JASPER_what it means when GOD appears this way || APOSTLE AROME OSAYI

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[Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the moment of time i'd like you to give him glory giving praise in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i think i need to teach us about the holy ghost there is a way for you to ascend there is a way for you to ascend if you miss that window it will be a struggle it will be a struggle um mercy there is a difference between thinking anointed singing and singing what god is singing anointed singing that's what you did for 90 percent of your administration anointed singing because you are prayerful the anointing that you have generated is on your sin that's good but what is better is singing what god is singing there was only one song god sang throughout the time we were ministering one and that was the first song and that song didn't change but you changed now let me show you an evidence take your microphone again and then sing that song again this lecture is for you not for anybody there's a song you were singing when i came i walked here no you are wrong i think it's lauren's song my daddy my daddy wait if you want don't put the mic close to your mouth sing into it it shouldn't be husky yeah then sing it when you think it twice then i'll show you an evidence [Music] i will be singing and dancing and laughing for the rest of eternity i will be singing and dancing and clapping [Music] i will be singing and [Music] your baby [Music] your baby is singing your babies [Music] you [Music] only you only [Music] your [Music] [Music] my is [Music] still me you so when you shifted that song the angel of this house began to leave they built so i called me i said be that's a problem so when you sang now the angel returned and the angel spoke to me in this year and when he spoke to me in this year i had a vision i had a vision of a lady that is sitting on this road and he told me that god wants to visit that lady that is on this road i saw that the lady was stripped of her garments and she was naked in the spirit and exposed one of the reasons for which the angel was dispatched today was to ensure that that lady would be clothed again you see the realities of god are like moments moment moment right each moment in eternity can last for eternity it was a moment that i had with god that gave rise to the calling that i'm pursuing just a moment what my life is interpreting is a moment captured in his presence it is possible for you to capture a moment and that woman has the potential of eternity and yet that moment died because you were not aligned sufficiently in order to give god the opportunity to prosecute the intent that was captured within that moment have you ever read your bible he says that a deal with god is what just a moment that reality that is captured within that moment can span for a thousand years so as i speak unto you right now the angel of the lord will clothe that lady there is gonna be a visitation that will take place in the life of that lady that is sitting on this road all this one is a lecture i'm giving a lecture father in the name of jesus you sent your messenger into this house tonight so that a lady that walked into this place exposed to the elements of witchcraft exposed to the elements of manipulation will find covering so i plead with you that you straightforward your hand and help me identify this lady by reason of the release of the anointing let your presence form around that lady so that we can identify that individual let your presence form powerfully let your presence form powerfully around that lady so that we can administer that which is your goodwill even during the course of this meeting now you see i don't know how to explain further well maybe it's not for explanation moments there are moments that if you capture that moment it's only one moment that is running for 65 years just one moment when you come into the presence of god do not do not be absent-minded so many transactions take place we just came and i called mummy buddha i said come with me to the office let's solve a problem so we just passed here and she sang that song and i saw the angel of this house was attracted the moment she shifted began to walk away but meanwhile what she was doing was still anointed but we didn't have any moment attached to it bring that lady for me like ah [Music] foreign exposed to the elements manipulations afflictions have been her portion because she was not clothed not covered but god brought you now i make demands i make demands your apparel that was taken from you that is used as a point of contact to to afflict you to access you i demand that that apparel be retrieved from the quarters of darkness in the name of jesus christ i proclaim deliverance deliverance deliverance on your life deliverance on your life in the name of jesus oh let the fetus break let the chains give way the bounds be broken in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] continue continue this song [Music] [Music] your baby is singing a baby is singing [Music] my daddy my daddy my daddy baby singing your baby is singing i will be singing and dancing and talking for the rest of eternity my love for my lover [Music] my darling my [Music] for the rest of insanity [Music] your baby is singing your baby is singing i will be singing [Music] your baby is singing [Music] [Music] all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so once again we align ourselves to the walkings of your glory teach us and instruct us make us wise in understanding glory when that mighty procession begins to advance such majesty with an entourage let us identify it and align our spirit man thank you once again in jesus mighty name amen you may be seated i hope