INSIDE THE VAULT: How Jason White Helps Anyone Secure Government Contracts

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all right y'all listen did you know that last year the government awarded 666 billion dollars in government contracts right which means that the government hires other businesses in order to do service for the united states government right and of that 27 billion went to minorities but we're going to break down that even further 27 billion went to women-led businesses but only 3.5 of that 666 billion dollars went to the black community and that is something that is unacceptable has to stop and it's not because the government's keeping us out is cause we don't have the knowledge to understand how to get the government back so our guest jay white is gonna break down the insider's guide on how to search submit and secure government contracts and i promise you you have to watch this interview to the end because i mean i thought that it was difficult like i didn't know the whole process but i'm telling you he gonna break it down so simple that you want it's gonna blow your mind you're gonna be asking yourself yo why have i not tapped in to this government money and so our next guest jay white is gonna give you the whole game nothing but the game to help you grind all right y'all let's get it hey so this episode of inside the vault is sponsored by mailbox millionaire academy the number one commercial real estate credit mentorship program for real estate professionals looking to take their real estate business to the next level see look a lot of people want to get into real estate but they don't want to deal with the hassle of tenants clogged toilets trash leaky sinks this is why you need to learn how to invest in the number one performing real estate asset which is not what you think it's actually self storage facilities you can get all the benefits of owning real estate with less headaches and most importantly you'll get more cash flow if you think you need a ton of money to start well that is absolutely false my guy ramel who's the lead instructor at mailbox millionaire academy teaches you how to purchase commercial real estate with guess what no money down strategies no money out of your pocket so no matter where you are in your entrepreneurship journey you can get started so what i need you to do is i need you to text vault to 347-429-6496 register for the free training that ramel is having and i'll see you on the other side all right let's get to the episode pay attention and listen to me bout to teach class inside the boat my man ass cast so get your man right thursday nights 8 p.m change all night me and their mind set the best on earth [Music] all right so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash the only show that is giving you the insider's guide on how to become financially free and live your best life listen the guest that we have today is gonna blow your mind he's gonna give you the insider's guide on how to search submit secure government contracts and when i tell you listen the government is giving out a bag 666 billion dollars to be exact last year and it's no coincidence though six six six nine display but list it it is that number but i promise you you know our next guest is going is going to give you the game my brother jay white is in the building what's up baby how are you hey yo i'm good man that's good yo yo i'm excited um about this interview because um you know i always heard about government contracts i heard that you know you know you could really create financial freedom and and create create a business yeah out of securing government contracts and the thing i like the most is that you're not even doing the work right that's the biggest like you know you're the you're the middle man like you just you know you're the connect hundred percent no real talk connect right so we're gonna talk about that but before we get into that you know i want you know people to to know uh in your words who is jay white man i'm jay white first name last name listen i'm just a dude that tried to figure it out i got a phd though so shout out for everybody with the education my public high school diploma oh yeah yeah but but that's the part that's so special about me like i understand that i can utilize just common sense and basic knowledge to get to where i'm at today yeah that's who i am yeah and so um i i like i like your story a lot right because you know again for myself you don't say i'm a i'm a 15-year banking executive right so i you did the whole banking thing um you know uh i grew up in the project so i got phd too my public housing um you know i always even as somebody who you know went through you know what i'm saying you know c-suite and and doing all the education you know i got a bachelor's degree in entrepreneurship i did all of that okay i've always looked at government contract like yo bro i i'm not even going to mess with this because um you know i'm i need to learn how to write proposals i need to know how to submit all this stuff yeah but you're somebody who um all you have is a high school that's it yeah yeah i went to car i went to nova state one year yeah and i just was in there going crazy yeah yeah yeah you got a kid that i was uh i had a little confidence but then when i went to college all the short is on me yeah i didn't do no school work and your school just wasn't for me period yeah you know what i mean it just wasn't my thing so now i'm trying to figure it out my homeboy went to the military so i was like all right check it i'm a go-to i was a mr me too dude oh you doing i could do that too yeah right went there and i had all kinds of bad luck in there wow yeah i went to the brig for two years uh what is that what does that mean that's military jail yeah that's military that's a jail for real wow like people think fair time is hard no that break time is serious wow so then i had two i had the awards me moments like all right i shouldn't be in here wait wait hold on hold on let's not skip past yeah i'm not skipping past that like what did you do that got you locked up yeah in the military in two years i made good on the threat like straight at the end of the day i'm still a man right but then i was a 21 year old hot head man right so now you know the military is to give you discipline and structure yeah and it was just like breaking me down i was like you know what forget this yeah yeah got me in there yeah yeah yeah so and so and so and so it it broke you down to the point where yeah i you you made good on a threat um did two years uh and we call it the briggs the brig the brig the brig right so you did two years in the brig and then how how did that affect your life so it was a negative impact originally yeah because i'm thinking like all right i can't get a job i'm probably going to get a dishonorable discharge which i didn't i ended up getting an honorable discharge because i just got my head on straight while i was in there yeah boom i can't when i came home i just was like all right i'm gonna just get a job and just work and i got a job at the uh gas station around the corner for my mom house cause i had no car right i had to i had a bicycle though so let me catch this bike tomorrow to the gas station yeah real talk and i was good yeah see most people aren't satisfied with weather yet yeah they're always trying to scale and get bigger i'm good i was good at the gas station yeah because that was my world at the time that was my mentality yeah but also too i was gonna be the best gas station attended period i always was like i'm