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i know you're using this as a plant altar but i love the little step up i love the fact that you if you chose to you could actually sit here and look out the window with your plants you're letting your plants look out the window but i really when i'm stuck when i moved in here before i moved my plants and my daughter said mommy don't you put any plants up there i want you to put a mat and a pillow and just lay up here and let this be your relaxed area and i'm like is she crazy this is plants that's all i saw like this is a place this is the perfect place for my plant garden what is she talking about lay there are you kidding me [Music] this house plant home tour is brought to you by green chef which is a usda certified organic company with dishes for a variety of lifestyles including vegan vegetarian paleo and keto i think this will be a really great lunch asparagus radishes peas almonds and feta cheese yummy okay so here we go packed in a nice brown bag brown bag lunch here's the kidney bean cheeseburger and here is the barbecue ranch cauliflower bowls green chef is owned by hellofresh as well so i often go back and forth between their offerings but green chef has a wide variety of organic produce and even offsets 100 of their carbon emissions and plastic packaging after a long day of working i could sometimes get into a recipe rut and i'm frankly too tired to go to a restaurant so these boxes are a real treat because they are super straightforward the recipes are easy to follow with pretty photos and definitely give us some delicious dish options that are delivered right to the doorstep that's a total bonus when i'm out on the new homestead too because there's not much else around so go to green chef dot us and use code summerrain100 to get 100 off your first four green chef boxes plus free shipping on your first box oh my god it's so my home it's so my style i know yeah i mean i feel like i'm at home really well and honestly look this is like similar to my bathroom door except mine's painted white yeah and i have glass and literally a glass handle i have those all over the glass handles it's pretty original yeah a lot of the original fixings are still here yeah i kind of feel like i'm in like uh like doppelganger world like your time or whatever well the thing with my bathroom is i usually don't have this many plants in here at my other apartment when i was across the street these plants and more were in the bathroom because because there was a skylight i don't really have a window here that really brings in light so what i do is i will leave the light on for say six hours yeah just to give whatever plants i put in here life if i water them i leave them in here so i this doesn't bother me to get in and take a shower yeah the curtains back and this is they've been living here for the last couple of weeks yeah they used to live in the front window west facing they kind of got scorched and these are some of my oldest pathos you know yeah they're all wrapped up and wrapped around i i love pathos because pathos are one of the uh the plants that my mother used to have you know back in the day a lot of people uh women had um pathos and snake plants and uh corn plants the corn plants yes yes so i love them i have them all over and then we can come into the kitchen yeah and it's easy people say how do you water all these plants well i don't want them all at the same time they don't all need watering at the same time i feel like the plants are me i have a relationship with them so when i'm thirsty i look around and i'm like who else is thirsty we're drinking water who else is thirsty you know and with these apotheos you can really tell who's thirsty you know they'll droop over yeah they have such personality they do yeah and they're also like really incorporated into your space they're a part of your decor as opposed to here's the designated space for my plants and all the property this is like it's it's really integrated into your decor it is with all of your uh sculptures and your memorabilia and everything else you know so i should tell you these don't live here but there's a story with them i brought them up from the shop last night because these are some of the the oldest plants that we brought in right when i open the store december 9th december 26 2019. and tell me about your store just uh okay well ancient blind's apothecare is um it's the on stage it's the spotlight of what i've been doing for the last 38 years but from home wherever i've lived whatever apartment uh crown heights east flatbush uh different parts of bed stuy i've always worked at home so when the shutdown came everybody got sent in i got sent out for the store so three months before the shutdown we opened and folks are like when i tell them the story they're like oh man that's so sad and i'm like no no no no it was the best thing that could happen three months was all the time that the community this community needed to see me to meet me to come into the store which is basically a temple where i sell my plant-based hair care skincare body care yeah well i love that you have such perspective that's a positive perspective if you're like three months that's all i needed for people yeah they just needed to see that you know because other than that they saw me getting into ubers with suitcases and boxes and bags going to a festival you know going to philadelphia going to washington just going different places to uh you know showcase the products but um yes so i was hired by one of our people uh brooklyn plantology the interesting backstory with that is i was taking there as a very young woman one of my spiritual mothers she was very much into plants you know she's an ancestor right now i got restless spirit so uh she took me to plantology i didn't know anything about this place all i knew is oh my god look at this sea of plants here so fast forward years later i'm over there shopping one day and the owner you know comes up to me we start talking and i tell him you know about houseplant diary on instagram and he pulls out his phone and he looks me up and he sees like all these followers and he was like wow you know you really got this social media thing down with the plants you know can you you know we need somebody to help us out and i was like oh my gosh yeah i could do can do this i could do this you know i've been doing it for myself