INSIDE THE VAULT: How One Couple Became Cleaning Millionaires and How You Can Too w/ The Hartzog

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okay so the hard dogs are two kids from Brooklyn New York in the projects now living in Dallas Dallas Texas and we are now millionaires because of Entrepreneurship side hustling getting out of debt and we also have a baby girl at seven months so we had 114 000 of debt and we got married and the goal was like listen she it was New Year's New Year's right yep it was New Year's and she's like I want to travel more and I was I want to save more and I was like we can't do both we're paying our bills on time we're doing everything so why do we need to pay off that he's like I think we can do it it's something I think we can go for it I'm like all right fine so finally like agree to it have him had him sign a contract and everything to make sure that we're on the same page about it so talk about your your journey into entrepreneurship we're like after college did you know did y'all have corporate jobs did y'all jump right into entrepreneurship how was that do I still have a nine to five you still have another I still have 95. as a as a millionaire yeah running a seven figure business you right now as we speak yeah at the time 2022 yes wow I get your program um and I'm like all right I'm gonna start a cleaning business how much am I investing in to start my cleaning business so to start we say 1500 okay and 800 1500 cleaning business yeah exactly okay it's the low startup um business yeah and um that's not in one shot either yeah hey wait wait wait wait wait I know you want to watch this next video but listen if you are an entrepreneur business coach business consultant or a small business owner who has a story and wants to learn how to create multiple streams of income from your story I need you to text me right now my book to 646-687-4152 that is my personal number I have been an author for over 12 years I've written 10 books four of them have been best sellers and I've sold over a hundred thousand books but I've also helped a lot of my clients take their expertise and put it into a story then create multiple streams of income from that so I want to help you do the same thing so text my book to 646-687-4152 I I let's go back to the video foreign [Music] so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the Vault with Ash Cash the greatest money mindset show on the planet listen cleaning up nice takes a whole new meaning with the hard zogs not only were they able to create a seven-figure cleaning business without picking up a mop or a broom but they were able to clear six figures worth of debt while they did it a husband and wife Team new parents and successful entrepreneurs today we get a chance to talk about how they manage it all we have genoca hi and Anthony harzak in the building yes what's up what's up how you doing good I love the energy look y'all native New Yorkers you already know so I got I got to bring that out for Brooklyn New York um for those who who don't know um you know in your words who are the hardzogs okay so the hot dogs are two kids from from Brooklyn New York in the projects now living in Dallas Dallas Texas and we are now millionaires because of Entrepreneurship side hustling getting out of debt and we also have a baby girl at seven months that's that's who we are nice nice nice I love I love that so so before we get into how you became millionaires I love this though right because I'm from the projects too um you know generated millions of dollars as well um and uh it's a beautiful thing to be able to be at a space where um they was telling us we wouldn't amount to anything we'll be dinner in jail um you know like government jobs no disrespect anybody has a government job but that was the trajectory for somebody coming out the projects and to really to be able to say oh I'm A Millionaire is like is inspiration so that's why so I love first and foremost I love Dash I wanna I wanna dig into that a little bit but um y'all have a beautiful story um how did y'all meet and and how did y'all get together like y'all grew up in the same building out here yeah yeah yeah so we met um like she said she was on the sixth floor and I was on the fourth floor and we were as we were just young we were like 12 and 13 years old and literally leaving a project building I used to see her going out because she traveled a lot with her family me my family never travels every summer I was on the project bench just chilling playing basketball whatever and she was like going to Panama a lot with her family and one summer before she left I told one of my boys like yo just go get her number right quick literally he ran up to her he's like yo my boy like you and wrestles history that's how we first like we knew each other but that's how we first became boyfriend girlfriend okay yeah yeah okay and then y'all wound up uh being in that relationship since then or like hot like how does that happen oh no no no no but he's older than me so he went away to college and so we separated then and then we got back together once I graduated from college so that's how well after school like though like but I think like um one of my friends ended up going to the school that he went to Upstate in Albany and we decided to visit up there and we decided to stay with him and his friends and that's how we started talking back back again oh so yeah yeah I don't think it went like that but I'll let you happen I'll take it yeah and then so so you know um six figures worth of debt yeah I want to start there because I yes because you know I I love to paint the picture because a lot of the people who watch the show are insiders um are high earners um they have a you know they make a lot of money but trying to figure out how to create that Financial Freedom for themselves and I'm sure a lot of them have um your student loans and things of that nature but six figures worth of them how did it happen so we had 114 000 of debt and we got married and the goal was like listen she it was New Year's New Year's right yep it was New Year's and she's like I want to travel more and I want to say more and I was like we can't do both we can't travel more we can't save more and I was listening to a lot of financial literacy podcasts around that time and I was like yo there are people that make less than us paying off more debt than us I was like this is possible for us and she was like nah she's like because I'm like What's the rush what like at that time I've never heard of anybody paying off debt to be honest obviously it's something that people do but I'm like why would we do why are we doing it why are we the guinea pigs like we're paying our bills on time we're doing everything so why do we need to pay off that he's like I think we can do it it's something I think we can go for it I'm like all right fine so finally like agree to it haven't had him sign a contract and everything to make sure that we're on the same page about it like you made him sign a contract yeah I did like like about your your finances yeah about how we would go about it because like he said he was listening to the podcast and I wasn't happy I got married yeah yeah this is after we got married um he was in the space and I just know how he is when he put his eye on something he's gonna hit the ground running yeah it don't matter who's in his way and I'm very like okay but we live in Dallas we have family in New York if I need to go back I'm going back so that was in the car those type of things were in the contract I'm obsessed with Beyonce I'm like if she has a concert we're going so little things were in there that just