LONDON PLANT SHOP Tour: N1 Garden Center — Vlog 036

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this is cute oh I almost like ruined that guy's spiderweb fourth Porter orb-weaver well looks like the rich dolls just wanted to break out of the restaurant here it's like let me out let me out so I'm at the n1 garden center I got tipped off to this place by Jane Peron who's a podcaster of on the ledge and we were going to meet up but our schedules just weren't working out so she took me off that this is a great place for houseplants so I thought I'd go check it out by the way if you hear me sniffling it's because I'm managing with a head cold after this like book tour in Netherlands in London and you could see already that grey skies here cold and damp doesn't do well for one's health here yeah I'll do that so I just met Paul he's like part of the garden center here and I just wanted to let him know that we're filming and we're just gonna see a little bit more of the plants that they have here so come on in lots of things that I already see that we don't have in the United States and this one's called philodendron worse and whisky I first time I've even seen it I'm assuming that this is probably a brighter color because this kind of color doesn't usually can't usually find that in the wild the philodendron war scene with CGI is also that I know are much more they're much more feathery and serrated so maybe when they get a little bit larger they'll get a little bit more serrated this is something that I just covered on 365 days of plants this is a larger epiphyllum oxy petal um this is a queen of the night cactus so these bloom at night these are some of the newer fillo clades that come in these are stems that actually look like leaves and they serve the function of leaves and I can't get over we don't have a lot of growers in the United States that grow out really large rhipsalis but this is a giant rhipsalis paradox ah very meaty one I've seen these in other as well and I think that the UK benefits from being really close to the Netherlands because they get a lot of those growers that don't normally ship over to the United States rhipsalis Bass affair I believe this is another meaty one Diwali is these are rabbits foots ferns but they're actually pretty resilient ferns for someone who wants more resilient fern in their house I would say that these rabbits what's ferns are actually pretty good because they don't need a tremendous amount of humidity like some other ferns do the spleen eum's are also very good those are the bird's nest' ferns mehta nillas i mean look at these Mehta nillas they're about to bloom really huge this looks like a larger peperomia and Kanna they're selling them as peperomia hvar es touch the leaves so soft and thick thank you I might as well just do that yeah they are nice they're quite nice Ruska Foley is these are de city of Ruska folios or dish vidya risk of awliyas these are these are very resilient plants they're also related to Hoyas so if you like the Hoya family then this one is a good one for you they do not get large blooms they get really really really really minut white blooms - actually blooming at my house before I left ludis yeah discs colors flaunting their black green foliage here see what else they have own these are incredible begonias begonia meso jnana iron cross I've definitely seen these before but the name escaped me look at that I love the texture of the leaf it kind of reminds me a little bit of like a lesser version of begonia ferox because farik's has those like really kind of like nipply Ripley tops this is a begonia luxuriance I believe yep begonia luxuriance I like this one a lot this kind of digitate and a finger like look is really nice like it liked it a lot this is a senecio this I saw these in Netherlands and I was like this looks like my senecio macro glosses but I have never seen this before the United States this is senecio McKinney's I don't know if that's the updated scientific name but I would imagine that this is a very resilient house plant and I would have actually loved to grow this handsome grower in the United States please grow this because I would actually like to get it trial it out my home alright so what else do we have here massive anther eum's I mean look at these these are huge they're not pretty much known for their Brax I mean look their backs are quite tiny but their leaves are massive and so are some of their roots you know these things typically are growing in the cloud forests kind of stuck to trees and rocks and things like that so learned a lot about these recently with one of the big anthurium growers in the United States these are apple and Rose Square roses these are the white versions I have to say that these over time start to look a little scraggly they will pretty much start to grow up tall and they tend to lose their bottom leaves they get really cool kind of like square shaped inflorescences that are yellow which are which are nice people like them for the foliage this is like I said the more of the white version but they have like ones that are darker green with a little bit of white stripes so you got some palms right here some nice these are nice meaty philodendron oh look at this philodendron these are really hard to come by I wonder how much these are they're selling these for it's gonna be a little nosy and see what the price tag is 21 euros oh my god these are going for so much and like at the Eroica it's ridiculous so nice this might be the that's like the Ring of Fire philodendron Ring of Fire let's see yep fill it under during a fire I think this looks like a jungle boogie but I think with the splotches on it the drum boogie has turned into the ring of fire so anything