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A lot of people will ignore this because they're quite frankly exhausted by the Paul brothers being cunts but this video hits a lot of topics that haven't really been discussed yet.

This is such an incredibly in depth video. Production value on this channel is fucking astounding for its size and this might be the best video done to date.

👍︎︎ 1189 👤︎︎ u/Jamarch 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm sure many of us are pretty ignorant about the things that the Paul's do unless it blows up like the dad kissing kids thing, but the killer clowns skit is some of the worst shit I've seen and it completely flew under the radar for me.

👍︎︎ 702 👤︎︎ u/The_Borracho 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jesus Christ the incest stuff. I knew about some of it like the dad kissing the same girl as his sons, but holy hell there's just so much of it. I also felt really bad for those twins; that was just sick. The ending was ironic gold. Getting Jake to retroactively plug their merch was poetic.

Nerd City is quality; top notch content. They deserve far more than 300K subs.

👍︎︎ 605 👤︎︎ u/Dr_StrangeLovePHD 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

That part where the kids were crying saying with absolute certainty that the clown attack was real went on for too damn long... I've never been "triggered" in my life with general internet bullshit, but this got to me.

Great video, this needs to reach the frontpage ASAP.

👍︎︎ 364 👤︎︎ u/Towern 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

This shit shouldn't be okay. He's straight up traumatizing those kids and nothing bad will ever happen because he's one of Youtube's boys. It is no better than the Elsagate stuff. Also who fucking screams at babies to make them cry because it will look better for your video?

And it is hilarious that he pushes his merch so much when it is all rip offs of other people's work.

👍︎︎ 331 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Jesus Christ, I know Jake Paul clickbaits a ton but that killer clown shit is next level. How self-absorbed do you have to be to peacefully sleep at night while thousands or potentially hundreds of thousands of children are bawling their eyes out and are genuinely scared watching those killer clown videos. As Nerd City points out in the video children have a harder time differentiating fantasy and reality, and these kids are watching their biggest idol, the person they look up to the most being tortured, all the while thinking it's real. Makes me sick to my stomach really. That's not the kind of content children probably as low as 5 years old should be watching.

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/jesjan90 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I feel sorry for the guys that had to watch all the Jake Paul shit to make this video. F

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/Orth0dox 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

I had a chapter on Jake's anti-school message, but I had to cut it for length. I can see some validity to the "skip college" argument, but telling kids to drop out of grade school is unfathomable.
There was a great reddit thread I wanted to reference where teachers were discussing Jake Paul, and talking to each other about the effect he's having in classrooms. Here it is:

