Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind | 2024 New Player Guide

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hello everybody I'm going to be discussing approaching marind as a new player my stance is drastically different from the two prevailing attitudes that either your game must be pure in the way the developers intended or the ultra Modded update everything crowd maroin has a lot of problems and while I think a mostly vanilla approach is important to give players a perspective on what the real game is Bethesda shouldn't be selling the game with as many problems without at least taking some of that money and putting it toward fix this isn't how the industry works of course but we still get to be morally judgy about it while such a thing as a complete product do exist such a label should be reserved for something a little more put together than maroin so we'll divide this video into parts and you can click through the video description depending on what part you need the first part of the video will be fixing the engine the second part will be fixing the content both parts will be focused on keeping the game as vanilla as possible while doing that part three will be character creation suggest part four will be some general suggestions for early gameplay and part five will be optional mods you could use to enhance your experience but could progressively compromise the original vision of marwin to do it and we'll have some other things to say that are General tips so let's talk about after you've installed Maro end this guide is assuming you're using the steam Gog or disc Game of the Year editions you may have some trouble following along if you're using the original disc version of the game with about the expansions that is an earlier patch and won't be compatible with the first method we're going to discuss so as I mentioned mynd is a buggy buggy game some of the issues are on the engine level and that's what we're going to look at first there are two solutions to this the first and most popular option is called the marind code patch this is used to fix the worst issues with the game and bring it into a semi-stable state a lot of the options in this patch will take it well out of the range of what is vanilla however so be careful with what options you pick or you may not be be playing a vanilla friendly marind anymore the advantage of the code patch is that is compatible with the marind script extender for some of the more detailed modding you can do simply download the code patch into the marwin folder and run it the bug fixes inside will make the engine much much more stable and less prone to save corruption the second option for marn's engine is to replace it entirely this is the option I personally prefer the openmw engine isn't owned by Bethesda but rather built from the ground up to be able to run Maro end there's even a mobile Port called open microwave if you want to play Maro and on the go and additionally there's a fork of openmw called test 3MP which is a fully multiplayer capable version of Maro and doesn't resort to any kind of hacky workarounds that programs such as Skyrim together are forced to do test 3MP is slated for full integration into the core openmw at some point in the future so expect this part of the video to have aged out in a number of years unlike the code patch openmw is even more more crash resistant to the point of being next to uncrashable for the average user barring Hardware problems like your CPU motherboard or Ram being faulty additional issues inherent to marrow end like having too many objects in one area causing issues or safe file corruption bloating are practically non-existent in openmw due to how it handles safe files being completely different from vanilla openmw can be installed anywhere on your system and only needs to be pointed toward the mark Marin data folder using the append function in the file section of the launcher you can add extra data folders keeping your game vanilla while still adding mods in it without the use of any external mod managers both Solutions the code patch and openmw can run standard marwin mods although for more advanced modding openmw and the code patch both have their own ups and downs and while a technically Superior engine open MW has higher system requirements than vanilla maroin one of the most popular survival mods ashfall only works in the script extender and there are now mods coming out exclusively for openmw that will not work with the script extender so now that I've laid out both options what is the best option for a new player to use a minimal load out well that depends on if you're running a really really old lower powerered PC in that case the code patch is your best bet whereas anything a bit newer you should consider openmw now we're moving on to the content marind has a lot of broken quests and problems that are not specific speically engine related but rather exist within marn's data files for Skyrim users there is a pretty famous Skyrim unofficial patch by arthor among others and it's well known for overreaching its fixes to not just bugs but overzealously rebalancing the game removing exploits people enjoyed having access to full disclosure I actually like the majority of the fixes in Skyrim's unofficial patch but the goal here for this video is to keep things as vanilla as possible so that approach won't do originally mywind had the exact same problem in the case of the mywind a patch project thankfully a savior came along in the form of the patch for purists which goes to lengths to avoid any balance changes and