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in the name of jesus acts chapter seven verse number one okay let's begin from verse number two and he said men brethren and fathers hacking the god of glory appeared unto our father abraham when he was in mesopotamia before he dwelt in haran and he said unto him get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from and come into the land which i will show thee then came me out of the land of the chaldeans and dwelt in haran and from thence when his father was dead he removed him into this land wherein he now dwell and he gave him non-inheritance in it no not as much as to set his foot on yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession and to his seed after him when as yet he had no child and god spake on this wise that his seeds should saw john in a strange land and there should bring him into bondage and entreat and entreat them evil 400 years and the nation whom there shall be bondage will i judge saith god and after that shall he come forth and save me in this place and he gave him the covenant of circumcision and so abraham begat isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day and isaac begat jacob and jacob begat the twelve patriots and the patriarchs move with him they sold joseph into egypt but god was with him exodus chapter 6 and the patriarchs moved with envy sold jacob into egypt but god was with him genesis exodus chapter 6 then the lord said unto moses now thou shalt see what i would do to pharaoh for which a strong hand shall i let him go shall he let them go with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land and god spoke unto moses and said unto him i am the law i am jehovah i appeared unto abraham and on to isaac and unto jacob by the name of god almighty but by my name jehovah i was not known to them now in this scripture god was trying to acquaint himself with moses and he came to moses with a very boy serious introduction he introduced himself as jehovah i am jehovah and when he said that he also brought about some form of education and told abraham he told moses that i appeared unto your father abraham i fell down to your ancestor isaac i prayed unto your ancestor jacob by another identity even though that i am jehovah it was by my revelation as the el shaddai that i appeared unto them you see the identity of god that you can capture is dependent on how god decides to appear unto you every appearance of god is a revelation of part of his identity he decided to restrict the way he appeared to the ancestors of moses in so much that his appearance was after the order of the el shaddai and it took him three generations to establish that heritage in the house of israel it took the generation of abraham it took the generation of isaac it took the generation of jacob to institutionalize his appearing after the order of the dimension of el shaddai and now because of the prevailing circumstances and the covenants that he had with their ancestors he was compelled to appear after a different identity hence the introduction that he was making to moses you might have walked with god for a very long time and you begin to think that you know god then god just shows up and introduces himself afresh he says i'm beginning another operating system now there is a new software i want to begin to run the one i've been running for the past 1 000 years this is the meaning but i want to switch gear and you will need to be inducted afresh you will need to be adopted into an educational system that is going to open your capacities and it will cause you to exercise your faith concerning me with me as touching me with reference to a new identity by which i decide to appear unto you is it god if at any point in time you know everything about god is no longer god even if you have all we will have all of eternity and you will find it is insufficient to explore god sufficiently because god operated outside of eternity before he created eternity and decided to operate within that frame of reference so that he could be understood but he's more than eternity he's bigger than eternity and all of eternity is not sufficient for us to fully explore him the point is this the the walkings of god that the dimensions of god that you are going to be fully acquainted with is the dimensions that god decides to appear with you appear unto you by i appeared unto your ancestor abraham by the identity of what else you will think that one appearance in one generation is sufficient to capture just one side it took three generations to capture just one side so it is now establishing the heritage of the people of israel that we have a god that is el shaddai because there were three solid generations of consistent appearances that god made after that order that established that heritage over the house of israel and now god was willing to step up higher and to bring another dimension of his reality to be with the same people in keeping with the covenants that he has with their ancestors if you are still with me say amen amen okay in a moment of time we need to do a study to find out how else shall die what's the meaning of elsewhere that i think i've have taught you about this before el shaddai means number one what the multi-breasted one the ones that can sustain and supply yes another meaning of elsewhere is what yes it is from the multi-breasted portrait of the all-sufficient god that sustains all and is sustained by none that you got that second definition the second definition is equivalent to the first definition the earth shall die also means the strong the strong there is no circumstance no situation that can prove him weak is the strong oh most of you have heard tales of warriors and when they become old and sick you begin to see them weak people that were valiant before political champions and then if you are privileged to look see them when the sun has set on them you will see that even though he was strong at the time he's like a vegetable now but the earth shadow is the strong he is the strong you will be on a journey of utility if you want to contend with the el shaddai and that was why jesus when he appeared to paul on his way saul on his way to damascus he gave him a parable say saul why are you persecuting me it is hard to kick against the barbed wire it is hard it is hard what we set up in eternity you cannot undo in time it is hard every attempt you make don't do it will enjoy yourself because you are striking against the barbed wire