International Street Food Taste Test

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Whenever I watch something by myself I very very rarely laugh out loud, but every time Rhett was going back to the community college topic I was losing it!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/srtdr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not gonna lie this whole episode was amazing and not only my favorite of the new format but definitely one of my all time favorites. Every segment had so many great moments.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jexasaurus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like a lot of people on here should have a good listen to Rhett's rant.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i4NDR3W πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah, it looks like they're really starting to get the hang of this new format.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarkSide753 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I hate cats that go to community college."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/virajseelam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every video was great today. Rhett’s rant was so funny! I really enjoyed the game !

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ashreebash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

"CCCC is the best community college between Lillington and Buies Creek" I lost it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wannabe_rev πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Today we become international men of mystery meat. Let's talk about that. Good Mythical Morning. You are in for a treat, mythical beasts, because today we're serving up some YouTube song parodies that you have definitely probably never seen. We're getting really angry about Christmas. And we're actually cuddling with some zombies during a performance by Langhorne Slim! Okay, but first we are men of the streets. We drive down 'em. We walk next to 'em. And one time very recently, I actually crossed one. - Good for you. - Yeah. But the best thing about the streets is street food. - It's also the best thing about food. - Do you think so? Street food is my favorite food. Like I always say, street got the best meat. I've never heard you say that, but-- Well, I just said it now. I'm gonna start saying it a lot. - I'm not gonna disagree. - Today we're gonna see if we can identify the origin of some amazing street foods. It's time for... Okay, now as you know, I typically dominate this game when we throw darts at the board and make choices about food. Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho! I seem to remember that I won the last time. You can remember that Link barely beat me when I gave him a number of very large advantages. So to even the playing field back a little bit, you're still going to get an advantage. You're going to get two advantages today. So as you know, what we do is we have a food come out, we taste it, and then we guess where it came from by throwing a dart over there at Chase. Well, at the board. We would never throw a dart at Chase. Link throws it at Chase. I throw it at the board. And then Chase measures how far you are from the actual guess. And the combined distance adds up-- It's like golf, lowest score wins. Now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna go first every round so that then you can base your choice on my choice. That gives you a distinct advantage and you're gonna get one fart. And of course, if you're a mythical beast, you know a fart means throwing four darts at the same time. I've already used my fart. You just-- you didn't recognize it. Well, you get another one. You get another one. I don't get any farts. You get one fart. Let's do this! Hopefully, when I win, I will get to eat an amazing new street food that we have invented which is the pizza-wrapped gyro. - "He-ro." - He-- gyro. Let's bring in the next food item. - How about the first one? - The first one. Okay, well... So a burrito with hotdogs hanging out of it? - We're sharing this. It is-- - What is that? It looks to me like you've got hotdog wieners, you've got a pita sort of situation. This looks like potatoes. That's amazing. Is that mashed potatoes? This seems like something that I would have made if my parents left me alone when I was in 8th grade. "I don't know, Mom. You left the taters out." - Can I take a look at it? - "You know I like wieners." All right, so you get to go first. - Now, on this map-- - I wanna eat it, man. - Oh, you wanna eat it? - Come on. Yeah, take me back to 8th grade, home alone! Thanks for leaving me a wiener untouched. You grazed it with your mustache. - What-- is that-- - Slaw. - That's little shrimp. - Oh, it's shrimp. - That's freaking shrimp. - Oh, my goodness. - Shrimp dog. - I gotta squeeze that stuff to the end. Okay, now another advantage that we don't talk about quite often, Link, is the fact that you're always closer to the board. Let me just say, you always have that. I throw from back here. You throw from up there. - I mean-- okay. - Thank you. That is good. So good! What kind of people would be like a hungry 8th grade Rhett? I think that they would