👍︎︎ 210 👤︎︎ u/PagingDoctorDownvote 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hmmm, I'm not sure I like this Jake Paul character.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/A_G00SE 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
on YouTube Jake Paul is called a vine star like a slur used for an outsider but the truth is Jake is actually one of the oldest youtubers we still have around Jake and his brother Logan have been uploading for 10 years which is a lot longer than PewDiePie or jenna Marbles markiplier and most other veterans who may come to mind Jake became a youtube comedian when he was 11 and all throughout his teenage years he never really stopped uploading for very long by the time he was 19 he was already a multi-millionaire from income derived almost entirely on YouTube Jake Paul is one of our own and although he was made by YouTube he is intensely aided by most other creators now Jake Paul is a complicated personality on the one hand jake should be respected as an expert on social media and as a wildly successful entrepreneur but on the other hand jake should be reviled for exploiting children as young as preschoolers Jake is a highly perceptive and charismatic bully as well as a savvy self-taught businessman with a tireless work ethic for producing new garbage continue today I'm gonna try to take a closer look at Jake Paul's successful March line as well as reason why Jay Paul vlogs are flat-out against the law to broadcast in the United States United Kingdom and the entire European Union coming with dr. down bow as we take a closer look inside the mind of Jake Paul [Music] by my grades I knew I was smart are you a Jake Paul I just learned about their most romantic moment Jake Paul's content is illegal to broadcast in most countries he could name I'm gonna show you why and Jake is even gonna tell you why it starts with the audience who is watching Jake Paul's channel now we don't have access to Jake's analytics to verify his demographic according to YouTube's stats but heck maybe Jake will just tell us who he's making videos for is he that foolish who is your audience who do you make your videos for if my audiences is definitely younger I'd say it's like eight years old - like 16 years old and so that's where I try to like cater the the content towards - who is your average a polar an 8 18 year old 8 year old dude scan the crowd at any Jake Paul fan meetup and there are preteen fans as far as the eyes can see and that's no accident Jake Paul's content is targeting fans far below the age of 12 and despite all of the criticism and bad press that Jake Paul has gotten and I sorted through quite a bit no one has exposed all of the ways that Jake Paul is doing it [Music] one recent addition to the team ten family Ben Hampton is 77 years old most adults most high school students most middle school students would not be interested in the fashion recommendations of a seven-year-old as nice as I'm sure he may be the average 13 year old would not want anything to do with this kid yet here's little been on instagram repping Jake's March a young savage shirt and spouting Jake's famous line merch Lincoln bio counting down to 6 willow is a six year old who's now in the orbit of Jake's social media empire for Titus aka little Jake Paul one of the stars of Jake Paul's channel now you can't tell me what to do it's just for four years old my little dude here is rocking the Murchie turn him around that's what I'm talking about did you have the underwear onto another member of team 10 is the cartoon little Donnie red is Jake's make-believe friend and employee little Donnie red looks designed after a minion hosts constantly on social media advertises Jake's merch retweets his raunchy music videos and stars an Instagram of hosts alongside Jake hey nice but Alyssa Jake is building out a fan base as young as preschoolers but is YouTube complicit in that when the famous vine invasion happened youtube's recommended feed and trending page supercharged the Paul's channels with subscriber growth and both Paul Brothers were featured prominently in the YouTube rewind if you aren't aware YouTube rewind is a promotional video that YouTube itself makes at the end of every year to showcase hand-picked creators so yes Jake is promoted to the wider YouTube audience but how far down is he a YouTube star could the platform be feeding any Jake Paul content to viewers that YouTube knows are eight years old or younger the YouTube kids app is one way to figure that out the kids app is a sterilized version of YouTube that many parents handed their kids on an iPad and then walk away trusting it to deliver age-appropriate content I was curious if any Jake Paul content was available on YouTube kids I set up a YouTube kids account for an eight-year-old and searched for Jake Paul his name was in the autocomplete on a fresh install but it didn't give me any results however simply removing the space in the name as any kid might do Jake Paul returns lots of Jake Paul content vlogs songs highlight reels and especially collabs with babies yeah Jake Paul has been very busy collabing with family channels that make content for the kids app and babies literal babies who advertise his march in this vlog we're told that Jake likes these kids because they wear as much I dress them in there Jake