gonna be the best yeah i mean you're a hooper we confident i'm gonna be the best yeah so that's why we're stuck here for a little bit and so from military to gas stations yeah now closing multi-million dollar deals with the government yeah yeah like like how do you how do you go like how do you go from military in the brig two years gotta wreck it i'm saying but but luckily i don't you know honorably discharged get a job living with your mama yeah at the gas station and then now when we look up jay white 100 percent multi-million dollar deals with the government the government paying you now yeah yeah yeah how we got there it was a journey it was a real transformation yeah you got to think about it like inside of uh me working at the gas station i'm still around the weight so i still got those demons too selling this selling that uh and you know just just doing bad just doing wrong right yeah but it wasn't until my homeboy pulled up on me at the gas station he like yo i'm here to get a government contract and trucking and that opened up the whole thing wow that opened up the whole thing that sent me down a whole rabbit hole of government contracting registration saying about god they sent me down that whole rabbit hole because of the vessel who it was if he's saying he fitting to do this i'm like okay cool it got to be something to it so let me it's a dude that that was that was in college nah this dude love the gang like mitch so if he trying to get out the game let me pay attention to him real quick because it got to be something behind it he was he was in the game for real right but now he's trying to get out and do government contra okay let me pay attention that's what made me piss him but he got locked up the same night he told me wow five five years see what i'm saying he was getting out of it past caught up to him but he sent me on a path upward though if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here and and so so so somebody's listening right now right who's like man like i cool like i'm in this you know like like i'm hearing all of this right what's the first step like what was the first step you took to kind of get you into that into that space well listening to him but then it was back this is 2008 too mind you this back youtube university was trash back then right so i really was in a hamster wheel just trying to piece it all together put the pieces to the puzzle together yeah um so my first step was youtube university and just going to look up certain little videos to help me figure out i didn't even know what the llc was bro i didn't even know what that was yeah yeah so then that took me like two weeks to figure that out but that was my first step going to u2 university and figuring out what is a federal government contract which i know today a federal government contract is the government is looking to procure products and services through small businesses once i figure that out okay cool i don't actually have a business yeah and then i figured out how to be the middleman for that and so and so just for those who who are you know tuning in and then like i government contract i understand what that is you know government's procuring uh you know uh businesses uh products and services from small businesses and you saying middlemen like like break it down layman's term right because i want people to understand exactly what it means to get a government contract and make money so break it down i gotta you know my son is six years old got you and he always asking me yo dad how do i make money talk talk the little ass yeah yeah at six years old uh government contracts right so p game so the government is asking for something i go to the government and say okay i can provide that something that you're asking for they say okay what's the price here's the price i get that contract but i don't actually have it i go to you and say hey this is what i need from you and you provide it to me i give it to the government wow it's that simple and how do you get paid because i put my money on top of yours so if you're charging me a thousand i'm gonna put 500 on top of it and to the government we sending them a 1500 invoice all right so let's so so let me let me let me just recap just just like i understand so i'm an author yes right my book from the block to the bank okay government says yo i want to i want to stop recidivism and so i want to order a thousand books that help people stop recidivism or whatever right yeah so they so they they put out a request there you go yeah and in that request they say listen i need i need a i need a thousand books that are targeted towards stopping recidivism you because you understand the language and you know how to get it you say government i got you yeah give me the contract and so the government does the government tell you the price that they want for it no see that's the piece right so we're bidding so we're bidding so simultaneously as i'm reviewing the request yeah i'm going for the person who actually have what the request is i'm doing it simultaneously because i don't know what the price is i got to ask you for that yeah okay how much you want for these thousand books yeah okay for a thousand books you want five thousand dollars yeah cool no problem your price your price i'm gonna negotiate your price right what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put my money on top of yours so you want five racks cool i'm gonna just get a thousand because if it's a one here to quit i'm out the door right so i i invoice to the federal government or proposal request for a proposal is six thousand mm-hmm so wait so if i if i understand you correctly what you're trying to say is right so you get the books from me for five thousand now you submit a bid to the to the government let's say you say six thousand government pays you six thousand you give me my five yeah and then you keep a thousand yeah but this is the thing though i'm not gonna buy your books until i get awarded the contract i'm not pre-paying for anything right and that's where a lot of people go wrong that's why in 2008 i didn't have to have good credit i didn't have to have a business credit a network uh people that had this and i had to have none of that because i didn't prepay for anything once the gov once i find your price and your price is five thousand i'm gonna just tell them the price is six and then they say okay now i'm getting the books cause i got the liquid currency i got an award letter from the federal government saying boom they gonna pay you this so you're gonna get you're gonna get the books at that point wow and so and so you gotta have like you gotta have like some type of certificate or something some type of training you know like the government just gonna let you walk in yeah my guy who who barely graduated high school 1.9 gpa yes i did my research yes 1.9 gpa i know i'm saying from high school yeah yeah booker t washington yes sir yes let's go let's go y'all and my men go to my man go to college chasing chasing the joints yes i did right yeah went to the military two years yeah two years in the brick yeah come home live with his mama and right live with his mama yeah work at the gas station government is going to let you yeah sell them products and services it got got to be something to that i'm trying to tell you all that you said if you noticed it helped me cultivate my communication skills a lot of people think it's submitting the paperwork and the pricing yeah i pick up the phone i let them know they're gonna remember me when i pick that phone up oh that's jay white