kind of meant like we will still continue to have conversations about it it won't be like you're just telling me what we're doing so that type of stuff is what I put in the contract to make sure that we remained on the same page throughout the process let's stay there for a second though I love that because I I believe that black family equals black wealth right and the number one reason for divorce is usually finances um and so somehow you guys had the foresight to say all right um we're gonna get into this this marriage but we're going to get into this financial Journey but we're going to make sure that within this financial Journey um we set some rules as parameters um ahead of time so that way nothing spirals out of control yeah um first of all that like like you I need to make copies of that um but talk about that like the thought process behind that like talking about that I don't know what made me say that but I think mainly because I know my husband and I just know how he is and for him it would be like we ain't doing nothing we just paying off this debt nothing else and for me I was like well I still want to live a life and enjoy while we're paying off this that because we don't need to be it's not like they're drowning that like some IRS is knocking at our door or anything that we need to be rushing this or doing anything so I'm like this would help us to have those boundaries and to keep him on track of things we spoke okay we spoke about this remember you signed that contract that we have on the fridge so let's make sure that we're honoring it and so it worked out for us and like I said we had it somewhere that we can reflect back but we didn't really have to look back much I think that um he was open to the things that we were discussing as we went along the journey and it wasn't nothing crazy yeah yeah it was nothing crazy right so it was easy to say all right let's do this as long as she was on the same page with me and we were gonna go and take this journey seriously yeah it wasn't it wasn't a problem and so so talk about your your journey into entrepreneurship where like after college did you know did y'all have corporate jobs did y'all jump right into entrepreneurship how was that do I still have a nine to five you still have another I still have 95. so as a as a millionaire yeah running a seven figure business you right now as we speak yeah at the time 2022 yes wow I still have a nine to five so I'm still part of that um I think I would say our entrepreneurship Journey really started when we started paying off debt and side hustling because what we did were most people cut back their expenses we did a little bit of that but we raised our income yeah so we started taking on multiple jobs we had like three four jobs on top of the nine to fives that we had at one point I had like two nine to fives and these side hustles and stuff and starting the cleaning business so uh that was the start of Entrepreneurship for us 2017. wow wow yeah I love that way that just that just took another whole life though right like do you have a 905 as well no I left my nine to five a couple months ago December not even a year yet yeah wow so so you mean to tell me that as someone a couple running a seven figure business y'all still why do you still have your nine to five why did you just leave um he would have left early if I would have allowed him to but I was like no uh I think it's the thing of identity so I'm a mental health therapist and I'm licensed in Texas in New York and I have taken my Master's for this and I'm like I worked too hard I had too much student loans to give this up however how much was that 70 000. yeah my private my private seventy thousand for my masters it was that high half of our debt was our student loan yes definitely um but I think that part of it like letting go of that identity part is what's holding me back now do I understand that our businesses can go further if I wasn't there absolutely I know that for a fact yeah but that's where I'm at now I'm not saying I'm never going to leave it yeah let's be clear I just haven't left it yet yeah yeah I love that because I think that um you know I mean if y'all watch episode 44 which is a storm Leroy um how to become a millionaire while working on nine to five like that was his story as well it was working Verizon became a millionaire um and it gives you like a different level of Freedom um right so I and so I love that you know because um too many times within entrepreneurship people make it seem as if you have to like you cannot be successful as an entrepreneur if you have a job when your job is your first business partner it's your first investor um and you guys have shown that um and so how did you get into cleaning so right listen to a podcast at zory as always and I was talking to this kid on Facebook and his story came across my timeline about him cleaning houses to pay off his student loans and I hit him up and we were just talking for a little bit and I said this is something we could do without the cleaning part and he was finding people to do jobs and I was like we could do this yeah and I bought the idea to janoka and she was like nah we're not we're not going to do this we're not going to start cleaning she's done all the ideas and once I came back again with more structure I was like we could build a business where we outsourced the work yeah and we hire contracts to do the labor and we just take a percentage of that business you learned that from the projects the middle man the middleman makes all the money you know I bought these idea to her and she once I once I structured in a way that she understood and she's like all right we're not gonna clean houses yeah we might be able to do this and yeah that's kind of how we started and that's how we started so we were five years into the business already now wow and so take me through right like you know because because that's what I'm realizing I'm realizing that um middle Manning is really the best way to build a multi you can build a billion dollar business by middleman right so you you think about um Airbnb or right Uber um all of these billion that multi-billion dollar companies who Airbnb owns no properties whatsoever right they provide the software and people who use it and become Bill you know a billion dollar company Uber owns no cars whatsoever um so you're like the Uber Airbnb of the cleaning business that's exactly how we explain it to people yeah when people are like well how I'm like exactly how they do it is how we do it yeah yeah so so walk me through that right walk me through sort of like you know the the business structure or how uh you do what you do and how you were able to to scale this to a seven figure business so we essentially we look for a contractor so people to do do the work when we look for people that actually clean already so they already have their own business then maybe they have um their own clients but they want more work and so people always like why would they work with you versus themselves they may be getting five jobs we can provide 50 jobs right so they want more work same thing like a taxi driver or Uber he can drive by himself but how is anybody going to find him right Uber everybody will find him that way um so they want more work and we our clients book Us online we have everything online so they can pay us online they see how much it costs and everything like that so once our clients book Us online we find the contractor that wants to do the job and we send them out to the job to do the cleaning that's essentially how we run the business and they get a higher percentage because they do more they do the actual work but