Ancient Aliens: The Reptilian Conspiracy (S8, E1) | Full Episode

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NARRATOR: Legends of lizard people. They had arms and legs like that of men. NARRATOR: Statues depicting strange creatures. They have the facial features of what seems to be reptiles. NARRATOR: And underground caves said to be home to serpent gods. There are too many stories about reptilian entities living within the Earth for them to be dismissed. NARRATOR: Throughout history, there have been stories of beings half-human, half-reptile. Could they be more than mere fantasy? And if so, might they be visitors from another planet? But you have to wonder if there's not some truth to the stories of reptilian intervention on planet earth. NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. What if it were true? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? And if so, might there be a connection between aliens and strange beings called the reptilians? [theme music] Bishopville, South Carolina, June 1988, 2:00 AM. 17-year-old Christopher Davis had pulled over on a deserted road near Scape Ore Swamp to fix a flat tire. Just as he finished, he heard a noise behind him. He saw a strange seven foot tall creature with red glowing eyes running towards him. Davis started to drive away, but the creature caught up with him and jumped on the roof of the car. Swerving hard to throw the creature off, he saw it had three fingers and green skin. Finally it fell from the car and Davis sped away. And he ended up getting out of where he was, and he went immediately home. He was so upset. His parents called the police department. Sheriff Liston Trusdale actually went out there and interviewed him. He asked him to take a lighter detector test, and this young boy passed the lie detector test with flying colors. NARRATOR: What Christopher Davis told the detective he saw was a lizard man. And what's interesting is the police took the story very, very seriously. Although Christopher Davis's sighting of the lizard man was certainly the most famous and infamous one, it's not the only one. They tracked down a number of other witnesses who both previously and after had seen the lizard man. NARRATOR: In the spring of 1988, a crop duster named Frank Mitchell reported seeing what he said was a lizard man cross his grassy runway one morning as he was about to take off. And two years later, in 1990, Bertha Blythers and her five children claimed they nearly hit a lizard-like man while driving near the same swamp. Could these incidents all be related? Is it merely coincidence that three separate people on three separate occasions reported seeing a lizard man near the Scape Ore Swamp. Could there possibly be another species of life down here, something we're not aware of and they're interacting with people? NARRATOR: Further sightings of a so-called lizard man had been reported not only in this area but also in Tennessee, Illinois, and Austria. In fact, alleged encounters with these creatures have become so widespread they are now collectively known by one name, the Reptilians. But could accounts of the Reptilians be more than just the product of overactive imaginations? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes. And as evidence, they point to the legends of serpent gods that can be found throughout the world. In South America, Quetzalcoatl, Kukalkan, they're always referenced as serpent gods. Even in Japan or ancient China, we have these dragon emperors and dragon gods. It's very possible that there was a time in the past that ancient man was interacting with what appear to be living serpent beings, a lost reptilian race. We can find these stories of serpent gods all around the world. I don't mean just particular geographic regions, but on every continent in virtually every ancient culture. You have them in India. You have them in China. In Greece, in England, in South and North America, in Africa. I mean, it doesn't matter where you go in the world, there are these direct references to these serpent-like beings that descended from the sky. So to me, this is not a figment of the imagination and certainly not coincidence. NARRATOR: In addition to myths and legends passed down through oral history, early written texts also speak of serpent beings that were once present on earth. The Bible speaks of a reptilian race, the Seraphim. We read about them in the Book of Isaiah. Some will interpret them as being the fiery ones, but the correct understanding is reptilian. There has always been knowledge of the Reptilians. Some are good, others bad. Religious texts tell of reptilian beings whose existence is inexorably linked to that of the earth and humankind. So for example, in the Bible, the Book of Genesis has a story about a serpent who tempts Eve, the first woman, by offering her the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Eve falls for the snake's blandishments, and she eats of that apple and forever changes human history, causing Adam and Eve to be expelled from the Garden of Eden, and causing the serpent, too, to be punished, in that he is doomed to slither upon the ground as a punishment for his disobeying God's will. It is understood an ancient legend that prior to God punishing the