INSIDE THE MIND OF RICEGUM: Diss Track Starlet of Youtube's Make-Believe Rap Industry

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Holy shit, Ricegum is fucked in the head.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/DontDrinkTooMuch 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

Dude's like the Captain Disillusion of Youtube drama.

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jesus the thing with his mom. Dude is like sick in the head. Thats like child like attention seeking right there. Like problem child hood or something.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/CerberusN9 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just can't help but think, "this dude is a dumb motherfucker" every time I see him.

...and his raps are garbage.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/JasonBerk 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

Wow, Ricegum is actually sociopathic.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/mananpatel 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

The production value of this video was amazing. I was thoroughly entertained.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/arj2589 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

I feel really bad for ricegum's mom to have to deal with ricegum. everything she is saying is completely right. ricegum's YouTube career is going to eventually end and he will have nothing to show for in his life.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/alexzander14 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

NerdCity is an extremely underrated YouTube channel

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Blownbunny 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2017 🗫︎ replies

If an apology involves a stripper pole, does it count as double?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/PagingDoctorDownvote 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2017 🗫︎ replies
book with rice coming your life's done you little score me hater I didn't know the shermanator was a nerdy skater don't threaten me with your visit mr. vanilla Isis you're the definition of what white is oh yeah I get big checks you've never seen anything like would you please excuse me viewers have hated rice gums responses to the content cop the numbers are really ugly you can see it in the polls on his own Twitter account on teen stars Twitter account on the like to dislike ratio and rice comes channel it's everywhere the haters include rice gums own fans and definitely included me invited the rape victim over to his house to apologize to her put her on a pole and then fired money at her as far as I grow let's roll saref that offended you dude oh this is gonna be a long sentence coma was doctor download as we take a closer look inside the mind of rice gum the imaginary pimp in YouTube's make-believe rap industry and his five part 6 part never ending response to the content cop [Music] Gary this time video I know I'm sorry we're waiting on try-hards three we're waiting on my bad pasture video we're waiting on something from that's the devil about cut me some slack okay you can't tell me that there haven't been some major events on this website recently you probably know all about it already but just in case you don't I'm gonna try to put it in simple terms at YouTube high school a district which apparently includes nerd city two of the most popular kids just got in a fight and it was a bully fight which are the best fights you picking on moody again [Applause] you want a piece of me i dubs and rice gum were out in the parking lot trading haymakers well everybody watched out the window with their noses up against the glass even the teachers when he releases a Content comp that's like a YouTube holiday for me I stop what I'm doing and I watch now I know I can hear some of the adults in the room maybe some of the parents being like who bugs and what gum okay on this side items bully number one now I say bully but a benevolent one in recent years idubbbz has become feared for his ability to stunt the growth of crappy channels with his criticism he's not malicious but he is unpredictable and sort of a clever rascal on the other side we have bully number two who is in many ways the complete opposite in the ways that I dubs can come across as genuine and grubby and self-aware rice gum is flashy and self-aggrandizing and materialistic and although is he doesn't seem to realize it most of his peers think of him as a bit of a bimbo he's [ __ ] wrong scum I don't really like the guy I don't like anything he does I still do more man keep going these are [ __ ] stupid you might be wondering how did a guy with a reputation like rice gum become so popular in the first place well because of kids rice rocketed to fame by mocking children this is a very successful formula on YouTube that keeps being tweaked ever so slightly it goes like this sprout it's rather simple kids love it when the person being mocked is their age but is not them it's an ugly fact but it is the reason why some of the worst bullying still gets lasts in schools it's a tension release in that moment when