if you think about it they may be doing two cleanings a day we can have 11 cleanings going a day so in the end we're getting more right but they do get it we do give them a higher percentage and is this residential commercial all of it or we primarily focus on residential but our students have taken a course and went on to do um commercial and stuff like that but we just do Residential wow wow I love that because it's almost most I mean it's like a win-win for everybody right so not only are you providing the service to the people who are looking for it um you're you're getting the people who are already cleaning more business so you're actually helping their their families their economy um you know you're building a business but then now you also um teach people how to to run this as well yes um and and I think that's why um I like this model already to understand that somebody's working a nine to five they don't have to leave their nine to five they can literally start this business that you that you already you figured it out you did it for five years you figured it out you said hey this is how you do it you got all the Kinks out and almost like you're giving them a business in a in a box why would you teach others and why won't you just keep all the money for yourself that's a great thing somebody asked them so we used to be on iglob or YouTube live and we realized people started asking questions because he wasn't sharing much information because we figured that nobody wants to know this industry because there's a cleaning industry it doesn't sound sexy it's not like the Ubers or the lifts or the airbnbs or tour roads things like that but once you started talking about people started asking us questions like they want to know more about it and we said if there's enough interest in this we'll start just giving the information away yeah so we were just on Instagram just giving the whole game away all this source and we realized that people weren't taking action so when we started documenting the process a little bit more detailed and it started selling the information people started getting their businesses up and running within four to six weeks and we said all right now we got something here people are taking this information seriously and not going to start you know people promoting the information a lot more further wow and so talk a little bit about like the success stories you guys have had with some of your students who have you know started their own cleaning business I mean it's through the roof we've had like today we got somebody that said within three months they already had ten thousand in sales um we have a student that did 400k in one year better than we are a lot of our students are doing better than us wow uh we have another student that opened three locations obviously still living in one location um so we have constant testimonials of students just telling us their growth and just getting back to your question before it's all about impact as well right there's enough room for all of us like there's enough room even if we sell it and 2 000 people buy 2 000 people ain't opening and they clean the business right right I mean green so there is enough room that people can grow and have the same success that we've had to become millionaires to leave your nine to five to have your job if you want to and not have to be there so that's the reason that we continue to kind of give the information and sell our course wow what what did what does becoming a millionaire like what has that done for you mentally like how does that feel to be able to like yeah I don't think that we process it a lot though like every once in a while we write a caption like damn we really are millionaires right it sounds crazy it feels it sounds crazy but I don't know if we do anything different our lifestyle hasn't changed honestly yeah I mean we're we talk about our story all the time we're from the project and we go back we were literally staying in the same project building we grew up in less than a week ago wow we go back our family students so we go back pretty often yeah but it allowed us to impact more people like we have we have a lot more income so we're allowed to give back to our family and friends a lot more I'm givingly without a problem so obviously that's the biggest impact or biggest change for us yeah yeah yeah and and so let's go back though like has any of your family members treated you different no that now that they know you're a millionaire or it's still no absolutely not no you know stories all the time like you make it a year no right because we share so much like everything that we know today they already knew we we tell the story so much and we share every single thing we were going through yeah whether it's good bad and different we share with them so they know the Journey coming up so if we made it into cleaning business they already had that blueprint when we first started right some of them may have taken it some of them like you know what I don't want to do that but they had the information that we have yeah no machines any differently no I love it and then like like as a like as a dualpreneur I guess right like as a you know not a Fiverr and running a business um you know some might watch it right now wants to start that side hustle wants to you know create their own thing but doesn't know like like where to start what's the what's the first you know first place that they would start um with side hustling we say sometimes if you're at a nine to five maybe look at your job but like can you do OT there like my job I can't but sometimes you can then you can start to make money there it doesn't have to be completely something that takes you out your home right so something automatically there and then he always says something that people always ask you about there's something that everybody in this room where everybody somebody always asks you about family friends like how do you do this how do you do that right you probably can start doing like I've had a friend that I she likes to shop so she's always putting outfits together and stuff and I'm like okay we're going away I need you to can you get an outfit together for us and that would be like a business for you right so is there something that people ask you about that you can start to profit on because I know a lot of times we're scared to put a tag to it yeah but people will pay people will pay I mean everyone who has amazing handwriting and she started calligraphy yeah she started writing calligraphy for people and charging for that wow something people always say you have an amazing hand right yeah yeah start with what you're good at and so or just start a cleaning business because do you do you have to and and this is something that um you know there's there's always a debate about um you know they say do what you love you never work a day in your life right and so um I mean I don't know if you love cleaning right oh absolutely yeah yeah we should be passionate about what that what that brings you so if we're passionate about travel and passionate about family yeah that's what the cleaning business allows us that's what we're passionate about yeah not necessarily the the job or income that we're creating from that but what it allows us to do that's what we're passionate about yeah and what would you say is the like the time commitment like how long do you have to dedicate like let's say somebody you know takes your course um you know goes through the whole program and now they're ready to you know get their business up and running like what like what's the time commitment to the average to get it up and running is four to