serpent, the serpent was completely humanoid in character, and that this serpent, this nachash, was only one of a race of reptilian beings who served God. When you hear that story from a modern perspective, it sounds an awful lot like what people describe as the Reptilians, lizard-like beings, who are beings with the faces or visage of a viper. NARRATOR: But if the serpent in the Garden of Eden really was a reptilian alien, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, could there be similar stories recorded in the ancient texts of other cultures as well? In the Quran, there's a fascinating category of creatures known as the djinn. The djinn are ancient. They were here before humans. They're a category unto themselves, not unlike angels. And at one point, Iblis, the leader of the djinn offended God, crossed him, was rebellious, and was cursed like the serpents in the Garden of Eden, and became earthbound, trapped on earth for eternity. And they're here with us. Throughout the Mediterranean and the Near East, there is a very strong belief linking snakes, skinks, and lizards, and other reptiles to supernatural or magical creatures and in some cases to the souls of ancestors. So it can be considered bad luck to kill one of these beings if you find it in the home, because it might be a djinn or another kind of supernatural creature that is visiting you. NARRATOR: The djinn, Kukulkan, the serpent in the garden of Eden, could all of these stories about other worldly serpent beings able to influence humanity be based on fact? And if they have been part of human history for thousands of years, where do they come from? Are they alien creatures coming to earth from another planet? Or could they be living right under our feet? Los Angeles, California, January 1934, the Los Angeles Times publishes an article entitled "Lizard Peoples Catacombs City Hunted." Accounting the attempt by mining engineer G Warren Shufelt to locate and excavate a maze of tunnels which he believed were beneath the streets of downtown Los Angeles. Warren Shufelt was a mining engineer, and he invented a device that he called the radio X-ray to be used for gold mining. And this device could find tunnels underground, and he actually created a map of the tunnels. NARRATOR: Included on Shufelt's felt's map of tunnels were 16 places where he said he had located gold deposits. Shufelt gained momentum after meeting with a Hopi medicine man who told him the legend of the lizard people that live in underground cities. Warren Shufelt had a sit-down with an Indian medicine man in Arizona who told him there was a Hopi legend that there was three cities on the Pacific coast that were completely underground. The story goes that 5,000 years ago, there was a meteor shower, and these lizard people sought refuge underground, that they dug these tunnels, and one of the network of tunnels was under the city of Los Angeles. NARRATOR: According to the legend, the lizard people carved out vast chambers large enough to house 1,000 families using advanced technologies such as a mysterious chemical that could easily pore through bedrock. Shufelt obtained permission from the city and began digging to try and reach the vast tunnel system. The city council, perhaps motivated by the alleged gold that was contained within the tunnels, allowed Shufelt to dig a 250 foot shaft under the agreement that he would give them 50% of the treasure if recovered. Warren Shufelt was a successful mining engineer, and it seems that he had some kind of connection at the Los Angeles Times, since The Times really followed the story. It was a story that caught the popular imagination. NARRATOR: After a month of digging and not reaching the tunnel system, Warren's Shufelt and his team ran out of money and stopped the search. But fascination with the story continues to this day. So now we have these stories of underground people, a race living underground in tunnels and bases. And I have to wonder, is this some kind of reptilian extraterrestrials who have taken control of our planet and are living underground? It seems incredible, and yet it's what some of the stories are telling us. NARRATOR: Is it possible that an advanced race of lizard people once lived underneath the Western United States? And could they still be there today? Astonishingly, a nearly identical legend exists halfway around the world. Benares, India. Within this city lies the well of Sheshna, which in Hindu legend is an entrance into an underground city of the Nagas, a race of semi-divine serpent people known throughout Eastern culture. In Benares, the sacred city of India, there is a well, the well of Sheshna. This is one of the portals to the underground city called Patala, and the Nagas live in this place. It's a place of great power and mystery and some danger. And only the holy can make contact with it. Patala is the underworld in Hindu mythology. There are many beings that live in there, many reptilians, which are called Nagas. As a demigod, they must have descended from the heaven to the earth to teach, to give special qualities to the human world. Nagas are not really evil being as in the Judeo-Christian context. NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists claim the Hindu stories of