Paul it's everyday merch because you know how Jake is with his merch for some odd reason and I believe advertising to children is the intent Jake Paul changing yo his team 10 employees his brother Logan Paul who have no children of their own yet have all been collaborating with family channels and babies and by the way even babies get the classic savage Jake Paul treatment went at the team ten house you gonna eat this whole thing most likely not [Music] [Music] don't touch it don't you touch it it's a Lamborghini a baby is barrel rolled in the air on a tram oh no and then Jake improvises a comedy skit where a baby's put on the trampoline and then Jake jumps on the trampoline pretending to launch the baby into the air strikingly irresponsible scenario to show kids any of whom may have a trampoline and a baby brother or sister but luck that gets into why Jake Paul content is inappropriate for kids to watch and we will document many reasons why in a bit but we're laying down this foundation first the issue of advertising to children has been a battleground for parents and lawmakers and corporate interests since long before the television was invented there's a huge history there the reason for all the concern about it from parents as well as the desire to do it from marketers is the same it's unclear to a child that advertising is intended to make you buy something younger viewers are unlikely to understand the difference between advertising and entertainment and fantasy and reality children under the age of 8 are mentally incapable of viewing and interpreting advertisements with a critical eye children are more trusting than adults and more likely to do what they're told and that's exactly why broadcasters and marketers want to advertise to children it's big business since it's easier to control children than adults and children wield enormous power over the spending of their parents advertisements aimed at children deliver a huge bang for their buck during an era of deregulation that spanned from 83 to 89 the floodgates were opened to children shows built around toys toy sales drove plot lines on Saturday morning TV then in 1990 US Congress passed the children's television act the law does several things that are intended to stop scumbags like the pause from exploiting younger viewers the CTA dictates that shows may not include commercials for products related to the program or featuring characters from the program which is called hosts selling it also limited how many minutes per hour of commercials that children's programming can contain that's 17.5% and 20% of the watch time maximum can be ads now let's store those numbers right here because we're gonna need them in a minute when we check out Jake Paul's content even if you haven't seen any Jake Paul content you may have still heard some buzz about how aggressively he's advertising the kids they're marketing to kids extremely aggressively there's some legitimate brainwashing going on it's very predatory on these kids and they're selling like garbage but until you sit through an actual Jake Paul vlog in real time you can't understand how aggressively he's doing it take this one for example titled the best song we've ever made Jake begins by plugging his new song available on iTunes next he plugs his live tour then he advertises his merch then he plugs his upcoming pay-per-view boxing event then he's back to merch telling us there's a $500 prize being given away to people who buy in the next 72 hours $500 the second prize winner is gonna win $250 just go to fan joy that come back fake wall enter the contest guys get yourself some of the hottest work then he's back to plugging the song then in these segments which really show the seams on how he employs repetition Jake switches back and forth between stuffing the word tour and song and music video into as many sentences as he can my whole entire life is basically turning into a tour my life is becoming a tour everything I do man I'm just too I'm a tor tor tor tor tor tor next Jake walks into the area of the house that he's turned into her merch store we see the URL of the store on the walls and then Jake makes a merch storm he lets his dog chew open a box emerge while he's plugging the merch which brings Jake back to a tour plug for a merchant as you can see there's some tour merch inside of there so if you guys come on tour get your tickets in the description if you guys come on tour you're gonna need to be able to get some exclusive March that is only available on tour then he puts glitter on his face and jumps in the pool to entertain kids not an ad but then in the very next scene in his car there's a merch fly out my new merch on it's the new job yo check out the shorts - this rolls right into a plug for the boxing again then a plug for the song again then back to a March plug again two more plugs for the song then another plug for the live tour then a long merch plug that's 23 separate ad reads built into one video out of a 13 minute and 50 second video nearly seven minutes of that time is devoted to advertising products 50% now remember our numbers here 17.5% and 20% and jake understands and leans into heavy repetition as a principle of advertising watch how he describes it here when talking to Vice I think you have to market to them a ton of times like make sure that they're