Palworld - Custom Difficulty Settings = BECOME INVINCIBLE! EASY MODE!

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hey everyone today we're going to do a tutorial video looking at the very granular options available for custom difficulty uh otherwise known as World settings in pal world so uh I like tutorials that just get right into it and that's what we're going to do quick side note we are going to chapter this video uh walking through each and every one of these settings and giving you a clear and concise description of what it means so if there's a certain setting you're really interested in you don't have to Wade through the entire video to try and find it you can just go straight to the chapter so having said that let's go ahead and get started so here we are at the screen you may be familiar with if you set up a new world uh you have the ability to determine difficulty uh so in addition to these preconfigured settings that the developer has for you you can go and find custom which uh allows you to click the custom settings button and then that lets you tune a large amount of things uh that affect the behaviors of the game and that's what we're going to do one by one go through these uh and explain exactly how they work so starting from the very top daytime speed that is going to control how fast uh the day goes by if you will in pal world so the way this is going to work the lower the number the slower the day goes by okay the lower the number the slower the day goes by the higher the number the faster the day goes by Okay so very simple uh so if you want you know a lot of daytime you set it lower if you want a lot less daytime you set it higher the same goes for the next setting nighttime speed it's exactly the same way that the daytime Speed Works except this is for uh how quickly or how slowly you want the nighttime to go by again set it lower you will have more nighttime set it higher you will have less nighttime our next setting is exp rate and that is going to govern how much exp that you earn of course exp being uh shorthand for experience points a staple and all roleplaying games uh and that is of course something you earn as you defeat enemies so if you want to do less grinding and level up faster you can move this exp rate up all the way up to 20 uh to get 20 times the average exp rate you would otherwise be awarded in the game of course U the inverse is true if you want a really slow grind you can set this as low as 0.1 for very little exp awarded uh per Victory so that of course all entirely up to you pal capture rate is going to be uh a modifier which determines how much luck you have basically uh how often uh you get to capture a pal now this could be a little bit confusing because I think I see a lot of people when they throw a capture ball at a pal and they see a percentage uh on that pal before and as they throw it that is not necessarily to be confused with the percentage of the time you will successfully capture that pal that just means it's uh how captured it is at the moment you throw the ball right from the scratch so that can be confusing this setting is a modifier that kind of modifies the luck Factor like how frequently you are lucky enough to completely capture that pal uh and course you can set it up to a maximum of two so you'll be twice as likely to capture any pal in any given time and of course if you felt the need you could set this down to 0.5 so you are only half as lucky is the average person uh at catching a pal the next setting we look at is pal appearance rate note affects game performance now what this means is uh this governs how many Pals spawn throughout the power world world uh so if you do have a machine that's capable of dealing with some uh performance demanding uh games you can set this higher so that you can see more Pals appearing throughout the world with a multiplier up to three now a quick note some of those larger characters uh one example would be the mamor rest character that's uh that shows up early in the game if you for example set this value to two they will appear in peirs out in the wild uh so be careful uh with how you use this because yes you do get overall more Pals in the world but you may also be in a position to have to face multiples of very large Pals in certain spots which may or may not be your cup of tea so be advised when you're playing with this particular setting next up is the damage from Pals multiplier and this is a a uh setting that controls how much damage you will receive in Combat versus a pal now interesting keep in mind that this actually controls something else as well in addition to controlling how much damage you receive from a pal it inversely also controls the amount of damage your pals under your control due in combat uh so uh that one setting uh really does govern two different aspects of this and of course if you set this value higher you'll receive more damage from Pals in combat up to five times as much but of course the inverse is also true with this setting the pales under your control will deal five times as much damage so very interesting setting I think to take a look at and play around with next up is the damage two PS multiplier and like damage from Pals this actually uh you know really affects two different aspects of the game uh first and foremost of course the damage that you deal to Pals in combat uh will be increased if you increase this value up to a maximum of five so you can choose to do five times as much damage to Pals and combat bear in mind this also means that Pals under your control will receive five times as much damage when they get attacked uh so again it's one of those double-edged sword sort of settings and fascinating uh to to play around with so next up the pal Hunger depletion rate this governs how quickly your pals get hungry and need to eat food so uh the higher that you set this number the faster they will get hungry up to five times as fast but of course the inverse is true the lower you set this value the less often they will get hungry uh so that is going to give you control over how how much you have to care about the care and of course feeding of your pals pal stamina reduction rate uh is similar but regarding the stamina of your pals so when your pals are doing something that uh expends