the Nagas bear a striking resemblance to the Hopi stories of lizard people who also resided beneath the earth. So here we are linking the Nagas, the serpent beings with the reptilian beings of the Hopi tradition. We see a common thread here of these beings who are at one time reviled and also revered, but also as beings that have a direct influence on humanity. NARRATOR: Is it merely coincidence that extremely similar legends of advanced reptilian beings living underground can be found on opposite sides of the world? And is it possible these reptilian underground dwellers surface every so often to interact with humanity? Perhaps more clues can be found in artifacts on unearthed in the cradle of civilization. Southern Iraq, 1923. British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley leads an excavation to uncover the remains of one of the oldest agricultural communities in the world, the Ubaid culture, which dates back to 5,900 BC. Among the remains, they discover some unusual clay artifacts. Among the dwellings and tools, they also discovered these strange-looking clay figurines. And I say strange because they don't really look human. They have the facial features of what seems to be reptiles. Now, is it possible that the Sumerians were depicting a race of beings that were living among them at the time? NARRATOR: Mainstream scholars have debated the meaning of the statues since their discovery, thinking perhaps they were Sumerian gods. However, ancient astronaut theorists believe the statues could have a different meaning. These clay figurines have these what are called coffee bean eyes. They have these elongated skulls. They look very much like some kind of reptilian extraterrestrial. And they're breast-feeding children and doing very normal human things that you wouldn't think that gods would necessarily be doing. So it's this mixture of human activity with these reptilian aliens. So we're showing mammalian reptilian physiology. When it shows them holding those babies, it's not a normal thing to have anywhere in iconography throughout the entire world, and it makes you suspect as to whether or not they had actual physical contacts between them. NARRATOR: But just what are these strange creatures? Where did the reptilians, that have reportedly been witnessed by humans for thousands of years, come from? Some ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer can be found by looking back not thousands of years but millions. Ottawa, Ontario, 1982. At the National Museum of Canada, paleontologist and curator of vertebrate fossils Dale Russell publishes a thought experiment. Based on the trend toward larger brain sizes and the upright posture of dinosaurs, he proposes a theory about what one species of dinosaur would have evolved into if it had survived the mass extinction 65 million years ago. What he did is take the dinosaur known as troodon. They noticed the morphological changes in the skeletal structure of the dinosaur. And based on over time where it was going, they extrapolated it out further. And strangely enough or wonderfully enough, they actually came up with a model that resembled a humanoid reptilian being, which actually matched that of the reports that we were hearing now as well as reports from ancient history. So for me, this was one of the most compelling pieces of information, where science actually says it is possible. The dinosaurs hadn't died out. This would have become what he called the dinosauroid, an upright standing, semi-humanoid, semi-reptilian entity, what we might call a reptoid. He thought it might stand four to five feet high, weigh about 90 pounds, and have a fairly advanced brain. Now, did this entity ever come into existence? What if some of the dinosaurs didn't become extinct? What if they managed to survive a global extinction or presumed extinction 65 million years ago, and over time some of them developed through natural selection and they grew smaller, they became more intelligent, they became more adept and adaptive, and took on a humanoid form? We necessarily shouldn't think that the reptilians are extraterrestrials. Perhaps in some strange way they're our forefathers, albeit from millions and millions of years in the past. NARRATOR: If the reptilians do exist, could they be the descendants of dinosaurs that walked the earth millions of years ago? Our concept or dinosaurs is changing all the time, of course. And nowadays we're making so many new discoveries every year that we're reinterpreting them in many ways. Certainly if you look 20, 30 years back, there were so many things that have been found, and so many other things we know now. in particular, I think it's been very important that nowadays it's completely very well accepted, the idea that dinosaurs are not extinct, that dinosaurs essentially evolved into birds and that they're alive today. And now that we know that not all the dinosaurs died out, and as a matter of fact, some survived to become birds, warm blooded birds, mind you, from a dinosaur which is considered reptile and cold blooded, we're recognizing that even if these are birds now, we did recognize them now as being part of the dinosaur family. What could these other pockets that have survived the devastation 65 million