INSANE UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA | The Proof Is Out There Marathon *Top 5 Episodes of All Time*

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I'm Tony Harris and as a journalist for more than 30 years I've followed the facts where they take me now I'm bringing that Spirit of Investigation to the world's strangest sounds and images we'll analyze each one with top experts it's incredible case it's a credible video and passive verdict on what it is this video is clearly faked the proof Starts Now [Music] welcome to the proof is out there in our first video tonight prepare yourself for a ride through the Wilds of Indonesia as a group of motorcycle riders have an unexpected run-in this is Ajay Indonesia located on the northwest tip of the island of Sumatra it's known for its rugged terrain steaming volcanoes and now this it's an unidentified figure the site so startling it causes one of these dirt bike riders to wipe out the others pursue it foreign now if we slow this down and freeze it we see a small figure carrying something because of its small stature there's speculation the bikers caught sight of a legendary being called the orang pen deck field researcher Cliff barrickman heads the orang pin deck project A Rang pen deck are two Indonesian words that translate to short man he's conducted an expedition to search for the creature in Sumatra it's described as small with a compact muscular build like a boxer's the arms are longer in proportion to their legs than what would be found in humans so this is just another species of ape basically that's out there and they don't seem to have any language ability or anything like that and all of their behaviors point to something like an orangutan except for one strange thing they walk on two legs maybe not a hundred percent of the time but let's say habitually credible sightings date back to at least the 1920s though the creature's existence has not been confirmed this is the cast of an alleged durang pin deck footprint which one primate biologist said was a blend of chimp Gibbon orangutan and human so what do you think we have here is this evidence of the mythical orang pendec or is it something or someone else our experts are anxious to dive into the mystery first up forensic video analyst Michael Primo he wants to know if this video is legit had this been computer generated or inserted it in the video I would expect to see some indication of that one of the tests Primo uses is called a motion Vector analysis the activity is almost too smooth to be faked the way that the motorcyclists crashed responded reacted to the crash and then continued on Pursuit the timing of the way that this figure was traveling on foot it all seemed to be real to me so the video is not altered but is it really an orang pin deck next Anthropologist Kathy strange says she initially thought the video could be a game changer are these stories is about a ranked pendeck and so at first when I saw that I went did they finally get this on film but here's the issue the orang pen deck is covered in fur this figure has some hair but has a noticeable bald spot on his buttocks it appears to be hairless and so there are no eyewitness accounts where an rain pentec isn't noted to have very long hair on them so what or who is it biologist Lucy eggersley has another theory could it be a prehistoric relative of early man somehow still alive today maybe this is a relic of homo florenciensis in 2003 in the island of Flores in a small cave a remarkable Discovery was found of a hominid species that looked very similar to humans but stood around three feet tall while the so-called Flores man lived on this Indonesian Island around 50 000 years ago in recent years natives have reported seeing a hobbit-like person that comes down from the caves and steals from them but Eckersley says the body type of the figure in the video doesn't quite match what we see in this video seems to be a thing thin and small Homo Sapien it doesn't look like the stocky build that I would expect to see in homo florenciensis or any of our other extinct relatives another more likely Theory it's possible that this could be a member of the Mante tribe they are a lost tribe of Sumatra who are known to have lived in these areas and they are essentially uncontacted by the rest of the human world they are quite small compared to the average of what you would see in this area of the world fact the Ministry of Social Affairs in Indonesia is now trying to find more information about this lost tribe if that is a member of the Mante tribe that would be one of the most important scientific finds in the last 50 years easily okay after all that here's where we're Landing the video is real despite worldwide speculation the person in the video is not an orang pen deck or a Flores man our verdict man t tribesman one of only 100 tribes in the world that are still uncontacted he might have much to teach us but perhaps his best left alone pretty incredible so there's one basic principle we all learned at an early age what goes up must come down but is it possible that this basic law of physics can be bent or broken this video will make you wonder January 2017. Hong Kong has long been known as a hub for Cutting Edge technology but this defies all logic did you notice the blades aren't moving the helicopter appears to be levitated and now check out this bird caught on a garage door security cam or this Wild video from Russia all of a sudden up in the air is a little girl who's wearing a pink coat and she's magically and mystically floating according to religious scholar Diana pasulka this could be evidence of the ability for humans to levitate levitation has been around since the beginning of human history and a lot of times what you'll see is levitation is associated with some type of religious practice Franciscan Friar Joseph of Cupertino was made a saint after numerous Witnesses verified his Feats of levitation almost 400 years ago so there were actually people who levitate and other people have seen them not only that levitation has been actively pursued by the U.S government according to our military analyst Tim McMillan anti-gravity technology has been the Holy Grail of Aerospace research for decades there's certainly multiple ways that have been attempted and there's plenty of theoretical things that sound good on paper and in fact NASA has actually successfully levitated mice and different insects to test weightlessness for astronauts is using magnets comes up a lot this is secret black technology in fact it's been discovered the U.S military has filed patents in the effort to crack the code of anti-gravity Tech has the answer been found is that what is going on at least with that helicopter we contacted forensic video analyst Michael Primo to take a look [Music] first question are the videos legit Primo begins with the clip of the floating girl the operator is speaking in Russian the standard frame rate that they would have used is 25 frames per second but then frame rate I extracted was 12 frames per second 12.5 frames per second to be exact and this frame rate is unusual cutting the frame rate in half also means half of the video information is lost Primo believes it helps obscure what's going on in the background it almost appears that something is kind of attached to her back this is a clear indication that something was edited at this point but Primo says the helicopter video is authentic so could this be breakthrough anti-gravity or magnetic levitation technology at work we sent the video to physicist Dr Hakeem oluchheim in order to levitate a helicopter like that magnetically the challenge would be incredible because you would need a huge giant magnetic helipad but also what would keep this helicopter stable it would rotate it would flop around just like when you see a superconductor levitated over a magnet well this helicopter would also rotate and spin and Dr Michio Kaku says there's another issue super magnetic technology still has a long way to go to create a super magnet you have to cool it down to near absolute zero and that's very expensive what we need is a super conducting material at room temperature so what is it Olu sheahi says the technology behind this levitating helicopter is not in the helicopter itself but in the camera for this helicopter the effect that we see is the helicopter rotor blade is rotating at a particular velocity and the camera is actually taking pictures at a particular rate and so those two things match up just right usually Choppers look like this on video but here the camera's frame rate happens to be perfectly in sync with the rotation of the rotor causing the illusion of levitation that's what's going on with this bird too the flap of this bird's wings must be matching the frame rate of the camera and that way we see the wings in the same position every time and they look like they're not moving at all so this is what we know a doctored frame rate along with a carefully placed edit gives the illusion of a levitating Russian girl our verdict hoax and the levitating helicopter that's no hoax just an illusion caused by the camera but check back in a couple of decades maybe that super magnet will have arrived by then here's an interesting fact the average lightning bolt delivers about 1.5 million volts of electricity but as you're about to see it might be possible that some people have a kind of immunity to that