Alaskan Sea Creatures Are ABDUCTING People?! | *3 Hour Marathon* | Missing in Alaska

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foreign [Music] [Music] Autumn evening in Palmer 2005 a woman will call Jane Doe was washing dishes after dinner when her daughter asked to go outside and play [Music] minutes later Jane heard a strange sound outside she caught sight of a small childlike figure darting through the trees the figure suddenly raced away faster than any child she had ever seen could it have been something else Legends say that small malevolent creatures haunt the Alaskan wilderness whatever it was her daughter was nowhere to be found and has not been seen since the vast Frontier of Alaska is a mysterious triangle where each year five out of every thousand people go missing out there Three Investigators look for answers Jax a former police officer Ken a specialist in strange phenomena and Tommy an expert on Alaskan Legends together they uncover mysterious sightings and ancient legends exploring the possibilities of those who go missing in Alaska all right a lot of little places to hide in here Ken I see that pretty dense brush all through here exploring the woods behind the town of Palmer where the young girl went missing her family has since moved away hey guys can we stop for a second I'm getting all winded yeah so I gotta ask I know your wheels are spinning what's your theory so check it out other than the missing girl all of the children of Palmer were accounted for at the time she vanished right right that's what you said so then who was this small childlike figure that the mother reported seeing and all over the world you have these enduring Legends of these little elves fairies Pixies in Asia you have the nittawayo in Africa the Agave every continent has different types of little gnome-like creatures diminutive human-like beings are among the most fabled entities of all time the more famous of these Legends have become commonplace in modern culture leprechauns which originated in Ireland elves descended from Norse mythology and the dwarves of Germanic folklore some are viewed as benevolent others as pranksters Who hide gold or steal food but the Alaskan versions are painted as much more sinister I've heard stories all my life from other tribes up north of here that you pick have Ensign rock and all the parents tell the kids not to stay out after dark that they're trying to come and take your kids away type of the Alaskan gnome is a stout powerful figure about three and a half feet tall bearing vicious Claws and teeth with clothing made from animals and other natural materials they are also said to be incredibly fast and have a nasty aggressive disposition so you have stories of little notes yes little little people they've called them or gnome-like and Alaskan lore these stories of these small beings are terrifying and go back centuries different tribes give them different names urchin Hawk jinxia and menarak but they're all described the same violent malicious they'll kidnap you or even kill you if you cross them all right guys we need to get moving to the top it's starting to get dark here guys interesting theories about missing person cases in the Alaska triangle well right now I'm thinking either this is a natural predator like a bear or a wolf or even more likely a human predator as an investigator my mind tends to go there in cases like these I've seen all kinds of animal tracks right here I got moose track here and a wolf looks like a wolf track there very large canine definitely a sign that there are a lot of living things out here after seeing signs of wolf out here it makes me wonder if that's what the missing girl's mother saw you know when you're nervous and you have an active imagination maybe you think you saw a small person when you actually just saw an animal [Music] hey guys what's this hey who's that rabbit's foot that's a rabbit's foot something was chewing on us off of that hey look at that [Music] it's like blood I don't see any blood on the ground anywhere there's no tracks around here the leaf litter is too thick finding blood in the forest is not that unusual animals make kills out here all the time but we're investigating a missing person case so it's important that we examine every piece of evidence that we find I think we need to take some of this blood and figure out what it is make sure this isn't human blood on this tree I don't think it is but the law will answer that question for sure as Jax takes the blood sample in for analysis Ken and Tommy decide to investigate the gnome Theory further they meet with a local native named Jerry who's an expert on Alaskan Legends of Pluto people so we're investigating a disappearance small girl disappeared and what's really strange is that the mother claims that she saw this little figure like a little person maybe right around the time that her daughter vanished there's been many many stories of the little people there Isiah they're powerful little people do you think that these little people could somehow be connected to The Disappearance of this little girl very impossible there's many stories of children not coming back supposing we wanted to go find these little people up in mountains they live in cave you will find little things that they leave behind bones bones animal parts there's stories of them stealing Caribou meat they leave no cracks Jerry's description of the Gnomes makes them seem very primitive almost caveman-like and it supports the idea that whatever they are they could be very uncivilized almost dangerous [Music] with the information from Jerry to ponder Ken goes to meet with Jax who has results from the blood sample analysis what do we got so here's our sample all right yeah we haven't tested against five other things first thing I wanted to have him rule out was human blood sure all right bear is because they roam the area moose we obviously saw some signs some droppings yeah and then a rabbit we did find that rabbit and the last and this is what it came positive for this caribou finding Caribou blood several feet up on a tree is highly unusual a likely explanation is that a hunter bagged a caribou passed the tree and wipe some blood off or something but we didn't see drag marks and I can't help but think of the folklore we heard from Jerry well check this out this is really crazy because Jerry was just telling us that the Alaskan gnomes the jinxiak that's what he was primarily calling them supposedly don't leave any tracks and their primary food source that's the Caribou suppose one of these beings because they're super strong super fast was actually carrying a dead caribou and smashed the carcass up against a tree and that was the result of the blood left dripping down the tree I don't know man I know you know I always hear you out but you know I always have a hard time with some of these things you know I mean I need to see a lot more evidence than what we got right now we've seen some pretty crazy things here in Alaska but to jump to a gnome Theory based on some blood on a tree is quite a stretch I still think the girl could have been snatched by a human predator and if not that then a bear is the next obvious guess I think that what we need to do is set up a trap a caribou meat in an area near where we found the blood splatter on the tree and to use a GPS tracking device we can monitor from our phone after tracking down some Caribou meat from meat from a local Hunter the team heads out to plant at his bait in hopes of identifying whatever is eating Caribou in the mountains behind Palmer dollar gear I got cameras I've got the meat infrared's in my back let's go all right cool lead on [Applause] the mountain again behind Palmer this time in the dark to the spot where we found the Caribou blood feel the burn again this hits honey yeah I think over here is where we're at does it look familiar yeah yeah right here we probably want to set the camera uphill facing down that way we have a wider coverage exactly good idea figure out where you want to put the Caribou meat right we're going to attach a thermal imaging camera to a tree facing the Caribou meat so if anything or anyone touches the meat we'll get video and looks good big chunk of meat yeah I'm gonna cut it right through here and we're gonna insert the tracker there okay alrighty with the GPS tracker in place we'll get a message on our smartphone if there's any movement of the Caribou meat which means we can leave the area hopefully with us gone that'll encourage something to take it maybe a little wider all right looks like it's running we've got a good signal Next Step here is If It Moves it'll alert us good deal you know guys I got to tell you there's actually some scientific basis to believe that these gnomes if that's what we're going to call them are actual Flesh and Blood creatures and I'll tell you why 2003 on the island of Flores which is in Indonesia they discovered bones of a very small hominid homo floresiensis standing a mere three and a half feet tall homo fluoresciensis lived alongside modern humans until 12 000 years ago their small brain they are believed to have built boats and used stone tools as well as being incredibly successful Hunters who's to say that they might not have migrated across from Asia into North America when the land bridge still existed right so I mean we could essentially be talking about an archaic basal Relic hominid form remaining undetected somewhere here in the wilderness of Alaska it is possible yeah all right [Music] who's that all right who's that did you guys hear that foreign guys that could have just been a dying animal I think it was a snowshoe hair Snowshoe hairs are common in Alaska and are known for their sharp shrill cry [Music] the direction they come from guys guys it's over here let me get the thermal image out this way yeah I pull up my smartphone which has a special thermal adapter it will show any residual heat signatures in the Darkness this direction okay yeah it was right over here hold on guys picking something up over here guys get get over here oh what is that that's weird man oh man what the heck is that our thermal imager picks up a couple of War marks on a log heat dissipates quickly so whatever left those marks must have been right by us something warm and step there huh it's like someone was just standing right there there's something moving around out here obviously we don't know what that something is these marks could have been left here by anything maybe a wolf caught a rabbit here and that could explain the noises that we heard too well I'm pretty sure that sound was a hair they're pretty common here I think we need to get moving to let our bait have a chance to work and do it saying here I agree us trampson around the woods just going to Ward something off yeah what do you think Ken I think I'm getting pretty creeped out right now let's go [Music] by the next morning with no sign of movement from the GPS tracker the team decides to continue their investigation by seeking out new Witnesses who have stories of gnomes in the area Jax meets with the local security officer Dean Spradlin he claims to have had a highly unusual experience just a few years ago we're out here in Alaska we're kind of exploring the Alaskan triangle that areas and anomalies what is exactly the case you're investigating if the girl who turned up missing 10 years ago exactly that's why we're here okay so you're familiar with that story very familiar with it so I'm assuming probably still on people's minds yeah and that girl's still missing so it's still an open open Cold Case right now yeah we still don't know what happened to her that sounds so strange but a lot of our information has led us to this area because we're looking for the possibility of creatures that are like gnomes gnomes could be behind it really actually gnomes aren't that unusual to hear about in this town well Halloween you know most towns the kids go trick-or-treating until late into the evening here they they shut down by eight o'clock at the latest I found that out the hard way my first Halloween here several years ago really yeah I was actually out at about 8 30 thinking that I was going to be looking for Rowdy teenagers and I received a call about checking out a strange disturbance in a nearby residential area so I'm walking to where the report was was given and the only light is what's coming from my flashlight and all of a sudden a rock crashes behind me well I turn around and see you know what was that and a little person throws another rock the same size it was a rock that I could barely pick up let alone throw it so you saw what threw it out it looked like a little man is like a man-child but the build the demeanor the face of a man but like like I said I only got a glimpse but you saw enough of it to think that it was a possibility that it was a gnome I can't deny the possibility of it everywhere else it sounds like folklore Superstition but I do know what I saw a child could not have thrown rocks the size that he's describing so I'd say this is an unusual story but we still need to find hard evidence that these gnomes exist where would these gnomes live well some people think they live underground we have over 600 000 square miles of wilderness in Alaska we have lots of places where nobody's ever been we have a lot of unexplored territory who knows what's out there is there caves in this area well it's not caves like you would think of caves but there's ice caves do you think you could Point them out on a map right yeah if you've got a map right there yeah I've been there okay so it's on a glacier yeah yeah so we're here we're here right there oh the Matanuska Glacier yes I definitely think that we need to investigate these caves for any signs of these so-called gnomes really appreciate you taking the time you're welcome be safe out there okay take care of yourself as Jax finishes his meeting with officer Spradlin Ken and Tommy seek out another local who claims to have experience with these mysterious gnomes hi I'm Ken hi Ken Sarah here Sarah volunteers her time working with kids at a local community center according to her all the children are afraid that gnomes are lurking in the area Sarah this is such a cool little playground and yet there's no kids here why is that uh it's well it's starting to get late at night and these little imanars it came out late at night I'm scared of them myself I know I've heard about children being abducted and some kids ran to me they said there was something chasing them from the woods do you think they were being chased by the imanarik it's a possibility that there's a midnight around the neighborhood and you know these are dangerous creatures I've always heard that these image are very strong and powerful clearly there's something in this area that's being witnessed from time to time and I'm hoping that we'll get a good look at it from our thermal camera up on the mountain all right thank you be safe in darkness get out of here check this out our trackers is what no way it's moved the tracker in our Caribou meat is on the move which means something has taken it we've got to grab Jacks get on it and follow it right away okay [Music] why do so many people go missing in Alaska is it purely because of the rugged landscape and aggressive Predators or are there other reasons lurking in this vast terrain a mother sees a small unknown being just before her daughter goes missing could native stories of vicious gnomes be more truth than Legend the team has just sprung a trap that could answer that question you got everything guys I've got the GPS here yeah if we got any other notifications well it's still working but it is not moving it's just stationary we just have the final location yes last transmitted right the best part about using a GPS tracker in our bait is we have a last known location transmitted to us we need to get that spot quick because whatever took our bait could still be in the area we still got our ways but we're on the right path the first thing that we want to do is check the original location where we left the bait and see if there's any clues there maybe we can determine what moved the GPS before we track it down [Music] there's the camera right there camera looks good those meets right there oh it's gone you see any tracks [Music] nothing all right well we got a fan out right here all right you can't anything nothing what about you no just brush [Music] you guys got anything no no I'm gonna take the trail cam back to the truck see if we got anything on here Adam caught something since we don't have any clues from the scene of what we're dealing with here it's important to get eyes on the footage right away even if this is just an animal we need to know what kind of animal for safety's sake yeah your bear spray Tommy I do in the pack we got about a quarter mile to go so you and I gotta hoof it I think you can meet us back down with the truck something to be eating that meat out there so you guys be careful give us a shout as soon as you get there okay I will okay this is the second time we found signs of something in the forest without finding any tracks nearby back when we found the blood on the tree there were lots of leaves on the ground so that could have prevented tracks and here the ground is hard enough that maybe something could have passed through here without leaving any marks but Jerry also talked about how Alaskan gnomes don't leave tracks the natives who established this lore centuries ago were expert trackers so you have to give that detail some credibility is there an animal that walks lightly enough to avoid leaving tracks or does this gnome Legend have some truth to it hopefully the video will tell us [Music] that's just weird what is that this is the closest we're gonna get it's going to be within 10 15 feet a year you got the big spotlights yeah yeah I got it I'll scan this brush foreign [Music] it's a mess man this might take us a while I'm not seeing anything don't give up yet it's got to be over here Ken it's down there that's it we pull it out yeah I got it all right cool let me hop down ah I see that we've got some massive scratches where's the meat it was right there there's no meat guys are you up there yeah I got you man what's going on hey you guys aren't going to get this we got something on the trail cam you guys all right we're on our way [Music] we got for us buddy and check this out see that nice rewind it back in back it up oh what is that something small you can't tell what it is though this shape on the screen is hard to make out look at that that's hauling an ass what do you think Ken um actually that kind of appears humanoid there's no doubt that whatever that is it took our bait the figure in this footage is hard to pin down I can see how it might be a small person hunched over but it could be a fox or a wolf it's just not clear well guys what do we do now I've been thinking about this so here's our map guys right the green markers where we left the GPS the yellow one is where we found it and the red markers the Ice Caves look over right there look what that is it's an exact straight line whatever took that meat was heading towards those caves so are you saying we need to head out there we need to go to those caves let's do it all right guys let's pack it up and let's get the ice caves in the morning obviously the Ice Caves are where this investigation has to go next and it could be right into the den of the vicious jinxiak Alaska is known for the biggest animals on the continent but could the most dangerous creature here be a small one horrifying Tales of aggressive violent gnomes permeate native Legends and local resident Natalie Vega believed she had a close encounter with one our dog ran away and the next morning our neighbor called us and said that they saw our dog a few miles away in some remote area and I called my friend Ally and asked her if she could look for the dog with me we get to the area and we get out and Ali saw Blood on the ground and then we start calling for our dog and as we're calling we get hit with a bunch of snow and we turn around and I saw something moved it was small maybe three feet tall and it had the face of an old man covered in Moss and sticks and dirt it was just horrid all of a sudden it just moved so fast we couldn't believe it we were so scared we ran to the car and just drove off [Music] we never saw the dog again after tracking their stolen bag toward the Matanuska Glacier the team heads out to search for Ice Caves and if they find them to see if anything might be living inside them Ice Caves would be a great dwelling for something that doesn't want to be found we have a little stop up here where you guys been gracious enough to loan us his snow machine so we can get out to the glacier it's like here we go and I think that's it yeah there's our machines it is unsafe for large vehicles to Traverse a glacier because of the shifting nature of its surface the team will have to use snowmobiles to approach the Ice Caves but the machines will only take them to a point where the terrain becomes too rough then they will have to hike the rest of the way to the caves thank you foreign [Music] Glacier is the largest accessible Glacier in Alaska at four miles wide and 26 miles long it has been carving its way through a valley for the last 10 000 years moving at a rate of one foot per day six people are known to have died here with dozens does Mothers reported missing is that because of the ever-shifting and unpredictable landscape or something more sinister [Applause] all right guys definitely think with all this ice we need our crampons today hey guys we got to be careful out here you know with this warm weather the sun beating down we've got to watch our step make sure we don't step any crowd asses how deep are we talking some have been known to swallow up airplanes really let's head off that way up that first Mountain there let's do it a lot of this Glacier is Uncharted because it changes constantly but some local guide said the kind of caves that we're looking for were recently seeing due north up here walking on Glacier Ice especially glacier ice covered in snow is very dangerous it's important to take it very slow and with each step to make sure there's not a crevasse underneath you oh what do we got up there okay you guys seeing this wow look at that there's got to be what the cop said check it out after trekking across the glacier we finally see our very first ice cave this is extremely exciting it's what we've been waiting for we've been searching for evidence of these proto-pygmies wow and this would make a perfect habitat for some small and rarely seen creature literally a cave of ice smooth as glass pretty incredible these caves are awe-inspiring but also dangerous a lot are formed by melt water runoff which erodes them and makes them weak and they are known to collapse suddenly so we have to be on guard you know guys it goes without saying if we're looking for a small hominid which is what I think we're looking for here a cave makes perfect sense they're excellent defensive fortifications because they only have like one entrance you can stockpile weapons or food or whatever don't leave any stone unturned look into every little small opening hole cut whatever we'll do it let's go I've done a lot of research in caves but I've never been in a glacier cave I mean here you have a structure that's constructed of Frozen water it's rather mesmerizing but I can't lose sight of the fact that I'm in an extremely volatile and dangerous situation I could slip and fall on my head I could step into a crevasse and disappear never to be seen again Tommy I want to take this a little slow it's as warm it's been the day I don't I don't feel like taking a bath right now all right playing smart feels pretty solid buddy look at these walls Tommy look how far you can see inside of them yeah guys this thing goes in pretty deep here oh it was indentation right here it's natural little code [Music] watch your step look at this Tony hey good again check it out okay check this out I'm over here that does not belong here all right I'm coming guys hold on where are you come back here it's low watch your head slippery too watch your step this way okay you gotta check this out crap look at this Tony hey good again check it out yeah check this out I'm over here grab this number one here okay you gotta check this out crap got a caribou rack here definitely not a normal place to find something like this as far as I know Tommy Caribou don't go to die in places like this no they're on Tundra usually flat land no but it is common for a predator to basically drag something up okay yes but look around there's no tracks I mean you've got Glacier silk we have some sort of paw print hoof print right bottom line is this does not belong here want to move this back side yeah we got a lot of ground to cover let's keep going the team continues their Trek to find deeper caves in the area if the Gnomes of Alaskan Legend are real it's believed they live in groups and sometimes keep their kidnapping victims in their underground layers with them requiring a larger space look up ahead Ken wow looks like a bigger cave this is what we're looking for guys we find a second cave that appears to go much deeper into the ice and potentially offer a lot more shelter this could be the perfect place for something to move in set up camp and stay hidden be careful guys look out look how much this thing's melting it's melting look at all that water running down there what's the plan here all right I don't know what do you think about Ken and I going down and you monitored us from here good idea the team decides the safest approach is to have Tommy remain outside as backup in case there are any dangerous shifts in the ice Jackson Ken will be equipped with wireless cameras which Tommy can use to follow their progress let's go right be safe [Music] yeah looks like it gets pretty tiny in here Ken [Music] thing is endless I think seven who knows it's gonna be tight but I think I'm gonna go that way maybe this will open up when I pop through this crap I mean I trust you man if you think you can make it it looks like a pretty tight squeeze [Applause] are you sure yeah let's do it all right keep on calms you got your walking right yeah I got my walkie all right all right be careful because these gnomes are supposed to be quite small I decided to investigate a crawl space for me before I gnome it would have plenty of room I just have to keep my cool and keep pressing forward Tom it's Jax can you hear me yeah I got you get a knife split up can you see my feed yeah I got you here on the screen okay still a good signal all right I'm pressing forward I also want to be careful not to get out of communication range if I get in trouble Tommy's my only link to the outside world Tommy come in over can you hear me over over I can hear you can yes I'm gonna go down this corridor you copy uh be safe there man yeah we'll do this looks pretty amazing our greatest concern while investigating this cave is Shifting ice because the glacier is constantly moving a shift nearby could create a chain reaction resulting in a collapse of the cave [Music] all kinds of little nooks and crannies and it looks worn down it looks like something's been moving through here [Music] Tom you've seen what I'm seeing what is that I don't know yet I gotta get closer yeah it's amazingly bright in here really really bright wow oh Tom are you seeing this the other Handler like we found in the other cave just one rack as far as I can go you better come on out then all right I'm gonna bring the antler with me so it'll take me a second Tommy did you hear that over Tommy I'm hearing something do you hear that over hey Jax I'm not hearing anything from Ken can you can you see him or hear him Tommy I got nothing I can't see him I don't know where he's at whoa you can can you hear me Jax why do you come on out here I'm not sure where Ken's at we need to regroup here somewhere inside the Ice Caves Ken and the cameraman following him are no longer in communication with the others the team doesn't know if they're lost or hurt [Music] check this thing out another Caribou rack man wow what's going on with Ken nothing I'm not hearing anything cat is Jax do you read [Music] [Music] Jax Tommy do you copy over hey guys I don't know if you can hear me I'm completely turned around in this cave and I'm hearing cracking ice I'm trying to find my way out of here over Candace Jax do you read it's getting warmer you think I mean shoot I don't wanna this thing looked pretty stable where I was but you know he could have gone down somewhere smaller where the ice is melting man I'm getting worried I think I hear him Ken where are you again yeah Tommy hurry up all right I'm coming good good Jax tell me I hear him again you need help come on bud come on oh my God I got totally lost you all right I thought the ice was going to came down right onto my head I couldn't reach you guys yeah Ken's experience in the caves is closely related to The Gnome Legends in Alaska it said that they can disorient you and lead you into danger and they'll do it just for fun obviously Ken could have just taken a wrong turn or something but it does make you think so we say we get out of here for the day yeah Sun's going down it's gonna be dark here soon all right hi so glad to see you guys I bet we were very very worried man three of the missing girls still not solved the Team Heads back into town to consider everything they've found during their investigation okay guys so what do we got let's review the evidence we have the blood on the tree and then we have the small figure that we got on the trail cam just a small image of something moving it was something it was a blur but it was small and it was fast and we also heard that noise out there remember that was kind of like a weird high-pitched Winnie Tommy thought it was a snowshoe here well earlier today I was reviewing the footage from the ice cave and right before the ice started cracking there was an odd sound but I didn't notice it at the time there was almost like an undertone to that sound okay here we go this is the recording put that back turn the volume up right here you hear that yeah that's what I'm talking about weird that sounds a lot like the noise we heard in the forest the other night there was nothing out there but us okay it was the ice in us right gnomes are known to be tricksters and mischievous perhaps they've been toying with us this whole time leaving clues that are big enough to hint at their existence but too small to prove anything maybe by going in that ice cave we were essentially invading their domain two strange guys yeah it was odd [Music] for now the team is unable to tie the young girl's disappearance to the fabled Gnomes of Alaska but history proves that small humanoid beings have existed and even thrived on our planet could Alaska be their new breeding ground in these rugged Wilds a creature lacking in size would have to compensate through cunning that or viciousness and if native Legends are true such violent creatures could be one of the reasons people go missing in Alaska [Music] [Music] Winter's Night in 2011 three Hunters were heading out to their favorite overnight hunting spot along the northern edge of Denali Park in Alaska they never imagined something might be hunting them [Music] they stopped to relax for a bit and indulge in a quick smoke and a drink as they talked Ben Jones decided he needed a pit stop he trudged off among the trees looking for a little privacy but as he walked he continued farther into the woods than his friend's Mark and Tom expected something apparently drew his attention [Music] oh moments later they heard the sound [Music] he hurried to respond but they couldn't find Ben anywhere instead they saw a monstrous Beast among the trees that sent them running the local Legends of a bear wolf hybrid called the amarok or demon wolf pervade the area could this creature have targeted this hunting party for its own vicious harvest the only thing known for sure Ben Jones hasn't been seen since inside the vast Frontier of Alaska is a mysterious triangle where each year five out of every thousand people go missing Three Investigators look for answers Jax a former police officer can a specialist in strange phenomena and Tommy an expert on Alaskan Legends together they uncover mysterious sightings and ancient legends exploring the possibilities of those who go missing in Alaska pretty rugged environment out here yeah it is Ken and Jax arrive at the area of Denali Park where Ben Jones went missing they're meeting with Ben's friend Mark who was with him that night hey I'm Ken hey Ken Mark nice to meet you Jax hey thanks for coming here Mark is going to take us to the exact spot where his buddy Ben disappeared tell us what