do this in Hungary. - 'Cause you eat when you're-- - Hungary. This definitely screams like, "Man, I'm just hungry." That's why I'm gonna throw it at Sweden! I threw it at Hungary. All right, let me get my dart here. And, you know, I'm not gonna get that much closer. - Okay, all right. Mm-hmm. - Man. That's awesome. It's really good. The shrimp-- Wherever it is, I'm going there. How do you get such small shrimp? - You gotta go to Portugal. - Oh. Okay. Oh, gosh! Whoa! We're way up in Antarctica. No, what is that? That isn't Antarctica. - That's the North Pole. - That's the arctic, man. - The arctic circle. - At least I know what it is. You're well into the arctic circle. Stevie: Okay guys, I'm gonna apologize in advance for, I'm sure, mispronouncing all of these, but here we go. This is tunnbrodsrulle, a flat bread cone filled with mashed potatoes, hotdogs, and shrimp salad consumed on the streets of Sweden. - No! - Yeah, boy! He's hitting Sweden and he didn't even want to! I'm a natural man, I can't help it. I can't help it. You're still-- you're not that bad, man. Get it out of here. All right, Link, you had 20. And, Rhett, you had three. - Good job, Rhett. - All right, next food. Okay, I can already smell this one and it's not even here yet. Oh, gosh. Okay. What is that? It looks like-- Oh, you're not gonna do well with this. - Fish? - You're not gonna do well. It's got what we call a high smell, you know what I'm saying? Like the bottom of a dumpster, it's a high smell. It's chunks of fermented stinky stink. Do you think it's like cheese? But it's got chili sauce on it. That's a clue. Okay. Let me see what we got here. I don't think tasting it is gonna help me learn anything that my nose hasn't already told me. - All right, it's cheese. - Ooh, it's cheese? It is a very stinky cheese with a chili sauce on it. You're not gonna handle this. ( gagging ) Gosh, that's bad! Like, I just wanna take one of these darts and I wanna put it through my face! That is not pleasant. I'm throwing away the fork! Wow, cheese throws me off, 'cause the chili sauce makes me think Taiwan, Vietnam. - And you know what I'll say? - Say it, Link. That aftertaste isn't that bad. Well, 'cause you spit it out. But it starts to just taste like an aggressive cheese after a while. - I'm taking a chance here. - It's an acquired taste. I'm taking a chance. I know that there was a French influence in Vietnam. That's why they have baguette there. So I'm going Vietnam. - Woo! Woo! - I can't believe! - I can't believe! - I hope I'm right, man. Did I actually hit it, Chase? - Chase: No. - I'm very close, though. Chase: I think you're less than a centimeter. After this round, we're switching darts. - Oh! Hmm. - It must be the darts. - Now he's on to something. - I wanna be yellow darts next time. You convinced me though. It's freaking Vietnam. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go for it. Just don't hit my dart. If I knock your dart off, you don't get points. - Agreed? - Challenge accepted. Hey, that's really not a bad dart throw. It's just compared to mine. All right, what do we got? Stevie: Guys, this isn't cheese. It's chou doufu, which is stinky tofu, a fermented tofu with a very pungent scent commonly found in the night markets of Taiwan. - Rhett: Oh, okay. - Link: Still close. - Rhett: Pretty close. - Link: But I missed on the wrong side. I could have made a slow come back. - Stinky tofu. - Oh, gosh. All right, Link, you had 15, and, Rhett, you had 5. Okay. Okay, next item. Oh, it looks like an elephant ear from the state fair. It looks like sour cream, cheese, and some kind of-- - Chive. - Chive. Okay, shall we just bite it? I tell you right now, this is gonna be very good. Lady and the Tramp. - Mmm. - Oh, man. It's like fried dough with potato toppings. How come we didn't know about this already? This is brilliant. Let me know everything you think. These are people who have a lot of insight... - I'm taking your darts. - into fried foods. I'm giving you my darts. My cursed darts. They have an appreciation for dairy, which is not across the world. That's why the tofu threw me off, because not big on cheese in the far east. Who is big on cheese and cream? I have an answer uninfluenced by anything you're saying. I believe that this is Hungary. Or Sweden. Every time you aim for Hungary, you hit Sweden. Yep. Yeah, that's a problem. So I know you didn't get it right this time. That's a problem in my life. I have one fart, and I think I'm gonna go ahead and use it. Just out of sheer strategy, you aiming at the middle of the board, then I can spread 'em and take the lead with a horizontal spread. I'd stand back here. This is when things get very, very dangerous. For the record, my answer is Morocco because they like to sour cream stuff. - How you know this? - I've been there. - Okay. - Fart the heck out of this. Put that on a T-shirt. "I'm gonna fart the heck out of this." - Gotta get the sidearm. - Gosh, it's so scary. Oh, ho, ho! I don't know what to say about that one that didn't hit the board and did hit metal. All right, so three hit the board, and one of those is not at Morocco. All right, Stevie, what do we got? Stevie: You guys just ate langos, a deep fried flatbread traditionally