How To Profit from People’s Problem ft. Marcus Y Rosier | #TheDept Ep. 007

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I'm so excited about today's episode going to be talking with a friend essentially how to make millions with your message Marcus y roer businessman Communicator Pastor so many things we have in common a confused mind always Rambles Simplicity Clarity always allow someone to point at something a confused buyer always says no they'll say I'll wait um let me think about it let me talk it over with the wife when in essence they're really just confused someone asked me recently it was like what do you think is your best speech you've ever done I said the one that the audience needed the most when I'm talking to someone if it is a chore if it doesn't flow if it's not natural and you start realizing like man why do I feel this way why do I feel drained that's not your audience you need to serve an audience that when you give to it it gives back to you I mean I think the underlying characteristic you should have is self-awareness just be self-aware to know that although I delivered on this I just don't like how I feel after the fact 100 I feel like it wasn't either worth my time it was very frustrating when you are giving to something is giving back to you that tells you that's your audience stand in that truth serve that audience it's not saying abandon everybody else but there's a way to serve them without you depleting yourself because the best thing for your clients is the thing that's best for you if you enjoy answering that question create a community around it if you don't enjoy answering that question get in front of a camera once answer it and sell that so you you monetize aggravation welcome to the department podcast I'm so excited about today's episode going to be talking with a friend his name is Marcus y Roser and this guy is a phenomenal businessman Communicator uh Pastor there so many things we have in common when I met you about maybe I think two and a half months ago now three months uh just a natural connection and it's phenomenal what you do and I would I mean I'm titling this because it all comes down to title and messaging which is what we're going to talk about today is uh you know essentially how to make millions with your message and uh you know literation we just learn it from you um no and I I if if you know the P this podcast is about um people who are killing it in their department and there are so many you're very multi multifaceted person I I and that's why I feel like I resonate we have so many different worlds we tap into and I just want to get into the conversation about uh I think what is your superpower which is communication and messaging and how you've helped people develop that what that is and why that's so important yeah um but yeah just introduce yourself what it is you do and man so I'm Mark number one let me first say thank you for having me bro I I don't just say this you are a friend of my mind right I always tell people it's one thing for people to be around you that keeps you company while your mind is bored right so from pitch and catch I'm always learning you saw why you were talking before cameras rolling I'm jotting down notes from things that you say so there's a level of of intellect and genius but most importantly your character man like who you are as a person you're a brother too much saying but I I know God connected us 100 but who am I Marcus W Roser I'm always say if I could live my life and a waited I couldn't tell you what I do what is my life say well I've been able to write some books I've been able to speak been able to help a lot of people make money but ultimately what I do as a businessman we work with coaches and entrepreneurs to help them make the transition into CEOs of what we call stress-free million dooll companies I need that in my life go ahead so we show we show them how of course we buil out their entire company for them that's education company Marketing sales all of that that type of thing but we showed them how to create consistent five and six figure days worth working less than five days a month and we do that through a a ongoing launch and sales cycle that's really seamless simple showing them how to remove themselves from the business right so that's been a blessing because I found so many people love what they do but at a certain point it becomes what I call the team too do too much it's like hey create content run ads do a webinar do a challenge hey do this do that and it just becomes a whole lot like so now we're trying to work with entrepreneurs and coaches and help them learn how to think and move like a CEO like you can H everything that needs to be done doesn't have to be done by you so good so how do you commission your thoughts into a process that someone else can manage and that's really what we're helping people do to really grow that dude fire I mean I I literally feel like another reason why we're so connected or like just how we've been able to be uh you know just have really good conversations we we've hung out a little bit in Tampa uh but I just feel like I'm that guy you because I'm a creative and so like things that I do I hold so near and dear and so it's I've never gone really past about one person working for me until lately because I'm realizing like dude if I'm gonna if I want to impact the people that I'm called to impact it's going to be more than it's going to take more than just me yeah um but like how do you break that through people who maybe have found a little bit and I would I would say I found a little bit of success comfortable success when you like look at it after the fact of doing things myself but realizing that the next level is going to require a lot of help how do you like break people off that yeah so uh one of the things I one of the statements I make all the time is something that I heard the spirit of God speak to me years ago and I was try to project that same thing to the people I coach he said everything that you do do it with the Assumption that'll be widely successful so if we do all things with the assumption that it'll be successful it's almost negligent to think we can do it alone so good so if the assumption that it will be successful it's impossible it can be done with just one person there has to be a team for every thought so I look at look at Jesus before he did anything he assembled a team and the way he assembled a team with which leads to messaging is that he goes and gets Peter and he says follow me I'll make you fishes of men why fishes of men because Peter's already fishing the messaging must mirror what Peter is already doing or he's not interested let's go so when he says I'll make you fish as a man he's saying I'm going to show I am I'm inviting you on a journey to do what you're already doing at the next level with me so good that's what messaging is inviting people on the journey to do what they want to do already but giving them a success picture of how how they can do it at the next level right so we have to break the codependency the ideas that we can do it alone we look at our lives and if we look at our resources our finances our emotions our mind everything in our life that is successful has been done through partnership yep so first thing we have to do is we turn ourself into an sop what does that mean you ask yourself this question if when I do when I do this then they do that you start you know what I'm saying it's a if then if this happens then this happen if we press record and record the video then what should happen on the back end those Sops are easily handed off you want someone that you can hand your thought and you can follow through why because you got to reserve your mind for creativity for Innovation so I would rather all of us excuse me I wouldn't say I would rather all of us should be thinking about how do we find someone that love that wants to do these things right some of the things that are Tas for us but enjoyable for other people and that's a limiting belief I've always had why would somebody want