kind of shock the origin of this video is undetermined we believe it's from China watch closely a man walks into this driveway after he struck by lightning incredibly he gets up and then a double lightning strike amazing and in August 2020 another stunning video this truck in Thailand gets stuck on some overhead wires when the driver gets out he's in for a shock look again as we push in and slow down the man literally catches fire and collapses but the craziest thing is he survived with only minor burns the questions that pop into my mind how could he survive something like that Professor Diana pasokas has massive electrocutions are known to do strange things to people for one thing lightning strikes often leave bizarre markings called Lichtenberg figures on people's flesh there are people who seem to develop Electro immunity like this man in India who brags about an ability to withstand lethal levels of electricity nearly a quarter million people get hit by lightning each year their injuries depend in part on where the strike hits them and how the jolt moves through their body but it's rare for these incidents to be caught on camera so is this footage real and can it tell us anything about whether these people have an extraordinary ability to resist a massive electrical charge let's take our video to The Experts our atmospheric scientist Dr Deanna hence has the alleged China footage raises some red flags it is lightning in the middle of the street when there is lots and lots and lots of much taller objects on all sides of them that would have to be an incredible stroke of bad luck to still be struck struck by lightning in the middle of this uh relatively Narrow Street and footage is sending science writer Mick West into full debunking mode the suspicious thing here is that it doesn't light the tops of the trees and this Shadow here Remains the Same with a few keystrokes he shows us how the lightning was inserted what if I take this particular frame and just give an exposure modification to it so I did that and we basically get the same image and then just draw some kind of jaggy line like this take that and blur it but he believes the Thai footage is for Real despite the theatrical way the victim collapses when he fell over that looks very strange because he just kind of went stiff and then fell over but that's actually what happens it looks very unnatural so if this footage is real does this flaming man have a superhuman power how does India's electoral man do it West says that special power is like Beauty it's Skin Deep there are some people who have essentially thicker drier skin than other people which means their skin has more resistance because for electricity to be transmitted in the human body It generally needs some kind of moisture like water it's almost like you're wearing a set of extra gloves so here's where we're ending up the China video is a straight up hoax please the Shadows gave it away but the Thai video is real and it does suggest that some people can take massive jolts of electricity possibly because of their skin our verdict it may be a rare physical trait the US and Russia have often found themselves on opposite sides of the political Spectrum but the two countries share at least one thing frequently reported alien encounters was your average December day in siberia's Amor region temps below zero two feet of snow and many more trees than people according to local reports a man was out just walking his dog and ultimately they stumble across this strange three foot creature lying in the snow it was missing a limb it had a sort of a dark grayish skin color no hair or sort of noticeable facial features to recognize let's freeze on that notice how the thing's head is tilted in an odd way as if it was speaking or Screaming before it died okay the people filming are convinced it's an alien and here's the really wild thing this might not even be the first like this to appear in Russian in 1996 a local woman discovered a strange creature in the wilderness it was nicknamed alishanka by the media but according to the woman the creature was still alive when she discovered it Siberia is also the site of the famous 1908 tunguska meteor strike it leveled 80 million trees over 830 square miles though some believe it wasn't a meteor at all but a crashed alien spaceship so is this latest video proof of alien life let's check with our experts we first speak to field biologist Lucy Eckersley the first question could this creature be some kind of tragically malformed person I immediately can tell this isn't human because it's very small and it also doesn't have the formed chin and Cranium of a human its head is a very different shape okay we're not looking at a human but Eckersley finds a clue to suggest it may be one of her cousins look closely at those arms my first thought is maybe this is a primate or reaching through and swinging from trees something like a squirrel monkey of course squirrel monkeys are native to the Tropics of South America so how could it be in Siberia could it have escaped from a zoo that's a mystery but one that forensic investigator Chase kloskey thinks she can solve quickly there's you know no Gore there's no liquid for klotsky that's a red flag the scene is missing important details of a recently deceased Flesh and Blood creature you whether it's you you know alien blood or fluids or even some sort of pus and if this alien just survived a crash you'd never know it from the video there was no debris there were no Scorch marks there were there was nothing the snow was pristine after studying the video there was just so many things wrong with it I don't like it I'll be honest with you so what is it not only does a squirrel monkey in the middle of Siberia not make sense but it's really the lack of any gory details that just doesn't feel right so we're going with Chase on this one the Russian alien corpse is a hoax clearly some people can't get enough alien corpse footage even though it drives a serious UFO researchers nuts we just call them as we see them and that's our show for tonight I'm Tony Harris thanks for watching please hit us up with your questions and comments and by all means keep those cameras rolling thank you [Music] hi everyone boy have we been busy we've been collecting and analyzing some very strange videos and we're ready to issue some verdicts on what they are first up a Macabre discovery that led to theories of secret experiments cover-ups and mutant monkeys [Music] it's a breezy February afternoon in Charleston South Carolina Erica Constantine is walking her dog River on a local Beach when she sees something lying on the sand the heck is this [Music] take a good look it appears to be the grisly remains of a strange creature mostly rotting bones what could have been legs or Flippers razor sharp teeth no eyes beyond that Erica can only wonder I mean what would you think I was like holy just found something weird Theory emerges that the creature had escaped from a facility on a nearby Island it's called Morgan Island but it has a nickname Monkey Island in the 1970s the United States government imported thousands of rhesus monkeys from Puerto Rico and placed them onto the island the monkeys were released into the wild to breed and occasionally rounded up to be test subjects at a U.S government lab a lab that was trying to develop cures for various diseases but nearby residents said there was more to it locals in the town have this belief that the lab is the site of some pretty intense biological weapons testing that the government might be engaging in genetic experiments to mutate these monkeys decades later there are 4 000 monkeys there and reportedly they display strange Behavior like burial rituals for their dead as if they've evolved a few years back one even turned up in someone's yard seven miles away of course when anything does wash up on shore you're going to have people automatically say it must be from this island that that the government owns and it's a big secret no one's allowed to visit it's kind of a mysterious place what the heck is this so what is going on in South Carolina our rule here is to keep an open mind while taking a hard honest look at these videos so we pulled into top biologists to analyze the footage and this is what they turned down Dr Shea Conger is a marine biologist the first thing she did was try to figure out if it really was a monkey this animal has skeletal structure of a primate there is a population of several thousand of these animals in a nearby location on Morgan Island it's not totally implausible that one can wash up on a beach nearby Conger uses something called dentition analysis the study of the teeth look closely at the premolars and molars in back you can see that there's a triangular shape to these If This Were a primate we would expect that these would be more Square shaped that's what leads me to deduce that this is maybe not a primate so even though the skeleton looks like a monkey the teeth say it's something else a seal or sea lion seems logical but Congress says those bones mean only one thing legs not flippers Conger has another theory this as a whole looks very much to me like a small carnivorous mammal that means it could be a raccoon or a coyote but when our other expert wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley focuses on the skull she suggests it could be something way more exotic so this could be some Eckersley says the