The Importance of Omnipotent | Randy Skeete

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there is nothing save the selfish heart of man that lives unto itself no bird that cleaves the air no animal that moves upon the ground but ministers to some other life there is no leaf of the forest or lowly blade of grass but has its ministry every tree and shrub and leaf pours forth that element of life without which neither man nor animal could live a man an animal in turn minister to the life of tree and shrub and leaf the flowers breathe fragrance and unfold the beauty in blessing to the world the sun sheds its light to gladden a thousand worlds the ocean itself the source of all our springs and fountains receives the streams from every land but takes to give the mists ascending from its bosom fall in showers to water the earth that it may bring forth and bud the desire of ages page 20 paragraph two what that paragraph is saying on that passage everything created by god was created to serve something else only the sinful heart of man focuses on itself even in the godhead it is the other because love is at the center that's why god the godhead cannot be one person love must have someone on which to pour out itself and so we thank god for his love as expressed in the gift of his son we thank him for you thank him for your love for his word that has brought you not only to this place but that has brought you online allowing you to fellowship with us in this way i welcome those of you watching who are not seventh-day adventists wherever you are thank you very much for your love for the word of god and for your affection for us and i ask the god of generosity the god of goodness to bless you for your participation with us and to bless you so much that you will feel that divine urge to fellowship with us again if there's anyone listening who has contracted the coronavirus i want you to know i am praying for you and will be praying for you we serve a god who says of himself in exodus 15 26 i am the lord that healeth thee we serve a god of whom it is said in psalm 103 verse 3 who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases and of whom the psalmist says in psalm 107 verse 20 he sent his word and healed them and so i'll be praying for anyone who may have contracted the coronavirus that the lord will deliver you and hopefully by that exercise of divine mercy your heart will be touched to be to come closer to your god because the bible says we love him because he first loved us thank you very much our subject for today the impotence of omnipotence what did i say the impotence of omnipotence before i get into that please wherever you are particularly online preserve an atmosphere of reverence as i said last night the fact that we're worshiping online does not want wit alter the holiness of god god is always holy whether you worship him at the backside of a mountain as in the case of moses or in the most holy place as in the case of the high priest or in solomon's temple or in this building god's holiness remains the same let us preserve reverence wherever we are favor number two pray for me while i'm speaking all i want you to say is lord put your words in that man's mouth this is a very earnest and serious request jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth i want god it's a miraculous thing the divine god to put his divine word in my mouth of clay we have this treasure where in earthen vessels that the glory may be of god it has to be god because clay and dirt cannot do this and so ask god to give me the words and the right attitude and favor number three i want you to concentrate and think isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together this is god inviting us come let's reason god is reasonable and he's a reasoning god let's take a look at jesus christ let us go to john chapter one we'll read from verse one our subject the impotence of omnipotence john chapter one reading from verse one john is a very beautiful book and i heartily recommend it to you study the gospel of john it was written by the man of whom elohim says he most perfectly of all the disciples developed the character of christ so you were listening to the words of a man who knew christ intimately by his own choice there is nothing to prevent you from being close to jesus make it your choice john 1 reading from verse 1 i read from the king james version of the bible in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god now we're taking a look at jesus the same was in the beginning with god verse three all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made that's a very powerful statement all things will accept sin of course were made by him if you look at verse 1 we identify two personalities in the beginning was the word and the word was with god we have two verse 2 repeats that sentiment the same that's the word was in the beginning with god so we have a plurality of persons but verse 3 says all things were made by him not them by him now let me say quickly this hymn was working for the father are you with me because christ is the agent of the father in creation and in salvation but it was christ himself who did the creating and so the bible says all things were made by him now focus on this listen microscopically without him was not anything made that was made nothing can exist except from sin without christ that includes the sun the moon the grass the atmosphere the fish the birds and humanity nothing can exist without the creator you can then understand why the bible says in acts 17 verse 28 in him we live and move and have our very being in christ remove christ and there is no existence in him we live and move and have our being verse 4 in him was life and the life was the light of men verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us so we know the word is referring to jesus christ in verse 1. verse 14 clarifies that beyond any controversy that's why you study the bible here a little and there a little line up online what's else precept upon precept it is this approach adventists use that allows us to come to such correct conclusions on our basic fundamental doctrines now we have just learned a little