All my plants tour/longest plant video on the internet lol

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia welcome to today's video where i'm going to be giving you a plan tour of all my plans and it's going to be a very long video i have a feeling i don't know yet because i haven't filmed it yet but as i mentioned in my previous video i'm actually moving out of this house so i'll be sharing with you some of the plan id and some plant care tips and also maybe some of my plans with the plants because some of them i'm selling some of them i'm moving to my nursery some of them are moving into my private residence so basically in this store i'm just going to go through what's going on in my head and i hope that you guys enjoyed this video and this is going to be a goodbye to this home i guess because i'm moving all the plants out pretty much immediately after this video so i guess the next time i'll see you i'll be in a new setting new environment bye let's start our tour right back there that's where we normally film our things it's so messy right now i haven't had the time to clean but let's get started from over here uh this is a fiddly fig and it's grown very big and it enjoys very good light it gets a little bit of direct sunlight in fact so these old leaves are a little bit busted but the new leaves up top are the ones that grew since i moved it here it dropped a few leaves when i moved it even though it's a good condition for it here they just don't like to be moved give them some time and their new leaf should be doing well i might leave this tree here because i don't know where i can bring it to so yeah this is going to stay here and up here there's a staghorn fern and let me see the the main plant is way over there let me come around ah i may have lost all the frogs actually that's where the old plant used to be i think all the uh main fronds fell off but these are the babies that sprout from below that and from the sides there's quite a few plants in here i can either keep it as a big clump or divide that up later i think i may divide it so yeah there's some parts yeah these are two different species of fuperzia i'm not exactly sure of the names or i may be completely wrong but this is the one this is the one that is most commonly found there's a little bit of talensia the spanish moss that got stuck in here that's the main plant is over there so i was yanking it out and this came with it but apparently it survives and it's doing well i guess this is going to grow into its own plant in here but yeah that's exciting this persia is putting out a baby actually look at that one cute so i got this one it was pretty small and it does have these cute little i don't know what you call these like chains of things here i don't know why they grow these things but this is quite beautiful it's a very nice contrast to this leaf texture that is right here and they're actually very fun to pat very rubbery and this one this is actually a little bit dry i should have pruned this off but these are all the new growths and my hands are dirty you wipe it on my shirt uh yeah these are all the new girls so it's growing kind of upwards and then it will get heavy and come down eventually so yeah these are all doing quite well basically this whole section i hose down every day and once in a while i stick a little bit of slow release fertilizer and then you go back there i just stick one back there so it's going to slowly feed the plant give it some nutrient there's a a hoya embricotta here this is dormant it hasn't given me a vine so it's still alive though it's been a year and a half and it hasn't done anything i'm going to get another one of these because they're quite beautiful when they vine when they put up these leaves and here is the dishtyria rattle skull i forgot the light name is going to be on the screen of course i think this is actually declining a bit this is fun i'm so sorry maybe this is a little bit too dark for it because it's not getting good light it used to be in my balcony but these these are actually their runners it's gone all over the place look at that it's gone all the way up here so these can all be propagated and i'm gonna do that once i have this plan moved into my nursery area i'm gonna propagate many of these because they're quite beautiful so yeah again i'm sorry i kind of neglected this plant but i'm going to nurse it back to health next we have this rafidafora tetrasperma i've propagated so many of these from this plant let me show you where it's going it's going up here all the way up i actually cut up the whole vine but i cut it right here and the whole vine was already way up there by the ceiling but this one kept growing this is about i don't know maybe like six months worth of growth and it just wants to find something to lean into so this is how they behave in nature so when you have them indoors they will climb up walls and things like that or other plants but i really like that they really don't know their size they will overtake this giant monstera here in terms of height so these are very good climbers which brings us to the next plant here this is a giant monster i'm definitely bringing this with me look at that new leaf it's just so pretty i really enjoy having these guys around i like them as much as my variegated monsteras and it's doing really well look at all the stems in there and that's the pot that it's in so yeah and down here we have a philadelphia uh we have a video on this which is coming out anytime now and this is uh been cut this is the parent plant and i believe there is a vine that yeah there's a vine it's not doing so well so i guess it's a little bit dark for it it's not getting the best i always consider this somewhere between medium to low in direct light so this is going to enjoy the move when i bring it's going to get better light but milano crysons when you move them they will stressed out they may have some leaf damages they may drop a few leaves but they're gonna adapt quite well and then down here we have some ternante berlin marks if i'm not wrong and some calathea was majestic up no sorry this is not it this is some other calaisia i can't remember the name but it's got really beautiful shiny velvety leaves very pretty and it likes low light which is why it's hanging out back here this is our antherium crystalline from one of our videos i did cut this up so i cut it somewhere around here and it's not as bushy as before but they do recover rather quickly and this leaf let me see i may actually take this off because if the leaf is more than half oh my god i should do this i should get my shears but i am too busy okay sorry that really bothers me so when the plant is more than half damage i mean the leaf it's time to take it off because it's going to be draining energy from the plant and back here we have some philodendron let me check the but yeah that's about fuente so this is also cutting from our video that we did it's climbing up really well but i think it would appreciate better light too because it's under the monstera so it's not getting the best light so there's that this is a philodendron elegance i did take many many cuttings from this so this is put out a new growth here this is where i made the cut and they're very very slow to propagate actually these guys and this leaf is a little bit damaged they're actually quite beautiful this is one of my most underrated philodendron actually in terms of beauty because they look like palms like palm trees but then they're a little bit easier to care for and have a little bit of an interesting growth pattern that i really like back there this is a plumani eye just put on a new baby leaf here i think what i did if i'm not wrong is that i just cut it let me see did i do that yeah i cut it this is this is moving rather easily so i just cut the in it in half and that's why that is growing back here so this is going to become two plants this is the top growth where it's going to be continuously putting out leaf after leaf and then the back here because i cut off the top it's going to start bushing onto its own planet and then eventually i can separate it in fact i see a growing point here um growing eye i could actually cut be behind that like cut below that that would encourage this to also this leaf or this node here behind to put out a new vine and this may actually activate two so yeah anyways i digress i need to start moving on faster because this video is going to be two hours long this is an ethereum pedestrian very pretty i got it as a young plant it's put out three to four leaves i think and it's getting low light again i'm so sorry i need to give you better light but you look so pretty hidden back there no and yeah it's gonna do quite well i killed my first one they really hate over watering but this one's in a very good potting mix here as you can see very very fast draining this is in a medium medium silver it's doing quite well it's starting vinyl i was gonna let it climb up this wall but i guess it only made it this far and it's got really beautiful fenestrations i've propagated so many of these because they put out runners so you can propagate the runners quite easily and back here this is a skindapsis silver splash and look at how spectacular it looks when it's uh climbing up the wall it's shingles and the leaf actually turns around when they do that so i'm going to be really sad removing this from the wall but i think it's coming with me i want to propagate these imagine those growing on like a wood plank that would be so pretty you know back here this is a dracaena if i'm not wrong it could be a yucca i'm not sure it keeps getting fungus down below in fact the fungus has returned hello so i'm not sure if i'm going to bring this with me but yeah this is kind of a problem plan i think it needs more light than it's getting back here so yeah that's a dead fern i feel so bad i completely ignored it um up there and here is a lot of hoyas so there's hoya pubicalic splash and these are the babies and these are also the babies on here so i just hung from one pot to another pot to another pot below and these are doing quite well they need low light to bring out the specs if you give them highlight they will flower more but they will give you right light green leaves with no specks that's a hoya carnosa a green form also with a little bit of specks so i should put it here to get a little bit lower light to promote the specs so let's see we'll see in about a year's time how they're doing but i really love having this here i love watching so many new growth points on these guys i actually stuck many cuttings in here and here's a hauya carnosa compactor cutting i don't remember what hoya that is i don't label all my here so i don't really know all of the knees this one is the imperialist white um i i cheated a little bit i read from this cheat sheet but yeah i grew these new vinyls from our pandika hoya tour that's a and what i was really surprised by this plant is that this is actually from them and from that plant and it flowered even though it was a propagated plant flowered very profusely in fact look at all these peduncles and this one was kept in slightly lower light this was probably a medium indirect light well i have one so we may see later that's grown in full sun and those are giving me really beautiful variegation those are growing really fast growing many leaves but then it wasn't flowering so i have a feeling these guys do need a little bit of a lower light situation to flower and then here's the hoya lakunosa i've got many let's look at how cute it's attaching itself to the wall it's creeping along oops sorry you're not meant to see that that is i believe some kind of mealybugs is like yellow in color it uh usually mealybugs are white but but normally with these guys i would of course treat them with a bit of foreign i just actually applied this here a few days ago as you can see it's still fresh but this will kill them over time but i also just hose it down you can knock them off and they will die if you hose them off so this is another hoya i don't remember all my hoya knees i'm so sorry i should have labeled everybody i think i see a label here this is a melee flua i'm not wrong yeah and i put my hoyas next to each other so i can remember what they are this is the hoya microphylla pot of gold and then here i believe it's the same hoya as before the melliflua there's the discudia pectinoides i think this guy prefers brighter light and i didn't give it so hang on wait this is not a pectin noise sorry this is something else this is an embricada sorry about that um or it could be something else i'm not sure because apparently there's so many species of disguise and many of them have been mislabeled this is a hoya pakiclotta i really love the leaves it's such a slow grower i may have another part of these propagating somewhere else i'm not sure but i guess we'll run into it later maybe don't remember what that is it is definitely a philodendron and here is a raphidophora baby one of the cuttings more hoyas this one is blooming a little bit it's not opened up but the peduncles are are established look at this little one there this little peduncle baby hello so this is a hoya what is this um oh this is a hoya microphylla sorry and this is flowering quite profusely too again this is also in a little bit of a light lower light situation not lower sorry like medium indirect light and it's flowering really beautifully there on the top shelf there's a philodendron pink princess i don't think it's very pink at all it's got one leaf i can't i'm trying to film it sorry it's a leaf that's kind of pink so i'm going to be propagating that hopefully i'll get more pinks out of them this is a florida ghost cutting that rooted really well this is the squamy ferum this is one of the parent plants of the philadelphia florida ghost because this is a cultivar so this is one of the parents there's two philodendron birkins this is from our philadelphian video but these are the cuttings that grew into this i sold i think three of the plants the mother plant we'll see later it's gotten really huge and up there we've got the epipremnum skeleton key from our video just look those video titles up on my channel because you'll find the care and propagation for these you'll see them up close and personal that's a really beautiful plant this is a philodendron martianum let me take this out because this is worth mentioning this is so beautiful look at that love the fat stems this is pretty easy to care for although i would say do not over water these because they store so much water in these fat chubby stems so i gave it terracotta pot aaron potting mix and i just water it lightly every day the leaves are getting big actually i got this when it was like super tiny and it can get huge so yeah i hope that this doesn't grow too fast though i really enjoy having this around so i hope that it stays small for a long time so i can enjoy you and then here are some bird nest ferns that are attacked by southern blight fungus so i just cut it up because they grow in a rosette so i just cut it up into four sections and put them in their own pots and they're doing quite well look at all the new leaves that are growing and then i spray fungicide here very often just to make sure that it doesn't return so it is recovering and i really love the variegated one that would be really sad if i lost it but i guess it's doing well now it's recovering and down here this is my ethereum section this is the antherium by terryfolium my ethereum where aquanium this is still a baby i got it when it was like this small so cute and i think it's time to propagate it if you look at the main stem look at all these area roots that are forming and i think this is going to be very easy to propagate because normally when i see them they are very close internals but this guy or girl rather it has pretty long internodes and then i don't know why that leaf is pointing backwards this is actually the biggest leaf all right hello and that's more crystal linums these are the cuttings from our videos crystalline and this is the forgetty eye baby forgetty eye i got this as a really small plant and it came in a pot that's like huge but of course it rotted and i had to save it and i think that's like some kind of bug so i need to wipe this off technically i should wash my hands before i touch other leaves i don't want to contaminate this webbing i don't know what this is but we got to continue filming so let me wipe my hand on my shirt once more time so yeah this is the forgetty eye this is the ace of spades i have finally learned to label my plants this is just a baby this is an aetherium vatria by the way enter victoria baby got them little seedlings i did not germinate the seeds i know nothing about germinating seeds so this is an antherium bellionum and that will i can't remember what this is but this was struggling for a long time i believe this is i don't know i really if you know what this is do comment down below this is an antherium polish i don't know how to say but i have many cuttings of these ruling away and actually this would really want to climb up to something but i just let it kind of fall it's really beautiful i love the shape of the leaves here so yeah i'm going to insert all the name of course on the screen so you know what it is there's some emedrums the poliniums back here it's look at all those crazy runners i'm you can propagate all of those some emedium medium silver there's a monstera peru they're everywhere by the way we'll see more of these in other areas because i'm messy like that some calathea risky folia rattlesnake alicia these are all propagating this is this is propagating so yeah that's a uh calathea majestica princess this is actually one of my favorite calatheas and it's got imperfect leaves because i just keep moving it around and things just damage it along the way but it likes low light the new leafs are usually beautiful but i guess they just don't look so perfect in nature some i'm shouldn't be so mindful about it i want to keep one of these indoors someday so i can get those perfect leaves hoya delek doleyko sparty i don't know but it is looking pretty look at the veins on the leaves this is really pretty yeah i need to start keeping my hoyas indoors because when you keep them outdoors they become like imperfect like this they look like they're jungle hoyas but they actually look really pretty and spectacular when they have these perfect leaves grown indoors let me just do that and up here spoiler we have a lot of zzz raven there's a video coming up on that and some regular zz some dwarfs easy some variegate diseases and this one is cute hang on hey pull this out this is baby sansevieria twister of course the twister part is not giving me variegated this is the parent leaf so the new plant is not variegated at all but i really love how they grow in a clump kind of like this it's very pretty it just needs a better pot than this so i did water this every day by the way ever since i've propagated it you can water your sensitivities every day if it's used to it and i've seen people do it and also if you have it in really good light and good airflow and it's doing really well you may be able to get away with watering them every day here's my syngonium corner syngonium erythrophylum i don't know this name syngonium mojito i'm trying an experiment so this one is grown in a little bit of a lower light yeah so one is grown in highlight one is in low light because someone told me that you have to grow them in low light to get the variegation and i just proved them wrong hang on i haven't checked this in a while i just proved them wrong when you keep them in low light the variegation is gone so i don't know who came up with it and it's the same with that paris overday back there and