New Proof of UFOs Will Shake You to Your Core | UFO Hunters *3 Hour Marathon*

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an enigmatic craft is filmed over Daytona Beach Florida invisible to the naked eye it's captured by an infrared camera operated by society's most credible Witnesses are policemen from all over the world seeing things they're not allowed to report from Yorkshire England the top off is rotated to the Skies over Stonehenge if you saw me object that certainly was not from this planet and high over Daytona Beach I didn't know what it was using the latest technology and presenting video footage of sightings never before seen on television you have a police officer telling us that he has a UFO on video this is a police officer we're talking about this isn't some random civilian the UFO Hunters examined the wall of Silence surrounding police reports of UFOs police officers are the most credible Witnesses who are trained to observe our police officers routinely encountering things not of this world and are there reports being suppressed this is case number 91104 cops versus UFOs foreign [Music] we just got shipped to us a really great video this is a video from March 1st 1991. the team has uncovered a police videotape of something extraordinary flying over Daytona Beach Florida on March 1st 1991. a video shot by two employees of the Volusia County Sheriff's Office of an object and I'll play it for you seen here for the first time on television this strange barbell-shaped object was taped by two Sheriff's Department employees Mark Patterson and Jim Delarosa I've never seen that shape before honestly is it a UFO is it a conventional object so both of these guys are convinced that they're looking at something unusual here yeah they are because of the shape of the object the officers were in a helicopter equipped with a forward-looking infrared camera commonly known as Freer the camera is sensitive to heat radiating at wavelengths invisible to the human eye they didn't even know that they were filming this because they had the flare camera looking out to sea and it picked up this I don't know about you guys but unless it's like two balloons tied together um I mean it could be some sort of dumbbell shaped UFO how do we know this is not a hoax how do you know this is just made up stuff or fake why would cops present hoax footage could it be a ghost image or some sort of internal reflection or a fraction possibly but I'd have to learn more about the the camera I want to know guys what did this look like visually what is the surrounding environment and I want to know what is it doing is it animated is it stationary is it tracking them questions there's only one way to do it get down to Florida look at the lay of the land police employees have them recount the story from that night did they know they were shooting something did they not know they were shooting something these are all the questions that need to be answered in other words we don't know anything except here's an object that looks very strange shot by an infrared camera and captured on videotape all the way back in 1991 period guys let's go the team meets with Mark Patterson a former Sergeant with the sheriff's department of Volusia County Florida for 30 years he served as a police airplane and helicopter pilot for 18 years this is a New Smyrna Beach Airport this is where we were that night New Smyrna Beach airport is a small municipal airport that closes at night police air patrols routinely scan it with infrared cameras there's always suspicious activity around airports so we're checking hot aircraft that come in late at night to see if there's any connection with a foreign border crossing or somebody that may have come in illegally from out of country one of our duties would be to do ramp checks of aircraft for security reasons using the infrared camera to look at aircraft I took off to the north and made a 180 turn down U.S Highway one here to the east of us at about four or five hundred feet Patterson and his partner Jim Delarosa left New Smyrna airport around midnight they had only been flying south for a few minutes when something strange appeared on their infrared camera we were already turned South along the highway and basically the FLIR unit when we discovered it was looking to the right of the aircraft was looking back out in this General Sky area I noticed that the flare screen had an object on it I didn't know what it was it's a round egg-shaped object that appears to be producing a great heat signature started looking out my window but there was nothing there to see because it was a dark moonless night Patterson and Delarosa saw nothing outside their helicopter yet the flear camera captured 33 seconds of a strange barbell shaped object just inadvertently the infrared happened to pick this object up and we couldn't play it back in the cockpit so we headed back to the hangar you had called in to see if anybody had this object on radar is that correct but my partner remembers that I called Air Traffic Control in Daytona and they scanned the area and according to him said no there was no other traffic in the immediate area so there's no visual the camera picks it up but radar doesn't pick it up so the only thing that's picking up an object is the Fleer camera it doesn't lie it's there Mark is a veteran police officer with a lot of flying time he had never seen anything like this before after that so this was truly an unusual event for him and he knows that we have an object caught on video that they can't identify and of course I want to analyze it and hear what some experts have to say Mark Patterson's co-pilot that night was Jim De la Rosa another long-time veteran of the Volusia County Sheriff's department now retired oh I felt very confident was running the instrument I've had thousand plus hours on that Fleer monitoring but this thing here had nothing that I'd ever recognized before what was your altitude the 400 to 500 feet and the object seems to have two you know two distinct pieces of it looks like it possibly has two different heat sources right in the middle you see a white band and that to me indicates a colder area so it's two separate heat sources on the object which is why there's a coal band in them or one eight source with some cold insulator now it looks like there's something going on in the rear of that craft like there's something turning the image appears to show a craft with a rotating section Jim is certain it's not a helicopter but there is nothing on the video that identifies the object as any known aircraft in my opinion it was not a helicopter I couldn't identify what it was because the fact is there was no distinctful fuselage no tail boom no rotor blade motion have you ever seen in your experience using flares any kind of artifacts in the field this is an oddball entity to say the least you know I'm listening to what could be a reasonable explanation for what I'm hearing you know for example maybe it's a solid object like a helicopter distance but the camera system is defocused which is blurring it I have a lot of experience working with Optical systems and you get all kinds of artifacts when any object you're looking at fall out of focus there's no chance this was a blur of some sort something out of focus you can tell by the cursor is moving that it's in focus and he's coming back up to the sky but as we go into this turn you will start to see the detail on the ground that you can tell the trees in the bushes you can tell where the water is you can clearly see that periodically the camera is Shifting down to the ground below and we're seeing in Focus field in the near field and off into Infinity so that pretty well discounts this defocus issues the discovery that something is flying nearby is troubling but Patterson and Dela Rosa are more disturbed by the realization that it seems to be tracking them is is it traveling alongside you is it coming in towards you this same Heroes station staying with us at that approximate same speed do we have evidence of some sort of intelligent behavior of this object it counteracted every move that we made it stayed with us it feels like it's tracking you exactly the object came down at a fairly rapid rate and was at least traveling the same speed that we were traveling you guys know anything that would do that I've never seen anything like this and I'm sure if it was a helicopter or an airplane in my close proximity it would have appeared just that way we all know this is a UFO investigation my question is is this a UFO I can't tell you what it is it's not explained in my opinion I've got like I said a thousand plus hours using that instrument and I have no idea to this day what it what it possibly could be we have two seasoned officers who have a lot of flying time a lot of experience telling us that they have our UFO it was caught using some of the best Optical equipment out there I know it's really a mystery the shape of that signature reminds me of a gyrocopter but if you went out and actually flared another aircraft a gyrocopter a helicopter you're going to see destruction you're going to see the rotor blades I don't have anything that proves that it was a extraterrestrial object but I haven't found anything that disproves it couldn't have been is this mysterious object a man-made craft or a UFO an optical physicist provides a surprising answer all I can say is it's not a helicopter it's on March 1st 1991 two Sheriff's Department employees on a routine Patrol over Daytona Beach Florida captured 33 seconds of an unknown invisible craft seen here for the first time it's very strange that we have things flying around over our cities that police officers can't identify the team goes to the foremost authority on UFO image analysis to find some answers Optical physicist Dr Bruce Maccabee draws on his lifetime experience in image analysis for the United States Navy in an attempt to identify what others cannot we are having this debate over this Volusia County Sheriff's Department video about whether the this thing May shot as a UFO helicopter or something else so please try to resolve it for me okay this is a picture of the helicopter they were in you can see the overall shape of it if you had a helicopter and you're looking at it in infrared that is where the hot spots are you would see a real hot spot up here at the top the rest of it would be cool and you would see the shape of the helicopter you'd see the tail part you'd see the rotor flashing McAfee believes the recorded image does not match the heat signature of the helicopter but it points out another important difference one part of the object seems to be rotating in a manner unlike any known aircraft and the funny thing about that is the rear rotors rotating like this it's not rotating the way one of these propellers would be on the back Bruce Maccabee claims this is not a helicopter the rotation of the blades in the object on this video footage are going in a different direction than the way the blades on a helicopter would go this thing right here is the model of a helicopter here's the front of the helicopter here's the tail shooting out the back right now they have a top rotor that goes like this and that lists it up and down right but if they only had the top Rotator the whole thing would start to rotate so they put another rotor on this side with a plane of rotation like that right right so that's that keeps it from turning right but this thing here instead of rotating in this plane is rotating this way I'm saying the rotation is in the wrong plane if it were a helicopter therefore it's not a helicopter if it's not a helicopter and it is not a plane what is it I don't know all I can say is it's not a helicopter [Music] let's tack off what we got we have two pilots in the chopper that night who say you know what we don't know what it is there's one more thing you'll see in the flare footage there's a segment where there's a person unloading what looks like boxes out of a pickup truck we've tracked that person down and we can give them a call and see if we can learn he's on this video that's right wow we were down in Florida we were analyzing the flare footage from 1991 and in analyzing the footage we found was clearly a person unloading a vehicle and we were able to find out who that person was That's Mike Holloman Mike Holloman a NASA engineer claims that he was in the area when Patterson and Delarosa allegedly filmed the UFO that's it right there I've got the number for Mike why don't we call him right now do it all right to me I want to know does he remember hearing or seeing a second object aside from the helicopter was it lit was it unlit was there audible noise coming off of it maybe we can pick up some additional information from him good afternoon hi Mike this is uh Ted Acworth and the UFO Hunter's calling can you tell us what you saw in the air that night Neo or the vicinity of Mark Patterson's helicopter and I know that I stepped out in that door of this helicopter circling the Airfield Holloman saw the officer's helicopter from Massey Ranch Airport located six miles from New Smyrna Beach Airport the spot where the officers filmed the alleged UFO did you see any other helicopters or any other aircraft around that same time no I never I never witnessed any other aircraft that evening have you ever seen an air vehicle flying with no lights but I've never observed any anyone doing that in this area so whatever it was was flying stealth and wine black that Mike didn't see another marked or audible vehicle near the helicopter tells us something this object was not visible and produced no sound what could it be we can analyze that flare footage on and on and on but the reality is that that whole case is 1991 it's old material we need something that's current it's fresh where we can get their boots on the ground and get hard evidence that's that's current you know with this huge curtain of ridicule that's drawn around this whole subject it's impossible for cops to come forward and Report UFOs at least here in the U.S but in the UK which is kind of a really exciting place for UFO sightings there is a report that comes out each year called profos police reports of UFO sighting and in this report officers are encouraged to note their UFO sightings let me get the reports you can take a peek the United Kingdom has the highest number of police UFO Encounters in the world but it is also the only country with a system to document them recently these reports have increased by 39 percent from 97 cases in 2006 to 135 cases in 2007. these cases are really interesting their accommodation some are off duty some are on-duty sightings and there's some real hard evidence in here we've got to get over there and investigate this police encounters with UFOs in the UK date back to as far as 1901. 50 years later the ministry of Defense began officially investigating reported sightings of UFOs since 1950 the British government has received over 10 000 UFO reports Nick Pope worked for the UK Ministry of defense for 21 years for four of those years he investigated UFO sightings many governments still investigate UFOs officially the British government does the French government does the American government says that it doesn't and a lot of people feel that that's a mistake Project Blue Book was started in 1952 to study UFOs and determine if they were a threat to National Security the U.S Air Force collected more than twelve thousand witness reports until the project was shut down in 1970 While most sightings were found to be misidentification of known phenomena about six percent defied analysis and were classified as merely unknown my own views on UFOs are that while most disidentifications there has consistent ly been this small percentage of very very interesting cases there's something going on over and above misidentifications and hoaxes but what it is I don't know the team meets with Gary heseltine the Creator and manager of the world's largest database of police reported sightings proofos heseltine is currently a detective constable in West Yorkshire with over 18 years experience on the police force he runs proofos solely on his own it is not affiliated with any Police Department in 2001 I came up with the idea of creating an unofficial National Database to record a British police officer UFO sightings bruforce is an organization that I created six years ago and I thought well I'm a police officer I bet there's loads of police officers out there who've seen things so I then contacted the guy who was the editor of the joyful magazine Brian robertsell I went to see him and I said look I've had this idea would you allow me to write an article for the magazine that 2001 article in the British edition of UFO magazine brought in a flood of reports from policemen all over Great Britain now some six years later I've got 260 reports involving around 600 British police officers certainly there is a constant flow of information coming from police officers so Gary these are the police UFO reporters the databasas case is going back to 1901. there was a sighting reported in 1901 that's the earliest one I've got December 12 1901 West Yorkshire a few minutes after midnight two on-duty police constables spotted a luminous cigar-shaped UFO according to the Kaley news the object slowly moved across the sky for 15 minutes before taking off two other people reported seeing similar objects bite its Edge the the UFO was cigar it was seen low over the village where it occurred in England and suddenly shot off well how many things in 1901 could do that sort of how many things in 1901 were in the air yeah well they did have dirigibles right hot air balloons but they wouldn't just shoot off like that at high speed and there are very very few reported dirigibles balloons whatever you want to call them that would make those kind of flights over town the 1901 case follows the pattern of many modern day UFO sightings not least because it happened in an area that's become known as England's UFO hotspot Yorkshire police officers have reported 37 UFO sightings in this single area including one of the most baffling Encounters in recent years May 2003 a police officer on patrol in North Yorkshire spots an unknown bright object in the distance the dashboard camera records the entire sighting we're on The Cutting Edge of UFO investigation is this object a UFO a NASA scientist analyzes the footage it's certainly not an astronomical object of any kind in May 2003 a police officer in North Yorkshire England records a strange bright light with the camera mounted on the dashboard of his police