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there is nothing wrong with your television set do not attempt to adjust the picture for the next hour you must suspend your disbelief suppose an alien spacecraft has crashed in the desert we recovered it our job figure out how it works reverse engineer the technology with the help of leading physicists astronomers and Engineers we'll decipher UFO technology inertia counselors anti-gravity devices and Wormhole excavators and maybe process discover the secrets of the universe through alien engineering what you are about to participate in is an exercise in imagination prepare yourself this is an alien spaceship that crashed in the desert some years ago we've been given the task of decoding the technology and figuring out how it runs we've assembled a team of some of the smartest and most imaginative researchers physicists engineers and astronomers as advisors step by step our experts will take us on a technical tour of this ship from its controls to its aerodynamics to its propulsion we'll learn how it travels through space and how it Maneuvers in the air this task won't be easy but it will be rewarding alien technology is centuries Millennia ahead of ours when speaking about flying saucers and UFOs people are going to laugh behind your back and there goes your career my attitude is we have to have an open mind open your mind to the possibility that a civilization could exist that is a million years ahead of us I say find me a law of physics that prevents contact between civilizations that are a million years ahead of us [Music] no need to convince us we have the proof this ship is like a cheat sheet for advanced physics let's start with the basics the shape and flight characteristics of the ship aliens built a saucer are there any aerodynamic advantages to this shape there were plenty of other options examining records of UFO sightings over the last 50 years it's obvious there's more than one design when you start researching UFO sightings you quickly realize that there's many commonalities throughout the cases that that kind of stay true throughout all the all the different reports the number one thing if we think of UFO we think of a flying saucer the disc shape usually metallic glistens in the sunlight and that's really probably the most prevalent secondly you have the cigar-shaped UFOs then one of the other popular types of sightings are the lights in the sky the glowing orbs sometimes going very slow sometimes seen going very fast a triangle or Boomerang is another commonly reported shape [Music] since aliens may come from all over the Galaxy it makes sense that they would have different makes and models just like we do with our aircraft each has its own purpose and handling characteristics when you think of a light plane the wings generally have blunt leading edges but the minute you get into higher speeds then the wings have to have sharp leading edges when you get into Hypersonic speeds there may be no wings at all a Hypersonic vehicle that NASA is testing now essentially is a is a flying slab shape does affect the aerodynamics of objects flying in our atmosphere when you think about a conventional airplane they're generally the the forces that that act on it are lift and that's generally done by some surface we call it a wing now acting against lift is drag that is the the the mere fact of the air moving over a surface and tends to impede it that of course has to be overcome by some kind of forward propulsion or thrust that counteracts drag few of the reported sightings mention Wings Tails Jets or propellers but an object lacking these Essentials could still stay aloft you know there's a saying with enough propulsion you can fly a brick and and that's true [Music] with enough propulsion a craft can even make it into space like our Rockets the cigar-shaped UFOs would be good for drilling through our thick atmosphere when looking at reported UFO shapes the boomerang or triangle is one of the best aerodynamically speaking we even have our own Boomerang shaped aircraft such as the B2 stealth bomber it's known as a flying wing design the flying wings is a beautiful shape at least through subsonic flight because it's all wing and it's all efficient the minute you start putting engines hanging out the minute you put a fuselage the minute you put a tail a Rudder and elevators you're adding drag flying wing doesn't have that the boomerang shaped flying wing dates back to the early half of the 20th century Northrop Aircraft Company even developed a long-range bomber using this shape during World War II coincidentally the sighting that started the UFO phenomenon also describes Boomerang shaped objects [Music] on June 24 1947 Kenneth Arnold a recreational pilot was flying in his single engine Cessna in the Cascade mountain range of Washington state when a flash caught his attention he claimed to see several metallic objects flying in a loose v formation and moving at a terrific speed in his words interviewed by both the news media and the FBI Arnold ushered in the modern era of the unidentified flying object when he described his objects flying like saucers skipping across the water however he didn't say they looked like saucers Arnold later made some sort of a sketch for someone to describe the shape and it turned out it wasn't exactly a saucer but the term is stuck comparing Arnold's sketch with a stealth aircraft from the U.S Air Force reveals some similarities maybe those aliens who build triangular spaceships are also concerned about drag when flying in our Earth's atmosphere course in the vacuum of space drag is not an issue looking at other commonly reported shapes of UFOs we realize our aliens don't seem to care about drag in our atmosphere at all if they did they wouldn't build flying saucers ha saucers just aren't that stable or easy to control at least for us humans it doesn't have any particular control surfaces like the fins or the flaps on a conventional airplane for changing direction either climbing or turning so it's really hard to see why this would be a particularly advantageous shape for flying inside any kind of atmosphere people have dabble making flying saucers and in fact they've shown that it can be done generally they're saucer shaped they have a big fan in the center and they take off and they fly and it's a good show but it's a lousy airplane it's a very inefficient lifting surface and they're getting most of their lift from the fan that is blowing hair down more like a helicopter if you were grading for efficiency it would be at the bottom of the scale as far as the lifting device is concerned so why would the aliens build such aerodynamically inefficient craft the truth is they could build any shape of ship and it would still fly thanks to its super strong propulsion system and it seems to me that when you think about what's been reported their propulsion systems must be so powerful that it really doesn't matter what shape they are thank you we'll explore our alien ship's propulsion later but for now let's keep this in mind on this ship aerodynamics are almost obsolete maybe our aliens selected the Flying Saucer model for no other reason and it looks cool if their propulsion system is as strong as we think how do the aliens on board survive the forces of abrupt changes in speed violent forces that would rip a human being apart in other words somewhere on this ship there's an inertia canceller we'll send in our team to find it thank you our alien ship is immune to the effects of drag within Earth's atmosphere but even more significantly it's immune to the effects of inertia the universal property of matter that causes a body at rest to stay at rest and a body of motion to stay in motion our alien spaceship has an inertia counselor a sort of high-tech seat belt that heals everything inside our fast-moving ship from going through the windshield by examining UFO reports our experts can better comprehend this piece of alien equipment sometimes you hear reports of this UFO or craft or ship or however they want to describe it moving hundreds if not thousands of miles an hour streaking across the sky sometimes doing a right angle move or going up and down and something we obviously have not achieved yet as a human race we offer the following straight from the UFO files of the United States Air Force for your edification December 6 1952 in the last minutes before Dawn a B-29 bomber conducts a training Mission over the Gulf of Mexico suddenly an object appears on radar heading straight toward the bomber no 4 4 200 knots are over that's nearly 5 000 miles per hour she's coming in three o'clock sir over a crewman jumps to the right blister window to see a blue white light Streak by then four more blips appear on the scope we got another one start coming in sir at this range you should have visual over they too Scream by and more than more than five thousand miles per hour what was that then one of the object breaks away and starts following the plane [Music] minutes later the radar operator sees all the blips fly toward and merge with a much larger radar blip that suggests a large flying craft this large Mother Ship then tears off at more than nine thousand miles per hour aircraft then and now can't come close to that speed and even if they could it would kill us to be going that fast and suddenly stop or turn [Applause] the acceleration forces generated by performing such Maneuvers would rip an aircraft structure and its occupants apart any time that you slow down speed up or turn a forces involved and if it's very severe then the force has to be very severe that's because of inertia once again the property of matter that causes a body at rest to stay at rest and the body in motion to stay in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force [Music] that's why when you're in a car and you slow down that you're lurching forward because your body wants to keep moving forward even though the car is not foreign if the spaceship is traveling 5000 miles per hour and abruptly stops the craft might come to a halt but the alien Pilots continue moving forward due to inertia in other words if they're built anything like us they've become wet smears on the inside surface of the spacecraft that's why the inertia counselor is a must now to understand how this might work we can look at the research garnered by over 100 Years of flight testing right here on Earth [Music] [Applause] acceleration forces are measured in units of gravitational acceleration or G forces a single Gene is the pull downward Earth has on our bodies when we're at sea level jet fighter and stunt Pilots pull elevated G's up to nine during certain maneuvers [Music] pulling back on the stick generates positive genes this gives a person the sensation of being several times heavier diving or abruptly stopping produces negative genes and a feeling of weightlessness like a roller coaster going down the first large drop [Music] but pulling serious G's isn't like riding an amusement park attraction in fact it can be deadly here at Lemoore California's Naval Air Station Pilots take a ride in the human centrifuge to see just how many positive G's the human body can withstand okay go ahead should start to feel the gradual onset of jeans now the situation we have here the gondola self-travel is at about 65 or 70 miles an hour which doesn't seem like it's all that fast but as it rotates on that arm it produces some very significant g-forces as much as 15 G's although we are human limited to 9gs the goal of our training here is to educate polish