A-10 Demo Gator Narrates

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so let's plan for i want to take off at 1940 which is going to be in the middle of the t-33 demo everybody seems to have not have a problem with that [Music] uh so take off at 19 40 40 minutes right now i'd like to go up the ladder 25 minutes right now uh it will be the game plan for us man altitude remain the same as yesterday five five four five five two nine on everything frequencies remain the same taxi plan out of here it looks like looks like we're gonna be all right so we'll pull straight out uh in the obvious direction there now with doc out of the way i'm kind of curious where they recover doc here in the next few minutes how that's gonna look uh but ideally i'd like to do what we were talking if they have dark push back there we're gonna come uh all that contention type stuff we got all that we're running on time right now that's it [Music] oh one [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody welcome aboard take you uh start to finish what's like flying the a-10 demo so first we're gonna check all of our lights make sure everything's working there which they are my fire detector bleed air system lights make sure those and done sears are working got the gear down three green all the handles are in g meters reset fuel looks good six plus or minus four three plus minus three good there and i've already done before engine start checklist so here we go signaling that we're gonna start three they come to attention give me the signal apu to start clock's running [Music] the left fuel pressure light goes out shows my dc fuel pump is working [Applause] and we're looking for 100 rpm uh on the apu [Applause] there we go good rpm here comes back generator goes on that's going to provide ac power to the entire airplane now before it goes into effect in five minutes i don't know how long you need to run but that's how long you've got start aligning that thing and setting up real quick [Applause] adjust the seat [Applause] adjust my pedals [Music] all right we're ready for engine start i'm going to rehack the clock given the signal or start one going to motor we'll see the apu load up now we're going to motor the engine to 20 and make sure it's cool so below 100 degrees there's 20. looks good throttle goes into idle i see good fuel flow start the clock [Applause] you can hear it light engine operating switch back norm and first thing i see is my oil pressure light go out at 34 psi yep good oil pressure now i'm looking at the rpm gauge as it climbs good hydraulics approximately 47. yep i got good hydraulics there looking for the generator at 52. i got that 56 i got 10 seconds for the start cycle light to go out so i hit 10 seconds at 28 elapsed looking 38. yep there we go that's a good start on one reset my clock they're going to give me the signal flight control is clear i'm going to cycle the flight controls make sure the left hydraulic system is powered on flight controls getting the signal started [Music] we're going to repeat the process now we're going to motor epu is coming up rpm's alive there's 10. there's 20 in spinning throttle over the hump i got good fuel flow start the clock good light all right looking for good oil pressure oil pressure looks good looking for hydraulics now hydraulics are good now i should see the generator kick on at uh at 52 all right generators on 56 percent got 10 seconds 37. good start on two all right we're gonna check all of our lights generator check the ac crossover make sure the right gen can power everything on the airplane check the inverter for essential ac power there we're good and on good left and right and cdu is chugging along aligning our eggie here we go all right give me the signal we're going to check our flaps already got three positions here so up there and take off now show me and take off going to put down air flaps are down coming back up speed brakes partial now we're going to open them up full now we're going to cycle him he's getting the signal pipes are closed all right flight trolls elevators down elevator coming up rolling left rolling right rudder left rudder light now we're going to check our sas system our stability augmentation system make sure it disengages appropriately kicking left kicking right and check the speed brake for the pitch trim compensator yep that looks good and checking our trim elevator down elevator up rolling left rolling right rudder left rudder right all right now we're gonna check our emergency system we have a backup trim system so down up rolling left rolling right back to norm hit our takeoff trim and i got trim in the green and they're showing me neutral on the ground so now we're going to check our brakes so one of the crew chiefs are running out of the airplane right now he's got to see the calipers pumping so i'm pumping on the right should give me the thumbs up now with the anti skid on good pump there now we're going to do the exact opposite he's running over to the left side i'm going to check make sure the brakes are pumping with the ants get engaged which they are disengaging and still pumping so we gotta go now we're gonna check our slot system so he's gonna hit the aoa vein over there yep good slight good tone and i'm going to give a chop check make sure our engines are appropri uh idling appropriately and check some operations limits on the motors good chop check on those i'm going to bleed the o box system so it's probably noisy for just a second we have an onboard auction chairman's orange one hey coffee we're talking so unclear hog special i'm clear help he's up on a tower on his radio he needs to relay he'll do it for me roger all right that should be also he put a yellow tarp it should be dog balls to the 500 foot line and a red tarp for the thousand foot line actually all right four minutes is a lap showing ins nav is ready so i'm gonna go to now mode on that while they're