WORST FANS: Team DO5 (Inside the Fanbase of DaddyOFive)

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Please send an email to the Maryland State Prosecutor asking them why they haven't filed child abuse charges against this monster.


👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/YVX 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I personally never heard of Daddyof five till Defranco brought it up. I knew there were trashy people on Youtube and a lot of them did fake pranks.

But, I wasn't aware that this family basically took it to the next level and pretty much psychologically fucked up their kids for Ad Revenue.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Randym1982 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This commentary and analysis is fuckin primo. The internet is really kicking into gear now.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Reyer 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit this is hysterical. Talk about quality editing. Im catching up on all the vids now.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Nathan1266 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

Good job. Those shit bags make me sick.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/taitabo 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm really confused at the people who say his voice is obnoxious... It's a persona. He has good editing, delivery, and information. I guess it's just a weird gripe imo.

We watch animated shows with dumb voices, but the second a guy films himself with a Rick sanchez-esque voice, it's "intolerable."

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/atm5426 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guy is epic. Needs to blow up. Hope he can keep the content raw and real. People need to be called out for their youtube filth.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Leader2damnation 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This guys videos are amazing, the amount of detail he goes into is outstanding.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Unknown 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies

This really makes the recent "break-in" to DeFranco's studio a whole lot more terrifying. Imagine knowing these guys are out there, and then seeing an unknown person walk into your studio carrying a box.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lajb85 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] again yeah I know look part three last video so the daddy of five channel raised a lot of questions and we've been getting the answers 1 how is this not child abuse answer it is - what kind of parent would abuse their child on YouTube answer sociopath a malignant narcissist maybe but clearly an idiot cell with BB P I was ty is 3 how did this get so popular in the first place what kind of sickos actually thought this was entertaining we actually haven't talked about that yet nobody has largely because as soon as Mike realized what kind of trouble he with in key accounts started to disappear follow us on everything on Twitter Instagram Facebook don't forget to follow me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter don't get the following place we'll get your Twitter [Music] deleted so years of interactions with fans underneath photos like this gone the official daddy of five Facebook page although gone and of course the central library of evidence the YouTube channel with over 300 videos all but one now set to private that means all the comments all the interaction with his fans team deal five gone bad news seems the O five because they're not gone without of that we screen cap them we screen tap them I wouldn't you know it they are very interesting now you may be thinking doctor download how did you screen cap comments on hidden videos well interesting timing there because we already been doing it for a month when Philip DeFranco called out the abuse I was literally watching one of the last daddy five videos picture it okay I was on this very couch right in the middle of one of the last videos where Mike was bloviating about how Cody's the worst thing in his life thank you to to floor I was trapped in there in YouTube some kid plays with my brain recoiling into the far corner of my skull at that point I had watched nearly all of daddy and my video and made twenty pages of timestamp for child abuse suddenly down there I get this push notification and there's my space inside one of Philly needs three headed thumbnails even though what I was seeing make sense I couldn't believe what I was seeing like after all this time why now it was a mix of confusion and MC Hammer dancing and but mostly relief oh nice hi Daddy or five going down I was literally halfway done the Edit on the daddy of five video I was not even close at that point the timeline looked like this and it's going to be preserved that way forever half-cooked never done because that is where I basically had to hit render on the video Phil was hitting it again and again every day and then there was the dramaalert interview what is a domination on your nose killer a game start the story itself was changing rapidly every single day to put it this way Batman telling Mike that his children would be better off with no parents was not supposed to be the end of the video that wasn't even the end of the toys yelling at Mike don't you papa me girl out proper useful you never forget it there was another 45 minutes of horror show in store I hate to admit how long that video would have been most of the points in this part of the video were made just as effectively by other people and now no one needs to see that catalog of abuse are made but there are still a few things that I do want to show you that not think no one else has now don't worry not the actual abuse content we're done with that I hope forever or are we Mike just tweeted instructions to go join his Facebook fan group he's trying to reassemble his community if you got a Facebook