Unsubscribed: Prince Ea (EXPOSED!)

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[Music] not brushing my teeth earlier you've been lucky enough to spend a lot of time on Facebook this year then you probably know Prince a can we autocorrect humanity 69 million place some people will live by they never really die it's 74 million plays why I think this world 65 million dear future generations hundred thirteen million plays one hundred and fourteen million people watch the Super Bowl last year the Super Bowl 113 million people watched print sees video he is the Super Bowl even PewDiePie's most popular videos get half that many plays prince city has got one of the biggest audiences in the world last year I had a little under half a billion views on all of my content on the Facebook platform and the YouTube and it's not hard to see why this guy to see a print see video just feel it even doctor downloads putrid rotten little heart feel something when he watches Prince II feel something those of us who are vulnerable to piano music is everybody we're so uplifted we're outlet far reaches top left over like Queen Latifah like Glenn Beck really likes him you're just sitting here talking about how food is poison where are you from and now days before the US presidential election princes released the video tell us who he's gonna vote for it's not who we think well I think it's time to tell you Facebook neither is princey come with dr. down vote as we take a closer look if you disagree with me I'll kill you knock that down vote join dr. down vote a room filled with women's shoes and men's toys I'm not cleaning that mess up I'm not cleaning a mess up for you to [ __ ] you just listen to your heart that's what I do princey takes on a lot of big issues in his quest to save the world takes on the school system he takes on pollution internet addiction or phone or something but the real message that he always comes back to is to follow your passion and not do your job great advice don't you think it's crazy that so many of us go into work even when we don't need to be there you deserve a six-month vacation twice a year life is not meant to simply work wait for the weekend and pay rent no every person was built to live out the dream they have inside grab that microphone and be brave sing your heart out on life stage so we can safely assume princey it's not just doing something for money following his passion I hope so scroll down beneath all the inspirational chats that unexpectedly made it famous and we see the musical side that he always promised us clearly though the music is what got the least attention which is a drag because here's the guy following his passion and not making any money at it just what princey says we should do just what princey says we should do he's doing it so I wonder why he slowed down I don't want to be so cynical but the princi pivot to motivational Facebook stuff because that's what was getting views music career called called angry rambling let's do him a favor and let's put a little bit of our attention on his music career what's he rapping about princey the rapper the one who assures us he would never sell out are you selling out cut the hell me I'm not enough so now when I'm still the same dude whoever created that show needs to die so as Prince he likes to say I've just done the math if you spent an entire 9 hour work day watching all the videos he's uploaded as Prince II the rapper only 3 minutes of that day gets you Prince e in the polo shirt on the beach staring at the ocean I'm a PI hmm I'm a pie chart this is this channel mostly print see the rapper Prince e in a polo is this little piece right here maybe this small I might be the only one who'd seen it all I did it for you so you can do like he's sizing break away from your screens and live your life I'll be the one watching Prince e making jump rants about waka flocka in his yard talking about it bragging about his dogs and calling people [ __ ] stupid bags moving trash what was that maybe we hurt you all why not rephrase that I mean you are the guys showing us slow motion inspirational scenes of gay weddings right that's you well who's this guy [ __ ] whoa that's not good I'm gonna snatch off that cheap necklace and make you Brokeback back and see heaven like it's not very nice but let's not get carried away with it rappers have to be homophobic right it's like a prerequisite lots of rappers Hey bags right my man say these [ __ ] gay all these [ __ ] rubbers gay [ __ ] [ __ ] bags if a popular rapper doesn't go out of his way to make it crystal clear that he hates [ __ ] that someone might point out that he has a crew of subordinate men who follow him around and and they brag about having Lord T's together someone might point that out rap games like that but it's not like that also since so many of them are proud of having served some time we wouldn't want anyone suggesting that they [ __ ] men in prison and enjoyed it and definitely did [ __ ] man in prison all the time and everybody knew it so would I forget the bigotry stuff that's poo widespread this is pretty we're talking about the inspirational princey the Superbowl of views we are all the same we're all one right Wow princey the rapper Prince T the spiritual guru same channel same guy I'm [ __ ] as a rapper he's a peacemaker he's a peacemaker stop holding hands and hanging out with each other man yeah I want to see some beef man it's no more beef anymore everybody's so buddy-buddy and friendly oh wow that's just for battle raps it's all good fun afterwards everybody makes up and you know squashes the beef right don't make a diss record to get somebody him in No go to his Bar Mitzvah the next day okay so that's just for entertainment right I mean you know what rappers killing each other again right what I don't want to see anybody killing a couple of you guys but oh good just some of the guys not all of them just a few he doesn't like so just some of them dead but the rest day it's great to see him doing well right following their passion and getting paid for it it's not great make good money for music you must like that right you must like that a lot of people call me a hater why are you hating on him he getting money I don't care if he's give me money I hope he didn't get money okay so pretty so he doesn't like popular rap that shouldn't be a surprise right such a positive and inspirational guy and rap is so negative of course he wouldn't like that I'll bet his rap is just filled with the most positive inspirational stuff I open it stop without family love and body positivity I'm sick enough to choke [ __ ] mom on a rock slab for your pops me I'm sick enough the titty [ __ ] of flat-chest [ __ ] again turn up I need some I wash give me princess seeking spiritual truth in India we don't run this plant this land you can't rap about killing and make a one day and then wear a skirt the next day I don't know dog how did you do