Instrument Checkride - Practical Test - Full Video

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so today is my checkride instruments check write it for my sermon rating and the examiners about to get into the airplane I'm ready to go I'm excited it's a beautiful day actually so looking forward to it and we'll see if I pass I think I will all right so you up there in a little bit all right let's start our good all right let's get our weather first clear if you want to point by the state algebra or 3:04 tree yeah ground a skyhook Niner seven good office still rampant of factors like you are to shop for these five five people at Burlington see that we are really really sexy for previa Northbrook Victor 101 by three four kilo writer sector one three zero radio up to firm the AOR Charlie one car one written by a thousand four thousand five hundred divided by ten frequency 10.55 squawk one two zero zero utter sky 107 drop is clear to Burlington the Northbrook vor Peter 191 intercept one to zero radial off of bourbon climb three thousand expect five thousand after ten minutes departure frequency one to 0.55 squad one two zero zero then pick up very bad correct let's uh get all this going in here little people wipe it as intersection here and then I'll track the radial they do have one 14.5 in there which the dissipate by the frequency just make sure my are 14.5 it is and they should come alive once we pick it up so and we'll look for the 1 to 0 radio on the RMI here on the screen alright so put the frequency for Northbrook so we have it standby and also we're gonna put that frequency for the ILS in here standby on 10.7 past in case we have a initial we need to come back and shut the ILS you do it you okay where we go let's do a rain check here let's compute our aim yep alright so we have our four things we programmed everything here our outfitter let's set it here to 3,000 ok departure frequency is going to be 1/2 0.5 I will put it in a little bit and then we'll be squeaky one two zero zero press them again there we are wait round a sky of membership trough eyes at skill ramp requesting clear taxi for North West departure with Julian this is m7 Yahoo wakiki ground runway to be two tanks to the end Charlie Charlie one car with rainy runway three-two via charger the one style night mashup tough precludes the right turn around here we'll do our on okay so we're thinking up here runway three-two we have about 3,700 feet of elbow in about eight hundred ninety or so less than nine hundred feet to take off and we're going to be rotating at the 55 knots we are going to climb at 73 and even we have an emergency aware the clouds and we need to land we're going to make a right turn and go for the ILS or two three that's it you have any questions passenger questions okay good looking at tower skyhawk Niner seven Victor alpha is runway three-two ready for takeoff scale minor seven Victor alpha walking it's our only three to clear for takeoff for see that course they get direction to virtual the next request be west west semi-tropical ear for takeoff just a big draw for us we see that course is clear path is clear is your hoodie hood I got it right here okay fine I will use as much run away as we can and we are good to go I with Archer 1415 Zulu SP is alive disturbance are good that's nine nine ten Victor alpha hot area through flight is at a 300-foot you big bulky dr. lazaar so turned off pop on that autopilot put on your hood okay so when you hit something there what's this what's this doing right now is it getting capture all three thousand one hundred thirty thousand no I will okay test a nine seven Victor alpha climb maintain 3,500 3,500 3,500 done for the altitude Simmons Rama and two of us six hundred I order to go Victor alpha TURN RIGHT fly heading three zero zero intercept Victor 191 of course b:00 for Victor 181 on corset McCallum I've had heard go for three thousand five hundred two hundred go for another 100 these are our altitude that's the nine seven Victor alpha expect GPS on em GPS is united Berman Burlington I will be expecting GPS turn an eternal burning time semi trauma and let's uh brief that approach the case Elvia they were bringing out gps runway two-niner approaching to Burlington the approach course is two nine zero degrees Airport touchdown their work around weighs 4,300 that's not only 779 779 okay let's we're going to be getting the one more time here let's get the other information clear below one to two thousand so I got the weather so we do have the altimeter to a was is one 14.5 we got it okay Milwaukee we're gonna be talking to Milwaukee approach let's put one two three point zero five on standby here for them and visual approach mix is so annoying so we're gonna be descending to 2005 contra or web all is going to be our final terrific swab all 2500 that will be sent down to 3 4 kilo normally 3 to quickly up is our MDA okay the missed approach will be climbing right turn to 4000 and hold up wipe it wipe it down okay best a 9/10 Victor alpha change over to one to three point zero five one two three points or life is real best nights a vector alpha there's going to be a delay in a burlington advise rating company hold clearance Roger Cole clearance rid of puppy that's the 9 7 Victor alpha hold over the Bourbon vor southwest of the Bourbon vor advise intercepting 1c0 radio and Roger and 7th Robin I want to zero radio yeah this is going to be a parallel entry I really so let's slow down a little bit here 1050 is good holding speed for this airplane there's