Hoya Collection Tour! | 100+ Hoyas

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm back with another plant video we are doing some touring today i figured it's the end of the year it's time to show you guys what my collection is looking like it's definitely looking a ton different than it has in the past and i figured it was just time it was time for you guys to see so that's what we're gonna be doing today i'm pretty much just gonna be showing you guys like this sort of section and mostly my hoyas i'm so sorry for not posting the past couple of weeks but you know things got really busy there for a second so i'm sorry and i hope this video makes up for it but let's go ahead and get right into it okay so this is a bit of an overview of my collection the majority of my hoyas are in this little greenhouse right here and i also have some on this shelf i got this new wicker shelf i'm so happy about it my sister-in-law actually found it like a garage sale for super cheap and she got it for me and i just i could not be happier with it it's so cute i kind of wish that it was like the actual like wicker color but it's white and i honestly don't mind it i kind of gotten used to it and i think it looks really pretty and then i have a shelf right here that has some more hoya so yeah let's just go ahead and get into it let's start with this wicker shelf uh i have some hoya here i have this one this is my hoy australis album marginata i got this from bb plants like over a year ago i think and it was like it was a pain in my butt just because of how slowly it grew it's like ridiculously slow you guys like ridiculously slow i think it had a couple of leaves coming out and i took a cutting from it just because i wanted like a different plant like a backup plant and those died and then it just took forever to grow some new leaves for me but uh it was outside and it grew a little bit faster i moved it back inside just because it got kind of cold out there so i decided to move it back in here and it's probably going to stay like not doing anything for a while again but next to it is my hoya botanica it is like trailing off the shelf it's so cute i love it this one is my just regular green one i have another one that's sunstress in my grow tent that i'll show you guys in a second but oh my gosh i love this plait because of how versatile it is versatile it is um it's just it's so pretty i really really really like it and then back there is a reverting syngonium and a pentaphlebia that is being rooted in some water and then below that shelf is my hoya croniana super silver um this plant actually i think it had it's not really like a technical name change but it is a name that they did not enjoy so i i we've kind of decided as a whole to no longer call it the other name so now i'm just going to call it super silver it is so pretty i actually have two of these uh i just i feel like it just grows so fast and it's so nice then next to it is my hoya crimson queen it has the margin variegation that's going on so it's definitely a queen it is so cute uh i have it in pond just because it was like starting to dry out and like get or some wrinkly leaves like the roots were just not looking too good so i moved in a pond and it seemed to really enjoy it and then back there is my carnosa just regular old carnosa uh she's really cute like she's really cute um i feel like it just grows so quickly like everybody needs a carnosa she's a little bit splashy it's really nice i really really really like her uh but yeah that's pretty much my second shelf hoya uh if you were curious this is a philadelphia and back there is a philodendron sorry a monstera standaliana and now moving on we've got this third shelf here super beautiful finlay sony eye staring you right in the face i love this finlay it is so so so pretty just because of this like light leaf color i thought that it was probably because it was being grown in like highlight but so far i have not gotten another leaf that is like dark so i think that that's just kind of how it is some people say that it's a jennifer uh but i do have another jennifer like in that greenhouse and it's just like not the same to me but you know how it is with hoya names they get really confusing in the back there i also have another finlay sony eye and you guys have seen this one i featured it in my vampire diaries video but it's kind of just dark and jaggedy really pretty uh next to the other finlay sony eye is this obscura right here it is so pretty i got this from my friend the plant vibe on instagram uh it actually has a new leaf that's coming out right here it is so pretty i really like the veins it's so nice i actually prefer them not to be sunstressed just because like look at how gorgeous this green is is that not the most gorgeous green that's so pretty i love it and then back there is a hoya hangier and it is also coming out with a new leaf like right there in the middle i don't think you guys can really see but it has some damaged leaves so i'm really happy to be seeing a new one coming out and then over here on this side we have my hoya sippidangensis oh my goodness how beautiful is that red color i love love how this looks and it's finally started giving me some new leaves uh the new leaves are coming out green because i'm not stressing it as much as i was sun stressed whenever i first got it but either way i'm just i'm really happy with this plan i think it's super cute and then back here is probably my favorite plant at the moment uh i'm really sad because i actually i actually decided to gift it to my sister-in-law uh so that she can gift it to her mom and i'm a little bummed about it because is that not like the prettiest return to flora that you've ever seen that is the beautiful that is such a beautiful rotunda flora and it's like shooting out a stem right here it has some baby leaves