Cirrus SR22 - Real Emergency Over the Ocean Inside a TFR

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[Music] hi guys welcome today we're will guys going through Gog see ours 920 nautical miles in beautiful miss grace there's my life vest on a button we read and there's also the e perb which I'm gonna have in my pocket life vest survival gear in the back Karen is responsible for the survival gear it's right behind her then also life vests for the two of them they're not gonna wear them now but they're gonna be right behind ya exactly so we'll see you in the air daddy's turn you guys have your seatbelt on and everything do you guys have your seatbelt on they do I said the youtubers life vests on alright let's get the engine started put prop Commission Lima one two four Niner meet our win zero to zero at five the weather is better than 5005 temperature one eight two point one one altimeter three zero three one arrivals expect visual approach runway five is in use use caution for birds on and in the vicinity of the airport notices to Airmen taxiway Papa for closed there is a VIP TFR affecting the Palm Beach and Boca ratone areas until Sunday at two to three zero local all aircraft operating within the TFR must be on an assigned to beacon code and talking to air traffic control flight training is not authorized within the TFR for additional interfere Arthur - Odom's or contact the flight service station and advise the controller on initial contact the University of Lima we have booked our town ground this is Cirrus seven one to row me off I'm going to pick up my ifr clearance - Mike Bravo papa Victor so that one Lima uniform can't ratify blast one two five point boy oh there are seven one two Romeo after you have an edict I'm an EDC time of one three five six of knowledge one three five six so we cannot do it any sooner sirs - Romeo that's affirmative well you can do it five minutes sooner that's it you said five minutes what yeah there's a five minute window service - Romeo off and eat at the time of one three five six they allow for you to depart five minutes prior to that time up to five minutes after that time but that is all okay I guess we're gonna shut down and do I pick up my clears now or should I just call back a few minutes later you can get it now service - Romeo officers stand by and I'll read it to you one second here we are delayed by ATC okay why because Oh what's-his-face we're gonna have to shut the 581 cousin after sundown to wait it out half an hour service to Romeo alpha cleared Mike Bravo Peppa Victor Airport the via radar vectors to join Bahama route 63 Victor Zulu Foxtrot Papa Zulu Quebec alpha Venice filed maintain 2000 expect Niner thousand 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency 1 2 5 point 2 squawk zero zero zero two zero seven one two Romeo alpha is clear to the mic Bravo papa Victor Airport via radar vectors to join i'ma route 63 Victor Zulu Foxtrot Papa Zulu Quebec alpha then as filed climb 2009 er thousand after 1 0 minutes departure fiction 1 2 5 point 2 and 0 0 0 2 bucks shares to Romeo on to read back correct okay we'll call you later to let you know when we're ready to go turn off shares to Romeo Roger we got that set I guess we're gonna load everything up in a little bit we're gonna shut down so we're gonna shut down and start again a little bit okay guys that's that for now okay it's 9:15 we have half an hour two minutes have passed and now we're gonna go again what happens when the engine is hop over ground cr7 one to row me off at Papa three at Papa North Hankerson Ritter dr. Ouma zero seven one to Rome they offer runway five tech savvy up upon Reilly five-year Papa to remember alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and over there to there on up area I'm gonna do the round I'm gonna load up everything in here by the time we should be ready to go we have another sixteen minutes so but they said up to five minutes before so another 11 minutes by the time I think we'll be ready we'll just gonna wait it out better to be early and being late and then miss our window again because I don't know how those things work I assume this some kind of window is do some basic checks here this is agreeing with my heading indicator and the heading indicator is turning the proper direction and the ball is reflecting the opposite way which is great all these objects are good let's put a little bit of error it's getting a little warm in the Sun let's stay on the center line too well at this point I my iPhone stopped recording the audio so I'm loading up the flight plan and the run-up everything looked good the engine was running smoothly no issues whatsoever nothing everything looked proper there's two Romeo alpha contact our this is enough for this photo so only five did not release it right now sir all right I just got my clearance for takeoff to turn that zero six zero heading runway five so that's it we're out of here and things are looking good as always of course I've gotten I've done my departure briefing and the departure time was actually 951 exactly five minutes before the estimated time of departure that window that had given me exactly so I timed things pretty well without really rushing either here's our rotate at 70 knots and flaps up coming up at above 80 with a positive rate of climb 550 captures available now series two when we offer contact I'm Beach 125 to have their back so I am contacting Palm Beach departure at one to five point two however live ATC that has provided this audio by the way is down for Palm Beach just due to the fact of the TFR probable they want to keep things secret on what's going on there but anyway basically Palm Beach climbed me to 6000 and then they turned me at this point a little bit later at zero-niner-zero heading which was a little better and climbed me to 7000 feet things look good so far so good no issues whatsoever all of a sudden Zoe's ears started hurting she's been fighting a little bit of a cold start screaming and now Palm Beach opera departure just handed me over to Miami Center at one thirty three point four and I just checked in with them probably about 6,200 feet 6,300 feet I believe again another live ATC I feel that I could not pick up anyway I'm about to level up at 7,000 feet here's a first sign of a shoe I'm noticing the vibration