AMERICA'S SECRET HISTORY REVEALED! *Epic 3 Hour Full Episode Marathon* | America Unearthed

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you hello this is John John this is Scott Walter hey Scott how are you well not that great I just came from the site and uh the government won't let me in it's interesting well I'd be happy to show you the Iraq rock that I shot last year well I'd love to see it I mean that's the next best thing but I'm heading back to Minneapolis right now could you meet me in my lab and bring the footage absolutely all right let's plan on meeting tomorrow I'll see you there the history that we were all taught growing up is wrong my name is Scott Walter and I'm a forensic geologist there's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about there are pyramids here Chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over this country we're going to investigate these artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told [Music] I'm dying to see this video here I'm glad to show it to you yeah I'd say you know I got to tell you the government wouldn't let me in how the hell did you get in and take these these videos well I had a permit back in 2011 and uh spent a day at this site it's a huge site I got clips of your number of rock walls that formed Terraces going up this mountain slope maybe over a hundred of these are just all over the place now you said over a hundred yeah it's amazing you know you walk along all of a sudden there's a rock wall and then a relatively flat area now this is a shot from up at the upper elevation see how nicely constructed that wall is and then there were some water features some of these dams that were reservoirs or something to control water and there was some rock herons up there some type of ceremonial structures and and I even found a um a rectangular stone foundation for a structure of some type pyramids perhaps okay so we have rock formations extensive Terraces to control water and stone foundations is it big you can get lost up there the only direction that you would know to get out is to go down I'll tell you if you want to know more about this and this is how I found out about the site you need to contact Richard Thornton he's a Native American architect down in Georgia and he spent a decade of studying this does he think there could be a Maya Georgia connection at this site yeah and that's what caught my attention I'll tell you what John if the Mayans came to Georgia this could rewrite history foreign [Music] foreign hey how you doing I'm doing good Scott Walter Richard Thornton glad to meet you I was visiting down at Chattahoochee National Forest yes tried to look at some Mound structures I'm investigating a possible connection between the Mayans and Georgia and tried to go look at these mounds and I was denied you're kidding no I was denied first of all I take it you support this whole Mayan Georgia connection well that's I mean it's not even a theory it's a fact the Mayas are one of the Mexican native American ethnic groups that became the Creek Indians what are some of the things that to you provide evidence of this assimilation really or this coming together here in Georgia from Mexico we have the architecture we have the cultural Traditions the art are very similar okay approximately a third to a half of the words in the it's a tea Creek language or either Mai or totini okay Linguistics Linguistics so what about archaeoastronomy they like the Mayans used with these amazing structures that align with the Sun the moon the planets for practical and religious reasons is any of that going on around here yes very much so that's that's what you're almost about I'm a city planner so yeah I'm pretty strong so I can help you there do you have any of this I have drawings and photographs yes is that what they don't want me to see I don't know what they do why it's a it's a massive site I want to keep in mind this place is a half mile square at least it's a town okay has over 300 stone structures it's like nothing else in America really it's been radiocarbon dated to at least 1000 A.D what do the archaeologists think about this I thought the archaeological immunity would go Gaga you know they'd be fighting over the chance to be the one to be the great discovery of all their lives would you believe that some professors who had never seen this track Rock site they formed a political action group to oppose anything discussion of the track Rock site and it being my unit now why I don't because they're like 600 miles away so you're asking me if I would believe that the academic Community might try to shut down investigation like this uh yes I would look pal I've lived it okay I was hired to investigate an artifact called the Kensington rooster yes yes I've heard of it when I came out with these results I was blasted and it really puzzled me at first and then it pissed me off well I've spent the last 12 years investigating these historical mysteries and when you tell me that there's pushback from the professional or the academic Community I'm interested that that's a sure sign that there's probably something going on here [Music] these are some of John's videos you can see the Rocks that's a run of a building there looks like an offering altar with the little hole here I was thinking that also if this would have been covered with with clay and then plastic was the lime stucco you know Richard I have to say when I look at something like this I'm not impressed you know I thought I'd be seeing these cut beautifully cleaved work stones and these big temples that you think of when you think of people like the Maya I mean why don't we have that here this is what most Maya sites look like before the arc and I'll just go to work and The Architects let me restore the ruins that's what they look they just piles the Rocks even great cities with that had a hundred thousand people be piles of stones in the jungle what does this site look like can you give me a visual this is a computer virtual reality model obviously there's some elevation here it'd be nice to see some topographic lines maybe a Copa map well now I have topo maps on my computer okay this is a 3D model but if you'd like to see the actual elevations I would like to see that do you see the Acropolis see that yeah you see that's terraced just like the five-sided Mount and it's facing the sunset of the winter solstice these astronomically aligned structures the whole village the way they're oriented is very important there are many monuments perhaps 50 Stone corns that seem to be markers having to do with astronomy so what is this that's one of the things when I knew is its Amaya when I saw that I said oh my gosh it is a device that takes the water yeah from the spring and to drop the water to the approach Victorious It's a control device for Distributing water what I'm trying to experiment with here is why did they do it why did they build the Terraces I am mimicking the environmental situation at track Rock Gap or the Maya civilization grow these crops on Terraces so do you think what we have at track rock is connected to the Mayan somehow yes it's a direct connection okay why would they not let me in to see this I mean it's just terracing it leads me to believe that there's more going on here do you uh do you think there's a conspiracy maybe going on there's something fishy going on up there I'm thinking there's something fishy too but I'll tell you what if they won't let me hike in maybe I'll fly it you ever heard a lidar [Music] what line we're gonna do the north south lines all right sounds a good pick itself though because I think I'm gonna be coming up already you want to go up and around them yeah up and around all right this is a virtual image of the area that we're curious about the main things if there's something here we're hopeful that your equipment will pick up these Terraces who are investigating the possibility of a Mayan Georgia connection some researchers think that there might be high in Ruins on this site and if so I mean we're talking about a huge new chapter of American History being opened up thank you yeah I can fly lower that's fine well you're not that much lower right 500 feet yeah 500 feet right now another 100. lions in Mexico disappeared around 900 A.D many people believe that they came to Georgia you know I would love to have it come true but you have to have the evidence I tried to get to this site and the government would not let me do it that's why this was Plan B [Music] how does this lidar work well once you have it between these two pieces of the system is a laser head and the scanner and a GPS receiver and they're using time stamps we're able to create a point Cloud which is a set of points accurately mapped in geo-referenced in a few centimeters absolutely it looks like you've set up a grid system so basically you're just reproducing that grid you kind of think of it as mowing the lawn and we're up here because it's down and back and we use some overlap to make sure that we don't miss any graphs so hopefully anything that shows like there was a shelf or any anomalies in the bare Earth surface we're supposed to show us that that type of scale we should be able to get something yeah some stuff may look like it Blends into the ground but any kind of irregular features still stand out if we're able to use your technology and and find evidence of some of the things we see here there could be a my Impressions here that would be amazing it would be foreign here is the initial look at the actual lidar data itself so the points themselves so you can see the flight lines that we flew right here and then down here is a profile of the ground you can see the trees okay and I see the change in topography here this looks like something interesting what would that be a bump there maybe a man-made feature looks like it might be one of the features that we're looking for okay possibly a Terrace maybe correct this is preliminary and so what we'll do is we'll we'll take and have to process the data and that'll probably take a couple weeks to get the the final data set so that we can verify okay if that is actually a man-made feature or not a 3D map about two weeks yep great you know Jamie when I started this investigation I was pretty skeptical I mean the notion that the Mayans came to Georgia seemed pretty far-fetched to me but as I've gone along here things are starting to look more interesting if you can generate a 3D map that looks even remotely like this I tell you what we could potentially have something that's big if those features are there we're definitely going to see them in the data it'll take two weeks for aerometric to compile all the lidar data which could help prove a Mayan connection to Georgia if the Mayans did come here I wonder if it's connected to their prophecy the Mayan civilization began in 2000 BC and started to collapse around 750 A.D when they began to abandon their cities in Mass they had to go somewhere and this Stone nearby could be a clue they came to the U.S [Music] [Music] thank you are you Scott yes Gary Daniels I presume that's correct all right great weather a little wet today but I gotta tell you I think the rock looks better wet than if it was dry I agree what makes this rock specifically tied to the Maya Georgia Connection in your mind both cultures the Maya and the Creek Indians use the exact same symbols to record the exact same event well you know Gary I clearly see these spiral symbols here we got a indentation in the middle this one has a couple of different rings with an indentation and then we have these cupules along the top I know what I think it is but what do you see and my first impression was that it's a star map I believe that this records an event which happened in 536 A.D which was a common impact event and that would explain why they went through the effort to carve this into this Boulder this was no easy task no it wasn't and I have to say Gary that I agree with you I'm pretty convinced this is a star map as well it's an interesting connection with the with the impact and the symbols tying the the creek with the Maya I think that's plausible but this might not be the only geologic clue that makes a connection tell me what you know about Maya blue now Maya blue was a pigment that the Maya used in their murals and it lasts a very long time without fading and I think I understand the reason for that Maya blue is a very interesting combination of a clay mineral called polygorskite that they mix with a an indigo pigment made from an anneal plant and there's lots of palagorski in Georgia but relatively little of it in Mexico Gary I think that the Maya blue in Mexico could have been made with the palagorskite clay in Georgia there are still sites in Mexico where they haven't found the actual source for the Maya blue so that's definitely a good thing to look into so we've got the the Maya blue pigment mystery as well as star Maps both there and in Georgia that's interesting and those are not the only connections it goes much deeper than that now check these out this copper plate was Unearthed in North Georgia what's interesting about this is that almost an identical image as this was found at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan wow this looks like some type of Shaman or somebody in the middle of a ritual is that a severed head yep and you have this in Chichen Itza as well exactly wow are there any other sites that might tie into what we're looking at here absolutely just a few hours from here there's a site called Okmulgee they found an elite burial that showed cranial deformation a known technique in the Maya world that they also use on their Elites cranial deformation is a procedure they did at Birth where they placed the child on a flattened board Place Another board on his head which forced the the skull to grow in a certain shape which gave them sort of a flattened appearance to the forehead with everything I've seen so far how come nobody knows about this people have been writing in the literature the archaeological literature about this connection for 150 years but it has become a taboo subject I'm continually amazed every time I see something new that is changes history in a profound way and it gets ignored swept under the rug and people that even dare to investigate it get criticized I've been through that myself you got to figure out a way to make it stop yeah they say science changes one Death at a time and I think that's what it's going to take you know what I'm not going to wait for these people to die sorry I'm gonna get answers let's go to Okmulgee [Music] foreign [Music] so how long have you been studying this Maya Georgia connection well I've been researching the Georgia Mexico connection for about 10 years but it's only within the last couple of years that I really stumbled on the Mayan presence in both Florida and Georgia okay oh what do you think of Richard Thornton's research you know Mr Thornton has presented a hypothesis and that hypothesis needs to be tested is the track Rock site on my insight you know I don't know could it be absolutely it could be but we're never going to know that as long as the academics are insisting that it can't be so instead of sitting in your chair talking about it actually getting out there and doing something absolutely making proclamations about what it isn't serves no purpose I agree wow take a look at this this is that mound it's a spiral Mound isn't it that's without the vegetation well now I can kind of see it can we take a closer look let's go all right we got mounds of Minnesota but I haven't seen any this big wow one two three yeah I see at least one two or three levels even maybe a fifth one up there this is cool as hell like there's a site called zochi takano in Mexico and it's the only other place in North America or Central America that has a spiral Mound exactly like this where you follow the spiral to the top not only that it's laid out exactly like the mountainsite here with the spiral Mound on one end and the square Mound on the other this mound the Creek Indian said this is where they perform their snake dance and so they marched in procession around the mound until they reach the top for their ceremony there was also like Okeechobee now when the Spanish came to Lake Okeechobee they found three people living around that Lake the main the mayaka and the Maya Yuki so three people calling themselves is there also maybe a connection to Miami absolutely this is really incredible I had no idea that there would be a spiral Mound here we have spiral Mounds in Mexico this Maya Georgia connection is really starting to come together and I'm feeling it thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] well Gary you promised me some archoastronomy I see a beautiful Mound structure here with a long doorway that's facing pretty close to due east according to the creek migration Legend the very first structure they built when they arrived here was a mound with a central chamber the doorway of this Earth Lodge aligned with the sunrise there's no question that the Mayans also aligned their temples and their structures according to archaeoastronomy so is this purely a coincidence clearly there was something going on this is fascinating I mean we've got two large Mounds we've got this one here that has an obvious alignment both to the Sun and to the Stars we've got that amazing spiral structure the cranial deformation I'm dying to go to Mexico if I can find some of the things that are here over there we've got something that's huge [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] everything you see is psychological evidence everything everything okay how big is this site it's really hard to tell the we don't have a full map for the site I know it took thousands of people to build sites like Chichen Itza the Maya Empire was massive encompassing parts of southern Mexico Guatemala Belize in the Yucatan many people think the Mayans died out completely but they didn't even so something forced them to abandon their major cities beginning around 750 A.D and spread throughout the region or Beyond to the United States you know from this perspective it's just like symmetric it's perfect the lines are perfect that's amazing they were copying the shapes of the mountains so what we're looking at here is really a man-made Mountain it was intentionally made to mimic the mountains I've recently been to a site in North America in the state of Georgia one of the things that we did that was amazing and I haven't seen the final results yet but I saw some preliminary data with some technology called