like reminded of what message you want to push through that the words are artificially jammed into the sentences he says trying to get me to bring him on tour so that he could yodel like that on tour we can say that Optimus Prime by virtue of just being on-screen and being a toy was shilling toys for Hasbro but these constant calls to action directly from Jake are an advertising hell in children's programming worse than anything we've ever seen on TV we heard him say it he admitted it but Jake is clearly making content for children with behavior like a rowdy child and added cartoon sound effects denny spends half the time of the video telling children what to buy so if you want to win $500 $250 or $100 then go to the website right now get yourself some teams and tour to get skype yourself some of the new drama but another prohibited tactic that jake employs is to tell kids to tell their parents what to buy that's called pester power and it's illegal under the unfair commercial practices directive of the european union jake actually even goes a step further in some of his videos in the christmas song where the course was literally bite at Murch over and over Radha March March bata March body March body Mark J constructs the viewer to tell their parents to buy all his merch go tell your mama she got a but imagine for a moment if host selling and advertising to children had never been regulated how much that would have diminished children's programming in the past [Music] bata March by that Murch spider huh although Jake by his own admission does try to create children's programming it is not appropriate for children not even close Jake recently took a turn into making horror content in a series of videos this summer Jake and his roommates experienced home invasions from a gang of killer clowns unknown adults wearing scary masks with blood on their clothes during this time Jake Paul changed his channel name - Jake Paul will die in scenes that are intended to distress the viewer home invaders swing metal baseball bats all around Jake's dog debates stabbing the dog with a butcher knife hold the dog hostage and then in scenes that really upset young fans blind kidnap terrorize Jake and Erica if this for a movie maybe pg-13 right but too distressing for 8 and younger and for evidence that Jake Paul's fans cannot distinguish between reality and fiction countless videos were uploaded to YouTube by concerned children some of these kids sobbing asking for police to intervene asking for someone to pay the ransom it's begging the kidnappers to let Jake and Erica go Erin Jay got kidnapped him and they were like all surrounding Jericho and him and they brought tape on their mouth and they were crying on each other Titus's punk guys they changed the channel name it was called Jake Paul will die and the channels theme now it's Jay Paul died Jane Paul and Eric are like my favorite people and I don't want them to die and why they will kill him and we don't want him just just be dead actually he's not here I was really scared the clown got a knife one of the clown's we're about to kill the blind dog I know they wanted to kill Thor and they're planning when I don't head off yeah the coolest babe oh they even with the bat today wait I'm so mad right now knowing that your favorite youtuber might die it's really sad don't you don't need to kill then you don't need a kidnap then you don't need to do anything if you do you're just going to get in more trouble so much please say it's not worth killing somebody to make me feel better don't wait Jake Paul go right now bring them back to their house it will kill them a lot of people think it's fake but it's real it's fake it's saying daddy be but it's not guys it's not thanks oh maybe not think while you're watching this I'm sorry buddy after this video I'm changing my youtube name I thought it might please you two guys I'm not gonna make no more videos finder don't kill every youtuber but that's not true it will not kill and if the clowns know where we live you will not find out where we live because we are not telling you I don't care if they come to me and I love that pygmy Hospital I will beat you the you die I don't care if we have to move to another country I just want them to be alive does it matter because I've gotten beaten up a lot I already did something about it gonna take a flight to LA look for evidence do you call the cops we can literally call the cops so let's save him please er his family watching this guys go to his house to check everything out go if you can go to the bike trail it's by a bike trail by team tent I'll give the cleanse 1000 mean times ran but we're gonna give them 10 grand so they will let him go because we need Jake Paul back just pray for them pray for them here I know pray on websites where parents rate age appropriateness of children's programming the reviews from adults seem to agree Jake is a bad babysitter as we look at some of the faces of kids invested in Jake Paul content all of you consider how sexual these videos tend to be the amount of sexually charged content is significant and the fact that it will be watched any way by unsupervised kids is acknowledged by Jake in the titles notice how the wording here is don't watch this with your parents not don't watch this with your kids who is your audience who do