if you can see what i'm pointing at i don't know where you guys are getting the information please do comment down below i would like to know who's been saying that you need to keep plants in low light to get their variegation this is wrong and i've also had my pairs of verde revert to green when i put them in lower light they need highlight to give you variegation trust me this is the living proof of that so i may have to cut this up later and propagate it to hopefully bring back some variation but you know what let me bring you to the other plant so this one is grown in a little bit of direct sunlight and actually i propagated this because the parent plan itself was already kind of reverting so to give you a benefit of that this plan was already reverting before i moved it here but this is a new vine and it's put out pretty variegatedly of course there's too much direct sunlight hang on let me move it away and yeah that's an interesting vine and this one is doing all right it's put a variegated leaf and this one new leaf is also pretty variegated so yeah it is i mean not the best variegation but it is still happening compared to the reverted one that we saw earlier so i may have to keep chopping them up and do selective breeding or selective natural selection so i can get just the variegated leaves but yeah keep your plants in highlight where possible you guys but not too high because sometimes when you have synconiums in like full sun you may bleach the leaves they may become like light green in color it's just not very sexy all right on with the tour there's a phalaenopsis orchid back there with a lot more in the back section later this is a begonia maculata is put out uh cut it here and put out new leaves new leaves and new leaves so a lot of them are propagating away some a medium medium silver we'll see it from the front later but this is the aetherium clarinervium it's not doing so well it keeps flowering for me and it doesn't have that many leaves actually yeah i kind of neglect this guys at least getting smaller and smaller so i suspect they may be passed down here so i'll be doing a care and propagation video in these very soon so expect that now here is my begonia corner uh i don't really know the names of my begonias but this is all pretty i got them when they were all very very small and some of them actually died because they always die when you bring them home and this is actually from our minaku home nature tour and it's doing really well yeah this is the plan that we got and about two months ago this is doing quite okay too this was a rescue it was a stump this is the begonia black mamba they're going listada if i'm not wrong and this is the begonia uh escargot i've got a lot more up there to their rehabbing so that's too many begonias but yeah so this is the collision weapons i think there's a new name for it but they do flower quite beautifully and they're quite easy to propagate this is my experiment where i just take a cutting and just suck it right into the soil and it's doing really well so they trail beautifully but if you let them clamor on on the floor they can also clamor quite beautifully so these are all weird jungle type plants area there's a labia from laura i can't remember what this is look at the new leaf this is so beautiful it's very enchanting and there's some more here i believe this is the pailia and if you look back up here there's some orchids don't really remember the names of these but yeah there's some orchids that are stuck on this placard here i really enjoy having them around i do need to water them and these are some of the harder orchids to care for i did lose a few of them but this is really pretty hello little one yeah i really like the move something hit mark something hit my face i was so scared okay it startled me um yeah there's some jewel orchids down here and the humidity is high and they're getting medium in direct light here some more jewel orchid here this was actually worse looking before i know that it doesn't look amazing now but these are all rescue i got them very cheap down here we've got some uh maranta liquenoria and this is doing really well back here it likes low light it loves low light um they will curl up if you give them a medium or bright indirect light and they will grow slower and they will put up too many flowers if you give them too much light here's that blue oil fern and there's a lot of pepperonis the watermelon pepperonis back here and down here we've got some tananti uh setosa if i'm not wrong somewhere propagating back there that one isn't doing so hot but let's see because i will wait for new shoes to emerge from below i believe those are baby leaves that are emerging maybe the parent leaf is not doing so well yeah they also like pretty low light i noticed low to medium light because they can curl up very easily if you give them bright in direct light back here we have got a lot of begonias propagating away this is the begonia arabian sunset i really love the underside of the leaves i've been selling quite a few of these little plantlets but i'm going to propagate some more because these are all ready to be propagated again they're so pretty with the morning light i really enjoy having these this is a very underrated begonia they're also one of the easier ones to care for easy to propagate and just add such a beautiful pop of color to any landscaping it can take anywhere from low to bright indirect light and even a little bit of direct sunlight and down here we've got a lot of them beautiful begonia black velvet yeah my brain is starting to shut down by the way because this is so much information that i'm sharing but it is looking pretty i really love this little basket over here and down here we've got a lot of immaculata's that are propagating away this leaf is not doing well because this is the parent leaf that we propagated with pull this off but the new leaves are looking pretty look at them hello look how pink this one is very very nice this really is my favorite rack and this is another begonia this was actually my first successful begonia that were grown from leaf vein that were sliced so i may experiment with that a little bit more in the future when i nail it and share with you guys here on the channel this is a dark begonia this is not as red as the begonia arabian sunset a little bit more understated but very pretty still it's got rubbery uh leaves so yeah there's some more things here something's living back there don't know what it is but yeah let's leave it alone for now some a mediums back here a skin dapsis pick this exotica that i propagated and just left the parent plant here it is common for them to shed leaves once in a while as long as new leaves are growing and then there's a philadelphia silver sword that's getting way too little light this is way too dark for it and i just want to chop it up at some point for a video and then uh show you how i can grow bigger leaves and of course you'll need better light for that so that's going gonna happen at some point in the future these are some beautiful homolominos by the way i have rehab this is some fuzzy home alumina there's another one back there and then there's one here which is gonna get closer this is actually very pretty and i actually don't recommend this species because i've seen them i think taken from forest in fact the one that i got here may have been poached so i don't really recommend this species at the time and they're not so easy to care for but this is a life and i think it should put out new growth from below i'm going to propagate it and hopefully someday it'll be in white cultivation and you guys can get it then but meanwhile please don't buy these plants because they are heavily poached uh when i got these they were in really bad shape i got these about four or five months ago but it's put out new leaves so yeah i don't think they ship very well too so don't don't order them and have them sent to your country from a rainforest here and have them die in your living room that's just not fun right and i believe this is also a homagomina and this is an amidium medium there's a hoya back here fuzzy fuzzy hoya i love petting this i can't remember the name i hopefully i can insert oh yeah hopefully i can insert all the names where possible so you guys know what i'm this hoya of finis yeah i don't remember that name at all i have too many plans you guys um up here some hoya carnosa the regular form and this right here let me see if i have a tag i don't have a tag on these i can't remember what this is either and back there we have some hoya microphylla the pot is way up here but it's trailing down and here we've got some hanging hoyas as well very pretty i love having them around the garden but i just don't remember all their names this is the hoya middaresses yeah i believe these are ones that are more well known for the flowers than the leaves this is a philodendron plumenia narrow form dark face blackface rather because it's darker and it's probably putting on a new leaf we got this i think about a half a month half a year ago some calathea uh what do you call this makayana they're not the easiest to care for and there's a lot of hoyas back there uh i think uh i can't remember all the names sorry this is the m820 that i got from pandika this one is cute this one's the fuzzy one it's got a fuzzy underside for hoya that's a new leaf here and the new leaves are quite beautiful uh when they sprout they are this white furry fur balls when they come out so yeah there's some i want to say calisophila but i could be wrong this doesn't look like the regular castle phyla there's a lot of these uh pubicolics splash that are grown in low light which is why they have these beautiful splashes and i want to see them more actually hopefully more gardens will have them i'm going to be propagating a lot of these and i'm going to be promoting a lot of these because they look really pretty this is another beautiful hoya i can't remember the name feel free to shout out by the way if you know the name of this hoyas but this is rather beautiful i did kill it once and i took some cuttings from the ones that are nearly killed and this is the result from that this is like tangling up sorry there's a disciplia i believe this is a discurian malaria that is just grown on a twig that i wrapped some coconut choir around and just missed this every day this is the regular philodendron palamini eye let's put our new leaf hi very cute and then that is another hoya microphylla i love having them around and up there there are a lot of maiden hair ferns i shouldn't put ferns up here because i forget to water them they cannot be left to dry out completely there's a milano cryson back there and this is the where the pot begins i don't know why it's not giving me bigger and bigger leaves and i have a feeling that's because the pot may be a little bit small that's the pot where it came from and there's so many leaves here so i'm gonna have to propagate this and try to grow bigger leaves from here and this back here is a philodendron lupinum it's known for its i don't know if i can reach over yeah it's known for its very beautiful pink backs and very very uh velvety leaves very pretty and they have a beautiful adult form the leaves become like crazy big and it splits into three so hopefully i'll get there someday but today is not the day oh yeah and there's more of the philodendron lupine is back behind this wall look at how pretty it's glowing behind that light the outline is just so pretty and the pink back is just so nice and that's the syngonium erythrophylus erythrophylum or phylus i don't know that it's climbing up so and that's a philadelphia puenze that is getting much better light as you can see it'll give you bigger leaves back here we have a philodendron jose buano it took a lot of cuttings they're rooting away right now they're pretty slow to root but they're fast to grow this is the new vine that came out after i made the cut so it came out from down here this is a epiprandom sibu blue it's starting to split so what i'm doing here instead of having it come climb up a wall i took a vine so the main part is here i took the vine and i just kind of circled it around the pot and just kept pinning each node onto the media to let it root into here so hopefully that will give me bigger and bigger leaves but so far it hasn't the leaves let me look this is the newest i guess it is kind of splitting but this needs better light actually this is not the ideal situation for it so yeah as more leaves i'm just gonna wind it around and even move it into a different pot to let it root so i want to experiment with this method of getting leaves to stand up straight because sometimes not all of us has this room for a plant to climb onto and this wall part here it leads you right up to the philodendron brand tianum and i know that you can't see how big this leaf is but it's probably as big as my palm so yeah i will be sad to take this down because it is doing so well here having the time of its life but yeah it's coming with me for sure so here is the philodendron paris overday back here took many cuttings from this hiding back here this is the philodendron cerani eye from our video i think that's coming out in two weeks from now probably already out by the time you see this video doing really well that's a new growth so this i believe is the parent plant from where i cut we got many plants out of this actually and this is the antherium vti hybrid that i propagated i took single leaf node cuttings i didn't film this yet but i may eventually but this is quite beautiful this is like a discount aetherium vti if you cannot afford the purebred one this is actually a little bit cheaper and it's got big leaves i just took single notes with a little bit of aerial roots look at that new growth is coming how cute i wasn't sure if this was actually going to work so i've got a few of these rooting away this is a zigzag cactus i forgot the latin name for this and this is quite pretty actually this is the emetrium ziplanium i really love how they look when they're climbing up uh like a wall or something they make really beautiful landscaping plants because they look like palm except they do climb and they can get really big if you let them climb up really high so i'm scratching my arms left and right because mosquitoes and flies are getting to me this is really beautiful this is the paraso verde again i've got many of these um this is again from our video we've got one more paraso verde here let's say philodendron pink princess that is not very pink but i am patient so one day i'm gonna cut them all up and hope should that's a little bit variegated no i believe this next leaf would be a bit variegated because you can see from the stripe here their variation is super random i really don't like that about them and here's the staghorn fern that i just got there's another pariso verde back there this one is getting better light this is getting very good variegations and more jungle cacti this is the jungle cacti area this is the fishbone cactus there's the dishida here that's it um what do you call this spanish moss which i'm going to propagating to separate these i'll make a video on that probably but this is super easy to to propagate and care for peperomia hope is doing so well back here this is my mama plant actually took many cuttings from this already more jungle cacti there's some ripsalis back here and i'm definitely going to do a video on it this is such a beautiful plant that is underrated and i can't believe i ignored this i haven't checked up on these guys in so long but they're doing quite well here they're very easy and fun to propagate actually back there and then here's that antherium by terryfolium another one from our video there's a maiden hair fern down here which i never forget to water because this is my heavy watering area so yeah that it's doing quite well it's put out all these beautiful fronds all over the place and ferns there are some uh what is this calathea white fusion here i've just propagated these this was actually in our video and look at this cute little baby one and i have propagated from that from those plants one more time so that's why i have so many pots of these and this is what the reverted one looks like and there's some ferns here i don't know the names of all these ferns but they're quite beautiful so all the ferns are sitting back here where they're watered every day and there's a lot of these stromantly try stars they really love it here they love being around these plants they love that ambient humidity same with the calithia white fusion they just really like it being grouped with other plants if i have it alone on a table or by itself it will give me those crispy leaves so yeah this is doing quite well more ferns more ferns i believe going to become a tree fern someday it's looking very big this is a raphidophora tetrasperma of course when you have them grown outdoors you're going to have all these uh leaves that are not perfect actually though this is the tetrasperma this is the fora pertusa if i'm not wrong these are siblings that different species though and obviously the tetrasperma is winning the race is much much higher they're such fast growers you guys and you look so beautiful back here and yeah the producer is very nice too we have another specimen that we're going to see later that is much much bigger there's a really beautiful fern here that i mounted i lost most of his foliage because i got it as a rescue but the new foliage is pretty and here's another fern that i kind of rescued i have to prune this very often but it is very beautiful very common fern and easy to care for it just holds it down every day and this is a golden pothos i kind of neglect this because these are such common plants i'm so sorry back there we did the back of the shelf before but this is again the syngonium area there's the singhonia moonshine i can't remember what this one is star something when laniai i believe this is the s ep espidistra at pedestra i can't remember right now it's very pretty so it gets a little bit of direct sunlight as you can see from here some zippoliniums these are emitriums more crystal linums they're kind of everywhere this is an orchid that's that um clarinervium from the front i guess it's not that bad looking from this just have smaller leaves that's all maybe it needs more light and here's what the begonia corner looks like from the front from when you visit it this is the bravirimosa which is one of my faves it's not doing so well here i kind of neglected it but it is growing quite well if it's got a root system yeah you can see that it's growing really well so i can cut this and it was just gonna promote a lot of branching out from below i may do that after i move and more of these beautiful begonias and this is one that i believe likes a little bit more lower higher light sorry because it's gotten so leggy and that's usually a sign that they're looking for more light and it's doing well now because it's it's getting a little bit of direct sunlight now so it's growing well this one's about to flower look at how pretty this is very beautiful begonia i believe this was a gift i was buying a lot of few plants and this just came with it and down here we have a an orchid i'm not sure what this one is there's a vanilla orchid a variegated vanilla orchid sorry back there and that's where the pot starts i always have to make sure i water this right here sometimes i forget this is also another orchid i can't remember the species name but it is quite pretty it did flower for me one time and this is a beautiful plant i can't remember the name i hopefully can find it and insert that on the screen but this looks like crocodile pattern very pretty and this is also a rescue this is from my one of my