lidar where basically you fly over an area and it will collect three-dimensional data of the Topography of the area and what we think we see are remnants of man-made structures at this site that are somewhat reminiscent of what we see here I'm wondering what your thoughts are on the possibility of contact with the Mayans here possibly with Native cultures in what is now the United States I think it's very possible or you're saying that flat out okay well you agree with the speculation if we really understand what the Maya did here and if we really think there was contact then what we do is take everything that we learn here and then use that as a guide to look for evidence over there yes yeah I will agree you can maybe find a Maya there you can find a Georgian down here foreign that we have in front of us is the observatory and it's been proven by astronomers that is a structure that aligns to different positions of Venus and positions of the Sun so those small little windows up there they were used to track these planets track Venus you know that this window aligned to this part of the year and is when the lines of this time of the year so there's a connection between architecture astronomy and the calendar well this is part of a science we call archaeoastronomy Great the other thing that we believe is that creating a building that has alignments with the planets and the Sun you're actually in a link between having an earth so the building is the link between the two in Georgia I saw a spiral Mount I also saw a boulder that had spirals carved into it so the spiral is very important across Georgia and it seems to connect over here with the Mayans so maybe that's another connection or a piece of evidence we can tie together between the two cultures yeah I think it's very strong element and I think it's very important for the Maya too it's in everything foreign this is called a nautilus shell it's the spiral design we have something here called the Fibonacci sequence and it's just simply a mathematical calculation where you add numbers sequentially and it will grow exponentially creating in this case a spiral many ancient cultures saw this design figured out the mathematics of it in nature and then Incorporated it into the architecture and into their artwork oh yes it's very important buildings are designed in geometric proportions and they're pleasing to the eye of the human we're getting very close to the end of the Mayan calendar which is December 21st which ironically happens to be my birthday so and many people think this is going to be the end of the world because of the Mayans we are ending between baktun that means we're going to start the 13 back tun during your birthday and then we're going to spend 400 years more counting days until we get to the 14 back tune it's a marker for a new beginning if the Bagans were here it will be the biggest celebration you can think about it will be offering there will be sacrifices there will be ceremonies because it's not the end it's just the beginning of something new but I think it's really important that the Americans are getting some attention I couldn't agree more I'm looking forward to seeing some of the carvings at your site here and there was something that was found in Georgia I have seen similar carvings or at least the the head of the captive on this side here's something that can show you something similar at the site [Music] thank you you can tell that the person has some sort of War instrument in his hand like this one right here he has also feathers in the back like he has coming this way but the most striking part is that there's a little head hanging from his uh left hand with the spirit you can see that the head is almost identical to the one he has there maybe a captain maybe somebody who loves the world really everything that you talked about I see here this is pretty compelling is it not oh yeah I can see a relationship between the two sides I see a huge piece to a big puzzle of many cultures coming to North America prior to Columbus and I think we can put the Mayans into that puzzle and it just completely rewrites the history of North America as we know it [Music] oh okay Alfonso let's talk about what we have so far we've got the temples here we've got similar stone structures in Georgia we've got the linguistic connections we've got the iconography of the mural that's so fantastic it's virtually identical we've got the archaeoastronomy I tell you we're starting to build a pretty strong case here what can you tell me about Maya blue let me show you this is the secret scenote of Chichen Itza it's huge just incredible well this is the most special place in Chesney this is where he gets his name Chi Chen means the mouth of the sinkhole that means and not only is a water place but it's also a sacred place to bring offerings what do we know about the bottom what's on the bottom they've found Maya blue they found remains of children between 9 and 10. this is crazy why would they throw children in here they believe is that children are the ideal Messenger to the Rain God so you when you want to please a ring God you use children as offering so you sacrifice them okay wow geologically I've read that down at the bottom of this Cenote there is a four meter or about 14 foot thick layer that is heavily Laden with Maya blue clay that represents a lot of material how would that much Maya blue get get in the uh the bottom one good possibility will be that the children were painted blue before being thrown into a Cenote the other thing is that we have other types of sacrifices sacrifices that we know that happened in Chichen because we have a carving and a painting that shows a person being against a trapezoid Stone so they can put pressure in the back and they can use a knife and slice the chest up and pull the heart out and then offer it the guts so they place them on a rock to arch their bodies so when they made the incision it would naturally open and then they would go in oh you know I knew that they used the Maya blue and the murals and and some of the artifacts the vessels and various things but I I had no idea that they were you using it to paint the people for sacrifice that's that's what we assume by the amount of Maya blue in the bottom of the Cenote is there any Maya blue the original Maya blue still on site here anywhere oh yes there's still some that we can we can see and there is still some on inside of the building I think the Maya blue could be the hard link between the Mayans and Georgia as a geologist it just might be the scientific proof I've been looking for this is a good example of Maya blue you can tell at least around the square Maya blue was used for painting buildings and painting offerings and sometimes sacrificial victims my understanding is that the longevity of this material why it lasts so long is because it's made of a very special clay called peligorski combined with a blue dye or an indigo dye made from Anil leaves around here it resists acids and it's very durable now this type of clay We commonly see and cat litter causes clumping we also see it in anti-diarrhea medicine because it absorbs the toxins so this clay material is very unique it creates a Dye that lasts a very long time how long has this pigment been sitting on this wall well the dates we have is about 980. that will be about 1100 years ago 1100 years ago indeed so this unique clay where would they get this Source material I don't know I haven't found a single Source yes and that's another important piece to this puzzle that we're trying to figure out is we do have a very good source of palagorskite in Georgia and this could be the source for the Mayans and I do have a way I think we might be able to test this so we can compare it to see if this is the same Source material as is Georgia found here I'm getting really excited about this case we have the cranial deformation we have evidence in Georgia of that practice we know we have it here we have the wonderful mural that you showed us that the iconography that was virtually identical to that copper plate that we talked about we have stone structures in Georgia that have a similar layout at least it appears to be a similar layout to what we have here and lastly we have archaeoastronomy which ties all people together but certainly the culture in Georgia that we're looking at and the Maya people here we still have the lidar data that we need to look at but I tell you what this is looking really good thank you foreign Jamie show me what you got here so this is the lidar data of the track route site and so what we're looking at here this is the side of the mountain that we were flying around with your plane and shooting with the lidar we've taken the trees away I put markers in here to kind of indicate in relationship to the picture that you gave me of the site itself are you saying that Richard Thornton's Recreation of what he thinks is there correlates with what you found on the on the lidar in terms of my lidar experience yes I feel like that there's a very strong indication that this correlates very well you can see it here here you can see something here and then you can see all the little Terraces down here this is amazing what about the Okmulgee site we're able to fly over there yeah we actually did get down there and we were able to fly it right here what we're looking at is the actual lidar data so how it's represented this is the spiral site I think I can see what looked to be The Terraces that we saw at the site there's no mistaking when you look at that image that it's definitely a mound the spirals appear to be there and it looks virtually identical to spiral Mounds that are down in Mexico I tell you what this is really coming together I just I can't believe it I mean we've got spiral Mounds that the Mayans built we've got them in Georgia we've got archaeoastronomy both the Mayans and Georgia we've got cultural iconography we've got cranial deformation we've got Linguistics it's really coming together all the pieces are beginning to fit but there's one more thing that I want to do a a quick test that I think might be the final piece that pulls this all together to prove that Mayan Georgia connection [Music] hey Adam check this out what do we have we're going to make some Maya blue it's a paint that the Mayans made it was very sacred to them they used it murals they also used it in sacrifice ritual sacrifices paint the victim head to toe in this Maya blue paint rip their hearts out and then throw the body in a huge sinkhole they called us Cenote but I think geology is going to solve the question that we're trying to answer here which is did the Mayans use Georgia Clay specifically peligorsky clay [Music] using Indigo from annealous and paligor Sky clay from Georgia I'm going to make Maya blue if the Georgia Clay and mice sample matches X-ray test results of clay used in real Maya blue then we have a hard geological link between the Mayans and Georgia [Music] well basically what I'm trying to do is to figure out if there's a match between Maya blue and Mexico and a sample of palagorski from Georgia they did find some sources in Mexico but there's just not enough sources to explain the amount of palagorskite that they found well I definitely think we can help you with this so let's have a look if you're able to make a definitive connection it will prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that we definitely have this connection between the Mayans in Mexico and Georgia foreign [Music] the ones labeled PA are the Peaks we would expect for the polygos clay structure and these ones labeled qu these are one of the impurities present and this is the mineral quartz so these are your signature elements now the question is how did it compare with the actual Maya blue sample it actually matches almost perfectly so we have a match don't we yes we do you know what I'm surprised but yet I'm not surprised given everything that I've seen this was the final piece to tie this together there's a whole host of academics that refuse to believe that there were cultures that came to North America prior to Columbus and it's this is scientific proof of a connection it's impossible to deny it's going to make a lot of people very excited Richard Thornton one of them who's a researcher that was adamant that there was absolutely a connection between the Mayans and the people in Georgia this testing here not only forces us to re-examine this chapter of American history but it demands that we open up the whole book to get to the truth of what really happened foreign prophecy does declare 2012 as a turning point maybe not the end but the start of a new bucktooth a new beginning A New Beginning might have been what the Mayans were looking for in Georgia whatever it was it must have involved arcue astronomy some sort of alignment to the Stars there are so many unanswered questions still out there what I've learned about where they went and what they believed is just the beginning there's more to America than we realize we have the right to question the history we've been taught to examine things with our own eyes my job is to explain the unexplainable to find the answers to questions about our past when no one else will [Music] foreign [Music] the history that we were all taught growing up is wrong my name is Scott Walter and I'm a forensic geologist there's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about there are pyramids here Chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over this country we're going to investigate these artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dear Scott my name is Paul and I live near Tucson Arizona while hiking in the Mustang Mountains my friends and I came across a cave there's Native American rock art inside but that's not why I'm writing there's a stone with the mysterious inscription outside the king I think it's a message written in runes I know you've done a lot of work with runestones and I'd like your help figuring out how old the stone is and what it says thank you hey Paul yeah this is Scott Walter say I got your letter and I'm looking at these pictures I want to see this Stone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Scott that was a hell of a ride how did you guys find this place oh a story starts with me I guess I was over in the other side of the valley in Elgin and there was an old guy that was a retired Rancher and he said you know over the over there's the Mustang Mountains and he said when I was a kid they said there was a lost archaeological site over there that's long since been gone missing okay I have what three two years ago about two years ago well actually what we were doing is we were looking for places to climb so we had our climbing gear on and just so happened that one day we come around over to this wall here we we I said to Paul well Paul let's take our gear off and we'll see if there's any places to climb as I was walking in man Paul look at this and Paul was amazed and he said man this place is great actually I think he's being polite he disappeared in his cave and all I heard was oh that was what you said yes I did Adam Paul comes in there and he's looking he says what do you think this is oh it says it looks like a archaeologist like to me I said look at all these monkeys on the wall here there were petroglyphs and pictographs you know the Finger Paintings and the carvings on the wall but when we looked outside the cave there was this about a coffee table size Rock and it had looked like runes carved in it maybe five or six lines and it just didn't look like it matched what was in the cave that's why we're here okay I appreciate you sending me that letter I really do now I just want to let you know what you're in for tomorrow all right okay right off here to my right here you see we're going to go down into this wash so we're going right up this way here right that breed uh that green uh ribbon okay it's pretty much of a rock screwing squeeze so you take one step up and two back it's gonna be hot tomorrow saying it's going to be 99 degrees tomorrow 99 okay so I advise early so we can start up there get away from the Heat and it'll be much more pleasant to walk okay see you tomorrow Scott [Music] [Music] [Music] all right oh you all set bud I think I'm ready I think I'm ready who's your friend Steve is the estate archaeologist for Arizona Scott Wolfman thanks for coming out you bet so if you've been here before I was here luckily these guys call me told me that they had located this cave we thought it was important to come down and take a look and see what was going on we found out that it was recorded with an Arizona State Museum site number in 1984. well I'm kind of anxious to see it let's get going all right I'm in let's go all right let's let's head for the cave thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] wow there it is Scott right here right there oh yeah oh look at that [Music] those are rooms all right wow that is a Christian style cross for sure and these sure look like runes that's an R not sure what that is that looks like an s so I'm not sure those those don't look like Scandinavian runes it might be Anglo-Saxon but you know what I have an idea I know a guy who knows something about rooms he knows a lot about Bruins I'll send a picture to Mike weathering is key obviously and that's what I'm trying to get a sense of you know they look kind of fresh to me I mean this this spalling here I don't see any weathering of that if if this was exposed for a long time and the calcite was deposited on this open surface you know that process should continue and you would probably see it there what I do know is this this area was recorded as an archaeological site in 1984. okay and even though they recorded a lot of the petroglyphs and pictographs that is in this cave here they didn't say anything about this Boulder out in front of the cave that had these ruin writings on it okay so my guess is it may not have existed prior to 1984. so it's a true mystery really is you know who put it in here and why and what does it really say is it possible they just didn't record it no because usually when they record an archive site whether there's prehistoric artifacts or historic artifacts or even if they find any paleontological stuff they will record everything there because it's all part of the site this is my handy portable microscope here's your lens see how light that is that's where the Chisel hit the rock and that's where it's spalled off well that's cool but let's see what else is here you guys do you see this what's that Steve right here it's over on the