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among the nations [Music] we want to thank you tonight we want to magnify you we honor you because you are god and tonight we yet lean on you that you might bear us up and take us to that place in destiny that you have ordained for each and every one of us bear us up on eagle's wings in jesus mighty name amen you may be seated we were still looking at the life of abraham trying to study how god appeared to him hallelujah so just recap it from the book of hebrews chapter 11 recap it from the book of hebrews chapter 11. read from verse 17 and then we'll move to isaac hallelujah by faith abraham when he was tried offered of isaac and he that received the promises offered up his only begotten son notice it is not only son but only begotten son of whom it was said that in isaac shall thy seed be called the logic behind this act of faith in offering isaac is captured in verse number 19. i like us to look at it very closely verse number like 19. does this sound like what we have been talking about can you put verse 19 on the board for me verse 19. the logic behind abraham's faith is found therein the bible says abraham was accounting that god was able to raise him even from where the dead remember when god appeared unto abraham god introduced himself to abraham as the god that what raises the dead number two and the god that according to those things that being out has told the way so we could see that that appearance with which god encountered him was still operational in the situation of isaac what was responsible for his seamless style of obedience to the call to offer up his son was the way god appeared to him so it was easy for him to offer up isaac because he knew by the logic of faith that god was able to raise him from the day so most of the challenges that abraham had in around his destiny required a god that could reverse the process of death required a god that could reverse the reality of death required a god that could reverse the sentence of death so because of that unique appearance of god to him he had faith in these matters okay now we are going to look at the personality called isaac i pray we are able to gain a little ground and don't forget our introductory scripture it is in exodus chapter 6. exodus chapter 6 where's my media man he has gone to sleep again then the lord said unto moses now shall now see what i will do to pharaoh for with a strong hand he shall let them go and with a strong hand he shall drive them out of his land and god spoke unto moses and said unto him i am the lord i and i appeared unto abram unto isaac and unto jacob by the name of el shaddai so that's where we are that's how i chose to appear unto your ancestors but there's a dimension of me that was not revealed to them so they could not function in me with the knowledge of this dimension i did not disclose to them this dimension was classified and now the circumstances on ground require that i unveil that dimension that i did not unveil to your ancestors that's why he came for this introductory encounter to unveil another dimension of himself to his servant moses are you there so our objective in this study is to see how god appeared unto abraham as shaddai how god appeared unto isaac as el shaddai and how god appeared unto jacob asked who by the time we are done with that and then there is another additional one how god appeared unto joseph because i'm going to show you that joseph is is in this schematic diagram here joseph is included so if we see the way god appeared unto abraham unto isaac unto jacob and unto joseph your own story is already captured within these four experiments that god did and if you can understand the dealings that god had with our ancestors and begin to apply it to your life you are going to find that god actually wanted to deal with you right that's why you chose them as a sample to unveil the efficacy of his covenant power over their destinies and your life is included in that syllabus of the el shaddai that god had established through the lives of these our ancestors god will help us in the name of jesus all right in order for us to enter deeply into the issue of uh isaac the encounters of the el shaddai that came to isaac i will want to read the scripture to us quickly who is there in the book of genesis chapter 26 we're going to label labor a little in genesis chapter 26 until we capture how god was able to reveal himself to this servant of god if you are still with me say amen and there was a far mine in the land beside the first famine in the days of abraham so in the case of isaac what god is dealing with is a family in the case of abraham what god dealt with are dying things he his wife's womb was dead his own body became eventually dead and the reason why it was easy for him to offer up his son isaac because he knew that god had the ability to raise the dead you see in the discovery of the personality called el shaddai we must understand that he is the strong and the first item that he tested his strength with in the life of abraham was dead and dying situations you are not dead here but maybe your finances are suffering from the symptoms of death er should i can visit this is the way i started my bible and apply it to my life and it works so i'm trying to show you the way i live if you can take a risk to believe this else in one year two years time you will have a story that is so cogent that you can pass on to your children hallelujah about the faithfulness of god and how god deals with his people but in the case of isaac what god is contending with here is