is the strong it was when paul received that education that he bowed down okay this journey is in futility the strength of the flesh can achieve nothing and he now addressed jesus as lord that was the reason why he didn't die who had that lord that non-believer had acknowledged his law then the issue the way it was negotiated was different if you had said dumbbell rubber he would have you would have gone down he had he saw in the lordship he saw his majesty in that appearance he is small the moment he acknowledged that he was small the matter was negotiated with peace he said go to damascus the same place you are going to destroy i have raised the savior there for you i don't need to appear myself there are saviors within the land go there you will be told what you must do why so jesus was trying to tell him that your rank is small if i speak to you directly you will fry up i have people that can manage people at your level they are in damascus hallelujah now we are going to see how god appeared unto abraham as el shaddai we see how god appeared unto isaac as ershad we see how god appeared unto jacob as el there are actually four portraits of the manifestation of ershad even though in this particular scripture we see three but i want to show you four and in these four portraits every travail of humans is captured under this force of edit so it means that the operating system of el shaddai can manage your crisis can manage your trouble can manage the challenge you have been battling with in five years in 17 years if only you understand el shaddai to the window of his dealings with four men you will know that your case is too easy for god to handle if you are still here say amen first of all let's talk about abraham a bit because what the hell shall die are you with me you will never know the power of the earth under normal circumstances it is under abnormal circumstances that you are going to see destroyed and part of the abnormal circumstances that abraham had to contend with was a terrible situation of barrenness that his wife was afflicted with i tried to do a lot a little history little history of the time of abraham i found a lot about abraham which is probably not for this meeting this evening but i found so much about him as at the time that abraham was called old there were only 17 languages upon the face of the earth 69 of the tribes had teamed up with the devil through the rise of nimrod and god called abraham from the heart of idolatry so god had won satan had 69. you can verify this my number of tongues from the book of genesis chapter 10. go and count you will find that there were 69 tribes apart from the hebrews the hebrews became the tribe that evolved from abraham if you read jewish books and jewish texts and jewish history you know i hope you know jewish history is not the bible i'm just telling you history okay you are not interested in my history sorry hallelujah i will keep my history down and attend to the matter so satan had 69 tribes on the earth and god had just one tribe to walk with the hebrews hallelujah and the story of how god dealt with this tribe the story of how god walked out dominion from one tribe even though they were outnumbered they were outgunned they were they were just too no match to the other tribes that had stolen out giving themselves to satan the way god walked with them is a mystery and we need to see the beauty of how god manifests his all sufficiency in a very very very impossible context of insufficiency you need to read the book of genesis and see how god works it out part of what god did was that he called abraham from the heart of idolatry and the god that abraham was worshiping it was called sin s-i-n that was the fertility god of the chaldeans fertility god of the of mesopotamia and when abraham left the service of that god part of the feedback part of the feedback that abraham sustained because he left the worship of that god was the barrenness of sarah because the god was a fertility god that was worshiped to make women fruitful to make the soil to bring forth bountifully it was it was clear that it was abraham's violation of that deity that was responsible for the barrenness of his world so if jehovah says that he is strong one of the first ways for him to manifest his strength will be to undo the barrenness that is a direct assault from the deity that they despise hallelujah we have a prophetic account of how abraham survived the issue of barrenness having submitted to the el shaddai in the book of romans chapter 4 verse 17 to 21. as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations abraham was a strange man but this is not the time to talk about abraham he's a strange one i i challenge you to study him the bible says that it is written i made the effort of many nations before him who he believed even god who quickens the dead and call it those things that be not as though they were that this man even paul under the inspiration of the holy spirit is giving us an insight into the personality of the god that abraham believed according to paul the god that abraham believed was him that quickens the dead that's number one and he calls those things that be known as do they wear so this god of abraham happens to be a god that of god of life he can give life to that what is dead and he can comfort or create by his authority that which is not existing you're not with me oh my okay since you are now with me we'll cut this lecture the day you are hungry and i went somewhere they were hungry i said jesus you want god and the scriptures they were like as sweet as honey when i come home after i pilgrimage my people are tired of the word of god they are tired so you see i heard i was tempted i was tempted and the temptation came from ghanians they said they are going to buy a house a small house for me in accra an arranger can be relocated when i go back if they tempt me again i will fall i will fall to me i will vote to do that i will fall to you i'm serious i'm seriously looking for boarding schools to put my children my wife who can fall to the temptation we'll be we'll be talking to you through zoom like this [Applause] [Music] since i left you i have not been laughing see your face so i'm back i'm back hallelujah paul called our god the god that raises the dead why is that his only ability the god that can bring that which has died back to life and the god that can create that which does not exist and bring it forth you know why paul revealed these two