Costa Concordia Q&A

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When did Internet Historian change his name?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ONOMATOPOElA 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
as ever right on schedule welcome to the q a for the structure of the video we originally had a bunch of different title cards but as we made the video it didn't flow properly and it kind of ruined the rhythm of everything so we're going to repurpose them here and show you a bunch of other cut assets too number one the old intro right we initially plotted a completely different intro for this video it started out actually as like a mission brief for a middle gear solid level we crafted a ton of assets for it as well and the idea was all right snake is going to be sneaking on board the ship and he may even help pause the disaster or was watching it unfold and we'd use a bunch of stuff from the tanker level from the gasoline too but in the end it just felt way too shoe haunted so we we ditched it but here's some of that as they leave fort in rome you'll infiltrate the ship we use a lot of text-to-speech because it actually saves having to record re-record then cut down the audio recap the audio put new stuff in well so it's way easier just to do text speech for a lot of this stuff and then only when things are finalized and we need the timings we do the real vo yeah so you get the idea uh with proper timings maybe it could have worked because it gave us an excuse to explain it and keep the high energy there but then it started to fall apart and the scope started blooming where i was trying to turn some morton into olga yes they are all planted you will be on the helicopter out of here now and then we realized that uh okay but this whole thing needs a revamp so one of the editors was working on the outro scene uh which was titanic themed and i sort of had a chat with historian okay what do we do how do we fix this and then we decided look let's just make the whole thing titanic themed and then all the rest just fell into place engineering failures this is where things are going to get a little technical but hopefully you guys like that stuff so the ship has these six massive diesel generators and they produce electricity that's distributed all across the ship right and they're kept across two water tight compartments and they're consecutive to each other here on the ship the power goes from these six to a main distribution panel which is then routed all over the ship where it's needed and then a lot of that electricity is taken to these two electric motors which then produce propulsion for the ship there are also three separate motors at the back which drive the rudder cool let's play out an emergency scenario so your generators go down what should happen is that the emergency power supply kicks on which is powered by an emergency diesel generator this thing is way smaller than these six big lads right it'll give you lighting it'll give you comms it'll give you crucial stuff but you're not driving the ship with this thing there's not enough power for that when this emergency diesel generator kicks on it also goes through an emergency power distribution panel that's all good it makes sense you need this stuff to be on a completely separate circuit there's also backup to the emergency as well so if the emergency power supply fails then there's a secondary system that runs solely on batteries but that's even more limited so it gives you some emergency lights and the comms and not much more than that there's a couple of other tertiary systems as well for like the vdr and the radio but we're not going to get into that so that's the design and let's get into what went wrong when the ship crashed water quickly flooded into three compartments two of those compartments housed the six big generators and the third housed the main electrical panel this is a worst case scenario stuff so as designed the emergency distribution panel kicks on and it disconnected itself from the main panel to prevent damage however the damage was so extensive that it caused a circuit break between the emergency diesel generator and the emergency distribution panel so the system detects this and it goes straight to the secondary backup right and it's essentially running off batteries there's a lot of this scene that we had to cut out but the engineers essentially are the real heroes of the story they were constantly turning the emergency diesel generator on and off manually to bypass the circuit break however another problem the emergency diesel generator's fan cooling system is damaged as well so when it's turned on it overheats and without a proper heat exchange the temperature just goes up and up and up to dangerous levels goes to 100 degrees the boiling point of water and at that point you simply have to turn it off otherwise the whole thing is going to break entirely or catch fire worse right so the engineers have to turn it on manually to bypass the circuit break and they're doing it with a screwdriver while they're being surrounded by water and they have to do it until the thing overheats and then as soon as it overheats they gotta turn it back off or sometimes it'll turn itself back off but you can force it to stay on by shoving a rag in there and not letting the screw turn back the other way which is eventually what pilon did so i'll show some footage here and see all these white lights that is all thanks to the engineers downstairs risking life and limb if they don't have the emergency diesel generators running then it's just emergency lights it's like those you know those little red lights and you can't see a whole lot now you might think that okay if only we can get this edg working and if only we could limit the amount of water that's coming in then surely there are like emergency water pumps on board that they can use to save the ship but unfortunately not and this is where you start to get into a really bad design these pumps are massive and they require at least three of the six big engines in order to work so they're effectively ruled out at the point of impact so it's just not an option anyway the engineers stayed down