that looks like a little deviation from the natural type then they'll name it something different this looks like a cominjee onna oil cumin Gianna hoya species but this one to me looks like a type of cumin Gianna and I can't believe it's only 22 euros gone man such a nice selection here Jane was right this looks like a begonia beefsteak it's massive for anybody who's liking that and here's here's some nice bird's nest and thorium's right here these are these are pretty resilient as houseplants I've done really well with my bird's nests gosh just peperomia Kappa rata this is called peperomia Quito probably because it's named after the capital of Ecuador look at that color though it is fabulous I mean look matches my jacket how spot-on is that - my jacket even the metallic sheen oil boy some aglio Nima's you know we saw a lot of those Thai cultivars in Thailand at the Chatuchak market and then this is a schefflera these are the schefflera actonel fellows but they have a different cult of our name because they're light green Soleil these are $19.99 pounds some more in theory UM's so here are the esplen eum's these are the bird's nest ferns that are also pretty resilient in the home whereas these Eddy anthems are a little bit more challenging this is Peruvian ohms and the breadfruit I've never tried the breadfruit in my home so I can't tell you how that that one it would grow maybe somebody who has grown it would be able to to say this is a beautiful signo Neum signo Neum macrophylla frosted heart now I haven't seen macro filum actually in the United States although I've seen some cuttings here and there but no growers actually growing it totally this would be on my my list of ones that I would want to grow I like Sig known iums I love see these dark Brax look how different they are to these green ones got some dark ones you got some green ones I really like the dark ones I mean anything kind of like I don't know I've been feeling like kind of goth lately cuz even in my community garden I've been like picking hookah res which like dark leaves and then lilies with like dark petals anyway that's that's pretty cool you know I was about to go over here but there was a few more over here that I completely looked over because they're hanging up above me this is something that I know I've cissus amazonica although this one looks like they're saying parts enosis amazonica so maybe it's changed maybe I don't I'm not up to date on the scientific name these are great these are like little Ivies I think they're native to Asia I have not grown this kind in my house but I've imagined it needs a little bit more humidity these are epiphyllum and regular ears this is another type of jungle cactus and then you have look kind of like this little monstrous version of a profile I'm there and then this is kind of cool this is a date palm I never see this in the United States it almost looks like a psycho cycad yeah cool that's really neat what else and then douche giddy is right up here you could see a couple different versions this might be a larger version of my own antha but that one looks like something that they called discidium ger I but I don't know if that that is correct or not Lucia Rosia this I got a cutting of and it actually didn't root but these are supposedly great houseplants you probably look at them and say geez that looks like a little bit like a pepperoni obtrusive folia crossed with maybe like a ficus elastica you'd be right the kind of are very similar to to both of those but this gets into a large tree you could actually get these quite large so this would compete with I would say like a ficus light rata or ficus elastica if you wanted to one of those in your house this one's a great example of a somatoform spruce en 'm but it's labeled as philodendron gold di that was the old scientific name this has now been put into a whole new genus called the Matta Phelim so a lot of thematic films don't climb like a lot of times philodendron z' will go in the forest and they'll find a tree and they'll start to clamber up and their leaf shape will change so Matta films are more like like this for example they just kind of form this kind of basket shape and they don't tend to climb they just kind of stay in this kind of basket shape so this one is probably labeled as a philodendron zon tall but it's probably a philodendron the Matta films an Adu so these are great I just picked up one of these little ferns in Portland I can't remember the name off the top of my head but they when they dry out they get kind of like this white look and then you just put more water in them again and they start to get green fronds again oh this is a kind of hoya is this but it smells doesn't smell anything like nothing that really stays with you this this almost looks like a broader stephanotis fine cut kind of like a Hawaiian wedding vine but obviously the flowers are all Hoya get some begonias over here some really interesting ones there you go I think that these are the trailing begonias maybe sell me this one just says Hoya species and again these this might may or may not be a cominjee on I mean that's what it looks like to me by my eye but one of my viewers had mentioned that they had some kind of come in Gianna hybrid and I wouldn't put it past somebody hybridizing these and maybe you get some kind of different cultivar this is an interesting it looks like a EPIP Wrentham yep EPIP Wrentham Pineda MC bow blue this one's a little bit of a darker color than my SIBO blue is that I'm looking that I know if you give this like a sphagnum poled to grow up on it'll start to develop those fenestrations or those holes and their leaves Oh this the Sara Peggy Linney arias subspecies woody I and it's in bloom right now look