cheekbone might be feline because of its flatness looking at the teeth and the zygomatics the cheekbones that look like it could be mummified remains that have been swept up in a weather event and moved somewhere else down the coast but what is a leopard an animal native to Africa and Asia doing on a beach in South Carolina one Theory it fell off a boat it's happened before decades ago a giraffe reportedly drowned in the waters near Brooklyn New York while trying to escape from a ship heading to a zoo another possibility looking at the Atlantic currents a dead leopard may have floated up from one of those Wildlife ranches in Florida but after further review Eckersley agrees with Conger because of a pronounced snout it's more likely to be something like a coyote to know for sure we'd need a DNA test but Erica says the remains of the creature were destroyed by Animal Control that's only going to add to the conspiratorial fire right people are automatically going to go to this must be a cover-up okay folks so is it proof or not well it's not a mutant monkey or a seal that initial take on the cheekbone had us thinking leopard but our verdict coyote as they say you never know what the tide will bring in up next a viral video that lit up the Skies over Miami and will leave you asking when the proof is out there continues [Music] next we want to show you a video that blew up social media a series of UFOs over Miami but we want to know is it real Miami Florida in June of 2020 a man on the balcony of a downtown high-rise appears to capture something in the sky and it's jaw-dropping well Noble here's a sky that sky over here downtown my house my hands is that oh me let's push in on that at first glance I'm gonna say it looks like a triangular craft rimmed by five lights but a closer look reveals there's a sixth line and one light is much brighter and then well what is that water the lights fan out like they are six different craft as the witness continues his play-by-play they zoom off into space at War speed oh wait wait bye author and journalist Alexis Brooks has written and spoken extensively about UFOs soon becomes could this be a UFO there are a lot of people having a lot of sightings particularly in more recent years in fact it's been known that a sighting is reported every eight seconds globally the lights remind some of another weird phenomenon for decades orbs called the hezdalen lights have been seen over Norway sometimes hovering sometimes shooting off at speeds estimated at twenty thousand miles per hour always silent the hezdale and lights have been known to sterilize soil near where they are sighted explanations include UFOs or an anomaly caused by gases released from the Earth yet the Miami footage is more orderly really like UFO's flying in formation it quickly goes viral what is that hole oh wait wait bye well it's incredible wow so what accounts for the strange lights we have two video experts ready to weigh in forensic video analyst Michael Primo examines video evidence for court cases and he doesn't just focus on what we're seeing but also on what we're hearing when we investigate these types of recordings we detect that there is a human reaction time where the brain needs to essentially catch up and in this particular case we don't see any kind of reaction time to a unnatural phenomenon such as this downtown my house my hand it's almost as if the operator knows exactly what's going to happen when it happens he's reacting almost perfectly there is no reaction time oh wait wait he says okay bye and then he pans away from it it's very strange I would expect that an operator doesn't simply move away after they see something like that they stay focused on it Mark d'antonio another video analyst with a degree in astronomy pointed out something else look at how the UFOs move compared to the background when the camera shakes as we step through this frame by frame the clouds move and the object doesn't move with the clouds the object frame by frame is changing position while the clouds are more gently moving in One Direction This is evidence of bad tracking it's called and it's a process by which you put fake things into real footage to make it look real and the biggest red flag of all How could a cluster of UFOs appear over downtown Miami and only one guy notice where are the other Witnesses we had one the man who says he made the video declined our request for an interview turns out you can overlay orbs on video with a simple smartphone app our verdict is hoax one that muddies the water for people really trying to study UFOs we'll call them out when we see them coming up a UFO recorded by a pilot the nominal would this be tonight's first positive verdict you you have a case that's really truly mysterious [Music] this next video requires a serious look it comes to us from a pilot with nearly 30 years of Commercial and Military experience he knows what should and shouldn't be flying around up there and what he caught on camera can't be dismissed March 19 2020 we're in the Skies over Monterey Mexico on a cargo plane headed to Memphis Tennessee about an hour into the flight while Captain Eric Delgado is enjoying his dinner something catches his eye he pulls out his device and Records this phenomenal dude I'm so it just stopped oh this is awesome man and it's pulsating too man that is nuts Captain Delgado says this thing drops straight down from above and hit his plane with some kind of Spotlight it looked like a lighthouse in some Thin fog as it's turning so that really got my heart going no doubt a UFO shining a light on your plane would be a terrifying moment if not there could have been a safety issue because initially this thing is turning into us and then it decided to park itself off her left wing too the glowing orb maintains its position pacing the plane Delgado says it stayed there for 25 minutes before darting off at a sharp angle at that point the fear was gone and then it was just those flabbergasted it was just wondering I guess and there's more this is the part of Mexico where Delgado saw the UFO it's a short flight from Central Mexico's zone of Silence a weird place that locals say blocks radio transmissions and where UFOs have been seen for centuries and check out this video similar objects recorded by the Mexican Air Force in 2004. just now I can definitively say we are not alone the pulsating orb look at that dude look at that so what's the story down in Mexico we passed Captain delgado's Video on to some top Aviation and video analysts and you need to hear what they have to say we turn back to Mark d'antonio who has spent 15 years doing image and video analysis he first wanted to check if this orb could actually be the planet Venus which is sometimes mistaken for a UFO number one Venus doesn't move around in the sky like they saw it and this object shown a light inside the cockpit of the aircraft the plants don't have spotlights on them so could it have been a meteor or a piece of space junk fun fact there are about 130 million pieces of junk in our orbit but look at how this meteor leaves a long tail and only for a few seconds that's not what this thing does aviation expert Tim McMillan meteors fly into the atmosphere you know at a speed of 25 000 to more you don't have something that's following you for 30 minutes we can scratch that off the list that's not going to be a good explanation MacMillan is equally convinced this was not another plane if you'd had another plane that was flying in the vicinity it would be operating the lights that are on either Wing so your green and red lights anybody who's looked up in the sky has seen those blinking and so you don't see anything else but that now at 576 miles an hour we can also rule out drones because there is no drone that I know of that goes 576 miles an hour at 37 000 feet and of course other aircraft are supposed to show up on radar but look at what happens when Delgado pans to the cockpit monitors there's weather about 40 miles off our left wing tip where this thing seems to have disappeared it may be the most inexplicable part of this whole incident the orb never appears on delgado's collision avoidance system or air traffic controls radar you would see if there was another aircraft with vicinity where they're looking which is in this region you'd see a plane on this so we don't see that but so there's definitely not another aircraft you now have a case that's really truly mysterious this looks like there's mystery here that was a UFO you can look at the footage and form your own opinions I'm not the story the footage is the story so America time for the answer is it proof or not well it's not a planet there are no wings and Delgado said it followed him now we didn't see any evidence of the spotlight he described but our verdict a UFO which is technically any unidentified flying object coming up a deadly explosion and a face in the Smoke was it a sign of a demonic presence this image represented an evil that they feel is around them [Music] our final video is from a major news event but while the story is recent the image suggests something truly ancient it's a sunny summer day in Beirut Lebanon a stash of fireworks accidentally ignites and then this [Applause] what you've just seen is an explosion at a warehouse containing 2 700 tons of Highly combustible ammonium nitrate caused by those fireworks the massive explosion can be heard for a hundred miles and makes headlines