there as long as they could turning the edg on and off metered deep in water uh before finally they had to evacuate the swing i want to take a second crack at explaining this one because i think we might have rushed it so you're coming in at this angle and you're actually going to miss the rocks with the bow of the ship good good news but because the ship is so long the side is going to smack right into the ship like the back of the ship does not have the same sharp angle of turn right so scitino was right in knowing that the ship should middle the rudder to prevent the swinging of the ship and he ordered the rudder to middle as well but then the helmsman he misunderstood the order or panicked directed on his own you know didn't understand italian very well or english very well and he just kept going well i'll turn away from the rock of course i want to get away from the rock as far as possible and so that's what caused the side of the ship to collide and then the rest is as you know it the media the media got a ton of stuff wrong holy a lot of it was just rampant speculation especially as the news was unfolding the worst culprits were of course the mainstream press they've gone through mostly now and scrubbed their old articles of the mistakes but there's a lot of stuff that you can't edit especially video now we only have five confirmed deaths and now that 29 missing is now down to 24. we have um i think eleven controls eleven confirmed deaths so i'll try to find it there's a clip where he talks about the boat using its forward thrusters totally wrong apparently with some idea of getting to a port or doing something else instead they move on for some distance and begin to turn they made no such turn it didn't do this at all it goes all the way over here and then comes back uh number two they fell for the hungarian meme a young hungarian woman who said she was on board she called her parents saying that she was on board during this disaster didn't happen number three it was an ecological time bomb fellas ecological time bomb if they don't get that fuel off but it wasn't this was all hype there was a very low chance of that there was no big oil spill there was no damage to the environment in fact the environment was better off after the sinking had happened and they had done all the cleanup fish stocks were up you name it everything was better on all metrics you know you can see the can you believe it though whoa whoa inflection in her voice and the ramping up of the drama this is all just entertainment it's not news such a large scale and look at all these people just on a rope how scary that must have been trying to get off this ship okay that's a good one gripping new video just in that shows us what was happening inside the costa concordia as water rushed inside the ship this footage is not from the disaster at all it's actually from a swimming pool malfunction on the carnival paradise a different ship altogether from three years prior in 2009 between the events on the nights of 1912 and 2012 are the reason i'm a conservative ad time you know raycon man you're a good guy you deserve to find someone who appreciates you yeah the raikon e25 earbuds they cost half the price of other premium earbuds exactly you're a great catch i'm gonna set you up with a friend of mine [Music] so i told him that i could totally fit it and i guess what they said what exactly god it's so nice to meet a guy who pays attention yeah the weather really is nice today that's a great idea let's go for a walk in the park oh ice cream what flavor should we get yeah they come in like six different colors good cool we'll get one of every kind oh lost you there did you say something oh thank god i'm so glad i filmed you oh my god of course i'll marry you raycon man what [Music] do you ray conlon take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife yeah they have like super long battery life without needing to be recharged oh i want to spend my long life with you two recon man [Music] merry christmas kids wow the new raycon e25 everyday earbuds thanks dad oh my god thanks dad a puppy woof i got you something special as well oh my god my own pair of raicons just what i wanted how do they look what what what what what merry christmas everyone gotta buy incognito for the fifteen percent off a25 everyday about this raikon and uh [Music] costa crucia yeah well they've cleaned up their act quite a lot after the disaster the company was quick to bring in independent auditors one thing we didn't touch on is that at the time they had this protocol running that the safety procedures would be done within 24 hours of leaving poor and that sounds fine but the problem is new passengers are coming on and off all the time and civi de vecchia which is the port they just left is a major one so most of the passengers were getting on there and then between cebu vecchia and their next destination is where they had the crash and because they were due to have the safety briefing in the morning the next day you had you know a few thousand people on board that had absolutely no idea what to do so that's like you know go to muster stations what's a what's a muster station you know it's a bit like doing your safety procedures mid-flight instead of during takeoff so that policy has since been changed and now everyone has to do a safety briefing before or while leaving the port and pretty much every cruise line operates this way now too which is good they've also created a live monitoring system so they can see where every ship is at any given moment i don't know why there wasn't already like a gps system they could see down to the inch where everyone was at all times but hitherto they hadn't been chalked up to maybe 2012 technology or something but most cruise lines have this now too but some still don't you know watch out along with that they had some ecological reports commissioned despite cnn's blustering about an ecological crisis ecological time bombing there was also some stuff in the report about injecting money into the local economy over a billion dollars but you know that stuff is kind of indirect and through the cleanup process as well as statements you could call factually