IMPROVE INSTANTLY With These 5 Pro Rocket League Tips For New Players

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hey you yeah you you've never seen a verge video before oh man well check this out [Applause] [Music] hey what is going on guys today we're going to be doing a five tips for new players video where we go over five of the most important things that i think there are to learn when starting this game out for those of you who don't know my name is verge i have been a coach in the rlcs for almost three years now i coached allegiance previously and i'm currently the coach of dignitas i've been coaching them since season eight we're currently in our season x of rlcs and in all the time i've been coaching i've spent a lot of time in front of a screen and if you plan on getting better at rocket league you probably will too so i wanted to start this video off with a bonus tip courtesy of our sponsor gmg performance gmg performance makes blue light black and glasses to help reduce the strain that all of the screen time has on our eyes the blue light produced by all the screens we have in our lives can cause long-term damage and even mess with our sleep thankfully these glasses act as a shield against the blue light helping to reduce the strain on our eyes that our screens may cause i've been wearing them every time i game for a few weeks now and i personally noticed my eyes feeling consistently less fatigued at the end of my day and even during my work it almost feels easier to look at my monitors thanks to their glasses i definitely suggest clicking the link below as soon as possible because there's a halloween sale going on from now until november 1st that's an entire 40 off click the link in the description to find out more thanks again to gmg performance for the bonus tip and now let's go ahead and jump into this starting off with the first tip that i think new players should all go through which is your camera settings when you first start the game the first thing we're going to do is turn camera shake off we're going to uncheck that box it's a useless setting it only adds to how hard it is to play the game and get used to it your camera just goes crazy so we're going to go ahead and turn that off this is by default what your camera is going to look like not the best at all so we're going to go over to camera settings and we're going to up that field of view to 110 and you're going to see it's going to kind of zoom out a little bit and stretch my screen in front of me field of view is just going to allow you to see more of the field in front of you distance is going to be how close we are to the car you see as i lower it we get closer to the car as i bring it out we get further away most pros are going to use somewhere between 220 and 280 290 that area now we're gonna come to height height is how high up above your car the camera is you can see it moving around my height is 100 but typically pros are somewhere between 90 and 120 usually 110 or so but i use 100 it's good balance camera angle is how angled our camera is down at the car so the lower the angle the more we are looking down at the car the higher the angle the more level we are with the car in the ground so i personally use negative four but most pros use somewhere between negative three and negative five maybe negative six stiffness is how stuck to our car the camera is so you'll see if i bring stiffness all the way up let's bring it all the way up you'll see that as i turn my camera moves with my car right away the moment i turn the camera turns with it and my car stays in the middle of the screen at all times now if we bring stiffness down we're gonna see that the car is able to move around the screen a little bit more there's a little bit more wiggle room on where the car is going as the car turns the camera doesn't quite turn as much as the car does it allows the car to kind of slide off the screen based on its momentum it is preference i personally use .65 it's a nice balance for me swivel speed is just how quickly we're moving our camera like this and personally i'm going to throw that on to 420 for the memes transition speed is how quickly we're going to transition between the ball and the car cameras i like to leave it on one because i like getting information between i like knowing what's in between my car and my ball when i'm looking at it so i'm gonna go ahead and leave that at one but we're gonna move on to the second tip the second tip is gonna be your control bindings now i know that we haven't gotten into anything gameplay yet but these are really important when you're starting out rocket league especially your control bindings because if you don't switch these now you're gonna have an even harder time switching them later when you've got a thousand hours already put into the game and now you have to switch a binding you're just learning have to change something so we're going to go into controls we're going to view our bindings i'm going to talk you through what good bindings are what is what is a good set of control bindings look like so a good set of control bindings is going to be any set of bindings that allows you to press a certain set of inputs together without making a mistake so there's no real good bindings you can't ever say these are the best bindings for these it's all preference on how you hold your controller what's comfortable for you and i'm going to go over personally what's most comfortable for me and show you guys why i have my settings the way i do so as long as you can push these buttons in any combination of two without pressing something on accident or without struggling to press those buttons then you have good binding so the buttons that you need to be able to press are jump boost air roll power slide and ball cam if you can push any combination of those buttons in any combination of two without messing up or without straining to push something then you have good bindings it's really important that you're able to do those things in any combination because there's going to be plenty of times where you have to jump and boost at the same time there's going to be times where you have to boost drift and jump there's going to be times where you have to you know jump and press ball cam at the same time or so on and so forth you have to be able to press those buttons in any combinations so if you can do that then you have good bindings [Music] we go down these