around the world but it's what happened next that caught our attention a photographer snaps a photo of the smoke [Music] as we get closer we see what many people describe as two eyes a gaping mouth and a tail it looks like a lyric demonic face we return to Alexis Brooks who covers the Unexplained and asked her to research eyewitness accounts of the event a number of individuals representing a variety of age groups but all living in the area all saw the image and all felt inherently that this image represented an evil that they feel is around them natural phenomenon or not this isn't the first time people have reported evil faces near catastrophic events in 2020 a devil-like face was reported in the wildfires raging across Australia there was this demonic face in the Smoke above the Notre Dame Cathedral fire but perhaps the most haunting was this face I don't have to tell you the date or the place so the question becomes how unusual are these demon cloud formations is there a scientific explanation or are other forces at work our experts renowned theoretical physicist Dr Michio Kaku an atmospheric scientist Dr Deanna hence have been digging into this mystery time you have a plume of extremely hot air moving up in the atmosphere you can end up with these Pockets where there is no smoke or where there is smoke and that can lead to all sorts of funny shapes according to hence the holes that look like eyes in a mouth can be explained by the motion of heated gases from the explosion Dr Kaku says that after seeing shapes similar to eyes and a mouth our brains do the rest when I see these fantastic images that look like something spectacular in clouds I realize that this is probably something called peridolia paradolia is the tendency for your mind to see a face or other familiar shapes in a random or unrelated object we see it because our brain is hardwired for seeking patterns it seeks out patterns even when there's no patterns it was good for our Evolution because nine times out of ten there was nothing there but one time out of 10 there really was a tiger hiding in the bushes and it saved your life Okay so we've heard from our experts and they say the face in Beirut was made by the gases in the explosion the verdict this is a natural phenomenon but there are certainly plenty of True Believers out there who feel these images are proof of evil forces at work and that's our show for tonight we want to hear from you about these videos what you think of them and which ones you think we should feature next so drop us a line I'm Tony Harris reminding you to keep those cameras rolling hi everybody Welcome to the proof is out there now these days it seems like everyone's got a drone the air is filled with all these buzzing video cameras and once in a while those eyes in the sky capture some kind of unidentified flying object which is where we come in it's a normal day and the skies above Plymouth Wisconsin an amateur photographer and drone Enthusiast John sukawati is getting the scenic footage I really just wanted to capture the storm clouds moving in maybe some lightning would be kind of cool but John's drone captures more than clouds and farmland take a look did you miss it don't worry so did John he didn't see it until he got home let's slow this down I'm seeing a blurry white object whizzing by the Drone pause it there and here's a second one when we slow it down and push in we see another object that looks to be coming from behind a cloud Bank let's freeze that you can understand why John was taken aback my curiosity peaked right away it was just something weird forensic investigator Chase klotzky says John's UFO videos rank in her top five percent for credibility she notes that similar drone encounters have been popping up with some suggesting these could be secret military micro drones or alien technology the theory is their Scouts they're Gathering terrain information even about maybe our atmosphere she was particularly interested in the object that appears to be coming out of a cloud we have a lot of reports of objects flying into a cloud or the objects coming out of clouds almost as if they use them for cover so this stuff is all over the place you've probably seen this video recorded by Navy fighter pilots the defense department has admitted that's an unidentified object so what are these things on John sukawadi's drone camp we want to take a good hard look with our analysts starting with video forensics expert Michael Primo Primo applied motion Vector analysis to determine whether or not Jon's video was a fake the motion blurring and the way that the object is traveling the scale of the object all looks consistent to me it looks like there was actually something there but what was that something my guess was hail but our Aviation expert Tim McMillan shoots down that theory I think Hales out of the question because if you've got a heavy enough wind that is able to blow hail something solid sideways you're not going to be able to sustain flight with a quadcopter commercial drone what about the notion of secret military micro drones the first thing we have to ask is why would they be operating it within close proximity of a hobbyist the object of keeping things secret is don't do them out in the open so if it's not hail and it's not another drone then what is it our other video expert Mark Antonio has his own theories moving frame by frame it seems to change shape in a rhythmic manner it sucks a change shape in such a rhythmic manner that I began to actually think it maybe I'm actually looking at a bird flapping its wings changing moment to moment as we go the object is moving so fast past the camera on the that each frame of the video is slightly blurred so that is why it takes a little bit of finesse to notice the bird's wings and as for that other object coming out of the cloud it looked like an object that had no structure other than it was a soft focused object and to me that indicates maybe that we're looking at like a seed pod that can actually get whipped to quite a high altitude oh okay so is it proof or not Michael Primo has seen a lot of these videos and he couldn't identify these objects so are they UFOs like the Navy reported maybe but after Mark dantonio showed us that flapping motion we're gonna say that object is a bird as for the other one the seed pod theory is interesting but not conclusive we'll leave this one as an unidentified object some of our best videos aren't really that visual they're recordings of strange sounds that defy explanation and this one will leave your head ringing January 2017 Dylan Dickerson is taking out the trash from his home in Lewisburg North Carolina when a loud noise startles him he grabs a smartphone and Records this the video shows Dylan's backyard nothing special except for that consistent blaring sound piercing the Suburban quiet [Music] sounds like the source must be nearby but there's nothing in sight never heard anything like it so loud [Music] we reached out to Dylan who says the sound was very real and very scary it sent chills down my spine I felt very in shock I didn't really know what to think Dylan says he later searched for the source of the sound but never found it and after he posted the video online people came up with so many theories like his apocalyptic signs or Machinery or factories in the background the apocalyptic Theory Dylan mentions comes from the Bible according to Professor of religious studies Diana posoka or into the revelation of jubilations the apocalypse or the end times are going to be heralded by these Trumpets the trumpets of Revelation but journalist Alexis Brooks suggests another theory what if the sound is part of a secret program the US government has previously used high frequency pulses to study the Earth's upper atmosphere but many believe these sounds can be used to cause floods and hurricanes others say they can down planes and cause chronic fatigue some people feel that advanced technology is being used to puncture and literally shift the ionosphere some feel that the weather is being controlled and perhaps used for nefarious purposes so here's an interesting fact the Air Force actually did try to manipulate the weather during the Vietnam War through a secret cloud seeding program called operation Popeye so what's the source of this strange sound a government experiment the supernatural something else entirely we set the video to our audio expert Dr Ben goddessman who created a spectrogram to visualize the sound [Music] as you can see there's like seven major episodes where they flare up first question could this have been some kind of weather or atmospheric phenomena there's a whole spectrum of different types of Thunder from loud bangs to low rumbles but listen to thunder compared to Dylan's noise [Music] it really doesn't produce these sorts of harmonics it's much more of a lower cacophonous Rumble goddessman believes the most likely source is something mechanical when the breaks of semi-trucks go bad they can sometimes produce this long drawn out screeching sound similar to what we hear on this recording goddess men compared Dylan's sounds with some squeaky breaks [Music] so that's the truck break most of the energy the strongest is at like 260 Hertz and here it's also the strongest is around 260 right here it's good evidence that it's some mechanical sound because there are certain shared characteristics [Music] the harmonics the tonal structure