go joy there's also fair group it's by fans for fans and most of all for fans only so clearly what I still need to talk to you about or the daddy of five fans Colin was dr. Downs oh sweet take a closer look a team do five nine is tonight tonight hold up the [ __ ] on your face public oh god don't think about it if it takes a sociopath to make the content we're talking about what kind of person enjoyed it or egged it on I like Cody game head Sam I like when it gets tortured and hurt you're good just head is I wish Jake would hit dolly harder with the backscratcher or at least hit him more times it would be more entertaining and the sound of Cody screaming would be using - my dears yes bro Cody out if you guys are tired of him haha all the kids need to gang up on Jacob one tie him down torture him King wrote on your right why the hell's Cody such a damn liar seeds of evil nobody deserves his crap you did the right thing daddy of five with this monster deserve see what I mean now about this content being an instant psychopath test consider this Twitter apply from September 16th 2016 can you do an adoption prank on Cody and Emma od gets put up for adoption prank ten days later Cody gets put up for adoption prank gets uploaded to YouTube so that damn adoption video which I think was the most twisted video on their channel and it's hard to pick of least favorite was a specific fan request that's their fanbase team do 5 and it's these real fans of daddy of 5 that might got accustomed to dispatching to go drown out the haters look at the way Mike frantically tried to raise a posse on Twitter and tried to push this fanbase to go in tax bills real fans show them why you love us please help my family my kids are upset enough then kill Edie makes another video about my child where are all the montages of the happy family moment at Billy Dee is putting us in danger I don't understand how the Franco give all this love for destroy to have a family and destroy our way of life and then of course there was the name check itself see this is all to Franco's fault comment in the apology if it wasn't for that DeFranco guy starting all of this doing all of this to my family he's responsible for this a very curious inclusion in the apology you wouldn't normally call someone out by name in an apology that DeFranco guy so what happens when you do exactly as Mike did and rile up your fan base to go fight your battles for you I infiltrated the daddy of five supporter Facebook group to find out inside I found videos like this I think the Franco should be taken down once and for all by us daddy oh hi fan we're going to take the Franco down to Franco I got news for you buddy I hate you so we have a team deal 5 member standing in the yard filled with junk hiding his face like Isis and threatening Phillip DeFranco is hot Daniel Ponce's that junkyard terrorism I think we've discovered a new term that's all for today guys no I gotta I gotta run the support of Mike Martin is so clumsy so misguided that I almost want to just dismiss it all as funny look at this example this person took a direct cue from Mike about creating montages of good times on the channel that we should focus on and look at the picture they use as an example you blew it if you recall that was the moment in the Xbox one freakout where Mike was torturing Cody for entertainment Cody was crying and trying to hide his face Mike ripped the blanket down and forced him to spine the happy time the funny kids so that was a gem huh what else do we find in his fangroup the one that Mike told his fans to go join despite being under a gag order well there is of course 24-hour discussion of all the particulars of his domestic abuse case there are poles about child abuse people who say child abuse is fun an accident a simple mistake there are threats against Cody and Emma's mother Rose saying that it's payback time there are discussions of roses Facebook page descriptions of where she's staying right now don't forget Mike endorsed this group while under a gag order you also have the admin of the group Brandi now keep an eye on her because she's an important figure you got the admin of the group Brandi saying she'd like to see Heather beat up Cody's mother and the winner gets to keep all the money that the YouTube channel made but if you can get past the cringe of the birdbrain ideas in this group like demanding a DNA test for a mother you follow implying that daddy of five could have birth to children out of his own vagina I guess or week maybe they think the Heather could have given birth to Cody and Emma and then forgot if you can get past the cringe of an admin who shitposts photoshopped pictures like this awaiting the return of their king the king of what by the way YouTube child abuse if you can get past all the cringe and look at the WHO and the why of the daddy of five fan group you see certain types of people over and over people who were unfortunately abused themselves people have told me that they wish I was their dad because their dad abuses damn and people who abuse kids themselves it would appear that our admin in the fan group are brandy Cooper aka brandy panky or Brandi who loyally awaits our King our same Brandi who has been harassing the live streams of bass momma and anyone connected to Rose this is Brandi Brandi is the one he runs to daddy of five Facebook groups enhances screenshots talking about how they are going to go find roses and pay her back now she's in a chat right now this woman is a piece of [ __ ] our brandi is a child abuser herself convicted perfect Mike maybe you guys can do a collab daddy of five and Brandi up Andrew 24-hour child pranking challenge collab of the year so the people still supporting this man and who posted comments in the past like Cody crying is music to my ears you might have some sociopathic tendencies yourself jump off of that sinking ship you rats and get some help or just go down with it if you prefer like the bacteria on the captain's [ __ ] daddy of five I mean I don't