Cheap plants haul and rescue

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia so last night i actually binge bought a lot of plants online and they have just arrived and i i've had a very very stressful past few days a lot of annoying things popped out at work and there's more projects than i can handle so i just wanted some plant therapy and i decided to show you a little bit of a plant hall so the first thing i wanted to point out is that rats got to this package before i did so this package has been sitting around for about three hours and we're having a major infestation here in the house we can hear them partying around at night just running around the house so we need to take care of that first thing that i wanted to unbox is this moss pole so a lot of you have actually asked me in the previous videos what these are and um yeah so these are poles that are made of coco coir and i know that it's not available in many regions but for me luckily they came this way so this is just ready to be placed in the pot i'll include the price uh up on the screen okay so the first plant is uh it's a jungle cactus i see some broken off stems here but i'll pluck it off later and i will propagate it i know that it'll propagate well and the the lease fill firm so i bought the plants today on tokopedia i'll include the name of the store i usually buy from different stores each time just because i wanted to be random there's no particular store that i recommend and usually they come in various conditions some of them came really terribly banged up and some of them came very healthy and i do like nursing the unhealthy plants back to health it's part of the challenge so i got this jungle cacti and i'm pretty sure they shipped the wrong one because i remember ordering the curly one but i'll show you on the screen what i ordered versus what i got so that's number one and the next one that i ordered this is this came really really banged up it's not healthy at all and the the shippers sent two of these so i don't know if i actually accidentally ordered two of these or they decided to give me an extra one i'm not sure yeah and the next one is uh tradiscantia sabrina and this is why in the last nursery tour i actually touched one of these and i really fell in love with the silver specks and i don't see them here but maybe they it does need yeah i don't know what conditions they need to live in for them to be super bright but it looks down here maybe it's just the lighting right now i'm not sure but i know that this is a very fast grower and i'll be very happy to have him around yeah and i would definitely propagate these two they don't look so good so here's the thing with new plants that i got usually i would just take cuttings and i will propagate them this is for plant insurance to make sure that something at least survives if the parent plan doesn't survive sometimes they don't survive repotting as well so and this next one it looks really limp this is an apisky uh otherwise it looks quite healthy um yeah it's not it's not the best and it's not in the worst shape so i'm okay with this so this one ooh this is broken ah bye and it's so sad because it was actually a really nice leaf and it's the biggest leaf so yeah it's really sad that it broke off i guess um because they were in a motor motor ride all the way from i don't know where the nurseries are usually they're on the outskirts of uh jakarta so it probably took them a while to get here and very bumpy road so i i completely forget the store and also the person who delivered it i'm very thankful that i got the plan so as long as the root is healthy i know that this will do fine i believe this is the new leaf it's pretty so this will be my first uh home alumina in my chair and i know that these two get big so i'm excited to see and the last one that i got oh this is really terrible i've seen really beautiful ones in my nursery tour and they were dark foliage with really nice pink stripes and these ones look really sad really sappy so but actually if you look at my plants around the house a lot of them actually bought online very cheap that's why i get so many plants because i i didn't have to spend very much money on them but i also enjoy nursing them back to health and a lot of them actually push back with with growth and and and with vigor so a lot of them look healthy now but it takes time so i'm and i'm a patient guy so um another thing with rescued plants is that you actually learn more about the species and the care when you are getting a plant that is not um doing so well so i you get to learn about their conditions better so yeah so here we are at the sink and here are the plants i'm gonna fix this up here so do not judge me but this is the same thing that i wash my face and brush my teeth in yeah i don't mind it okay i hope that's uh clear enough for you guys um all right so i'm gonna go with uh this one first so what the first thing that i do is i take off any uh leaves that are that that have broken off um because they're they're just gonna be a burden for the plan they're gonna attract past and look unsightly this one looks like it's been chewed up by a caterpillar [Music] okay yeah they definitely have some pest problems in here this is not a good shop to order from [Music] okay so the next thing that i do actually is that i will take um this is actually my homemade soaps i'm a soap maker so i know that my