other side too look at this see these rock fragments here and the water was running down here and it was dissolving out the limestone and it looks like it's cemented these rock fragments here and it connects over there was material here it does look like this has been dug out and that Boulder didn't move you know that means that's fine 84 they didn't see it this was still covered up and then somebody somebody dug this out dug it out since then it was uncovered that could explain why there's no weather phone vibrated here I think it maybe it's Mike here let me check he thinks it might be a memorial stone huh just got to do some more work on the translation but a a gravestone gravestone everything about it including its placement outside the mouth of the cave reminds me of the stones throughout Europe used to memorialize the Dead that's interesting that's interesting isn't it it is yeah there could potentially be something in that inscription that identifies a family a clan a person something you know if this is a grade marker we could have a body right here he says it looks like a memorial stone a gravestone a gravestone well that makes some sense yeah and it's got that Christian does have the cross on there that's perfect for a gravestone that's absolutely for uh would be on a memorial stone it's probably right makes a lot of sense he says he'll get back with us more on the inscription but the uh the material that's welded on the side of the cave tells us clearly that a lot of material has been moved or dug out maybe we had a body here we may have if somebody had been buried up here and then somebody wrote the inscription but as you can see a lot of it's been removed and but we still have yeah we still have some material like this we've got this is looks like somebody has actually dug it out you're right and piled everything on that side and that's a typical example of vandalism people come out and they find archaeological sites and the first thing they want to do is start digging and you know if they start at the front of uh of a structure like this they're they think they might find something and a lot of times they don't find anything the only thing that we know of that's that is here are some very interesting picture glass and petroglyphs here these are really interesting you know what this strikes me as because I've seen these spirals before it reminds me of a star man you saw him down in Georgia and I've seen them in other places yeah good archive astronomy that's a big field these days I know that spirals often mimic something that the Ancients felt very strongly about and that's sacred geometry sure and you know we see it all over the place most people don't realize it it's uh it's how a plant grows it's how a shell grows and it's really a mathematical equation and it's how our faces grow you know that there are cultures all around the world that did similar things and so it begs the question at least to me was this all done independently I mean obviously they're all looking at stars but was there also maybe some exchange of information I don't know well depends on how far back you go if you're going back you know 8 10 12 000 years as people migrated through they brought that knowledge with them so either they've migrated down from the North or they you know came across the oceans and migrated from the south I mean there's both those theories out there sure and if there's contact whenever it happened this would be something they would have in common what uh look at that hole back there that cave keeps going yeah let me take a look there well I'm not going to fit in there I can't get in here is there anybody else okay Jimmy can try it all right Jim Jim you up all right Jim's up for it just be careful in there yeah be careful with the last flashlight or something yeah I got a flashlight but I'm gonna have anything rattling make sure you stop and come back out real fast that's nice and cool over there it's in there we might have our body after all right ghostly sounds yeah hold it here's any rattling noises stop and look and move back Jim it's nice knowing you [Music] and her bees in here The Hive I don't even know what's in there buddy Sarah please in here wow that's a hole right up damn there's bees in here but man taking one for the team so Jim what a body fit in there yes it would I would okay okay how how high was it I'll say about eight feet and it goes up on a slant like this okay and then it goes up and then it just kind of stops just like this right here with holes all over the place you didn't see any bones or anything okay I mean there's a couple thoughts one is could there be some other archaeological remains that might tell us something and would it be worthwhile going through that material that we're assuming I'm assuming maybe you are that they move that material out there would it be worth going through that is there any chance we could do a daycare um there's always a chance you can do a dig but it's a very lengthy permitting process really so you have to get a permit an Antiquities act permit you have to get uh which uh and you have to have a qualified archaeologist to actually be on the permit and then you have to hire the crew and you know it's uh there's always that possibility but you know it does take some time to get all the permits in order let's say we did a daycare and we found something that indicated a European presence pre-columbia I think you would agree that would be a historic Discovery I think it would be very historic because especially with the inscription here to find some some human remains that are associated with these would be very significant we have multiple lines of evidence we've got evidence of digging clearly there was material here the lack of weathering that bothered me at first could be explained by the fact that it was simply buried it could have been we've got a dry climate here you know we've got enough here that if we were to find something from a dig it would be potentially a big deal somebody carved that into this rock because they really cared for the person enough to do something like that they didn't just bury them out in the desert someplace and walk away another thought in a testing business which is what I do for a living we do ground penetrating radar on concrete all the time and would that work here and could we do that look ground penetrating Raider isn't really ground disturbance it's just moving some piece of Machinery electronic Machinery across the surface to see if you can pick up any kind of anomaly so I don't see a problem with that I mean you know maybe it's worth going through the process I mean we've got a lot of things here that are adding up to something that might be worthwhile foreign [Music] [Music] so you're telling me we might really have a dead Englishman from the 12th century buried up in the Mustang Mountains all right foreign we thought the last time we were here there might be a body guys I have something to tell you I've been sitting on this all morning I got a translation from Mike and I wanted to wait till I got up here so I could see it and read it and so we could do this together I'm going to read this to you but the other thing that he did say as we know for sure that it's 12th century English so we've got that for sure but here we go line one the body in parentheses he has in contrast with the soul fits Lays rough heroic here yeah he enjoyed in parentheses in entertainment Joy merriment maybe means a good life the secrets stole at the end of this line rough Helix body Fame and Glory dust Beyond Eden Eden's Temple there's a name here this is absolutely a memorial and then of course we have the the Christian cross here I I don't know what else it could be well yeah 12th century why would somebody uh carve something like this that's got 12th century letters and everything when we don't have any any history of anybody else other than Native Americans being here up until you know 15 16 1700. so your initial reaction is this is not 800 years probably not yeah well that's fine that's fair I I hope we can prove you wrong me too you know you really have two working hypotheses here you've got somebody messing around relatively recently or we've got something here that absolutely changes history in a profound way if there were Europeans out here in the 12th century it does change history profoundly I like this I'm getting intrigued it's an interesting story I like the story I mean I'm always open-minded about different things and especially something that's absolutely new like this that would really change you know some of the history Brad we brought you here for a reason what can we do here today we'll definitely try to scan out in front of the uh the memorial here and then we're going to do a couple scans uh back into the cave okay um looking for any kind of disturbances in the soil if there's anything left Brad you're the man [Music] Brad uh you're you're fired up it looks like it's running can you just explain to me how this works basically what we're going to do is we're going to scan over an area basically the radar is going to shoot down at 45 degree angles okay because we can move along basically it's going to keep shooting those 45 degree angles down as we pass over anything that may be in the ground is going to show up on our screen here okay okay can you tell by looking at this whether it's metal whether it's rock whether it's plastic if it's metal it's going to show a bright white on the screen okay it's plastic or any other material it's going to show up as a very faint line on the screen all right do your thing thank you okay explain to me it looks like we have a linear feature here is that the is that surface that's the depth that we're actually getting with the radar okay what is this little dip in the middle here uh there's such just rock if you believe that could be in the ground so if I can cut to the chase here telling me I did didn't really see anything did you not on the first pass we have to do multiple passes anytime you scan anything with GPR you definitely want to do multiple passes all right so we're going to back it up we're gonna do it again okay [Music] so right in this area if we go from here on back is where we're seeing that density change right here right that light area Yeah so basically from here back is where we're going to find that area where we have the density change okay so what you're saying is that could be something it could be because there's definitely a density change that we've picked up on every pass that we've had well I like that and you we made what three passes and we got that same anomaly here so do we need to do more passes or do we want to try out on the berm there let's try scanning out here and see what we get out there okay that's an anomaly too same thing the same spot it's pretty close pretty right there so there's something something here yeah well it's consistent it kept hitting in the same spot goes at least to here right correct okay all right hey Steve do you have a sec you're fine well Brad you thought I mean I saw the the density change and it's at the same spot so it's going across here right yeah that there's definitely a anomaly in the surface okay so it's going in linear fashion you know we've all been to a cemetery right and The Headstone is at the head end typically right okay they lay the body perpendicular to this Stone right that's good how far down it was a bounce three to four feet three to four feet 34 feet okay and it goes out to uh two foot about where you're spot where your foot is right so about two and a half three feet okay obviously we're not gonna dig with the shell but I mean we've got a legitimate legitimate chance of something really major I think we can certainly move forward and looking for future investigations and seeing what else is here because this is a very interesting site out here right we also have something that could be not I don't want to say modern but but it could be some almost prehistoric uh anglo-american that might have been out here possibly pre-columbia pre-columbia right right good guys I got an email from Mike guess what keurig's surname he found it in England how about that incredible wow I guess I'm going to the UK there is one more thing Mike says I need to go to the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico I wonder what's there foreign there's evidence of a medieval Englishman buried in Arizona way before Columbus was ever here I'm finding answers [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] pretty impressive aren't they oh amazing Scott Walter Scott Steve Riley superintendent for the monument how are you today nice to meet you good to meet you Greg so what you're looking at is three of the five Cliff bowings they date back to about 1284 1285 when they first started the construction and they were abandoned by about 1320 to 13 30. okay so one one generation are a little more occupied well um this may seem uh a little strange but I just came from a site in Arizona in the Mustang Mountains it was up at the top of a large Bluff there was a cave there and there's some talk about a body possibly being there of somebody who could have come from Europe from the British Isles back about this same time believe it or not and a friend of mine suggested I come here and I'm wondering do you have any thoughts well we have not found any relics here to that period of European settlement everything that came out of here has been dated back to the Native American okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey Alan God how are you doing man I'm doing great how are you done since I saw you yeah how's jealous she's doing great how about Keith oh she's absolutely fine she's great to see you you're looking awful skinny pal oh yes yes I'm wasting away you know you look great so let me ask you this what have you learned about our friend Mr Ruff Uric I've been doing some investigation at the County Records Office and I've found some information out about a Pizza Hut there's more information to come and the lady at the office said she'd get back to me by far this afternoon in oil it's incredible we've got this name Herrick on a boulder in a cave in Arizona in the U.S and it brings us back here to the UK it's amazing it's amazing but not as amazing as what I'm going to show you now just come with me let me grab my backpack we'll we'll head out here still you was in the backpack I got my whole life in here you know that happened foreign but you said Peter here yeah yeah I thought about that actually and it occurred to me you know um in those days it was quite common for people not to be known by the real Christian name but often by a nickname so I think the word rough is probably an adjective I mean think where they were out in those mountains oh yeah this guy was probably a bit of a Bruiser maybe this was the guy that personally wrestled the Buffaloes to the ground and at that time especially in Britain nicknames were very very common in fact they were much more common than proper names and often even used on documents so really yes it was quite a common thing ah ah Sandstone yes I wonder if it just starts to look somehow slightly familiar [Music] so there you ask Scott what about that wow now I see why you and Mike wanted me to see this this is reminiscent of what we saw at the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico incredible yeah I mean look at how it's carved out beautiful these rooms you know we we know we have rough hurricane if that's who it is carved on a stone in New Mexico dates to about the 1200s this goes back at least that far at least we think at least 1500 but it's quite likely that there were people here before that well okay so now what I'm thinking is this architecture it looks so much like what we saw in New Mexico did Herrick bring it over there and educate the natives or did somebody come back he's still there and you know bring it here I guess we'll never know but the one thing we can be sure about is the Contemporary nature you know of the timing it's hardly likely to be a coincidence no no there's too many coincidences for this to be a coincidence I'll do something else interesting about these of course as well this is the reputed to be the place that J.R.R Tolkien used when he devised these Hobbit houses ah okay so these are The Hobbit houses absolutely why not I've got one more surprise for you I know from the County Records Office exactly where uh Peter holick lived around here and it's still here and it's only five minutes away [Music] [Music] there's a runestone outside a cave in the middle of the Arizona desert it seems to be an Epitaph for an Englishman from 1200 A.D could he have made a voyage to America hundreds of years before Columbus I've traced his roots here to Staffordshire England Pub yeah the lady at the County office told me it was a manor house right back to the 1200s and that's where Pizzeria lived so this is Eric's house I guess absolutely and it's a pub and that's why it was rough Peter perfect foreign those those cave dwellings were amazing and you know what I think probably happened there I mean you've got these beautiful Sandstone Bluffs that were there at one time and when people first came they probably were hollowed out a little bit and they just took advantage and and dug them out even more the the architecture is very similar to what I saw at the Gila dwellings but the one thing that's troubling me here is you know they talk about at least fifteen hundreds for this site they have to be older than that I don't think Scotland there's any doubt about it whatsoever and I would be stunned if if those Rock dwellings were not much older oh I'm certain that they are okay I got a text coming in I wonder if it's oh yes it's from the uh the Staffordshire Records Office hi Alan I'm afraid I couldn't find any records for the hurricane family after around 1200 after 1200 actually not finding that name in the records supports what we saw in Arizona he would be the one to carry on the name but if he never came back which appears to be the case based on the memorial that's why the name died out the name disappears that's consistent with our story that makes sense that this actually did happen yes because it would have died where he died and of course it will never appear to the records again you know this brings the question that has been burning in my brain is why would he come all this way to the desert region of the southwest of what is now the United States to me what makes sense we know down in that area we have lead mines we have Silver Mines we have copper mines perhaps