plant haul videos that you may see soon some nerve alias i'm not doing well struggling this may not make it some alumina army this is also not doing well it just started yellowing like crazy so it's probably got root rot but because this was grown from a stump and it grew back into this so if i just chop the whole thing off i may be able to rescue it i may do that later with when i move this is a peperomia corner for pepperoni obtuse folia very god but varigata so that's a polybatria uh parent plant i have many cuttings rooting away it's also a parent plant and closely folia they look really beautiful when they're sun stressed like this if you keep them in lower light they'll give you green leaves if you give them some direct light they'll give you this beautiful beautiful veins and they'll grow much faster too in in higher light some peperomia turbulences i've got so many parts of these just from the one that i got they are so easy to propagate very very beautiful peperomia and they make really good hanging basket as well there's a pepperoni metallica that's the mother plant this is the skin depths through the eye moonlight dark the skin that's true by dark form these are emitting zipliniums that are grown from wet sticks and i believe this it was sold to me as a piece lily but i think this is probably a i don't know maybe an exonema that's what i'm guessing i'm not sure but this diet died completely so this is grown back from a stump epipendum skeleton keys this is i believe the top cuttings look at how fat this one is with a little tail they all look so different i really love this plant quite a lot there's some homolumina black here that's how what it's sold to me as i think i may have been over watering this a bit it's starting to get yellowing leaves so this area actually gets a lot more direct sunlight but because of the changing season the sun is actually behind this rack which is why actually when that happens i should technically have watered the plants less but i didn't so sue me yeah this is another homolomino this is the homeowner red or silver red i can't remember the name but it is quite beautiful and one thing that i really like about the emedrian zipliniums is that they put out these runners and the runners would appear everywhere it will just sprout out all over the place and i really like that about plants when they kind of um overstay their welcome he said what this was the right word for if they just kind of unmanageable if you know what i mean but beautifully unmanageable all right so this corner oh my god this is my problem corner in fact this whole wall is problem because they rain down all these dead leaves that give me those southern blight fungus so all these plants have to be treated with fungicide often and i do have a lot of diebacks but yeah i have to continuously treat them so these are all uh my epipremnum or potholes rather or that's a philodendron so it is a trivia moonlight that's growing upwards that's a pothos enjoy i've got so many of these and i propagated them but nobody wants to buy these for some reason i don't know why can someone tell me what's up with that like i try to sell them at a very very very very low price and yet nobody wants them so yeah let me know what's wrong with this plant like do you not like it or this is a beautiful i can't remember the name but in indonesia we called ecordupai this is also a fern that is a beautiful philodendron hydrazium i believe this should be a brazil because it's starting to give me some more of that stripe but i did lose some of the stripes back here so yeah i don't know what's up with that that's the syngonium protophylum very goddess and golden puff those back there this is a pothos mangula with a lot of these propagating away but look at how beautiful they are i really love how the variegation looks this is very very slow growing and oh my god i just saw this this is quite wild this is a skin depth of trivia moonlight i've got so many of these all over the place but this is quite beautiful hanging down here like this and some marble queen this is also very underrated potos i really love how they look very nice there's a pineapple back there there's some monstera deliciosa this is actually actually too bright for them they should not be getting this much direct sunlight but there we go it's doing all right i guess these are some syngonium podophylum there is a jungle cactus back here can't remember the name but these are the ones with the chubby leaves and there's a syngonia microphylum frosted heart back here with a mouse pole there's a massive and aetherium crystalline back here more marble queen paltos back there there's a philodendron gabby or screen splash people mislabel them as gabby but they're in fact the crim splash or rio this is actually quite underrated this is the epipremnum and placimum the green form they actually have this really beautiful long leaves and that's one of the parent plants actually up there but it's a little bit damaged but they do grow upwards like this up a wall and trees so they're quite pretty they come also in a silver form and variegated which i will show you in a little bit there's a strawberry begonia it's not a begonia technically speaking these are more of those cream splash philodendron plants these are the bigger pots these are all the cuttings that grew into these i've got so many pots of these and by the way i did sell them and i do sell them and they have such a high return of investment because these guys are so expensive now that you know i actually made quite a bit of profit from them not to say that you should buy them and make profits out of them just sharing my story um however relationship that you have with the plans it's great but of course i'm gonna use those money into good use and don't worry about that i'm not going to buy expensive shoes and bags but yeah i'm going to be buying more plants rescuing more plants with this money so if you're in indonesia please buy my plants and these are quite beautiful and i believe that they're gonna one day take over the philodendron brazil as the main dominant species yeah that's a syngonium uh variegated that's yellow variegated there's an atomsonia back here we've got so many of the ending sonars i sold most but i stopped propagating them because they just don't fetch the good price when you sell them and i've got just so many so many so many of these it's just ridiculous so i stopped i have to stop myself from propagating these but these are fun to propagate and to care for i must say some peperomia up to sifolia this is baby kadaka fern i really hate this plant i can't remember the name of these but they came really beautiful they love full sun and it will give you these beautiful pink leaves but then eventually they become scraggly and bald like this so this is the one that a lot of people ask this is did i can't remember a deal i'm going to insert that on the screen something immaculata verigata with the little bulbs in the middle but this is one of my most asked plans when i post it people seem to like that one some hoya microphylla verigata this is just one small cutting these are our string of dolphins it's not looking so well i kind of neglected here i should have actually propagated them i may have to even add some fertilizer because i see all these bear stems so it's this is the perfect time to just clip this stick it back into the soil and when you clip them the lower nose so it doesn't fly on my finger and when you clip them the lower notes will like this one here it will activate it will put out a new branch entirely so it's good to prune them often and propagate them some pepperoni in kana back there baby pepperoni hope baby try this i just basically took a heart prune from these and it's going to be branching out a lot from below this is going to become a beautiful and full pot over time it's more peperomia hopes that i just propagating away i enjoy propagating these they're what are the slow growing plants but their baby leaves are just so rewarding they're just so pretty so yeah there's some more plants down here this is the skin that's true we are dark from these are the slowest to propagate and slow us to grow this been like this for about nine months yes so that's nine months worth of propagation that's super slow you guys there's some more back there i don't want to give this too much light because they will bleach out a bit and this is fallen this is a syngonium podophylum varigata this is actually my dad's plan this is an alocasia lotterbachea if i'm not wrong but this got spider mites i don't know if you can see from him kind of treating it right now so there's the peperomia algeria bacteria a lot of them propagating away some jungle cacti here that's the um skin that's algerious back there i'm propagating a lot of these because they're so hard to find here so hopefully i'll be able to have these on sale sometime soon travis kantia i can't remember the variety of these these are the green form there's another tradiscantia back here this is a little bit different smaller leaves this is not as fuzzy as the one before but yeah there's uh some ferns here this is tradiscantia sabrina i actually threw away the parent plant because there were so many of them they were all balding and leggy and just there's just too much of them so i just uh propagated small pot and threw away the main pot they're quite beautiful as you can see in the landscape so yeah there's some beautiful ferns here there's a beautiful fern that i really love here this suzy wong and some mikens here which i'm going to be propagating soon this is so messy right now this is the uh ficus audrey i love this and it's got really fuzzy leaves i know you can't really feel from here but this is a really beautiful ficus loves uh direct sunlight but not full sun i think it may burn in full sun look at how i love the texture right there this is so beautiful it's a leaf on leaf but this is branching out really well i actually struggled with this plan i don't know if you saw my earlier videos that it was attacked by so many types of pests after treating them though this really burst into life so i'm really glad to see all these branching out i believe the pests are the reason why these are branching out in the first place because when the plant is stressed out it just tells every node to just activate like guys we gotta be in full survival mode so this is what it's doing and actually for this i can just cut them off cut them off and propagate all these and they'll turn to their own plants so that's what i'm gonna do at some point i see ants here which means that there's definitely some pests happening here so i'm gonna have to treat this soon and then there's a small fetal fig here i'm not probably gonna bring this with me when i move only because they're such slow growers they take up so much space and they're super overrated i don't know i'm over done sorry this wall here usually gets direct sunlight and at a different season but right now it's not getting direct sunlight at all which is why it's safe to put some of these plants here so these are more pepperoni algerias more hoyas and more of that mealy bug that we saw earlier this is not focusing yeah and then some more begonias oh my god i'm so messy you guys i've got plants just kind of everywhere this is a hoya bella we've got a lot more hoyabellas elsewhere this is a hoya obavada splash and this is really pretty i can't remember what this is help me i don't remember my plans i've got too many plans and this one is a hoya m807 it's really pretty though if you look at the leaves up close it's really really pretty it's got dark black rim on it oh my gosh i i need to sort out my plant collection and so i can enjoy the more i can see them more often and these are just hanging really beautifully here somehow yeah it's going up through the grill here so i'm gonna have to cut these and propagate them at some point before i move here are some hoya callistophyla that are propagating away they're all doing well they actually propagate quite easily and start the babies i just stuck them right into my aeroid potting mix and just kind of water it whenever i remember to they're very forgiving and this is the agronema pictum tricolor and there's a video coming up on these as we'll have so many plants out of these these are also aglanima victim tri colors these are all started from one plant about uh 18 months ago so yeah there's a video on that this is the hoya la quinosa corner la canosas are very fast growing if you give them direct light they can sunstress and become these beautiful pink leaves they come with white or pink flowers so make sure you choose your flowers before you buy them but they're just really beautiful leaves and they're unstoppable they grow really really fast and it propagates so easily this is the hoya that we saw earlier i took a few cuttings which the blood bugs are eating hello do you like it how do you like that and then yeah there's some more here oh my god there's just so many of them look at that and this is that same hoya i really need to know what species this is but it's looking beautiful this one is a sigilatus very pretty but very slow growing hoya this is philadelphia in brazil this was actually up the point in time in which it was getting direct sunlight because as i mentioned earlier this area gets direct sunlight and look at how bleached out the leaves look uh so this plant actually really enjoys a little bit of dark sunlight but too much and you will bleach them they'll become this light green color and when you have this bright indirect light like we have now with maybe a touch of direct sunlight it will give you a more balanced variegation so these guys do respond really well to light and just make sure you control yourself don't give them too much but don't give them too low of light and you can of course move them around depending on the variegation level that you want and here's a vanda orchid they bloomed really beautiful for a long time i would believe the blooms was about three to four months really really showy i love this plant a lot it's very easy to care for and they actually like full sun and i just miss them every day and this has attached itself to the wall i can't really remove it now yeah so i just missed this whole thing and i do fertilize it with all my other orchids at the same time and yeah very easy to care for in general there's another orchid here that is being mounted i can't believe this is a vanda mini if i'm not wrong and then there's a dishtyria ovada that is uh growing up there down here we've got that ficus burgundy like elastica that we had a video on this it's one of the plants that we didn't propagate this is my favorite begonia this is the begonia manao look at that that is pretty so this is the parent plant i actually chopped the whole thing off and propagated all the foliage and then this is what grew out of it it's going to bush out from here and this is my neglected corner neglected corner there's a pisca back here there's a beautiful begonia silver i don't know what the name of this begonia is back there there's a cutting and of course there's duplicates for all these plants this is a raphael foreign baby this is a epiphany adam varigata that that was grown from wet sticks and not allowed to climb up so they do trail really beautifully as you can see here but it's got it's lots of surrogation maybe because it's not bright enough that some of them are still variegated but imagine if they had all these variegation and you allowed the trail down they're quite pretty you guys and that's the same plant that grows up a mouth pole and you get bigger and bigger split leaves so both of these are actually nice i like both of them so yeah if you have this plan definitely do propagate them and see if you can grow them in both methods this is the philodendron micro spectrum really love the rubbery leaves and the classic heart-shaped leaves they can get pretty big like maybe like palm sized big but yeah these are more succulent like philadelphia they don't ask for much this is a philodendron melanocryson from our melanocrystan video these are all the cuttings they're not the easiest to propagate this one they have rotted they're not the easiest to propagate in my experience yeah all right so that is an epipremnum pinatum that's not variegated it's just starting to climb up the wall from the moss pole here i got this as a free plant this is a monstera deliciosa i have a video on this that i'm filming this is actually a propagate this is the top cutting from and look at how beautiful the new leaf is really enjoy having these guys around there's a caladia ornata back there they really really appreciate low light um there's peace lily there's a more calif yellow white i can't remember the name of this silver plate sorry yeah and this was only two or three leaves when i got it and it screwed profusely this is the philodendron lynette a beautiful palm here there was also a rescue it died into a complete stump this one i have the station because the stem rotted off i believe this is a different vodka so i'm going to cut it here and propagate it yeah when i move because i don't have this whole thing was growing this big pot and that's all left of it so yeah the pot is basically useless now some boston ferns this is a really beautiful um aetherium and it is uh i believe this is the ethereum safari yeah it's got this really beautiful red striped flower syngonium when landii this is a ethereum hybrid i think it's yeah it's got pests for sure i see some things on here i do the way that i know that there's passes because look at the leaf here it's got a lot of bite marks and there was an allocation living right there that was infested with spider mites so i'm guessing the spider mites did spread around this area and i have to treat this soon very pretty i should wash my hands i'll be right back and i'm back turn this is the fish gear i love beautiful shiny foliage and they just like to clamber all over the place they make really good hanging basket but also they can kind of become a really beautiful canopy plant that just clamors on its own like right to find its own way this is a miranta kirchoviana this is the chananti i can't remember the name of this thai beauty if i'm not wrong i'm coming but this is a variegated and i am propagating this so these are all individual pots um aglonema speculary love love the leaves but this is not doing well i may have to take this out and rescue them one by one because this is not clearly happy in here it's a more efficient like here look at how pretty they are and this is philodendron florida goes and they have gotten massive but um this one's starting to flower too look at that i should actually nip off this flower but you know what i'm just gonna watch and see what happens but this is a massive pot um i did show this in my balcony tour video about a year ago and it's just four little leaves and now it's given me so much they're actually very fast to grow uh once it's established they're not the fastest to propagate but definitely fast growing once it's established so that's that there's some begonias here this is also becoming one of my favorite begonias they can have these massive leaves we'll see them indoors later i have some really beautiful specimen of this this is i believe the begonia ladies finger ladyfingers uh yeah it's pretty i got them in a big pot like this and it was only a few tiny clumps but now it's grown pretty big so in this sense i kind of appreciate the big part that it came in but not all the plants can get so big when i get them in big pots unless the plants stay very small so i always want to repot them to a smaller pot but in this case i'm just going to leave it after this these are some iffy premium pin adam varigatas living here some of them