about jesus let's add to that by speaking the words of someone witnessing about jesus let's go to hebrews chapter one and listen to someone talking about jesus as that person talks to jesus hebrews chapter one let's read from verse 10 well let's read from eight in hebrews 1 the father is speaking to the son follow me closely we are allowed to eavesdrop by reading the word of god the father is speaking to the son verse 8 of hebrews 1 and i ask my father again to put his words in my mouth as i speak about his exalted son thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom now we're taking a look at jesus our subject is the impotence of omnipotence god the father calls jesus god thy throne o god god the father declares that jesus has a throne which means christ has a kingdom thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom a scepter is something a king carries in africa some leaders carry a fly swap a tale of an animal or a stick or staff a scepter is a visual symbol of kingly rule and authority christ's scepter is righteousness verse 9 thou hast love righteousness and hated iniquity therefore god even thy god hath anointed me with the oil of gladness above thy fellows the father continues to speak listen closely as he speaks in verse 10. referring to jesus christ the son god is about to say something about jesus that people still argue about god is about to identify jesus christ as the creator of heaven and earth and thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens of the work of thy hands stop this is god the father and he's talking to his son and about his son and he's talking to us about his son and god the father says and thou lord in verse 8 he calls him god in verse 10 he calls him lord and the lord is someone who deserves the obedience and the allegiance of subjects many people want christ the savior but not as lord he is both as savior we say deliver me from sin and then let me lead my life no jesus says if i am your savior i must also be your lord the one who tells you what to do and you obey me and so the father identifies his son as god he identifies him as lord thou lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thy hands so christ is identified by the father as the creator they shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax all as that the garment what is god saying his son is eternal this heaven and this earth marred by sin will pass away they shall perish but thou remain there is a contrast between that which is perishable and that which is eternal and god the father identifies jesus christ as an eternal being verse 12 and they all shall wax all as with a garment verse 12 now says and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou are the same and their years shall not fail the father is elevating let me create a word the eternality of god of jesus christ he is eternal this is from the lips of the father there are some adventists who will tell you jesus had a beginning no he didn't then you're contradicting god you're contradicting god the father and his plainly spoken testimony of his son now we know from the lips of god that jesus laid the foundation of the earth let's go to psalm 90. our subject the impotence of omnipotence psalm 90 9-0 listen to the psalmist under the inspiration of the spirit of god here's what the psalmist writes god thou has been our dwelling place in all generations before the mountains are brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art god who formed the mountains by the lips of god himself in hebrews 1 verse 10 jesus christ and the psalmist is saying the same thing in the old testament before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou has formed the earth and the world even from everlasting to everlasting thou art god that's the best way a human pen in the hand of the spirit can express the eternal nature of the creator he doubles up on everlasting we're taking a look at jesus now this jesus we've discovered he is god i didn't say he's the father i said he's god can you say amen all right this jesus we discovered he is eternal he's everlasting this jesus we discovered he is the creator yes at the will of the father but it was he who created having said all of that we go back to john chapter one let's go back to john 1 1 1 1 john 1 verse 14 i should say john chapter 1 verse 14 our subject the impotence of omnipotence before we read that verse let me pray again father in heaven continue to restrain my cardinal nature restrain me completely let me simply be a loudspeaker in your hands in jesus name i pray amen john 1 14 listen carefully keep in mind as you read 14 that we read in verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made keep that in mind as you listen to verse 14 and the word was made what flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth this eternal being this god as witness by the father this lord as witnessed by the father this creator as witness by the father came in our human condition in first timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh god is a mystery was manifest in the flesh isaiah 9 6 calls him the mighty god the everlasting father not that jesus is the father the everlasting father may be translated the father of eternity eternity flows from jesus he came to this earth in this flesh now while he was on the earth let's see how powerful he was let us go to mark chapter 4 we'll read from verse 37 our subject the impotence of omnipotence mark chapter 4 reading from verse 37 i read from the king james version i don't recall if i told you that the bible says and there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hindu part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they wake him and say unto him master cares thou not that we perish now and he arose and rebuked the wind and sat into the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm and he said unto them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith they were traveling with the one who said let there be light they were traveling with the one who said let the earth bring forth grass they were fearful verse 41 of mark 4 and they feared exceedingly and said one to another what manner of man