six weeks okay four to six weeks um now we have students that are doing our four weeks some people that take eight weeks you know depending on their availability and how much time they can commit to it and time can look like 10 hours a week week right 15 hours a week it's not like a full 40 hours a week or anything like that to get it up and running from LLC to getting the first client can really take four to six weeks well that's only two hours a day you come on you at five o'clock five to seven eight to ten something like that that's literally what we were doing we would leave our jobs come home put in two hours of work Monday through Friday maybe Saturday a little OT but that's what we're doing to build this business it took us four weeks to get it up and running yeah we started the journey October and we had our first client Black Friday weekend in November wow wow yeah and then late now look from two hours a day to us yeah figure business yeah and now we have an operations manager in place we don't even and that that was actually gonna be my next question about systems right because um you know I know for me as you know when I first started out and you know to make five figures um you know just took a good idea yeah um then when I you know got to becoming a six-figure business it was all all about um hustle I was hustling like I was like I was hustling I was everywhere you know running a six-figure business uh but when I crossed over and became a seven figure entrepreneur eight figure entrepreneur um it was there was two main things it was teams and systems that got me there can y'all talk about that a little bit the team's part I think and I was speaking about this recently when people start businesses especially in this day and age they see social media they think it's something quick I don't think anybody teaches you how to run a business right so a lot of times we're in the business and we just want all the profit and we don't want to bring anybody else in there like that's going to cut into our profit but like we brought our operations manager in right when we were having our baby uh this year and the next month we did our highest month ever wow right so yeah she's taking some profits but now we're making more money right so I think that people need to like restructure that and know that it's an investment like you don't want to be in the business all the time you don't start a business to be like another nine to five right you want to be able to have the freedom you want to be able to do what you want and check in as needed yeah um so having teams in place I think is crucial and you're not going to get everybody in one shot but slowly building that up I think it's necessary for a business to really run like adjust besos is not delivering packages exactly Elon Musk is just talking he's just he's not doing he's not he's tweeting right so if you think about that at some point they probably were right nitty-gritty in it but then you have to take yourself out of it to actually grow and scale the business right I love that and I want y'all to miss that right because at the end of the day uh people are holding on uh to the seed right they're holding on to it they're holding on to it instead of spreading it right and and planting it because when you plant that seed that seed will grow and it's actually going to grow more of its kind right so if you're holding on to this money and you're like I'ma say this I'm gonna say this or I want all the profits myself you're not going to be able to grow where you need to grow because when you plant that seed in that employee or that person that's going to that business partner or whatever you know that person once you plant that seed if it's the right person though yeah right right it's gonna help that tree grow and then now you're going to have more you know money that's growing out of there so I so I love that because I I agree um I do think that people um are afraid um to to grow to scale because they want they have the a lot mindset right and you know in order to live in abundance you have to have an abundance mindset um so talk about right like the mindset all the seven-figure entrepreneur right because I know that again it you know it's a you become somebody different as well um in order to to run that operation and make sure it runs so talk a little bit about the mindset of a seven figure yeah it changed the game for us our mindset change um completely because when we were trying to get to that six figure Mark like you said it was us doing everything yeah and it took us to be removed from the business to get to that seven figure Mark but in order to get there we had to be around the right people it was just us like it's fantastic being around your wife like we're family we're doing it you better say that yeah we're killing it it's okay it took us getting getting coaches that was important yeah it took us getting into a community of like-minded people who are already at that seven figure Mark they're like yo you're doing too much like you need to be able to see people who are doing different things that you could change your mindset so that could grow so I think that was the two biggest changes for us getting around the right community and getting coaching in different areas that we were lacking yeah yeah and I love that because I even as you know y'all watching here um if you aren't hearing and you're you're seeing like look they you know they they got the blueprint they're gonna teach us how to you know create a you know a cleaning business watch how to figure it out yourself right like why not you know pay in order to get the information and and and that's the the biggest cheat code I've learned as well yeah uh you know I'm I'm a part of a lot of masterminds I paid a lot of money for it um but at the end of the day um all of these were Investments like I've like I've probably tenfolded you know my you know my investment in these masterminds for for that exact reason of just being in the you know right space right being around other people especially when um you get to a level and I I would love to get your thoughts about this you get to a level and because of where you come from you almost become like the top of the bottom if you will right no disrespect anybody who's from the projects or who live in a low income environment but you get to a level where um people are proud of you like oh my God like I remember you know I I started my career as a banker I was 19 years old um and I remember I didn't leave the projects I was 24. so you guys think you know for like five years I'm walking through the projects like the kid that got kicked out of school got in trouble a lot was fighting and all that stuff now all of a sudden they see Ash in a suit and they like oh you know that's great so so now I I went from being like the the guy that was most likely to get locked up or do something stupid to now everybody you know the old ladies are like hey baby you know what I'm saying and you get to a point where you start to love that I mean you know like you love being the top you know like people looking up to you people proud of you um but then you realize that man in order for me to grow I gotta get uncomfortable I gotta be around um you know other people who could stretch me where what I'm actually doing isn't enough right talk a little bit about that well you just said that I thought about what they call College college boy when I first went to college I used to call me I used to come back and read something they call me college boys just just kind of being around different individuals like we had a local uh cleaning business call me he's he's an he's running