car it's pretty high quality in terms of resolution the red light is the reflection of the camera's record light in the windshield at exactly 9 30 PM a bright object appears to fly into the officer's field of vision moving right to left the obvious explanations don't match up it doesn't look like an aircraft doesn't look like an astronomical object the policeman who captured this object wishes to remain anonymous for fear of ridicule and concern for job security he has purposely withheld the exact date and location of the sighting there's some footage on there that's some sort of unidentified object Dr Ted Ackworth dissects the footage with Jack Kasher an Imaging expert for NASA the car is starting out about 50 or 48 miles per hour as the object comes into view the police car slows down it's possible the police officers are seeing that and slowing down the fact that the car is slowing down once the object is observed says to me that the cops who are driving the car saw something they didn't understand what it was and they're trained observers so that makes me wonder what this could possibly be to me it looked like it was flying in from the right side that was my first impression but it's coming in and the car is turning to the right which makes it appear that the thing's moving to the left right and it's not moving it's always above the same spot on that Hill that's right yeah you're right so we have a stationary light using the information available Ted tries to determine where the unknown object was hovering the police car was traveling along Route 59 a Seven Mile Road between Skipton and Bolton Abbey 21 miles Northwest of Leeds we have a divider here at the beginning of the footage two lanes on the right one on the left you see the inner Lane on the right has the left turn arrow if we just scan along the Route right here you can see that the road begins a white striped divider which makes way for three lanes with two left turning arrows that's it so we're off in a direction like that with the limited amount of information that these officers did give us I believe we definitively determine the location of this Cruiser as it's moving down the road and we're able to determine the sight line to the object so yeah a line along that straight path after it straightens out somewhere along there so I'm always curious to see if you know if there's a major airport right along this line that would tell us a lot one theory is that the bright light is actually a plane flying away from the police officers creating the illusion that it is stationary and no airports it's certainly not an astronomical object of any kind even though it's stationary in the sky there's a moment there where it gets very bright to me that really discounts the possibility of an astronomical object or even an aircraft yeah it could be a radio antenna a tower a lighthouse of some sort I think that's not any of those things because the elevation angle from our point of view it would have to be too high the light is too bright it doesn't meet some sort of rotating Beacon this is pretty amazing footage to me because we've just given it a pretty thorough analysis here you know if we find anything else I'll be sure to let you know let me know you bet if two cops who are running their normal beat they see the same geography day after day night after night if to them it's something unusual that is very mysterious to me encounters like these among police officers are not uncommon the team interviews Alan Godfrey he claims he not only saw an alien but experienced something much more terrifying my story began 27 years ago three police officers in Halifax they were up on the Moors when they saw a blue pulsating light and it kept making swooping movements towards the police cars the first sighting of the alleged UFO was at Halifax 12 miles from Todd Morton it headed towards the village of littleborough where it was again spotted by two different police officers two other police officers in littleborough were up on the Moors and they saw the same object over him again it moved away in this general direction of tommiden Godfrey alleges he spotted the craft hovering over this road when I was driving the police car I got to approximately this spot over here so I stopped the car and I put the lights on Godfrey remembers driving to about 60 feet from the object it was completely blocking the road it was huge it was huge yeah it was as wide as the road and it was hovering about five foot off the ground 14 feet high diamond shaped the life of the car were reflecting off it was a nuts and bolts crap solid as a rock the top half was rotating the bottom half appeared to be stationary the trees the other side yeah strong shaking he remembers trying to call for help but the radio did not work he took a notebook and began sketching the object I think the clipboard up and instinctively started to draw it as I'm drawing it just a white line initially Godfrey had no memory of what happened after the white Flash when Consciousness returned he found himself behind the wheel of a moving vehicle I've suddenly found myself driving you know he quickly drove into Todd Morton and returned with a fellow officer the two policemen noticed broken tree limbs and debris surrounding the site where Godfrey claimed the UFO was hovering that the road was bone dry in that area where the UFO had been and he also saw all the pattern that the leaves had made the swirly Whirlpool pot I I don't know what to think about this case it's so weird and bizarre what happened to you after what you remembered after the bright light went on they realized that there was a time lapse of 40 minutes this is one of these fantastic UFO cases because it is multiply witnessed you have people from three different agencies you've got a very credible witness it went to the highest level of the police department he had to sign an official statement which made specific mention of a UFO that's tantamount to an admission on the part of the police my gut tells me that Alan Godfrey would have no reason to make up a story like this if we're dealing with the reality of UFOs then we have to accept the possibility that somebody landed and took a good look at Alan Godfrey so did being involved with this uh have any effect on your personal life or your career an astronomical event effect on my life but both personally on the within the job itself in 1981 less than one year after his UFO sighting Godfrey was ordered to take early retirement although three other officers witnessed the craft Godfrey was the only one to speak out basically the other officers just stated that they saw lights but it was Alan Godfrey that really got deeper into it with stories of his alien abduction and I could see how a police department would want that to go away foreign of one officer may be discounted or ignored but what if there is a sighting witnessed by multiple officers we saw an object that certainly was not from this planet here we are on Salisbury Plain isn't that something I mean look at these things they're huge I mean how would they put these together in investigating whether policemen are reluctant to file reports of encounters with UFOs the team has come to one of the most mysterious places in the world it's claimed that over a dozen officers watched a mysterious object perform impossible Maneuvers in the sky there's a whole theory that the extraterrestrials actually helped the ancient people build this entire site Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world located on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire County very little is known about who built Stonehenge or why but later civilizations regarded it as a holy place even today modern Druids and other New Age Believers hold ceremonies underneath its awe-inspiring Stones through the centuries this has been associated with UFOs and ETS and everything else so it's a really magical spot we saw an object that certainly was not from this planet [Applause] on June 21st 1987 Officer Phil Hutchings and dozens of other police officers were on duty at Stonehenge during the summer solstice but they were no match for one unexpected visitor that arrived late that night myself and a large number of other uniform colleagues were encircling the stones keep people away and we were there literally through the night probably two three o'clock in the morning objects started to come across the sky but then I noticed that this object had suddenly taken a 90 degree turn whilst maintaining its speed did you try to form any guesstimates as to what was happening I remember saying to the guys the way it flew across the sky I just felt it was almost seemed to be mapping the area the object certainly wasn't from this planet did you file an incident or a witness report about this with your command you don't file a report it's a difficult situation because you you will find that you're held territical even though there were a number of other officers it would probably be difficult for some of them to come forward so do you expect some consequences from this interview from some of my colleagues past and present yes but did the alleged UFO witnessed by a dozen policemen have a reason for its Maneuvers over Stonehenge I have a sneaking suspicion that the way Phil described the maneuvers of that UFO that it was mapping something that it was actually forming a grid means that it was here for a reason experiments producer John Tindall has a theory about this UFO's Behavior at Stonehenge is there a link between the UFO sighting in 1987 and Stonehenge itself the team travels back to the lab in Los Angeles to test this Theory John has created a scale model of Stonehenge and uncovered some secret patterns as you recall the police officer Phil Hutchins saw UFOs making patterns in the sky so I thought well patterns what kind of patterns could we create within Stonehenge the officers were looking up in the sky and they were seeing these geometric shapes being drawn there are some internal geometric shapes and things that I think are quite interesting and mathematically there may be something more going on that no one's discovered I got this idea that there were internal equilateral triangles working in within the geometry of Stonehenge our model of Stonehenge is basically built out of acrylic and front surface mirrors and the whole thing is about geometry uh Jeff would you turn off the overhead lights oh wow we've now taken some lasers and we're going to see if we can discover maybe some sacred geometry and some secrets of Stonehenge is still holding Hutchins Skirmish line of police constables guarding Stonehenge that night an object zigzagged across the sky forming a geometric pattern remember what makes this UFO sighting so significant is not merely that it was zigzagging but zigzagging sharply without slowing down no helicopter is going to do that no plane is going to do that right now Phil Hutchins didn't describe anything like this on Stonehenge what he did describe were patterns up in the sky so I set up a front surface Mirror On The Ceiling to basically get the aerial view of Stonehenge uh actually the UFO's point of view if you will so why not explore the idea that since this UFO is making zigzags in the sky maybe there's a possibility that he's he's playing around with the geometry of Stonehenge and some sort of internal Reflections and internal geometry that we still don't understand Stonehenge is in a specific spot It's Made of Stone which doesn't reflect light but it would reflect radio waves but if they were seeing energy waves what did that design mean to them what if they're appointed and arrayed with respect to one another as a signpost for UFOs clearly there's something going on from Stone to Stone in terms of energy that we don't see but somebody else or something else can say it seems like everything in the officer's descriptions can be found here you've got your right angles you've got your zigzags if the UFOs were reflecting radio waves they might be making these geometric shapes and perhaps what the officer saw was these guys were making the same shapes up in the sky as they're kind of tuning in their instruments what I'm seeing here is our best possible guess of what might be going on with a zigzagging UFO this is all hypothetical it's John tyndall's best stab at putting together some kind of theory around a zigzagging UFO the laser light bouncing off the mirrors inside this little Stonehenge model revealing this sort of grid of energy may be a reason for this UFO to be zigzagging across the sky for more than a century man has attempted to understand enigmatic images in the sky and with advanced technology the team is now closer than ever scientific benchmark using a thermal imaging camera the team tries to prove once and for all right now look at that helicopter it's amazing that the unidentified flying object videotaped over Florida in 1991 is not of this world oh more than 15 years ago police officers in Florida using a thermal imaging device unexpectedly film an anomalous flying object I didn't know what it was now back in Los Angeles the team performs further scientific experiments with clear cameras at the lab of experiments producer John Tindall we're outside the lab today because we wanted to set up a little demonstration that would illustrate what the police officers went through that night in a helicopter with a flare camera they said they couldn't see anything with the naked eye that night and their people who questioned well if you can't see it with the naked eye is that valid so what we're going to do is do a comparison and see can we see John with the visible light versus the infrared light the team explores the capabilities and limitations of infrared technology here I go going into the void John cloaked in Black demonstrates how a seemingly invisible object I can't see him he's disappeared can still be detected with this technology and now look at the camera you know plain as day there's his figure so I mean look try raising hands how does this relate to the FLIR case the helicopter footage there was no moon that night there were no spotlights on the front of the helicopter so there was no way that with a visible eye they would either pick up any emitting light off of the object that they detected but on the other hand it was hot and so this camera is picking that up see well this really exemplifies what happened where they were able to see an object through their Fleer camera even though they couldn't see it visually never actually saw it visually and that objects stayed with them always on the FLIR camera the thing with the Fleer camera is it only gets an image based on the ambient heat of the object itself from the background atmosphere so if you really can't tell if an object is far away what the shape is all you know was the heat that it's throwing off according to Ted there's still one Theory worth investigating as a pilot myself I've flown imagery helicopter for NASA and maybe it's a solid object like helicopter distance but the camera system is defocused which is blurring it and we've got to look for any evidence I can find that would prove or disprove that hypothesis did the distorted heat signature of a helicopter produce this puzzling image I knew this is going to be a tough case the team along with UFO researcher Ronnie milione travels to Corona California to test this hypothesis so at the flare system guys send me an actual camera which has the same exact specs of the 3 000 camera that they had back in the uho case see Pat we're going to Benchmark this this is scientific benchmark test friends of Corona PD are going to take a helicopter out Ryan's going to film it with this camera at the set to the same as specs as the 110 years ago we're going to compare a real helicopter on infrared to the images from Florida and we're gonna see at the end of the day are they the same or are they not the same the team meets police Sergeant Neil Reynolds a helicopter pilot for the corona Police Department can you explain where would be the uh say heat signatures and your particular aircraft here on our aircraft the hot areas be the exhaust Port right here okay then the engines underneath it which is extremely warm as well another hot area would be the transmission under the rotor Mast here and lastly the tail rotor gearbox back there so a prototypical image from a Fleer of another helicopter would be a diminished image of the top rotors and a stronger image of the Tail Road right or the tail rotor area where the gearbox is right at the back of the tail boom Ronnie starts the FLIR camera as the helicopter lifts off [Music] look at that right there there he is there you go there you go okay now look at that helicopter it's amazing this is very exciting okay look we've got it on tape guys let's get started Reynolds let them see both and make a decision Sergeant Reynolds helps the team analyze the clear footage this is said in black hot so hottest parts are going to show darker cooler parts will show light or I would never confuse that for anything but a helicopter I'm seeing rotors this is the motorbikes are very distinguishable in this see the closer it gets Pat the more defined the shape is that's right the further away the helicopter is the less the fun the shape it let's see what happens when that helicopter goes far away just like the other one you know what that is it's a helicopter helicopter the infrared camera gives enough detail to identify the helicopter regardless of its distance the team now Compares this new image of a helicopter with the unidentified image from 1991. does its performance in the air look like a conventional aircraft deal yeah it actually doesn't um doesn't seem abnormal for a helicopter flight something else that I would be interested in seeing is a gain or Focus change because if the gain is set incorrectly or the focus is out it can take just that dark heat image and overpower the rest of the image of what you're looking at the team scans the footage of the helicopter for any moments that are unfocused or Overexposed watch what's gonna happen look the camera goes out of focus Sergeant what do you think I think that's how the other one was filming look at that look at that you tell me you see a difference between the two of them resembles to me though is images that I've seen before the object that the gain and focus is out and it's overwhelmed the rest of the detail of the object the team can manipulate footage of a helicopter to make it look very similar to what Mark Patterson filmed but Patterson insists that his camera was always in Focus you can tell by the cursor is moving