Logan Paul and RiceGum on TV? | ATD #4 | (Ft. Eddy Burback, Quinton Reviews)

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I have no clue why you don't have a million subs... phenomenal writing! Also, the devil's monologue was kicking ass...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sh3p007 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Damn, I had to pause and reflect a bit after the devil's monologue.

As always, great writing. Hope to see more videos and in general more claws digging into society!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hazardfox 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

So much about this is great. The visuals, the banter, the Idubbz edit.

The "Ask the Devil" vids have a great casual feel to them. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it reminds me a lot of The Attack, with the cast and crew in the background laughing along.

Anyway, love both these and you're more researched vids! Looking forward to the next one!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BiscottiBloke 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

This channel deserves way more subs than it currently has

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JobberMcJobJob 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
you've tweeted us you're burning questions so now let's give a warm welcome to the Prince of Darkness himself [Music] this video is brought to you by Squarespace whether you want a domain website or online store make you a Squarespace we're starting off with a video question from Eddie Burbank I cut the roof of my mouth hey Prince of Darkness you sure have a disappointing lack of fashion sense did you ever think of investing in better clothes I really come ad burn back first of all you're lucky you only cut the roof of your mouth other people who have dared to say my name while eating pretzels have choked to death no I'm saying secondly I have an awesome sense of fashion I'm responsible for fashion but just to make you happy Eddie I'll change it to something you might like a little bit that's even sleazy little before what are you talking about man this is lit as hell now if you say so you just jealous stand up I'll get you an upgrade too oh I can't wait to see this next question bad fashion sense who do you think you are Eddie slender Chris asked why did rice gum and Logan Paul get Superbowl ads oh you notice I didn't let him talk rice comes an idiot but his mom's pretty cool and I did it as a favor to her see she's always had a thing for Joey Fatone and well she wanted to bang Joey Fatone so I set it up thoughtful yeah oh but listen that's just between us all right rice gum doesn't need to know so whatever you do do not tweet at rice gum your mom banged Joey Fatone show a little class let's just keep that between us the Logan Paul thing I had nothing to do it or it would have been a Cool Ranch commercial ouch I finally see the connection there rice gums mom wanted to bang Joey Fatone and did one is the bang and mission accomplished the I didn't really make a whole lot of sense otherwise rice comes always saying how important it is to be relevant pretty irrelevant you too relevant now but hey a relevant irrelevant so it seems a little strange to have him swooning over all these washed-up musicians I see I was trying to help him out to the day after the Super Bowl I took to Twitter and I reacted that ad for him to make it a little more relevant instead of rice gum falling in love with Iggy Azalea in the subway I had him haunted by items I wanna be gay Nathaniel Parker asked why'd you choose red as the color to go with listen Nathaniel this is 2018 mmm and you can't ask a person of color that sort of question as a person of color I find it mildly offensive I didn't choose red I just happen to be red you can't ask that question it's kind of it's offensive Toby asks how do you sleep at night knowing that in 1998 The Undertaker threw mankind off Hell in a Cell and he plummeted 16 feet through an announcers table everybody knows I'm mankind's oldest fan while I might pick on him sometimes I don't like to see other people but that's not what keeps me up at night in regards to professional wrestling my real beef is with Jake the snake Roberts who for many years worked with one of my offspring Damian I still get upset when I think about how Jake exploited my son and I'm pretty sure Jake was the one that introduced Danya how does the snake Dukey doesn't lick it up snakes have noses oh my god I guess it's easy for a snake to do a line no wonder he loved it just right down the line that's my cue a random dev asked is the tape real it is I don't want to embarrass somebody that I have to deal with every day but yeah the poop is real and the thing is he's made more than one he's made hundreds he's just not very good at covering his tracks that's that's that's why Joey salads keeps getting in trouble just dribbling two salads trouble everywhere he goes so he wanted to make this he wanted to write this joke to involve our Kelly instead of Joey Sally you think Joey salads is more popular Joey salads is more famous knock out of your minds or it's a shame but it's true Joey salads is more famous than our Kelly that's absurd leave a comment down below if you don't know who Joey salads is I'm the only one who knows who Joey salads is everybody knows who are Kelly is almost no one knows who are Kelly do you mind oh my did you send us