TERRIFYING PROOF OF ALIEN ACTIVITY *Epic 3 Hour Marathon* | In Search of Aliens

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I'm in tionaka Bolivia where the Incas say mankind was created not far from here are the mysterious ruins of Pumapunku which feature magnificent megalithic blocks today most archaeologists believe that Pumapunku was part of an ancient Temple complex but they are baffled by the uniformly shaped and sharp-edged stone blocks found all over the site they're also puzzled by an even bigger mystery what type of structure that these blocks actually form could it be that the ruins of Pumapunku offer evidence of advanced extraterrestrial technology being used in the ancient past for an ancient astronaut theorist there are a few sites on Earth more intriguing than this one and that's why I'm here investigating the incredible mystery of Pumapunku my name is Giorgio tsukolos I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation the known and the unknown what we've been taught by mainstream Scholars is not the whole picture but I'm convinced that every day we are one step closer to the truth high in the Andes mountains in the alteplano desert is tiwanaku one of the most rugged and desolate places on Earth this region of Bolivia has seen its fair share of warfare Invasion and turmoil over the years but I'm here to see if it also experienced contact with extraterrestrials [Music] in 1549 while searching for the capital of the Inca Empire Pedro sieza De Leon and his Spanish conquistadors discovered the ruins of what looked like a massive Temple complex at what is now called tiwanaku mainstream archaeologists suggest that these ruins were once the center of the tionaku civilization with approximately 40 000 inhabitants but little is known about the people who lived here or the structures they left behind of special interest are the walls of this large square-shaped Courtyard which features numerous carved Stone faces that suggest those of extraterrestrial visitors [Music] but located just a half a mile away from the Temple of tionaku lie the ruins of what is thought to be yet another Temple complex the mysterious site known as Pumapunku the Gateway of the Puma the name was given by the local imara people who found artifacts at the site depicting imagery of Warriors wearing masks made of Puma skulls but the imara have only inhabited the area for around 800 years and Pumapunku is believed to have been built thousands of years ago but what was it Temple a meeting place some elaborate Monument all of these possibilities have been suggested but to this day no one knows just what this place was who built it or exactly how old it really is but what's even more intriguing is that the blocks here don't even look like those found at tiwanaku it is one of the places where logic no longer makes sense because the blocks that we have here are unique on this entire planet this is the only place so check it out here are the awesome awesome H blocks they're made from solid blocks of precisely shaped andesite whenever I see them and this is just this feeling that you get at Pumapunku I'm in a loss for words because this here is something that can't be found anywhere else in the world mainstream archaeologists believe that these H blocks were created by hand with primitive Stone and metal tools tools I should mention that they have never found examples of but what's so very interesting is that they seem as if they are part of a larger picture that if you put them together they form a solid wall which is very incredible if another block was placed on top or this was placed on top of another rock these are features that make these two blocks fit together seamlessly because the one thing that we have to remind ourselves with this particular construction style no mortar no binding agent was ever used these pieces are so perfect that they fit together interlockingly in such a way that you don't need anything with which to bind together the two or three or hundreds of pieces other examples of this type of precise interlocking stone work can be found in Cusco at success and even Machu Picchu but nothing with the sophistication of this place right here I mean it's incredibly enigmatic everywhere I turn I see more and more incredible blocks that can't be explained by mainstream scientists this is pretty amazing I mean check this out if you look at this groove right here I mean forget chicken bones you simply cannot do this with primitive tools got these holes drilled at an equidistant as if it's some type of a female piece to a male piece so what was it that actually fit into this because one thing to me is crystal clear that this here or any of these pieces they have nothing to do with any type of embellishments I mean this here these look like technical components part of a larger almost industrial Construction I've got a little paper clip ordinary paperclip that I've just unfurled to see how deep they go and they actually go equidistant all the way down I mean that is something that cannot be achieved with with chicken bones as far as I'm concerned these stone blocks had to have been cut with some type of advanced technology but what back in 2012 I met up with machinist and Tool maker Chris Dunn at his Workshop in Danville Illinois to put a puma punku Stone sample through the ultimate test we've got a sample of the laser cut this is the diamond wheel cut the top surface is the original cut surface from Pumapunku so now we can compare the difference between all three cuts an actual piece of precision Cut Stone from Pumapunku under a microscope Chris compared the two modern cutting techniques with the part of the stone cut thousands of years ago [Music] taking into account centuries of time and weather Chris's comparison revealed incredible differences you've got vitrification on the laser cut side and then of course you've got circular tool marks on the side cut with the diamond saw and then whatever tool they use to cut the ancient surface must have been a different method now do you think it's possible that some type of a diamond Precision Tool was used on the old surface but because it was such a long time ago that over time the surface became a bit more rough and we're talking 10 or even 15 000 years ago that is a reasonable speculation I think we have to start examining um a little more sophisticated tools that no longer exist the cuts from the diamond saw were the best comparison to those found on the stone blocks at Pumapunku so we're talking about the sharpest most sophisticated cutting tool we have today so how could a so-called primitive Society have achieved such Sophisticated Stone carving techniques check out this block right here there's something really cool about this one first I wanted to show you true north on my compass which as you can see this is true north now Watch What Happens the sudden True North is over there it's in the complete opposite direction and here even more so down there this is wild so what is going on here clearly this rock has been somehow magnetized so was it exposed to some electromagnetic waves or is it like this because at some point these blocks underwent or came in contact with something strange I mean this whole place is bizarre below the plateau where the H blocks are located are the steps and walls marking the edges of the Pumapunku Mound now I can truly see the scale of the site if you look down all the way you can see it's perfectly level it's perfectly level this is a newly excavated area that I haven't seen before and again it shows tremendous Precision check out this for example right here what's really interesting is that you can't even put a piece of paper in between the fittings and no mortar was used so I mean this is really incredible stuff and this is very very very old but at the same time it is just utter perfection [Music] located at tiwanaku just a half a mile from the h blocks at Pumapunku is a giant Stone structure called the Gate of the Sun here you can find depictions of the God viracocha and His winged children look at those incredible carvings it's one giant piece a monolith made of andesite it's incredibly difficult to carve this with any type of tool because it has to be harder than the current endocyte [Music] in the 1960s at this same location a wall was excavated to reveal a fascinating array of stone hits but who do these strange heads represent there is one structure here that may provide a clue this is a place where the Bennett monolith was discovered and it's a representation of pachamama 21 feet tall the largest monolith ever uncovered here pachamama essentially means the cosmic mother because Pacha means Cosmos and Mama well I don't have to explain that and so the idea is that this is a place of creation and I find that interesting because if you look at the different heads that are built into the wall some look very different than others [Music] so the question arises are these heads representing different races of humans or are they depictions of the so-called gods alien visitors who came down from the sky fascinating to look around and see these ancient monuments at teonaku and Pumapunku but I still wonder just how old these ruins really are before I began my investigation I made a trip to Switzerland to talk with my good friend and Mentor Eric Von daniken who gave me some great insights into the history behind these incredible and mysterious sights it's Eric tell me about Puma punku because what I find interesting is according to some translations somebody suggested there is a calendar there and this calendar goes back some 20 000 or so years now this calendar Georgia is clearly proven there are scientific books written by Dr Edmund kiss that's 50 60 years ago by Dr Professor Bellamy I knew him personally brilliant explorers and they absolutely deciphered this calendar of the awanaku and it dates back at least 24 000 years in the past but our modern archeology does not accept these states because it contradicts our evolution in 1928 German Explorer Edmund kiss Drew elaborately detailed Recreations of what he believed once stood at both tyunaku and Pumapunku he became one of the first to suggest that the ancient structures were far older than the traditionally accepted date of 200 A.D another German researcher Professor hanshin Le Bellamy dated Pumapunku to before 10 000 BC and theorized that it was destroyed by a flood the Spanish conquerors when they arrived they were up there with their soldiers and they took the Inca the ruler of them and they showed them these ruins of Pumapunku and they asked them how did you made this because we from Spain we were not able to move such gigantic blocks and then the Inca ruler said it was not us who made it it was the gods who made it in one simple night mainstream archaeologists who dismissed the local stories of God's constructing Pumapunku have long argued that ancient people could have moved these megalithic Stones through sheer Manpower alone during an experiment conducted in 1966 members of the Bolivian Army attempted to drag a two-ton megalithic block and raise it using only a rope they barely managed to shift it by a few inches meaning that the ancient people here really were able to somehow raise these giant blocks using nothing more than rope and Manpower how did they get them here in the first place mainstream archaeologists say the massive Stones were hewn at quarries over 60 miles away and then they were rolled to Pumapunku on logs but there is one major problem with this Theory we're at an altitude of over 12 000 feet which means there are no trees because trees only grow to a certain altitude and if somebody proposes that this whole place was deforested and they just cut down the trees in order to move around these blocks and they don't know what they're talking about so the idea of wooden rollers Falls by the wayside thank you while I'm in Bolivia I want to find out what the local people know and believe about both Pumapunku and tiwanaku right next to the ruins is the town of tionaku home to the native imara people the imara have inhabited Bolivia as well as Peru and Chile for at least 800 years descending from other cultures in the area that go back as far as 5 000 years they continue to speak the native language of their ancestors and have kept alive the oral traditions of their people for centuries with the help of my translator and guide Juan Carlos I've arranged to meet Rene kispe an imara elder and local historian so what can you tell me about the Legends how for example Tio naku was built foreign possible God who take care of us every day the sun god Vera kocha is the Andean Creator and destroyer of worlds according to ancient legends viracocha was born on the Isle of the sun on nearby Lake Titicaca [Music] eventually viracocha disappeared over the water as if it were land without sinking never to return he was sitting near to the Lake Titicaca how do you say washer like that yes imara Elder mentioned the term Watchers because the Watchers are a key component of the ancient astronaut theory so to hear this term associated with the ancient stories of Bolivia is pretty awesome according to the Book of Enoch an ancient Hebrew text found among the Dead Sea Scrolls the Watchers were a group of 200 Angels sent to Earth to watch over the early humans but when they mated with human women and created a race of giant hybrids known as the Nephilim they angered God and were banished from returning to heaven now what's really interesting is that the Inca also television creating a race of giants so hearing an imara elder and historian say that virakosha was also considered a watcher is incredibly fascinating was there a particular reason why it was built say that no but he said that we are sure that one day there were giants there was a Darkness time yeah that the Giants jump out from the lake Giants he said that the Giants hold the big stones and then they oh they were shaving off the police the question I would like to ask is if we look at the Gate of the sun with MiraCosta in the center and all those winged beings what is the significance of it Children Of The Sun with wings the eagle man they were how do you say like Court of culture in one time they were very cautious Court he said that in big ceremonies or people they use a special mask yeah yeah their faces would never be seen May the rest of population also you can see monoliths no with a mask according to the analysis a document from 1570 viracocha said if my subjects were ever to see me they would run away now when I hear that I'm tempted to ask did viracocha need a mask because he didn't look anything like his subjects could he have been a real Flesh and Blood extraterrestrial how does he react when people say for example that this place here could have been built more than 10 000 years ago if you see that it's right with you because he's thinking about 15 000 years ago I agree that this place existed before the flood okay he say that posnaski it's really is the beginner no it's really interesting to hear this imara elder mentioned poznanski when talking about the date of Tio naku Arthur poznanski spent over 40 years in Bolivia researching and writing about pre-inca archaeological sites koznanski proposed that teonaku was around 17 000 years old and he developed his theory after examining the connections between the Ancient Temple complex and sophisticated astronomical alignments according to his theory the structure at tyunaku called kala sasaya was built so that the Sun would rise directly over the cornerstones on the summer and winter solstices and based on the changing tilt of the earth you'd have to go back at least 17 000 years for that to happen today many people say that poznanski's theories are miscalculations and that it was just fantasy he say that they are archaeologists from different countries or from interior Bolivia come here but they come with different mentality of the city bosnaski he excavated he worked too much in this archaeological side look at that right but another ideologist really they don't know our about their Traditions about beliefs no they trash too much to the technology say that what a great honor to meet aimara Elder Renee crespi and to ask him about the imara traditions the three things that stuck out were one the Giants and it's amazing stuff that they came out of Lake Titicaca and that they used stones with which to whittle down the giant blocks and then the second one was the stories about the Watchers and that is interesting to me because the stories of the Watchers exist worldwide and then the third one was that he completely agrees with the theories of Arthur poznansky after coming here and seeing this place firsthand once again I'm more and more convinced that poznansky was correct and that the local stories about Tio naku being built by some kind of extraterrestrial beings might be more than just mythology much much more [Music] I'm in Peru meeting with author and ancient astronaut theorist David Childress a prolific author on the topic of ancient technology he has spent most of his life traveling the world and challenging established assumptions about Mankind's history just the person I need to help me sift through the evidence and connect all the dots I really do think that Pumapunku is one of the few places in the world where common sense no longer applies something really weird happened at some point at I mean when was the last time you were there I was there uh just uh about six months ago or so for decades and he believes that it is the key to showing the connection between ancient civilizations and ancient space Travelers one of the things that I enjoy talking about is that when we look at these stones that obviously have been cut in a very precise fashion that in your opinion it had to have been done in an easy fashion with easy means what do you mean by that one of the things is when you see the the articulation of the stones at epumapunku and and the H blocks are such a good example the stone masons were getting very fancy and they're doing things that are Way Beyond what they need to do but it would seem as if with the the power tools that that I think they must have had there was nothing they couldn't do they could be as fancy as they wanted because it was easy for them exactly like this it's unnecessary elaboration and decoration you're thinking oh this this must be so much labor and moving the stones and cutting the stones yeah it had to be easy for them and moving the stones too must have been easy for them it's not something that's so incredibly difficult as as we would imagine that that primitive Architects and Engineers would be doing it has been suggested that some sort of anti-gravity technology may have been used at Pumapunku to lift and place the massive stone blocks but if that were true