and i think the success with that page was when i started about five years ago um i brought an energy to the plant community i was going through something emotional in the family and i i wanted something for myself something that i could be on social media because i like it but still relax you know still relax and have fun i was like what would i like to do and i was like i got plants i didn't have this many but i got plants and you know i could feature you know the plants take pictures find out what they are how to take care of them and share that freely with other people oh my gosh not only was pictures and captions and things like that but my own genuine you know authentic self poured into the social media and people felt it and it caught on like wildfire well i love also that you like you took the door that was open to you and you walk down that aisle and you said okay well you know what else can i do and then you've let it grow and flourish and yeah i absolutely love that and look you have one little window right here and you have just piled them in yeah yeah yeah i even love this like this little push cart like what is that is that like a little kitchen push cart where like for tea and stuff like that well it's an ikea fine you know you can use it in the office yeah it's like terrible exactly it's like a terrible pot of color i had a blue one but i gave it i gave it away well the blue one could also be good because if you had the terracotta and the blue it's a nice color yeah yeah but this one i love it because it is a little throw throw back to the terracotta you know what i like i like when i come out in the morning come in to make tea which i made tea for all of us that's awesome my brand yeah it's healthy hair skin and nail c plug anyway um so i like to come out if i'm you know catching water to make tea or something like that that's also a reminder like okay check in on the plants to water them and these guys back to these guys they are i said some of the oldest and i i wasn't really taking care of them because of the way where i put them like we found a fish tank downstairs we opened up not a whole lot of rubble cleaned it up repurposed everything i put some moss in there spanish moss and then i uh tucked the pots in so you couldn't really see the pots all you could see was the greenery coming up out of the pot and it was just really these three and they're in a west facing window not much water a heck of a lot of light and these things did so well but i'm just really really flabbergasted at how well they did because they were four inch pots yeah and there were some and they're actually flowering and you know you know that it's an interesting thing to get these things to flower once you brought them in oh yeah absolutely they usually don't do it again yeah well it's interesting because i wonder if like there's a seasonality to them because i have a spathophylum uh which has like little splotches on domino maybe it's called okay and it just started to put out another uh flowering space and i was like oh cool you know because it was out of flower for quite some time so this is a year and six months it came back and this one coming back uh kind of greenish yeah i think this is really cool yeah and these are the aguilemia chinese evergreens yeah these just always do well i have a really really old one you're gonna see when we get inside it's at least eight years old oh cool i can't wait a lot of my plants are pretty old uh during the shutdown i did go out and you know you know find plants that was the thing to do and i also felt like it was also nice to know that like a lot of the plant shops didn't close right because they were viewed as essential businesses especially if they were selling food plants exactly so just um and recently when we opened back up bringing clients back into my home because i'm a hair care professional as well i got this intuition that i needed to really oxygenate the place for myself and for the clients because you know everybody's been in this uh their own little cocoon so it was about like really making this the space and just having a lot more oxygen to share with them and the these strings oh gosh yeah i would have to say this is probably like my sixth try these i've had for a little over a year yeah i don't know if they're alive or dead because you know they don't think they're pretty alive right now they don't really do much yeah and eyelashes doesn't just doesn't grow like crazy for you i mean there's some new growth you see that right there yes and i have some more in the south another south facing window down in the living room so it and they don't go down they go out what is this outfit oh that's fascinating see mine grow down and then it gets wrapped up into everything else and then i'm like i'm going through them like a like a beads and i'm like ah did they grow fast for you these grow like crazy what do you do to make them grow fast i don't do anything i have them in my south my southwest window i mean if that's anything for you but because i'm not getting a lot of top down light they get bare up here but these my string of fish hooks are senecioratic or curio radicans i think they're now called this grows like a beast these are much slower yeah yeah and more fickle i find they flowered once yeah did you ever smell them no they smell like cloves oh wow you would love that yeah because you're into like spices yeah herbs and stuff like that yeah i was just so fascinated that it was flowering i didn't even think the smell was yeah because it's not like a fancy flower or whatever but next time you stick your nostril on that because it smells exactly like cloves okay yeah this this ruby red oh yeah i think those are cress it's now in this genus called cress cross softener it was a thona it's in the senecio group but it's not in the same genus which is funny because it looks very similar right right yeah some of it fell out a little piece of it fell out into another pot yeah the other window you'll see it's growing in the other part so yeah so it actually propagated itself and this beauty oh my gosh i have another one and then pieces of it broke off so i stuck them immediately into another pot and it's starting to grow again i think it's so fascinating but there's something interesting going on with it i noticed um when i was cleaning windows some little sugar looking moisture what is that that is sometimes if it's