Indonesia export nursery plant tour at Susy garden

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia welcome to today's video where i'm going to be giving you a plant nursery tour here at susi garden i will have a separate episode where i'm going to be interviewing her regarding plant exports because she's an expert in that field and i know that plant exports from indonesia is something that a lot of you guys are inquiring about so please do check out that episode but in today's video i'm just going to be walking through and looking around at the plants and giving you some care tips and species ids oh my goodness it's such a hot day i'm burning up but here i believe these are tradiscantias i believe the locals call them adam hawa it's a very very common landscaping plant and it's very very affordable i love the frosted purple look this is a really pretty common plant for landscaping and coming from this is the parking lot by the way and going further on this is the epipremnum aurium golden totos that's allowed to climb up it hasn't fenestrated yet but if you let it continue to climb up it will finish straight look at how fat the stems are very very pretty and then let's see if we come in there's some dracaena some of india also a common plant and this one is sprouting babies right here look at that hello i love it it's got its top cut off which is why it's sending signals down to let the bottom notes uh what it uh spurt in growth very pretty they like full sun these guys and some direct sunlight and over here i do see a piece lily here and i see some variegated piece lily and these guys are just living in direct sunlight that's amazing and more at the premium orients these guys are just hanging down see if you let them hang down the leaves just get smaller and smaller if you want them to get bigger you let them climb up let's see if those has fenestrated nope not yet so fenestration means those are split leaves that they will have eventually this is a cute little stackhorn fern just hanging out here cute and then as we walk in there is a massive massive bush of calaisi i believe if i know this is the calaisia species uh related to the banana i really love seeing these in landscaping very very pretty it's got a blue hue to it and i believe you started planting one of these they will get big rather quickly if you give them full sun a lot of fertilizing good care and then they'll also sprout a lot of babies from below so this will bush out rather quickly all you need is just one plant to start with this is one that is just look at how good how it glows in this direct light very very pretty let me look see what's inside oops and this plant is actually flowering i guess or maybe it has flower but this is what it looks like a little bit insignificant but still this is a whole new world to discover very very pretty moving on here this is a i believe a pepperoni scandals usually we have them variegated but these ones are the real green ones and this is an apisky and more charters countries trading county as a brina the most common ones apparently they can take some direct sun like this apishkia too look at that it's living in direct sunlight this is surprisingly i did not know that they can take so much look at that they can take full fun who knew and this looks a lot like peppermint but i don't know what this is and i don't think it can smell nope i don't smell anything moving on down here this is a massive aetherium crystalline just kind of hanging out here let's see that's the back look at how pretty that is it's so ready to be propagated and then right up here this is a massive bush of staghorn fern i really need to know my species i don't know them very well but this one is probably aged really well because it is looking rather big it's like so many layers or maybe there are a few plants in here yeah i see a few plant uh clumps in here that's another clump this is so pretty i can't wait for mine to get this bushy i am really enjoying this walk to get to the nursery area this is a drastina if i'm not wrong and i really want to walk here because this is i believe bougainville and it's so pretty look at that oh my goodness this place is so peaceful it's quiet we've got ducks over there we've got i don't know are these crickets i don't know what that sounded this is looking a little sparse i guess maybe it's the wrong season for it um yeah i think they lost all the leaves i know nothing about these plants but they're all over singapore if you visit singapore they're basically highway plants but very very pretty i believe that's a dead end but there are some more plants over there so nice enjoying this day actually i hope we see more plants in there that are quite nice now here's a tree that i would never think to look twice until i saw down below so these are vines from the tree look at that so this is the stump and then these roads are coming out from it and they're looking so very beautiful oh my gosh this really reminds us that we need to sometimes slow down and appreciate the little things in life look at this one so yeah that new growth i'm all for it look at how beautiful that is continuing on with our journey i believe this is the song of jamaica this is in the dracaena family i quite like how they are bare stem in the bottom i guess they do fall off like that and then the new leaves just keep coming up on top this is very very pretty i have one at home i believe it's gone rather large but i do like them at this size where you can actually see them they're kind of just a little bit below eye level and i believe this is it i think this is susie garden we're here because this is the courtyard i have seen this on instagram but haven't been there in person that's some white bougainville situation happening here i don't mind these plants at all they're actually quite beautiful when they flower but i'm really terrible with flowering plants i always kill them so quickly and i have a feeling that these get big really quickly too look at that very very nice maybe someday if i ever have a botanical garden or or a massive mansion which i never will do because i like tiny homes yeah we definitely love to take on the bougainville one day and let me see that's the hut or a prefabricated house looking thing is really pretty i can't wait to get inside i'm