proposal most people don't do that that's how old i am i was able to go to like a hardee's or win dixie or superfresh and provide my paper get my paper application right yeah but i ain't giving it back to the person that gave it to him i asked him to speak to the hiring manager once i asked the speed of the hiring manager guess what happened they remember my face so when i called back hey i'm jason white i'm 16 years old i play on a basketball team yeah i remember you young man it's the same concept i'm calling i'm saying i submitted my proposal on such a i do remember you and now that's what helped get me in the door not all the other stuff the federal government want to give all total small businesses chances but most people don't understand that they think you got to have all this past performance yeah all this knowledge all these certifications nah they ain't going to help you win listen you want to get into real estate without dealing with the hassle of tenants toilets or trash you want to get into the number one performing asset which is self storage facilities think about the demand right now so many people are going through tough times through this pandemic a lot of people are downsizing they're losing their jobs but they want to hold on to their most sacred possessions what do we do with it you put it in a storage facility just like this one right here but how about you get into the number one performing asset without any of those problems no tenants no trash no toilets high demand listen i got this fire training right so i need you to join my free training my commercial real estate master class where i'm going to show you how to go out there and purchase your self storage facilities with no money out of your pocket right so if you at the bottom right now you thinking i can't get started because i don't have money i have an opportunity for you so if you want to learn while you earn tap into my free training you're gonna get life-changing information to go out there and start your journey take advantage of the opportunity just like that i'll see you on the other side and so and so it's really not about uh like you said past performance which means that um having had you know having done business with the government before that's the that's the assumption that people have it so you're saying like like for instance i've never sold nothing to the government yeah and so you're telling me that i could right now today start selling stuff to the government if it's to ask for it see a lot of people think oh what do i have that i can sell to the government or what do i have that i can provide a service to the government well peep gang they already telling you they need a product they need a service you don't have to market whatever you have to the federal government give them what they need they're asking for this product they're asking for the service give it to them and if you don't have it it's a company that already got it so go get that company y'all partner up and then y'all give it the government what they're asking for there's no more no less and so how do you how do you find out like how do you know what the government is looking for easy it's a website called i make it super simple yeah go to it's 96 000 contract opportunities not every single month every day every single day that's why it's no competition every single day they're asking for a product or they're asking for a service but i teach people go for the services first because we want residual income build that foundation of residual income first then you can go hit the one-hit acquitters the product joints wow wow so it got to be some to this j though hold on like i ain't buying that bro yeah like you said go to yes sir and then once you go to you said 96 000 every single day every single day every single day i bet yeah so 96 000 like like like what's the barrier what you're not telling me bro like what's the barrier like what you're not asking me what you're not asking me like what like like what like what's so now i boom go to i go to i look i see the proposal yeah right and i like what you said about you know uh going after services to get residual income because if you go after services then that means that the government's always gonna need it over and over and over again at the moment and so as the middle person you could you could set up that contract and you keep eating over and over and over again yeah right so i love that you know what i'm saying that that's the language and then if you do a product one hit a quitter yeah they buy the product and then they have to get the contract you sprinkle those in right between your residual ones your service based on you sprinkling one head of quitters in as you're building your own past performance now because now as you're winning guess what's happening you're building your own past performance and you no longer have to use the subs if you don't want to because you got your own and so and so let's talk about that right so now um you know you you get the information you know what they're looking for how do you find subcontractors so subcontractor is the the person that would describe it right like how do you find those so everybody write down my best friend google google you know i'm saying like if i'm in baltimore maryland or i'm here in atlanta georgia i'm gonna go to uh california or or san francisco california if that's what the work is whatever the place of performing is i'm going there that's why i only deal on the federal level because it's a federal facility in all 50 states i don't have to be bound to whatever is in my backyard but that's how most people do government contracting right because they want to see what's in their backyard so they can provide the service or so they can go check on the contractors i ain't trying to do none of that i'm gonna go to google see the companies in san francisco california call them up say can you do this work and how much you charging me get that quote send it to the government watch must repeat yeah yeah and how how do you how do you make sure though that whoever you are hiring as a subcontractor is doing the work that that's a good question it's only about gut feeling i'll be a thousand with you yeah these companies put anything on on the website yeah you can put it's an app that put reviews on your website that ain't even true so you can't go by the website you got to pick up the phone everybody got a bs radar everybody can tell even if you don't know the work you could tell with somebody on the other end trying to bs you but you taking the chance because the government took a chance on me like you said a dude that barely graduated living at his mama crib at the gas station they gave me my first contract yeah they gave me a chance so i'm giving subcontractors and total small businesses a chance too and so and so uh what what was what was your first uh your first contract how much was your first card driving so the total volume so this is how you know i was new the total volume was 300 thousand though the front the very first contract the box listen to it listen to it the total volume was three hundred thousand yeah yeah i was only getting 125 dollars a month from it but let's put a peep yeah i'm at the gas station i'm excited about that 125 because that's work i ain't doing i figured it out now yeah i was hyped when i got that one took my mom to sizzling and everything oh i'm dead yeah but you but you know but you know what what i like about that perspective though yeah because um your first contract and i want y'all to pay attention look