stamina like perhaps mining or some sort of activity of that nature uh they uh expend stamina and the higher that you set that uh value the quicker they will run out of stamina and of course conversely the lower you send it uh they will take longer uh to run out of stamina and they will be able to work longer on your behalf the pal Auto Health regeneration rate is going to govern the rate at which your pals regenerate their health it's fairly self-explanatory uh obviously the higher you set this value the faster they will regenerate their health uh and of course conversely the lower you set it uh the slower they will regenerate their health pal sleep Health Reg generation rate is the same uh sort of situation but specifically the Regeneration of Health for Pals that are currently in your pobox again the higher the value the faster they will heal the lower the value the slower they will regain Health next up is the damage from player multiplier and so that is going to govern the damage that you receive from other players in battle uh and of course the higher that you set this the more challenging the game will be because you will receive up to five times as much damage from other players as typical and of course again the lower that you set this value the less damage you will take in combat against other player characters so you have a lot of control over how important combat will be in the game of course damage to player multiplayer is exactly what you suspect uh it controls a multiplier of how much damage you will do in combat to other players a maximum of five times as much damage is typical uh and as low as one tenth of as much damage as you would typically do in combat again between these two settings you have a very fine control over the challenge of combat in the game next up is the player hunger depletion rate now this is exactly the same concept except is the pal Hunger depletion rate except this is for you the player so again the lower you set this the uh longer you will go between being hungry and needing food the higher you set this the more challenging the game will be and that you will be getting hungry much more often up to five times as often the player stamina reduction rate is also just like the pal stamina reduction rate but for you the player so when you're doing things like for for example climbing walls or swimming you are expending stamina and again the higher the value the faster you run out of stamina the lower the value the longer it takes for you to run out of stamina so if that's the kind of thing that you don't want to think about set it low if you want the challenge of having to work quickly you set it higher next up is the player Auto Health regeneration rate again this is your player uh variable for how quickly you regenerate Health uh same as with the uh Associated pal uh setting the higher that you set this the faster you regenerate Health to the point where in my experience when you set it to five uh it is very difficult to run out of hit points if you have an opportunity to hide somewhere or run away from an enemy uh obviously the lower you set the value the slower you regenerate health and in many cases that can make combat or difficult scenarios way more challenging player sleep Health regeneration rate it's pretty much uh as you would expect while you're sleeping how quickly will you regenerate Health the higher the quicker the lower the slower next up is damage to structure multiplier that's right for those who have gotten far long enough where they've built structures on their bases uh know that if you have raids enabled you can take damage to structures uh and so this setting will Define uh the rate at which you or the the modifier to the amount of damage you receive uh when your structure is attacked it can be as low as 05 meaning you will have half as much damage as you typically would and if you really fancy a challenge you can set it all the way up to three to receive triple the damage to your structures uh once they are attacked uh if that is the kind of thing that uh you enjoy dealing with structure deterioration rate uh controls the rate at which your structures will deteriorate uh now this is interesting setting because this does allow you to set a value of zero which will uh mean that your structures do not deteriorate at all during the game so this is one of the few settings where you can basically turn something off if you really do not want to have to deal with upkeep and repair of your structures uh but of course uh the uh opposite is also true if you really fancy a challenge where you've got buildings constantly uh deteriorating you can set this all the way up to 10 to have deteriorate 10 times as fast as they typically would in game next up is the maximum number of dropped items in a world and this is kind of like really uh you know the maximum amount of items that can exist in the world it's exactly uh literally as as you say you want to make sure that your system that you're playing on is powerful enough to handle a larger number up to a maximum of 5,000 at this point uh if you don't have a particularly powerful PC you may want to keep it at 3,000 uh I do do not know uh the exact recommended settings for those on Xbox uh there seem to be uh a lack of clear consensus on how far you can set this of course this game being so early in its development cycle there will be performance and tuning so I suspect in uh not too long if you find problems with 5,000 uh in the near future I suspect you'll be able to handle that many items gatherable items multiplier will uh control how much you get uh from a resource for example if you are farming if you are mining uh it's a multiplier that calculates exactly how much of something that you get to gather when you've gathered it again from harvesting mining so on and so forth uh you can set it all the way up to three to get Triple the normal amount of resources uh or you can have it as low as half the normal amount of resources again it all comes down to if you enjoy uh the challenge of having to do a lot of harvesting and gas Gathering uh this is going to be something up your alley now the gatherable objects Health multiplier uh so if you think about for example a tree uh an or vein uh a rock structure where you would mine Stones something of that