is this finish the first that even the wind and the sea obey him this is the same god of psalm 90 verses 1 and 2 from everlasting to everlasting thou about god now he is cumbered with humanity but he's still god and the wind recognizes him don't ask me how the wind recognizes god i have no clue and i need no clue i accept thus said the lord don't ask me how the ravens understood when god commanded them to feed elijah and they had to know who elijah was where he was what time to bring the food and what food to bring the bible says god can command the clouds to not release their reign isaiah 5 or 6 how that happens i don't know but i do know that when christ rebuked the wind it ceased when christ rebuked the sea there was a great calm this is god in human form and he still has power now let's go to john 11. john 11 our subject the impotence of omnipotence john 11 verse 43 christ is at the tomb of lazarus the bible says john 11 43 and when he thus had spoken he cried with a loud voice lazarus come forth and he that was dead came forth bound hand and foot with the grave claws jesus the one who said let there be light is the one who said lazarus come forth this is power his words brought life from death by the way it is he of whom the bible says for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first when christ raised lazarus he stood outside the grave he did not go in when he comes the second time and raises all the righteous dead he stands even farther away he will be somewhere in the atmosphere and then we will rise to meet him but his voice covers any distance this is omnipotence having reviewed a part of the resume of jesus let's go now and be politely shocked let's go to matthew 13. our subject the impotence of omnipotence let's look at the impotence if that's a proper word to apply to the creator but i think you understand or you will in a minute matthew 13 we will read the last verse of that chapter do you have it matthew 13 the last verse of that chapter the bible says and he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief now who was this that could not do anything spectacular in other words who was this who seemed to demonstrate some weakness some impotence some inability to do something amazing is the one who said let there be light but the bible says he did not many mighty words there and the explanation is given because of the unbelief but mark is a little more harsh or bold or blunt let's go to mark he is recalling or recounting the very same incident here is how he expresses it mark 6 reading verse 5 and verse 6. mark 6 5 and 6 our subject the impotence of omnipotence you have mark chapter six reading verse five and he could he could there do no mighty work save that he laid his hand upon a few sick folk and healed them verse success and he marveled at their unbelief and he could there do no he couldn't do it who is this that couldn't do it the creator the impotence not that christ is impotent you get my point but he was on you see god does not reward unbelief it is an insult to god unbelief is an insult to god because unbelief is a refusal to believe thus saith the lord let me slow down and say it again i'll say differently the only way to doubt god is to doubt his word the only way to believe in god is to believe his word the people in his village where he was and couldn't do anything spectacular they did not believe his word now when you disbelieve the word here is why it is such an insult to god let's go to genesis one we'll read from verse one our subject the impotence of omnipotence genesis one reading from verse one let me again thank those of you online for joining us god bless you i really mean it from my heart god bless you it shouldn't be too hard to find genesis 1 chapter 1 reading from verse 1 the bible says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said when you say something what are you using words what is jesus called john 1 1 in the beginning was the word what does the bible call him he's the alpha and the o mega he's the a and the z and god said and god spoke and god used words in the book education page 126 paragraph 4 the servant of the lord writes these powerful words the creative energy that called the worlds into existence is in the word of god this word imparts power it begets life every command is a promise listen again the creative energy now only god can create human beings can manipulate what god has created so we take metals and we take whatever we manipulate what god has created no human being can create because creation means to call into existence something out of nothing and so the word of god he spoke let there be light he just used words for every day of creation the creator use words when we doubt the word of god we essentially doubt his ability to create we question his status as creator because the universe came into existence by the word of god bible commentary volume 1 page 1081 paragraph 1 god spoke and his words created his works in the natural world nothing was created outside the word of god when this word is doubted do you begin to see the insult to god to doubt god's word is to doubt god himself the very essence of god and god thinks so highly of his word he tells us in psalm 138 verse 2 he has magnified his word above all his name jesus came to nazareth they would not believe his word and because of that he could not do any mighty work there matthew said he didn't do it marx is less tactful and he said he couldn't do it you and i are gathered for prayer watch and pray when we pray we have to pray in what faith but there is no faith outside of the word of god romans 10 17 faith cometh by hearing come on and hearing by the word of god this faith is leaning your entire weight on the word of god faith is taking god at his word faith is submitting your mind your will your body your strength your intellect to the word of god just before jesus marveled at the unbelief of those in his hometown mark 6 6 he had marveled at the belief of the centurion are you with me he marveled two things in the gospels made christ marvel and i often ask how do you do something to make the creator marvel how here is someone who can say let there be light and the light