correct but not accurate but overall they did a pretty good job with the cleanup and they showed a real willingness to improve things skatino's fate where is scitino now well he's still in jail he was sentenced to 16 years starting in 2017 and if some of his house arrest has contributed to time served then he should be out by the year 2029 or earlier with good behavior there was a bit of confusion between whether it was 26 years or 16 years it was 16. the prosecutors asked for 26 we should have been a bit more clear on that but look honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he was released as early as next year uh the italian justice system seems to me to be very forgiving that's why you saw the officers only get between one and two years each and most likely none of them did any actual jail time scotino's previous accidents this bit i felt a little bit bad about because it comes across as a maybe a smidge smidge dishonest we didn't mean for it to be but it's not always easy to give the audience the right impression when the pacing has to be so quick first thing we showed this picture to people and i noticed in some reactions people thought it was real and came into fort too fast and caused another collision holy but if you're a bit more of an eagle-eyed viewer you'll notice right there in the center of the screen is text that says that this isn't real this is from the movie speed 2 but i guess it just wasn't enough i can understand how someone would actually overlook it so whoops there were no pictures that we could find from the incident so that's what we used from the 2010 incident when scotina was captaining the costa atlantica not the concordia he crashed it into the ada blue win and port in venemond germany we jumped on this as a point of information much like the press did but it actually turns out that the ada put out a press release that says something like the ramp was damaged and this is really not a big deal so you know maybe both of those things were hyped a little bit but i mean they both happened but i think we probably put too much of an exclamation mark on it le veritas what is this book about well it's scitino's attempt to exonerate himself from responsibility for what happened he uses a lot of vdr data and court records to say basically look hey it's not all me there's a shared responsibility here on the company and the officers and there's some truth to that and i think he should be able to defend himself so if you're curious and you can read italian why not grab a copy i also wanted to put out there that there's a couple of youtube videos made by him but i wasn't entirely sure whether to link people to this because i didn't want people going over there and just putting a bunch of spam and media comments and stuff on in the comment section that actually happened with samorton's instagram page when we used that as a prop and you know we don't really want that sort of stuff to happen but i do think that he deserves a fair chance to have his say so i'm gonna put a link in the description and appreciate it if you you'd all act in the very cool cool way that you do very cool be cool the offices what happened to them most of them are just keeping low profile and getting on with their lives we actually managed to find jacob rustling bin i put a bounty out to find him and paid it too but in the end we decided not to post his personal information in the video we had found it quite late in development as well and when we were doing these action scenes we didn't know what he looked like people saying he looked like this this is not him people saying look like this this is not him i have people sending me photos of him all the time you've all got it wrong so instead we used a sims 3 hit and then later on we did find him and then we decided not to swap out the heads because you know this video went out to more than a million people i just don't want a bunch of righteous actors going over there and up his life i don't like that i see it on twitter and i don't like it domnica yeah i got you i got you on camera yes i felt a little bit bad about this she's been through the rung of the media quite a lot over the last few years but i do have to show you this because i think it's very funny although it'll probably get the video demonetized [Music] so there's also a misconception that the captain was going too close to shore because he was trying to show off to sam morton in fact that is almost certainly not true and it's much more likely that he was just trying to be nice to the maitre d he was trying to create like a special moment for him so it was uncovered that the maitre d's sister lives on the island and she was really excited to see her brother on the ship and you know they were even facebook posting about it and going oh you know he's going to be here at this time and i'll be able to wave to him and he can see my house it'd be so cool and so yeah it seems like one of the reasons why they were getting so close is the captain was trying to do a nicety for the nitro dean [Music] now this recreation scene we had to cut a lot from it [Music] [Music] it was originally 35 minutes long it was way too much and so once we had the full scope of it essentially storyboarded the whole thing out on the timeline we started pairing it back and most of the things that were cut were phone calls between the bridge and the engine room uh here's some examples already this is becoming a big story eocarino says to the staff captain the situation has become unbearable there's one meter of water also there's water in the elevators the conversation between chief engineer pilon and captain he lands his all flooded dg123 they just keep asking the same questions and giving progressively dire updates the captain calls the lower deck is there water but there's no response hello [Music] an unconfirmed voice says watertight doors closed okay you see about the blackout the important thing is that no water is getting in many voices abandon ship abandon ship abandon some of the dialogue in these scenes also might seem a bit unpolished that's because we're trying to use as much direct quote as possible from the characters um rather than