someone who's a little bit weirder than you is taking all the punishment you can be safe in the shadows yeah get them it's not me also highly coveted and virally shared RI dubs is content cop videos and for similar reasons you get to see a targeted destruction compared to rice gum though I dub sis fanbase seems to include more legal adults and items is highly respected by his peers if youtube's community is a living organism idubbbz is a key part of its immune system when a pathogen begins to spread through trending or recommended weather that's bad content or just a toxic personality to keep it from replicating inside of YouTube's culture idubbbz attacks it and then cripples in his video i dubs accused rye scum of having a caveman brain and if rice comes response to that content cop had been to sharpen a stick and then climb a tree even that would have been a more thoughtful defense than having the rape victim who he'd already humiliated twerk for him for cash as the dislikes indicate the recent uploads by rice gum are difficult to enjoy for reasons that have to do with talent and his lack of a sense of humor but even if you peel away those moldy things off of his content at the center of the problem is the fact that rice gum is a rotten do using evil YouTube's science we can go directly into rice gums mine and see what he was thinking [Music] [Applause] we're going in it works again I'm inside the mind of rice.i I understand the mind of a young man who who always wants to say that he's bored my life is so boring maybe really really bored food this is wood I'm just really bored I'm just I think girls I'm really bored so I want to try something I'm bored because I'm boring and and kids don't know that that's what it means when you say that you're bored all the time it gives you a great cover gives you an out to make a genuine effort at something when you aren't sure how it's gonna be perceived I'm really bored so I'm gonna start this video the way that I normally do by telling my audience so I get paid an obscene amount of money to entertain but I'm so bored of doing this role honestly on board a [ __ ] why do we get bored and why does it matter i dubs called me a little bit and he pointed out that I'm always trying to show off that I'm rich so the first thing I'm gonna do to win that PR war is I'm gonna have my roommate face banks who in contrast to me is kind of a high testosterone sort of manly dude I'm gonna have them come in sit on the edge of my bed and sprayed me with dollar bills out of a toy well I squirm around and act like he's tickling me as you saw with fouseytube I am very ticklish around men which is why when I tell banks to stop I can't quite muster up the strength to say it with intent like stop I say it like mine oh is it yes like stop stop stop like he's my boyfriend who knows just where to put his fingers to make me squirm let's clear this up once and for all I'm not a little bit like all of my artistic pursuits acting doesn't come very easy for me because I'm not very talented so when i reenact getting a push notification from the youtube app that would say idubbbz has just uploaded a content cop instead of simply reading what i would supposedly be seeing on screen I am going to phrase it in the form of a question like this yo items content cop and then I'm gonna freeze in place until he says his line like the worst acting out of a school play yo are those clothes I'm such a bad actor that most of my takes are gonna be blown takes in this video ironically though I've actually made fun of people for bad acting in their YouTube skits before go figure later but can watch something like help me plot help me help me plot something I don't know what to say yeah I would never have a ghostwriter because I always know what to say and ladies are you not impressed with my room I've lived here for five months and I'm still draping an unsecured Network cable across a leaning mirror and over to open doors wouldn't you want to walk into a booby trap like that when you get up in the middle of the night to pee come spend the night in my filthy frat house of a human aquarium no no no don't touch my [ __ ] bottles those are dirty those are special get ready for the worst apology you've ever seen in your life of course you remember this girl right the one that I mercilessly mocked for being the victim of a rape uh I got great wait how long did the rape last for like five mentor list okay so it's not that bad we're gonna exploit her again today you will not believe how thoroughly we do it I mean I said or you said somehow you got raped too bad because messages you though just to all the rape victims out there and it's just like it wasn't funny there's a lot going on here okay so you might be wondering why is this apology set up like a skit with silly Pizza kado style comedy music playing as the soundtrack and ridiculous fake tears why would I be pretending to cry if I'm actually sorry that's not very sincere right that's literally the opposite of being sincere why would I do that [Applause] it's because I'm not sorry okay wait'll you see just how not sorry I am sorry not sorry has released one too many saris for me [Music] what