it I can get your shot with a knife will stab with a block from revving the guns fly hey yo if you're not careful social media wolf you up did you know the average person spends 4 years of his life looking down at a cellphone kinda ironic ain't how these touchscreens can make us lose touch nice and woke not using internet all the time not [ __ ] around on my phone stuck Twitter and Instagram which is why reminds us by tweeting 20 times a day and using Instagram 10 times a day and his Facebook page is filled with clickbait spam that's to remind you not to use the internet so much that's just to remind you to I mean it's such a creative guy he probably has to post that much just to get it all out follow him for creativity you know creativity like freebooting inspirational memes and adding your name to them creative I mean if you can't prove who said it why'd you give anyone credit take the credit that's creative for example teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself princey said that first right not Confucius not an ancient Chinese proverb prince e oh how about real friends treat you like family princey Wow just just google that and look at all the other versions that I quote that didn't credit princey probably an oversight on everyone's part huh I mean when you're as creative as Prince e people will people will always be ripping you off all the people who like to study your memes 2,000 years ago I mean come on how many views and Confucius get on Facebook zero how many Instagram likes the Confucius ever get I've done the math and it's zero the point is none of that matters if you've made it to the end of his videos if you're one of the lucky mammals and you're humans or whatever if you wanted a few people or aquatic animals that have yet to click off or close this video congratulation you that you've learned that you should follow him on Twitter and Instagram and like his Facebook page and subscribe to him on YouTube and then disconnect from the internet at least until his next video comes out but check back in because if you're following him then you get to teaser photo from the video and then you get to watch the trailer and and then you get to watch the video and then share it with your friends and like and comment with it's the cycle of the joying life and just connecting and reconnecting with princey 20 times today but like to subscribe then take your hands off the screen and live life like Prince Issei Brin sees a smart fellow smart enough to make Facebook is [ __ ] we know that in fact he's so smart that he started a movement called smart which stands for sophisticated millions and something you can check it out on make smart cool calm Oh which he forgot to renew the domain for but that's just a small stuff that's just princey is smart enough to know about the really small stuff like photons go shine like a full-time particle lightning makes up light gonna shine watch out I'll bet you didn't know what a photon was and now you do print sees making smart gold look at make it smart cool argentine go go you ever heard of these big full moon the guys good have you ever have you ever I don't think so I don't think so and now you've heard of them thanks again II see the wise man knows himself to be a fool so you supercilious bumper-sticker philosopher sound ridiculous couldn't have said it better yourself so you said it yourself what about these I guess they're not bumper stickers those are let's Instagram wisdom not them not the modern equivalent of bumper stickers better something better see the wise man knows himself to be a fool so you supercilious bumper sticker philosopher style ridiculous now according to wikipedia princes real name is richard it's not prince he's given himself a royal title Prince EA is the central Prince earth the Creator God and he freed these people from bondage through knowledge and wisdom I took it on because through my music through my art I want to free people or at least open their minds through knowledge and wisdom that's a perfect yeah that's beautiful [Applause] it's perfectly fine that's perfectly fine giving yourself a fancy title is only one of the ten signs of a fake guru or a fake spiritual leader for the rest of the 10 signs check out this clip babe you won't believe what other signs sound exactly like princey the amazing coincidences will shock you look pretty isn't a self-obsessed egomaniac by any stretch of the imagination all those shirtless videos he did in his parents offices parents are probably stingy with air conditioning or whoever it was that keeps potting soil on their desk and Listerine I mean sure you uploaded a video of himself playing basketball for no reason well not for no reason it was like he said we need to know that he's good at basketball - shooting unguarded threes dribbling the ball around on an empty court not everyone making motivational videos can do that - and people love watching one man play a team sport by himself so why deny us the pleasure Prince a lean pretty hard on the stock piano music we pass each other on the streets and if we do speak it's meaningless robotic communication but that just fits what he's saying it doesn't make something not deep sound deep but can't do that I mean he proves it he proves it himself listen to him saying some gibberish and playing piano music Ann tell me if this makes any sense I don't know if soul mates exist or not but I do know just by the very nature of that word that phrase soul mate you have to be a soul in order to realize this and when you are reflecting your true self your true soul you're no longer reflecting anger pain your past failures when your ego that's what love can blossom because the soul's only expression is pure love now right I mean it still makes no sense even with piano how about I bet I made your [ __ ] wedding but people want me to run for president for office in conclusion fritzy is climbing higher and higher as a motivational inspirational speaker and and that's what people want from him just look at the comments if he keeps on this path he's gonna need his own religion and I hope he gets it that way people can pour over his deaf poetry forever and ever and ever we see the world clearly diggin Edison into the ocean seeing the world from the illusion if people wanted to flat-out worship princey I don't think it would surprise him he's already been thinking a lot about his legacy dear future generations sorry thanks for watching dr. dirty dick daddy downvote Stan dictor's your [ __ ] computers like subscribe follow all of that nerd city I'm not brushing my teeth these days or any days not for the internet don't have to brush your teeth for the Internet
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,265,933
Rating: 4.7242856 out of 5
Keywords: Prince Ea, Unsubscribed, Nerd City, Exposed
Id: sHD4-iyGDyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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