Randy Skeete - Extreme Christians

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] go with me to matthew chapter 5. matthew 5 we shall begin reading at verse 4 verse 14. i should say matthew 5 reading from verse 14 our subject extreme christians now you must discipline your mind to concentrate it does not happen overnight you may find yourself sitting where you're sitting and your mind has already left discipline your mind to focus on this the mind must be trained don't think of the problems at home or wherever else put your mind on this train the mind what book did i say what chapter reading for what verse read with me what does it say here the light of the world stop in that verse we really have two groups what are the two groups light well the word darkness isn't there even though you're right but try again what are the two groups in that verse light and world yes yes the world is in darkness but i want you to concentrate very precisely ye who is he the disciples ye are the light of the world now listen to matthew 5 verse 1 and seeing the multitude he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying matthew 5 1 2 now which means there was jesus the disciples and the multitude now i said i believe yesterday christ was trying to get away from the multitude to give private instructions to his disciples but the multitudes as was the usual case followed him and so they overheard what he said to the disciples but he was not addressing the multitude the sermon on the mount is for converted people whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other that's for a converted person if any man shall soothe thee and take away thy court let him have thy cloak that's for a converted person keep that in mind and so when jesus said ye at the light of the world there was another group standing by and he didn't mean them when he said ye of the light he meant the twelves not the multitude so you were to be a light to that multitude you're to be a light to the world the world is broken down into two groups christ object lessons page 283 paragraph three ella white writes there are only two classes in the world today and only two classes will be recognized in the judgment those who violate god's law and those who obey it by the way if we would view the world that way a lot of terrible crimes will not be committed god recognizes obedient and disobedient we recognize rich middle class upper middle class lower middle class scum of the earth gutter you know white black blue green polka dot india there's so many you know we recognize all these classes god recognizes how many two we need to learn to think like god so when you see someone you see either for god or against god and if the person's against you see a potential convert to god not indian german i mean that's fine don't misunderstand me but ella white writes christ never regarded race and ethnicity he never did ye have the light of the world keep reading with me matthew 5 14 a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candle stick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house if it gives light what's the purpose of the light to show the way he has to spell darkness to show the way this is the way walk in it and what's the way god wants us to walk think of all that i've been saying think of the theme what is the way god wants us to walk his law is the whole duty of man that's the way god wants us to walk his law when he came down on sinai represented by his son jesus christ all he gave were the ten commandments that's it it is because of hardheartedness and disobedience he gave all the other statutes and precepts and judgments he always intended just the law nothing else that's the way to walk don't deceive your neighbor don't steal don't cover it don't do that or do this that's the way you walk now we have the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candle stick and it giveth light and jesus says you are that light now let's go to matthew 28 notice jesus says you that light matthew 28 let's read from verse 18 we read 18 to 20 we know this passage as the great gospel commission you have matthew 28 reading from verse 18 what is the bible saying jesus came and spake unto them saying what all power is given unto me where in heaven and in earth let me pause on that for a minute when the bible says heaven and earth we may take that as everywhere are you with me everywhere because there's nowhere there's no place where christ has no power all power says jesus is given unto me in heaven and in earth matthew 28 18. then he says what go ye therefore am teach all nations keep reading them keep reading baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost now read again verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations stop teach them what yes keep reading verse 19 teaching them to what observe give me one word for observe it has four letters obey teaching them to observe what all things keep reading whatsoever i have suggested to you that's the curriculum ah did i lose you so early in the morning that's the curriculum now every aspect of life somehow comes under that canopy the ten commandments the health message under commandment six thou shalt not kill family commandment five economic success commandment two and one everything connected to human life comes under the ten commandments and so jesus says go e therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe to obey all things not some as a project which you might undertake get your concordance and look at every verse particularly the old testament where the word all appears see how often god says if you will do all if you will do everything one of the reasons we're not blessed to the level of amazement we don't do all right we do some because we