very excited right now but i want to hang out here for a minute with you guys and kind of take in all of this because i'm having a super stressful few months and this is kind of refreshing being here alone filming and i hope that you guys are having a good day right now and ahead of you hmm let's see now where all that bougainville is coming from it's coming from over there let's check it out yeah we'll come here later but let's check out the outside for a bit i see some adeniums here i've only got one of these i'm trying to figure out their care not easy when i got it mine just kind of shed so many leaves i just thought it's not gonna make it but it so far so good but i can't ignore it so i should pay more attention to it and i one day well i promise you and i'll do a video on these guys soon this is a little bit of a bigger adenium very pretty these are very very pretty plants look at those roots no not roots i guess these are trunks but they look like roots that is so pretty i feel like i'm in france or something oh my goodness and there's more of these flowers they open like that from the top and this is what they look like from the front very beautiful let's have a look shall we excuse me as i study you they all flower very differently i know i tried to shop for these online and all you see are the flower pictures because the leaves i guess they look the same no matter what flower you get but yeah it's the flowers that are different so beautiful the design on these so stunning oh there's a lot more of them over here hello everyone this one is about to flower so i guess that's what they look like at this stage this is mine that would be so exciting so excited to see this and then they're just turning to all that very pretty i have a feeling they are from southeast asia but i could be wrong look at that very nice and this is a red one which i haven't seen earlier very beautiful red look at that so nice not only do you appreciate them for the flower but also their form because each of them really have their own form look at this one i don't know what this is but all i want to do is drink whiskey every night and just stare at it so nice and i guess they like full sun judging from their growing conditions here there's some more plants out there they're pretty random so i'm not gonna go there there are some bonfires over here this is looking pretty i wish you get into bonsai someday but they take up so much patience and you really need to control uh apical dominance really well to kind of shape them and and guide them now these flowers are just looking so pretty look at that oh my god this flower has flowers on it so pretty hi i don't know what you are i want to cut you up and bring you home and put you next to my bathroom i'm kidding i'm kidding very pretty ah this is pretty nice landscaping look at that [Music] very very pretty i feel like i'm on a mini vacation speaking of vacation i'll be going to bali next month so there'll be a lot of contents on bali this is the beautiful cheflera arboricola verigata very cute they love direct sunlight probably full sun and this is funky i have not seen this one before somebody's been getting chewed up by one can you find a good stressor in this it's a pretty one look at them they're just kind of contrasting each other these two now but let me look up close at least this is really really pretty guys it's looking very nice love the new leaves it's like super rubbery shiny pretty this little corner is so cute right here look at that there's a little restaurant there there's a cafe or grills or this is a grill here maybe this is where i'll have dinner tonight and this place would be so pretty at sundown so you know what i may do that i may stay here till nightfall just to show you what it looks like at nighttime and let's look down here to see what we have that's an ethereum magnificum these are some ethereums as well and i believe that's like oh oh no that's a pasta xanum probably some beautiful bromeliads in here there are quite a few of these the dark ones this is the beautiful alocasia this is not the best weekend let me show you this other one beautiful it's so dark and the leaves are actually very light maybe this is a new leaf that's why it's got a really nice black stem to it it's very pretty oh and the back looks so nice let's look at yeah so there's things in the way things in the way get out that is very nice perfect and this is a really big philodendron florida girls look at that ah this is the uh colocasia i believe not an allocation is called the mojito i could be wrong let me clean you up come on look at that little bit of pink dot there that is so nice yeah this is a really beautiful plant it's like electric green kind of i have a feeling that these guys want a little bit more uh direct sunlight than they're given here in this shady spot hello it's just so pretty every time i see one of these around they just make my day the shape is just so beautiful so elegant look at those lines there and this is quite an affordable philodendron and there's some agonyma pictum tricolor here this is i believe a variegated hamalomina some crystalline um the gonis that's a alopecia amazonica these plants are considered rare in in some places but then they're considered very common here there's a philadelphia eye here some around this is really pretty for amelia get this leaf out of the way and get you a close-up beautiful they're supposed to be easy to care for i haven't really gotten into my bromeliads yet but one day i will and these are just some allocations i guess these are the yellow variegated alocasias they're not white that's the ones we normally see and maybe they're not the macarizers and that's the ethereum magnificum if you like big aetheriums that are easy to care for this is your pal it's not expensive either and look at that massive massive clump of allocation i believe this is the macariza but i could be wrong i'm not very good with my allocations but this is so big i want to take a nap on this thing look at that [Applause] there's some beautiful plumerias here that are in bloom look at that i really appreciate them look at that new leaf very very beautiful this looks like an alien world and what's even more exciting about them look at that it's flowering and the flower looks like this and