summarizing what they said or putting too much of comedic tone on it we figured the more we went into like the comedic route the less it would keep this sort of intriguing drama of what they were really saying you know what they're really feeling there's also a ton of repetition like the captain is constantly calling the lower decks for updates and just saying the same thing hey is it flooded hey is it getting worse and then they're just going no the engines won't start yes we're struggling with the emergency generated and so it's a lot of pointless back and forth we also cut some things that are confusing so the captain first spoke to the harbour master in civ de vecchia but he managed to smooth things over with them and he didn't speak to them again but then it was afterwards that the phone call happened where the woman called her daughter and then the daughter called the police and the police called the lavorno harbour master which then set off this chain of events with the coast guard that felt like way too much in the weeds detail and it was gonna interrupt the flow so we cut that initial phone call with sibidovekia as just a little more detail and there were 25 patrol boats that came in from lavorno civil vecchia rome oglia fortified porto santo stefano auto involved with the italian federal police the state police the caribbean the fire brigades eight helicopters from the coast guard the federal police even the italian navy and air force were involved as well as 14 merchant vessels and four port tugboats massive operation and it was all mostly under the competent directive of defalco defalco's call we cut this short because the section had gone on a bit too long but these phone calls where the fel crew puts coutinho on blast are hilarious here are the highlights [Music] foreign [Laughter] foreign is foreign foreign or based on the records from the coast guard scitino hid from authorities for most of the night early on when the coast guard first arrived with a boat they searched around for the captain and he was already gone he had abandoned ship while there were still hundreds of people on board so they report to command that the captain might be on shore so they head there they can't find him there so they head back to the ship defelco then tells the coast guard to find him and drag his ass back on board someone from the coast guard then spots scitino on the rocks near point gabianara and they inform the police some of whom are down at the beach so the police chief makes his way over there he finds scitino and tries to reason with him hey come on you gotta go back you gotta get on a boat you gotta go to the coast guard scotino refuses instead he spends the next half hour or so just watching the rescue operation it is pretty pathetic the police captain gives up eventually and then he returns to port there is some speculation that the reason scitino did this was because he was considering throwing himself of the rocks at least that's what one of his officers said sad to know if that's true probably is it'd be understandable at that point [Music] but from there the police tell the coast guard what's happened defalco then calls scottino's mobile and orders him back on board scotino claims that he's i'm going back on the costa right now but defalco knows that's not true because he knows where he is he knows he's on the rocks over there so defalco tells catino that a coast guard boat is on its way to his location and you'd better be bloody well on board it and then it arrives scitino refuses to board it and they give up then some more time passes and then they send another boat and eventually he agrees to go they'd take him to the shore and he's interviewed by police and you know the rest [Music] so let's talk about the falco's demotion it's hard to know exactly what was going on between defalco and delana a lot of it seems to be this overshadowing thing but there's one more factor that might have been the missing puzzle i'm not saying this for sure but it was a thing that was heavily speculated about not long before he was demoted defalco had expressed public support for the victims of the moby prince disaster now the moby prince was an italian fairy which used to operate in livorno until april 10 1991 when the theory was involved in an accident and 140 people died it's widely regarded that the incompetence of the italian coast guard at the time led to this high death toll as well as a corrupt judicial system which essentially absolved these government offices and their mishandling of the situation and they were able to cover up for the disaster so after defalco expressed public support for uncovering the truth of what happened he received his order to be transferred to admin very interesting um a lot of people considered that to be far too coincidental and that it was punishment there was a fair amount of public outcry after this happened and there were even politicians demanding an explanation as to why something of a national hero had been snobbed once he said see you later to the coast guard he joined the five-star movement an italian political party and was elected in march 2018 and by december that same year he was expelled from the party i don't know a whole lot about it he claims that he was expelled because he didn't vote in line with what the other party members wanted and so today he serves as an independent [Music] devil's advocate i want to put a little bit of balance in here so we've made some pretty heavy indictments on the captain and his character and he's cowardly pathetic but there's a little on the other side of the argument that also should be addressed he was not the only one responsible for this crash his staff were complacent and not following procedure his helmsman went in the wrong direction multiple times the ship had engineering failures like leaking watertight doors the ship itself was doomed from the moment it hit the rocks there was nothing he could have actually done to save it however the court kind of hand waved a lot of this stuff and to me it seems like they were going for a little bit of a pr trial so for example admitted into the witness testimony cyro ambrosio claimed that scottino never took the