our up a long leg about a minute here wonderful we passed the station first and said we drop is holding a number instead Victor alpha Roger we're waiting for the other aircraft can fly far Roger I'll have a little bit of a win from the right side that's why i heading work there 7-0 a little bit and then we'll turn I can't think we're on the wrong side of the run of fact the other way where we'll be turning let's turn on now oh wait at over past the station I will start a turn to the right night I picked Ralph advise when you have the leather a little Charlie fluffy oh we don't have the weather for some problem like a hill for to go straight on our side drop one like a standby Semak drop I would like to do a circle approach mr. Berman America Alfred what time would you ask me we're gonna arrive over the vor additional how much time another 45 seconds far we're gonna go out here I'm to turn and distract you ah so we have a PFD failure right away we're going mercenary mode they pretty much lose that anchor well my in sky approach semi trauma here we lost our navigation abilities n7 Victor alpha Roger say your request vectors to Burlington possible Thanks that's tonight 7:00 Victor alpha turn right flies heading zero nine zero vectors for our nav to 9 under Burlington rudder heading zero nine zero vectors for GPS to a Niner American Civic drop go through our wire checklist we do have the weather we do have our instruments set and we do have our radios ready and we've done our enroute and approach briefing SN 9 7 Victor alpha to Santa maintain 3000 3000 Sebek drop test and set vector alpha TURN RIGHT fly heading 1 to zero by heading 1 to zero semicolon Justin I tell Victor alpha descent of 18 2,500 2,000 pound on the altitude us overthrow that's the Knights have a Victor alpha turn left fly heading three three zero intercept final approach course victory zero for the final approach course effect on them that's night seven Victor of a three miles from Wavell clear GPS our damn tuna run three miles from Louisville through the GPS to a Niner semitone 3.5 miles for the missed approach point for a little bit lower minimum minerals reserves filling the clouds disabilities breaking up on the clouds in and out starting to see the ground a little bit still in the clouds in and out and now you kind of came out you can see the runway go ahead and look up okay let's run away take off the buckles yep all right we can see the runway we can land I will do a duckling approach here that burns the traffic Gus Kile gun ownership in Toronto will be answering a left downwind runway one one verdict up you back in the class plus side of the runway what do you do okay going missed hey I missed our climb 4,000 I turn to wipin how nice a victor of the say your intentions Civic tropi would like to pursue Kenosha and set Victor alpha Roger mine doesn't go for 4500 ago 300 200 scientific graph what approach would you like in the ocean I stand by something wrong poor ganache I would like to do the ILS zero seven left semicolon and set Victor alpha Roger as well let's get our notion of whether Kenosha Airport information like one four five three zero weather window 3:08 has visibility one zero have sky Claire step two three - point - one two three zero four four as you approach a nice line departing runway seven left and right are evolving a quadrant devise an initial path textured suppose hull tranformation Mike all right this will be expected to be a less localized around with seven levels brief that our localizer frequency 109 0.35 which where we'll put it in here all right heroin okay we're going to do a new jail attitudes as the flight controls we're gonna win rattled rolls block approach one two five point three five down eyes closed take a deep breath relax kind of busy and weren't paying attention your autopilot was off and then you look up and here's what you got go ahead let's go by around 1022 money approach marquel 0 3 0 4 6 and expect the vectors for visual approach runway 2 5 right let's jump back on course add the key tells your partner's expect the relative liber8 step of 50 87 contact mark approach 1 to 5 we find 5 us to 30% is empty now it will done go ahead contact Milwaukee um who you are where you're at what are you donated in Jerusem otaku rather . o he approaches calc nine or seven off of a request the VFR column locks again no low-key approach services style commander civic trough of request for an ILS approach into motion first M Victor alpha maintain VFR squawk four six five three squad cop four six five three six for some Victor alpha radar contact one three miles west of the no Sheriff where expect vectors or ply press heading Victor ILS runway supplement funnel perfect Roger or will use quick fix for the islands or some of the two commotion Sandra I will fly some bigger upside in one zero I think now on success of it on some big gravel distributing . although it will stop another silicon alright wire so in our weather we got our instruments said enough with the bigger alpha turn the left any one and zero zero left out leadership strong some big ground for your six miles from Cody maintain VFR cleared ILS runway seven left there for the eye less sauce or someone left seven times alright let's go down to twenty-five hundred first up Victor alpha traffic through North your position altitude it hits 2,000 southbound look at the traffic on the screen will believe for a summit on are the localizer is alive oh you said Victor else has traffic no effect there's some bigger Alpharetta