his business for 15 years cleaning business and he doesn't do anything in his business he has employees he does it differently but he was literally just calling my phone the other day just asking for advice on something and I'm like I need to be asking you for advice I want to get into your office I want to sit down and talk to you about this stuff so that was a major change for us and I agree with you when you become the the top of the top of the food chain I guess you start to feel yourself too much you start to feel yourself and you start to not even think about other things that you could do yeah I'm calling him back like yo I want to become a eight-figure entrepreneur in a cleaning business space which is totally different where we are today so yeah that's huge for us and then some of what you say I find to be a bit of the opposite only because like you said you were still in that environment so for us when we started our cleaning Business and Entrepreneurship we had moved to Dallas by then right so we got married May 2016 moved to Dallas June 2016. started entrepreneurship in 2017. um and so what we finally we discussed sometimes is not that we don't hear it enough from friends but it doesn't feel like you're at the top all the time because I don't necessarily want to share exactly because they're not entrepreneurs right like most of the friends are not entrepreneurs right so like parents and everybody are like oh my God you guys are doing great things once we explain what we're doing because you know your parents don't know what's happening they're like wait what what are you doing um at first so that has been something that we kind of go back and forth with like it's not that you don't feel the love from your friends but it's just different because they just may not understand it exactly or just not in that same place yeah so I don't find that we feel like we're two at the top because a lot of the times we're trying to get into bigger bigger circles a lot because like we want to be around people that we can share this thing and it feels normal or feels like that's too small you need to think bigger so and I like that and I and and I think that that's you know something that people should keep in mind right like uh you know I remember uh you know TD Jake says you know don't don't share your big dreams with a small mind right right and then what happens is when when you're in the environment and you're you know you know you're you're thinking at a different level and you're trying to share that with you know with that level um they could potentially um you know be deterrents if you will yeah like if you're in an environment where you you don't even put yourself in an environment where you're the top right like you put yourself open environments where you're like you know you know connecting with people who uh who who already probably done what you've done yeah already so now it's it's constantly like pushing you up um so I love that and and like the you know the the ability to you know to to have mentorship and to you know to build and so talk about that Dynamic of um you know being a husband and wife building a family business um working together like how is that Dynamic how do you make it work we're both outgoing outspoken too um but I think we we focus on like our both of our weaknesses and strengths and so we know that that helps us like I said I'm a mental health therapist so a lot of the customer service side of it then I would handle because he would get like just you know frustrated yeah taught me people are crazy um so he'd be like like grooming them and talking them through it um and he was in I.T before he left so he will handle the tech side of things and we're very big on like we have family meetings so so we can check in and check the temperature with each other as well like are we spending too much time in the business times when like I said if if something's on his mind he's gonna hit the ground running so I have to be like okay we're not talking about business right now that's not happening you know we're we're doing something else we're going out and I'm not talking about an Uber ride either don't tell me nothing about it so I think setting the boundaries knowing our weakness and strengths um is a big thing and we communicate a lot even outside of the business you know just in a relationship we communicate a lot so that has been helpful for you and that debt-free Journey where we were having monthly meetings about money we were having weekly meetings about money all that did was translate over to entrepreneurship the same means we haven't done about money and finances and business and and in our marriage same means we're having now so that was that's huge for us and that's what we keep continue to do yeah and I love it and and speaking of that Journey teach us right like how do you pay off six figures worth of debt like like how how does that happen you got a lot of conversations you gotta want to knowing your why a lot of conversations um knowing how much you owe right because a lot of people know like okay I got 20 on my car I got 50 on this but nobody knows the full amount because they don't want to know what I'm scared I get it so like knowing that number once we knew that number a big game changer for us was budgeting really um we were paying our bills and everything on time everything was fine but once we started to budget we started to see like all right we have this amount of money left over after we you know budget everything for our bills budgeted for our brunches budgeted for everything we still have this amount of money left over so what can we do with it throw it towards that right and then with us getting other jobs and raising our income all of that would just go through towards that so we have our nine to fives right think about that and we're High income earners and we have these side hustles and everything so there are months we're throwing three thousand five thousand towards that well average it was about five thousand dollars a month that we were throwing towards that wow we both picked up extra jobs at equinox which is a gym yeah I was making like nine dollars an hour yeah on top of our I was making six figures at my job and she was making close to it we picked up a job paying nine dollars an hour just to get some extra money in there wow that's like next level yeah what do you think about that now I wouldn't do that but that's what we did is what we did yeah we did that um and we were watching dogs and we had both of our cars on tour roads so we were doing all the things to make sure that we paid off this debt and pay it off within 23 months wow I have enough money just in case Beyonce honestly went on tour what she did and so how has um you know becoming a you know a parent affected entrepreneurship for you let's change the game because I was so regimented with a schedule I wake up at six I go to the gym I come back shower now I wake up when Alani wakes up and that death and now I'm kind of I've been telling him I'm like listen you go ahead with your gym because that ain't happening right now but I think it made me more hungry actually having a daughter it made me more hungry and we realized that before it was really for us yeah now everything is for her it's like you know God forbid worst case scenario if we ever you know divorced anything like that she could go continue her life you know do her own thing but Alani will always need her parents yeah she will always need money she always need finances and so that's something that changed the game for me yeah and I think the freedom and the time has become more important right because like he said