Spins off any debatable changes into a semi- purist fixes plugin that you don't have to enable fully compatible with both the code patch and open MW the patch for purist should be a Mainstay in every marwin load out to avoid bugged or broken quests next up is the marind optimization patch regardless of which engine you use marind gets some performance problems and those are caused by 3D model or mesh errors this mod should have no visual impact on the game whatsoever and all you should notice at all is that the game runs a little bit better so let's move on to character creation the game has a very immersive tutorial which commits a cardinal sin in modern game development that is to say it's very bad at explaining itself sufficiently and the conveyance that is to say the art of guiding the player from point A to point B is unintentionally misleading there are a couple roadblocks and we're going to navigate around those first and foremost I'm obligated to say whatever build you decide to go with at the end of the day is fine provided you can make it work for yourself there are tons of veterans out there who will make the most absurd character builds work and that's fine with enough training Andor workarounds any starting skill race or sex combination should be made ible but for the purpose of this guide we're going to go with some very specific suggestions mostly the path of least resistance the tutorial may be immersive but is not conducive to good character planning so pick whatever feels good until the final confirmation screen this screen lets you change things in any order you want the thing you'll want to focus on are your skills all skills start at level five which is practically speaking unusable around skill level 30 you'll be able to reliably use a skill and at 50 you are competent in it there are exceptions skill boosting items item effects and more so this isn't set in stone it's more a set of guidelines to understand character creation hitting these break points will not ensure success in combat that depends on other favors as well but let's stick to skills for right now so while all skills start at five your major skills get plus 25 your minor skills get plus 10 your specialization adds plus five to all skills under that umbrella and the race you pick will also modify those skills further next up are favored attributes they will each give you plus 10 of the attribute you pick you'll notice that skills have a governing attribute in addition to that attribute's primary function make sure to pick your favorite attribute as the governing attribute of whatever your primary weapon skill is going to be strength is how hard you hit how much you can carry it is also the governing attribute of long blades the most common weapon type in the game agility affects how often you'll land a hit in concert with your weapon skill agility also affects how much fatigue you have this is important a common combination for new players is strength and Agility that would greatly Aid in the landing and damage of the attacks you do however also consider strength or agility plus endurance to get more Health per level endurance is also the governing stat of heavy armor medium armor the way armor skills work is the heavier the armor the more of your inventory it's going to take up so heavy armor should always be coupled with a heavy investment in strength unlike Skyrim that has a damage reduction cap that either light or heavy armor can hit heavy armor is objectively better than any other armor provided you can afford the carry weight medium armor is a compromise but still very protective the real downside is good medium armor is the rarest you're going to find in the game without resorting to murder light armor on the other hand is governed by agility and is far more common to find than medium armor this synergizes well with any weapons that are governed by agility the final option is unarmored which is governed by speed it is checked whenever you have a spot on your body that isn't wearing armor this is for players who like to have their head uncovered by a helmet or want to roleplay a classical wizard the only other penalty besides carry weight consumed for having heavy armor is your run speed you're going to go a lot faster with unarmored or light armor than you are with heavy armor now for some alternative stats you could pick a if you have a lot of magical skills then intelligence is a good pick to increase your magical pool by a fair amount this Choice Stacks with your racial and your birth sign bonuses that also increase your magic pool wisdom will help you successfully cast but like with combat there is actually a formula in play that checks your stamina and other factors remember when it comes to use of magic you don't actually need to be a spellcaster yourself you can accumulate magical items that will cast spells for you from quests and locations these Enchanted items are not like later Elder Scrolls games in the sense that they are self-charging just wait a few hours and they'll get their charge back all on their own that doesn't mean that hybrid characters can't be super strong but you have tons of options to use magic and not be a magical character an often undervalued skill you should look at for a new character is Athletics for some who don't know Athletics combined with your speed stat will govern how fast you can go and how much fatigue you spend while going unlike most skills that require you to actually do something Athletics is checked constantly exploring the world that's using Athletics moving around to fight enemies that's using