it is just gorgeous look at those look at those fuzzy look at those fuzzies so so so cute i just i love that plant so much i love rotunda flora it's probably one of my favorite hoyas and yeah that is the third shelf and then here comes the fourth shelf uh these kind of have a little bit more basic hoyas uh this is my hoyapubikalix uh it actually has some like pinky sunstress going on from my like regular led like fluorescent lights and it has some uh new new leafs coming out it's really pretty i i really like this flashy splashy pubic alex um i actually think these are the cuttings that i took for the propagation video that i made for hoyas this is pretty much what came out of it and then next to it is my hoya matild is that not the prettiest matild oh my god let me just show you up close it is so pretty i really really like this guy just because it's like kind of splashy and like the dark leaves just make it look so nice uh i have some like water spots on it but either way i just think it's so pretty and this is growing in pond if you guys missed that video go and check it out i'll link it up in the cards and then next to it is my hoya aldo richie eye is this not like the shiniest leatheriest looking cool looking hoya ever i just it's so pretty and then back there i actually have a brevillata it just has two leaves though uh not super fun i wish i had more leaves but you know it's part of the collection it doesn't seem to be doing much though so i still need to kind of figure out the care for that guy and then back there is my hoya quinquinervia um it has done nothing it shot up that stem but it's done nothing otherwise and then i have my philadendra padatum back there and this was sold to me as a lacuna supoon sac it was actually like thrown in as an extra plant um these two i think are actually new leaves but back there are some like darker leaves it doesn't really look like prune sacks that i've seen in the in the past but you know hoyas all kind of look different but yeah that is the fourth shelf and then going towards the bottom here yeah i have a lot of hoyas at our back that are actually down here uh first things first is my hoya neo caladonica super super pretty this guy was actually struggling quite a bit because i had over watered it and it just was not enjoying being over watered and also in the grow tent it was just like getting kind of sun's dress kind of yellow looking but it seems to have kind of bounced back and i mean these leaves are just gorgeous super super pretty um one of my favorites i actually took some cuttings from when it was stressed out uh and that is actually also coming out with some new growth and then next to that is my ahoya vitilinoides look at this beautiful beautiful monster like this has to be one of my favorite hoyas uh it actually has some new growth that's coming out right here super super super beautiful i look like i adore this plant like adore it to no end uh and then here i have another hanhier and that one actually has a whole new leaf uh ignore the dead leaf in the background but yeah behind that is my hoya australis lisa and my hoya had some pie but yeah that is actually everything that is on this shelf it's so beautiful i really really like this shelf and my plants actually seem to be doing like really really really well despite not being in like super humid environments i haven't been missing i haven't really been doing anything to keep up the humidity with them and they're not by any means like growing at an extensive rate or anything it's just they're not dying and they're doing pretty well so yeah i really like this shelf i really like all the plants on it and then moving on to the greenhouse all right so starting at the top here we're gonna start with my long linearis like it is super long i think it's already going into the third shelf on this little greenhouse it is so pretty and fuzzy and i just adore it next to it is my hoya mirabilis this is actually just a cutting that i took when i noticed that my mirabilis was like going downhill it is so pretty though is that not the prettiest like splashiest velvetiest looking plant on the planet i just adore a door a door adore it next to it is my hoya ovalopholia i got this as a cutting i actually unboxed it on my channel if you guys want to check that out um it is so cute it's not my favorite hoya just because it's like kind of basic looking but it is really cute i like how tiny the the leaves are and there's some new growth coming out so it's it's nice um back there is actually my elliptica um my lipstick is not doing so hot if i'm being honest it's not doing so hot i don't know what's wrong with it if you guys have any tips let me know and then next to that is my hoya with bergye uh this is actually known as a verticillata now it is really really pretty and splashy and fun it grows really quickly and nice for me i really enjoy it uh it's living in lecca it's actually one of my only hoyas that i have in these net pots i'm not a fan of those net pots the roots come out of it so quickly and it's just it's not a fun time next to that is my hoya blasher nazi eye so this guy actually has a ton of new like vines and shoots that are coming out it it's really pretty it's just uh i wish that it would actually give me some new leaves i just i need some leaves i also don't know what's going on with that funky leaf right there uh but yeah next to that is my hoya erythrina i got this from the wonderful and beautiful yen from uh these plants on instagram she was super nice and gifted to me i also have an unboxing for this and i'm just so happy with it the new leaves are coming out and they're coming out this beautiful green color i just i i wanted to come out with more leaves for me but yeah that is this guy and then next to that guy is my hoya polyneura and in front of my hoya polyneura we have my hoya michelle it