Breathalyzer Bingo ft. Nerd City | Cold Ones

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new nerd city video too. Its a good day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watched! liked! Am pleased ! Thanks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/faceless_human πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cdogk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope the policemen of my area don’t have the same breathalyser

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jlvelp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

First episode I've watched. Really love the set and the dynamic cam, plus a great guest! Excited for more

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BareknuckleCagefight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Basicallyabush πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where's the next episode? It's been so long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/newyorkdragon14 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I just wanna be on the podcast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oimatestopit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up guys welcome to cold walk okay hey guys what's going on welcome to cold ones I'm your host any thing of four views aka Chad welcome to the episode today's sponsor as always is shirt with a Z cool make sure you head over to the shirt zero cool in use code beer for 10% off any of the fine clothing you see us wearing this episode this new this new in love it what's this shirt called Scott doesn't have a name yet another sponsor of today official sponsor jalis or J box make sure you head over to Jay atlas calm and use code beer for 10% off that box also I'm doing a giveaway on Instagram follow me on Instagram anything for views will be up there soon for one of these boxes will dig into it very shortly but first let us call our guest and co-host in I thank God we can put music over that thank God we can put me years ago that cuz that looks that looks so awkward today of course wait a minute why is it that many shots we're getting we're getting ready okay so of course our guests there is nerd city thought Buster extraordinaire can I call you thought Buster's that I get sure sure welcome thanks for coming on chairs flew all the way to Australia for this so thank you my man to Melbourne for Melbourne we've been having some good times let's have a big big mouth will come on the side off big mouthful boys this is coca-cola coca-cola at all so today we're going to be playing a little game called the dear monetization breathalyzer I was gonna get a little yellow tic put on it but that never happened basically the aim of the game is every 15 or 20 minutes whenever I call it we're gonna take the breathalyzer we are blow into it it takes a little a little while to process but once it comes up whoever gets the lowest number on the breathalyzer has to take a beautiful shot of tequila what I get zero we've been drinking at least okay this is this is no this is this is very inaccurate and I don't like it bra bra do mine while you're talking we'll do one in 10 minutes after we finish our drinks give it some time anyway antics we're coming on thanks for having me on cold source called what that was mean for anyone that can't see on the camera max away with it all this out anyway I got questions written down because I'm just an amateur and I can't afford a laptop to hold in front of me to read the questions so do you mind if I just jump in all the questions right away all right hit me thank you reddit reddit slash are called once for submitting the questions we got your questions here in future we will credit people we took these questions off I just didn't do it I was not going back and doing it again you're gonna give an introduction for who he is how would you explain yourself actually this book okay I guess I would say like cultural commentary on internet culture memes if we're critical of something we also try to bounce you know a little bit of Education with well-thought-out videos well you don't have that many on your channel either two dozen I think so how many subscribers now oh and that actually brings up a point Chad I have a little video to play you you have a video to play me yeah it's about it's about subscribers okay you ready yes I'm interested okay I'm kind of scared what have you guys so you just come on here to expose me I don't know no no it's not it's not too bad it's just related to what you just said where did you get that from I don't know do you watch streams and stuff and you're like tunnel timestamp that for when I hang out with Chad you can't why would you do that when did you say that alright well Scott have we interns Scott do we have any rope in the office second years so I'm person of the questions and we've kind of touch base on this already at the start but we're talking about like what's a tank on exists like channels that purely exists for shock so recently what channel that the bed was monkey Jones and completely got taken off the platform well I think the beginning that question said it just exists only for shock I would say that monkey Jones that's not that's not a fair assessment of what he was doing there are certain topics that you know you would say like I'm not gonna talk about that that's like kicking a hornet's nest like monkey Jones was the kind of person who when you said that about a topic like he picks up the hornet's nest and pulls it off in you know he's trying to figure out like what's the Queen what's the ideology here let's figure out what it is and then and then crush it so like for example with the school shooter thing now that's not comrades okay so with the topic that everyone knows that monkey Jones not frequently visited is that a good way to put that's a good way I put it yes perfect but the Elliott thing was the thing that was that the main my that was potato it was or something like that yeah because that seemed to be what YouTube was was striking yes there are other channels out there that exists of likes solely for shock humor and like bright like we said like Brendan Rodgers has a lot of that in his videos it's not solely talking about about monkey and and him dealing with with the rogers meme real Elliott Rogers ours okay but something that everyone wonders about that it's like you know why did he why did he do it and what's causing this why is it happening more frequently in the same way that like when now you're really gonna get to monetize when the planes hit the towers I wish we had the the would be full two times over no wow I get what you mean happen everyone's like why did that happen and they say they spent 24 hours they spent like 24 hours on the news trying to figure out like just speculating like why did they do it they hate our freedom they maybe they hate Western culture maybe they hate Hollywood and it's like why don't