to do that you know just but then there I'm I'm like I I have built the team to like now at the time of filming this I'm at I'm at about four people that is helping me and they're pumped yeah like my sales guy he's like bro I because I love you and I know what you're about I can all day you know and I'm like dang that's crazy because I don't want to do it and and it and and so yeah I I think that it's a little bit of of that that it's a belief to know that there are people who actually want to do it and even do it with you and for you man I think for all of us right so we we just can't wrap our head around somebody would want to do that yeah you but if you look at let's say a Beyonce or or in whoever your favorite singer is whether it's a rock group someone wants to be on stage while someone else is sitting there saying man the audio is low so one person's looking at the staging one person's looking at the lighting one person's listening for the audio another person's looking at seeding this is how God made all of us we all can go in the same environment and see something different cuz we're drawn to it based on our talents y so with that being said why it's we're inviting someone into our environment to do what they're wired towards doing anyway and now this it's this enjoyable thing that we all get to do the thing that we love we all get to win together we all get the opportunity to say man we all make up this individual piece of the journey and it's hard for us because we're servants at heart we think man I'm taking advantage of a person oh I don't want them to do this but in essence the person like no I want to do it yeah you know no I I you know there's a this book called The Bible SEC business secrets from the Bible I have that one yeah it's written by Rabbi I forget his name but the premise is the reason why Jews are wildly successful is because they believe in God's economy and that you know you were wired designed called to do a thing on this planet and he was saying you you'll never find a Jew who is a lawyer mow their lawn fix their car because they feel like you're actually ruining God's economy because there's somebody that's supposed to do that so true so you're you're not only robbing yourself from the inefficiency of trying to figure it out fix my car mow my lawn whatever that may be I'm just like examples but like somebody else is so good at that and is and and is was called by God to actually do that and and so it actually when you put it that way you're like dud I don't want to mess it up you know U but I love I love that Jesus actually did that something that you know uh myON golden says is like you know help people uh with what they know they have a problem with and then help them with what you know they need and what you know and and when Jesus calls Peter and he uses Peter's language yeah uh it Peter didn't have to think about he dropped his Nets immediately it immediately at once he dropped his Nets and so it really does like you said in it shows the power of messaging yeah like you know I'm I A lot of times I'm in my head when it comes I found that like a lot of what I do when I write sermons or you know communicate in in the church context I I should be doing in the business context but I don't know I just I don't do a good job like how do people get good at messaging yeah so couple rules number one before we even get into messaging um a confused mind always Rambles so I always tell people I'm going say it again a confused mind always Rambles Simplicity Clarity always always allow someone to point at something right so even that that's a sticky statement that's something that a confused mind always Rambles when a person feels the need to give context backstory well kind of like it says your mind is confused because you're thinking the person is confused so you over elaborating something they didn't need in order to make a decision wow right so we start with that number two how does a person get good with messaging I believe that when we when we speak from our truth and speak from our heart about if I ask you hey tell me your name and your backstory you have to mentally go to the stories that stand out that's most important to you right that immediately is the foundation of messaging like the finding out what's pertinent to the audience someone asked me recently they was like what do you think is your best speech you've ever done I said the one that the audience needed the most dang right that's mess it's understand it's not what I want to say is what the person needs now in terms of how does a person get very very good at packaging messaging we first have to understand that messaging is marketing most people separate the two and say messaging is here marketing is here no messaging is marketing and every time you change your price point there has to be a messaging change as there is a price change because the way that you sell a dollar product is not how you sell $3,000 product what we sell in the online space is words if you are a course creator a service provider if you do video content if you are a content creator and you are trying to sell anything in this space PE you are selling your words and you are packaging and selling thoughts man you get what I'm saying so when you start understanding this you immediately sit with that and you say okay here is what I walk people through a person in order to make a buying decision needs to have a very clear success picture that that meaning what happens after they buy from you the way you right so you visit the future and you describe that and then you come back and you talk to a person's present point so to make it practical how does a person get good at messaging what you want to do is you need a pickup location and a drop off location just like Uber or anything else what's a pickup location where are you picking someone up in their educational Journey do they need you to Define these terms if you're teaching them about funnels do they know funnels already M if they know funnels already they don't need backstory if they don't know funnels already they need terminology see the pickup location so good if you're saying hey I'm going to help someone that is looking to build an at home studio well what's the pickup location is it someone that already has a studio and they're trying to figure out how to build their Studio on a Sho stream budget right is it someone that money isn't a thing and they trying to build a studio and have their team do it right you you you can't do messaging without a pickup location because if you talk beneath me you you talk Ben benath me you bore me right so if I know what a LLC is and you spend your time explaining it to me you bore me right if you talk Beyond me you lose me you have to have a pickup location in your messaging so you don't talk beneath me too long to board me talk Beyond me Beyond me to where you lose me yeah but my where my mind goes and it's is just the natural thing my mind's doing right now is but I want to I I want to talk to I want to have a message for everyone yeah it's it's impossible right if you walk into a room and you yell mom only the people with a kid answer if you walk in a room and yeah a woman everyone looks but you don't hold them forever dang all the women look for a second so the question becomes when you're making money online it's a attention conversion so if I scream loud you'll look for a second but when you realize nothing's happening you turn away how long do you want people to look so if you talk to everybody you don't hold them a long time and you can't convert the attention into a transaction this is why there has to be a clear pickup location in messaging yeah how how does one get confident with choosing yeah like I like okay I'm going to choose that this is the group of person group of people I want to help this is the stage of life that they're in or in the process that I can I can help with a pickup location what how can somebody be confident in that if you're looking to create highquality content for your business or brand I want to encourage you