he thinks he saw that night right here this is where you're be on your hunt that day is where we started yeah the Caribou here pretty plentiful and active we started with you know a couple beers try to warm up it was getting kind of cold you just have the beers before you got out here or when you're out here no we always praying with us you know I was an investigator I'm always trying to evaluate the validity of an eyewitness when I hear that alcohol was involved I know that it might have altered Mark's perceptions we like to map it out where you last Saw Ben and retrace your Steps step by step the best thing you can recollect yeah that sounds great I'm happy to help this is a spot we like to kind of survey the area from called The V is perfect we get a nice Vantage Point by climbing up here and staking out the area the thing I noticed about this location is beyond the vantage point the train is pretty flat I'd wondered if Ben had slipped out a hillside or fallen into a ravine but that doesn't seem to be a possibility here and we sat here took a break polished stuff our flasks and then Ben took off we started getting worried about him right because we didn't hear from him or see him for a while this is when we heard the noise the howl howling is unique to wolves bears and other large predators don't exhibit this Behavior but wolf howls tend to be a rallying of the pack for a lone animal to make this sound it's most likely a warning to an intruder you remember what direction you heard that vocalization from well it sounded like it came from over there so we started trying to find Ben and as we were looking around I saw something it was like over but different can you take us to the area where you saw this creature we're getting close just up this way okay you were standing here I'm standing right here and the animal was right there okay yeah it's about 100 yards it was like the biggest bear I'd ever seen it looked like a brown bear but it had some weird differences to it this like gray kind of nasty netted fur Mark definitely feels that he saw some sort of strange creature out here but as far as way as he was and as dark as it was and the fact that he'd been drinking I think this could have been a normal animal attack you've seen Bears out here how much you think this weighed easily 900 pounds I mean this thing was huge it was almost like if you took a bear and added a wolf nose or snout to it that's what it was interesting Mark describes this creature as sort of a wolf bear hybrid which fits a known Legend from this area the amarok the Amara aka the demon wolf has been a fixture of Inuit mythology for hundreds of years sporting the face of a wolf and the body of a bear and standing up to nine feet tall the amarok is reported to Target lone Hunters at night but Ben was not fully alone could the demon wolf be the animal that got him and could it be far more aggressive than previously thought even though I'm skeptical there is a mystery here where did Ben go if this was just a wolf or bear how did you disappear so quickly and why wasn't anything found this case definitely requires more research and investigation you ready to head back yeah let's go you uh take us out of here Mark yeah sure okay images of massive wolf-like predators are not limited to Alaskan lore in Norse mythology wolves represent the force that will bring down the cosmos including the devouring of our sun and moon children's stories the big bad wolf has come to represent evil incarnate this evil became all too real in France in the 1760s when an oversized wolf known as the Beast of zevodar killed and ate dozens of people but the Alaskan Legend suggests a beast that's even more terrifying a wolf with the size and aggressiveness of a bear Jax and Tommy visit a local expert named Aussie to learn more about the demon wolf Legends too man this is Josh nice to meet you what brings you to this part of this world we understand that you can maybe tell us a little bit more about this amarack I'm malach yes okay I've heard a couple stories here and there for people from up North known as the Inuit people there's one story is about this father who was mourning the death of one of his children apparently they suspect that this child was eaten by the war for the amok that mourner went out there searching for answers and amalach just killed him you know right there on the spot this mean it can come out of nowhere without you knowing they usually follow their prey which is the Caribou of the Moose if they're aggressive they'll follow you they'll hunt you down you have to stay on top of them and show them that you're the master you're not afraid if we come across one is there a way to defend ourselves good luck thank you very much for your time thank you yeah you're very welcome Awesome Again absolutely yeah according to Brittany Walters good luck is the only reason she wasn't a victim of the demon wolf herself I was walking my dog along the edge of the Woods I looked on the ground and I saw animal remains I couldn't tell what it was because whatever had gotten to it really destroyed this animal [Music] and in the past I'm able to identify the animal because the carcass is somewhat intact I thought this was really strange so I decided to head home immediately as I turned around I heard a howl and I looked back and there was this huge animal I thought it was a wolf at first because it had a canine face and legs like a wolf I was so scared and then it got back down on its four feet and ran in the opposite direction I've never seen an animal run that fast before Mark's testimony that Ben was attacked at night the Team Heads back to the area where Ben went missing for an overnight Stakeout they hope to see what is stirring here and whether any animal they find might tie into Ozzy's depiction of the amarok we don't know if the amarok is real or just a scary story but legends of wolf-like monsters are known throughout North America in Canadian lore an animal similar to the demon wolf is called the wahila in Michigan in the late 1800s a similar creature was dubbed the Michigan dog man the team has to wonder if there could be any truth behind all these different sightings seen other tracks well this is a good sign we got something living up here hey guys these tracks come back over this way we may have found a food source yeah these are definitely moose tracks food stores for the Wolves Out Here the fact that we found these moose tracks indicates that there's a viable food source moving through the area so it's reasonable to assume that there are going to be predators in this area as well and it would be great to capture their movements on the cameras that we brought with us what do you think about here this feels like kind of a good natural cut for a predator to kind of slink along low definitely he would have cover put the equipment up before it gets too much darker yeah I think so too let me see if I can find a spot down here maybe a little lower [Music] this little low cut this is perfect team has infrared trail cameras that can record up to six hours of HD video they'll aim them toward what they think is the most heavily trafficked path through this area ah good location here yeah I think we have a good angle yeah anything that's alive that moves through here we'll get it on film [Music] the team finds a good spot to settle in for the night far enough from the cameras to not spook any Wildlife but close enough to hear anything that passes through back in prehistoric times there were actually animals that would match the description of the ammoth quite well when of course being the direwolf they were about 25 percent larger than modern wolves and they were kind of built differently too they had bigger sturdier bodies shorter legs but they had these massive bone crushing teeth the Dire Wolf was the largest canine of all time tipping the scales at 200 pounds and stretching more than five feet in length it roamed North America until 10 000 years ago this vicious Predator was a fearsome Hunter competing Toe to Toe with the saber-toothed tiger for territory some believe these creatures might not have died out and given enough space they could have evolved into something even bigger Alaska is such a vast open land most of it's uninhabited by man so there are plenty of places out there that something like this shouldn't be hiding [Music] foreign in the Alaska triangle a hunter has gone missing Witnesses report seeing a massive Beast part Wolf Part bear that may be to blame but is this animal simply a myth hybrid beings are a staple of ancient lore centaurs depict a cross between man and horse Griffins are a blend of lion and Eagle but a pattern of recent modern sightings suggests that demon wolf could be real and the team's overnight Stakeout might provide proof I'm not even kidding Vegeta left that came from down by the trail cams let's go check this out train alive Straight Ahead let's go over there let's turn it off and listen for a site I won't hear anything now well we should finish out the night and see if we hear anything else I agree let's go the team returns to their Stakeout hoping for another chance at a sighting but the rest of the night remains quiet [Music] we are a gentleman the next morning they arrived back at their cabin anxious to see what their cameras recorded it doesn't take long to find an answer hey guys come over and check this out we got a little movement on the second camera do you see that it's very quick watch it on the right side of the corner it comes out of the last two seconds very fast it's very low to the ground it looks canine like a little bit [Music] it's obviously way too small to uh entry to our amarok the figure in the footage indicates the presence of real normal sized Predators not an enormous monster the team has to consider if recent sightings were of an ordinary wolf that became exaggerated in the minds of frightened Witnesses I think we definitely should talk to some experts you have some contacts in the zoo right okay yeah I've been talking to some people over at the zoo they're wolf experts which you know to me is an obvious launch point for this investigation if there's a chance that it's just a normal wolf out there then our best approach is going to be to study wolf Behavior to see if it fits the evidence in a way that would explain the eyewitness reports as Jax puts his investigative skills to use finding and researching additional eyewitness accounts Ken pursues the theory that the animal thereafter might be an ordinary wolf he meets with Stephanie and Shannon two experts on Wolf Behavior at the local Zoo hello ladies hi hi whether we're dealing with an amarok a direwolf or just an ordinary gray wolf we need to know more about Alaskan wolves and their behavior patterns in order to draw any conclusions about what's out there I'm investigating Believe It or Not accounts of this monstrous demon wolf known as the amarok and I thought it might be helpful to come out and talk to you and perhaps get some knowledge and look at these fabulous animals since uh this may be our culprit we don't know sounds good what about their you know predation pattern what do they eat how do they hunt well they eat moose and caribou and some of them choose rabbits whatever else they can get a hold of what don't they eat if they're working as a pack taking down large prey or working individually for a little snack in between the big meals I understand that they're very social animals how unusual is it for you know a so-called Lone Wolf an individual to kind of strike off on its own obviously all the males can't live in the group forever and they have to distribute but they like to be together so even if there was a lone wolf I think it would be looking for a group I don't think they really thrive on being alone right you just put some enrichment out for the Wolves so you can see their predatory behavior here they come that was so exciting I love it wow that's steam we let him out in order of dominance so since he's off the male he's he gets first one out yeah this is one of their very favorite things it is interesting though you can see a lot of good tax Behavior obviously the two Alphas are on the beaver right now and yeah see that no one else is really coming around they're observing they're waiting their turn yeah everything about wolf Behavior appears tied to this pack mentality they possess they crave social interaction and rely on a social hierarchy in order to survive so if this creature is acting alone maybe it's not a typical wolf after all wolf attacks on humans is that something that's common is it very exceptional and unexpected it's not very common wolves are really naturally shy intimate animals even the ones here that have been habituated to people and sounds and movements they're still really cautious about things that they're not sure of the more I learn here the more I think that this is not an ordinary wolf but there is another possibility this could be an extraordinary wolf based on its reported size perhaps this is a wolf displaying gigantism gigantism is a condition that affects creatures throughout the Animal Kingdom in humans it's caused by an overproduction of growth hormone through a compromised pituitary gland or a mutated Gene genetics are also behind the huge size of the liger The Offspring of a male lion and female tiger which can top A Thousand Palms but the right environment can also spawn huge creatures like the Goliath frog which benefits from relative isolation and limited predators and the existence of deep sea gigantism suggests the cold temperatures at the bottom of the ocean can spawn oversized animals like the Japanese spider crab Alaska features both isolation and cold temperatures could these conditions have created a gigantic wolf and if so might it be an outcast from its pack and have to adapt with increased aggression well ladies this information has been incredibly helpful I can't thank you enough for meeting me out here introducing me to your beautiful wolves this has been really an amazing experience for me wanting to see if the gigantism theory matches current sightings Ken joins Jax to interview a witness named Nick who claims to have had a demon wolf encountered just a couple of weeks ago Nick agrees to meet with the team at the roadside location where this possible giant wolf appeared how you doing good Nick right yes sir I'm Jack Jax tells me that you saw something remarkable out here what happened was about 30 yards up that way past the junction there it's about 2 A.M pretty dark just leaving a friend's house and I've outstruck at carcass [Music] carcass strikes are pretty common here so what we do is call the Troopers Troopers come out and they'll remove the carcass I was dialing up the Troopers you know I saw a shadow come out of the woods it was big big for a bear but it didn't match the shape of bear the snout was wolfish in shape [Music] that's when it dropped down and disemboweled it it grabbed the caribou and took off and went for the woods and went for the woods quick after we left what'd you do you know I looked at what had left behind and it left behind the entrails usually when you see wolves and bears feed as soon as they have it open they go for organs they go for the soft tissues first yeah coming to this interview my top three was this is just a bear I was even willing to consider Ken's idea of a genetically mutated wolf but this feeding behavior that Nick describes doesn't fit a bear or a wolf the team is starting to feel that the natural explanations are becoming less likely and the supernatural ones are getting harder to rule out Alaska a land of amazing scenery and a Sinister Secret what happens to the thousands of people who go missing in the Alaska triangle every year two Hunters caught a glimpse of an enormous wolf-like Beast just after their partner disappeared could native tales of the amarok or demon wolf be true based on its reported size and isolationist nature it seems unlikely to be an ordinary wolf and its eating habits cast doubt on it being a mutated oversized wolf either but is it still possible it could be a bear the team sets up a meeting with a big game hunter named Mike to cross-reference their evidence with his bare expertise hey guys how's it going hey how are you I'm Mike yeah nice to meet you guys Mike so what can I do for you it's a pleasure we're here investigating accounts of a mysterious animal it's kind of a wolf kind of a bear