you just look at what they said why they did it and there's a whole like manifesto so what monkey would do with the Elliott Rogers thing is that he reads the manifesto and he figures out okay why did he what was he trying to accomplish and then can we make fun of that is that valid manifesto and he made fun of the entire thing so by the end of it you end up thinking this guy's a loser and an in sell and he's not like this badass hero who got vengeance which is what he wanted everyone to think it is shocking and but there's a lot of art that's challenging enough that you feel shocked when you see it I think with him some of the stuff is worth thinking through and like the kids that are attracted to violence in schools if they're looking it up on YouTube and they come away thinking that guy's a huge loser that's better for all yeah like we don't want them looking up like highlight reels or like set to like badass music or some girl that six right I think just backtracking a tiny but when you say like these clips that will take and also clips can be taken even if they're small Clippers even if this is that clip of him dancing with the body pillow or PewDiePie wearing the the uniform I don't know you know a uniform is right but people can take that and twist it like because people have a short attention span it's just the incident now people aren't going to look at that and then look into why they do they're just gonna assume this guy's you shouldn't do it I understand that that's happening and I don't want to say that that's the right way that we have to idiot-proof everything yeah because then like who's like well I what standard of idiot do we have look at where news articles and that are going now it's like at some point there was maybe something they could get out of taking you know the context that it was in and it still may be a story now it's like the what was the PD Pi thing with the dude that had the sheckles name whatever it's just complete like I'm obvious hit paste I think that youtubers should be open to talking to journalists who are good journalists because then they're not gonna want to burn their reputation in the community by making a an invalid hit piece yeah you know by saying like this person did this thing out of context and this is why they should lose all their sponsors and we're gonna call those sponsors and we're gonna get them one by one to to comment on what they say or they gonna blow they gotta like slander that company as well yeah cuz because when they do that they're closing themselves off to anyone who's paying attention it might get clicks from people who who don't watch PewDiePie or YouTube enough to know that that that was baloney yeah but from everyone that is in the community it's just it's making them more and more resistant to reading whatever it is whatever that that website is at the end of the day they just won't get clicks yeah the reason I don't like what PewDiePie is doing and if people if you watching this don't block me he will retweet these negative articles that are slandering him and attraction because all they want is clicks but I it's a weird like I think he feels like he has to address it you don't need to address the specific article where you retweet the article and that's when he does what I suppose sudden did was he did with to to Auto journalist C Goodwin from BuzzFeed a cover of his name another guy from The New Yorker Hadrian and what these people did was instead of just taking what they saw online and Isis on there's a bit of a touchy topic he's a bit he's gonna lose him it's community meters yeah but what what these Jeff what these journalists did was they came to him they met him as a person they interviewed and they got him his side of the story and then they wrote these piece which still criticized him but not to the extent where it was complete slander it was just it was straight up criticism and he accepted that they spent time with him on his stream they got to another community they got to know how it worked instead of just seeing it from outside perspectives they went in one of the BuzzFeed guys went as far as live-streaming his whole life for a week and that's that's deep and these people made these two articles Adrian got a promotion or left The New Yorker and got a better job from it I'm not too sure enough from the BuzzFeed one but it's because ice kassadin's community is so strong it has such a good traction now I like look at this he wrote a nice article it was criticizing it wasn't a piece of everyone we should share it around the search support I started tweeted out he read on his stream he printed on his reddit and it got heaps of clicks I got 10 20 30 times more clicks than any other normal article on that website would get because it was it was balanced enough that that his fans could could absorb and digest the criticism and then also be like I'm getting some value out of this as well yeah cuz at the same time you don't want to go the opposite end of the spectrum where they're just writing this complete ego booster for someone who they know their community's gonna click it is no unless they're by the way for people that don't know journalists at Newsweek or BuzzFeed or wherever they get bonuses at the end of the month for getting a certain amount of clicks on their article it could be a fact it's a fact it could be $2,000 for it's a phat I believe you it's a fact I've double-checked it hundred thousand more impressions like yeah now do they get an a a 203k bonus is that constantly doing that eventually going to climb the way out the letter and the company where they're not writing the articles but they're hiring and managing the people to write the articles for them and getting them checked and published so that any journalist job is just to get more clicks and they don't realize that yes writing slandering articles gets clicks but 90 people that will look like there's two sections there's people that will read them a guy this jealous is I've been online um online I know how this works and the other half is all see now 48 five-year-olds like my mother that calls me and goes and goes oh you did a video about peopIe you know he's racist I'm like ma what what did you say that does thing that PewDiePie boy tweeted the I think was a history teacher or something racism genocide semitism these are all things that yeah it's just hate I hate journalists let me just say like I realize how ridiculous it is that you know I'm sitting here in a pair of glowing neon glasses criticizing Newsweek so we're doing our best finish your drinks right now it was a scrub cost broadcast finish your drinks right now I'd take anything to enjoy please have some more ice on my cup we're not professionals in every my please off my ass please no a Newsweek this is not Isis in the drug it is a water substance of ice anything 50 G's asks for anything from used as ice on his podcast podcast they twist like this going