it would certainly suggest that some sort of Highly advanced technology was in play here you have altered areas with Keystone cuts and the the poor clams of molten metal that that went into those cuts yeah just like these yeah right and that's such an unusual way of fitting stones and that is something that you see at the sun Temple Corey Concha niklusco you'll find also these Keystone cuts and at oyante tombow on the way to Machu Picchu that's oriente tombow right there right right that's an indication that the same Builders of bumabunku and tijuanako are also the Builders of the sun temple in Cusco and at oriente tombow and sexy woman even Machu Picchu but then you can go around the world and find this unusual Keystone Cuts in Egypt in Greece this is out to Giza Temple okay they're at Giza in the Sphinx Temple you're also going to find these at borabadour in Java at angor wat in Cambodia and at the megalithic site of my son in Vietnam Stone Cuts exist at a surprising number of ancient sites all over the world it's a building technique that involves pouring metal into cut rock on both sides of a joint it has been suggested that the clamps that went inside them were made of copper bronze silver or a mixture of silver and gold seriously in nearly every case where Keystone Cuts have been found the clamps have been removed or possibly the structures are so old that the metal has eroded completely but some still contain remnants of metal which leaves No Doubt that the Architects had at least rudimentary knowledge of metallurgy you know stuff like that is Sensational because it would imply one of two things either as you say they were the same Builders or that they were the same teachers because clearly it is not a similar construction style it's identical it's not something that could really have been developed independently and and so the mainstream archaeologists are basically just ignoring this because if they were to discuss this it would completely wreck their whole theories that these people are are isolated from each other I mean they had to be made by the same kind of Engineers and and architects I'm in Peru with fellow ancient astronaut theorist David Childress discussing the Precision cut stone blocks found all over Pumapunku many of the blocks contain Keystone cuts which are also found at other megalithic sites but these aren't the only striking similarities that exist between Pumapunku and other ancient sites found throughout the world there's so many similarities including the monolithic doors that you have at Pumapunku and and tiwanaka where these these doors are just cut out of one solid piece of granite and you find that too at persepolis in in Iran for instance and then on top of all that you've got the Fuente Magna Bowl that's now in the precious metals Museum in La Paz thought to be over 5 000 years old the Fuente Magna Bowl was discovered near Lake Titicaca by a local Farmer in the 1950s it features hundreds of triangular carvings that are strangely similar to the cuneiform text used by the ancient Sumerians but what is a bowl featuring Sumerian text doing more than 8 000 miles from Samaria or as we know it today Iraq could it be further evidence that what ancient astronaut theorists have been saying for decades might be true could early humans at one time really have been influenced by visitors from another planet that bowl has two forms of Sumerian writing on it Sumerian hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform it's been authenticated by Bolivian archaeologists and all that mainstream archaeologists can do at this point is ignore it that it's not something they could ever address because it would completely blow all of their theories out of the water what makes a Bolivian archaeologist less mainstream than all the other mainstream archaeologists in my opinion nothing so why aren't they confirmed by the rest of archeology it would change history the Fuente Magna bowl is basically proof that the Sumerian Anunnaki coming to South America I believe that tiwananku and Pumapunku were mining centers the idea of Sumerian writings being discovered near Lake Titicaca would relate to the theories of author Zechariah sitchin and his proposal that the Sumerians were interacting with a highly Advanced extraterrestrial race known as the Anunnaki history has to be Rewritten eventually they'll have to address these things I look forward to whatever results you come up with I'll definitely keep you posted on my my findings after speaking with David Childress I'm more convinced than ever that Pumapunku was constructed with the assistance of extraterrestrials but my questions of what these blocks actually formed and how the structure was destroyed still remain unanswered to get a better picture of just what this incredible sight might have looked like when it was first built I returned home to meet with Casey himachar a forensic structural engineer based in Los Angeles with more than 30 years of experience investigating all types of structures and building materials I knew that Casey would be the perfect person to analyze what Pumapunku was built to be and what violent forces might have led to its destruction Mr hamachiar great pleasure to meet you so in your opinion how do you think something like this was cut the first thing is that how these people at several thousand years ago had this ability and this precision and the knowledge to create such a structure is it impossible to use a copper tool in order to create these um probably yes because you need a material that has a much higher hardness in order to achieve these goals and modern days we do these type of structures we call them till top let's say this wall is tree story okay so what we do we come right next to that particular site we place wood forms all around it once you place the reinforcing then we pull concrete into this and we flatten the surface and we let it stay there to cure for several days then we have a special cringe that comes and then we left them we bring down now we're doing this at the same time on four sides so what you're telling me is the way it works is that the whole thing is raised by a crane like this yes so in reference to Pumapunku with all of this I mean here we have blocks that some have estimated to be around a hundred metric tons and we're also at an altitude of almost 13 000 feet so the air is rarified you know it's a kind of a dicey place up there if you're not in physical shape so how would you move a 100 ton block without a crane oh I don't know even to an expert like Casey hemachar the methods used to carve the stones at Pumapunku and then lift them into place remain a mystery but now I'm even more eager to find out not only how Pumapunku was built but why I'm in Southern California in the offices of forensic structural engineer Casey hemachar using CGI technology Casey has spent the last three weeks constructing a three-dimensional model of Pumapunku and now he's about to show me not only what he believes it might have looked like but how it was ultimately destroyed here we've got some visualization of what potential combination of putting these together to create the platform and I'm Blown Away by what Casey is showing me a three-dimensional model of what Pumapunku might have looked like more than ten thousand years ago it's unlike any other model I've ever seen it even has a large platform area that I can imagine being used as some kind of a launching pad some type of Spaceport for ancient astronauts or the headquarters for a team of alien engineers and scientists sent to explore the Earth look this is cool looking really awesome now I'm more puzzled than ever how could such a large and magnificent structure have been so completely destroyed as a forensic structural engineer do you think that an explosion might have been a reason for the destruction of Pumapunku the size of these uh Stones the weight of them the mass and the way I look at the pictures that the remains of these it's my opinion that it would be very remote that that would have been the cause okay so then what does that leave us with the concept of flawed would make more sense to me Casey's computer animation of Pumapunku is consistent with various theories which suggest that the enormous stone blocks Were Somehow lifted up and then dropped down it's also consistent with what I've been hearing from everyone I've spoken with so far that Pumapunku was built sometime before the great flood soil becomes almost liquid getting saturated by water it loses its stability and therefore it's not capable of providing support to this structure above anymore and with the movement of water itself that can cause movement of those objects idea that Pumapunku was destroyed by a flood makes perfect sense because seashells and fossils of fish have been found here even though the nearest body of water is more than 10 miles away the cataclysm or the flood is strong enough to Jumble up the original place of these blocks right away every Legend every mythology has a core of Truth and that is my quest Casey thank you very much for your time there is now very little doubt in my mind that Puma punku was built with some sort of extraterrestrial technology and that its destruction was probably caused by a great flood perhaps the same flood that is described in the Old Testament this has been an amazing journey and while I'm even more convinced that mankind had alien ancestors I need to find more evidence and so this is why I'm off once again in search of aliens [Music] I'm on my way to explore one of the most ancient and mysterious islands in the world Malta it was here that a prehistoric Society built megalithic structures using massive blocks these blocks were arranged into complex designs and are considered by Scholars to be older than the Great Pyramid in Egypt but after a period of 1 000 years all activity on Malta stopped and any trace of the people who built these incredible structures vanished why there are stories that say Malta was once home to Giants and even a race of legendary one-eyed creatures known as Cyclops could these stories offer Clues as to what really happened on the islands of Malta and if so could there also be a connection to ancient astronauts my name is Giorgio tsukolos I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation the known and the unknown what we've been taught by mainstream Scholars is not the whole picture but I'm convinced that every day we are one step closer to the truth wow I've traveled almost 7 000 miles to a place that has puzzled archaeologists for more than a century lying just south of Sicily in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea the islands of Malta have been of strategic importance from the times of ancient Greece all the way through to the Second World War this small and densely populated country covers only 122 square miles but it is as rich with mystery as any place on Earth the islands of Malta contain no less than seven megalithic structures and quite possibly they are the largest freestanding stones in the world to this day archaeologists struggle to explain how ancient people living on secluded Islands were able to accomplish such incredible architectural feats so I'm here to find out if there may be an explanation that the mainstream has not yet considered one that possibly has a connection to Giant one-eyed beings the Cyclops in the Epic Greek poem the Odyssey written by Homer in the 8th Century BC the hero Odysseus encounters a cyclops named polyphemus a giant one-eyed human-like creature that according to Legend was the son of Poseidon the god of the seas now while Homer never specified where does Cyclops live there are some who believe that the giant monster and others of his kind might have actually dwelled right here within malta's megalithic structures to begin my investigation I went to examine malta's famous so-called cartwrights which some ancient astronaut theorists refer to as the Nazca Lines of Europe because they are just as mysterious there are over 100 sites on Malta that have these ruts or giant pairs of grooves in the rock like the ones here at St George's Bay on malta's Southeast coast the mainstream theory on how these strange markings were formed is that the wheels of heavily Laden carts compressed a limestone over a long period of time now for that theory to be true the wheels of the cards would have had to be of identical size and width and they would have had to follow the exact same path over and over and over never deviating otherwise they would not form such precise ruts but quite frankly I think such a notion is nonsense on average these cart ruts are about 1.4 meters wide which translates to about four feet and seven inches so let's see how wide these are so right here these are a bit narrower this is four feet and four inches and from end to end we're talking five feet and three inches [Music] so it all depends how wide those tracks are for example right here they're about three and a half inches or actually three inches in this part and then up here and we have seven inches so if it were just a cart then one could surmise that the width is the same at all times so how were these deep and precise grooves made and why perhaps there is a link between these strange markings and the stories of giants here on Malta but how the grooves were made is only part of the mystery because these cartridge go straight into the Mediterranean archaeologists are puzzled by this because divers has to determined that these cartilage go about 42 meters into the sea which is about 46 yards one area located on Malta southwest coast has so many mysterious ruts a visiting Englishman nicknamed it after the busy Clapham Junction Railway Station in London hi how you doing what's so bad all right to help me find some answers I've arranged to meet with author Gordon Weston who wrote a book about the so-called cart ruts in 2010. Gordon here we are at Clapham Junction so you know lay it on me tell me what you think well let's go there what do you got a half a lifetime absolutely yes basically you couldn't drive a cart down here the cart would be wrecked early researchers looked at vehicles that would scrape away the rock because that's what it looks like has happened there was three devices the first one was a sledge probably the oldest form of human transport but they found that this ledge immediately got stuck [Music] so the two other devices have been looked at one was a travoice used by the Plains Indians transport their teepees from Camp to Camp the problem is their poles will be wider than these rats when they touch the ground the next device is called the slide car it's a load platform with two Runners on it is fanciful and ridiculous idea practical experiments and I've seen it just doesn't work and I shared several different theories about the origin and purpose of the ruts ranging from tracks used in the transportation of megalithic stone blocks to irrigation drains ultimately every single one of these theories is problematic science is useless for this problem there is no methodology which can be applied scientifically to these rats there's no way a block could be carried by a vehicle at the time the temples were built first temple was built in 3500 BC the Wheeled vehicle then had just come into existence then it certainly wouldn't have been on Malta Malta was still in a deep Neolithic at that point the presence of these ruts All Over Malta is truly inexplicable and there is one other aspect I took note of at St George's Bay that baffles me most of all so in Saint George's Bay in a city called bursabuja there are a couple of ruts that go straight into the Mediterranean Sea um they are famous you're right they're just uh interesting to see that rats go into the sea they also said to have come up on the other side of the bay if it is now built over so how do you explain it and more I'm convinced that the people living on Malta were much more technologically advanced than most mainstream scholars believe but who were they and how were they connected to ancient stories about bizarre one-eyed Giants I'm beginning to believe that these islands have been the home of a highly sophisticated civilization a civilization that may have actually included extraterrestrials I'm in the village of krendy about to meet with Dr Anthony bonano a professor of archeology and classical literature at the University of Malta Dr bonano is one of the foremost experts on malta's megalithic temples so I'm excited to have him help me with my investigation hopefully he can bring me closer to finding out whether or not a legendary race of One-Eyed Giants known as the Cyclops actually existed here and if there might even be an extraterrestrial connection I wanted to ask you if anyone believes that those prehistoric temples might have been built by Giants yes there is this Association even in Maltese folklore tradition between the Giants and the temples there is a legend that the grandia temples rainbows that were built by a giant test a giant woman really yes how old do you think the megalithic structures are you can speak in terms of a bracket certainly between 3600 BC and 2500 BC that have been claims that they could be over for Dr bonano suggests is correct then these Maltese megaliths are at least 1 000 years older than the Great Pyramid of Giza but after seeing malta's mysterious ruts running straight into the sea I believe they made they back even further perhaps I'll find more evidence at the first sight Dr Bonanno is taking me to the temples of manidra located on the rugged and isolated south coast of Malta this complex consists of three stone structures that are laid out in the pattern of a trefoil that is to say structures which have three interconnected circular Chambers Malta is a fairly small island but the ratio of how many megalithic temples exist here on this island is astounding so why such a small island and that many prehistoric megalithic temples this is a question which we find difficult to answer the concentration is normally attributable to some sort of internal Library which spared on this mad idea of building one Temple after another a mad idea I like that you know people have been possessed to build this and people must have had a compelling reason to carry all these stones to put them into place think the structure was built with anything astronomical in mind with observing of the constellations it has been confirmed that the entrance is actually orientated towards the Rising Sun at the equinoxes but you have also similar alignments in these solstices where the rate of the Rising Sun hit the edge of these blocks here in this paper manidra a calendar in stone Maltese investigator Paul mitchelelev concluded that madidros built around 10 200 BC [Music] he came to this conclusion because based on the tilt of