see all as legalism god is too busy to notice i didn't do some microscopic area of his word listen to me eloy said that the test god gave to adam and eve was the smallest test he could give to teach us little things mean a lot to him teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and as you reflect on the expression all things think in your hearts right now is there some little thing i'm neglecting some little thing i am neglecting to do that god requires small who was a whom was i listening the person talked about the dykes who was it uh brother hurley yes in holland now there's a very famous story i learned as a child the little boy who put his finger in the dike ever heard that story now the hole was small but that little boy knew if that hole was not plugged it would enlarge and the whole country would so he kept his finger on that little hole keep in the water until he was rescued and whatever else was done listen to me carefully most people who were lost will be lost for little things let me say differently most people who are lost will be decent and law abiding in the eyes of the world the population of united states is 310 million we have about 2 million in the penal system which is the largest in the world by the way so think twice about coming to united states you may live your life in prison 2 million china 1.5 million they have over a billion people in every country the population in prison is a minute fraction of the overall population do you know why most people keep the laws of the land yet jesus says most people will be lost it's very serious that you live a decent life and go straight to hell teaching them to observe what all things extreme christians i was talking to the youth and i said you belong to god and as i elaborated on that concept you belong to god i said your eyes belong to god your ears belong to god your nose and one young lady looked at me she said this is extreme i said is light extreme when compared to darkness yes or no yes light is the extreme opposite of darkness righteousness is the extreme opposite of what sin heaven is the extreme opposite of what hell jesus is the extreme opposite of satan that's why you're the light because the world is in darkness we're not talking about fanaticism yes we're talking about extremism yes when you follow god as he requires and desires your life will be extreme to the unbeliever so go therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i am with you all away even until the end of the world or some translations say the age now having said that let's go back to matthew 5. excuse me we'll read from verse 14 again our subject extreme christians have you found it read with me ye are the light of the world a city that is set on an hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candle stick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men stop what's that light the truth all right your faithfulness to god's requirements let that light shine let's look at light again go to ephesians five we read from verse 6 of ephesians 5 are subject extreme christians no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of god upon the children of disobedience verse 7 says what be naughty therefore partake is with them for ye were sometimes but now are you what light in the lord walk how as children of light verse 9 for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth verse 10 proving what is acceptable to god and have no what fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them for it is ashamed to do what just which are what in now verse 13 nice and loud and care and carefully what does it say but all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light now the works of darkness that's sin what's the only way to know sin allah if you've got a friend who's always drinking you want to get him baptized and you're telling him drinking is wrong on what basis do you say it's wrong but a doctor can tell you that without using the bible the law of god without that you cannot indicate it's wrong the only way to say look this is wrong is because the law of god condemns it not because society doesn't like it society doesn't like the sabbath but the sabbath is right whatsoever doth make manifest is light now the works of darkness sin and the only way to expose sin is in the light of god's law to be a child of light is to be a child of the law of god nothing else exposes sin than the law why is the world in darkness it's in sin and it needs to be made aware you are in sin and that can only be done by the convicting instrument the law of god in the hands of the holy ghost let us go back to matthew 5. let's pick it up from verse 17 our subject extreme christians verse 17 of matthew 5 very familiar verse what does it say think not stop don't even think it far less preach it you see if you don't think it you cannot preach it because everything starts where in the mind so jesus says don't even think think not that i have come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill read with me for verily i say unto you what till heaven and earth pass will heaven and earth ever pass no we'll have a new one new earth they'll always be there so the law will always be there the righteousness of christ will always be there the character of god will always be there that's what the law expresses till heaven and earth pass one jot that's microscopic or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled now since the law expresses the righteousness of christ no one can ever come up to the full righteousness of god now we must be as righteous as a human being can be are you with me what is ellen white right higher than the highest human thought can reach is god's ideal for his children godliness god-likeness is the goal to be