Indonesia Hoya Nursery Tour @moonhoya

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hi guys my name is shawn i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'm at the hoya nursery now and i'm here to pick up a dishida for my discuti video that i'm filming today and i figured i'll give you guys a tour at this very beautiful hoya nursery they have a lot of local species as well as a lot of species that are coming in from other parts of the world where possible i'll include the name and prices but i i don't know i'm not a ohio expert so i don't know all the names and the salesperson here has kindly given me his number so i'm going to be able to consult with him to the species and prices where possible of course we have to be respectful when it comes to pricing because prices do change very often so do not come in and quote the price that i listed here on this video because the price may have changed by then and for all of you guys who are from overseas uh good news the nursery does have phyto sanitary certification and they can ship overseas so feel free to contact them if you see anything that you like in this video or if you want to inquire any of the species that you're looking for all right i'll get to it then so this is the entrance of the nursery and i apologize for the traffic sound the nursery is right next to the main road here we have some hoya carry eye splash and here i believe it's the hoya david kim ji very fast growing easy to propagate and very it planned right now they're super cute so they'll get super bushy and they'll start trailing down and over here we have some hoya kerrie verigata how nice [Music] and up here we have the regular version of the hoya carry eye this one's got so much roots so cute it's trying to root itself into the pot uh and i believe oh this is not a regular form so this is variegated actually and if i'm not wrong the variegation is not the same this is this got variegation in the middle and the ones before had the variegation on the outside so these are two different um two different types moving on along we have another uh carry eye splash and here you can see the new leaf how nice comes in a pink uh they usually do this when they are sun straps but the variegated usually will also give you this color this is so beautiful look at the baby leaves it's very nice so over here we have some hoya oyedei verigata these are really beautiful i saw one over there with a huge in a huge hanging basket so i'll show you that later but meanwhile muddy floor sorry pardon me while i well it travers this rough terrain to show you some plants here is an oil hoya super eskimo and this looks like it's a lot i bought one last uh like last month there were quite a few of them and that this looks like it's the last one so i see another one here so these are super spectacular in their leaves it's gorgeous imagine like a bushy plant of this so i'm gonna propagate mine when it's ready but i want a bushy plant on this this is so beautiful and over here we have some sun stressed hoya i'm not sure what this is but they're so beautiful and over here we have some hoya compacta regali and this one is so cute the new leaf is red there's some more of them over here and here's an australis life oh there's way more over here these are the australis lisa look at the new leaves these are so beautiful that the reds so i killed one and i bought another one and it's it's doing well so i haven't killed my second one uh but these ones seem to be a little bit tougher than the than the non-variegated versions but these are so cute there's quite a lot of them here and they come in various sizes and next to it we have um this is the hoya embricotta this is this looks very much like a discipline actually very cute and that one's cute that one is in a you know camouflage so i asked the the person here why they are different and it just i guess they're just kind of like us everybody's a little bit different and different markings so yeah so here's that hoya oyede i already got a in a hanging basket that's super full that i promised to show you it's so stunning but this is super expensive and i have a little one and i'm gonna have to propagate it like crazy for it to look like this and probably wait around i don't know 10 years so wish me luck on that here's the really cute hoya compactor hindu rope huge australis lisa and here we have some hoya or bovada slash how nice there's some up here that are super cute i don't know what these are they look a little bit sunstressed i quite like that feeling um the texture of the leaf it looks a little bit like the caudata but they're small small leaves it is purpled and spotted it looks like a camouflage and over here we have some hoya lakunosa some of the fastest growing hoya super nice it's got these mean like six packs on it so over here we have some dishkeda section going on this is the discudia rustifolia this is the pectinoides and there's another uh pacquiao noise over here we're not sure why they're different one of them has bigger leaves and one of them has smaller leaves but they all produce these uh ant sacs so this is what i came here for for my discrete video because i killed mine so i needed to buy one to show you guys um they're super spectacular and over here we have some um distilleria major uh or known as a rattleskull dishtyria and the this is gonna expand it's gonna look really big and the new leaves are gonna be like regular leaves so i don't know i asked them in what condition do these leaves turn into big sacks and the owner here doesn't know it's pretty random uh same as over here when you see like why the sex form in the middle of nowhere like nobody really knows right so they're quite a mystery oh hang on one second um there's these are all the rattlesnakes sorry i should have shown you this before before that so these are the adult form of that digital major that i showed earlier uh these are um what's formed uh the adult form of the of the sex and some of the plants obviously like this one doesn't have any sacks yet but it's got a lot of leaves that are just vining around and none of these are growing in uh soil media so they're grown they attach themselves directly to um like a wood and it looks so happy here there's a lot of growth points everywhere so my best feeling is that they need to attach to something and when they feel happy they'll start to expand into defects and and they provide homes for ants hoyaker dci i kept killing mine and i have propagated now into three different plants and hopefully they'll survive into this because they are quite