the Earth at that point in time on the morning of the summer solstice a beam of light would have come through the main entrance of the monitor Temple and been cast directly on the center of an altar Stone the only way this could be achieved is if the monolith at manidra was placed specifically and precisely with the end effect in mind now what fascinates me is the fact that megalithic structures can be found all over the world and most were carefully constructed to align with the Sun in Macedonia for example there's an ancient site known as The kokino Observatory which features four stone Thrones at the top of a mountain positioned to track the solstices and equinoxes in Machu Picchu there is a Stone Temple with three trapezoidal Windows also positioned to align with the Sun during the solstices and equinoxes Legends say that by looking through them the mind can connect with other realms but perhaps the most fascinating connection of all can be found on the northwest Coastline of France here a collection of over 3 000 massive rocks called the Karnak Stones aligned with both the summer and winter solstices but even more incredible are ancient legends that claim that the standing stones were actually placed there by Giants just like the legends of giants we find in Malta what are some of the biggest blocks that you're aware of that have once existed here we have much larger Stone we have one particular one at hajarim which is estimated to weigh about 20 tons and we have a series of them of the same order up in gigantia in Gozo that's just mind-boggling really amazing stuff tween cart rods that go into the sea in a megalithic temple that could date back more than ten thousand years I'm beginning to see just how Malta could connect to stories about a race of One-Eyed Giants known as the Cyclops but before I can draw any conclusions I still need to gather more evidence I'm exploring the tiny Mediterranean islands of Malta looking for evidence that the legendary Cyclops may have lived here thousands of years ago as my search for Clues continues Dr Bonanno is now taking me to the Temple of hajaim which contains what is possibly the largest monolith on the island so stones of worship or standing Stone like this one there you are yes check this out this is huge yes three meters high by six meters 50 wide and about another meter thick that makes about 20 odd tons minimum minimum yes 20 tons is around 40 000 pounds that's the combined weight of 16 mid-sized cars I'm always fascinated by the fact that giant monoliths were erected by various ancient cultures all over the world [Music] for example you can find them at Stonehenge in England Carol hung in southern Armenia and even as far away as Easter Island so you have to ask yourself how and why were so-called technologically primitive people erecting these enormous Stone monoliths without the help of any large machinery this is incredible so this is one of the largest freestanding Stones I mean you know when I see stuff like this that's when I wonder how did they carry it how they they quoted it in this case yeah they must have called them and then for the surprise yes yeah I mean so how do you think these Stones were brought here yes they must have been dragged on a spread of roller stones while some mainstream archaeologists suggest that giant blocks of stone were moved from quarries to the temples with the use of carts that ran along the so-called cart ruts others claim that they were moved by placing them on the top of stone balls and Hauling them across the countryside but while it's true that a number of spherical stones have been found at malta's megalithic temples it still doesn't explain why such enormous Stones were even used in the first place you know when I see this I mean it's just this massive Rock but you know the way to I just don't know if the Spheres would have withstood 20 tons of yes because the Spheres were made of limestone too right surface would explain why these spheres were of actually different sizes different diameters but I've never discovered bring it here and then just yes heaving it up that is another one yeah it's like just as Obelisk just standing about more than 15 feet 60 feet tall still in awe of the size and complexity of hajarim I mean a 17 foot tall monolith how did supposedly primitive Stone Age people move something this enormous today we would use the most advanced of heavy machinery and so the idea that some other type of Technology was used becomes very plausible and the idea that these structures today are considered to be temples implies worship who did they worship the Gods well in my opinion that is when the questioning begins because we have to then ask ourselves who were these gods so there's something else I would like to show you I'm excited to explore the interior of hajarim because there is something I've heard about within this structure that leads some ancient astronaut theorists to believe that this Temple dates back much earlier than 3600 BC if this proves to be true it could fall in line with the evidence I've already discovered that could indicate a civilization existed on Malta as far back as 12 000 years ago right so beyond a long Corridor Corridor we open up into a courtyard planned by two abscess one on each side and each app is accessible through a porthole entries that's one and on the opposite side we have another one here okay with the usual rope holes and it is in this place that the famous Venus of Malta about that size was discovered so this is where it was discovered right right okay according to Dr bonano many mainstream scholars believe the Venus of Malta is approximately 5 000 years old but I find that very hard to believe because this clay figurine Bears a striking similarity to one I've seen that is much much older in 1908 almost 70 years after the Venus of Malta was discovered a nearly identical statuette was found in Austria called the Venus of Willendorf it Bears uncanny similarities to the Venus of Malta in both subject matter and its exaggerated Style but what I also find truly incredible is that the Venus of Willendorf has been determined to be at least 25 000 years old the implications of this are truly staggering because if the Venus of Malta is 25 000 years old then that would suggest that the entire megalithic structure known as could very likely also be from this same era now while I've yet to find concrete proof that the Cyclops really existed here in Malta I see more and more evidence that the incredible structures here are much older than what most mainstream scholars believe but what exactly does this all mean In 1902 a strange underground Temple known as the hypogeum of Hal cephliani was discovered on Malta the first archaeological investigations at the site turned up more than seven thousand skeletons and according to a National Geographic magazine article from May 1920 many were found to be and I quote long skulled I hope that Mario Kasha an executive of Heritage Malta can help me find out where the skulls are now and if there could be a connection to strange Legends of One-Eyed Giants so tell me how this place is unique in the world even today there are still a lot of questions to be answered there's no writing at all in our prehistory and nothing to really give us a hint of of what actually happened here gradually we started to learn more of the site and what happened in these archaeological sites that we have here all over the island spread out there are over 33 other megalytic sites but this is the only one ever found which is to be Underground it was a burial site from the amount of bones that were found here and also a place for worship how many human remains were found here we give a figure of about seven thousand human remains but obviously it must have been much more because the estimate was given from just one area the most probably the idea was that these burial Chambers were reused and reused moving away the older bones and putting in fresh Corpses the idea that this was a burial ground and that multiple remains were found possibly in the thousands where have those remains ended up I mean where are they do you have any ideas you've got the second world war all these were moved out it's a tragedy that more than seven thousand ancient skeletons were supposedly lost actually seen rainy photo of some of them and they definitely appeared to have elongated skulls similar to those found in ancient Egypt and as far away as Peru luckily a few of the elongated skulls that were found in the hypogeum were sent to malta's National Museum of archeology shortly after they were discovered in 1907 they were put on display and caused a sensation many believe that they offered proof that the stories of giants inhabiting Malta were true some even speculated that the skulls were of extraterrestrial origin I'm really stoked to go and check out the archeology Museum here in Valletta because who knows maybe they will allow me to see those skulls thank you oh check this out that's a model of the hypergem so you can see how vast of a complex it is with spiral staircases the different levels and all human out of the Bedrock I mean how cool is this it's interesting to come up with different ideas but once you see the whole extent of it some explanations all of a sudden don't make any sense very cool stuff are you Vanessa yes pleasure to meet you how are you thank you very much for having me you're welcome this is great the archeology Museum holds interesting artifacts from malta's megalithic sites including the remains of what looks like the statue of a giant female and even an oversized cup but today I'm here to investigate the mysterious skulls you know I was just at the hypogeum and they actually recommended that I should come and talk to you about some skulls that have been found there so would you allow me to see those of course I will show them to you in the office oh that's fantastic thank you what an incredible privilege when 11 skulls found in the hypergeium were examined in 1912 they were found to have significant differences from normal human skulls foreign [Music] foreign so these belong to the temple period so we're speaking about 5 000 years ago they were found 100 years ago looking at the difference of this skull and these here but it seems as if it's like an elongated shape and there are certain cultures for example in ancient Egypt or in Peru where you actually find these elongated skulls in 1928 300 elongated skulls were discovered in paracas Peru and were estimated to be more than 3 000 years old now mainstream archaeologists believe that elongated skulls were achieved by ancient people wrapping boards around the heads of infants shortly after birth [Music] to create an appearance of nobility but ancient astronaut theorists have another interpretation one that suggests that some of the skulls were an attempt to emulate or copy the so-called gods as you can see even from the Insiders no sign of the middle suture right completely fused that's fascinating the bones of the human skull are joined together by sutures joints formed by ossification the sagittal suture connects the sides and roof of the cranium this suture is open when a person is born and closes around the age of 35 but the hypogeum skull seems to not have a sagittal suture but how and why those cars are referred to as the elongated skulls like you said this one in particular especially seems to be longer which is quite unusual I mean I know there's quite a lot of mystery about them in fact we've been accused many times of keeping them secret because they're The Remains the the evidence yeah why why are these not on display they aren't on display yet yet Unfortunately they haven't been studied yet they were discovered about 100 years it was the first thing you should study right here so are there any plans of potentially doing any DNA testing on these to determine the origin and things like that on first this one if you look inside it's filled with plaster of Paris unfortunately this would make it highly contaminated and it's not towards destroying such unique artifacts to get data which is which is not reliable this has been fascinating beyond words so thank you very much I appreciate it and if anything happens with these skulls let me know I'm definitely curious to learn more I can't believe I just saw those skulls that they've been discovered a hundred years ago and they have not been further investigated blows my mind I know this is speculative I know that but what if what we have there is an extraterrestrial skull because that missing suture is very strange to gain more insight I'm meeting with Professor Hubert seitelmaya founder of the malta Discovery pre-history Research Foundation Professor seidelmeyer has been looking for proof of ancient alien contact on Malta for over two decades taking me to the final stop of my investigation the Temple of the Giants on the island of Gozo you know it's really cool to go to Gozo but I wanted to show you these photos that I took of these weird skulls that apparently were found at the hypergeome a hundred years ago and here this one is missing the main suture that goes across the ridge of the head congratulations it is incredible that you could see this you are one of the few lucky ones normally they are hidden for the public I tried to make a DNA test but I was unable to make the test because they hide it do you think that these things might be extraterrestrials or do you think they're hybrids they are hybrids great half and half but made by the extraterrestrials so there are much older than six thousand years so how many years do you propose we're talking here I would say we talk about 160 000 years based on the strange shape of the skulls Professor seidelmaier believes that they date back between 100 and 200 000 years ago to the time when the first Homo sapiens sapiens emerged and it is also around this time that many ancient astronaut theorists have suggested that extraterrestrial beings first made contact with humans and altered the course of history now although these skulls are clearly too small to belong to giants like the Cyclops could they represent something even more profound could they be the actual skulls of ancient astronauts it's all a very interesting investigation to me if in the end it has something to do with Giants or not I know something happened I mean look at these Stones over here Professor Hubert seitelmaier and I have arrived on the island of Gozo to explore the Temple of gigantia according to Legend gigantia or the Temple of the Giants owes its magnificence and its name to the strength of a giant test named sunsuna and apparently she carried the huge Stones Boulders on her shoulders while carrying her baby under her arm while building this structure right here during my visit to the Temple of hajarim Dr bonano had explored the idea that Limestone spheres may have been used to move the massive stones into position but Professor seitlamaya has an alternative Theory one that I've never heard before he believes that the stone balls were used to protect the temples in the event of earthquakes so you think that these Stone spheres were actually used in order to hold these blocks in place yes sometime in the floor there are Holes in the Floor and there are the bolts with the right size that are fit into the hole right and then we have the half hole here half hole here and we put it together on top of the store there are always holes too that you put the balls into this hose and then you fit the coverstone and there it fits okay so it keeps this cannot fell down anymore so the Giants did mean with this type of construction they made the building for attorney but I think this is great I mean this would explain the idea what these Stones were or these spheres were used for this actually is a very ingenious solution to a uh an enigma just as some Modern Skyscrapers are built on rolling bases to minimize the impact of earthquakes Target seidelmeyer believes that the top and bottom of each monolith was designed with a hole carved out containing a limestone sphere this would allow the stones to slide and roll and not break apart when Tremors shook the islands so it's clear that they had the knowledge to build these structures and then all of a sudden not only did they stop to build in this megalithic style but also it seems as if the knowledge was lost in my opinion the reason the knowledge was lost is the flood 12 000 years ago but after the flood they did not have the technology anymore to move these big stone blocks I'm Blown Away by what Professor seidelmeyer just told me and now I think I can finally make the connection I've been looking for between the islands of Malta in a race of One-Eyed Giants known as the Cyclops during my visit to the Temple of gigantia on Gozo Professor who bet seidelmaier proposed that the early inhabitants of Malta were wiped out by the great flood the same flood that is described in the Old Testament in my opinion the reason the knowledge was lost is the flood because all the intelligent people were killed and I remember that you proposed that this flood or one of these cataclysms happened many thousands of years ago so how long ago do you propose that was perhaps the sinclude had happened twelve thousand years ago so this is commonly known in natural scientists that the ice age did abruptly stop about 12 or 11 000 years ago and this was the reason this a culture stopped abruptly immediately out so all that what they did After the flood is very low in education and in level and that is why we can see the different building styles because you have the megalithic blocks and then you have smaller Stones like this where that is very odd because you can clearly see the different styles and while archeology tries to tell us that the smaller Stones were used first in reality was just the opposite that the megalithic style was first and everything else that followed was smaller because we can see that in many structures in different parts of the world where bottom you have the megalithic blocks and then everything that came on top was smaller stones let's throw Professor seidelmeyer's Theory confirms my idea that Civilization existed on Malta more than 12 000 years ago before the time of the so-called great flood this would help explain why the cart ruts extended into the sea because they would have been made at a time when the water levels around the world were lower and according to most scientists the water levels around the world were lower between 10 000 and 11 000 BC just before the end of the last ice age in the ancient Hebrew text known as The Book of Enoch which a few Christian denominations included as part of the Bible it is written that God created a great flood to wipe out a race of giants known as the Nephilim Giants were set to be strange beings The