it was mineral maybe it was wealth and maybe it was Adventure I mean I've always believed ever since I've been researching this situation that every man and his dog from England knew that America was there the fishermen for example from Bristol which is not too far from here they used to fish on the grand Banks off Newfoundland they must have known that America was there and lots of other people besides but of course you don't kill a goose that's laying a golden egg if you know that there are big opportunities uh over the pond and resources and resources you're not going to run around the country telling anybody else that they're there we certainly have the motivation plenty of motivation it would have been done in secret and this Boulder with his name is really the only evidence that we have that he made this trip okay well let's take a look at what we have here we've got a surname hurricane both carved on a boulder and arrows Zona and here and we've got a runic inscription carved in Anglo-Saxon ruins in a cave down there and certainly this is where they they were used at this time I mean it seems to me we have a very compelling case that's coming together here this man came over to America prior to Christopher Columbus and this would just be another example of the many examples that I'm aware of of cultures coming to North America prior to 1492. and I have to say as a historian having looked at this closely for my money on a balance of probabilities I think we're talking about the man who came from here who probably sat in this very Mana house we're sitting in now and have ended up all those miles away and for that reason alone I think we ought to propose a toast to Peter to Peter [Music] my investigation into a mysterious runestone in the Mustang Mountains has turned up evidence that a 12th century Englishman could be buried in the Arizona desert an archaeological dig could reveal even more foreign if there's a man buried there I wonder what his journey to America must have been like what he came here for so long ago I think he was just one of many people who came to America long before 1492. Columbus wasn't the first European to discover America he was just the first to get credit for it and that's what I'm trying to change oh [Music] [Music] thank you the history that we were all taught growing up is wrong my name is Scott Walter and I'm a forensic geologist there's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about there are pyramids here Chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over this country we're going to investigate these artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told [Music] I'm heading to Isle Royal in Lake Superior here in the Great Lakes region more than a century ago an incredible Relic was found a tablet with cryptic symbols symbols I think are the key to unlocking an epic unsolved geologic mystery area was once home to some of the largest copper deposits in the world billions of pounds of copperately hidden underground and somewhat knew that at some point prior to Columbus Coming to America much of the Great Lakes copper disappeared and I'm here to figure out where it went who took it and why well George you're probably wondering why I asked you to take me out to Isle Royal yeah what's up obviously you know Isle Royal was a place I know they did a lot of mining yeah you bet love looking at the mines they're all over the place on the island how many uh how many mines do we think are on Isle Royale do you have any idea they're all constantly finding new ones you know some of the estimates for their region is five to ten thousand whoever was here in mine in thousands of years ago took a lot of copper out of here what kind of what kind of quantities are we talking about between a billion to a billion and a half a million a billion a billion to a billion and a half pounds of copper how long would that take I mean my God well one of the estimates from one of the engineers was 10 000 people for a thousand years that's mind-boggling I mean when you talk about these numbers it's so vast and I know that the Native Americans did use copper but you know they've never found anything even close to the type of numbers that you're talking about so the question is where did all that copper go I think I know I'm firmly convinced that gets connected to the Bronze Age Bronze Age in Europe in Europe yep I think people who came over here this is where they got the copper the fuel the Bronze Age who took the Great Lakes copper where did it go to answer that question I have to go back to the point in human history when copper forever changed the world the Bronze Age [Music] five thousand years ago man learned to combine copper and Tin together to forge an even stronger metal bronze it was a game changer now he could make more useful agricultural tools and more deadly weapons things like daggers swords and axes with more weapons came more advanced Warfare Nations became more powerful rising up in an attempt to spread their culture around the world all thanks to Copper but where did they get it while sources for copper can be found throughout Europe in places like the Swiss Alps England and Ireland some people question whether there was enough mineral ore to account for the massive amounts needed to fuel the Bronze Age I'm one of those people and this tablet found in Newbury Michigan could prove it check this out the Newberry tablet you know I think it could be a key here tying together the copper culture whoever was in mind here thousands of years ago unfortunately it doesn't exist anymore but this thing was found 1896 over by Newberry Michigan a couple of guys tipped over some trees this thing was in the ground it's got 140 characters on it so the tablet's gone it's gone it apparently was destroyed you know this is in beautiful condition but how many great artifacts have we heard about they're gone this could be a link to the Copper culture and I'm thinking it's all speculation but it could be a way I mean if they're mining the kinds of you know copper that we think they were they had to keep some type of Records or tabulations this could be connected I know that going back Hopper was actually more valuable than gold and silver so that's a pretty strong motivator to come all this way it's the mystery around here when you read the old papers from from the early explorers that came there's no remnants of who you know one of the other things that's really important was the purity of this copper here copper like most metals has a unique fingerprint I can test the purity of copper in the Great Lakes and compare the results to the purity of Bronze Age copper to see if it's a match the big question is where did the copper come from that fueled the bronzes you know we're talking 5 000 years ago this might be the only clue that ties it together thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I know we spent a lot of time out here um why don't you tell them tell me about the island well it's you know it's Unique it's a national park so it's well preserved been a lot of different cultures that have come through here from fishing to mining it's the largest island on Lake Superior it's 45 miles long and eight miles wide it's kind of hard to get here you know it's 50 miles from Copper Harbor you have to take the ferry over or if you have a big enough boat to do it yourself has a unique wolf population as well hey I've read about that I guess the wolves are struggling aren't they the wolf population is the dwindling and they're worried about it becoming extinct what are the numbers down to now they're down to nine this last winter nine I know their disappearance is a mystery just like The Disappearance of this copper is a mystery ah so here we go this is uh this is an example of one of the pits on the island this this pit could very well have been one of the ancient pits but we do know that it was worked by miners in the 1840s oftentimes the more modern miners the European miners that came over and and explored for copper found ancient pits and worked over the top of them it just went crazy in the area and the entire kevina Peninsula became one giant mining site producing more revenue from copper mining than the than the even the California Gold Rush wow that's a lot of copper and speaking of that I think you said 5 000 years is one of the numbers you tossed around as the age of some of these pits how do you know that actually on one of the pits on the island there was one giant piece of float copper on the bottom and it was supported by Oak Timbers that had been cut there were there were cut marks in the Timbers that they analyzed and then so they took some carbon samples of that Oak and placed it between five and six thousand years ago wow yeah this is a pretty small pit I'd love to see something bigger foreign [Music] we're heading out to the distant North Shore to visit the manong mine it's one of the largest ancient mines on the island and I want to see if there are any clues there to who did the mining I also want to understand just how many mines are worked here thousands of years ago it turns out the wolves on the island could be an unexpected clue to understanding the size and scale of this mysterious mining operation I've done a little bit of reading about this big mystery of how did we lose a certain segment of the dwindling population here of the Wolves yeah we've had 10 years of pretty high wolf numbers but now the wolf population has been coming down dramatically and in 2012 this last year they hit their lowest level ever just nine months left nine wolves what do you think happened this spring we did find out that the three wolves had died in a mine shaft then here we've got some bones of one of those wolves this came from the shaft this one was one of the wolves in the shaft yeah we fished him out along with two other wolves so two adult males and then a female pup so I'm curious how deep did they fall well it's a it's a unique dangerous Mine Pit I mean even for Isle Royale about 10 feet of Shear wall down to a water surface which was probably Frozen I couldn't hit the bottom it was the biggest pole I could stick down there so are there any other large mammals or is it just the wolves and however we've seen a dozen or so moose that have fallen in and died in mine shafts doesn't that um tell you something about the quantity of mine shafts and abandoned mines yeah I mean there's hundreds of shallow pits from lining for thousands of years this the one he went into was by far the deepest most dangerous I've seen you know in the article that I read this spring they left me with a distinct impression that the wolves are probably going to go extinct what do you think on this island in terms of probability they got about a less than 50 percent chance the dwindling wolf population gives me a sense of just how many ancient mine pits there are on Isle Royale the remnants of this mining Network are so vast that animals like moose and wolves can avoid falling into the pits this makes me more determined than ever to get to the bottom of who's responsible for taking all this copper out thousands of years ago now we're on our way to the manong mine which is located on the far North Shore of the island it's one of the largest mines on Isle Royal consisting of deep pits and miles of tunnels [Music] in the late 1800s a thriving mining industry existed here and hundreds of miners worked the pits [Music] it was these miners who uncovered evidence someone else had already been here mining copy possibly prehistoric people and I want to discover who those people were oh well Scott this is what I've been talking about this is the monong mine wow that's great isn't it something it's at 50 feet I don't know minutes it's certainly a lot deeper than the other shaft that we saw is that go underneath there looks like it keeps going it does actually uh not only can we see the shaft from the top but we're going to go down over here and you can see the shaft from the side as well [Music] foreign taking the easy way huh took the easy way man how about this place is so awesome it's really incredible amazing yeah [Music] well you can see plenty of copper carbonate here that green carbonate is obviously uh break down a copper that's a Telltale sign we see it all the time [Music] see how these fractures sort of running in this direction yeah it's probably copper in this seam right here copper has always been seen as a miraculous metal we know now that it's ions kill bacteria which is why it's used for pots and pipes it's valuable that's why people steal it from abandoned homes during World War One More Than 270 million tons of copper came from here in the Great Lakes region but billions of pounds of copper was mined here long before modern times Maybe by whomever left the Newbery tablet behind this is a significant operation here there was a lot of copper pulled out of here it goes back quite a ways you can see the the tracks that are left from the you know from the 1800 Miners and as they worked over the top of the of the ancient miners I think the chances are pretty remote that we're going to find evidence of any ancient mining I mean the blasting that's been done here whatever might have been here is surely gone or buried do you think there's any chance I could get a sample from here you know you can't take any samples any copper off the island because it is a national park and it's a preserve I understand but we're uh we're not far from the largest piece of flow copper that anyone has in their possession and I know for a fact you can take a look at it maybe get a sample if nothing else they have copper samples from the area there that we can get our hands on for sure George told me scientific dating on some of the pits proved they were mined 5 000 years ago I'm convinced that Great Lakes copper was used in the Bronze Age there may be a scientific way to link it to Bronze Age copper but I need a sample so I can test its period if I find a match then someone from Europe was here mining Michigan copper 5000 years ago and that would mean a complete rewrite of American history oh I'm in northern Michigan investigating The Disappearance of millions of pounds of ancient copper I want to know who took it I also want to know if there's a connection between whoever mined the copper and the Newbery tablet which has symbols on it that I think could Crack the Case I think that The Disappearance can only be explained by miners that came across from Europe during the Bronze Age I'm searching for a piece of Michigan copper that I can test for Purity to find out if it matches with ancient copper discovered in Europe but first I'm checking out a massive example of local copper wow look at that that's incredible so how big is it over 28 tons you know I can see obvious glacial striations so clearly this is a piece that the glaciers picked up carried it and dropped it we see the scratches of being scraped along the ground as it was carried [Music] so Judy I just came back from the manang mine my friend George took me there and we we saw some some mining pits and we talked about some of the quantities the estimates of over a billion pounds of copper that was mine so what do you think about the idea of ancient people coming from across the Atlantic and Mining copper in this region it's the only thing that makes sense where did they get all the copper needed to build the Bronze Age when bronze is made from Mostly copper why wouldn't they come I agree with you why wouldn't they have so they have every reason to do it what about Native Legends do you know anything about that well yes there are some stories about fair-haired fair-skinned people having been here and perhaps Native Americans even left a message about that are you talking about the petroglyphs and copper Harbor the ship Petroglyph that's the one I've looked at that Petroglyph in fact and I've done some research on it personally I think it's probably maybe a thousand years or somewhere in there but it it could be much older I'm not sure what do you think that ship I think is so significant so different from anything Native Americans would have done the shape of the sale it's quite Square I looked at that very carefully a couple years ago and it has sort of a minoan style Square sale the Minoans were a Bronze Age culture from the Greek island of Crete it was not until around 1900 that archaeologists discovered evidence for the Minoans but little is known about them what is known is that the Minoans had a huge sailing and trading empire that dated back to about 3 500 to 5 000 years ago that's precisely the time that copper in America was disappearing if I can test Michigan copper and match its Purity with that of ancient Bronze Age copper then I might be able to prove that Minoans were America's mystery miners [Music] could the Minoans have been involved they very well could have been since they were noted for being a marvelous Mariners we know the Minoans got farther than Crete farther west than Crete they were looking for copper no question about it we have the copper here they had the sailing technology to get here I mean this would be a huge blow to the standard history that we know there is a way I think I can test this it would be great if we could get a sample to test that copper for Trace element analysis I know I can't get a sample of this but we might be able to get one somewhere from up here any suggestions sure a friend of ours who has a Charming shop called do you first tourist trap he also is an amateur geologist who do I ask for when I go there holy foreign [Music] to uncover the mystery of who mined the ancient Michigan copper I've seen photos of a long-lost stone tablet found in the area and a Petroglyph of what could be a carved minoan trading ship perhaps the two are connected and the symbols on the tablet are Manoa and if I can find a piece of Michigan copper that tests as the exact same Purity as a Bronze Age sample it could mean that the Minoans got their Copper from here all I need is some Great Lakes copper to compare and thanks to Judy I have a lead hey how's it going good good Scott Walter how you doing not bad not bad say Judy Johnson do you know her oh yeah she said I should be looking for a guy named Huli that's me that's you okay do you have any copper we got lots of copper what I'd like to do is I'm wondering if I might be able to get a sample of copper I think we can do that here do you have some I can maybe yeah matter of fact I was just prepping these two here I found them in the Box on the stairs I forgot I had them and these are this is float copper say you're familiar with