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if you grew up watching Star Trek you probably dreamed of a future where you could step into a transporter and beam to anywhere in the universe but some recent footage has people wondering if secret teleportation technology already exists today December 2019 it's just after Christmas in the small community a porter north of Houston Texas a man is heading out alone on what seems like a normal Lone Star evening but his doorbell is about to catch something extraordinary the motion sensor records the man as he exits the front door and strolls casually down the walkway but as he turns towards the driveway he freezes momentarily and suddenly vanishes watch that again and pay close attention to the ball of light that shoots up to the sky as he disappears did we just see an act of teleportation journalist MJ banayas who reports on The Unexplained says it wouldn't be the first reported case cultures and religions have been talking about the ability to travel great distances in a short period of time for Generations in Jewish Kabbalah rabbis and ascetics could pray and meditate and enter a holy state where they would be able to perform a sort of teleportation Act let's teleport back from ancient Israel to Modern Georgia and this internet classic a high-speed Pursuit shot from a police dash cam in 1997. police officers hot on the tail of someone who stole a car and is trying to chase him down after a bunch of Maneuvers on the road in some bizarre twist the car thief takes a left turn and disappears through a fence Lieutenant Wayne Daniels was at the wheel during this perplexing event one occurred it hadn't so fast big old cocoon but yet the fence was still standing in front of me and keeping me closed off from getting inside the yard I had no idea to begin with how a car could get through a 10 foot chain link fence and just recently we've seen headlines reporting that teleportation is now a matter of science at least on the subatomic level so the idea has been around since Einstein we have known that it's possible to teleport at least photons and even more recently scientists have been able to use quantum entanglement to teleport larger structures now based on some Physics calculations it's thought it would require the energy and entire city uses for a year to teleport a human being but that hasn't stopped people from believing that advanced teleportation Tech exists in secret so do these videos Prove it let's turn to our experts first Michael Primo examines the doorbell video so I've analyzed many ring camera video recordings but one thing that they all have in common is that they use a high level of what's called visual compression so I employed what's called macro block analysis as well as motion Vector analysis these tests reveal that the encoder was not documenting new pixel information for 30 frames it is entirely possible that this is encoder error so there's several different reasons as to why this occurred at this specific point in time the first is there was a drop in the internet connection to which the camera was not transmitting information to the cloud to actually document those frames the second is simply camera malfunction so the glitching doorbell didn't capture teleportation in the act the police video seemingly teleport to the other side of the fence after some investigation Lieutenant Daniels believes he solved the puzzle almost fans into a yard this particular fence was set on the back side of the pub so that when the car hit the fence the aluminum ties that hold the fence to the poles pop loose can't swung open like a garage door and before the dust could settle the fence had done come straight back down in front of me so our verdict on both of these videos the anomaly of the teleporting Texan can be explained by a faulty camera and the Mystery of the vanishing Georgia Bandit can be explained by a faulty fence however a recent experiment in 2017 by Chinese researchers did manage to teleport the quantum state of a photon to a satellite 870 miles in orbit perhaps the days of beam me up Scotty could be on the horizon November 2015. it appears to be business as usual at a hospital in China's Hubei Province as a 53 year old man prepares to undergo a medical procedure a monitor is showing the live feed from inside the patient on the table it is then that what they are looking at and trying to extract is revealed check this out the object remarkably resembles an egg white oval and nestled perfectly inside the patient's stomach and if it is an egg what's going to hatch there's a a long-standing idea that exists within the UFO community that aliens from another world will often abduct people and implant eggs inside them for the purpose of breeding some future alien hybrid race we do also see incidents where people claim to have alien implants inside them there was a famous doctor who performed surgeries on people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens and implanted with strange objects inside their body many patients who claim to have alien implants say the objects were metal possibly used for tracking or monitoring but this egg-like object certainly looks organic let's see how our experts diagnose the situation [Music] our zoologist Roxy Furman has seen a lot of strange natural occurring phenomena but she's never seen anything quite like this it looks like it could be an egg but later on they actually have the object and they've kind of dissected it and cut it into slices it doesn't have any of the physical properties of an egg in terms of the layers it looks artificial maybe some sort of gelatine or something and where this thing was found is also key it's very unlikely that something like that could grow in a human stomach it's full of different acids and chemical compounds that break down food not nurture growth so it's highly unlikely that something would be in there thriving and growing professor of biology Floyd Hayes thinks there is a much more down to earth explanation for this man's condition so it appears to me that this is basically masses of fatty tissue that accumulate they're relatively soft there are benign when they grow large like this they could be problematic and that they could press against various organs that could cause pain after the analysis we did some digging and it turns out this isn't the first of its kind in 2013 a 62 year old man had a similar growth removed in a hospital in Washington DC the mass measured about 3.34 inches at its midline