comes let there be a firmament and it comes how can you do something to impress god but the bible says jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion the bible says jesus marveled at the lack of faith how can you not believe a word that says let there be light and the light comes how can you not believe a word that says angels come and the angels came because angels were also made by the word of god psalm 148 go there with me reading from verse one our subject the impotence of omnipotence psalm 148 reading from verse 1 we read 1 2 and 5. praise ye the lord praise he the lord from the heavens praise him in the heights praise him all his angels praise him or his host scripture 5 let them praise the name of the lord for he commanded and they were created the angels were created by the word of god those mighty beings they came into existence out of absolutely nothing only the word of god can do that but where unbelief exists the word of god that power is not released it's like superman in the presence of kryptonite jesus can't do anything are you following me he has the power cannot express it go to psalm 115 let's read from verse one our subject the impotence of omnipotence psalm 115 reading from verse 1 and see how god is so frequently embarrassed by our lack of faith psalm 115 reading from verse 1 i'll pray again father as i proceed through this message which will not be long continue to pour your spirit into me not for my sake father but for the sake of truth in jesus name i pray amen psalm 115 verse 1 not unto us o lord not unto us but unto thy name give glory for thy mercy and for thy truth's sake now listen carefully wherefore should the heathen say where is now their god where is their god let's modernize that where is the god of the adventists they have as much cancer as the rest of the world the divorce rate is as high as the rest of the world their children are as rebellious as the rest of the world they are theologically confused as the rest of the world their where is their god what's the point of this message we call affectionately present truth we see no effect in your life you live as if you have no god and so the heathens are saying to the israelites who had disobeyed god and god could not demonstrate his power in their lives where is their god embarrassment for god but verse three but our god is in the heavens he hath done whatsoever he have pleased our unbelief does not weaken god but it makes god look weak let me say it again our unbelief does not weaken god it makes god look weak and so our prayers become weak our worship is weak because these things are not founded on faith in the word of god my brothers and sisters we are in a time when we must accept the word of god with a totality that will approximate recklessness here's how i usually explain it my favorite way i hope it is effective what's the color of this bible you took too long can you see it right okay it's black now if the bible says this is white even though you see black finish my words you must say white that's faith in the word of god because god's word goes absolutely contrary to the standards of the world god's word says the seventh day is the sabbath overwhelmingly the world says no sunday and so you see sunday but you have to say saturday the other examples i can give but i don't want to cause embarrassment we're fast approaching a point in this world where people don't see the point of marriage for the sake of having children a pastor was preaching in the church once and he said children are for marriage which is what the bible teaches a member went to him and asked him to apologize apologize for truth but when something becomes widespread and persistent it begins to look normal are you listening to me it begins to look normal that's why god told the israelites hear o israel the lord our god is one lord deuteronomy 6 from 49 and thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy might these words which i command thee shall be in thine heart and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shall speak of them when thou serious in thy house when the walk is by the way when the lie is down when the rise is up make it normal by constant constant constant repetition so that your children everywhere they turn they see this and then this becomes their lives it is a divine form of brainwashing with your permission you see everywhere they turn before they go to bed as soon as they arise outside of the house in the house that's how the devil functions we have to trust the word of god the bible says bring you all the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here with saved a lot of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it that word is as certain and as reliable as let there be light and there was light that word is as certain as let the earth bring forth grass and the grass came because it proceeds from the mouth of the same person you return my tithe i will bless you beyond your expectation jesus said in response to the devil man shall not live by bread alone finish the verse for me but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god and by the way what jesus meant was but by by every commandment he was referring to the ten commandments when he said that maybe if i have time this afternoon i will show you that biblically he was referring to the ten commandments because his ancestor one of them solomon said keeping god's commandments this is the whole duty of man question for you don't answer me is god impotent in your life because of unbelief can it be said of you and your relationship with god he could do no mighty miracle in her life because of unbelief then you look across the pew and you see how god is blessing some other person and you're jealous and envious and resentful not realizing that person has put faith in the word of god and you haven't god always honors faith the bible says without faith come on finish it it is impossible and the only way to have faith is in god's word which means you and i must make the word of god our lifestyle this morning i was telling sister angela i'll tell her now i spoke at seven o'clock this morning for church in england i thought it was supposed to be