that it's in Focus you will start to see the detail on the ground that you can tell the trees in the bushes you can tell where the water is so we've got a long depth of focus could you call that object a helicopter if you had to file a report a professional report based on this video evidence would you call that object a helicopter my first gut reaction would say it's a helicopter but in a professional report that I'm going to go to court testify on yeah I couldn't say would you say you're not certain I would say I'm not certain I think we really had an experience with this flear footage to the limit of my technical skill I cannot positively identify what that object was it may have been a helicopter but we have no way to really prove that it was and it's very possible that the Florida Fleer footage is a helicopter but the thing is all the experts tell us otherwise they say it was not a helicopter and they're firm on that we have an expert guy on the Fleer we have an expert pilot we have Bruce mcabee analyzing the footage they all say it's not a helicopter more and more policemen all over the world are coming forward with detailed and credible reports of encounters that cannot be explained these are the people whose eyewitness testimony We Trust as credible except when it comes to UFOs and that's what's so frightening to me could all these highly trained Witnesses be misconstruing ordinary objects into UFOs or are there reports simply official confirmation of what thousands of people have been seeing for years [Music] governments all over the world officially deny the existence of UFOs I was called upon to investigate a very strange event a thick cloak of secrecy has been drawn over most encounters especially when it appears that an unidentified craft has apparently compromised National Security nothing in my training prepared me for what I was witnessing but some cases have proved too big and too well documented to cover up as in the case that's become known as Britain's Roswell there was a bright light emulating from an object on the forest floor two strange Encounters of the same mysterious lights on two consecutive nights in 1980. send American Air Force troops in Britain scrambling to find out if they're under attack we've taken a whole new look with new Witnesses we've suddenly reopened this entire case what made highly trained no-nonsense military men it was my intention to go out there and just put it all to rest believe they may have been in contact with the UFO around the team from UFO magazine analyzed newly discovered evidence using the latest technology and reach some controversial new conclusions I think it's safe to say yeah for the first time on television definitive answers about whether U.S forces actually witnessed UFO Landings at bent Waters Air Force Base in December of 1980. this is case number 80101 military versus UFOs [Music] because they were multiple Witnesses and an object was seen to land in a place called rendlesham Forest is that awesome or what Bill and Pat have recently returned from the national Press Club conference on disclosure in Washington D.C where one alleged UFO sighting stood out because it was witnessed by numerous military officials I think the most impressive thing about this National Press Club conference on disclosure was all the evidence around the rentalsheim landing Britain's best known UFO sighting occurred in 1980 and involved the United States Air Force personnel from two military bases in the UK this UFO was seen on two separate consecutive evenings and that just doesn't happen in UFO cases and this is in 1980 remember what's going on in 1980 at the Soviets had invaded Afghanistan we were nervous about what was going on over in Eastern Europe so the world was on a knife edge with nuclear weapons and so at that point that's when this object appears over RAF bent Waters the most secure U.S military base they must have some sort of official explanation for this what the Skeptics believe is that there was a lighthouse in the distance the lighthouse was maybe flashing the distance and these soldiers were somehow confused by the lighthouse and they thought it was UFO I don't believe it pat that's not right these are hard-trained individuals how would they think it's a lighthouse I mean it makes sense look I hear you Jeff but that's what the experts have been saying for the past 27 years sounds like an interesting Theory you know guys we can model that out we can do our own experiments we can take GPS coordinates so the very exciting positions and this lighthouse we can get the topographic maps we could build a model and see if that hypothesis holds water this is going to be fantastic because we will either prove it was a lighthouse that it could have been a lighthouse or not either way this will be a phenomenal piece of proof as to whether that theory holds up let's see if it does so we're going to rental show get your passports nice the team travels to RAF bent Waters a U.S Air Force Base in England located approximately 85 miles Northeast of London and adjacent to rendelson Forest Nick tell us about the famous rendelshim incidents Nick Pope joined the ministry of Defense in 1985. between 1991 and 1994 my job was to investigate UFO sightings for the government to see whether there was evidence of anything of any defense significance the UK's Ministry of Defense has investigated UFO cases dating back to 1967. but UFO military encounters across the world date back even further 1948 United States Captain mantel of the Kentucky Air National Guard chases a reported UFO minutes later he is killed when his jet crashes 1956 England radar operators at Raf lakenheath track multiple unidentified objects traveling at speeds of up to 12 000 miles per hour now Project Blue Book United States research effort described this as arguably one of the best radar visual cases in the files according to Project Blue Book the object outmaneuvers of Venom and F3 jet Interceptor Pilots report seeing glowing lights seemingly under intelligent control the incident was investigated at the time but once the air traffic controllers had been interviewed the pilots had been interviewed the statements taken really this ended up just as unknown 1989 Belgium bierset Air Force Base detects something on radar 19 police officers spot the craft one of the witnesses records it on video the Triangular object reportedly pulses with three powerful searchlights Witnesses report the object seems to be noiseless except for a soft home two and a half hours later it disappears four months later it returns Colonel Wilfred Brewer of the Belgian Air Force scrambles two F-16 interceptors observation when the f-16s lock onto the craft it moves erratically with an acceleration of 46 G's far more than the human body can withstand the object disappears if all these cases involving Pilots seeing UFOs tracking them on radar could be viewed from end to end I think it would make a compelling case for the reality of the UFO phenomenon because when you have that combination of the professional the reliable Observer and the evidence from radar backing up that testimony you are making a very very compelling case it's easy to associate UFOs with a fringe element but once you get up to this whole military chapter of UFOs it's a whole new ball game during his service with England's Ministry of Defense Nick Pope investigated between 200 and 300 new reports of UFOs each year making him one of the most experienced UFO investigators in the country I think that one of the most important UFO sightings of all time is the rendlesham forest incident which occurred right here on the scale of UFO cases is is right up there in terms of its significance and in terms of the evidence I mean this has sometimes been called Britain's Roswell [Music] 6 1980 midnight Purity police at Raf Woodbridge a British Air Force Base located next to RAF bentwaters reports seeing an unknown light in renderson Forest at first they believe it's a downed aircraft later they realize it might possibly be something else Sergeant Jim heniston and two other officers investigate the site we arrived to inspected crash site quickly became apparent that we were not dealing with a plane crash or anything else we've ever responded to a bright light emulating from an object on the forest floor peniston and his team approached the object on foot taking notes along the way silhouette triangular craft about nine feet long six and a half feet high came into view peniston alleges that the craft had blue and yellow lights swirling around its surface we started experiencing radial difficulty the air around us was electrically charged and we could feel it on our clothes our skin and our hair peniston claims the surface of the craft had inscribed symbols three inches high and two and a half feet long the largest symbol was a triangle centered in the middle as peniston gets closer to the object he says that he touched it even though it looked like black onyx it fell it felt like metal 45 minutes later the object Maneuvers through the forest and takes off it lifted up off the ground and shot away at an incredible speed it was gone in a blink of an eye over 80 Air Force personnel witnessed the takeoff it wasn't a helicopter there is no way that you could have gotten any conventional aircraft in there there's no way you would have got a helicopter in there and the other point of course is these are people who worked at an Air Force Base and they said this was like nothing we'd ever seen before I feel like I've stepped into the eye of the the UFO hurricane there was an experience Air Force officer that experienced something out of this world now this UFO was triangular in shape it was about nine feet wide and six feet high Jim Palestine got close enough to touch the side of this thing and he saw strange symbols on the hull peniston transcribed six symbols etched in the craft surface most of the symbols are composed of straight lines and symmetrical people have been trying to decipher that writing for years thinking maybe it's Egyptian maybe it's hieroglyphic maybe it's pictographs clearly there was a message there that we still haven't deciphered to this very day some witnesses claim that the UFO left physical evidence behind they were indentations in the ground where this thing had landed 30 feet hey this is Erie this is strange here so we want to look at the spots on the ground bear in mind of course this is the middle of winter the ground was very hard those indentations had to have been made by something that weighed several tons and there were three of these indentations plaster casts were made of the indentations when plotted they allegedly formed an equilateral triangle it was almost as if this craft had come down on a landing struts at some sort of tripod like device there was no conventional aircraft in 1980 known to have a triangular shaped landing pad that was equilateral on the following night five soldiers led by Colonel Charles halt investigate the site they discover what they feel to be indisputable evidence of anomalous activity but it had left physical trace evidence and witness an alarming event it was back December 26 1980 midnight 80 U.S Air Force personnel allegedly witnessed an unknown bright object land in rentals from Forest England not just had this UFO been seen by these trained reliable military Witnesses but it had left physical trace evidence it had left indentations in the ground where it had come down on the following night a squatter Soldier surveys the area with a geiger counter and detect abnormally high traces of radiation uh-huh the most significant development in terms of the evidence was that they recorded levels which peaked critically they peaked in those three holes where the thing had come to rest the ministry of Defense released 38 pages of documents relating to the rendelsham sighting most of the file is correspondence to and from residents curious about the reported event but one interdepartmental memo contains a chilling sentence our defense intelligence staff subsequently assessed the levels of radiation as quote significantly higher than background unquote it is absolutely official it's there in black and white in a Ministry of Defense document written by their scientific and Technical intelligence Specialists yes unlike many UFO stories this can be backed up as an audit trail of verifiable documents bearing out the very things that we've been speaking about Nick Pope gave us information about documentation that we didn't even know existed and that makes it all the more valid to me it's really taken this investigation to a whole new level for me experts believe that some military bases around the world have long secret histories of UFO encounters there are many hundreds of cases of encounters between military aircraft and UFOs the team tries to find an explanation for these disturbing sightings you know I'm going over some of these archival materials here and I'm finding out that there's a pretty strong correlation between military and UFO sightings in July 1945 we actually detonated our first atomic bomb tests and two years later also in July we have the Roswell crash and the Roswell crash is what a hundred miles away from Alamogordo ever since 1947. there has been a correlation between possible UFO sightings and the testing manufacturing and storage of nuclear weapons is it only a coincidence that Roswell is barely 100 miles from Trinity New Mexico the site of the world's first nuclear explosion and here's this case in Pasco Washington 1945 a UFO was caught on radar at a naval air station was flying over Hanford engineering Works which was a major manufacturer of plutonium that's right and Hanford later became a major nuclear power facility so the nuclear power industry has stayed there really for over 60 years 1945 Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee experienced numerous UFO sightings we now know the lab was a top secret atomic bomb plant in 1965 Edwards Air Force Base in California spotted 12 luminous UFOs on radar we have an object now we have some confirmed reports of unidentified flying objects your area unidentified flying forces they happened to someone's radar f-106 interceptors made visual contact I have another red light moving very rapidly from flashing white the f-106 Jets carried Genie nuclear-tipped Rockets with its weaponry did this nuclear technology trigger a UFO visit there's a link between UFOs and nuclear weapons I mean what do you think is going on are they spying on the technology are they interested in nuclear technology or maybe they're trying to prevent nuclear technology I think they are monitoring us I think they are spying on us but the big point is this every time you see UFOs that are invading the airspace over nuclear weapons facilities that are highly sensitive military installations they don't even bother to be stealthy because they are entering our airspaces with such impunity over these nuclear weapon sites they don't even care if they're being seen or not strange for me back here this was the hot row here where weapons were stored in the ATF of our team facility down there Colonel halt served as Deputy base commander at bent Waters during the UFO sighting at rendelson Forest he will neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons on the base you have to imagine he's the guy who was sitting with his finger on a nuclear button even though we can't say it because you can't talk about American nuclear weapons on UK's soil a key security component of the base is the Watchtower located just to the north of the hot row it provides a view of the entire area and the rentals from forest site the team meets Gary hesseltine a former Air Force policeman with experience in securing nuclear sites I've long been fascinated by the rendelson for his case because between 1983 and 1989 I served in the Royal Air Force as a police officer and on two nuclear facilities you always had a high tower the significance of the tower was that it was above the tree line and it had a 360 View Colonel this is unbelievable what a view you can see everything from up here one thing you have to keep in mind the trees are much higher now we had a 360 Panorama from up here before we would never let the trees grow this high for security reasons and from here the tire operator had a fantastic view of everything from miles around so if somebody were up here he could see everything that was going on over in that area that night on both nights but with somebody up here this type of tower would have to be mounted 24 hours a day 365 days a year so Colonel I'm telling I I suspect that there was somebody up here have you any knowledge of anybody up here on oh yes in fact I know who was up here very well in November 2007 Colonel halt received an email from one of the guards who was posted in the observation tower that night in 1980. he has given me quite a bit of Correspondence and he verifies the fact that night when he was in the tire he actually saw beams coming down into the weapon storage area simultaneous the one we saw over our feet in the field did you say there was a man up here who who also saw the incident from here and he saw beams coming down so this is a whole new witness to this entire case well he doesn't really want to come forward if a person were up here as you've said and could see the whole thing including the lighthouse and the events on the ground and the forest talking about a genuine object it's firing beams down into a special facility a highly secret secure area so we have a whole new witness this breaks this case wide open again another piece of evidence also corroborates the alleged UFO incident on the following night December 26 1980 Colonel halt documented his encounter on a cassette recorder it recreates his experienced Moment by moment and has become one of the most compelling documents in UFO history we don't know sir the team retraces the steps of Colonel Hall's UFO encounter that night this is the infamous East Gate at Woodbridge this is where the event actually started Colonel halt arrived at the site with five servicemen after being told by the other police officers that the mysterious light had been spotted a second time the police claimed that it was back they kept telling me it was back when you heard this report from these men what did you make of it what was your frame of mind I thought there was a rational explanation for this I guess I was a non-believer it's the best way to put it what happened when you came out to investigate somebody had to go out and respond and put this to rest and it was my intention to go out