Offspring of the rebellious or Fallen Angels mating with human women now according to the ancient astronaut theory what the Bible often refers to as angels are in fact Flesh and Blood extraterrestrials I mean this is this is some really interesting information I have to now digest it so it's been a great honor to to listen to you and to uh hear about your ideas and theories because not too many people talk about what you talk about so thank you very much I appreciate it stories about the Cyclops living on Malta are true and since there is evidence that suggests that there was a civilization on Malta more than 12 000 years ago then it is possible that the Nephilim and the Cyclops could be one and the same and that they were a race of alien human hybrids that inhabited the Earth before the time of the great flood I think Malta still has many more incredible secrets to reveal and much to tell us about Mankind's extraterrestrial Origins but in the meantime I'm off once again in search of aliens I'm on my way to Roswell New Mexico which is Ground Zero for modern day UFO researchers it's very exciting to go to a city that steeped an alien lure but I'm not going there to investigate the Roswell crash site because that's been done a thousand times before my mission involves a much more recent discovery I'm headed out in search of the Roswell rock my name is Giorgio tsukolos I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation the known and the unknown what we've been taught by mainstream Scholars is not the whole picture but I'm convinced that every day we are one step closer to the truth thank you on July 7 1947 and unidentified object crashed on a ranch just outside the town of Roswell New Mexico the next day the local newspaper announced that officials from the Army Airfield had reported the capture of a quote-unquote flying saucer but just a few hours later the military revised that statement to say the object was nothing more than a weather balloon according to reports the government removed all debris from the side of the crash and to this day not a single piece of evidence has been recovered now this to me is the most fascinating part of the story because the object that I'm here to investigate was found near the vicinity of the crash site so what if it is the one piece of evidence the military missed [Music] um Dream League good how about you good thanks what can I get you to drink awesome coffee please would you like creamer no just black okay thank you New Mexico I'm meeting a guy who might have potentially found an alien artifact so I'm here to investigate [Music] ever right whatever a local man named Robert Ridge discovered the Roswell Rock about 10 years ago while tracking deer in the desert and he found right near the area where the UFO allegedly crashed in 1947. now the Roswell rock is the small triangular shaped Rock of brown color it has this design on top of it isn't etched into the Rock but it actually protrudes from it and it's interesting to me that most people I meet in Roswell have never even heard of this rock Robert hey Giorgio pleasure to meet you thanks so much for coming on and meeting me that's great fantastic have a seat yeah how are you folks if I get you something to drink um [Music] did you bring the rock yeah yeah I did oh wow I did not expect this level of detail it is smaller than I had expected definitely heavier than I expected I mean the Precision is wow the Roswell Rock reminds me of precision cut rocks I've seen before in other parts of the world like the obelisks in Egypt or oyante Tambo in Peru are there any strange properties to this rock it it has some type of magnetic field in it a magnetic field yeah how do you mean yeah well it reacts to a magnet did you bring a magnet sure I happened to have my magic wand with me here it might spin for me today I don't know for sure but [Music] oh wow that's interesting let me see if I can does anybody does it work with anybody or is it does it only work with you well you're better at it than most wow that is sure strange and is this the only space where it makes it spin no it the other uh Circle it does it over here as well we'll send it counter we'll send it clockwise oh wow yeah there's something else you might find interesting you mess with something long enough you pretty much learn everything about it you know and so I was messing with it one day and I got a door it was kind of draws to my other hand you know it's I try to keep this hand as still as I can in this so it's almost reacting with your body energy yeah that is wild well would you be opposed to show me where you found the rock oh no I'm up for that because really oh yeah all right let's go check please yeah so what do you do for a living well I I've been in the paint and body business you know for basically all my life I've owned my own chops oh that's cool excellent all right now you're gonna need to take a ride up here and then come around you'll kind of see the terminal up there a lot of history here this Air Base in the 40s it was a sack base Strategic Air Command this is the place that they brought the debris from the 47 crash this is the place so so hanger 84 must be around here off over here somewhere I believe hanger 84 is where the military allegedly took the debris and alien bodies after the crash in 1947 before eventually moving them to another location it's kind of surreal to be walking on the same tarmac so here's our pilot how you doing are you ready to go we're ready to go are you guys ready absolutely okay let's get moving sweet firing up the engine that the adventure begins now where is the crash site relation to where you found the rock it's 11 miles what we call for skip side what do you mean by the skip site it's where the Foster make contact with the ground first left a massive debris field and then proceeded back towards the mountains where it finally came to rest why do people believe that that is fine Tim Ragsdale and his girlfriend were up here Camp they actually saw the crab come in and were the first ones on the scene that's why they call it the rack still fight they supposedly saw the the bodies and everything there it is right here where's the spot this is it right here yeah wow [Music] so this is the trail while I was on and what brought you out here this is uh dear country you know this is in the right Seasons the right time of year the deer just thick in here I saw fresh deer tracks across the road in front of me so I thought I need to get out and follow these tracks so I get out and start following the tracks and they bring me around through here I look over up on that edge there and it's their sets and I'm thinking to myself Rock doesn't really fit in and looks like it has a design on it you go ahead and place it where you found it sure I'd say probably like that [Music] yeah a lot of people might have walked by it but I'm not a lot of people I don't guess right right so that's how it was you know it was in o4 also so this has changed a little bit the fan looks like it's a little bit darker in here right now I can totally see now that it does stand out from the environment so do you think there's a connection between the crash and finding this rock right here [Music] I think it's possible you know the the skip site is this direction it was a massive debris field from you know all accounts uh that was left behind and so we if it was moving that fast you know to skip off the ground Like a Rock On The Water why couldn't that have been thrown this far you know um you know the government pretty did a pretty thorough sweep of this country when that happened and um maybe they missed something I don't know but I thought it was special from the very first moment I hit my hand the military allegedly spent months recovering debris but the sand out here is constantly shifting so it's very easy to see how they could have missed something as small as the Roswell Rock now what I want to do too is I want to see if we can find maybe some similar rocks around here so we can you know draw a comparison great I'm always up for hunting a rock all right there's some rocks right over there [Music] it's all I see is some rocks that are the same color like the sand but it's definitely not the same that's for sure because you you compare that and I mean it's not even it's not even the same category not a whole lot out here to resembled it in any way so I want to put these in my bag and so you know over the next couple of days I'm gonna definitely mull over what happened today and I'm going to go ahead and do some investigations on my own so let's head back to the chopper let's do it so I'm on my way to Albuquerque to see Linda Moulton Howe an investigative journalist who has done extensive research not only on the original Roswell incident but also on the Roswell Rock I have read on Earth files that there is a clear connection between a crop circle that was found in 1996 in England and also the Roswell rock pretty much the two designs are identical what can you tell me about that at first I thought it could it really be identical and we can do a comparison here now on the left is the rock the actual rock and its pattern and on the right is the crop formation in wheat 120 feet long and when you take each item you can measure it across they're exactly identical wow so you clearly think that the crop circle wasn't man-made in this one particular case they had a pilot and a passenger who said that they had flown over the field and there was nothing there and they flew back over couldn't have been more than a half hour and here was this pattern there were four layers thick where the crop was layered As One Direction with flow and meet another and another direction would come over and there's no board string foot nothing can do that it was one of the most perfect clean lays that anyone had ever seen meaning perfection what's the significance of this I mean it's it's kind of mind-blowing basically we're dealing with lunar astronomy the Moon and the Sun and the tracking of the symbols this is reflecting past present and future this is relating to space and time that moving through the universe has got to be on a point-to-point bending space time that Quantum physicists have talked about I really do think something with a capital S is trying to teach us humans now the fact that we have equal but opposite images of what appears to be the Sun and the Moon brings to mind a concept from the ancient Hindu texts known as The Vedas and that is as above so below in other words what happens here on Earth is connected directly to what happens up there in the sky the very fact that Robert ridges Rock would have these magnetic properties that would spin clockwise and counterclockwise was it constructed that way by some intelligence was it a fluke of Nature and Giorgio no one has proved this rock to be hoax Linda I thank you very much for this conversation the information that I've learned this afternoon has been absolutely invaluable thanks very much honestly I really thought that this rock might be some fake but after seeing it in person and after talking to Linda I'm beginning to think that what we have here could be something quite extraordinary so now it's time to put the Roswell Rock through some serious scientific tests [Music] one of the biggest questions concerning the Roswell rock is whether or not the design on it is man-made and those who claim it is say that because the design Rises out of the rock the most likely way and it would have been made is not with laser cutting or Machining but with a process known as sandblasting which can be used to cut away the rock around the design all right let's go let's check this out so Robert and I decided to meet with a stone cutter to put this Theory to the test how you doing I'm Georgio pleasure to meet you glad to meet you Rick David all right so what do you have set up for us here today well I'm trying to see if I can make a rock and it looks like our Roswell Rock so you're gonna try to replicate this item here exactly and try to show y'all how we do this what processes will you be using we'll be using the stencils cutting and a sandblasting okay that's awesome I got a head start I copied the design traced it put it on a computer ran it through our computer system and cut the design cut it in a few different sizes and of course all I had to go was by this picture so you can get a pretty good tracing off of that Robert actually brought the Roswell Rock so if you want to give yeah the rock would help help you out some check it out what are your impressions right now do you feel anything [Music] no I don't I don't blame you what are your thoughts uh she's got uh some markings right there around that edge that are a little deeper it's a 90 degree there and then it bevels around from this side it's got this cup in the bottom here very interesting thank you every one of those cuts and every one of those are achievable by man give it your best shot okay [Music] all right fill that stencil off first one finished get surprised well I was done five minutes ago yes mine's ten times bigger now I think that this here as a piece of art and that you've just created it looks awesome but it does not match the Roswell Rock and of course it's a different Rock these are perfect circles here and and perfect cuts okay I can take my little tool and I could make perfect circles if you had to you can take and knock off those little edges it's simply not the same I mean this is an incredible creation yet this and that to me right now is different and I know you had a half an hour to do this that you know I mean make sure for my reputation you say that that I only had a half an hour of course this was supposed to be the ultimate proof that this is a sandblasted piece I got to tell you Robert I am more intrigued now than I was in the previous days all right David thank you thank you very much for opening up your shop for us anytime all right take care see you thank you sir because appear very different to the naked eye but Robert and I are going to take an even closer look under a microscope Geo archaeologist Dr Bill dolman a man who has been studying rocks for over 30 years in order to get an expert opinion on just what type of rock the Roswell Rock might be [Music] must be Giorgio I am this is Dr Bill Bowman Georgia pleasure to meet you pleasure how are you sir Robert hi Bill pleasure to see you again you too we're here to look at the Roswell Rock now I know you've seen this rock before but we're here to draw some comparisons with some other rocks that we found in the area and also a sandblasted piece that we had done earlier so here's the Rock and then we're going to look at this under the microscope today right we're going to look at it under a microscope and we're going to talk about whether that rock could have come from there naturally or not I can't wait to see this under high magnification me neither good now you found this where well at the base of the Capitan Mountain okay let's take a look at the geology map here so that would be here's Roswell and here's the Capitan mountains right here so we're smack in the middle of a whole bunch of blue the blue is limestone now this rock doesn't look like Limestone to me so right off the bat it seems kind of unusual and out of place now did you get any rocks from the area good absolutely we collected some right here you guys are real scientists well we do what we can do you know play the Sorting game here pretty quickly do some high-powered scientific tests now this is limestone you see I can easily cut it with the point of a knife you're cutting into this why so you can determine the hardness that's the hardness exactly Limestone generally can be scratched with the point of a knife what I find striking though is where did that come from exactly because this totally falls out of line with everything that we have here so why do you think that is or what is your hunch on what this might actually be basically it's what geologists would call a pebble it's rounded and that kind of rounding is very typical of stones that you find in a stream so anyway what's interesting to me is that this is a uniform color all over and that's very unusual as you can see any one of these rocks has got different colors in different parts and do you think that this might have potentially been painted there's some coat of paint on there I'll tell you what I would like to do in fact I've got the device right here I often use this to um just grind down and polish the surface of a rock to give myself a clean polished surface to go through the patina or whatever is on there to really look at the Rocks structure using a microscope Robert what do you think oh hell no no that thing ain't gonna work well I didn't think so and actually so for all intents and purposes this is a foreign object to this particular region even not looking at the design yes it looks like it oh we haven't even talked about the design yet well it keeps looking at me but yeah yeah earlier we went out there to meet with a sandblaster and he was 100 convinced that this is a sand blasted piece of fabrication yes and so what he did was he created these replicas right here and we brought them to you for comparison I'm guessing that these are both some kind of plastic sedimentary rock I'm gonna get it set up and you guys can take a look here all right why don't you guys take a look see what you see yeah you can definitely see a difference between the continuous structure but now let's put the Roswell Rock under this because that's what we came here for to look at this under magnification [Music] oh wow this is wild edges are so clean I mean it's as if this was carved with some type of a very fine knife wow it's crazy huh I'll say I mean this is not even the same ballpark as the sandblasted pieces I mean here is the crazy thing I've seen edges like this before at Pumapunku Pumapunku is a site in Bolivia that many scholars believe is more than ten thousand years old there you can find dozens of giant granite rocks that appear to be cut with extraordinary Precision now no one has ever been able to explain how supposedly primitive people would have accomplished this using copper and chicken bones but according to the local native Legends they say that the stones weren't carved by humans at all but by the gods looking at the Roswell Rock under magnification I'm beginning to think it's possible that this is not a carving made by some science fiction fan but it appears to be the result of some type of advanced technology whatever it may have been now could it be man-made I still of course cannot rule that out to my mind I'm seeing it almost looks as if that was Clay that got carved with a very fine instrument yeah that's that's uh I mean it's extraordinary as a scientist what would you recommend for our