soaps are not chock full of chemicals it doesn't have any preservatives or coloring or any kind of fragrance or perfume that plants may not like or they may harm the plants so it's just pure coconut oil that's the soap that i use so i'm going to just um soak it down like the underside and the and the top side of the leaves and give it a very very good clean so any any pests that may be here or any eggs may be washed off and then later on after this is done i'm gonna spray down with neem oil solution and quarantine it for sure i'm not gonna put this next to my other plants and i keep it in this polybag because i noticed that it's easier to clean them before i pop them up so this one's done i'm going to do this gear next [Music] this looks really limp [Music] not in good shape at all this whole thing oh okay so [Music] i was thinking to propagate this this piece off uh though i'm not sure i haven't looked up the species to know if they can propagate by water or into soil but you know what i'm gonna propagate it so i'm gonna cut this off yeah let's experiment okay cut this right at the base and i see that there's an let me show you here i think there may be a note here i don't know if they they grow roots from the note or anywhere else but i'm gonna make i'm gonna [Music] just assume that they will root at the note and not uh somewhere in the middle of the stem so i'm going to cut this like right here ah drop it all right so here i have a cutting that i don't know if it will root or not so i'm going to put this in water i guess maybe like this deep in the water so that part isn't soaked in [Music] then shake it clean and then i'm ready for the next one all right next i'm going to do this aguinima rotundum [Music] see you close up [Music] make sure you get all the corners get the underside i hope that this guy grows in my care flourishes i see some growth i see two growth points in there actually so that's [Music] exciting so i've seen this on um at the nursery and they are darker foliage so it's not supposed to be this green i wonder if it's the different species or if it's um the light condition in which it was grown in i have a feeling that and sometimes when you give them a darker or lower light rather when you give them lower light they get darker foliage and their stripes um becomes more vibrant more bright what's that and this is um it's the jungle cactus i gotta i'm gonna take this off this is just falling out anyways so yeah so this piece is just hanging on to its dear life in there so cut it off i mean i don't know if i should cut this or not i i know i'm gonna leave it alone i'm gonna let it um i think this is already callous over actually so i can just stick it back into the soil when i when i pot him up right next to it and a lot of the jungle cactus are actually very prone to scale [Music] i'm glad that this guy doesn't seem to have it though [Music] get you a close-up good wash and it's a good thing that this doesn't have any thorns so i hope it's not too boring to watch me do this and i'm running out of things to say so i mean i i may fast forward the video this part i mean not i see some growth points here yeah cute pink growth points over here i'm not sure if they're they will branch out there [Music] again the soap will work on any kind of scale insect like this plant and so it will clean i mean it will help clean some of the hard water stains that are on there as well so but any any soap will do if you have a dishwashing soap or i have even used like shampoo and stuff it's fine make sure you clean everything thoroughly you don't want to leave any soaps gum on the leaves it wouldn't harm it but it's just it won't help it won't be beneficial for it it's going to be blocking it it's chlorophyll all right next i'm gonna do this sabrina and i believe that she will need a lot of pruning so this one is sorry you can't see it uh let me lower the camera for you so here we have a lot of limp um stems like this this one is not gonna survive i'm gonna cut this off [Music] this one is super weak like super frail i don't know man what i'm just gonna take off that these those leaves [Music] oh and this this has broken off so yeah this is this is done so what actually i see a note here too so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stick this back into soil so i feel like there's a node here where my finger is yeah so let's see i'm gonna rinse that off do you know what hang on i might just do that actually i'm gonna cut i'm gonna cut these all off i'm gonna just propagate it or hang on sorry i'm gonna figure out what i want to do so this is this is healthy like cutting but uh let me show you so this was healthy as a as a tip but then the this is so leggy over here and i don't know man i don't like this look and this this leaves that in the middle doesn't look very healthy so i might actually take it off i'm gonna cut it right here take off this this leaf [Music] and then i'm gonna stick this into soil and as you can see there's actually uh one note and two notes and then there's the leaves this is actually a lot more least than i than you you should i'm gonna talk a few off you know what hang on i'm going to cut this even higher up you don't want that many leaves when you're propagating because the leaves are going to drain energy from from the plant oh i should have sorry i should have turned this into two cuttings i should cut in the middle before