rich now do you ever come to a point in spiritual growth where you say i'm finished no so the righteousness in god's law encompasses the very righteousness of god no created being can reach that point than your god but you can grow and grow and grow are you with me and grow that's why throughout eternity we grow you know in the book the faith i live by page 66 paragraph two ella white writes speaking of lucifer god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself so lucifer was made as much like god as god could make him but lucifer was not god because you cannot make god and so we as we grow in this world and in the world to come we will grow and grow and grow and grow to the point where we're so much just like god always growing think not that i am come to destroy the law or the prophets i am not come to destroy but to fulfill read with me for verily i say unto you till heaven and earth pass one shot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled whosoever therefore shall break one of these what least little again commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called what the least in the kingdom of heaven what that means is those in the kingdom will look out on those who are outside and say those of you who minimize god's law you are the least not that you'll be in the kingdom having the least position in the kingdom there are no law breakers in the kingdom those in the kingdom looking out on the lost will say these are the least whosoever shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so it is better to be quiet than to teach people the wrong thing i was conducting a week of prayer at the church the pastor said i don't use ellen white i said you object to my using here you said no but i don't use it i said fine i'll use her. i cannot deprive people of the blessing of becoming familiar with what ella white has said it's a crime but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven you want greatness that's the greatness to strive for whoever does the least and teaches others will be called great in the kingdom of heaven now verse 20 read that from me what does it say for i say unto you what accept your righteousness shall what exceed stop what's our subject extreme christians listen to jesus for i say unto you accept your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees finish the verse ye shall what i can't hear you say it again no wise no means no way no case enter into the kingdom of god what did jesus mean by righteousness that exceeds let's go to verse 21 what does that say you have heard that it was said by them of all time thou shalt not kill and whosoever what shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment what is the next what does the next passage say but i say and ah stop jesus said you heard one level of obedience don't kill physically but i say unto you whosoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment and whoever whosoever shall say raqqa shall be danger of the council whosoever shall say thou fool shall be danger of hell fire now christ is saying look here is one level of righteousness that the pharisees exercise they do not kill physically you have to exceed their righteousness now an example of exceeding the righteousness christ goes to the law thou shalt not kill he uses the law the ten commandments to show how to exercise extreme righteousness because the highest expression of righteousness is found in the law of god which expresses the righteousness of god and so if christ has said to you your righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees and you say how keep my law not just the letter but the spirit is not a checklist it's a principle that dwells in you here's what i mean a mother has a baby does the mother need to know that there's a law in new zealand that says feed your baby um does she need that law yes or no no but is there something that drives her to feed the baby yes what's that yes now when i fly on planes which i do all the time when i was coming to i flew from detroit to los angeles los angeles tahiti tahiti to auckland we're 38 000 feet 500 miles per hour at that speed at that height that is safe i don't want a plane flying at 10 miles per hour are you with me he wouldn't fly very long are you following me okay now if someone drives up to camp to come and park i don't want him driving 500 miles per hour are you with me i don't want someone driving 90 miles per hour in a parking lot of a school and so in the air 500 miles per hour is safe on the highway 70 per hour is safe in a parking lot 10 miles per hour is safe the speeds change but the principle of safety is the same are you with me now when the law of love is in your heart you don't need a signpost that says 55 because your first concern is the welfare of others am i losing you your first concern is let me drive at a speed that does not endanger other people's lives or mind which really belongs to god and so that principle controls your speed are you following me that's why abraham and noah and shem and seth did not need the law written out it was here but after generations in egypt the israelites now needed a kindergarten introduction to the law and so jesus says but i say unto you whosoever is angry with his brother now that's attitude you're a murderer you've heard that it was said by them of all time thou shalt not commit adultery but i say unto you whosoever looked on a woman the pharisees didn't understand that level of righteousness now that is righteousness that exceeds what i want you to understand if you want to grasp what extreme righteousness is read the law of god that's where jesus went to express righteousness that exceeds he went to the will of god and we've discovered the will of god is the law of god and so