my practical lecture was adequately understood turn your bible to the book of revelation chapter 4 revelation chapter 4. revelation chapter 4 hallelujah and we salute all our brethren in the united kingdom that were part of the campaign that we took from place to place i know you are watching me now so we salute you all the way from makode hallelujah after this i looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which i heard was that is where of a trumpet talking with me which said come up here and i will show you things which must be hereafter and immediately i was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne and he that sat on the throne was to look like a jasper you can stop there he [Music] that sat on the throne was to look like what in jasper hallelujah was to look like what just one there are many points in scriptures where there were outright disclosures of god in the bible one of such points is in the book of isaiah chapter 6 and the dimension of god that was on display in isaiah chapter 6 was his holiness it was the holiness of god that was on display there are times like exodus chapter 24 where you would see god coming to commune with the house of israel and he stepped out of his handfully dimensioned and stepped upon iraq you will find that there you will see disclosures like that which was revealed in the book of ezekiel chapter one where there was a revelation of the glory of god but in the book of revelation chapter 1 the bible reveals that the one that sat on the throne he looked like a jasper stone and any time you see that pressure stone mentioned in association with god are you with me you're not with me you're not you're distracted anytime you see that pressure stone jasper associated with god it is speaking about the appearance of god the appearance of god their of god hallelujah and so we are going to continue our fifth lecture the lecture on faith but i need to talk about jasper so that in our study of god you will know the way god appeared to you exactly all right so turn again to the book of acts chapter seven acts chapter seven in acts chapter number seven bible says acts chapter 7 verse 2 this is stephen responding to the sanhedrin and he said men and brethren hacking the god of glory he did what he appeared unto our father abraham stop there see you know i told you that jasper means the appearance of god and i didn't have time to prove it not in this lecture maybe in a subsequent lecture we'll now find out how jasper why jasper means the appearance of god right maybe in a subsequent lecture maybe tomorrow or thereabout the bible says that the god of glory appeared unto our father abraham so one of the people we have evidence in the bible that the god of glory appeared to is abraham so if we want to study the appearance of god that came to abraham we need to look meticulously at the life of abraham and then we'll see the impact of the way god appeared unto him your knowledge of god in terms of practicality is consistent with the way god appears to you now you are supposed to be a good student of the move of god over your own life and if you don't have an accurate inventory of god's move on your life it means you are squandering the resources by which god intends to make you mighty so um stephen in his presentation captured that the god of glory appeared unto our father abraham so now we can now go to the book of exodus chapter six let us let us drop it before you see how that translates to the subject of faith in exodus chapter 6 beginning from verse 1 the bible says then the lord said unto moses now will down see if we have children here that are very excited this atmosphere is a sober one we want to advise the parents to use the overflow section of this facility in the name of jesus um then the lord said unto moses now we'll now see what are we doing to pharaoh for with a strong hand he shall let them go and with a strong hand he shall drive them out of his land yes next verse and god speak unto moses and said unto him i am jehovah that is like an introduction however i appeared see just what i appear my true identity is that i am jehovah however i appear to your ancestors as a shadow your knowledge of god your inventory of god's working is going to be consistent with the way god chooses to appear to you part of the basic building blocks of your knowledge of god is predicated on jasper the way god appears to you and so he said even though i am jehovah i appeared unto your ancestors i appeared unto abraham i unto isaac i appeared unto jacob by a certain identity he said god is an eternal personality and even in the whole of eternity we will not have sufficient time to know all of him so what he does is that he he various aspects of his reality is made to appear to you the capacities you wield in the grace of god is consistent with the dimensions of god that have been made to appear unto you so when we see the way you operate we can actually read your life and tell what part of god you saw that made you such a man are you still with me all right so he said i appeared unto abraham unto isaac and unto jacob by the name of el shaddai but by my name jehovah i was not known unto them you see it was deliberate my appearing unto them was not consistent with my jehovah identity my appearing unto them was consistent with my identity as the and shadow so that's what they know so what you know is going to be dependent on how he chose to appear unto you and it is that which you know that forms the building blocks of your faith life you see you might have faith for miracles and not have faith for finances because of the way god appeared unto you you might see somebody that is a giant in an aspect of the christian life and a total dwarf in another aspect of the christian life and that is because