and air crew what it feels like to pull G's under control laboratory situation we will often take them right to the edge of g-lock g-lock is the technical term for gravity-induced loss of consciousness caused by Blood draining from the brain testing helps Pilots to know what the onset of g-lock feels like and therefore how to avoid it later when they're actually flying unchecked g-lock can cause Pilots to black out eventually they will die either from lack of oxygen or from crashing their aircraft what happens is at certain points the blood literally cannot pump around your whole body forces are so great that the blood gets pushed to your legs so 10 G's are very Hardy astronaut could survive beyond that literally parts of your body get pushed apart get crushed literally by the g-forces body is even more sensitive to pulling negative G's we know much about the way negative G's affect the human body because of the work of men like Dr John stepp staff worked for the Air Force as his own guinea pig climbing into rocket sleds [Music] shooting himself down a long track this generated tremendous negative G's [Music] on one run in 1954 Stapp reached a speed of 632 miles an hour before slamming to a stop in less than two seconds he survived suffered a complete red out bursting the capillaries in his eyes due to the force of more than 40 G's [Music] experiments made everything from ejection seats to car safety belts safer however dramatic these tests don't come close to producing the kind of G's a ride in a UFO would let's say Flying Saucer we're traveling at the speed of sound and made a right angle turn in a tenth of a second the acceleration felt would be about 300 G's which would really be enough probably to tear everything apart any material we know of and everything inside it but that maneuver is nothing for a UFO some radar reports indicate an object going from rest to 9 000 miles per hour almost spontaneously the g-forces that you'd experience if you did that would be literally thousands of times the force of gravity and that'll be far greater than you'd experience say if you're in a jet plane that lost power and crashed on the ground our ship has an inertia counselor because simply flooring the ship's gas pedal creates more g-forces than crashing a plane so how does it work it's [Music] there'd have to be something within the craft that would counter these g-forces one possible way at least in principle is to actually manipulate the force of gravity itself for example if I could produce a gravitational field in front of me within the spacecraft that was pulling me forward at the same force that I was being pushed back into the seat gravitational force field this must be exactly how the alien inertia canceller works you would presumably have to be able to turn it on and off in some easily controlled way and very quickly because if you're going to make a very quick change in your state of motion you have to be able to deal with it quickly these aliens have shown us humans the way to overcome inertia maybe someday we'll use this knowledge to eliminate the need for among other things safety belts and airbags now that we've figured out what the inertia counselor does our next goal is deciphering the propulsion system our experts believe it's either a force field generator or an anti-gravity Drive our scientists are reverse engineering one right now beyond their shock value close encounters with UFOs can reveal secrets about how alien spacecraft actually function perhaps even clues about their propulsion systems what you are about to see is a dramatization a composite of similar encounters hang on yeah okay now look the first thing we do when we get to the campsite is crack open the cooler right right on two men are heading off for a weekend camping trip they're also headed for a shock in many cases there's been sightings where a UFO would come out of the sky or hover over a car or come down behind a tree line or something like that first thing I do is I quit my job sometimes even turning off a car engine making the lights flicker but how they actually can do that is really kind of a question mark I can't believe we ran out of gas we didn't run out of gas something else must be wrong there are certain characteristics that are reported again and again regardless of the shape of The Craft one would have to do with silence it could be a very very large craft hovering nearby overhead and the witness reports that it makes absolutely no sound oh we'll just cut through here to get back to the highway look if you didn't think it was such a good idea you should have said something at the time something wrong with the camera what is that what the heck is that Bob Bob what is that like what you've just seen our alien ship can hover silently also the energy produced from its propulsion system interferes with electronics the ship uses either an anti-gravity drive or a force field generator for its propulsion system our Engineers are trying to determine which one of these devices the ship uses perhaps the aliens have discovered a way of silently turning off gravity somewhere on this ship might be an anti-gravity drive that negates the natural pull objects like the Earth have on other objects but what is gravity for this we'll need to go to the Blackboard there are four known forces electromagnetism the strong and the weak nuclear forces and gravity gravity is the most enigmatic ironically it's the one we're most familiar with and the weakest of the four [Music] if you say you don't really understand gravity very well you're in good company because I think not even the best physicists really understand gravity yet e is equal m c Square in which energy is spread equal to mass multiplied with the square of the velocity of light so Albert Einstein while a young patent clerk revolutionized our understanding of how the universe works with his special and general theories of relativity in general relativity Einstein said gravity is the result of the curvature of space caused by energy and mass [Music] gravity is our experience of that curvature produced by the mass of the Earth could this device be an anti-gravity Drive we humans are striving to create our own anti-gravity drives so far none has succeeded and most physicists will tell you it's impossible right now I'd have to say we just don't know so far gravity is something that acts on us and we don't act on gravity just because we aren't manipulating gravity yet doesn't mean the aliens aren't but an anti-gravity Drive isn't the only way for the aliens to skirt gravity a force field generator could allow the saucer to overpower gravity if it doesn't manipulate gravity maybe it uses one of the other four known forces for propulsion and levitation perhaps the Exotic force that holds photos to your fridge at every point in space surrounding a magnet there is a force field called the magnetic field all permanent magnets have a North and South Pole opposite poles are attractive to each other and their force fields pull them together identical poles repel and this force will within certain parameters overcome gravity electrons moving through a coil of wire also produce a magnetic field so if you want to make a very powerful magnet you do what many of us have done in second grade which is you make a coil of wire and then you put electrical current through it and you prove that it's an electromagnet by having it attract a nail or some other steel object to it we're using electromagnets for propulsion right now a maglev train uses opposing electromagnets to levitate the train and Propel it down the track while the maglev train relies on two sets of magnets to perform its trick some materials need only one magnetic field to perform the same stunt this is a hockey puck if you will of Atrium barium copper oxide this is one of the high temperature superconductors that was discovered about 20 years ago if we put it in liquid nitrogen to cool it down then it becomes superconducting and its properties change dramatically when this gets cold enough it becomes a superconductor and it then will levitate above this track that's made up of neodymium iron Boron magnets the super cooled superconductor is perfectly diamagnetic it expels the magnetic field it's being pushed up against gravity as it's trying to expel the magnetic field out of itself another way that you can use magnetic fields to counteract the forces of gravity is through levitating anything that contains water for example because water is diamagnetic and it wants to repel magnetic fields so it really wants to get out of the magnetic field even living things can be diab magnetic such as a frog thank you if you put something that has water in it and of course our bodies are mostly water a frog's body is mostly water you can put that in a magnetic field gradient so it's a strong field here it's a weaker field there it's the weakest field up here and that water containing object is going to want to drift up to the weaker magnetic fields so by configuring your experiment right you can get that frog to levitate you in principle can get a human being to levitate because we contain so much water could this be the way they get the saucer to levitate is the saucer made of some super diamagnetic material in principle magnetic fields could be used to propel a ship through the air and it's natural enough that when we look at the story of unidentified flying objects to think about magnetic fields the levitation experiment with the Frog works because there's a big magnet that's positioned right beneath the Frog and that's how we can make the magnetic force be equal to an opposite the gravitational force if UFOs were using magnetic levitation we would not only notice the UFO we would notice the big magnet that they're lugging around underneath the Flying Saucer so I don't I don't think that would be what they would be using the alien ship doesn't hover above a big magnet however the Earth itself generates a magnetic field that's why Compass needles Point North maybe the alien ship uses the natural magnetic field of Earth for propulsion within our atmosphere but the Earth's magnetic field is very weak we're a few Nobel prizes away from levitating a ship using a force field generator but remember either an electromagnetic repulsive force field generator or an anti-gravity Drive could meet the challenges of gravity the aliens face and the anti-gravity Drive is what this alien ship has under the hood after all yeah the alien anti-gravity Drive manipulates Earth's gravity reversing it against itself and focusing it to prop up our ship on a gravity wave it can go in any direction it wants now that we've learned that this ship can match the acrobatic maneuvers of the most amazing UFO reports we'll turn our attention to the drives that allow it to travel across the universe our alien spaceship uses an exotic form of space travel to cross the galaxies because conventional rocket-powered space travel just won't cut it space is just too big way too big take a look at our solar system if our solar system were about let's say a foot long here's the Sun and here's the orbit of Pluto and you were to ask well where are the nearby Stars the nearby Stars would be miles away after our sun the closest star is in the Alpha Centauri system more than four light years away that means that even if the alien ship could travel at light speed a mind-boggling 186 thousand miles per second it would still take over four years to get to Alpha Centauri from here and even if we went there probably isn't anyone to meet scientists optimistically