now and I'm trying to figure out what's going on yeah nothing makes sense so I'm going through my checklists just to make sure that I'm covering all bases the moment my auxiliary fuel pump is off the engine was running roughly so trying to lean it was getting worse so at this point playing with the throttle and nothing really works so at this point I'm deciding I'm making doing a quick pause I'm like okay what am I doing wrong here what is going on is everything okay so that's when I start deciding that you know this is not looking good I'm gonna be over the ocean running the auxiliary pump and that's not very comfortable so at this point decision-making and after trying the couple more tries to lean it to see if I can work something out there he goes you can even see the vibration on the camera that's one of me forming the girls in the back that we're heading back to Boca so now calling Miami center at 1:33 point for which they're not responding and a second try for Miami Center and no response you have another attempt from him my name is Senator no response there less attempt and at this point I'm like okay forget I'm just going to go back to Palm Beach at the previous frequency and talk to them and I'm telling them that Miami Center is not responding and of course I told that I need to get back to Boca I'm having a rough engine so the guy came back something very serious and of course he says that he will have a turn for me momentarily and a few seconds go by as you can see and here's my lifter that ik Bokke so I'm putting on the autopilot heading indicator and then I'm gonna plug in direct boca and go to nav mode and head straight back at boca at 7,000 feet now something that I was not aware of is that he actually declared an emergency on my behalf because the to consider that a very serious emergency I spoke to Miami center on the phone after the this whole incident at the end there's I have a phone number for them although I was not asked to call anyone as you will see later and they told me that yep they do ticular the emergency because they have to just be to err on the side of caution so at this point also they will come back and ask me about souls on board and fuel on board and things of that nature and so and we're still troubleshooting of course just to see if anything gets any better the moment the fuel pump is deactivated the everything starts shaking a little bit sorry we have been on alert in progress for an aircraft arriving so I might have missed somebody nothing six Lima Charlie monitor tower part of your time this is what easily an x-ray monitor tower Boca Raton as you can see they have just been informed within literally a couple minutes about this emergency and they stopped giving anything back everybody's a standby they're just coordinating over there I did not know about all that I just picked it up on live ATC later looking for audio so I can fill in the gaps and then what's going to stand bound around control ringing out it inside emergency yeah I can tell by the voice of the controller that he's thinking this very seriously this guy is one of their most experienced controllers [Music] knife i-75 hotel Overground Dambach at some point they will request me a long beach to descend down to five thousand but I declined that and everybody control stamp I have an alert in progress call me back in 10 minutes 1 0 minutes and I don't want to stay up as much as possible just for me to be able to extend my client it's all compassionate rally perfect our turn left and in 3 2 0 when we 5 to take off and the citation calling for the clearance to one hotel Tuesday and your company name scarlet Nana 575 hotel broker grounds Hagen destination scaling that and I've sent 75 hotel right following frequency will be Miami one-one-niner point seven and what outfit or did you want and is going to send me to 4,000 everybody engines start at your discretion does qu still have a delay that's not a little a leader purchase of Horus I know I just needed people to stand by on the frequency while i called 9-1-1 in the fire department etc the citation going to one hotel to determine cloture yeah at lima hotel sued are you ready for your clearance copper's o ears burning and who else cost over ground and i missed it here here there number five 5 six lamest your Roger Clemens on request you know emergency services 911 Fire Department and all that so the sentence going on right now I'm throttling back a little bit because I'm about I want to say about 12 miles away at this point in miles away and you know I got to get down while also trying to manage the engine have plenty of airspeed since the engine is still generating laya power I mean I didn't really have any power issues per se but I was you know being cautious and just keeping my air speed as high as possible and just to have all the options available in case the engine quit it's not descending at about one hundred and seventy seven knots probably about 184 over the ground probably more than one city said was indicated those are 200 over there are most likely and try to keep it smooth there we go going through a layer clouds now which is not too thick nothing to bump either but it would kill me tiny bit bumpier below the clouds on the ground so again and there's gonna be a little bit of a delay we have an emergency at that's coming in the runway up at the direction at this point I have picked Palm Beach ask me which runway the wind was zero to ninety two forty position nuts Colleen seven five zero zero five five three seven five hotel correct yes Mike Brown which is never miss Nicholas II era where to the tango uniform Lima Airport has filed maintain 2,000 X like flight level 4 0 0 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency one to five point two Ronald Mack squawk 6 0 0 5 never miss exclaim SC I read that correct after the aircraft requesting to taxi I'm holding you because now the alert to aircraft is ending opposite direction on runway two three and we just want to make sure he has clear access to the taxiway after landing and taxiing opposite direction and all honestly I don't care about WOM delaying at this point I just care about the safety of the flight so I'm thinking I took two three although I knew that I was going to be delaying some people departing but that was the last thing on my