what he knows in god is consistent with how god appeared are you saying all right so in our last lecture we began to advance towards understanding how god appeared unto abraham based on this presentation we have in the book of exodus chapter six verse three um we are enjoined therefore by this scripture to see how god appeared unto abraham how god appeared unto isaac and how god appeared unto jacob it is when we have done these studies that will now have a full inventory of the revelations that constituted the appearance of the earth shall die dimension you see this el shaddai dimension was a dimension of god that was available to three distinct generations it is after these three distinct generations had received appearances of el shaddai that the heritage of god that is captured by the name el shaddai was adequately established in the house of israel so we need to do a study and find out how god dealt with abraham how god dealt with isaac how god dared with jacob then we'll understand god's appearing as el shaddai then we'll now move to jigova they will now see how god dealt with moses which is a compendium of his appearing as jehovah is that clear and then we'll go to other aspects of the bible to see if there were other unique disclosures of god that were revealed to men after different orders if we are able to achieve that then you begin to understand our goal and you'll be able to understand your own personal encounters and you'll be able to make a label does your personal encounters according to the studies that we are doing and it will be easy for you to appreciate the move of god on your life now in our last lecture we stopped at heap of romans chapter 4. in romans chapter 4 verse 16 my text for the night is actually in the book of hebrews but we're just doing a recap so that you can follow the journey follow the journey meticulously and we're done with abraham go to isaac when we're done with isaac we go to jacob we are done with jacob then we go to joseph because the covenant was passed from abraham to isaac from isaac to jacob and from jacob to joseph i know you don't know that but i'm telling you if we do a good study of the book of genesis i'm going to show you jacob the jacob joseph connection so the next person we need to study uh who was a custodian of the covenant and the covenant evidently walked on his life was joseph are you with me so we're going to do abraham isaac and jose then we'll be able to bring out four factors four factors that are evidences to prove that el shaddai is actually the person he said is right and by the time we finish these four factors you will find that your challenge is within one of the four the thing troubling your life is you see the bible is such a prophetic book everything is inside your future is inside we unlock it and then you will see oh yeah this is you it was already done before you came because our god knows the end from the beginning and he knew you were coming so he created a template for you so that you know that our expectation is sure hallelujah now this is abraham's experience we did touch this a little previously now we want to do a total work he said therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace you know the meaning of that we have faith masters in in this you know the mean of that scripture therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace i became a fit trained minister do you know the meaning of that scripture see this is it your salary is captured in the budget not true and then at the end of the month you get your salary from the budget the source of your salary is their location the budget all of your salary is weaved into the budgeting system it is rectified by the state house of assembly it is passed as a law by the authority of the governor right therefore you have a right to your salary after you apparently append his signature but your salary doesn't come from heaven it comes from a budget now that budget in spiritual terminology is what we call the central bank of the grace of god i don't have time to take you to the book of ephesians chapter 3 and i will show you the central bank of the grace of god well i know you know some scriptures i've heard one of you should know um ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 of it let's be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with all spiritual bliss that that context of spiritual blessings that the central bank of the grace of god anything that our god does he will achieve such a thing by grace grace is the energy is the fuel is the resource center through which god accomplishes the tasks that he intends to prosecute upon the face of the are you with me central bank of grace that is the budgeting system of the economy of god now um it means the funding is available all right now in order for you to attract your own allocation which is the supply that is needed to support your unique destiny in the economy of god in order for you to apply for it you need faith if grace were not available faith would have been of no consequence grace is what holds the resources that god puts together that he wants to prosecute your destiny with but in order for you to make a demand on the supply on the budget on central bank you will need faith faith is what makes you attract personally the resources that god has trapped in the central bank luckily faith makes god's availability in terms of resources to become your possession faith makes it your own salvation existed in grace the grace to bring salvation was existing the moment jesus offered himself on the cross and the claims of divine justice was satisfied salvation is available but salvation is not applied to anyone that doesn't apply for it by faith now that means god in his infinite wisdom decided to set up a system and