know if you're looking but you're cool man why you always lying oh my god [ __ ] you lyin so what's up four or five tries and hiring a professional team of propagandist but the Martins did finally sort of almost kind of figure out the proper way to apologize the attempts could be summed up like so sorry not sorry ignoring the haters sorry for your feelings haters but we're going to make different content now and that wasn't abuse okay we're sorry for these acquisitions but this is all Philip defranco's fault what and then finally sorry sweater-vest and i'm saying some other things too what we're going to fade out so you can hear that's just their spin mode after this became a scandal people accusing the martins of child abuse was not a new thing they already had plenty of practice trying to twist and deflect genuine concern for their kids as you might have surmised by now anyone concerned about the children was called a hater and being a doctor of hate myself let me tell you I find that baffling empathy is not hate again like with prank and discipline Mike took two completely opposing concepts and tried to for his own moral convenience make them the same thing no comprende if you want to see just how full of it these two parents always work look no further than the special message for dad video which is the most hand fisted propaganda you will have see it's set to emotional piano music of course and it's packaged as a birthday card for the dad a video birthday card but it's not that at all it's some response to their haters and you know we love that on this test hi so today is daddy o5s birthday he's 34 so I'm just going to do a little bit of a birthday video for him he's been getting a lot of grass lately and you know he gets so much [ __ ] for his channel in the content and things that are on it and people are going to continue to be haters people are going to continue that day we do this battery other but you know we've never wants to force any one of them into a video ever they're not doing it because we're telling them to this is a pity so you look very legit all of you guys and all want to do this and you talking when I'm gone to write out to you guys who don't like our stuff and don't like our content there's a solution don't watch it why watch it like why even waste the energy and that's how the segment ends a birthday message ends [ __ ] you haters happy birthday dad that was your birthday card what what kind of life was that one of their fans actually tweeted at me that I needed to watch that video as if I hadn't I almost cry it was so sweet of Heather of the kids and it's such a shame what people done to them now I watched this video and I didn't hear happy birthday what I heard was this child abuse was consensual screw you the thought process in that video is so cringy the potency of the neuro cringe transmitters are overloading my cringe receptors clearly I'm missing the point that Heather wanted me to get I think the birthday message for dad is going to need to be translated by an expert we got to talk to the god of cringe all right nerds if we want to [ __ ] that got a cringe I'm gonna need your help at home because first we have to summon it like a Chubby's Carly suck a cringe cringy hiney hole hey pretty good did you like that birthday message absolutely listen when it comes down to it birthdays are all about conflict you're blowing my mind conflict yes in fact I always include a list of my enemies in a birthday card really like birthday enemy birthday haters because you do bad things so you have haters make sense birthdays are a smart time to remind your loved ones don't forget we're bad it's us versus the world nobody loves you beautiful cringe god that's terrible you always surprise me in the very worst ways would you like another surprise no thank you what we're as the YouTube doctor I was took enough to respect the institution of play buttons and I can't tell you how disappointed I am that YouTube gave this man a silver one or silver play buttons like Olympic medals you know it could YouTube demand that he gave it back once it gets banned it would certainly restore some respect in the institution but as of now this abuse of oath gets to wake up every day and look at that plaque and remind himself and his children that he is one of YouTube's biggest stars it's so negligent of YouTube to be paying this man and sending him trophies I mean what's next you know is YouTube going to start recruiting uploaders from liveleak you know if you really want to bump it up and get some get some more crimes on film there's plenty of that to be had over at lively I'm harping on about that play button I know and before you Daddy a five fans start hunting and pecking your sticky Mountain Dew fingers into the keyboard to tell me that I'm just jealous what I like 700,000 subscribers why not you know but what I trade anything about my life for mics I want you to look into my eyes as I say this not even for a mint-condition blue snaggletooth look that up let's pull back for a second and let's figure out how we got here what I'm going to say next might seem to get a little bit off-track but it comes back around I promise it will not be a rabbit hole never forget ever the rabbit hole Bashar that took our friends Pikachu and Mudkip you guys alright so the billionaire gods of Silicon Valley I've been trying really hard to impose this safe friendly culture on us that the centers around using their websites in their apps all day long these internet companies like alphabet and Facebook and Twitter plus their acquisitions like YouTube and Instagram have played off each other and covet each other to infinity and in the end it all has the same aesthetic this ukulele music driven happy upbeat fun open whistling motion and underneath that we know that these businesses are just built around selling a highly targeted act and access to our private information but we trade that off willingly because supposedly means website disaster making our lives easier and more