have crispy leaves here i don't know what happened i may have over underwatered them at some point i just kind of hose down this area quite a lot and this is normal for the old leaf to have some yellowing don't worry about that but yeah the new leaves at least are healthy so i have a feeling this may be over water or maybe it's just not getting enough light so it's not really drinking the water that it's been given and this is another one of those but the new leaves are quite beautiful and anyways i have a feeling these guys i'm just gonna be propagating them later anyways uh and then there's the philadelphia six 69686 here this is the parent plant let's put out a new vine here i did propagated a lot of these they're actually not easy to propagate you guys the one that i propagated and i'm sorry to say i actually sold one of the cuttings it's rooted in moss and then i moved it into android potting mix and i saw that it grew a new growth point so i sold it but the receiver who got it and potted it and saw that it was going through root rot and it felt so bad i refunded the money immediately that that guy was so mad i don't know i offered to send him another plant for free on the house but he never got back to me so sorry but yeah these guys i have a feeling they're not that easy to propagate um yeah which is why they also carry quite a bit of a hefty price this plant wall here we did two videos off so feel free to check those videos out from before i'm going to go really quickly because i don't want to repeat myself here a lot of things have actually just grown bigger since our last video this is the syngonium podophylum verigato it's just kind of clamoring over each other and that's that skin dabs has picked this that's also doing really well here it's become really really uh i don't know what they called it they're just binding around the forest floor there's the philadelphia marks back here it's quite big actually let me see if i can show it it's actually quite big but it's the moss polish has fallen forward so i may have to rescue that at some point and this beautiful big monstera i believe this is not the delicious so let me see yeah it's not the delicious it doesn't have the frills on the pedals so this is the borsigiana which is a different form of the monstera and it cannot get big look at how cute the new leaf is hello and then there's the uh maranta the conoria these are getting expensively faced uh quite pretty i really love these guys they like low light and this is the kalita kanchina phylum this is a antherium vhi hybrid that we saw earlier i took many leaves from them as you can see this is the parent planet it's just recovering this is not doing well but it's put out these uh cool leaves this is another one and don't mind the size even though it's small like right now this will expand in size as it hardens and it'll become like big like this big and at the one of the leaves that i cut off it's actually really really huge so they can get enormous and these are some collections back here they're doing quite well i just did a collective uh videos so feel free to watch that if you want to learn more about calatheas i'm not gonna devil into that too much today and this the begonia this is a bit struggling this was actually from our video we've had a begonia machilada video that's one of my best watch videos actually but this is not doing well i think i kind of ignored it i haven't repotted or i haven't checked the roots ever so this is not doing all but what i'm going to do is i'm going to just move it and i'm going to chop up the leaves and start over because this is going to give me so many plant materials and just not repotted this ever as you can see maybe really disgusting down there i'm so sorry this is what happens when you have too many plants and i really want to bring your attention to this refridgeraphora protusa which i promised to show you earlier so these are the relatives to the tetrasperma and as you can see there are many similarities with the tetrasperma but they can get enormous in fact i have a feeling they can probably get bigger than this and they really love to be able to climb onto walls and such so yeah definitely do give your reference something to climb on there's some more begonias we did propagate a lot of these back there in the nursery area it's the immaculata so not much to see here this is a beautiful philodendron mayo eye this did not grow at all for almost a year so what i did was i just threw fertilizer at it and i threw pesticides at it and then it became this this is all within like the last four months three to four months that it grew into this massive clump so i'm gonna be of course propagating this again this is actually very beautiful imagine that in like a landscape setting this is a really beautiful philodendron i want to have many more of these and this is actually very affordable too and these are probably what i would call the discount elegance because the philadelphia elegance cost 10 times the price of this but it is beautiful nonetheless so some calathea british cynthia i'm not wrong alocasia amazonica this is growing and growing and from these little specks here i can feel that there's going to be spider mites back there probably spider mites i don't know i haven't seen i see something here that's moving but i haven't seen spider mites yet oh yeah there are some things look at that there's definitely past allocations are very very prone to past you guys so i have not treated this in a long time to be fair and i should so when i move i'm gonna have to make sure that i treat everything uh that i'm moving and this is putting out flowers too technically speaking you should cut off the flowers so that they can focus all this energy on the leaves instead but i haven't got time to do that you guys so i'm just going to let it be this is not doing well clay is sabrina you're not meant to see that but i haven't figured out what's wrong with it i just haven't had the time but a lot of the other sabrina's are doing quite well some uh aglonema i can't remember jaipung suksum i know i say that with a cantonese accent i don't know why and that's peperomia i can't remember the name uh that is a very common trailing peperomia easy to grow scandan sorry this is pepperoni scandan's very gotta very very pretty easy to grow and very affordable peperomia some exonema donna carmen very very pretty and one of the most affordable aglonimas these are probably less than a dollar u.s maybe two dollars at the most this is the aglonima rotundum from sumatra i really love sorry about all these hard waters things look so disgusting but normally it would have this dark leaves with this beautiful fuchsia stripes and it likes a little bit of a medium to lower light but yeah this is not the best specimen i guess to show you but yeah sorry about that sorry about the hard water stains and uh this is the kalaiki orifolia that we brought back to life and it's doing quite okay i guess there's so many little fungus gnats or flies lying around hello and then this is a different bakia what's the name for it oh my gosh i can't remember right now but i just basically chop the top off and just put it into soil and it's been like this for about two months let me yank it or hang on yeah it's rooted don't try this at home but yeah this is the one way they can know if you're cutting that rooted in there and let me look at the leaves i suspect there may be a bit of a test issue as well i see something yeah sometimes you can tell from the front when a plant is in uh bad shape so yeah as if you've watched my previous few videos where i give you an update you know that my life is pretty terrible right now i'm going through so much transitions businesses are booming i will i will start hiring gardeners i promise you i'll hire people to need to make some money and i will take better care of my plan this is that um every premium and placing them that we saw earlier that were climbing up walls but if you don't let them climb up walls they can become this beautiful rosette type plant they can take low light they can take a little direct sunlight so this is a very easy plant to care for good for landscaping good for indoors this is a struggling different buck yeah i meant to save it oh this is completely i guess i need to propagate this right away i'm gonna cut the top off yeah this is my next project i guess but i'm so busy you guys have so much to do oh my god okay i need to stop buying this is the miranta kirchoviana these are all cuttings just stuck straight into my forest floor potting mix oh and this is the philadelphian parent plant and that from our philadelphian video and it's doing really really well i think something's wrong with it because the leaves keep getting smaller and smaller so this is pretty small for the leaves i remember when i checked up on this about a few months ago when i actually moved it here about two to three months ago i think i know why i think this is just not getting enough light maybe it's too low light for it so i can see now that the patios are getting long they're ato leading they're trying to reach out to the light and the new leaves are smaller so i need to give this better light actually and maybe a little bit of nutrients and also pest control because sometimes when you give plants um pest control because they may be melee bugs and stuff in those potting mix they will recover really well this is actually ready for propagation so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna care for it first nourish it back to health and then in a few months i'll be chopping this up all right so moving on uh let's come up here where this is more of a full fun or really strong direct sunlight area there's a vanda orchid here that just moved here because the sun is favoring this area right now and there's hoya sunrise there's two of them i need to make more cuttings of them because they sold so fast uh and yeah i really regret selling the cuttings that i had i wish i had more of these so i'm gonna grow this out and then there's a ethereum magnificum here we're doing a video on these and they got big so fast this was just a stump about six months ago so it grew into this which is great that's bird poop right there or bad poop i'm not sure there's uh more sengonium when landing up when landing i hear i really love them they're quite beautiful everywhere this is i believe pandan pandan there's a apripernum and plissimum silver right here it's climbing up this small moss pole here or coconut pole looking really pretty and what else is there this is a street plant that i bought from a nursery but apparently this is a weed an invasive species this used to be a sunflower but it died very quickly and up here another vandal orchid this one's a baby but it's doing well now it's starting to put on new growth it did nothing because i put it in low light before so yeah there's some hoya bertonii here really beautiful color on the foliage and this is another one this is the hoya rosita very very pretty look at this sunstretching so these are getting really good direct sunlight there's some rosemary's here these are some uh euphorbia neo rebellum i did a video on this and they're putting out these bulbs very cute and then there's a spider plant here that's not doing so well i really love these flowers these are coleus flowers which we're going to look at so these are all coleus by the way and down there they're all different species of coleus i got them as cuttings and rooted them in water and literally all of them took they're so easy to propagate they have such strong will to live i really appreciate these times they're really pretty they love full sun they love freaking watering they're very very thirsty plants because they're going to drink up their water very quickly when you're getting full sun they're going to give you bright foliage just very very fast growing plants and another tip to growing them would be to keep pruning them because they get long and leggy with a single stalk and that's usually not a very good look so yeah look at this one this is extremely beautiful they're all beautiful in their own rice and yes they all do flower like this like this one's also flowering a little bit so they're very very spectacular plants these are persian shields that i have in my video these all propagated from there they also really like direct sunlight and this one should be facing here okay there look at how many of them we have now from just one i had one plant about a year ago and now i have all these very very pretty plant actually very thirsty plants as well so i do hold this down once or twice a day back there i believe these are i don't know what flowering plant this is but i'm not good at flowering plants i keep killing them so maybe we're not all good at some things right um yeah this is a excretaria kochi genensis i really love pronouncing it i think i showed you this in my last video it is a little bit on the dry side it's very crispy actually i may not have watered this deep enough this morning but anyways that's lavender i really love this one it smells so good and i believe it's a lavender gold creek if i'm not wrong i do need to propagate this this is getting very leggy so yeah lavender lavender that is rosemary and this is uh i want to say thyme wait hang on what is this uh basil basil yeah and that is the red maple hibiscus they do flower very profusely these are all flowers spent flower buds and they flower really beautifully but usually in the mornings like four or five a.m and the flower would wilt by uh i would say eight or nine a.m so you don't really get to catch the flowering stage very often but they do flower all year round very profusely so this is a very cute plant to have and then this is a marigold which i'm killing as well i don't know man i'm just not so good maybe i just don't have enough sunlight to keep this alive i will figure these out someday but that day is not today here is an epipremnum golden photo so we're doing a video on this i'm trying to train this so that it becomes big but it's not really doing its thing so i'm guessing this part may be a little bit too root bound for it and they may be midi bugs in there because i haven't treated this for past so i'm going to fix that another time some different bakia reflector there i guess that different bucket that we saw earlier that wasn't a reflector because this is the reflector i'm so sorry so there was a another different bachelor there's an egg yeah there's another one down there and these are all propagating away look at the babies oh my gosh i really love aconima's and different bokyas they're so cool these are um what they call it philodendron gloriosomes this one the leaf died off but is putting out a new leaf they're very easy to propagate which is why they're so inexpensive here they said dracaena these are hoya compacta actually this is very dry it's probably a very hot day today i need to water this again even though i did this morning already this is one of my favorite plants the uh coastless erythrophylum they're really beautiful red backs and yeah the only issue i have with this plant is that they get these spots i believe this should be bacterial or fungal spots and i just don't know how to get rid of them like all of them invariable you would have these i do spray fungicide on them once in a while but this is one of the plants that i really struggle with usually fungicide works but in this case it doesn't work so yeah it is a hot day look at how dry this is and everything's crisping up so i may have to water this area again yeah with changing season again you may have to water your plants less or more depending on the area but this area here this is the sun is just coming down this way that's where direct sun is coming so these plants are getting really really good light um yeah and thus glorious glorious sums more glorious i really enjoy seeing them there's more hoya compacta in the rope this is one of my favorite hoyas the holy he have italiana they love a bit of direct sunlight which is why it's here how dried it that is oh my god uh hoya croniana super eskimo this is an interesting one this is a pot of hoya carnosa crimson but an alocasia cupria somehow made it here how cute is that there are a lot of hoyas back here let's say callistophyla more uh hoy carnosa crimsons this area is full of dried i can't wait to move out you guys this area is just a disaster there's too many dead leaves here and i honest to god i don't remember what this is this is probably a different bakia but i could be wrong yeah so these are all different types of fertilizers i believe the kaudara hoya uh there's agronima rotundum more of them some begonia iron cross if i'm not wrong some ferns there's some grenade back there that fell over i'm so sorry let me get you now this is the begonia verimosa i believe hybrid this is not doing so well i think maybe because it's it keeps falling over and this is pretty dry so i need to put it somewhere where it can get watered well because when it's slanted you don't really get catch any water right so i'm going to leave that to rehab for a bit uh if and worst case you know i just cut this and then some of these notes should put out new vines yeah some aglonema diamond bay this is the syngonium three kings if i'm not wrong they're very very pretty love love the variegation on these they're very very random they are actually not expensive even though they look pretty expensive there's that begonia that looks like it's got reptile-like skin i really love this one this is pretty and then there's some strophera propagating these are asia cupria that are propagating away we'll see the parent plant later in another table but this was my experiment just to see if they will grow and i guess they did which is great so a video on that is coming at some point this is another different docu and let me hey what do you want hey [Music] all right so back up here this is actually mother of thousands from the wrong country made it into this pot somehow and then there are some gardenia which is not doing so well i'm really bad with flowering plants you guys and this is uh some kind of caladium this is a cocoloba if i'm not wrong that's oh sorry this is a wahru it's the hibiscus that's variegated very very pretty but this is pretty slow growing in my care so far maybe it is a little bit dry i don't know this doesn't feel a bit dry but i may need to repot this i haven't repotted this this feels very limp like something's wrong with this plant obviously and also i have a feeling that uh as a hibiscus this is probably very pest prone as well and then there's another one here i don't know what this is i can't remember all my plants pencils the cactus is probably over watered which is why it's yellowing up sorry and then there's more chaff flares here like baby choclats that are propagating away very cute high five this is hypo high polishes hap hypothesis and i struggle with these maybe i just don't really care for it enough but they are pretty easy to put you can just cut it cut it and then put it back into the potting mix and it will grow that's why it's so bushy but then it just keeps getting leggy like this i don't know what i'm doing wrong and more of those uh euphorbia neo-rubellum here with beautiful butt shaped tubers and then that's an adenium it's my only adenium that i have and i kind of struggle with it i'm gonna figure them out someday this is my bunny ear cactus more coleus here and then these are my berlin marks uh denver and moxie eye variegated and i actually have to separate them because a lot of them were reverting so i just kept cutting them and selectively potted them up so these are some of the more variegated ones that are potted separately from those as you can see the new leaf is variegated so with this plan you