next tests well I think we need to look inside the Rock and we need to evaluate two things one it's got a magnetic field apparently we'd like to know more about the origins of it two we're not really sure whether it's multiple pieces whether it has a magnet inside it so I got a friend who's an electrical engineer and he has access to some very high grade testing equipment for measuring magnetic fields second of all I've got a friend who has a CT scanner and that's basically a three-dimensional x-ray of the Rock and so we'll learn all sorts of things about the inside of that rock we're not done yet now the investigation has just begun because I am definitely intrigued so thanks again appreciate it take care soon all right bye-bye the next step in solving the mystery of the Roswell rock is to find out why it spins when brought in contact with a magnet Dr dolman is arranged for a meeting with an electrical engineer Nathan menhorn and he has agreed to bring a whole bunch of sophisticated instruments from his lab to his garage where we can bring the Rock and perform magnetic field tests so Nathan Robert showed me that with a simple man he was able to make the Roswell Rock spin so there are some type of magnetic properties we want to figure out if we can use some more sophisticated instruments to determine whether or not there's really something interesting about this particular rock that we have here be kind of interesting to know hey this is a really magnetic field there b what is its strength and C what's its orientation inside the rock what tests do we have lined up today okay so the first test that I'd like to do is measure the field strength of The Rock cool let's get started all right show us the goods okay so we want to calibrate the magnetometer first to make sure we're getting accurate readings and what is this black thing right now what what this is this just relates to the probe from any magnetic field okay no so on the tip of the rock we have about it's going up half 2.8 girls 0.8 about this end close to zero there close to zero there so the field is going to be coming out of here so this is what this would be the North Pole of the magnet and this would be the South Pole so with the North Pole we're getting a positive reading because the magnetic field is coming out and then it's coming back around and going into the South Pole so let's probe around a little bit more and see what else we can see look at that all right it's getting higher this is getting weird it's a symbol that does it whoa wow we got an 11 right over to over the fracture we've got an 11.3 the edge of the design that is pretty amazing there are some rocks found in nature that contain magnetite or other magnetic minerals like a lodestone for instance which the ancient olmecs in Mexico actually used as a compass over 3 000 years ago but I do find very curious that the magnetism in the Roswell Rock seems to be concentrated in one area if there is a magnet let's say artificially embedded then it would be right underneath this area right here that's correct is that something that you could imagine that there might be a magnet inside yes there could be it's very very very possible after Nathan suggested that there may actually be a magnet planted inside the rock I was more determined than ever to cut into it to verify that it is in fact a solid rock and not some plaster cast made from a mold or painted and so reluctantly actually very very reluctantly Robert agreed to let us use a grinder on the back side of the Rock we're going to find something out about this rock I think you have amazing courage to let me do this and I greatly appreciate it as well but I want you to have one last chance to say you know what maybe we shouldn't do this last chance let's do it let's do it let's do it you're the man Robert wow here we go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] it's hard I'm going to try one more shot of grinding and collect the dust that comes off of there in case we want to analyze it later I think we need to do any more grinding Robert was genuinely affected by us grinding into the Roswell Rock I mean the guy was tearing up and it's hard to imagine him doing that if he knew The Rock was a fake this rock isn't just a novelty to him but it's almost as if it's a part of him the grain or the Fisher continues yeah Robert you got to see this buddy you have to see this they are a bit emotional it's okay right here this is this is a natural rock there's no question that no paint has been applied to this okay you can breathe now if this thing was a plaster cast made from a mold we would have found out about it right there but whatever this thing was made up of is certainly much harder than plaster and we now know that it was definitely not painted this is a very very fine-grained corsidic Sandstone magnetite has what we're looking for I am going to go under the assumption that they are the little black flecks I'm seeing in here although I expected them to see a lot more magnetite could explain the Roswell Rock's magnetic charge but we found much less than what Dr dolman was originally expecting but why does it have a magnetic charge at all and one that's highly concentrated in one specific part of The Rock's design that is still a mystery this is much finer grained than I expected it to be so at this point in time I'm going to say even with this power short of thin sectioning the rocket might be kind of hard to determine what it is just because it is so fine-grained and so I think that when we look at the x-rays of this thing we're gonna have another chance to think about well is the inside different than what we can see having only shaved off about half a millimeter right and thank you once again Robert I mean I'm I'm just like you've got all sorts of pride in you for being willing to do this because I think a lot of times you know when push comes to shove people back out you didn't back out you didn't and that to me was The Telltale sign and I was like you know because I was like holding back and I was like you know well no where's this going if he takes that wrong you didn't do that oh I left the real one at home sorry yeah okay so here's what we know we've established that the Roswell Rock isn't some fan-made rip-off it's not plaster it's not painted it's a real stone with a finely carved design that cannot be easily reproduced it's also magnetic but we still don't know why exactly so now we need to find out for sure if there isn't some little Magnet or something hidden inside the rock that makes it move and spin the way it does well this is a cat scanner and it takes a beam of X-rays and passes them through a body and detects them puts it through a computer and makes images that you can interpret that's fantastic do you have to rock well yeah let's do it there it is whoa I've never scanned anything quite like that no so this is a first let's go ahead let's do it okay boss take her away okay oh we're trying to come right across a design okay you know to show it and get it all in one plane because the surface of the rock is slightly rounded right that's this uh we're essentially flying through it right right or the star of their what's going on right there see that wow it's a ganglion actually that's the nerves of the rock what we see here on the screen is the inside of the rock and it appears almost entirely white which means it's very dense throughout we see a Gray Line indicating less density where the fracture is but overall this thing is pretty solid now if this rock was carved by some process other than sandblasting we still can't figure out what it was and who would choose such a hard rock to cut into we're looking right down the long axis of The Rock and there's the design right and we're looking to see if there's any density behind that as if it were complete onto the surface which we don't see so now we're like where page design is scrolling exactly the same material it does Rock itself it does see any discontinuity between I I do not see any so I'd like to go back to like at right angles reason being this question that we had was there anything inside the rock that might be responsible for the magnetic properties that it has and nothing is present nothing we don't see any density in there but we don't see some clear-cut object inside that rock still count for the magnetism or anything else the great thing is that we now know that there is nothing inside the Roswell Rock because some people have suggested that there's an inserted Magnum inside or something like this but clearly there's nothing inside of it and that is what I was curious about I think this is all incredibly fascinating not me too it's great conducting the final test on the Roswell Rock I met up with Robert one last time to get his thoughts on everything we discovered this week there you are hey good to see you again how are you fine all right wow wow what a week huh man before I tell you what I think I want you to tell me what do you think how do you feel I'm just thrilled that everything we've done is is shored up and validated what I've always felt about the rock great do you have to rock here yeah I happen to have the rock here well it kind of travels with you all the time thanks very much appreciate it got it sweet there it is this part right here you can forever tell people well this is where they did testing this is where they ground into the Rock sure because I know that there were some pretty emotional moments to say the least yeah well you know it's it's um it hurt to take it from the original state that I found it in you know that was a deep point where I was still on the fence and then we drilled into it we determined right there and then that it's not a plaster piece it's not painted and then the CT scan and of course also looking at this under great magnification wasn't that cool well not just too cool yes I mean well that blew my mind when that when we saw that especially when I saw the incision marks under high magnification it's as if this was a soft piece of butter that eventually hardened and I have seen these type of surfaces before in other places around the world where sophisticated tools were used didn't seem that I think that we have an artifact here that might potentially be ancient and so maybe this piece wasn't Left Behind after the crash but that this is what they were looking for a key who knows it might truly be of extraterrestrial origin now that is pure speculation but that does not prohibit me from asking questions sure and we all know if those questions are uncomfortable and I always ask the uncomfortable questions so be it I don't care right so this has been nothing sort of amazing and so before I leave I wanted to give you one of these oh wow the ancient pre-columbian gold flyer I know this I'm glad I know this very well so you are now part of the club well thank you thank you so much you know I hope that this won't be the last time in which we see each other so I hope not thank you very much I appreciate that yep take these with me glad to have you and uh you know give me a call yeah I have your number so anything new about this for sure you've got it all right Robert thank you Georgia thank you very much have a safe trip take care so now when I connected the dot think that the Roswell Rock actually is well perhaps it was supposed to be found back in 1947 but when it wasn't the crop circle was made maybe as a second attempt to give us the message and what is the message maybe it's a type of star calendar letting us know that they're out there and that they plan to return one day let's face it the final chapter of this book has not yet been written but in the meantime I'm off once again in search of aliens I'm on my way to Washington State's Olympic Peninsula which is one of the world's most active areas for Bigfoot sightings according to the ancient astronaut theory extraterrestrials came to Earth in a remote past and modified our DNA to make us what we are today there are depictions throughout the ancient world of strange hybrid beings like some of the gods in ancient Egypt and the Chimera in Greece and there are also numerous stories of Giants and hairy wild men so could alien visitors have done other genetic experiments ones that resulted in a race of beasts that have survived virtually undetected for thousands of years or could there be another and even more incredible connection I'm on a mission to find out if Bigfoot really exists and if it isn't just a giant hairy beast but living proof that extraterrestrials not only were here but maybe they are still living in our midst my name is Giorgio tsukolos I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation the known and the unknown what we've been taught by mainstream Scholars is not the whole picture but I'm convinced that every day we are one step closer to the truth in 1958 a bulldozer operator in Bluff Creek California discovered 16 inch human-like Footprints near his equipment when he told his story to a local newspaper he said that the footprints must have been made by an animal with a really big foot and the legend of Bigfoot was born but Tales of mysterious hairy beasts can be found in cultures throughout the world dating back to ancient times in the Himalayas they have stories of the Yeti or the Abominable Snowman in Australia they talk of a giant Ape Man known as yaoi in Mongolia they have the yaren and although the stories come from different parts of the world the accounts are surprisingly similar most describe a tall massive creature walking on two legs and looking very much like some sort of a giant ape but nowhere are the stories more prolific than in America's Pacific Northwest where thousands of people claim to have seen or encountered the mysterious Bigfoot I'm about to see the people of the Olympic project they are Bigfoot researchers and apparently they have all sorts of scientific equipment and they have dedicated their lives to investigating the mystery of Bigfoot Sasquatch the big hairy monster this is in the middle of nowhere and it is God's country it is absolutely gorgeous by the way I have no idea what to expect all right this has to be the place gentlemen hey hey how you doing look I found him he's right there you can stop your search I mean what are you guys doing game over right here yeah right how long have you been doing this and what are you doing I mean this is uh I love to pots and pans the Olympic Project's about six years old and it's pretty much it started out as a comprehensive camera trap program where we would camera trap predatory travel routes we're basically taking this core area right here we're documenting every single thing that happens in hopes of getting pictures of Sasquatch the team of who dozen researchers includes experts in everything from wildlife habitats to high-tech audio and video recording to date the group has spent thousands of hours monitoring the Olympic Forest looking for evidence of Bigfoot long-time Bigfoot researcher Derek Randalls he has invited both myself and Dr Jeff Meldrum a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University to join the team on an overnight Expedition on the Olympic Peninsula I explore the ancient Mysteries of the world and so the whole idea of Bigfoot to me is interesting because all throughout history there are bizarre stories of these half-man half-beast creatures that are found not just in this part of the world but all around the globe given my background I'm always a little more reticent I'm a little more critical initially so I'm down here and then as I investigate things and and ask for the questions and look for correlations and corroborations then that level of acceptance may increase what can you tell me about the area and you know are there any local legends that talk about this uh amazing creature here the Olympic mountain range has been for many years of a serious hot spot in Bigfoot activity curiously the Olympic mountain range is also a hot spot for UFO activity over the years there have been hundreds of reported sightings of strange objects appearing and then quickly disappearing in the sky in June 2011 two people even claimed they witnessed a cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky for nearly 15 minutes there have also been reports of people who saw strange lights following a Bigfoot encounter and there are even some reports of Bigfoot being seen coming out of a disc shaped craft I started actually investigating the Olympic mountain range in 1985 when I had my own encounter and it forever changed my life you had your own encounter so you've seen yes Bigfoot yes back in the early 80s I would get together with a couple hiking Partners in mind and we would go up on the trail system there's a very elaborate trail system throughout the Olympic National Park so at that time we started to take our backpacks off and pull our tents out and ready to get situated for the evening and we heard a very loud crash and here comes a rock and it's arcing it comes down and lands about 10 feet to the left of us and we didn't even say anything we even moved we just stood there and then another one when it landed about 10 feet to the left of us and then we panicked and we just started Gathering our stuff up off the ground and then another rock hit didn't even take the time to put our backpacks on we just grabbed him up and started running down the ridge and I just happen to look back before I turned around and there it was kind of stepped out of the Timberline and there was no mistaking of what it was my world just came to a screeching halt right there right and the next day pretty much I went into Bigfoot research and I've been doing it ever since Craig's account seemed very genuine but then I have to ask myself with all these Bigfoot encounters why do we still not have concrete evidence of the creature's existence perhaps the Olympic project will be able to find that evidence during our Expedition so what are we looking at here it's very colorful what we're looking at is a spectrogram of an audio file what I like to do is set up a recorder in an area that has promise and record all night long and then review the audio file to see if I can find anything of Interest okay what I've got here is an isolated signature within a loop of five different vocalizations that are suspicious those lines are those the vocalizations they are okay so now this is just a loop of this specific vocal okay [Music] it's like a guy yodeling it's very interesting yes we can't say specifically that it's a Sasquatch but that's what interests people that are analyzing the audio what do you say to someone that might suggest well what we just heard is nothing else but a wolf howling it's possible but since we're looking at it in a spectrogram we can compare it to a wolf spectrogram David Ellis has collected dozens