capacities of god while dealing with abraham this was the revelation of the air shadow that god gave to abraham this was how god introduced himself to abraham the god that does what that reason is the day whereas the most terrible situation for a human being is death when god came to introduce himself to abraham he said okay i begin where you stop i am the god that raises existing things that are dead i raise them that give life and if the things are not existing i have the authority to call them into being and make them exist you see faith has a logic behind it the logic of faith comes when god speaks to you faith doesn't come because you read the bible faith comes because you hear the voice of god you know the bible says fake comment by hearing hearing by by what you got it wrong it's by the voice faith doesn't come because you read if you take the bible word of god and you are reading it that's not how faith comes when you are reading the bible and the holy spirit now decides to crystallize life by making a commitment which is personal in the privacy of your spirit man and decides to speak that's when faith is born faith is not something that is not deliberate faith is a deliberate thing that is occasioned the speaking of god not by the reading but by the voice of god that's how faith is born so in order for abraham to begin his journey of faith god had to reveal to him his capacity the god that raises the dead the god that caused those things that be not as though they were a different line of logic was formed in the heart of abraham on the strength of this introduction so abraham was already seeing a line of possibility that the natural person that has not had the encounter that he had with god will never see a god that raises the dead and every time god came to abraham that was how he introduced himself to abraham i am the god that raises the dead i am the god that has the capacity to call those things that are not existing i can bring them fought by my authority and then abraham looks at his wife he says okay baroness no child is existing and god has authority to call forth that which is not existing and make it exist and that was why he bowed his head to the el shaddai my question to you today is when last god introduced himself to you he said he appeared onto our ancestors by a certain identity every time he came he was deliberate about how he appeared he came as the el shaddai the one that is strong and elsa died by reason of the fact that he is the god that caused the things that be not as though they were obviously presented himself stronger than barriness obviously presented himself stronger than death and these were the two things that you'll be threatened by if you break covenant with that fertility god or goddess in the land of mesopotamia you could either be threatened by death or you'll be threatened by barrenness and this god can call those things he can quicken that which is dead which is one of the threats of and he can also call those things that be not as do away are you there all right next one next verse are you there with me where's the technical man come to sleep who against hope because it was not logical to begin to to believe that barrenness could be reversed even when menopause has sent set in but the reason why it was easy for him to believe was because there was another ground of logic another ground of logic that was predicated by the introduction of god so even though it was not scientifically logical for you to still be hoping to have a child abraham against hope he believed in hope because it was his destiny to be the father of many nations so the faith test was a hurdle that abraham was going to have to pass in order for him to wear the identity as the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall i see be nice because of this wonderful introduction that god gave him the bible says he eventually was no longer weak in faith and then he's not being weak in faith was defined he did not consider his own body that was dead why because see this my class is dull it's a dull glass i chose this scripture many scriptures would have used i chose this the simplest one this is simple of all the scriptures to use on this subject this is the simplest script and it's difficult if we had gone to the book of revelation to talk about the faith and the patience of the saints to say the same thing you say people don't understand the book of revelation why are you going there and i came to romans now this is a problem the bible says he after the introduction and after the inoculation received by the appearing of the lord and the encounters that he received he was no longer wicked that was the first result he did not consider his own body that was dead because god had introduced himself to him as he that quickens the dead so his dead body was no longer a factor if you had taken abraham for for a fertility test you won't see any spermatozoic swimming in the pool it had died it was still right now he had no life the only life he had was the one that was in his new street and if that one ends it is gone but he believed in the god that has the capacity to raise the dead and he considered not in the journey of the new logic that he got because of the encounter he had with god it was no longer an issue if his body was there at the time we are talking he was what about 100 years old and he no longer considered the deadness of sarah's womb because when jesus came introduced himself to him as the god that raises the dead it is only the strong it was only that which is stronger than death that is strong if it's not stronger than death and it can rise and then in the in the evening it will die and become weak and pass away it is not strong enough for you to rely upon so only that which is stronger than death is strong and that is the meaning of el shaddai de strong and there were two contexts of death that must be defeated in order for his identity in the life of abraham to be adequately registered the deadness of his own body and the deadness that was in his wife's womb even god that raises the dead and god that connects those things has been out that be not as do they wear i have a friend this friend of mine happens to be an academic doctor in the field of quantity surveying in a matter of university so we wanted to build a building and because this my friend happens to be a phd holder very intelligent woman my wife's friend i sent her the drawings and i asked her to quantify how much will it take to