may have to keep cutting back the green and just selectively propagate the variegated but it's also my fault because i did put this in low light which is why it was reverting so up here we have some variegated local atom sony eyes they're just propagating away they do get a little bit of direct sunlight this is the what is the name again um cordline very very pretty plant and i chopped it up and then yeah it's propagating away this one looks pretty dead this is the same recorder line so the leaves are dead i'm actually supposed to cut it off but i haven't had time but it's fine because look at this the shoots are putting out babies so that's going to do fine that's actually a occasional sabrina struggling but it should do well i think here are some different bacchios and glue nemo wet sticks or stumps rather some of them already rotted off but i haven't taken them out of their pots some of them hopefully will make it but i'm filming a video on these and here are the aetherium magnificum stumps that have been in here for nine months and this that's the the parent plan right there and this is the reason why i haven't released that anterior magnificent video because i'm waiting for shoots to emerge from here and nothing has happened look at it it's rooted really well and i was actually expecting this to put out leaves but it hasn't so we're waiting for that before i can release that video yeah there's absolutely no new shoots yet frustrating all right and last in this area is this thing that i'm trying out it's a propagation box so that you can see the humidity is insane in there but i don't think i like this this is a disaster uh i do open this every other day just to let some air in and i think a lot of these things are yellowing up maybe because of over watering and maybe because there's not enough light coming in here even though this is getting direct sunlight but it's going to be diffused oh my god it's so steamy hot right now so these are some caladiums in here this is the aglonema rotundum that i tried i do have some that are propagated outside of the box and look at how nasty that is yeah these are some begonia that are struggling the siblings are doing really well so this is not doing well this is an allocation that was stray but that's actually supposed to be aglionema pictum tri colors in here let me feel it nope nothing's mush yet so everything is actually still kind of growing so maybe i am keeping it a little bit too wet i'm not sure these are some tetrospermos they're doing so bad uh yeah tell me what i'm doing wrong i don't remember what this is honestly it could be a gloriosa but i'm not sure so this is where we have our breakfast and there are some plants randomly hanging out here there's a palin of this orchid that is dying it was actually really pretty when it was full of flowers and then there's an apisky back here and it used to flower but it's no longer flowering i just hang it on the doorknob there and yeah it's looking very pretty i'm growing these both indoors and also some outdoors i'll show you that later and they do so much better indoors the leaves are perfectly beautiful when they're outdoors they get a lot of fungus bacteria and things like that there's some random windowsill plants this is a disciplia uh what is pneumolaria varigata very pretty it's grown in a coconut husk i don't know if you can see so it's got that very natural vibe to it and it's in this tin can this is a peperomia clusifolia in the shoes that i got from amsterdam some rosemary propagating away in this farm it's almost like an aquatic plant i think because it drinks the water so quickly i just see i just filled this with water today and it they drank it all up if i forget even a little bit of watering it will start losing a few fronds it is a very beautiful fern and i got this from one of the plants it's just a stowaway plant look at how pretty they are and that new growth there and it did so well it used to only have three or four fronts and now it has more but it is a very very thirsty plan so if you enjoy watering plants like every day every hour and not worry about over watering this is the right plant for you this is a duplicate i found this in another pot yeah see how dry it is i filled it up with like this much water actually this morning and then over here we have some uh syngonium i don't remember what variety this is but this is also very common and i do like that they're random here this is the trotas kantia and these are really beautiful with perfect leaves because they were grown indoors and i'd never ever get the leaves wet and this is actually one of my more watched most watched videos for this species karen propagation if you grow them outside you may get a little bit of bacteria and fungus spots especially if you've got if it gets rained on but look at how beautiful and shiny they are over here so this is the one plant that would say does well indoors it does need bright light and i'll just squirt water in here this is a very fast draining force floor potting mix i just squirt water in here every morning fertilize it lightly sorry and this is grown in a in a double pot and this is in a fruit can and it's a plastic pot in there and if i want yeah i'm not going to struggle with that now but there's a plastic pot in there and then there's a pepperoni hope here as well it's doing really well i also water this every day because it is so root bound in there and there's a lot of plant material and a little bit of soil so yeah this is a pretty pretty plant corner because none of my plants outside look this perfect so on this tree here there's a drastina white aspen that i'm going to have a video on there's some bromeliads here and this is my private enjoy this is the hoya carnosa crimson princess it does really well when grown on the tree it started growing really slowly and then it just exploded in growth very quickly so this took about i don't know a year and a half to get to this size and then there's a weird hang on let me look at this i just noticed something this is a hoya australis not the lisa but the regular australis it hasn't really flowered for me but they do give me a lot of peduncles i don't know why but this is doing something stranger it's trying to be a hoya compacta this is wild indeed look at that and here we have a pot of this is very dry this is a hoya microphylla verigata and one of the least actually because when you put them uh releasing by a tree it's just gonna start binding and look at how big this one leaf is so pretty so yeah this is actually one of my favorite holidays right so there's a pit over here and it gets really good light uh there's a tree right above it but then that's east so it does get like a little bit of direct sunlight uh every day so let's just get started i'm just going to start pointing because there's no way i can get down here so there's a variegated monstera there that's the top cutting philodendron berlin marks and there are some variegated boston fern i showed that in my variegated plants video and i actually propagated it so these are all individual pots of them so they'll be on sale whenever they're ready and then regular boston ferns some ethereum crystallinums that is a beautiful fern hanging out let me get up close to it actually it is a beautiful fern that i'm also propagating away and insert the name on the screen i need to do this plant justice because it is just so pretty up close look at that it's got these like variegated type patterns and they do revert to all green if you put them in lower light but the thing with this ferns that you do need to prune them often that's the only thing but they do propagate well and they do grow rather slowly so yeah i've sold quite a few of these these are one of the best-selling ferns there are some uh spider-plant bonnie bunny spider plants that are curly i really love those and that's the variegated uh boston fern up close there's a gloriosum here uh i believe i took the top cutting of that i'm not sure which is why it's a little bit like limping over there and here is the uh sansevieria that we did i did a video to show you how i prepare my plants for the rainy day and this is one of the ways um and that is basically me moving this san severa into lecca full lekka and terracotta pot and watering it every day because it dries up so fast and they love it it's been doing really well here for about eight months there's another pink princess here hopefully this is gonna be a pink leaf i'm not sure but it's only got one pink leaf so far down there and then this is a ring of fire it's a philodendron i'm so sorry i have to show you from up top that it is very pretty i'm looking loving all these variegations um the darren gloriosome here's a really big fern let me try to get it out this is a footed part one of my first i'm going to be doing a propagation video on these at some point oh my god i'm so sorry oh my god okay oh this is very top-heavy that's why you're trying to film with one hand all right now we got it so there's a bird nest fern and that is actually what you call this uh hijacked this way in there but the real star here is this photo turn i don't really know exactly the species but it's grown a lot it was so much smaller before it was one of my first plants look at how pretty those uh feet it looks like gia's feet um so i hear that you can just propagate them by cutting cutting it like this and then just putting that on the topsoil and that might root but i don't know i'm gonna give it a try if you happen to know how to propagate these beautiful ferns do let me know look at how nice this is very pretty so imagine if you had like a big living room and just having this as a statement piece in the middle it would be such a beautiful look they love love love direct sunlight but not too much like not full sun but they do well when it's really bright and you water them often never ever let them dry out so that's a bit of a surprise actually hello i haven't seen this in a long time i haven't checked on this guy so this is one of my variegated monstera parent plant that i propagated this is new hello what is this this is a new leaf this is big so i chopped it off right here and oh my god i have a secondary branch this is exciting and it's variegated too you can see that the next leaf is going to variegate it here this is very variegated the first leaf that this one put out after i cut it is this small so i was expecting the next leaf to be pretty small too but now look at that that is big and this is probably because there's a lot of root system in there uh before i cut off all the plants so it's enough to support a much bigger plant so very very happy with this there's a sansevieria dracaena kirky eye which i really like love the pattern on these and there's a massive boston fern but the thing with them is that i think this is outgrown its pot which is why it's looking so scraggly now it used to look so pretty before when it was perfect but look at that that's outgrown its pot and i do need to divide it i need to prune it uh but that's another chapter there's something to do later on here is the campheria i can't remember if this is the elegance or the pulchera there are somewhere over there of the same species the reason why i have some out there and some in here is because i wanted to see if the light levels affect their pattern because i lost the pattern somehow they actually have some marvelous pattern or i suspect that another reason is that the leaves will only have the patterns when they become mature so i don't know this is such a fast growing plant so i'm not sure they just keep putting a leaf after leaf so i need to wait to see those patterns come back i will definitely do a video on this soon this is a monstera thai constellation i killed the top three leaves and they are so slow to grow they grow one leaf every four to five months which is why i was sad that i lost all those three leaves but this is putting out a new fenestrated leaf hello and my dad actually his gardener they were painting the ceiling and now it's got on all of my plants down here thankfully it's easy to peel off but it just takes a lot of time to take it off there's some monstera here and then this is a philodendron tortem this is one of my bigger one high five and it just keeps growing and growing this is so pretty the newest leaf looks a little bit small though i have a feeling that i may have to repot this soon this is probably very uh root bound there's a philodendron jungle boogie this is the non-variegated version of the ring of fire there's another smaller tortum another variegated monstera here this is the newest leaf something pooped on it i think and uh there's some variegated at insomniai variegated editing sony eyes all hanging out here and there's some somewhere over there um yeah this is a calladium or linden yay or zen i can't remember the name but this has been reclassified i think this is another of the philodendron jungle boogie philodendron black cardinal so prone to fungal spots and also hard water stains i definitely would love this plant if it's kept indoors where the water doesn't get on the leaves but when it's outside it's just not the best looking plant so let me restart that plant this is a stowaway allocation i'm not sure what kind of allocation this is it came with another pot uh this is that fern that suzy wong turned there's a peace lily this is the one of those domino one of them's picasso i don't know which one is which and then fill it then burler marks this is a philodendron micro stick them sorry it's probably very confusing to watch like from up above and then there's the syngonium these are more episkias and i can't remember the name of this species but this is also one of my most asked plants it flowers really beautifully over here and it has this really beautiful silver and blue shine seem to like bright in direct light it burned in direct sunlight so yeah and it's got this very beautiful pink underside they do propagate really well so i'll be doing an episode on this plant soon as soon as i can memorize this name this is a crocodile fern i got it when it was really small it was actually in one of my first few nursery plant tours it only had like three to four leaves i'm really glad that i've got so many now and i'm gonna be cutting this up soon i'm gonna do a video on these to show you how you propagate it here is a uh i believe a homoalumina but i could be wrong it could be as schizomatoglossus i'm not sure and then here's an epipremnum skeleton key and that that same blue plant um epiperman pin atom verigata let me see did i get everybody there's another variegated monstera over there so when you cut them uh the parent plants will branch out and give you many many leaves so this is why i'm never hesitant about propagating my plants roughly the flora sperm oh and there's another variegated monstera out there these are all the parent plants so the babies are cutting away uh and propagating away and they're upstairs i've sold quite a few this week i sold like six of them so we'll see some of them later variegated banana and it's um heliconia that will give you some beautiful flowers but this is still a baby here's a scraggly looking string of pearls i don't know what i have done wrong with it i i don't really check up on this guy often so these are this is the fact that you really do need to baby and and make sure that it's not over watered or underwater i do host this down lightly every day but it seems very very fast draining cacti succulent potting mix and it's very very dry it don't dry so i may be a little bit too dried out i'm not sure because the balls are so skinny and shriveled but hopefully if i can still salvage this i will propagate it this is a really beautiful bromeliad it just keeps putting out pups after pups you can see there are many clumps in there very interesting i got this in one of my cheap plant haul videos and yeah and with bromeliads they do like a little bit of water down there if i'm not wrong in the crown they do feed from there but they also have some root system down here that anchors them to the pot here is a dracaena song of india uh hope you guys are doing okay in india i know that situations with covet is really bad but this is a really pretty plan and i really enjoy having it around and it's always growing and then this is a hoya carnosa crimson queen and i actually kept taking cuttings and sticking it back in there so it's quite a big part and that's gia right there she's a variegated dog she's a mini doctor 14 years old and yeah this is just feel bad for the little paint splashes on them terrible okay yeah hopefully i'll be able to hire an assistant soon that can help me gently scrape off these paint marks all right hey gia what are you doing hey what's up what do you wanna do here say hi someone say hello all right moving on here's another pit and this one actually can climb down so i'm going to do that i'm going to climb in here so let me start over here this is a i don't can't remember the name uh i've i've saved this uh screenshot so many times but i just can't remember the name and that's the same one over there oh sir refido for a decursiva that's what it is look at how beautiful the leaves are they cannot get actually very big i got these as stumps look at how thick that means then so this grew out of there so i got it as thumps and i had to grow the leaves from there so this is a really pretty part that's another one of their hiding hello this is a philodendron maxi cannon if you give them bright and direct light with a little bit of direct sunlight the new leaves are gonna be beautiful red they do put on quite a beautiful show when they're unfurling some philodendron micans i sold quite a few pots but they're everywhere my micans are just randomly everywhere it's a little bit annoying i need to get organized this is my skin depth section this is the regular skin depths of pictus exotica some philodendron brazil postos these are some baby philodendron brand tianums that are propagating i sold quite a bit of these the empty slots are basically sold once and oh my god this is so dangerous this is like downstairs i hope i don't fall down there and these are some uh skindaps silver splash they do change in in the sense that if you give them bright very bright and some direct sunlight they will be all silver but if you give them bright and direct light they will give you more of these green along the leaves so i quite like the texture and this uh let me see skin that's just true bi moonlight they actually grow really fast faster than other skin daps there's a lot of yellow leaves here and i i don't mind that because skin deposits do shed leaves when they put out new ones so this is quite a mess here you guys this is why my dad is complaining about me because i am too messy and uh yeah let's see bacteria i think this is the uh syngonium erythrophyllus let me see what else what else can i notice here that is worth mentioning these are a philodendron silk cream splash they're also all over the place i don't really know where the pot is for this there are some here that are propagating away these are all also philodendron cream splash and these are also some of my best-selling plans they sell for really well i am feeling that the prices will go down now because the prices are so ridiculous at the moment this is a skindab solutions let me see if i can identify the pot from where it came from uh where are you where are you oh my goodness i think i don't know this is another skinned episode i believe this is the is it a jade satin i'm not sure i'm not the skindapsus expert here but i know that i'm collecting them this one is bone dry hello the leaves are curling so this is when you know your skindapsus is thirsty is when the leaves start becoming limp like this so yeah i may have missed watering