of animal sounds recorded in the Olympic Forest and each new sound collected is compared to documented Animal Sounds by using spectrogram analysis with it he can eliminate sounds that match with known animals for example a wolf howl according to Ellis the sound we are listening to now does not match up with anything else on record that is very interesting the team arms themselves for the hunt with an arsenal of super sophisticated equipment their so-called secret weapon is the floor camera which stands for forward-looking infrared often used by law enforcement and the military Fleur is the top of the line in thermal heat sensing technology they also bring along an audio dish for amplifying sounds coming out of the forest and motion detector still cameras all in an effort to find concrete evidence of the legendary creature known as Bigfoot great but as you all know the real research takes place out in the field so I would love to take all these gadgets and all our gear out in the open and let's see what happens let's do it all right [Music] Washington State's Olympic Peninsula about to set out into the forest with the Olympic project I'm here to find out if Bigfoot actually exists and if so could there be an extraterrestrial connection so Derek where are we headed right now we're gonna actually go up on this this bench up here on the side of Mueller the team often conducts their Bigfoot Expeditions at Mount Mueller where numerous sightings have been reported so we're doing this on foot now with the helicopter foot all right let's do it is this beautiful through here the scenery is absolutely beyond anything I've ever seen this area there are apparently over 200 reports of sightings by different people and whenever I hear stuff like that I'm interested because you know you can't suggest that all these 200 reports are from crazy people so what if something really is going on here and so I'm very excited to be out here and maybe we'll get some Clues to explore this mystery even further ready for a break just take a break here on every Expedition he goes on Dr Meldrum carries footprint cast samples with him for comparison in the event they find a fresh one and many have recently been discovered in this particular Forest so Dr Meldrum you know you have to tell me to you what is the most compelling reasons that you think that Bigfoot might be real well from my point of view it's the footprint evidence I mean clearly that's my area of expertise and so it has the greatest significance to me let me show you a couple of examples here oh wow you brought a cast I did a couple pair of them in fact you'll hold that one for a second wow these are amazing now these are some good examples of some some very classic Sasquatch tracks this is probably a large male that measures between 16 and 17 inches in length it's quite broad nearly seven inches across the forefoot here and in contrast the female this one which measures between about 14 and 15 inches maybe five inches across the four foot here and so I mean clearly these are not just simply someone with a big foot walking around Barefoot check this out wow Dr Meldrum has over 200 examples of footprint casts that indicate that the anatomy of the creature could be similar to that of a large bipedal ape with a foot measuring some 16 inches in length it would stand somewhere between 8 and 10 feet tall and would weigh in excess of a thousand pounds but rather than an arched foot as in the case of humans the creature's Footprints indicate that its weight is distributed much more evenly giving it flat but still very flexible feet so Dr Meldrum you're of the conviction that these prints are real I am I am some unknown creature has been leaving these footprints after hiking for several hours the team sets up camp everyone works together to get organized quickly before the light Fades then we head out into the woods with thermal cameras and audio equipment to search for Bigfoot so this is what we're going to be using how long do you leave a camera out like this batteries usually last for three to six months depending on how many pictures they're taking and it only picks up when there's movement movement okay all right so now we've set up the infrared camera looks good let's go back in addition to the motion control cameras David Ellis places audio recording equipment near game trails to capture any unusual vocalizations this is a parabolic dish and it is designed to amplify sound from a specific Direction and usually I'll have somebody off in the distance and we'll do sound checks so I get an idea of how close something is to the dish so would you be so kind as to do a sound check for me are you saying you want me to be Bigfoot is that what you're saying fine I'll do it okay so just into the distance right here all right probably far enough all right now give me a whisper perfect so you could hear me whisper 75 feet away yeah I mean it clears a belt right yes so I'm good all right in the end all of this is about the unknown Derek randles is one of the founders of the Olympic project I want to spend some time with him and tap into his expertise about what he thinks this creature is and is not so in your opinion why do you think Bigfoot is so elusive I think that there's very few there are very few they're very smart they're expert woodsmen to just go out and find a Sasquatch you're going to win the lottery first they are far and away are superior out here in the woods I find it interesting that every member of the Olympic project talks about Bigfoot as being this very large but also intelligent creature when I hear this I'm reminded of the story of the watchers from The Book of Enoch this apocryphal text which was edited out of the traditional Christian Bible tells of a group of angels called the Watchers who descended to Earth from heaven shortly after the time of creation according to the Book of Enoch the Watchers mated with early humans and bread a race of giants called the Nephilim might other worldly visitors have come here and engaged in some sort of genetic manipulation and could one of these genetic experiments still be living among us right here on Earth I want to talk to you about sound I mean I've also been told that people clap in order to make their presence known and then there is a return clap or something like this what's that all about are you probably referring to Wood knocks okay we do wood knocks to try to solicit the response I've actually got a knocker if you want to oh is that is that that thing right here all right I can show you what I'm talking about and here I thought you were a barkeep right so normally we just try to find a tree like this that's not too thick because then the sound will carry better so this is kind of perfect right here but I'll show you what I'm talking about and then generally after you do that you just listen to see if there's going to be a return knock and believe it or not it does happen you want to try it of course yes absolutely maybe something will happen [Music] silence silence this is great can I keep this while we walk through the woods keep it I need protection the modern day phenomenon of Bigfoot isn't something that has just sprung up recently but there are in fact legends from ancient times from all around the world for example in the remains of the ancient city of Nineveh in what is present-day Iraq Sumerian Tablets dating as far back as 1800 BC tell the story of King Gilgamesh and His companion named enkidu enkidu is described as a large hairy wild man living outside Human Society but the most fascinating part of the story is that inkidu was supposedly created by powerful beings called the Anunnaki which when translated means those who from the heavens came so could the story of the Anunnaki and enkidu be connected to the similar stories about the Watchers in The Book of Enoch and if Bigfoot really exists could it be the product of extraterrestrial engineering let's go find Bigfoot let's do it as the light Fades James and I set off with the mobile floor camera to look for any signs off Bigfoot so James is this what you do you drive around all night with them with the machine on and you Scope a 360 degree view absolutely we'll go find a place that's got great Visual and that's set up and sit there and watch for a while or we'll just keep following the roads and see what we see pretty impressive for technology I mean this looks pretty cool I mean it's a thermal camera and we will see things that are emitting Heat so you know we can point the camera all the way to the sky potentially see some UFOs who knows suddenly something appears on the monitor look look what's this over here I mean this thing is it's glowing some kind of body part in the fading light all we can see are trees but the thermal camera has hit on something which appears to be a warm-blooded animal Museum if we can make it move and now he's moving see its head can you see it oh wow his head's down right now [Music] whoa it's a deer I've been 100 for years and I cannot pick that deer out of the brush right there this technology is quite amazing in 1980 investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe discovered a connection between Bigfoot and The Unexplained phenomenon of animal mutilations Linda had received a letter from a man in Snohomish Washington just 90 miles from where we are now [Music] he reported seeing a silver disc in the sky that shot a beam of light down to the Earth in the beam of light he saw what he described as a tall Shaggy creature which walked off into the woods as the craft disappeared over the next few days there were reports in the area of livestock found dead with missing organs and body parts but all looked as if they had been removed with surgical precision connection can be made between Bigfoot and these strange animal mutilations I think it's safe to suggest that we may very well be dealing with something of an extraterrestrial origin Dr Meldrum there's one personal question that I would like to ask you and that is have you ever had an encounter well I've had a variety of experiences ranging from you know vocalizations bumps in the night finding footprints on a number of occasions I've even seen a fleeting silhouette that could very well have been a Sasquatch but I'm still waiting for that Vivid conclusive definitive encounter in broad daylight and you know all of this stuff today it really got me thinking in correlation to the ancient stories that I'm familiar with these hairy beasts in ancient times that are described All Around the World in different cultures so what if what we have here is something rather similar the investigations have to continue but I'm tired and so tomorrow is another day and I'm gonna turn off the lights and go to sleep the next day Dr Meldrum and the Olympic project team informed me that they had decided to continue their expedition for two more days but unfortunately I needed to move on uh that way right yes straight back I leave the Pacific Northwest I'd like to meet up with Richard germo a former police officer he claims to have seen Bigfoot not once but twice so I'm really stoked to hear his take on the whole Bigfoot phenomenon I've been told that you've actually had an encounter with Bigfoot twice I mean that's like hitting the lottery so tell me more about this well I did have a an encounter back in 2000 I was a police officer in La Push Washington at that time and the push is an Indian reservation on the coast many Native American cultures share traditional ancient legends which referred to large hair covered man beasts whom they believe inhabit the Deep Woods of the Pacific Northwest even today the Quinault Indians of the Olympic Peninsula report sightings of a huge a black hominid they call siatko in fact the existence of these tall Shaggy creatures also known as Sasquatch is simply taken for granted by many Native American tribes I was driving down the road and it was about seven or eight in the evening but it was still plenty of light you know I was coming around this corner and the beach was off to my left and just this dark figure that was really tall and big stepped out of the brush on one side onto the roadway and it commenced to take about four steps before it cleared the road and it went into the brush and just kept going you saw during that first encounter how big was that creature the chest to the back looked massive I mean I don't know how deep it was but it was thick and I was only about a mile and a half away from my office that I worked in at that point so I drove right there and at that time there was a deputy from the county sheriff's office that was there and two of my co-workers and I told them what happened right away and they ridiculed me and laughed at me like people normally would Richard's experience affected him so strongly that despite the ridicule he received from his colleagues in the police department he went on to co-found the Olympic project with Derek Randalls in 2010 Richard set up a number of motion control cameras in an area believed to be a Bigfoot layer I had a really bad feeling even when I got there everything was really quiet and it was kind of drizzly it was just an eerie day so I hear Twigs break but there's nothing over there not more in a few seconds after that I hear it like an exhale and I started to look up and I could see something was standing about 20 yards in front of me and then in one motion it was shot through this opening okay so if I don't leave now I'm gonna die so I turned and I ran the other way it was really close and it was huge and I'm a little shook enough if it just break now I'm talking about you were shaking just recounting the story it was a traumatic event although Legends concerning large hairy creatures have been told and retold for centuries what turned Bigfoot into a household name was the notorious Patterson gimlin film even though some have judged the footage as a hoax there are many who believe that it offers convincing evidence that Bigfoot really does exist so what do you think that creature actually is in the beginning when I got into it I kind of looked at it as it must be a relic common of some type you know North American ape and that certainly is a possibility but when you look at the Native American history that's much more Supernatural even to some aspects of a shapeshifter interdimensional type being shapeshifter and inter-dimensional being now when I hear things like that my mind goes to stories of shape-shifting beings that appear in many ancient cultures including the Greek tale of Zeus who transformed King lykian into a wolf many Native American myths include Legends of creatures known as skinwalkers humans who can change their shape at will and often take the form of large hairy beasts um I I'm not saying that I necessarily believe along those lines but those stories exist they do exist and there must be a reason for it that's a verbal history of those people and all tribes tend to have the same type of stories about these beings well rich thank you very much for allowing me to come out here and to hear your stories the second encounter the way you described that that will haunt me for the rest of my life after hearing Rich germo's incredible first-hand account I've decided to reach out to my good friend Dr Jonathan Young an expert in mythology and the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell archives so thanks very much for for seeing me on such short notice but I recently met this former detective rich germo and he thinks that Bigfoot or whatever it is he saw was some sort of a shape-shifter or a skinwalker and so I know that that is right up your alley whatever is happening it's significant so we have yeti in the Himalaya areas we have Giants in Africa we have all the reports in the Pacific Northwest which have been the Bigfoot sightings the fact that they keep happening suggests that there's something to it I want to show you some things they can't come with all right I was thinking Giorgio about this wild man image how it shows up in some really popular forms a very familiar form from Western culture is Merlin Merlin he's a shamanistic magician he lives in a cave so you've got the cave diver tradition there this the troglodytes all the way back to the Greek historians now this is a truly fascinating connection to me because many historians believe that the wizard Merlin is actually based on a legendary Welsh figure named murden Wilt who is described as a hairy madman who wandered in the company of beasts now in the ancient Greek myths the troglodytes are these large hairy beastly looking creatures that lived underground and could be extremely terrifying but they were also depicted as being very wise and according to the ancient legends the troglodytes descended from the sky and were hiding out in caves and tunnels because they wanted to keep their presence a secret there have been stories about magical animals and humans turning into animals animals turning into humans from well pretty much as long as we've had recorded history so take the werewolf those characters transcend our moral code they do what they want they are like beasts in that regard and then they become people again the bigfooter shapeshifter is it something else part of the time is that why we don't see it all the time man the idea that Bigfoot could be some sort of a shape-shifter like a werewolf is incredible because if true it could explain why Bigfoot has been so elusive it is able to hide Among Us in human form I've always been fascinated by the idea of the hybrids these half man half animal creatures that permeate all of history in your opinion what are we looking at there yeah it's it's just very very interesting the way they show up in so many variations I've got an image here of a half horse half man is very close to the image of Pam and it is very powerful Crossing between the known and the unknown all around the world we can find carvings or statues of what are called hybrid beings in India we have the Naga which is a half man half snake in Greece there is the Medusa who has snakes for hair in Egypt there's an entire God Pantheon of half man half animal deities like Anubis a creature that has the head of a jackal and the body of a human being various hybrid images that show up from time to time all through history and a recent present-day manifestation is Bigfoot Yeti do they have the kind of impact that these hybrid Gods had are they showing us the way to something metaphysical something Transcendent that's what gets me excited about these sightings life is strange and there's a lot to know that we do not know and it's important to study the margins to study the things that we don't understand yet Bickford and I will cross paths Jonathan this was great thank you very much for your time I've learned a lot now we know that scientists