you make your videos for if my audiences is definitely younger I'd say it's like 8 years old - like 16 years old and so that's where I try to like cater the the content towards I try to be as clean as possible this is great Jake's cousin and mother reacted to one of Jake's videos and the cousin gently states that it's too sexual and not appropriate for young fans little kids watch these things and it's like kind of inappropriate at some point like I got a little uncomfortable and I'm sixteen the mother however strangely emphasizes the sexual nature of it like it's the best part I thought it was sexy okay which brings us to the weird stuff some of the sexy clickbait with Jake's employees who play the role of his girlfriend at least follow society's norms I'm not saying for certain that the pawls Harbor a sexual curiosity for family members I am saying that you might not find their incest humor appropriate for yours the layers to their incest play go all the way back down to their roots like rings on a tree Jake role-playing as a girl pretending to climax his brother Logan the mother swats her son's crotch and smacks his ass this freeze frame mother's hand on son's crotch how do you feel about that I don't think that frame should exist or how about Jake's mom twerking in front of Jake while he vlogs mom do you want to go on a date later or the mom in the same room with her adult son while he's naked recording it I'm naked once again I'm no longer naked that'll be weird ya know who you really were my mom sitting on my lap yeah or son saying mom come into the bathroom and shave me right now or how about Jake calling his girlfriend his sister I love you mom kiss me on the mouth kiss you in the mouth you my mom what's with forcing your parents to kiss for you I just feel like you guys need to I feel like they need you guys need to kiss come here mmm I just feel like you guys should what's with asking to record the story of your conception is this the bed that I was made on it was at the beach it could have been the woods or the beaches we did a couple times Oh what's with two brothers banging the same girl I will bake you out with your ex-girlfriend again what's with pretending to have sex with your brother stuff know what's you know what's with making the Martinez twins hump each other stuff dee said to us you guys what's with the roleplay games where the brothers pretend to be girls and kiss each other what's with the jokes about this friend having sex with your mom what's with the jokes about this friend having sex with your mom yeah No what's with the jokes about all of your friends having sex with your mom come on mom mom my boy better not why is there a running theme about friends having sex with your mom what's with your mom bragging about your revealing wrestling singlet young ladies get to see Jake in a singlet oh yeah Paul in his singlet make it him what's with your mom talking about whether a condom would fit your penis or not in eighth grade at the CVS at the corner and I told him it wouldn't fit yeah I did for most normal people thoughts of your parents having sex or your children having sex or the size of your son's penis or the story of your conception or about is off limits as it gets the first spot but for the Paul's those topics are mine for comedy or for your naughty thrills I guess when I was fighting all the other sperms to get out of guys know what the polls might say in their defense is look we're just super comfortable around each other we're a tight family and we tend to put our hands on each other and we'll talk about any topic and that may be true but they can't claim they don't know they're crossing taboo lines because again and again they choose to clickbait the family sex edginess in the thumbnails and in the titles it's why they used the shocked emoji but if you do that too many times one being too many in my opinion it starts to raise some eyebrows it starts to seem like maybe some wires are crossed in your head fact that Jake's dad is creepy is such a meme shows that he's ringing alarm bells in the minds of young kids when Jake had a kissing contest that involved his dad in him kissing and swapping spit on the same young fan a lot of people spoke up about how uncomfortable that made them feel it's [ __ ] gross it's [ __ ] abysmal like what is this they're in the row and they're like this is what goes on at team ten it's just like a giant freakin gangbang with his dad involved oh yeah Jake Paul not you George this [ __ ] is pretty creepy dude but wait daddy didn't even get a kiss yet kissing the same girl as your dad like who the [ __ ] would do that Oh Jake does that is coming in Jake balls dad is that just the most putrid thing I love how he goes in for like three he goes in for three he knows he's not getting any hot tail like this for a while daddy takes full advantage but then Jake Poe literally kisses the same go as his that just kissed in the matter of 30 seconds can you imagine kissing the same girl as your dad like this is so [ __ ] weird this is so weird am I the only one who kind of says they he's kind of [ __ ] up it's kind of [ __ ] so by the way if you go in the comments and read even his twelve-year-old girl fans know that this is pretty creepy oh my god that poor girl what I've totally felt pressure to kiss look how many guys were