this when when i watered it this morning and where is that pot is this is this yeah this this could be the pot sorry hang on no this is a epipen uh sibu blue yes look at the split here not a skin depth but i do have the loosens here somewhere so yeah so that's one thing that this is another skin that says this is one that i just got about a month ago really really pretty love the veins on here i don't really know the title yet i believe this is the skindaps's sp sumatra very pretty it's got like really beautiful lines and it kind of reminds me of the trio bi moonlight here are some more of the philodendron cream splash in case you were wondering why i have so many of them because i got them very early on before they were popular and i just kept propagating them without knowing that they will one day become popular so if i were you i would definitely just propagate everything because who knows you may strike it strike a gold mine you might hit the jackpot i remember there's also skin depths silver hero or some hero something i don't know man you guys i'm this is so messy i will know better i think when i'm moving because i'm not in the mood to separate these parts right now yeah let's move on sorry but yeah there's a loosen somewhere in here and it does look a lot like the epipermannum uh sibu blue it's got this texture but it is a skinned axis so over here i believe this is an watsoniana there's a lot of allocations that i got from rhizomes that are propagating away these are all the uh ferns the suzy ones nephrolatives suzy ones that are propagating away also one of the best-selling ones and this is a philodendron hydrazium lemon lime really really pretty i liked how they are such an accent color i haven't really sold these yet these are very very common and let me see if i can jump safely over there okay calathea musica here i'm doing a video on these so these are my propagates and this is a beautiful major hair fern so i just chopped the whole foliage off because it was dying so this is many times that i've done you can see from here i've attempted to grow this many times they always come back but somehow if i don't uh watch out for it if i miss even a single day of watering it it will die so this is a plant that needs constant vigilance there is a dracaena over here it came from a much bigger tree but i just took a few clipping cuttings and that tree i think is with my dad now philodendron hydratium the classic green ones actually really like them ignore the paint marks on them but you can see that they come with these beautiful six packs on them if you look at them closely i really like them very very beautiful heart shaped lee philodendrons some tetra spermus this is a monstera peru these here i guess are getting a little bit old they're tired they're yellowing up or maybe i might have over watered it at some point i'm not sure but this is an area where i just hose down every day and there's some monstera deliciosa babies that are propagating away here yeah there's some dragon scale here so aha i did find the skindapsus loosens i'm not sure if this is a cutting because i remember i had a much bigger plant so i might have might have cut it and maybe this is just one of the cuttings i'm not sure i don't really remember what plants i have propagated so yeah okay everything here looks a little bit dry i guess it's been a very hot day here so there you go now i'm gonna back away here there are a lot of plants here those are the syngoniums from our syngonium video these are some beautiful ferns that i'm just propagating away just love a little bit of direct sunlight never let them dry out got them in hanging baskets here so they're ready to be styled these are some fluffy ruffle ferns also one of my first few videos is the propagation of these and yeah these are just propagating away and that's more of that nephrolapsis 51 over there let me give you a close-up actually because they actually look really pretty up close this is why they're also one of the best-selling ones the only thing about them is that they do like to tangle into each other it's really hard to wrestle them away from one another and if they get too bushy they will suffocate itself so this is a plan that you always need to prune and keep propagating but this is a really beautiful one bouncy bouncy plant let's get back to where we were before there's a philodendron brazil here and as i mentioned earlier the brazil may be replaced by the cream splash as the dominant strain because i think people are just so uh gravitating towards the philadelphia cream splash and this is losing its popularity but this is so pretty nonetheless uh very pretty variegations it's just got yellow without the cream white stripes there's some syngonium microphylum microphyllus microphylum frosted hearts i've got a few parts of these i sold i think one pot recently and these is from our videos we did this i believe three or four months ago look at how pretty this oh my goodness love it and there are some ficus elastica burgundy here that are propagating away spoiler too did you not meant to see this because there's going to be a video on these oh my goodness i really drab taking you here this is my succulent corner and it's my saddest corner i've actually reshuffled some of them some of them dried that up really bad so i combined them into one pot when they have died so this is everybody i don't want the species name to be exact i'm so sorry i'm just going to quickly go through them i believe this is a severe bentham sensation this is a i can't remember what this is this is crassula ovada i think one of the most common crassulas and very easy to care for because i haven't killed it yet because i'm actually known to be a sucker and killer i'm not very good with them yeah and this gets rained on sometimes and i try not to water this area where possible so it kind of gets watered every i would say two to three days and they're in very very fast draining cacti and succulent potting mix so they do dry out really fast so i don't know why i keep losing them it could be over watering still because i have a habit of over watering that's a dragon fruit here very pretty love the little details on the and the spikes and then i saw these little succulent balls we did a lot of the succulent bowl videos before but not all of them survive some of them died off there's another one over here um yeah they just don't like to be in 80 90 humidity i think and this one is the beautiful aloe it's something look at how pretty this aloe is but it's just a shame that something aids into that um yeah this i guess one of the downside of having plants living outdoors that they get fed on this is the variegated wilton san severia by the way what else is there there's some horrendous horniest are my big thing i love them i believe this is a horny it hasn't flowered yet and this is the mother of thousands let me see this is the vertical succulent bowl i guess they're doing much better but a lot of these are horny us as well i can't remember this exact species look at look at that spiky one over there that is so pretty hi oh and this is really pretty too i believe this is the kevin koey the fuzzy one so pretty and this is that pepperoni in kanna i remember when we did the succulent bowl video i just stuck a cutting of the unrooted cutting of the pepperoni in kana well there it is now it just made it just propagated really well into the succulent bowl so pepperonis they actually make very good succulent bowls as well even though they are tropicals so yeah i guess let's move on i guess there's not much i can say about this it's not my area of expertise moving on we have this giant pot of uh fishbone cactus i grew this from a tiny baby so this is actually one of my first few plants this is the hoya carnosa compacta regali it's grown a little bit since our last video i do have a video on the hoya compactor hoya carnosa compacta so this was in it so it grew quite a bit maybe like 2 cm in like four months and back here we have another section here so let me see if i can jump in all right and i am in let's start over here there are some sansevierias here this is a allocation dragon scale it got quite big i got this when i was just a baby i didn't really know how to care for it but i think i know how to care for it better a lot of alocasia dragon scale here so this is pretty much my allocation section and this is the zz class the variegated the zz raven the regular zz i believe there's some zenzi over here somewhere this is the zzz zenzie oh my god all these paint marks making me depressed this is a philadelphia violin bipin of something can't remember this is the ficus velocica burgundy from our video this is some alocasia i can't remember what this is but it is pretty it's got this really beautiful blue sheen uh this is the silver dragon over there i grew it from the baby and this is really big i don't know if this is the originae or something else but i grew this from a stump as well and it's just one of the fastest growing and largest alocasia in my collection of course my dad has much bigger ones but yeah this is big for my standards so there's a lot of the philodendron out of adaba fiance here there are three parts of them just growing away uh let me see a lot of uh sanseviere dersinius wilfin moonshine this is just a trifasciata variegated there's some allocations these are dragon scale but i don't know what these are there's improvement here but i don't know what this one is so i'm not very well uh memorized with my allocations and this as well one of them i believe is the su harmony so hermana i can't remember all the names i'll get it one day please bear with me i'll remember the names one day but right now i'm just learning about their care and propagation and as you can see i am doing a pretty good job this is a quarter line we saw one of the propagates up there this is a alocasia i believe this is just an allocation microarriza the regular form it's a fern here very beautiful farm it's just always growing this is another quarter line i don't know if this is the kiwi or something else very very pretty and these guys the quarter lines they love that's also a quarter line by the way the chocolate something from the chocolate queen can't remember the name this is very pretty they love to be in direct sunlight especially in full sun very thirsty plants too give them fast draining potting mix and wash wash water them every day and do feed them with nutrients they can get rather big they can become a tree and this is a cousin to the alocasia i can't remember the title the name for it but this actually was a bigger plant it can get enormous and i lost the plant and then i just kept the pot i did not throw the pot away but this grew out of it so i'm really thankful for it to come back i believe the mature form has the red backs so yeah there's the ficus elastica taniki that we got a few probably nine months ago and that's the sister back there and here is a bromeliad really beautiful electrifying familia it's a variegated uh fight fiddly fig ficus lorata there's a boston fern californian tsunami berlin marks this is a uh maranta liquor noria that is propagating i just cut single nodes stuck them back into soil so yeah and there they are they love to be in lower light which is why it's under the other plants and this is a variegated peace lily this is the fern that i just got from uh bugger from inako home nature i did a video for this tour so hopefully that will be out soon and this is really pretty on this we lost some flowers but this is what the flowers would look like madelina something i can't remember i'll insert the name on the on the screen but this is one of my i don't know i guess underrated plants look at how beautiful the leaves are this is so pretty i may have underwatered this at some point though this is looking very dry look at that dry and crispy let me look at the soil yeah i definitely may have underwatered that so sorry uh let me see there are some trotters kantian oops back here propagating away i have a feeling look at that they're reverting this is too dark for them so i need to move them somewhere brighter and i finally got an oxalis triangularis i don't know if it's doing well i got it a month ago i've been putting it off this is a allocation riser very godda we'll see some of the babies later this we call it hosta and i did a post on these and you guys corrected me so i don't know the name of this idea exactly but i know that over in the states you guys use this in landscaping and it is an annual so it will go dormant and then it will survive the frost and somehow it will come back in the spring that's the philodendron florida ghost philodendron 69686 these are the ones that i mentioned earlier did not root so well so some of them actually are experiencing root rot i haven't really gotten to all of them yet so i will check into them but somehow these are growing baby leaves so let's see what's up with that they're apparently not so easy to propagate in my experience maranta perchoviana varigata very pretty alocasia this is another peperomia turbulences beautiful variegated peace lily when you give them very good light they respond by giving you beautiful variegation so this is a plant that could be a light meter potentially so if you want to know if your area is too bright or if it's dark just get a variegated piece lily if it reversed to green like back here then your area is a little bit too dark this is a beautiful alocasia i don't know the name again a lot of the epipremnum uh golden portals let me see this is a alocasia poly bambino or just alocasia bambino i can't remember but they look like the amazonica but then they face upwards and then they have these tiny tiny leaves this is very cute yeah i love this plant it's like looking back up at me all right so behind this area we have more of those ferns we have a lot of syngoniums here this is the syngonium elbow varrigata a lot of them have reverted and i think that's because i kind of neglected them and i left them somewhere this is what they are supposed to look like much more vibrant they respond really well to light so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna chop up everything and then have them in my nursery and grow massive pots of these variegated ones and this time i will give them better light these are some baby alocasia macariza verigata they don't look so hot right now but trust me they will recover these are all the babies so it's the thing about them is that they'll just keep putting leaf after leaf after leave after leaf and this is dying and then the old leaves will always die so you'll be lucky if you have three or four leaves at any given time because they're always putting out leaves the thing with them is that they're also putting up pups from underneath so you can also separate the pops and the thing is they're an aerodroid right so with every leaflet they come up there's such a no down there so with each lead that dies off they will leave behind one note that has the potential of rooting and becoming its own plant when you propagate them so this is what not a lot of people know about allocations all right and we did have a video on this table where i did a kind of a plant styling and rearranging i'm going to go quickly through it baby ficus lorata here it's from a cutting this is a ethereum radicans hybrid i got them when it was like super small like super tiny and then now it's gone big i actually haven't checked the roots or anything at all i just kind of water this every day lightly and it's just it doesn't mind that so since we're doing well there's some baby apishkia here this is a dracaena marginata verigata very pretty i really love this one it's a very nice common plant look at how beautiful this is this will make really good uh interior decoration as well and good landscaping but then this needs some direct sunlight this is a spider plant a bunny spider plant because it's like it went out for a perm very pretty imagine this but with like lots of little pups hanging from them they look like fireworks basically and this is uh maranta controviana the regular form and this is doing really well put out big leaves ever since i moved into low light because it's living under a lot of plants and let me see this let me come around here actually so this is a coleus and it's very very root bound this one we actually are doing a video on this is the thermodophylum by penetrative freedom this is actually also one of my favorite plants they like full sun and that is the result of us repotting it so you'll see that video soon enough and this is a little bit of a challenge to propagate so yeah but it is shielding all the other plants below from full sun because this plant can take full sun by the way and it loves it there's more coleus here again these are also full sun loving plants this is a chafflera verigata if i'm not wrong and they also like direct sunlight this is also a good light meter if you want to know if you're getting a good light there because they will revert to green if you keep them in the dark love this little baby leaf and it makes my day and i have a video on these also coming up so watch out for that this is a whole alumina erubescence if i'm not wrong with the red stem and this is very root bound and some of the potting mix is even washed away by the rain so i do need to repot this very soon it's put out pups too this is this is a whole new plant too so i need to figure out what to do with this and there'll be a video on that this is a dracaena twister very very funky i really love this plant it's a rescue actually from my mom's uh praying room i did not actually know it was variegated it actually was all green until it started putting out this variegated leaves i guess it was responding really well to the bright light in this area but i really like how they're curly like this really pretty this is uh i can't remember what this is uh sorry i totally googled it but this is a croton and i have many crocodiles i'm sorry i'm having a brain fart moment here but they respond really well to light this is actually a little bit of a lower light situation if you give them bright light they will become these crazy vibrant colors i see them a lot in bali so i don't know where they're actually endemic from but they're used heavily in landscaping and that's a silver type of begonia it's a cane begonia very pretty and it does so well indoors i have one that is propagating indoors that i think i will show later and it did not have this crispiness on the leaves because they out here it's just much more harsh for them to live and this is my one and only kryptanthus i think these are actually very underrated plants and i can't believe how big they have gotten look at that it's overtaken the pot i got this when it was such a small plant and this is a very underrated family of plants very very pretty and it comes in so many color ways so i hope i can get more into them at some point this is a tiny quarter line i believe this is just the way it is it's not as big as the other corridor lines this is a variegated hibiscus if i'm not wrong i really love the color the variegation on these this is a hadiora if i'm not wrong yes this is a haiti aurora very very pretty i really love it it's a succulent it's a jungle cacti very easy to care for i think the mama plant is back there it's just doing its own thing it's very forgiving so i haven't had any water issue with over watering or having it in medium light or bright in direct light or even a little bit of direct sunlight they will do fine this is a really pretty plant to have this is a thermophilum the same one as that one but this is the baby very very cute this is a spider plant and most classic form and i have a video on these where i mentioned that one day i hope to get all these beautiful hanging