Behavior wise they claim that this animal is a you know it's a lone Hunter a solitary Hunter it's nocturnal and it according to Legend preys on human Hunters that are foolish enough to wander out into the woods at night oh okay that's the Legend So it's a hybrid between Bearer and wolf that's what they say we've got features both wolf-like and Bear Lake the possibility of a wolf bear hybrid has already come true according to the fossil record for more than 44 million years the amphi on a day also known as bear dogs roamed North America Eurasia and Africa they were some of the largest carnivores of their time with certain varieties topping 1300 pounds but these monstrous Predators went extinct 2 million years ago or did they their dogs belonged to a suborder called caniformia the California animals branched into a variety of species including Bears all canines seals walruses raccoons and Badgers to name a few could there be a hidden strain among these Offspring an ongoing crossbreed of wolf and bear that has remained undetected in Modern Biology and could the open Wilds of Alaska be the place it calls home well I can tell you a little bit about bears let's start there pretty much brown bears and black bears are solitary animals for the most part they prefer to hunt alone and to travel alone for most of the time they don't just prey on the sick and wounded that's kind of a common myth about bears they just get whatever they can get if it's in front of them and they can catch it they'll go for it they're a predator if he comes out and you take off running he's going to chase you it's just in his nature to do it Mike describes the aggressive behavior of bears explaining that they will give Chase just because they're wired that way but so far with the demon Wolf the accounts suggest a more cautious approach waiting until the prey is alone or attacking when there's sufficient cover if this to bear it's one with a high degree of cunning and intelligence so we're planning to go out and look for this animal because one of you could give us any tips when we go back out there if it's barrel-like should even be active this time of year Bears do occasionally come out of their dens during the winter one thing that you can look for a lot of times Bears will get up against a tree and they'll bite that tree as high as they can reach or they'll claw it with their claws and it's kind of a territorial thing down in Southeast Alaska we see a lot of that sign there on the Alder trees a lot of a real soft bark and they'll get in there and chew and Claw that up another thing that you can look for Bears are fairly well known for burying their kills it's sort of a way of saying that's mine almost every time they'll relocate that kill they'll grab it and they'll drag it off about 40 or 50 yards out in the brush somewhere and they'll bury it so you've got to be really cautious when you go into these kill sites and make sure you're not running into a situation and this could also be an explanation possibly for some reason why these people aren't discovered when I think about how Ben Jones disappeared maybe whatever got him picked him up hole and buried them somewhere no drag marks no pieces left behind that would explain a lot these are all helpful hints for us to maybe see if we can find what we're looking for out there and sign a bear or animals maybe the amarok is related to excellent really appreciate it good luck on your Expedition and I'll be looking Mike's insights have given the team a plan they'll revisit the location of Nick's roadside siding and look for scratches on trees or patches of dug up Earth to see if they can track this creature down be it a bear a prehistoric Cannon or something else the team arrives at the site where a beast was seen snatching carrion from the roadside this time they brought some carrion of their own [Music] Tommy I appreciate you carrying that Beaver out here brother wolves are actually very fond of dead beavers so I think that that could be a key piece of bait we still don't know if we're dealing with a wolf or a bear or something that displays the characteristics of both so we're keeping both in mind using the beaver's bait we know the wolves eat them and bears are opportunistic they'll eat anything so this should draw the creature out whatever it is damn this is thick has anybody seen any tracks or anything yet not yet hey guys check this out over here oh well that's something some serious claw marks there it's just like the bear markings territory here but look how widespread they are what's really jumping out at me is just the freshness of the cuts right I mean this isn't something that's been sitting around a while so this is a pretty big bear that would have done this usually they're in this range and so this is pretty high definitely need to stay alert so now I've seen bear scratch marks on trees my whole life and even the biggest bear leave a fairly tight scratch pattern on the bark just a few inches wide these marks are spread out over more than a foot so it's either making these scratches one at a time which I've never seen before or this is one massive animal the open Wilds of Alaska are a paradise for Predators bears and wolves thrive in this land of abundant prey but could these rich feeding grounds have given rise to a new type of Predator described by witnesses as a cross between bear and wolf that is making meals out of man among the recent epidemic of sightings Healy resident Sean Decker had a frightening experience on a Winter's Night In 2008. Me and my girlfriend we were spending the weekend over at my parents vacation home over near the foothills before I went to bed I decided to take out the trash so I went out back and then I had this mysterious feeling like something was watching me then I heard a noise over by the trash cans and I saw it would look like a bear but it had limbs like a dog or a wolf and then when it looked up at me I ran back inside I'll never forget the look of its eyes when it stared back at me as they explore the spot of a reported amarok sighting the team discovers some unusual scratch marks on a tree this is a pretty big bear that would have done this but usually they're in this range so this is pretty high definitely to stay alerts now some of the noises we're hearing and let's see if we can find any more signs nearby thank you hey guys we got some bones here not far from where we find the scratch marks we spot a pile of animal bones there's half a pelvis big animals they're all separated and picked clean with almost surgical precision get a full leg here and Joint it's not unexpected to find bones where Predators roam but the state of the remains May provide a clue looks like there's more than four legs am I wrong about that okay we got a whole another leg over here yeah there's more than four legs this has got to be more than one animal I mean we're looking at at least six legs here this is not a normal kill site bears are known to stash food but not usually in the same place it appears something is treating this spot like a home base something other than a typical Bear right in the middle where someone brings in hides their food we can definitely be alert you almost imagine a predator bringing his prey here flying right here while he's not on his prey What's missing skulls exactly there's no skull typically you find a ton of vertebrae and those are some of the most common things you find because mammals have so many vertebrae there's no rib cage here no rib cage there's no vertebrae which would indicate that the meaty parts right you know this kind of reminds me of is Nick's story about what he saw grabbing meat off the road and Diving off into the forest leaving pieces little pieces behind I was still hanging on to the bear Theory thinking one strange incident on the roadside wasn't enough to rule it out but now we see the second bizarre feeding ground that doesn't fit bare Behavior what kind of animal is strong enough to carry two three possibly 400 pounds of bone and muscle and flesh to a spot like this without dragging it in the forest I know a grizzly bear can they can pick up and carry a whole hindquarter away but Grizzlies are not hunting big game right now they're hibernating wondering if this might be a good place to lead the beaver what do you think Jax well I'm looking for a good spot a nice Leaning Tree possibly how about over here hope for the snare yeah overhanging tree is great it appears the team is in the territory of whatever this creature is they decide to set up a big game snare if we can catch this thing or even slow it down for a moment then maybe we could photograph it and verify it good solid tree here we should be able to hang the snare from here and tie off the tree over here so here's the snare yeah it should be plenty of height to hang it here [Music] all right perfect foreign setting up this trap is a bit unnerving you'd be at the epicenter of this animal's territory and we're out here dangling food for it we need to set this trap correctly but then we need to get away from here so we have our Beaver enrichments we've got some wolf urine this is like an amarok Buffet now you hear that [Music] deep in the Alaskan interior a Scourge is Raging people are going missing by the thousands what makes this area so dangerous natives have long believed that an enormous demon wolf roams this Wilderness it is said to appear without warning and kill without Mercy giant wolves and wolf bear hybrids are known to have existed through the fossil record could a surviving strain be haunting the Alaska triangle so we have our Beaver enrichments we've got some wolf urine this is like an amarok Buffet now do you hear that it's right there here yeah let's go check it out let's go check out the sound I'm reminding myself that we're tracking a top predator out here maybe it's an amarok maybe it's not but whatever it is we need to remain hyper Vigilant as to what's going on around us hey hold up Tommy yeah I think since we definitely think something's in the area we should get out the thermal imager and see what we have ahead of us Jax uses a heat-seeking scanner to see if any warm spots indicate the recent presence of a life form this path in front of us looks pretty fresh if you notice on the imager see the light purples going straight ahead some some heat Source has gone through here I think I see something up here guys let's take a look at this guys we got an open hole right here we have a den it's not really a den I don't not really it doesn't go in there about a foot if this is a den it belongs to a small animal but it could be a hole that a larger animal started digging to bury some food hey guys we've got the beginning of a blood trail here yeah there's a trail no doubt about it you think we interrupted something here it's possible I see there hey guys look at this whoa oh check this out stay alert stay alert this is fresh this is very fresh guys we just walked up on something you guys take a look I'm gonna keep watching we come across this moose carcass it looks like it's just been killed there's fresh blood on it and we know it's a hole nearby that something might have started digging the stashless prey so whatever got this moose can't be far this is definitely the time to have my firearm at the ready this thing's been Torah bars pieces everywhere rib cage over here [Music] hey Jax do you see or hear anything wait quiet no I'm not hearing anything something got to this so what do you think here um bear wolf personally I think I think wolves have been all over this the bear would have just carried the whole thing off and kind of buried it somewhere I'm not really see any evidence of uh canines around though we really don't have very many tracks at all around here I don't see any moose tracks even a kill this fresh should have prince in the surrounding snow wolf bear or otherwise instead there's not a clue to be found this is pretty chirpy Tommy yeah very unnatural this moose kill I don't know what to make of it it's like it was magically dropped here by some mystical culprit thank you the quest to find out why so many people go missing in the Alaska triangle has brought the team to an area of numerous demon wolf sightings could this massive wolf bear creature be attacking humans and making them disappear Without a Trace the team has found a moose carcass with no tracks nearby and no discernible marks on the carcass from any predator just doesn't look like any animals kill fresh or otherwise that I've ever seen this is pretty trippy Tommy yeah very unnatural you guys hear that yeah that sounded like it came from where we were setting up our trap [Music] [Music] holy hey what's going on here where's the beaver trap looks undisturbed what do you think no idea over here Ken you're not gonna believe this our beaver's gone the beaver's gone no Trace I'm definitely not seeing any uh any animal tracks but truth be told we walk through here a couple of times honestly guys I'm not surprised the beaver's gone I mean come on we're out here in the middle of Alaska in the winter so it's a pretty prized food source well let's look at what we think is in the area there's no sign of a bear paw here for sure no sign of wolf pack huh I'll give you a smaller animal might have taken off with it the Trap is untouched the snare is untainted Legends of the amarok talk about how it can appear or disappear instantly based on what we're finding at the snare I can see how the stories came about something's obviously in the area we got bones in an area obviously something's feeding we've got a moose that we just saw and now our bait is gone doesn't leave us a lot of options here yeah without more bait we can't sit another trap we didn't have the cameras up yet either so Mr chance of filming this thing this creature is either very lucky or highly intelligent did it actually distract us away from our trap in order to steal our bait or is that just a coincidence either way with no more bait to use and clearly a dangerous predator out there we shouldn't stay here any longer let's head in [Music] she made it back to the truck huh yeah we did gentlemen thoughts I think uh we did what we could we've explored a number of possibilities during this investigation trying to figure out what this creature is it seems safe to rule out a normal wolf just based on the reports of its size alone and a normal bear doesn't seem likely either because its feeding habits don't line up you know if this creature the amarok is really out there it's lived a long time without being discovered I think if you put it all together then there's definitely something to digest here for a while I favored the theory that this could be a mutated or perhaps exceptional animal like a wolf displaying gigantism or something but even if that explains its exceptional size and behavior there's another problem animals with genetic mutations like this often suffer from health problems they don't live as long and many are sterile they're incapable of reproducing so how do you explain all these different sightings that have been going on for such a long time at this point I'm thinking it's either a surviving strain of some prehistoric species which is a long shot or else we're firmly in the realm of the supernatural I'm dedicated my life to investigating The Unexplained and in a place like this who knows for now the legend of the breach does a mere figment of frightened imaginations or could it be the kind of Predator that only reveals itself fully to those it destroys modern canids rule the Alaskan Frontier has proven efficient Hunters but the fossil record suggests there could be something more and in this vast expanse there's room for a lone Beast to hide and to thrive by making any who cross its path go missing in Alaska [Music] [Music] [Music] in 2012 a hunter was trekking through the Boreal forest north of Fairbanks Alaska searching for moose as he crossed a ridge something below drew his eye [Music] he approached cautiously and found what appeared to be a ravaged campsite with an oddly constructed shelter thank you the hunter scanned the scattered supplies and then spotted the blood he heard a cry from the trees and caught a glimpse of what he would later describe as a monkey-like beast he fled the scene and alerted authorities but the missing camper was never found inside the vast Frontier of Alaska is a mysterious triangle where each year five out of every thousand people go missing out