a situation of what former and there was a fair mine in the land besides the first farming that was in the days of abraham and isaac went on to abimelech king of the philistines unto gerard and the lord appeared on to him i will need to give us some insight before i talk about the way god appeared unto him you know it was already captured that god appeared unto abraham unto isaac and unto jacob as the strong one a strong one that can contend with any situation and obtain such a situation now this guy had a history because the family were talking about is not new that far mind showed up in the day of his father and the record that was chronicled in the time when that fireman came up in the days of his father was as it further moved to egypt so this is what happens in the middle east anytime the secretary of rainfall is was affected what they did customarily those days was that they came down from the heart deserts of the middle east and they moved temporarily into egypt that was the way they used to survive those days and then when the rains are restored they can migrate back to their dwelling places so egypt was a bread basket for many nations because the entire middle east would collapse into egypt in the days of famine and and that was because of the river nile that passed through the borders of egypt and whether or not there was rain in egypt the water of the night was sufficient to water the cattle of all the headers that were within the region of the middle east so the natural thing to do the logical thing to do and even abraham did that although if we started abraham's journey to egypt we know it was not based on instruction from god but it was already in the chronicle and so his son felt the way to go was to follow the example of his father so it was natural it was not something to ask god about he had already made up his mind that he wanted to do egypt and then god intercepted him how did he do so the bible says the lord appeared unto him and said go not down into egypt dwell in the land which i shall tell thee of hallelujah we're going to analyze this statement very very critically verse 3 he said go not to egypt dwell in the land that i would tell thee of so john in this land so he has revealed the land and i will be with thee and i will bless thee for unto thee and unto thy seed when i give all these countries and i will perform the oath which i swear unto abraham thy father verse four part of this oath includes that i will make thy seed multiply as the stars of heaven and will give unto thy seed all these countries and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed now all that was happening was in keeping with a covenant that his ancestor had fulfilled and then god came to him and said yes i understand there's a famine in the land and the most logical thing to do is to move over to egypt move your family to egypt move your entire clan to egypt for survivor and when the circumstances are more suitable you can decide to come back but the earth shadow when he came to isaac came with an instruction he of what it means that if god gives you an instruction this is our god right if it gives you an instruction let me counsel you there is no reason on earth that will be tangible enough and sufficient reason for you not to obey that instruction if you don't know that in this life you will know that in the life that is to come when else you die wants to begin to deal with a life part of what we do is that you start giving instruction if you are going to continue to hear god clearly it is going to be because you are used to carrying out his instruction part of what god puts in place to secure your future is tied to the instructions that he will give to you today it was normal for people to migrate to egypt because of the circumstances what he said do not go down to egypt so john in this land and right in this land the covenant and the promise i made to your ancestor abraham will begin to come to pass because i'm going to be involved in your life as the all-sufficient god as the election hallelujah many times if especially if you want to accomplish a project and the amount that you have is not sufficient to prosecute the project many times when god comes when the election comes it will say okay that amount you have that give it out has it happened to you so that one as i see because it is possible for you to be putting your confidence on what you have what is physical meanwhile what god wants to use to support you is is grace grace happens to be the currency that god makes available with which he makes supplies to prosecute his intentions in the lives of men and in generations that's what apostle paul meant when he made us to understand that god had prepared for us spiritual blessings that were domiciled in the heavenly realms so that means god planned for your life before you were born you will never know how much god planned for your life before you were born until you learn how to fulfill an instruction normally what the instructions will do and normally what god will do is that he will give you an instruction that looks like a disadvantage because you want to do a project the project is a hundred thousand and you have seven thousand and then he says give it with the seventh house looks like a disadvantage but that's seven thousand which is your confidence you give it away because you were receiving an instruction from who the shuttle that act of faith of giving away that 7 000 makes you eligible to withdraw from the grace fund now you're not with me um how many of you have ever taken a look at the nara note if you have done