standing around her asking if she wanted to participate the whole scene was horrible to watch why would a young girl kiss Jake's dad am I the only person that finds this really wrong and very cringe when a 12 year old is coming up to me and like did this maybe a little inappropriate I think you're better daddy yeah and you imagine being the dad Greg Paul literally disgusts me that girl was way younger than him it honestly made me so uncomfortable to watch this I'd be embarrassed if that were my dad this is the worst this is as low as it gets for Jay Paul perhaps rightfully so the idea that Greg Paul is creepy has stuck to him and he can't seem to shake it it's even brought up by the sons boxing opponent the disgusting delusional diet you're disgusting man you wouldn't my last one run little girls you like kissing Jake's dad gets told he's creepy even on his own livestreams to the point where he gets defensive one person making a comment and they were like hey that's kind of creepy it's creepy dummy and that is 100% the fault of the poles for making sexy edgy family clickbait and in youtubers making other youtubers look bad news we have our buddy Jake Paul back in the news he popped up in the news day because he had issued a challenge to his very young viewers that he called the chalkboard challenge here's what your guys are gonna do at home you guys Jake Poehler you're gonna go to your school and you're gonna write Jake Paul challenge not only me but all of the Jake Pollard's to go into their school and write Pinchot code backslash Jake Paul on the chalkboard to their school write the link to my merch site take a picture tweet it and I will follow you on Twitter and it turns out many of his young fans did this and then they got in trouble some examples I got in trouble another saying they got detention for doing it too which Jake Paul retweeted and said lol slay I mean we really shouldn't be surprised regarding Jake Paul and then what he's telling children to do in their classrooms and then his like egging it on even more when they get in trouble seems very apparent despite whatever words he uses to say otherwise or sad music or just like guys I'm connecting with you kind of stuff he likely sees these kids as things as dollar signs as a means to an end what is up sponsors um I am trying to sponsor Jake Paul I just want to say thank you guys for becoming a super 7 the thing is I don't have um you know enough money so I can't right now so I wanted to wait a little bit the most video to let some more super shelves roll in but guys you're an exclusive group now you're the exclusive o G homies as soon as I get the money thank you all for becoming a sponsor I get $20 off sponsoring for four months y'all are super subs if I only get five dollars then I'll sponsor him for a month you're super subway subs there kids and you know a lot of power over them Jake recently bragged about making fifty million dollars last year made over 50 million dollars this year with all the constant calls to action for children to buy his merch one would have to believe that a big chunk of that 50 million is in March sales we need to take a close look at the merch side of his business a really close look and in order to do that we're gonna finally go inside the mine Jake Paul Jake koalas we're going in great welcome to the dumpster so Jake recently taunted his boxing opponent about the way that he dresses chanting Walmart over and over became a bit of a meet but if we're talking about cheap clothes Jake knows that the real meme should be chanting Claire bar back at him because his perch is filled with clipart I isolated the graphics in his hideous looking fashion line reverse image search them and got a bunch of hits he says he's a fashion designer no he's catfishing the public with this March this wave design this Lamborghini this goat these boxing gloves the logo for his entire line the God Church even all clipart this is the best looking sweatshirt Jake Scott and that's not saying much and even this was straight-up stolen from a real designer the guy who was already selling this design call Jake out on Twitter you children should be embarrassed kids if you were Jake Paul merch to school everyone is gonna think that your dad is dump rusty cage the knife song guy you hate children what are you doing in a mind filled with children I'm trying to learn how to rip off kids that's all this guy thinks about that's not all he's thinking about you should see what he's thinking about his mom over there that's the double what are you doing a jig Paul's head mom stuff they smell like my dad smells like his Cologne I miss my dad because he is never home I think the only way to stop this guy's power is to do one of two things first humiliate kids for wearing Jake Palmer and to shame parents for making this guy rich what do you say fellas you want to roast this much it's pretty easy to make fun of she's basically just tricking kids in the dressing like NASCAR fans I can only imagine like if I had my own car the Jake Paul jr. car like what would that look like there just be like Phandroid that Cove stickers all over it Jake does wish he was a racecar driver I think you can see that in the designs this is Jake's I wish I grew up to be a racecar driver bootleg version of race car driver merged you know what a driver I'll