beautiful if you look closely they have this succulent like leaves with like army camo type uh print which is just so exciting they're very good for leaf patterns they feel amazing on the skin so yeah let's see how i do oh this one is very sunstressed how nice let's see if i can bring you closer yeah it's like this purple pink that's kind of like string of hearts actually that's variegated i love it and behind here this is actually in my wish list this is a hoya sigilatus and oh this is the tiny version so in this nursery they always have like the adult form and they also have the younger form and they have obviously different prices and for me i always gravitate towards the younger plants because i like watching them grow and because i don't want to spend too much money on plants but this is so beautiful i may pick this one up actually if i can afford it today so here we have the very popular hoya kodara from the sumatra region um of indonesia and it's got this beautiful uh camouflage marking and they're so popular right now and usually they come in small cuttings but these are very huge specimens and they became so beautiful when they are sunstressed it's like this nice purple camouflage it's amazing so the guy who works here his name is santo actually uh told me this is one of the best smelling hoyas uh and look at the flowers it's so pretty uh and it's called the paris parastika pink so in case you want a hoya that smells strong uh this is one candidate for you and another hoya that he recommend that smells really good is actually hang on let me see right here it's the hoya lakunosa how beautiful and i actually put my nose to it earlier and it smells a little bit like jasmine how cute and this there's so much flowers coming off this plant and again uh lacunaes are super fast growers and i have propagated multiples of these so i highly recommend it and they're very forgiving too and actually this is actually the dish video that i'm picking up today very excited to bring him home so you'll see him in my disguise video and over here we have a hoya that's in bloom i'm not sure of the name but it's got such a beautiful flower and the guy told me that they don't smell like anything but it's just that the flowers are quite spectacular to look at let me get the species id hopefully i can read it this is the cute there's a lot of like crazy vining um oh yeah i believe this is a hoya microphylla but i might be wrong and there's some really fat hoya leaves over here so they're still getting nursed back to health they just arrived so they're probably going to be waiting for new leaves but this is freaky pretty insane like look at how big those leaves are yeah they don't look so healthy now but i think give them time to recuperate and they'll do just fine so i'm gonna keep my eyes out on these these are bigger than my face that's insane and here we have the ever so popular uh hoya crimson queen it's a very good beginner hoya it's a gateway hoya so and they're quite beautiful but they're also very common so if you're just starting out with your hoyas i highly recommend this particular one so i'm touching these hoya leaves and they're so fuzzy i can't even see the hair so cute and they come out thick too so if i look at the tag it says it's a patella pink very cute i love how they're like scrambling up [Music] so here is the indonesian section uh for the hoyas and i believe this is from uh kalimantan they look a little bit similar to the caudata it's so beautiful uh and that one is no one is dying to a stump but it's trying to put out new growth so welcome to the world i hope you make it and this one is showing a few growth points this is telling me that this is a species that really want to survive and they want to thrive so they're quite beautiful and then up here we have um the java species of the hoya and they come out um they come out variegated and then they turn green so there's a baby form of this plant uh over there i don't know if i can show you later if i can find it yeah but they're so cute and um over here we have the species from sulawesi um which is also very cute that one's stealing my attention i don't know what this weed is but it's so shiny it's crazy anyways i digress yeah so this is from sulawesi and actually there's some specimens over here that are sunstress that's the same uh plan as before and it's got such a beautiful form uh when it's like this beautiful purple there's another one over here so yeah so these are all the same plants how nice look at that i love sunstreet toys i want to sunstress all my hoyas where possible this is such a beautiful architectural form it's amazing so here is the diskedia platy something and actually i think i have one of these but the the new leaves don't look like that so that's like the new leaf and when the conditions is right when it sticks to a media it's gonna expand and look like this this looks so wicked i love it and those begonias over there they're calling out to me hi i have a thing for begonias there's so many species here that i i simply don't know i've never heard of them before um the diversity is insane i can't even not read this horses very nice let me show you through the aisles and up here this is so cute and that's some discuria risky folia i literally only showed you guys five percent of all the hoyas that are here i only show you the ones that i know so i recommend if you're in indonesia in the jakarta region do stop by and check out all these hoyas here's a hoya with a very uh regular looking leaves it's not waxy and i don't know the name so i may ask what it is later but the reason why i wanted to highlight him is because i wanted to show you the flowers they look paper like it's so beautiful i don't want to touch it because i don't want it to fall off this is so beautiful look at that wow and from here you can tell that it's flowered for many seasons already because it's it's that ultra dunkles that layers to it it's so beautiful and for such a tiny plant it's already flowered that's amazing oh and here we have some hoya angulada look at how big the leaves are and super red this is so stunning and this one is like uh grabbing onto the the hanging wire okay trying to reach reach up so that's what hoyas do actually when they have established like a really firm and happy base it will start shooting up runners to find other places and usually they want to propagate themselves that way here is another ungulata it's so beautiful i really want one of these so i'm gonna check out the prize later and back here we have some crazy looking textures they're just wild