the system walks by grace and that is what makes faith important so the bible says therefore it is of faith our access point into this economy is by faith because it was ordained to walk by the grace of god exactly we have a long journey to go but i want us to understand that foundation is critical therefore it is of faith anytime you hear the word faith faith is an instrument of appropriation appropriation one of the challenges in nigeria is that we approve a budget and the performance of the budget is is 16 percent you know the mean of that over approved money but the the amount of the money that was used to do the thing that it was approved for is 16 percent performance meanwhile the whole budget was expanded but the performance of the budget was only worth 16 percent that kind of system doesn't work in the economy of god i know you've been in you've seen the nigerian system so much so it has affected your thinking that kind of operation is not capable within the context of god's framework the framework of god functions with the central bank of grace and the instrument through which you appropriate that grace in your life is called faith so god blessed god approved the faith protocol because god intended that it should be by grace exactly right therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be short to all the seed not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all so there are two descendants of abraham revealed in this scripture the natural descendants of abraham be under the law and then where the supernatural descendants of abraham because we operate in the likeness of his faith in fact are you with me okay let me know let me not push that too much yes next verse next verse quickly quickly where's the technical man as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations before whom he believed even god so we now saw how god appeared to abraham before the one whom he believed even god god introduced himself to abraham in his appearing as the god that quickens the dead number one and the god that called those things that be not as do they were the god that's how you appear to you meanwhile you know i say jasper is the appearance of god so if you are talking about your capacity for faith your capacity for faith is dependent on how god appears to you you see and the point is this according to the in the chapter the charter of intimacy you are the one that takes the initiative to pursue god that means if you are pursuing god deliberately he will appear unto you he will keep appearing but notice the inventory of a man's fate life is dependent on how god appears to him so god came to abraham and said i am the god that raises the dead i'm the god that quickens those things that that that collect those things that be not as do they wear and we saw in our study that there were two dead things in abraham's life the first thing that was dead was his own body abraham did not have the capacity to make a woman pregnant anymore he had outlived that age he was terrified the bible says the god that raises the dead appeared to him the bible says the god that collects those things that be not as though they were he appeared to him so in his head god kept calling isaac isaac was not existing but in god's discussion with abraham isaac was a present day reality and he spoke about isaac as if isaac was on ground how many of you have had encounter you saw yourself doing deliverance in crusade meanwhile you have never casted one devil before oh god that's god he caused those things that be not as though they were these are lectures about the divine one abraham was terrorized sarah's womb was dead she had a medical report of baroness from her teenage age and had entered into menopause she as far as student is concerned there was no clinical way by which she could conceive there were two dead things his body was dead set at home was dead and then jehovah now said i am the god that what that raises the dead to show you that abraham did not just wake up and just started obeying god abraham didn't believe as abraham felt there was a need for him to help god so when he was much younger and he had some life in his body he went and took a young damsel i said okay let's help god in this equation god is too weak god cannot perform his promise so if we bring some form of help maybe god will win in my life just like the way you are helping him because he's so weak meanwhile the word el shaddai means they're strong so an abraham now helped god got a damn cell and they made some babies through that damsel and god said well i have rejected ishmael ishmael you know in the natural when you look at ishmael and you look at isaac you say two boys but from god's perspective god will call ishmael a a result of the will of man god will call isaac a result of the promise of god because god gave the promise about isaac before he was conceived in the womb under impossible conditions the reason why abraham was able to exercise that faith to see god quicken dead things in his life was because god appeared to him as the god that raises the dead the god that calling those things has been that be not as though they were i was born on this camera and when the lord appears to me it shows me how i'm preaching and in those preachings i don't notice tamarind in my delivery god is trying to cure you of doubt because our god happens to be god that suffers at uh that he has an obsession and the obsession that our god has is an obsession to be believed he wants to be believed in fact are you here the best things that god has available for us we can only contact them through faith it means our god wants to be believed is anyone that is coming to god most that is it is non-negotiable you must believe that he is you must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently take him that's the nature of our god and so god kept preaching his himself to abraham i am the god that what raises the dead i am the god that caused those things that be not has to the where so when abraham was still young and he had the ability to make babies god stopped talking to him then when he now his body dried up it became sterile then god showed up and said all right are you still interested in this agenda was that steve abraham was an obedient man he came to a point where humanity could no longer score any card and jehovah that raises the dead jehovah that call it those things that be not as today where now stepped in now i don't know maybe you have a problem a concern in this place it is you are not dead yet the most terrible situation is that you died and the bible says god is a god that raises the dead that means if you are not dead yet your case is not is not so it's not it's not a difficult case meanwhile even if you are dead god is a god that raises that's what he does if he wants to get if he wants to play the way he plays is that he raised the dead he wants to catch phone he will just begin by raising the dead that's how he gets all right so it means there is no circumstance that you are passing through now that is anything compared to how god has introduced himself to abraham and if he has introduced himself to abraham like that he's also introducing himself to you in the same mention hallelujah the the rest is history abraham's dead body was squeaking back to life sarah's dead womb was reactivated and the result of that reactivation was a child that was spoken about in prophecy because god has this nature of speaking about things that are not existing in the human frame of reference as do they were existing and when he quickened sarah's womb quickened abraham's body the result was isaac the child of promise so you might say two sons but god is only seeing one that's why ishmael by no means had the capacity to be a carrier of the covenant of god he would have broken him he would have he didn't have the wiring to carry it there was something of supernatural sources that was supposed to be factored in his life in order for him to be able to carry that body of the covenant so in the eyes of god even though ishmael was only around god was saying you don't have any man yet he was a man that was created by his supernatural power when abraham began to believe that he had the capacity to raise the dead that was wired with enough supernatural matter sufficient to carry the body of the covenant of israel hallelujah now don't stop there let's go what's he talking about i want to look at the logic the logic because in order for you to walk by faith you must sustain a new line of logic this line of logic is a logic that came became operational in your life because of your interference with god now in the eyes of a human being if somebody dies that is all but god now comes and says i raise the dead i call those things that be not as though they were you won't believe in that advice you still be operating normally he will come again and say i raise the dead i call those things that be not as though they were you will forget leave your normal life and then you are now in a situation somebody now dies you know i raise the dead and then you now find out that there's nothing you can practically do about that situation say okay oh thou that raised the dead can you perform your good will in a situation where you know you can't do anything then god so that he will take all the glory he can wait for you to be totally frustrated without any other strategy about this situation so that he can take glory then he will not step in and perform his good works then he registers on your life that girl he raises the death and so when you see the dead you rejoice and then you say he's mad you see a new level of logic has been built into that man because of the way god appeared unto you so that man is no longer normal there are things that the devil will do around him he will not notice because of this new level of logic oh my god you are not with me the effect stay with me stay with me don't go the effect of god's appearing to you is that it will produce a new level of logic and so satan will use the old tricks he uses with other people and you will not even notice that satan passed because you have a new level of logic all right come come with me to hebrews hebrews 11. don't forget one of the ingredients of faith is a new level of logic and that new level of logic is consistent with the way the lord appears to you on the way god has appeared to me oh yeah i don't know how to give this testimony that you will not be confused okay we there was there was a need there was a need a need in the house of god right not here in need in the house of god and the way it was what what came to me that i had to give was four million if i give that four million not much will be left but i gladly give the 4 million you know what new level of logic it's natural for me to operate like that because of the way god appeared to me you know i told you i gave you some insight into how you appear to we wanted to build a school what we saved was 9 million now when we started the 9 million era was only in the ground because that those were the days when one naira became no one dollar became 509. so the foundation that they built my 9 million was inside the ground there was no evidence to show that my skillful savings had it was not visible how would 9 million be under the ground meanwhile i was the reason why i had confidence to begin the building was because there was nine million when the dance started the 9 million was on the ground so god told me god now spoke to me he now appeared to me i would mean the result of the appearing of god to you is