years ago, could they have evolved parallel to mankind in hidden cavern systems? And could they be actually the beings that we think are extraterrestrial but are actually our terrestrial neighbors? Paleontologists generally argue that the dinosaurs died out totally 65 million years ago. I think it's certainly within the realm of feasibility that some found an ecological niche to survive in, and may even exist today. And I point out that while we hear UFO abductees talking about little greys and tall humanoids, a minority of them do report encounters with what we would call reptoids. So it's possible that on some planet, if not earth, somewhere else they evolved from dinosaurs. To find another place in the universe that was so rich with resources and so capable of supporting life was probably a very exciting discovery for extratrerrestrial visitors to earth in our prehistory. In their eyes, this could have been the place they could colonize or perhaps act as a working environment for experiments they were doing with new species they were trying to engineer. Maybe they manipulated dinosaur DNA to favor certain mutations. By playing with certain mutations in the genes of dinosaurs, highly advanced extraterrestrials, through genetic modification, may have been able to alter the course of dinosaur evolution to favor the rise of mammals. NARRATOR: Is it possible celestial travelers manipulated the DNA of reptiles and mammals on earth, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? And could one of their experiments have resulted in a reptilian human hybrid species that now exists primarily underground? It's very possible that the reptilian agenda extends well into our history. We really don't know the full record of dinosaurs on our planet, since dinosaurs were here for millions of years. Many of these references to a current reptilian race or an ancient serpent race that was worshipped by various cultures could be an offshoot, a genetic variation of dinosaurs that naturally evolved here on Earth. NARRATOR: If extraterrestrials assisted the evolution of reptiles as well as human beings, could there have been some mixing of reptile and human genes? Perhaps we need to look no further than our own bodies. Punjab, India, 2001. A boy named Balaji is born with a bizarre deformity, a seven inch tail. Believing his tail to be a sign of divinity, people begin flocking to his house, offering prayers, money, and gifts, hoping their wishes will be fulfilled in return. He otherwise seemed normal, but he had a weird serpent-like tail at the base of his spine. And the reason why he was being worshipped was that their own legends reported beings with tails like this, and they thought that he was the reincarnated form of one of the gods. NARRATOR: Over 100 cases of human tails have been reported in medical journals since the 1800s. Every human embryo has a small tail in the early stages of development, which is absorbed by the growing body by nine weeks of pregnancy. Similarities in the developmental stages of embryos in animals have been observed for a very long time. Darwin noted that closely related species often have embryos that start off looking essentially identical. And then it's not until later in development that they start to develop some of their characteristics that sort of uniquely define the different species. And in fact, our own embryos have a tail, for instance, and look very much like the embryos of other vertebrate animals if we go really, really early into our development. If you go back far enough, humans and reptiles share a common ancestor. If you go back about 300 million years before present, you find this group that's evolving, where one line went off towards what's now the reptiles and the birds, and the other line went off to a whole series of animals, including the ancestors of what became the mammals. And that occurred, that split starts to occur by about 250 million years before present. For so many years, we grew up thinking that reptiles were the closest relative to dinosaurs, and now we know that's it's a little bit different. In fact, if you look at tyrannosaurus, it's essentially the predecessor to modern birds. So we go way back, and we look at how evolution has changed animal forms over the years, and some of the mammals looked a lot like reptiles. They look like little furred lizards, in fact. So yeah, I mean, looking at the evolution of life on the planet, yeah, we're all related. NARRATOR: In addition to humans born with tails, there are other genetic conditions that might suggest a link with our reptilian past. People with the disease ichthyosis have dry, scaly skin. And people with the diseases called syndactyly and ectrodactyly have fused fingers and claw-like hands. There's even a biblical legend that people who lived before the patriarch Noah had webbed fingers. The legend says that until the time of Noah all human beings were born with webbed fingers, almost reptilian in nature, and that Noah was the first to be born without that, and as such was a sign and a symbol of things to come. NARRATOR: Might there have been a time when reptilian characteristics were more prevalent in humans? There are traditions in numerous cultures of reptilian bloodlines associated with