i love it and over here um could be calicophylla could be something else i'm not sure but it's got like so many texture on it it's like reptile-like i love it this is so beautiful and i was told that this one is actually going to be shipped to the us this is the species that's from sumatra how nice i hope that you're happy in your new home take me with you look at this guys this is so nice i know i've covered a lot on this uh this sleeve pattern here but i just can't stop filming it it's just so nice i've got one of these at home and i don't know they're super slow growers but they're just they just stun me every time i look at them the hanging basket of hoya linearis they're super impossible to find here in indonesia i've got one that is in decline so if you guys are looking for it you know where to get one of these they are one of the hardest hoyas to keep alive just for your information and here is where they are keeping cuttings so they take cuttings and they uh root them here and then they put them up in the pots later how nice this is really cool because we do need to multiply our plants especially a lot of these are taken from their native habitats so they will be multiplied and growing in our living space as a way for us to help con conserve uh conserve the species is that the right word yeah and this one is so nice so here's the medium that's used coconut husk and some sphagnum moss so that's all you need to grow hoya and actually they do use a lot of i'm going to show you right here they do a little bit for of slow release fertilizer as well and uh santo told me that they actually water the all the plants every single day so without miss because otherwise they'll dry out and that one's so cute look at that very sun stressed oh yeah how nice this is the creme de la creme of oh yes this is super expensive you guys i i will check the price later but this is the hoya compactor varigata and usually they come in little cuttings i believe the cutting here is about 500 000 indonesian rupiah or it could be about up to 700 000 depends on where you buy them from so they have a pretty good price for the small cutting here but it takes them a long time to get this big probably i don't know five or six years maybe 10 so yeah it's amazing and actually in my experience once they've reached a certain size their growth rate becomes exponential so they start growing really fast and i don't know what you are but they're so beautiful look at that and the vines are everywhere like this is why i love ahoya it's like you can't really control them they're they give you that jungle vibe i don't know if i can reach and read the side without breaking broken of course this is the el vitellina i have one of these actually i have a vitellina oh yeah but it doesn't look something like this mine looks like a dark green amazing and back there we have some um sunstress emporia as well this is so nice so i'm not sure what this is but this is so beautiful it may well be the cover for this video actually like that that would make a cool video cover right guys okay i'm talking to myself right now but this is so beautiful and i you can't really see it but it's iridescent there's something going on on this leaf surface i don't know if this is the same uh ungulata but i'm gonna check this out later as well and over here we also have a hoya that's really interesting um so santo showed me this earlier and i'm so cute i i forgot the name so i'm gonna show you guys up here and this is new groves that are coming up so they have these cool broad leaves sorry not broad uh long narrow leaves nice oh my god guys is this the uh the fishtail hoya uh hoya polly i forgot polyneuria i've been looking for these for a while the last time i was here i asked and they didn't have it so maybe this is it i'm gonna check this out later amazing so this is a sp kalimantan um look at the flowers this is insane so this is not opened up yet some of them are spence bloom some of them are just opening up i think i counted like eight of them right now so this is a really prolific flowering uh species and santo told me that he made this cutting one year ago so one year and it's given so many flour that's amazing this one is a cutie too i'm not sure what this is this is uh i'm gonna film this uh i can't read this that well chron croniana i'm not sure i'll i'll write it down later but it's got this really beautiful stick packet on these and new ones are like super pink so this is really beautiful quite a cutie this one is showing um yellow colored flowers [Music] how nice i believe this is probably from kalimantan as well uh and here we have some regular uh hoyawaydiy this is super cute too hang on let's see what oh it's a little bit um funky touches a bit fuzzy uh this is the hoya nimular radius super nice um yeah very nice to pat they feel fuzzy and and it's like shiny a bit iridescent super cute and i'm not sure what hoya this is but it's caught my eye it's so beautiful look at that i love the growth pattern on this it feels like something else it doesn't look like a hoya but i know that it is very nice so here's that uh sp jawa that i showed you earlier with that bigger plant it's actually much cuter when it's compact like this but the new leaves are pink and it's gonna have variegation and then it's gonna turn green uh and of course again oh yes it's gonna blow grow in a clump and then when it's ready to take off it's just gonna vine all over the place gonna stand runners but this is so beautiful i love it so i'm done with my nursery tour for now i guess i've only covered about 10 percent of all the species they have here there's so many unknowns in this nursery that i can't possibly cover every single one of them however if there's something that you would like me to talk about i'll be back in this nursery i could ask the owners of your questions if there's specific species or topics you want me to discuss let me know but meanwhile i'm going to be enjoying these plans and i hope that you enjoyed coming along this tour with me do subscribe to my channel send me likes and comment down below all that good stuff and i'll see you in the next episode bye so as i was exiting this nursery i didn't notice this hoya embricotta i had a runner that looks like this how cute look at this oh my god and there's another one down below whoa stunning too bad i can't take you home i already i forgot you got one of these
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 33,226
Rating: 4.9783549 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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