to check out my signature course called start your studio this is where I help entrepreneurs and content creators dial in their signature setup by showing you what gear to buy based on your budget how to set it up and then ultimately how to use it I've designed this programs from the frustrations that come from people on my videos that get millions of views where I get thousands of comments and so this is something I found out that you don't need the best gear you need the right gear so whether you're showing up weekly on a zoom call or you're looking to start creating highquality videos to increase the leads into your business I would encourage you to check out startyou I'll post a link to it in the description of this episode you can have more than one uh it's a part of our journey so you don't have to to be I'll just use 0o to five as an example if you are at one in your education your skill your Revenue whatever you've overcome if you're doing weight loss and you're at a one in your weight loss Journey you always teach backwards you invest forward so if you're at one you teach from One backwards if you're at two you teach from two backwards if you're trying to accelerate and speed up the process of who you can help you have to invest forward you cannot teach Beyond you you can only teach behind you right right so the clarity in that is saying hey I've done I've done this I've done this I've done this I've done this out of these groups of people who specifically do I want to help now you might want to help all of them this is going to make all the sense in the world dude I can feel it I'm ready I'm I'm listening right so you say I've done these five things I can help all of them however I notice whenever I work with this group of people it aggravates me because they're asking too many questions it gets confusing it's a messy environment this should be where you package your thoughts where they get your thoughts but not your time so now you have hey man if I'm just getting started you because of where you are and life that's going to be exciting at first but 3 four years from now it's going to be aggravating because you can only spend so much time serving who you used to be you have to start serving who you are now right so you package that into an automated course where that you serve that person by giving them your thoughts but not your time love it so you can monetize even your aggravation when clients are an ideation in my space like I like to help people make money if you're an ideation and you're like I don't know what I want to do that's not where I live anymore but I want to help that person yeah so that's a process and it's it's something that's documented so a person has a stand their truth be be realistic be honest and say what makes me come alive when I'm talking to someone if it is a chore if it doesn't flow if it's not natural and you start realizing like man why do I feel this way why I feel drained that's not your audience bro you know you you need to serve an audience that when you give to it it gives back to you the natural cycle of life that when you are when you are giving to something is giv back to you that tells you that's your audience stand in that true serve that audience it's not saying abandon everybody else but there's a way to serve them without you depleting yourself because the best thing for your clients is the thing that's best for you right so that's part of how you stand in there there's so much I mean think the underlying kind of like characteristic you should have is self-awareness just just be self-aware to know that like man I although I delivered on this I just don't like how I feel after the fact I feel like it wasn't either worth my time that was very frustrating uh you know because because I've helped people in so many ways and they've all worked yeah um but I always just have to come back to that place of like what do I enjoy doing the most you know so I love that okay so like level one you you can you can automate the that frustrates you I love that you said 100% you if I tell someone if 10 15 20 30 people ask you the same question if you enjoy answering that question create a community around it if you don't enjoy answering that question get in front of a camera once answered and sell that so you you monetize aggravation you monetize pain you monetize your ability to help people in the most efficient way cuz ultimately you're not helping them if you're if you're doing a lot of here here's what I find a lot of mistakes people make they do way too much custom coaching right so you say hey this person needs this this person needs this this person need this that's not efficient right you need an a clear process that people can walk through right from this to this to this to this and you grow them into where you are now now if you were if you would say these are the best practices these are the things that you ought to have in place IR if you don't mind I can break it down very very quickly so one of our systems is what we call D4 discover design deliver delegate this is our highest tier this is Mob millionaires dis in Discovery we do four things mindset which is not a motivational speech or a sermon it is the terms and the things you need to know to be a successful CEO of an education company messaging it is what you need to say brand promise Brand Story to deliver on that as the guard rails to know what to say meaning what does someone get when they get you if you say I help if you're in the fitness space brand promise would be I help this group I'll use it this way I help busy CEOs lose stubborn belly fat without giving up Foods they love going on fat diets and spending hours in the gym that's a promise it's very clear I'm helping entrepreneurs that don't want to abandon their business don't want to go on fat diets and don't want to give up Foods they love but they want to lose stubb and belly fat that's a promise so good connected to a story we do that for you in your brand message so we got mindset messaging monetization all the ways you can make money so we'll take one product if it's a course that course could be a two-day a VIP day it could be a high ticket program it could be a five-day challenge it could be so many things right we even turned into content so monetization is all the ways you can use that one thing and then marketing that's very clear in Discovery in design that's when we're actually designing the course building the funnel writing the emails and deliver we show you how to launch and sell it once we show you how to launch and sell and there's so many different ways that we can help you lunch we got about six or seven different ways we get a person to $10,000 or more with with u in terms of like consistent five figure months now we scaled an offer to six figures we show you how to delegate and remove yourself from it that's a very clear process that anyone that comes in they're going through that that's my millionaires if they're going into five figure months Mastermind it's create create launch sale scale it's a system right create the offer we help them launch the offer and we show you how to create consistent a consistent monthly launch cycle where every month you're launching and generating five figure months and working less than five days we show you how to sell it how to sell with webinar how to sell with challenge how to sell via DM how to sell over the phone and then how to scale how to scale that offer to six figures and Beyond notice how everything I'm talking about so good the person can see what a success picture yeah they know exactly what we're going to do they know exactly what's needed for them so they and they they know our problem proc if we can do this for people we have we remove the risk reversal it's called risk reversal right the person doesn't feel there's a risk in it you can clearly see oh man that's we're going to create a course for you that can you can sell for $1,000 or more we're going to we're going to help you launch it where now you're creating once a month a consistent five fig launch we're