pups and i got it look at how pretty this looks i put one more that's hanging over there actually the macrame but i did lose some of the pops maybe i kind of underwater watered this at some point but the key is to get them to a mature size and keep them a little bit rebound oh i think i know why there are a lot of ants here i think this may be a little bit past prone so yeah anyways let's get back here this is the zero sequence then ui have a video on these coming up on how to care and propagate these they love full sun and they can be watered a little bit more if you give them full sun drastina lemon lime i can't remember what these two are these are both dracaenas and they're a little bit different and this is a beautiful pot of fern this is a nice dendrobium orchid that the flowers that's what the leaves look like i really love the orchids asparagus fern what else do i have here this is the pennsylvania trespass yada very good this is alocasia cupria very very easy to care for alocasia in my experience this is a fern that is always kind of struggling it's flopping over uh not sure what this furnace and i'm not sure what the deal is it doesn't like to be dried out for sure i can tell but look at how beautiful the leaves are yeah and maybe a little bit dry for them the media looks right so i did water this this morning though i watered them quite a bit but it's looking very limp so this is a probably a very hot day and also a very thirsty plant so i need to be more on top of my watering but we're moving soon so don't worry about it someone will take care of you hopefully this is philodendron violin that's golden so it has this gold new leaf this is a baby i made the cut here and i propagated the top so it actually does look like a violin this is a thematophyllum xanadu it's been reclassified from a philodendron this is the main stem that's a new baby growth here i believe this is probably uh very pop down because the leaves keep getting smaller and smaller so i do need to figure this out soon this is really cute this is the sansevieria i came honey eye or dwarf i don't know my sense of urinating but this is so pretty it started with one clump and i just kept putting out clump after clump and yeah very pretty believe uh here is the ficus benj dan gemina verigata if i'm not wrong this is actually very difficult to care for very prone to over watering and they do like very bright light and also very past prone as a ficus all right so back here we have all the episkias i did show you one indoors earlier and it's doing so well but look at these ones they're not so pretty when you have them outdoors i don't think they like having their leaves wet but other otherwise they keep growing and they are putting out all these pups which i will of course propagate later on and this is why they're so cheap to get to because they propagate so easily and so well and they grow really fast but again these pants i recommend to grow them indoors or at least away from the rain and i would not missed it at all i don't think this plant appreciates being missed look at these beautiful shiny leaves but they are i mean they feel a little bit fragile so yeah baby pop and then up here i don't know this is a philodendron something or a thermometer williams zi williamsey or something else i'm not sure but this is a uh three parts actually of hoya microphylla verigata and i believe this is the mama plant and every everybody else came from them as well as some of the ones that we saw earlier in the nursery this is getting almost full sun it's getting quite good direct sunlight but as i mentioned earlier this did not flower at all that it kept putting out leaf after leaf after leaf seriously they put out i think one leaf every two weeks that's how fast these guys are growing and right over here we have some of the pineapples these are all different species of pineapples i don't know the names i'm sorry that's the one that's in spongebob and i think i do need to repot these because this is looking very crazy look at that it's looking it's probably very root bound so i'm gonna have to do that this is the first pineapple that i propagated it started pretty small and now look at how big this is this has gone really big it's actually really pretty even without the fruit and it's a very pretty plant except that it may poke your eyes so just be careful when you're around these i water these every day it likes to be in very good direct sunlight and i do fertilize this i believe that this is a plant that needs to be fed because it is a fruiting plant and there's another one over there that's really pretty as well and again they are all in the bromeliad family which is the relative of the bromeliads which is why they look pretty much like hamburmiliad but this is free of charge because i just bought them from the supermarket i eat the fruit and cut the tops and this is what results from it so free plants yay all right so back here we have this we call it this is the cowboy cactus it's very very past prone here i guess it just doesn't like the humidity but it did put out this big thing here so this is about 18 months worth of growth so they are very slow growing but surely enough they do grow and i have to keep treating them for past it's annoying they just keep coming back and this is actually scale um that is the i can't remember the name uh euphorbia try try gonna try something because it's got a triangular shape so i'm going to be doing a propagation and care video for decent because this is such a beautiful plant look at that and it looks like it's so ready to be propagated very very underrated plan this is actually a very easy euphorbia to care for in my experience there's a lot of these sensitive areas don't remember the names and another allocation macro riser very good again they keep losing leaves but that is okay this is just how they grow this one's putting out a pup from underneath even though i recently repotted this and took out all the pops i have another one oh and another one that's three pups this is a naughty plan you've been oh four five i see five plantlets this is a very naughty plant and for these allocations and most allocations if you want them to grow bigger and bigger leaves you may want to separate you may have to repot it take out all the pups because sometimes the parent plant is supplementing food for the baby so you want them to only focus on the top growth so you do want to try to separate the pups where possible so you can focus all this energy on the main plant and the meantime we'll always put out leaf after leaves after leaf after leaf and the next leaf is supposed to be bigger than the last until it reaches a really big size because these guys they can get pretty huge so this is another alocasia this is a colocasia if i'm not wrong down here the colocasia black magic if i'm not wrong this is very pretty and these guys actually they love full fun just so you know this is a zebra plant i will insert the latin name on the screen this is a very underrated house plant this is very very beautiful and it does put out these beautiful yellow flowers very interesting and they like bright in direct light maybe a little bit of direct sunlight it's great for them they do not like to be in low light they will give you yellow leaves that fall off and you don't want to be over watered also with most health plans very very pretty these are more caladiums i've got a palladium video coming so many spoilers for you guys but these are not as white because they are not getting enough light so you want them to be very very white with these beautiful green veins give them full sun and this is another stomatophyllum by panetti freedom this is our more crohn's and these are also screaming for more light because it's putting on all green leaves but normally they would like to put out more vibrant colors if they're getting enough sun and i guess there's a lot of tree covers around here so it's not really getting the light that it deserves and also because it is what month is it now it's like may yeah it's may so the sun is actually more on the north northern hemisphere so we're in the southern side of the house now so this is not getting full sun at for the next three months or so so yeah syngonium this is from our syngonium video yeah i guess i'm done with downstairs i'm going to start taking you guys upstairs here are some of the plants in my bedroom so this is wax facing window and let's start from here we have a collidium that is i'm trying to rescue it's not doing so well but it's put out a new leaf so it's good this is a peperomia i cannot remember the name for the life of me propagating away a cacti i don't have many cacti in my collection is the fidelity fig bambino that is propagating away it's rooted really well but i'm just waiting for new growth here's the tradiscontia is the fuzzy one this is actually a rescue i cut off the tops so the little vines are appearing from the bottom because the top portion rotted off here are some skin dashes argerius there's propagating away i've got some that is in water right here especially very murky i should have changed the water a while ago there's this white falls around here i'm not sure what it is but i'm going to clean the leaves later things just hard water stain so these are propagating away these are calladiums that have the red speckles some begonia cathedrals propagating away there are some begonia but now there is propagating away these are the ones that were the siblings of the uh what you call that the uh prop box so as you can see these guys are doing much better hoya retusa this is the parent plant and this is that begonia that we actually saw earlier as well that it looks so pretty here indoors that's one of the cuttings i really love this begonia their leaves can get huge and it looks like a rex begonia but it is in fact a uh i was arcane begonia so it grows up like a cane like if you can see from here it grows upwards and that's a planet that's not doing so well is forget the name is the christmas uh cactus plant i'll insert the name on the screen begonia now here's a cactus that i brought from back from bangkok it's been with me for a year and a half it doesn't do much but now it's turning flower and then sonia this is a uh agglonema pictum tricolor it hasn't rooted in i don't know two months so something's wrong with that this is a pink regular it likes to feed on fungus gnats uh hoya bella here we've got more adenosonia variegated let's look up here we've got pailia pepperonis the way you care for these is to give them very good top light which is why i don't put these on a shelf below they need really good top light because they are as you can see they're circular so i sometimes rotate them and yeah they do really well i water them every day because they're in terracotta pot fast draining potting mix west window and i do have ac on at night so the humidity does dip quite a bit and the media is bone dry by the next morning it's already looking a little bit dry now but it's going to be light brown by tomorrow morning here are a lot of travis continents that are propagating away um let me see over here these are basically my propagation station another caladium they do like bright light this is say begonia the one that we saw earlier but i wanted to keep one coffee indoors just to see how it fares pepperoni in kana this pepperon turbulences also duplicates because all of these basically have duplicates outdoors i just wanted to see how well they grow and propagate indoors versus outdoors this is hoya retusa hoya ratusa there's some peperomia this is optusifolia closifolia there's a dishkeda back there oyanta verigata here is that begonia also a duplicate this is so pretty and um peperomia caparata pink lady this is a silver begonia that we saw outside as well i guess this does well both this is shimmering really bad it's growing well both indoors and outdoors and here are some more that are propagating away this is pepperminkana turbulences and uh the raindrop pepperoni i've got another section of propagation station here uh so these are golden potholes i'm making a video on these so i do have some propagating outdoors and some indoors this does get a little bit of direct sunlight in the day and these are some begonias that are begonia maculatas and these are two cuttings in one pot and so yeah they're propagating away propagating away and what else is down there they say peperomia algeria these are my hoya linearis they seem to like indoors colder temperatures and i do water this slightly every day i kind of missed it every day i don't want to let it dry out completely but they're all doing fine i started with one pot and then it's three and now i have two three four five now i have five pots and these are all very full these are full of cuttings so yeah here's a campfiria a caladium musica caladiata beauty uh this is also propagation so yeah some of them are outdoors more collectors and here is a different bakia stem cutting oh and this right here this is the african violet and it's flowering it's looking really pretty and the flowers actually have this silver shimmer to them they're not that hard to grow in my experience and these are the ones that are propagating away so a bit of a spoiler i'll be making videos on these soon this is a really good indoor flowering plant other than the peace lily this one rooted in water and this one as well but then it hasn't put out anything it was actually propagated at the same time but this was stuck directly into soil and as you can see they do much better propagate it directly to soil so yeah let's let's go outside so here's my bedroom balcony and in case you can't hear the birds chirping this is the next morning actually and it just rained last night so the floor is a little bit wet so let me get started actually right here on this corner uh down here we have maranta la conoria lemon lime and this one actually likes low light which is why it's sitting way back here this is a variegated monstera and it's putting on a new leaf and actually dip one of the roots in here so it's probably rooted really well in there although i should have just lifted this pot a little bit higher because this this piece of root is way too long this is not a very good air layering propagation but look at all these other routes i should have earlier them but i haven't had the time to do it and down there we've got more calathea sorry is that a tenancy burley marks this is a maranta no id i mislabeled it as the silver band before but yeah a lot of you guys have corrected me thank you this is the calathea thai beauty or thai star this is the parent plant we showed you the propagation earlier this is another one this is a chananti i can't remember all the names and here's the begonia cathedral they look really pretty at night when you shine light from underneath them uh calathea or jupertia or before it's more of that weird poop stuff here i don't know what this is it's everywhere there's another one of those over there here's a one that's not doing so well this is a stromante triostar but it is recovering a bit the new leaves are looking good and then what else is there there's a this is this color there's a few collectors there that i kind of ignored there's a lot of the philodendron uh what is this pacifanums they're propagating back there to sort of they're facing away because that's where the light is so when you have your plants do not have them face you they should be facing outside where the light is because if you have them facing you uh they will be very stressed out they will try to move their leaves back towards the light so yeah but these guys are all doing well these cuttings are all putting out little growth points here that's great i see two growth points here actually this is really cool uh yeah so they're gonna do well they're very hard to come by here i'm very glad that they're doing okay this is some kind of piper this is the more velvety one i can't remember the names and this is more sisters this color they're just everywhere vining around kalati i believe this is white star or beauty star or it could be the ornata that there's a calithia sabrina back here a pepperoni in kana parent plant because we did many many cuttings and they're all up here look at all these cuttings of the pepperoni in kana and that's all coming from this plant right there thank you here's a peperomia metallica these are all propagates they're all in this little trace holly bautria there's a philodendron florida beauty this is a skin that's a silvery and and uh more pepperoni caparata pink lady pink lady pink lady there's another peperomia the one that we had indoors i always have duplicates one indoors and one outdoors to see how they do this is a skin that's this turbiy dark silver plate and this is what it looks like so yeah this is a little bit over water i need to back off water on these look at that all these leaves yeah this is severely over watered but this is what the leaves look like they look like the trubia eye dark that is completely black but this one has a silver band on it more peperomia setonia the ones that haven't i killed this photonia in here and then there's another pailia back there skindapses are syngonium erythrophyllus i have them everywhere around the house but yeah i don't know what to do with them they grow quite well but and they're quite beautiful but i don't know what to do with them i just have them everywhere some begonias these are all pepperonis that are propagating away more of those poop things i don't know if this is poop or if there's our caterpillar eggs if you know what it is do let me know more peperomias they're all so pretty this is all grown in these little things and these little pots look at all the roots so they'll be transferred into a black plastic pot before i style them and then what else is there there's a piece lily here that i grew from many stumps i wanted to experiment with them and this is what they look like yes they say begonia cutting this is the main leaf that died off should uh this escargots right the bergogonias curry so this is the one leaf that came out from there florida goes if i'm not wrong i just don't remember oh this is alocasia sabrina you can see from the stem here that this is a sabrina baby sabrina that's the monstera thai constellation it's nine months old and this is what nine months can get you for a one stereotype constellation they're super slow growing this is this is this color i don't know where the original pot is and this is what happens with them they will clamor all over the place there's a rastadophora back there attached to the wall growing upwards and pretty some this is this color here that i'm experimenting with propagations also one here put out a vine and i think after i cut the vine off here some of these nodes should activate that's at least my guess with some of these i can't remember what this plant is this could be a let me see what are you yeah i have no idea i don't label my plants i don't leave all my plants i don't measure my ingredients sorry i'm very disorganized this is a baby sharon eye by the way uh these were grown from wet sticks i really love how cute the little leaves are i was gonna sell it and then i realized there's actually two vines in here that's why i couldn't sell it yet so i may watch this grow up and i prob will probably propagate it along the way to get many more plants and maybe i'll be able to sell lots of these babies if i got many of these wet sticks because they are quite expensive and if i can get like the wet sticks from these more people can afford it so this is a begonia snow caps if i'm not wrong or could be something else it's a cane begonia that's the ethereum polish probably something we saw the parent plant downstairs in the nursery but these are the babies that are propagating