Athletics doing fetch quests that have you acting as a courier not fighting at all that's using Athletics if you invest in athletics you are going to get consistent speed gains and level progress for doing basically nothing if you tell this to a minmaxer someone who wants to have the absolute best stats they will scream at you that you are not leveling optimally by doing this but for a new player Min maxing should not be a consideration provid you don't do something absurd while leveling like only raising one skill you should find yourself getting stronger as you progress especially if you make sure that you are leveling up your primary weapon skill beside Athletics speaking of Min maxing Alchemy is busted potions do stack you can make intelligence potions then chug them to make more powerful and more valuable potions to break the economy or to increase your stats so high that you can One-Shot an enemy if you want easy mode in marind Just Go Alchemy enchanting is also a broken skill but it requires that you soul trap sufficiently strong targets insufficiently powerful Soul Gems once you do a constant effect enchantment or two will break the game note that you don't need to use the enchant skill yourself you can take a filled Soul Gem and an item to an enchanter and spend an ungodly amount of money to have them do it for you in the end game after you become rich Poss possibly from Alchemy if you want a suggestion on an enchantment to make the game insanely easier get a constant effect restore fatigue enchantment even just a couple of points will transform the game so now we've discussed skills let's talk about races races are far more impactful in marwin than any other Elder Scrolls game and you're going to want to scrutinize them in detail rather than just going with what looks cool red guards are best with long blades High Elves are best with magic and will boast and increased magika pool at 1.5 times your intelligence at the cost of being vulnerable to Magic Breton have an increased magika pool of 0.5 times your intelligence and are resistant to Magic next sex combinations are going to place a base stat modifier on you for example a female red guard has more personality whereas a male Red Guard has more strength you're going to want to look those over pretty thoroughly finally let's talk birth signs I will not be going over all of them I just like to touch on a few of them really quick as a melee class for an easier early game you can pick the warrior birth sign which will increase your chance to land hits it won't do much in the late game once your weapon skill is capped out though contrast this with a lover which will increase your agility by 25 points effectively giving you half of the bonus chance to hit as the warrior but also increasing everything else associated with agility that is all the skills with agility as a governing attribute plus Dodge chance on top of that the lover also gives you the ability to paralyze the target for 60 seconds once a day sure it will drain your fatigue but you can just pop a potion or use that time that the enem is paralyzed to run away while I believe the lover to be the superior Choice there are tons of utility birth signs one among them is the Steed and the steed's benefits will persist through the Athletics and speed stat caps that said for a brand new firsttime player I would recommend highly being a male Red Guard with a strength favored attribute and a lover birth sign with major skills being Long Blade and conjuration to summon a bound long sword and a greater bone Walker as an off tank that damages the strength of your enemy note that a lesser bone Walker only sap the strength of the enemy until it's unsummoned whereas a greater bone Walker will permanently damage the enemy stats and that damage persists after the summon is killed or expires but let's say for a second you want to be a wizard and not a fighter first I don't recommend it for a firsttime character at all but let's say for a moment you just can't help yourself there are three magika birth signs to look at the first is the Mage like the Breton racial bonus it fortifies your Maga by 0.5 times your intelligence this can turn a non-magical race into one that is at least able to cast basic spells but more importantly it Stacks with racial bonuses this is my preferred birth sign for a highelf wizard since it complement their existing magicap pool next up with The Apprentice just like the high elf bonus grants 1.5 times bonus to Magicka but also makes you weaker to Magic just like being a high elf you can absolutely apply this to a high elf and double up the bonuses in vulnerabilities but I found it's most beneficial to apply to a Breton and double dip the Magi a bonus while only cancelling out their natural magic resistance leaving you like any other race as far as magic vulnerability goes AKA none and thus you can have a Breton wizard sporting a healthy magika pool without any extreme downsides this Breton wizard combo is my favorite spellcaster for Mar finally we have the atono and while it does take your intelligence times two as a bonus to Magicka it also renders you unable to regain Maga normally however you will gain a constant 50% Maga absorb meaning that you can regain your Maga by being attacked by Magic this is not in any way recommended for new players because you have to be very deliberate with hoarding potions and letting enemies cast spells at you in order to get you Magicka back if you are in fact committed to this insane play then try summoning an ancestor ghost and then attacking it three times to get it to attack