estimate the nearest habitable planet at 45 light years away clearly they're using unconventional methods besides covering such vast distances would require a lot of rocket fuel all that fuel adds weight of course consider how long it would take the evidence if they were using conventional Rockets [Music] our Voyager missions that explored Jupiter and Saturn are the fastest man-made objects traveling 10 miles per second pretty fast but that's still not fast enough [Music] if the ancient Greeks at the time of Homer had launched a space mission to the nearest Stars and it traveled as fast as Voyager the fastest space probe that humans have ever launched if they launched it 5 000 years ago it would still be another 70 000 years before it would get to the nearest star it wouldn't even be one percent of the way there this ship is engineered to travel at the speed of light or even faster and that's not possible using conventional methods to do that the aliens would have to break some laws of physics because Albert Einstein won't allow them to go that fast the old-fashioned way in the early 20th century Albert Einstein offered a radical new way to understand the universe with his special and general theories of relativity Stein theorized that time is relative throughout space it's gooey and flexible one of the strange side effects of traveling close to the speed of light is something known as time dilation according to Einstein the closer you get to the speed of light the more the clocks on your ship slow down so time to you passes more slowly so if you have somebody approaching the speed of light say 80 or 90 percent of the speed of light time for them is passing very very slowly if a rocket blasted off from Earth on a round-trip mission to Alpha Centauri traveling close to the speed of light years would have elapsed here on Earth before the mission returned but on the spaceship only a few weeks would have elapsed the crew would have aged only a few weeks and the in-flight recorder would have indicated a short Journey [Music] it's not Science Fiction it's really true we can test this in undergraduate physics Laboratories around the world every single day and it works it's really true that clocks do slow down relative to an observer watching someone as they travel near the speed of light now this is in principle of course great but it's also a problem if some spacecraft does a return voyage and it takes five years for it to do and 50 000 years later it arrives back at its home base [Music] but Einstein predicts an even bigger problem our ship can only go so fast before it runs into Einstein the ultimate Galactic traffic cop Einstein says there is a universal speed limit it's not possible to travel faster than the speed of light because at that speed the laws of physics fundamentally alter Mass as objects speed up to get closer and closer to the speed of light they get more massive if I take a single atom and I want to accelerate it to half the speed of light using conventional Rocket Fuel the amount of fuel required will be greater than the mass of the entire visible universe our spacecraft being made of atoms would have the same problem the closer the alien ship gets to the speed of light the more massive it becomes until ultimately according to Einstein it becomes infinitely massive [Music] this is part of the mind-boggling relationship between energy and mass that Einstein grasped a century ago and the rest of the world has been grappling with ever since it would seem that this is all a roadblock stopping our aliens from traveling the galaxies but it's really not because our aliens have found a loophole in Einstein's general theory of relativity well actually it's not so much a loophole as it is a wormhole there may be a detour around the speed of light [Music] our team is busy analyzing the exterior of our alien ship even as we struggle with how the gears and inner workings function but our technicians have made a major Discovery they've tapped into what we would call the ship's computer guidance system it appears there's a map of the universe this could be a real breakthrough [Music] contrary to what we all learned in sixth grade the shortest distance between two points isn't necessarily a straight line [Music] to begin to understand what the aliens are doing we have to again consult with Einstein about his theories on gravity Einstein saw mass and space matter in space is connected in the sense that you could explain Gravity by saying that mass distorts space that exerts some force on it space is curved in the vicinity of matter and that the planets follow the shortest path on the curved surface of space so massive objects Bend space itself [Music] proof of this bizarre Theory which secured Einstein's Place among the gods of physics came from two British astronomers on Expedition during a solar eclipse in 1919. the scientists took photographs of the Sun during the eclipse within the darkness as the moon Shields the sun Stars near the sun are visible but Einstein believed that some Stars Behind the sun would also be visible he predicted their light would be curved by the sun's immense gravity around the Sun therefore would be visible to us Beyond its Edge he actually calculated by what amount it would curve and in 1919 British astronomers went to see a solar eclipse and verified precisely that his prediction was correct and Einstein became a household name overnight since gravity bends space Maybe aliens utilize that phenomenon to Jet across the Galaxy this device appears to be a warp drive if you could manipulate space you could expand space behind you and contract it in front of you and you could build what you might call a warp drive if you wish which in some sense is warping space by manipulating it in front and behind you and in so doing travel from one place to another apparently faster than the speed of light by constricting space-time in front of the craft while expanding space-time behind the alien ship could Propel along like a bullet exiting a rifle and even better the clocks inside would run at the same rate as the clocks outside this is probably one of the most surprising and puzzling things but it would live in a pocket of ordinary space which wouldn't feel the relativistic effects of its huge velocity because our Engineers successfully hacked into the alien computer system we are learning a lot more about the function of the ship next to the warp drive is an even more sophisticated device it too allows for faster than light travel relatively speaking a wormhole generator capable of folding space itself think of Alice's Looking Glass the Looking Glass was in some sense a shortcut a subway system a tunnel to the fabric of space and time that is a wormhole let's imagine a map of the Earth Mark a represents New York City Mark B represents Paris if we fold the map they're actually not very far away now all we need to do is punch a hole through the map to connect both cities voila the opening is like a wormhole in 1935 Einstein came out with the first paper on wormholes we call them Einstein rosenbridges we don't really call them wormholes but these Einstein rosenbridges really do take you from one stage to another a Gateway Einstein's theory allowed for the possibility of wormholes quantum physics suggests that they may occur spontaneously Einstein's equations we now know are littered with wormholes it's impossible to look at Einstein's equations without finding a wormhole here or there they're everywhere the problem is how stable are they luckily the Wormhole generator also has a stabilizer that means the aliens can prop open a wormhole and keep it open until the ship passes through problem solved understanding this alien ship has been a real challenge we've had to push our knowledge of physics and quantum mechanics to its limit in order to comprehend what our alien visitors have achieved but we've been able to figure out quite a bit like how it defies gravity and inertia and how it can sidestep the speed of light Across the Universe the next challenge is turning this insight into our own real machines that can travel through space and time it's on their Turf not as students or subjects but as equals you are about to see is an exercise in imagination we've been studying a crashed alien Flying Saucer here inside our top secret Hangar we've examined the advanced technology it's built around now we'll go inside to discover what options are included on this model transporter laser weapons with the help of leading physicists astronomers and engineers we'll learn about its power plant its weaponry and most importantly its Mission and maybe in the process will learn something about ourselves through alien engineering this is an alien spacecraft that crashed in the desert some years ago he recovered it now our goal is to figure out how it works we've been studying it for some time now we'll go on a remote video tour inside the craft our robotic camera is providing a remote video feed from the spacecraft housed at Hangar 18. as you can see this is quite an Enterprise this is your first Peak inside this alien vessel clearly this is the main gallery but it's not safe for humans to go inside just yet this is the Sick Bay [Music] this is the facility every ship's got to have one you know here are the control panels this is where they operate the ship we've hacked into their computer system and we've learned a lot also no joystick we think they control it telekinetically below deck is the anti-matter reactor now that's a complex piece of Machinery rather difficult to explain in Lay terms camera off so that's what's inside an alien ship an anti-matter reactor that can produce short bursts of intense energy to power exotic Machinery like Wormhole generators and warp drives and it runs on anti-matter the highest octane fuel in the universe if you had one ounce of antimatter and you could annihilate it with one ounce of ordinary matter would give you an amount of energy equivalent to one million tons of rocket fuel anti-matter sounds like science fiction but it's real and we humans are making it right here on Earth actually below earth at a government lab outside Chicago 30 feet below ground is a giant enclosed ring four miles in circumference here at fermilab the building blocks of the universe are being transformed into something fantastic fermulab's mission is to do high energy physics research and heinergy physics research is trying to understand the forces of nature at the smallest distance scales to see and investigate small distance scales you have to have very high energy why because the subatomic particles have to go fast very fast fermilab operates one of the world's highest energy particle accelerators called the tevatron here scientists make particles of antimatter back in 1928 Paul durac determined that we have matter like protons neutrons electrons and the things that they make up and particles which have the same behavior but their charge is opposite and the term that was come up with was anti-matter [Music] protons have anti-matter counterparts called antiprotons identical in Mass but opposite in charge electrons have anti-electrons called positrons anti-particles can combine to create anti-elements such as anti-hydrogen theoretically any element can have an anti-element counterpart a 1932 Carl Anderson was the first person to detect the existence of anti-electrons or positrons from cosmic rays and then many years later in 1955 Emilio segre and his collaborators at the Lawrence Berkeley laboratory in California created the first beam of antiprotons