sign over top of the number of his car or his initials and I wouldn't officially be Jake Paul jr. if I didn't get myself some official NASCAR merchandise but realize well but they sell Jake Paul merchandise here - look at that bro yo who knew that they some Jake if you enjoy car crashes it usually means that your dad is dumb statistically yes that is a true statement NASCAR crashes are absolutely insane being a NASCAR fan makes you look dumb and poor you're right little Donny red it sure does goodbye oh don't we all just love a little mascot this terrible logo with the wings appears to have been stolen from a bumper sticker for pickup trucks with the skull it looks kind of cool but the wings not so much it's like an Aerosmith tattoo or REO speedwagon's logo it looks like a [ __ ] stamp that a filthy old lady would have on a small of her back Jake only thinks this looks cool because his father's a bozo kids do you want people to think that your dad is like Greg Paul the worst dumbest creepiest dad on YouTube angel wings have been a little cringy to me since long before the 1970s I look at old depictions of myself I get embarrassed don't do that to yourself don't wear wings don't wear wings besides kids do you really want this guy scribbling his name on you like you're his little property like a newborn calf branded forever with the name of its owner most cattle are wearing a cooler Brandon Jake Paul having Jake Paul's signature on the middle of your shirt is ridiculously stupid it's like buying a fake autograph off eBay how far do you think you're gonna get in life not as far as jake is gonna get see if you pay Jake for the stolen clipart from Google Images you're the sucker yeah don't even get me started on the Jerrica merchandise I mean do you really want to wear something to commemorate an imaginary relationship I mean do you want to be his imaginary girlfriend he's not even paying attention to you in the drawing this drop out hoodie design looks like the worst Garth Brooks merch ever like that if you donated these to a thrift store it would probably throw them in the trash really like that if you're dumb enough to pay for that much odds are your kids just as dumb as you are do not let your kid drop out of school change can use that mind helmet to go back in time to win Jake and Logan first very major and change the course of history I can't and he definitely can yeah I got this I've warned you about using that helmet too much well dr. downvote is busy doing whatever he's doing inside Jake Paul's mind I want to show you just how easy it is to make a Jake Paul quality March design as it turns out Jake Paul's Jerrica design is basically just a clipart of a goat with his signature on top let's make a similar design in Photoshop Jake and I both have animal nicknames for our girlfriends he calls Erica a goat and I call Nikki a raccoon both are animals that eat garbage so maybe a clipart raccoon with my name written over it could be our terrible t-shirt design so I'm gonna jump out of the seat and this will be Nikki's first graphic design public domain clipart rack and let's look for one that looks like a stencil there we go right click copy image I'll click file new edit paste great there's our raccoon there's our design we're almost done now we need to pick a font and we should do something that looks kind of like fancy cursive handwriting like a signature script Tina is a really overused font but it's free to use for commercial purposes so let's go with that guy now click on the raccoon and write nerd [Music] done that is easy great job graphic designer hey what is up Nicky you know I love your designs I saw someone some of them sorry I can't talk keep on grinding on them you'll alert thanks Jake peace out Nicky please don't get the impression that that was Jake endorsing our merge design I'm not showing you that for our commercial purposes but I do think it's in the public's interest to know that Jake's mouth is for hire Jake is so blindly money hungry and eager to monetize every second of his day that you can hire him at a rate of about twenty four thousand dollars an hour to read messages for you anyway back to our merch project one of the oldest and easiest ways to slap a design on a shirt and do print on demand is Cafe Press so let's put this on a cafe press store first we have to pick a store name I think the name should communicate how little effort went into this you know basically just taking some clip art and writing my name over top of it and then making a store so something that sounds fast like zoom or swoop or swoosh I know how about Zoosh just like making this you know like Zoosh we're done now we need to plan our advertising and the demographic we want to reach would be people who want to wear clip art on their clothes like Jake Paul fans do we could show an ad for this as a pre-roll on Jake Paul's content and if we do that we're definitely going to want something that would catch the attention of Jake's younger audience you want the news of game town you want the worst [Music] [Music] since we're looking for aspiring douchebags and people who like lazy ideas all of the profit if there is any from our Cafe Press store will go to PBS an organization that unlike Jake Paul and team 10 oh shut up actually does make suitable content for younger viewers I wonder how