royalty. According to legend, Alexander the Great was sired by a dragon. Japanese legends state the founder of the imperial dynasty, Jimmu, was the great grandson of a dragon god. And in China, ancient emperors were described as having a dragon-like appearance. Is it possible these ancient rulers did have a more direct connection to reptilian ancestors? The royal bloodline issue is one of which they believe that the heredity of certain individuals carried some form of a unique signature in their blood that was bestowed upon them by ancient reptilian human beings. So let's ask this question, why throughout known human history have there been certain families and bloodlines that have claimed to be superior to the rest of humanity? So superior that they have a right to rule over them? Why did Chinese emperors claim the right to rule because of their alleged descendance from the serpent gods? Why did the kings of Media, now Iran, why were they called the dragon dynasty of Media? Why is this constant theme unfolding all the way through history? NARRATOR: Might the stories of rulers with reptilian bloodlines be true? And if so, is it possible that all humans have a genetic connection to reptilian ancestors? Some believe more proof can be found in our brains. January 1977, esteemed scientist Carl Sagan publishes his Pulitzer prize winning book, Dragons of Eden, Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence. The book explores the theory put forth by neuroscientist Paul McLean, which connects parts of the brain to different time periods in history. Paul McLean suggested that the forebrain itself could actually be subdivided into three different parts, one of which he called the reptilian complex. The other he called the paleomammalian complex, or later was referred to as the limbic system. And the third he called the neomammalian complex. This was significant, because he tied these three different aspects of the forebrain to evolutionary history, into development. So he suggested that the more primitive reptilian brain was the oldest part of the brain, and it was reminiscent of our evolving from reptiles. So the reptilian complex, or the basal ganglia, McLean associated with some of the more aggressive behaviors or territoriality of some of these things we typically associate with many reptilian species. If a human only had the reptilian part of the brain, they basically would be operating just by instinct. If they want food, they would just take it. If they want sex, they would just rape the person. There'd be no higher order thought at all. Carl Sagan suggested that we need to actually focus on the reptilian brain, because that's where these primitive urges of aggression and territorialism come from, especially in an age where we're involved with a lot of war and conflict, and where governments are appealing to our fear and our primitive aspects that are motivating us. NARRATOR: But is it possible that the reptilian aspect of our brains, along with rare human anomalies, like people born with tails, scaly skin, and fused fingers might be the result of something other than our evolution from prehistoric reptiles? Could it be evidence that the so-called Reptilians not only exist, but that we may even share a similar genetic makeup? Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer may lie with religious texts describing human-like entities with reptilian characteristics. Nag Hammadi, Egypt, December 1945. A farmer discovers a sealed earthenware jar containing 13 leather-bound papyrus books. These books, now known as the Nag Hammadi Codices, were written by the early Christians known as Gnostics in the first several centuries AD. These mysterious texts contain the Gospels of Thomas and Philip, as well as other previously unknown secret gospels. Mixed in with the religious writings are poems, instructions for mystical practice, and a description of the origin of the universe. That shed a great deal of light on early religious issues, biblical texts, and biblical history. But they made a mention of a very mysterious race of creatures that have become known as the Archons. We don't really know what the Archons were or even are. What's interesting is that there is actually a depiction or a description of the Archons looking definitively reptilian. So this has given rise to the idea that perhaps the Reptilians, the Archons, were one and the same. They're very robot-like, very machine-like, and therefore very predictable. And given that you see the machine-like nature of so many reptilian animals and what have you in the human society, there is a correlation between the two and why the reptilian form is so common an expression of this machine-like, unemotional, computer-like mentality. NARRATOR: Considering that the reptilian aspect of our brains is believed to be responsible for our most aggressive and reflexive behaviors, is it possible the stories of the Archons really are describing reptilian humanoid beings? And might our own so-called reptilian traits really be the product of alien engineering? People focus on the Garden of Eden story in the Bible, as if it's a one off. Look around the world, and you'll find similar stories on a similar theme. It seems to be talking about when humans