by using a beam of proton striking a copper Target and they detected for the first time antiprotest those were the first proofs of existence of anti-manner quantum physics predicted the existence of anti-matter but until 1955 scientists couldn't make any it seems the universe is filled with matter and very little anti-matter so the most reliable way for us to have antimatter is to make it that's what fermilab does we create anti-protons by taking energetic protons and slamming them into a metal Target creates enough energy density in the Target that you can create particles and there's a certain probability that you will create anti-protons it's a very small probability but it is large enough that we can actually create numbers that we can count for every 500 000 protons that we put on the target we can collect one anti-proton this all takes place in the giant accelerator Rings underground they need all that room to get the particles moving fast enough before they hit the target to make anti-protons after the anti-protons have been produced and collected the stream of anti-particles must be kept close to the center of the tube and prevented from coming in contact with the walls we actually magnetically levitate it we have a ring of electromagnets with a stainless steel tube which has all of the air evacuated out of it that's about 500 meters in circumference and these anti-protons that are collected after these collisions with this target disc are put into this ring which we call the accumulator and tube is big enough and there's no air in it so that the particles can just sit there circulating they have to keep those anti-particles isolated because if they come in contact with the particles in the wall they will annihilate each other so it would pose a big problem for beings like us who are made of matter if there was more anti-matter in the universe it's a good thing that there's not equal amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe because if I was to sit here in this chair in my anti-matter counterpart came up and touched me on the shoulder that would be the end of us and a good fraction of where we're sitting okay matter and anti-matter combine in a virtually perfect conversion of matter to energy in other words one hundred percent of the matter and the anti-matter become energy even in the best fusion reaction perhaps two percent of matter becomes energy antimatter is really the perfect form of energy storage the because you get all of the energy out of the matter and the antimatter if you can make them annihilate and that's a tremendous amount of energy but a tremendous amount of energy is exactly what we need if we're going to power an Interstellar spacecraft so what about using that tremendous potential for fuel suppose you had one pennyweight of antimatter that's one tenth of an ounce of antimatter the amount of energy in that one penny worth of antimatter would be enough to launch the space shuttle 60 times so what's the miles per gallon conversion on something like that if you had any matter gasoline you'd be able to travel 40 billion miles per gallon you know and that's not even fixing your car up great mileage except that our nearest star neighbor after the sun is in the Alpha Centauri star system four light years away that's roughly 500 gallons or 30 tanks full to travel to Alpha Centauri we humans will have to crank up the anti-matter assembly line if we want to take a trip like that although Fermi lab has been making anti-matter for over 30 years they've barely got any fermilab has one trillionth of a gram of antimatter stored in its accelerators with the rate at which we make it it would take us about 40 some million years to make a quarter of a gram of antimatter that means it would take billions and billions of years for us humans to make enough anti-matter fuel to get to Alpha Centauri unless we learn how to make it faster or we could just steal the alien anti-matter Supply and their engine the aliens who designed the ship we found have solved many dangers and drawbacks associated with anti-matter fuel first they solve the problem of anti-matter storage tanks our alien ship has a miniature version of fermilab's magnetic accumulator the aliens also solved the problem of fuel supply either they have found a source for it out in space or they can create it on a large scale because they've got a huge supply of antimatter on board but as we saw of one riddle we encounter another this alien spaceship clearly has turrets for weapons what are those for defensive or offensive what do our alien Engineers intend to do to us weapons of mass destruction appear to be a standard feature of our alien spaceship that's disturbing but not really surprising we'd like to assume any alien visitors would be friendly or at least not belligerent when they touch down on Earth but the aliens who built this ship clearly would rather be safe than sorry how else to explain these death ray laser beams built into the ship [Music] perfect set heat when you're penetrating space you'll never know what you'll run into maybe you'll encounter hostile creatures along the way like us we're fairly hostile and we have our own Earth grown futuristic weaponry naturally they involve laser beams too and we don't need alien technology the U.S military is working on several directed energy weapons a laser is just a device that allows you to send out a very coherent beam of light if you think of a laser pointer that's used commonly now for briefings and stuff like that it just allows you to get a very intense beam of light that goes a very long distance in a very small area in fact the term laser is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation focusing a laser is so simple it's Child's Play literally [Music] if you recall when you're a kid you probably had a magnifying glass and you used to use the sun to put a beam of light on a leaf or maybe even a bug and you could create a lot of heat that's what you basically do with the laser you focus that beam of light on something that you'd like to damage or destroy and you hold it in place long enough to heat it up and damage it or destroy it lasers make excellent weapons for two reasons one laser beams travel at the speed of light since that's what lasers are light two they can be aimed and focused with Incredible Precision not a lot of collateral damage with a laser beam the first laser was actually a Mazer developed in the mid-1950s it didn't use visible light but instead harnessed microwaves and ammonia gas to create a beam oh but by the late 1950s Optical lasers were created and today they are everywhere lasers are used in CD player player in Dental drills you use lasers and measuring devices lasers are everywhere pretty much lasers can differ by wavelength or power less than a watt of electricity Powers most commercial lasers military lasers are stronger at the laser effects facility at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico they can be much stronger they have to be their mission is to blow things up or at least fry them okay so one laser Army five the laser is called edcl and it basically stands for electrodischarge coaxial laser it's a carbon dioxide laser but we use three different gases to facilitate making the laser beam we use helium as kind of a lazy medium and then we use nitrogen and carbon dioxide you can't see the beam itself the laser light is being emitted in The Invisible infrared region of the spectrum kirtland's facility studies the effects of high-powered lasers on target materials for instance if someone said we'd like to see what a laser could do to a satellite we would evaluate the different parts of that satellite to determine how we could damage it the laser at kirtland's facility doesn't usually use enough power to blow things up it just burns them but it could if it wanted to it depends on how much power that you put onto the target you can make a very small sized shot put tons and tons of power into it and you're going to have a higher heating rate on that Target but this is just a relatively small laboratory laser the U.S Air Force is working on a far larger and more powerful laser weapon and it flies the Airborne laser is a 747 airplane it's a jumbo jet that we put a very sophisticated Optical system in the aircraft to battle management or command and control system and high energy lasers in the back of that so think of an Airborne laser as a jumbo jet it has a beam of light that comes out the nose of the airplane that can be directed onto a boosting ballistic missile to destroy it laser began as an Air Force program to shoot down short-range missiles in 2001 it became part of the missile defense program with the goal of destroying medium and even intercontinental ballistic missiles infrared cameras are designed to detect the missile launch detection information is passed to onboard computers which direct a turret in the nose of The Craft toward the missile the turret uses two sets of lasers one to lock onto the target the other to fire on it and destroy it with a range of a few hundred miles a handful of these weapons deployed in hot zones would be a be a powerful [Music] and what the Airborne laser actually does is we have a deformable mirror in the Optics train and that mirror is used to pre-distort the high energy laser beam so basically the atmospheric effects between the airplane and the missile are taken out by that pre-distorted beam [Music] like science fiction but it's actually a concept that's used every day in observatories around the world much of that work is done here at Kirtland Air Force Base so that's a very well proven technology very impressive but still light years behind the Blaster we have on this ship but these aren't even the big guns remember anti-matter the stuff that combines explosively with matter to produce utter annihilation our alien ship supplements its laser weapons with an anti-matter torpedo there is no ignoring that the alien ship bristles with offensive weapons but are there any defensive weapons our Engineers believe they've found a device that generates a force field Shield a shield that deflects or absorbs an enemy's blow is an almost perfect defense [Music] better yet don't let the enemy know you're there one of the first things to keep in mind when you're walking around an alien spaceship full of exotic options and controls very careful someone accidentally presses the invisibility Shield button and Wham many witnesses will report seeing the craft as clear as a truck on the street in broad daylight and as it's flying away or even as it's approaching suddenly it's just not there they wink they blink they pinch themselves it's gone it could be that the ship's instantaneous acceleration just made it look like the craft disappeared among the defense mechanisms on our alien spaceship is a cloaking device perfect for sneaking out of dangerous situations [Music] okay so it's not perfect but it's a lot better than anything we humans have been able to achieve when light hits an object it excites the atoms and the atoms then re-radiate if you want invisibility that requires controlling the atomic structure of the atom itself no one knows how to do that in fact some of our fellow earthlings further down on the evolutionary scale seem to do a better job of disappearing on command than we do there are animals which can change their coloration depending on the background they're up against chameleons are of course very well known there's some flat fish that can do this also tiny fresh water Soul which have both eyes on the same side of