while goddessmen see similarities there's something that still doesn't add up these were really ominous and strange sounding so I wouldn't expect one truck to produce what was recorded the sound from Dylan's yard seems to be from multiple Vehicles layered together [Music] so is it proof or not Dylan swears the video hasn't been doctored and he's captured similar sound sense and according to our expert it's not the weather and it's likely not in times the truck brakes theory is interesting but we can't explain the layering or why the sound went on so long this case remains a mystery our verdict unidentified sound we're all familiar with the majesty and the misery of air travel but what you're about to see might just change your definition of the term flight delay take a look September 2018 the flat terrain and open Skies of Oklahoma City provide Crystal Clear views of the Osage Plains so Johnny Martin had the perfect shot when he noticed something strange while driving and he recorded this [Music] my first thought was I've got to get this on video because nobody's going to believe me it looked like a plane that was literally Frozen in the air it wasn't moving at all take a closer look see how the plane is perfectly still above the tree and what about this prop plane in the Skies over Atlantic City both the plane and the banner appear to be motionless it's as if they are mysteriously Frozen in Time the the simple fact that a plane simply stops moving midair totally defies everything we know about how planes work if they're stopped and they haven't fallen out of the sky something weird is happening so what explains this freak of physics Dr Hakeem olashhe says some believe it's proof we're living in a simulated reality sometimes when people see weird things they interpret it as a glitch in The Matrix I didn't expect what just happened to happen but it did so it must be something going glitchy into software because that couldn't possibly be true in the real world so what do we have here have the rules of gravity been altered simulation Theory are these videos proof or not it's time to ask our team of experts forensic video analyst Michael Primo examines the plane frozen over Atlantic City starts by using software to determine if the video is simply an elaborate visual effect I began my analysis by reviewing the recording in real time and then frame by frame I don't see any kind of frame blending cross dissolving including skips jumps edits or anything to that effect that would result in it being 3D modeled or digitally created it looks to be authentic okay so the video hasn't been doctored maybe this is just a glitch in The Matrix but first let's check in with our other video analyst Mick West who has a theory unfortunately we didn't know what day the video was taken where's the wind coming from but it can be quite quite strong in fact take a closer look at the banner behind the plane do you see that it's very subtle but it is moving and it doesn't need very much to keep the plane in the air because they have this very low stall speed and they have the banner keeps them stabilized this plane is just fighting the headwinds so if it's just a windy day wind going in that direction Atlantic City that's all you need but what about the plane filmed by Johnny Martin from his car is that wind as well physicist Ron Malin breaks it down it's called parallax Parallax isn't an optical illusion it has to do with the distance an object is the relative distance so what's happening is is that it you're in motion those objects that are closer to you are going to be moving or appear to be moving okay relative to you those objects that are farther away are going to appear to be not moving relative to your position an object in between the viewer and the plane like this tree becomes a reference point that adds to the visual deception so if a plane is sufficiently far from you it could appear as though it's hovering in the sky so it looks like mother nature and our own eyes are playing tricks on us and that has some believing we're living in a simulated reality but when it comes to these Frozen planes our verdict strong winds and The Parallax effect you know for centuries people have reported seeing mysterious bowls of electricity hovering in the air so where do these anomalies come from and what do they mean it's May 2019 near Minsk Belarus a man named Andre turkhanovets posts a bizarre video watch [Music] let's rewind that back what is that bright blue sphere and how can it travel across the railroad tracks throwing off Sparks as it moves the internet's reaction blew Andre's mind it has almost 2 million viewers at this moment some commenters guess that Andre has recorded a rare phenomenon known as ball lightning strange luminescent balls in the air that eyewitnesses have been reporting since the 1600s some 19th century accounts claim they smelled of sulfur and considered them the work of the devil more recently there was this sighting near a field in novos of beersk Russia this image resembles a phenomenon reported back in World War II odd zigzagging balls of light in the sky Allied fighter pilots dubbed them Foo Fighters and it was really kind of universally believed amongst the Allies that this was likely some type of advanced Nazi technology but interestingly enough when you look at the luftwaffa so the German air force they were seeing them too to this day some scientists argue that ball lightning doesn't exist based on how rarely it seemed so is that what we're seeing here to kick off our analysis we went back to our forensic video analyst Michael Primo Primo Begins by breaking down Andre's video focusing not on the images but the sounds I noted that the sounds were up front and didn't sound natural with being in the outdoors sounds like something that was added he concludes that the Belarus video has been edited yet he says the other example from Russia has not been so could it be an example of the famous Foo Fighters McMillan says the ball of light looks similar but behaves differently what's been called a foo fighter lasted for great deal time and engaged in a lot of Maneuvers and stuff that you just don't see there so could it instead be a natural weather phenomenon atmospheric scientist Dr Deanna hence traced the weather conditions in Russia at the time of the sighting if you're if you're going to get ball lightning it does kind of reduce the likelihood that that is a possibility however hence conceives that so little is known about ball lightning that it's hard to rule out it is a very poorly understood phenomenon and because it's difficult study so the Russian video might be a genuine example but when we talk to Andre toward the end of our investigation he admits he created the dazzling effect in his video with CGI I am processed the video on my computer with a specialized software though he never thought it would go viral [Music] so our verdict the Belarus video is clearly doctored please that sound design was a dead giveaway as far as the other footage we're going to say it might be genuine ball lightning but what causes ball lightning remains a mystery a good reminder to remain as humble as we are curious in the face of the unknown We Begin tonight with a UFO over Puerto Rico now there have been countless UFO sightings over the years but many experts consider this next piece of footage the gold standard take a look for yourself it's just after dark on August 25th 2013 in Aguadilla Puerto Rico the crew of United States Customs and Border Patrol plate is taking off for a routine Mission when they notice a strange pinkish light approaching from the Northwest they turn on their thermal imaging camera to track the object and this is what they see let's take a closer look it appears to be a metallic sphere moving fairly quickly around the airport then it heads out over the ocean where it does something truly unexpected you catch what happened let's zoom in the object seems to splash down in the water before re-emerging seconds later even more bizarre the object then splits into two separate craft and people there is no known Earth Technology that can do that after nearly four minutes the object disappears from View now Puerto Rico is the location for several sightings of so-called Usos unidentified submerged objects back in the 1990s a Navy helicopter pilot allegedly saw an unidentified dark underwater Mass during a training exercise another published report describes a similar incident in 1963 during an anti-submarine exercise led by the USS Wasp they keep talking about these incidents occurring around their aircraft carriers naval ships Puerto Rico long history of interesting sightings very long history what makes this video so special is that it comes straight from a million dollar infrared camera mounted on a government plane there's a ton of data to analyze here so what do our experts think it's a credible case it's a credible video Richard Hoffman heads the scientific Coalition for unidentified aerial phenomenon first question is the video real the Telemetry you see on the screen showing GPS location identically matched what you had with radar so there really was an aircraft next Hoffman's team determines the object's temperature to help identify it they compare the heat signature of the craft to some cows on the ground in this Frame at the top of your screen we broke the video into 256 Shades from white to black all different Shades of Gray and we were