there Three Investigators look for answers Jax a former police officer Ken a specialist in strange phenomena and Tommy an expert on Alaskan Legends together they uncover mysterious sightings and ancient legends exploring the possibilities of those who go missing in Alaska the team's investigation begins north of Fairbanks heading to the site where the camper went missing this habitat is remarkable it's just teeming with life this area is a rich environment with lots of water plenty of trees a perfect place for animals to thrive obviously what I'm most interested in is this Hunter's account of things moving through the trees and making primate-like sounds that is really weird and interesting there's never been a single confirmed sighting of a monkey in Alaska also it's illegal to own a primate here and the zoos don't even have them so I'm skeptical of the Hunter's claims about seeing a monkey there's our water source Ken yeah animals are drawn to water so this is a good place to see what may be living out here what is that on the other side look at this those are feathers something definitely preys on something here and whatever it was it's had up here plucking this seagull and just yeah stripped it all down seagull feathers yeah right here in my hand Ken shoulders and breastbone right there holy what kind of animal would pluck a bird the bald eagles will catch a seagull ran out of the air and land in a tree and pluck it and eat it I've seen that many times and something with opposable thumbs it would be unusual for a primate to eat something like a bird but not impossible do you give the Hunter's story any credit Tommy there's a legend story that's been around for Centuries with the athabascan people like katani it's a tailed creature like a monkey like a monkey maybe 30 40 pounds three three and a half feet tall living in trees and in caves on the ground the katani literally translated as tailed ones are described as moderate sized primates with powerful legs and razor-sharp claws these baboon-like beasts are said to be much smarter than normal monkeys capable of sophisticated communication and coordinated attacks the harsh environment of Alaska and the lack of fossils suggest monkeys have never lived here but that doesn't mean they couldn't something that would really have to adapt to its surroundings and obviously have to weather the cold but I mean we know that the Japanese macaques the snowmacocks they're very Hardy they can endure temperatures as low as 20 degrees below zero live in high altitudes and live in the snow so pretty harsh it's not that far a stretch for me to imagine that some type of primate might live in this environment the katani legend really interests me because if there really are no monkeys in Alaska then what inspired the stories most Alaskan Legends reflect real local animals the amarok is a cross between a wolf and a bear the kushtica is a hybrid of otter and man so how did the katani legend take root without real monkeys to inspire it how stable you think this is that's all right Jax moves to a higher vantage point to scan the forest but if monkeys are out there Ken believes they won't be seen until they want to be seen monkeys are very smart there have been studies that have been done in France on baboons and they were able to get these baboons to memorize 10 000 different images so we're talking about something that's highly intelligent I don't know guys Witnesses are describing something like monkeys because they're afraid and when there was fear involved or any kind of incident where your adrenaline's going up things always get exaggerated I know I need to keep an open mind but right now I'm just not buying this monkey business I think we're probably dealing with a crime that's been committed by a person and not an animal with several miles to go to reach the site where the camper went missing the team gets back underway knowing it will be dark soon [Music] according to the GPS this is it guys this must be the remains of the structure that the hunter was talking about this seems way big for a one-man shelter and you also notice that nothing's been cut everything's been broken right yeah I'm seeing that too snapped off snapped there yeah and ends or nothing's clean cut the first thing that I notice about this structure it was really crudely built if you had a knife then why didn't he use it if he didn't have one then why is he settling into such a remote spot without the proper tools either way we need to check the surrounding areas for any clues about what happened to him I think we need to document what we got here I mean I think we need to split up and we'll cover more ground agreed we need to get out there and see what's here if this camper was attacked by the katani It is believed that they hunt in packs and can skeletonize their prey as fast as piranhas any group that large and active would almost definitely leave signs you head out to the east north you go west yes all right searching Alaska for killer monkeys might seem a bit far-fetched but new monkey species are being discovered all the time and all around the world last year in South America alone five new species of sake monkeys were discovered in 2012 the lasula monkey was discovered in the Congo and in 2010 a new species of snub-nosed monkey was found in Myanmar could Alaska where animals grow to immense sizes be the home of an unknown species of monkey that has grown large enough and aggressive enough to be a threat to humans oh that's interesting I come across a down tree with roots that have been freshly not I don't know what kind of animal would have done this saw me there yeah Jack hey head over to my location I'm about a thousand yards Northwest hopefully you can see me all right I gotcha and check this out what do you got I walked right by this I actually saw it when I turned around the roots have been nod I know the Bears are just now coming out of their dens usually they're out there digging up tender roots or other grasses that are starting to grow it's a pretty soft ground around here I don't see any sign to Bear it should be Footprints if a bear came through here yeah oh what the heck jokes or Tommy can you hear me go for both of us check this out I found something interesting all right make sure you're shining your light so we can see you we'll be out of here in a few seconds what you got check this out claw marks that's what it looks like evidently something gouged some very deep Cuts in this particular tree they're very high up the ground and these cuts are very fresh and while two of the marks are someone in line one seems to be at an opposing angle Tommy is that a bear hard to say generally bear scratch marks aren't at random angles they're all together scratch marks on trees are a common way for Bears to mark their territory but these markings generally mimic a footprint or leave parallel lines what the team has found doesn't fit the Paradigm guys I don't know what that could be maybe they're different marks from a couple of different animals I think we need to go back and consult some experts in these fields but it's definitely documented and then I say it's getting cold let's get out of here we've come across a couple things tonight that are worth a second opinion but as of right now I can't explain what happened in missing camper maybe someone else will see something in these clues that we don't foreign the possibility of monkeys in Alaska is no longer a question for fisherman Philip Hoyle who claims to have seen them firsthand back in 2007. I'll never forget it was this beautiful sunny afternoon and I was out and I was fishing and it was great I caught my fair share of some fish that day and I figured it was time to call it a day as I'm starting to wrap my stuff up I hear this ruffling going on in the trees all I could say these two red dots it looked like they could be eyes I couldn't explain it and I realized that these are some kind of an animal the next thing you know several more up here and I can tell they're getting closer so I decided you know what it's a good idea to get the hell out of there I ran back to my pickup truck but I locked the door and as soon as I looked up immediately this this creature was standing in front of me about four feet tall furry had like a dog type face and a semi and ape-like body I started my truck up I rev the engine and it must have scared the hell out of the creature and it ran off and I tell you if I didn't run to my car when they came out of those woods I'm certain that they would have had me for lunch no doubt the legend of the katani also known as the tailed ones claims that they dwell in trees and in caves the team found some irregular scratches on a tree near where the camper went missing if there's a chance it could be one of these killer monkeys Ken wants to find out more about them he schedules a meeting with his friend Nick Redfern Nick is a fellow investigator of strange creatures and has been in Alaska digging deep into local lore right now I'm currently investigating a case of a creature known as the katani what do you know describe by the Native Americans is looking like a monkey not a knife but a monkey with a tail talk to me about Behavior patterns where could I find these things where do they live they talk about these creatures chiefly living underground we talk about tunnels Caverns Subterranean areas we're also told they attack people possibly even feed on people wow these creatures are supposed to be highly developed mentally reports of them for example like setting traps to catch people really oh yeah yeah what kind of makes it different to all other monkeys though is that he only has three toes on my initial investigation I actually found what appeared to be a three-toed claw Mark oh on the side of a tree huh the thought of a three-toed monkey could explain the scratch marks the team found on the tree Ken can't be sure that's what it was but it opens the possibility that the katani are real each year new missing persons cases in the Alaska triangle number in the thousands could the quantity of Unsolved cases be related to Native Legends of strange beasts and could one of these beasts a three-toed species of killer monkey be responsible for a missing camper among others monkeys are not known to have ever lived in Alaska but stories of tailed beings suggest it's possible Ken joins Tommy to meet with physical Anthropologist David yesner at the local Zoo they want to ask him if such a creature or any kind of monkey could be alive here in Alaska hey cam hey I'm Tommy hey Tommy good to meet you as I told you on the phone the reason we're out here is we're investigating the case of a missing hiker and potentially it could be linked to some type of unusual animal all right yeah in a vast Wilderness State like Alaska isn't it possible that there could be some type of primate out here that maybe hasn't been documented yet well it's always possible that you could encounter something that hasn't been documented but what we have to base scientific evidence on of course is the fossil record and Alaska is not the kind of environment that would support most of the primates that we're familiar with what about the Japanese snow monkey the macaque they have ah good point Japanese macaques were quite closely related to some of the old world monkeys that are found in Africa according to the fossil record early primates formed while South America and Africa were joined together but once the continent split the evolution into higher primates including humans occurred only on the African side New World primates only migrated as far as the southern part of North America some Old World primates made it further north in Asia including the Hardy snow monkey but only humans are believed to have crossed the Bering land bridge into Alaska can I show you some of these photos now this is the thing that I found that I thought was really bizarre this is uh obviously what I interpreted to be claw marks certainly what it looks like right there's the measurements we're looking at about four inches there I know Bears mark their territory and usually going across yeah four marks but these marks are all in different directions unlike a bear to me yeah this kind of gives you an indication of like how high up the ground we're looking at there hard to say exactly what it might have been bears come to mind when you look at the claw marks but you have to consider other possibilities too doctor are you familiar with the legend of the katani I have heard that it's some kind of monkey-like or primate-like creature is that possible a three-toed primate oh well now we're reaching back even further to even simpler primates so if we look at the prosimians who are the large group of primates that preceded the evolution of monkeys so you have ones that have claws on some fingers and toes with nails another prosimians are a class of animal that still exists today which includes lemurs and Tarsiers like all primates except spider monkeys which have four fingers on their hands prosimians have five fingers and toes but prosemians are unique and having two different types of claws some resemble human fingernails While others are sharper grooming claws these could leave marks on trees that make the animal appear to have fewer than five toes how big were these creatures have been for the most part relatively small there are some prosimians that are larger that are sort of cat-sized I was looking for a viable alternative to this three-toed killer monkey Theory and the persimian claws sounded promising at first but the small size of these animals doesn't mesh with the sightings at this point the katani is still a possibility as Ken and Tommy consider Dr yesner's information Jax is on a mission to hear a first-hand account of a katani attack he meets with a local witness who claims to have had an encounter with these monkey-like animals just two weeks ago Troy how's it going hey good Jax nice to meet you yeah like question was this where everything went down this is uh where I had my car parked and this is a Trailhead yeah so all right the Trail's over here so if you want to follow me it's quite a ways in the woods all right y'all we can get down there and then we can chat the fact that this guy's siding was so recent plays to our advantage as a former police officer I know that a witness's memory of an event gets altered as more time goes by so this is about the area where it happened so what happened I was coming back from a long hike I was heading back to my car from behind me I heard this screeching noise as I turned to look I saw some kind of creature leaping tree to tree I just took off running and then from my left I saw it again as I kept running I heard the noise on my right and I felt like I was being surrounded but I was so far into the woods I didn't know where I was so I ran underneath one of them hopefully heading towards my car the fear of getting eaten I didn't care I just kept running can you describe what you saw what this creature looked like this is gonna sound crazy man but it was monkey-like monkey-like yeah the long curly tail whatever these things are it really scared them and I take that seriously are we pretty close to the path you were being chased on yes it's right up here about another 30 yards well if you're up for it I want to keep heading that way okay how do you think there were around you three or four I feel like I was being surrounded hey check this out you were running straight towards this thing I just saw one of these structures this is much bigger and denser than the one we found the other night a path that we just took look how this wall is blocking it my friend I think you were very close to being run right into a dead end Jax has to consider a new possibility maybe the camper hadn't built a shelter maybe something else built a trap I want you guys to see this what you got here's the pictures oh wow after Jax's meeting with a witness the team considers a new Theory what if these stick structures are Corrals where something is trapping prey including humans it definitely looks like the other one let's see how it's a lot bigger yeah a lot bigger a lot of work put in intricate a lot fresher I'm seeing a lot of greenery in there appears on the map and here's the first Corral horseshoe whatever you want to call it got it and then over here is where Troy led me to today obviously we don't know where these things are moving around during the