are always discovering new organisms all the time so it isn't so hard for me to believe or speculate that there really could be a creature even one as large as Bigfoot that has so far evaded detection or even capture but the big difference between believing something and knowing it is the difference between faith and science and because scientists are the hardest people to convince I've made a trip to the Museum of Man in San Diego to ask biological Anthropologist Dr Tory Randall if she thinks that a creature like Bigfoot could actually be real [Music] one of the main attractions here is a model of Lucy a hamlet whose skeleton was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974. it is considered by scientists to be what many have claimed Bigfoot could be a missing link between apes and humans all right there she is this is Lucy she's an Australopithecus aferensis I'm an early hominin that lived about two to four million years ago she stood about three and a half feet tall and she has some ape-like and some more human-like traits she's bipedal which is one of the things that we attribute to humans right although Lucy is far too small to suggest that she may have a direct connection to Bigfoot there were in fact a number of very large primates that walked the Earth as far back as a hundred thousand years ago one of these known as gigantopithecus stood an incredible 10 to 12 feet tall and if Bigfoot really exists could it be a direct descendant of this giant prehistoric creature [Music] who are these two friends right here so so we have a couple of reconstructions of different hominins here this one is australopithe scene earlier form of hominin I'm probably about two to four million years ago this one is a Homo habilis which is the first member of the homogeneous which is what we are as homo sapiens um so a little bit more modern if you're comparing these two so Tori in your opinion do you think it is at all possible that a subspecies for example Bigfoot could exist under the radar and it hasn't yet been discovered is such a thing possible having a subspecies that's existing in isolation somewhere that definitely is possible this has been an incredible opportunity to explore something that I've been interested in for a long time the development of animals and humans on our planet did we descend from apes over millions of years or was there some extraterrestrial intervention it raises many questions involving science and the unknown but what I find myself Blown Away by is that a biological Anthropologist like Dr Tory Randall believes it's possible that a large hairy creature like Bigfoot could in fact exist if one were to subscribe to the idea that a species like Bigfoot exists what would have to have occurred for such a thing to even happen an organism can be isolated there can be interbreeding where two different populations can come together and a brand new trait will show up or there can be a mutation where there's a brand new random trait that no one's ever seen in that organism before Dr Randall's notion that Bigfoot may possibly exist but also may have been able to escape capture due to centuries of evolution is really interesting to me perhaps centuries ago they were hunted by early man but by now only the smartest and most elusive ones have survived so what are the primary Gene differences between apes and humans our DNA in general is very similar we share 99.8 percent of our DNA with a chimpanzee but there are particular genes that distinguish humans from other Apes for instance the duf-1220 gene scientists have discovered that a protein called duf 1220 May in fact be the so-called Missing Link in human brain evolution because a million years ago as humans began to diverge from the ape family there was also a noticeable increase in duf 1220. [Music] out brain size modern humans have a cranial capacity about 1200 to 1300 cubic centimeters in this gorilla it's about 400 to 450 and the same thing in this australopithecine is about 400 to 450. so this is you know one of our earliest ancestors and they had a brain size about the size of a modern day ape this is really interesting because not even scientists can sufficiently explain why early humans suddenly featured an increase in genetic coding such as duf-1220 which is part of the so-called Secret Sauce that makes us who we are today now was it simply Evolution a random mutation or was it extraterrestrial intervention some people have proposed that Bigfoot might be the missing link between humans and apes what do you think about that people find a brand new species that's alive all the time that you know something in the rainforest that no one's ever seen before and someone comes across it so I certainly would be open to the possibility that a fossil is going to be found that we've never seen before and to hear you say this is very exciting to me that you know to me science is always to be open-minded and not to be closed off to the possibility of asking a question what if and so to thank you for your time I wanted to give you this right here as a token of my appreciation which is an ancient pre-columbian funery object that has been found in multiple tombs and keep me up to date if anything new happens in the development of finding the various missing links I would like to hear from you I will I will thank you so much until next time bye-bye after connecting all the dots I'm more and more convinced that if Bigfoot exists isn't likely the product of extraterrestrial Gene manipulation because we are in fact what if Bigfoot is what humans would be if aliens had not intervened on this planet possibly the last survivors of Mankind's genetic ancestors before we received the so-called secret sauce that made us the creatures we are today before we should our fur for hair or learn to speak and before some of us began traveling the world in search of aliens I'm in the nation's capital Washington DC and everywhere I look I'm reminded of the ancient world there are Greek pillars a giant stupa-shaped Dome and even a huge Egyptian style Obelisk but it's not just the architecture that was inspired by civilizations that thrived thousands of years ago many of America's founding fathers including Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were steeped in ancient knowledge and even believed that intelligent life existed throughout the Universe but was this belief based on logical speculation or was it based on something more I'm on a mission to find out if there might be more to this country's Origins than what we've been told by mainstream Scholars and to see if there are any real connections between extraterrestrials and the founding of America my name is Giorgio tsukolos I explore the world that exists between reality and speculation the known and the unknown what we've been taught by mainstream Scholars is not the whole picture but I'm convinced that every day we are one step closer to the truth on July 19 1952 during the height of the Cold War an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport picked up seven unidentified flying objects on his radar screen approaching our nation's capital he initially feared that they were Soviet military but quickly determined otherwise based on their strange movement Witnesses in the airport tower reported seeing large bright lights moving quickly across the sky some speeding away and others simply disappearing these lights were reported to be seen over the Capitol building the White House and the Washington Monument fighter jets were deployed to intercept the objects but as they closed in the mysterious lights suddenly disappeared several days after this event Major General John Samford director of intelligence for the United States Air Force addressed the issue at a pentagon press conference we have received and analyzed between one and two thousand before that have been made by credible Observer of relatively incredible things [Music] what were these strange lights could they have been some sort of alien spacecraft and if so what were they doing in Washington DC some have suggested that since ancient times extraterrestrials have monitored human progress it may have even played a role in influencing human history so is it possible that they have been watching over the United States of America and even guiding its progress since the nation's very beginnings I'm in our nation's capital Washington DC to meet with historian Richard Dolan an expert on the history of extraterrestrial contact and UFO events in the United States with his help I hope to find out if there's a history of documented contact right here in Washington and possibly dating back to the founding fathers Richard has studied not only early American history but he's authored several books on the hidden history of UFO contact and its influence upon our government Americorps or the United States was supposed to be this place of freedom of speech freedom of the press freedom of religion all these things that were censored and looked down upon in the Old Country so in your view of History has a country ever existed that was based on the principles of the United States with the tenets of freedom of speech and religion and the pursuit of happiness that's the the beautiful thing about the United States the truly beautiful thing is that this was the place where those principles were first incorporated into the very foundation of the society that's what we talk about when we mainly American Dream this is a place where you had freedom of speech freedom to be yourself America was always considered the new world when Columbus got here it was the new world and back in the days of Washington they were very aware of that and when they were creating that Republic they consciously were trying to create a new and better world one based on principles of freedom the discovery of America really was like the discovery of a new world because when Christopher Columbus sailed Westward from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean there were those who thought that he would either reach Asia or he would fall off the edge of the Earth they had no idea that America even existed on the night of October 11 1492 just days before he reached land Columbus wrote in his log that from the deck of the Santa Maria he saw and I quote a light glimmering at a great distance and appeared like the light of a wax candle moving up and down now they were too far out to see for this to have been a light from Shore so what could it have been some kind of an extraterrestrial Beacon a sign that Columbus and his companions were being welcomed but if so by whom Washington Jefferson Franklin James Madison all of these thinkers and more were enamored of the ancient Greeks and the ancient Romans and they were very self-consciously trying to bring back those traditions that's why we have this institution called the Senate that comes out of ancient Rome that's why all the architecture is based on classical models the classical pillars and the domes and all of this this is all right out of classical I think it's a great homage to the the great free thinkers of the ancient world because you wouldn't create these structures unless it were to honor where this whole knowledge and these ideas originated for sure to the start of the American Revolutionary War on July 4th 1776 the 13 colonies formally severed their ties to England both politically and philosophically [Music] It is Well documented that many of the men whom we call the founding fathers fully embraced the Age of Enlightenment a social movement that valued science over Superstition and individual human rights over what they considered the tyranny of the European monarchies a big part of this philosophy was a concept dating back to the 5th Century BC called the plurality of Worlds the belief that life exists not only on Earth but throughout the entire universe one of the questions I'm dying to ask you is that there are these rumors that have circulated that at some point George Washington apparently made contact with these green skinned people and so any truth to that because I find it incredible I I did look into this I I feel that there's no justification for this whatsoever but here's the interesting thing about Washington there were many stories or myths about him during the days of Valley Forge which was a really horrible difficult dark time for for Washington and the Continental Army and many of these men starved and froze to death that winter it was it was horrific and during that time Washington would go out to prey trying to get guidance spiritual guidance and he had some kind of mystical encounter he supposedly was met by this woman who called him son of the Republican according to one of the accounts a strange so-called woman in white informed Washington of the victory that the Continental Army would have against the British she presented him with a vision of the new United States of America General Washington was even shown a map of the United States and as raindrops fell onto this map cities began to appear popping up throughout the entire country it was a model of what the United States would look like in the future so that is very interesting to me because the idea or the legends of cosmic mothers are prevalent throughout ancient history and it's supposedly surfaced from one of the survivors of Valley Forge you get a number of these myths uh stories about Washington having some kind of mystical encounter at Valley Forge could it be true sure could be true I'm about to meet with Grand Master Akram Elias a long time Freemason in Washington DC and I want to find out about freemasonry's influence on some of our founding fathers such as Washington and Jefferson and to see how Freemasonry may have impacted the birth of our nation oh this is amazing so Grandmaster Elias where are we what is this particular room right please call me Akram first I will thank you thanks well we're here in the Masonic Lodge room of the Scottish Rite in Washington DC architecture in short is very important in in masonry and that is one of the reasons why uh the Supreme Being is referred to as the grand architect of the universe by Freemasons now the letter G quite often people think it's related to God in fact the letter G is the initial of the word geometry and the idea again of the grand architect of the universe is the grant a geometrician it doesn't matter what religion they come from but the word architect brings reason design and beauty together and the origins really go back to the Renaissance period which is the time when scientific discovery the explosion in art and Renaissance going back to some of the Ancients the Greeks and the Romans what was the last knowledge how can we bring it back this is incredibly fascinating to me because these are essentially the original tenets of the United States and so with the idea that you know George Washington was a Mason you know people have forgotten that in the end it is all connected absolutely I may even go further by saying it was the a lot of the Masonic ideals and principles that inspired the founding fathers and helped the founding of this nation according to historians nine signers of the Declaration of Independence and 13 signers of the Constitution were Freemasons and Akram told me that Master Mason George Washington was so passionate about the concepts of Freemasonry that on September 18 1793 he insisted on laying the Cornerstone of the Capitol building according to Masonic ceremonial Traditions George Washington dressed in his full Masonic regalia led a masonic Parade from the White House to Jenkins Hill which is now called Capitol Hill to lay the Cornerstone of the U.S Capitol the powerful symbol of this new grand experiment the legislative branch was it more acceptable for George Washington to show up in his regalia with people back in the day scoff at that or was it something that was accepted in society now it was very much accepted and as a matter of fact the United States stood out in a way because so many of the founders founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons and proud to be Freemasons [Music] Washington is an 1866 lithograph that depicts him in his Masonic regalia and there is Masonic imagery throughout the painting over his right shoulder is the popular Freemason symbol of Jacob's Ladder which comes from the biblical story where Jacob Witnesses Angels ascending and descending a ladder from heaven but in the painting the latter doesn't appear to be coming from Heaven it looks to be coming out of a dark round object emitting multi-colored lights so are we really looking at a ladder from Heaven here or could this be a ramp coming out of some type of craft and if so what is it doing in a painting of George Washington [Music] I can get you into some of the additional Masonic symbolism in The City the Washington Monument is an extraordinary example of masonic symbolism in the city in fact it was the one thing that triggered my interest career really he said what is an obelisk an Egyptian styled structure doing here in the middle of Washington DC the architect was a Freemason at 555 feet high the Washington Monument is the largest Obelisk on the planet and hearkens back to the ancient world more than any other structure in Washington DC the Freemasons built it so that the constellation of Pleiades would be visible directly over its pyramid-shaped tip but even more fascinating is the fact that they also installed a reflecting pool so the Observer is given the impression that the monument itself is not only pointing up to the heavens but is pointing from the heavens down into the Earth this notion represents another concept that the Freemasons adopted from the ancient world that of As Above So Below meaning the world of the universe is also right here all around us then I started looking at the Architects and then I discovered that all the major architects who worked on these major structures were also Freemasons from the Supreme Court to the United States capital to the White House or the Lincoln Memorial and said wow and of course an architect is an artist and an artist reflects his or her views beliefs whatever it is in their art now just as interesting to me as the Washington Monument is the Dome of the Capitol building I mean look at it it looks exactly like a stupa a bell-shaped Dome that was believed by ancient Buddhists to have mystical powers numerous ancient Sanskrit texts describe stupas as Chariots of the Gods flying machines in which powerful beings came down from the heavens there are even those who believe that the stupa's design helps people underneath it to connect directly with extraterrestrial knowledge so I've always been curious about the dollar bill and since I've got you right here I want to see if there's anything you can explain to me about the symbolism that exists