their head but if you put them on a bottom which has got any particular pattern they'll realign their coloration to match that The Flounder performs its disappearing act thanks to chromatophores special cells containing pigment granules that enable the organism to change color a really striking experiment somebody tried putting these things on top of a square checkerboard type pattern they couldn't match it exactly but they came real close the edges of the black squares were somewhat rough the spacing was correct and they were approximately Square camouflage isn't the same as invisibility but it could achieve the same result if you Electrify a piece of cloth and put sensors in the system so that it can in effect see you could presumably change the cloth coloring to match the background in an active way if you had a little computer to do it [Music] stability is a nice option the alien ship also has a force field among its defenses the force field generator is even capable of repelling laser weapons however force field Shields and cloaking devices aren't the exclusive domain of alien engineers the Department of Defense is spending r d money to turn science fiction into science fact [Music] here at Old Dominion University in Norfolk Virginia munir La Russi is at the Forefront of cold Plasma Research plasma might one day hold the key for futuristic defensive Weaponry once limited to Sci-Fi movies this very well could be the force field or the cloaking device of the future somehow similar to you know what people have dreamed about in Star Trek great so what's plasma matter comes in four known States the solid state and then you heat it and you get the liquid state then you heat that and you get the gaseous State and if you keep on hitting that some of the molecules and atoms get stripped from the electrons and then become ionized when it becomes like this we call it plasma [Music] 99 of visible matter in the universe may be plasma including Stars [Music] and it comes in natural and man-made varieties in nature when you have a storm and you get lightning that light you see that comes from the plasma that's air breaking down because of the high voltages between the cloud and the ground it's man-made in neon lights and fluorescent light inside of those the gas is broken down into the state of plasma Dr larussi's device generates a plasma plume by applying voltage between two disc shape electrodes in the presence of helium gas [Music] the U.S Air Force provides some of the funding to Dr larussi their hope is that someday cold plasma devices can act like the fabled cloaking devices and force field shields on TV and in the movies we are trying also to apply a plasma in a different kind of setting so the plasma can play a role of a of a shield or of a mirror to bounce of electromagnetic waves instead of having a really solid material that is there when the plasma is Switched Off there is nothing then you switch on the plasma and then the plasma will act as a mirror that you can balance electromagnetic waves from larussi hasn't quite used plasma as a protective shield but he's working on it depending on the density of the plasma it could absorb certain electromagnetic waves such as radar then nothing bounces back and and the radar thinks that it's nothing out there that's a stealth use of plasma in essence you've created a cloaking device invisible to radar another use would involve embedding electrodes into the skin of The Craft which could instantly generate a protective plasma Shield that absorbs microwave energy we know how to make the plasma however to take it one step further and to get it to actually play the role that you wanted to play as a protective shield or protective skin is feasible but there is a lot of Technical and scientific issues that need to be tackled it's going to be a while before our scientists on Earth can build a proper cloaking device but this alien ship might help speed development the saucer has everything laser weapons cloaking devices and plasma force field Shields [Music] it's almost like the aliens watched our old Sci-Fi movies and TV shows before they built the ship if that's what they did if they copped some of their best gadgetry from our human imaginations there just might be the greatest spaceship option imaginable a tele transporter this crashed alien spaceship that we've been examining and exploring has lots of weapons and gadgetry well beyond our current capability but not beyond our imaginations many of the options we've found on this new model spaceship are ones we humans have already conceived of science and in science fiction it's interesting to think about the connection between science fiction and science I think the point is that there's this relationship between the two they both spur the imagination and not often but sometimes you actually come up with the same solution in science fiction and science but it's really uh revoking the imagination that is what caused me to be a scientist [Music] of all the imaginative devices conceived for space travel the most appealing has to be the teletransporter the device that can instantly beam a being from one place to another what seduced me into writing the physics of Star Trek was actually the transporter I travel a lot and be great to go from one place to another without going an airplane and the transporter in Star Trek is fascinating and I began to think well how could you make a transporter if and that would be a great way to describe the laws of physics I'm as no surprise that the alien ship does have a transporter that can reduce an object including a living creature into a matter stream then send it to another location for reassembly this is truly the Rolls-Royce of alien technology and one of the most challenging to engineer you'd have to take a human being and you'd have to kind of disassemble that human being and write down the position of every single atom in the body and then you take that information on where all the atoms in the body were and you'd send that information to another place and then some little assembler on the other side would just put all the atoms together and when you're done what have you got you've got the person you just disassembled [Music] but what if there are glitches kinda scary to get in a transporter know that uh well the first thing that happens is they're going to rip you apart into atoms don't be the same person so you put yourself together from raw materials it'd be pretty tricky to do with technology because it would take I think about a billion quadrillion bits to break down the position of all the atoms in the body and how would you reassemble them stored it all on come stack from here to one third of the distance to the center of the Milky Way the aliens have installed a super compact super computer that can handle all that data you'd need some sort of nanotechnology that could put all the atoms in the right place and get everybody started up again still I'm ready there's a side benefit to the transporter the Sci-Fi screenwriters never explored but our alien Engineers certainly must be aware of if you can pull apart something into a pile of atoms then reassemble it somewhere else then you must be able to take any pile of atoms and reassemble them the same way in other words the teleporter can also be a copy machine cloning device as long as you have the information on how to reassemble the atoms so the way I would transport you take you and scan you and take all the information that makes you up as a human being and transport it from one place to another and then take some atoms I already have over here and combine them with that information and make another copy of you over here right except you're still over there that's simple I vaporize you now you're only over here so the transporter is not just a good defensive weapon cleanly beaming aliens out of dangerous situations now it's also an offensive weapon capable of making multiple copies of their best alien Warriors foreign [Music] and again the most bizarre things we humans can imagine are standard features of the alien ship they may work at a level beyond our understanding of physics and the natural world but they don't necessarily defy physics and quantum mechanics maybe anything and everything is possible yeah I always like to keep in mind the one proverb that you sort of go by and that is you should always keep an open mind but not so open that your brains fall out by studying the craft our Engineers can tell us how it works but there's still one big mystery where did it come from [Music] in order to get to the bottom of this crashed alien spacecraft mystery we need to figure out where it came from and who built the ship maybe we can spy on these alien creatures from a distance and find out their intentions how do we arrange to do that in a sense we're already trying to do that the human race has cocked an ear towards space for the past half century if the aliens speak The seti Institute may hear it seti is the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and really what it is is an experiment to try and find out if there's anybody out there that's as clever as we are or more clever not by going there waiting for them to come here but simply by trying to eavesdrop on signals they might be sending our way radio signals light signals flashing Pulsar lights things like that so why would scientists believe there could be life out there I think that if you were to ask the next five astronomers you meet hey do you think that there's life out there I think most of them would say yeah it's pretty likely because we now know there are lots of Worlds out there maybe some of them are like the Earth but many of them could support life at least in principle we also know that life is pretty tough we found some life on Earth that's living in environments that you and I probably wouldn't want to live in but that are very accommodating to small forms of life and you know the third thing is that the entire universe is built out of the same stuff it's the same chemistry the same physics everywhere so unless there's been some sort of Miracle here on Earth it just seems reasonable to expect that there is a lot of Life out there intelligence strikes some people as being a fairly unlikely development but that's unclear [Music] the city institute's listening post is nestled in hat Creek California on an old lava bed the valley and surrounding mountains block nearly all of Earth's man-made noise providing a perfect listening post for alien messages assuming they're sending any it's a great thing because we look for natural sources of radiation and any kind of man-made terrestrial radiation is a problem for us a piece of equipment behind me is an antenna one of the individual elements that will comprise the 350 element Allen telescope array when it's completed the listening post consists of an array of radio telescopes resembling satellite dishes they collect radial radiation from space [Music] among all the noisy frequencies out there seti listens most intently to microwave signals there's a good reason for this it turns out the universe is darkest and quietest at the microwave wavelengths and so it's the prime Channel if you will for Interstellar contact and communication in fact we use this channel to communicate with spacecraft for the very reason that we can do it most reliably with the least expenditure and equipment and energy there's another practical advantage to microwave radio signals it turns out that it doesn't take very much energy to send information via radio from one star system