is actually giving me some new growth right there i don't know if you guys can see it but oh my god am i excited about it i'm so so excited about it it is just like a little growth point for right now but i cannot cannot wait until it gives me some new leaves and next to her is actually my hoya hush giliana verigata that i got from hoya hao oh my gosh you're so beautiful uh it has so much variegation on this like top leaf right here it is so pretty and tiny and cute i can't get over these dainty little leaves i have another hoya linearis and another hoya miller brelis right here but behind them i have my hoya cystenta sistianta i can't really say the name i really like it it grows like crazy like it has gone nuts in there like absolutely nuts and i also have my melanocrysome in the back and my varicosum in front of that uh but yeah those are all the hoyas that were on my top shelf and then on my metal shelf or second shelf right here we get in to some of the good stuff these are actually probably where my favorite toya's lie uh they're kind of like at face level for me whenever i sit down and i just i really love these plants but uh right here is my hoya camphor floria it is growing up onto the little bar there next to that is my ahoya nickel sonier nicholson lit i don't really know how to say it nichols nickel sonier i'm going to say it like that uh she's really pretty she has some water water spots but she has started giving me some new leaves as you guys can see that's a new leaf and uh i think there's like a new leaf that's somewhere up here but it has actually like vine onto my linearis it's kind of crazy uh but yeah that is that guy and next to her is my beautiful insane lithica uh do you guys see how beautiful and like leathery and like velvety looking these leaves are super super cool and unique hoya it does have a yellow leaf down there but this guy is in lekka and it seems to be really enjoying itself and next to her is my hoya fu or uh i actually had a couple of leaves coming out and like above here and i actually took a cutting of it just because it looked kind of awkward and i'm hoping that it'll start pushing out some new growth for me soon but for now this is what she looks like and behind her is my chinchanginsis next to my fu however you say it is my sigilatus look it look it is that not insane oh my god that is insane literally one of the prettiest toys that i have now just because one it was rehabbed it was like pretty much dying when i first got it like it was so sad it was yellowing leaves i had to basically re-root it it was just crazy and i just am so proud of this plant now because look at this look it it like it's growing up like it's growing up like those leaves are also sigilatus and it's just it's so nice i just love that plant a lot a lot a lot and next to her is one of my newer plants i don't think i really featured her on my channel and it's my hoya flavita flavita it has beautiful beautiful flowers which is why i really wanted it because the flowers are just i don't know they they scream like alessia by me so i bought it uh and it actually has some new leaves going on on the top here super cute behind her is my hoya rang san which honestly it's a super slow grower and it reminds me a lot of the pupa calyx i really really love it because it was sort of one of like the most the more rare plants that i had gotten like way back when it was actually kind of rare uh and now i don't i don't know i wish that it would grow faster i guess next to her is my hoya kagayanensis beautiful velvety velvety hoya uh i think i actually like put you guys on this guy too i hear that a lot of people are looking for her now uh just because of how pretty and velvety and satiny she is but yeah behind her are my ahoya not hoya sorry this gidia variagata russofolia and then my disguise like watermelon ovada uh super super super beautiful beautiful plants i love them uh and my hoya sarawak is just chilling right here i hate i hate how her new leaf came out it's like kind of flimsy uh i think it was just because i wasn't watering her as much as i probably should have when the leaf was coming out but it's just it's such a flimsy leaf like it doesn't it's not succulent and thick like the other leaves are and i don't know it's just as i wish that it was a little bit more consistent but i'm not complaining i still really really love the plant uh behind her is my hoya tomsoni tomsoniai super beautiful fuzzy baby it's also i think it's growing season currently and it's giving me some new leaves right here as you guys can see it's giving me some new leaves uh back there is my hoya uh and then next to her is another lithophytica cutting and last but not least on this shelf is my hoya pentaphlebia this one is growing in lecka uh it's been giving me some new leaves but it's not it's it's again like the sarah walk i don't know maybe it's just the area that i have them in but it it's just not not super consistent with its leaves but yeah that's this guy and that's this shelf i love that shelf and then moving on to my third shelf which is where i have a lot of my propagations uh and i guess i mean i still really love all of these plants but these are where like sort of my multiples are this one right here however is not a multiple it is my hoya rebecca ah i really think it's so pretty i just i don't know i feel like other people's rebecca's look different than my rebecca and i think it might just be because mine's not sun's dressed but i don't think i would sun stress it because i think it's really pretty just like in the green form and next to her is another one of these croniana super silvers i just i like to say cuttings and then i end up with multiple of my plants uh and then below that is my hoya palinera and next to that is a return of flora cutting and above that is my matild my beautiful beautiful matild