a giant piece of copper back in Marquette right okay so this is essentially the same thing just a smaller version yeah smaller version yeah it comes in all sizes see there's one other thing I'd like to ask you about I don't know if you know anything about it but I've been looking into something called the Newberry tablet oh yeah it's gone now but uh do you know anybody might have some information about it well yeah I mean it when they found it there was this big hurray I mean they they didn't know whether it was Egyptian or whatever you know and luckily there was a Mining Journal newspaper guy there that took pictures of him okay and then they got stuck in a guy's barn and then the weather warmed down because they weren't uh they weren't baked clay they were just uh you know in that uh just raw form but they have them down there in a museum and uh uh Saint Ignus down there part of the tablet wait wait wait you mean it still exists yeah yeah it was just down there matter of fact two weeks ago holy the fact that that tablet still exists is really important because if if I could get it under my microscope do some weathering studies I might be able to potentially tie the Minoans with the new world up here and the Michigan copper mystery might be solved it would be a big deal thank you I can't believe the Newbery tablet long thought to have been destroyed still exists I think it's just the clue I need to solve the case of Michigan's mystery miners when two woodsmen found the tablet by accident in 1896 they had no idea the importance of their fine when I found out it still exists I delved deeper and discovered something else the script on the tablet is thought to be minoan but based on what I've learned so far I see no chance it could have been faked that's because the tablet was discovered before the minoan culture was even known to exist archaeologists didn't find evidence of the ancient Mediterranean culture until Nineteen Hundred four years after The Woodsman found the tablet now I've come to the museum where the stone tablet is kept to conduct an analysis using forensic geology [Music] welcome to Fort Dubai I'm Connie hi Connie Scott Walter Scott glad to meet you say I'm a forensic geologist and I was referred to you by a man named Huli and he mentioned to me that you had an artifact here that might be helpful in some research that I'm doing about the ancient copper culture have you ever heard of the Newberry tablet ah yes we have them right here you have we have you do have it we have them in this Museum yes how did the artifacts get here Dr Benson in the 60s was a collector of many artifacts and he received a phone call from Fort Algonquin in the area and he decided why not so he looked at the Newberry tablets he purchased them he brought them here Blitz well it came in pieces when it sort of so you have more than one piece yes we have more than one piece they've been here ever since they've been here ever since yes I understand that they were found in Newberry okay and the Smithsonian analyzed them but at that time they had no clothes so they put them in the fraud in the whole the fraud category yes yes I've heard that before I don't know if they're a hoax or a real thing let me ask you a question has anybody looked at them in modern times scientifically no that you're aware no not at all I think I can help you with that [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I think I'm done with the preliminary examination and I have some good news and some bad news but I'll start with the bad news okay this is nothing I'm sure is going to shock you but the uh the tablet's in really tough shape and it needs some attention serious attention otherwise just another handling could it could be gone the good news is I was able to make out some of the characters on the tablet I know there's at least three possibly four maybe maybe even a fifth character that's still there and I think it looked like what we have here on this photograph taken the late 1890s of the tablet I know for sure we have this trident figure here it's definitely there and it's minoan script a weird thing I heard of some more minoan type your stone some minoan script yeah some scripts some symbols Beyond this yes where was that underwater underwater underwater and how they get underwater I have no clue well I have some ideas that are we talking about a lake okay what about Northern Wisconsin area oh really okay well you know thinking about it um that may not be so strange after all and I don't think anybody threw anything into the lake we have something called isostatic rebounder uplift of the land and a few thousand years ago what is now at the bottom of a lake may have been dry land at one time so if there's minoan script carved on a tablet or on rocks at the bottom of a lake in northern Wisconsin I will find well how are you going to get to it it's underwater diving [Music] after looking at the Newbury tablet I'm convinced the Minoans could be the ones responsible for mining the copper in the Great Lakes thousands of years ago [Music] If there really are minoan symbols in the bottom of a lake in this area that match the ones on the tablet I need to see them and I've Tracked Down the guy who found them if you look back at the time of the Minoans and in the during the Bronze Age it took a lot of copper to make the amount of bronze that was made I don't think there's enough there to account for all the bronze and I think a lot of people have been pondering that issue so where did it come from I mean that's the question and to me it seems reasonable that here's where they came that's correct there's there's no question they came for the pure copper that lined the Great Lakes region especially in up in Michigan and they left the Left Behind to let us know that they were here you you found these underwater 15 to 20 feet in depth symbols made out of stone made into Mounds to match some of these so what are we looking at here this is um the fish symbols there's like a boomerang the W these are amazing you know I just got done looking at what's left of the Newberry tablet and the W was one of the symbols that I was able to make out on that ancient stone these symbols that I found here clearly match many of these on this tablet so what you're saying is your symbols in the bottom of the lake and the Newberry tablet are all connected by ancient copper miners yes is there any that are still intact in fact there is not too far from here I'd like to show them to you you realize that if these are legitimate and they were made by the Minoans that means that we had the minoan culture coming here thousands of years before Columbus I mean this is a big deal [Music] [Music] [Music] it's got you ready to go back in 2000 years you bet lead the way thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] well Scott whatever those piles once were they sure look like they've been messed with there's not much left yeah they've all been tampered with let's let's get out of this cold water I'll tell you about it on the boat [Music] I appreciate guys like you that are out there looking for these things you were absolutely right that one structure underneath there did look like a w it was a little flat on the bottom you know it didn't Loop up in the middle like most W's do but it definitely was nicely symmetric and it was a beautiful symbol down there was no question about that the symbols do match but I have to tell you that I'm a little skeptical about what I saw in the water the um the Rocks there look to me like they had not been there for a long time and I would have expected more sediment buildup the bones were were not like I found them several years ago I don't know what the situation is there it doesn't mean that you know some of them aren't legit or there are others in other places it's not so much the Mounds that make me convinced that the Minoans were here and we're still doing a lot of Investigation but we do know we're walking walking in ancient footsteps foreign I'm not convinced that The Rock piles I just saw in the lake were left here by the Minoans but Scott mitchen is yet another local who believes that they were here mining the Copper from the Great Lakes region and a simple test could help me prove it if Michigan copper is as pure as Copper from Bronze Age Europe and specifically as pure as the ingots from one of the only minoan shipwrecks ever found then there's an ancient connection I think is impossible to deny hey Greg I was up in the U.P Upper Peninsula Michigan and I have a sample of copper right here I understand it's very pure and uh I'd like to find that out for myself is that something you can help me with absolutely so can you tell me a little about the technology we're using today yes this is a technique known as particle-induced x-ray emission or pixie for short and so what we've got is a accelerator that's going to generate a high energy beam of particles those are going to shoot down through that tube and as those ions hit it the sample will emit X-rays and those x-rays can tell you things about what's inside the sample am I right that NASA used Pixi to analyze the rocks that came back on the Apollo flights and they're using it on uh for Mars exploration too right I believe that's correct yes it's what I'd like to try to do is use this data to compare with hopefully a samples of Bronze Age copper to see if there's a match and if there is well this would prove that ancient miners came to North America long before Columbus and that would change history in a profound way I think copper mine from America's Great Lakes was used to fuel the Bronze Age in Europe thousands of years ago I think the ancient miners were the Minoans a culture from the island of Crete who also left behind the Newberry tablet which is undoubtedly old and may be written in their language and I think a high-tech analysis I'm doing that compares the fingerprint of Great Lakes copper with copper pulled from a minoan shipwreck could prove it [Music] [Music] thank you so firstly if we look at the larger Spectrum we see these Peaks that clearly are due to Copper so there's and there's lots of it big peak there yep and then if we look at the at the finer results the the trace elements we see a bit of germanium Arsenic and some even more exotic things like europram uh terbium and thallium okay so that's a pretty unique fingerprint I mean these things are represented here they're just so much smaller than the copper yes they are okay what was the percentage of copper were you able to determine that well at least of the metallic elements present in the sample uh something from 99 to 99.9 percent is copper 99 plus percent copper well that confirms what we were told what we suspected is that that copper was extremely pure so that tells us that the visible copper that we see is very specific to those areas and obviously your results confirm that that's great knowing the purity of this and the purity of the Copper from the minoan Shipwreck are the same I'm feeling better than ever about my theory that Bronze Age copper came from America I've investigated whether Copper from the Great Lakes was used to fuel the European bronzing what I can say for certain is that the purity of Michigan copper is a match to the purity of copper found on a shipwreck of the menones a European culture from the island of Crete prominent during the Bronze Age the Newberry tablet is another clue that links the Minoans to the Great Lakes region in ancient times more than a century ago a couple of woodsmen started chopping wood and stumbled upon this incredible Discovery this Stone tablet was wrapped in tree roots so it must have been there for a long time they saw these symbols but had no idea what they were only years later would we know that these symbols were likely minoan and the importance of their discovery [Music] what I've seen rewrites not just American history but also European history and gives us new and critical insight into understanding the evolution of civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic [Music] I'm here to unravel the deepest Mysteries and what I'm discovering might change history in a profound way thank you picking up something down there man hold it we got something here how many items or donut two things laying down there is that the whole grave site yeah and make them nine feet could be a giant the history that we were all taught growing up is wrong my name is Scott Walter and I'm a forensic geologist there's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about there are pyramids here Chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over this country we're going to investigate these artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told [Music] foreign conventional history holds that the Vikings explored North America as far as Newfoundland in 1000 A.D for decades people in my home state have believed they went further west coming here to Minnesota and not just any Vikings Giants [Music] hey Roger how you doing hey Scott glad to meet you nice to finally meet you thanks for inviting me out here well thanks for coming tell me about the situation well I accidentally I was looking for gravel back till my uh my basement wall okay couldn't get to the Gravel Pit you know in the green fields here so I decided to find a place myself in dig for it and I ran into bone human bones Fallen authorities they came in and determined every human bones and they were very old probably Native American right two were Native but there's something else interesting in this equation we found one guy on there like that his bones were huge and they even commented that it was unusually large male individual the state archaeologists come out then the state archaeologists got involved and the dynamic was totally different they were they wanted to get this thing buried as fast as possible really when you talk about big bones and a big what you think is a big male this is reminiscent of giants I have something I want to show you here it's it's an article that talks about Giants and that was published in the St Paul paper in 1888 and it says a prehistoric race seven gigantic bodies exhumed while digging a well near Clearwater Minnesota a race of Giants and they talk about them being seven to eight feet tall could your guy be that big oh yeah yeah he's yeah he is okay yeah we're in the same category we're in northern Minnesota you're probably familiar with Viking Norris Heritage and the idea that the Norse were here oh there's no doubt I've been studying in North for years and uh what they do and the burial loan system all this is Norris technology and I told him that okay Roger so where is this mountain the Mounds are just on the other side of the cornfield right on the edge of the Creek okay well I'm anxious to go take them let's do it need your help and here we are that's where the big guy is buried right here okay right there his feet are about approximately right down here in this area his head is located way up here by where that stone that marker is Roger let's measure this take that okay yeah well he's about eight eight to nine feet long I'd say eight six that's a big guy oh digging here you find bones the state representative for the Native Americans comes out an anthropologist for the state comes out and then what happened they started exactly they started doing the archaeological dig their eyes got big because this guy is this guy's bones I tore his feet off and I tore the shoulders and rib cage of uh two of these native girls that were shoved up against his feet the anthropologists said these are females okay we're native female they're little petite and they're in the fetal position you know their hands over their face okay did they say that this was a giant or they thought it could be or what what exactly did they say fairy very large male well honored the ordinary there's a lot of these guys around but I kept quiet I don't know why but this guy's covered up as fast as they could do so it seemed bizarre too there was not right about it very bizarre yes well based on everything that I've heard so far what it sounds like to me is you're you're suggesting there's a cover-up going on it's I don't see any word why or reason why there is not a cover-up I mean it's so obvious that you got an eight-foot guy sitting there Roger you mentioned that the uh the big guy was eight feet long how do you know that well after we covered everything up and quite a while later curiosity got to me I had to call in a friend who works numbers the coppers well it's Chicago he's talented with uh with coppers when you run over bodies water or whatever they'll cross okay so this is witching right Divine is working what you call witching glitching is also known as dowsing or divining diviners insist they're able to detect underground disturbances through copper rods they hold in their hands there's really no scientific explanation for how it works but even Einstein believed that it did the practice dates back to Medieval Times when people used to use copper rods to find everything from water to artifacts to bodies following the old Rave from head to toe he found that with his rods all right it's a little over 10 feet long I'd like to see that [Music] thank you Scott Walter Leonard Ing and Leonard how you doing nice to meet you hey Leonard how did you get into it I was my dad could do it and I was 16 when I started doing it so and I'm 70 now so a long time yeah well I have to be honest with you Leonard I'm I'm a little bit skeptical I do know that there are a lot of people that do believe in the rods in fact they are used for finding water wells I know that the oil companies even Einstein had a theory of how the electromagnetic energy could be channeled through the human body to make the rods cross but having said that I have an idea and if you're up for it how would you like to do a little test for us sure okay I've got a knife about this long do you think if I hit it along the grass here that you could find it oh yeah so I want you to turn around okay Roger make sure he doesn't do any peeking I just want to double check are the rods going to be able to catch this knife oh yes no problem no problem okay here we go [Music] gotta make them a little bit of work for them okay Leonard have at it good luck [Music] you hit it in the grass too did you found it yeah wow [Music] obviously there's something here we've got what appears to be a giant and if it's a giant it can't be Native American it must be somebody else maybe Norris and if so then there should be some other related artifacts there's got to be something else here we can't dig