showing you how to sell it if someone says no how to do follow-up offers and how to scale that offer you know that's what messaging is dude so I mean we're this is a space that isn't old yet this is still you know fresh my question is like how did you arrive to these conclusions and Frameworks and uh standard Sops I've come to these conclusions based on ev Everything is a system and a framework it's the only way to function I don't and I'm it could be personality type too I'm very organized I'm very like I like things put together when things are unclear I don't know how to function but it also helps for the who's listening with with sales a confused buyer always says no so if you're confused and they're confused conf and when I say say no that doesn't mean they actually say no they'll say I'll wait um let me think about it let me talk it over with the wife they'll look at the site they'll abandon cart you to death they'll be on five webinars when in essence they're really just confused yeah so I've come to the conclusion everyone wants to be led and everyone wants to make a decision with extreme Clarity they want to know specifically you understand me you understand where I am you understand my pain you understand my frustrations you understand my fears as well as you earn the right to be paid by you working for free to learn to solve a problem for people that you don't even know yet so right now you are developing the talent and the skill to help someone let's say get better with content well you don't know the people that's going to pay pay you so for two years you earn the right to be paid by having deep empathy to learn how to do something that later on you'll you'll help people with right the that's the thing right that's the conclusion I come to I think that service and empathy and skill development comes first and then by the time you come to people you know their problem better than they do so all you're doing is articulating to them the questions that they have the concerns that they have the fears that they have and offering them an opportunity like rule number one of the mob and anybody who's from the mob family it's not the mob the mob it's monetized online business blueprint our rule number one is we don't sell products we don't sell courses we don't sell Services We Sell Solutions to problems answers the questions when we understand that it's a level of empathy it's a level of concern it's a level of humanity to say it's not a course I just took the solution to the problem answerers the question and packaged it into a course sure if we function from that place that's a clear conclusion that people want to solve their problem they want to answer that question did how long have you been doing this I've been in this space and I know it probably dude my whole life like I mean you as far as like you've been seeing it you've been doing yeah but like how long you been in space I've been in space since 2014 2014 is when I first got introduced to finals and all that it was Free Conference there was no Zoom right Zoom didn't exist I was using Periscope I don't know if anybody remembers per it was like a plugin with Twitter I was using Periscope freeconference um zom didn't exist there was no Facebook live there was no Instagram live like and I was trying to figure it out wasn't as it's crazy how like when you look back you're like yeah it wasn't there yet yeah it wasn't as structured as it is now I've made a lot of mistakes and I'm still learning yeah ultimately what I try to do is just study people I try to study people and figure out what do they need how do I simplify it and now uh my company will always be a lot heavy done for you cuz what I'm learning now is in the information age you can't necessarily sell information you sell implementation people want the Gap is they feel like oh I can get the information but the gap between the information there's an implementation execution and skill Gap that you bridge for people with done for you services and a belief transfer to show them how that they can do it that's so good I I would say I found it so much more easier to to sell done for you yeah in my in in my journey because I'm like you know I'm doing both I'm doing like the the the coaching delivery where it's done with you in essence and then I've done like the dialed in a day is what I call it when I just come in and like we just I make I send you the list I come in I set it all up I show you how to use it and your team how to use it and usually I don't even have to sell that because the frustration sells itself we were sitting talking earlier and four different times I said Omar take my money CA because it's true it's true like when you are when you are a remember that's not a service that's solution to a problem answer to a question right so if I'm smart enough to identify this that you are the solution to my problem right what you sell is solution to my problem and you are the solution to my problem so all of us if we're creating content it's not just content what we ultimately are doing with that Google search box that YouTube search box it is not just words they're typing in it is they are looking for us if someone says how to do blank right we are the our life our skill is filling in that blank right we are the the optimization the search engine that they're looking for when the student is ready the teacher appears 100% 100% what if I told you that you can use my studio here in Las Vegas to record your video podcast the answer to that question is yes the video department is the cleanest and crispiest video podcast studio in Las Vegas hands down and you'll get access to my team my equipment and all those things so all you have to do is literally schedule the conversation come in and get it captured does that sound good then check out the studio I'll be sure to post a link to it down in the show notes but either way don't miss this opportunity on starting a video podcast this year that's why I love what you're doing man I'm not just saying this you have a friend and a brother and me like we can this back and forth the I think the world will be a better place when all of us start realizing and not just looking and celebrating people who I believe are sky level like we love to look at influence and celebrities and we ignore people that are ey level I'm going say something really quick and this is like my philosophical thought I was looking at like people will stand every time they see a rainbow in the sky and Marvel at it right you look up and you're like oh my God it's so beautiful and then look down and turn up their nose at diversity what I think the rainbow typifies is the beauty of when the collection of personalities talents and skills all come together it shows all the colors placed together makes up a beautiful picture so all of us placing our skill our talent our energy our empathy our story our pains our problems into one pot and being able to solve each other's problem even if we go back to the agriculture age one person had to say hey I'm going to make sure your family never goes hungry well if you're over here providing food there are wild animals that's going to kill you so there had to be someone to say I'm going to protect you ecosystem surrounding all of us understanding our skills our talent talents that the power of all of us is always greater than the power of one of us this is what people are seeing now right you're seeing your talent if I'm a speaker well my message can't get out without the video Department well that also can happen without audio well because people's attention span is short that can't happen without editing right well without EDI you know it's like all of us need each other and here's my thing I I've actually you know the the seven mountains of influence yeah i' I've heard a a preacher his name is Alan Deo he said he said this at a conference that he invited me to and I never forgot it he said you know the seven mountains of influence you have you have government you have finances you have family religion education uh entertainment and then