at those blooms these are also in the Hoya family very neat this is a sex if Raqqah stolen if era and these are big you know strawberry begonia they're called or not a begonia this one's called tricolor it's a cultivar this one says monstera kirsten Yanam but that is an improper name it's just monstrous but peru let's see this this looks like another type of hoya although I'm not sure what kind I don't think it's listed very nice-looking one and this is a Hoya reducer right here grass leave Toya these are native to the Himalayas so they require a little bit of a cold period and then this one looks like a Hoya this one says Hoya Lanza folia although kind of looks like a Ken Tiana to me but it has these like really red edging on the leaves really sharp I'll have to look that one up because I'm not quite sure I mean you gotta love peps peperomia Metallica I think this is a variation on Columbiana but let me see if they list it nope it's one of those growers that just don't doesn't list any of the names of the plants maybe that's for the better this looks looks like a different type of peperomia for me it's not a obtrusive folia this one says it's a link aureus that's the first one for me I don't know that I'll have to look that one up to look every time you come to a garden center you learn something a little bit new I would be remiss if I didn't highlight some of these areas over here so this is clear nerve him here's another anthurium back here and then another oh this is a great one see this one this is at the Madoff Ilham you see how they're growing these like really woody stems on the bottom this is where the leaves kind of drop off and they're getting these very thick aerial roots and then you see this synapses pictus right here very popular shingling plant if you let a shingle Casta no sperm um these haven't really I mean I see them in the US but I think people like them because I think they saw them as like Jack and the Beanstalk plants but I haven't seen them like really pick up in the States mingi Raleigh is I have to tell you I had one of these and I unfortunately killed it I had it I think into less of light in my house look at this diffenbach eeeh this is huge those leaves are massive this is a new asparagus for me okay this one says asparagus meadow eighties I'd have to look that one up really nice it has this kind of like a really thin try to Scandia kind of look it looks like a Tradescantia mixed with an asparagus fern it's a new one some more clue SIA down here this one's like slightly variegated you could see some bukhari over kavita's these are ponytail palms and you could see that giant codex on the bottom over here okay and know a lot of folks actually love Sansevieria formerly known as Sansevieria the plants formerly known as Sansevieria now called Dracena but they have a really wonderful selection right here that you could see I think some Whitney's some pink we colas some bats some may see own iana's here I think these are called Whitney's those are nice this one oh look at this one let's see which one they call this let me pull it out Sansevieria try Fosse odda so it's a Dracaena tripe Asiata silver flame that's pretty just along the edges right there I know some people appreciate that okay these are the more spreading style kristina's you can see this kind of goes out as opposed to up sometimes when we think of the try Fosse ATA's they're the ones that kind of fit really well in the corner these would kind of get in your way because they're a little bit more rows that shape I'll have to fight over here to put this back these are great these little euphorbias I don't often see them euphorbia steno clay does I don't know if these actually get any leaves on them or not quite ominous looking really cool these are drew Cena's as well they don't really look like it probably some kind of variation of gold Saffy ana's see they have a cultivar name ya Dracena sucralose Oh which is the new updated this is the actual updated scientific name so this is Dracena sucralose a-- and it's called the cultivar his name is Mike probably the guy who actually discovered it awesome they have a likes a nice little cacti collection over here these lithops are looking pretty meaty - whoa look at those some gasp tyria what would the world be if they didn't have Pylea peppery metis right there a little pancake plant and hiding in this dark a little corner over here monstera and in sony i these are some pretty meaty leaves typically the ones that I see in the states are smaller but the growers are probably like ferociously trying to get the plants out the door alright so monster delicioso this is a really nice SiC healthy-looking one some more euphorbias over here these are called pencil stick cacti even though they're not cacti or fire stick sometimes they're called because when you give them a lot of light they go very very very red here's some more of the this is oIA's the sorry this related the Hawaii as the Sarah Peggy Woody eyes and but these are I think the updated knight name is Sarah Peggy a linearis subspecies woody I so that is nice to see and these are the oh this one's ready to get out of there these are the sweetheart Hoyas that are variegated and it looks like they have the Terrace here which look like they've been given some really good light in the wherever the growers are growing them because they're they have this kind of reddening of the fill okay it's mmm I love myself some root solace that's kind of like my the thing that I like to grow right now oh is this Schlumberger ah right here is actually flowering I think this is a Thanksgiving cactus this one due to the leaf leaf shape that'd be my guess and then oh this is a Buddhist temple let me get it out okay you ready