here right absolutely not you've known disturbance here whatsoever okay and I can appreciate that because this is a Native American Site for sure do we have some other places we could go yeah we're really limited you know in the uh the corn field and what's going on all if we'll have to work on my yard okay you want to give it a try over there sure all right well let's go let's do it okay Roger lead the way Leonard do your thing we got some right here you got something here right here is this a continuous thing could you run this way Leonard kind of parallels the old fence how many items are down there Leonard two things laying down there two different anomalies huh right here yep okay [Music] you getting something huh [Music] [Music] got some hot spots here that you said there's something here right there are artifacts here it's okay with you could we dig these up yeah if it's up to me you can dig as much as you want it on there okay I've got the perfect guy and he can come by tomorrow we'll be here bright and early sounds good foreign [Music] [Music] just tell you a little bit about what happened so far you know I went out to see Roger and and he's an interesting guy he took me to these really incredible native mounds and he had a friend of his a guy by the name of Leonard who came out with divining rods and located what they say is a giant in the ground after that we went out into his property and we identified a couple of other interesting locations that they think there's something in the ground and I'd like to look at I have a great interest in pre-columbian culture contact you know the one pre-columbian culture contact that we know happened for sure was the contact with Vikings the one known pre-columbian Viking site Atlanta Meadows in Newfoundland uh that's a that's an incredible distance in terms of them being um here in Minnesota I'm a little skeptical and uh we'll see uh if there's a giant on Roger's property you know I don't expect you to drink all the pre-columbian Kool-Aid you know take the sips that you want but you're in Norris country and there are a lot of Scandinavian immigrants here in Minnesota and the Legends and the stories about the ancient Norris coming to Minnesota are everywhere here I get calls routinely people that think they have runic inscriptions or ships that they found you know Viking ships I mean even the Minnesota Vikings the pro football team is due to the lore and the Legends is interesting it's a big deal in this area for the local culture obviously absolutely no question you know Giants may seem like a stretch but there could be some related artifacts there's got to be more here and that's why I felt it was important to look at Roger's site and I've learned one thing in archeology in the last 15 years is that pretty much nothing is impossible foreign Roger how you doing good to see you again nice to see you it's my friend Mike hi Roger nice to meet you Mike harvathan on glad to meet you this is the archaeologist I was telling you about oh I think you're going to be pretty interested in this site and I'm glad to have you aboard come on please show me all right let's do it thank you well Mike this is uh one of the sites that were marked out yesterday by one of Roger's friends Leonard who used a technique called water witching is what he called it but the copper rods where they they walk and then they cross to Mark a location dousing sure yeah dowsing is a little bit of an unconventional archaeological method but uh nowadays archaeologists have a whole arsenal of remote sensing tools that they can use out here if we're looking for Viking or Scandinavian occupation and I would think that a metal detector would work best here because that's what's going to set the Vikings apart from the Native Americans they're going to have iron they're going to have the will have left slag possibly bronze so we're looking for Metals what would happen if we found human remains I gotta call the medical examiner depending on how old they are I might have to bring the state archaeologist out here we might have to bring a Native American representative it's like a can of worms that we want to avoid as as much as possible what do we do next yeah let me um get my tools the metal detector the screen and the pin flags and we'll set up a grid and start a survey this is a good spot right here if I was a viking this is where I'd want to camp out so what I'd like to do is run the metal detector survey or we'll set up a grid we'll label our transect lines A B C D and so on and I will uh sweep the metal detector back and forth and if we get a hit we'll put a pin flag in the ground and then that's where we'll dig okay yeah we're about 20 degrees off North perfect let's do it got one right here Scott can you flag that about here yeah okay [Music] got one right there Roger thank you here we go [Music] we got a bunch of sites located here we looked at it with Leonard and now can you show us what we might want to do here these are all magnetic targets so we don't know what's in the ground yet and that's what we're going to find out [Music] [Music] hold on a sec is that bone Mike we got bone here pretty sure that's Bond yep it sure is oh wow and it looks like it's actually potentially been cut right there yeah yeah there's some some marks do you know where that came out of the wall on this side here you have a hand lens should I grab that uh yeah okay yeah go for it all right we're only 29 centimeters deep so I think we're stolen in the Disturbed plow Zone but it definitely has cut marks on it I think you're right about that yeah I think it's it's butchered bone yeah I think it's a rib that's what somebody's dinner maybe 50 to 100 years ago or maybe longer or possibly it could be Native American you could probably figure it out by looking really carefully at these cut marks and determining whether it was made by a metal tool or a stone tool sure sure [Music] he's gone come over here what's up Roger well Scott uh we got a lot more evidence up around this area than just here this lady gave me pictures at her family phoned this is a sword exactly where did this come from 12 miles south of here it's found up here found up here on the 1900 a little later 1900 not around around that area kidding me I'm gonna let Mike keep digging but I've got to check this out first thing in the morning thank you [Music] most people would look at claims of Viking swords and Norse Giants in Minnesota and laugh but to me there's more than just Legend here in 2000 I studied an artifact called the Kensington runestone which details a voyage to Minnesota by a party of Norse in 1362. more than a century before Columbus and the geology of the stone proves to me it's genuine the runestone is what started me on a mission to examine sites and artifacts all around the U.S that have been dismissed as hoaxes it's why I want to help Roger Saker and why I need to get to the bottom of the mysterious sword he showed me a picture of [Music] I'm in the area here looking into the possibility of a Norse presence here back several centuries ago and spent some time out at Roger saker's Farm later in the day pulled me aside and showed me some very interesting pictures of an artifact that I understand you know a little something about correct can you tell me something about this sword it was found while they were flowing yes I have it here okay good wow heavy yeah you found it it would be Hans Hansen had found it three miles west of yulin Minnesota when he was plowing in 1911 he was the first one to plow that land because he came from Norway okay so he homesteaded the land right when he plowed a little deeper and and he heard a noise how deep do you think we're talking is this a foot two feet in the ground I would probably say six to eight inches at the moment okay so relatively okay we've got a symbol here I don't know what the heck that is but it does look very interesting this is a very unique sword the style obviously will tell us something about its age have you heard anything about that anybody's weighed in on on the possible age that had a resemblance to swords of the 14th century copies an inscription was found on up salon Cathedral Sweden the whole sword very similar event style wise style wise okay one of the reasons that I'm very interested in this sword I'm curious about the association or possible association with the Kensington runestone which is a 14th century artifact and this could be related evidence possibly from that Norse party I do know some people that could help us and you know just doing a general examination sometimes you find things you never expected so I think we can learn some more about this sword uh Scott before you go I know you're interested in all these artifacts and we have part of a rock that hadn't been blasted the original owner of that land I thought he saw some writing on it writing yeah it wouldn't look like a like old X or something a hooked ax yeah we have a possible inscription that has a hooked eggs the runestone has the hook decks obviously you can see why that intrigues me one of the reasons that that I'm very interested in this is obviously I'm curious about the association or possible association with giants medieval Norse or Viking age Norris whoever it might be there was an inscription on it and he blasted the rock yeah for foundation a modifier foundation stone he was not interested in the history or whatever so I don't see anything here so there's either going to be something on the rock or in the foundation this is great well we've got a sword now we have a rock with a possible inscription with a hooked X is there any chance we could take a look at this sure I know where the place is or the better as far as I'm concerned yeah first I want to see the source Rock for this Foundation store if this rock you're taking me to has any characteristic marks it'll help me identify the rock we're looking for in the foundation [Music] there's a rock down there oh that must be it [Music] all right well here's your Boulder another watch out for the sense yeah there we go that is a massive Boulder look at this it goes all the way over here a couple things here see this flat surface here yeah and if you look at a low angle you can see that there are scratches on it those are glacial striations in the distant past when this thing was still part of the Bedrock but it wasn't here it was hundreds of miles up north there's definitely evidence that this rock was blasted the other thing is I know what this Rock is now and it has a very unique step fracture pattern here so if I'm able to go over to the foundation I know what rock to look for and if they carved on the glacial surface I'll see those striations do you think he'd let me go through his foundation and take a look or I'm sure he would okay and what is his name uh Ted Hazel room [Music] [Music] hi there hi my name is Scott Walter yeah Ted harriswood I looked at a stone out in the field here and I heard that it was blasted to help make a foundation for a house nearby and you want to look at her I would love to look at it I take it it's nearby yeah it's back here okay thank you how old is this house with the stone foundation boy I don't know I want to have the slightest idea so it predates you being here yeah okay long time holy cow is this it here yeah well that's kind of in tough shape there Ted yeah I'm right I see concrete right here I think I see some Boulders here God I would love to rummage around down in there but uh I don't think I want to go in there I don't think so dangerous well they're going to tear it down is this going to happen in the near future yeah next few days is there a chance you could call me on my cell phone yeah well that would be great I would love to get in there and look at those Boulders I mean who knows what else is in here I say go for it let's tear it down okay if I can find a runic carving like a hooked X on pieces of the stones used for the abandoned Farmhouse Foundation at Ted hassels I'd be one step closer to proving some of the Norse Legends here are true sacred Farm today Rogers giant could also be a clue to a larger habitation site of the Vikings hey good to see you and I thought I put in a full day you guys really went after it we have been busy indeed so I know you searched in the spot that Leonard's dowsing said you'd find something well uh how'd it go did you find anything good I see some bags over here I got some uh some goodies to show you for sure so here's the side plan this is every single shovel test that we dug and we had 54 metallic targets and 49 of them were positive so each of those black dots yielded an artifact a tooth a tooth not a human tooth this is some sort of mammalian tooth but what it suggests is that there was probably livestock at one point in time more than likely cattle we have evidence that there was some horse here as well this was an interesting shovel test this produced Native American pottery okay there are two areas area a right here the center of the property in the North End overlooking the Waterway this is Ground Zero right if you're a Scandinavian or a Norseman if that's where you're gonna drop your tools or whatever materials you might be holding at the time and then there's area two which is uh just over there to the east now area two had a concentration of Native American pottery this entire bag wow that was all Pottery oh did you find any evidence of a giant no Giants however there's still plenty of good places to dig and there's plenty of really interesting artifacts to find let's do it let's dig all right sounds good [Music] my search for proof of pre-columbian Norse or Viking contact with Minnesota is ongoing [Music] I've got an active dig looking for evidence of Norse Giants at the sacred Farm and a sword I need to get in front of a medieval weapons expert I know now it's time to look for runes carved on the foundation stones of the old farmhouse on Ted hasselroot's property a hooked X on one of those rocks could mean the Norse were here foreign [Music] got your call the the house is knocked down yeah it's now a good time to check out the Rocks the foundation yeah go ahead all right [Music] oh there we go well they got some rocks here but let's look at the foundation we know what we're looking for so a dark gray or sort of a bluish gray rock I'll look for that step fracturing and maybe a smooth polished surface [Music] these are glacial Fieldstone or glacial Boulders that's not what we're looking for oh wow that didn't work out the way I planned here's a broken surface but that's really not the right rock type either is all granite and I would think the pieces are going to be pretty big watch out here that's a basalt but here's a big flat flap on there yeah that's that's not right either we got this pile we saw when we came in how about if we check those of them you know what I see something right from here Dave oh really there are the step practice that we saw on the rock this is our rocks for sure oh look look over here perfect do you see this flat surface it's got the glacial striations just like this and there again [Music] you know what [Music] I see something no way look at that there's a line there and there's a line here now is that man-made I I think we have a couple of man-made characters here that could be what your friend was talking about if he saw this I absolutely believe that's probably what he saw that looks man-made and this is sort of a u-shape it's not as regular and clean and obvious as the runestone but that does look like a man-made Mark but they don't quite join I don't think you know when they were blasting this I wonder if they had some tools and they were moving this around oh maybe they maybe they scratched it oh my goodness well you know what that sure is interesting wow we did the foundation that pile this pile I think maybe we got it you know we found a couple of uh what looked like characters this is probably what uh your friend was talking about we were able to absolutely identify this the story was right he saw something and we found it how's it going hey I don't bug you but Teddy's my neighbor and told me he knew a little bit about runic writing I'm Scott Walter Ed Mars Ed nice to be nice to meet you if you can give me any information on that those are runes that's a hooked X what the heck what's this doing here well I went down to Alexandria and looked at the ruin Stone and some inkling so these are Kensington runes well let me see if I can figure it out okay all right that's an e now that's a backwards L with a slash so d w well the hook tax of course I better know that one that's an a r if that's a d Edward there you go oh Edward no way that's awesome you know Ola fomen found the stone he found it with his two sons the younger son was the first one to notice that there was something carved on the stone guess what his name was I have no clue I'm not making this up Edward really yeah well hey it was nice to meet you [Music] [Music] hey guys I think I have something here she got what does that look like oh wow okay I'm not sure what the hell that is [Music] foreign there's grooves that that would indicate uh cutting it worked worked bone okay it's a dense bone too so what do you think definitely marks on there I got another piece here this is this exercise this was some sort of a bifacial tool or at least in the process of making a tool or a projectile point an arrowhead yeah so this is evidence of prehistoric tool manufacture Native American most likely uh almost certainly starting to look like a Minefield here at least we gave it a good effort but uh Roger I think we're done digging here and we found a lot of stuff yeah you've got a great multi-component site you've got historic artifacts you've got prehistoric artifacts but we didn't find any Norse materials let's go that's what we're looking for sure thanks a lot good you got it thank you Roger appreciate it I've seen a lot question remains was there a giant on Roger saker's property Mike and I didn't find any Norse artifacts but that doesn't mean or Giant [Music] before I question the state archaeologists about the cover-up Roger insists he was part of I need to get to the bottom of the sword Penfield he gave me [Music] thank you hey Craig I'm investigating the possibility of ancient Norris Vikings and even Giants being in Minnesota in the distant past and Minnesota being my home state I get calls all the time from people who think they found artifacts or maybe inscriptions I have another one here I was recently in northern Minnesota and you've got the pictures that I sent of this sword that was found near eulin Minnesota by a