that you will find out that every naira note belongs to the central bank and that's why there's an endorsement of the governor of the central bank on every narrow note it is the property of the central bank of nigeria but if you are offered an employment and you go to work for 30 days you are entitled to a paycheck the instrument with which you can effect transactions happens to be the currency the money and because you have worked for 30 days according to the conditions of service of your employment you are entitled to some of the commodities that central bank owns that money is now passed on to you as your own property your entitlement on the strength of the 30 days of duty you have prosecuted are you with me and then you cannot use that money as a means of trans transaction for your own personal issues as long as the money is in central bank it belongs to central bank but the day you put in your 30 days of work part of it will belong to you now what i'm saying is this what god did was that the resources to prosecute all of our destinies is in a form called grace a kind of currency called grace and in order for you to be eligible to a certain supply of grace which will support you to accomplish what god wants to do in your life you need to believe in god faith is that you are willing to obey him you become a candidate that will begin to actualize grace and grace is a currency that god uses to accomplish anything that he does and god is is insisting that the only way you can operate is by faith he insists and that's why i read that scripture the other day the one i was asking i began to comment about therefore it is by faith that it might be by grace god insists that you must walk by faith there is no other available formula by which you can relate with god the faith formula is the formula that god has appropriated and that's the only way you can have access to the currency which is grace so if god says don't go to egypt stay here and you obey him even though it's logical for you to go to egypt and you have a record that one of your ancestors one day this is the thing to do but the instructions you have received is contrary to what human beings will naturally do it means that you have decided to discard the records of your ancestors and to operate by the instruction of god it means you believe god more than history you believe god more than circumstances you believe god more than your strategy you believe god more than your wisdom and you are staying back in the desert because god's voice came to you when you live that life what you are doing is that you are opening yourself up to be powered by the currency called chris there is nothing that can defy the ability of grace nothing nothing can define the ability of grace when everything has stopped working that's when grace can begin to walk when everything humanly possible has failed that's when that's the situation that is better for you to understand the capacity and the capability of the grace of god if you have never been there before i can tell you a few stories if you have never been sick before and you gave up how many of you have been there you were sick so sick oh okay god has been helping all of you you were so sick and you didn't know whether you will survive again been there before if you have been there before you will know that life is not persecuted on the strength of your intelligence your know-how there is a there is a currency there is something beyond your ability that is responsible for your life today it's called grace and men that decide to obey god to listen to what god is saying and to put his instructions to work become eligible to grace become entitled to a kind of grace that will come into their space and defy the facts that are in their circumstances let me show you a few facts here first of all the farming when you hear famine what it means is there has not been rain and because there has not been rain or maybe there was insufficient rain the implication of that is food crop production is going to be on an all-time low it means there will not be sufficient food to take care of the population and somewhere along the line there is going to be scarcity there's going to be luck there's going to be hunger so and the strategic thing to do in a situation where the supplies are not cannot meet the demands of the population the smart thing to do is to go to where they have soft laws but god spoke to him there were some senior ministers in this city one of them walked up to me and said young man i've listened to your messages on uh social media i think you have a message from god you have model there i think yeah god god god sent you but we were here before you and this land has the tendency of swallowing the heads of his prophets in order for you not to end up like us i advise because i see you are gifted just move to abuja is that not that's the logical thing to do and then there is a catalogue of preachers that move to abuja and the the least is on the increase people that moved from here in fact if one of them god had helped him they built an auditorium and the moment they finished building the term he moved to abuja left his pastor there and the church the person was trying his best the membership began to dwindle and he became two members one pastor and in the fullness of time it was the pastor that left not the two members he was a pastor because the pastor left there's a long list of ministers that were sent to this territory and the moment and god god god is god will support them god will and when they receive a little ventilation they will mop up the resources