of course all of them have different flower colors and combinations i'm not very familiar with this plant but i can tell you one thing about these plants you need to have excellent pest control on these because they are extremely extremely extremely path-drone if i can vote the most past prone plant in the world it would be this one but look at that that really is such a beautiful architecture right there and there's the cycas elastica here at this they really respond well to pruning and they well branch out like crazy i actually got mine uh mine was just a cutting kind of like this like if you cut this and i've grown it from uh from that cutting but if you want it to look beautiful like this you definitely need to keep pruning them off so that they'll branch out into trees very pretty look at that normally the mealybugs would like to hang out here and then it will kill the plant very very quickly but oh my gosh i'm obsessed with this i was gonna give mine up because i'm in the middle of the move but now i think i may take mine with me you went down here i see a beautiful palm this it's got this sort of milky way look i forgot the name of these but this a lot of youtubers are talking about these lately i just kind of remember for the life of me what these are i believe they can get rather big too uh for palms so yeah this is quite nice there's some peace lilies down there and that's a massive part of what they call a stromancy tristar mine is so tiny and it did not know that they can get to this size oh my god i did not know that they can get so big and they do put out these runners look at that i did not know that they do that this is like a tenancy type of behavior oh my gosh i'm completely blown away and this is a beautiful new leaf this is the thematophylum by pineda films very nice but this area is a little bit dark for it this guy actually likes full sun but yeah it's a little bit shaded if you look up above this is way too shady for it and there's some blood vanilla blood bananas here very very pretty i believe the fruit would have these patterns on it as well look at that that looks like someone's painting very pretty i guess i'm going into this shop over here there's some little fishies over there all right so this is a beautiful coffee shop and there's the disguise verigata here i really love this hanger they're quite pretty quite beautiful and this roof is so nice yeah there's some philodendron brazil up here some emedium medium silver and i believe they have a lot of pottery in here i think i know the instagram handle of this i did follow them student oma or something i can remember i will include the link on the on the screen so in case you want to order from them i don't know if they ship internationally they do have more designs than this if i'm not wrong this isn't celanzius living here hello it's uh orbifolia mortality yes here this is some plant care stuff down here i guess that's a view of the outside it looks so nice very peaceful in here this is a really good place to come out for a date date night and this is a wahru or hibiscus darygada probably doing really well here getting a lot of light by this window this is a just i think santa soma or calladium linden lindenyi i still haven't figured out mine yet i think it likes a little bit of a brighter light and yeah i will do a video on these soon as i get their care right but this is pretty massive leaves the fact that they're in such a wide cultivation here means that they're actually supposed to be very easy to grow and fast growing as well but mine is still a struggle plant this is looking nice so very inspiring on this shelf here there's some pots there are some plants uh golden photos these are some variegated thanksgiving cactus i wish mine looked this good i kind of neglect mine so yeah look at that it's pretty me [Music] so it was just offered a free drink and it was so delicious thank you guys so much here one of the perks of being a youtuber i guess and look at where i'm sitting this is just so nice you guys it is so peaceful there's chickens and there's people just doing their daily course very nice come here on the weekend you guys and spend some time here this is super nice all right so on with our tour here are some skindapses this is the argerius it's very hard to find here in indonesia i know that it's very common overseas some regular i think this is the 2bi moonlight and these are some cute chili it looks like edible chili look at that it's a goth chili and the leaves are actually a little bit black this is actually quite nice i don't mind having these grown in my care except that they're probably very pest prone that's my guess i don't know what these are but they are very pretty this was another common plant very nice thin stems and very kind of sploshy the philodendron lynnette this is a plant that's very close to my heart yet somehow i managed to kill mine a few times and just over water them but yeah i will start caring for them right after i move pillow dandruff away there are some silver swords back here this is a juvenile form you can get much bigger than this mine is about this size still and hasn't gotten bigger i think i need to give my more light some epiprem enjoy pastas enjoy look at these taglines here that's the flower hello you naughty yeah i don't know my ugly nema names but i appreciate all of them they're all different they're all beautiful and sometimes the difference is very subtle but then it's just an entirely new species all together there's a lot more of them here i don't even mind this one this is uh almost like a full green but i did hear that those that are not very colorful like that pale like this that they're very very slow growers that's what i heard but i don't know yet one day i will master my agronomy i want to collect them all they're just so pretty and there's some more over here i believe this is another common one the donna carmen very beautiful leaves and propagation of agunima they're so fun you guys they're very addictive i will have a few videos for those in my channel soon so i can spread some of their addictive properties to you guys this is so pretty look at this they also like more light than we give it i know that in the west a lot of youtubers are saying that these guys are low light plants um but they're not