dang about that much witty so it wouldn't surprise I'm not wouldn't I yeah all right talking about videos and criticizing people nut what's your favorite video that you've ever made so far on your channel oh well that that's that's with max it's actually it's a Twitter me and it was replacing replacing Kanye West head with Max's head on the on the Lego bodies on the robot red block yeah the roblox meme and then little pump retweets replacing the big booty that was in front of them with Ricky Berwick's but and then Ricky Berwick's twisted tosser and the highlight is then a little pump liked it and retweeted it for 30 minutes yeah until Ricky Berwick ruined it by saying little pump likes my ass confirmed guys in the rap game can't be known that guy now that gay none of that gay people gay yeah no man he blow into this place real quick but I'm gonna wait you got your cap keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing stop 0.03 you got that one that's at point O 3 ok that's short drive yeah I can legally drive yeah I think that thing's very accurate let me do a pass it here amateur be pretty boy 0.04 0.0 0.0 for that so Mak I'm waking up for school yeah let me do mine shit's just no it's not this is not 200 old breathalyzer it has to be somewhat accurate if it's luck I've had a copy it's been all over the place hi boy 2.06 you were at point 11 cuz I just had a sip of it Adam it adds a level of random to it anyway I have the drink so whatever bad that's not like legally binding you might have one you took you two close together yeah both have one how are you blowing so hard you sizing the size of that absolute unit okay alright I don't know this is an insult match alright just down the hatch just down the hatch so nasty how do you like that and you like that brand particularly I do it's pretty good alright how big is your okay um he has a big I know well how'd he know he's gonna keep talk okay let's say I'm sorry listen I was watching one of his videos it's the mind of Roskam I think and he sits down on a beanbag chair and I assert time stamp and I clicked on it and it says something like if that is not a prop in his pants thought thought thought my god or something like that and I clicked it and I kept watching it and it would look like a massive breath wasn't a process and I may not have thought it was funny to go into rice gums brain with a raging hard-on do you ever regret saying or saying something that you send the video if so what was it about I think like I think everyone so I feel under your head answer but I think a lot of people especially me have said stuff on camera or in a video where I've looked back at it a week or a month or a year that I'm like you know maybe I shouldn't have said that you might be the prime candidate on all of the internet for that okay number one yeah I've burned a lot of bridges with the drum sets and I've said some and and he's turned over a new leaf and we're ready for sponsors here at cold ones it's never gonna happen again I'm just gonna do a quick one for Jay Jay loose my voice swaps for sa a will put on the screen give them a follies a legend I met him at Japan at a bar believe it or not maybe she said that sense of that sense of that don't that's real too and he came and he hit us up with a bunch of stuff from jail is jealous is a snack company I'm sorry some snacks across the table he wants some Pringles max oh yeah have some Pringles we've out we actually already dug in ramen ramen Pringles a good Japanese snacks and for the new collection show for your collection addiction anyway thank you swamps and from jalis for sending us a bunch of snacks for the podcast we had three boxes we have another box here which I will open specifically for something else but we already we already dug into a box at the office and a bunch of the snacks actually I never tried the popcorn you add all the popcorn we ate all we ate we had a whole box before because I said to him I was like he's like oh we're gonna send you one box I'm like nah Barry sent us three box that they provide like one of them's a snack box and you got a snap how can I have hentai as well but this I was this one particularly each month through there's different stack box yes a monthly subscription to a lovely snack box so is that as I can't leave here can we leave this on the table here I'll tell you what's good dude that magic gum that ones I didn't get to try cuz you hated me ramen cycles not something and swamps as well preciate it my brother thank you very much I'm gonna leave these up here I'm gonna snack into these max fresh light ok back have you said anything that you regret saying yeah yeah there's some times I'll miss speak I'll say something really stupid that every time I rewatched the video for any time I visit the comments section of that video I just I cringe knowing the word was wrong first one is is in try-hards I said I wrote POG on the mirror in front of Nikki and in the moment she asked what does that mean and in the moment I was I was recording and I just accessed the wrong words and I said pretty ass white girls so the comments are filled with excuse me but POG actually stands for and like I always have to write back like I know I blew it I'm sorry I should probably what what does poster for fat ass white girls okay yeah that's somebody big booty white girls I was hoping you'd say it was some sort of like racial slur because like I sing some songs yeah at being such a collective random surprised you didn't think it was pause like before my time anyway I actually I broke the seal so I really need to piss her Mac - can you please oh there's another there's another way appear stupid my dicks all right well you guys keep going let me just piss very we don't all piss it well I'm gonna run though I'm gonna alright I'm now the main host what the are we up see I think he skips up this stuff that what's what's the fat how gay are you on a scale from one to ten that's a real question hey that's a perfect question to ask while chad is gone because now he's not gonna try to molest me when I say get it out of your system while he's pissing okay so on a scale of one to ten yeah which direction is the gay which is this definitely the guy tends the gays so on a scale of one to ten yeah yeah what are you hoping for this is supposed to bring up some like dialogue oh yeah I hope that princey was asking this question and that he wanted to know that I'm a 10 so princey if you want me to be a 10 I'll be a 10 but if one is completely not gay and 10 is super gay then I'm probably about like a 2 between a 2 or 3 that's a low rating do you know who Prince EA is pretty yes I saw because of the he said belief he wanted to date him or whatever yeah exactly so if a 2 means that you're willing to act gay in order to irritate a homophobic person then that's why I'm the two so I'm willing to act gay to annoy princey I think being a little bit gay makes you straighter