Cirrus SR22 - Inside a Real Emergency Over Illinois - Electrical Failure

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Matt what's up this is another bucket list item that I got to write there to have you keep dying on him I'll keep an eye on him I have to break it out and go going let's go and iron blowing throws the fit right wing beautiful make the right hand turn over it close I'm very the Department on Saturn your bra [Music] [Applause] go on to Boca Raton advice contact their babies to please them with you we have whiskey good morning business serial number seven one two wrote me off informational whiskey signature of a good taxi for Southwest departure if someone see when you're out those they could have ground and I was expecting a qo6 runway wants you to be a kilo total Malcolm X so how you guys doing me well let's see what a week right we had asked us with all these issues coming up here for the starter HD bro well it has been fixed am I here at the field on the other side of hangar 11 we're curbing hopeful nice certified service center Joe and Chris have a team of there that took care of his grace His grace happy again it was not the starter a film it was a starter adapter much much more expensive they also tested the pump over speed a little bit so it's back to great and also replace that you've steep row just a very very quick and easy fix the flight to Juliette is gonna be relatively quick and of course flying out of here executive is the the most certain staying out several class Bravo space for O'Hare executive tower serves on the verse 7 1 2 wrote me off holding triple 8 1 6 a furniture separate to me I'll fix our etern running course to the southwest to runway one-six poopsie go for takeoff runway one-six all right there's because alive looking good our pimps are looking good oil pressure looking good and ok what's up all right we got 13 minutes ago we'll be there right on time [Music] that's a little flight they tuned guys of a lot more to do today [Music] [Music] alright Joel it has a nice feel run by the park district here and I have a car which is a red Buick [Music] a great meeting with will County Treasurer's Office presentation went great so hopefully we'll get that contract it's gonna be great now back to the airport to accept to portal Chipotle to bother to bottle chupa chup oddly supporting whatever for a little bowl food I'm gonna be eating on the airplane [Music] but um I'm a today [Music] departure good up around Ceres up at verse 7 1 0 kappa 7 1 2 Romeo office loss 3 1 3 5 identify Roger the static that you just heard has gotten my attention also what's getting my attention is the fact that I see very odd parameters on my multifunction display at this time I continue to monitor the parameters and I wonder what is going on what is causing all the static that I hear and what is causing all my parameters to flunk [Music] Rose 11.35 130 pepper something to remember Cepeda boots could have been a suitable number seven all right so something is getting my attention again here the RPMs are erratic all of a sudden just a little sudden now keep in mind that I just had the mechanics adjust the prop governor so I'm wondering what has gone wrong my electrical system is all over the place and my fuel flow is all over the place now back to the electrical system the mechanics just change the battery now is seriously consider that there is a serious electrical issue going on with the aircraft something more than just a typical electrical failure a few ploys all over the place [Music] boy temperature is good episode's tax [Music] [Music] there is no why I'm looking down is to look at the circuit breaker board and see if there's any trip breakers it's not really the alternator failure that really concerns me right now but it's the compound issues that I see on the screen plus the awful noise static noise that I hear my headphones that sounds like there's something really serious electrically here and I'm also really worried about some kind of fire and that's a bad approach to have a better because for me ESCO senator alpha at this time I have made a decision I'm declaring an emergency just because I want to get down as soon as possible for the rest of the video I will lower the volume of the static noise because it gets quite annoying now I will let you watch the rest of the video share your comments below what would you do pick out senator alpha I'm unable to hear ya I have lost my out one and declare emergency Mayday Mayday Mayday and I'm into land as soon as possible [Music] and to help assuage call center I am unable to hear you loud and clear I'm declaring emergency I've lost my alpha one and discharging battery I might have to lose my radios and shut down some systems here but they need the vectors to the closest airport [Music] I will squawk 7700 and heading to on 0 to Ramallah and if you could doubler might be with a dissent leave immediately or whatever senator Melvin hey guys the serial emergency [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's dissent and what they're put is that [Music] well I dunno they're on the way inside you'd be the best runaway can I get the weather right now and I'd like to be able to put me to get with anybody I'm not sure if it's towered airports edge according I don't know what appreciate it too and I'm going to do it well they offer it is an uncontrolled employed and abilities Darrell go for my producer zero for and what's the miss run without we're two on up ahead okay thank you very much I will be plenty of the frequency for airport [Music] okay don't on November Victor told Monica [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] step up here somehow through producers of avionics here but just to see the budget deficit over 5,100 right now and I'm doing turning towards the East second inter-metallic now in the left base what you want [Music] [Music] an approach going to switch over to Burlington frequency [Music] I pursue stolen we can traffic you have a serious an emergency descent ba way to on [Music] [Music] [Music] like I still get use my lips [Music] like the traffic you have a serious on an emergency descent right with you on post-op [Music] five hundred [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys what's going on here hopefully they have somebody to picture what you're seeing here is the spot where the cable of the alternator was arcing against the metal baffling and melting it that could have caused the fire what we did is that we quickly isolated the issue by patching it up and making sure that that came would no longer touches the baffling and I decided to fly back to Chicago because they couldn't help me there so I came here and I these guys can i really help me out too much so i'm gonna fly back to Milwaukee with essential power only and if that doesn't work come back there prop demo traffic serial number seven one two memories taking away 3 departure to the north Danville I spent a long I've been to the purser working good and rotate I flipped up okay well it looks like everything is working I have uploaded I have some circuit breakers don't pilot just kind of fly this whole thing no it's nothing front of a flight and meeting my for flight as my main meaning of an application battery's still going I'm using my backup instruments right now i'li this kankakee up ahead batter is still generating with good voltage I gotta be focusing on my backup instruments here it goes I don't have any regular instruments whatsoever my panel is all turned off here all right as you can see I have turned everything over the ps2 is off Jabez one audio panel my transponder because I needed to get into Chicago otherwise I wouldn't be using that then I can turn on my BFD temporarily just to check my voltage it's looking good still main funder 5.5 special price twenty nine point three all right that's all I need I come to I think it's better I'm having a hard time reading com1 some want to shoot everything to come to see how that works where I come to is on bow tie this off out all right the pipeline is in there temperature 3 0 selfie a new point of the run Heath Allen Tim verge University's next I see it Blues University Radio check thank you alright [Applause] that works pretty bumpy today to all this thermals let's go ahead this end I have to page on that side I have drive on that side down to 1,900 feet about 20 to 60 executive tower good afternoon stairs number seven for to office I live in miles west-southwest the field [Applause] remember someone to Romeo off by a white ball sticking with William sr22 will enter right now we can run away 1 6 7 1 2 remember bus pathways right next to me better stay away I'm like literally right next to it very bumpy all right I don't need this anymore I know where I'm at you're someone to run off the runway one-six little and we want 6 clear glance of illa Popa all right we're clear to land let's see if our flaps are this should be working just fine whoosh pump nice clear this is clear [Music] [Music] [Music] a few days later and a new alternator which grace was ready again thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 1,940,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, cirrus sr22, SR22, flying airplanes, private pilot, air traffic, general aviation, IFR Flying, Flight VLOG, atc audio, air traffic control, small plane, control tower, instrument pilot, airplane emergency, cirrus emergency, aircraft emergency, emergency landing, cross country emergency, inflight emergency, forced landing, electrical failure
Id: qRvJ-5JgT_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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