completing their checks i got the computers of the airplane still powering up right now our main three uh main three systems so our fc computer controls all the weapon symbology and basically everything i'm seeing in the hud we have the kiku which is the central computer the airplane all the weapon systems and basically anything that's on my two displays that i've got in the jet and then the jitter system which is for our data link which i don't obviously use for the demo but go ahead and power it up anyway all right now i'm just running through some prompts as the ipsy system runs through its built-in test all right gotta let the apu cool down for two minutes after it's uh after it's unloaded from start the engine so we're past that time now so i'm gonna let them know uh get 11 shut down hog safety we have the airspace we have everything good to go all right leaving all of our checks here now we're just waiting on the computers to boot up pull up pull up altitude altitude all right if it's complete we'll go ahead and tell pull chucks and they're going to hold me in position i'm engaging the nose wheel steering we're going to do a rollover check right here in the chalk so they can check the tires make sure there's no bald spots no cords showing no issues that they foresee for the for the takeoff and landing all right he's giving me the signal we're going to just roll forward a little bit people often surprised to hear the a10 doesn't have a parking brake or anything so anytime we're sitting here stopped on the ramp you're just holding the brakes the whole time it actually produces enough of the rusted idle to idle our taxi uh pretty fast so you can sit here and just hold the brakes i want to do all their checks assume the trucks are pulled all right everything's loaded off the dtc now safety heart rate you clear the taxi uh he wants you to take out runway 4. all right we'll give him the signal rolling they're gonna signal it back check our brakes one last time roll forward salute and here we go [Music] [Applause] all right we're going to roll out here to runway 4. so i got a little bit of a taxi all right this is the air boss takes over the air space and they give it to us for the demonstration you're basically approved anywhere in the airfield so we go ahead and cross the close runways now that we've taken the airspace no issues getting out there so it's pretty quiet on the taxi out [Applause] right now it's just kind of the last opportunity i'll run through uh run through my altitudes one more time some of my parameters uh since we're flying at a different altitude than home station where practice so running through those numbers again in my mind so my cross check is efficient and uh and it's it just comes second nature as i'm flying through the demo i'm not worried about any sort of altitude conversions or anything like that my technique uh is i roll the altimeter to the nearest thousand feet of the field so i've always got even an even number in the hud and on my round dial altimeter uh for any of the parameters that i'm checking so roll it to the nearest thousand feet here at tyler about 500 feet above sea level so i just roll it on up to a thousand feet and that's what i'll be basing all my maneuvers off of now sam so uh we don't have a parking brake and the a-10 idle's pretty fast uh you hear the joke all the time the only thing is that only two things the a-10 does fast is taxi and uh slow down so if i just sit here with all without my feet on the brakes and just let it go and not tap them to kind of check the brakes every now and again you'd probably get up to like 40 50 knots on the ground it actually wants to taxi in a hurry all right here we go we're gonna go ahead and get the canopy down and start running through our pre-takeoff checks all right can't piece close and lock flaps to seven lights my iff or transponder pedo heat apu is seat is armed skin i'll get my anti skid once i pull up there safety hogs ready to go oh you're here for taking off from week 4. let's take as soon as i'm in position clear out the old box one more time all right we're clear of takeoff so we're going to static take off meaning i'm going to come to a full stop once online on the runway confirm you're using 1000 foot [Music] and this gets on now safety hard got lineup kicks complete altimeter set one thousand feet hsi is set bugs are set snapboad all right there we go everything's good run them up all right we're going to bring the power all the way up about an inch from full power there it's at 90 core rpm we're going to check our engine performance make sure they look good before we go that all looks good all of my lights are out rolling attack all right here we go powers come up to max airspeed's alive knows whole steering goes out there's 60 70 80 90 knots [Music] a hundred 110 rotate and we're off the ground gears coming up level off 20 feet flaps are coming up 170. 190 200 220 and here we go safety hog check i've got uh 3.7 on the gas balance showing winds calm safety all right we're going to take a quick rip around the pattern here do a little sight survey edge of the runway that's our right corner marker and then the big runway intersection is the left corner marker super easy to see altitude altitude yeah good easy markers out here and we'll start our climb all right as i'm in the climb the guys are going through some of the narration right now usually takes about a little over three minutes as they do some of the narration that gives me the opportunity to climb up build some energy to get ready for the show and the a10 i pretty much fly the entire demo in max power with very few exceptions uh so whatever energy i enter the show with right from the get-go that's kind of what i'm stuck with for uh for the majority of it so it's important to climb up get a lot of air speed uh so i'm gonna put on a good safe uh and exciting show so what i do right now is i'm just looking over