taking off the leaves oh well that's my bag i'm gonna cut this around here so yeah i've got myself this cutting uh before i forget i should wash the cutting too because some pets may be living on it you don't want your propagates to be infested there you go and you know i'm gonna go ahead and clean this up uh because you're gonna get bored so i'm gonna basically take off any of the unruly the dead the dead plant matter i'm gonna cut it off and then i'm gonna take some of the healthy tips and propagate it and when i take the healthy tips the bottom should push out new growth if the root system is healthy so that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna turn this into multiple plants so i'll see you in a bit so here are the cuttings that i've taken and it's quite a lot actually because there's so many healthy tips on this plant and they seem to be pretty firm and healthy i figured that this will turn into many healthy plants and also have a lot of healthy notes in between and this parent plan looks very bald now it's very small which is good oh i haven't i need to take that one out but um this is fine so if this one dies i'm not going to be upset and if it survives actually uh it's going to push a lot of growth from from one of the notes below it's gonna branch out so i wanted to show you how i wash my cuttings i don't have the time to do them one by one so i'm gonna just soak them up together it's basically like an alti washing vegetables in a in the market yeah so i just decided that i'm gonna take some of these and root them in water and some of them are going straight into soil in my experience stratus stratiscantias do well straight into soil that this is really an opportunity for me to experiment so i'm very thankful to receive such a crazy plant that i can cut up with no hesitation so if you guys uh you know want to experiment go ahead and buy some cheap plants and just cut them up seriously i've done that with literally every species and it's very very rewarding it's a good experience to have you learn so much and you don't spend a lot of money and some of the plants most of them in fact eighty eighty percent of them actually survive and then they they have now given me so many cuttings and they just properly even from the cutting it's very well worth your effort to propagate to learn and another thing when you propagate is that you can see when the roots come out you can see what the roots look like because every plant has a different root system some of them have a very thick tuberous roots and some of them are very pure like hair like very fine and fragile and some of them are just thirsty you can tell like if the root is if the root is thick it actually uh it doesn't the plant doesn't need a lot of water because that means that the root is storing a lot of water so if you have a plant thick root like a skin dashes and you keep putting water on it it will rot because the roots are already storing so much water it doesn't need frequent watering so yeah that's a good indication and it's really fun to see where the roots are coming from because sometimes the roots actually come from the nose sometimes the roots come from anywhere from the stem like like hoya the roots come from anywhere they want to they're quite unruly which is why they're quite amazing and as far as i know charlotte counties uh they root from the nose so the notes are actually where the stem and the leaf meet so you would have to pluck a few leaf off that note and where this is the plate where you leave off that that's actually the intersection for the lack of better words the intersection is actually the nose so yeah i've got clean cuttings here i'm gonna just i wish i've got those salad trainers the bowl that you drink salad in [Music] so there's my cuttings [Music] okay so next is this home alumina and i am gonna cut off this stem because i'm not gonna do anyone any good [Music] right at the base i don't sterilize my knife i'm lazy i know you should and so this is where i found some spider mites before so i need to be very very thorough with this and spider mites love like alocasia or any kind of plant that looks like this with like a like this kind of underside i don't know why they love it so i'm gonna soak this up very carefully and very thoroughly oddly so so glossy it's so nice so um homeowners are actually distant relatives to philodendrons closely related but i do hurt here that they need uh more moisture they cannot dry out as much as [Music] philodendrons so let's see um and it looks yeah even the the roots it feels more like a allocation than a philodendron it's got two i can feel it right now in my hands [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay we're all clean let me take you back outside okay so i'm gonna go ahead and start potting them up so a moment of truth start unwrapping my because i'm going to make a huge mess on this table all right so this one looks good a lot of healthy roots in there a lot of it actually um yeah i was gonna jam it into this pot but i'm not sure if all that root will fit um it will but it's a very tight fit that you can see here but it's such a nice pot um let me see do i have another one you know what i'm gonna just force it in here uh oh okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna give it uh because it's such a tight pot and it's also in terracotta i'm going to give it a medium that will dry slower so