a little cube that comes out it's probably that it has some type of relationship with ants like maybe right here in the in the crevices right here no right on the back of the leaves oh sometimes look at the back of the leaves oh yeah you see that that is what is that let's not sprinkle it okay it's probably sugar for ants oh no it probably is developing like um so it's calling friends it's calling friends for help for hate help probably help yeah no not help like help meaning hey i will provide you sugar if you want to come and protect me so i found i found that like on my uh my rip solace as well they started producing these little sugar cubes that came out from the stems and it's like a sweet little treat to say oh if there's anything that was going to come and attack me let's let's get my ant guards here so you know that makes a lot of sense yeah i mean obviously it doesn't need ants in your house but it's something that it's probably evolved to do i've actually never noticed like the little sugar crystals on here oh i inspect my plants that's another thing that i do i inspect the plants and they are a couple of them right now that are having have been having issues yeah i didn't feel to toss them yeah i put them in a bathtub i washed them down the ones that get the little cottony white yeah the melee rope yeah oh my gosh so the hindu rope got it yeah it's so hard to clean oh my gosh it really is i know yes and this baby i bought this almost five years ago from lowe's it's nice and it was down here yeah and it was this color yeah and you see you staked it up and it got hard enough because it's yellow i staked it recently yeah sat in the kitchen window and it grew all the way up and it was leaning this way it was touching the other side so i actually staked it up but then i noticed that it was turning it was reverting back to the bright green when i first bought it yeah because that's the color it was and i was like where did you go where'd you go and now here it is and i love these these are like plexaranthus and they have that beautiful stuff they smell yeah we use them for seasoning we call them either jamaican time or broadleaf time yeah you know how they do propagate really easy you cut a piece push it in the soil or put it in water yeah and i have an old old one that i've been carrying around from apartment to apartment yeah they smell really really really good and i like when wind blows or if you happen to brush up against yeah you get that nice time smell all over the tasty yes yes i love your begonia too oh i am so happy getting a begonia these are this is new for me like six months you've had it for about six months it's giving out a lot more like these top pieces yeah and my project i have these projects ferns this is probably the 50th time i have a few under here here's another one tenacious oh my goodness i'll put them in the bathroom i'll put them in bedrooms i'll put them in no light low light highlight under the grow light these ferns i don't know i don't know i had them sitting on um pebbles when i go away to atlanta i would put like a big terracotta bottom some uh troubles and put water and put them all around and sit one inside and just go the rest of them can get that that moisture they'll do they've been doing okay they've been doing okay but i don't know if i don't keep up with them they're not keeping up with me i can't leave them alone for too long i have a maiden hair so something similar to this and it's been eaten by a mice i've gotten into my house okay and i guess it's a pretty tasty plant somebody has told me that my maiden hairs are medicinal actually so that's how i found out about that oh that's not a monomial yeah the mouse told me so i just clipped them back and you have to wait a while but then these little guys like this comes back up and um so when it starts to get look a little bit draggled or if it gets eaten i just noticed that they come back but it's not as ever as you know full as when you first buy in you know what one would work probably really well for you the blue star fern i don't know if you're familiar with that one but it's like a nice hazy blue color okay and it grows with like a really fuzzy rhizome and it's tough as nails okay it might be one that really works for you i'm gonna try it yeah and i have a spiritual story to tell you about my mother sending me to buy plants from the ancestral realm like i dreamt about buying plants i woke up that morning and i had this i was on this mission you got to go to the supermarket take the shopping cart and like i'm going to go buy you know they have the big plants like 19.99 or something i'm gonna come back with four so i usually walk down marcy so they were like okay stop at jefferson and turn right when i stopped to jefferson and turn right the church was having a plant sale oh wow wait until i show you what this woman was selling for like ten dollars a bucket the older women they put like all kinds of plants inside one pot like a garbage pail or a paint bucket nothing special i think she even used uh soil from outside in the backyard and these plants were growing amazing death and baking is pothos ginger plants everything growing in one pot wow okay yeah so i bought like everything she had that's what i was supposed to wait did you keep it to four no no you're like i had to go i have to come back twice well you know what you went against what it was i told you too so i had the shopping cart a man a gentleman there helped me yeah uh to come back twice to find the plan yeah and also when i looked she was outside of the church and she said the cuttings of the death embankment was from like a grandfather plant they had in the church that was just going wild wow yeah so um i looked there was the sign on the side of the church i don't exactly remember what it said right now but immediately i caught it as a message from my mother it was like the ceremony that was going to be spoken that that weekend coming so it was the title and it was a message in the title and i was like oh wow this is what i was supposed to do thank you mom thank you i love this because you got like little glass jars and you have you know kind of terracotta this is a gorgeous yes pot by the way i would totally if you weren't looking i'd probably out the door oh my gosh so this is the entrance where i welcome you know my clients to come in yeah and i would do a ritual here with cleansing of