he's very structured so when he left his nine to five in December there's times he was still in the office till five and I'm like in our house our house behind you I'm like what are you still why are you still there hey you know I would be two hours it's that in there and then deuces um so then I just have to remind him like you left to not do that to not spend so much time the year there's gonna be some Seasons that you got to be in there longer um but you left to not be in there all the time so we have this flexibility to now be with our daughter and spend the time with her yeah so I think time is just so much more important now we went to story time at the library which I didn't know was a thing with the other families and the nannies and stuff yeah that was the first time she crawled yeah we slowly sitting and watching Crow at 12 o'clock in the afternoon during story time and I'm like we was both at work we would have missed that right yeah that's changed the game for us yeah yeah and I love that because I think I think for me that's the um best piece that I love about entrepreneurship is you know being able to make money you know with my family so my you know my wife is the the head of operations for our companies and so she I'm the pretty face and she just you know runs everything and you know we're able to go over education and when we go on business trips we take the kids with us so I you know I have a 14 year old daughter and a seven-year-old son um and so we're able to travel as a family and have that you know that level of Freedom um and just kind of like painting that picture of uh you know having it all right because again like I like I I believe abundance is our Birthright um and a lot of times people have to choose between like should I do this or do this but I'm saying and both right which is why I love your story because you know some people uh do I have to have do I keep a nine to five or do I you know do I have an on you know start as an entrepreneur and you guys are like both right um which is why you know you know I love uh you know the cleaning business University where you guys are literally giving the blueprint like telling people how they can have that freedom right like how they could you know especially you know if you if you have a family like even if you don't have a family but having that freedom to do you know what you want when you want to do it what would people learn inside of cleaning business University yeah we give you the full curriculum on how to start your business so we're telling you how to find your contractors we're telling you where to post your job as we realized that as we went through this process people didn't even know how to interview people so we said all right here are the questions that you asked in the interview we're writing them down we're giving you test interviews as well how to find your first contractor how to get the first jobs jobs will come easy people like how do I find clients we tell you how to put your put your business out there to be at the top of Google so that people type in let's say Dallas cleaning services you'll pop up at the top of Google clients will find you and then what happens when you get that client how do you keep them on the schedule how do you make make sure they're reoccurring how do you make sure they're happy those are the things that we're giving out all in the curriculum as well how to hire virtual assistants because we had to go through this we had to figure this stuff out was like well we want a virtual assistant we didn't know what that was when we first started how to hire a virtual assistant also getting your website up and running because we run everything online so you need to have a website right website we team with someone that gets the website up in running for them and things like that because I know a lot of people like I don't know any Tech I don't know this I don't know that so we've answered all that questions like the LLC the bank account what your yearly um you know expenses look like where your monthly expenses should look like all of that we've included throughout this course literally from LLC to getting the first client and keeping the clients as he stated put our biggest mistakes into our biggest losses so that you don't we didn't know that you had to charge sales tax in Dallas for a a service which may sound simple but we didn't know that when we first started this was our first first business right right so we were going through we got a bill from the IRS like you owe 15 000 and we was like what who owns what and this was on a Friday right I'm like you better get on it we called them it wasn't fifteen thousand but we realized that you got to charge sales tax and how do we put that in the course as well so those are like everything that we put in there yeah I love that and and again you know I think that there's there's something to um being the middle person right like using a strength based approach right being able to uh use the structure that you guys have built allow others to use that structure to not only create Financial Freedom for themselves but then also um you know create Financial Freedom for the the the people who are already doing the work right yeah yeah some of our contractors they paying for their their their children to go to dentist school wow to medical school and so different patients vacations they send us pictures so it has a lot and when we started we didn't even think about that impact right right um so it really has allowed like you said for them to have their own ecosystem and for their family to continue to grow as well because they get paid really well wow they get paid really well yeah and I love that because I that you know almost like um 1-800 Flowers like I remember that's when I first knew about like this model this Airbnb Uber model uh because if we had a um in Harlem we had a a florist um that was damn near about to go out of business to be honest with you because nobody you know the only time you know they would would be booked unfortunately was for funerals you know and so when 1-800 Flowers came about like it literally saved their business because now people are buying flowers for special occasions right though the marketing push that 1-800 Flowers did around flowers and like revived the whole flower business now you know anything right anything you could get flowers um and so now you start seeing you know and and I think one day I ordered 1-800 Flowers and then I'm like nah this is from 35th Street that's how um you know you know you realize that the this model is not only uh helping it's helping businesses as well so that's why I love it um so definitely if you're watching um you know check you know check out their cleaning business universities uh we got a special offer go to where you could just tap in and take Advan advantage of of you know what they're offering learn how to get the freedom like that freedom of whether you have a nine to five even if you're entrepreneur like would you suggest um someone who already is an entrepreneur would you should suggest them to you know start a cleaning business as well I think it's easier for them because they understand business they understand structure and they know they already have the end goal in mind it's like I don't want to be a cleaning business owner I'm going to Outsource and we had somebody who actually was an entrepreneur and he hired a VA to start his business from scratch from our course wow and I was like I didn't even think about that so yeah it's definitely wow and then what's what's the investment right so like I I get your program um and I'm like all right I'm gonna start a