build this structure she took about one month and she gave me a very concise feedback down to the number of nails that i needed the number of plywood that will be used the ones that waste the ones that will be on the building every every strand of material that will be used was itemized the breakdown was impossible and when i saw they had the aggregate in terms of naira and kobo it was 170 million that was how the project ended i i pushed it oh my god now you see your level of faith is dependent on a certain logic and what informs that logic is encounter is the way god decides to appeal to you that is what informs the logic that can commence your pilgrimage in the work of faith the quantity surveyor did a very wonderful job but what the report did to me was that he killed every faith that was in my spirit man i truly and i forgot about the view hallelujah and when god wanted to build that building he didn't he didn't make reference to that soviet report anymore he appeared to me are you with me he appeared to me and then the logic that he brought when he appeared to me was that have i considered that he built this entire physical framework of existence in sixth day hmm six days yes you built gurukul he built boko hart casino built a crowd built whole build vote days may the lord give you insight okay a new logic this is the fearful man that saw figures he went crippled a new logic began to form the god that built in six days and this project that god did in six days he did not begin with money that means god started broke he was broke when he started god was broke it was not with money he started but he completed the assignment so god now told me it's not about what you have it's about what i have so the one defeated man started believing a new center of logic began to come and satan will be on standby to tell you that you are foolish that your devil is foolish faith itself is warfare it's about ignoring what satan is saying and satan will be speaking the truth through circumstances and situations but if you lose the revelation that is appearing to you you'll be defeated so i stepped out the moment i stepped out the morning i saved 9 million that was when a strange president came into power in nigeria and one dollar became 500 all the money i saved was like later bag he went down the drain and the building did not come out of the ground then my faith died again then the lord came and said he is the lord built the heavens and the earth and he rested i stood up again i know how many times i fell from faith it was 21 times 21. yeah i i i'll be strong in faith now and then something will happen the faith will go flat i'll go back he will still say six days the lord created god the lesson the circumstances are not true what is true is god hallelujah hallelujah and we decked the ground floor and i stood on the ground floor and i told satan satan you see this is real this is not in the spirit realm this is real we take the first floor i stood there saying satan are you saying you were you were very loud where are you now and i saw that even satan had to run backwards when the revelation began to grow god allowed my account savings to go down the drain by the manipulation that took place in our economy to make me understand that saving is good but god is better oh my god and it came to pass i just came back where did i go i came back from a missionary trip and and they had fixed the last floor and i stood on it and i said satan you don't exist the feet had grown and you see the logic by which i forged ahead was according to how god decided to appear unto me he came as the creator that finished the work of the heavens on the eighth in six days how will he not build 24 classes you are dying on 24 classes i have built the entire universe in six days 24 classes or 34 classes or something like that and when i passed that test then we began to see the visions of the embassy guess what i didn't make the mistake of sending it to the pontiff of anymore because i would have needed dreams are you cursing my content moreover do not despise the way the lord appears to you in the name of jesus how did they appear to abraham as the one that weakens the dead as the one that called those things that be not as do the way and he kept coming he kept coming he kept coming he kept coming until abraham did not consider the deadness of his own body neither did he consider what the deadness of sarasota were not told how many times he fell from fit me is 21. i went to i saved money i had two thousand dollars i went to first bank here they said they don't have dollar they called boco the book was okay they have one five then they called modern market modern magazine they have 500. so we went to modern market took 500. traveled travel took boco got one fight when the person finished counting the money to give me say what are you going to use this money to do i almost bound the person in chains that was the entire money in first bank they wasted two thousand dollars was the entire dollars it has been received you know we came back it's all right when we went and changed it the money that came out because i was using our abuja they said this is not abuja this is the local exchange that one two went when we bought iron that money finished then i began to find out how god created the world and he started broke so he waits for you to be broke first before he begins to speak when we got the lesson we didn't make the mistakes we made in the school at the embassy you will know him the way he appears unto you today you will appear unto you lord that quickens the dead yes next verse next verse next verse the bible says he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was what why was he strong in faith is because he made this strong if you meet the strong you will become strong so the earth shall die is the strong that in the midst of the perplexities of natural situations there is he who is this strong and the strong made him strong in faith and he did not stagger at the promise of god a time came when he did not stagger when it was natural for him not to stagger because that which god had appeared unto him about he had received it he had he had he was all preaching by it and even though there were evidences for him to doubt the bible says he did not stagger at the promises of god but was strong in faith giving glory to god and when the devil sees you like this he's not happy he sees you strong in faith when last did you give glory oh my god glory to