the aura and so i have all my my tools here lotus lotus water hand sanitizer frankie systemer florida water things like that that i would cleanse them before they enter into the temple safer space beautiful yes welcome keeps your floors clean and you're really good too i'm gonna sanitize you before you get in don't you just do these are great this looks like it would be like a cool like flea market find or something you know what i mean marshalls oh really oh look at all the little videos i love to see when the babies come and this i've had this for a long time is this another spathophylum yeah it is i've well it wasn't uh old enough to flower yeah and i've had it in different spaces this is the best space that it really likes i have never seen it being so vibrant you know until when i moved here and i put it here slow grower uh very very thirsty and especially being in a terracotta yeah you know people don't realize that if you don't want to water your plants as much you know i know how we feel about plastic plastic fiberglass yeah yeah but those are going to hold help to hold the water a little bit longer but this she drinks a lot and this is where you know i keep my handy tools so great yeah oh my my tie backs yeah hooks to hang up you know other hooks and i keep my um oh your macrame macrame feeling a little sticky but i've had it for a really long time this is about a four year old and i bought it from lowe's a while yes it might be one of the hardest plants to clean if it gets i've done q-tips and peroxide yeah i've done a really hard stream with the shower yeah i've done every single one and then like a week later it was back again yeah yeah grow light bulbs oh wow that's cool and it's in a regular you know desk lamp but it is it's not just a regular dust lamp it's an antique display that's cool yeah yeah and the grow light is blue but it looks good in this setup yeah it's let's see there's some stained glass at the top at the very top of it and over here this was from soul tech solutions yes um my early and my journey with a houseplant diary you know they reached out to me to be one of the ambassadors and so that was a lot of fun yeah and here's your different box this is one of them wow this is one of them where it had apotheos growing inside of it and she had the lady had like all these sticks there were a lot more i've taken out the sticks and added you know little sassy bamboo yeah with my she had like red ties she had string you know just just how she did it you know it was great it was great and i love the sense of areas because i don't have to do much and diseases you don't have this one has such juicy growth coming in look at the blue look look yeah not a lot of care attention because i do wipe down the leaves and that that helps you know you know for them to breathe yeah and you can't go wrong with the lucky bamboo yeah did you notice them on top of that hydrated i saw them did you take like cuttings or something or are they just like old ones what happened what happened when this turns yellow yeah and you know it's expired yeah i take these off really really quickly and put them in and they just keep growing just put them in water and keep growing and another old pothos yeah that is uh she's very very thirsty i love that they're like curtains yeah they kind of go in with your car and your aquatica with the money plant yes look it's literally it's growing money plants oh wow of course i know i wish you know it's it's uh doing one dollar bills but you kind of wish it would start producing hundreds it's gonna produce hundreds soon trust me when i tell you so interesting this was an ikea floor sample and i was like excuse me excuse me where are these in the store he goes oh we don't have any more this is the last one i'm like last one he goes you want him i said yeah he said you could have it let me go find out how much it is yeah it was dirt sheet yeah for this size yeah it was cheap five dollars literally and now it has given her a rebate back but guess what it had gone through so much you know it really didn't have a lot of care it looks great right it looks great yeah a lot of the leaves were bent broken so i did take a look at this oh yeah look at the little q-tip it's a wooden jeep it's uh eco-friendly so yeah 100 cotton and i wrapped it with the plant ties yeah so there's a bunch of them there's a bunch of i kind of hit them with the dollar bills oh my gosh this is so funny yeah i do so yeah okay that's more than five and they didn't turn brown yeah so i feel like that life energy just yeah you're just sutured exactly yeah so i love these planter pots look at these they're so cool we were selling them yeah we were selling them downstairs before the um the shutdown yeah i don't have any more they're great this uh money tree another one this was in a store of a friend of mine downtown brooklyn they were getting ready to move and they were like selling things giving away things and this plant had been sitting on their counter just really not getting a lot of care because you know they were always so busy and i asked if i could have the plant to take care of and she was like yes you can have the plant and i take i've taken pictures and showed her that um this plant is thriving so much since then yeah it's doing really well [Music] this is my attempt see you know we all have these failures oh we all have these failed attempts i was you know trying to like greenhouse this and really rehab it and every time i open it it's just getting drier and drier and dryer like last week it was greener i get the sense that a lot of folks are having more success with lecca you know okay at those like lightweight expanded clay aggregates and a good thing for as opposed to soil as opposed to soil just because like seeing that yeah just because maybe sometimes the peat dries out in a time when you're not catching a terracotta right yeah yeah against my own so i know but i'm wondering if like something like that could actually work for ferns i have not tried it with ferns myself but i wonder because then it's going to be soaking up that water all the time and you have like water down below and then it pulls it up into maybe i have no idea yeah i've tried it okay there's still hope i love this though i mean at the at the very least it looks great yes yes you have a nice taste and like just springing like the vintage aesthetic and incorporating it in giving