downvotes doing in there listen Logan someday I'm gonna help you get rich selling your own brand of douche merchandise I need you to help us sell our merch Zoosh Lincoln by oh say Zeus items and buy us a douche douche items I'll put the link on the side you might want to check that out maybe buy some stuff get some clothing you know of Zeus it's called Zeus items I'll put the link on the side he's talking about merch back in the day they were talking like they they already had this in their head back then I guess did she just call us this listen lady pronouns if you don't want to call us nerd City then the correct pronouns are they or them and my preferred honorific is dr. or dr. D or dr. D dr. D what is up congratulations best of luck with your product launch you make the world a better place say hi to Rusty for me love you both peace out y'all dr. D Zeus Zeus Zeus I don't even know what I'm about to watch sailing games Oh Zeus items some dude is running around naked and covered in duct tape this is weird this is YouTube ception oh you really are Trojan horsing these guys you listen to me this family has no problem exploiting children so I have no qualms about using a time machine to go back and take advantage of a 13-year old Logan and a 11 year old Jake pause yeah this is pretty funny because now they're old videos are linking to our merch what's extra funny to me is that will know the pawls have seen this video when suddenly their old channel no longer promotes our merch do you say we just right now come on whoa-oh bestie you and I'm stuck with him full-time Jake Paul doesn't respect teachers he likes to rub his own success in the face of his old teachers he made a general diss track at the job of teacher and sometimes he'll even call them out by name when he's showing off his nice things in his vlogs mrs. Clarke you're an English teacher I do you have a library in your house not all teachers are Saints but I think teaching is a noble thing to do with your life not really a controversial statement most people who aren't scumbags would agree with that I made a song about schoolteachers and stuff the job almost never pays what it should and people who go into the profession usually have to make a choice to sacrifice any chance they had to start a business of their own or or at least have to limit the amount of time that they work in the field of the subject that they teach so part of what I think is really cool about skills share is that many of the teachers on the platform are actually doing the subject that they're teaching they're successful and busy entrepreneurs these are people that simply wouldn't have the hours to lecture a classroom of 30 students five or six times a day five times a week but what they can do through the Skillshare platform is record a lesson plan on the subject that they're experts on and then reach tens of thousands hundreds of thousands even millions of students over time with that one lesson right now I'm trying to learn everything I can about t-shirt production and as we saw earlier it's really easy to just slap a design or some text on a t-shirt and get it printed on demand but I suspect that if you're trying to make clothes that people would buy for more than just a meme you should probably dig in a little deeper Jeff staple is the man behind the staple brand he's designed shoes for Nike his design firm has clients like Sony and Microsoft he's definitely a doer and he teaches on Skillshare I watched his class on t-shirt design and manufacturing from that I learned about terms that I heard tossed around in my research but until he explained them I didn't really know exactly what they meant and that's just one lesson that I found interesting as of today there are 22,000 different classes on the platform on subjects like graphic design social media photography writing animation nerd city is sponsored by Skillshare and I'm glad that we are because I would probably be on this site anyway that's what makes this really easy to talk about if you follow the link below they'll give you two free months to try the site for free you can take that time to watch tutorials and start learning things and figure out if it's a subscription that you want to maintain after the trial is over without the promo link you can still try it for free but they'll only give you one month instead of two so if you decide to click through the nerd City link in the description then you'll get a better deal and Skillshare will know that our promo works which helps the channel plus they gave me a login and I can keep using it 11-year old Jake Paul is now plugging this awful Merc well great adult Jake Paul loves them nice he's been very encouraging tonight imma celebrate just win but I'm also excited to announce watching a clothing line [Music] rise rise and be original that's my saying you guys fight like a champion be original [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nerd City
Views: 2,846,812
Rating: 4.9552794 out of 5
Keywords: Jake Paul, Nerd City, Logan Paul, Paul Family, Advertising, Children, Babies, law, CTA, Child Television Act, Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, FTC, JakePaul, boxing, RNBO, clip art, merch, vlogs, zoosh
Id: ywcY8TvES6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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