NERDLINE: Who Wrote iDubbbz Disstrack? | SSSniperwolf Fortnite Fail | Clown vs Clown (FT COLOSSAL)

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I fucking love nerd city

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Be sure to read the pinned comment from idubbbz himself.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RyanKinder 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sick new format, Nerd. You're immediately #2 behind Gloria Borger.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/asilverstein16 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ohhh... so thats why RG diss song was so god damn incoherent.....

RG kind of shot himself in the foot there... I watched a bunch of his "diss" songs in the past and it wasn't terrible. It had no flow and wasn't really catchy but at least there is some good roast lines. I feel like after seeing a high production value and good song from Ian, RG felt pressured to produced the same. I might have respected him more if he were to just do a roast songs in the past where RG wrote himself. (or at least wrote most of it)

what a dumbass...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DarkLordV 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so high right now that I was holding a tube of mascara because my new obsession is putting on like 15 coats of mascara and a tampon in the other hand and I sat down on the toilet to change my tampon whilst holding the tube of mascara and almost put it in my vagina instead of the tampon tsa just stopped my bag after security and I asked the lady why she just laughs and goes well there's an alarming amount of peels at the bottom of your bag I should myself I left this mess a noob at home and a blue PT Cruiser and then had to pull over in an elementary school parking lot to throw up while wearing red nipple pasties at 8 a.m. [Music] love that for me [Music] several weeks have passed now since the Sniper Wolf video came out on this channel and a few things have happened I think it was the day after it came out leah tweeted about how she sort of almost kind of recognized in public all the time which is actually a pretty good setup to joke about her lack of editing in real life being a disguise then the thought patrol was covered on drama alert by keemstar who admitted he doesn't really like her very much either a youtuber known as nerd City exposed the goddess sniper wolf he uploaded a video titled thought Patrol look I don't like Sniper Wolf alright I'm not that many people in the community really do I mean lying talking trash and shortly after that Sniper Wolf blocked me on Twitter Oh sausage wolf uploaded a new cosplay I know who cosplay next you should this person right here cosplay yes you should it's a fortnight cosplay and people have been relentlessly retweeting it at me tagging me underneath the original post commenting on YouTube videos describing it to me trying to make sure that I see this thing so I've seen it now and yes you're right it does not take an expert to notice that this is another editing mess sausage wolf you suck at this kind of editing just stop or get better you suck you suck at this I can't believe you did this one when you know that everyone's looking for editing mistakes sucks this up man well before we get into that let's talk about what might be an ideal way to respond when you get caught tweaking your pictures James Charles is a beauty guru on YouTube he was the first male covergirl if you remember that news story and he recently got caught face tuning a french fry his fans spotted it he admitted it he said he made a mistake no big deal he's very open about the fact that he faced tunes and edits his pictures I just really really love a photo editing and in my opinion photo editing and retouching is just as much of an art as actual makeup itself on the other hand Sniper Wolf tells her fans that she doesn't edit her photos under people think I photoshopped my face I don't have time for that and she has a nasty history of calling people out for editing theirs so her captured I don't plan on being a beauty queen but I do know I'm beautiful being me I'm beautiful being Photoshop Dan get caught was it worth it it wasn't what those loving likes I didn't I swear it in Photoshop my fix that my door my door just does that I can understand why people want to drag her on this fortnight photo and I guess I kind of still do too big on thoughts the thing is I'm not exactly anti editing myself obviously I enjoy editing content to make it look better and I I'm at least neutral on the topic of editing yourself to try and look good we're not going to get rid of editing all of a sudden it's only going to become more prevalent and harder to tell the compromise has to be just make the best content you can you know do a good job at it and tell the truth alright so just at a glance what would you think she edited what would you guess can you make my booty bigger Kim K style I want to make them she's jealous he thanks with Instagram being what it is these days and beauty standards trending a little thick there are certain parts of the body that you see getting edited over and over on Instagram they're almost always tweaked Instagram models want a big caboose a thinner waist a bigger chest and a lot of times skinny arms so let's look at this photo now the flash on the camera phone is doing the thought patrol a big favor here this kind of shadow is called a halo shadow and it happens when your brightest light source is facing the subject because she's the same distance away from the wall up and down her body we should see a shadow that stays the same thickness traveling up and down the wall but of course not because this is poorly