there and just put it all to rest and put it all behind us and get it over with and that's really what I intended to do and what I expected to do in fact you know when I got out there I thought why did I ever get involved in this I wish I had done this I wish I'd let somebody else do this because nobody will believe this so I gathered up a small team five people we went out into the forest there it is coming toward us now Colonel Charles halt an American serviceman stationed in Britain in 1980 recounts the night he chased down what he believes was a UFO did you do anything to document the sighting on the night yes I actually had my little an air portable tape recorder with me so I turned it off and on as something was occurring I documented everything on the tape very very strange halt claims that he led a team of soldiers from the East Gate of RAF bentwaters they then spotted the bright object in rendelson forest and reportedly chased after it heading east when they reached a farmhouse in a clearing the object launched into the skies we were moving this in this direction [Music] as was the object I saw moving through the trees I decide Hulk reports that the light move past a creek into a nearby Field we come out of the forest up here about another 100 yards chasing the object the object came out in the middle of this field the field contained a farmhouse cattle and at that time a bright moving objects now and we're looking out this way obviously okay there's the farmer's house the object was out here in the field over here right White House is over there about 30 degrees so once you got out here to the field the object was gone the object silently exploded into five white objects and they just disappear yeah is there any way this could have been some sort of flare flare doesn't move through the forest avoiding trees and bob up and down a little bit it came toward us at some point it went away from us at some point and when we approached it it moved out here into the field now what exactly were you seeing it's an object that was oval shaped bright reddish orange almost like the Sun at midday it had a black oval Center and it would like wink a little bit and it was Dripping something like a molten metal there was molten metal well I say that's the only way I can equate it it was something was Dripping to the period office so helicopter explanation is out no it wasn't a helicopter Colonel halt is one of the most credible eyewitnesses that I've ever had the chance to talk to this man ran an entire military base with a lot of top secret weapons that he couldn't tell me about and I don't think he made a mistake that night I think something happened that people weren't meant to know about these two bases adjacent to the forest were among the most secure in the world impenetrable fences in circle the bases razor wire motion detectors embedded sensors and more than 25 heavily armed patrolmen guard the facilities this was a facility with some of the tightest Security in the world and this thing comes out of the sky it lands there not once but twice in the 24-hour period without triggering any sort of alarm the only way that this thing was seen was by the human eye when these guards came out to see it and what's odd is that this thing was brilliantly lit it's shown beams down to the ground it's almost as if it didn't even care if it was seen or not it's almost as though it could care less about how we would defend ourselves against it there's nothing we had that this thing was scared of and for me that's the scariest thing of all RAF bent Waters most likely housed nuclear weapons as tensions grew in the 1980s you have to remember what the world was like in 1980 some historians call it the start of the second Cold War a cold war threatened to become a hot War with two sides staring at each other across the Iron Curtain and Ronald Reagan had just been elected president and was making all kinds of threats against the evil empire of the Soviet Union it was a very scary time with both sides making all kinds of military threats I'm not saying the aliens were actually listening to us but if they were they might have thought we were just days away from pushing the button and here a UFO came over a nuclear weapons base was beaming shots of light down on nuclear weapons I guess maybe scanning the weapons it interfered with the base operations interfered with the radios they scrambled the security team the UFO actually lured the security team off the base so the Americans freak out they shut it down they do nothing they don't want to talk about it the United States hasn't investigated UFOs since Project Blue Book ended in January 1970. but to this day Britain's Ministry of Defense does as unidentified objects might pose a threat to British security strangely Colonel halt an American was not interviewed or debriefed by British authorities there was nothing like this had ever happened before all previous UFO sightings were just lights in the sky really the Americans kind of hoped that the British will deal with it and the British hope that it's an American problem and that if anyone says nothing hopefully the whole situation will go away British and American authorities simply advised Paul to send a memo to the UK's Ministry of Defense about the events in the forest but two days prior to Colonel halt's submission of his memo another inexplicable event occurred an event that left local resident and Forester Vincent thurkettle puzzled and Disturbed I lived in a cottage just over there I was out chopping wood thurcuttle lived and worked in rendelson Forest at the time of the sighting between Christmas and New Year A car pulled up two young Englishman got out say 25 years old in suits came and talked to me and what they were asking was they said we've heard of red lights being seen in the forest who were these mysterious men and how did they know of the UFO event before Colonel Hawk released the information it sounds to me like Vincent was actually visited the team uncovers some alarming answers a few days after the UFO incident two strange men interrogated the residents of rentals from forest in Britain no one knows who they were or what they wanted A car pulled up two young Englishmen got out say 25 years old in suits came and talked to me and what they were asking was they said we've heard of red lights being seen in the forest and were you out last night I said no they said did you see anything did you know anyone and I said No and then they just closed the conversation down and went what's really exciting is this new information about Vincent third Kettle being visited by some kind of Men In Black he did mention that two Englishmen in black suits in a black car visited him as it almost sounds like a cliche but it sounds to me like Vincent was was actually visited by the Men in Black UFO researchers recognized their kettle's encounter as a classic Men In Black scenario frequently after a UFO sighting Witnesses are reportedly visited by two men who question them about what they saw two young British guys interviewed me and I later found out they interviewed everyone in the area to check if we were out that night and if we'd seen anything who do you think they were were they journalists were they were they if they were journalists they never published and what's fascinating about that is Colonel heart hadn't even written his letter the letter that blew everything up and supposedly informed the British about it he hadn't written that letter this case has been investigated for decades right this is the first time I've heard anything about this Men in Black there's a huge piece of the puzzle we're talking about here so I need to go talk to Colonel halt about this I have a feeling he might be able to tell us a little bit more about it Vincent told me that he was visited by two young men in black suits who questioned him about the incident but the thing is how would they know about it as your memo hadn't been released yet I don't know who they were it was done discreetly I know that I do know that the Airmen involved were questioned under very mysterious circumstances by people that they didn't recognize and some of them were British it's a really big deal as a Department of Forestry employee Vincent thurkettle is an expert on the rentals from Forest Area and feels that halt's sighting of the UFO was no sighting at all this guy knows that for us and he's trying to tell me that he really didn't find anything unusual in the area where the UFO supposedly landed his argument is convincing that maybe it was the lighthouse six miles away from the reported UFO landing site sits Orford Nest Lighthouse Skeptics claim that its 3 000 watt beam of light is what the servicemen mistook for the ufoided if we don't believe they were looking at the Lighthouse then we have to believe that they were watching a UFO which was pulsing at the same interval as the lighthouse and was you know less bright than the lighthouse and yet on Colonel halt's tape he makes no mention of it now Vincent also said that the duration of the strobe on the lighthouse was every five seconds and it seemed to coincide with you making entries on your tape recorder every five seconds is that a coincidence let me show you something I have the tape recorder here with me it's a small linear the types of 20 minutes in duration so there's no way I could have kept the tape running the whole time I must have stopped that tape a hundred times it's very simple to do if you look there's just a simple slide switch I was going click click click click the whole time we were out there because I didn't want to run out of tape hey I see it too what is it we don't know it's a strange small red light maybe a quarter had to be further out six weeks later thur Kettle inspected the three indentations the UFO supposedly made in the field so I'm going through the woods now Hearts going really excited and then we got to an area where there was a ring of sticks over a Glade in the sort of bracket and this Brown dead stuff around us and he said this is it as I looked at it and I said but these are rabbit scrapes now Vincent also had something to say about indentations in the ground keys of the opinion that they were rabbit scrapings keep in mind a day or two after the incident someone in a Security Police Squadron I'm sure went out there and created at least one if not two false sites and they put a lot of sticks in the ground around it why would someone do that uh to mislead people perhaps I don't know so maybe Vincent was looking at the wrong site I don't know what he looked at but he said it was six weeks later when he went out why would someone like Vincent basically someone who wasn't there get so much Credence for his theories you know it's not uncommon for black programs as I like to call them to use din for disinformation is a very efficient tool and a very good way to discredit a story just days before any reports went to the U.S Air Force about the event at bent Waters British intelligence agents show up and start interviewing people what were they doing the British must have known that's some level of the government what was going on and what they had to do to cover this up at first I thought okay maybe it could have been a lighthouse but I'm really starting to believe that Colonel Hall did have a huge experience conflicting testimony from highly credible Witnesses have kept the debate about the lighthouse Theory alive for more than 27 years but can the testimony stand up to the scrutiny of scientific proof I'm looking forward to getting more detail of where his position was the position of this UFO where it landed and the position and orientation of The Farmhouse the most widely accepted explanation is that the lighthouse emitted a bloom of light that reflected off The Farmhouse and created the mysterious light the soldiers saw the team decides to test this Theory so I thought what we want to do is get the best coordinates we can I know it's been 27 years but we'll just do the best we can so Jeff and I will stay out here with the GPS and if you two can go back to the site where you thought you were that night and and then adjust our positions based on your sight lines from that location using the GPS coordinates of the main landmarks the team will construct a 3D model of the event is this is kind of where they were actually a little more to the right Ted a little bit this way okay I can determine make a waypoint Ted marks the GPS coordinates of where Colonel halt said the UFO landed that's good Colonel halt points out the location of the lighthouse right there's a notch in the far tree line over there it was about 30 degrees from where I saw the object to where the lighthouse was that was my recollection okay so if Jeff is the light source is that good yeah take away point okay Ted come on back here we'll plug the GPS into the camera and we'll shoot from this Waypoint was the object witnessed by more than 80 Air Force servicemen and the deputy based Commander merely a beam of light a UFO or something else entirely is it possible that the beam from that light was what the troops in the forest saw that science May hold the answer and a new expert witness never before interviewed speaks out the lighthouse is actually huh [Music] experiments producer John Tindall has created a model of rendlesham forest to determine what the Military Officers witnessed was it a beam of light or a UFO well remember we're in rendlesham forest in England we took GPS coordinates and photographs as well this was the view from where Colonel halt was was standing that night and with that and the photographs we've been able to recreate to scale exactly what was happening there and what we want to do is is prove and or disprove two different points the first point is can a lighthouse six miles in the distance have any sort of effect on the face of that Farmhouse second can the UFO have an effect on the face of that building what the colonel was saying was he was actually seeing reflections coming back from the windows so in that miniature we put some a little Dental mirrors in there actually to uh to Aid us and doing the reflection never before before somebody actually geometrically set up the angles of sight between the lighthouse The Farmhouse the clearing and the forest so where was Colonel Hall's line of sight now right over here this is the position where he was standing and we set this up as a line of sight so we can get the exact angle to the lighthouse or the windows in the house I see it Jeff why don't you bring the magic UFO wand in and we're going to approximate it in that area that position where Jeff has that light is where Colonel halt said this UFO had landed and you can see the reflection in the window from his point of view and what's interesting is that the lighthouse is a separate light entirely not reflecting in the window because there is no Reflection from the lighthouse to this into this line of sight you see the light directly but you don't see any reflection [Music] but I don't understand how the lighthouse even plays into this that's a very good point the the lighthouse is almost over the horizon and it's just it's just a very strange idea that's experienced servicemen would get excited about a lighthouse in the distance the second experiment was where must there have been a light source in order to create a reflection off the windows of the house and into Colonel Holt's eyes I'm seeing a reflection on the window from the object that's supposed to be the UFO so a bright light reflecting off the UFO from that position would definitely make the house look that it was on fire as if it were on fire right in the window I think it's safe to say that if there was a very bright light in the position that Colonel halt observed there to be the angle of reflection off of the house is just about optimal off those windows to get the brightest reflection back to the observation I think basically we've just closed the door about Orford Ness being the source of the light that Charles Hall saw that night whether it's a UFO whether it's not a UFO who knows what it is one person may be able to provide a definitive answer to this UFO debate Keith Seaman is The Keeper of the Orford Nest Lighthouse is it possible that the beam from that light was what the troops in the forest saw that night on December 26 1980. if we look at the Lighthouse behind us we can see that it's got a big piece of metal behind it pointing in the direction of rendlesham which is over there now albeit the intensity of the light was greater than in 1980 than it is now the light still wouldn't have shown actually directly through the trees all you would see on a clear night is the flash of the lighthouse every five seconds going across the sky so you're seeing that that cover that piece of metal that is blocking the light was there in 1980. it's always been there so there's never been a time in the history of this Lighthouse that the light was actually shining towards Reynolds from forest no we finally got a whole new piece of the puzzle of course according to Keith seam as a lighthouse attendant there's a big piece of metal on the back side of the lighthouse that doesn't shine towards land it shines out to sea so this is like a huge exciting new piece of information that that no one's really ever looked into and thankfully we actually came here to get the information to find out for ourselves we interviewed Charles Holt and confirm the entire story that Colonel Hall said we actually went to the tower brand new spot where a witness whom we discovered saw the entire event play out from the vantage point of the Tower and could see everything we've interviewed other Witnesses and every single story was credible all these eyewitnesses have stood by their testimony for over 30 years now and we've completely disproven this whole Lighthouse too yeah but guys it's not like just by disproving the lighthouse Theory we've proven the existence of UFOs I mean there still could be other explanations you know we know there are two top secret Air Force bases in the area it could have been some sort of new top secret military aircraft or a drone or something I just don't want to jump to the conclusion that it was it has to have been extraterrestrial UFO Vehicles true I mean what if it were some kind of drone but maybe it wasn't ours you know that would explain all the disinformation around the topic right the government's denial that anything of significance happened there and I would give you that without hesitation up for one thing in my mind that still sticks drones at least the ones that I know don't float