you it will use magic so you can absorb its spells I personally have found this play style very uncomfortable and you won't run into a whole ton of wizards in the early game in a standard non-modded playthrough but the game Maro wind allows you to do many different things including attempting a thief playthrough but in the vanilla game that's for crazy people the actual stealth mechanics are virtually impossible early on to make work without substantial magical back back up you want a high powerered chameleon spell before you consider using stealth and without fixes such as the code patch or openmw the pickpocket skill is utterly broken to the point of being virtually unusable so between melee ranged or magic I definitely recommend a new player use melee ranged characters should have some kind of melee backup weapon that uses the same stat such as a short blade for example since you can run out of arrows and enemies can get into melee range and make make things difficult for you for a magic oriented character I'd recommend a blunt weapon so that the player can use magic staves as a backup weapon or if you don't care about theme really anything is a backup weapon since you can run out of Magicka and you will want to still be able to defend yourself I hope this information has been helpful in character building there are many other videos out there that go into way more detail than this one but I built this specifically to give some overt suggestions not necessarily explain the entire process in excruciating detail so now we're going to go over parts of the tutorial and the early game some of which are most certainly exploits and others just general suggestions let's start off with a little bit of early money it's nothing massive but it certainly helps Kickstart your adventure by getting you kitted out with basic gear so let's assume you've clicked through and completed the character creation the man says collect your papers to get your release fee go to the table and grab your papers the moment you do you're in a limbo State you will not be arrested for crimes you commit yet you you can if you want get a leg up on the game you can leverage this early game State grab an item such as the expensive lime Weare platter on the wall the instant you do the guards will scream run over to you take the item from you and issue you a Stern warning that item will end up in the evidence chest and be inaccessible to you however after grabbing the item but before the guard reaches you you can go to your inventory and drop the item on the ground the guard will talk to you try to take the item but he can't because it's on the ground not in your inventory anymore so after the guard finished talking to you pick the item back up this time it's not considered a crime the lime wear platter alone should pay for a good enough weapon probably a little more than that but if you have absolutely no role playing Scruples whatsoever just take everything with a value of 20 or above you'll be able to sell it at the trade housee later you'll notice in my latest live streaming series which I've linked in a pin comment the limme Weare platter was replaced by a red wear platter some mods such as Maru and rebirth do that and are not recommended for brand new players moving along to the Next Room you'll find a dagger sticking out of the table with a note the dagger is the free weapon and it is a trap for many a wouldbe maroin player when you see a video of a player in Oblivion or Skyrim in in a sort of review talking about maroin combat they will inevitably flash to the player in Maro end being out of stamina attacking a rat scrib or forager with this dagger this dagger is a bad weapon if your character is unskilled in short blades you will miss a lot and have a bad time yes the game gives us to use a free weapon and for almost every build in the game it is horrible this is bad game design and will lead the player down a path a trap of bad combat pick it up sell it at the trade housee buy something better the tutorial will have you pick up an engraved ring of healing from a barrel this ring is very handy but you should give it to the wood elf outside the census office you will get the ring back in a moment go to the Trad housee that wood elf was a friend of the man running the trade house and because the wood elf got his ring back the man running the trade housee has a disposition bonus now disposition is how well an NPC likes you dialogue options quests and prices are all affected by it you can use your persuasion skill to permanently boost or if you fail lower this score you can cast illusion to temporarily adjust that score point is the better this guy likes you the more money he'll give you for the stuff you stole from the Census office just that lime Weare platter alone should be enough to get you start in a basic weapon that you're skilled in if you have some extra money maybe armor or potions wouldn't hurt but once you're done it's time to get more money from there you can go upstairs and talk to a Nord who will want you to find the wood elf's Hiding Place complete that Quest and you'll get a good chunk of money and that engraved ring of healing back this ring is a decent source of healing for the start of the game and like all Mar and Enchanted objects it will regenerate on its own over time you can just rest or wait for a few hours and that ring should be recharged whether or not you decide to complete the quest and hand the money over to the Nord is entirely up to you now moving along you know the way the main quest told you to report to kaas kadis once you go there