and move to abuja that is a normal we have an established history of people that move like that and there was a certain person that moved and he went and built a structure somewhere in abuja and in the days of every fire the structure was demolished that was enough sign to tell the person that nothing is covered you are not covered here he came back and repented and when the circumstances improved again it took off so when the senior minister came with this council and said please don't end up like us and i felt he was being very sincere so i went back to god and said what are you saying about this thing god reminded me again that he did not send me to where where he sent me to is so we say we are not going anywhere if we are going to die here then let it be written that this man he was on the journey to fulfill god's purpose we don't know whether he fulfilled it but in the process he died that's a good way to die so when we remained where god instructed us to remain a time came when the currency called grace now open it will only respond to people that are in obedience to the instruction of god so let us look at your life can you remember the last three instructions god gave you please give me a microphone quickly last three instructions because if you obeyed it you will never forget the instruction the reason why you are likely to forget the instruction is because you you didn't take it too hard the thing about the scripture is this are you with me every instruction is the the if you read the bible and you find the instructions of god if you begin to obey them you will remember them if you don't obey the money if it ends at reading you'll forget it so you are going to become a forgetful hearer because you refuse to obey the instructions of god if you begin to obey it you will never forget that's how the scripture is so when you notice that when you stand before the mirror and you left the mirror and you forgot what you look like before the mirror it is because you refused to obey the instruction of that mirror because when you stand before the mirror of the word of god it doesn't show you how you are you know the natural mirror shows you how you are but the mirror of the word of god shows you what you are supposed to be if you forget how you look like it is because you refused to begin to obey the instructions of god enshrined in the bible three three last instructions yep give the brother with a right time do you remember do you remember the three last instructions that god gave you just be just be truthful be truthful no you don't need to stand up sit down i'm already standing for all of us be truthful three last instructions well i can't um you can't remember remember three okay wait wait the reason you can't remember three it is not very likely that you obeyed them you will always forget what you don't obey like for instance god said i should resign how can you resign and not really remember i'm just trying to make you understand that most of us are religious we are not having any real transaction with god no real transaction most of us like the things of god but you are not having any personal transaction you're not allowing god to exact his influence on your life and that's the that's the reason why time may pass and your life is not changing not because what they preach to you is not true it produce results in my own life and i'm telling you as raw as it is you see i i when if i make a mistake i will tell you if i get it right i will tell you i think i am a sincere man i think on the scale of sincerity i'm high because i tell you the way it is if i went somewhere that was lost i'll come back i so that you will know that i am a man like you and if i have survived this because of the grace of god so there is nothing unique about me everything that is unique is about jesus and your ability to access him is what makes you stand out because there's a spiritual supply that supports your destiny and the evidence of the fact that you have lived above the troubles that be deviled others it's a proof that you have grace walking in your space what what the life of isaac reveals as we begin to analyze it is a man that is supported by the grace of god that's what i find in the life of myself give it sister give it a sister give us look for his sister no look for this move it here the three last instructions now god you don't need to stand okay well maybe it will make the camera people able to get you okay you can stand if you want to praise the lord hallelujah i rare dogs a neighbor of mine came that i should give her one so i was willing to give her so okay you read dogs okay so when i went back to her dad should i give her he said no so another time again she came back that she wants to buy now she doesn't want free she wants to buy now yes i was not having i was not free to sell it to her okay you are not afraid to say that after some times i don't know what she did anyway but she died another one there was this particular time i used to pray okay then at the point it came and changed the time it changed your prayer time yes did did you swing along yes you you actually did it and some things i saw some things happen positively because you changed your prayer time then the last one i read you say chicken you read chickens too so one time i think you need to visit we need to visit you now one thing i would like you to see hey you see you're looking at the wrong things god will instruct you on very trivial issues very simple issues very everyday issues he will instruct you about them the reason is because you need to begin to make a practice