all my insiders are watching this right now i want you to pay attention to what jason just said he said his first contract right as the middle person was 300 000 right which means that he was able to procure um 300 000 worth of services and that went to another business right so that other business is loving him they're like yo thank you so much 300 000. and off of that 300 000 he i'm not even going to say he only got 125 but he was only making 125 per month but instead of being salty because you could have been salty you could easily say yo at 300 000 you talking literally about 30 000 plus dollars a month yeah yeah right or a little like 25 000 let's say right like about 25 000 a month that's going to another company and out of 25 000 you're not even getting one percent of that you know i'm saying like you're not even getting one percent you're getting points i'm doing it for my head yeah you get you getting point five percent for being a plus yo peep game and i was excited excited bro here's the reason number one i figured out the strategy that i'm utilizing that i didn't make i didn't make this up though the strategy that i'm utilizing is working yeah it worked yeah i won my first contract number two i'm building my own past performance number three i'm getting bred for stuff i ain't doing yeah so i'm good now i'm gonna just watch mr pete so the second one it took me two months to win my second contract yeah that was for seven thousand dollars a month now i'm good i ain't at the gas station no more we passed sizzlers now wow my mama created yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now now now i understand pricing right now i don't understand negotiating with my subcontractor yeah bringing in the right type of subcontractor yeah so all in all it took me a little over three years to win that first contract yeah and then two months after that first one to really figure it out and get it done wow and then so what what has been uh the biggest contract you you've got so far yeah so now to date is uh 5.3 oh mill 5.3 yeah yeah yeah what's it what you going to count my pockets now yeah yeah yeah a pocket watching video out of the 5.3 i'm getting 1.8 whoa yeah for work i ain't doing work come on man that's the plug repaving a parking lot no no no no yeah i ain't even seen it i ain't even saying yeah that's the biggest one to date people say so you're saying you're saying right same scenario same scenario the government says yo i need somebody to pay parking lots repay them repay they already paid they pay they just it's just bad it's messed up and so the government say y'all want i want somebody to repay parking lots they say yo i got i got i got a 5.4 5.3 nah cause they don't give you the price they don't give you the tag because if they give you the price okay we don't we want you to repay parking lots at five point three million yeah what's everybody big gonna be facts there you go three right so so what you do is you find a company that repays parking lot you go and you say yo here's this job let me how much how much would you charge for this job yeah they give you a number yeah and you said so so so if it's five point three one three if it's five point three you made one point four point eight you totally all right give me mine right one point eight miles one point eight give me mine so 5.3 uh uh 1.8 so you did what what what's that three-point uh close get to it you wait right 5.3 uh 1.8 so that so there's a five in that number right so that's what it was a two point five no three point five four point five three point five three point five right five so so that was they quote to me so they said three point five yeah and so you went to the government you say yo y'all gonna charge me 3.5 million to do this work hey government it's 5.3 it's my proposal for you boom 100 government says yes they say you good you oh yeah and then i'm doing this in my living room and so and so i i mean i mean i mean man if that doesn't like hey i'm not doing this show no more you guys understand too though i teach people i'm not even worried about the million-dollar contract yeah most people are most people are hopped up on entrepreneurship and million dollars yeah i could care less about the million dollars yeah because i want to i want the compound effect to take effect right i want more than just one contract i want multiples right yeah so i got them for 750 i got them for 1.4 yeah i got them for a thousand yeah but i got over 250 plus federal government contracts so now we talk about residual income i'm chilling i don't gotta do nothing wow nothing talk to nobody do nothing i'm well off but the thing is this i gotta talk to people about it because they hopped up on million dollar everything what's wrong with ten thousand dollar contract right now you said yeah and i i'm i'm glad i'm glad that you put you pulled that back right because you're right because we're talking about the the biggest contract you had right i bet i made 1.8 million off this government contract but at the end of the day you told me your second contract you make it seven thousand a month that ain't nothing to sneeze at right in in atlanta seven thousand a month i get your get you you're going to live nice what if you live in alaska right facts come on man like i gotta break it down to people because the mindset is is federal government contracting and they look at the word federal government yeah blank check okay now i got to unlearn so you can learn don't think about blank check thinking about consistent growth consistency right because you need to continue to build past performance and the skill set of communication yeah so now your company can continue to be awarded hand over physics and that and that's what i was going to ask man because i think that um you know again we talked about the stats earlier two point or or was it three point five and we all let me look at this yeah uh 3.5 and so and so i i i like that you uh i like what you're saying because you know we talked about the stats earlier 3.5 of of those government contracts are awarded to black companies you know what i'm saying and so the fact that um you have this game right you you're not holding the game to yourself like you're teaching people how to do it and um that was that that's one of the things that that i want to ask right is that you know you have you know programs where you're teaching other people how to do it um and teaching other students you know how to kind of you know create this this passive income through government contracting and so you know like like i love the fact that you know you have like students you're teaching people because you know we talked about this this stat earlier that out of all of the government contractors rights and contracts awarded 666 billion dollars that's last year though yeah that ain't you know that's 666 billion last year only 3.5 of that was issued to the black community right um and so i love that you that you're you're teaching your students so like like talk about some of those things that you're teaching them right because you know the barrier to entry is nothing right you don't have that you don't have to have a certificate you don't have to have a special type of education um but what are the things that you do have to have in order to get to that level where not only are people being you know awarded those million-dollar contracts but like you said they're getting those contracts that could literally you know take care of their whole family on on a monthly basis it's simple man mindset that's the craziest thing like it