out into a field and then split into five separate lights and go in five separate directions that bothers me well it could still be some kind of top secret drone right look we've really done a great job in these kids I think we've really closed it up we've sent the Skeptics running as you say we've shown it could not possibly have been their favorite theories so you know what we've debunked the debunkers the rentals from forest case differs from other reported sightings because of the number of witnesses over 80 witnessed to take off the level of their expertise the deputy based Commander is telling me that he had a UFO event and the physical evidence left behind we discovered radiation but like most UFO cases there may be an Earthly explanation for the events of those two nights in 1980 did the troops really encounter a UFO is it possible that nuclear bases are being monitored by something not of this world I'm firmly convinced that what we saw was something out of the ordinary the answer to why a UFO presence might persist here and elsewhere is as mysterious as the UFOs themselves it sounds very very strange [Music] in the Skies over California some of the strangest images ever seen this actually was taken in Bakersfield California craft that seemingly defied the rules of physics like some of the world's most advanced technology there are allegations that these designs may have come from beyond the stars as possible that world governments have been secretly reverse engineering crashed UFOs creating technological Marvels that seem to appear out of nowhere I shouldn't be talking about it does the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane oh its revolutionary design to the UFO sightings reported by its creator is it just coincidence the B2 stealth bomber and the F-117 fighter jet resemble the craft described in the first modern UFO sighting there was an object in the sky he actually saw what was almost like a stealth fighter are these military drone aircraft reverse engineered from captured UFOs I've never seen something like this before our technology has advanced exponentially over the past 60 years more quickly than our ability to deal with its consequences we're playing with time travel we're playing with telekinesis but is some of our most advanced technology not our own this is case number 47204 reverse engineering [Music] [Music] the team from UFO magazine is in Fort Collins Colorado looking at the strangest evidence of reverse engineering in recent years this actually was taken allegedly in Bakersfield California showing a very obviously clear craft it looks very sophisticated the photo was posted anonymously on an internet public forum the craft is hoop shaped with spiers on top that presumably provide some sort of lift or propulsion James carrion is the international director of mufon the mutual UFO Network founded in 1969 to scientifically and objectively investigate UFOs it has become one of the outstanding resources for UFO research another series of photos came out May 16 Capitola California this photo was posted by someone using a different screen name but it seems to show the same craft in a different part of the state now after these initial images came out in May another series of images were reported directly to mufon's website allegedly taken by a cell phone three sets of photos seemingly of the same craft what is the correlation most of the locations are near Saratoga California and that's not all nearby are NASA's Ames Research Center and 10 miles away Moffett Field also now administered by NASA this has added to the speculation that the craft whatever it is is a creation of the United States government this last series of photos that came out in big bass in California in June if you look closely enough at them you'll see that they have on them symbols the cryptic symbols on the drone's body do not resemble any known alphabet but one person has come forward claiming to know their origin gentleman named Isaac claimed that he recognized the symbols that were on these drone craft because he worked on them under a secret government project back in the 1980s called the carrot program in June 2007 a man identifying himself as Isaac posted a letter on the internet claiming he had been an engineer for a secret government program called carrot commercial application research for extraterrestrial technology he backed up his claims by posting documents which he had allegedly stolen from carrot and photocopied quote the military was hard at work trying to understand and use the Extraterrestrial artifacts it had in its possession mufon has been investigating the claims and analyzing the carrot documents to assess Isaac's credibility so he released a series of documentation and these were the major allegations he believes these craft use and visibility technology that the reason they were seen by these photo Witnesses is because the invisibility cloak was disrupted by some non-human technology the claims from this elusive witness may seem extreme but scientists engineers and experts the world over believe that governments have been reverse engineering alien craft for the past 60 years but such claims have never before been supported with documents and photographs as clear and detailed as these check this out what if there was this reverse engineering program going on and then these are like little test flights happening in the sky so for me to get a better sense of this we need to get some image analysts to review those experts in their fields who could look at the case here and give us their expert opinion look I'll tell you one thing reverse engineering is very very tough to prove extremely tough to prove but there are some incredible experts in the field and see what their take is on what's been reverse engineering technology so Pat let's collect this material let's get to The Experts you got it the team travels to Littleton Colorado to meet an engineer who claims to have first-hand knowledge that government reverse engineering programs are real I never talked about that for years because I felt that it was a classified thing and I shouldn't be talking about it John schussler worked for NASA during the Gemini and Apollo programs from 1962 until his retirement in 1998. his introduction into UFO phenomenon began with NASA's Gemini missions along the first Gemini flight it was the Gemini Titan II it was an unmanned mission January 19 1965 the Gemini Titan II rocket launches into space at 203 pm minutes later as the rocket makes its sub-orbital flight schussler notices something anomalous when that came around the earth the first time it was reported there were two objects with it as they were spotted by radar and on the second time around they were gone this mysterious event was the beginning of a wave of sightings UFO experts believe were witnessed by astronauts June 4th 1965 the Gemini 4 capsule orbits above Hawaii astronaut James mcdivitt mans the controls while his partner Ed White sleeps suddenly an object appears outside the window mcdivid describes it as a cylindrical object with a long arm jumping out from one side he takes two photographs then fearing the capsule might hit the object he turns on the rocket engines and moves the spacecraft to a safer location when he looks out the window again the object is gone he was very candid about saying that he did see something that wasn't ours it was a guy was a general in the Air Force he was a well-known fighter pilot and been serious when he said something's going on norad's official explanation was that the object was the discarded second stage of the Titan II rocket but while mcdivitt insisted that it wasn't what he saw he never filed a UFO report and declined to speak publicly on his sighting schusler began compiling documents detailing NASA's UFO encounters describing what the craft looked like and how they flew his investigations didn't go unnoticed I shouldn't be talking about it in fact I was called in and asked for some documents UFO documents by an advanced Design Group designing a stealth fighter and I turned over to them a bunch of my files so they could look and see if there was a reverse engineering stealth technology but before long that group was working stealth technology stealth is one of many astounding Technologies developed over the past 60 years since the 1940s technology has progressed at a seemingly exponential rate transistors and microcircuitry have revolutionized Electronics advances in aviation materials allow our planes to fly faster than was previously believed possible but did we do it alone a landmark event coincides with the beginning of the technological Revolution was the timing coincidental or is there a connection July 7th 1947 a flying disc is alleged to have crashed at Roswell New Mexico Witnesses have testified that the object was immediately taken away by the U.S army you believe that there must have been a crash somewhere along the line or somehow we acquired one of these vehicles technology items suddenly burst onto the scene in two or three locations at once like they've all been fed as some seed you know to make it grow and they all come to similar conclusions what pieces of Technology fiber optics were reported in the early crashes they didn't call them fiber optics but they look like glass wires or something invisibility we had lots of reports that UFOs were flying Along being chased and suddenly they're gone they've checked with the ground they get ground track radar on it they have aircraft Visual and aircraft radar you could not see many technological advances being unveiled today were described Years Ago by UFO Witnesses just recently it was said that they can make a tank look Invisible by projecting the image behind it in front of it you know you can't even see a tank sitting on the ground British defense researchers recently made a tank Invisible by projecting the background image onto a special foreground surface UFO Witnesses have long reported craft apparently disappearing in front of their eyes you were there what was the scuttlebutt in that Community were people talking the guys talk about things of very unusual nature to each other but they don't talk to people outside of that Community the special access Community is a very close community and you will lie cheat or steal to protect it and it's necessary to be that way would you have heard any rumors Who's got what I would not say that on camera I asked him straight up you know okay well you know people you've you know who've you talked to who's got the stuff who's got the goods where's the where's this craft being being kept well you don't want me shot and he basically said no I can't tell you that schussler is certain that reverse engineering of downed UFOs is being done secretly there's just way too many advancements coming out and people don't really know what's going on behind the scenes Advanced Technologies have long and complicated histories making it difficult to trace their development but one Aviation expert has noticed striking similarities between a UFO and a revolutionary U.S aircraft March Air Force Base Riverside County California aircraft journalist Bernard tonnell has studied the sudden invention of the SR-71 more commonly referred to as the Blackbird the PHD raise the stars of the Cold War Lockheed designer Clarence Kelly Johnson defied all conventional aeronautical design when he created the SR-71 its flattened shape and tapering sides reduced its radar signature to a minimum aircraft of comparable size to the Blackbird appear on radar screens the size of a flying house but the SR-71 appears the size of just the front door even more astounding Kelly achieved this effect 25 years before the stealth fighter was unveiled it was the first craft to be comprised mainly of titanium and one of the first attempts in stealth design where did Kelly Johnson's Advanced ideas come from at Blended Wing fuselage the stubby wings and the huge tail surfaces a plane that by right shouldn't fly you're saying that the designer of the SR-71 was inspired by the UFO sighting Johnson had two verified encounters with UFOs and subsequently filed reports of both sightings what's the sketch of UFO the first blueprint of an SR71 in December 1964 the SR-71 was unveiled its Mach 3 cruising speed titanium airframe and revolutionary stealth technology astounded Aviation experts but some wondered if these advances Were Somehow related to designer Kelly Johnson's reports of seeing UFOs Johnson died in 1990 without answering the question Kelly Johnson conceived really the aircraft from A to Z he conceived the U2 the same way now Clarence Kelly had a UFO sighting November 15 1951 Agora California Johnson Witnesses a strange object in the sky with a swept back flying wing shape unlike any known aircraft of that time suddenly saw something elliptic very metallic and very huge Dimension there was also another side in here ad December 15 1953 two years later Johnson notices a dark elliptical shape hovering Motionless In The Sky suddenly it begins accelerating at impossibly fast speed he's so strange craft with two axles going very fast it was not Jet and he didn't know what it was Johnson made detailed notes and a sketch of that object to be approximately 200 feet wide hovering at an altitude of 15 000 feet and about 30 to 60 miles away his sketch of the enigmatic object strongly resembles the plane he designed 13 years later mentioned that he cannot explain what he saw but the most interesting thing is another crew was flying at the same time Johnson's UFO sighting was independently confirmed by two Rocky pilots on a wv-2 test flight near Long Beach California if you can't collaborate what is so the two pilots both reported seeing the same dark shape and Echo Johnson's estimate of the object's altitude and speed we have to remember that Clarence Kelly Johnson was the founder of Lockheed Skunk Works an aerospace company that went on to design some of the most advanced flying crafts in the world so this was no average engineer and one has to wonder was his sketch of UFO the first blueprint of an SR-71 come on it would be incredibly interesting as an engineer or scientist to try to reverse engineer something like UFO an engineer can take the knowledge they have and see some hints towards how to evolve It Whatever the source of his inspiration Kelly Johnson's SR-71 was the first of an ongoing stream of ever more sophisticated stealth designs the SR-71 has had an impact on every military plane in the sky today the SR-71 is not the only plane whose revolutionary design raised questions about its origin when the B2 stealth bomber and the F-117 Stealth fighter were unveiled their flying wing shape was revolutionary but even more astounding is their lack of radar signature due to a revolutionary top secret skin that UFO researchers believe also to be reverse engineered the airplanes are completely undetectable while flying ufologists immediately remembered the first modern UFO sighting in 1947 when pilot Kenneth Arnold saw unknown flying wing-shaped objects over Montreal Washington people believe that Kenneth Arnold saw a saucer in the sky wrong what Kenneth Arnold actually saw was almost a delta wing shape almost like a stealth fighter the craft that actually crashed at Roswell was not a flying saucer it was a flying Crescent today's Flying Wing designs are almost direct descendants of the modified Blended flying wing that crashed at Roswell a flying wing aircraft Blends the fuselage into the wings creating a wedge-shaped plane although a flying wing has Superior lift and fuel efficiency historically it's proved hard to maneuver the Germans produced a jet-powered flying wing aircraft in 1944 but pressures of War kept designers from solving the Craft's many technical difficulties the U.S Air Force began developing flying wing aircraft but shut down the program in 1948 when a crash killed two test pilots and three engineers was technology taken from the Roswell crash responsible for the eventual Perfection of the Flying Wing if these UFOs existed and they were just thousands of years more advanced than what we are familiar with today I'm not sure that we would be able to understand it reverse engineering entails copying everything from an existing machine from complicated Electronics down to the chemical composition of basic materials it's no easy task even when the technology being copied is from right here on Earth the B-29 bomber is probably the best example of reverse engineering through the Cold War World War II World War One the military has been doing reverse engineering of foreign aircraft famous cases of of the US getting their hands on Russian aircraft and reverse engineering the functionality or some of the advanced performance characteristics of the Russian aircraft and it goes both ways the Russians are doing the same thing to us it's Undisputed that countries routinely reverse engineer Technologies from other countries could they be applying the same techniques to objects not of this world the study gave the order if we can get a B-29 try to rebuild it July 31st 1944 a B-29 bomber experiences engine problems and is forced to land near Vladivostok USSR later two other b-29s also make emergency Landings in Russia another crashes in Siberia all four craft are kept by the Soviets their reverse engineering effort creates the tupolev tu-4 the Russians were ordered to rebuild the B-29 belt per bolt one and grow five thousand pieces ironically highly complex Machinery is not always the biggest challenge the Russians were not able to reproduce everything look at the Russians with the B-29 having difficulty just to make a small step forward now imagine getting a UFO that might be so incredibly sophisticated so incredibly Advanced it could be from a civilization thousands of years engineering wise ahead of us maybe we could reproduce the geometries of those components in that UFO but for us to understand the fundamental physics that's a huge stretch the claim that the U.S government is actively engaged in reverse engineering alien craft has always been highly controversial but recently new material has been released purporting to be photographic and documentary evidence of recovered alien technology proof at last or something else [Music] today's mainstream technology could have been wholly developed by our planet's cleverest species us but the idea that we reverse engineered some devices from alien technology continues to Intrigue as with these photographs allegedly of U.S military drones inspired by real UFOs mufon director James carrion notes striking similarities between the photographs of