we do agree without being comfortable your sexuality and being comfortable with your sexuality yeah being spooked by a guy if you're not gay and I'm not gay but it depends how far guys if you're gonna me and I'm gonna wag I chicken and you're both so good at the guy that you each other that's when you're gay I'm just really good are you just really a guy I'm not gonna be in the room with whoever you're playing that with I'm definitely I'm definitely I'm a nine on the gay spectrum one more point on full game I actually think you've crossed back into the one would you say for gay Yan another I okay this is gonna sound okay I'm not homophobic sis I'm not sexist but I just I don't get along with women so much that I feel like in an alternative life I'm so much I'm happy because I'm dating like one of my friends like one of my boyfriend's we just suck each other off every now and then if there's a pill like what have you done to him ladies they've both completely changed you've changed his dreams his Fossey guy tended eyes because what and I'm Chad gettin that I'm leading a pull guy oh yeah Chad what makes you think that a dude wouldn't break your heart as well but goes hey she's got this fantasies head who's like yeah we're back at my place playing game bro shower and we both get a bit horny and we just suck each other off about casual sex and you can have a fantasy like that about women as well any women out there that would like to act like that please message me actually no I wouldn't I'm looking for a guest let's not derail this okay let's go on to the next question this is a long one shouldn't failed can you read that I'm autistic Chad City do you actually get upset by the people you make videos on slash the things those people do ie Jake Paul advertising to kids or that mom whooping her titty out to breastfeed her teenager or do you view it as more of a professional opportunity to make a great video I've never pretended that someone got under my skin Merry Christmas thank you and particularly if anything I've pretended that I'm less upset about it well really with all the videos where children are being abused or taken advantage of that one the one that you didn't on the daddy of five because you three episodes on that that is hot that's one of the hardest videos to watch like showcasing all those moments which they're not on it's not on their channel anymore right their channels new yeah but having all those what that is one of the hardest videos I've had to watch on YouTube like the first one yeah and it was it was hard to compile there were definitely that put me in a several month long funk you know I was going out and hanging out with friends while I was editing that and they were like you know what's the matter this is gonna make me upset just talking about it I was like they would be like what's the matter and I'd be like there's this channel and I would start to start to explain what had happened to those kids and they were like that they had the same reaction to me explaining it to them that I had when someone first told me you'll go check this out and I was like out come on it can't be that bad and I started watching it and and it's almost like there was just so much of the content that the really horrendous stuff was buried in these little moments and you had to you had to watch a lot of it to find it when I first saw it it was in a facebook video and it was made to be a funny video of like kids Xbox blah blah blah blah it's like it's like a weird comparison that's like um try not to you know the what's the thing like Toronto smiles like red is not a creative call what's that cold what's that video for that series yeah what's that shares hope I'll try not to laugh or something like that don't hug me I'm scared so it don't help me ah yeah yeah don't hug me i'm scared starts off is this like like progressive like cool like oh this is cute this is funny a transition this like oh my god what's going on that's what I feel like daddy of five walls because you watch a video by a video site and by the tenth episode of watching daddy or if I'd like oh my god this this guy's just abusing his kids like a Korean horror movie where it starts off light by the end it's like it's screaming at the kids fine I check this video of the kids saying like it's all good it's like they're children in those moments where they're terrified and they're screaming that they're kids screaming and they're terrified you can't be like oh yeah if it's just if it's a prank it's actually a video series we're filming together it's it's all so hard from an outside perspective what did you get is that a beer no I'm not Melbourne I'd rather put a bullet through my foot no thanks that's yours man alright you know what we'll do for something white viewers press like you can't see it's a can put it in a gloves anyway sorry I didn't mean to cut you off there to do shots of tequila oh hey let me call me on that road quick love to have another shots at you well I just tell you what let me break out the fresh water very quickly let me just let me just say something real quick Oh as far as pretending not to be upset about not as upset as I was about daddy of five it's less compelling how I feel about the content and it which I think it's better to just kind of show people what it is and let them decide like how do they feel about it your video compared to anyone else's is miles heavier than like anything else because the defranco thing like his was the stuff he was showing was like oh yeah that's pretty bad your stuff is like that you would have you would have went through it like every video it was gonna be an extremely long video and I had to chop it in a third and just put that part up so that people had because also right about the time that I uploaded the video I think all of them had gone private so the community started to work together on basically rejecting this channel and they needed footage because I'm I'm not a I'm not a judge and I'm not a child counselor so I wasn't gonna make any prescription at the end that's like I think this is what hasn't happened to the kids I left that up to professional course because they have eventually made it to the court and I think that people that will commenting on it should know how to take on what happened it was just bringing light to the situation but so it's so easy to watch that footage and have an emotional reaction to it quick before we finish before you shall put your shot down it's letting this okay well put it down put it down those down let's do a breathalyzer this is the last one for the point under three mine went down this six bra is all right you try I'll try take your finger off bra top 0.03 it's just you give it I can't drive a car right now what's the limit point eight two four isn't it four five five we can drive zeros it's point zero five all right you have a go let's see what's going on here I think this might be busted