he'll give you some money and then provided you're still level one he'll tell you to go establish a cover life for yourself unlike Oblivion or Skyrim there is no world-ending crisis yet you are given permission to go off and do your own thing so nobody suspects that you're a spy for the Imperials the main quest will occasionally between Quest steps give you permission to just go off and do what you want it will encourage you to go off and do what you want the game wants you to join other factions and explore and reminders to do that are built into the main quest next up the balur pond broker should sell you a silver sword at a discount that's because the sword is heavily damaged you can go to the fighter Guild and use their supply of chests repair hammers or pay the Red Guard there to fix it for you special materials such as silver or Enchanted objects are required to damage ghosts plus it's always good to have a back backup weapon for magically oriented players you'll want to go right into the mag's guild as soon as possible and buy spells and use the spell maker to tune those spells to your desired spell strength and Magicka levels the Mages and Fighters guilds in balmore are an excellent place to get started on questing as their quests will be aimed at low-level players if your character meets the requirements to join you should do a few of both of their quests before moving on with the main quest now before we wrap this section up if you decided to pick up Alchemy as a major skill you should leave balur going north follow the road to Caldera the Caldera Mages Guild has a master Alchemy set unguarded in a tower there is a grandm set scattered around the world but Master's good enough to break the game so on to the final suggestion the tribunal expansion pack is a problem it was designed for characters who had completed their Journey Through the main quest of maroin and the inciting incident is you getting attacked by a dark brotherhood assassin insufficient PL planning was put into what would happen to a newly created character and as a result brand new characters will be attacked upon sleeping veteran players of marind will tell you to kill the assassins and steal their gear for an easy Revenue stream you can do this for one of the better light armor sets in the game as well however there are a few problems farming them firstly If your player skill or character build really aren't up to Snuff expect to be killed secondly the tribunal expansion only really makes sense after you've gotten a certain distance into the main quest firstly assuming you are willing to be harassed by assassins and you are skilled enough to kill them selling their gear rather unbalances the game I mean you will probably be unbalancing the game yourself a bit later just in less intrusive and less tedious ways whenever an assassin shows up you can hit the Tilda key on your keyboard that is to say that little wavy line key next to the one and tab buttons to open the command console click on the Assassin and type dis disable then hit enter to remove them from the game whenever they pop up if that feels a bit cheaty it is cheaty but that part of the game is Just Busted now faring away the best option is a mod called expansion delay which used to be an optional plugin that came with the patch for purist but was in the spirit of the project spun off into its own mod as the impact on the base game was too significant expansion delay as the title suggests will push the tribunal expansion pack back down a significant portion of the main quest which makes makes a lot more sense not only in the progression of your character mechanically but as to when it takes place within the story this is the only mod I would recommend to a brand new player for their first attempt at marind but let's say you tried maroin and just didn't stick and you feel like you need a few more mods to help you change things up if the game is just too slow for you try the speed and stamina mod it will eliminate the stamina drain from running and give you faster speed in general this mod in general isn't needed with enough investment in athletics and if you have room in your build you can use the Steed birth sign instead though in general be ready to drink fatigue potions on the regular until you're able to get a consistent restore fatigue Enchanted item if you don't use this mod next let's say you don't like marn's leveling system you get stressed about feeling the need to minmax your stat gains try natural growth and Decay it is a fully customizable and you can be as powerful or as weak as you want through various settings growth in Decay also has an open MW specific version called NCG MW Lua Edition finally if the regenerate Magicka on sleep doesn't do it for you try purest friendly Magicka regen unlike most Magicka regen mods it will not regenerate fast enough to allow you to spam spells meaning that it does not take the strategy out of magika conservation but will still regenerate when not casting or using the weight function to pass time there are tons more mod mods people would recommend but these are the ones that I would suggest for someone who is lightly bounced off of marind and is just looking to make the experience slightly more enjoyable there are many aspects of character creation gameplay and Powerful objects I didn't go over because quite frankly the game can become boring for some people if they immediately have the best in slot items though the game does give you the ability to go get those best and Slot items right away instead I focused on giving new players the tools to enjoy the