farmer so I'm anxious to hear your thoughts um I'm sad to say it's not a Viking sword this particular type of Sword was produced by a wkn company in Germany in the midday late 1800s they would have produced thousands of these they also would have sold them to the Ames company in the United States who was the largest sword company in the U.S at that period of time sold to the military to individuals to organizations and I actually have pages from the catalogs of both those companies when I look at both of these pictures that you show yeah I mean that's that's a spot on Match right there that's that sword yep can you show me what a medieval or North sword should look like certainly okay you want to hold that for a second sure that's what a Viking sword would appear to be in most cases boy that's light for how big it is Viking combat is very much a combat of agility it's speed it is not two guys standing there pounding each other on their Shields so Craig are you surprised that it's modern and not old no I was not surprised in the course of our studies here in Minnesota we've seen several instances where people have brought in artifacts fence finials axes the Kensington runestone all convinced that it's proof of ancient people prior to them being there well you know you bring up the Kensington runestone that's something I know a lot about you did a really good job of pointing out factual evidence and the features of that sword that have convinced me that it's absolutely modern however that has not happened with the Kensington runestone it's absolutely a genuine medieval artifact and proves that there was a party that came to Minnesota that included Norse back in the middle of the 14th century I doubt this artifact is true an artifact that would exist from that period of time being found documented in a context that that is defendable in the kind of academic world if ever were would be make a big deal yeah that would be something that would really give us a a big conundrum to solve but why these people would have been out here in the middle of nowhere Craig I I know you're skeptical about the runestone but there's still the unanswered question of the bones found at Roger saker's Farm my next stop is to visit with the state archaeologist Scott anthonson who did visit the farm saw the Dig and should have the answer to that question so thanks again okay Scott I'm going to cut to the chase Roger Saker says that he is a Norse Giant on his property and he says you're covering it up the bone specialist that was out at the site didn't want to talk to me and referred me to you Roger was very adamant that when they exposed the lower legs of the big guy that she said that these were the bones of a very large male as the state archaeologist what's your response to that as for the giant I can't say for sure there are some large people in the past and we've seen giant claims before but because I didn't see the bones I can't say if there was a giant there or not and there's some large Indian people too as for the Norse claim I think I can answer that better there's absolutely no European artifacts in that mound we haven't found any on the property we haven't found any European artifacts in the Red River Valley in the vicinity of his farm so I would say there's a 99.99 chance that this person is Indian and not Norse whether he's extra large I can't say for sure are you saying Roger Saker is lying about his claim Roger zaker's just claiming this I think he's sincere in this that this was a Norse giant but I have no lines of evidence to say that it is an either a giant or certainly Norse you know our bones and our body are articulated into joints all the way from your toe all the way up to here everything is fitting in a socket when you find bones and you lay them out on a table you don't fit them back into the socket you just sort of lay them in their anatomical positions well if you don't fit them back in then you measure it whoa this person was seven feet tall very experienced forensic anthropologist who has looked at the bonds has told me that their five foot three inches I think is the tallest so I wouldn't call that a giant Roger Saker is is adamant that the Norse came to Minnesota prior to Columbus and if this was true this would be a huge Story I mean absolutely huge but at this point I haven't seen anything convincing to me that there's a giant there but that door is still open a crack all right hey Roger nice Scott good to see you again wow nice to see you oh I didn't interrupt your dinner did I oh just I'm a little snack here well I thought I'd stop by and tell you I uh I had a little visit with uh your friend oh yeah it'd be interesting yeah and uh talked about uh the site over there and uh he said that uh the bones that he looked at were not a giant they were from a five foot tall Native American um typical of what it sees all the time you could imagine so I don't know what I've seen I'll take a lighter Texas test hypnosis whatever you want I know what is seen and he was he was huge I have to say that I appreciate your enthusiasm I appreciate your passion I understand that I I feel the same thing when you know you're right about something you know you stand by your convictions and you've done that and I respect you for that so well I appreciate that all right thanks for your help and all that but this isn't right I mean these people they're up to something I'm going to keep going keep doing it I can tell you this I'm not going to give up on my search to try to get to the truth behind all this stuff unfortunately we didn't find anything else here but I tell you what we gave it a hell of a good try did we not yes we did promise me one thing yeah if you do find a giant or if you do find a rune Stone when you call me right away definitely will all right Roger I gotta go but thank you again for everything thanks for all the help go ahead and finish your dinner see you later Ken lost my appetite now my search for Norse Giants in Minnesota allowed me to dive deep into the myths and legends that are woven into the fabric of my home state for many people here the question of whether the Vikings made it to Minnesota isn't the question at all my own research into the origins of the Kensington runestone has proven behind a shadow of a doubt that a group of Norse voyagers did make it to Minnesota in 1362. the new world wasn't as new as we've been led to believe good [Music] the history that we were all taught growing up is wrong my name is Scott Walter and I'm a forensic geologist there's a hidden history in this country that nobody knows about there are pyramids here Chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over this country we're going to investigate these artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I get lots of calls from people who find unusual relics a lot of times they're easy to explain but there's one that's bothered me and for the last two years I haven't been able to figure it out holy cow all right be honest when you saw this did you kind of lose your mind a bit I did we were down there looking for Dart points fossils things of that nature and we run across this and I couldn't believe what we were seeing and being you know a bit naive on the subject I at first I believed it was a bison some opinions back that no that's you know it's definitely bovine is definitely some sort of cap okay Nick Johnson and his brother stumbled on this incredible artifact they had seen one of my lectures and called me up the horns are very interesting they're very prominent they come up they're symmetrical so let's get this bad boy inside all right I had seen this symbol before and I know the bowl was used by ancient Egyptians in their rituals but that was three thousand years ago it just doesn't make sense so I examined it to see just how old the carvings were you see this probably some mineralization that's on the surface it's actually in the grooves too see it's sort of transition and then it lightens up here so what you can say is is that the carving was done before this black material was deposited on the surface if in fact that's what that is you know initially I can tell you right now this wasn't made recently this shows some early signs of age this looks like a Mane of some kind flowing down for two years now I've been studying this symbol trying to get some answers bulls have been used as symbols by many groups Native Americans here the ancient Greeks over in Europe but I really think that this carving could be an apis bull used extensively by only one civilization the ancient Egyptians which leaves me with the question how did it end up here foreign I have something pretty special for you today a guy named Nick Johnson who lives down in Oklahoma near Tulsa was walking along the Arkansas River and he was looking for artifacts and he found this large stone that has an interesting carving of a bull on it and there are several people I've showed it to that think it might be Egyptian being an egyptologist were Bulls popular in Egypt or what can you tell me about Egypt and Bulls very popular okay it's basically stood for you know strengths validity so we're talking 5 000 years ago okay and it leads all the way right through to something you've probably heard of called The apis Bull which is where they have a whole cult to the ball I've heard of the apis bull it's a sacred Egyptian deity that symbolized the strength of the Pharaoh and was a protector of the Dead well I guess now's the time yeah are you ready yeah ready to take a look yeah all right well here we go foreign first reaction is that it does look like an apis ball from the top tell me what what do you see that tells you that well of course a bull's a ball ultimately but the horns here like this immediately when you first just look at it that stands up the apis bull sometimes there's a ring through the nose but that's later on so yes obviously it's a bull which I I agree with you on that but this is very unusual what do you think this is well some people have suggested that this is an adornment of some kind like you know something they put on the ball as part of a ritual system you're good for dating man well it can be but not knowing the history or the provenance of where this thing has been over time makes it very difficult for me the one thing that I can say and I'll show you in the picture right here you can see the layers here and the only way that's going to happen is if you have either lengthy or aggressive weathering the question is how old is that well the honest answer is I don't know because I don't know where this thing has been so therefore the obvious thing to me that jumpstarter is then why Egyptian why not Native American the Native Americans especially in the Central Plains Region they would have revered the Bison more than the bull so and that would look very different it wouldn't have the high horns and so I I haven't seen anything like this in Native American art some archaeologists in the local area immediately dismissed it what they assumed was that it was a modern creation and it could be the only thing that makes me pause is I see significant weathering of the groups let's say a group of Egyptians that came over here to North America in this case would it make sense for them to carve a ball no they always leave the same inscriptions they leave the name of a pharaoh in something called a Cartouche which is a rope which encircles the king's name because he wanted people to know how important he was how powerful he was where he could go that he had visited that place secondly it's a hell of a long way they don't like the sea they're terrified of the sea in fact they don't want to go on it so when they do want something say from Syria Israel that kind of places they always subcontracted they got Merchants to do it for them so what you're saying is based on what you know about the Egyptians this carving here in Oklahoma would not be consistent with the Egyptians no and they would have made a bigger stamp about it they would have made a bigger impression there would have been other artifacts if they were here you know a lone Traveler possibly but it's a long way to get lost isn't it point I think we've we've determined a couple of things that's definitely a ball it may or may not be an apis Bowl I have to go see the site where this came from I want to get samples of this rock and compare it with some of the rock there to see is this rock in Tulsa I have some doubts that the bull carving is Egyptian in origin but it does look old a sample pulled from the same environment where this was found could help me figure out if it was carved in Oklahoma my next stop is Tulsa I want to know if this is ancient and if it is I want to know who made it and why it's been almost two years since Nick Johnson came to me with a 500 pound Stone carving of a bowl bowl symbols are found in ancient Egypt but why would one be found in Oklahoma I'm heading there to find out for myself thank you hey Scott how you doing good how are you the reason that we're here is we're trying to figure out is this thing really old or not I mean is it weeks old a few years decades hundreds thousands of years old and if it's thousands of years old this is this is a big deal where did we find this thing Aaron spotted it first and said hey did you did you see this rock so you you actually saw it first yes yes and it was something I thought would you know catch your eye immediately to walk over there to look at it and here's this big Bowl carved on the rock we didn't know what to make of that you know what is what is a big bull doing out in the middle of the river out here so uh right out out here past these rocks so it is now in the water yeah probably about 20 30 yards out past the water's edge there's a hydroelectric Dam Upstream they started letting water out probably 11 o'clock or so so it started to fill up pretty fast so after you found this thing and you've got it safe then what happened well I started taking pictures and emailing anybody I could find that might be able to tell me something about it what it's doing out here if anybody had ever seen it before if anybody had any clue how old it could be whether it was authentic whether it was Modern one of the issues that I have is we've got a flowing river here and water is a rapid erodor it makes Rock break down very fast so if it's sitting in a river that's going up and down and it's flooded let me ask you this would it have been underwater today where you found it yes it would I got to tell you Nick that concerns me a little bit if the boulder was carved out there in other words if that Boulder was sitting there and somebody carved it and we've had the water flowing over it it could have made those grooves you know in that weathered appearance relatively quickly so that's a concern to me what I'd like to do is grab a couple samples and eventually get them back to the lab and just compare it with this you know the rock that you have and see what turns out I know that the bull carving is on a piece of sandstone which is rock that has a number of unique physical and chemical characteristics that can help establish where it came from with reasonable certainty if I can find the same rock type here today it could help get to the bottom of where this carving came from what do you make of this this would be a great piece to take back to the lab to maybe do a little comparison with with your carving this is a good control sample I think I have what I need there's a spot five miles down river called Turkey Mountain and there's supposed to be some other inscriptions and carvings along a cliff face that people have have reported you want to go down there and check that out let's go let's go all right there [Music] should be probably about a quarter mile we're going to want to kind of keep our eyes in this direction there should be a fairly tall Cliff it's apparently is pretty high up anywhere from 15 to 30 foot up from the ground so [Music] [Music] foreign there's a cliff wall there yeah and there's a trail right here so let's check in here might be back up in here just a little bit does this feel right to you this is should be about the right area yeah all right watch out for the snare here it says bad dog right here bad dog well I don't think that's very old but it's interesting they used a pecking technique I think we're in the right area I sat over there let's take a look at that stuff all the way along here wait a minute what is that right there oh that's modern graffiti they're supposed to be a face around here face a human face looks like there might be something up here that's it that's the face this looks like it's a head right here is this a profile of a head this is a face all right which way is the face pointing this is the back of the head here some sort of headgear something with something protruding out of the front of the face and you can see a nose here yeah you know what gotta be honest with you yeah because it's modern I think we should head down let's take a look at this over here guys these lines right here this this looks like it could be Olga bogum is a really old written language that uses vertical lines Irish Celts used it between the fourth and 10th Century A.D there are more than 400 ogum sites along Northwestern England Wales and Ireland a lot of academics however are skeptical about ogum in North America apparently there was a guy named Barry Phil from Harvard who said that this was Ogle and that it translated to gwn or Gwen go in well Gwen the name Gwen if this says Gwen one possibility is it could be the Celtic Explorer Gwen and the Celts if they were here certainly would have used dogum you know as I look at this stuff I keep thinking about that river that we've been you know walking along all day today and you know these early explorers if they were down in the Gulf of Mexico and they went up the Mississippi the first large river to the West is the Arkansas River and so that's the way they would have traveled and this is literally right on the river so it makes sense you know guys I I really like this this looks good and we've got a lot of other stuff here that we can use to compare and I don't know if this connects with the ball it might might not so we have a rock found in a river with a bowl carving that could connect to ancient Egypt and not too far away we have a possible Celtic ogum inscription carved on a cave wall it seems like these Clues are unrelated so I need to figure out more about this ancient language and how it all fits together and for that I need to travel to Ireland [Music] foreign Celts came to America long before