media and when you look when you Google that there you you'll see photos of like each mountain and essentially doesn't matter what you're doing you're trying to influence one of these mountains so whether you're teach you're doing taxes that's finances maybe you're in politics or maybe you you build you know churches or it we you know stay-at-home mom family like we are all trying to influence these mountains it's crazy to think about media having been one of them but now media is now the foundation for all of them oh wow so true wow wow wow so true if you want to influence any of these sectors you can do it without you can't do it without media it used to be its own but that's because you know the news and television and that was it was it was protected but now it's been relinquished to everybody to be like you actually need this as a foundation to even influence this sector or this mountain and and you know I like when he said it I was like dude I'll never forget this because I feel like this is my mate wow I'm going to help people influence their mountain wowow and this is why I think the the skill of video is important just just that you know a like you should be able at I think at a basic level um to be able able to shoot your own videos and it and it looked good you know if we want to be the best we should look the best and if we call oursel the best we should be excellent in what we do um so I mean but I say all that to say it it that's kind of like where a lot of the stuff comes from it just comes from a place of like I didn't know I didn't know that 15 16 years ago when I started making videos at my high school and um messing around that I would just by me not putting down the camera and then God knew that you know in 201 he would reach me on in a supernatural way I'd give my life to Christ and I would still use now now I have you know when when Moses gets asked what's in your hand yeah that's what I had I just had a camera in my hand so I like I'm just going to use this God to build your house now wow and God's used it as a as a microphone you know and to to kind of get the message of what he wants to do through me and it's been really cool I don't know why it's like kind of like a tangent but no I almost want to I see when I'm like when I see every person that has like is so good at what they do I'm like dang if it if it could just be multiplied and seen in a certain Supernatural way you know bro how many people do you think have something like I would say their Rag and rock or like Moses just staff in his hand like and don't realize it oh man you get what I'm saying like when even when you look at that story even when you look at that story of Moses it's like you had the staff with you all these years and didn't realize all these years you had something that could change your life right I think most people walk around all these years and never realize they have something but it to them it doesn't seem like anything right no yeah because we get we get comfortable with with what's usually the thing in our hand is like is is the mundane thing it's it's if you're a barber it's just the Clippers if you're a mom it's the bottle you know like and and we we do we don't see the power in the same often times um I I want to just tap into kind of like how your entrepreneurial journey and your your walk with the Lord and how how you make it work I I love when you talk about your like weekly routine espe especially Thursdays and how you block it out for making appointments with your thoughts I'm like dude that's so cool but bring that I I don't know I just want to get it more past like deeper than the business yeah um yeah so how do I merge the two so for for me man the foundation of everything is I see I see it as a relationship like I I couldn't imagine someone asked me the other day they similar question they was like how do you do faith in business I was like well it's like saying how am I an a how am I African-American and male yeah right they they kind of work hand in hand I don't get to put down the fact that I'm a black that I'm black I don't get to put down the fact I'm this why I say it's not balance yeah it's Rhythm but 100% so I do understand I do understand that there's 168 hours in a week that's not going to change no matter how much I pray no matter how many new businesses I start 168 hours will be the same yeah when I was working a job I had 168 hours I sold my job 40 I quickly realized and this is my entrepreneur journey I saw time differently it's it's the one thing that God changed everything from me letting me see time as an investment I saw God as a CEO of of Heaven and Earth and I realized that as an investor he invested in all of humanity 168 hours so none of us could say that someone has some we something over the Elder I got 168 I'mma sell the job 40 because I need the money but I'm going to do something with the 128 Hours so I can now buy back my 40 and me and I can say to God look at what I did with with the 168 so good right so it started there I immediately then transitioned and God gave me a concept that that became the name of my education company which is when the day Marketing Group right it was from the Ty Ty of the day so I didn't have when I was going through a low time I only had 11 $737 to my name I'm praying and upset went broke did well early on bought my first house at 19 all that whole story entrepreneur since a kid my mom could attest to the fact my mother and father Pastor so I used to take my allowance and would buy candy and sell it to the kids at church right so I just always been in that space during that time all I did was take the con he gave me the concept of TY but I didn't have any money so I heard clearly that I ever asked for you money give me the tipe for your time and I'll make you wealthy so that's where when the day came from 10% of the day out of two hours 40 out of 24 hours 2 hours and 40 minutes I promis God I would invest back into the gift he gave me if he said if you show me my gift I will invest my whole life into it show me my gift was communication 2 hours and 40 minutes anything less I lost today or and I converted and I hope this makes sense I converted time into money so instead of 24 hours it was $2,400 M so I now imagine if you made the day $2,400 and you said what what areas of my life do I want to pay so good I wanted to pay my gift $240 because I couldn't ask somebody to pay me what I wouldn't pay myself MH that was the goal that's part of the entrepreneur Journey which leads me to what I'm about to say now how do you take all these larger Concepts the whole day is worth 2400 I'm going to pay myself 10% of that into an area you might say hey most important thing in my life is my family well if you got $22,400 a day how much of that goes to your families if it's $100 that's an hour if it's $50 30 minutes when you start seeing it that way and you start functioning in that space you start realizing hold on God I'm saying you're the most important thing in my life but everything else got my 2400 and I'm asking you for a loan when you already gave me enough right I started like when I program my mind this way now I'm doing life and business with God I'm trying to function and real realize hey you and I we we running this business of life this is Kingdom now this leads me to this last statement I hope I'm not talking in circles this make sense this is amazing go ahead I asked God this is where entrepreneurship come in say how do I partner with you to eliminate something off the prayer list like people are praying give me something that I can partner with you and I remember where I was at to eliminate some of the prayer prayer list the two things that I feel like he gave in my spirit is that people pray the most about is relationships and money if you can remove off of people's prayer list relationships and money what would their relationship look like with god wow if you never had to pray for money and you never had to pray for relationships now I'm not the relationship guy but the one assignment he gave me is help people make