day but I think one thing's for sure if they're not being seen very often they must have some type of hiding place sure somewhere they're calling home to my mind I think that a cave would be the perfect answer to that question what do you think about us starting here I actually didn't talk to some local hunting guides and they all mentioned that there were some caves in that area I agree with you this there we need to be searching but I think we need to start our search at this new Corral it's fresh it's obviously been recently set up maybe there are signs of food animals something being drug off and a path a pathway where these things may travel and if not I say we stake out the area and see if they come back I've always heard that the tailed ones were supposed to be smart and that they had sophisticated communication and hunted as a team but this kind of planning and attack puts their intelligence at a whole new level and this is frightening primates attacking fellow primates is not unprecedented Jane Goodall even noted a case of Jim cannibalism where a mother-daughter pair was killing and eating other chimp infants and humans are targets too as the famous case in 2009 proved when a pet chimp named Travis attacked a woman and severely injured her face could monkey-like primates now be targeting humans as food in the Alaska triangle could this be part of why so many people go missing here in order to best prepare for their Stakeout Tommy suggests a unique approach to their Weaponry we're gonna make some blow guns here and darts cool got some pipes one for each of us these are pretty long is this pretty standard the longer the the more accurate you're going to be oh okay yeah I mean you can make a short one for short range stuff but we're looking to get them up there Tommy's idea to use blow guns allows the team to hunt silently and with darts laced with tranquilizer they could safely capture whatever is constructing these traps for a darts I cut up plastic PVC we're just going to make a cone with it and make it a little funnel and then you can test it by dropping in there one fits perfect people in the Amazon rainforest have been doing this for centuries maybe thousands of years so this is a proven method of hunting monkeys no doubt about that you know if we had a gun you fire one shot you're scaring everything in the vicinity away a blow gun is a weird weapon to me but then again this is all weird some sort of murderous monkey's gonna come at me I'm pretty sure my gun's going to come out for right now I'll play along and see how it goes these monkeys if they exist are probably lightning fast so our aim is going to have to be dead on I doubt I'll have any accuracy at all if I actually have to use this blow gun fortunately Tommy's done it before so I'll follow his lead drop the dart in there hold it up and then and just launch it oh that worked pretty good what kind of range of velocity are we talking about with these things these things can go up to 400 feet per second up to 50 yards away give it a go awesome you got it man good shot surprise the damage and the depth it can get on perfect excellent look at that I've hunted mysterious creatures all over the world and the prospect of actually capturing a live specimen that's the Holy Grail of my profession maybe we'll have a chance to do that tonight excellent look at that I think we got the hang of it let's collect the stuff and get out of here let's do it honestly this blow gun seems like a cumbersome and inefficient weapon but the guys are hell-bent on capturing whatever this is alive so we'll see if it works if the katani creatures are real a swift response is critical according to Evan Monroe who believes he and his brother were attacked by one back in 2010. it was the first week of August so my brother and I went on our annual summer camping trip it was the first of three nights at our favorite spot while I was setting up sleeping bags my brother he just put out the fire and he was going to the trees to dump the water from the pots and pans all of a sudden I heard him scream bloody murdered this monkey-like creature jumped down onto his back from the trees and as I ran over to help he's whacking at the monkey with the pans he must have clocked it pretty good because the monkey bailed took off into the woods my brother his shirt was ripped open and I saw three nasty scratches right down his back I'd Rush him to the hospital he ended up needing a bunch of stitches to seal up those wounds [Music] let's do this so now we're making our bait for the katani the evidence and reports suggest that these beings may be targeting humans as food we're going to set out an alternate meat that might tempt them and draw them in pork well this doesn't work out guys it can be a butcher right this should drive nuts you guys ready to go yeah we're always taught to be prepared when we go into the forest here in Alaska so we're bringing our blow guns and plenty of darts personally I don't know if we'll find a killer monkey or a regular monkey or something else entirely but whatever's out there I'm ready to solve this mystery [Music] Alaska the Abundant Wildlife here makes it a mecca for hunters but is something haunting humans could a troop of killer monkeys be set in traps and picking people off adding to the Grove missing in the Alaska triangle marks that the team found on a tree suggests a three-toed creature the most famous three-toed tree dweller is the sloth a sedentary animal in Central and South America while not related to monkeys it features many common traits and a phenomena known as convergent evolution perhaps the plentiful fast-moving prey of Alaska forced a similar animal to evolve speed and hunting skills the team prepares for a Stakeout wielding blow guns that could help them validate the existence of these tailed ones [Music] how far was this other trap I think it's roughly a mile being in potential katani territory at night is kind of frightening Legends say that these creatures can jump up to 20 feet with lightning speed but nighttime provides better cover for us if we get our trap set and hunker down hopefully we'll see them before they see us this looks a whole lot different at night absolutely does very eerie everything's steaming it's really important that we remember what happened to the eyewitness as far as them coming up behind him yeah so watch our backs and I also suggest we stay silent as much as possible let's keep moving [Music] wow you can see none of it was done with tools it's all broken branches they're all snapped off the first time I saw one of these structures I assumed the human built it but some animals are skilled at construction too birds build nests beavers build dams so I have to consider this primate Theory as a possibility all right let's go set these up guys [Music] using the Corral is their Center Point the team will spread out three bait stations with cameras covering multiple angles of approach it's a good spot guys we're gonna put the trail cam on here baiting with pork is a calculated risk pig meat has been most closely compared to human meat and if these monkeys have developed a taste for humans it might be habit forming a famous case of this phenomenon occurred in Kenya in 1898 the Lions of Savo were two lions that attacked in eight dozens of railroad workers and had to be hunted down and killed to end their Rampage let's go back down that way yeah the risk is if the pork doesn't work we're the real thing and we'll be sitting nearby I think we're good guys let's go get a higher vantage point [Music] foreign Jax uses a heat scanner to search for Warm Bodies hidden in the dark Ken fires up a call Blaster to mimic animal sounds that might lure in their target he starts with the Japanese macaque or snow monkey since its call might be similar to any local monkey-like beasts laughs that's where I left about 30 feet up in the tree what is it a monkey I see it get the tranquilizers where'd he go do you see it to our left about 30 feet up in the tree what is it a monkey I see it's got the tranquilizers [Music] where'd it go do you see it let's go go branches broke off broken branches up here hey guys I found a dart over here is this a dart how many we shoot just one for me I shot two that's three with two of the three darts found it's likely the third is in the brush somewhere but if there's a chance they hit their target the team needs to track it down we might have injured it think about it where's an injured animal gonna go it's gonna go home exactly according to Legend the katani's preferred home is well known they talk about these creatures chiefly living underground Caverns Subterranean areas we got to go to the cave let's get moving just listen hear anything no [Music] what if it doesn't go back to the cave we're on a goose chase big time [Music] Tommy what's this three toes does that look like the claw we had up on the tree the other day they can found Ken Ken what's up because this is like what you saw up on the tree the other day yeah I suppose that could be interpreted as a three-toed track it is a track no question about it it's headed this direction before we take off let's get a photo of this guys tracks get messed up out here all the time so you never know if it might be an eagle or something else that stepped there and it's Prince got compromised it's on the ground it's probably wonder if we'd be real careful as we're approaching this guys [Music] look there's another footprint we're definitely going in the right direction [Music] it's coming on narrowing up here check the GPS we're headed right towards that crevice in the rocks [Music] all right we may be stepping into the Hornets easy man it's kind of scary let's get moving Go pass me this is the opening guys look I think I need to get in there [Music] are you sure yeah we'll Mount me up with the GoPro your monitor from out here all right gotta walk you right yeah [Music] careful buddy looking good down there Jax how's it going man I got something maybe some fur I can't tell yeah it looks fresh I don't know what the scat sample will ultimately reveal but it does prove that something alive has been in this cave and somewhat recently all right guys I got our sample I'm going to move further into the cave be careful buddy oh man it's rancid in here oh guys we have bones in here it's Rancid copy that I'm seeing them those almost look human man you guys gonna stop here and bag this up copy that I don't know man I think you should pull out I think we got enough what is that what is that I can't tell exactly it's a rib cage in the spinal section this is fresh oh that was back in the tree line there sounds like something's moving around up there Jax we're hearing something you need [Music] to go Roger that [Music] we gotta move something's moving around up here in the canopy the noise we heard to me sounded like more than one animal I don't know if a Troopa katani was closing in but whatever it was they pulled back after we heard them this way I heard it right up here it was right up here in these trees where right up here you heard it too right Tommy I heard a crash in yeah there was something that was like a crash like a branch broke or something you see any broken branches I've not seen any there's something out here where'd it go spread out look around guys holy cow guys come over here it's one of our darts don't touch it don't touch it you got evidence back I do I got some gloves in my pocket dude are you sure they didn't fall out of one of our pockets I don't know hopefully we might have some DNA on it this could be the Smoking Gun there are only two possibilities for how this Dart got out here either we dropped it ourselves which seems unlikely since I don't think we walked through this area or else it fell out of whatever animal we hit with our blow guns this could be the break that we've been looking for I mean we got valuable evidence here we could get lab work done so let's get out of here let's head down the hill the team submits their findings to a forensics lab for analysis when the results are sent back they reconvene to see if the evidence points toward the katani or something else I got the emails a little while ago all right man stop with the suspense we've been waiting the scat apparently it is very difficult to derive conclusive DNA results off of Scat for a number of reasons they're just telling you what's in it right exactly it definitely looked like it was a predator I mean they found hair fibers and stuff like that there's a wolf in the area and bears do Trek through there occasionally there are so unfortunately that was kind of a non-starter so what they say about the bones yeah that's what I'm curious about all right well it kind of confirmed our suspicion that it was a large animal and in this case a large known animal which is a reindeer I'm just glad they weren't human I mean yeah that was kind of scary there we might have found our missing hiker there for a moment right yeah so how did the bones get in the cave that's the question it could have been our killer monkeys right something could have dragged it in there why not could have been wolves could have been a bear I mean anything could have dragged that in there as interesting as it is to speculate these monkeys are real we have to be careful not to jump to conclusions too quickly I'm just not convinced that the event supports that yet how about the dart what you got um the DNA test result on the dart come back as 99 human human 99 human with a one percent variation that is unidentified what does that mean one percent where do we go with that it just opens up a whole nother can of worms because chimpanzees obviously possess 99 of the DNA code of a human they're essentially our closest relatives I think somehow we contaminated this and this is our DNA contamination by humans is very common very common and it's so simple for it to be contaminated we handle them while launching them and retrieving them yeah we can't rule it out I mean I'm with you so here's the one that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around three toad tracks I mean we know there are lots of three-toed mammals sloths different types of odd toad ungulates some marsupials you know but nothing that we know of that's native Alaska that would have had three Long Claws and you know three digits that are that prominent So based on our photographs they weren't able to make any type of conclusive determination as to what those tracks belong no theories at all huh just completely inconclusive unfortunately we weren't able to get anything there either suppose for a moment that we did hit something with that Dart but it didn't go down it's like it was impervious to that tranquilizer could we be dealing with something that is somehow biorresistant to our tranquilizer some type of super ape Super Monkey there are people that believe that the government the military are engineering some type of super primate you know and Stalin was doing a very similar thing back in the 1920s he actually had a program in the Soviet Union where he was trying to crossbreed humans and apes to create super soldiers we could be dealing with something here that was designed for combat it's bioresistent to things like tranquilizers it's a stretch but if the military is doing some kind of weird experimentation like that why not here in Alaska where they have lots of space and privacy the hunt will have to continue another day for what could be the most dangerous hunter in the Alaskan triangle a creature that might be more human than we realize that relies on strength in numbers and a killer conscience to make people go in Alaska [Music] [Music] in 2004 two men were fishing in the Gulf of Alaska near Juneau when one of them got a huge tug on his line he stood to fight it hoping to reel in a monster fish but it might have been another kind of monster instead his buddy continued angling for a catch of his own when he caught a glimpse of a green webbed hand and the fisherman was yanked overboard [Music] the friend rushed to help and saw a tail disappear into the water his description matched an Inuit Legend of a vicious mermaid stories of similar creatures are known around the world some more Sinister than others the missing man's body has never been found inside the vast Frontier of Alaska is a mysterious triangle where each year five out of every thousand people go missing Three Investigators look for answers Jax a former police