able to match that up with the temperature of the cows to match the temperature of the object the object was roughly at about 104 degrees right away that eliminates a jet engine which emits exhaust 15 times hotter the thermal signature doesn't match anything that we know now and there's no sign of any kind of like propulsion system on us then they figure out the object's size using this Frame when the object goes behind a light post two pixels wide okay well the object went behind it was blanked out so doubt maybe it's two pixels that's why we come up with it it's about three to five feet in diameter based on that analysis Hoffman says the most likely Earthly explanations are eliminated we ruled out that it wasn't a balloon it was about 18 mile an hour winds from the Northeast and this object was going in opposite directions from that so it's clearly not a balloon what about a drone our Aviation expert Tim McMillan is skeptical how are you achieving flight without an airflow without an angle attack without wings to simplify that you know how are you doing that and finally a bird we took a look at thermal signatures of birds and various other objects and it doesn't match anything like this and there you go it's it's unidentified it's not from any place here so is it proof or not well you might think it's a bird a balloon or a man-made aircraft but it is hard to explain how this goes in and out of the water and splits so folks we're going to call this a UFO almost never see an object like this going into and out of the water that's amazing coming up a strange sound from the deep could it Trace back to this prehistoric monster there are many creatures that were myth until they were actually discovered more than two-thirds of our planet is ocean and yet less than five percent of that area has been explored that's why what you're about to hear has become one of the great Mysteries of the deep it began in 1991 when a deep water hydrophone like this first detected a sound emanating from 5 000 miles away some place in the Pacific Ocean roughly halfway between Australia and South America let's listen to it again sound ascends at the end that's why it's known as the upsweep now the ocean is a noisy place there's man-made machines geological events like volcanoes and Glaciers and the sea life is much noisier than previously believed with so much left to be discovered down there journalist Alexis Brooks suggests the upsweep may be caused by some unknown sea Beast there are many creatures that roam the sea that people felt were in fact myth until they were actually discovered for instance the giant squid it is now known that it exists one thing is certain the source of the upsweep has to be massive so let's consider this candidate the massive prehistoric shark known as the Megalodon it's going to establish that the Megalodon actually did exist albeit two and a half million years ago with estimates of its length being in excess of 60 feet and weight upwards of 50 tons however there are people who feel that the Megalodon still exist oh could this recent photo be proved the Megalodon is still alive it shows a huge mako shark found by a fisherman off the coast of Australia bitten in half you have to take a deep breath and say what on God's green earth severed the shark how big could that have been so the famous megalodon is one interesting potential source of the upsweep but there are plenty of other theories about that strange sound for answers we turn first to our expert on ocean life [Music] marine biologist Dr Shea Conger starts by tackling the Megalodon Theory it's unlikely that Megalodons are still in our oceans because of the fact that shark teeth are continually shed through the animal's life there's never been a current specimen of a Megalodon tooth that's ever been found and as for that chewed up mako shark if this if they're attacked by a Megalodon it swallowed complete completely or bite marks including some teeth rakes what this tells me is that this animal suffered a number of bite wounds likely during a Feeding Frenzy by other sharks but something is making that sound and if it's not the Megalodon what is it audio expert Dr Ben goddessman is struck by the sound's intensity focusing on the stunning fact that it was first detected at a distance of 5 000 miles that's what makes me think it's some very large very intense seismic sound so let's listen to the sound of an underwater volcano note that it Trails off at the end now the upsweep again the signature Ascension this doesn't match anything seismic so what about a man-made Source like the Machinery used for offshore oil drilling pile drivers or different machines in the ocean have a more mechanically spaced more stereotypical impulsive sound that's not what we see here because the upsweep varies Congress says it's likely the sound was made by an animal but with a catch the upsweep is a sound that we have as yet attributed to any species of marine mammal the upsweep doesn't currently match any of these profiles yeah humpback whale sounds can travel thousands of miles just like the upsweep but again none match its acoustic profile so you see why it's remained a mystery for so long every possible explanation doesn't quite fit but we agree with Dr Conker our verdict a very large unidentified Marine Mammal not the Megalodon but something we don't even have a name for yet up next an eerie image on the water I heard somebody gasp and I looked over and said what is that out there is this famous shipwreck stalking Lake Superior when the proof is out there continues Lake Superior is notorious for its treacherous Waters more than 500 ships have wrecked there and most have never been seen again or have they October 2018 Jason assalin is giving friends a tour along the shores of Lake Superior near Marquette Michigan as we're walking along the Lakeshore I heard somebody gasp and I looked over and I saw them pointing out into the water and said what is that out there Jason pulls out his camera and starts recording there's what appears to be a tall and large object on the horizon so let's take a closer look the object is gray in color but the shape appears pretty blurry Jason and his friends think it might be a ship the ship would have had to have been hundreds of feet into the air we never thought that it was a ghost ship at the time but when I got home and watched the video that's all I could think of we just saw a ghost ship since the late 1800s there have been hundreds and hundreds of shipwrecks that have occurred on Lake Superior it's definitely a dangerous patch of water that is essential for trade but very risky to travel from the SS Western Reserve in 1892 to the Hudson in 1901 many large Freighters have sunk in bad weather only to be seen again allegedly plying the waters long after a tragic wreck according to local Legend one of the most famous ships to have gone down is the SS Bannock burn locals call it the Flying Dutchman of Lake Superior and people still claim to see it to this day that's a reference to the legendary Flying Dutchman the doomed 17th century ship that's been cited and spoken of for centuries Jason can't help but wonder if this is the mysterious phenomenon he's captured on camera we just witnessed something out of this world there's a poem about the world's most famous Phantom ship with the line they who see the Flying Dutchman never never reach the shore but when it comes to getting answers Never Say Never here's what we found first science writer and forensic video analyst Mick West focuses on the shape of the object in Jason's video he notes that most famous shipwrecks in Lake Superior are Freighters with steam engines this looks different it looks like a sail ship I don't know whether they have big sales ships on the Great Lakes but that's what it looks like and if that's unexpected then that's a clue that it's not actually a ship next the team considers another possibility physicist Dr Michio Kaku says it might be a mirage a mirage is caused by temperature inversion and dense air bends light more than hot air a temperature inversion can make images below the Horizon visible distorted in the distance so could the weather be causing this effect atmospheric scientist Dr Deanna hence looked at the data the day the sighting happened and sees just such an inversion to zero so this is that temperature inversion that can lead to that warm air sitting on top of cold air this can actually really change how light can propagate through the atmosphere then Mick West tries to put the pieces together could a temperature inversion have distorted something that is already there turns out there's a small island 12 miles offshore in this area that's normally hard to see up above we have a view of the island so this is the direction we're looking from so I just simply lined up the lighthouse here in the top with the lighthouse down here so that lines up perfectly what is that thing the key for us was the temperature data and that Island our verdict Mirage a temperature inversion caused an island that's usually a bump on the horizon to look like a phantom ship coming up the latest images from Loch Ness this is just something I've seen I can't explain did this man finally find the famous monster [Music] 's top five list of legendary creatures the Loch Ness Monster sightings date back to the 6th century and just when you think the creature and the legend may have died down some new eyewitness accounts pop