game in a myriad of circumstances those who originally played this game back in the day and age before wikis can sometimes forget the modern gaming sensibilities have changed and if you go into a classic RPG like Maro with the expectations of a game like Skyrim you're most likely going to have a bad time bonus round everyone first up how to play instructions first and foremost every single action you take in marind is governed by fatigue everything from swinging your weapon to Casting a spell to prices you get from buying and selling the idea is when your fatigue is empty the game is simulating you being out of breath you being winded so before you perform any action wait or rest 1 hour to fill up your fatigue see an enemy in the distance wait an hour before going into combat fully rested what about selling your stuff wait an hour to make sure that bar is entirely full to get best prices and barter chance going to use some repair hammers to fix up your gear wait to fill up your fatigue so that you have a better chance of succeeding no matter what you're doing wait to fill up your fatigue this will only be problematic if you use survival mods to make yourself hungry thirsty or tired at which point time becomes a resource which is not the case in vanilla mywind where weight is your friend next let's discuss combat when executing a melee strike there are two types of attacks rapid strikes and hard strikes the Instinct of Skyrim player is going to have is to spam the attack button but marwin combat will lowball your roles for do doing that costing the same amount of stamina as a normal strike whereas a charge strike where you hold down the button for a second before releasing this attack would be a power attack in Skyrim but rather it's just a normal strike in marind the virtue of a rapid strike over a normal strike is that each hit has a chance to stagger the target interrupting their spell or attack and is very effective with short blades provide you have the stamina dump into spamming strikes that said for the vast majority of melee users holding down the attack button for a second and releasing is the optimal way to do melee combat giving you the most efficient use of your fatigue to damage output next up and I've been purposefully vague on where to find things up until now because two-thirds of the fun of Maro wind is exploring and stumbling upon things but because constant effect enchantments are a big part of getting Godlike power in mynd sure Alchemy lets you break the game and the economy temporarily but having a constant effect enchantment basically let you say set the game into easy mode a mega exploit I tend to use modster disable but is a great time for new players is a shortcut to getting constant infect enchantment gear the summon golden Saint spell through conjuration is one of the strongest summons in the game but did you know you can cast soul trap on a golden Saint summon and trap its soul in a soul gem if you find yourself running low on Grand Soul Gems as Zora Shrine in the Southeast corner of venell has a quest that will net you her star an unlimited use Grand Soul gy the last tip and this is a bit of a real spoiler but necessary to avoid headaches many factions have mutually exclusive quest lines that means if you do a certain task you will lock yourself out of other content from other factions the Rivalry that confuses people the most is the Fighters Guild and the Thieves Guild if you want to do both you're going to have to weave between both factions and then peel off and do the ald run branch of the fighter Guild and not not the master branch of Vic as the Vic branch of the Fighters Guild will want you to wipe out the Thieves Guild the aldron branch has an alternative ending quest line for you there is no harm in making a ton of backup saves if you think you're doing something that might wreck your progress in the other faction so now that the general tip portion is over let's wrap up this video with some content mods that will massively expand the game without changing the core gameplay first up are the official plugins maroin developers made these plugins themselves in order to test and showcase the software development kit they shipped with the game and while they used to be freely downloadable on bethesda's website during marn's era and you can still get those old versions on uesp The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages they have since been replaced with fixed versions by the community there are several fixed versions you can download but my recommendation is the Bethesda official plugins naturalized this single plug-in replaces all of the official plugins and implements them more more cleanly into the game Space as not outof Place additions but more seamless Integrations with fixes to bugs that the plugins initially introduced although the official plugins do a variety of things one of the biggest additions is The Siege event and dungeon of fire moth Island a mid to endgame Adventure you can start off by talking to stellis gravius in the office at the start of the game moving on from the official plugins however next up is marind advanced a mod by the maroin developer Gary Nunan later updated and bug fixed by the community while this plug-in does add two new dungeons to the game its primary function is to add encounters and a new tier of old monsters to mywind let me explain so unlike Oblivion or Skyrim where animals or monsters have many many tiers of level scaling marind has exactly three and marn's level scaling is not strictly adhered to meaning you can still encounter the Lesser variance