were created, Adam and Eve. I would strongly suggest from my research that actually it's not talking about that at all. It's talking about the point when human genetics were interfered with and genetically manipulated. And so humans became at that point themselves a hybrid, which had a great infusion, I would suggest, of what I would call Archon genetics, symbolically the serpent in the Garden of Eden. One could make the argument that the being that approached Eve in the Garden of Eden might have been a Reptilian. And one suggestion is that the whole idea of the Garden of Eden was nothing else but some type of a lab, a lab that was run by extraterrestrials in which we were ultimately created. Now, this sounds absolutely insane, and I'm aware of how this sounds. But if you look into the whole story along with all the other supporting accounts, then if you are of the same mindset, you could potentially come to the same conclusion. NARRATOR: Are human beings really the product of genetic manipulation by extraterrestrial visitors? And were our ancestors some form of reptilian human hybrid? Many ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and they believe that reptilian humanoids not only existed on our planet tens of thousands of years ago, but that they are alive and well and living among us to this day. Eugene, Oregon, 1982. Wes Penry woke up in his bedroom feeling paralyzed and icy cold. He saw what he described as a horrible creature across the room, green, hairless, extremely muscular, and with red, glowing eyes. Wes was terrified until the creature disappeared from his room. During the early 1980s, I noticed that there were reports coming across of individuals who claimed to have had contact not with the small diminutive little gray beings or the Nordic blondes from the '50s. These were quite different. These were reptilian humanoid beings. In other words, humanoid beings that had reptilian physiology to their outer appearance. And they started showing up in some of the shadows of some of the more reliable cases that I was investigating. I'm aware of a number of cases where people have woken up in the middle of the night, sort of frozen in bed, unable to move, and seen these seven to eight foot tall reptilian type creatures just hovering over them. And each and every person who's reported on this has just got a sense of just complete dread and hatred. Now, you could, I guess, make the argument the person was so terrified, they assume that the Reptilians were hostile. That's an interesting angle to take. Maybe it's just they look fierce, they look intimidating, that we necessarily assume they are. Perhaps they're not. NARRATOR: Could recent reports of human encounters with strange reptile-like creatures really be proof that our reptilian ancestors still exist? But if so, what is their objective? The Reptilian agenda is very simple. They are seeking to hijack life on earth, to, over now thousands of years and more, infiltrate and infiltrate human society, to change it into their image, to centralize power in the hands of those that represent their interests to the point where they dictate from a central point. You have to wonder just what role Reptilians do play in this planet, and whether there's some kind of battle between various extraterrestrial races, and that the Reptilians have been forced underground away from our civilization by other extraterrestrials, who have, in a sense, won the battle for planet Earth. Because the reptilian seem hostile and look hostile, does that mean there's an agenda to take us over, to wipe us out? I don't know. We could look at it from the perspective we're like cattle. Reptilians have no desire to wipe us out, but in some capacity we're useful to them, in the same way that a cow is useful to a farmer. Personally, I do not subscribe to the Reptilian agenda. We are not slaves. We have free will. We can do whatever the hell we want. It is very easy for human beings to say, oh, look, the reason why we're in this shape on planet Earth is because we are a slave species, we are beholden to them. I would have to say that the thing that will finally unite humans and reptoids together is actually the fact that we all descended from a common heritage. And even though we look different now, if we share our planet and have different physical appearances, it doesn't really matter. I think it would be great to reinvent humankind by introducing us to another alien species. So there are advantages to be had for contact with these entities. NARRATOR: Do scaly humanoid creatures known as reptilians really exist? And if so, are they an alien-created species, one which harbors a sinister plan for humanity? Or will they reveal themselves to be our genetic brothers and initiate a future where reptilians and humans finally become one?
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ancient aliens history channel, history channel full episodes, Ancient Aliens, alien structures, ancient aliens show, alien sighting, ufo sighting, ufo footage, alien footage, alien, ancient aliens massive sculptures, ancient aliens easter island, ancient aliens season 8, The Reptilians
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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