i'm going to give it my general purpose medium the recipe is on my soil video so go ahead and make your way to that video if you haven't seen it i'm going to put a little bit of soil on the bottom and start putting the roots in there tucking the roots in there [Music] adding a little bit more soil in the middle it's gonna be jammed in real tight in there [Music] nice so as i water it i guess the a lot of the medium will start to mingle with the roots and start fighting their way basically in in there but this jungle cactuses they don't really need a lot of roots actually they don't need a huge pot to grow in fact i heard that they will flower better or earlier if they are in a if they are root bound so [Music] there's that how nice so i'm going to add some insecticide on on the top and as well as some fertilizer later and then give it a good water i can feel like i feel like i can and you know what i feel i can add a little bit more soil but i gotta water this first and after a few waterings it will start uh the soil starts sinking uh deeper and you i don't know this this looks like it's some kind of uh i don't know if this is normal for jungle cactus but a lot of my jungle cactus have this and i i always assumed there was some kind of scale insect but it could just be an old stem it's them just getting old so yeah [Music] jump this you know what i'm going to push it this is not deep enough so the plant will be a lot more steady after you water it of course yeah there you go so next i'm going to do this coleus [Music] all right so i'm back so this is the plan and this is the root so the roots don't look so bad um no rotting or anything so yeah i have another one of these so i'm gonna go ahead and open up this one as well so i'm going to take it to the trash so i have some pretty bad news with this one so while i was trying to shake this off this broke off from the stem right here but what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna this is also another chance for me to experiment i'm gonna stick this right into the soil so i'm gonna see if this one will root or not this little baby here how cute oh but this baby will not survive i think because i'm gonna bury it in the in the soil so i'm going to give you a full camera is not going to focus hang on let me see very good focus focus focus okay because i wanted to give you one last look at this beauty before before i pack it off oops [Music] and the bottom part here actually has a very good root system and it's also got a few babies here so i think this will grow well this will be fine so i'm going to get a few plants out of this in the end uh let me choose the appropriate pot size this is nice for this one since it's been growing in uh in rice hulls which is a very fast draining soil i might actually give it um this mix which is very airy it's like a jungle floor type mix so i may have to water this a bit more frequently [Music] combine it all together [Music] and i feel like they might appreciate a bit of a bright light because there are also landscaping type plants so they're used to being outdoors but i'm maybe wrong i'm going to look it up actually after this usually plants with bright foliage like this tend to like a little bit bright and i think i'm all set [Music] you know what i'm gonna do actually this this cutting may be a little bit too long so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just cut it a little bit shorter it's just my intuition because i feel like if it's too long it'll take so much energy to push roots down and to transfer a lot of the energy so i figured maybe i'll do a short short cutting i'm gonna jam my finger in there find my find this way and put the cutting in here and cross my fingers if it dies if it doesn't make it i'm gonna be okay with it i'm not i'm not gonna be terribly upset it's gonna be a very good lesson for me to not abuse my plan to just take it out of the polybag carefully next time okay this is very much done being on next [Music] i'm going to do this aglionima rotundum so they are actually around 100 150 000 indonesian rupiah on how cute there's a little thing poking out of the polybag i think this is the new growth i don't know i'm very excited to see that um so yeah they're usually a little bit more expensive so i was excited when i saw the price on this uh online but again you pay you pay for you you get what you pay for it's actually the roots it's got a very thick root as you can see so this plant does not like a lot of watering as you can see from the roots [Music] beautiful it just came right off so this yeah do not over water your igloo number oh there's three plants in here that's a fantastic i like that let's find an appropriate size and because of the roots structure it's telling me that it doesn't like to be over watered so i'm going to give it that same airy mix just before and aglunima typically here at least in southeast asia don't like to be in soggy wet soil [Music] that was actually very easy i just realized that i was off screen the whole time i for my previous uh party so i hope you guys can see what i was doing before wasn't looking at the camera until now wow look at all these uh growth points i'm excited to see if this will grow i gloomy must actually grow very slowly in my experience so i have to be patient with this guy all right next we're gonna do the episkia open it open him up gonna undress him i'm gonna take him down