International Dunkin Donuts Taste Test

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- The world runs on Dunkin'. - Not a sponsor. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) - Good Mythical Summer. - We got some exciting news, in addition to our big Australian tour, the Tour of Mythicality is hitting the road one more time in 2018, on November eighth, we're gonna be at the Sony Center in Toronto, Canada, on Friday, November ninth, we'll be in Atlantic City, New Jersey at Caesar's Palace, and then we're gonna be wrapping things up at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut on November 10th. - All the info for the tour is at, and if you want early access, make sure you go there and subscribe to our mythical monthly newsletter, and follow our social accounts, @RhettAndLink. These are the final shows we're gonna be playing for the rest of 2018, so if you want to come see us, but missed the tour the first time around, this is your chance. - But now, the donut. - Yes. - It's the perfect representation of life, cyclical, sweet, and it gives you high blood pressure. Now, we just got Dunkin' Donuts in California a couple years ago, but it turns out, there's actually Dunkin' Donuts all over the world, and those global locations serve some interesting versions. So today, we wanted to taste some selections from international DD menus and see if we can deduce the donut, it's time for - [Together] Where in the World Do These International Dunkin' Donuts Come From? - You know how this works. We're each gonna taste a Dunkin' Donuts item that has been recreated by our mythical chefs, Tess and Josh. And then we're going to determine where we think that is from by throwing a dart at our map, which is manned by our resident cartographer, Chase, in his map shirt. He's gonna measure the distance to see who is closest to the correct location. Link, as we have established, you're bad at this game. And so today, I'm gonna give you the don-art, which is at any point of your choosing, you can take 12 of the donut holes, the munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts, they're powdered sugar covered, you can throw all 12, the whole box and the 12 at the thing, and the closest powdered sugar dot to the correct answer is your guess, okay. - I will gladly accept that advantage. Okay, whoever has the shortest total distance at the end of the game wins, and the loser has to eat a scro-nut in Good Mythical more, which obviously is a donut filled with testicle mousse. - Testicle mousse. - Alright, let's have the first donut. (tribal chanting) What is this freaking donut, it's hairy. - [Rhett] It's got fuzz on it. - It's like a freakin' sesame seed asbestos donut. - Oh gosh, but smell it, that is, there is something off about that. - It's from the sea. You're biting it already? - That's meat. That's freaking meat hair. - It's hair-ible. - It's meat, it's like jerky of some kind. That's bad, y'all. - Alright, Rhett, since I'm taller than you are short, you should go first. Where on the Earth would someone want to purchase this? What do you think it is, you think it's meat? - It's definitely meat, it's meat and seaweed. So we are definitely in an Asian location. I mean, I think this could just as easily be China or Japan. I'm going to aim at east China, just in case. I'm basically aiming between China and Japan. Oh, okay, I hit China. - Okay, I'm gonna try to do what you were unable to do. - Oh, okay. - Which is just go to the right of your dot, but still hit China. - Get close to Japan. - Boom. - Wow. - Not bad, ha ha. - We're both in China, you're closer to Japan> - So what the crap is this? - [Stevie] You guys are off to a great start. This is a donut topped with dried pork floss. - Pork floss. - Pork floss. - This is what - And seaweed. pigs floss with? - Yep. - [Stevie] Which can be enjoyed in Dunkin' Donuts China. - Oh! - Oh, look at us. - So we both get zero points. - We both get zero. What are you measuring? - [Rhett] Yeah, come on, Chase, there's no measuring. - For the first time ever, we both nailed the country, I think. (bell dings) - We started off zero-zero, man. Hey, this could be, this could be a, this could be a really good day for you, man. - And you. I wasn't trying to block this, - No, no, that's the new five, it's the 2018 five. - No, no, no, hear me out. This is how you do it. You go up, you go under, and then you hit the back. It's the mythical high five. - But what about the, you went down. - Let's practice later. - Okay, yeah. (tribal chanting) - Ooh, it's a pig in blanket. - Ah, ooh, it's warm. - [Link] There's no donut aspect to this. - Well it's, I mean, kind of. - A pig in a blanket has nothing to do with a donut