edited so we're gonna see that in those priority areas that we just mentioned you'll see that the shadow starts to take a bit of a walk the shadow is very thin all of a sudden right at the wide part of the hips and it's very stretched out right at the waist where you would tuck it in and worst of all its stretched and pulled like saltwater taffy right around the chest when you fail everything you can't even get this right it's a mess in there this mess right here is what you could easily call a Photoshop fail put it on my computer Photoshop that send it back to my phone post it on Instagram hello you just listed exactly the steps of what you don't do what would you call that like an anti tutorial a denial tutorial Oh incriminating that's what you would call it self-incrimination it's like if you get pulled over by a cop and you say officer I did not just quietly open a window silently slide inside a house step over a vacuum cleaner that was falling over in the hallway sneak up the stairs without making a creak crack a safe remove the valuables put them in the trunk of my car I don't have time for that cop would be like I pulled you over for speeding please step out of your car and open the trunk let's give her the benefit of the doubt for a second and consider maybe the Photoshop is part of the cosplay you do see that sometimes no people will change out the background to a fantasy location or add flames something that they couldn't replicate in person maybe this Fortnight character is really top heavy and really thick and that was really the only way for alia to look exactly the same ya know [Music] no one assumes that the kids from stranger things no I just want to say just write to me I think are writing the show if you found out that One Direction songs were written by committee I don't think you'd be surprised there are plenty of genres of entertainment where the performers aren't assumed to be the writers and the idea of lyrics being a collaborative effort doesn't always detract from the enjoy ability of a song when pop stars look like models or are really young or a band works together to come up with the music seeing multiple writing credits on a track is expected good job but rap music is different this is called a hollow rymus the word hate is carbon publishing in our famous demonstrated in the perforated Labor's in all flavors rap is so personality driven and based on lyrical skill that when someone says they're a fan of a rapper it's just assumed they don't just enjoy the melody of their backing music they like the way that artist thinks her staff can't even contain his excitement talking about doom I bet a million dollars on Duma gives a little wing what are the whole rappers shut up and while you shutting up put a shirt on at least a button-up put up to all that will shut up which is shutting up a super sir yuck wrappers to the males out of work services they shut down shipping mental prowess is such a big part of what people respect about a rapper obviously right like freestyle rap and battle rap show how quickly a rapper is able to think on their feet and improvise and some of the most successful rappers ever like little Wayne and jay-z amaze everyone with the fact that they don't even physically write their lyrics down they just store them and tinker with them in their head clap that means before you this you know something that person can do buck 30 reps as he and Oh forgive me one of them is ingenious [Music] functioning at that level is a creative ability that goes all the way to the point of genius so you see rappers being graded on that scale or at least expected to be somewhere on the creative spectrum so for those reasons anytime the rumor begins to circulate that a rapper might not be the author of their own lyrics like what happened with Drake a couple years back it's a scandal their stock begins the slide or tanks suddenly it's damaging enough just to insinuate that somebody else gives them bars so when dm's were leaked that showed that youtube rapper rice gum was being sent his lyrics by another youtuber named Jaquan rustle or disc god that was an embarrassment for him for our first story of today we have a huge story probably the biggest story of the month this one comes from rice gum okay so basically there is this one guy called a dis rapper he literally sent him like all the verses literally the entire diss track and then he shows here that rye scam responded saying get me two more lines so it looks like rice gum is like asking him to basically make his diss tracks for him rice gum was caught red-handed by those screen caps and so he had to admit that he pays his buddy at least sometimes to write his lyrics this is from Riesling himself the first district I ever made he wrote the whole thing because I had no idea how to even rap he was compensated with money for his time rice gum obviously doesn't understand what everyone's freaked not about this one of the greatest cultural offenders on this front has to be one rice gum you can be a goofy youtuber with no connections to hip hop whatsoever take the tens of thousands of dollars that you make a month on YouTube hand some of it to a ghostwriter and some of it to a producer and while he did drop quite a few awful tracks this year I have to specifically point out his response track platinum song based off of a totally awful track one of the worst songs of last year he just oozes this lack of self-confidence and you can't really step on the mic and sound like you have no self esteem and since so few people really respected rice gum as a rapper anyway that scandal just kind of died down until the content cob which put new heat on rice gum for using and hiding a ghostwriter so