mumble wrap I really hope you weren't intimidated by all the charisma you just saw I don't know what your problem is with that guy I mean he's a grown man with a shelf full of toys just like you I love them I'm the one who's gonna foreclose on your legacy I'm an ideas guy I come up with ideas and then you ruin them mumble raps started out as an idea that I had to get old dirty bastard off of food stamps it didn't work obviously but that was the idea and now we have little pump see I get all the blame for things I barely had anything to do with and if I do get credit for something positive like knowledge it's it's still in a negative way I'm still the bad guy you want to know how you can determine if I had something to do with something just ask yourself was it fun [Music] oh I was your first friend on your first day in the garden I was the first person we talked to you I was his first friend I still talk to you everybody you forget that sometimes maybe save things about me and you think I don't hear when I do [Music] which is ironic because I also infinite feelings why don't you invent thicker skin next why do you ad-lib during the long stuff I live during sex I know you're excited for your monologues your boring monotone who wrote those I didn't write them oh Jesus I'm an ideas guy almost all of those dramatic pauses are going to become jump cuts three-part question here from Lisa have you seen the hell is real sign outside of Columbus Ohio and also if it's not creepy to ask what part of Cleveland are you from lastly how can anyone tell you and your brother apart okay well first I I have seen the sign it's like Ace of Base like like like Ace of Base anyone remembers right must've made for you remember hey I want to see there if anyone has access I'd imagine you have it the Ace of Base we've gone off the rails here today I know I'll own videos out I don't get them back I don't know what I still have who did you lend that to ask our city hall for the Ace of Base to be back we have a three-part question here I would have thought my accent gave it away but I'm actually from a little north of Ohio I grew up in heaven but then I moved south because it's warmer um if you're looking for hell though in Ohio it's not Columbus or Cleveland its dayton dayton ohio is about as bad as it gets but let's say there you have the misfortune of living in dayton ohio and you own a business maybe you just have an idea for a business oh here comes our first ad you're gonna need a website Squarespace makes that easy you can transfer in a domain that you already own using their easy-to-use dns interface and then get started building your website with their beautiful designer templates or if you don't already have a domain you can get one there too Squarespace offers an all-in-one platform so there's no need to hire one vendor to register your domain another vendor that build the website a third host and a fourth to build your online store all of those things can be done in one place now with Squarespace if you go to squarespace.com backslash nerd city you'll even get 10% off your first purchase so it won't cost you your soul and they'll be happy to know that we say the link will be found in the description below there's no reason you can't have a website it's more impressive than anything you'll find in Dayton Ohio we found we found a lesson that we learned in one of the other videos we said something about Portugal and there were so many comments about hundreds of people from Marco it's not so bad unfortunately oh why you thinking on Portugal and we're like you know what from now on we're gonna do a shout out to wide geographic will trash one place I think we're gonna pick a place and we're gonna and then have all these people I dunno from Dayton Ohio so this week it's Dayton Ohio and Dane Ohio is a she Granville Ohio I hear it's very cool leave a comment if you've already left the comment defending Dayton Ohio because we're gonna ignore in the first comment where it will be interested to hear from you in the second way let us know you fell for the trap it's no coincidence that the Paul brothers are from Cleveland though what was the third part that question how can anyone tell you and your brother apart well aside from the obvious I have blue eyes and Jesus is black no I can tell you that for a guy that spends as much time fishing as he does his abs don't look anything like those statues thanks for watching ask the devil feel free to send us your questions or concerns and tweet apiece and I'll get back you soon [Music] I can't make you follow me but I'd appreciate it if you did would you knock that off Oh I want to thank Squarespace for sponsoring this video thank you but no I love it I love ever'time bring them on any time [Music] English yeah representative representative representative I designed this system myself I don't normally have to use it yeah would you put me in touch with instant gratification yeah what are you guys doing down there no I snap my fingers and I said upgrade him now what did you do my name is Joey salads I did like some child abduction videos
Channel: Nerd City
Views: 553,928
Rating: 4.9362445 out of 5
Keywords: Nerd City, Quinton Reviews, Eddy Burback, Logan Paul, RiceGum, idubbbztv, mumble rap, super bowl, Twitter, Dayton Ohio, Doctor Downvote, Doctor Upvote, nickytryhard, nerdcity
Id: mp__Bx0aodw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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