the rail picking out my uh my corner markers there i've got some references for both the 500 and the 1000 foot show line to keep us safe and away from the crowd so i got good references on the ground for that and this is my time to kind of survey that make sure uh make sure it looks on the ground as if it did in the in the pre-study looking at the map safety hog no issues i can't see the tarps from the hold but i was able to see them on the site survey there no problem got the vor there how did a thousand feet and i got the shack and the weather station for 500 feet and the corner markers are easy yeah you shacked the corner markers in the last one all right we're just going to keep on climbing up kind of dance around these clouds a little bit [Laughter] [Laughter] i'll be running about 30 seconds just gonna do a quick warm up confirm there's no narration [Music] feeling good [Applause] all right here we go 45 degrees no slow we're gonna get as much smash as we can 450 knots or 0.75 mach is the max for the airplane so we're going to try and get all the way to 450. there 420 430 there's 440 448 right here as we approach the corner marker all right altitude altitude wings level in here we go five and a half g's on the bottom 90 degrees nose high i'm gonna pick my point out there start the roll there it is 540 roll onto our back altitude right here six nine six nine 160. continue all right get into the split s way off my show line there start the roll [Music] all right big reposition here going left to go right and then sitting up for the slow roll typically a little lighter g right here in the rear positions just get the energy back i already got taxiway echo at the vor make sure we get over these houses first and start the roll [Laughter] and the cuban about four g's that's good energy sustaining uh g right there for the a-10 4-3-175 continue big push roll roll all right here we go second leaf 500 feet 325 knots right where i want to be the 2409 on guard 10 23 you're there pull up pull up same entry 500 feet there's 490 335 looking good 55 degrees nose high all right there's 4 000 feet start the roll big push right here all the way to the dash 601 pitch continue all right now we're just going to get as much speed as we can moving into the 500 foot show line for the level 360. should be able to get a lot of smash here pretty tight turn right all right there's 530 feet 360 knots here we go all right 6.8 all right see the boards coming out there we're going to set up for our gear down pass below 200 here comes the gear here comes the flaps [Music] 500 [Laughter] gonna bring it down to 300 feet about 120 knots [Laughter] altitude altitude normally right here this is where i uh i talk to the food bank food bank just thank him for uh for having us out being a great host for us a lot of folks think it's a pre-recorded business food bank from the jet [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] give them away show center food break food breaks [Music] that's the gear coming up gears up flaps coming up [Laughter] all right now setting up for our pop guns attack that's the the highest instantaneous g portion of the uh of the demo there typically just get just over seven g's uh the jet's ready to seven point three three in the configuration that we fly [Laughter] so try and take it all the way up to the limit [Laughter] um so during the show you'll hear them passing me the nine line uh which sounds almost identical to the nine line we'd hear in combat from a jtac or any ground party uh requesting air support and this is very similar what you'd see for a low leveling grass obviously not as low as we go in combat just make sure we keep everybody safe [Laughter] i won't continue hogwarts clear that pull up pull up altitude altitude all right so looking for no more than 285 on that altitude altitude that's the maneuvering speed at the uh the weight we're flying push this next one out further away from the crowd [Music] i will altitude altitude uh [Music] [Music] all right last pass pull up pull up altitude altitude [Applause] big bird nose is coming up looking for 2900 feet for the over the top there's 25 i'm gonna roll push 30170 continue all right guard just gonna do away big whiffer deal here trying to gain some energy back thousand foot show line for the four point got some spots here [Laughter] thousand foot show line all right speeds look good altitude's good [Applause] [Laughter] uh [Applause] all right setting up for the dedication pass [Laughter] always one of the cooler parts of the demo right here especially when we're flying all 962 with that paint scheme [Laughter] altitude altitude altitude altitude oh lots of birds all right going to attack pitch [Applause] altitude altitude [Laughter] is the boss want me to try and land two two two four land on two two roger when's your call roger all right we'll circle back around we'll come up with a cooler way to finish it off then for tomorrow for sure kind of interesting where the show line's 90 degrees out from the uh from the primary where i'm we were using so the show's not really over the runway uh they're used to take off and landing [Laughter] all right so here comes the speed brakes about 40 speed brakes what we're looking for oh we configured for landing that's just helped keep the engine spooled up comes the gear flaps all below 200. [Music] [Laughter] cleverland two tubes got the clear land two two three down three green flaps are food speed break [Laughter] [Laughter] all right [Laughter] the way i'm flying uh the weight i'm at right now about 135 on final 150 around the final tournament 152 right now 45 degrees 10 degrees nose low should set us up pretty good from our base position one last sanity check yep gears down flaps are down altitude altitude [Laughter] all right we'll bring it to on it's good anyway three degree wire onto speed right 138 looking for 135 over the fence at 135. [Laughter] [Laughter] all