that your thinking will change he now told me when he wanted to begin the creation project if he were a man then he started broke and he created the whole world in six days it started broke he didn't have money it was not by money okay as the logic began to it will take you some time for you to adopt that logic it will come to you naturally you will fall from that logic many times about 20 times about 10 times about 12 times you will fall from it but he keeps appearing so that that logic can be registered when the logic is registered it will be natural for you to operate according to that logic so the logic has been registered to me that is why i could give that 4 million even though it means that we were already but you know what if that logic hits you you'll no longer be a normal man because i've always i've seen it in my work with god any time god asks me to give something and i give it it means that the harvest is already available the moment i give it the trigger has come forth and most of the time i get like three times more than what i get i know that logic don't beat me when you see me giving ah don't beat me i know it it is established that's the way i think now because god has appeared to me consistently enough for him to shift my thinking you are the way you are because of your logic like when god said give you say hey what will remain is logic is your logic that is resisting god so when he wants to help you he appears to you and one of the impact of his appearance is that he changes what so the first thing about faith is that it operates on a different premise of logic and this different premise of logic is occasioned by the appearance of god are you there in hebrews chapter 11 quickly hebrews chapter 11 how many of you are here god will speak to you and say pray pray for that please pray for that people pray for that pray for that if if you don't have a logic about the healing power of god you will never pray for that your normal fallen mindset is going to overpower that voice so if god wants to bring you hallelujah you're not you're not with me those of us that are pastors listening to me don't just preach faith i know it's easy to preach for it to live by faith is something different to preach faith is easy say why are you doubting all of you here i know but you see the extent of evidence your life will produce is as a result of the appearance of god jasper hebrews chapter 11 verse 17. evil chapter 11 verse 17 don't forget first thing that the appearance of god will do to you is that it will change your logic change your logic a different logic will come we'll see the same thing in the life of abraham from another perspective he said by faith abraham i want to teach you faith very well so that you walk by faith you know i i told you the other time that i wanted to travel i took an empty bag one trouser one shoe one shirt one jacket and i'm going to be there for 31 days only mad men do that but he is doing that on another level level of logic don't try that if you don't have the same level of lord if he has not appeared enough to you to change your mind only the clues i wore was what i had and you know my bible and all those other matters so yeah that's how i ended by the time i finished the campaign and i was coming back four boxes could not carry my clothes they have to ship some they are sitting on the ship so that's what it means to walk by faith you are walking according to that logic that's how you walk that's how you operate and somebody will look at you and say he's looking at you from the mindset of the fallen man because god has not appeared to him oh you know right now i came when i came here i said you you you left the correct song and you began to sing god can show you that thing but you will not believe that it can happen and i will understand with you because you haven't he has not appeared to you on that matter because when it appears to you on that matter it will be natural that that logic will make it natural for you to operate that way if god wants to help you what he does to you is that he keeps coming he keeps coming he keeps coming he keeps coming he keeps coming onto your logic changes it is when your logic changes that you become a man of faith you walk according to that logic the logic that was established in the life of abraham was that he was in league with the god that receives the dead i began to study that hosa and i found out how many dead people when we went to benin my host went and looked for the praise and worship leader of idahosa so i now was part of my house telling let him come for the evening service and tell us about idaho it was not convenient for him but he was convinced in most of what it also did is not on video the readings he did is not on video on a crusade electric cable fell on people and electric killed them they were like five six people so the police called around the area all those kind of things that happened and he was zooming with his car as the driver to stop because the crusade was still going on but the dead people wasting that was i said what happened and they told him he he shouted rise in the name of jesus and stunt his foot and there was mass resurrection all of them the his praise his singer was there now it will not happen in your life let's start from there it will not happen it will not happen in your life until god appears to you and changes your logic so in my own opinion you see you can study a man and know how god appeared to him the way god appeared to downside was how he appeared to abraham the god that raises the dead you're not you're not with me you're not you're not you're not with me i need another scripture to convince you you are still in doubt you are still in doubt i know that so i need the scripture to help you quickly book of acts