i feel like aliamanu with this guy because some of the leaves are like kind of turning this like lime green color uh i actually had like an entire vine sort of yellow off and it stopped flowering for me so i i don't really know what's going on i hope that she can like stop i guess declining i haven't seen her do anything wonky since the last time that something weird happened and i do notice that there's like a ton more vining stuff going on so hopefully hopefully it's not as bad as i think and then next to her is my beautiful giant hoya bella variagata i took some cuttings of the mom plant and i made her she's insane she's grown so quickly uh she has some buds but i don't care enough to keep an eye on them so they usually just fall off and then next to that is another hoya thinly sony eye this fenlay sony eye is another one of those ones that like the original leaves look completely different than the actual new leaves that are coming out so again just i would avoid getting a bunch of different kinds of thinly sony eye in general just because they are so similar and they definitely depend on like the growing condition but i mean who am i to tell you what to do considering i have like a bajillion of them they're really nice to collect i guess and then back here i have my hoya carry ipicta super super beautiful plant uh i actually have the big the bigger like mom plant outside but i did take a cutting because i thought this was too pretty to not take a cutting and the aerial roots were like insane back there i actually have my hoya scorchette takini eye probably one of my favorite plants right now just because it's like brand new and it's just i don't know it it's so pretty it doesn't look like oh it's all that but the texture of it like the velvetiness of it just looks so cool next to her is my hoya vertisolata aka pigita plant or polita plant and behind her is my hoya kentiana like mini kentiana that i got from hui anonymous on instagram it's doing really well uh i don't really pay too much attention to it if i'm being honest just because it's so far away but it hasn't been declining or giving me new leaves either and next to the polita plant is my other hoya pensively be i have so many of those i also have another lithophytica and i have my hoya cutest porcelana my hoya cutest barcelona is going insane you know i got this with just two leaves and now it has seven seven leaves like that's insane seven leaves ah so pretty so pretty so pretty next to her is my hoya memoria and it is doing really well it's like got some splash going on which i really enjoy and next to her is my hoya fitchy eye behind my hoya fitchy eye is my hoya soulman gianna look at how gorgeous those veins are those veins are gorgeous they're so so so nice and it's giving me a new shoot so i cannot wait for new leaves i cannot wait for new leaves and then behind her and the last plant on this shelf is my hoya cdossie uh she gave me a new leaf but if i'm being honest i i don't i don't like the new leaf it looks a little bulbless and weird it doesn't really look like the rest of its leaves that i got with it but that is this shelf and now for the bottom shelf i got this hoya jennifer here from hoya anonymous also uh she is super super sweet she gave me like a lot of plants uh this hoya jennifer is huge like it is huge huge i love the veins it's just insanity uh i also really like that it's coming out with new growth super super super cute i love love this plant and below it are like a bunch of lacquer nose cuttings that i just kind of have ignored for months and i have my hoya callisto filer right here uh this is a hoya calistophyla i got it like as a short leaf and it started off like this and then it started giving leaves like this super gorgeous i think i prefer these kinds of leaves they're like really veiny and pretty and just thick and beautiful i really really really enjoy this one and i have another polynomial next to her and i have a hoya pacherwalier i don't really know how to say this one but this guy i got it from grow babies uh i think it has multiple names i think i've heard it also called a incenses in incenseus something like that i don't really quite remember but it is so beautiful and i just i really really really like it and then behind her is my hoya illagayorum not nothing super special about that guy i think the flowers are probably what's insane about it i have a little anointing cutting right in front of here and i have a cod data cutting right in front of here also and then next to her is my big sunstressed kadata it's actually not doing so well i'm kind of have her out here so i can get a little bit closer of an eye on her its leaves are getting like kind of like flimsy and sad i'm really really really bummed about this one because like look at how gorgeous i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i got the evil eye on this one too but it's it's just so pretty i really hope that i can save it and then next to her is my hoya unknown yeah no it's unknown i really don't know what it is i missed showing you guys my boutique or booty eye cutting boot booty yet oti i don't know how to say that um but i do have that guy right here i also have my melee fluid in the back there so those are some that i missed but i just oh my goodness it's such a pretty greenhouse i just really like sitting here and staring at my plants whenever i have the time it's just gorgeous i i really love all of my plants they all seem to be doing really well in it uh but yeah that's my greenhouse and everything in front of it and let's get to this little shelf right here so at the top of the shelf here i have another crimson queen next to her i have my carry i varigata and behind her i have my hoya hindu rope um i also have a imperialist cutting right here that is not doing so hot uh i air layered it and it it's because like outside