cleaning business how much am I investing in to start my cleaning business so to start we say 1500 okay and 800 1500 cleaning Business Association cleaning business yeah exactly it's a low star sounds crazy it's the low startup um business yeah and um that's not in one shot either yeah that's like okay I got the LLC now I gotta market now I gotta get my website up that's like maybe two three weeks or a month apart it's not all in one shot that you're laying down 1500 I know 1500 for you you're probably like what no for some people you know so yeah 1500 is what we say and we have students that like when we say that in like YouTube and so they're like well I started with less I'm like yeah but we're just saying 1500 for those so they have some cushion and things like that yeah one of our top students like you said the entrepreneur thing he had real estate he had Trucking he had Uber he had uh not Uber he had uh two rows he was like I'm done with all of that yeah I understand this business I went all in and he like she said he did 400 000 a year too wow year two we did 140 days or something like that wow he did 400 000. I'm going over there I got it I'm done I'm going all in are they Trucking real estate the cash flow that I'm making every single month from this trumps all of that stuff and so what's the what's the key to being successful with the cleaning business right because like man go from a hundred thousand to four hundred thousand and the the the the startup cost is minimal right like like anybody watching this is Y'all Gonna spend 1500 on whatever yeah you know right so now you could you could invest 1500 right and be able to create a business that can make you six figures even seven figures wow so the secretion success I would say is to keep going um it sounds simple we were going to quit at month seven seven because we don't we didn't know business business we didn't understand business and we didn't know during the summer people are traveling they're not they're leaving their homes business has Cycles so we didn't know so many people live in their homes business is going to be slower seems like yo this business not working and I was like yo just give us one more month one more month we went from like I think we had five thousand dollar a month and then I think two months later being a ten thousand dollar a month so if you keep going I would say that's a secret man yeah I don't plan on giving this up anytime yeah that and the hardest thing of the business is finding good people with anything as you know um so finding good people so we always say if you continue with the contract and model and even an employee model just always hire always always continue to hire you're gonna need it because the way that we operate is the more people we have the more marketing dollars we put in the more clients come in right so it's just a kind of just works together so always hiring has kept us successful and are you branding uh your people like you know um is it when you hire let's say a contractor just send them out to a residence are they wearing something that has your business name on it yeah no they're not because they're contractors so we can't do that you can't brand itself contractors yeah so just like how you have Uber drivers that show up in slippers is a variation I mean they're not showing up with slippers but it's just a variation of that so we don't we don't have any brand name because but if you had employees you could do that that's another question people like how do I control the quality right so we have a very very regimented hiring process we say out of every 100 people who apply to our job we only get down to at least one to two people that we're actually going to hire so the first 100 people who apply to your job they're not going to be qualified our application is very detailed what you put in the course so that we cut down 50 out of that 50 who actually apply who make the phone conversation we have them fill out some more questions out of those 50 we're down to like 25 out of that 25 we get maybe 10 people on the phone that we actually interview and I know 10 10 people we probably see two to three people in person they're like all right we're going to hire them yeah so we knock all of that out in the very beginning and another thing is that our clients control that quality too so after every single cleaning that happens we have our operation manager call the client to make sure they're satisfied we call them at least twice we send a text message that number one the client satisfied number two if they're not satisfied with getting them before they leave us a review on any negative platforms yeah so they control that quality and that's how we stand on top of it too yeah got it got it and then is is this like location based meaning like you guys are in Dallas um like could you be in Dallas and still open up a business in New York absolutely because everything is on online everything is remote so I'm not walking into nobody's house nobody you know what I mean so absolutely like I said we have one student that she lives in DC so she has a one in the DC area Albany and Florida wow and then we have somebody that's done San Antonio in Houston and so like and Austin so like our students are doing better than us which is what we want because right when we started we had nothing now you have a blueprint so it should be no excuse for you right um but we are only still in Dallas but you can absolutely open in any place that you would like so why wouldn't somebody finish this I don't know you asked them I don't really have that answer why somebody wouldn't do maybe they think at least when when he first bought the idea I'm like ah that don't make any sense whatever the case may be but now as a business owner it would be a no-brainer for me right so and you can do so much with it any this model Works in any type of service base right like maybe you want to do a carpet cleaning maybe you want to do organizing maybe you want to do window window washing I don't know this could work for anything this could work for nails here barbershop right I can own a barber shop and just hire Barbers to do it I don't know how to do The Cutting right or you know so it works in so many different areas so it's funny because when we first started the course we kind of named it like service based business course right but then 97 of our people were just doing the cleaning so we changed the name to be clean the business University but I don't know why somebody wouldn't do a business that's always going to be needed no matter what is happening right somebody going to need their housing or commercial somebody gonna need a building clean right think about this pandemic everything's shut down yeah you know it stayed open Team businesses essential workers we talking about pandemics about germs yes skyrocketing yeah our our contract is their clients were like no I don't want you coming to my home but there were people still looking for cleaners yeah we're online so they're finding us so we're still doing our contractors work so that was one of the few industries that actually boom during the pandemic too wow and it's a it's like a 74 billion dollar industry wow so this is a bunch of rooms it's a bunch of room for more people yeah it's eventually I love that I shot uh take advantage of their program and and janoka just told me something that was that I didn't realize you could use this on any service business so you don't even got to be cleaning you can use it in any service business so um take me back to 18 year old janoka 18 year old Anthony uh if you could do with all the information all the knowledge everything that you