connected and all that not that we've been handed these tools that can basically do anything and we're expected to take those tools and make ourselves look better make ourselves happier with them but it never works like that there's this whole generation now that is grown up miserable with these pools they've been bombarded with all that fake happiness and corporate imagery and force optimism and the counterculture hasn't developed among the youth that can rejects it all million-dollar extreme filthy Frank I don't Mac smoke low they present us with an alternative aesthetic this is ugly world the cancer crew enforcer whatever you want to call them we don't know yet what it's called because we're living in that time you know the name always comes later if you're not a heavy consumer of YouTube and you don't know what I'm talking about I learnt a lot me too man spread and explain it to wait explain it to you they were playing you can get so let's start with the unboxing mail every time a new iPhone comes out or the latest toy there's an avalanche of unboxing videos we've all seen these a million times right they feature lots of sexy macro shots there's a spotless table underneath and the item itself is handled like this priceless artifact from the future sometimes even with white gloves in response to that genre came bad unboxing with I know instead of items opening the new best thing was at one-nothing we would ever walk is open all the items he hunt boxes are smashed with a hammer or poured in his mouth or eaten or lit on fire and in doing this ian has created this weird pocket of the internet where people who hate unboxing videos can I run a clean joy a real unbox he didn't do it once to poke fun at the unboxing like a parody saw one off he's done it dozens of times now the series is still ongoing so whatever satire was built into it has folded back onto itself now if you were looking for a term for that you could call it post ironic but nothing too hung up on analyzing yeah I just want to kind of give you the gist in the same way that items broke the unboxing video we've had for a while now filter prank breaking the blog format by vlogging in front of a wrinkled green screen they never tease out and wearing stained shirts it's a far cry from the self seriousness and the polish of a vlogger like Casey knives that and in between there might be a beautiful drone shot of the city I'm using it to get me from one scene or one affected the story to the next come on this approach is coming up everywhere even as far as subversion of toy collecting channels you've got max mofo opening rare pokemon cards on dirty floor leaving is bare hairy feet in the shot very different from the other pack opening channels and the kids love it it's doing better because of it unity right yeah I'll catch some online hacking gingivitis [ __ ] finally when it comes to like graphics and sound we've got Million Dollar extreme intentionally ear raping us and I raping us got stamps did got Sam recording vertical phone videos in his car drooling down a shirt and flirting with Emma Watson all of those things challenged our expectations in this era where anything can be polished to the point that it makes us look good to me the ugly stuff is the best stuff on YouTube you know these channels are all dear to my filthy heart I love that stuff I talked a friend into being on million dollar extreme show and filthy Frank's my ringtone dear everybody if that man I'm admitting that stuff because it makes me wonder you know why do I like that but not like daddy of five it's definitely ugly could it be art it's certainly challenging okay you son of a [ __ ] if you don't smile I'm gonna kill you no just kidding it's obviously not art you know even though it's masquerading as a joke what mike is doing is completely literal yes this content subverts our expectations but it's subverting our expectations for what a parent would ever do to a child and is that really what we want to unravel next the subversion of parental instincts I really can't think of anything more poisonous listen I'm not even saying that the topic of child abuse can't be poked at satirically you know like Homer chokes Bart Simpson and that didn't rustle my jimmies but that's because the person was gagging it is a voice act it's not really not really choking a child long said girl and that's what it comes down to for me you know like this is real I don't do things someone who's 10 this is my life it's not domestic misery explored through satire like married with children or all in the family or the Simpsons you know this is real misery derived by doing something really [ __ ] up to a kid who's living it as an experience you know like their life is real and how can mirrors be real when our eyes aren't real Wolf's not now looking Jaden Smith it's going to burn my place down I love it hey getting back to the problem of child abuse is entertainment if that becomes the new normal at what point to society just start to collapse there's an evolutionary reason why we don't like the sound of a baby crying why we talk baby talk to a kid we're trying to wire their brain for language you know without even realizing these things we are trying to protect our youngest ones and keep the species going bring a crying baby onto an airplane and house these hero people who start laughing the things are moving fast now on the Internet especially on YouTube we are finding the edges of what's okay and when we do come across those edges if some authority doesn't step in like YouTube or their advertisers or the police then we have to decide for ourselves what those edges mean oh what are you doing practing are you [ __ ] [Music] find me another pole oh I'm lovely
Channel: Nerd City
Views: 1,707,539
Rating: 4.940711 out of 5
Keywords: Team DO5, Worst, Fans, Fanbase, DaddyOFive, Doctor Downvote, Nerd City, Cringe God, God of Cringe
Id: oPcQ0rjejyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2017
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