it started dying i don't really know what happened but i have one in cocoa husk and one in water and the one in water is actually doing much better i also have my hoya lakunosa snow caps chilling right here it was actually doing really badly and i kind of rehabbed it and now it's doing just fine and then down here we have my hoyachinghangensis cutting that i have right here is actually not doing anything and i'm kind of bummed about it just because the other one grows so quickly but next to it i have my incrasada that has a new baby leaf is this baby leaf not just adorable i cannot wait to see that baby leaf because these leaves are kind of ugly i'm not gonna lie and then next to that is my hoya obavada next to her is another old richie eye i also have a carmilla in the back there and then on this windowsill i have two hoyas this is my parviflora it is gorgeous probably one of my favorite plants also and then next to that is my finlay sony eye it's like a light leaf that i got um i got as a gift and i just i really enjoy it i think this is actually a brand new leaf and then on the bottom shelf here i have another crimson queen i have a hoya way yeti i variagata and a hoya chelsea um and that's pretty much it for this shelf right here and everything around it i think now all we need is the grow tent and then we're going to be done with my hoya collection isn't that insane i feel like i've been talking for hours but yeah let's go ahead and get into the grow tent alrighty so i did not bother cleaning this grote at all because i wanted you guys to see the like harsh reality of it i don't take too much care of the plants in here just because they seem to be doing well like on their own without my help um there's so much light in here that this hoya boutanica the one that you guys saw in the beginning of the video is actually like ridiculously sunstressed is that not insane that's insane it is so gorgeous like just oh my god that's breathtaking i love this guy i love it i love it i love it next to her is a sun's dress bella variagata and behind her is actually a patchy clotta that i got from stacia from oops i sold my planets i really appreciated her sending it to me just she was just so sweet and so kind i was so sad that i couldn't film an unboxing for it just because my audio was trash so i'm happy that i get to show you guys it now it is so gorgeous it's coming out with a new leaf already and it seems to be enjoying it in this grow tent um back here i have a hoya little anointed that is super light green because it's super strong stressed and then i have on my massive rotunda flora like it is just huge it's going absolutely nuts um below it is my hoya marmacopa it's got some weird fungaly bacterial type thing going on i don't know what's happening um i i actually think it might just be like too much light and i think i need to put it somewhere else but i just don't have room for it anywhere else so it's kind of just living in here and i'm hoping that i can get used to it and back there is my hoya comediana it is also going absolutely insane and i have my hoya veloso right here it's again one of my favorite hoyas for sure it's giving me some new growth this is actually like coming into here and it just looks so so so so nice um i can't wait for these to like fully develop and for those to follow the develop because i think i want to take a cutting like right here because those aerial roots look really nice and then next to her i have another hoya pentaphlebia i have like a bajillion of these um i definitely need to sell some and get rid of some but it's just it's so hard to let go like look at how insane these leaves are and then next to her is my hoya salmonea uh it is very very very similar to a huiafici eye and it actually has a peduncle over here on the side you guys see that that right there is a peduncle uh it's a little bright in here so i don't think you can see super well but it is just so so nice and it's so sunstressed and so beautiful i really like it and then next to her is my hoya dicky eye dekier however you say it it does really really well in here it is really difficult and kind of scares me every time i water but it seems to be doing well and then next to her is another callistophyla and next to her is a annoying influences that's actually like in this little glass here uh but yeah that's actually it for everything in my grow tent so yeah that was my hoya collection my plant collection update my winter collection i am so happy with all of my plants right now i love them all to bits there was a time there where some of them kind of went to poop just because i was so busy and i was so stressed out there were some that i just like completely forgot about and thankfully a lot of the plants that i have now are very resilient and fun and i just i really love all my plants right now so i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did go ahead and hit the like button down below and if you like me or you like plant videos go ahead and subscribe if you want to that's gonna be it for today's video and i hope to see you guys in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: Lessya’s Leaves
Views: 27,213
Rating: 4.8909092 out of 5
Keywords: #hoyas, #hoyaheads, #hoyacowza, #hoyamygosh, #hoya, #hoyalovers, #hoyacollecttion, #hoyaflowers, #hoyablooms, #gardening, #plants, #hoyaplants, #houseplants, #blooms, #trendinghouseplants, #houseplantcollection, #lessyasleaves, #howtoflowerhoya, #howtomakemyhoyaflower, #hoyacollectiontour, #planttour, #plantcollectiontour, #plantcollection, #hoyacollection, #hoyatour, #hoyaflavida, #hoyasigillatis, #hoyalinearis, #hoyamiribilis, #100plants, #indoorplants, #indoorjungle, #indoorgardening, #plantshelf, #hoyathomsonii, #planthaul
Id: yXXK-eKUtjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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