con which means tells everyone that he's in charge but that's not true at all you can clearly hear it on the vds katino says it he does in fact take the con so we're not sure why he said that we're not sure why it's there in the court record but it sort of adds to this case of making the captain look worse firorini also told the court that he was very mad when he heard that the captain had lied to the harbour master and the coast guard lying that it was only a blackout but ferrorini was doing practically exactly the same thing he was keeping it quiet from the coast guard and hoping that they could fix the problem amongst themselves jacob russelly ben who was a critical witness for scottino's defense just up and left the country he was after all steering the ship at the time i'd expect for his punishment to be 16 years in prison as well but you know the court also focused quite a lot on the affair with sir morton even though it had basically nothing to do with the tragedy it was fairly incidental to be fair we did that too we thought it was funny but they turned it into a media circus and the claims about her distracting the captain as far as we can tell it are just untrue thank you for the note by the way one of the editors here says it's not like he had her bent over the steering wheel at the time yeah brilliant yeah couldn't have put it better myself sketino's lawyers eventually talked about taking his case to the european court of human rights they said that basically they'd already decided his guilt and didn't give him a fair trial also citing that no one who was judging him had had nautical experience or had worked on a large ship before you know make it out what you will but you know they did also give all of the officers plea deals and essentially only puts gatino on trial practically guaranteeing a conviction yeah so anyway i just want to balance out the argument there should he be in jail yes but all these things too i'll point out one more thing as well that might get a little bit into the weeds italy absolutely did not want cruising to stop costa corporate got off with a little more than slap on the wrist it was a one million dollar fine and by the way you better clean up your mess was basically the extent of it and okay that bill added up to well over a billion dollars once that was done but there was no criminal punishment and i think the reason that happens because cruising matters a lot to the local economies they were keen to see it running at full capacity once again as soon as possible so with that in mind perhaps some of the people over at hq who should have been prosecuted were spared so that business could keep on chugging but on the other side you know if you prosecute them then you're actually punishing these local businesses and starts getting complicated it's better all handled through civil trials and they did handle it through civil trials so that makes sense also i have to point out this clip which is a straight up what the heck are you talking about because well look for yourself and the captain was non-stop on the phone the whole time this is all clear on the vdr the lights were out he didn't go back to dining this is just categorically untrue but you know the media will let anything go out island troubles the concordia had sunk right off the shores of gleo and it was very close to their port as well and this effectively closed things for a while and once it was reopened it was only reopened to a reduced capacity and for the fishermen who worked there it's not just a matter of oh you avoid it and you'll be fine there's a ton of security there's cleanup crews roaming around all sorts of things they just mean that you can't come and go as you please anymore and of course the locals weren't too happy about it there was this big fuck-off cruise ship um ruining their slice of paradise it had also become a hub for tourists to visit and gawk at the ship i think to be fair if i was in the area i'd be sailing out there too to gawk at it the island was filled with news reporters who had come to take photos and ask dumb questions in english bonjourno and also an endless stream of cleanup crews who were living on the island in temporary accommodation and overall it had most of them bothered but for a contingency of people on the island there was some good news too a lot of the hotels and bars and restaurants typically closed for half the year when they couldn't get enough customers um you know it might be winter time something like that and people wouldn't come and visit in high enough volume for them to keep their establishment open but for that period while the cleanup crews were there they were able to keep things open all year round renee and renee a very successful law firm based in new york also operating in hungary mr renee speaks hungarian fluently hence why he takes on a lot of these cases and he was able to suss out that it was a scam well before the media did renee and renee also has a track record for successfully suing cruise lines it seems to be a bit of a specialty of theirs in this segment i had quite a few people comment that i was wrong about hungary having no laws for insurance fraud and maybe you're right but that's a direct quote from mr renee who specializes in this area of law so i just i don't know i just took his word for it also this is in 2012 maybe it's not true of today and they wouldn't stop them from being prosecuted for other crimes regular fraud lying to authorities for instance but they weren't and the point is that the couple got away with it mario pellegrini the deputy mayor we just wanted to include this bit because we thought it was a good example of what someone in a leadership position should do uh instead of running away and hiding like the captain did this guy immediately jumped on one of the boats returning to the costa and he went round helping passengers we thought it was a very nice contrast martin the magician maybe we didn't do the best job explaining here so let me do a quick recap essentially you've got this magician and he's doing a cut woman and a half trick and just as the assistant is about to step into the front half of the box the ship crashes and everything