to another and also radio waves go right through the gas and dust that's between the Stars if we know that they'll know that foreign Institute listening for exactly a narrow band signal which is just a signal that's at one spot on the dial because transmitters make narrow band signals we're not looking for the message we're not looking for you know mathematical equations or anything like that we're just looking for a lot of radio energy at one spot on the dial listening for aliens wasn't the seti institute's idea inventor Nikola Tesla first searched for extraterrestrial radio signals in the 1890s soon followed by Goldie Elmo Marconi both thought they heard something and indeed they did something that sounded very intelligent in its nature a sort of chirping sound coming in the radios it turns out that this was a natural phenomenon energetic particles moving in the magnetic field of the Earth but it wasn't until the late 1950s that developments in radio telescopes and receivers allowed us to listen carefully to the Stars and astronomer Frank Drake was one of the first scientists with his ear lifted to the heavens in late 50s I constructed the first system and carried out the first search of this kind at the national radio astronomy observatory in Greenback West Virginia it used a 85-foot radio telescope and we used it for two months to search for signals from the two nearest stars like the sun tossetti and Epsilon aridny with very high sensitivity they didn't have to wait long the very first day when we pointed the telescope at the start Epson early for the first time we heard a chirping sound in our radio receiver something we had never heard before and it was very exciting as you can imagine we thought can it really be this easy turn the radio on pointed to the star and there it is before we could establish the actual origin the signal it disappeared and we had to file that for weeks hoping for it to return and finally it did and it turned out to be from one of our airplanes but it was an exciting moment there have been others in 1977 Ohio State University's radio Observatory actually picked up a signal which has become famous it's called the wow signal and the reason it's called the wow signal is that Jerry Airman who came in and found the signal after one night of recording he was just flipping through the computer printout and he saw this big signal there and he wrote wow next to it some very careful searches have been made to try and find that signal a second time but it was only seen once and unfortunately as a scientist you have to say well if I can't confirm it then who knows what it was and I can't claim that it was E.T so far no credible alien transmission has been received in any steady search but we do know for sure that intelligent creatures hitherto undetectable and within our own Galaxy have sent signals into space for years [Music] they would be us our earliest radio and television broadcasts are now light years away aside from these unintentional broadcasts we have sent one very clear message in 1974 from the most powerful radio telescope transmitter in the world the Arecibo radio telescope you send a signal which lasted three minutes and is coded in such a way that the extraterrestrials can construct a crude picture from it a picture which starts by establishing a number system it then shows the chemistry of the key molecule of human life DNA chose a sketch of the solar system there's a sketch of a human placed in such a way that you can tell it lives on Planet 3 which is the one we call Earth today it is on its way to a great globular cluster of stars known as Messier 13. it will arrive there in about 25 000 years [Music] who might hear that signal some 25 000 years from now what sort of commotion might it create is it similar to what they'd send us if they could [Music] maybe that's the wrong question maybe what we should be asking is why do we care whether they're out there or not why do we seem to be reaching out to them you could say oh it's because of all the movies and television shows about aliens but I think that that's actually a consequence of our interest not a promoter of it so much I think that we're inherently curious about other beings that might be comparable to us in abilities in this case maybe far beyond our abilities I think that we're wired to be interested in other intelligent beings so in a way it's curiosity but I think it's curiosity that's born of of evolution really it's in our genes to be curious about the unknown real or imagine our alien visitors help us conceive new worlds not just on distant planets but right here on planet Earth at Family Lab at The seti Institute and in the classrooms and Laboratories of physicists all over the world we've been inspired by the unknown to contemplate solutions for problems we might not have otherwise considered there's really two different ways of looking at science one says well how does the universe really work and how do we know and the other way of looking at the world is how could the world really work and what is it that we don't know we know a lot about our universe still there's so much more to learn places to go it's tragic there's this whole universe to explore and we're stuck here on Earth we haven't even left the solar system and so it's easy to hope that one day we will be able to travel throughout the Galaxy and experience directly all its wonders perhaps one day stereo's glowing ring on the ground unexplained Impressions found in the earth windshield of a deputy sheriff squad car smashed I believe that's something extraterrestrial really did happen here nobody's ever been able to prove that it was something different is the evidence of UFO Landings flyovers and collisions out there and it's probably the biggest story of mankind if we come out and show people the evidence and in a History Channel exclusive new evidence to a major UFO encounter forces one investigator to reopen a case it's the image that was caused by a force pushing that windshield in and then back out again and really from photographs to soil samples and lab results [Music] April 6 2001 Mount Clemens Michigan [Music] it seems like a routine drive down a desolate Highway that is until one woman's nighttime journey goes from mundane to Bazaar and as she was going down the road she noticed that there was a bright basketball sized object heading toward her appears to be just above the highway surface and as they're coming at each other the closing rate's pretty great and she can see what looks like a pinwheel configuration little sort of plumes coming out around them as though it's rotating rapidly although rotating orbs are commonplace in UFO lore one element of this story puts it into another League entirely [Music] suddenly there's an impact on the passenger side of the top of the car but she could feel and here quite distinctly and the thing continues to fly away [Music] and immediately she pulls over and obviously scared to death gets out of the car and she finds a trail of a sort of yellowish residue on the red paint [Music] this residue is what ufologists classify as trace evidence actually what we're looking at are the Fingerprints of UFOs this is something that they generate as a solid Mass [Music] whether it's a burnt Circle burn ring vegetation that doesn't grow anymore whatever there's a physical effect it's not just an observation by the eyeballs something you can go to after the saucer is left in case the trace evidence the tan residue located on the car is subjected to a thorough forensic analysis by an analytical chemist who specializes in identifying materials [Music] I found that the tan material is composed of a metal oxide [Music] and I couldn't really specifically identify it [Music] then there was also a celluloidal material that's a material related to plant probably natural origin [Music] this natural material that Phyllis bunninger discovers maybe a clue to the object's origin it was almost plant-like in nature and yet it had other uh indications that it was mechanical and the most interesting thing to me was that she determined because residue on this material that this thing probably very probably had been submerged in a farm pond or something like that a short time before it impacted the automobile [Music] buttinger rules out a small meteor and a foreign object from the road she further concludes that whatever the object's origin may be it carried no heat and was of an extremely low mass it's really a wild guess but clearly I cannot think of any natural phenomena coming from the sky and leaving the dirt like that and not also causing a lot of damage to the car so it's truly a mystery this event is just one of more than 3 000 incidents that have been categorized as Trace cases since the 1960s despite the ongoing debate between Skeptics and Believers trace evidence offers up proof of scientific abnormalities [Music] abnormalities that have yet to be explained today the UFO Community pays tribute to one man for bringing Trace cases to the Forefront of scientific scrutiny Northwestern University astronomer and U.S government UFO consultant Dr J Allen heineck so he turned on a lot of people to do something besides just to report UFOs he said specialized specialized specialize come up with something that you can do that somebody else can't and he's the one that actually stimulated the study of Trace cases Alan heinek and I as we went through the years became very very good friends and he believed that so many things were going on that they had to be categorized and because we were throwing a lot of things into one basket and you're going all the way from a light in the sky to a landing and little guys out of these UFO cases Dr heineck and Phillips agree that the most startling evidence came from the trace cases they believe that this scientific evidence could be the key to solving the UFO riddle [Music] when we could get to a site early on enough to be able to do compression tests on those uh indentations and determine a fairly accurate weight distribution and the weights that you would come up with on the egg-shaped objects would be on the order of 14 15 Tons and the classic disc about eight to ten tons [Music] early observations LED Dr Heineken Phillips to the belief that they were onto something big then in 1964 an event in Socorro New Mexico changed their entire approach to the UFO topic there was a police officer on his or more he was driving his police car he heard a noise and he thought somebody had blown up a dynamite Shack or something being a cop he has that Curiosity Factor something happened out of the ordinary what was that flash comes up over a little rise there are about 75 yards from him is an object sitting on the ground he sees his sort of egg-shaped craft sitting on the ground with what seemed to be two child-sized beings next to it one piece outfits and it took off with the roar which scared the bajeebers out of him as you can imagine [Music] a subsequent investigation of UFOs by the United States Air Force found physical trace evidence that supported officers of Morris testimony this included a quadrangle formation of Landing legs four Impressions on the ground from the crap's ladder [Music] and finally four Footprints from the small beings that were observed by Zamora the case still carried as an unknown in the Air Force files and believe me they tried everything to put something conventional in there and then as time passed Phillips says he came across thousands of cases that supported the reality of the UFO phenomenon thank you But ultimately it would