we might need to take it back chuck it in give it a boy this guy doesn't work yet so I'm just trying to see if that drop give it boy she's swelling right you only get Pisco Pisco that's a weird way to say you have to pee does it really do that like it goes right to the end too long like like it's like when you drink okay I'll listen wow thanks so much water you stomach goes up and here it starts hitting apart why aren't you HOT blowing too hard there's no such thing there is for that I always tell you to keep blowing hard blood just blood this isn't a police officers a little hand how light blow a thing we may just cut this whole portion of the podcast what is your relationship with Phil DeFranco being done going on considering he hasn't sent two feet pics yet it's deteriorating every day that Philip DeFranco does not send me pictures of his feet if you want me to explain what that means I was caught saying please show your feet bebe to Philip DeFranco and and I really did ask that but I just I figured it'd be lost in the chat but it's it got screencaps so now my discord thinks that I want to see correctly thinks that I want to see Philip defranco's feet so but really it's it's more for my fans because like they ask me every day like oh not in pictures of Philip defranco's feet like have you seen him yet and they're trying to help so like now they're going to Philip defranco's Twitter tweets and his live chats and they're asking like why haven't you shown nerd city your feet phil centner to picture your feet how do you know I didn't already do that Barkley so what if I walked in on I'm afraid I'm afraid Phil that even just me explaining this right now might increase the amount of people asking you to send pictures of your feet to me I'm sorry that that's kind of like the collateral damage of this story but the way that we can get rid of it all is to you know send me a DM of of your feet and you've been very kind to me in the past you've shouted me out he's probably responsible for twenty thirty thousand subscribers on my channel he's been very nice sounds like you should send your fate to him I would be glad to do it Phil if it's a if it's a like I'm just I from the data value saw the thing you might be a little bit gay I'm gay for Philip DeFranco kay let's see rile this one very quickly is that beer man why is it so many bees in here bro bro let me take it off your hands you can you I speaking of which he wanted to challenge you to a drink a beer drink off not one this what you did yes do you feel out your trench a no growth suffers due to the ito the question challenge sculling a beer well while we wait Brett while we wait while we wait for the beers can we answer this question very well can I get a girl okay someone's getting five here because we're lack of groggy and all I get for Christmas is beer I have an available full beer and you know I don't want to be a vicar so we both have beers you don't have to race I sing the sparrow yeah I'm pouring my beer by the way oh god I've had so much grog though bro dad is well-known at being really fast at chugging beers and what I I like that in Australia they call it sculling beers that's a way better term than chugging beers sculling a beer like I hope that Scotch is typically we have skal glasses perfect do you feel like your channel grow stuff is due to tell you the jontron approach will be our production so to speak large well produce singular videos opposed the ten-minute media occur like daily videos do you feel like it would be me it's mediocre do you feel like you would be more well-known if you took the mediocre approach of doing like daily or bi-weekly videos instead of uploading every three months oh well I'm glad we're getting into the algorithm how they were drunk perfect I hate the algorithm so I really don't I really don't know the answer that question because I haven't well that's not true so I've done two new ideas I've done two just scared of dancer scared of the Troisi cat since you can't handle the truth cut action look through me like glass so I've there's been a couple times that I've done a video where I said alright I'm gonna get this done in ten days one of them was the response to Jake Paul in the Shane Dawson documentary another I think was I did a the rice gum video after the content cop I think I told myself like I'm gonna get this done in ten days and I think it took me twenty days but that was me rushing through a video and they all did fine so I don't think I need to spend two months on a video but I just want to sit cluster loads crackle the colossal is crazy effect where colossal has far less videos than me yes he has eleven that are public right now I don't he's gonna hit he's gonna hate me for this but he's also gonna love me clown has so many videos that he has started hmm but will not finish because he's like it's not good enough well he has it he has a policy that it's interesting but he says I'm not gonna do a video if someone else has made a video on the topic yeah that's really hard on YouTube I don't have that philosophy obviously but there is there is something to be said for making your own wave instead of riding you know the jet stream yeah in colossal when he drops the video it's an event so I haven't really because it's so long and no for good reasons because I went to watch it I might actually stop with scaling this oh yeah alright before we continue let's go hey let's just go I went to watch it i sat down I was like this is such a good video I would like to you know sit down properly not just have it on my side screen I'd like to watch this video as a spectacle and I still haven't done it and that's what I do with your videos as well well usually have dinner and I'll sit down and I'll try to watch it you're saving it like a nice bottle of whisky yeah yeah so I still haven't watched it well that's that's the thing as well with the whole colossal doesn't want to make a video because well with YouTube you you're always want to improve on that you've done in the past and if you spend way too long on your own video you look back on it and it feels like it's a shitty video because you've spent so long on the single one that you just delete it I get what you mean I don't that was not just commentary videos but a lot of videos that I will have you know when you can say I've got videos saved my list from I'll get to this eventually I keep wanting to drink right let's go this let's just go this chizz what's the rules on the race loser has to do is show it to kilo let's go weak link beers and then race I would do a count that max does a countdown at which he is first and then max is ecologies it's on zero it's three two one zero is the scope okay okay three two one I win he didn't slam at first but you did that was quick oh no mustache no heel gets called it so you have to no shot to kill him I feel the Hunnish male son so there's no more questions about the algorithm to pee