they actually prefer a little bit of direct sunlight but this one is flowering very nice this is so pretty too look at that it looks like it's reflecting light upwards i just got free food i got free food thank you and uh here's some more marble queen potos and more marble these are very nice i don't see enough of these around they're actually very pretty and some monstera peru carson tianum very very slow growing plants this is very interesting this is say drastina i have this one this is very nice but this is cute look at the colors now let me show you the inside wow this is so pretty you guys oh my gosh what are you look at this oh my gosh the white is very extreme and the white is very clean see it's almost translucent too look at that this is a really beautiful dracaena so there are two green houses here this one houses rare plants and that one has more common plants and of course i'm going to start right here because i don't know i like common plants a lot more but of course a lot of you guys are going to stick around because the rare plant is also interesting and this is an interesting let me look at this this is a huge monstera deliciosa look at how big that is i have seen in bali ones that are like four times this size but this is very impressive and oh my gosh look at that look at that that is ridiculous oh my goodness all right okay i digress let's get started there are a lot of really pretty as nema's here and they're all flowering flowering i wonder what signals into flower at the same time but they're having the time of their lives out here so when you go in oh my gosh this is so pretty i guess i'm gonna be here for a little while look at that that's left and this is the right so i'm going to start i guess right here and this is a square me firm i can really tell from the fuzzy patio and oh hang on they have the species id and price tag here this is amazing you guys no one else does this in indonesia normally you have to ask for the species and you have to negotiate for the prices so this is really good that they have that here but keep in mind that prices of plants do change very frequently so when you come back another month the prices may be different this is an interesting philodendron interesting let's see what this is the gender and bob see i'm going to learn so much from here because now there's a the plant ids here that's amazing this is a pretty one philodendron callosum very pretty look at that it looks like a leather look at how that catches light this is very very pretty oh my gosh i want to turn this into a wallet some calatheas over here very nice oh i like how tidy this is this is definitely one of the tidier places that i've seen there's some aglonima take some tri-colors there they're all flowering too the plants here are so happy and it makes me so happy and this one is interesting as well let me pick this up this is a philodendron tuxlanum look at that this is very pretty and the price is not so bad either it's not cheap but this is not a common philodendron i love the growth pattern on these [Music] and let me see how much orbitfolios go for here because they used to be very expensive oh they are still a bit expensive it's 750 000 indonesian rupiah oh my goodness they used to be very hard to find but now more people have them but i guess the prices haven't fallen yet and this down here these are rows and rows and rows of fiddly fake babies i believe this is the bambino variety very cute i love it look at that welcome let me see if i missed anything up here this is very pretty this is like a really chubby wide release more squirmy farms squirmy farms are super interesting i really just love their patios they look really good when there's a little bit of direct sunlight hitting them on the morning for example so yeah and they're duplicates this is the same philodendron the toxin this is the bigger variety of them interesting i definitely want one of these but not today i'm in the middle of moving so i have way too much things to handle right now so this is buying plants is definitely not on my list this is so pretty oh it's a little bit of red on it look at that this is a piece of art these are calladiums i don't see them very often uh sally told me that this is actually a common fan section but this is not common at all look at this this looks like indonesian batik for textiles this is really pretty really beautiful palladiums and here's the name palladium lens lance wharton and you can find a name on that one and there's some little ones too here this palladium amira this is nice so this is like your weight white palladium it's got a little bit of pink spots on them it's called it's called the palladium cranberry star very rightfully so there's just a lot of really pretty caladiums here and i just want to remind you guys that sally here at sushi garden they do export they're also very reliable in exporting so if you see any of these plants here that you like feel free to reach out they also have web sites and etsy shop if i'm not wrong this is a alocasia bambinos they're quite hot item right now let me see how much these are yeah it's i got mine for about 450 about three months ago so this is pretty good price here this is 350. but mine is a little bit bigger when i got it but these guys grow rather fast so i don't mind it when they're so small more calatheas uh allocation silver dragon let's see how much these are if there's price on it nope these are not the most expensive allocations and not the most difficult do recommend this if you like one of these jewel alkaji this is one that's good to start and also this one the alocasia cupra this is also a good allocation to begin to to start with but they are not uh they don't remain small like these jewel allocations and uh black velvet and they stay rather small but these get pretty big this i believe is the honolulu amino if i'm not wrong let's see a tag very beautiful leaves to get that and then this is that agronomy that we saw earlier this is very pretty because this tri color is very very evenly distributed and all of them look a little bit different mine doesn't have as many whites but they're quite random and of course we have a lot more stackhorn ferns over here some antherium magnificum some crystalline they're very very common here and these are chris uh