be an obscure event in rural Kansas and a single Polaroid photograph that would change everything she took the only photograph I've ever seen of a luminous sight taken within 10 minutes of the ascent of an object [Music] November 2nd 1971 Delphos Kansas 16 year old Ronnie Johnson begins his chores on a small farm at approximately 6 30 in the evening [Music] [Applause] what occurs next not only changes Ronnie's life forever but also influences the researchers of UFO Trace cases for more than three decades [Music] foreign [Music] as he's working suddenly he hears a noise with sounds he said like a large out of balance washing machine it was very loud and the area lit up [Music] and they're hovering about five feet above the ground it was an object some eight feet in diameter top of which was about 10 feet above the ground it was brilliantly glowing in moldy colors no particular color at any particular time Ronnie stands in fear as he watches the object [Music] towards the end of this period the brightness of the object increased the sound increased and the glow at the base of the object increased and the glow at the base of this thing appeared to be like a shimmering stain that was falling from the base toward the ground as he watched it flared up in brightness and it blinded them as it took on [Music] he could hear the sound receding to the sound slowly [Music] and finally we started regaining his vision ran to the house told his parents they ran outside also saw the object foreign the object in the sky the Johnsons walk over to where the young boy had said the craft was hovering the family is astonished by what they see they saw this big luminescent ring in the ground in luminescence on the trees nearby [Applause] so they ran to the house and they drug out the old Polaroid camera and it had one image left and they went out and she took the only photograph I've ever seen a luminous sight taken within 10 minutes of the ascent of an object [Music] this is the actual Polaroid photograph taken by Ronnie's mother Irma Johnson after photographing the glowing ring the family quickly realizes that there is much more to discover Ron's parents both touched the newly deposited substance that was released by the issue of o and immediately their fingers became numb Mrs Johnson touched her leg with her hand and her leg became numb frightened by the physical effect on her body the family continues to survey the property for additional Clues to what could possibly have happened the only round end of this area is around a tree seven inch diameter tree that was lying on the ground the previous afternoon the tree was upright and fine could this tree have been knocked down by the craft Ronnie witnessed the Johnson family has left Clueless [Music] the next day Sheriff Ralph inlow launches an investigation on the property when the sheriff arrived he went out into the site he was the first one to notice a broken tree lamp which was broken eight and a half feet above the ground and initially had projected out over the edge of the Ring so he decided Well probably this is broken and back and downward because of an object or a solid something that went in there [Music] sheriff in law also discovers a mysterious residue inside the ring [Music] by that point in time the ground surface of the Ring was a pure Pure White pressed very hard [Music] as shows up in the photograph its contrast to the soil in the center and the soil around it is remarkable perplexed by his findings sheriff in low bottle soil samples and locks them in his office safe four weeks later when word reaches Dr heineck about the Delphos event he sends Ted Phillips to investigate when I arrived at the farm I talked to the witnesses briefly and they took me out to the side of the Ring which was a mud bog and to my amazement here in this black wet sloppy water retaining soil was a perfectly outlined ring of snow unmelted snow and totally covered just the ring and it was an amazing thing to see so I shot a lot of photos of it the unmelted snow in the ring is a startling piece of evidence and Phillips's investigation the ring at the Landing site is hydrophobic or water repellent something has affected the soil well this is very significant because the same thing has happened in a lot of cases where UFOs have landed or nearly landed they have changed the soil and changed the plant life so nothing grows Phillips approaches Delphos and other UFO Trace cases with the same meticulous and detailed method of a crime scene investigator in a crime scene investigation the predominant theory is that you cannot walk into a crime scene and leave without taking something with you and or leaving something behind and it's up to the investigator or the crime scene Tech to find out what that was same thing holds true and a UFO incident and when you have trace evidence first thing you do is photograph everything before you disturb any part of the crime scene and so after I had done all the necessary photography I started laying out lines and getting measurements to get the exact size of the Ring after I had gone thoroughly over the ring [Music] I start looking over the other area with the family kind of taking me okay this happened here this happened there [Music] although no sign of a hoax is Apparent at the scene in Delphos Phillips scrutinizes the Polaroid photograph taken by Mrs Johnson I tried many times to reproduce the Polaroid image shot that night it's just not possible I've tried everything and again using the same camera the same film same lighting conditions with and without Flash and it's it's just not possible intrigued by his findings at the site Phillips returns to Dr heinek with nearly 40 pounds of soil samples and more than 100 photographs [Music] so what was it on the ground I shook it up and the water turned red [Music] and I thought oh my God there's something here you know what I really shook me up for a day or so when I realized that yes there is something there beginning in the 1960s Dr J Allen heineck believed that Trace cases might be the key to solving the UFO enigma [Music] in 1971 in the small town of Delphos Kansas a UFO encounter set the bar for Trace case examination hoping to obtain a valid and unbiased scientific opinion on the case Dr heineck Enlisted the help of a few Brave scientists who concluded that the soil of the Delphos ring was considerably different from the normal ground soil okay but the next breakthrough in the Delphos analysis would not come for more than 20 years when Ted Phillips met analytical chemist Phyllis buttinger inside the scientific World buttinger's expertise is known as spectroscopy spectroscopy is a group of techniques you can also quantify things and liquids and gases and each molecule will react differently with the light in giving absorption bands and the result is a unique Spectrum is DNA is unique to each human [Music] to investigators outside the scientific World simply put you give buttinger a dirt from Delphos and she will tell you what's in it [Music] so in 1999 Phillips sent samples to bunninger's Frontier analysis laboratory in Chagrin Falls Ohio for study we didn't know what to expect I knew there was some organic substance there I didn't know what I was gonna find I'll never forget when I first got them I put some in a test tube put water on top of it and I shook it up and the water turned red and I thought oh my God this thing this there's something here you know and I really that that that shook me up for a day or so when I realized that yes there is something there astonished by her first observation buttinger is also surprised that the soil is still hydrophobic or water repellent even 30 years after the event in 2006 she recreates the experiment in her laboratory and her results are exactly the same okay I'm going to show you that the dofos ring soil is still hydrophobic after all these years [Music] I'm going to add these approximately the same amount of water [Music] the water extract on the top is a much darker color than that of the control sample so clearly something has been extracted on subsequent trips to the delpho site over a period of 10 years Phillips noted that the ring on the ground remained visible no new plant life was able to grow although researchers cannot explain why they believe the craft made the soil hydrophobic buttinger offers a scientific reason for how there was organic material coated on the surface of the soil that made it hydrophobic and this organic material was identified by myself as fulvic acid [Music] is a naturally occurring substance found in the ground during plant decomposition it can cause soil rejuvenation and can be an excellent supplement to fertilizer although fulfic acid is found naturally in soil buttinger believes the amount of it in the Delphos ring is anything but natural phobic acid would not be in the concentrations that is naturally occurring it was added it was a it's part of a release of something there is no natural explanation for these high levels of folic acid in the soil I really don't know where it came from [Music] this unexplained release of fulvic acid is not the only abnormality that buttinger discovered in the Delphos soil sample high levels of oxalic acid which is a known skin and eye irritant were also found to be present in the soil oxalic acid could account for the numbing effects on Mrs Johnson's fingers and leg that lasted for the remainder of her life but for scientists this compound coupled with the fulfic acid makes way for some interesting speculation on the glowing effects of the soil I think that the substance came when it was being released from the craft is that the crafts propulsion System created an ionic field which excited the material and I think when it felt it was luminescing from the interaction with the ionic field of The Craft and I think it's a clue to the propulsion system of this machine buttinger's Theory and Analysis have motivated investigators and researchers to come up with some type of scientific explanation [Music] three years after the Delphos incident another trace evidence case causes Widespread Panic in Missouri all the people are screaming and it's hovering there 10 feet above the ground they are the clues left behind from a quadrangle formation of Landing legs in Socorro New Mexico to a mysterious glowing ring in delvo's Kansas [Music] there have been thousands of cases of UFO trace evidence [Music] field investigator Ted Phillips these common Trace characteristics he has discovered support the reality of UFOs and in the hundreds of cases I've personally investigated my conclusion is that we're dealing with a device a machine of mass thank you constructed by an intelligence and under the control of something intelligent and that's obvious by the things that they do the way they maneuver into a landing site out of it a number of things September 1st 1974. lynchenberg Saskatchewan Canada for Farmer Edwin fur a routine chore turns into one of the most frightening experiences of his life [Music] for observe this object near the ground he stopped and went over very close to it you can see it was metallic looking it was flat on the bottom it was domed on top it was hovering just a foot or so above the ground 15 feet in daylight away from an object no sound it's spinning rotating at a very high rate [Music] in the surface of this thing he said it had a very old and used up appearance and in it he could see dark sort of brewed at the base he could see a sort of wide belt that went around the lower section shocked at what he encounters fur slowly Retreats back to his tractor