of obedience before god can ask you to do big things he would have asked you to do little things are you with me and i need to tell you the truth as much a giver as i am because if you are close to me you think i'm crazy it's it's it's i have a call to give that is it's a call so i have grace to give as much as a giver as i am before i give i ask god because i know there are people that know that i'm a giver and they are trying to use that to to exploit me i i know i know so when you finish talking i will go back and say are you involved in this right and like she said a certain person made a request i said okay are we looking to it i went to god and god said no don't give him i don't know why but he said he said instead give it out the other person so i obeyed and i gave the other person and i did not give this person all right i don't know why he said that but you see i have grown in obeying the voice of god and the truth is this if you want the voice of god to be clearer to you begin to practice obedience that one that you are not sure will be it are you there when you begin to obey that one it will start becoming clearer and clearer and clearer and clearer the life of isaac reveals the need for our ears to be open to hear the instructions of god even though there is evidence that the logic of how to deal with this circumstance is this way your ears must yet be open you must allow god to be able to interrupt and intercept you exactly all right so sister sit down so let me give you a scripture let me give you a scripture that seems to capture the working principle of the idea that was fulfilled in the life of isaac that we are trying to look at the scripture will be psalms 23. psalms 23 we may not be able to go too far today but the first verse of psalm 23 says the lord is my shepherd i shall not want so what does a shepherd do what does a shepherd do provides direction so there is a there is an economy of god that is only available to people that have found the lord as their shepherd and what that means is the lord can speak and you'll be willing to obey and the result of this obedience is that your you will deal with your wants you see he will deal with the things that you want just because he is what a chef so if you have unending needs every day you are the one in need every day you are the one in need every day your own needs never expire then we need to ask have you found the lord who is the shepherd you see today some of you are favored because you have a pastor that will open up and tell you the truth what you have today many of us did not have 20 years ago 20 years ago this was how we survived you will need to learn how to fast and you fast constantly you first deliberately until you begin to receive a and your bible is your companion oh those days on campus i won't read any book until i've read the bible and i read to practice i read to practice i allow it to judge me to judge the way i talk to judge the way i react to judge the way i spend money all right and so the bible was our close companion and prayer was the only way out and then as we began to pick the perceptions of god little by little we began to obey and then the vault of the grace of god started opening gradually and we started understanding the mind of god till this day are you with me somewhere along the line the lord led me to my father in the lord and i submitted to him and i thank god for that leading but before i submitted to my father in the lord i could hear god very clearly i could obey god very consistently and i started taking the things god told me about this ministry i would take it to him to check and it's okay okay okay okay but this aspect you do it like this i follow it i follow his instruction i already started hearing god before i met him are you feeling i know he prays for me but i don't depend on his prayer because i have a relationship with god do you understand that that was how we navigated and there were few men of god that will cover you and not be jealous about your destiny few that time there were so few that will create a platform for you to rise so among these few my father and the lord is one of them i think i mean probably the chiefest among them because i've not seen a preacher in nigeria that is like that man so the example he gave me is the one i'm giving today if you do not see invest in your life and make jesus your lord enough for him to give you direction if you follow what i'm telling you in the next few years in the next few years you will thank god that you met me i mean what i need to tell you this there are people all over the world that are listening and they don't have the pastoral aspect of ministry that once and again can be open to you that are physically present here they don't have that aspect they are just following the teachings and they are growing growing with god you are navigating with god you you are here listening to the same thing that is building people building ministers of the gospel no great thing will happen to you if you cannot receive an instruction from jesus i just went to the east one of our pastors came to me and said that jesus spoke to him that in the next three years he will have to quit his job and i knew jesus spoke to him are you okay that's a good idea follow him like i did like i quit my own and because it was jesus i was responsible instead of me to quit and they have need my life now is better than when i was walking because the lord is my shepherd i shall not [Music] it is better for you to be opened up to the resources of grace than for you to have money in your pocket that's