god i don't want to see how many testimonies because [Music] strong in faith giving glory to god i was traveling to a certain country the only thing i carried was one trouser one shoe one shirt my jacket my box was old hallelujah that's how i reached it you can't go like that if god has not appeared to you if god has not appeared to you you can go like that you can't go live when when when we i came they wanted to check my bag in the bag was not enough to the bag was supposed to carry on luggage why are you just carrying you hung up i say check it check it check it the people say you can't check it then with that bad absent all i had was what i carried with my bible i said if god has not appeared to you don't go like that carry your atm card mastercard the master cannot vibe because it won't work carry the master carry this even carry your wife's own join it but you see god had appeared i was preaching in ghana and i was i was worshiping god worshipping god and i felt in my spirit that in order for this worship to be perfected i should lie down on the altar i went down straight as i went down i was speaking in tongues and when i raised my head i saw a ball of light like this ah and he was coming close to me i said what is this when he came to me he entered into my body i said what is this he said this my glory is going ahead of you to the united kingdom so because he appeared i went without no just a back hallelujah oh i i jesus and from that airport from that airport when i was coming back the we had to cargo some goods on sheep he still is he on the ship he's coming how did i go there if god has not appeared unto you you can't do some things you can do something you will just see no money no money just one bag and the bag two somebody came brought another one so we we threw that one away it means it was not so relevant like that but we had to employ cargo services too the god that collected those things that didn't know you is your salary you are waiting for your salary government you say government is owing us every day they are calculated that money doesn't exist wake up when you know that god started the product of creation broke in your brook state you look just let him appear let him appear unto you let him appear unto you let him appear unto you oh my god let him appear he came to pass still on that trip people were sitting like this and i decided to pass in their middle like this and he appeared unto them hallelujah we have cargo he still is on the ship so if there is a way you will know god what people call luck is is is a thing of the mind if you have met with god you will know that your sufficiency is in your security in him that's what your sufficiency the bible says he stacked not at the promise through unbelief but he was strong in faith giving glory to god okay sorry we don't have time this is just abraham i was supposed to take you through isaac because abraham's case god had to show him something stronger than death stronger than the deadness of his wife's womb the deadness of his own body and that was how the moment he caught it his situations began to change the deadness of his wife's womb was defeated the deadness of his body was defeated and indeed in the life of abraham god proved that he was destroyed now i came to tell you tonight that god has an intention to prove to you that he is strong the strong is strong so the point is this what is that strong thing that has kept you in a perpetual state of defeat what you need is an appearance an appearance an appearance you must have heard the story of art bishop pious diggy he was in a canoe on the river casino trying to cross and all he had in his pocket was five naira [Music] and the lord appeared unto him from that river he crossed he was on his way to the united states of america and when he landed the united states all he still had was five naira [Music] my question is did he appear to you because he appeared to our fathers it will appear to you tonight he arrived the u.s and he looked into put his hand into his pocket he's five nine okay so it means what he needed to go to the u.s was not in his pocket but it was available [Music] if the sense of what you possess is what is in your pocket you are poor because your pocket is smooth [Music] coming up here [Music] what do you see do you see the eshada has he appeared to you wanted to hold the meeting somewhere and some of the our people that were around we went there to inspect the hall very fine very wonderful and i was telling the the head of the ushers see do you know what to do when there is power and i was talking so calmly there will be power tomorrow you know what to do when there's power say yes we know the second day there was power i saw the our you know when she came she came with with high heels okay okay when god began to move i don't know where she threw the higher healing [Music] there was a currency that was at walk in my spirit at that time even though you can see it is there just like the physical money digger had was five naira but he had what it takes to take him to the united states it is only if you see the god that appears that you can tap into that currency that provision [Music] what's his dad for abraham he saw a god that cares today a god that could call those things that people must there are many things god has given you but you can't see it because it has not appeared to you [Music] tonight the prayer is simple because of time we come beautiful i would have shown you what god did to a man the man called isaac that in the midst of dry season god told him to sow no rain for for a couple of years he casted seed he cultivated dry ground and planted the bible says in the same year he ripped 100 fold and the philistines the envy you see the reason why he was able to sow was because there was a way god appeared unto him a new line of logic was found and the most natural thing to do after that line of logic was established was to sow in dry ground [Music] may the lord take away the web of limitations that have kept us on one spot that has resisted us from seeing the power of our god may the lord take it away in the name of jesus [Music] up [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] i know [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 9,801
Rating: 4.9288888 out of 5
Id: oczG1uc-Djw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 30sec (3210 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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