in my mind, but, oh, is there cheese inside of this sausage? - There's cheese inside of the sausage. - It's so good, but in no way is it donut. - Well, I mean, it's round if you look at it like that. - See, they had to add this to the menu. - To get people to come in to wherever this is sold. - I mean it's like a brat. I mean, we're obviously talking Germany, right? - Right. - Oh, you don't think so? - Well, I know that-- - I live in the USA and I love this. - I know that sausages are a thing in Argentina, because that's where the whole steak, you know, when you go to a Brazilian steakhouse situation, and you get the, they're into meat, so. - Yeah, you're right, and they'll come around to your table at those restaurants and just, but there's not pig in a blanket there. - But there's sausages. - Wa-zam, ho, Bulgaria gets the vote from me. - Wa-zam, Bulgaria! - I'll stay back here. Alright, now you were trying to throw me off at Argentina, don't lie. Or you know what, aim for Argentina. - No, I think Ger-- - Put your dare where your mouth is, buddy. - I was trying to throw you off, I do think that it's probably Germany. Okay, I'm aiming for the Germans. - Oooh, you got closer, but I hope you're wrong. Stevie, what is this? - Okay guys, this is a cheese-filled sausage wrapped in a flaky pastry called a kolachi, which originated in Central Europe, but is extremely popular and co-opted by Dunkin' Donuts in Texas. - What? - [Link] And you're just ever so slightly closer to Texas than me. - I can see how Texans would love this. I've been to Texas, and I love it. - Alright, Rhett, you had 36, Link you had 40. - Oh, okay, alright. Hmm, that Bulgaria wa-zam really didn't help you out, did it? (tribal chanting) - Sesame seeds, is that what we're working with here? - A lot of sesame seeds, I think whatever's inside is gonna be the big giveaway. - I think it's just cream in there. - It's a cream cheese, almost. - Yep, you're right. It is amazing. - It is really, really tasty. - Alright, you dart it up first. - I, boy. - Whatcha thinking? - Nothing is coming to me. Nothing. - Yeah, I mean, cream cheese. - Ah man, I just feel like I need to do a protective throw. As opposed to making a very definitive choice, because there's nothing definitive coming to me. It could be Argentina, it could be Japan. - They love sesame seeds in-- - It could be Germany. - Japan? - I'm gonna throw it in the middle of Africa, and just hope I get lucky. Oh, or Bulgaria. - Now when I think sesame seeds, I think sesame chicken. And when I want sesame chicken, I order Chinese takeout, which is why, I'm gonna aim for Bulgaria. 'Cause I don't think that that logic holds true. Alright, I'm gonna hedge my bets here to hit my dart on your dart. - Really, oh come on, come on, come on. - Wham, a little low. Alright, where is this from? - [Stevie] You guys are on fire today. This donut that clearly wants to be a bagel is stuffed with cream cheese and topped with sesame, and you can eat one in Bulgaria. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! - Oh man! - Oh man, ah, I'm sorry dude. I don't know how it happens. - You lucky dog. - I did not mean to get close to Bulgaria. - Alright, so he pulled ahead a little bit. - A little bit, Rhett had three, and Link had six. - It's still very close. (bell dings) - You got a don-art coming up man. (tribal chanting) - This is - Boy, this smells good. - Some sort of open-faced, - Once again, not a donut. - Sandwich. - Is that cheese and, like, black beans? - Dink it, sink it. - Sink it. - Black beans and cheese on a hoagie top. Hoagie top, hoagie top. - You're up first, Neal. - Now I could use my munchkins on this one. - Yep, you still got those. - I mean you got some refried bean action. I mean, a lot of Mexican food's got the refried beans, and Honduras kisses Mexico according to my visual optics. I don't think we're going South Africa for any reason. - Well, the only thing I will say is that bean spread, I don't know if it's black bean, bean spread is a north African thing. But cheese, it seems to throw it off a little bit. I mean, Morocco, I'm just saying is a candidate. - Whenever you start talking, and I'm gonna throw a dart, I've learned not to listen. - Good, that's my-- - But I was listening. Well fine, I'll just-- - And also, the French occupation of Morocco, which introduced the baguette into their, I don't think there was a French occupation of Morocco, but it sounded smart. - You know what, I'm gonna go for a bold choice, saving my munchkins for the final. Honduras, here I come. Dang it, too high. - Too high, you know what, I think you've made this easy for me. - I did, yes. - Because now all I have to do is just go lower than you, and