Improve Gameplay In Palworld With Updated Custom Game Settings - Ultimate Guide

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so guys I am back with another power world video and today guys I bring you the best world settings It's actually an updated video from my previous one I've had plenty of time now to test each individual setting he can choose today guys I what in my opinion are the very very best and before we go any further guys uh I am giving away a few copies of this game to be with a chance of winning one simply drop a like on this video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed now if you win on Xbox and you don't have Game Pass I'll purchase a game for you or I'll just purchase Game Pass for you it's as simple as that so good luck okay so whether you're creating your own world your own server um it's probably best to play around with a custom settings just to I don't know make things a little easier make them harder whatever me personally I'm playing in my own world I started this character more or less un relase after having a week's Early Access um so yeah I wanted to rank up fast I wanted to just make things a lot easier for myself uh but not too op I don't want to ruin the game for me and the settings I have right here guys I'll explain each and every single one of them what they do uh just for you guys if you want to create your own world as well but adjust it from mine but I think mine right now are absolutely perfect and what I will say is I do have a 20 and the XP rate but still right now playing this every single day for days I still in a Max Level so don't get it twisted unless you actually seek out to reach that Max rank um and farm and F and farm you ain't going to be leveling up rapidly either all guys so yeah keep that in mind okay so we're going to start with the daytime and nighttime speed now this I do adjust depending on what I'm doing now if I want to farm something at night time like a specific power only appears at night I'll come and bring this down to make my nighttime uh last a little longer but as of right now guys one-on one's pretty good I think the in ingame general time is fine the way is normally but again if you do want to say your days to last long bring this down a little bit if you want your night time to call much much quicker simply take that up but I think one-on one's perfectly fine uh XP rate again anything between a 10 and a 20 is good I mean you will earn massive amounts of XP but it ain't op in my opinion anyway but hey if you ain't got uh 10 hours a day to play this game you work if you got College school your study I think a 20 between a 10 and the 20 is completely fine I play the 20 I still a the max rank yet and I do play a game quite a lot the power capture rate of 1.5 is absolutely perfect with this anything more it's just going to make it a little a little too easy in my opinion there's got to be a little bit of suspense when it comes to capturing those power so 1.5 five is still great and still rewarding in my opinion pal appearance rate not affects gamer performance now the thing about this is guys uh if you take it up to a two it it doesn't mean that there's going to be two or double the amount of poers in that said spot I took mine to a 1.5 and it's like double or tripled in some instances so yeah I think a 1.5 is completely fine but the way this works is uh let's say this spark it it's a single spawn in a specific area uh and it spawns in one direct location and what this will do is it just means multiple will spawn in that exact same location it doesn't mean they appear in different parts of the map or in more parts of the map from their normal spawns that is not the case it's just that they're normal spawns they're standard spawns if you have this on a one if you pull it up it just means multiple spawn that exact same spot and you'll notice if you do move this up you'll notice that you'll see groups of them like walking together when you normally see like one or two so yeah keep that in mind okay so damage from uh pows multiplier now this I reduce to a 0.5 because I'm just fighting now much much uh harder hitting enemies and what the thing is as well a 0.5 isn't that great I could probably do take this down even more I mean armor in this game your HP Shield it just when you get to that end game or me to end game you still get absolutely destroyed with a few shots from Powers even levels below you so bringing this down is definitely the way forward in my opinion so yeah keep that in mind maybe something you want to test out if you feel a little bit overpowered with this at an 0.5 take it up a little bit now the power uh the damage PO is multiplier at 1.2 um is actually the only reason I picked it and put it out 1.2 is because I was going back into the lower leveled area trying to catch 10 of each of the lower level poers and me being like a 30 levels above some of them and I was just one shotting them so yeah uh what I had to do was that to create an old bow again a crossbow use standard arrows and bring their house down like this and then just tame them but I think this between a one and a 1.2 is completely fine I think damage in the game and you're at of it is perfectly fine okay so power hunger depletion rate .1 100% I mean they still eat like absolute monsters it just means you'd have to feed them less often obviously but pal in your party uh your Flyers actually deplete their food bar so so fast um even on an .1 so you will still have to keep up with food in your infantry to feed them for sure P at your base obviously feed themselves if you got crops growing and things like that so you haven't really got to worry about that this I actually change for more sort of powers in my party when I'm going out I'm fighting I'm taming and doing that good okay Power stamina reduction rate I actually reduced this only because of my flyer uh the flyer I was using was the Ragnar Hawk and when this was at like a one or whatever it is standard I was Landing too much it was just doing my heading so I took it down all the way to a 0.1 which is fine I mean you barely have to land for stamina with this it could be a little bit over people some people so take to a 0.5 but a 0.1 in my opinion is completely fine power Auto hpu regeneration rate got this at 2.6 this I've tested quite a lot at 2.6 is about right in my opinion uh but don't get it twisted if your pal is in battle and it's fighting against something a lot stronger um trust me you're still going to get absolutely slapped there's no too much RS about it this is just for me to jump on my pal when he's in battle I can run around for like a minute or so and I'll get like half his bar back it isn't that crazy of a regeneration rate at not 2.6 uh you could always increase this further but I think a 2.6 is on barrier of being just about right Power Sleep Health regeneration rate now this I changed I've messed around with I've actually found a little trick so this is void for me now uh when your power is knocked out or koed it's died in battle or got knocked out in battle simply pull it in your party keep it in your party you go to sleep and it regen is perfectly fine uh if that's too much of something for you to do I mean just just adjust this to whatever you want a two is just about right though in my opinion damage from player multiplayer and damage to player multiplayer now these I would keep at one uh each if you are planning on other people playing in your world in your server I actually did this in my last video just messed around even though no one can join my game I thought well yeah if they even do uh they ain't going to do no damage to me and I'm just going to do lots of