what i will tell you and you become eligible to grace when you are willing to be the voice of god when god comes into your space he will give you instructions about little things pray this time don't eat tomorrow things that you can do can you live sleep for five days because of me things that you don't need to pay money to do and then you start getting used to it for five days monday you stand up and you pray all night when it becomes day break that's when you go to sleep tuesday wednesday thursday you went for five days because you fed your lord wanted you to be awake those are literally two things i then one day he will now say take your bag move to the place called benue state mccarthy that's where your destiny is you don't know anybody but you know that okay yeah you were in lagos you even had a job you had to resign and then you moved to makkah when you moved to barcode [Music] it wasn't as if you were enjoying but you were surviving that's the first layer of grace it it gives you the survivor ticket oh you are now with me so that you will know that what makes you survive is not the money you have in your pocket you may not have money for three weeks but you will survive it for three years then you are respect for money [Music] but if you didn't have grace for one minute you will not be here he wants to show you the excellency of the grace of god above money then you say okay you if if what if i felt sick but you didn't fall sick what if this happened well it didn't happen [Music] you know it's because we're all grown up now why didn't satan kill you when you were seven years old [Music] you were surviving by his mercy and grace all along don't try to be smart stay where he should stay remember please let me tell you your name but faith doesn't make it easy faith faith only makes it possible so you've stayed here for some of you i've stayed there for almost two years and it is possible and you don't know anybody and now you are beginning to know people gradually so it's even better than the first time you came that's how it's going to be better and it's going to be better it's going to be better it's going to be better until you can tell your son maybe tomorrow he senses a calling to the united states doesn't know anybody you can say my son called [Music] having grace is better than having money we have a lot to talk about i don't want to start because of the time let us end here for today i'll pick it up tomorrow then we'll see the life of this man all the times the man tried to do the things his father did because his father dug somewhere else so he attempted to dig the well of his fathers and the enemies fought because god wanted him to have his own experience wanted him to be a pioneer to do some things that his father did not do many of us know how to your father was a civil servant you you know it's easy for you to become a civil servant but when god now begins to lead you to do something that nobody in your family has ever done [Music] that is the key to accessing strange grace yes if god wants to raise somebody among your people that will become the happiness of the new things that god will do and through the life of that individual god will visit your family the way he has not done in the last 100 years he will give you an instruction that he never gave your ancestors [Music] and if he's the one that sent you you will keep and with time when you look back you will give him glory for his great wisdom [Music] there's a lot for us to talk about but some of you already feeling it he will give you glory there is no normal man right if you want to be normal the normal things you will do but if god wants to raise an abnormal man he will give you an instruction that he has never given any memphis he said leave your job move to benue state and that's the last instruction you pray he can reveal other things he won't reveal anything about [Music] it was still in that land that he became a great nation just because he was living in obedience to a whisper that god had given him we're going to pray tonight that god will give us grace grace to stay where god has directed us to stay until the wells of that land the springs of that land will god's fault because of your obedience to the voice of god there are springs that god will use your obedience to open just friends when he dug against the wealth of his father the bible says that the philistines stopped it with it [Music] until he removed from dance and dog another where [Music] i know you you remove from dance you are in the process of digging and the world will soon break forth and you will have a testimony to tell that any man that works with god has access to the grace of god can we ask him the law give us grace to develop the stamina the stamina to stay where god has assigned us [Music] let our willingness to be accurate with god be more than the predictions of the circumstances and the situations in the location the lord is my shepherd i shall not walk the lord is my shepherd i shall not want stay where god has assigned you [Music] and in a short while there will be a spring a spring that will break fault and the pattern that your life will sustain will be different from the pattern of everyone in your family [Music] [Music] you will be the one to sponsor some of your sisters children because what god will open through your life will be so massive so massive that it will overflow men will begin to thank god because you obeyed god the lord will bless you so that you can be a blessing can you receive grace to stay where god has assigned you i will stay i will stay i will not run