served with sour cream, grated cheese, and a variety of other toppings in Hungary. Hey, hey, brother! - But you didn't hit Hungary. - I didn't. I hit Sweden. All right, Link, you had 12, and, Rhett, you had 5 again. Oh, good. 5 is less than 12. Bring in a food, dude. - Bring in a food. - Oh, gosh. - We've got what looks to be-- - Fried sardines. Sardines with some sort of chili sauce. And a lemon, so let's us squeeze this lemon. Squeeze the lemon on to the fish. On to the fishies. I have a feeling that this is going to be good and probably spicy. This could easily be Morocco, Yemen, or Mozambique. This is definitely from the African continent, even though Yemen is not-- it gets real close. - Almost touches it. - There's not a lot of headless fish that I enjoy on this show, but that's one of them. Where would the littlest fish be? Where would the littlest fish be? It's either Yemen or Mozambique because they're kind of crowded into a little spot of the ocean. I'm gonna play it safe. I am-- I've got a pretty nice lead. I could just aim for the Congo and just do, like, a trilateral situation. Can you throw the dart? But I'm gonna go with my instinct and I'm gonna aim between Yemen and Mozambique. And I'm gonna hit Russia! I know what that feels like. I do it all the time. I opened the door for you. I just don't-- I'm not feeling your Yemen. Again, I think Morocco. I definitely think it's Morocco. - Okay. - Oh, hey, sucka! You may have made up the difference. - All right, what do we got here? - This could do it. Stevie: These are sardine bell chermoulas-- fried sardines served with a paste made from tomato, olive oil, lemon juice, paprika, and other spices from Morocco. - Boom, Daddy! - Nice. Nice, Link. All right, what's this gonna do for me? There's no way-- It's gonna do quite a bit, I believe. Rhett, you had 29, and, Link, you had 3. - Oh. - Three? That's-- wow. - Yeah. - I won that round. - You're still losing. - But I won that round. - You're close. - I won that round. So how far down am I? You're only down by eight now. 50 to 42. Link, dude, you're back in it. Eight is so easily erased. Bring in food. What on Earth? - This is a-- - It's not a potato. This is a freaking rat. How did you guys get rat? Look, you can even see the hair! Ooh. Oh, my gosh. - It's a freaking rat! - I see innards. Look at the hair on the side. Look at the hair on your side. Okay, okay. Let's not. Let's just-- All right, we have to eat it to know that it's rat. I'm gonna go for this part. Oh, the skin. Get through the skin. Get to the meat. - Tastes like turkey. - Yeah! It does. It tastes like turkey-ish. There's a little gamey aftertaste. A little? It's so greasy. Where would they eat rodents? You know what this could be? This might be a freaking guinea pig. This might not be a rat. This might be a guinea pig. They eat guinea pigs in South America. You're talking Peru? That's the only one I see in South America. - Ooh. - Oh, you hit DC. - All right, I agree. - Dude. Listen, all you have to do is get eight centimeters closer than me and you win, Link. Because I'm almost positive that I'm right about this. Cool Hand Luke. Why am I throwing so high today? Dang it, I left the door open again. Don't "Peru-ve" me wrong! What? Dude! Dude! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, no, no! Whoa, hey! Hey, hey, hey! Well, okay. None of these count, by the way. I always wanted to hit that spot. Just around it-- I don't know which-- what was the first one there? - I was the one closest to-- - You know, I feel better now. - It was the-- - I'm sorry I threw a tantrum. I hope Lando wasn't watching. Don't be like Daddy. Where do you think he got it from? - This-- - No, the one next to Morocco. - This guy. - Yep, right there. - Okay. - That is correct, like? Like? Yeah, I like it. That is it. All right, what is it, like? Stevie: This is cuy, which translates to guinea pig. Yep. And we took off some choice parts just for you, but they do serve them whole in Peru. - Peru! - We were both right. Man. I don't think you've made up the difference. I don't think I did. Rhett, you had 16, and, Link, you had 22. Oh, congratulations, Rhett. You know what? You really did a good job. I gotta to give it to you. You did it. - That was tough to beat, man. - Pretty crazy. Okay, you win the pizza wrapped gyro enjoyed in Good Mythical More. But first, click through to see if I can identify some ridiculous song parody YouTube videos. Clickety click, click, click, click. Rhett:<i> A treat for your ears</i> <i> is our Ear Biscuits podcast,</i> <i> available wherever you get podcasts.</i> <i> Treat yourself.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 4,995,970
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Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 12, rhett, link, mythical, rhett link international street food taste test, rhett international street food taste test, link international street food taste test, gmm international street food taste test, rhett link taste test, good morning mythical taste test, good morning mythical international street food taste test, taste test
Id: yCU9kQwPr50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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