Columbus and I'm also here to try to find out if this ogum script that we found in Oklahoma could possibly be evidence of their Voyage to the new world if we could find another inscription in America written in Irish then we would have absolute proof that the Irish were living in America in the early medieval period thank you [Music] foreign the reason I'm here is we have at least people say an ogum inscription in Oklahoma and I want to try to learn more about it agum is an alphabetical script which is unique to Ireland and to places where the Irish settled it was a fashionable way to record names of people in stone in the 5th to the 7th Century can you describe here what exactly does it look like it's made up of straight lines and to the untrained eye it looks like tally marks but they lines are arranged in a very specific way each set of lines representing a constant or a vowel we have a beautiful example here in the library of an inscription from County Kerry and I'd be delighted to take you in and show it to you [Music] this is about the standard size of a description of this kind which date from the very birth of Irish Christianity so what does this inscription say this inscription records the name of the man who either who's buried here or whose property this is we follow the vowel line up the center and then the consonants are on either side and it's important that they're on the proper side because if they're on the wrong side it'll mean nothing this is the proof that this is an Irish yoga inscription you know you're reading in the right direction and you know you've got another description that's what you need to find in America only the Irish Celts used ogum script not all Celtic people this particular alphabet is used only by Irish Celts and is found as far as we know unless you can prove otherwise is found only in Ireland or in areas that were colonized by the Irish do we know how far they traveled and where do we find these we know we've reasonably certain that they got as far as Iceland did they go further to America I don't know you find the stone you prove it well I tell you what I have some pictures I'd like to show you on my computer so maybe I do have an ogum inscription so Damien here we have what some people claim is a short description here this is at a site called Turkey Mountain in Oklahoma not far away there was a very beautiful Egyptian style bull carving found I don't know if they're associated with each other but it wasn't far away what do you see here I have to say from from what I can see I see five or six lines almost all of them vertical and there simply isn't enough in that to be able to say this is an album inscription this Bears a superficial resemblance to argument that it has straight lines but let me ask you this if we were able to find a legitimate early Irish inscription we could say that that was evidence of early medieval Irish contact correct the legitimate argument description absolutely provided it is legitimate it works the album way and it is the Irish language that is on it you have absolute proof that the Irish were there and if there's one there I certainly would like to see it I'd encourage you to look I believe that in Oklahoma in the Anubis caves there are inscriptions which some people claim their resemblance to the album why don't you check that one out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Phil Scott Walter how you doing thanks for meeting me out here oh you're welcome I'm trying to understand how a 500 pound slab of Rock with what looks like an ancient bull carving ended up in the Arkansas River just outside of Tulsa not far from that site where this bowl carving was found we also looked at some oghum and I understand you've got both ogum and carvings that include a bolt here is that true that's right Scott I think our carvings and inscriptions that we have here are probably the best example of Old World Celtic explorers coming to the America long before Columbus and I'd love to take you to the caves I've been researching these caves the case we call the Anubis caves for over 30 years now Anubis is that jackal-headed Egyptian god of the Dead he was associated with mummification and protecting the dead as they Journey to the underworld in the late 1970s a local Rancher brought another researcher here to these caves and she recognized the figure Anubis on the cave wall and that's that's the name the Anubis caves so you've got Celtic writing and evidence of religious practice of the Celts you've got Egyptian symbolism and iconography consistent with them being here a presence here and you've also got a bowl carving this whole investigation I started began with the bull carving I mean if this is what it could be this is a huge Discovery I think it is [Music] this is cave number one okay I want to show you over here cave number two and three okay this is cave two and you can see the markings oh yeah right up on the wall from here boy they look great I got her well these are amazing now here's some of the marks that I'd like to show you here's the bowl and you can see the ribs drawn in Celtic style and the horns I mean that's clearly a beast looks like uh looks like a bull to me and these lines right here this looks like it could be Olga so what does all this mean well this was put here 1500 Years Ago by Celts who came here and made a monument to their God mithras I only know a couple of things about mithraism it's an ancient religion practice around 100 to 500 A.D it's God Mithra was also known as the sun god and it also Incorporated Bowl Slaughter mithraism it was a secret a mystery religion and this is a practice of the Celts and it was also a practice of the counts come over here you can see the rising Setting Sun and then we have the sun god with his braid head and crown and then we have the god Anubis with his white crown and the flail stuck in his back just as he appears in Egypt clearly Egyptian and I do see some Modern graffiti obviously right here modern graffiti can be very helpful with dating it gives us a comparison I do see you know some of these look like they've been Aging for a while what's your take on the on the age of these carvings well we have dated this to approximately three to five hundred A.D that's very possible there's a series of alignments here that only occur on the day of the Equinox so you're talking about archaeoastronomy that's correct well that's a little something I know about I mean many cultures did this for thousands of years and aligned their buildings and structures to align with planets Moon the heavenly bodies and you're saying we have that here what happens here it's just like going to the movies we've often referred to it as the world's first motion picture the shadow moves up across this panel into the Setting Sun tells a story of etherism the Celts believe that in mithraism and that their soul came down from the heavens and then returned back to the heavens and to their God mithras so there's a shadow play here on the Equinox which happens only twice a year in the spring and in the fall and it's when both day and night are of roughly equal length it was also a significant day for many early cultures just as it was summer turning into fall it also represented the change from life into death if this Shadow play illuminates these symbols then it clearly represents something fundamental with the spiritual beliefs of whomever carve this so this is the cycle of Life yes it's the cycle of life from beginning to end [Music] so Phil what you've told me here and what I've seen is a very detailed very complicated Equinox alignment here that was made by explorers that came long before Columbus I know it's not far from The Equinox we're coming up close I would love to come back this is an important site and it changes history we'd love to have you come back let's do it thank you guy named Nick Johnson down in Oklahoma found this in the Arkansas River we don't know how old it is however I then talked to a an Egyptian expert about the possibility that maybe this was an apis ball oh of the ancient Egyptian religion and he basically said yeah I see some things that do look like it could be an apis bull but then he said he saw some things that he didn't like that weren't consistent with that and then I went down to the Panhandle in Oklahoma and I went to a site where I saw some ogum I saw another bull carving and the whole discussion of possibly the Celts coming here and carving something based on the mithraism religion ah we really know the mithraic religion through symbols and images of its God Mithra he had a solar crown and was holding a sword or a large dagger and was sacrificing a bull and here we have a bull it flourished from about the first century to the 4th Century A.D and practitioners they believed their souls came from the Stars what would they go through I mean what are some of the rituals do you know the torobolium was an initiation where a pit was dug and boards were were put over the top of the pit you as the initiate would be brought in underneath this grading okay and a bull would be taken over the pit and sacrificed where 50 liters of blood would pour over you wow [Applause] you physically got new life from this blood from the bull now if that is not a visceral uh initiation I don't know what is it well if you're sitting in this pit and a bull is slaughtered above you and the blood is just draining out and covering you would remember that one of the things when I was talking to the Egyptian expert was he couldn't make heads or tails of this flowing lines here on the back Could That Be Blood I think you're you're definitely on the right track there you know if you're you're looking at mithrism the bull symbolism was an extremely important symbol this bowl seems to represent almost a amalgamation of two things one this Egyptian apis bull religion and mithraism I mean is it fair to say that one sort of evolved from the other absolutely without doubt mithraism actually was a reforming of the apis religions of Egypt now this is all starting to make sense if it wasn't the Egyptians who made the bull symbol it was somebody who was influenced by the Egyptians right now all signs point to the Celts the site that I saw in the Panhandle because of the presence of Olga they're thinking that the Celts were the ones that were responsible or if they were the ones that came over here the question is why Christianity was around people get chased out and certainly it's a very strong possibility that the Celts were simply the Celtic mithraic practitioners were chased out people will go to amazing lengths to find a place to practice their faith and isn't that what North America really has evolved into I mean that's what the United States is but the idea that people were coming here hundreds and thousands of years ago for the very same thing it's really pretty incredible well I tell you this is an absolutely extraordinary Stone when I was down on the river looking at the site where Nick told me he found uh found this Stone one of the things I wanted to do is to see did this rock come from that area in Tulsa and it appears that it does foreign this is a piece of rock that I collected that is sandstone it's virtually identical to the this slab that the bull is carved in you know it answered the question for me I believe that the bowl was probably carved somewhere near where it was found maybe not exactly at that site on that island in the river but somewhere nearby it seems to me that really the most likely candidates if this is indeed ancient it has to be the ancient Celts Joe I've been invited back to the Anubis cave on the Equinox to see this alignment that occurs at that time and I want you to come with me I will be there someone was in that cave thousands of years ago and someone with an advanced understanding of archaeoastronomy put those carvings there for a reason if the cave illumination is anything like what I've been told then we're in for something spectacular it's really going to be I'm sure an amazing experience to see this whole Celtic mithric religion that appears to have been brought here and if that's true then we have a real game changer in this whole history of the North American continent foreign [Music] illumination here in the Oklahoma Panhandle that may explain a mysterious bull carving the alignment is taking place during the Autumn Equinox when day and night are of roughly equal length not only could this be proof of an advanced understanding of arcoastronomy but possibly the presence of ancient Celtic Travelers in America's Heartland practicing their Egyptian influenced religion what I'm hoping to see is the story of mithraism played out in light in Shadow right before our eyes well Joe according to the researchers the Celts card this site sometime back around 300 to 500 A.D and if that's correct it changes history in a huge way well you know mithraism was around for centuries centuries of time where Celtic tribes would have been influenced by mithraic mystery religion and mithraic practices so you know if what you're saying is that you found uh evidence that is old and it's showing symbolism of as 1500 years old in in mithraic what other conclusion can we come to but that there are Celtic tribes that were here long before Columbus yeah definitely long before Columbus [Music] hey Phil good to see you again nice to see you yes my friend Joel he's the expert in mithraism I told you about and very interested in seeing the alignment today on the equinox and what do you say should we get after it all right Scott Let's Get on Up all right after you foreign [Music] it's absolutely clear to me that I mean these these symbols are so distinct here you have this canine figure possibly Anubis you know Anubis the Egyptian Jackal God as he was hunting for the bull we have the sun the sun is connected to his Midwest and we have this figure that is clearly a mithraic style Sun God right here we have this deeply etched Bowl but I'm starting to see that this bull symbol is really important we see it as The apis Bull in Egypt in mithrism Ed bull that Nick found in Tulsa along the same Waterway right that would lead the people to come here that also has the ball there's a very good chance that that's part of this whole thing as well well really what we're talking about here is another example of archaeoastronomy I'm talking about a geographic spot that is aligned with the heavens and this is something the Ancients have done for thousands of years we'll fill we're only moments away here so uh can you tell Joe what's going to happen with the alignment here sure there will be a wedge of Light Between Two shadows and it'll progressively pan up across this panel and as the lower Shadow comes up there will be a little knob of shadow this is going to move halfway up the sun God's face half obscuring his face and the sun will be half obscured below the horizon and as the shadow completes obscuring the head that's the moment that the Sun finally dips below the Horizon and the lights go out you can see the shadow has moved up and is now right underneath the sun God's chin and that reflects exactly what's happening on the horizon the sun is touching the horizon so it's happened right here [Music] incredible it's extraordinary I mean look at that it's so clear what I'm seeing here I mean it is clear that mithras at this time in the Autumn he is he's sinking down into darkness and there is Anubis is going to be risen above and Anubis of course you know the the jackal-headed God he was the god of the dead and the underworld and as he is risen above symbolically right there he's risen above the Sun the head of the Sun God is almost completely in Shadow Anubis is nearly fully illuminated and it's already starting to go dark [Music] that is a really complex alignment someone with a great deal of knowledge and precision has been able to make this map watching The Shadow creep across here they've laid out their lines and they've had to have known something very special to have the skill and the knowledge to do this this is incredible here again we have a brand new chapter in American history right in front of our eyes foreign you know Phil your theory that the Celtic tribes that were practicing mathrick things came here I mean this is all just making so much sense now it's really something so let me ask you a question how does the Egyptian symbolism mithrism and the Celts All Connect you know every single one of the people that you mentioned they revered the Sun the moon and the stars they knew that it was their way to keep track of everything that was important to them I agree this site was as important as the Dead Sea Scrolls are to Biblical history as this is to seldic history well I tell you guys this has been incredible we started with the ball in Tulsa coming out of the Arkansas River not far away we saw ogum's script and if we follow that trail up the Arkansas to its one of its tributaries it takes us right here and this incredible story of mithraism that we just saw play out on the wall it was amazing and really the only reasonable people that could have done this were the Celts 1500 years ago I can't think of any other candidates and for that reason this site here should be I think designated as a National Historic Site and it absolutely changes history in a profound way my search to uncover the meaning and origins of a 500 pound bull carving strongly suggests ancient Celtic explorers brought their religion to America Celtic worshipers of mithraism who entered into their faith through a baptism of blood from a sacrifice Bowl may very well have made their way to Oklahoma the stone carving found in Tulsa could hint at their gruesome initiation Trails of blood running from the Bull's head and neck I saw the story of mithirism play out before my eyes in a spectacular illumination on the Autumn Equinox a testament to an advance understanding of archaeoastronomy everything I've learned could mean that America's first pilgrims may actually have been Celtic explorers who left Clues behind it's up to me and to all of us to figure out what those clues mean to the history of this country
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, America, america unearthed, America Unearthed, America Unearthed marathon, AMERICAN SECRETS FINALLY UNCOVERED, America's greatest secrets, america's greatest secrets, secrets, mysteries, unexplained secrets, usa, US, america unearthed full episodes
Id: bW9dpXGQiKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 10sec (12970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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