breaks I've got a zero pee breaks someone hand me that shape in turn give me slave give me that sheet if I had pee the cool I would have addition what the is on this just I'm costly an extra beard did the trihard series affect your relationship yes okay next question did we do what video of yours took your took you the longest to make do we do the Triads okay easy answer what is your no it no it's an Elon Musk interview Elon Musk yes that's my five minute breaks and then he says yes yeah I've seen I've seen it live so let me show you how he did it yes it sounded more like a Mexican gardener that one did um did snow we got what is your favorite film slash what film inspired you the most the Star Wars brought Star Wars inspired me to collect the toys based off of the commercials I was shown when I was a kid go that was something that nobody really noticed in the in the Jake Paul video is I was admitting you're a sucker bruh I was admitting that I was susceptible to advertising as a kid that's had effects its had an effect on me in my adult life so what I'm afraid of guys and I want you to imagine this future now it sounds like a Elon Musk one of the weirdest things that Elon did was he nodded at the end like when he was done talking he would go meaning like you go that's that it's so strange anyway all right so Star Wars toys now imagine small child Brian in the same way that my small child brain saw a couple Star Wars commercials when I was a kid and started hoarding Star Wars toys persistently through my adult life to where they're now the background of my whole youtube channel there are children who are collecting check Paul J Palmer and maverick merch and they're gonna be nostalgic about it I'm trying to trick max into collecting maverick merch where's the Jake pole pole be 20 years it's gonna be very valuable when skydoesminecraft quit making my crafts me videos anywhere that king could find the skydoesminecraft figure he bought it he did it was a Tobuscus one as well yeah collecting YouTube merch might actually be a smart investment it depends what happens is it collected because he was like oh Scott Osmar crafts like not doing anymore guess what's kind of like early baseball cards yeah but it depends it depends where we go in the future because YouTube is this blip it's the spice of the Internet and the Internet is a blip and the spice of you know history in general be honest do you think YouTube is mine you don't know what mics we actually have do you think in 20 30 40 50 60 whatever years from now that I'm drunk now get me two people will look back right go check out videos your videos and be like this is where it all started you do you think like that or is that just me there's a few videos that I think like we were talking about this in the car I think that Joe Rogan Elon Musk podcast is going to be in whatever a history book is later sorry this came from maverick match installs what the is can we get a Maximo foe should collect maverick March in the chat please fan joy cope / Jake Paul there are some limited education items that max should have in his house we have a lot of wid stuffy as part of one Jam at his house hello cons of web oh you know what Pokemon makes they made a collection of wine I think it's the only alcoholic thing that they have that's official and it was only given out as at business meetings for the fifth anniversary the eighth anniversary just a bunch of different anniversaries that's right it was on them yeah I wanted to buy some but it's very very expensive there was the rarest Pepe for Pokemon well stuff that's given out at you know events where they give their stockholders and things like that what what is the what items are you watching on eBay that you don't own Pokemon related that you can't quite justify pulling the trigger because it's so expensive but you do want it in your house I think every everyone in collects Pokemon let's try - Pikachu's like the Holy Grail which is like but it's no it's $100,000 car this literally I think what the most recent one went for 100,000 G's do you still feel like that hunt is $100,000 investment or do you feel like it's gonna um yeah there's been proof that they're anything like that old items that are preserved in the usually PSA 10 okay like gem mint and seal they have been going up each year like yeah I think there's a lot of items that you could buy that will go up like a new collected pop figurines which I'd like to shame you if I want to get all of them and I did you have been a bit of a profit potentially I still saw them now I will make I'll make a lot of profit still I am famous for hating pop figurines in fact if you got a probably blowtorch one in a bid right yeah if you follow me on Twitter and you retweet the the pop figurine giveaways I unfollow you and I don't care who you are let's do this yeah they do how much is the one that you have that son by the Creator see I have to see on Facebook actually okay follows Bryan Maserati shut up hey pop of your hands hey is that I don't think children play with them don't but then I think that they're made for adult virgins yeah that's the problem okay we can cut it there yeah okay that's sorry let me move on to the important part of the question so Yoda gears in our hands how often do you rewrite your videos or make changes to your edit pretty frequently like for instance the Jake Paul the Jake that's a good one if anything is gonna blow I don't know I was marginally seven explosive presence out of 30 yeah but they've been sitting in the fridge for some hours seem to be going off will say fine how many times as you like have to go back and change videos and did it set you back by a lot okay so the last you continue your answer bruh tell us about the pops okay the Jake Paul video originally was thought Patrol Jake Paul and Erica Costello and the more that we researched more that I worked on that video there ended up being chapters that I felt like we're not very important yeah and I think they're really funny and it kind of kills me that I have no reason to show them to anybody anymore what's your patreon rewards do you have do you put that stuff that I probably should put that there there's there's basically an existing video that's 60% edited that's a fought patrol on an Erica Castel and jake paul and i'm looking at your instagrams and I'm looking at your edits and you're busted but like that's so unimportant that you know we talked about the more important stuff first but it does exist and it is funny Jake Paul's like this massive massive landslide of yeah focus on like this little pebbles because then you seem obsessed so like I thought look at face down ass up let's do this live dude I want an Ethan clients to swear I say salt when I look back at my breath all Chad I do have praise I do have some Christmas presents oh we have present you ready for Christmas morning I'm ready for presence I'm growbed enough now that chad is is more