know now if you could do anything different what are you telling 18 year old janoka 18 year old Anthony to do what advice are you giving her uh I feel like life has been good so I feel like life has made it like things have put it been put into place for me to make it where I am today yeah so I don't know if I'll do anything different but maybe in regards to like starting a business owner um business sooner yeah than we did I was gonna say that that would be the only change I would definitely still go to college still get my degree yeah but I think after getting my degree instead of taking that first job for my first job was like eight dollars an hour over the college degree crazy and then when I was making six figures I still went back to a no no no that's crazy sooner in a more because I knew people in college who were entrepreneurs but I didn't understand it right but yeah when you sit back and look back now you think about like oh that person was so candy I sold Pokemon cards I saw I saw jerseys from like Canal Street I was an entrepreneur but I didn't have there was no structure for it for it so probably getting a more detailed mindset around what that was back then yeah yeah yeah okay and then what would you say um so far has been the the biggest mistake that you've made with money um but he's just mistake with money I think it was a sales tax thing anything else you would say I would say not hiring um help sooner not how are we gonna count sooner you know our numbers because we didn't hire an accountant until two years into our business and we were just going oh we making money because the account is the business account is growing but we didn't actually know why everyone actually came in and she's like you guys are doing pretty good here yeah we endured it but seeing it so hiring an accountant sooner yeah because then we wouldn't have had to pay that tax bill so yesterday I think yeah and and so you know right now too there's a lot of uh you know nine of fivers even entrepreneurs um who are watching the news they're seeing interest rates are increasing inflation is up um you know the session and all this you know bad Economic Times you know as as as successful entrepreneurs um what advice would you give to them my advice would be right now I'm always I'm very we're very cash heavy um yeah number one because she's just more risk adverse but we're very cash happy so like when the pandemic happened when things first did slow down for our business I was like well we got the cash reserves we're gonna just start marketing more people are still looking we just got to find them so I would probably be a little bit heavier in cash right now um but then I'm always looking for assets to buy we have a few real estate um Investments so just focus on cash and buy more assets and keep me at jobs if you can keep your job you don't got to quit your job yeah unless you have it the options are important yeah I'm big I'm not really a risk taker so I'm big with having money saved up I mean at one point it was like a six month emergency and then the pandemic happened I'm like let's get a year because I don't know what this is yeah um so I think just like yeah staying staying at your nine to five if that's the case and taking educated if you're gonna do something make sure that's educated not just putting all your money into it because we have people that come to us and like all right I'm saving up my last fifty dollars to buy your course and I'm like no ma'am don't do that right right don't do that like and they're like oh I have all this that we're like focus on one thing at a time right because usually people can't do both yeah right maybe you're entrepreneur and you can do that but most of the people that are coming can't do both so I'm like you need money for a business you need money for these things so make sure you have that before you jump into something I think that's another thing people just see social media and stuff like all right I'm gonna do that but you need to have reserves because things are going to go bad things aren't always going to be good right so that would be something that I would suggest for people yeah no I love it love it love it last but not least what is next for the hard dogs what is next that's such a loaded question and we have no idea continue to raise Alani our door yeah I'm like yeah I mean that where yeah we have our business and then we have the course we also have virtual assistant business so we have so many things happening and then especially with me still at my nine to five so next thing would be her leaving her now to follow yeah that's that's probably the next biggest thing that we that we focus on and figure out how we're gonna do that yeah yeah what what has been uh the the biggest purchase you guys made as millionaires so far great that's our house okay our house yeah a house and uh we just bought it in December it's crazy we were buying the house in December while he was quitting his job and having a good day they were like all right you leave and I was like yeah I'm also having a kid is that you're leaving you're having a kid I was like yeah I just bought a house like across the street from where we live before we work at yeah it's like you're leaving you're having a kid and you bought a house that doesn't make sense like it doesn't have to make sense right now right yeah that's what makes it well but it will but yeah buying our house has been our biggest purchase yeah I love it I love it you bought your mom a car too that was that was a big purchase nice from the cleaning business all right y'all stop playing around inside of make sure y'all tap in with the hard zogs any uh last words for our insiders um just where they can find us cool so we have a podcast as well heart Zone hustle podcast you also can find us at the harjimony um on all platforms Tick Tock YouTube Instagram and that's the h-a-r-t-r-i-m-o-n-y it's a play on matrimony and heartzog it was our wedding hashtag and it became our brand the heart generation and the business um so that's how you can find us appreciate I'm just happy to be here man all right look the multi-millionaire middle people who are killing it in the cleaning business listen if you want freedom if you want to make sure that you can spend time with your family that you could go on vacation when you want to you could still have your nine to five but only be there because you want to be there then tap in learn how they did it they paid over six figures in debt and created a seven figure business all while being a middle person and never having to pick up a broom or a mop never ever ever so make sure y'all tap in this is another awesome episode of inside the Vault we are closing out the Vault make sure that you tap in with us on all social media platform follow us at inside the Vault me I am Ash Cash make sure you visit me follow me on all social media platforms at imass cash I'll see you next time for another powerful episode of inside the vault in God's will all right y'all peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 17,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneurs, employed, millionaire, life insurance, digital marketing, social media, ads, millionaires, entrepreneurship, cleaning business, wealth, EYL, Earn Your Leisure, generational wealth, credit, coach, residential cleaning, employed millionaire, insidethevault, prosperity, eyl, life coach, wellness, purpose, path to prosperity, balance, leadership, self development, ash cash, inside the vault, itv, author, bestse ller, coaching, virtual assistant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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