the purported military drone and a famous UFO crash in Pennsylvania December 9 1965 thousands of people in Six States and Ontario Canada reports seeing a brilliant Fireball streak overhead a number of frantic calls from Witnesses were recorded on tape and still survive across the sky came a huge metallic debris reportedly drops over Northern Ohio and the object causes Sonic booms in Western Pennsylvania according to Witnesses it finally lands in the woods outside Kecksburg Pennsylvania 30 miles Southeast of Pittsburgh local firemen rushed to the scene but discover a U.S military unit has already cordoned off the area soldiers reportedly take the mysterious object to an undisclosed location presumed to be Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio the official explanation is that a meteor has crashed but numerous Witnesses and newspapers believed that this was in fact a UFO and that it has played a key role in the U.S military's reverse engineering program if you look at eyewitness information who actually saw the Kecksburg object they saw it make a 25 degree trajectory change or some sort of intelligent control when it came down and eyewitness testimony states that what they found was an intact Craft on the ground it had made a trench where it had come down after it broke through a bunch of trees and that it was retrieved intact by the military put on a flatbed truck and transported out of the area carrion's research has revealed that numerous eyewitnesses of the Kecksburg crash reported seeing strange symbols on the base of the UFO when the town erected a monument to the crashed object the symbols were prominently recreated and now 40 years after the crash they are apparently turning up in another context so we see the correlation between the symbols on the Drone craft and the symbols that were seen on the Kecksburg carrot documents are indeed real they indicate the government may be using Private Industry to reverse engineer private entities have another Advantage they're immune to Freedom of Information requests that object that is in that image is completely inconsistent with the physics of aircraft flying for example the mass distribution or the center of gravity is way off there's no way that could fly through Air at high speed which leaves me thinking there's some miracle technology that's Way Beyond anything we can understand maybe there's a it's enveloped in a force field and that's providing aerodynamics you know it's speculation but it's it's important to look at the physics of what's being presented have you had a chance to analyze this oh yeah these are some of the drone images Dr Bruce Maccabee was an optical physicist for the United States Navy specializing in imagery analysis he and Ted Acworth analyzed the Drone photographs these pictures were essentially posted on the internet I should point out that clearly this is not an aerodynamic type of structure that we're looking at here it's if it's if it really is real and flying along it's using some extraordinary means it could be extremely lightweight and blowing air downwards I suppose it's immediately obvious that these vehicles if real defy conventional aerodynamics in order to fly they would have to use some unknown method of propulsion and lift it seems that just about every case the the quality of the images is very low in this case with military drones for once we have what appear to be very well exposed digital photographs wait a second it's missing it's missing some pieces of the crap this is it early Maccabee notes that one of the earliest photographs allegedly taken in May 2007 differs from a photo said to be taken a month later the most recent image shows a more highly developed craft this is it early I said this is a more developed version of it so you're saying that they're they're are a series of images that were posted that show a progression of features on the craft but you can see how this initial version was it had spiers or spikes that came up it had a circular donut shaped main body it had a tail going out to the side and Spike coming off and yet over some sequin uh images it's developed or grown more let's see components either that means this craft is actually deploying additional Hardware or parts or somebody is building up a CGI model and developing the complexity of the model over the sequence of the photos all of the stuff that's been presented around this Isaac case and these drones it's all very interesting but all of this hinges on the testimony of some guy named Isaac I need some kind of evidence to support this I think we'd have to investigate this further to really know if any of this is true is this real or is it a house the search for the truth only adds more layers to the Enigma these photographs reportedly shot over California in 2007 showcraft possibly reverse engineered by our government from captured alien technology although the Carrick documents allege that reverse engineering is being subcontracted out to private facilities most UFO researchers believe that if it's taking place it's being done at high security military bases coming up with a lot of documents here about underground bases and and their connection to reverse engineering the file includes a Declassified formally top-secret 1952 briefing prepared for incoming president Dwight Eisenhower this says top secret Eyes Only it's prepared for president-elect Eisenhower and it goes on to say that the Roswell crash was real and the wreckage of the craft was removed to several different locations one of them possibly area 51. two names have become synonymous with reverse engineering Dulce Mesa New Mexico and area 51. a number of scientists and Engineers who worked at Area 51 reported suspicious activity at the site Robert Lazar supposedly was one of the people who was asked by the Air Force to go to Area 51 and give his advice on how to reverse engineer the propulsion systems of all the craft that were kept at area 51. Bob Lazar surfaced in the early 1990s claiming to have been an engineer who worked at Area 51 supposedly reverse engineering captured UFOs here's a story about a guy named Bill uhaus who is a retired mechanical engineer from Vegas who claims he worked with an Ebe in extra terrestrial biological and Anthony right another purported base involved with reverse engineering is located underneath the town of Dulce New Mexico Dulce is a very secret military base that is underground according to the United States Army's own mining Engineers this is the most heavily tunneled area in the entire world that ever since the late 1940s we've dug tunnels in all these states Dulce is one of those tunnels I know that there are bases that are tunneled deep into the ground for their protection so that they can survive let's say a nuclear attack but are there these secret underground bases where reverse engineering vehicles that I can't say for sure a subject surrounded by secrecy is always an easy target for hoaxers and digital image manipulation has made their job easier than ever which isn't to say that the photographs aren't real Ted meets with computer Graphics specialist Phil crescenzo at his studio in Agora California to analyze the Drone photographs the light for these objects appears to be coming from this angle you know I'm not sure that that's the same angle that the light for the telephone pole if anything I would say that it's deceptive Phil has noticed that all the photographs show The Craft moving toward or away from a wooded area but never over it none of these shots really have the ship Behind Woods where you would think someone if they saw a craft like this would be shooting constantly and one or two of these shots would have it behind a lot more foliage that it's much easier to make a composite when you have all these straight lines and for instance if you were to try to put this craft behind a number of leaves and I noticed that in this whole sequence of images there are none where the craft is behind anything you know either it's a really really well crafted hoax or a real image it leaves me wondering you know what would it take to create these kinds of fake photos remember the frame that I told you this is it right here I shot it yesterday and I left a nice spot for me to put something into that frame I just did a quick approx summation of what the lighting might be for this shot and rendered a 3D object out if I just bring the object in and lay it in the shot I get a pretty Stark image here and to my eye it it seems clear the object's just stuck on there stuck on there so the first thing I would render it with some motion blur even objects that are moving fairly slow should have some motion blur on them does a blur occur on the Drone photos it's it's sort of one thing that I feel like I'm missing when I look at these photos is a little bit of motion blur I don't see any rotation I see no motion blur at all if it appears to be stationary and that conflicts with the fact that the craft is moving across those telephone wires and moving across some of these parts of this scene now the only thing that this is missing to sort of fit into the shot is to have the grain from the background apply back onto the ship right I mean look at that definitely looks a lot better after you apply those effects exactly it's impressive I mean you know you've got it to my eye looking like maybe 99 believable that there's a UFO flying in in your front yard but you can see how someone with even more time would probably be able to create a very convincing image after all of this analysis you know what is it is this real or is it a hoax I tend to go with this being a computer generated image at the end of the day we weren't able to prove that these were fakes or hoaxed on the other side we weren't able to prove that they were real I'm not sure it's possible to do that and bottom line you know I'm just not going to believe that we're seeing a real UFO solely based on a set of images photos and documents are fakes they are extremely good ones somebody has spent hours creating and detailing these documents why why are all the photo Witnesses Anonymous nobody's come forward we have no identifiable person who says I've taken these photos so this whole thing smells like a hoax read it between the lines here and at the top of my list is disinformation okay are they trying to hide real alien technology are they trying to hide that we've been visited by extraterrestrials are they just simply trying to hide a super secret weapon but for me the bottom line is there is a secret here that's being protected it's being cloaked and that's what mufon's here to find out what that secret is it's a matter of record that revolutionary forms of aircraft have been attempted in the years after World War II rather than reverse engineer alien technology most companies all the way back in the 1950s simply created their own technology from scratch in 1953 Avro Canada demonstrated project Y2 yes a genuine Flying Saucer the Avro car was an 18-foot saucer that used a turbo rotor for Upward propulsion but even after spending millions of dollars in research and development the craft could hover only up to eight feet at a maximum speed of 20 knots other disc shaped craft all proved unstable unflyable and dangerous but one man claims to have helped build a successful flying disc not for any government but for a private organization in Oklahoma I had an experience on board this 45 percent [Music] Ralph ring is a technician who worked closely in the 1950s and 60s with Otis Carr an inventor who claimed to be a protege of Nikola Tesla Carr believed he could build a working flying disc and Ralph ring asserts they succeeded Ralph how did you meet Otis T Carr a friend of mine introduced me to a group called understanding that was studying stuff like science they brought car and his Entourage odd and we got up there and brainstorm and we decided to get together and build spaceships 1958 Oklahoma Otis Carr starts construction of the OTC X1 a 45-foot flying saucer he describes his invention on Long John Neville's New York Radio Show in 1959. we have a truly fake vehicle that does not burn up its energy in a few seconds could make a trip very easily as other aerial Transportation Systems from here to Baltimore or from here to the Moon Carr claimed to have been shown secret theories and techniques of Nikola Tesla there is no independent corroboration of Carr's story later Carr claimed to have seen three electrically charged UFOs which inspired him to use Tesla's theories to create a new form of propulsion we can celebrate the tremendous velocity I was selected and I had two other Engineers who got on board Ralph and two Engineers were the first passengers I had an experience on board of this 45-foot craft could you describe the experience sure when we got on board and Carr said what we're going to do is we're going to vibrate this crap to that particular frequency the color of aquamarine so they fired it up and this thing turned into this beautiful brilliant Aquamarine the whole craft inside was all lit up with and then he said okay that's it he says come on down to debriefing that's the end of the experiment ring remembers the entire experience lasting only 15 seconds but that short period of time encompassed something much more phenomenal and he said what you did was you went downrange 10 miles and you came back you resonated here for about five to ten seconds and where you were probably equate to about 15 minutes he's a little check your pockets and we had these little jumpsuits on and we emptied our pockets on and there were stones and sticks and grass and everything we put her piled it up on his desk he said well where'd that come from the debris Wing found in his pocket was allegedly from an area 10 miles from the testing site he asserts he did not have it before the testing of The Craft how come we don't remember that he said well because the brain it's reached its Optimum capacity were there any external Witnesses extrinsic to the event itself yeah he was a police officer in Apple Valley at the time and him and his buddy saw this craft I looked up on my email and the guy says did you have uh jumpsuits on and yeah and he says well I think we saw you guys I mean you just were there for a few minutes and you left they had no idea what was going on they felt a vibration two there was a bright blue light three they wound up 10 miles away with no sense of movement or any memory flying there what does that sound like it sounds very much like an alien abduction Otis car was using the same techniques that alien abductors use could we talk a little bit about you know what the fundamental principle was or is that makes us well the simple explanation I can give you is you reach your resident frequency of anything and you you then become you synergize with it you become kind of one with it because ring is not a scientist he has a limited understanding of Carr's theories other than that Carr believed objects could be moved through space and time by creating a resonant frequency with a predetermined location resonance is the specific pitch that triggers an exaggerated oscillation in an object every object has its own specific resonant frequency for example a tuning fork in the key of C has little effect on a tuning fork in the key of D but if both tuning Forks are in the same key striking 1 will cause the other to vibrate in sympathy another example is a crystal goblet which can be made to resonate so violently at a certain note that it will actually shatter we have to remember that sometimes out of the box thinking is very difficult to accept and there are many great thinkers in the past whose ideas we could not accept people actually laughed at Einstein when he came up with relativity when the father of American rocketry Louis Goddard proposed the idea that we would one day be in orbit and in space people thought this would never happen we would never go into space so I would be reluctant to dismiss Ralph Ring's claims that there are different energies out there that we have yet to tap into cars theories are so removed from accepted laws of physics that they seem like science fiction thank you but when experiments producer John Tindall applied resonant frequency to an object in his laboratory he was amazed to discover that at least part of what Carr claimed may be valid what kind of resonant frequency Otis Carr was using but I've set up a basically acoustic levitation chamber that is going to use resonant frequencies to levitate this little flying saucer this is an acoustic levitation chamber basically I'm going to take this little foam cup and hopefully get it to hover and fly around inside just by using sound waves what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this into a resonance chamber the resonance chamber has three speakers placed on the top the side and the back reflecting the three dimensions of space okay I have X Y and Z axes that I can control from these three oscillators it's amazing how much and how little energy you need once you hit it ah see here it is wow the oscillators are tuned to the resonant frequency of the chamber which vibrates in sympathy to the tone being generated by the speakers and amplifies it the intense vibrations set up a standing wave inside the chamber the cup is actually riding the crest of the standing wave not unlike a surfer rides the crest of an ocean wave [Music] can you turn it upside down again well we'll try wow nice John Tindall has demonstrated that sound waves can move or levitate an object which Carr claimed was how he intended to propel his saucer [Music] when you do hit the resonant frequency all heck breaks loose all bets are off how exactly would this relate to the Otis T car experiments and UFO technology so if he has stumbled upon some sort of ether resonant frequency that we haven't stumbled upon then there could be some strange things come out of that I think it's a big stretch it doesn't fit any of the existing scientific models that we have but this idea of finding a resident frequency to capture collect energy is an interesting idea Theory like this using sounds waves to move an object might have seemed Preposterous 25 years ago but imagine what we might have in another 25 years guys after all this investigation this case on reverse engineering I have to admit I I remain really skeptical the testimonies we've collected in the case so far you know they seem like reasonably credible people but in each case it's been individuals saying that they have eyewitness experience with with some aspect of reverse engineering what about all the people we talk to that are so highly