as your level increases your level increases merely unlock the higher ranks of monsters these three ranks are normal diseased and blighted blighted being the highest tier Mar advanced in addition to adding brand new monsters encountered in the wilderness also adds a fourth tier of scaling the naming convention depends on the monster but they could be identified as Elder Mastiff or rabid now the new encounters added by Mar Advance can be jarring for a low-level player who has just crossed the level threshold to unlock them so bear that in mind also as it doesn't change any existing quests there is no harm in adding the plug-in later to open MW although you should always be careful about adding or removing mods to the vanilla engine via the code patch mid playthrough typically when you're running the vanilla engine you're going to want to kind of lock in your mod Loadout before you actually commit to playing the playthrough as the vanilla engine can get a little unstable when you add or remove mods the final plugin to look at from the Mario developers would be aesh by Douglas Goodall unlike the others that were made when marind was New Douglas Revisited marind in 2023 and made 30 new low-level quests so while aesh is new content made 20 years after maroin was made it was made in the spirit of marwin by one of marn's developers which is why I'm including it here now moving on from marn's developers the final content mods I'm going to talk about are from the community and not Bethesda first and greatest of all would be Tamriel rebuilt which adds huge chunks of the Mainland Maro wind in a style consistent with the lore of Elder Scrolls 3 tamry already built does not have an interconnected main quest in the way vfel does but rather it is for location-based faction based and independent side quest adventuring the mod contains highquality content in amounts surpassing vanilla marind basically by installing this you will have over twice the landscape to explore it's usually updated about every 6 months with more content and there's no sign of it ever being finished which isn't really a problem since all of its releases are in self-contained chunks meaning that with every update there is a new location complete with its own quest lines to go check out the content is well regarded enough that the best Wiki for Elder Scrolls uesp actually contains articles on it now be mindful of the mod page for tamry already built and check out the guide for registering your BS say this just means you have to edit a text file in the marwin folder or in the openmw configuration folder to include two new data files not included in vanilla maroin the guides are pretty straightforward so you shouldn't have any problems once installed you can visit the mainland of marind by talking to travel NPCs in ebonh har or vivx mes Guild next up is Skyrim home of the Nords this adds a travel NPC to Dean Fel that will travel you to an area near the massive cities of karth waern and Dragon Star much like how tamel rebuilt operates on Elder Scrolls 3 lore and not that of the Elder Scrolls Online Skyrim home of the Nords is based on Elder Scrolls 3 and not Elder Scrolls 5 while Skyrim home of the Nords is part of a larger project called project Tamriel and there are other parts of project Tamriel and other miscellaneous new land mods that I could recommend to people the two mods that I have just listed tamri rebuilt and scy home of the Nords are the two complete enough to recommend to new players who want more content in maroin in the unique style of maroin straying much further than that isn't recommended for a new player so I think that's where we'll leave it three mods that were created by marwin developers two of them were fixed by the community and two other mods that were made by the community in the maroin style meeting or exceeding the Professional Standards of the game itself whether you want to play on the classic Engine with the code patch in open MW alone in test 3MP with friends or on open microwave on your cell phone there's a way for modern audiences to enjoy marind now there are better more detailed guides out there for someone who wants everything spoiled the location of powerful items revealed or who wants to be handheld through a specific role but I thought I'd just create this guide specifically mainly to point people to when they ask for help getting started with marind my goal is mostly to leave the discovery of the main story and the discovery of the different items and locations up to players since exploration is what I enjoy the most now I had my vanilla or mostly vanilla Mar own experiences back when the game was new and all of my live streams now are heavily altered and do not represent the vanilla experience my play styles are typically suboptimal done on purpose so I don't want people to watch my live streams and then think this is a guide for how to play the game instead being able to refer them to this video I also hope that anyone who's previously bounced off of mywind might be able to use this as a guide to get some of the hints and tweaks down in order to truly enjoy the game but either way thanks for watching I've got more videos down the pipe but for now I'll see youall next time
Channel: Zaric Zhakaron
Views: 26,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Elder Scrolls, Elder Scrolls 3, Morrowind, Code Patch, OpenMW, Patch For Purists, Official Plugins, Tamriel Rebuilt, Project Tamriel, Skyrim Home of the Nords, New Player Guide, zaric, zhakaron, zarich, zakarun, zack
Id: Z04Twjlz8R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.