mind it did cross my mind temporarily but I think here they said to the flight was number one priority and that's all the matter at this point okay do you want milk around there are just deactivated the autopilot 31 just monitor this paper see no phone calls right now please return to the right so I can just shed some altitude because I'm very very high in the airport right ahead of me you can actually see it it's that opening right there that's the airport I was pretty close there for about four miles away within gliding distance definitely and Landale we're screwed up a hundred and seventy five knots for sure indicated over eighteen all of the other stuff it's also great that this happened on a VFR day imagine if this was an actual IFR day departing in Pokhara and come back it would be a different situation because now we have to shoot an ILS approach or something like that no no aisle in Ireland and I 21 change 1 to 5 for a different relation hey tell me it was my turn trying to airplane comparable in the passengers Jennifer that's coming in now so you can expect our food as to the rest of the fear that we have an emergency aircraft inbound now and he's asking me if I can see the airport so you hand me over to tower those are 4.91 hold your position and there's my one one eight point four to five or the tower frequency when are usually fat men dear ones you already all right there I am so 0-8 as soon as an emergency landed lands and terminates his emergency I can get everybody moving people are getting impatient on the ground I didn't care I was not rushing myself I was trying now to slow down the aircraft I'm still doing about 140 knots and closing they're about 1,100 feet - oh how two feet just about pattern altitude I get to get down and slow down so I pull the bar back there's a hundred nineteen so I've loaded the first knots of laps I thought if they're going to see at the bank yeah pull the flaps over there this beetle 104 slowing down a nice little deputy or continuing down with a mile final when you get up in our final make a left 350 was intentionally staying a little bit higher or intentionally or subliminally or subconsciously I guess the floor and a nice smooth landing she will mere Alpha X is the regular year discussion sir do you requiring the Nexus soon after that the proofs are in a d-dimer system so you can pass it to the refuge frequency and understand more system suppliers me that she will become meeting them urgently now laughter so ATC has been incredibly helpful here that's the final result although at the at this moment was that even it was completely unknown to me and there's all the emergency vehicles over there fire trucks and all that they coordinate all that in no time as you saw this is real-time stuff right so everything was coordinated very very quickly so I was not aware that I had declared an emergency but I kind of realized that as I was coming in and I thing of the day 80s it was extremely helpful so we want to thank Boca Raton tower and ground and all the ATC guys at Boca and of course Palm Beach but they loved the adventure guys both were amazing so thank you all for watching and here's the conclusion so let me explain to you what happened so you know basically what are we leveled off I actually started feeling a little thump in the engine like whom that's weird that's very unusual so then we leveled off and I throttle back and I started leaning the mixture a little bit okay the industry rut and running rough okay so now we have three hours plus to go over open ocean go into a foreign country where we will have an engine issue if we made it there and for me to make the engine run smoothly I had to run the accelerator pump which burns more fuel so I couldn't save fuel if we had to okay so we basically had a lot of things running against us at this point because you know I mean it's it could be some stuff that I have in mind but you know I don't want to start troubleshooting things at this point what we're close enough we could just come back and land so it could be a number of things it could be the fuel pump not running properly so I don't know what it is but we'll have to fix it that's for sure alright guys that's the end of it well thank you for watching everyone again and at the end we are going to Turks and Caicos I found pretty cheap tickets for the next day going with American Airlines and you know we lost one night at the hotel but no big deal we'll still gonna enjoy the vacation as planned and so there's always another way just remember that you'll never have to get there in aviation there's always another way and you always have to take all the necessary precautions be fully prepared for everything and never ever ever be afraid to declare an emergency although I didn't in this particular case but they did for me and never questioned yourself if it feels that you've got to do this just do it goes in it's not gonna get better it wouldn't get better in my case it could this could have ended up as a very very bad situation so I feel great about the decision-making here and the process all my training came together and it was also I feel very good about the preparations that I had done with the life raft and all the survival gear and I know that in case of things haven't gone really wrong we would still have a pretty good fighting chance okay so again thanks for watching enjoy hope you like and subscribe and learn from this experience and of course send me all your questions comments any concerns you may have any any feedback I'd be more than happy to listen to it and take your thoughts and you know so all the best and of course as always again super thanks to Boca and Palm Beach or their amazing coordination around and all this these guys are amazing and you know I hope to see you soon and another video by nicholas wings [Music]
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 1,319,912
Rating: 4.5132408 out of 5
Keywords: airplane emergency, cirrus emergency, aircraft emergency, emergency landing, rough airplane engine, over water emergency, over ocean emergency, cross country emergency, loss of power, inflight emergency, forced landing, Flight Emergency in TFR, TFR Flight, POTUS TFR
Id: uXcw614ZDJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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