credible Bernard Tunnell John schustler of mufon they say they they know of reverse engineering going on or they know of people who are involved in reverse engineering and I don't see why we shouldn't believe them how can you reject that kind of testimony but we still don't have the actual vehicle it's easy to say where's the UFO that's our job is to hunt for it can we find it next one possible because they're going to keep it from us the real truth behind the reverse engineering reported dog UFOs will probably never be known there is little hard evidence only Witnesses who contradict each other yet it's Undisputed that reverse engineering is practiced on conventional items we're playing with time travel we're playing with telekinesis we're playing with psychokinesis we're playing with a whole bunch of things that are way beyond our human imagination to comprehend yet could we possibly resist the temptation to analyze an advanced craft if one fell into our hands and if we did manage to learn the secrets of an advanced civilization would we prove ourselves Advanced enough to use them wisely there are certain places on Earth UFO Skeptics should avoid at all costs they are vortexes for strange encounters these UFO hot spots are where thousands of people have reported seeing unexplained objects in the sky around the world the Hudson River Valley New York Stonehenge Sedona Arizona enigmatic photographs cryptic ruins and a search for answers there certainly isn't any airplane that goes into a motion like that and lives are these places the Earth's Open Door what could they have in common according to a new Theory a lot more than you think there is a direct correlation between the UFO sightings and the location of these Chambers this is case number 80103 vortexes [Music] somebody [Music] else some places on Earth receive more rain than others some locations are hotter colder windier and some have a preponderance of something else UFOs a Region's extreme environmental conditions can be explained now that science has shown the underlying forces that determine our weather but what explains UFO hot spots if UFOs exist a new Theory May explain the conditions that create a preponderance of sightings in specific locations on Earth one of those conditions may be something created by the Earth itself there may be huge pockets of energy spilling out of the earth and and these extraterrestrials know how to tap into it that might explain why we have these hot spots why some UFOs seem to be spotted around certain areas an actual very reputable researchers have said spiraling around the planet are these Ley lines and they form what's known as the Earth's Grid it's the Earth's grid of a certain kind of an energy whether it's magnetic whether it's electrical that actually draws UFOs to them where these Ley lines and where the Earth's grid the ones on the earth squid meet these are the vortexes the dark Sinister Woods of the Hudson River Valley New York are the setting for the legends of the Headless Horseman and Rip Van Winkle their mystery has endured into our times but now a UFO component has been added June 25th 1962 balls of light Passover Ossining causing Vehicles below to stall June 15 1963 an enormous craft moves silently through the Skies over Newburgh December 31st 1981 the start of the biggest UFO Vortex mystery of all time when thousands of witnesses report seeing something very strange in the sky it all begins when a retired policeman in Kent New York steps out into his backyard for a breath of crisp night air a cluster of red green and white lights in the sky catches his attention assuming at first that they are helicopters flying in formation he watches the lights move toward him from the south [Music] as the lights get closer he is stunned to see that these are not helicopters a huge v-shaped craft with colored lights spaced along the edges is moving through the sky above his home and as it passes overhead it hums the object is seen regularly in the area for the next five years on March 24 1983 hundreds of people see a gigantic Boomerang with 18 Bright Lights cruising slowly parallel to the Taconic Parkway the witnesses who get out of their cars to watch the strange craft notice something distinctive it hums as it passes overhead and looks and sounds like no known aircraft the switchboard of Peak Skill and Yorktown Police are flooded that night with calls reporting a giant v-shaped craft moving slowly over the area sightings continued regularly for the next five years by the time the flap is over in 1986 more than 5 000 reports of the strange craft are filed what could cause the activity in the Hudson Valley OR at other UFO hot spots around the world one theory has something to do with how the Earth itself works the Earth's core generates an enormous amount of electricity inconsistencies in the crust means that the energy release in some areas is stronger than in others it's been theorized that ancient monuments sit on these power points and that by connecting them with straight lines called Ley lines a worldwide grid can be mapped before the team takes their investigation to the Hudson River Valley Stonehenge and Sedona Arizona they visit the laboratory of experiments producer John Tindall he has prepared a demonstration of how the enormous electrical energy generated by the Earth's molten core May emerge on our planet's surface in specific locations that could be referred to as vortexes the Earth is one giant Dynamo it is making electricity on the inside and the Earth's crust varies in terms of its resistance to electricity so you can imagine at different locations around the Earth's crust we have these different sort of highly conductive Tails which are these concentrations of the various effects that cause the higher conductivity through the Earth's crust these could hypothetically be located where we have our major grid grid Vortex points John places light bulbs representing Sedona Stonehenge and the Hudson River Valley on the metal Globe the light bulbs are not electrically connected just clipped into position this now represents your different hotbeds and some laying on Ley lines as John simulates the power generated by the movement of molten metal at the Earth's core the current arcs to the light bulbs is electrical power reaching up to specific vortexes on our Earth's crust and is it causing UFO activity okay so in addition to picking up the electrical current are the probes also drawing the current to it they are they are grounded to this cage and the current is drawn to these uh to these probes there is an attraction much as different areas in the crust May conduct electricity a little bit more and you'll have stronger magnetic fields as a result of that [Applause] to investigate the characteristics UFO hotspots seem to have in common around the world the team first travels to the Hudson River Valley we're here in the Hudson Valley and we're investigating the Earth's grid Hudson Valley in New York is a spot where lines of energy meet and form a vortex the memory of what happened here is still fresh to thousands of witnesses now a theory involving the world grid could provide a clue as to why this is a vortex the theory links all UFO hot spots with four defining characteristics one the area is considered sacred or hallowed and is frequently marked with ancient monuments or shrines two there is a detectable energy field in the area that differs from the surrounding Countryside three there is a history of ongoing and regular UFO sightings or other anomalous experiences and four there is always a military presence nearby Pine Bush New York is about 65 miles north of New York City Dr Bruce Cornett is a PhD in geology who has been photographing and documenting strange aircraft in the skies here for over 16 years [Music] Dr cornett's research leads him to believe the focal point for the phenomena is the Beth Hillel cemetery on Route 52 approximately three and a half miles Southeast of Pine Bush the area is believed to periodically generate magnetic pulses strong enough to cause airplane instruments to fail is this site of Vortex and is it responsible for the area's anomalous activity and it's this area where I got my start back in 1992 discovered that this was an area of Interest right in my own backyard how did you associate the um possibility of increased magnetic readings or anomalous magnetic readings with the presence of UFOs this is a map that I generated from 1800 stations of data that shows the geology of the region and if you notice running up the center of it there are a lot of these strange oval anomalies see that and when you plot the activity in the in the valley in these yellow circles numbered are all corresponding to these magnetic anomalies the charts seem to show a direct correlation between areas of high magnetism and the appearance of strange lights and objects in the sky including the many sightings of the 1981-1986 flap this means that two of the four criteria for hot spots has been met one the area is a highly anomalous magnetic region two it has an ongoing history of unexplained phenomena I've had over 120 sightings are close in Encounters in this Valley alone and many times I've actually photographed or videotaped the event this extraordinary time lapse photograph shows an illuminated object which appears as a line of light but what is most intriguing is the funnel-shaped field of light the craft passes through it's long been speculated that UFOs may be able to travel to distant Stars by creating wormholes this would take vast amounts of energy perhaps alien craft are drawn to certain places because they can tap into energy fields is this Photograph the first evidence of a UFO receiving energy from one of Earth's vortexes the team is in Pine Bush New York testing to see if the area meets the criteria that identify it as a UFO vortex my interest as a scientist was to document what do we actually have going on here on April 28 1993 Dr Cornett set up a camera and took this time lapse photograph on first glance it could be the lights of an airplane painting a line across the screen but Dr Cornett believes it's something else something not of this world what makes you think these are not airplanes with an airplane you're going to get the lights moving in a fairly straight path there's not going to be any motion to the lights there's not going to be a rapid changes in direction of the lights it's going to be pretty much predictable I discovered some very unusual uh things the lights are not straight they're looping in a Time exposure the shutter is left open for an extended period of time any moving light will paint a line on the film a blinking light that's moving will show up as a string of dots in this Photograph the light source was spinning in tight circles a maneuver that no known aircraft can execute is this a UFO [Music] as a trained scientist cornet has been meticulous in documenting each sighting noting down time place duration distance and altitude his extraordinary photographs appear to show lights flying too low to be conventional aircraft executing impossible twists and turns moving through energy fields and appearing and disappearing I've shown these to people and they said well you were bouncing the camera well the camera was on a stable tripod and operated with an electronic shutter release so there was no uh vibration in the camera so the movement or the rotation that you see here in the lights is primary it's coming from the source cornet uses a Minolta xgm camera with an electronic shutter release and motor driven film Advance mounted on a tripod once the camera was oriented it is never physically touched depending on the nature of the object in the sky the film is exposed from as little as 10 seconds to As Long As 47 seconds we've looked at all of Bruce cornett's pictures and this one in particular is very interesting it does show a kind of Break In The Light signature of whatever this vehicle was possibly a UFO this could be a vortex this extraordinary time lapse photograph taken on April 28 1993 shows an illuminated object which appears as a line of light while it's difficult to judge the size and speed of an object in the night sky it appeared to be about the size of a fighter plane moving at a relatively slow speed between 30 and 45 miles per hour far slower than a conventional craft but most intriguing is the strange funnel-shaped field of light the craft either creates or transverses experts have come to believe that this seminal photograph has captured a UFO apparently dissipating or dissolving as it encounters a powerful energy field over Pine Bush the presence of anomalous energies has been cited as one of the four factors that identify UFO hot spots Dr Ted Acworth an optical physicist Bruce mcabee analyzed the photograph this is a stabilized camera it's obviously not moving in a perfectly straight line looks like it's a wavy motion and then it looks like a huge burst of oscillation at this point something happened made this image spread out and then contract again I don't know get off course or something like that but then it shrinks back as if it was traveling along and then something happened and then it resumed where it was going now we can see these little dots along this image if this is a constant pulse rate then that sort of implies this thing was traveling along at some steady speed I'm you know I'm really curious about this one that because it looks like some sort of a damped harmonic resonance you're seeing something that's making that motion from a still camera or the camera is is getting excited harmonic resonance would occur if the camera was vibrating jostling the camera would create a blur of light but it would be symmetrical in shape which does not appear to be the case here you didn't Hammer the camera mounted you yes I mean that was my initial uh guess if you imagine the the field of view of the camera where to oscillate up and down like this over a short period of time you get a series of things like this not a I don't know how you get something like multiple light images making this sort of a bunch of parallel lights you got a whole bunch of very fine filamentary curves there and I don't know I don't know what that means at me but at the very least we can say this is this is unusual or bizarre or not expected there's something strange going on there certainly isn't any airplane that goes into a motion like that and lives according to weather records for that night there were no strange weather anomalies there were no thundershowers lightning or rain there were no reports of commercial or military aircraft over the area further there was no reported Comet or meteor activity visible in the area the coordinate photo is one of the best pieces of evidence from a scientific standpoint that we've been able to collect around the concept of vortexes the strange Distortion could be evidence of an unusual energy pattern the first Criterion of hot spot correlation the second Criterion that of continuing sightings and anomalous Behavior has been documented by Bruce cornett's meticulous photographs the Stuart Air National Guard base in Newburgh New York is 16 miles away from Pine Bush the third UFO hotspot Criterion is the presence of military the final Criterion is that an area be considered sacred or hallowed this would seem to be a remote possibility for a rural part of the Hudson River Valley or is it while some researchers cite the presence of a Jewish cemetery there is another potentially sacred location just outside of town that continues to baffle UFO researchers this quiet Countryside seems a world away from the ancient monuments that dot the European landscape but there are dozens of mysterious structures that suggest that some ancient people considered this land profoundly spiritual hundreds if not thousands of years ago in this area there are a number of these standing stones with very ancient structures and we are convinced that these structures date back to possibly as old as 2000 BC enigmatic Stone Chambers and standing stones dot the valley historians debate fiercely who constructed these impressively designed buildings it's been suggested that they are the work of Native Americans but the Algonquins tended to build their structures from the plentiful timber in the valley others believe the chambers are root sellers constructed by early European settlers but a root cellar built above ground won't protect vegetables during the winter why were these Chambers constructed Philip imbrogno author of Celtic Mysteries believes that the chambers were built by ancient Celts who maintained a temporary colony in North America moreover he believes the placement of the chambers proves the Celts were following a definite plan this area seems to attract thousands and thousands of UFO sightings and he can't explain why except to say that perhaps it's the organized magnetic lines of the earth that are almost kind of a magnet for the UFOs themselves almost like a highway the chamber's alignment to the stars does seem to match the alignment of ancient monuments in England and Ireland and stone structures and monoliths played an important role in Celtic religious beliefs although no two Chambers are identical they do share some characteristics most are rectangular with an interior approximately six feet high the chambers are from 10 to 15 feet deep and six to seven feet wide the walls are made from medium-sized stones but the sealing stones are usually seven feet long and one to two feet thick and wide like Stonehenge they seem to be aligned to the position of the Setting Sun during winter solstice what's the UFO connection to all this the way I got interested into these Chambers was because of my investigation into the Hudson Valley UFO where thousands of people from all walks of life saw an enormous object in the sky so I plotted the general UFO reports on a map and I found out something interesting they weren't scattered all over the place they were concentrated in clusters first location we came to was in Lake Carmel New York and we're walking up the trail looking for something and I come across an obelisk like this and a chamber and I said wow that's interesting next location another chamber correlating with a cluster yes and the next and I said after the third and fourth time I said this has got to be more than a coincidence the location of these Chambers and these Stones has something to do with the idea of UFOs there's a connection according to imbrogno the Hudson Valley UFO sightings line up geographically with these enigmatic stone structures there seems to be a strong correlation between if not