are all default jump is default now boost i have switched to r1 because i hold two fingers on my controller on the triggers and on the bumpers i use my pointer finger on the bumpers and my middle fingers on the trigger so r1 is boost it's a very easy button for me to push and i can push that pretty easily while i push other things as well now powerslide and air roll i have moved to l1 i think it's really really crucial that you keep these two buttons these two mechanical inputs on the same button because it allows you to transition from drifting to air rolling when you jump or from air rolling into drifting when you land it just allows for a seamless transition from ground to air and air to ground much more consistently than if you have them on two separate buttons focus on ball we've got on default rear view we have on default everything else default default now we get to air roll right and left these are two bindings that i don't suggest you really start to mess with until you've gotten a hang of the regular air roll which is for me holding l1 once you understand how the regular air roll works i think then you can start to implement these but it wouldn't hurt to add these in now if even if you're not going to use them i have my arrow right on circle and my arrow left on square those are two buttons that are easy for me to push without having to push anything else on accident i'll get into another video i'll go over why air roll right and arrow left are so important at a high level but when you're starting out it's really really important that you learn the regular air roll bind first and then move on to these as you get more advanced in your car control skip replay all this is default scoreboard i have moved to my share button or select button on other controllers it's just the default scoreboard button for me on consoles like on call of duty when i used to play that game the scoreboard was always on this button and so it makes it easier for me to to use the scoreboard and it doesn't take up a binding somewhere else that i could be using for a different controller now moving into the next tip that i have for new players is play free play and training packs these are going to be your best friends when you're learning the game if you are new to the game or if you are struggling to improve at the game you want to master free play and master practicing training packs now free play is found here under play training free play and it's just like it sounds it's free play it's a free open environment for you to do whatever you want wherever you want however you want with no punishments no repercussions nothing of that sort so you can do and and practice anything you want to do in this free play area and i promise you this is going to help you improve the game tremendously now there's a couple things that you can do specifically in free play that will help you one of the things that i like to do is practice my ball control i like to practice keeping the ball close to me keeping the ball up and just trying to control it around the field on top of my car and close to me as much as i can this is a really good drill to learn close ball control another drill that's really good is setting yourself up with a bouncing ball moving pretty quickly and the objective here is to keep yourself at high speed and keep the ball moving at high speed and try and read the bounce get to the ball and get another hard hit so we're going to do this over and over and over and this is going to increase the pace at which you're able to play the game you're going to be able to control your car much better you're going to be able to control the ball at high speeds you're going to be able to find powerful hits on any type of angle you're going to be able to read the bounce better you're going to get better at recoveries and really everything if you just ball chase and try to keep the ball moving quickly then you're going to find yourself improving much faster by doing this your pace of play is going to increase and you're going to feel much more comfortable at higher levels online now another free play drill that you can do i've talked about this in a previous video where you can just hold your car up in the air as long as you can just practice getting general control of holding yourself in the air now you don't have to spin around like me that's just something that i'm doing because holding myself in the air without much movement does get a little bit boring because of how easy it's become for me so i add in new things to increase my card control and that's what you should do yourself anytime you get good at something you should add a new element to it just to make it that much harder for yourself and you're improving your card control that much more now as far as training packs go we're gonna go to custom training packs a lot of the featured and browse training packs are really good for certain things but sometimes it can be hard to find that specific training pack that you're looking for i highly suggest finding specific training packs and so you can search for them on youtube or google or reddit or find them in places where people make training packs tons of people make them and i would suggest learning how to make your own training pack this is super crucial if you don't know how to make your own training packs it's super super easy and you can practice any shots you want because if you want to practice something let's say i want to practice an air dribble if i can set it up in a training pack then i can practice it exactly the way that i want to every single time so you're going to see here i'm just going to set up a quick training pack shot where the ball rolls into the wall and now all of a sudden i have the perfect setup to practice air dribbles exactly the way i want to from exactly the spot that i want to so if i'm struggling to hit air dribbles from the back of my field instead of the midfield i'm going to throw it a little bit further back and now again we can practice it from a little bit further back and so again training packs are super beneficial you want to be able to find the ones that help you specifically but you also want to be able to make your own so that you can fine-tune your training to exactly what you want moving on to the next tip this one's kind of obvious a lot of people do this anyway but you'd be surprised at how many people don't do something like this i highly suggest that