away i will stay the grace of god will support me i will stay because a new pattern will come out of my destiny i will stay circumstances will not drive me i will stay because the lord is my shepherd i shall not walk your obedience to god we open the channel of the grace of god and anything that the grace of god supports nothing can conquer it so i will stay i will stay an isaac sold in that land and in the same year he ripped and hunted for and the philistines and with him in that same land god will make you a great nation in that same land he will make your name great so i will stay it's not about the location it's about the grace of god the grace of god is more brilliant when the situation is not convenient then suddenly it becomes evident that the grace of god is involved [Music] foreign foreign [Music] in the name of jesus listen to me i've seen people in lagos that cannot feed right it is not about the location and when god puts you in a situation where it looks like you don't have support you don't have he wants to show you how powerful his grace is we refuse to leave to abuja the opportunities were there there were even times that the opportunities for me to buy a house in abuja came up which would have facilitated the movement but you know what i knew in my heart that god was not sending me there you will see many people from different nations will come and start staying in this city do you know what your obedience can do just you just only you trust me he said no i was dead because the lord is my shepherd i shall not want everything will meet you in the location where god says you should stay everything it is in that location you will meet your husband it's in that location you will meet your wife is in that location you will meet with the circumstances that will give you the push that you need and all is a work of the grace of god you can't use any formula to interpret what is happening other than the grace of god so i will stay so much cancer for me to live i always stay i made up my mind many years ago and after each year i said i stayed one more year i stayed another year i stayed i have stayed and i didn't die so when it was obvious that i would not die i stopped counting and then we kept pressing and then the grace of god began to come the grace of god began to come the grace of god who told you who told you it is through you that some people that are your relatives will see ventilation in the days to come this your obedience your obedience to god is creating a possibility that will overflow in that direction the bible says that abraham was strong in faith giving glory to god that means nothing could eat up his faith no circumstance could make him sober and depressed it was settled you want to say god my faith will not shake my faith will not shake every good thing has been allocated to me where god says i should be every good thing that's where that's where the things will come and meet you you will not be going out tight to come and meet you yes those things will come after you that will navigate in your direction because god planted you in a place that's how it works my faith will not shake i will not be moved i will not be moved i will not be moved i heard the voice of god say go back to bedway state go back to benue state i heard that voice i heard that voice the voice said you will invest in many destinies and a great network shot before i had that voice that's why i'm here because that voice spoke to me and that voice is a voice of god and god is not a man that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he shall repent something is gonna shift in your life [Music] receive strength for your faith in the name of jesus [Applause] everything will come to that place everything will navigate in the direction of that place every aspect of your life will fall into place because you are located where god has obtained for you i am a miracle eminem in the name of jesus [Music] there is a farming that god wants to conquer it is because of that farming that god will give you an instruction that is unusual there is a famine but your obedience to the voice of god is going to be your key to surviving that family your obedience will break the hold of that famine i don't know how long the famine has been maybe it's a family type of famine it's it's something a trend a pattern and god wants to break the pattern he wants to break the trend and then he gave an instruction as the antidote to the power of the famine that is ravaging every life ravaging every destiny oh and i seek soul in that land [Music] the famine will give way because you are located in the place that god has ordained that farming that for me it will give way you'll be the first to break free from the bondage of that famine and your life will be an action and evidence that the grace of god is superior to anything that satan can invent your life will be a testimony [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus finally because abraham left home so when abraham died isaac did not have uncles that were in the vicinity so he didn't have anybody to run to for help he said okay borrow me salt there was no relative he was alone in the desert and the only asset he had was the voice of god maybe where you are now there's nowhere to run i've been there before it's not a scary place to be if you are there with god oh there is no relative that you can talk to and say this is my [Music] if god wants to help you he will put you in that wilderness where there is no support because he wants to make you a spring there is something that will break from your life that