and weighed about a half a pound making it the largest specimen of its kind we're not really certain why these appear there's at least one gene that has been found to be associated with the growth there's also some evidence that they may result from traumatic injuries foreign so our verdict this is a biological phenomenon a mixture of fat and tissue that grew naturally in this man's bodily fluid but this doesn't completely disprove the accounts of aliens implanting human hosts just not this one this video first appeared in 2013. we see a 747 jumbo jet coming in for a landing on a hazy day the camera zooms out to show that whoever is filming is behind the airport security fence suddenly from the top right another plane comes screaming into frame right at the first plane watch that again it Banks left just narrowly avoiding the landing plane Pilots are always trained to pull to the right when you pull to the right the oncoming plane will pull to the right and you'll miss each other in this case this pilot here makes an error he's pulling to the left while this plane dramatically pulls to the right so as they're passing each other this plane is actually flying closer to this planet if this is real it wouldn't be the first near Miss an airport in Barcelona in 2014 a Russian plane was coming in for a landing when a plane from Argentina taxied on the runway in front of it the Russian Pilots were able to pull up and perform a maneuver known as a go-around and they were able to land safely in 2017 an Air Canada flight had to abort its Landing when it accidentally almost landed on a taxiway instead of a Runway that taxiway had five other full planes waiting to take off and had the pilot not pulled up it could have killed more than one thousand people fortunately there are several fail safes in place to avoid such collisions there's a collision avoidance system that each aircraft has so when an aircraft gets too close to another an alarm goes off and lets the pilots know that they're close to another aircraft when an aircraft is coming in for a landing however the pilot has very little time to react but even if the traffic collision avoid the system or tcas fails Air Traffic Control should see if One Pilot is flying in the wrong airspace before it's too late it's incredibly unlikely that a room of air traffic controllers as well as their computer systems would make an error where a plane is taking off where an airplane should be landing it's very rare that an incident like this would occur the traffic collision avoidance system or tcas is mandated on all commercial aircraft with more than 30 passenger seats it it has saved countless lives though near Miss incidents or even mid-air collisions while extremely rare do still occur but before you go canceling your flight to Tahiti let's make sure this video is legit Mission expert Lieutenant Tim McMillan says some planes are capable of such evasive maneuvers fighter planes are designed to do this down to the fact that they can have controllable thrust vectoring where they're actually moving their engines around that allow them to do some pretty bizarre Maneuvers however it would be hard for these passenger planes without such equipment and a tail height as tall as a six-story building to stay aloft when you're looking at large commercial aircraft like this there's something called the angle of attack which is the angle at which the wind hits the wings of the aircraft to help it generate lift most airplanes require an angle of attack to stay 16 degrees or below to maintain a smooth airfoil effect to stay aloft more than that creates too much turbulence above the wing when you see both of these aircraft turn in such an extreme manner like that that would alter what is actually keeping the plane afloat it would alter it to such an extreme that both of those planes would crash so the sudden changes in trajectory seem like a big red flag for the authenticity of this video and even if an event like this happened without a disaster it would be nearly impossible to cover it up if this was a real event this would be a absolute catastrophic breakdown in all of the safety protocols that are put in place to avoid accidents it's just uh almost virtually impossible to think that something like this could happen at any major or even a small smaller airport and it not come out I can say with just about absolute certainty that this is going to be some type of CGI that to whoever's credit is pretty well done so we track down the source of the video and it turned out to be some CGI fun created by a video artist named miniserbis whose work we've examined before I take it as a compliment that people might think that these videos are real because one of the things I like to do is uh make these videos appear completely photorealistic but then put an element of impossibility in it and just see how people react to it many never intended to do anyone but plenty of people have commented and shared this video thinking the incident really happened so always be careful what you repost in a Montreal Park in December of 2012 a lucky bird watcher spots a majestic Eagle Shoring above and begins to film as a distracted father lets his young toddler play in the grass nearby the camera catches an unthinkable encounter the eagle swoops in Bears its Talons and picks up the child oh the cameraman runs to the rescue but thankfully after several feet the bird drops the child back onto the grass now watch those Talons again in slow-mo the eagle is able to lift the toddler six feet in the air before it lets go hey hey the internet has understandably gone wild for this video could super strong Eagles actually be preying on children in Canada before you scoff check out this video from 2018. it shows another eagle swooping down and trying to pick up an eight-year-old girl in Kyrgyzstan before it was pulled off by some onlookers fossil evidence shows that our early ancestors were preyed upon by large birds like this there are Neanderthal bones that have been found under the nest of an eagle that also indicate that throughout the history of hominins we have had to fear these birds that they could possibly swoop down and pick up our children and the Maori people of New Zealand had a legend about a massive bird known as the puacai that would carry off their children we now know it was based on a real Eagle the host Eagle which weighed upwards of 40 pounds and is thought to be one of the largest Eagles that ever existed even though it's now extinct it's