if you're trying to get better at this game you watch tutorials or you watch other people play the game that are better than you now it's extremely helpful to watch people that are better than you play the game because you're going to see things that they do that you can also do but you just don't have as much time in the game to think of it or you just have one little thing about a mechanic that you're doing slightly wrong and you see somebody who's better than you do it and you notice the difference between how it looks when you do it and how it looks when they do it truthfully if you're watching somebody better than you or watching one of the many tutorials that are on youtube then you're going to be seeing things that are coming from somebody with more hours than you if they have more time in the game than you they have spent more time making mistakes and learning from those mistakes and i promise you if you watch these videos or you watch players who are better than you you are going to save yourself literally thousands of hours when i first started playing this game we didn't even have training packs we didn't have tutorial videos nobody was out there helping you showing you how to do the next move it was all figuring out on our own so i had to spend thousands and thousands of hours learning these new skills or even learning that a skill is possible in the first place before practicing it and you guys have access to these resources that we didn't have back then so i promise you if you watch tutorials you watch other people play that are better than you you're gonna skip so many mistakes that you would have made if you didn't watch them if you don't know what tutorials to watch go ahead and check out my channel i have a ton of tutorials on there i've got mechanical tutorials i have rotational tutorials and i'm always working on the next tutorial i'm always working on the next skill that i can help you get better at so make sure again you subscribe to the channel like this video if you want to see more educational content coming out to help you guys get better at this game now the last thing i'm going to talk about the final tip is to play the team game but also to keep playing 1v1s now this game is a team game it is soccer if you're from the us or football if you're from europe and it is a team game it is all centered around the team keeping possession and creating chances as a team as a unit but it is important that you continue to refine your individual abilities now 1v1s is the best place to practice those skills that you're practicing in training or in free play but against somebody if you're in a 1v1 you're responsible for everything that happens on your team you're responsible for the kickoff you're responsible for the shots the saves the possessions you're responsible for challenges you learn everything there is to learn about playing rocket league against somebody else in 1v1s much faster than you would learn these things playing a team environment in threes or twos because then you're only going for the kickoff every third kickoff or you're only taking the shot once every 15 opportunities on offense but if you are playing 1v1s you're going to find yourself taking those chances every single time on your own it's going to force you to improve much faster but that being said do not forget that it is a team game a lot of people like to be selfish with the ball they like to take it for themselves and always go for the shot by themselves you have to understand that rocket league is at its core a team game that requires teamwork if you are not working as a team you are not going to be beating most the people you play against so i highly encourage you guys to continue looking to pass to your teammates or looking to give your teammates passes that they can pass out to if they don't have the best possession or if they don't have control you're giving them an option to pass to you're looking to constantly support your teammates you're looking to constantly help them out and never really take the game into your own hands per se now of course this isn't always the case sometimes you do but for the most part if you continue playing rocket league like a team game and you continue thinking about your teammates and your team as a whole it's going to make the game more fun it's going to make the game more enjoyable and you're going to learn really quickly that team environment is extremely important for succeeding in this game if you want to get better so make sure that you continue to play once and continue grinding your individual abilities and then you continue thinking of the game as a team game when you go to play twos or threes because that's really what it is you're bringing your individual abilities into a team environment making the team better as a whole and not just yourself so with all this being said i hope you guys enjoyed this video i hope you guys learned something from it and i hope you go into rocket league with the same excitement that i have for this game it's truly so much fun to get better and just improve every single day and and go out online onto the pitch and show off the skills that i've been practicing for hours and hours in training or work as a team with somebody and score a crazy passing play with somebody you're not even talking to it's just so much fun to be involved in this community and in this game and i hope you guys stick around it is challenging but it is so worth it so hopefully i will see you guys in the next video make sure that you like subscribe turn on those notifications and comment down below the next tutorial you want to see but most importantly and as always thanks for watching it's crazy
Channel: Virge
Views: 833,565
Rating: 4.9332094 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league tips, rocket league tutorial, 5 tips, tips, rank, up, improve, instantly, rocket league rank up tips, pro rocket league tips, pc, xbox, playstation, beginner, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, amateur, champ, gc, plat, mechanics, virge, musty, wayton, pilkin, amustycow, sunlesskhan, lethamyr, rizzo, squishy, muffinz, get, better, mistake, mistakes, tip, rlcs, coach, rlcs champion, pro, best, common, skill, skills, rocket, league, camera, settings, control, binds, training, freeplay, free, play, packs
Id: vlXHzffWQCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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