what is called cara nervums with the heart-shaped leaves this is how you tell them oh this is a clarineurium this is a crystalline and clarineuriums don't grow so well here for some reason they're quite slow and somehow they they stay pretty small here and that is a massive philadelphian torture i did not know that they can get this big bam oh my goodness this is huge and i love to watch them unroll i cannot wait for mine to get this big someday because they really put on quite a show very nice there's some photonia down here soon to be dead plutonius i guess impossible to keep alive cryptansis there are some succulents here florida ghost this is a homolomina very pretty let me look at the inside putting out a sheet here i love looking at that whenever i see that in plants it brings it gives me like a renewed hope and faith in humanity plumini i believe this is the dark form the dark face uh some kind of philadelphia but this is pretty with the lobes and then philodendron prince of orange this is common overseas but here they're a little bit pricey very nice though look at that something onions let me look around this is also interesting this looks like the uh philadelphia boogie and this is the fat version of the jungle boogie so i don't know what this is called hang on i just saw that there's water pooling in there oh my god uh we should get someone to help it i guess something is blocking its uh its drainage hole so i'm gonna tell them about it because i don't want to let this plant die oh my god it's so heavy and i'm gonna put down my camera i'm gonna do it because this is too heavy i'll be right back moving on here are some philodendron burler marks variegated where's the whiskey eye been propagated i guess gloriosons i see so many of these but never tired of them some philodendron mayo eyes here i wonder if i can see prices nope i can't see the price they used to be pretty affordable i don't know don't know what the uh pandemic has caused the prices these days this is perkins they will get uh their variegation naturally as they age it's not a matter of sunlight they don't need bright bright light to bring out the variegation they just need to be at the right age uh this is really really interesting philodendron never seen this one before it's a wait a minute this is the micro stick them i have that and does not look like my my micros victim does not have this uh ridges on them mine is flat and thick and rubbery i have a feeling this is this is mislabeled but this is so pretty this is probably more rare than the microstick them oh my goodness they just have a lot of these confirmed and i just have to greet each one of them how can you not look at that show let me see what else there's there's here there's a lot of just green philodendrons everywhere and i said sananti setosa a lot of them here not the easiest to care for and this begonia very very most massive look at that that's that is pretty big and i want to say hang on bring your eyes to this whole place so you can absorb it absorb its energy how nice and quiet it is in here with all these plants i feel like i'm a yoga instructor right now breathe in breathe out and child pose this is a stingray allocation stingray very prone to spider mites do not recommend this for beginners but somehow a lot of beginner planned parents like to buy this plant i don't know why something about them draws them to new planned parents but they're not easy at all and this is a very very underrated plan this is a amplisimum it's an epipremnum and it wants to climb up look at how pretty the leaf are look and it's not focusing all right hope this is better okay look at how pretty this is oh my god i imagine if you have like a few of these lining up next to each other creating this texture this is quite nice very easy to care for plant can withstand a variety of conditions but they do need something to climb onto and then let me see there are a lot of syngonium zingonian this is the pink one i'm not very good with sangonian names but they do fetch quite a bit of price they are the rare ones at least [Music] yeah i don't know what to say about the syngoniums so here's just some of them for your eyes to feast on this i believe is a mojito it's probably reverted a little bit cyclist elastica taniki or this is the ruby maybe because it's got a little bit of red tint to it this is the one of my favorites actually i love this thing going with three kings but i could be wrong and that one too look at how pretty they are this is just the right kind of variegation very nice um baby florida ghosts they can get huge but the little ones are cute too and this one is particularly weird because when they're small usually they don't have this mature shape they look different when they're younger but this one's a small leaf but with a mature form you're a weird one syngonium this is a pretty one beautiful i can't tell them apart just they're just pink in general this one is interesting this may be a weed i think but look at the color on these and look at that the edge of the leaves it's got these spikes on them this looks unreal this looks like an 80s painting or something let me see where's the pot yeah it's from over there i don't know what this is but i think it wants to be watered and it looks a little bit limp i wish i had a bucket of water in can with me so i can go around in water plants as i'm doing these tours this is weird and this is a new syngonium i haven't seen this before very nice and that's the same philodendron that we saw earlier that was the smaller form i can't remember the name this is what it looks like when it gets bigger i guess all right so we're in the rare planned section now so i'm actually going to be back here another time because i had an episode idea for the indonesian independence day i wanted to do an indonesian plant so sally is going to help me pick out some plants from indonesia that are unusual so look forward to that episode that's coming soon this is hamalomina verigata very sought after now very difficult to find and very expensive they used to be very inexpensive look at that this is why they're so expensive they're so beautiful and homoluminous also flower very beautifully this is a thomatophylum variegated tomato phylum i believe this is called i don't know always called backs but