are you doing the book of acts act 26 i want to read a long story to us that's what i'm doing for where to start okay let me [Music] let me begin from verse 9 acts 26 verse 9 i verily thought with myself that i ought to do many things contrary to the name of jesus of nazareth this is paul speaking testifying which thing i also did in jerusalem and many of the saints did i shot up in prison having received authority from the chief priest and when they were put to death i gave my voice against them next verse and i punished them oft in every synagogue i compel them to blaspheme and being exceedingly mad against them i persecuted them even on to strange cities strange cities extended his haunt beyond the scope of the jurisdiction of the authority he was given from jerusalem [Music] strange and this is how the mysteries of darkness seek our soul may the lord help us in the name of jesus and i punish them okay these strange things whereupon as i went to damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests at midday o king i saw in the way a light from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me and them which jointed with me yes and when we were all falling to the earth i had a voice speaking unto me and saying in the hebrew tongue soul soul why persecutest doubt me it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks how many of you know i like the scripture i accompany it is hard for boko haram to take over nigeria it is hard for fulani to conquer the people of god it was not ordained from eternity you cannot make it up in time why persecutors doubt me it is hard for thee to keep against the prayer the barbed wire hallelujah yes next one and i said what thou lord and he said i am jesus whom down persecutors yes but rise please follow this this scripture i've been looking for verse 16. but what what right and stand upon thy feet for i have what appeared on today for this purpose to make thee a minister and a witness of both the things that thou has seen and of those things which i will what happened i have appeared on today for this purpose that thou might be what i make the minister and a witness both of the things that thou has seen and of the things that i will yet what i appear unto jasper no man without jasper can and walking faith you will only be a minister concerning the things that you have seen you only be a minister concerning the things unto which i will appear and you see why men and women are empty they have no jasper and when i was coming into this place he whispered jasper to me jasper so i had to look for the scriptures to be able to make sense out of it i have called it to be what he say rise stand upon thy feet for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and the witness both of things with thou has seen and of those things in the witch i will appear on today you will become a minister of the things by which he will what he will appear unto you we want to pray in the moment tonight oh my god when he appears to you he comes to change your logic so that you can become a steward of a spiritual thing so that you can become a steward of those things that mortal men know nothing of your logic will have to change your approach will have to change your capacity to relate with him opens up becomes a broad way because he appeared i am coming as i eat is about rise just like i'm telling you right now that's how i told for rice but rise and stand upon their feet for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and a witness boast of these things with thou has seen and of those things in the which i will appear on today oh my god you will be a minister of the things that you have seen you'll be a minister of the things that you have seen you will be a minister of those things in the which he will appear unto you [Music] give me jasper jasper i need that precious stone jasper so that i will be a minister can you consequently stand upon thy faith for i have appeared on today for this purpose to make the minister and a witness both of those things without has seen and of those things in the which i will appear on today oh the lord is telling somebody but rise but rise but rise sit and try to destroy you he tried to discredit your ministry he tried to put you on the back side but right [Applause] but right and stand upon their feet stand upon thy feet [Music] stand upon thy feet ride [Music] a stand upon thy feet stand upon thy feet for i have appeared unto thee for this problem but but right [Music] stand upon thy faith [Music] stand upon my feet [Music] [Music] stand upon dave [Music] stand upon thy faith for i have appeared on today for this purpose [Music] to make the minister a witness [Music] both of the things which thou has seen and of those things in the which i will appear on today [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] their feet but right [Music] stand upon their feet [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] oh am a soccer [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] faith [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] but why [Music] [Music] home [Music] what [Music] forever [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] turned upon my feet [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] stand upon thy feet for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make the minister and the witness both of those things which thou art seen and of those things in the which i will appear on today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] valley [Music] foreign [Music] we want to [Music] tonight [Music] i want us to bless this brother he's going back to canada came here to participate in our activities for this time and now he's on his way back can we bless you can we bless you the hand of the lord