look at this Buddhist temple that's a type of crash Allah but it's not a species they've kind of crossed it with a couple different species and created this little hybrid this also looks like asta pili ad I don't know what kind I'm not really great identifying my stupid ads if they're not flowering and a lot of them happen to be hybridized so you sometimes can never tell Oh what else do we have here well you have some more at the phylum you have more crash EULA's this is a crash you'll up here epiphyllum so nice rip solace rip solace flock HOSA hmm I don't know that one I'd have to kind of look that name up and we have some more Sarah Peggy --is look at their little flower is right here this is a chunky euphorbia euphorbia ellen becky i it says it's a new one to me and some months Stros cacti right here that's like the crested monstrous forms they got some kind of weird Martello cactus usually this is but you know this one's called pack and we a chris dot chris dot means that it's chris state this is another type of rhipsalis Pento Patera oh yes that's right you could feel it right here pent-up otário you could feel the how the philip clades are you know are angled here lupus means another type of jungle cactus you know a nice little collection of pots yeah this is this place we've got it going on and you know who doesn't want a little fish I totally get this for my bed and for those who feel like they really do have a black thumb and every plant that they've brought into their life they killed you could go with these really compelling fake plastic plants not on my channel although I have to admit and some of my darkest corners in my house I do have plastic plants a little known secret okay another little fish looks these these are kind of cute oh I would if I lived here I'd probably get one for my couch or something Kip you would probably pick on it all day these are really neat this these are larger ones the ones that I have at my house are small but sprawling euphorbia platy clay toes these are called dead man's fingers I think when I bring these out in like 365 people are like what is that and some people are like oh that's really cool but yeah they're not real lookers but they're they're interesting but they're not real lookers these have just got moved into a new genus there we used to be known as Homo caladiums this one says euphorbia xyla phalloidin no i thought this is a homo caladium i thought that was a taper implant but this is yeah euphorbia so my bad hoya carry I again those are the sweetheart Hoyas this one's not very gated these are you four bo b says now i highlighted this and i thought i had a you for bo bisa but I think I have a euphorbia obese across with something else because it was like doesn't look like this my four bo b so like is brown it gets a little woody but these are ones that are called like I think they're called baseball cacti but they eventually do start to grow up and out they don't stay like this some really interesting ones here this is oh this is so cool they're just starting to sell these in the United States this is a peperomia columella you could see that these have these little windows and I talked about these little windows these little chubby succulent leaves and these little windows I talked about in my peperomia care and propagation video so if you want to know a little bit about that check that out and also my pepperoni at or I talked about them in my Adela performace my pepperoni Adela performace and my pepperoni argyria and those this one's a sweet peperomia stam I can't believe I can't take this home shucks alright put that one here and then this one looks like a kind of jatropha of sorts let me just take this down yeah jatropha multi-fit uh yeah you could see some of the flowers right there I didn't see the flowers but you could tell by the leaves jatropha has some really interesting shape the leaves kind of a dead giveaway sorry I'm like sniffling wiping my hands here's another jatropha see this little codex this looks like that it has some this kind of sticky SAP right here I wonder if this is has a relationship with ants because sometimes when you see that kind of sticky goo sometimes that's what the ants like to you know gravitate towards this is a really cool euphorbia right here dakari I I saw a lot it is in Thailand I also have a couple dakari eyes at home so it's a cool ficus I don't see these a lot in the United States petiole eres no no how it is growing indoors I actually can't comment on it because they haven't been growing it but maybe by the time this video launches I will be growing in indoors who knows so this looks like the prayer plant section right here and then hate to tell all of you guys but they are no longer than called calathea x' so sorry they're all deport ia's so we've got to get used to that one way or another this is used to be called calathea mosaic ax so you can see calathea mosaic ax Network calathea however it is now like Joe Parr Chia king a collie Network so it still has Network in the name but it's now Joe Pesci and it has a new genus and species and then this is Joe Portilla Makhijani see it used to be called calcium akka Jana I do have to tell you though I saw this one flower and it could be wrong but it looked more like a moranto flower to me huh so I don't know I mean text animus may know better than I and maybe I saw the wrong kind of flower this one is called calathea Freddy but I think it's like a type of calathea Bela and then this one is called kallithea this one's called pinstripe here but the ones that I see in the US that look like this are called Beauty star so again your guess is as good as mine let's see what else they have some over here these are nice little aspidistra 'he's