we're called upon to be extreme christians any christian who looks like the world that's a problem for god then the world becomes confused you see we must so live that the world sees what the world should be but when you try to be like the world then the world has no example to follow i was at a youth camp a few years ago and the youth pastor came to talk to me about something and there's this belief among preachers one way to win people is to be just like them in every way dress like them play the games they play use their language i said now you as a youth pastor you are to set an example for the youth as to what they should be like you don't become like them show them what they can become set the example in speech in dress in behavior in everything but love them year the light of the world your neighbor should see you as light and see me sabbath in your cars heading to church friday night you can hear the singing as you welcome the sabbath when i was a boy we'd welcome the sabbath nobody does that now we're rushing out to the supermarket at two minutes to sunset when i was a boy we were taught about 15 minutes before sunset all work finished gather around in the living room or whatever you call it the parlor and you be you welcome the sabbath it comes finding you singing praying that's what we did and 15 minutes before sunset we gathered again with hormone the church and the sabbath left us singing and praying and worshiping so we called it welcoming the sabbath and saying goodbye to the son that is gone as i said people are rushing out of supermarkets two minutes before sunset and waiting like a sprinter in the blocks for the sun to set to go do whatever we have to do ah my brothers and sisters we need to understand the beauty and the blessing of extreme righteousness i was telling uh i was in namibia in september i had a beautiful experience love that place if i had the money i'd buy it and i told the youth pray to god before you dress he looked at me ask him what outfit to put on should i wear this dress should i wear that suit what shirt should i wear what tie and they said this man is mad i said no i'm not mad i said the way you look has an effect on people pray before you dress ask god what to wear pray to god before you go to the hairdresser what hairstyle should i have pray because the bible says whether therefore he eat or drink or whatsoever he do that is extreme do it how to the glory of god the next day i was doing one-on-one counseling this young lady came to me nice young lady sat across from me and i said what's the problem but pastor what about what you said pray for everything i said yes that's not symbolic it's not in revelation it's literal whether you do it do all the glory of god that's literal she said and then she had a hairstyle you know these things called add-ons or weave whatever you call them you add something that god didn't give you okay and so she has a big head of you know like a flower garden and i she said uh is this sin i said well let me ask you this when you paid for that were you thinking of god's glory she looked at me i said were you conscious let me find a hairstyle that makes me look like a child of the king was that your thinking or was your thinking how can i look good and she said no i wasn't thinking of god i said okay i'm not telling you what to do but you said you weren't thinking of god the next night the same night i would have to preach the crucified of course i would preach at night counsel in the day she came to the crusade the thing was gone i didn't recognize that it was gone because clearly the spirit of god convicted her she took that stuff off and her head returned to normal size extreme christians and my time is gone so i can't get into what i want to get into but my brothers and sisters you know human beings hate to be different that's a problem for young people in school they don't want to be different so they follow the crowd we hate to be different but we're called upon by god to be so different our difference becomes extreme and that extreme difference is it flows from strict obedience to god's law whatever god says i'll do simple way to live whatever god says i'll do how do i know what god says i'm constantly studying his word ye are the light of new zealand here the light of the north island the south island and the little one scattered in the ocean if we give the wrong light we lead people into state of lostness today in our speech in everything we do let us be guided by do all to the glory of god if someone calls that extreme that's not your problem because the unbeliever will always view righteousness as extreme how many of you will say with me father help me to think of you first in all that i do mess your right hand your honest right hand hands down heads bowed father in heaven we thank you for this tremendous challenge you've placed before us you are our father and as a good father you have high standards for us even as earthly parents have high standards when they send their children to school help us to understand a god that when you made us in your image your desire was and all that we do you may be seen in us let us not lose sight of that dear god let our joy and our happiness be to reflect you in all that we do bless my friends gathered before you they god bless them beyond what they can expect or think or imagine bless every presenter bless every congregation i pray continue to keep us safe we offer this prayer in jesus name let god's people say amen and amen
Channel: Autumn Leaves NZ
Views: 46,459
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Id: w5ruofM6Anc
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Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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