will be upon me so freely cause messiah grace and peace be upon you [Music] we decree that the lord will surprise you he brought you here to release you into destiny as it is written in the book of acts chapter 26 verse 16 rise stand upon thy faith for i have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make the minister and a witness both of the things with our sin and of the things in the which i will appear on today go in this thy mind and the lord will make you strong in the name of jesus [Music] go ahead and appreciate him exalt him give him glory give him praise what are we talking lord bless your great name we thank you in jesus mighty name we pray amen can we be seated briefly praise the lord hallelujah uh last week up to this moment we've been having a very mighty build up of the presence of god very unique revelation that has been coming to us and the feedbacks i've been getting from people who are not here they are amazing that's because god is up to something great something amazing and unusual in our day and in our time the book of acts chapter 1 after jesus christ ascended and the disciples were gazing into the sky the energy of the lord appeared to them and say ye men of galilee why are you gazing up into the sky because this same jesus that you see go up will in the same manner come so two generations are being implicated by that utterance there is a generation that saw him go up and there is a generation that we see him come praise the lord and it is obvious that our generation is the generation that we pull him down and the power to attract him down is going to be an unusual one so we are in the last days and the power of god is going to be so controversial that you yourself may not believe it let's bless ourself up for things unusual in the name of jesus christ tomorrow we are going to we are so privileged tomorrow we are going to be having our father in the house still [Applause] praise the lord amen it's going to be a very very unusual time in god's presence i'm excited i'm super excited about it make sure you're on ground invite your friends invite your loved ones invite your neighbors and don't forget to invite your enemies because they're going to have sufficient reason to switch camps press the lord and i'm not saying this lightly i'm not saying it lightly your enemies if they see the kind of place you invite them to they will conclude that you mean good for them and they will have a change of heart a change of mind so the time is 4 p.m tomorrow and uh don't miss it for anything are we done with the offering i said whenever i stand there for announcement offering basket just stand press the load if you are streaming this meeting online um the account details are on display on the various handles that you are connected on make use of them the project offering is still ongoing a lot of work is still going on at the site especially the landscaping of the the embassy compound a lot of beautification is going on flowers have been planted and uh so much sun feeling need to be done to create a space for overflow and also for parking lot from the last video we held at the embassy last friday it's obvious that we are hitting that ground with overflow hallelujah it's obvious that that place is arriving inadequate it's arriving smaller than what we have been expecting because the el shaddai because of el shaddai you know we were thinking of ten thousand i don't know how we got to four five but is coming so somewhere somehow there's going to be space because air shadow had to fill up that place press the lord so um let the offerings keep coming in sending the partnership the building project let them keep coming and use their account details and uh it's a time to raise a memorial it's a time to embrace the memorial remember what i told you from the book of nehemiah chapter four verse two of which the question that sambala tobias and the host were asking one of the core questions i was being asked is whether you will sacrifice so will they sacrifice will they fortify themselves with the sacrifice would they make an end in one day will they revive the stones that are dead in so much rebels and the enemy is expecting you not to act according to their fears but we are going to disappoint the fears of the enemy of our lives in the name of jesus so as money comes into your hand ask the lord how much he would have you to put while our father was preaching he made mention about intimacy and he talked about the fact that you are the one that will kick start the procedure the process of intimacy so when money comes into your hand and you go to ask god how much are you am i putting in this project you're already drawing you're already implicating him you are committing him to speak to you because anything you take responsibility for that is a divine commitment for communication so if 100 000 comes to your hand 500 1 million ask god what do you want me to put in that project i assure you he's going to answer you speedily and what you will hear will be the voice of god satan will never encourage you to give it to the course a divine cause satan will never encourage you he will tell you to go and give to your mother in the village praise the lord would you please rise up to your feet i think this rain is taking is recognizing the fact that we have ended the meeting praise the lord so you will go it is thy might in the name of jesus for thine is a kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 4,588
Rating: 4.8717947 out of 5
Keywords: Jasper, Elshadai, God, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Arome, Osayi, Apostle
Id: ujK6ARqtEoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 57sec (5877 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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