a glue Nima's I get what they're doing here they're saying that this section is for low light plants I'm getting this this kind of like this is spar mania Africana I've never seen this before it kind of looks like a begonia leaf to me but if it's kind of partnered with all these guys over here then I'm assuming that this may also be a low-light plant I don't know okay kind of like come up through the plants here what else do we have here some moranto here you got some Mehran toluca Nora this looks like a type of Cinco Liam excuse me reach moranto what is this I don't even know it's not listed it kind of looks like it has a Aglio NEMA style stem and petiole but it looks like it has a bit more of a cool synapses shape anybody knows what that is tell me in the comments because I am stumped these are metallic palms they grow on the under stories of for us actually also very good at low-light plants these are al caches usually steer clear some allocations this is a zabrina sometimes they have Tiger eanes depends on the kind of coloration on the stems I haven't actually tried growing these so someone else could comment if they're having a good time with theirs what are these I don't recognize these as they're saying it's peperomia peperomia Lea dentists I mean if this is a peperomia that that really I mean it's not flowering I would have never guessed that this no I would have maybe somewhat guess this could be a peperomia but it's got a fuzzy fuzzy leaf easily broken I could feel that it's like an easily broken leaf wouldn't typically think that this is a peperomia but I'm gonna have to look that one up pretty cool it's a nice little ant plant I could tell this is a an ant plant kid no fight him nice I have one of those kind of mausoleum mausoleum that's a species name of mine and I have it stuck on a swag gnam fight him some more rhipsalis down here okay this is like just an endless little selection Paul said he barely had any plants here my god he's like a better selection than most of the garden centers in the United States so this is like not a lot then you know he's doing pretty well for himself here's a signal 'i'm erisa filum these are nice see the really dark red undersides look like matching my coat everywhere to these undersides and these plants it's kind of thank you Timberland this nice coat that matches a lot of the plants but underside of plants yeah Cigna America film or retro phylum depending on how you want to pronounce it oh this is great Vitara folios these are anther invitar volumes this is uh this is a plant that hangs off of trees so it's empathetic and doesn't need a tremendous amount of water anyway great plant pro cursor pens used to be called paleo NIA repents and now it's in the genus progress that's another one that nobody's crying over spilled milk on that one because not many people are pelagonija lovers but I have to tell you that this is a very very easy plant to grow and it's sprawls like crazy grows in a lot of ranges the conditions I found that it actually grows really well on my green wall my vertical garden which can be sometimes a little bit challenging to grow plants gosh here's some more of that paradox ah holy crap these are nice and large I'm having rhipsalis Envy here new all sumitra Sarka Phila this is one that I was introduced to in Thailand I quickly forgot about it I found it again online I was reunited with it and I was like oh that would be kind of interesting to grow as a house plant and funny enough when I was I was like editing the Thailand videos I said the same thing I was like huh look at that that would be an interesting house plant so I'm glad to see that like my instincts are the same even though I had forgotten I had said that but I have to tell you this is a great house plant because I'm growing it now new off submitter Asarco Phila it's a type of cucumber it's of binding cucumber very thick leaves and it likes to scramble and what I found out is that it likes to grow on limestone its limestone plant so if you have a little bit of crushed eggshells if you have some oyster shells put that into your soil and that would be probably a little bit more appropriate for this plant so great one right there something that would be easily overlooked look at this just giddyap Latta fella this one is a mirror mokou dia it actually does ants yeah and then this is Australis he said and these like clambering begonias are nice but you don't usually find these in garden centers friend them with hobby growers no these need humidity do you know what oil this is no yeah mix box yeah and we haven't managed to find out which one there is yeah the one to the left is a reducer yeah I don't know one the one to the right yeah oh they do okay my mealybugs have not hit Myra to see yet but they like other things in my house yeah that's some epinephrine Adam SIBO blue yeah that were in but yours are not blue ours are really blue so I don't think these are a steve-o blue because I don't know if you could call that a cultivar SIBO blue because it's dark greens what this is nearest we've ever got yeah yeah but of course depending on where it's grown yeah alight yeah yeah well this fella this would tell me that it's grown in a little darker lake condition because it has more chlorophyll if that's the case or they just picked it off a1 that's a green green thing and they're calling its Evo blue because that's what the growers want or that's what the buyers want these are thirst enya's I didn't even see this yeah yeah we've got quite a lot cortex we haven't yeah I'm a specialist quite cortex fan so when I yeah but such wacky little I love the flowers yeah they really are yeah these are these are great plants I overlooked a lot of these cuz I'm just like I like