enough resources that they don't ask me for no money that's my anointing I love that that's the that's the thing I decided I'm partnering with God on we going to remove that off the off the list they're not going to ask you money the only thing they have to ask is how do you want how do you want me to bless and here's what's amazing Omar here's what's amazing what I think wealth is is the ability to do what you love and help the people you love without wondering can you afford it so if you can do what you love video if you can do what you love speaking if you can do what you love communication if you can do what you love be a mom without wondering without wondering can you afford it if you can help the people you love without wondering can you afford it selfishness becomes removed moved and you become selfless and that's Kingdom that's Kingdom I love it that's Kingdom dude you know what's so crazy I I think about this a lot of the times because you know we bridge this Gap the ministry in the marketplace and it's you know like I love like my pastor he's he's really big on educating a lot of the times on on money and just what it means to give and trust God and he doesn't shy away from it because he's actually lived it he's like seen God move in his life in that way and so he with authority and conviction he he takes uh offerings uh like Paul would take offerings he's like this is for your good this isn't like we don't you know like things like this and I'm just like I I would love and this is just an idea that just came to mind not right now but something I think about is I would love if if the the house of God taught their people how to get money yeah yeah and and it just sucks because like it is taboo yeah we don't talk about money in the house of God like but like why not have a you know a business conference for your community for your members and say all right this is how let's let's break let's break the business because like in all honesty I I I know that the church is built on the faithful uh tithers you know people who give financially but also I would also say the church is built on entrepreneurs yeah you you have to you have to start empowering the people within Church to generate Revenue here's why because the church runs off the donations of people so if people make more they give more so why would you ignore the thing that actually benefits them right it's for the good and you got to shift it depends on different context right so I grew up in a context where people pray for for money Miracles debt cancellation which I believe in right however what I found was we most of most of the time they stood in Era of scripture while standing and believing for a miracle I'll tell you what I mean someone would stand up and say I want you to stand up with a seed in your hand and and this is a seed that some of y'all by tomorrow on a preacher with declare by Faith No I'm just I'm laughing because I've been in it you know what I'm saying declare by faith that tomorrow you're not going to owe mortgage you're not going to owe bills you're not going to owe cars you're not goingon to owe this this this and this and who believes in faith that you're not going to have to pay none of them bills well here's why that's a violation of scripture because the Bible says we're A lender not a borrower shouting off for not paying people is the position of the borrower not the lender because if you own a building and the preacher say tomorrow you ain't going to have to pay that's different when you own the building and you collect rent right versus pay rent so what you're ultimately doing is getting people to shout about being in a position God never told us to be in man you know that Mak off that's what it is yeah so you you're saying you're shout and believe for the function of being a borrower but the Bible says you're a lender and not a borrower right shout on no man nothing but to love him it talks about pay the Bible talks about paying your earnest debt so if you're telling me to get excited and to sew a seed in hopes of not doing I mean the ax head that floated a last Master for it was borrowed why would a miracle be performed to help a man pay a debt because this is the indication of what you have to understand about God as it relates to resources I believe like with the prodical son or anything in scripture when it says for he was dead in Jewish context anything that can only take and can't give is considered dead if if the ground takes but does not give is considered dead wow so when we look at Humanity you do not stop if the if the ground if the sky doesn't give up Rain the ground has to give up due they work together that must be reciprocity anything in our entire ecosystem that only takes and does not give it eventually dies even a billion sounds like a lot right two billion sounds like a lot but a billion eventually turns to zero if it only gives and doesn't receive it doesn't matter how much you have it doesn't matter how much you are so what we've got to start teaching people is the cycle of reciprocity the exchange of resources I said this at my conference recently I asked them I said what is your picture of wealth if if you had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars what would you do each person said I'd hire a chef or I hire a driver I'd do this I'll have a private J I said so your picture of wealth the more money you have all you do is use money to buy the time of other people people so why if your picture of your picture of wealth is exchanging your money for the value in the time of other people but when you're but you're functioning now outside of wealth because you're holding on to something and never exchanging money for Value that's what we got to see like we'll NE I believe we will never run out I believe that resources are endless I believe that bro whenever I need something someone asked me why do you give away so much information I got in front of that camera recently and decided to create an entire course that I knew was worth $10,000 and gave it away why I need more yeah I need more so I'm sewing my talent my skill my ability No Lack no skill I was like God I need new ideas let me give away the ones I have right you mentioned something earlier and I don't want to get off track you was talking about the Rhythm if do you remind me sharing this the rhythm of my week like how do you balance it I um I run a few different businesses are Run online Church kitten brand new baby Etc so Monday for me are my coaching days I focus on I coach my team I coach my clients on Monday I like doing it that way because I know I can I can give it my all on Monday Tuesdays are my content days that's where I film content podcast Etc Wednesday are what I call my wellness and worship days I want to check in with myself not that I don't talk to God every day but I make sure like that's our date day let's date let's hang out what you thinking what's on your heart I'm also getting down downloads of what I need for Sunday to speak I typically don't um organize my thoughts on the same that I get the thought right so like let's say if you get one main idea I'm in a series now called halftime pep talk he start telling me I got the picture of a locker room and one locker room the team is losing and one locker room the team is winning so the coaching the locker room of the team is losing is trying to create strategy to an adjustments to come back in the second half of the year cuz we're in June July and the other locker room the coach is trying to to tell tell them how to Steward the lead y so it's have time pep talk talk to those that are winning show them how to Steward the season of their life talk to those that are losing encourage them and give them new strategy I love it now it's just like on the downloads of that Wednesday I don't know what I'm going to talk about but you start getting ideas so I don't organize it on the same day that I get the thought I'm just studying like crazy so that's Wednesday Thursday is my think day if Omar tells me something if I'm at a mastermind or at an event I