this is expensive it's 100 million indonesian rupiah so you can buy a car with that some billio thai variegated this is not big at all but it's got some really interesting plants here this looks like it's a mod of aluminum sprucing but it could be ah that's a uh it's called the sonora verigata this looks this is the java beauty six million very expensive but i think quite worth it they're quite beautiful this is the williams ci verigata rare airways are definitely a thing here there are a lot of air right societies and people that fix them and i'm not one of them that's why i'm not really familiar with a lot of the error rates but we just had an error competition and national eric competition here that i wasn't even aware of that i should have gone but uh a lot of youtubers here did videos and there but i guess we're all social distancing at this time so i'm glad that i'm not uh out in the crowd this is an anterior vitriol and look at that it's flowering i wish somebody can can harvest this this plant can fast quite a bit of money oh my goodness very nice this one is very expensive this is five million uh philodendron compost comp camp camp passport help me i can't pronounce this this is too long it looks like a hybrid i want to say it's a hybrid but i'm not sure this looks like a hybrid too ah doesn't have a name or maybe these two are the same things could be the same things grand theanum i'm really happy that they're becoming quite common these days ah what is this these are so rare i don't even know what these are this is a this is the surpassed item oh yeah with the underside yeah i did not notice this very pretty um so my wish list but not for now i'm not gonna get this but yeah this is looking very nice philadelphian for the ghost silver sword we've seen those oh my gosh just to turn myself around first of all this is a beautiful pink princess but i'm over them they're they're cute don't get me wrong and they they hear they have really good variegations over here so if i were you i would buy ones with good variegation because i went cheap with them i bought some with very little variegation and i just did not get any pink on them so do invest when you're buying the pink prints of that oh yeah okay back to my excitement this is an interesting section what is this these are skin deficits you guys oh my goodness yes it's sp so i don't think they know what it is yet look at that look at that oh my gosh i i think i peed a little bit should have worn diapers that oh my gosh look at this oh this is seven million you guys that's like double the minimum wage here oh my god this is pretty this is a um oh this is new i thought this is just a regular skin access but on here it says it's the official official officialist verigata damn hot damn this one is so pretty too look at this oh my gosh what are you what are you what are you uh and i thought i had a lot of skin gasses because i am actually collecting them right now they're going to be the next eggplant not to say that i collect plants because they are going to be transferred because candace's are very easy to grow and they're beautiful and they trail beautifully and they also can climb up things beautifully they can become this shingling pattern when you let them climb up poles and such so wow oh my gosh what is this i think this is a rough before ah yeah very cute look at how small this one is that's this is a homolomino species my goodness this looks like a palatia thai beauty but it is in fact a homologa because look at the flower this is not a calathea when you think you know everything you don't this is a baby philodendron burlap fantasy i flipped my leaf up the one at home i just kind of flipped it up and broke and it was from a big leaf too so oh my gosh yeah this is a beautiful homolomina that's variegated it's called the stardust and look at the price i don't even know how many zeros that is and this i believe this is spruciano it's a tomato farms per cnn baby this is variegated uh more silver cloud or mommy let me know this is a yellow variegated one i guess this place has some crazy rare plants look at this this looks like oh my god this is an aglanima diamond bay if i'm not wrong some of my favorite eggo nemas and they come variegated i did not did not know that that is the thing oh my god i actually really love this plant when in its green form i propagated many of these they look so classic they're easy to care for they bring me so much calm and yeah i'm alumina there's quite a lot of them here so they are definitely going to be the next plant this is the anti-semen verigata we saw the silver one earlier on very pretty sword like leaves and that here this is the massive billy thai very godda this is huge you guys these guys are very very expensive oh my gosh and each leaf is unique each leaf is different i use i remember telling someone before a long time ago that i did not like these i prefer the regular green form the vivid thai but i'm eating my own words right now these are amazing this i believe are skin that's this this is a pretty one this is a green form a very classic green index i don't see the id um yeah very interesting there's all sorts of skin that's coming out of the woodworks these days we don't even know what this this is the silver yeah this is platinum there's quite a lot of them coming into the market you guys be on a watch out for them they're gonna make their next eggplant now this is the skin depth it's a tattoo over here eight hundred thousand this is quite pricey it's a bit frosted looking i don't know why they call it a tattoo though i don't see any tattoos on them there's a jose buono the newly this i believe is definitely a antherium hybrid raw quinoa i know these are rare plants but i see them everywhere in nurseries so i don't know i used to be surprised by seeing them but nowadays it's just quite common to me i don't know i guess when you're around plants for so much they just become kind of kind of not so rare anymore this is the papillaenum i believe and luxurians this is the papillaenum x something i'm not sure i'm getting there i'm getting my aetheriums right soon i'm not very good at that this is the entering crysta crystal x warlock crystalline espor aquino this is very interesting huh yeah so indonesia is really well known for hybridizing ethereum