you a little papyrus up here yes yes oh my gosh that is my favorite uh yeah i love the papyrus oh my goodness as long as i just keep that like it's almost time to put water in it again i keep it right up to the top of the the planter yeah and i know i had mine and i let it go dry and it's like remember yeah you never you need the water yeah yeah and the other the satin pothos that had grown all the way down to the ground and i cut it and propagated and i'm growing it in a basket in the bedroom yeah and miranda looks great too it's doing really really well i used to have a huge one that sat up here and it was doing really well and then one day it just decided to go go live just to just make their decisions you know i don't feel like i do anything drastically different right right you know i wear them like i wear my clothes i wear my jewelry i'm in touch with them but i do leave space i'm not so attached i do leave space for them to decide to change their mind is the easiest one to take care of oh yeah this one oh oh and i put the i hit the rafa for it right here yeah look at this cactus is what she pointed to i was like this one yeah okay yeah oh yeah yeah that's the easiest one really really no water and really no light that's your no light no water plant it's okay i'm just gonna let that one let it be let it slow and the rest make friends with the uh schafflera yes chef yeah shaflera actinophila this is one that i grew up with as a kid when you talk about your the ones that and your mothers and grandmothers and all your ancestors this is one that my mother grew and this is my old uh broadleaf oh look at that old one oh my gosh when the wind blows it smells so good in here look it's going all the way up to the top oh yeah that's really nice yeah yeah you have your rip solace up there i love those i love it they're maintaining the reds yeah the tips and that makes me happy i've become fascinated oh with the platyserum the staghorn yes with this diagnosis i used to be terrified of them yeah terrified like i didn't know what like all of this was yeah oh and this is gorgeous too oh my gosh i'm so happy you know i don't mind all of this i don't mind but it keeps giving it keeps opening babies look at this look at this i like the the stripyness of the of the fabric container too with the stripiness of the yeah with this yes i wrapped them you know because really really cute pots are very difficult to find these days and they're also very expensive sometimes yeah so i decided to just wrap my i like your technique because yeah you could just get like some really interesting fabric yes or like a basket or something like that and just like put it in i love that yes yes another old this is a neon potholes or lemon lime yeah yeah another old one and when they get really really long like i'll cut yeah and put them back into each other um the hoyas this one here yeah i think this is going to be these are the last if these decide to go south i'm just not is it not flowered for you no this one did oh we missed one this one flowered and it was a gift from a friend of mine she was moving to georgia oh yeah yeah yeah oh so this is the the princess yeah the crimson princess right or something yes yes yes yeah and it's it's reverted in some cases but it's it's gorgeous oh it's having a little bit of issues too it feels a little sticky feel the leaves oh i do feel a little sticky i wash it every week i don't water it every week but i wash that stickiness off one of one of the mealybugs found its way over there that's a oh you're philadelphian i didn't even see it yes yes yes yes yes turn around yeah this is the struggle plan yeah yeah i've been struggling with this one another one and it's doing this and i know that this is taking away from this yeah but i i took them off like i'll take them off and push them in the soil independently but then they don't do too well yeah yeah but look look at that oh yeah oh you got to get this one we got new growth this is a big deal right here we're going to have cake because of this oh i love this thank you yeah the little bird on top too wow that's cool so welcome to where my studio where i actually speak times for hair care [Music] i took this table out of the window so you could actually see the other plants so yeah this was over those plants it's sitting up high so i would take one of these chairs here and bring it right here and my clients would be in this room just kind of looking out just soaking up all the options so much to look at i'm like i don't know where to look first so i'm so happy they're just kind of like in the ambience yeah for sure you kind of need a road map in here yeah like a little bird house you know you expect like some tweety friend of mine a long time ago oh yeah like eight years ago she um she actually i'll put the crystals on there she created this for me and she gives me as a gift and as you notice you probably noticed i have like owls around yeah i feel like that's my total animal that's your total man yeah yeah and i like this to do what you love and love what you do that's one of my favorite quotes as well uh i feel like there's all these little rooms like secret hidden corners potentially you know what they are they're alters oh they're altars i make altars wherever i go every window sill every table top is an altar it's a place to reflect uh my spirit my spiritual self my ancestors you know my higher self and just just nature you know i love to be surrounded by nature the way we put clothes on you know i like to walk with it and i don't want to be out of touch with it yeah yeah this was the old oh aglione wow look at that beautiful yeah i've stuck it is a beast i've stuck other pieces of plants in it you know um like the the older women did so i put this in here a while ago yeah and it's starting to get some hang time and this ficus right this is a fight yeah i bought this from brooklyn botanical gardens um it's about eight to nine years old it was about down here when i got it they told me not to repot it i bought the pot there also but they said don't repot it how i saw it they had water down inside so the woman just told me to just keep doing that just pour water down inside so i don't water it from the top i just pour water in here and it's got new leaves it's doing great well a lot of ficus are actually epiphytic so they often grow on another tree or something which is so strange you would think