has nothing to do with your your education your background it's mindset you got to have a mindset just to be consistent and understand you have to learn a new way just like you said come on man jay what you not telling me i'm telling you everything it's that simple the federal government truly doesn't care who provides the product or service just as long as it's the cheapest and they can actually do it if they can actually do you in there but most people come with preconceived notions like i gotta have this i gotta have that and i'm here to condense the whole time frames the crazy thing is about these certifications and set-asides the government calls us social economic disadvantage group i hate that word i hate it i hate it with a passion so i teach my students don't worry about the certification because there's a difference between crumbs in the hood and crumbs in bel-air right big difference i don't want them crumbs in the hood give me them crumbs from ballet that cookie tastes way different yeah yeah yeah 100 yeah i love what you're doing you know with your program you know you you have students you're teaching them the game um and and how you know and you've had you know you've had some very successful students and i'm gonna talk about those up in a sec but one of the things that that i'm intrigued about is that only 3.5 of the money that's awarded in government contracts contracts are going to the black community right but in my mind though i'm like wait if 27 billion dollars are going to minorities did why isn't that number for black community a little higher right what i'm saying so like like i'm doing the math but it's not high enough so the the set-aside program or certifications is all propaganda it's propaganda it is what it is right so minority the word minority in the federal government means anybody except for a white male so that means white females in the federal government oz is a minority there you go so now you take that small little fact right there yeah and now you have white women building companies that are considered minorities winning contracts but it's not in the black community because in the black community when we hear the word minority we think about us absolutely but the federal government expands that word to uh everybody that's not a white people are you telling me that joe has a company white man yeah has a you know has a company has been killing it no he put his wife on game his wife opens up a company and she she qualifies as a minority business 100 100 and then two peop gang they don't have a quote unquote they don't have it where it says minority certification yeah they mask it and it's so-called 8-a the number eight the letter a the 8-a business development program that's supposed to be set aside for minorities but the government expands the word minority to everybody that's not a white male yeah and now when you look at the numbers in terms of the black community that's why they're not there then too most people that think about government contracting they make it complicated they use all this jargon that we don't want to relate to or don't make it interesting or we don't think we can do it so we bypass it so now the federal government awards the same companies over and over again and that's where the numbers are so low wow wow and so and so like why uh why teach it though like if like like why why did you get into this space of like you know what like i gotta start teaching this thing you know the crazy thing is i was always teaching it people getting jay from the gas station ain't driving the bike no more right he got an accurate vigor okay jay from the gas station went to mexico where he getting money to go out the country so people ask me what are you doing what's happening so i'm teaching people what i'm knowing as much as i can yeah and then i met a guy named jose bennett shout out to my guy yeah he's the one that helped me expand it to a level where i can teach it at a larger scale yeah and then when we got connected we came up with the course last year and then we it's doing this thing yeah it ain't even me like i hate to really talk about i'm gonna stop using the word hate but i dislike talking about my own stats because now the information that i'm giving and people are executing they killing it that's the that's the biggest piece talk to me about some of you some of your your students that have taken your program so since the course came out last year in march since march um people my students have won over 12.8 million dollars in federal government contract yeah in the last in the year wow so then we got students that's winning contracts in two weeks four months i got a student and then i tell them like yo y'all doing stuff that i didn't even do it took me three years it was my first and i think people don't really understand that three years of no bread that gas station money ain't it's nothing yeah yeah so i'm really scratching and surviving good times like for real if you know you've been yeah three years you know so when they when they con i'm helping them condense their time frames two weeks um i'm talking about these single mom uh single dads people that season when i mean season you're a little up in age and you know most people that's up in age they in their own way right but now i'm teaching them a skill set they win a 2.4 million dollar contract out the gate 30 000 contracts out of the gate these this is money awarded to them in their pockets yeah so that's i'm excited for that man man i can't be i can't be more excited for that and so what what like what what advice would you give to somebody who's just starting out so somebody's you know hearing you now right so whether it's you know the young guy who just came home the the girl who's trying to figure things out the older cat who like yo i'm tired of this job i need some financial freedom um what what advice are you giving them everybody should be doing a piece of business with the federal government the federal government is not a fad they ain't going nowhere right and their business isn't demand on people that business is based off of a demand a demand for a product or a demand for a service that ain't going nowhere so if you don't understand the way of the world and attaching yourself to something that you don't have to sell sales sale to people it's the federal government for work that you're not doing you got to cultivate certain skill sets that's what i'm helping you do yeah and so what does a normal day look like for jay white well today today yeah i was gonna say hey baby yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the day is different right wake up and do whatever right but but i wake up and constantly um working on my own skill my company i haven't stopped doing this i've been awarded four contracts this year wow so i don't stop because i need my information to be current and new yeah right so i'm always i host group zone calls every wednesday i'm always giving people a piece of me so they can keep getting new information yeah it keeps going to the next level and so and so you know but so so here's the thing though right so you what does a typical day look like for somebody who's just starting out but before you actually answer that you know one thing you mentioned that that kind of like piqued my interest is like yo my students i got my students it's taking them you know you know two weeks right but it took you three years why they took you three years it's taking up two weeks i hate to read i i don't like it right change wasn't the thing for me yeah you're taking a dude