damage to them but yeah keep this at a one one guys I forgot to actually adjust that player hunger depletion rate I put this at at 0.1 because I so fed up of when I'm out and about uh in me having to kill things or loot barriers to feed myself uh you still will have to feed yourself from time to time but this is something I didn't want to worry about so I took it down to a 0.1 player stamina reduction rate again a 0.1 again so I think I was actually stressing about when I was capturing Pals the bigger PS they hit a lot harder especially earlier on um I was well allow my power to fight them while I was running the ground trying to avoid damage let's just run that stamina so much when those bigger poers chase you uh and you got no stamina and you get one slapped and you lose that catch does my heading so I thought yeah .1 is completely fine player Auto HP regeneration rate a three is perfectly fine here um again don't get it twisted it isn't overpowered put it on through and try out for yourself you'll see that if you're in a battle and you're getting hit like I said earlier your HP shield in this game for me anyway just isn't good enough me to end game um so having a little bit of a buff in regards to my regeneration rate on my HP is pretty good and that's what I three is uh same with player sleep HP regeneration rate as well play it at three see how it is for you I think it's just about right in my opinion damage to structure multipler I put mine at 0.5 because I so fed up actually when I get raided I actually love the raids in this game when they're trying to take down my base and have to think about or worry about trying to fix it again especially when they got multiple bases too um so yeah I put this down to it it's bare and minimum people if that feels if that's something you actually like you like rebuilding after being raided um you can put this at a one put it at a two but I think .5 is perfectly fine a structure deterioration rate again on a zero I don't want my going bad over time so yeah put mine at at zero maximum number of dropped items in the world now this is 3, I'm not exactly sure uh how this works I don't know if that's it says maximum number of drops items in a world now I think this could be in regards to say for instance if you've got a base where you got powers farming that metal for you that AA and there's let's say there's 3,000 individual pieces of it on the floor uh anything more would despawn or because I've had a little trouble uh trouble with like ingots now whenever I've had a high stack of ingots let's say weighs over 3,000 or weighs around that amount and I've dropped them out of my inventory they've just vanished in front of me so this could be tied to weight as well I'm not sure and this is a tip I do insist on people doing if you put a power box down put it on a stone foundation because let's say for instance you go to a different base where your powers are farming that or for you and you pick it all up your all room combed but you're right next to well what you should do is anyway if you've got a separate base you should definitely build your container boxes right by the P box uh as well as the forges if you're burning metal or smarting metal right there too I build them all real close together meaning you can take one you can take the metal from the forge put it in your your container and then you can just pick it up from the container even though you're over in combed you can turn around access your power box and fast travel to your your first base and if you do this guys your obviously want to drop that metal or that that material on the floor uh if your power box isn't on a foundation and it I know if it's a certain number of a certain thing or it weighs too much there's a chance it will despawn that's what's been happening with me so yeah definitely build your power boxes and Foundations and definitely build containers right next to them to make it easier when it comes to removing materials when you're over incumbered so yeah okay so gather what items multipl so when it comes to your farming um simply just easier to okay so gatherable items multiplayer so when it comes to you farming guys you'll get I don't know if it's an actual three times uh buff here I think it might be the same multier so yeah you'll get three times your mind which is just fine easier Gable items HP multiplier actually haven't changed this I mean you can if I'm guessing the higher this is up the more you'll get out of said rock or Rock tree um sulfa Rock whatever so yeah probably best to put this up to a three I didn't actually think about it so I'm going to keep mine at three so I get more of said item gatherable items respawn interval put this up to the max to guys it just means say for instance if you're F farming or trees berries the very in which they will respawn so yeah keep this up on a Max okay so next up we have drops items multiplayer keep this at a 32 so when it comes to you farming say Pals for that uh high quality power oil or I don't know you want something else from my pal leather a wool a meat uh this means it just drop at three times the rate so yeah keep that at 3 too time to incubate eggs now I'm actually going to put this back to a one because I like a little bit of suspense I had it at zero when you're at zero guys put your eggs straight incubator and it incubates instantly there's no time to wait I actually like the suspense I'm going to pop mine out of one I think the max you get at about one is about probably 5 or 10 minutes on an egg depending on the size raid events I actually enjoy enjoy when your base gets raided and you can take out all the enemies that come it's just free loot at the end of the day so yeah keep that on if you want if you don't want your base to be raided turn it off uh death penalty I turn this to no drops because I so sick and tired um because it's standard and drop all items now if you died and a part of the map where you haven't got a fast travel Point anywhere near it you'll drop all the items on your body so you've got eggs on you you've got your spheres you got ingots you've got whatever you'll drop all items mean you'll have to go back to collect them I got fed up of it so I just I don't I'm unde now I Dro absolutely nothing ain't got to worry about going back to said location now Max number of guilds if you're playing by yourself it doesn't really matter if you plan on having people inside of your world uh you can increase this to whatever you want 20 a standard completely fine uh work uh well Max Powers working at base I put mine I think it's standard at 15 I put mine to a 20 just because I like to farm faster get things done faster so yeah a 20 and there we have it guys my new and updated World settings for my current world which I'm having a great time on now some of these can be adjusted like I said if if you use these and it feels a little bit overpowered you feel like it's just too easy change a couple of them but there we have it guys if you enjoyed the video leave a like really helps out you like what you see want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 91,117
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Keywords: palworld news, palworld review, palworld gameplay, palworld settings, palworld best world settings, palworld world settings, palworld server settings, palworld custom world settings, palworld best custom world settings, palworld guide, palworld use these settings, palworld change this now, palworld, palworld early access, dpj, dpjsc08, use these settings in palworld, palworld tips
Id: zltuK2r5vqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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