below so i'm not making a mess all right here we go how nice actually i'm really amazed by how beautiful the leaves are actually the color is nice under the light so this is tiny actually it doesn't need a lot of uh i might actually put him in a very small pot to get him a bit root bound [Music] and for this i'm going to give him the general purpose soil [Music] this will be my first apishkia by the way i'm very excited i haven't actually looked up the species care i'm just guessing uh by the way that it looks i'm guessing what kind of soil conditions that it wants i think it wants to dry out if the leaves are filled thick it doesn't like to be watered very frequently and the color of the foliage i can tell that it can take low light it wouldn't appreciate being direct sunlight so all these things actually with experience you can kind of guess and most of the time you sometimes you'll be correct but um sometimes you're wrong and you just learn from your mistakes if your plan dies you learn and you get more [Music] just awaited okay so we are done that was very fast [Music] and this one i'm just going to open up the bag because i don't you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna repot him i said i wasn't going to but i don't like the way it looks i'm going to take this out and trash all right i'm back so here is the roots pretty nice i can see that they are very hair like and fine which is what i expect from a tradition here and the roots grow really fast the plants grows really fast so they don't need a big pot actually i'm going to put them in the tiny pot and try this kantias don't want to be over water so i'm going to give it a fast draining soil very airy and it's starting to rain so i need to hurry up i've got a few more plans to go [Music] windy everything blowing away all right hang in there little guy i hope he makes it um next i'm just gonna you do my cuttings actually my tradiscantia cuttings and this is relatively easy so i fill my soil with my general my pot sorry i fill my pot with my general purpose potting soil and then i'm just gonna stick these in that's it and when i water it i um when i water the soil is gonna sink a little bit so i need to readjust it after i give it a good drink uh and with this new soil usually i bottom water it so i water it from uh below i sorry bottom and top i water from below and i spray it from the top and i like i let the water kind of meet in the middle this is gonna be a full pot of tradiscantia as you can see i'm really putting a lot of them in there be careful not to break any of the leaves i'm really greedy right here look at all these cuttings that's in one part but they can survive if you saw what uh i if you saw the parent plant from earlier on they don't need a lot of space for the roots because the root that's in the parent plant can actually sustain such a huge plant no problem [Music] there you go oh look at this is actually a quite a cutie look at that i'm very very happy with this guy i like the way it looks it's closer to the pot i hope i just hope it doesn't die so i'll give you guys an update soon hopefully yeah very very excited the last plant is this ham alumina i think the rats got to it because this is very chewed up it's pretty disgusting actually we need to take care of that [Music] problem [Music] oh so this was grown in a very very clay type soil which i hate because it doesn't give them a lot of aeration i'm gonna find it i'm gonna give it a terracotta pot i'll be right back so this pot is actually a little bit too big but i don't have any other pots available so i'm just gonna put him in here i'm gonna tease the roots a little bit and i hope that no earth earthworms jump out at me i'm gonna loosen it up a bit so that it can find its way in the pot because this is so tight in here so you can find its way uh into the new pot and i am gonna just give it because the the pot is fast draining so i'm going to give it um my general potting i was going to give it my aeroid soil but you know what since this was living in such a dense uh soil i figured i'm just going to give it um the uh hang on it's starting to break i'm gonna give it a slow draining soil but a fast uh but a fast drying pot which is the terracotta so it's a combination if i if i was using plastic pot i might have considered using the aeroid soil mix instead which dries up a bit faster [Music] so in case you're curious the the recipe is again it's uh coco peat perlite burn rice health and worm castings in no particular ratio i just eyeball it every time so it's different every time i just use my feeling [Music] pour the rest of it in here [Music] [Music] this looks nice actually the pot is a little bit too big for my liking but it's aesthetically it looks fine i just need to make sure that i get the watering correct on him see that cutie all right so here is the quarantine zone they are in a south-facing uh stair stairways that is uh shielded by a wall so that's north which means that right now in uh in august the direct sunlight is gonna be in the north so this is gonna get indirect sunlight uh pretty much all day around all day long so yeah this will be kept away from my other plants until they rehab so i'm actually going to come back here in about uh two to three weeks to show you guys the sort of how they're doing because some of not all of them this one is not going to make it i think this cutting is like dying by