radar service terminated contact no sir what's gonna stop entry on so we go first out Stephens office outside of Cody your external Victor alpha Kenosha our host for Germany couple staff that do a full stop 7:00 to 7:00 Ralph a runway seven left - clear - a round seven left cleared land seventh row right down to 2400 okay let's do our I'm check okay both fuel tanks on let's go full rich all right good and then we are clear okay there's the autumn marker hey that's for our first matchup lapses we started our descent and the localizer and the glide slope 100 go 20 hey just came out of the clouds okay just not available all right we're gonna put a little more laughs we are with minimum range minimum minimum we are we can see the runway these are the lights okay let's thank you back Victor officer your attentions I will tax back and Southwest will do send us off with towards what you can SEMICON so subject your alpha Roger TURN RIGHT next intersection taxi via alpha runway seven left squawk one two zero zero right turn around we'll turn right into alpha two back to runway seven left us welcome in the shop when they say traffic what you want to do is you don't want to tell me I got him on a scope he really doesn't care still clear he wants to see if you have visual right okay we're clear over the runway burglar to the left go to the right tax back baby airplane seven Victor alpha clerks are ready as having copies ready to do copiers to this tonight seven Victor alpha is clear to Waukegan airport radar vectors Northbrook Clinton 18 2500 expect 4,000 1 0 minutes after departure departs control frequency Milwaukee one one nine point six five squad four three four four Roger Skylander seven copies clear two of the wicking and via Northbrook radar vectors North Brooklyn direct climb 2500 Spade powder 4500 after 10 minutes markings one-one-niner four six five squat for 34 for vision if I don't held as it is 4,000 rest of the red bag is correct final to 4,000 there's a vector of information mike is current in Kenosha right now we do have information like the commotion right clear naked fossils ready I gotta write a zero zero takeoff okay no problem you always put them on now yeah and Kenosha towers count our seventh Rafa is ready to IFR with you so so so Victor alpha TURN RIGHT heading 0.75 declare for takeoff TURN RIGHT two headings are nine zero runway seven left clear for takeoff every drop set up the girl from little time please Jeffrey's coming up on a latte Roger so they took a hotel 15:46 sir take of time there's bees alive instruments are good 24:55 and there is since the seven Victor alpha contact more vital below you thanks 700 euro systemic profit for 200 or 2000 a cylindrical rotor Karthik just ease of Genosha maintain 3000 maintain 3000 ask our protests out máxima topic has information he'll go to work again I would like to practice such yes Rama five no word of three thousand that's a Victor alpha Roger fly heading to zero zero setting to zero some stuff thank them a Victor alpha turn right heading to for Europe to force Iran ahead when I said a victory over the fear post-op chance there will be a full circle as you maintain the graph it to be a factor right now for full bot fly heading to 6-0 heading on a microphone much to a 6-0 summit on remember senator gravity letting p30 turn left ahead to three servings on 97 picture alpha turn left heading one five zero turning on left one five zero semi truck I've got a radios ready to go what you get is on standby and we've got our briefings done Thank You Victor alpha turn left heading through our manager will join the final certain I deserve to China final so from verse seven Victor alpha flight heading zero three zero yourself at a full five between three thousand dollars that we shot a final approach course cleared that I have GPS throw a five approach clear for the GPS approach stop firing Georgina servers on edges them and if every nine seven Victor alpha contact Bucky can tell when to 0.05 going to what use our Nexus Erica we get our semi cross phase a passed voltage suspension Victor of walking it's our for Foucault in bump full report bill going on Civic on body no our and I'll have and I'll have you never help me because we don't have that capability in assembly what if we did how would you know I will tell us near exactly about what the oven AB or LD be exact what's the sensitivity of that PGI right now right now we are a third of a mile now against our seventh office reporting i'm milca social so Victor I'll formally fertile in only 539 seven top first not some flaps hey Brooke added clouds there you go clouds yes minimum burner is not available just some Victor alpha long world tour right charlie Texas killed via Charlie mountain to ground point six five good they brought the Charlie Beck skill via Charlie's image on underground okay alright so we're good okay great job man congratulations thank you you're very nice thank you so everything works really really well
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 163,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FAA Practical Test, Instrument rating, instrument checkride, general aviation flying, airplane flying, VFR to instrument, flying with vision limiter, view limiting device, flying with examiner, FAA exam, Cessna 172 (Aircraft Model), designated practical examiner, DPE exam, flying exam, Flight Training (Film Subject)
Id: PGrY9eh7UAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Fri May 23 2014
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