up to remind you the story is still very much alive this is Loch Ness a missed shrouded Lake in the Scottish Highlands its Waters of murky Black Ink dark enough to hide one of the most iconic and Elusive beasts of all time I've seen it all unlocked this is just something I've seen I can't explain so it's July 2020 firefighter and lifelong Loch Ness resident Ross McCauley is overlooking the water from the shore when he records this it's 12 feet long with four feet wide Korean color seem to be moving into the waves Against the Wind occasionally breaking the surface take another look the image is hard to see so let's zoom in slow it down and outline the figure in the water and raw sociting isn't the only recent one of its kind in September 2019 Stephen chalice is on vacation when he snaps this unbelievable photo [Music] 10 12 feet long whatever this is it's massive field researcher Ken Gerhart is one of the world's foremost experts on mysterious creatures and is writing a book on Loch Ness he has spoken to hundreds of eyewitnesses who swear Nessie exists the descriptions are very consistent and this leads me to believe that yes in fact there is a population of remarkable immense animals in Loch Ness so are these just big fish stories or something more we turn these amazing images over to our team of analysts to see if they would hold up under scrutiny our marine biologist Dr Shea Conger begins her evaluation with the photos taken by Stephen chalice could we be looking at some kind of fish Congress says no it's emerging pretty prominently from the water and you don't see any protruding fins Conger concludes that it must be some sort of massive Marine Mammal but upon closer examination she notices something else that seems a bit fishy when I see a series of eddies and ripples around the entirety of this animal extending out pretty far instead what we see are a series of regular waves surrounding this animal and a small trailing wake behind it based on those suspicions we turn the photos over to our forensic video analyst Michael Primo I performed what's called a smart report of the digital image that was provided and it reported inconsistencies with the digital information so in layman's terms the picture of the alleged Loch Ness Monster is not an authentic image but what about the Macaulay video we have no reason to believe it's a hoax I can say that there is probably a large object here so what is it Congress says she could also rule out a log or any other inanimate object but she does have a theory a recent study utilizing e-dna was able to identify that there are in fact eel species within this Lake it's possible that some of these species could be large however they are as of yet undefined so we have a split decision this time the unbelievable photos of the Loch Ness monster are exactly that unbelievable the wave motion of the Wake was a decider as for the video we think it's real and we think it's an eel still sociobiologists believe that because of our history as a prey species humans will always be fascinated by stories of animals big enough to eat us the legend of the Loch Ness Monster is probably here to stay and that's our show for tonight we want your comments and suggestions so please reach out to us I'm Tony Harris reminding you to keep those cameras rolling good evening and welcome to the proof is out there we start with a legendary snake-like creature out of Canada similar to Scotland's Loch Ness monster are these new videos proof of the water demon named Ogopogo June 2019 British Columbia Canada businessman Jim LaRock is enjoying a day on the shore of Lake Skaha when suddenly I don't know where I just heard a swoosh Swoosh sound he scrambles for his phone and I was like oh my God I hope I can get this on video because no one's ever going to believe me about this and as I was recording at my daughter's like what is it what is it let's get a closer look it's that series of small waves moving as if they're being caused by something Serpentine undulating below the surface Jim believes he's just captured more than waves he says this is the elusive creature known as Ogo Pogo in my head I was like that thing is massive and It's gotta be something that big it must be the Old Republic they talked about for for years around here just an hour north in Lake Okanagan in July of 2018 a similar video yes a teenager spots what he thinks might just be the mysterious lake monster in this footage you can clearly see more than waves it looks like it could be the creature's dorsal side and it's moving I think this is some of the best lake monster footage I've ever seen field researcher Ken Gerhart says First Nation tribes have described the Beast as long in Serpentine larger than anything that should live in a freshwater lake this is exactly what hundreds of eyewitnesses of the Ogopogo have described and it's actually very similar to descriptions of the Loch Ness monster and other lake monsters around the world oh and Serpentine snake-like body a split tail a real like almost a snake monster the locals and some natives historically thought Ogopogo was like a spirit of the water and it required sacrifice so they would drop chickens and small animals into the water before they crossed the lake so that they wouldn't be eaten themselves some have also speculated that the Ogopogo might be a surviving member of a primitive species of whale from the late eocene period which existed approximately 35 million years ago but here's the question this video is actual proof of ogopogo's existence let's take a closer look the first thing that human eye sees when they see this is potentially a creature moving through the water marine biologist Dr Shea Conger is well versed in hydrology the study of waves to determine whether this could be some kind of whale or fish she looks for a trailing wake the kind a tail would make I don't see any form of back and forth propelling motion towards the end of the series of humps what about a sea serpent of some kind the humps of those waves are the clue If This Were an animal propelling itself through the water instead what you see are the peaks of the Waves all hitting at the same time so this is what Dr Congress talking about take a look at these waves here here here here here they're all peaking at about the same time Congress says that's proved this is no animal it's what happens seasonally when Lake layers of different temperatures and depths pass over each other in fact it has a name the Ogopogo effect this is a very basic propagating way rather than a bike but she's got a different take on the other footage what's compelling about this video is it clearly shows a large object in the middle of Lake that's right Congo believes there's actually Something In The Water again the waves are the proof at times you can see what appeared to be different structures or humps that have [Music] as if the object that I was seeing was swimming against the current that we see in the video this thing is going with the current which widens the range of possibilities I can include that this is either an object like a log that's rotating as it moves through water or this is an animal that's moving through the water column and so to me the footage is definitely genuine but it's the conclusion of what we're seeing that is undefined for me as for me I believe underwater discoveries are happening every day so it would be short-sighted to suggest that it's impossible for an unknown animal to exist and that seems to be the case in at least one of these videos is those sequential waves indicate our verdict and unknown living animal is lurking in the waters of British Columbia yeah you know sometimes you see something you know all of your friends will never believe well it's a good thing everyone has a camera on their phone because our next video shows something so strange some believe it may be part of a government conspiracy to control the weather or even our minds June 4th 2020 just another day in Detroit Michigan Tracy Bell is walking to her car with a friend as she catches a glimpse of something out of the ordinary what thanks this is some crazy stuff what's going on take a closer look it appears to be a dark ring-like formation making its way through the clouds unusual for sure but Tracy has her own idea about what she's witnessing oh my gosh the aliens have attacked that's not all another was recorded in the Skies over Moscow in 2018. then again in 2019 over a snowy field in Montana what are these was Tracy Bell right oh my God the alien alien UFOs enter into clouds and not come out so are they using it for camouflage some speculate these strange rings are created by Jets part of a secret worldwide conspiracy known as chemtrails Chemtrails are chemical trails is also known as geoengineering or climate engineering Believers say what we assume to be normal contrails are in fact laced with dangerous metals and chemicals which dissipate into the atmosphere heavy metals like aluminum barium strontium these are hitting Us in ways that are deleterious to our health and to the environment but why the theory goes that governments are doing this for nefarious purposes like weather modification even population and mind control [Music] 15 percent of people surveyed at an international study said they believe governments are involved in some sort of secret atmospheric program is that what's going on here or maybe these are alien ships masquerading as clouds we