don't just write notes I take the main notes that's in my notes section and if it's organized like you'll see it like a bullet point you put earlier you said how can this be done faster without compromising quality that's a thought that I'm I'm going to take and I'm going to make an appointment with Thursday and I'm outlining and listing underneath it I started listing the areas of our business took that thought how can this be done faster without compromising quality and I started thinking man how can we how can we put together events faster without compromising quality how can we put up so I'm going to sit with that question on a Thursday but I'm going to have these itemized so the same way I have an appointment with you I'm G have an appointment with that thought and I'm literally going to sit and start just thinking through it like what do you do where do you go somewhere do you like yeah so I'm I am blessed where um my building we got a beautiful like little fire pit we've got like this on the 22nd floor like this Garden area looking over so I normally put on some but you have a place to do that I think that's I think that's just principle like if you have the place it's more easier to set that appointment you want you wanted to be in a space that you feel comfortable you want like I like I got this little play that's called Vibe with no words so some up sometimes it's hip-hop with no words R&B or Jazz and I'm just sitting and and I'm in a relaxed State and the whole goal is literally act as if a person is there sometimes I close my eyes and I like to visit the future it it might sound weird but it's like what do I picture what does that look like so if I said say how do we improve how do we do things faster without compromising quality and I immediately think about man I want to go to 5 days a week of content how do we do this without compromising quality and your brain is is trained where if you give it questions the way the thing I say is you don't want to make uh withdrawal statements you want to you want to make deposit questions right so you start grabbing those questions and with that I know I'm going to get something out of it uh one the things I'll say is who do who do we need in order for us to be more efficient you start looking with all those questions so Thursday is a think day I think through what and one of the things I also do this is a great framework uh what went wrong what went right what would I do differently so I I grab isolated things from my event that just passed what went wrong I list it literally it's like a list so you say if you had a cross like on the left side what went wrong you list all those things on the right side what went right underneath it what would I do differently that tells you what to do next right so it could be in any area last week you can say financially or you can say hey here's my leads here's my webinar what went wrong on the webinar what went right what would I do differently and that tells you the strategy for the next week most people write a to-do list but it lacks priority what went wrong what went right what I do differently that's the highest priority on the list so good so that happens on Thursday love it Friday is a flex day give myself some Freedom say hey here's your schedule here here's this this and this and that's not even my morning routine Saturday you know I kind of want a family worship on down line Sunday we at it man with service but my morning routine with all of these days 2020 101 20 minutes and I I pray more than that like first 20 becomes worship my mind is like so many thoughts so I when I wake up first thing I say is good morning Holy Spirit guard and guide my intentions and my attention my intention so I don't do anything that does not is not rooted in you my attention let me focus on what you're focusing on then I ask that question because this is the rosers big four help me today to do what pleases God what I'm gifted at and love doing what helps people what pays me well because if I don't do the thing that pays me well I can't help people so good if I don't help people I can't do the thing that I'm gifted at and love doing and then if I don't do that how I do what I know when I'm in purpose money follows me so it's like that's my big for so 20 minutes of that I go from 20 minutes of prayer into and I put alarm on my phone to 20 minutes of reading then I go into the the 10 10 that first 10 is split in F five and five I do creative visualization that is me picturing what I want to see right based on what I saw in prayer like I can what does the day look like I'm picturing it's going to be a phenomenal day like we were at Starbucks and the lady gave me a coffee for free and I paused immediately and said God let this be an indication of what's going to happen all week I live in that moment I wrote it down down and now my creative visualization is the best possible outcome happens for me in every situation that's not a one-time event everywhere that I go someone's going to see and favor me and God give me an opportunity to do the same for someone else right dude I love it that's cre you're ministering to me right now yeah that's the five right you you picture what you want to see God I thank you that today is going to be a phenomenal day I'm in the right place at the right time doing the right thing meeting the right people saying the right words what you think I think what you want I want you see it's like these things that psych you out and the Energy starts flowing that's five alarm goes off and now I go into meditation what is meditation it's like what a cow does where he continues to regurgitate well why I create a visualization then meditation because I visualize it and then I meditate on it I reinforce the energy of it and then the last 10 is the clean up anything that didn't happen in the first 20 the second 20 or the 10 the last 10 minutes is my insurance plan that is my Power Hour by then I'm ready to take on the day that is so good and I mean I know I've you know when you start your day like in a proactive State then you're not reacting to things during the day it's like you just approach your day with with so much uh ownership Authority and um and then therefore you're not reacting the compound interest of that over time is going to it will be so beneficial how long have you been doing that now about since 2019 I re I redid my morning routine since 2019 and then as an entrepreneur you have to be able to psych your mind out cuz you can get bored so sometimes I say hey I'm on the night shift meaning give yourself some Grace and say I'm going to wake up in the morning and do whatever I want but let's so say I'm on the morning shift you start your day ready to get to work but you get bored with that so you might say hey next month in September I'm working all nights what does that mean I'm not going to start working until 4:00 I work from 4:00 to 10: you know you trick yourself and you give yourself Grace and you go back and forth so 2019 is where I started redoing these things and changing my morning routine My Confession and I realized like I would get up tired and I would struggle certain times with prayer and on that the line because I didn't know what to say and my mind my mind jumps around a lot I got a lot of thoughts going on when I started almost like training my mind to say the the same thing every morning and then let it flow it worked better good morning Holy Spirit guard and guide my intentions and my attention you know that morning confession I'm in the right place at the right time doing the right thing meeting the right people saying the right words God what you think I think what you want I want Heaven's best is released over my life this and more start now you're giving God credit before the fact yeah and I think that's just such a mature Christian man of God position to be in like you're you're saying like God I give you the credit before it even happens there just that that's just there's so much uh Power in that that's amazing yeah because you know when you wake up sometimes you're tired