that all i know is gas station and hustle yeah and now i got to read government jargon so the full first year i was motivated i was i was like yeah i'm gonna do this government contract thing man that second year i'm good i said just too much for me but my man that helped me uh learn about government contract he did five years his mama came back up to the gas station she gave me some encouraging words and that put the battery right back in my back after i had that conversation with her it took me another eight months but i won like consistency is the biggest thing you don't got the you ain't got it yeah and and and talk a little bit because i cuz i know i know earlier we talked about like you know being able to um you know present yourself in the right way right um how has pr presentation in this game uh hurt you and it helped you all right so my name is jason white shout out to my mama right my name is good my name is clean and green but now when i get on the phone i'm using words like you know what i'm saying i can't do this ain't that shorty like my vernacular was crazy so they wasn't pant they wasn't taking me serious so i had to learn that okay i can't use ain't i got to use something else i can't say you know what i'm saying i got to say can you say it again like now i got to understand okay i'm speaking to somebody on the phone i still want to be true to me yeah but i got to just use words that can clearly map out what i'm requesting from them so i can get what i want to and that was a big learning curve for your boy i'm wrong i i make no no cans about i'm raw but i understand i got to change my vernacular i'm in a different world right now is this world over here and that was this world over here so my presentation over the phone got to be clean they don't see my face but my words got to get me in the door and and then now once your words get you in the door that's what gives them the confidence to be able to award you bids and then you know like like how is that um you know help you that consistency or just confidence to have a conversation with me right so now once i got the conversation going now i can get things out of them to help me create a competitive quote so when i submit it oh that's jay white proposal yeah like i told you the story with the resume and the application yeah now i'm a familiar face or familiar name because i built that rapport yeah and that's that's the piece that i go over the heaviest the rapport building is big i don't care what business world you're in you got to be a rapport especially over here and so what's the what's the number one thing you would you would say is like holding people back from like winning biz or somebody's in the game right now they trying but they like yo i don't know what this dude talking about i've been i've been at this i ain't get i ain't getting no bids like what's the biggest thing so much information man it's too much information they're getting stuff from here they're everywhere you gotta have this you gotta be in business for two years yeah you gotta get this certification first you gotta high pass performance all that stuff hold people back to say uh i ain't fooling with it right because it takes we're in a microwave society right you tell somebody yo you can get government contract then you say you gotta wait two years they done all right good i'm gonna go do this two-road thing i'm gonna go to airbnb right they wanna hurry up and do that this longevity money that ain't going nowhere the piece that's holding people back is too much information so they can't execute to get started right now yeah i'm here to tell them get your llc get your duns number get your ein register in and you're ready ready so how long so now you know i get my llc how long after my llc has established that i can i can now start getting government contracts oh you can do an llc in one day right yeah and you can register that one day llc tomorrow that's what i'm saying like most people i told you most people think you got to wait oh i got my llc and i got to wait six months nah build that thing tomorrow or tonight and then rush it tomorrow into wow and then the approval process probably take like five to seven days wow now wow that's powerful and so um talk to me about like now jason white you know he is teaching people how to secure government contracts right right he's uh gotten awarded multi-million dollar contracts has um you know you know residual income is is children i mean like he's doing he's living his life um if you were to go back to 18 18 year old jason white what advice would you be giving him oh man i've really got to think i was a hot head man yeah i had no direction i had no goals um i was content in my four little blocks i was walking around and riding my bike around every day i was cool with that so i had to reach back and say something to him i say the world is bigger than these four blocks the world is way bigger than this man be consistent listen twice as much as you talk because you got two ears and one mouth yeah and stay focused when you when you get it you're gonna get it yeah yeah and what what would you say um you know is like the the biggest money lesson though that you've learned so far like you know being somebody who you went from you know gas station to multi-millions right so you have to have you know this difference perspective on money uh what's the biggest money you know lesson you've learned man you know the cliche people say you gotta build a team get your team together yeah that joint is true you gotta hide you gotta have a team you gotta have people in place to help you continue to help you grow your money especially if you didn't come from money and you don't understand it so i had a big learning curve i never was a flashy guy i'm still not right i don't walk around and say i got this i got that i don't even show my house the car i don't do none of that stuff however commodore i did spend money on stupid stuff because i just didn't have a clue yeah so you got to put people in place to help you continue to grow your money yeah so what so what what would you say um is the most extravagant thing you've done with money so far oh man uh the carnival um you know the carnival cruise line yeah so i never been on a cruise yeah but my father and my mom they love crews they're not together but they was with their own people let me get that whole thing for three days let me get the whole thing for three days don't but i ain't we ain't moving though it was doc they had the whole ship three days wow biggest thing i've ever done wow wow wow and then what what would you say is the uh most impactful thing you've done with money oh man that's a good question retired my mom yeah i cried like a dog yeah yeah to date that's the most impactful thing yeah because i know what i put her through yeah i know what she was going through yeah i know i know it's my mom i know her life story are you the only child you know i got a sister but my mom helped raise my two cousins too after my auntie passed away so my mom basically raised four kids off of three jobs that's the most impactful thing i did and so and so finish this statement for for me i am jay white first name last name yeah i'm gonna embody that yeah right i am the guy that had no direction but stayed focused and figured out life and i'm here today all right uh when it's all said and done i will be i ain't putting the cap on it because my store is still going yeah if somebody answers that question they put themselves in the box no 100 and so uh i want everyone who crosses my path to know i'm