anywhere in the world you will tap a crippled person and the person will walk like this it's good to see cripples in nigeria work but it's better to see it abroad you went to another country and you say walk and somebody walks yes and if five work in a meeting in five five people that came either with crutches or wheelchair in one meeting five of them went home pushing what what you used to push them then you know that the lord has come yes what's happening there sir your prayer can do a lot of things sir okay right here also deafness field then this sister here is totally deaf totally totally deaf [Music] [Applause] and the ear open yes you can hear now oh my god can you shout hallelujah shout hallelujah just the way jesus opened your ears he has also opened your spiritual ears to hear his voice in the name of jesus you are blessed some more amazing yes there's a sister with pause coming out of her ear you at the instant of prayer what does that feel to say something left her ear you see she's in the media the apartment and the miracle went there and something left her ear lord we give you glory we give you praise we ask so god that you perfect this miracle oh my god he's perfecting it perfect this miracle in the name of jesus perfect it in the name of jesus perfect it in the name of jesus a time will come if you give yourself a time we come when it's raining you just raise your hand say lord this rain is too much now then it will stop yes a time we come you will go to the hospital to visit someone that is sick and you just pray a brief prayer and then the person will escort you home just just a time we come if somebody dies near where you are and you just say okay lord are you the one that killed him or is satan that killed him and he will not say satan say let's spoil it stand up now the prayer that raises the dead is not shout it's not no it's an instruction if you have ever sprayed and a spirit left someone you can pray and the dead can rise in casting our devils he says spirit go you're raising the dead you say what spirit come that's it that's it yes come lord we give you thanks and praise take all the glory in the name of jesus yes anyone more that will take all right so let's go to the people with eyes i people if you could not read take a book and try now take a book and try now if you cannot see fire see far now if anybody's eyes have been corrected the way you can do it to make me know is just with your hand you notice your eyes have been corrected ushers check outside check inside and let the people whose eyes have been corrected come to the pulpit area right now those ones are asked to stand here keep standing your eyes are corrected come to the pulpit area we take three testimonies and then i will pray for these people out here sow your life as a seed to jesus release yourself as an offering on prayer the time will come god will give you authority to change what is in the environment when you see disobedience you can revenge it and say no it should not be so hallelujah where is bhaskar quickly three meanwhile for your information those of you here there is one of you whose case is an emergency and in the next few seconds the lord is going to touch that person one of you your case is an emergency god the lord himself will visit you in the next few seconds his hand will come on you in the next few seconds one of you standing in the front there you could see the girl father that one whose case is an emergency i ask that you visit the person visit the vessel visit the person and show me a sign visit the person and show me a sign so he will if he will come to you he will come to you in a moment he will visit the president his hand will be strong that's one there's another one that they will visit another one that they will visit lord show me that sign in the name of jesus his son will come strong on another one very strong and he will take it away take away the affliction his hand will come strong father visit i ask that you visit visit stronger in the name of jesus christ let your hand come upon that individual and let your hand come strong maybe visit in the name of jesus take away the affliction bind the spirit bind the spirit take it away in the name of jesus take it away in the name of jesus i command that spirit go from her go from her go from her in jesus mighty name the rest of you if i touch you you can go back if i thought you move if i touch you you can move oh my if i touch you you can move leave that lady all right what happened there of eyesight miracles here we have over five people on this line with astigmatism that can see clearly now and are able to differentiate what is our stigmatism astigmatism is um it's in a is a combination of short-sightedness and an ability to differentiate colors properly okay okay okay yes and there are five of them in that about five of them five of you come please come astigmatism now can you see the work of the lord listen remember there is nothing wrong with the name of jesus the only thing wrong is that a lot of men are not faithful but the name of jesus is powerful it's potent so for how long have you had this condition 2018 that's like three years 2017 that's like four years 20 18 three years when you were in js2 and you can see properly now oh my god lord we give you praise we give you glory take all the praise in the name of jesus yes five of you all four of you can go it's another value of miracles here yes this brothers like this brother is a welder well that's prone to light that comes from the world he has been shot short side short-sightedness for so 2015 that's how many years six years six years and his short sadness got broken this night can you give thanks [Applause] thank you father in jesus name hi so we have cases of i'm seeing what god oh yeah a case of