officer can a specialist in strange phenomena and Tommy an expert on Alaskan Legends together they uncover mysterious sightings and ancient legends exploring the possibilities of those who go missing in Alaska [Music] [Music] the team heads into the Gulf of Alaska Northwest of Juno right on the southern edge of the triangle going to the spot where the fishermen disappeared they're looking for any signs of unusual marine life that could explain the disappearances in this area they've joined a fishing crew that had a bizarre find in this location just two days ago a fish was pulled up in their net that appeared to have a bite taken out of it that's crazy man it was unusual enough that they recorded a video of the catch and alerted the missing and Alaska team could it have a connection to the missing fisherman the team will see if any potential culprits reveal themselves out here one of the most famous mermaid sightings involved the famous British Explorer Henry Hudson in 1608 he actually logged that some of his crew members had a sighting of this mermaid and he described it as you know basically a beautiful woman with pale skin and long flowing black hair and then from the waist down the tail of a porpoise and so you know it just kind of makes you wonder when you're talking about a famous explorer like Henry Hudson mermaid Legends date back to the time of the ancient Babylonians one of their deities named oanis was portrayed as a half-man half-fish being who imparted wisdom to mankind the Greek god Triton is one of the most famous mer beings of lore believed to control the ocean's waves even today modern Hindus are known to worship mermaid goddesses could there be something to these Legends what makes them so prevalent across cultural lines the natives in the Arctic up north have a legends about these this qualipolic it's a mermaid-like creature and it's said to have green skin parents tell stories to their children about staying away from the shoreline because these preachers will come up and snatch their babies away the Kuala Pollock is an evil twist on the mermaid archetype this aggressive creature is said to have long claws and vicious teeth for attacking prey she Sports human legs but also a tail to help her steer through the water and she wears a garment with a pouch used to carry away the children she kidnaps she's believed to steal their youth in order to stay young herself this story this Legend is an Arctic story though we're in Southeast Alaska that's a long ways away how far well if you draw a straight line from here to there it's 1100 miles but to get from there to here it's not a straight line you're looking down around the Illusions and and back up and down to the Panhandle Ken and Tom are already doing the math on this mermaid Theory but so far the facts aren't quite pointing there for me Jeff I got to ask I'm all about the weird and the strange so besides that wounded fish you found what is the weirdest or strangest thing that you've ever caught out here um that would be a wool feel you know what a wool feel is they're weird looking fish it looks like a person kind of right the wolf eel is a reclusive species native to the Northern Pacific Ocean although not truly an eel this creature can grow more than six feet long but its most prominent feature is a face that looks more like an angry old man than a fish animals like the wool field make you wonder if they might have inspired these mermaid Legends he caught a glimpse of that face over the side of your boat it'd be easy to see how it could look half human half fish so Jeff what do you think what type of animals or Predators out here would actually be capable of pulling a man under the water and holding it there I think somebody got a line wrapped around their foot tied off to a crab pot and he's at the bottom my cousin was was found in his bow line of his boat two years ago yeah so you know what I'm talking about I mean you get those Dungey pots they're heavy even that little 50-foot lead line that could hold me off long enough and I'm done I'm starting to realize how many hazards there are in these Waters obviously there's Predators like sharks and sea lions but there's a ton of fishing equipment and the very cold temperature of the water there's a lot of ways to die out here basic kelp could a clump of that be interpreted as a claw got the right color when it dries it dries black really maybe the guy that went overboard got wrapped up in a bunch of seaweeds and maybe that's why his friend couldn't find him the team was hopeful that whatever caused the strange injury to the fish two days ago might still be active but without any leads appearing The Next Step will be to check out that fish for themselves mysterious attacks in the waters of the gulf have seen a small spike in recent years Randy and Sarah experienced one on Kodiak Island in 2006. it was really mild summer weather and I just wanted to read my book and just kind of enjoy the weather well she was camped out with her book I went swimming in the water for a little bit and that's when I felt something grabbed my ankle and pulled me down I heard him crying out and I look over and he's almost completely submerged in the surf and then I catch this glimpse of something near him and it was this green foot and tail I'm completely freaking out and I start to kind of tell him what I saw thinking he would tell me that I was crazy I have no explanation for it either the injured fish caught by the fishing crew was left with a local ichthyologist for examination at this point it's really the only clue we have Ken and Jax receive word that he's completed his analysis they head to the lab to find out what he's learned Dr Chris come on in hey there he is how we doing how's it going well it's kind of interesting here now what you've got is a really nice species of the Kita salmon but this salmon was as you said was net caught is that correct correct okay you can see this crisscross pattern here that's from the Gill net and then the fish is caught in the Gilman so this part of the body it's it's still trying to swim and it's still alive at that point when this injury hit that was it the fish was done is there a possibility that this animal could have injured itself somehow maybe a boat propeller or a bulb propeller is going to slice across here so if something had an injury like this and it was instantly dead how did it end up yeah well what a would have sunk normally but I think it got injured after it was in the net so what kind of Predator could make that kind of bite the bite here has a curved feature to it even with this ripping here and it's about 14 centimeters by 7 cm years deep which is quite a large bite mark when you look at the Predators that we have in these Waters the Orca that we're just taking the whole fish he might have gotten a head left uh we look at something like the salmon shark they would come in from the tail and it would have been a very clean hit this is a sea lion skull ah this often hits salmon coming in but I'll tell you when they take something like this they're going to shred it have you seen any kind of bite like this before I can't say I have no it's almost human-like just much much bigger as far as how we would bite something it's kind of interesting here we've also got some really deep bruising on either side of the wound you can see that in here and you can see the scale lost almost was being grasped the ability to grasp and hold prey is limited to a few animals in this area such as crabs like the king and Tanner crab but their claws would leave much smaller marks these are pretty big so I don't have an explanation for it so far this fish is the only tangible clue we have as to what could be hurting people in the waters of the Alaska triangle it's not giving us many answers missing persons cases in the Alaska triangle aren't limited to the rugged mountains and vast forests a fisherman disappears in the ocean a witness sees a green webbed hand other similar reports some including a green tail have many thinking of an Alaskan Legend of a mermaid-like creature called qualipholic which they believe could be roaming Alaska triangle Waters the team is looking for any clues that could explain the creature at the heart of these reports it's kind of interesting here we've also got some really deep bruising on either side of the wound and you can see the scale loss so are you saying that this fish looks like it was grasped by human hands I wouldn't say that but it's not impossible [Music] well the Predator options we have been uh I'm stumped the ocean is obviously very vast and unexplored is it possible that we could be dealing with some type of invasive species here maybe something that's not native to these Alaskan Waters all kinds of spiders in our water all kinds of new things being discovered in the ocean every day Dr Chris this is some awesome information I think it's definitely going to help us along in our investigation yes sir gentlemen I've been glad to help you the possibility that an underwater Predator could be part human has been hypothesized in the Aquatic ape Theory this idea suggests that during Evolution primates went through a phase of living in water at least part-time proponents of this Theory say vestiges of this era Remain the ability to walk upright enables monkeys and humans alike to explore deeper sections of water while still breathing and if we do submerge humans relatively hairless bodies enable faster movement and our dive reflex allows us to hold our breath twice as long while submerged as we can on land with such innate adaptations to water could a strain of humanoid creature have gone fully Aquatic and be haunting the ocean today without a known animal on which to focus the investigation Ken and Tommy decide to gather more Intel on the qualipolic legend to see if it might correlate with any non-local species that could explain these incidents hey Aussie hey Tommy good seeing you my friend hi awesome to what honor do we owe your presence here we're investigating a case of a missing fisherman very unusual circumstances uh assumes like something was dragging him straight down into the water almost a green like skin webbed hand is what what do you described it okay Northern Arctic discourage children from wandering off by themselves or to the shore the alupa is a human-like creature she has grayish green like color and you know their teeth are going inward the once they bite will not let go and her eyes being really dark the child can be drawn into those eyes like that and they'll be snatched it's very sinister wow that's a very chilling description but now now this story is from the Arctic yes is it possible that the quality Pollock is migrating down from the Arctic down to here Southeast Alaska it's probably due to lack of resources you know with some other Villages are migrating to cities for economic reasons and so there's less children to go after Predators follow the prey exactly so has anyone ever seen this thing in modern times are there any sightings yeah yeah it's been not just children but also adults as well Aussie it really appreciate your time you're very welcome always good seeing you my friend take care we'll see you again almost all legends are based on some seed of fact even if the koala Pollock doesn't exist as described could there be a living creature out there similar enough to keep the legend alive a fisherman named Jameson Cantor says yes on an outing in 2009 he experienced something bizarre I was fishing off the coast of yakitat and I had just hooked to King Salmon I put my landing net in the water to try to catch it up and I saw this tape moving towards me it was like it was a baby seal or a porpoise but as it got closer the proportions weren't right for a seal or a porpoise [Music] suddenly it rammed my net I struggled with it trying to untangle it but instead it jerked the net away of all the weird things that have ever happened to me on the water that was one of the strangest their findings even if sightings do suggest the koala Pollock there's a problem the legend places this mermaid thousands of miles away from these incidents But Ken has a theory that could answer this dilemma you know one thing I've been thinking about guys is migration patterns we're talking about a huge distance from here to Northern Alaska where the legends of the Kuala polic are relevant maybe thousands of miles if you were to literally go around the coast of Alaska that sounds daunting but I mean when you when you keep it in perspective there are certain marine animals that migrate immense distances over the course of a year [Music] one of the more well-known ocean Travelers is the humpback whale they can cover up to 5 000 miles annually from their tropical birthing grounds to their polar feeding grounds leatherback turtles can swim even farther some going more than seven thousand miles on their annual Pacific Ocean round trip and Pacific salmon Traverse up to 900 miles plus a 7 000 foot elevation change as they travel Inland from the ocean as far as Idaho to spawn based on these facts an animal swimming around Alaska is within reason but what animal could it be and why would it have made that journey I put together a list of similar incidents reported to the authorities I want to check and see if we can map out these sightings and see if we can see any correlations absolutely Marine chart here okay Tommy first one's going to be in Juno May of 2004 and the second one is going to be on Kodiak Island and that's going to be June of 2006 and our third and final case is going to be the yak attack and that's going to be July of 2009 salmon fisherman said he saw a shadow in the water and appeared to take his net just got me thinking what are these all have in common well you mentioned the salmon fishermen these dates on here are the peak of each region for their salmon migration so you're saying whatever this thing is it seems to be following salmon around the Gulf of Alaska possibility tell me when is the peak season for king salmon right here where we are right now in Southeast Alaska King Salmon maintain a strong presence from May to July with subtle variations each year this year July is the top month observing this pattern means that humans may not be the primary prey of this creature as the mermaid legend suggests perhaps it's salmon and that gives us an opportunity to track this animal down and find out what it is once and for all well at least now we know what to use for bait you guys think what I'm thinking I think we need some Chum [Music] every year thousands of people go missing in the Alaska triangle a disturbingly high number number suggests there could be unrecognized phenomena at work the team's search for answers has led them to the Gulf of Alaska where a fisherman vanished at the hands of a mysterious creature a wound found in a fish indicates a predator with sharp teeth that might have the ability to grasp its prey could it be a mermaid of North Alaskan lore called qualipolic the culprit appears to have a taste for salmon following the different migrations around the Gulf the team is going to prep some salmon Chum for another outing on the ocean hoping it will draw the creature to them all right nice and bloody here we go I sure hope this works well looking at all the locations and then what happened to us the other day with the fish in the net It All Points back to Salmon so I'll be at a loss if this doesn't at least get us another clue we're going back out with a fishing crew today we'll do an overnight trip to maximize our chances to find this creature I doubt it's a mermaid but it definitely could be a creature that hasn't been identified before [Music] new ocean species are being discovered all the time just this Century animals like the ghost shrimp and Flapjack octopus have been identified and cataloged with less than five percent of the world's oceans explored who knows what else could be out there my theory is you know the spreader has gone after humans on a couple of occasions so I have a backup plan where you guys are resting today I went and gave a little bit of blood [Music] I thought we'll add some human blood in with the chump whoa that's you brother that's me donating is the cause I've really got to hand it to Jax I mean bringing his own blood that's a brilliant idea it's been demonstrated that certain ocean Predators like sharks for example can detect sense as diluted as one part for 25 million