on our dollar bill this is the most esoteric piece of paper money that exists on the face of the Earth and esoteric means it has hidden symbols that only somebody who has been taught to decipher them can really understand that so let me start with the pyramid the pyramid is really connected to the Obelisk because both are two great symbols from ancient Egypt the great Builders now below the pyramid you will see there is a Latin inscription it says novus ordo secloro which in Latin means new order for the ages the founders were basically telling us it is up to you future generations of Americans to keep the building going and to do that building you need the source of light that's why you see on top of the pyramid and all seeing eye with light in a angle it's an also a symbol from ancient Egypt it's mythological you interpret any way you want I mean there are countless cultures with that exact same idea the Masonic symbolism on the dollar bill is fascinating especially the All-Seeing Eye because this is an ancient symbol that is sometimes meant to suggest that there is someone or something watching over us so for men who are promoting science and reason over religious Faith what might this mean was the All-Seeing Eye meant to allude to the almighty God or could it be that the founding fathers believe that there was some other perhaps some kind of extraterrestrial presence guiding their way a presence that may have had a vested interest in the American experiment I'm talking with Grand Master Akram Elias a long time Freemason in Washington D.C who has been pointing out to me just how abundant Masonic symbolism is in America's capital but what really caught my interest is the fact that the symbolism doesn't end with the architecture there are symbols built right into the layout of the city itself since Washington DC was designed on a map what makes it unique is that it had to be designed with the intent that it should reflect a philosophy of government right and geometry so if you look at Washington DC everything is geometrically shaped the capital is at the center the district's divided into four quadrophs Northeast northwest southeast Southwest very scientific so now when you look at the city from above you're going to see the intersection between Avenues and streets four main obviously geometric shapes triangles rectangles squares this is to make a very important point this new form of government will not be based on religion to govern the Affairs of the people it will be based on the scientific method geometry reason and Beauty I must call you Grandmaster Elias because this has been very very interesting find out more about the design of our nation's capital I'm heading to Logan Circle in downtown Washington to meet up with Freemason Mark culco Rivera and local historical surveyor Chaz langhlan these are some very interesting instruments and I presume they're quite old they're wonderful 1700s early 1800s the way a period of time that the city of Washington was surveyed to get a Hands-On demonstration of how the founding fathers planned and surveyed the city and with the actual instruments they would have used was really amazing this is the angle device Transit this is how they measure distances in colonial times can you show us here on the field how some of these things were actually implemented they didn't have a flexible steel tape prior to that it was this 33-foot surveyors chain why 33 feet exactly why 33 feet Works into a mile evenly it works into an acre evenly you want to try it yeah absolutely where do I go interesting that the length of the surveyor's chain is exactly 33 feet three is a mystical number in Freemasonry dating back to ancient times is it possible that a 33-foot measuring device was chosen once again to keep with Masonic principles or is this just a coincidence Punk it down congratulations you've just measured the first 33 feet of the continental United States keep going then measure it back and you will do what the surveyors did it's awesome to think that the entire city of Washington DC was measured to make such a design using nothing but chains and the effort it clearly took the founding fathers to realize their Vision got me even more curious about the design they chose and the purpose behind it is it possible that the founding fathers perhaps intended for it to be recognized from the sky what do you think somebody might see seeing Washington DC from space you know there's been articles that Lafont speculated about that I think they're true Pierre lafonte he was the engineer of the city of Washington the designer of the city of the planner and he played with symmetry which was a brand new revolutionary concept the Eastern 13 colonies are if you look at them from the air the lines and the roads and the fields are all cockeyed and cattywampus it's the old English system that system came here we were English colonies he wanted his plan to be symmetrical these circles were lined up on high points but then he played with them he wanted it and it's not exactly symmetrical he wasn't able to get it perfect sure but he played with it make this the parallel with that parallel with that this this this this make him parallel in other words he could have connected an Avenue from here to here but he didn't because he wanted symmetry he was concerned about what the plan would look like from the air fascinating to think that the founding fathers along with surveyor purelon fund also a Freemason considered what Washington DC would look like from high above the earth when they came up with their design for the city [Music] in the ancient world we can find a number of sites purposely designed to be seen from the sky most famously we have the Nazca Lines in Peru but there is also The Serpent Mound in Ohio the kofun tombs in Japan the Atacama Giant in Chile and numerous others and of course in the ancient world the mythology was always that these places were meant to be seen by the Gods so what were the intentions of the founding fathers could it be that the founding fathers many of whom believed that intelligent life existed Elsewhere on other planets designed Washington DC in the anticipation that America might one day be visited by extraterrestrials or is it possible that America had already been visited hundreds of years ago on April 5th 1800 vice president Thomas Jefferson received one of America's first official UFO reports astronomer William Dunbar in Baton Rouge Louisiana reported to Jefferson that he witnessed a bright glowing light the size of a large house hovering 200 yards above the ground Dunbar said that it was very bright gave off a lot of heat and crashed to the Earth close by Jefferson took this report very seriously so much so that he wrote about in his diary he even presented it to the American philosophical society and to this day Thomas Jefferson along with former U.S President Jimmy Carter remained the most powerful public figures ever to officially acknowledge a UFO encounter it's incredible to me that Thomas Jefferson reported a UFO sighting and almost no one today knows about it but one of his contemporaries was even more adamant that we are not alone in the universe I'm in Philadelphia to learn more about the founding father who was the most outspoken of all concerning his ideas about extraterrestrial life Benjamin Franklin to find out why Ben Franklin was such a strong proponent of the notion that life exists beyond Earth I'm meeting up with author and historian Michael Zuckerman Michael and I have arranged to meet at Philadelphia Stenton house built by James Logan a friend of Ben Franklin's so did Ben Franklin frequent this house Franklin would have come here a lot because Franklin loved books and Logan had the most amazing library for sure in Pennsylvania really probably in all of early America and the only library that ever approached it was Ben Franklin's own Library as he built it later on even though America's founding fathers included some of the most brilliant men America has ever known Benjamin Franklin still managed to stand out he was an inspired genius whose Advanced scientific ideas on everything from electricity and light waves to weather patterns and ocean currents Place him on par with men like Leonardo da Vinci Albert Einstein attributed to everything he was the greatest Diplomat America ever had the greatest scientist we ever had I mean he was the most important scientist of the 18th century period and he got on her he degrees from half a dozen universities was a great writer he was obviously an inventor but he was a Civic leader he was the most powerful politician in Pennsylvania he was a military man there was nothing he couldn't do it's staggering what Benjamin Franklin was able to accomplish with virtually no formal education as a young man he refused to attend church but instead educate himself about all the major religions he was the antithesis of spiritual despite that he read widely in theology he wrote more theology than any non-clergyman in all of colonial America how do you think Franklin has approached the idea of the plurality of worlds for people of some scientific knowledge in the 18th century it was a given scientific fact Franklin said that if you're going to pray it's a grand mistake to pray to God because God has to watch over this enormous Cosmos God can't be bothered with this tiny little planet Earth so Franklin took it as a given that there were many many other worlds he imagined serried ranks of angels taking care of different parts of that universe and and he just took that as a matter of fact the concept of the plurality of Worlds originated in ancient Greece but what many people don't know is that the founding fathers were also heavily influenced by Native American culture and their stories of beings that descended from the Stars becoming increasingly clear to me that the concept of Life existing beyond Earth had a strong influence on the founding fathers but I'm really curious to discover what they learned from the people who first inhabited America at this point of my investigation I'm convinced that America was founded by men and women who were undoubtedly religious but they were also tolerant of the idea that intelligent life might exist throughout the Universe [Music] their new nation on the ancient philosophies of Rome Greece Egypt and India civilizations which in turn credited their Origins to so-called Gods visitors from the stars who came to Earth and shared their wisdom with mankind becoming convinced that another ancient civilization played a significant role in conducting the American experiment that of the Native Iroquois for this reason I've traveled to Georgetown in Washington DC to meet with Dr Donald grindy an expert on Iroquois history I'm interested to hear how the Iroquois Six Nations treaty may have actually been an inspiration to our very own Constitution I've heard all these different stories about how the Iroquois played an instrumental part in the creation of our nation what can you tell me about the Iroquois uh well the Iroquois or hodinoshone people is what they call themselves was mean people of the Longhouse and they are basically in New York State and Southern Ontario they're the indigenous people to those areas what can you tell me about Chief kanaza Sego who was he and why was he so significant well Canada was a six nations Iroquois chief he spoke at a treaty that Benjamin Franklin was in attendance in 1754 and he told the American colonists that they should think about developing a confederation similar to the Iroquois Confederacy did this great Law of Peace Inspire the founding fathers to found this nation on similar laws yes yes Benjamin Franklin was inspired about the Iroquois how they govern it is generally regarded as one of the first steps towards independence are there any specific Concepts that you're aware of that have made it into our present day government well I mean there's We the People which is sovereignty or power resides in the people under the monarchical system sovereignty resided in the king Who was appointed by God and we the people is tell the Iroquois Constitution starts it's about the people I'm excited to see how much the principles and even the structure of American government was inspired by the native Iroquois but I'm also curious if the founding fathers were equally influenced by the Iroquois own stories about having extraterrestrial Origins what can you tell me about Sky woman the sky woman is part of the iroquoisani creation story there's a world in the sky and she falls down towards the Earth which is covered with water and then a giant turtle Rises up to catch her and that Land is What odinoshoni people call Turtle Island which is North America if you look at a map of North America North America looks like a turtle Mexico down to Panama is the tail Florida is one back leg Baja California is the other back leg the front leg is Alaska and the other front leg is up near Labrador and the turtle is kind of like that and it's interesting that you would have a creation story and a recognition that North America looked like that without satellites in those days you just took the words out of my mouth fascinating to hear that a Turtle figures into this Iroquois creation story because in ancient cultures all over the world you can find origin stories that begin with a cosmic turtle now in the case of the Iroquois it is said that a giant turtle rose up to catch the sky woman but could this really be a reference to some kind of spacecraft but even if a turtle in the story is only referring to the shape of North America that's just as incredible because how would ancient Native Americans have had any idea about the shape of the continent unless they could see it from space when the American Revolution started one of the symbols of the colonists was a Native American Woman it isn't until the 1840s or 50s that you get Uncle Sam now this is fascinating to me that one of the earliest symbols of colonial America was a Native American woman who may have been a representation of the Iroquois Sky woman because we also have that weird story of George Washington being visited at Valley Forge by an Angelic female being in one of the various versions of the story The Sky woman goes on to spread soil and Seed while standing on the back of a turtle the turtle then grows and grows and becomes rich and fertile so is the story of the sky woman simply a colorful myth or could it be a description of a real Flesh and Blood extraterrestrial my investigation must continue I'm fascinated to learn about the strong connections between men like Benjamin Franklin and the native Iroquois especially as it relates to the incorporation of Iroquois philosophies and laws into the U.S Constitution but I'm also equally excited to find out that the Iroquois have an origin story concerning a so-called Sky woman who they believe came to Earth tens of thousands of years ago and that she served as a symbol for the United States until the mid 19th century to learn more I've arranged to meet with Native American folklorist Dr Joanne Shenandoah a member of the Oneida Iroquois Confederacy Joanne what can you tell me how the Iroquois had influence on the founding fathers Iroquois people had a beautiful thing to offer America and that was democracy equality women's rights and the respect for human dignity religious rights there were no class systems we didn't have kings and queens what can you tell me about the legend of Sky woman first of all we don't consider it a legend we consider it reality we believe this is the beginning of who we are as a people on this Earth when Joanne told me that for her people these stories of beings descending from the stars are not Legend but reality it gave me goosebumps because that is the whole point of the ancient astronaut theory but would it be safe to say that the Iroquois greatly influenced the Declaration of Independence and perhaps even the Constitution most definitely they say my ancestors Seven Generations ago Chief Shenandoah was there on the second floor when that was being signed so I mean that's pretty pretty amazing right there the room full of Iroquois people there to witness this event this great event of how people could live in Freedom and democracy so do you think that the Iroquois creation story had influence on the founding fathers yes and I'm not so sure that America is aware even of the fact that the Iroquois brought together the colonists and and showed them a different way I truly appreciate your time thank you very much appreciate it thank you if someone were to challenge and ask me if it is at all possible that the United States perhaps has an ancient ass on origins or at least some connections then I tell them to look no further than right here in the nation's capital Washington DC because not only can you find entire monuments and buildings inspired by ancient civilizations civilizations which believed that Mankind's ancestors had traveled here from other worlds but also because as bizarre as this may sound there is a statue that could be interpreted as an extraterrestrial right here out in the open for everyone to see where is this you might ask there on top of the capital Dome is a statue called the spirit of freedom but it might just as well be called the sky woman it was sculpted by Thomas Crawford and dates back to the 1860s when you look closely you can see that she is dressed in what appears to be the native Garb of the Iroquois and on her head is an elaborate headdress made of eagle feathers which is ringed with stars perhaps we shouldn't only be thinking of America as having founding fathers but also a founding mother is it possible that the Iroquois stories about a sky woman were really an attempt by early humans to describe the visitation of a female astronaut in the remote past and could this mean that it was really an extraterrestrial who inspired the Iroquois to believe that a good government should guarantee its citizens life liberty and the pursuit of happiness although I'm not entirely convinced I am open to the idea that the statue on top of the Dome could be a depiction of a real Flesh and Blood extraterrestrial whose influence can still be found by those who study our nation's laws examine our most sacred of Institutions and everyone who challenges Authority in search of aliens
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, In Search of Aliens, top 5, TOP 5 MOST SHOCKING EPISODES, MOST SHOCKING EPISODES, Epic Marathon, In Search of Aliens marathon, In Search of Aliens full episodes, In Search of Aliens streaming, watch In Search of Aliens online free, aliens, extraterrestrials, ufos
Id: VexAVqlDdhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 0sec (12600 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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