suspected glaucoma it conditions that high blood pressure of the eye when the pressure is coming again come again i'm hearing strange terminologies this night so let's start again glaucoma is a condition where the optic nerve has been affected and there's so much pressure on the nerve it's actually a kind of bp for eye okay high blood pressure for the eye who has that glaucoma oh my god right now she can look into light comfortably and she's fully healed can you can you celebrate jesus see the miracle is still taking place oh my god put her in one corner put her in one corner just yes let her be in that corner for now yes so god is still healing short-sightedness here short-sightedness is still working on you father perfect it perfect it perfect it perfect it let your hand be heavy on this lady in the name of jesus let your hand be heavy on this young man in the name of jesus there is a spectacular case of chronic allergies [Music] when the person keeps eating you know redness okay yes yes yes this has been happening for over many years come here and right now at the instant of prayer day since we were born she was born since we are small okay and right now those symptoms have gone [Applause] we lose you in the name of jesus let it be loose in the name of jesus put him somewhere let him rest yes let him rise father we break that to you we'll break that you will break that you break that you in the name of jesus tomorrow i will pray for the sick so all kinds of sickness from high blood pressure paralysis many things will be taking place but this night god will encounter somebody he will come to your room and he will encounter you in the name of jesus [Music] so god is keeping miracles in the eye here still doing eye miracles we have about four people here with short-sightedness and can see clearly now short-sighted against a consequence then there's a brother with god vision short-sightedness they can see clearly this brother here what's his condition has blood vision blood vision so sometimes he's like there are hazy things blocking his vision but right now the instant of prayer can you step up i saw him struggling with the eyes when i came come come close father perfect it perfect it in the name of jesus perfect it in the name of jesus can you take him take him to one side one side one side one side all right all right all right so there's improvement on your side oh my god now she can see fire now it is permanent in the name of jesus yes there's improvement goodness short-sightedness what does that mean like i cannot see anything that is too close to me can you see now yes sir it is permanent in the name of jesus yes my brother was the condition i was not able to be seen in the close object that are small but closer objects you can see now yes it is permanent in the name of jesus i can't really see far you can't see fire so can you see things that are far now i can see it's improving but nothing is not perfect lord perfect it in the name of jesus now tomorrow morning tell him how your eye is your eyesight is okay you are blessed since 2012 2012 that's how many years nine years you can see now yes boys a little father in the name of jesus let it be perfected let it be perfected in the name of jesus oh my now hold this for me let him let her go so put her somewhere put her somewhere when she wakes up find out from her long-sightedness ah this one is here yeah where's now can you rise up i want to pray so that i can run away oh my god when you get back to your room to your closet your dormitory tell god i sow my life as a seed and my preoccupation will be prayer do that this night and then let's meet on this mountain tomorrow father we give you glory we give you praise we exalt your name and we ask oh god that you visit everyone in the name of jesus visit everyone in the name of jesus visit everyone in the name of jesus there are things i cannot tell you tonight maybe god will permit me to tell you tomorrow there are some ministers sitting in the minister's stand and your ministry is about to change i mean total transformation listen to me and when this change comes there will be persecution there will be persecution persecution from people you love persecution from people that are with you i say that your ministry is about to change in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name [Applause] just keep clapping wherever you are club club club honor the lord [Applause] is a great privilege he's a great honor tonight keep clapping keep clapping if he can shout shout i can't hear your voice if you have been blessed tonight give jesus give jesus wow [Applause] please let's have the offering baskets go round i mean of course we are blessed today you are blessed just your left hand indicate with your left hand indicate with your left hand some people are just looking at you are you looking at your phone indicate with your left hand gallery indicate with your left hand [Music] overflow outside indicate with your left hand just worthy [Music] father will give you prayer why just give us a soft song let's take our offerings inside please if you have your opinions and ties seeds whatsoever you have to give to god [Music] if you are following us online please you can transfer to this number i believe is already projected [Music] zero five six three seven eight six four eight six gt band gt bar you have an outfit let the opening basket go around
Channel: Revivalhub International
Views: 7,189
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Edu Udechukwu, Revivalhub international, Apostle Edu Udechukwu messages, apostle edu udechukwu prayer
Id: lTMgiaJRz6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 274min 33sec (16473 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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