I really wanted to do in this response video was just explain to you guys that this girl is a hoe and then it doesn't matter what I said about her because she's just a fan of mine and she's irrelevant compared to me but no I can't say she's a hoe so i floor in and i set all this up so that I can show you that she's a hoe [Music] should I kiss you back I see she's a ho ho confirmed yes I made fun of her for being raped but as you can see by the fact that she's a willing participant in the script that I've written and kissing me just like my stupid horrible script says I'm still the one with the power in this dynamic and I can have my way with her even still no one rapes my girl and I even I rape my own girl is it really fair that I'm getting all this hate for insulting a ho she inconvenienced me I'm the real victim here she should be apologizing to me which is exactly why I wrote it this way that's the neat thing about my skits is I can just write down the reality that I want and then film it that way and then that's what everyone must accept this is what happened you got raped yeah bro and this dude he raped like hella people oh did it feel good you and just to make crystal clear that this apology is not heartfelt I'm gonna undo the whole thing double back on myself and I'm gonna make the exact same rape joke again did it feel good will somebody please call me a savage for making that joke again say lol rice gum is such a savage type that down in the comments I say I can't believe he made the joke again rice gum is such a savage please say that what are you doing now and here's a superstar's feeling like a pop star see I made fun of a stripper for being raped I don't even think you can rape a stripper let alone hurt their feelings raping her as lessor certainly making fun of her as lessor I had to encode this in the video but please translate the code as feeling like a pop star [Music] so hopefully you understand now why I kept saying did it feel good because she probably enjoyed it am i right I mean [ __ ] like it however they can get it in legal terms this is the she still wants it defense okay take a normal she was asking for it or she probably enjoyed it defense which you hear from sex offenders and put that to a beat rapist I'm not even on my level okay here's the part where I [ __ ] shame this girl for having a job in the sex industry now classy move huh I'll admit I'm sort of plagiarizing here it's just I see that comment a lot on certain websites I visit like it's the kind of thing that a guy will write underneath the video after he's finished this business you know he'll write oh I bet her parents are proud it makes me laugh every time now never mind the fact that the sex industry is filled with victims of sexual abuse I mean I don't know what the numbers are for dancers but for prostitutes it's like 1 to 1 studies show that 85% of prostitutes were raped when they were younger so the idea that this rape victim might have devalued her own sexuality at some point and is now trying to reclaim that and you know turn it into a currency to empower herself that's just gonna go right over everybody's head okay this isn't telling you she's not just sitting around thinking about being raped anymore guys she moved on she's dancing for men I was like Trent um no and damn so guys if you want to rape her she won't see you hey girl look I'm sorry that I made fun of your sexual trauma by telling my fans to rape you again and mocking you repeatedly to your face but allow me to make up for it by buying you some sexy lingerie that's not psychologically weird is it and come on the whole guys you can rape her she won't sue you that's the funny joke because it's true on several levels she didn't report her sexual crime and neither do a lot of rape victims and that's a widespread problem the only way to fix the underreporting of sexual crimes is to embarrass these women for being afraid to report the crime she told people that like we whatever and then everyone was a Kashia ho she is less victim shaming is not the problem it's the solution to the problem oka muga I have a caveman brain and I didn't buy it to wear like I wouldn't even wear eight I'll even wear 50 Laura underwear right so I just buy it just for the sole purpose that my mom can yell at me look everyone knows I'm not from the hood but my struggle was real really comfortable sure but look I just didn't have enough luxury items as a child my mom didn't let me waste money on stupid things and prioritized material fashion traction so now in order to show her I'm wasting more money on sneakers and and hoodies and expensive underwear then she could save in a decade and I'm rubbing it in her face and recording it - I've done it a lot I am making so many of these videos it's a whole series did you see these shoes yeah there were $5,000 I like I thought about you first of what I bought it and I just that led to one of my salary I'm always hearing these real rappers talk about making it out of the hood and finally having money and stuff and look I'm not trying to flex on my fans or show off from my old neighborhood or anything like that it's even more Petty and embarrassing I