in case you are not aware that is a civil blue that is climbing up a wall getting bigger and bigger i have a video on these that i'm going to link up above so check out the video on sibu blue this is a what is this uh i want to say what is this i don't know this is a probably monstera not a peru or maybe it is i'm not shot uh this is very interesting i don't know what this we call my eye though it's very classic green but look at the leaves the veins on these this is quite unreal i don't know what this is there's a lot of plants that actually we don't know that are probably going to become the next eat plant because as you know plant trends do change this is a pretty one and that is a philodendron longi loba is that what it is no sorry no hang on longy longy low badam that's what it is very cute though i do like their sword like shape very interesting some sony eye variegated uh monstera marmorata this is the aurea monstera i quite like these actually this is i'm gonna add this to my wishlist this is quite pretty it's like a dragon shape but also very arrow like now this is the antherium clad climate climatic climate i can't remember the name but we did we showed this plant before it's very pretty this is definitely for aroid collectors not everyone is into this plant more variegated monsteras just over here and varicoses back there let me come around i'm almost done you guys bear with me this is the philodendron gigas and i made a mistake in my last plant tour because i called this a milano chryson and i'm so sorry i called you milano but you can see why they look very similar but different of course if i see this carefully actually this the leaf sparkles do you see the sparkle or is it just me that's like silver glitter on them very interesting texture very very nice definitely on my wish list too so at some point after my business take off after i finished moving sell down maybe sometime next year i will start buying plants again but right now i'm doing a good job controlling myself from buying plants because i just i'm trying to even sell the ones that i have i cannot handle that many plants that is a really beautiful elbow verigata this is a pretty one look at the variegation good job and not many crisping tips of course with every variegated monster you're going to get some crisping tips but this is really well maintained obliqua here hello little one this is on my wish list too and look at the price now it's fallen it's not as expensive as before and there is someone that i said i would love to buy an oblique from she's a collector of obliques of many of these but i will contact her again maybe sometime next year because i just spent a lot of money on my house on the new house so if you're watching this just know that i'm coming for your oblique next year this is a monstrous typhofana el salvador this is all my wishlist too this looks really pretty when it's big when it's vining but look at the silver on these this is really really beautiful and also it's a monstera so gotta have them all right this is the philodendron gladhands very interesting not that expensive actually i was expecting it to be more really really cute look at the lander lakes here and this is a uh monstera and sony verigala this is a good price you guys very good price but it's sold very very good deal this is the newest leaf so yeah this is a emedrian supposed to be ziplining but someone told me it's not this is not supposed to be the ziplinium i believe this is a misnomer this should have been i believe the the regular screen for emi dream medium i think don't don't quote me on that though this is the atomsonia that is yellow variegated can you imagine how expensive that would be oh my goodness this is a philodendron ah in salt this is a i didn't say be here i don't know what maybe this is the person who is selling this plant yeah so i guess maybe they uh take on some of the home growers plants and sell them here for them so that would be a really good business plan actually if they can provide a platform for people to sell their plants this is a pink princess and i believe they call it the marble or the splash there's some milanos here of course um or maybe not maybe this is the hype i don't see maybe this is a hybrid i don't know it doesn't does it stay here this is the milano crisis you guys false alarm but the veins on these are very very pronounced for a milano this is very different from the ones that i have that i am doing a propagation video and this is a pretty milano and one thing about milano crescents is that they all are different you have your narrow form and these are the raptor i guess when i did a video before i was like yeah this looks like a raptor claw and i'm finally given the plant id right here thank you this is why every plant shop should have plant ids because your customers can learn so much about plant species this is the whole though neoname halt halton myanum i guess that's how we say it very cute look at that very very cute all of these are in my wish list hmm it looks like a sword right all right so i'm gonna be coming around this middle island back so bear with me i'm almost done this is a really beautiful plant i believe this is the cycad could be wrong pretty look at that and at the top here right near the top look at this symmetry this is so nice oh my god this is probably the dion a duo and it looks good from so many different angles you guys because it's like a sculpture oh my gosh you love them and down here we have some white knight if i'm not a princess white knight sorry the princess has longer leaves yeah this is the princess a lot of you guys have called out to me before this is the pink but it comes white as well because in my previous video i called the white princess a white knight and a lot of you guys called me out for it sorry this right here oh yeah so it's the xanthusoma lindenia i guess we showed this adult plant earlier in the video so it is a xanthosoma let me see what else this is a syngonium chia pensie if i'm not wrong yes to this and that is the prize in case you're interested to know this is so asking to be propagated and i really love the leaves look at that it's camera's not even going to focus for it because it actually looks blurry not because of the fault of the camera it is a really blurry fuzzy looking