nature uh you'll notice that if you mine them um long enough they will begin to break down and eventually disappear so this multiplier just governs uh how quickly uh they run out of the resource uh falls apart and eventually uh Withers away so you can go all the way up to three um if you want to see uh that there is a lot more time that you have to mine that item or chop that tree uh so the higher you set the value the more you can get out of that resource the lower you set the value uh as low as 0.5 so only half as much uh that you can get out of a resource before it has deteriorated gatherable objects respawn interval uh that talks about how quickly something that has been worn down and is it has been eliminated is going to respawn into your world uh now the larger value that you set means that the longer you will have to wait for that object to respawn so let's take an example you have a tree on your base you've chopped away you've chopped away uh and you eventually have chopped that tree down it is now gone if you set this value to three you will have to wait three times as long as you typically would for that tree to respawn the lower the amount means the less time you will have to wait for that to respa so you can go from 0.5 to have it respond twice as fast as normal up to three where you have to wait 3 times as long for the respawn dropped items multiplier is pretty self-explanatory uh when you defeat an enemy uh and they drop items and indoor resources this is a modifier for how much of those things will get dropped dropped uh at the low end you can set it to 0.5 for only half of the average amount of stuff all the way up to three to get three times as much loot from an enemy that youve defeated as you typically would uh coming up on our last few settings here we have time in hours to incubate massive eggs so there is an egg type in the game called a massive egg uh and you can actually determine for this type of egg how long it will take to incubate it once you placed it in an incubator uh this is another interesting setting because it actually allows me if I so choose to set the value to zero which would mean I would get instant granf foration and be able to uh basically incubate the egg instantly uh but you could also set it to any other value all the way up to an astounding 240 hours so you really do get to Choose Your Own Adventure on how much anticipation you want to build into your experience in terms of uh the weight to get your massive egg to be incubated enable raate events uh is going to be a yes no switch and onoff switch if you will that determines whether during the game uh your bases get raided um some people love that they'll put a little combat into the mix with their uh day-to-day uh base operations some people don't like that and want their Pals to be uh undisturbed as they are operating like a finely tuned machine uh generating resources for you mining so on and so forth so uh this will allow you to determine whether or not you have the occasional raids on your bases death penalty allows you to choose uh the consequences for uh losing a life in the game uh and there are four different consequences you can choose from uh the most egregious would be dropping all the items and all the pals on your team uh and then you could have just drop all your items you can also choose drop all items except equipment and then in the most liberal setting it's no drops at all so if you don't want to have to worry uh about uh reconstituting your equipment your pals once you're defeated um no drops is for you but again if you like that challenge if you like that survival aspect of there being Stakes involved if you are defeated you have these other settings available to you as well max number of guilds is specific to multiplayer servers and it is a value that defines in that particular uh multiplayer server that you have how many guilds can be created of course that number as you can see here uh it can be configurable currently at the time we're recording this from 1 to 100 uh and I suspect that these settings uh have uh the future in mind is they scale up the capabilities and the number of players that are available on multiplayer servers and finally the last setting that is available in custom some difficulty is Max Pals working at base now what this will govern is the maximum number of pales you can have working at base it's self-explanatory now uh a side note on that uh what this means is that you will still have to level up your base uh in order to unlock the ability to have the additional Pals uh but this is a cap on how many you will ultimately be allowed to receive once you've done uh leveling up on your base so it's not set it to 20 and you can start the game with 20 Pals at your base uh but it is a governor to how many you can aspire to well folks as you can see here there are an awful lot of settings available that you can set in po world I do believe this is one of the reasons this game has found such overnight success uh and something that I think AAA developers should take note people enjoy having a good level of granularity to control what aspects of a game they want to focus on or not focus on and pal world does an exceptional job of creating uh the ability to decide if you want to focus more on the survival aspects or perhaps the combat aspects or perhaps the farming and Mining aspects you really truly get to choose your own adventure with pal world and I think that's a phenomenal thing and I hope that other games uh will take inspiration from this well folks if you got value from this video I hope you'll consider subscribing to my channel thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time on it's all dug and games
Channel: It's All Doug And Games
Views: 1,264
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Keywords: palworld news, palworld review, palworld gameplay, palworld settings, palworld best world settings, palworld world settings, palworld server settings, palworld custom world settings, palworld best custom world settings, palworld guide, palworld use these settings, palworld change this now, palworld, palworld early access, use these settings in palworld, palworld tips
Id: bELfZJPYiy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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