because they're they're they can get really large right but uh that's interesting that they were using like a bottom down water technique yeah so i kept it up all these thoughts all this time to the point where the pot is if the pot is a little bit split like right here yeah it's starting to kind of like bust out of its pot it might say i might want to go of one size bigger now look at this planter stool like this she's given to me recently yeah that's nice they give me things they're like this would look good in new york yeah yeah yeah the thing is about like this type of i don't know if you want to call it a style or whatever but is that collecting things and no matter what it is it will have its place right you know it's not like a very classic modern only white and gray appeal like you could find something in a vintage shop or at somebody's yard sale and bring it in and like it immediately becomes like immersed in this style and i i like that yeah it's great it's great this basket i mean i'm obsessed it's gorgeous i have such an appreciation for handcrafts like that thank you for years like it would be something i would hang like up here you know just put it up to represent the sun yeah raw yeah oh and look at all the green new growth coming with the recipe raven yeah those are my daughters oh so beautiful and this is another altar yeah it represents you know it's the growth for them and i this would be the mommy um with the daughters yeah this um aloe has gone through so much do you realize that if this you know happens to you that if you put aloe in direct sun it doesn't react really well mine actually grows better in my north east facing window there you go yeah like i put this in the sun and you see all this in the back yeah it was covered yeah it was covered in some type of a burnt chard you see yeah and sometimes i think oh i can just put the aloe on the fire escape and at the end of the day i pull it back and it's like oh my gosh we had a snake plant for saunder and it was like below his window was not in a southern exposure when he moved he moved to a southern expo we put it right in the southern exposure and it completely got burned and i think it was just unaccustomed to it it's like you know it just was not accustomed to that light it hadn't been growing in that light so you know that that extreme was just enough to burn it so it might be what's happening to our aloes you know if that happens yeah you see this one this is oh yeah there's another one that you had another one yes yes yes it's different and there's another one over there oh my goodness with a ginger plant and a a hawaiian thai oh there back down there oh my god there's i actually put that in another pot and this oh there's a wonderful story oh a painted lady right philadelphia this is what it is philodendron painted lady oh good good yeah i've been asking my friends like what is this and they could never figure out what it was it's a great catch yeah guess what i went to um the sip no the sill the cell yeah still had a plant swap and i went in the city and they gave me a little cutting little stick cutting it's a moss and i left it i think you could see it it's probably right down yeah here somewhere it was it looked just like that piece that i got yeah just about this long yeah left it in moss for a couple of months and three years later but i've cut this several times there's about four of these babies around uh where's one i saw it last night you're like i saw this somewhere oh there's one oh there it is yeah there's one and there's probably two more in the other room but it's doing so well it's the plant that i'm like super super proud of i don't want to say most proud of yeah loud in the world i might say it outside but i won't say it in the room i love all of you all of you uh your other dracaena yes yes yes yes yes here this one i they don't like tap water so i started um they wanted distilled water but i said i'm not gonna i wasn't remembering to bring back this little water hamper you know so i actually let this plant dry out for like two three months did not water it and this plant held on held on to whatever water was inside that soil held on and then i said okay now so are you ready for some tap water and it was ready for tap water but i learned something recently i don't know if you've noticed this in the last two or three months giving the plants direct tap water is actually uh starting to burn my plant leaves i'm seeing a lot of a brown yellow to brown at the very tips it could be it could be more minerals in the water i feel like the chlorine and the uh fluoride has somehow been pumped up a little bit more and i noticed it so much more in the shop because i had already started practicing to catch water like i'll get like three gallons of water like from rain water or something from the faucet oh let's sit it for over 24 hours oh yeah okay so you let it like either evaporate and that seems to be working yeah that's great i was gonna say maybe even get a filter or whatever but it's so hard and i think that new york water everybody always says it's supposed to be the best water in the world but then when you actually go and you see the tests because you could go to like an environmental working group and you could actually see some of the tests they ran in different drinking waters around the cities and you begin to see like new york has some crazy crap in the water and especially after when i remember i went on an uber ride with a guy who used to work with like the wastewater treatment plants in new york and he's like i'll give you a tip don't drink the water after a rain oh gosh oh gosh i can only imagine oh and this this baby here doing well oh that's so good that i'm keeping yeah i had it for a long time what you see the water in the bottom like every morning or every other morning i pour water in the plate and so bottom water that's great look at your another little aloe i'm really a big fan of aloes and oh this um agave it's done it a few times so far since the spring that's going to be beautiful looking just sad that the other succulents over there they were like actually orange yellow red yeah and even though they're in the west facing weather we just haven't had enough consistent sun it's just really very rainy and grey yeah a lot of overcast and like this should be a space where they would get normally like before right last year it was getting a lot of