gets put on pause then there's also a dancer right rosalind rinkin and she's already in the box because once they cut this lady in half right she's going to stick out her legs right so oh i'm you know as part of the act so rosalind can feel the jolt and then she can hear the audience murmuring and she's like whoa whoa let me out let me out then the lights go out and you start hearing more like whoa whoa what's going on and then at this point it's pitch black right and martin flicks the latch to let rosalind out so that she can get out and then he just pulls off the stage it just takes off running and then the lights come back on and it's this bizarre ta-da because they've ruined the cut woman and half trick and you can just hear his footsteps running away across the wooden stage in the distance and everyone's going wait what the this guy he's just leaving what the heck and people start to panic a bit and then rosalind the assistant kind of go oh maybe we should start directing the audience out of here and then later on when the ship starts to tilt the whole box just falls right into the audience and then by that point everyone's just panicking okay get the i've got to get back to our cabins we've got to get to my station we've got to get out of here but i think it's very funny that martin just ran away uh he's a fairly famous magician uh he's been on telly a few times you can see his stuff on youtube the pasta dish what did we do with it afterwards we threw it away it's like a dollars worth of pasta and a dollar fifty jar of sauce offered it to the editors but amazingly they didn't want it after i put my grubby hands in it and threw it into a dirty sink i'm grateful that's what i say there they are the deets also got to mention this guy reviewed our video he's a nautical expert water man and uh he said that we were very accurate thank you very much by the way i just want to say that this is an excellent recollection of the whole event what's up with taiko watiti stealing my ideas for videos what the no one was talking about steve bonnet till i was i waited someone saw that and then they just went yeah we'll have it thanks i swear to god if there's a montage scene in there where he like learns to become a pirate i'm gonna be furious i think that's everything oh why it takes so long to do these videos and why it took so long to get this q a done there's a q a coming out next week on incognito mode right well basically what happened was after we missed that first deadline of a week everything just got put on the back then i was like all right well we didn't make it uh there's actually other projects that need focus on so we just started back on in the field and we started working on more main channel stuff also you know this was expected to be a hey we'll do this off the cuff it'll take 20 minutes and then it's like a of course a 40 minute produced edited video in there we had to find a lot of old assets as well the main channel videos i feel like maybe we'd just never explain why it takes so long to do these things here you know what i'm going to do a little breakdown of what each scene requires to show a little bit of our timeline we've got all these different layers so it's like acid on acid on acid on asset anything that's green is actually another layer of assets and and most things have green on them so if i go into this it's just more assets so it's even more than it first looks let's go to something simple which is like the opening scene so in this opening shot it sort of consists of three layers there is a video underneath and that's playing of the ocean and then on top of that we've photoshopped out a railing so we would have to take this from somewhere and then essentially cut everything out so that it's a transparent png and then you can still see the background behind it and then you've got harold and you know so he looks like this and then we've essentially just put a head on a body that we've also cut out so that's you know three layers and then we'll have that playing and then on top of that we will have a nested sequence and then the nested sequence will have a bunch of effects in it so for example the opacity is increasing there and there is a position and a zoom on that as well so this sort of stuff might take 15 20 minutes to put together something like that you know with all the cutting out and all that sort of stuff and then that becomes how long two seconds to nine seconds and this is quite a long shot you know most of these shots aren't this long so that becomes and then there's script and vo on top of that and this is like the 80th version of the script and then music goes underneath that so you can see how it all sort of adds up to take quite a long time then that gets taken over by two cross dissolves and then one of those is a nest and then it's in the i'm not sure why that's so many layers oh it says i okay so we've got to make the eyes move each of these eyes has to kind of move independently and then he stays completely stationary but then he's put into a nest and then that nest is zooming it gives it this feeling of being a little more lifelike then we've got the background of the ship and so we've just added a separate position and zoom and then we've added a blurring effect to give a sense of depth then that does a dip to white and then that comes in with some regular footage that fades into more footage overlaid and then in comes herald again so the opacity increases there's a zoom function and then this is a combination of a few different assets so we've got just the head and then we've got this second face here and then it just fades one end to the other and then you take this nest and then sound effect is added underneath so yeah it's quite simple stuff there's just a lot of it but once you start getting over here to these sort of action scenes you can see that it becomes quite a lot you know let's take it from five minutes to 30 so 11 shots over the course of 30 seconds so that means there's a shot on average about once every three seconds and then you sort of scale that out to a 40 odd minute video you know let's say our average shot probably isn't about three seconds might be something close