as rice gum prepared a diss track response he made a point to record himself staying up late in his bedroom writing the lyrics himself with a magic pen that could write upside down the prevailing thought was that even if rice gum normally uses a ghostwriter he was definitely gonna write them himself this time because he'd been called out for it and he was under a microscope well he didn't he didn't write it himself he still didn't and the proof of that hit the ACE and BMI songwriters registries a couple months ago first let's look at a random jay-z track just to show you how this works the song is called a ballad for the fallen soldier and so you have performer jay-z and then under writers you have jay-z and The Neptunes Chad and Pharrell the beat makers now let's look at rice gums response to the content cop no rice gum under songwriters between the ASCAP and BMI credits there's a hundred percent ownership of this song represented here under songwriter there's no Bryan Lee rice gum and there isn't even Jaquan rustle disk god but there are these names Yusuf Ali the owner of a company called sift and Dylan Rupp a rapper affiliated with sift who apparently anyone can hire to ghost write a rap song for as little as $100 Indiana my bag like a pack the fact that there were multiple writers working on this track who may have had a limited understanding of who they were even talking about or who they were dissing was kind of obvious in the song itself if you remember there were multiple insults that were contradictory [Music] snitching and NWA aren't exactly peanut-butter-and-jelly the lyrics felt cobbled together the song barely made any sense but we could only speculate about why it was such a failure until now and just as a side note the only songwriter listed $4 in the woods is keemstar believe it or not it's true you know keemstar the song is called dollar in the woods we've been enjoying making sponsored videos lately on this channel you know having the devil recommend making website can't make you phone having a cross-dressing doctor disrespect shilling razor blades but I'm more excited than ever to tell you about this sponsor because this site is already what we're doing on this channel skills share is sponsoring this video like this is an ad read but look at me I love it I'm actually blown away by this site some people I know will call me or text me when there's something they don't know how to do particularly related to software or computers for whatever reason and I'll tell them if I know how to do it but just as often I'll have to tell them I don't know how to do that I have no idea how to do that and they'll go oh and I'll say but if I did want to know how to do that I would probably watch a tutorial or take a class on it somewhere because that's what I do that's my secret cat I'm always watching tutorials YouTube's an OK resource you can search it and find a lot of tutorials often though it's they can be a little hard to understand it'll be you know maybe a child explaining I use Adobe Premiere or someone where English isn't their first language skills share however is a community of high end tutorials that are very easy to follow along with when you sign up you click through categories and you pick areas of interest I picked areas that were to me and right away it started feeding me classes that I would be interested in and we're gonna where we're with tight I watched a few from this guy Aaron drop 'ln this big old Santa Claus in the making from Oregon he's awesome I've never been more ready to design something my whole life I used what I learned from his tutorials about custom type to make part of the intro that you saw to this video make it clean make it dirty make it rounded Here I am injecting hot lava molten graphic design knowledge great deep inside each runner this site is us a lot of the work I do I've watched a few hours of classes on here so far and I can tell I'm only just starting to dig in I've saved classes I haven't watched yet on using duotones and Photoshop there's Instagram marketing social media strategies definitive guide to t-shirt design and manufacturing I need to watch that I can't wait I've legit loved this site I went through the process of signing up to check out this site myself and I noticed that you can get a free trial by default if you do it normally you get one free month but if you follow the link below that they gave me four nerd City you get two free months the page changes automatically to give you a better deal so please do use that it helps you me and them if you use that link because it's so important for brands to know like what advertising is working they're happy to give you a better deal coming through here it's free to try for a month but even if you were to splurge and buy a year's access to all of their classes it still works out to be cheaper than a single college textbook that's a great price before we go I actually have a tutorial for PewDiePie the more of a question really [Music] why so damn lazy boy [Music] lips chin nose what else she got done
Channel: Nerd City
Views: 1,835,419
Rating: 4.9423904 out of 5
Keywords: Nerd City, sssniperwolf, Fortnite, Thot Patrol, RiceGum, Idubbbz, Colossal Is Crazy, clown, cosplay, fail, photopshop, Sniperwolf, Rice Gum, DissGod, TheDissRapper, Syft, rap, Drake, lyrics, ghost writer, Content Cop, Frick Da Police, Skillshare, Drama Alert, Keemstar, Facetune, editing, Instagram, Twitter, nerdcity, Dillon Rupp, Youssef Ali, rapper, rap music, Youtuber, cover girl, ascap, Bmi, songwriter, registries, pictures, photoshop fail, sausagewolf, Jay-Z
Id: KpgpDbVW-Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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