childlike he's ready for Christmas morning the alcohol fills him full of childlike wonder yeah I want to see popping wide eyes just amazed like the kid opening the Nintendo 64 give me my presents we have a present for you as well by the way the presents from us not max it's from us on everything you want to take credit for what I got him well then I can keep you waiting Mad Max in us Max and I arranged this so that we're giving Chad presents because I feel like of everyone on this podcast like he deserves a Christmas morning more than more than us why is that this house is filled with toys and so smiles and Chad needs more I learned in a one-bedroom apartment myself do you need more material goods yeah that's not pornography and condoms that's not J list boxes full of hentai thank you very much okay it's a hat or get that ASMR of the hi we didn't wrap you , make America gay yeah god bless please help where did you get this from it's a rare Pepe and I can't store in America this but I'm gonna keep it thank you very much I appreciate coat where do you want to go back all night you give me what you like just switch it are they off ok oh do you want kid we had a private gift ok ok what the is this now that is the real deal limited edition Jake Paul mask is this jake paul that's jake paul sold by jake paul no it is two of them you want one just one for everybody ok that's nasty yes it is take it in the house you put on before you rob a bank payday 2 new dlc face in the mail upon night the Jake Bolin's hey what's going on guys I'm a sociopath subscribe to Shane Dawson's also Instagram women does it cottonmouth 30 out of GF bro now they perk up uh-huh okay is getting easy in the dams I'm a savage I'm a sock hop hop raising this so that might just be size of your body that big thank you oh yeah let's thank you so much for that ladies are actually I'm actually gonna hang them up around my house for that that's for your next three something okay oh I'd love to see someone walking on that Jake Paul himself oh wow that's mine that's mine and Chad's gift to you oh listen from it's from the both of us I totally didn't not buy it on the table dude okay I already opened up my promise Mike I already opened up my present from max for the record he left at the office was like don't open it till the podcast and I just couldn't up myself I got Chad a doesn't that look legend Chad that's his color thing huh it is he's color yeah yeah so I know how much he likes Star Wars and I know how much you like pop vinyls so I forgot those people were out did you just quick question Ilana max did you buy these or did you take them out of your dying collection we'll see so I got you hey maverick box of playing cards that's all did Wow subject Paul I don't know what the that is we got some well Gibson we got some Jodie Foster we got some the third star of the movie maverick yeah okay I'm gonna open these all on the plane you're still caught oh you son of a what are they it might have a pump in my loot crate it may have a pop vinyl in it there's a hot chance to something Star Wars right hey it's a loot crate keep doing items money do not do that buddy shop come on they still make loot crate's I don't know how I've never opened one that I've received just rip it just brunch yeah we don't need to just rip it bro hey mama mama yeah dude okay wow I cannot wait to see this oh my god who shut exclusive dragons t-shirt that is the shittest shot I've ever seen that looks epic that's a game a moment right there I need if someone in chat clip this piss for Chad okay okay we have a Dungeons & Dragons time boat item I think dr. Danville might want to wear that he does wear a bowtie a badge more garbage that they can just print we got a Harry Potter thing is there any style I don't know what that means I don't know much about Harry not in straight quarters that's like the train station or something we got some Game of Thrones stuff here man look cried socks and I wonder it went out of business this is garbage it's very collectible jealous have we already done this ray doll I am gonna use this this is the flash drive while he's opening up that box vibe let me show you what you can get from Japan directly to your house Jay list you can get a snack box or you can get a hentai box full of porn and flashlights none of it will fit your since it's made for small Japanese men however if you get the snack box now you can get any of this popcorn melty kiss there's some Pringles in here there's some crisps some things some chocolates anything you want Japan makes a lot of garbage landfill these are really good this is actually my favorite what happens to the neatly just dumb table not a joke this is actually my favorite how good of these pad I like rock melon what if what Americans call a god cantaloupe cantaloupes they have um that has like it's like what's the filling in the middle just count that beautiful this is a very cursed crown who wants to sorry well-aware she's a ninja this show sucks ah does this mace the ninja how did you learn your skills from media graphics and editing did you study it was self-taught like just just quickly glanced over them as quickly as you can cuz people want to know the people are gonna watch this light oh wow this nerd city video we can see inside he's actual mind and that's just gonna be like yeah go get you so that boys yeah sucks that's why I came on this podcast breakfast everybody hey you know what I shot in my eye racing bike my buddy remember the brofist yeah the official brofist from pewdiepie fun pulp fisted he turned blue into some generic anyway I put a picture of that up howdy how did you learn your skills and median graphics and like editing and stuff like that was it self-taught the when I taught I am the big I am a big proponent of continuing education and and self-guided I don't know learning and tutorials but I'd have to admit that all of my skills came from the devil I made a deal with the devil the action well he's in your video in your earliest video that's right it's rather obvious so the devlin hope was not a surprise no it was just surreal and let's see inside your ear is a it was in my conky doesn't want to give Hawaii's real secrets by the sound of it anyway oh my god did you go to school or anything like that or is that a video I signed a contract yeah it's like his videos like this podcast no I'm not the podcast come on brah okay the next one how many people are you working with in the shop on give him something give him some Oh tell me how susan anspach an aspiring young people and know this the terms of the contract you're just ignoring what I do if they want to get to where you inspire younger people I think I think it doesn't matter what he says followed tweet of the beast on Twitter as a matter what he says if you want to do anything the Internet is at your disposal now like you don't have to go to whatever school the amount of time stop learning