worked its way into the folklore of the Maori because it did prey on humans as well so we know these types of Eagle attacks have happened in the past and that Kyrgyzstan video shows they still do so do humans need to once again fear our children being carried off by birds of prey or has this Canadian video been manipulated our experts are on the case based on the location it's likely that the Raptor is a golden eagle but look at the coloration across its feathers it's completely different to how you'd expect a golden eagle to look which has every feather is like a different shade of gold the size of the toddler is also grounds for skepticism they're capable of carrying about five pounds they're known to carry small animals fish reptiles human toddler about two three years old would probably weigh closer to 20 25 pounds so it's unlikely to be something that they could carry so it's either some massive Eagle thought to be extinct or there's something else going on there's points in the video where the bird of prey seems to change in scale sweeps down slightly in front of the trees where it looks quite small but by the point where it's down near the toddler its wingspan looks taller than the adult human being so that led me to believe that this is some sort of CGI Raptor that someone's created artificially he measured the Shadow and light information in the video to determine if something has been added and in this particular case there's a red color that comes down from the shadow information that was recorded by the objects that were inserted and it's displaying a different originating light source than the rest of the Shadow information see how these red and green lines intersect if the video was legit they'd all be parallel they essentially choreographed this in the park with computer generated images of the bird as well as the the child [Music] so upon further review this video was a hoax but that Kyrgyzstan attack supports a 2019 report that bird attacks on humans appear to be on the rise as people encroach on their natural habitats pretty wild stuff in September 2019 the fate of MH370 continues to confound investigators the majority of the search has taken place over the ocean but British video producer Ian Wilson suddenly has a thought when revisiting details of this case what if a lost Boeing 777 had actually crashed on land in an area where it would be hard to find such as a remote jungle in his free time Ian begins pouring through satellite maps of the possible flight paths concentrating on the rainforests of Southeast Asia I traced the ark that runs from North Asia down to the southern Indian Ocean I was hoping I would see like a load of crushed trees after days of scrolling without any luck he and suddenly stumbles upon something unmistakable an object shaped exactly like an airplane deep in the Cambodian jungle 60 miles west of Phenom Penh you really go into the 3D View it looks as though the plane is laying up against the mountain it's almost a 45 degree angle now in the year since The Disappearance airplane peace is suspected to be from MH370 have washed ashore all over the Indian Ocean but only a small number have actually been confirmed to be from this exact plane some reject those findings and the whole idea that the plane crashed in the ocean based upon how much fuel was on board and the possible directions this aircraft could go the search area could be anywhere within a very large radius of the ocean or in some remote area in Southeast Asia Ian and his brother Jackie decided to pull their money and Trek out to that spot in the Cambodian jungle themselves the fact that it linked up with the last known position of the plane on this Arc that's enough to go and check it out but it proves more treacherous than they ever expected even to their local guides halfway through these guys turn around and say look we're going back we can't go any further we got to a huge waterfall that they couldn't get past the brothers eventually have to return home empty-handed planes vanish more often than you would think since MH370 seven other aircraft have gone missing around the world but could Ian's Discovery at least put to rest the questions about this notorious disaster our experts take the stick first Aviation expert Lieutenant Tim McMillan determines whether a plane that crashed in a jungle would appear like the image Ian found on the satellite map it looks very much like an airplane just sat down in the middle of the Wilderness I would not expect to see a big commercial plane like a Boeing 777 be able to land in that condition and not be destroyed but even if somehow the plane managed to stay intact McMillan doubts that this image is a Boeing 777 just based on the scale that we have from these satellite images this object that looks very plain like is about a hundred feet too short for a Boeing 777. so might this be part of a natural topography that Ian just mistook for an airplane we know it's not snow because it would have melted and there's no snow in Cambodia at that altitude it's in the middle of a tropical jungle and there's no indication that this is a a random rock formation it looks exactly like a plane but there are no telltale signs of a crash landing if this was a plane that had actually flown into this spot we would see some kind of indication in the surrounding vegetation mixed conclusion Ian did locate a plane just not on the jungle floor but in the sky above it I think this is certainly not MH370 so it's another plane and uh it's just happened to have been caught in this satellite image this is something that happens you know surprisingly often it just means there happens to be one caught on camera at that time our verdict this the most likely a moving plane passing over Cambodia just as the satellite image was taken but Ian and Jackie Wilson are still convinced that MH370 lies somewhere deep in the jungles there once they save up enough money they say they are heading out on another Expedition
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 984,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, the proof is out there, history the proof is out there, the proof is out there show, the proof is out there full episodes, the proof is out there clips, watch the proof is out there, the proof is out there scenes, unexplained, strange, creepy, eerie, mysterious, compilation, The Proof Is Out There
Id: oCR3sW5T5BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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