to about four seconds that's 15 per minute so that's 570 individual shots and then within each shot you know you might have one two three four okay 10 so that's 14 and then 15 six these are sound effects 16 17 18 19 20. so you might have 20 assets i'm not sure if that's particularly typical so you might be talking about roughly 11 000 assets over the course of the video i think if i look at the video files themselves there'll be a lot of redundancy in here as well okay it just keeps going look at it go about a quarter of a terabyte so there's 50 000 files in here and you can just really click anywhere and you know go bin one whatever what and it's all just like collected cut out assets like every one of these has been like photoshop and there's just like thousands of them and so that's why things take so long just because you know we're not filming anything we're just constructing everything pretty much from scratch we're just you know we're just sort of taking existing assets and we're altering them and so that's what's going on it's not like oh you know uh it's july maybe we should put out a video before we have even put out cost concordia we were already working on the next video we don't want the quality to go down it sucks that they're not out more often if i could be pulling out one a week i would i don't want the quality to go down either like i look at the newest videos and i think not just me but you know like as a team we're quite proud of them we could start going back to doing five minute videos but honestly i just don't think they're as interesting because you can't go as in depth so the structure will go very much like so some people did a thing and then it went badly the end by the way that video that we put out is actually not rendered at all we couldn't make it render we tried everything we tried pulling all the files into new project tried on different computers tried it on the server tried it off the server different formats different codecs we were troubleshooting going piece by piece finding anything that had an error code in it okay yeah this png will replace that and in the end it was so impossible what we had to resort to was we took this preview render screen here right and then we just blew it up full screen then we opened up obs and we just started screen recording the whole thing so we would screen record the preview and then we just kept going until it was a dip in the frame rate and then we stopped the recording and then we started it again and then re-recorded the next few minutes we basically did that over and over and over the whole way through the timeline and then we took those recordings strung them all together like this and then cut off the overlap and that's the video we still don't have a proper rendered version secret channel and channel update stuff i've i've read a few comments and i think people think that we just sort of sit on our hands and then maybe a month before the video we start working or you know we've got all these videos on side channels coming out it's like why is he working on this and not on the main channel and it's totally a fair question i'd want to know and the answer to that is we're always working on a new main channel video there's never really a period when we're not working on one um and then the side channels have been made in such a way that all i really need to do is a recording for them and then do more of a producer role so i'll come in and i'll critique the thing like ah that's that's not funny ah that sucks and maybe here's a reference that should go here and no that should look like that and help with some of the timings and sometimes sometimes i'll come in at the last minute and do the final polishes on the edit but that's about the extent of stuff i do for other channels my main job is the main channel and look even if we shut all these other ones down tomorrow and said okay guys we're all working on the main channel videos wouldn't come out on it any faster or more frequently so basically you get the main channel when it's done second channel from about one a month so you know we should have on average i'd say about 10 a year on of those there's three other channels there's a live channel which i haven't been paying any attention to for a while there's story mode which is just basically video games run through it's it's found flicks of games and i just do the video for that i come in i haven't read the scripts in advance and so it doesn't take pretty much any of my time we just sit there for 30 minutes recording and basically interrupting each other me and another editor usually doing the video that's great fun and i don't do anything for that and then there's this other channel which is just before a completely different audience altogether yes this is probably not your thing it's not entertainment it's not funny it's just like a reference index and so historian runs that channel and she just goes here's a thing and here's what it is that's it that's the that's the whole idea and it's basically supposed to be an analog of wikipedia so instead of going and reading an article on wikipedia you just go uh type it into the youtube search bar or this channel which is like how to pronounce banana in english so here you go banana banana if they find it and they go this is not for me and they don't subscribe that's totally fine a lot of this content is catered to a pretty different audience other than that for now i don't have any other channels but i'll let you know as they come up eventually we will have dozens of channels and then i will franchise them out and it'll be like a mcdonald's in every state and then we'll own a ton of them in secret and be like is this one owned by ih is this one owned by age and then we will rule youtube and then we will take all of those winnings and we will put them into silocoin and then we will buy a private island with the winnings and then i will drive a boat into you
Channel: Incognito Mode
Views: 2,053,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costa concordia, q and a, Q & A, internet historian
Id: U6Crdz7Uo7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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