five they were five hours ahead of us and i miscalculated and i thought i had to speak at five this afternoon because they met at 12 noon but they're ahead of us and i had to speak i had to jump out of the bed and the lord woke me up and i thanked him and i made a special financial offering to him for just waking me up on time to rush down and speak to god's people in england because i had confused the time what am i saying this morning noon night this trusting the word of god living by the word of god praying through the word of god when jehoshaphat and i'm closing prayed because he was under threat from three armies second chronicles chapter 20. if you read his prayer from verse 6 to 12 he keeps calling on god he says art now art not thou god in heaven and the bible says he is and rulers not thou over all the nations of the earth the bible says yes and is it not power in thy hand the bible says yes so uh jehoshaphat was praying biblically and when you present god with his word god will not avoid it or ignore it let me place this on your mind your heart before i close preachers say i'm closing five or six times but i am closing god is not obligated to you or me he is obligated to his word now if the word is in you when god fulfills that obligation where is it fulfilled in you ah you missed it it's my fault let me try again if you pull the pin from a hand grenade and you throw it it'll explode somewhere away from you are you following me if you pull the pin and hug it to your bosom it explodes in you now god's word is a hand grenade full of power that saves not blows you up it puts you together you pull that pin of faith in your heart when it explodes it releases saving power it releases transforming power it heals diseases it brings back the wandering family member back to the truth it clarifies your thinking when the word of god is fulfilled in you let me repeat with respect god owes you and mean nothing you cannot place god under obligation to creation god is obligated to his word and he'll always always fulfill his word because the word of god cannot be broken i call upon you in the presence of this holy god re-evaluate your attitude towards thus saith the lord take it as it reads believe it we charge god with being unfair and unfeeling and unkind because we do not approach him in faith we do not take him at his word and consequently god cannot do what he desires to do for us i told you earlier god does not bless unbelief jesus lived by faith in the word of god in john chapter 8 verse 29 jesus testifies this way and he that have sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for i do always those things that please him focus on that statement i do always those things that please him jesus said my object was always to please the father hebrews 11 6 says without faith it is impossible to please god so if jesus please god what kind of life did jesus live a life of faith the only way to live a life of faith is to live a life by the word of god and jesus christ himself said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word and when jesus said man he included himself the impotence of omnipotence in the absence of faith we tend to see god as omnipotent he's doing nothing god will never reward doubt your faith does not have to be mountainous like mount rushmore but you must exercise all that you have like the father in mark 10 who brought his epileptic boy to be healed the disciples couldn't heal him and he said if thou can't do anything have mercy upon us and help us and jesus says if thou canst believe all things are possible the man said lord i believe and he cried help thou my unbelief elohim i said when you say that prayer you cannot be lost help my unbelief this is all the faith i have jesus said that's all the faith i need from you i just need what you have god does not require elijah's faith from you he requires your faith from you and this is all you have exercise it when you exercise this god responds with that ah you missed it again when you exercise this amount of faith god responds with that we see that in how god rewards people none of us has lived forever even if we re we we live righteous lives we have not lived forever yet god rewards us with life forever those of us who live sinful lives he rewards us with this amount of punishment it's brief and he blots you out he does not let you suffer forever so when god rewards he rewards when he punishes he punishes only so much if you love god say amen i love god and i like god he is a nice person believe his word obey it i know we hate the word obey it causes us to a gag the carnal nature gags on the word obey but it is life to the believer obey god do what god tells you god will bless your life let's bow our heads and pray father in heaven we thank you for the power of our savior we thank you for your power we thank you for the power of the holy spirit we thank you for the angels that excel in strength lord all the power of heaven is available for the weakest sinner who needs it help us to believe that their god all the power of heaven is available to the weakest sinner who exercises whatever little faith he or she has dear god forgive us for lack of faith you're not angry with us because our faith is little you are concerned because we do not express that little faith if we have faith as a mustard seed says jesus we shall say that this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and it will move please god give us a dose of divine common sense to make the connection between faith and the exercise of your power let us stop making you look weak and impotent because you are omnipotent bless everyone who heard the message they got if i said something i should not have said forgive me father i mean the words that your people heard long remain in their hearts and let that living word that made heaven and earth transform their lives help us to live by faith that grows every day i pray for my heart in jesus name [Music] amen you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 9,082
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: iCMqkTGqCY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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