plant some skin that's just uh tourbillon this is the dark form this is the moonlight and i believe some of these are the species sumatra this is the uh synapses loosens skin that says something this moonlight and let me see what else is there this is so pretty too i believe this is a rapidophora ah let's see oh no hang on is this emmy dreams the pelinium silver what the hell i've never heard of this before and the price is crazy that is interesting i did not know that these skin or maybe this is just the emmy dream silver but i don't think this is the ziplinium because it is the amiga medium silver i do have that but then release actually round unless you let them get mature then they become these fenestrated and split leaves but i could be wrong i don't know maybe this is another species entirely so ethereum pedato radiatum is it yes i killed one i bought another one that is slowly growing but yeah this is a struggle plan for me for a while that it is pretty nonetheless and it gets huge by the way this can get massive these are a lot of aetheriums over here a lot of hybrids i'm not gonna go into details i'm not an ethereum person they're all beautiful don't get me wrong i'm just not not an arrow person no i love them but i'm not an expert there are some plants up here which i'm not going to show you i guess it's a beautiful um aria we're starting to lose daylight see the sun is coming down so i'm going to be ending this video as soon as i finish this one last out this is a philodendron at above onesie and with the underside pretty very easy to grow little baby mayo eyes let me see am i missing anything else i think i may be done this baby vera cushions they're so cute when they're little tiny plants they grow really fast it'll take them about a year to get to the full adult size okay so i think i'm done you guys so this is what the place looks like at night time it is super quiet of course it's a little bit more packed on weekends but i want to remind you guys to please practice mask wearing and social distancing at this time as we observe social distancing here are some golden photos happy premium aureum and it's full glory that's starting to finish straight really pretty and then back here we have actually a few more plants this is a beautiful alocasia i believe this is a mac probably not a macarizer very god this is a little bit mint looking it's not full white this is a pretty palladium i've got a little one of these there's a lot of palladiums here this is very very pretty look at how they shine in the light the night light there's a thermodophylum by penetrating freedom verigata that's a massive pothos epipremnum manjula look at how big those leaves are you can't see and i can't get closer i'm so sorry that thing's in the way but believe me those are bigger than my hands milano cries them there skindaps is jingling up this is really pretty really really pretty very peaceful evening look at those maidenhair ferns there they're just having the time of their lives and this palladium here that's new growth right here near france oh welcome and that's the body this is the wide leaf variety and not only fronds but they come in many shapes it's made in hair ferns they just need to be watered every day that's that's the only thing you cannot miss watering and theriums there's magnificums down there let me come around here and this is a philodendron warzowiski eye they can get massive very very cute yes i believe in monstera maybe an acuminator or i don't know i don't know what i'm talking about but it's very pretty look at those big leaves with just a little bit of fenestrations let's variegate it something i don't know if this is going to show up let me zoom in very interesting but i have a feeling this is a very past prone plant there's some plants down here this is a syngonium hang on i'm zoomed out okay much better some allocation down there syngonium these are very beautiful things i believe this is the singhonian batik i guess this is the first time i'm doing a plant tour at night huh how interesting this is a really oh my gosh it's heavy it's got fuzzy undersides and what is this i want to i don't know what this is this looks like a fern like a kadaka fern but i really don't know man this is cute i really love shaking its hands but it does have very very beautiful fuzzy undersides and shiny leathery top this is a model that's a cordless cordline sorry not cordyline costas i really love their spiral look from up above pretty look at that this um a lot of darkhorn furniture they do really well here they're very happy here and this place is just so much fun imagine this place with like live music and things like that very beautiful it is so peaceful here tonight and i hope that the uh background music doesn't cause me some copyright issues but this is looking pretty look at the lights here oh my god this is the most romantic place i've been in a very long time uh oh man let's look at the fields see what it looks like oh man this is a really nice staycation i guess i have a long drive back to my home after this because we're in east jakarta and i live in a town west of jakarta i have to drive through the city to get home let me turn back around look at that whoa [Music] this is actually a pretty good venue for weddings can you imagine like a very intimate wedding right here with that house in the background with uh with a ceremony here with like a a white tent very pretty impressive space and this is pretty new by the way they opened i think after the pandemic so let me come around see what it looks like from the other angles very pretty oh my gosh i'm in another world i've been carried into another world and i'm liking it so thank you so much for coming along there's people there let me move the camera away so thank you guys for coming along with me on this very beautiful day and it's very beautiful space i met botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plan cam propagation i'll try my best to get back to you and i will see you in the next video bye everyone
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 46,580
Rating: 4.9042358 out of 5
Id: if-2Jj0QvvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 23sec (4103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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