a real one my word is my bond that's still true to this day most people word don't mean squat they say oh yeah i'm gonna call you they only call you back you know what man so my word is my bond and so and what what what advice would you have uh for the side hustler right so you know you know there's somebody right now uh who got the nine to five yeah they they dipping they told into you know starting a business what advice would you give to that person so let me say this too first like you know some people will say quit your job stop making somebody else rich you're making that making somebody's dreams come true for them i don't like that statement yeah because them the same people that probably got a team which means they employed those other people right are they talking to right so if you got a nine to five that might actually be your passion or your purpose yeah keep your nine to five but just understand you have to have multiple streams of income yeah so if that's your thing your nine to five understand like i said everybody should be doing a piece of business with the federal government this might be the best avenue for you with little to no resources yeah yeah if you are an entrepreneur business coach or small business owner who wants to get more visibility for your product or service then consider advertising on inside the vault we have been seen and heard over 2 million times and as the show continues to grow your ad would be embedded in our episodes forever so the return on investments on advertising with us is unmeasurable and invaluable if you're interested in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity then text podcast to 646-687-4152 [Music] or email us at info allow your business to get the visibility that it deserves so let's talk let's talk more about your program right like you know 12.8 million dollars have been now circulated in our community based on information that you weren't afraid to hold you know hold on to that you shared um and now you know families are able to take care hey families and that is the disciples again you see that brother yeah yeah yeah and and and that and that's that's a a great responsibility and a great thing that allows your blessings to keep coming actually you know what i'm saying because you you're blessed and now you're helping you know other you know other people become blessed so talk more about your program like what uh why are your students so successful and what you know what what can people get out of it so i saw a stat so it's a digital course it's online so it's self-paced i saw a stat something like uh most online digital courses people only finished like 30 of them yeah my course completion rate is 98 since last year wow i think if they send me emails all the time that yo your course is 98 completion rate so number one they're completing the course yeah number two is information they can easily digest to get it popping yeah i don't i'm not giving them government jargon and uh nah this is what you need to do boom boom boom and they're taking their marching orders and getting busy so i can't even take a whole lot of credit for because they're executing we all know knowledge not power it's applied knowledge that's power they're applying it because i'm giving it to them so they can digest it yeah and i'm loving it yeah yeah and i love that you say that because i actually think the number is lower than that i think i think uh totally things like six point eight percent like completion right so so i i don't think that's something to sneeze i think 98 completion like like what like what is it about your program that 98 like that's that's let me do this let me to my own horn please go ahead it's the best ain't no boring dude i'm not a square biz type dude yeah so now they looking at my personality hearing how i'm talking like yo if he doing it yeah they might be calling me dumb slow he barely graduated yeah that's what's up though right but they like i can do it too and now they're getting it done so it's the vessel for real for real but then i'm teaching them communication skills yeah i'm teaching them about pricing yeah i'm teaching them how to communicate with the contract specialist i'm actually teaching them what they need to read in terms of documentation i'm getting to it yeah all the other fluff stuff don't even matter i'm getting we getting straight to the point the course is 2.5 uh if somebody was to sit straight through it yeah it's 2.5 hours they they hit me the same thing yo i just finished your course i'm ready we'll get to the money then stop talking to me yeah yeah get to it yeah yeah yeah yeah no i love that and so look for my insiders we we got a special offer at the end um for you because i think that you know i mean is there something i'm missing though man because i yo cause i cuz you y'all know me i ain't a it's too good to be true type of dude yeah but like man like like like i'm like i don't know like i'm looking at my producer right now like why am i doing this show and you know i said how about this it's simple though like most people think that you can't get a government contract because their mindset is different yeah their mindset is what can i do for the federal government right that's the wrong mindset is can i manage can i manage the government contract and or can i manage the company that's going to do the work on the government contract yeah the answer is always yes i give a quick example every time we take our car to the auto mechanic we say yo my man i need an oil change yeah and you say all right cool main man come back and say yo you need an oil change you need a transmission new tires or window wipers all that yo i tell you i didn't use the oil change you just project manager auto mechanic doing his thing for 15 years cause you knew the expectation right all i do is take the expectations from the federal government and i echo it to the company that's going to do the work yeah everybody can do that and what what what happens if um you subcontract yeah and that subcontractor doesn't deliver on yes sir yeah yeah because it's people that be lying yeah there's garbage people out there that say i can do this and i and they really can't yeah so here's a real-time example i had a government i had a subcontractor that said i have six employees and three pieces of equipment well the government called me and said yo the people out here struggling what's going on so i called him i said yo what's going on he said yeah it's just me and my cousin out here with one piece of equipment cool my back is against the wall but i ain't panicking because what i noticed through my experience is the federal government wants to work with total small businesses so they're gonna give us multiple chances we just can't keep making the same mistake so because that subcontractor couldn't do what he said he could do you get him out of there and just bring somebody in there there's multiple companies they can do either oh and and so from a management perspective as being a plug you're not going to get all of the bread and give them like so now you're you're paying them as they're completing the job so so you're not even awarding them the full contract you're like yo you got to do it and if you're not doing it right yeah all right here's what which here's the money for what you paid let me get somebody else to come do the job the government is giving me per month yeah so the total value of the contract is 300 000 right so every single month they give me a piece of that 300 000 cool for the work that's being completed i'm paying them yeah