the minute it's falling apart and it after cutting it should not have to you know what i'm gonna take it out i'm gonna pop this in water and see if that will that will save it yeah so i'm gonna do that so yeah i'll see you in a few weeks time so this is 15 days since my rescue video and as you can see here there are no casualties i'm very very happy to report in fact a lot of them have thrived so i'm very excited to show you the individual results i guess we'll start with this jungle cactus here uh it's given me um super cute little growth points here and here so it's doing well um and i see another one over there it's just that little point so you're gonna branch out oh another one here too that's amazing uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna enjoy this guy in this little pot for now but eventually i'm gonna have to pluck off the individual i don't know what this is called the not the leaves but i'm gonna pluck this off and then i'm gonna propagate them and it's gonna be a bushy plant and i do know that they require uh maturity as well as a tight pot in order to start flowering so i'm excited for that to happen next is this homolumina and it as you can see it's doing quite well there are no stress or any damage on the leaves and it's got a new growth point here so it's going to be doing just fine i just need to give it time to take off [Music] this apisky seems to be doing well the cutting that i took from it i took a little hook runner from it and it did not propagate in water it brought it off but the adult plant looks happy and as i can tell that they grow roots from the nodes i can see that there are roots coming out from the nose so this is a good way to learn and i guess this plan may take off even more if i had buried it a little bit deeper so let's see what i'm going to do i want a bushy plant so i'll figure out how i can propagate him later and behind him is this agloniema rotundum it's doing beautifully well it's giving me like two new decent unfurl uh it didn't bed an eye it didn't have any stress or anything look in fact you look very very happy so i do need to check for pass later i don't think there's any patch pressures here but yeah he's doing really well i have this coleus it seems to be doing all right there are new growths coming out here as well and in case you were curious this is the one that i rooted in water and it's it's given me roots so yeah you probably can propagate them in water and this looks pretty healthy i may just put it in there really soon i'm not gonna wait for my roots because i have so much things to handle so i'm gonna do that after this video i'm gonna plant this guy in [Music] last but not least this is very very exciting uh let me talk about the parent plan first so remember i remember i cut off a lot of the stems and these are all new this is new this is new this is new it's all it's branching out everywhere i didn't even have to rim i didn't have to remove any of the stems because everything lift this plant has such strong will to live and it grows so fast i'm amazed i'm very excited and here in the cuttings i took three and put it in water and all of them have rooted so fast this took only two weeks all my potos cuttings are looking at this cutting and they're like rolling their eyes basically at them because they're super super prolific growers um yeah so i mean in this pandemic i guess if you're looking for something to keep you busy you're looking for something that will root or will grow in front of your eyes this tradiscontia sabrina is you're probably my number one choice and this is the most exciting so this is all the cuttings i remember they didn't have any roots when i stuck them straight into soil and all of them survived uh probably not okay i lost one leaf here but that's okay so all of them have survived and if you look closely there are actually roots that are coming out from the nodes they're shooting into the soil and you can see so yeah all this is definitely 100 success they're gonna thrive and this is gonna push out so much growth over time i'm gonna have to keep cutting it back and propagating it um a lot of you told me that this is this goes like a weed and i believe that i guess and now that i'm seeing this for my for my very own eyes so i guess that's it for today's video i'm not gonna show my face in the outro because i didn't shave but i hope that i've shown you guys a different way a different approach to plant shopping and plant rescue and care a lot of the species in my care were actually bought this way and i actually didn't feel anything for them before i purchased them and before they have proven to me that they love it in my care and that they have a strong will to live because that's one way for plants to really grab your attention and for you to start falling in love with them i'm at botanist on instagram if you have any questions about plant care propagations and plant rescue do write me i will try to get back to you also send likes in this video comment down below and subscribe to my channel because this will let youtube know to recommend my videos to other plant lovers who hasn't found me yet meanwhile take care and stay safe see you in the next episode
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 59,749
Rating: 4.9742765 out of 5
Id: sHg1exF8jT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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