you're groggy you're confusing you're head so I used to feel guilty with the redundancy of having a prescripted thing what it is for me cuz my mind will wonder I'll go from a song I listen to a movie it was just I needed something that wakes me up in the morning and draws me back and then the rest of it is a flow right but the start of it is that first piece and then from there it's a flow it's I I can only function through Frameworks and systems you can probably tell yeah right so my system of prayer God's grace and then my guilt meaning I don't ask God for forgiveness of my guilt cuz that's put me first I always do God's grace before my guilt that's my framework so the grace of God God to thank you for who you are this is this if there's anything then it's if there's anything in me and this this this this this then it's my family my family uh God I thank you for relationships this like bro I was this morning praying for and thanking God for you it sounds weird to say but it's like because I believe that we we pray for things and God Answers by thoughts and people 100 so you are like you're an indication of how God feels about me by giving me the connection to you you know you know what I'm I don't take for granted his most prized possession is his people so with that I was just grateful man he's coming to pick me up I get a chance to hang out today God like I was trying to discern what what's my role what should I do how do I contribute back to him help me to be to him what he is to so many people man he's he like I start seeing man all those hours of just sitting and feeling like man I do all of this stuff do people see am I overlooked in all of this man I just love being behind the scenes but I do feel called to something I do see people called to me but the frightening reality of man is this weird that I'm the behind the scenes got support people but now I feel like you're starting to to see that yourself in that light and know that people are going to be called to you in the same way you've been called to others and that's a frightening transition because it's an identity crisis it's to say like man this is my new identity but I'm a servant at heart yeah you're still a servant but you can you can serve you can serve in two different ways right like I don't want to weird it out but like does this make sense dude I love it man I I think you know like I in my head I'm like you know how to make millions with your message and the the really the the SEC sauce to it is the morning routine oh my God yeah you know and and I think I as I do podcasting I I want to be able to lead with like yeah you could have left this podcast you know minutes ago and you wouldn't hear this moment but if you locked in you you got what led to the ability to see things you have so much insight and the way your brain works but it's because the deposit God's giving you and you're opening up yourself for that deposit and then you give him credit before he even gives the deposit like it's it's a really encourage in you know and someone who has a morning routine too like 11 years of just 15 minutes a day with God sometimes sometimes it's an hour sometimes it's but the it's the compound interest of time spent with God the Bible says better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere and so when I say about the ROI it's Heaven's Roi it's so much more than what you could do spending your time doing other things meeting with God he always meets you when you make the meeting um but I'm encouraged I I don't meet too many people like you you know I don't meet it's it's weird it's like some people know I'm Pastor I'm a pastor sometimes and there's like sometimes it's awkward sometimes they're super super open they don't care about how they are around me and they shouldn't yeah um but like I just feel I could be so open with you because of that you know thing we share it feelings the feelings Mutual man um I think right after we were in Tampa I shot you a voice note just like hey man praying for you phenomenal thing and I we have to Steward that right yeah like as men you get I was saying the older you get the harder it is to make friends it's that weird thing like hey are we friends yeah no 100 want to be my friend that's what we really sing inside right right and then you you know though right you know when you real a real connection and it seems weird cuz it's like man I've only know like two months yeah but I feel like he gets me yeah it's that David and Jonathan it's that thing where God who knows us said m you need this for this part of your journey you need this you need I always say every person needs a tribe for their thoughts right so for that whatever thought God gives you he's got to give you a tribe for for those thoughts that rally arounds it so now you don't have to you don't have to come down from from the altitude you fly at right so every plane is a lotted an altitude they fly at whether it's 40,000 30,000 Etc good you don't want to have to come down from a 50,000 foot altitude to talk to someone that's down here that doesn't understand it you want to be able to function and fly at that altitude this was supposed to talk about messaging we just went in and out of ministry Bible personal life and we're literally just having a conversation and someone hearing it be like hold on did can he go back to that one point but that's it right that's the altitude we're flying at that that how do you do faith in business you just live and this thing in him in him I live and move and have my being right it's that fun ity from that space where we start realizing that when I look at Genesis man I want to hush but I got to say this really quick when I look at the Book of Genesis it's the most powerful thing to me says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth right that whole God Elohim God in concert with himself so we look and see economies are made up of supply and demand we really see that God is an economy in and of himself he has all Supply and that can meet his own demands man he doesn't have to look outside himself come on he creates Heaven and Earth Heaven has all Supply Earth has demand he creates two economies dependent upon each other and then he places Adam which is Humanity inside of that economy this is what we're seeing now this new ecosystem of people where there is always this supply and demand from God like when we where he'll give us ideas he'll give us friendships relationships opportunities he'll let us maximize seasons of our life that we feel like we were doing nothing for five years but we can do more in one month and get more when people say oh you went viral virality is nothing more than acceleration it's an immediately it's a suddenly where you get more you get more in a day than you could have done in a year so good that's where I feel like we are now man let's go I'm trying to have more viral days with God let go it's coming man it's coming uh can you uh let people know how how they can work with you and uh you know like just the best way places to find you AB absolutely so whether you the FBR jealous girlfriend I'm easy to fire Marcus y Ros your Marcus the letter y r o s i e r on all platforms if you are a coach or an entrepreneur and you were looking to package your thoughts into an online course program a mastermind that you're generate and you want to generate five or six figures creating a stressfree company where you're not having to fatigue burnout we have for a full done for you service that takes you from idea to a fully built online business business I'm clicking the link right now in that description cuz I know I need it dude I appreciate you it's been so fun to chat it up and about to get some all you can eat sushi I'm ready when you were in Las Vegas it's all about the all you can eat sushi I appreciate you man I'm not just saying it I honor you I honor you all right
Channel: Omar Eltakrori
Views: 51,148
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Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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