he garbage i get him out of the way paying for the work he completed bring somebody else in there and then keep it rolling it's that simple nah i love that i love that all right we're gonna make it hard baby yeah i love that i love that all right so back so we're gonna do our lightning round right uh and so you know we are inside the vault like literally you know what i'm saying literally um and so here inside the vault what we do we take bank terms um and with those bank terms we flip them so it can be connected to us right okay um and so the first term we're gonna say is deposit slip right uh as you know in the bank uh you you get a deposit slip you fill it out you bring it that's where you put money inside the bank but for us inside the vault a deposit slip is a is a slip up a money mistake right okay uh like and so what is the biggest deposit slip or money mistake you've ever you've ever had you've ever done uh invested in an apartment building all by myself when i thought the dude i was partnering with had money as well yeah it was it was all bad and so you invested in an apartment building yeah 82 doors mm-hmm yeah yeah and my man said he he showed me a bank comfort letter which he probably derived himself in his in his living room i'm saying showed it to me i thought it was good yeah but this is new money j2 all right so i'm like oh we good we put up all the money yeah it was it was bad and so and so what happened you guys did you didn't get the uh yeah no i i bet i uh i lost i think i lost 125 on 125 000 wow but i put 250 on yeah yeah all right and so how'd you get the how did you get the 125 i had to sell the building as is all right and then they just you know 125 you want it i'm like yeah come on get something back for yeah yeah and so so so turn number two is um charge off right um and so you know to charge off you borrow money from a bank and if if the bank don't pay or if you don't pay the bank back the bank is going to charge it off after a certain amount of time okay uh for us inside the vault uh a charge-off is what type of people or mindset did you have to charge off on your journey to where you are right now oh man like get rid of yeah uh all my homeboys but i didn't do it though yeah they did it to themselves as i'm growing as i'm progressing as i'm uh getting into new circles and just being introduced to new people they wasn't feeling it yeah so i just got to love them from afar you know i mean some family members too but i didn't do it i kept calling them say hey i'm getting into this i'm doing this i'm doing that they just wasn't feeling yeah charged them off and charged them to the game too yeah yeah yeah yeah unapologetically yes sir yeah yeah uh last but not least trust account right um you know a trust account is where you put all of your valuable things and you allow it to grow um you know on your journey you talked about team right uh but what kind of mindset or people are in your trust account that's helping you grow on a daily basis that's good so as you meet new people people think that you're building people into your new circle well my circle is always going to be my homeboy that got me in the government contract yeah my sister mom and my and my immediate family right i'm not bringing anybody into that new circle just because i get new associates and and closer friends they're not involved in my circle yeah so my circles stay what it is so they can keep me humble i get big headed every now and then i'll pop off talk my issues but they like not chill we remember he was riding that pedal bike right they barely had a back tire right yeah that was me right here right so i keep that circle small so i can remain humble but at the same time not be humble so i can keep feeding the people the information that they need i love it i love it i actually remember a little bonus in here um dispeller money myth for me right because you know coming from where we come from there's a lot of times you hear money those that grow on trees and yeah like like all these you know you gotta you gotta work hard for money uh i mean you literally the plug you're not saying a middleman um that doesn't necessarily have to work hard for money so um the spelling money myth what what is something about money that now that you have it like you always thought growing up it was this way now you got it you're like nah that ain't true the same for biggie mo money mo problems is real they just different problems yeah they're just different right i ain't worried about my lights getting turned off and you know they coming to take the house i'm worried about other type problems people coming to me as investors and they snakes investment deals really aren't investments right somebody's saying oh okay uh put this money into this type of whatever it is and that's not real so now i got a different type of money problems for people just being snakes because they realize that you got money yeah and then they want to take it from you so dumb problems is real yeah yeah man listen y'all let me let me break this down for y'all if y'all if y'all don't understand what just happened here right my god jay white just gave you the keys like literally the keys to financial freedom you know number one he helped you learn how to search for government contracts number two he helped you learn how to submit those things by having a proper speech right and then lastly he learned he taught you how to secure them right and so if you want to take your life to the next level you don't have to have a special certificate uh he has a 98 completion rate on his program so i know there's a lot of fake gurus out here trying to teach you some things and all they trying to do is get you hyped and not get you to that finish line but literally at a 98 completion rate i promise you that you have to tap in with my guy jay white so make sure just for our insiders though because you're watching this we have a special offer for you who our insiders uh if you go to that's we got a special offer for you where you can take his program for less than what he normally charges on it and listen this is an investment as well right because you're going to be taught the game you're going to learn how to get to that next level how to be the middleman you don't even have to i don't even think you understand yo jay white brother yo appreciate you i appreciate you guys um if anybody wanted to connect with you um you know or or tap into more your stuff where can they reach you so so i am jason white underscore ig and then the federal if you talk to me i'm gonna talk back yeah straight up all right y'all so we are closing out the vault another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash make sure you tell a friend to tell a friend matter of fact i need you right now to make sure you are joining our insiders community i need you to text the word insiders to 646-687-4152 that's text the word insiders to 646-687-4152 we'll give you exclusive content behind the scene look we get we get we get crazy back here right so behind the scenes content of what's going on prizes everything make sure you tap in to the insider's community follow us on all social media platforms at inside the vault uh i am ash follow me i am ash cash and i'll see y'all next time for another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash kashmir close to the fault i'll see you next time in god's will right here in the fall you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 545,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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