Installing Palworld on TrueNAS Scale

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and hello hello there and welcome so I put together a little guide on installing power W on your true nascal server this video will also show you how to access your power backups and how to modify the configuration files for your server uh to do so we'll be setting up a Windows share so we can easily access those files from your PC and yeah so let's get started shall we so the first thing we're going to do is create a user with Samba access this will be for the Windows share we'll be creating later on in the video if you already have a user in mind you can skip this step all together one thing to note be sure to remember the uid or the user ID for this particular user now we're going to create a data set where our P World data will reside at it's best practice to keep our apps from separate from one one another and keep things a little tidy with this new data set we need to modify its permission to allow the power world application and the user we created in the beginning the ability to read and write to it we'll set the owner to power world admin and as for the groups we'll set it to apps the apps groups is used for permission management for application that scale is able to install before you save be sure to select right in the access section for groups we can now install power through the app section A majority of the settings can be left at default however there are a few things we need to configure the admin password let you use a few commands that you can either enter in game or through archon I'm going to leave the server name and server description as is but you can change it to whatever you desire for the server password you can either set a password or simply leave it blank which will allow anyone to join I do highly recommend configuring backups for your server the next section we need to change is under the user and group configurations set the user ID to the Power Admin U ID for my case 3001 the group ID can be left alone as is since it's already set to 568 which is the apps group now under storage configurations we need to tell it where to install power world set both the steam CMD and the power World server storage to the power data set we created earlier the last step is to give it as much RAM as you can afford 16 GB is a minimal requirements based on a technical documentation once pal has finished installing we want to enable Windows shares so we can edit the world settings start off with stopping pal world and head over to shares select add and the pal World data set keep everything deep default since permissions have already been configured once that's done open up File Explorer on Windows and in the address bar enter back SLB slash the true n system name or IP address back slow World wait a few seconds in a window asking for loging credentials will appear shortly which I so happen to forget to record sorry about that any who the username and password will be the user we created in the beginning of this video Once you inside we want to navigate to where our pal World configuration file is residing at select pal saved config Linux server the file we want to edit is pal World settings right click the file and open it in notepad or whatever text editor you prefer the final step is to enable port forwarding on your router this is to allow other players access to your server you can skip this tip if you only want to host power locally the next part however is going to be different depending on the router you have I'm just going to show you mine so you might have to dig around in your router but you want to find the option for port forwarding you want to port forward the port 38211 UDP to the IP address of your server and that's pretty much it uh you can start the power World server back up and log into power world you can access your server by entering your server's IP address at the bottom followed by the call sign with the port 38211 and yeah hopefully this video was able to help you out in the end and I wish you guys the best and power yeah take take care
Channel: The Homelab Experience
Views: 445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, truenas, scale, install
Id: 9R46dSEsFGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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