so if this creature really is drawn to people a bag of Jax's finest should get its attention with their bait ready the team joins the fishing crew and heads back out toward open Waters all right everybody's on the crew will help them put out Nets with an eye towards catching whatever's eating salmon and leaving these unidentified bite marks as the boat heads toward a location where there have been multiple reports of king salmon the team keeps a sharp eye on the water [Music] hey there we go look at those big balls oh yeah depth finder that looks good oh yeah look one two three look look look see those bait balls one two three we need to set the net we need to set the net heck yeah get her done with a swarm of salmon beneath them the team feels this is the prime place to try to catch their Quarry this is the spot guys a very close to Trump yeah as the crew readies the net the team starts chumming the waters hoping to entice any predators to action perfect let me have that line there we go that's what we're looking for that's perfect Jeff is there any chance that you know doing this chummy is going to bring in other Predators like maybe seals oh heck yeah that's something we got to keep in mind guys that Chum will bring all kinds of stuff into that bait hey Jeff you don't mind you keep an eye on our line for us I mean Tom if you want to sure hit the bow and keep an eye out there yeah I'll take the bow and then Ken and I can be washing both shorelines here yeah okay with their traps set the team settles in for some diligent surveillance got a lot of surface area to cover here this is uh kind of daunting do you see something I thought I saw something big it wasn't just a white cap yeah I just saw it up yeah yeah I do see it hey Grant yeah go ahead and glass that corner there's something in the water over there seriously yep something just popped out right right about right there it's not as a black object that broke the surface twice just keep looking in that area right there you see it uh big clumps of seaweed is that what it is the two that I'm looking at yeah this is odd the amount of chum that we're putting into the water should be drawing in all types of predators instead we're not seeing any I'm wondering if there could be some other animal in the water that's scaring all the others away wow wow see that Shelby oh big huge thing in there a whole bunch of stuff hey guys what's up something pretty big on this uh depth finder there go check it out Ken well I see it that shape right there in the middle yeah can you tell what that thing is we're not talking about a school fish here that's that's not a big solid object [Music] the Gulf of Alaska has become a popular destination for vacationers fishermen and adventurers but has it also attracted a new kind of Predator Northern Alaskan mythology describes a killer mermaid known as Kuala pollock a humanoid sea creature notorious for kidnapping children and carrying them away in a pouch is there a real animal that could have inspired these Legends the manatee is credited as the most likely suspect to generate mermaid Legends around the world with five finger-like bones in their four Limbs and tail-like vertebrae their skeleton could easily be interpreted as a mermaid and their ability to do tail stands and hold themselves upright in the water makes live ones appear very human-like from a distance the extinct relative of the manatee known as the Stellar Sea Cow used to inhabit North Pacific Waters but these animals were herbivores they would not have gone after people the team is forced to search for another answer and there's a chance they just found it wow see that Shelby oh big huge thing in there a whole bunch of stuff hey guys what's up sitting pretty big on this uh depth finder there go check it out Ken huge well I see it that big yeah yeah shape right there in the middle yeah or can you tell what that thing is [Music] wow look at that that's a humpback whale come back whales they come in here all the time observing the humpback was impressive but disappointing in terms of our investigation obviously this is not the animal behind the attacks on humans the good news is we still have a long night ahead of us to continue our search the mystery of this animal is a particular interest to amerigara who was with a friend on a beach in 2007 when something tragic happened I was out with my friend at clam Gulch which is on the Kanai Peninsula and we were digging for razor clams we were out there for about half hour when my buddy decides to head up the beach to see if he could find a better spot it was kind of a foggy day so it wasn't long before he was out of sight but I was busy in my own area so I wasn't really paying attention to him then suddenly I hear him yell really loud it was kind of freakish because I couldn't see him but it sounded horrifying so I ran up the beach to see what's going on oh and I can't see him anywhere all I see is this bucket my first thought was that he got too deep in the water and a Riptide got a hold of him but as I'm scanning the shoreline I noticed these crazy prints in the sand they looked humanoid but larger and the toes actually appeared webbed I once heard about a mermaid legend in Alaska and based on what I saw I'm ready to believe it as night falls the team puts more Chum in the water hoping that their Quarry will partake in some nocturnal feeding I think that's enough that was good for an hour don't even Tommy all right guys it's gonna be a very long night I'm thinking we stagger some things here I think if you take the bow first I'll take the stern you take a nap and we'll just rotate that way we don't get too tired or can place it there should always be two of us out here one time so yeah yeah okay Ken agrees to take the first sleep break while Jax and Tommy man their Lookout positions they'll have spotlights ready in case they hear any sounds in the water how's it looking it's all quiet looks like the wind's picking back up this is probably the toughest surveillance I've ever done we're trying to find an unknown animal in the ocean at night we've set up everything we can Chum spotlights sonar I'm even taking thermal imagings of the water to see if there's any warm bodies but spotting this creature is going to be a tall order [Music] you see that what was that okay bring the smile away what happened loud thud right here on the side of the bed might have got it with the camera [Music] you see that what was that okay bring the small light what happened wild thud right here on the side of the thud and modern got it with the camera yeah no as soon as he turned over it was I came down like that right wait so you heard something hit the boat is that what you're saying like a bud it's kind of over here to the left right there so whatever it was I saw something just like Splash jump out of the water I don't hit the bottom of the boat right over there Jax did you see it no no I just heard it it was I was so close the noise just sounded like it was right next to us you were rolling there right yeah I was rolling and I saw something like white so we can rewind and see what you got yeah let's see it man I want to see it all right all right here we go let's check it out all right yeah okay I've been on these Waters most of my life and a bump like that is oftentimes just a floating log we call them a deadhead we need to check the footage and see if that's all it is you know what a deadhead is they bob up and down they bob up and down and they that's I've hit them before in my boat but I don't think that's what it was but I can't say conclusively it wasn't well I mean I was right there with the spotlight and we didn't see it again so whatever it was it went back down okay and I'm gonna stop it when it hits right okay yeah right there go ahead look at that right there right there I mean it's obviously something but wow that's weird pretty dark I can't tell is it a fit yeah I think yeah man it looks like it looks like a fin but I can't really say conclusively though the shape on the video definitely looks like an aquatic creature but there's so little of the visible and it's so dark that identifying it could be a real challenge it looks like a fish to me of some sort obviously it's smaller than a whale so I mean I guess it could be something like a seal but it just it just doesn't no it doesn't have the difference the Fin's not right and Tommy's seen lots of seals is that like the seals sea otters they flip in the water when they they they're up and then they put to go back down especially the sea otters it's not doing that that's for sure I mean it's it's frustrating because it's not definitive enough but I mean we can't rule out the possibility that that is what we came here looking for that could be the quality the really weird thing is that we didn't get it on Sonar whatever it was according to to Jeff I mean but that that should have shown up on Sonar that's a big footprint right there the fact that this creature didn't show up on Sonar means that it's probably swimming near the surface so if we stay diligent and keep our spotlights ready we may just have another opportunity to see it I think we need to keep the watch going yeah yeah I'll take the next watch sounds good to me all right the team remains on alert the rest of the night but they don't have any other sightings [Music] foreign 's come up now why don't we sink a camera down there see if we can see any kind of damage against the hull and who knows what we might see at this point sounds like a good idea cool all right ready yeah whatever hit us last night hit us pretty hard there should be evidence left of the point of impact this is based on a rule of forensics called the low Card Exchange principle Dr Edmund low card was a French Pioneer of early forensics so well regarded he became known as the Sherlock Holmes of France he established the idea that whenever a suspect makes contact with any item there is an exchange of material this trace evidence can be used to identify the individual in the case of a creature ramming a boat there might be more than just trace evidence left behind okay going down oh man that's a good picture how's it look good pictures I think that's a good depth right there Tommy we just moved to the right go a little deeper right there hey look at that what is that that's an obvious Mark man I can't tell what it is what the hell is that you got to ask the captain that those might have already been there what you got what do you think what is that those three marks yeah see that was that there before no you hit some debris before there not like that if we hit anything that would be underneath wow that's that's bizarre what the hell is that we gotta ask the captain that those might have already been there what you got those three marks was that there before no wow that's that's bizarre but now look at it it looks like a screw you know are we looking at some debris marked like that something in it from above and and maybe possibly trying to pull itself up to me that looks like claw marks I mean we have to consider the real possibility that these are the marks of the quality Pollock I think it's time to step up the game I think we start chumming again we use some of my blood let's do it I'll get the blood all right guys we got to be careful man this thing could be dangerous tie that line off on this turn Corner we're good we're gonna start chumming let's do it this is it this is the last of our Chum let's get it all out we good you guys ready for the blood see how this goes our last shot at this [Music] you're definitely going to draw something in it's all gone guys the blood trail spreads along the length of the line like an underwater Dinner Bell that should draw any Predators toward the net hey Jax how about go up on top yeah birds eye view my work huh right on yeah perfect you got that side Tommy hey Tommy yeah I can still see the blood out by the orange ball out there hey guys there's something in there feel the tension on it Tommy and it's heavy something's in the net oh my god oh Jax get down here brother this thing is Big holy wait we're gonna get this thing in open the door there oh got it what do you guys got going on we got something that's something heavy in here watch your hands wow oh he pulling down I don't know we're almost done wait there's nothing wait there's nothing in it oh it's gone guys no something hit that hey hey right here oh look at that what the holy cow that's huge look how big that hole is you can fit two men through that I'm Not Afraid there sure is what could do that well then that's large I don't know Grant what do you think a salmon shark had to have been something uh well Sam's shark could have the teeth to do that something just eviscerated this entire net just didn't get torn as we're pulling in it's not it's actually missing a section of net it's like something cut it look yeah when we started yanking that sucker in it was really heavy first few pulls and then it just got light that's crazy man that is absolutely crazy I've never seen anything like this did you guys get anything on Sonar were you marking I didn't see anything I didn't see anything on this I decided this craziness it's big was it it's right in the middle right holy moly the team secures the evidence and gets back to their hunt but the rest of the day goes by without any more leads as they make their long Trek back to Port they consider the various evidence they found in this strange and mysterious case well guys this has been a pretty bizarre set of circumstances if you think about it I mean you started off with The Disappearance of the fishermen you know and the account of a green webbed hand coming up on the side of a boat and then we pull up a salmon it's got a freaking bite right out of the middle of the bite but the bruising and you know how it was grasped all the mission scales in there and the the hall gets hit and what tops it all off is the net the legend of the koala Pollock describes this kind of knapsack that these creature supposedly carries on its back and it uses it to actually really Place small children that it's abducted and at first I thought well you know maybe someone could misinterpret a bunch of seaweed kind of gathered around on its bodies now after this event with Annette who's to say that if this creature did exist that maybe use things like fishing nets woven them together to form this garment and that could basically explain that aspect of the qualipolic legend well I'm not far off from from you without I mean we're talking about five percent of the world's Waters have been explored so there's lots of creatures and they're constantly finding things man a mermaid it's that's a stretch for me yeah but Krakens and leviathans were considered to be Legends for a couple thousand years but in the 1800s a giant squid was discovered proving There's real bases to these Legends so who knows what could be down there there are always things to be discovered and you know admittedly I am disappointed that we didn't get definitive proof of the koala Pollock but if these things do exist and they're starting to make their homes in more populated areas and in fact starting to prey on adult humans then it's just a matter of time before they are proven to be real who's to say that something like that couldn't exist out there for now the mystery of what creature is Behind These incidents remains unresolved but there's no doubt there are far more life forms under the ocean's surface than we know and worldwide Legends suggest mermaids could be among them is it possible that climate change and the shifting ecosystem have driven a mermaid-like beast from Arctic Waters in search of more plentiful prey and could that prey include the missing fishermen among others the Legends are true what was that this vicious qualipolic may be one more reason what the people continue to go missing in Alaska
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 1,294,955
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ALASKAN SEA CREATURES ARE ABDUCTING PEOPLE?! | *3 Hour Marathon* | Missing in Alaska, ALASKAN SEA CRATURES, Alaskan Sea Creatures, missing in alaska full episodes, missing in alaska season 1 episode 9, missing in alaska playlist, missing in alaska mermaid
Id: h14IC8ZQQW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 25sec (10165 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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