am trying to humiliate my working-class parents you know anything about Asian parents or just parents in general they really value money and they hate when their senators will point out one of the fights that's upon your word I'll never stop any time do you know dynamic doctor the book on yo why would you hit my [Music] but I'm flexing can you get these sheep out my mission how can I be mad I sleep in a mansion oh sorry for calling you a mom I totally meant idubbbz not you he makes a lot of money too so I'm not really sure why he'd be impressed with this $35,000 a month mansion that's being split like 1520 ways you know it brings the rectum to something kind of reasonable for LA I know you might be thinking you know what's not impressive paying someone else's mortgage but it's better than your house isn't it mom you I keep hearing people say rice gum rhyme a lot with a lot I remember I was broke I couldn't dress a lot came up from nothing little just what I flex a lot I keep seeing comments like list oh stop state your brooch were never broken had a nice house I was right I have to flex on my fans because that's how I can flex on my mommy you can see how humiliated she is by my behavior but I'm a bad person so that feels really good to me does it dip dip don't don't make me mad see that's who I'm flexing on do you get it I didn't escape real poverty or the hood or anything like that but I did escape my mom's good parenting is that my gangster as you're a stalker and you think about me every night you're obviously y but you might as well be Asian cuz you're obsessed with rice here's by far the stupidest part of my response to the content cop this is where I copied a minions idea to document the entire creative process of a song by recording a skit for you where I supposedly am writing down the lyrics to the diss track but I'm careful never to flip over the other side of these printer paper and reveal that maybe the just something that was emailed to me or it might be the script to this very video and how is it that I'm writing so well on this paper with no backing I mean is this a space pen what's going on oh we're back that brain was so boring that was the most boringest thing I've done in my life as we've seen time and time again when busted by the content cop just like with a real cop it's best to immediately concede and privately sieve and not try to overpower him with insults or Winder your fan base because your fans are probably also idubbbz his fans or could quickly become that way this content cop situation was a chance for rice gum to finally see himself the way that most people see him and to make some choices that would reveal good character what rice gum just didn't get the picture which is why he lost it's almost like it broke the last thread of his grip on reality and he started to think that he was a real rapper involved in a rap beef and not just a YouTube channel that uses satirical rap as a format for a video series items called rice gum the Asian Jake Paul which is funny because both Brian and Jake are part of this new wave of make-believe YouTube rappers who are floating inside the YouTube bubble where you can hire somebody to help you make musical tracks and then feed that music to your existing fan base either as part of your regular uploads or as part of your merch sales through iTunes and apparently those iTunes sales can go right to these dummies heads and make them start to think that their actual career musicians they're just vloggers or comedians or whatever what happens inevitably is that these people reach a certain level of popularity where they can just do whatever the hell they want and in a lot of cases they start making music why do they start making music not because they're good at it but because they can't you just sing whatever it is that comes out of your mouth you hand it over to a musical producer they throw a beat on it they make sure you sound nice and pretty and there you go you're a musician I want to end this video by showing you an article from the Philly voice who sent a staff writer to a jake paul concert in philadelphia the article is titled noted idiot jake paul performed in philly last night it was awful it's one of the worst things I've ever seen essentially Paul and several other children play out a fantasy of being rappers in front of other children please do read that whole article for a dose of reality there's the rap game that exists in the music industry and then there's the rap meme that exists in YouTube rice come you have more in common with a hotknife than you do with Hendrik Lamar or Kodak black like the Kafka story where a man wakes up and realizes one day that he's a giant cockroach rice gum you will wake up one day and realize you're a fidget spinner listen to your mommy rice come save your money [Music]
Channel: Nerd City
Views: 2,171,087
Rating: 4.954597 out of 5
Keywords: RiceGum, Content Cop, Doctor Downvote, Nerd City, idubbbztv, idubbbz, Rice Gum, diss track, Asian Jake Paul, response, apology, rap, youtube music, rap artist, roast
Id: MHaQETqabDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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