others will come and drink from can you receive strength to pay that price so that you will become to others what no one was to you no uncle in sight no auntie inside not relatively interested but the bible speaks about them that are planted by the rivers of water that bring forth their fruit in their season their leaves also it shall not win and whatsoever they need your hands upon to do it shall prosper it's a prospect you are a pioneer god wants to begin something with you the way of the pioneers is the way of faith it's a way of hearing the voice of god it's the word of standing in a desert with the conflict of the holy ghost even though he seems that you are standing alone his shadow is behind you [Music] out of your life will come put away a worm that will water the dry land that is why he called him do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like a tree is it's a prospect yes uh [Applause] [Music] his leaves also shall not wither and whatsoever he lays his hands upon to do [Music] it shall cross [Applause] thank you lord in jesus name and those words god put it in my spirit to encourage someone here he plucked you away from the known territories of your life and transplanted you far away from any form of support it is not a thing to moan about if you were planted by the rivers of water [Music] wow the same way the waters will bring moisture that's how grace will strengthen life the man that is walking in obedience has a supply that the people around never know anything about he's planted by the rivers of water the el shaddai is dependable you will never know how dependable it is until you have nowhere else to run to and you are standing alone in the cold in the desert [Music] the lord will confound your fears for grace is stronger than your own belief is stronger than your fear satan will be speaking through your fears to your confidence but you are planted by the rivers of water [Music] the bible says and his leaves also shall not wither there is an operation of the grace of god that renews his strength sickness is far away things that will bring injury they are far away somehow he survives when he is not supposed to survive his leaves also it sounds weird [Music] for he shall bring forth his fruit in his season your fruitfulness are being chatted in the calendar of god's season when your breakthrough in the area of marriage in the area of other aspects will begin to fall in line there is a season that captures the answer to the prayers that you are praying today for it shall bring forth is fruit in his season [Music] oh and for many of us your season is coming your season is coming your season is about to break upon you your season your season is coming your season is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] your season is coming let the morning spreads upon the mountains your season your season is in the room of the spirit your seats ain't coming [Applause] oh is foreign is oh take me deeper [Music] draw me deeper [Music] [Applause] take me deeper take me deeper [Music] thank you [Music] lord may give you glory can you just go ahead and exalt him bless him appreciate him exalt him tonight father we thank you we worship you we give you glory lord we give a praise in jesus mighty never pray amen praise the lord would you please be seated in a moment proverbs chapter offering basket can go wrong please proverbs chapter 11 verse 3 says if the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do and many times if you are sensitive in the spirit you will see that god speaks to us in manners in certain ways to lay foundations foundations for the things that are becoming due in his purposes and plans for our lives and very very critically on this is a series that we'll be having on the el shaddai and um i want to assure you that if you build your life on these truths they're going to constitute a major foundation for the next phase of life for you praise the lord so i'd like to encourage you go over these messages again have a pen and a writing material in your hand and trap things very personal not just a message but receive the ministration of the message for yourself in the name of jesus christ amen you're streaming this meeting online god bless you welcome to church today um also the account details are on display and um just like we have been announcing work is still very much going on at the embassy and we don't want you to miss the opportunity to be a part of a new beginning in our lives as a people the work going on there the embassy is actually a new beginning for us as a people who have been working in obedience to god's instruction so make sure you put a building block leave a memorial in that work that is going on there praise the lord amen it's so painful in the book of nehemiah how that god was building among his people and the noble certain particular category of persons refused to put their hands to the work but the work was done nevertheless i don't want to see what god is doing being done inspired and despite me i want to be a part of it i want to be a co-laborer with the lord so make sure you do something about that project that is going on in jesus name press hello tomorrow we are going to be here again uh and she do plan your tomorrow to accommodate that appointment with the lord in jesus name
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 2,204
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Id: -mm-sy-iCD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 20sec (5000 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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