rapid-fire I'm like this at all but even this this um this I've never heard of this species of peperomia long leg aureus it looks like it I'm Tuesday folia sort of but but I've never we don't have that available in the States but I mean we might but I don't know where I've seen it out yeah sometimes names would be pepper yeah again it's like they give them hobby names yeah and this is new oh this one's it's called happy leaf yeah this looks like but see they have it as an epic run tamponade um but this I would think would be like an epic Wrentham aureum yeah and then because there's one called Manjula and another one called and joy but that looks similar joy we have yeah but there's smaller leaves and white yeah yeah which is more speckled so yeah which is bring the rope for us yeah yeah that one looks new but I haven't I would not think that's a pen a dime though I think that would be you know I just from it right right yeah but sometimes I think like growers will say something just to especially if it's theirs if it's not patented I try and check everything yeah if I don't know it yeah yeah yeah yeah man come in several times under three different nights really the offal and rows yeah so because it's a new variety yeah see that's that that we actually have do yeah yeah off Alondra square OSA but i can't remember the name of the cultivar but we I I know time recognized it's know why I think this time it's called whitewash okay oh that's a thing like if it's just a little bit squatter or fat or whiter or this then they'll just go and say this is a new cultivar and they'll pack so I think that's it could be a different one and they just you know name it some people also don't like the name of the cultivar so they'll change it they're like I don't like this one it's name Bob I'm going to change it we don't have the bye off items the ones that we have are usually mimosa pudica is I have to buy the buy off items either as seeds or I have to get them from a special sheet Brower yeah fine yeah I mean that's I think it's the only way that it's easy to grow the both mimosa pudica Xand bio fine I'm sensitive owns our seed grown primarily I'm have you seen it bigger than that because it does it does yeah it was scruffy yeah yeah yeah I've got one intro in the office and it kind of sent out loads of seeds yeah yeah no it's it's cute it looks like a little palm trees room yeah yeah I only grow mine under glass so okay and then the date palm you have back there like I've never seen that that's great yeah and there's a little impatience or which one is this no this is a pep is it a pet yeah that one could make yeah they can make sense yeah I've never seen that one either see there's so many I didn't even cover after the end of this I just saw these in Portland I haven't seen them may come out to New York we go a little bit bigger four inch pots because these are quite difficult with yeah I'm quite challenging they but the thing is with them they're actually really resilient because what I found is they when they dry out they get these white but then as soon as you give them water again though the green new green will come up and then the white one will stay and it kind of looks like a by colored plant when misting these probably every day yeah I'm told if it's kept in really - yeah laughs and it grows really well yeah it's very happy yeah but I found that like it's really resilient like a lot of ferns like they'll die back up right back again yeah yeah probably it probably needs a little bit of acclimatization there but no you have a really wonderful selection yeah this is great you Troy every week yeah every time something new comes available we we grab it yeah okay well it's great it's a good strategy to have interesting for people yeah there's so many places now selling houseplants yeah you know we've been doing it for such a long time yeah yeah we've got new things for our cars yeah you got to keep it fresh exactly the Netherlands now are experimenting a bit more be yeah now the sales are better for them that yeah yeah years ago you couldn't get monstera in the pot I know all right the growers kind of stopped growing I know I'm gonna make your money from them well it's really being driven by like a lot of customers now looking for things and coming to gar cuz I will literally go to my garden centre and be like can you get this I know who's growing it just call them yeah where are you in New York oh you in the city yeah yeah yeah yeah I do too I miss it because it's always blue skies compared to this gray skies all the time I know that's yeah that's true that's true anyway but yeah thank you so much as Lucia yeah thanks for letting us like scroll through your place and like your plants and unfortunately I'm not gonna bring anything back but like you know Charlie yeah okay I think I've liked pretty scoured pretty much scoured this whole store so what a nice little selection and it was a really good suggestion by Jane so I think this will probably be the only store that I get to see here in London so I hope you enjoyed that and remember you could always tune in to my blog at homestead Brooklyn calm and on my Instagram at homestead Brooklyn and of course here on YouTube see you next time you [Music]
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 373,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, London Garden Center, N1 Garden Center, Plant Shop Tour, London plant shop, London plant shop tour, houseplant tour, garden center houseplants, London nursery, London plant nursery tour, plant shop, garden center, house plant tour London, Summer Rayne houseplant tour london
Id: 2FMeOu4v1gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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