hoping to escape from the object [Music] as he climbs back on his shock turns to Terror when he realizes there is more than just one UFO and he could see there were four more and they were sort of equidistant from each other in a semicircle around the high grass all same type of objects same configuration same color all rotating the ground or the crop underneath the object was spun in a spiral and the plants were rotated and knocked down underneath each one of these after hovering in the field for a few minutes the objects begin their Ascent the objects ascended silently vertically in a step formation object one two three four five and as they ascended vertically silently he could see beneath each object two vent-like extensions out of which there came a six foot long plume of gray material [Music] shortly after the objects disappear [Music] after first encounter Constable Ronald maurier of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police receives ward of the event and visits the fur property the physical trace evidence that he discovers puzzles the investigators here were five rings all swirled compressed in the same direction all counterclockwise and the central area in each of the Rings was unaffected the grass was standing up normally and their sizes range from eight foot in diameter to 11 feet in diameter and Moyer's conclusion after a full and extensive investigation [Music] impressed me considerably he said this really happened and whatever made these Rings came out of the air and left the same light and that pretty well says it more than three decades have passed since the event and multiple field investigations have not produced a single logical explanation foreign throughout the 1970s alone Phillips catalogs more than 400 events similar to the Landenberg case [Music] October 8 1978 Cato Missouri a grandmother and a grandchild witness a mysterious object in the field that catches their attention she could see an oval white something sitting in the field and I found later that this was about 185 feet from the house and so she called her husband he called his son [Music] and it wasn't doing anything it was just sitting there the neat part is they came up with the explanation that it must be a piece of metal that blew in there in a storm so they didn't say it's a UFO out there they said you know something's in our field and it shouldn't be there we got to get it out foreign ER starts his tractor to move the object something strange occurs object leaps about 10 feet straight up into the air reaction control and this thing is only like four feet in diameter and all the people are screaming and it's hovering there 10 feet above the ground the object then begins an Ascent away from the property not fast just kind of cruising no sound at any time and the object is rotating [Applause] no wings no engine no visible means of support it continues its climb it makes a definite right turn which I find later is across the wind flies to the right slightly for a few feet makes a very strong left turn across the wind another right turn and continues to climb as the object increases elevation the witnesses report that it merges with a second much larger cylindrical shaped UFO in the sky And the cylinder flies away at a pretty good rate of speed and so the farmer and his son walk to the spot where the object had been and they arrived there to find a four foot area of dehydrated plants and the whole site already is turned a very dead wilted Brown [Music] physical characteristics left behind by the UFO and Cato makes it a classic Trace case this photograph taken only a few minutes after the event proves to Phillips that something unexplained took place on the farm in Cato and he wants to find out what it was the site basically is oval the grass immediately surrounding it is live screen perfectly healthy not another spot in the entire field that looks like this area and at the outside edge of the site near these two little impacted craters bull nettle plants which are large leafed very tough plants the leaves were not burned but they were drawn up tightly as so some kind of heat generated and they closed up [Music] to Phillips this discovery could be evidence of the Craft's propulsion disturbing the Earth but there is an additional scientific anomaly that investigators have yet to explain craters were about an inch and a quarter deep in some very hard soil so I don't know if if this occurred on Landing or if it occurred on Ascent but no sound was ever heard at any time educating any kind of propulsion system and yet it had it had this for this four foot object to cross the wind three times in the course of Phillips's investigations Trace cases like the Cato event consist mostly of physical effects left behind on the ground but in 1979 a mysterious object not only leaves trace evidence it nearly kills a Minnesota deputy sheriff I believe that's something extraterrestrial really did happen here nobody's ever been able to prove that it was something different now investigators look over the actual patrol car and find new evidence so this actually has flexed in and back out as though there was sort of a section something like that pulled it out yep I mean that's incredible August 27 1979 Warren Minnesota it was a routine Patrol for Deputy Val Johnson but at 2 19 a.m his life would suddenly change he sees a light off in the distance on adjacent Road blacktop Highway two laners and figures that it may be a small aircraft with a landing light coming in to make an emergency landing so he turns down that road to see if he can render assistance almost instantaneously that light went right from like a mile and a half away to right in his face and he ended up crashing the car crash police dispatch receives a call for help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of the law enforcement officers who saw the damage firsthand was Marshall County Sheriff herb morstead Sheriff morstead a deputy at the time vividly recalls the night of the encounter with the actual car from the event and Al Johnson was still on the car he was Dazed and seemed kind of confused didn't know for sure what had happened to him and there was considerable damage to the car that was documented at that time is driving a Ford LTD and you don't damage an LTD with some little trivial thing there was quite an impact the physical damage to the car baffles the investigators on the scene to look Dawn first damage was done to the headlight of the car it's busted it's in the original condition it was from that night the interesting thing as you can see by looking at the headlight there's no deer hair or debris or anything in there that would explain how the damage was done and then as you move up on the car onto the hood there's a round in the hood and further up on the windshield is busted and cracked quite severely again there's no evidence of any rocks or debris or anything that would have broke this windshield and further on from the car up on the roof there's one of the lens from the warning lights is busted and behind that are the two antennas that were damaged the interesting part on these antennas was right where the antenna bends there were bugs attached to that antenna which would indicate that nobody could have physically or used a tool to bend that antenna because they would had to disturb those slugs [Music] the effects of Deputy Johnson's alleged UFO encounter go beyond the damage to his police cruiser later on the investigation continued Val Johnson was found to have had what they call welder's burn to his eyes supposedly from the light that he had encountered one of the other things that was curious is the watch on his wrist and the car clock will stop for 14 minutes it's kind of an interesting piece of evidence for what most people don't know though a lot of cops will synchronize their watches with dispatch the carb clock and then their private timepiece so that all three were operating at the same time so that in the course of your night you made notations in reference to a case that it would be as accurate as possible foreign I wish I knew what happened during the 14 minutes that these two timepieces were affected but there is again a lot of room for speculation scientific speculation of what happens when a person is involved in something like this [Music] Deputy Johnson squadgar has been put on display at the Marshall County Historical Society Museum Phillips has traveled more than one thousand miles exclusively for this History Channel program in order to see the damage firsthand Phillips arrives in Warren Minnesota and receives a personal guided tour of the squad car by Sheriff morstead I've looked at photos of this so many times it's like I've actually seen it and that's incredible Phillips is then startled to buy a new piece of evidence given by the sheriff the windshield has probably got the most damage it's uh damage that was caused by a force pushing that windshield in and then back out again and really yeah so this actually has flexed in and back out as though there was sort of a section something like that pulled it out yep I mean that's incredible more than three hours Phillips and Sheriff morstadt surveyed a car and discussed the case Phillips also learns that current law enforcement officers have no doubt about Johnson's story I believe officer Johnson when he was working as a deputy I believe he was honest that night he just he told the facts Paul Johnson was a good honest man a good deputy sheriff and I have no reason not to believe him when an officer comes forward with a story of an encounter he or she risks everything their career their personal life maybe their marriage their family they're putting it all on the line [Music] [Applause] Phillips has now reopened his investigation into the Minnesota encounter in hopes of finding out what really happened in the early morning hours of August 27 1979. [Music] many researchers believe that this Trace case along with thousands of others will eventually lead us to the truth about UFOs I think Chase Landing Trace cases physical Trace cases are a very important aspect of the whole picture especially when people say there is no evidence well fingerprint is evidence isn't it so often you hear people say well I don't believe in UFO or I'll believe it when I see it well the significance of that is they could just look at a trace evidence case and they can say they've seen it it gives us evidence that along with the witnesses observation that there is something out there I think what we're finding at Landing sites certainly confirms the reality of what are called UFOs and it confirms him because it is proof positive that something very unusual took place and what remains there is inexplicable and it's probably the biggest story of mankind if we come out and show the people the evidence
Channel: The UnXplained Zone
Views: 379,600
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Keywords: The UnXplained Zone, paranormal, ghosts, spirits, haunted, spooky, demons, aliens, ufo, paranormal activity, creepy, scary, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ufo footage, alien footage, alien, alien videos, aliens captured on video, ufos captured on video, UFO Files, UFO Files full episodes, UFO Files episodes, UFO Files scenes, UFO Files clips, watch UFO Files, mysterious footage, 3 INEXPLICABLE ALIEN ENGINEERING MYSTERIES, marathon, mysteries
Id: 9wZW6XaQ87s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 39sec (8019 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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