sun oh and my um poinsettia i know i saw that yes yes yes continuing to grow two years two years in two years in it's a very very delicate plant the the stems you brush up against it the wrong way you can snap off a stem i know i've done it a few times yeah and look at your little pink princess trio here well let me tell you this is uh the instagram influence just a little bit that i've allowed into myself just a little bit of influence okay so the pink color it gets you it really does so i said you know what i have a plant store yeah you know all fails you know i'll sell them i'm gonna sell them yeah so they were very very short they actually [Music] so it's a nice investment right it's a great investment and uh the pedestal my pedestal plant i love it i like this look at how i mean even this oh i bought these at a yard sale for five dollars oh my gosh yeah yeah yeah so yeah it's my golden dragon i love the golden dragon yes oh this this has a nice little splotchy like it's so funny i must have got the golden dragon like way before they started selling splotchy ones because i'm like my golden dragon is just normal green right right yeah it's splotchy good just yeah yeah that's like uh people's people's golden dragons that i'm seeing are splotchy they have like this little mint color it's just probably a lack of chlorophyll and like one of the areas but yeah that's why i've only been seeing variegated golden dragons which is really interesting because i don't have a variegated one i feel like a straight up green this one alpine oh this is um norfolk yeah which is not really a pine but grows in tropical areas i keep very challenging i was told to keep water and pebbles on the bottom yeah and it likes it likes light yeah those are really hard i had i used to grow one when i was a teenager and i never got one ever again yes yeah yeah i love the ripsaws pilocarpa that's right now between saunders lake did this flower for you and mine flowered in february it doesn't have that kind of spectacular flowers but i like to see it bloom i'm thinking that it's having like another stem coming out i see that yeah little guy right there and this is another struggle fiddle leaf and i bought it years ago it was really really really full it's actually starting to revive itself after a couple of years and me being consistent you know keep watering it yeah it's actually starting to do better so i'm very happy and your schlumberger is here they're christmas cacti they look so good they've been getting they've been getting sun sun baked oh so getting a little red yeah yeah they don't they don't they don't look that that red now but maybe it's because we get this overcast days oh that one over there on that side yeah i'm like enamored by all your little plant pots and just like little knickknacks and things and you see this i did an experiment oh you're ugly and ema yeah yeah what was the experiment uh i watched eileen on leafing around yeah and she was featuring this lady who said oh when your agalemias get leggy you can just snip off the tops and push it back down in the soil right in the with the cane so i did that and at first i thought i was gonna lose it yeah i thought they were gonna all go but they're they're starting to get used to and come back again because they all turned yeah this color agloe anemas i call them i guess because they get like those big canes and you're like what do i do you're no longer cute so then i i was like oh my gosh what's happening here so it's actually starting to shoot now and look at inside the soil oh my goodness little asparagus spears coming up yes so now i'm really happy that i did that i was terrified i was like look at me i'm listening to this woman and i'm just to get ready to ruin my plant but i was happy that i did the experiment because i know when it really pulls out again it's going to be magnificent yeah that's great yeah yeah and let's see what else what else i struggle with these struggles oh that you're monstera and sonia yes yes i don't know if you notice a leaf in there that used to be something i've been distracted by other plants and your pepperoni that i almost like passed by yeah i sometimes it looks like it's going sometimes it looks like it's coming right now it looks like it's coming yeah but they've been days where it looks like oh god i should just chuck this i should just check it but i'm happy it's still holding on this knee's staking this one yeah oh my goodness it's taking up some serious rolling it's gonna grow this way but i don't know if you could stake it it's like one of the i think it's one of those ones that do grow out it's like it's like welcome oh gosh oh my gosh well well it's in a good spot it can take over that area yeah it might it might just very well do that and that uh syngomia yeah syngonium right here yes yes that came out of the pot one of the parts from the lady at by the church oh it's starting to get the little five leaflets i don't know if you noticed that i didn't notice i didn't have this yeah so i saved that i propagated because the the main one died back out of one of the pots that had like a million different things in it so i captured that one put it in some water propagated it and repotted it a while back and it's just shooting out leaves shooting out leaves gorgeous i'm very very happy with the success of that one and i love this fern back here oh yeah the asparagus is from yeah shooting out a new baby you notice it i notice it right here side very thirsty plant yeah they are thirsty they get really brown yeah if they don't get water very quickly and i try not to let it get brown because those things are something else you cannot clean up those things it's like having a cat with like fur everywhere right right right so i try to like at least once or twice a week go pour some water it is in a terracotta pot it looks cute in there so i didn't want to take it out it's hard when it comes but thirsty you're like these heels they look cute but they hurt my face yes yes yes yes just giving out yeah giving out this one's open this is a new leaf right here just first i saw this and when i came back later it was like this oh wow like within the same day yeah i was like how did you do that these could get very big you're going to need to increase your roof size well if they go out this way they have space yeah and you know a couple more years going straight up we have to look at the