right now if you want to do whatever there's a no Google some and read it yeah how many people are working on the shows are just yourself besides like input from your friends that do parts in the video or there are an increasing amount of people involved in the channel shoutout to to Ryan who's who joins me in this in the suffering of watching videos that we don't want to watch damina who also helps watch stuff as she's a researcher and then ask the devil the devil and Nicki who I'll bounce ideas off of but at the end of the day like it's I do edit everything myself and I do I'm the one typing a script up but there are definitely lines things that come out of my mouth that have been said by like Nicki you know like I'll say like what should I say about this and she'll say something I'm like that's really good now write it down so Nicki Nicki definitely has like a creative and yeah that's on the channel same with the devil you know like all all the devil does he have a name it's the devil okay it's a relatable yeah so like I'll have I'll have an approach that I want to take on something and I don't always take his advice because sometimes it's very selfish for me because the satanic advice is all about like benefiting yourself that dirt is pretty funny like he can be the videos I've seen he seems pretty good on his feet with like comedic timing and yeah probably better than me in fact if you want to have me on a podcast make sure that you invite me and the and you'll probably get both ok well the devil will be donation bro well the devil make some time we'll fly out to Australia we need to pay for his flights these guys through the help portal oh that's right shopping let's wrap this up you shall have you do you still have your plastic thing dude that hasn't worked yet well listen I'm blowing these now right I pour an hour 10 out of 10 which is three times over the legal limit all right your turn Wow and it just blow into one side of it hey guy you don't need to touch so max blew a point 15 yeah it's hitting me Namba North 15 egg okay red I might have to do a shot Brian oh yeah I made of bread I won last blood he's sucking down the other EFT which side stay boy like you're blowing bubbles come on blow it in the end put it in the end is have you gotten no legitimate results out of this job yes I feel like oh my god well now that I've got the highest rating I think it's real it's getting real definitely accurate it's an app it hit the bottle just hit the button to set the button once they get that boy slowly thank you to jalis for this has been a fantastic episode make sure you get your Jay list box link probably in the description and use code blank point 17 for Jay list yeah code beer no beer press like well I lose if I'm a point fifth give me the bowl I'm feeling nice two shots sprite to loose shot yeah where the loose nuts here you go I feel I'm I thought I was the drunkest but it's because you're so large ok give me a minute I hate to get logged am you're watching envious like man I wish I could be so you guys are nasty man Oh nasty bro genuinely is excited for a nerd city like in from any sort of information is going to be appalled I'm never gonna be interviewed by a competent interviewer I promise you hi this only that if you can try and want to this anything else you do in the future will look awesome anyway I'll send answered all the questions penis the important ones filmmakers let us raise our glass and celebration to not only having a new guest on the podcast but a new friend it's what are you laughing about a new friend to you hi do i I think you raise your glass drive sense in my arm accident you're both fired after this episode night tackle you by your real man where is that in a.m. with a knee idubbbz TV 3 Thank You idubbbz TV 3 for coming by thank you thank you nerd City for coming on the show with us thank you for coming to Australia hey thanks for having me boy saying we're experiencing the culture with us thank you it's a new friend and - a new friendship I'm really sorry if you didn't get what you wanted out of his brain but we just wanted to hang out and drink some grog that's all that's what we did I want to help this podcast out by saying like look they're remote they're in Australia and most of you are in LA but they're fun to hang out with I recommend that you fly over here and hang out with these guys for a week this is a good time it's gonna let me they're gonna let you walk through they're gonna let you walk through the cool shirts office and and shop like you're Beyonce at the Gucci store just like pulling things off all those ten-dollar tase off the no strings attached just just wearing sweatshirts hey ninja sports and AIDS and waving of make sure you get the new we slap more present for the credits for the credits ok ok this is epic what the right look awesome ok what sighs am i this is this before yeah max this is a no this wasn't max it is a double XL these are all for me go yourself max you handed them to you these are all double XL you know why I don't need them because I bought three last night I saw I did and I was like he's like I think max just bought my mergers or PayPal transaction I got a question if you're not getting that many sales that you can identify me I feel sorry for you bro yeah why this man's match if you can pull them off a list it's very good what he's saying is it's so collectible and exclusive right now that I no one's buying one who's buying it it's a personal that's actually two pens how you and would it and if I if you're worried about me knowing your home address don't buy my merch you'll send everyone a personal letter who buys it you could at this point surely he's giving it away thank you hey I can wear one of those I can wear an extra mine about the double XLS and mine brother I didn't buy that rainbow one Cheers thank you I think the I think I think the oh but just to clear things up real quick I'm sick of much anyways my max I get it was because it was a surprise that Max is gonna be co-host on the show so he didn't know who didn't know him you know yeah well yeah I mean we kind of anyway that's been an episode of Cole once I'll be host anything reviews my co-host max and mofo and our guest nerd City I did let us do our own oh okay off Freddie and say your name I'm I'm your host anything for you thank you very much for watching I'm your co-host max mofo thank you so much for watching and this is guest
Channel: Cold Ones
Views: 976,638
Rating: 4.9556179 out of 5
Keywords: anthing4views, maxmoefoe, maxmoefepokemon, anything4views tinder dates, anything4views live, cold ones, nerd city, first we feast, tryhards, podcast, satire, comedy, cool shirtz, drinking, breathalyzer, bingo, maxmoefoe podcast, anything4views podcast, hot ones parody, cold ones podcast, cold ones nerd city, cold ones episode 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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