I'm probably gonna be right. - 'Cause you think it's Honduras? - Yeah, not Morocco, definitely not. - You're such a disingenuous contestant. - Honduras, man, boy that feels right, doesn't it? - Sounded right when I said it. - Alright. - Ahhhh. - Okay, not that much closer, actually. - Alright, where is this from? - [Stevie] Did we make this too easy for you guys? Because this is a mojete, which is an open-face French bread sandwich. - Sammich. - Sammich. - [Stevie] With black bean paste and melted cheese, popular at Dunkin' Donuts in Honduras. - I mean, I got it right, I gave you the dog gone answer, and then I couldn't throw a dart worth a fart. - But listen, you still got your don-art, and I'm not gonna have that much of a lead. - That's right. - Link, you had 13. Rhett, you had eight. - That puts me only 12 behind. (bell dings) I can do this. (tribal chanting) - Huh. - We appear to have some sort of, I thought it was coconut encrusted, but that looks like Parmesan. - It's Parmesan cheese, you can smell it. - Alright, you're gonna go first. - I am up by 12, but that could be so easily erased. Why does it always come down to this, man? - Yeah. - Okay, move over, Neal, 'cause I know you've got your don-art. Okay, alright, oh gosh. - What are you thinking? - I think that Argentina was added to be a decoy from Honduras, because they knew that we would pick one of those countries for the black bean stuff. - See how hard he thinks, I just enjoy my life. - We've already picked the USA, so I'm ruling out North and South America. Now I'm back over here. - That was an opportunity to do the new, yes. - In previous times, I would have said there's no way that this could be from an Asian country, because it's got Parmesan on it. But, I've been wrong about that many times, because I think that they're beginning to experiment more and more with these type of Western ingredients in Eastern cuisine. But last time I threw it into the Indian Ocean, and that worked. - My munchkins are gonna go everywhere, global domination. - Okay, I'm gonna kinda go Indian Ocean, cheating a little bit towards Japan. Hope for the best. That was way too high for Japan. - Let's see, so for my munchkins, I think this is Japan. I just think that they're experimental in that way. 'Cause this doesn't make any sense to me. Now I'm a little concerned that this may not work at all. I might be better off throwing a dart. - You're committed to the don-art now, you've got 'em in your hands. - I mean, I've never done this, no one's ever done this. - It's just the closest sugar dot. How much are they gonna spread is the real question. They didn't leave much of a mark. - It's hard to tell that they left anything. - Do you see anything up there, Chase? - [Chase] A little bit over near your dart, and then some around Japan. - You got one. - And a little bit over here. - Well let's find out what the right answer is. - [Rhett] You got one really, really close to-- - [Chase] And right there. - We don't even know if Japan's correct. So where is this from, Stevie? - [Stevie] This donut is called a black cheese topping. It's chocolate glazed, and it has shredded Parmesan stuck to the sides with icing, and you can grab one the next time you're in Indonesia. - Oh no. - Oh, yes, so. - There's one right here. - Yeah there is. - Oh gosh. - Real close. - Link, I think you pulled it out with the don-art. Oh, if I had just gone in the Indian Ocean like I wanted to. - Alright, Rhett you had 20. And Link, you had five. - Yes, I've made up the 12-point difference, three. - You won by three centimeters. - I don't even know how to feel. - Congratulations, Link - Wooo! - Ah man. - Alright Rhett, in Good Mythical More, you have to eat a scro-nut. I'm sure Chase will help you. - I'm so looking forward to that. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Yolanda, and I'm from Indonesia. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Nice. - Click through to watch me eat the scro-nut. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality lands in Good Mythical More. Get yourself the official Damnyell and Richard T, available now at Warning, he likes to have fun.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, good mythical summer, taste test, gmm taste test, taste test gmm, international dunkin donuts taste test, dunkin donuts, dunkin donuts taste test, gmm international dunkin donuts, gmm international dunkin donuts taste test, rhett link taste test, rhett and link international taste test, dunkin donut, donut taste test gmm, doughnut taste test, dunkin donuts menu, dunkin' donuts, dunkin, dunkin'
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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