right [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] go through the same checks there so flaps lights iss taxi down to the end of one eight and turn onto one three down to one eight then uh right turn on one three flaps lights iff use caution for the x at the numbers on row one three [Laughter] [Applause] all right [Applause] all right make sure all of our loose items are stowed here [Applause] looks good [Applause] there we go get a little breeze going [Applause] i'll tell you what if you're in a jet that allows you to taxi around with a canopy up taxi down one three and then left on fox that one three left box you're in a jet that allows you to taxi the canopy up and you close the canopy while you're taxiing around you're wrong [Applause] always got to show some love to the air boss and everybody at show center they're the ones getting all the work done this weekend and then of course the dudes taking care of the airplane can't thank them enough they're the one that keep these old airplanes safe to fly performing like they do and they're really really really good at it got some sweet warbirds over here off the right [Applause] all right so as you come back in here to chocks i'm going to open the flaps and speed brakes allow the maintenance crew on their walk around to be able to get in there and uh see all the mounting points and pivot points and some spots where there's some safety wire [Applause] and stop right there [Applause] all right now we just keep our hands off the throttle and the stick away from the controls especially while the guys are under the airplane or anywhere near the flight controls you certainly don't want to get anybody hurt bumping into anything so always important to keep your hands away from all that stuff while they're under the jet there you go signal to roll forward and come to the stop so this is our final parking spot now they're going to check the the downsides of the tires that's why i do the rollover so they don't miss any bald spots or any cords showing gouges in the tire or anything like that so make sure to check all the surfaces of it all right now it's safe to start shutting down some stuff basically all the electrical systems and all the computer systems in the airplane get all those shut off [Applause] get the [Applause] as soon as spencer yep gave me the indication now chalks are in i'll come off the brakes i like to just check over the shoulders where i come off the brakes make sure nobody's right in front of the tires or anything [Applause] all right so yeah now i've got it basically everything powered off the mfcds the kiku the jitters the fc i've got the eggy power down attack and ios is all powered off my cms is powered off the iff is powered off uh cms i never even turn on for this stuff but just verify all the stuff got gets left or it gets turned off before we shut down [Applause] i got a cage standby fuel gauge is set yep everything else is good so now we're just waiting on the signal for them once they're ready first thing they're going to tell me to do is close the flaps close the speed brakes and as soon as that's complete then we'll shut down the left engine once we get a good shutdown on the left which is uh i get signaled by the crew chief once it shuts down uh what they do is they're back there under that engine to sell you might be able to see it one of the cameras they're under the engine to sell they got a water bottle it looks like a nalgene bottle on a big stick and all the fuel that's still in the system there is just going to leak out you know a couple i don't know less than a pint of fuel into uh into that whole algae bottle if they catch and that signals that we got good a good shutdown there once we do that i'll cycle the flight controls make sure the right system uh is powering the flight trolls appropriately and i don't feel anything uh weird in the stick and do uh to do a last cycle on the hydraulic system there and then we'll shut down number two so there comes the signal close up flaps and speed brakes and then he gives me one cleared to shut down so we'll bring it back to off now just watch it for him for good fuel flow i get a bunch of master cautions obviously as the engine shuts down so i'll smack those off got the thumbs up flight controls are clear here we go good cycle and two's clear to shut down so we're just gonna watch the gauges make sure everything rolls back and then i'm just looking for him and as soon as that happens the battery and inverter go to off radios go to off we gonna climb out thanks for a lot thanks for coming along for a ride my name is aaron michael i enlist in the military in 1990 during the first gulf war where i stayed part of the third ranger battalion for the next 20 years so when i came home i had a really bad transition just shutting out not being with my family it was easier to just stay barricaded in our closet at home i was at bass pro shop and then walked a puppy raiser so my wife got their business card and realized she's a puppy raised for patriot paws service dog in our backyard right here in rockwall texas and so i went on the waiting list it took about two years to have a dog fully trained for me i went from taking anywhere near 15 to 20 meds a day i'm now on zero medication i didn't go to my kids football games or get out and be a parent until i had chief and now i don't miss a single thing with my kids so please help us continue this important work for veterans and don't forget about patreon service dogs on north texas giving day
Channel: Erik Johnston
Views: 565,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, Aircraft, Airplane, Flying, Airport, Runway, Taxiway, Hangar, Walkaround, Tour, Pilot, Aviator, Wings, Prop, Propeller, Veteran, Interview, A-10, A-10 Demo, Gator, Haden Fullam, Warthog, Thunderbolt II
Id: 02JWhmIw10c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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