in moss very easy to propagate more begonias back there propagating away this is a philodendron strawberry shake let me show you one of the more variegated leaf this one this one and yeah this is what this looks like more peperomia there's a hoya croniana super silver super or super esky mode that's a philodendron fiber fiber something fabric adam i don't know that's a holy australis lisa and up here getting really good direct sunlight this is hoya microphylla verigata these are all cuttings they just basically took a single note and just stuck them in here and everybody took everybody did well so they're very easy to propagate and then way more way up here this is the zero secures deng ui and look at the roots here how cute there's going to be a video on this so this is a major spoiler for you guys this is the talentia geographica that's a philodendron warzowiski eye that i rescued i had this for so long and it did not grow and then realized that it had root rot but fortunately i managed to save it and the roots look really good right now uh yeah it looks really fine and then that new leaf is coming out so this is a pretty pretty slow growing rescue plant it's like over a year to get this to this point all right moving on we have the hoya kurtisia eye here they actually love direct sunlight if you get even direct sunlight they'll turn into this sunstress pink blush and then down here we have some alocasia fry deck i actually killed the parent plant but before i killed it i actually managed to take some of the tubers or rhizomes out the main stem and then they all apparently took so i'm glad i had this baby even though i did buy new ones because i thought i wasn't going to save it so yeah now we have this and this is a thanksgiving cactus if i'm not wrong 300 microns and this is a pretty one this is a oh my god it's not doing so i may have missed watering at some point but this is a terrace and the farmis if i'm not wrong look at how beautiful the leaves are this is looking very very pretty i love this plant but it is one of the harder ferns to take care of so i'm going to nurse this back to health at some point i may have to increase the level of the potting mix here and not let it dry out too much here's a stephania erector that has just come back from a six-month sleep pretty and this is a caladium that also came back from asleep uh i believe this was about four or five months i'm having a video on this coming up soon this is the babies look at how many babies it has very cute this is another palladium and then this is a very as frequently as planned id this is a dioscoria discolor it's very difficult to find here so hopefully i'll be able to propagate this soon there's a lot of talensias here they just get rained on or i just hold them down every day this is an aetherium by terryfolium varigata this is from a plant swap there's a baby ficus benjamina here that um was a gift but also i'm experimenting with it not the easiest to grow i have the other one grown downstairs which we saw earlier this is more of the hoya croniana silver or super eskimo disciplia ovada this is just trailing down and then i have more this is like my random plant section this is a string of hearts variegated string of hearts i killed so many of these but then before i kill them i always manage to get cuttings so i haven't had a really long vine from these guys but i have many of them now as you can see because i keep propagating them so i just basically wind them to the next pot like this like and then just have them loop around and i'll just cut the cut it off from the parent plant so that's how one way that i do it look at this one this is one really tight something i also press it down a little bit to make sure that it's it's rooted in to the potting mix these are all euphorbia neo rebalance we also saw these earlier but these are four or five cuttings in one pot they can be water propagated so i have a video on these in case you want to know how they're propagated and i do want to separate them and then have the bulb be a little bit exposed on the product on top of the sauce so that the bulbs can get massive this is one of the examples it's such a beautiful thick stem is that it's probably flowering too soon look at this yeah this is the same plant and this is a little bit more mature i actually need to plant this a little bit higher up on the soil so that the bulb has room to expand so here we have some discudia risky folia verigata regular form there's many areas this idiot here this is another one rescue folia this is a dishcare oyanta verigata there's a fern back here this is also another difficult fern to care for i struggle with this this is more hoya croniana super eskimo i know i'm not supposed to say they were super super silver here is some disguise um let me see this is really cute by the way i really love growing madishkiris in this coconut husk situation here very pretty look at that fern that's a little bit of mold but i do need to spray some fungicide on this but yeah it's got a roommate piggybacking on it but this is a cool way to grow this gidas so there's quite a few of them here this one is trailing really beautifully there's hoya rotusa hoya carnosa crimson queen here is a disciplia uh embricotta if i'm not wrong or a hybrid that i got from thailand there's some philodendron shirani eyes back here they're facing away from us another reminder have your plans face towards the light you guys your plants should not face your living room or should not face you they should face outside i know it's not as sidely but this is what they like to do this is why my plants grow successfully and this way they grow so fast because i don't have them facing me here is a monstera uh elbow verigata and i kind of knew that this will not have variation because of the what you call this the the stem here it's not variegated so i left two notes in case you can see this two notes here so it may branch out from below i actually haven't checked to see if the lower note has variegation or not but normally when i cut planets i would cut this whole thing off but since i knew this was not going to give me green variegated leaf i saved another note i don't even know i'm making any sense um ficus elastica this is one of my first plants and it got really really big over time i guess let's start with up here i guess with this shelf so that's uh some kind of jungle cacti and it likes full fun which is why it's giving me this really beautiful red blush i got this in our nursery tour video i can't remember how long ago it was and this is just some of the propagates and down here we have some hoya oyede verigata this is very very slow growing but very rewarding plant i have a feeling i may have propagated this but i don't remember where i put that propagated plant i may have lost it here's a monstera elbow varigata and there's a new leaf coming i believe this one's on sale but i'm not sure yeah there's a new leaf along the way and as you can see it's a little bit variegated because the stripe there you see it it passed through the the growing eye and then there's uh one of my favorite agronemas actually this is the aglonema uh lotus delight by third grade camboli this is a cult bar very very pretty let me see if i can do just this by giving it better light there you go it's beautiful shiny leaves with perfect coloring my goodness that pink the veining and that just the enough touch of green it's just really pretty and then this is another aguila nema this is a very common variety i can't believe what it's called and this one is called the lipstick here i glow nema and actually these are all uh propagates too just look at all these cuttings that are in here so i have a lot of agglonema content coming up soon this is the agronema rotundum x with uh tricolor so this is really really interesting and i have some agreement tricolors that i showed earlier in the video but this is the agronema uh uh what do you call this picture i'm sorry that's my what i was looking for agronima picked them but this is without the tri-color and this is the aglanima pictum tri-color x rotundum and i believe this is the one of the parent plant for this one sorry that's this is the top and that's the bottom so i just chop this off and as you can see again when you cut them off at the top look at all these things that will grow from below look at that everything is growing growing and growing they love to be pruned please prune your agloneemas and please propagate them they will thank you for it and then back there this is a piper crocadam and this is herbal actually my mom has me grown this for her diabetes apparently this is an eglonema and i can't remember the species of this and i've got a lot of these senecio micro macroglosses if i'm not wrong i have a video coming up on this i believe it's coming out next week some trotas conte out here and these are the fuzzy ones they really hate to be watered which is why they should actually not be here because they get rained on the fuzzy leaves mean that they can rot very easily i believe this is one of those desert varieties that like a little bit of bright light and infrequent watering moving on down this is the parent plan of the discipline numeria verigata it's gone a little bit out of control but they actually look pretty when they're in smaller pots so i may propagate these more this is the uh disciplia jerry uh or they call it green apple or the discudia cascade here there's a lot of ferns here look at all these stowaway plants they're just having the time of their lives but not for long i'm gonna i'm gonna remove you guys soon i'm sorry except this one actually this is the hoya carrier verigata i lost a lot of it from root rot but somehow i think i managed to save it this is looking fine now it lost a few leaves the thing is that i want to keep this fern here because this is so prone to over watering that the fern is actually helping absorb a lot of the excess moisture because ferns are very thirsty plants so if you have plants like this that hate water just put a fern in it so you're less likely to over water it and here are all the dishcedias look at that uh i wish i had some pectin noidies i had some but i think i killed all of it but these are all the skida embricadas uh oyanta verigata very very pretty look love it and i have these grown in really really full pots so can you imagine if you give it a few months time this is going to get rather bushy and with these disciples i'm definitely growing them out in very different types of settings there's some of these grown in aeroit potting mix some in coconut husks this is in fact a hoya bella voyabella hello and let me see what else there there's some syngonium erythrophilus again i have them again everywhere very very slow to grow very slow to propagate same of these these are the monstera very slow to propagate as well they're very slow growing plants for monsteras and let me get down here actually there's more discudias over there but i kind of ignored them so they became mostly ferns and there's some sphagnum growing up there from the moss i guess the sticks that you see those are sphagnum and then there's a piper bright eyes and it's named that way because of these bright eyes that they have this is a variegated monstera that is a parent plant because i chopped up so many of these and let me see if i can see nope i don't see any growth point yet but there's three nodes for it to potentially put out new vines and this is some more of the hoya bella sorry i have you on the floor but a lot of things have been chewing this up this is why i moved them in the floor because i think caterpillars or something ate all the leaves when it's up on the shelf this is some more variegated monster these are the very good monsters that are under shelves because they're getting way too much variegation so i'm giving them lower light to encourage less variegation and it is working so i'm getting like as you can see here this is very very variegated and then as you get up to the top the new leaf is a little bit more balanced so the same thing with here though sorry distantly leaf is very variegated actually but actually i just moved this here not so long ago this is from a shallow pot uh so usually when you move them i'm gonna move this even further i can't move it back because this is in the way but i would give this much lower light just to encourage less variegation so the more the more light you give it the more variegation it'll have and if you want it to revert you give it low light because one stars will revert to green when you give them low light these are all philodendron parasol vertices look at how big these are this is huge i have these up on sale but no one's buying them up i don't know why i guess uh maybe they've lost their popularity or maybe i don't know i think i'm selling them at a really good price no at this size this is a pretty big size and they're putting out new leaves look at that one how cute this is actually a very underrated philodendron they grow really fast really beautiful leaves and yeah i do have an episode on these just okay in case you were wondering how to care for them this is the epipremnum cebu blue the newest leaf this is from our video i believe a few weeks ago we had this video and this is kind of i guess an update for these and then there's more variegated monsteras back here this is the pariso verdi again i really like the shape of this one this looks like a dragon's head and i like that it's asymmetrical and there is a big pot of philodendron branchiana over here this is in moss still and then let me show you some yeah this is a very beautifully variegated monster i really love looking at this look at that this is going to be mostly white leaf i think with a little bit of green stripe so yeah you can see from the new growth point here and there are some islands sonai verigata and then sonia verigata and then this is another one this is actually the parent plant but it's only given me green leaf after green leaf however if i check down below that one little growth point here i hope that this is going to give me some white variegation so there's another one performing so these are all branching out really well but unfortunately i'm not getting variegated leaf so i'm a little bit disappointed by that here's an emetrium ziplianium uh this is a baby jose buanos let me see what else do i here's a philodendron berlin marks fantasy down here i broke one of the leaves i tried to lift the leaf up apparently they don't like that and and they just broke right off like the leaves are very stiff like this actually so their shinglers they love to shingle up walls and moss bowls i will be propagating these soon this is how small i got it like when i got it it was like literally this small and now it's gone this big in about nine months i would say here's a monstera dubaya and it's trying to find something to climb onto but i'm going to be propagating this soon and i'm not worried about that more variegated monsters they're just everywhere here and then yeah more of those this is a philodendron biliotai it's losing its leaf it's got root rot the new leaves are coming and let me see yeah i guess these are all just variegated monsteras and that's like some kind of poop um yeah and then i think the last section would be this right here um this is the disciplia numeria dragon jade i had a lot of root rot so i basically just chopped them up into pieces and propagated them and this is where they are now i need to take this stack them off this is really really annoying me these are some wet stick propagations of a medium medium silver this is the unvariegated version of these scenicio macroglosses and i really love the shape of these this is this color this is what i'm propagating so this you can actually propagate them right into every potting mix and they will take off like crazy there's a they call it siri papua here i can't remember the english name for these but this is really pretty the red backs i've seen them get huge in nursery tours so i hope mine can get big someday and here we have some really beautiful botanical curiosities i believe this is a kiss schismotogradist but it's losing its color i may have over watered this recently oh you know what hang on look at all these specs i think it's past its past look at them these are all bite marks i have to treat this plant soon it's not looking good it's definitely had its better days before i need to treat all these plants nearby actually for the same uh pests because they always would spread this is a pretty plant i hope i can find the id and they put out these beautiful berries that are red in color and the leaves itself they're so spectacular they're very very pretty um then there's this this is just my chocolate it's just metallic for sure i don't know if there are many varieties of these i feel like they are and they just come in different patterns look at how pretty these leaves are and they come in this rosette pattern and as you can see here they kind of grow like peace lilies where they put out these babies from the side and i have a feeling they're probably arrays too i'm not sure if stress methodologies are airoids or not oh yeah they are sorry that answer my question look at this uh flower in fluorescent happening here oh my gosh uh focus yep that stay in fluorescent so yeah this can be propagated like an aerodroid i think like an agonema probably here are some epipremnum i believe this is the amplissimum verigata that i'm squatting on the floor right now in case you're wondering one of them says skindapsis i can't remember which one is which one of them is the skindaplosada this is a syngonium that is yellow variegated there are this is an interesting plan i do need to find id for this it's the chris cyrus sire cya rust cordifolium look at how pretty the leaves are this is just so stunning look at that i have a feeling that these are grown widely in landscaping type situations but i might be wrong i have a feeling they would froth flower really nicely too it's just a feeling that i have these are some local variegated monsteroid and sony eyes that i have on the floor randomly and these are up for say look at how pretty the variegations are and then what else is there this is uh mommy here it's me i missed this most paul i give it a muscle but it decided to lean over and i just hadn't had the chance to correct it but i'm gonna propagate this anyway look at all these area roots they're just asking to be propagated so that's going to happen as soon as i move here's a monstera acuminada or at least it's sold to me as that but i don't know the difference between acuminata escueletto or edinsonics i'm not an expert in that and i guess the last but not least um this is the philodendron white knight uh yeah i sold quite a few of these i had one original i believe this is the parent plant that did not have much variegation at all so i chopped it up into four plants and all of them started putting out variegated leaves so that's pretty amazing i guess if you are trying to encourage more variation one of the ways that you can do it is to propagate it so i guess thank you so much for watching this video i guess this is a goodbye to this house as i move on to the next chapter i'll be giving you a tour of my new home see how they are doing in my new home how i arrange it how i style my plants and how i care for it in a whole new environment i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plant care and propagation i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye you
Channel: onlyplants
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Id: _KTIY-8NciA
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Length: 165min 45sec (9945 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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