painting from my friend naca yes yes yes is i was vending with her in philadelphia we met there and at the end she wanted some of my products and i wanted some of her paintings so we decided to barter so she picked what she wanted and i went through and she had a lot of um paintings that she'd done with women with head wraps and i was like i'm a woman with head wrapping with something else and when i saw that i was like oh my gosh it was like the only one that was plants and i said i have to have this because it actually looks like a room in my house oh absolutely yeah and again what's really wonderful about like your type of style and your decor is that all the colors could come into play it doesn't matter there's no wrong color that's the other thing everything is right isn't that nature yeah yeah isn't that nature it's true because people say oh i wanted i want all black pots yeah i want all terracotta pots or all you know but for me i don't see nature like that yeah i see all varieties the the amount of shades of green that's within nature you know when you look at if you are flying over and you look at all the different variations i like that so i've created that here also like even like i don't mind this this is character you know i like a chip pot you know shoot shoot it's like it's kind it's also the the you know idea of um with uh in japanese culture they'll like even put like a little gold in here and like you know it's like if you chipped a tooth and you just like repair it with something it becomes part of the character of it and you know what i've learned too it's this it becomes the strongest part it becomes the strongest part of the times often times when a bone reveals it becomes the strongest part oftentimes when you use the wood glue it becomes stronger than the rest of the wood exactly yeah yeah yeah it's very representations here and this beautiful fiddle i sold it to a customer in the store downstairs he took it home he kept it for about a month or two and then he brought it back and he said he was afraid that it would die on him so i'm babysitting this plant i'm growing it in here for him he comes to get his hair done so he gets to come and sit and actually look at this plant and watch it i have a feeling he's never gonna take that philly fig back i'll tell you a secret i don't want him to you're like he's the only one that's doing well it really is that's really good for a fiddle leaf i'm not moving that plant from there it will stay there oh my dad's altar back here oh this is your father did he play cards yes he did oh that's you picked him i was gonna tell you that yeah definitely he was a gambling man yeah and the water came from his his weight you know that was a bottle of water on the table with the card so i think what are the peacocks represent anything well for me it's beauty yeah you know my father's aesthetic was pretty beautiful he had a beautiful extended people say i look like my father you know so the plant his his lady friend gave me this is the plant that he was taking care of and one of the last visits i visited him uh he was actually watering that plant it was in a yellow plastic pot i've yet changed the pot because it really grew out of it and staked it out so i'm doing my best to keep this plant alive in my father's honor yeah yeah well that's beautiful i love that you have all your little memories you know wrapped up in your plants individual plants have and hold those memories for you as well which is just but you've really increased that by adding all this like memorabilia and elements of it too so yes you see this i take these off oh okay those little this little new growth because it's pulling from yeah and do you know at the beginning of the shutdown this this one didn't give you any money it was no no no money it was here on a table and it was overlooking and the the branches were like six feet out oh my god this was big this is another old money tree for me yeah and from the i would say the whole first week of the shutdown every morning i came out there were yellow leaves and they were like 12 leaves on the ground it dropped all of its sleeves when we went in like i felt like it was sad you know it was looking out and they were like no cars no people walking and it really took that on emotionally and just it mourned you know so all of these fell off so what i did was i cut it back i cut them all back yep and this one didn't come back and then one day i saw a little shootie shoot like like right here and i said oh my goodness you're alive you're alive it's nice because when you're walking through this door you feel as if you're under the canopy that's the yeah that's the idea yeah i like having plants high up yeah you know because that's that's nature that's what you you feel when you go out in the park you feel multiple layers different layers yeah you've got the low down ones that you have to like you know you got layers here that's for sure no no layers here this is great i mean i absolutely adore this you've done such a great job curating i love that you have you keep some that might not even look as you know pretty as they come into the store they have all different seasons and you appreciate that and you've attempted to do things like with the agua nema cut it back let's see if this actually works um and it they've conformed to your space and and i love that because it it's part of the decor here well done thank you yeah interested in developing a deeper relationship with the people and plants around you then check out my book how to make a plant love you cultivate green space in your home and heart more information up on my blog at and if you're looking for more tactical plant care then you could turn to the houseplant master class which is the first online audiovisual course on houseplant cultivation care maintenance and more at [Music] you
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 307,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, boho home, bohemian style, bohemian home, houseplant home tour, houseplants for the apartment, easy houseplants for the beginner, exotic houseplants, beginner houseplants, low light houseplants, how to design with plants, how to design with houseplants, houseplant home, apartment tour, Brooklyn houseplant home tour, houseplant diary
Id: 0N_VfXlypXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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