went to our video analyst Mark d'antonio to take a closer look our first question is this a UFO it really is pretty cool looking is it some kind of unidentified object you know what is this ring in the sky but d'antonio says in his years of research UFOs come in various shapes triangles cigars orbs but never rings I've never seen one in association with a UFO report this doesn't fit the classic profile when it comes to a UFO so if we're not looking at a UFO then could they be Chemtrails Chemtrails are typically described as long feathery materials but in this case it doesn't fit the profile for the classic chemtrail spray that we've been hearing about throughout our history so are we looking at some sort of weather event we take that question to atmospheric scientist Dr Deanna hence who examines the video filmed by Tracy Bell food that's much lower than all of the cloud that's around it and they perfectly circular thing is not something you frequently see and especially not so low in the atmosphere and hence finds another glaring clue which rules out a weather anomaly I said it's made of water this is something that's more akin to smoke or soot something of that nature okay so we've narrowed it down to a smoke ring but what could possibly cause one so large d'antonio has a theory this object is potentially created by a diesel engine diesel engines have a Long Tall stack and when they start up they typically will expel a lot of black smoke you know boom and off they go this video proves it watch the formation of a smoke ring [Music] going to rent that's already in that circular shape that combination creates that nice ring so there you have it it's likely these Rings were created by a factory Smoke Stack or some sort of large engine the good news is that we're not looking at a worldwide government conspiracy or even something from another planet the bad news it's just more evidence of how we're polluting ours our verdict smoke rings is one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on our planet only a fraction of it has been researched and every year brings new scientific discoveries and in this video just some local fishermen discover proof of an ancient river Legend it's March 2020 a hot and humid day in the Brazilian Amazon Local fishermen are crossing the shingu river when they encounter an extraordinary site [Music] at first it almost looks like waves or ripples but let's have a closer look it's some kind of gigantic snake this thing is nightmarish and by one estimate it's 50 feet long field researcher Ken Gerhart says it immediately reminds him of the legendary River serpent known as boyuna a gigantic mythical deity of South America it's described as being an enormous black snake or Serpent and it's considered to be a guardian of sorts that it actually stands guard at certain sacred places but huge snakes aren't just part of folklore they're actually part of the Amazonian fossil record this is the prehistoric predator titanoboa which measured more than 40 feet long its midsection as wide as a man's waist it weighed over a ton and could stay underwater for as long as 45 minutes this thing did in fact exist and in this kind of habitat who's to say that they're all gone the fossil record shows that titanoboa went extinct millions of years ago but field researcher cliff barrickman notes that sometimes allegedly extinct species turn up alive and well example the famous coelacanth fish the coelacanth fish was thought to be extinct for millions of years like 20 million years until it was discovered in the 1930s swimming around in the oceans off of Indonesia so we should expect to be discovering animals that were either thought to be extinct or are related to extinct animals wow is the creature in the video some kind of Relic species some extremely large cousin of the Titanoboa that somehow survived and when the Amazonian tribes people described boyuna the serpent River God because they've really been talking about something real we turn to our experts I mean this is extraordinary wildlike biologist Lucy Eckersley finds the video remarkable it could be that this snake is a living relic of titanoboa something that could trace its lineage back to that enormous animal but she thinks the serpent might be too big to be believed I think that this is an incredible sighting of an enormous make it look even more enormous than it really was so we head back to forensic video analyst Michael Primo to authenticate the footage this video has left me baffled we have a Rippling effect that's consistent with the movements of the snake which is a level of consistency that would be incredibly difficult to manufacture if it has been changed it's been changed to a minimal degree so could it be a relative of titanoboa marine biologist Dr Shea Conger says that even if the video is totally legit the creature's distended midsection is key evidence appears to have consumed a very large prey possibly a capybara or some type of ungulate from what we know about the Titanoboa they primarily consume fish based on that dietary profile Conger concludes this is a giant anaconda but interestingly she is not prepared to dismiss the notion that it could still be the god boyuna the people that inhabit this area have spent centuries living around these animals the division between the deity and the biological creature are not two different things so to deny the fact that this animal May embody a regional deity or religious icon is outside the scope of what science should do so with that guidance in mind our verdict this is a giant anaconda and whether you want to call it a predator a deity or some combination of both depends on how close you live to it Bigfoot gets all the attention North America is Rich with Legends of humanoid beings of all shapes and sizes Native Americans across the continent tell stories of small goblins who inhabit the forests was one finally caught on camera May 2020 it's nightfall in Saskatchewan Canada in the pitch black darkness there's something amiss in the yard across from this driveway the heck what's that let's push in and slow this down something's hiding behind that rock every once in a while it peeks its head out and then goes back really fast then peeks his head out again and goes back really fast and then they turn the flashlight off wait a few moments and turn it on and there it is the shadow if nothing else shows you that this thing really is there numerous comments on the internet suggest the figure might be evidence of a small creatures known as the manage in Native American lore Legend has it they are Harry's six-fingered goblins without noses who capsize canoes and steal when disrespected they are mischievous they are out to get you you want to keep your distance and according to Folklore these Canadian creatures also want to avoid being seen as best they can is this night somehow the exception what we do know is that the video isn't easy to evaluate as the creature comes in and out of the light but I'll tell you this though when I froze on this Frame I thought I saw would look like a stick for manipulating a puppet let's see what the experts have to say [Music] to authenticate the footage we return to forensic video analyst Michael Primo it's spooky this is definitely a recording that I have a hard time explaining when you watch the video the movement appears to be consistent with what I would expect to see from a recording that was created in this environment chemo doesn't believe the video has been manipulated or altered so then could it be a nocturnal animal like a raccoon or a possum we return to our wildlife biologist Lucy Eckersley this looks like something by P IP but from what I can see I think that this is a humanoid creature between three and four foot tall she thinks it's not just humanoid it's a human a younger specimen from everything I've seen here I think that it's most likely children having a bit of fun Anthropologist Kathy strain disagrees I have never quite seen anything like it strain who's well read in legends of the managi sheep says you can tell by the nearby doghouse that the creature is not large it must be nocturnal because its eyes are adapted to seeing things at night it was standing out in the open looking towards them when the flashlight was off the size eyesight and behavior match the navigation strain says this video may be proof they're real it's traditional stories so neither Lucy Eckersley nor Kathy strain thought it was a puppet and based on its compact size and ability to stand upright we'll say it's likely a little humanoid but whether it's a legendary managishi or just a little human we'll let you decide and that's our show for tonight we want to know what you think so please drop us a line I'm Tony Harris thanks for watching and by all means keep those cameras rolling foreign [Music]
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 4,171,349
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, the proof is out there, history the proof is out there, the proof is out there full episodes, the proof is out there clips, the proof is out there scenes, unexplained, strange, creepy, eerie, mysterious, INSANE UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA, The Proof Is Out There Marathon
Id: rWTKqaCdGuM
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Length: 96min 27sec (5787 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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