the the chambers themselves the area where the chambers are located and where these UFO sightings occur it's not just speculation there is a direct correlation between the UFO sightings especially in the Hudson Valley and the location of these Chambers Hudson Valley Sedona Arizona Stonehenge in England all spots on the Earth's grid where energies form a Vortex and those vortexes are gateways possibly to other universes or other dimensions the team concludes the area around Pine Bush qualifies as a UFO Vortex when the next site Stonehenge is put to the test by the team will it prove to be more than just a famous tourist attraction very slowly look at that yeah I did not do that did its Builders tap into a force that is still attracting something [Music] Stonehenge is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world five thousand years ago and unknown people began erecting massive stones and aligning them with the sun and stars Stonehenge is believed to sit on the intersection of several Ley lines and the crisscrossing of these lines could theoretically produce a kind of Vortex responsible for the area's long history of anomalous sightings a consistent history of phenomena and a reputation for being sacred the team instantly concludes that two of the four criteria for indicating a UFO Vortex are fulfilled Salisbury Plain is the United Kingdom's largest military training area with more than 12 military installations less than 20 miles from Stonehenge in fact during filming the team along with Stonehenge itself was regularly rattled by the powerful sounds of nearby weapon testings the third Criterion for a Vortex has been met the team still needs to determine whether the area also contains abnormal energy signatures the famous standing stones are only a small part of the Stonehenge complex the area is ringed with barrels ancient burial mounds the barrels are reported to rest on the same energy Fields as Stonehenge and also have had sightings associated with them this is Kenneth Parsons who's providing us with the 1990 David tickle footage of UFOs that were shot over the barrel Mounds here at Stonehenge on and off there's a manifestation of something up here in the sky it could be a UFO or it could be related to these Earth energies but there's definitely a lot of activity things are happening there on that mound could well be related to the Ley lines here and the Earth Energies May 7 1990 record producer David tickle is taking a leisurely drive across Salisbury Plain on his way to Guilford at three o'clock he stops at Stonehenge and videotapes the standing stones and the barrows with an analog video recorder to his amazement the camera captures something he can't explain white objects seem to be appearing and disappearing in the sky over an oval Barrel at the same time several black objects on the top of the barrel blink in and out of existence apparently in sync with the objects in the sky I think these objects could well follow the Ley lines because I mean it's so close to this Stonehenge monuments uh over these barrows that could well be a UFO and these here could be Earth Energy you keep seeing things popping up and down the Mounds black things the objects in the sky could possibly be analog video artifacts flaws that appear when an ultra bright object overrides the circuitry and produces a false image but that doesn't explain the dark images appearing on the mound nor is there any explanation of why the dark balls are appearing and disappearing in time with the white objects now why is the UFO seeming to like Wink in and out of existence I don't know it appears and disappears and appears and disappears this is how these objects often operate they seem to be uh Dimension Hoppers they will go in and out of our reality you're seeing that the UFOs aren't attracted to this area like how many percent I have seen them attracted to these sites as well but I've never seen this where you've got the energies and the UFO in the all on tape like this that's extraordinary while the team finds the video evidence impressive the low quality of the analog tape calls the footage into question tickle and Parsons however are convinced that this footage is indeed evidence of Earth energies and UFOs over Stonehenge UFOs seem to travel a long way lines along the energy grid as if they're attracted to it but in this particular case what we saw over the Barrow was that UFO seemed to be winking in and out of existence almost as though they're traveling in between dimensions moving on to the famous Standing Stones at the center of the Stonehenge complex the team meets with Maria Wheatley and Leslie Taylor as we still have special access to the stones let's go in and see if we can find a leyline the team is curious to see if they can trace intersecting lines of energy which are said to lie under Stonehenge with the ancient art of dowsing Dowsers believe that when a sensitive person passes over a line of force involuntary muscle movements occur handheld sticks or metal rods exaggerate the tiny movements and make them more visible the dowsing Rod has no intrinsic power of its own it acts only as an indicator of forces being detected by the human body Ley lines aligns a force an ancient site such as Stonehenge was cited upon these lines so if we stand just about here and I walk across the grass here my rod should cross roughly about there and about four or five Paces further on and that's the width of the energy band coming in towards the altar Stone and the altar Stone was over there it was a central piece in the monument there we go there's the first reaction and there's the second reaction which is perfectly in line with the Hailstone would you like a go that's amazing I I'm sure Maria claims she has discovered one of the lines of energy running through Stonehenge Pat attempts to duplicate her findings walking doing a thing didn't really go all the way the sides going it's pointing that way now I swear I'm gonna do anything I'm just walking very slowly look at that yeah I did not do that look and it's right by that side I am not doing this well done well done well done it really did turn and it turned uh both times and I have to say I was really weirded out by it I've never done it before and I I wasn't sure what to make of it but it did turn so there there is something to it Ted wants to see if Maria and Pat are reacting to some form of magnetic field the team retraces the path where the dowsing rods initially reacted but this time Ted scans the area with a handheld magnetometer which will indicate the strength and direction of any magnetism okay stop zero maybe it's not magnetic field if that's the obvious conclusion that it's not a magnetic field no reading here although the magnetometer showed no reading both Maria and Pat detected lines of energy I don't see any magnetic effect going on here Ted decides to change one key element of the test to see whether the dowsing will still work he is amazed at the results I got pretty excited about that could this be proof positive that some unknown Force energizes the countryside around Stonehenge could this be the same unknown force that makes Sedona Arizona a reported UFO hotspot at Stonehenge Pat and Maria use dowsing rods to discover a hidden line of force to test whether Pat was subconsciously duplicating Maria's findings Ted brings intern Jeff Tomlinson to the site blindfolds him and leads him down the same path Jeff has been told nothing about Ley lines or Maria and Pat's dowsing experiment well first he arrived to the site and he had never been there we blindfolded him so he couldn't see where he was at the site and guess what happened it moved three times we did three tests we did repeatability as well I got pretty excited about that because you know I was a little skeptical this morning because we had a professional dowser you know there's a lot of bias in that so I was looking for for another measurement with our guinea pig you know somebody who isn't a douser even blindfolded and having no prior knowledge of the area Jeff's dowsing Rod moved at the same place as Maria's and Pats one more piece of bias that we have to be concerned about and that's the idea that you can tip until you know this and force it to go there yeah so we developed this impromptu pendulum system which basically hangs vertically straight to the ground we removed Jeff's ability to turn his hand and lo and behold it didn't work it's interesting yeah so we did six times so when you eliminate the human touch the rod doesn't move is this proof that energy vortexes can be detected so does that mean that you as a scientist think that there may be something to the Ley line I meant to be an objective scientific Observer here and and and not be biased I have to admit after that first test we did I was I was pretty excited we know that birds use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate when migrating so the idea that people can also detect energy through a means not yet fully understood is plausible the team feels their experiments here support the theory that the human body can detect Earth's Energies the team concludes Stonehenge satisfies all four criteria for UFO Vortex detection but is it a vortex the team returns to the U.S to see if one of the most puzzling sites in North America Sedona Arizona can meet the definition of UFO Vortex as well Sedona Arizona approximately 115 miles north of Phoenix is famous for the spectacular mountains of redstone which ring the area the color comes from a high concentration of iron which some believe acts as a powerful conductor of magnetic and electrical Energies could this be the explanation for sedona's long history of inexplicable phenomena the Sedona area has the highest per capita rate of UFO sightings in the United States according to the team Sedona is one of the great UFO hot spots he's got a lot of Legend got a lot of history people have come to Sedona specifically to climb places like Bell Rock and look at Castle Rock and all the wonderful places where they say UFOs just kind of come out through the Gateway the team meets UFO researcher Chris O'Brien who has spent years compiling a database of local anomalous phenomena O'Brien formulated the four criteria of UFO Vortex areas that the team has been using in their investigation very early on I noticed patterns of activity and I noticed that there seemed to be quite a number of reports that were coming along specific areas in the valley reports of strange earth type lights or orbs Fireballs from green orange yellow red blue they all seem to be coming from these areas they're centered around these areas one of the things that I did early on was get a composite map an aeromagnetic map of the area it delineates out field strength the nearest magnetic field this U.S Geological Survey map clearly shows the strengths of magnetic fields in the area as shown by the key on the right the highest readings are red magenta and pink the strength of the magnetic field of the Sedona mountains can be up to 500 times that of the surrounding Countryside we see clusters of UFOs around your exactly there are actually themes of them any platforms yeah you plot them geographically in XY space on the map and you're you're seeing from a completely separate data source which is magnetic field data from the government a correlation there O'Brien has used the four criteria of UFO hot spots while researching UFO reports in Sedona I tried to look at what commonalities were there from one area to the next area to the next area and I found out four things one there appears to be some sort of geophysical anomalies going on there like the magnetic radiance there tends to be some sort of Legends or um just a sense of sacredness their sacred sides and in areas that have been held in high esteem by the by the indigenous people the military is there and there's some sort of nearby military or government presence generally and there seems to be a ongoing history of activity the military's presence here is subtle but definite many people have spoken of encounters with Khaki uniformed soldiers who prevented them from entering certain sites ten years ago the forestry service quietly purchased the Bradshaw Ranch reputed to be the busiest location for anomalous sightings in the area the land was immediately posted and all visitors turned back by guards why would a small out of the way Ranch suddenly become a high security area many residents believe that the forestry service is acting as a front for the military to test the claim that the Skies over Sedona are regularly home to unearthly visitors Ted and Jeff set up a camera which will take photographs throughout the night they train their sights on a mountainous area where activity is being constantly recorded so Jeff here we are just underneath Castle Rock I mean you can see it right here above us so we've got two camera systems set up uh one's a video One Stills the still system here this is cool it's a an automated time delay right now it's exposing for 60 seconds you know a lot of the testimonies from people who said they were observing UFOs that they they never saw them with the naked eye but they were using camera equipment and it's when they reviewed the video or the still after the fact that they saw it I hope that by leaving this running overnight tonight I will capture an awful lot of uh time uh on on both the video and still and we'll review it tomorrow and maybe we'll get lucky and capture something the time lapse camera is recording the night sky in search of anomalies and the next morning brings a surprise is this a video of a UFO in the Sedona Skies Sedona Arizona is believed to be one of the most active UFO encounter sites on Earth Ted and Jeff have set up two cameras trained to the night sky in hopes of capturing an anomalous object I think we have a pretty good odds of catching something Sedona residents he info or Paranormal Activity I saw a big Flash and I took a series of about 30 photos and in that I could actually see like a red ball with a blue tail on it do you feel like the energy is concentrated specifically around the various Vortex areas there's all Sedona I think it's stronger around the vortexes but I think that when you're in Sedona even if you're like not by a Vortex you can still feel the energy you know in town this gigantic thing that's that was shaped around like this and it tilted down towards me and I saw all these lights and then it just collapsed in on itself and disappeared is it possible that this Sedona witness saw a UFO event similar to that captured by Dr Bruce cornett's camera over the Hudson Valley one time saw a blood big huge black triangle made no sound and then all of a sudden just be gone some of the Witnesses believe that the Earth Energy of the area is responsible for the mysterious light scene dancing in the Sedona mountains I saw two Crimson orbs of light spheres they're about 50 feet across and these things were alive over the past few years with digital camera use more widespread Sedona is quickly being revealed as home to far more anomalous sightings than had been suspected you can't see things with the naked eye and you have a camera set up and then when you slow the camera down suddenly you're seeing images that you did not see with the naked eye and did not see at normal speed when you look at the range of experiences that we've had it's overwhelming this is more than a hot spot it's as if whatever make Sedona Sedona it is clearly some kind of an interdimensional Gateway there are strong magnetic fields in the area which fulfill Chris O'Brien's first Criterion for vortexes thousands of witnesses of strange phenomena proved the second requirement the native people believed Sedona was sacred and tens of thousands of pilgrims to the area attest that the belief is still alive and the cryptic actions of the military in supposedly acquiring the Bradshaw Ranch fulfill O'Brien's fourth Criterion for vortexes but if Sedona is a UFO Vortex did the team's overnight camera capture any proof it is overly optimistic to expect to capture a UFO with only one night of filming but when they examine the tape the next morning Ted and Jeff realize they've captured several faint anomalies unknown lights in the sky seem to move across the frame Ted concludes that the lights are a commercial plane in the distance nothing more this sighting can be explained but how about the 120 reports of sightings in Arizona filed with the National UFO research Council in the past year Sedona does seem to be you know a hot spot if you will of of this kind of um you know activity or sightings let's just say there are statistically many more testimonial evidence here in Sedona than there are elsewhere so we know that and that's that what we don't know far outweighs what we do know meaning that we don't really have a full understanding of the universe yet and I know that our knowledge of the planet is is still pretty much in its infancy I think we've lent a certain amount of credibility to that that concept that perhaps there are these sort of conductive Pathways that lead to certain points on the surface that could bring more current or more electricity to the surface at various positions that may or may not coincide with these vortexes or Gateway positions we found a lot but and what we found really comported with everything we've been doing scientifically so far and yet there's so much more we don't know that we can't discount anything there could be forces that we have yet to discover that we we don't presently recognize for every single claim about UFOs or paranormal events occurring at all of these places was real whatever these quote-unquote energies are in this quote-unquote world grid are something that are unmeasurable by scientific instruments and they're only measurable by people the Earth contains dozens of sites associated with strange phenomenon and inexplicable experiences despite advances in science and technology all were often left with is the same sense of awe and wonder our ancestors felt when they too came face to face with the unknown but in the cases of these UFO hot spots and vortexes we might be one step closer to the truth if these criteria can not only explain areas of high activity but predict future sightings after a worldwide search we can guess why a UFO might visit these areas but even so one question remains if they are real what do they want
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Id: arbem18CO9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 42sec (10662 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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